HomeMy WebLinkAbout13 - Customer Satisfaction Survey ResultsCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Agenda Item 13 February 12, 2008 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: City Manager's Office Homer Bludau, City Manager 9491644 -3000 or hbludau @city.newport- beach.ca.us SUBJECT: Presentation of Newport Beach Customer Satisfaction Survey Results From Chris Tatham of ETC Institute ISSUE: How do our customers, the citizens of Newport Beach, perceive the quality of their City services, parks and beaches and overall quality of life, and what issues would they like emphasized in the future? RECOMMENDATION: Hear the presentation and discuss the survey results to gain a clear understanding of what context to place them in. Provide direction to the City Manager as desired. DISCUSSION: Background: In March, 2007, the City Council determined one of its priorities for the year was to, "Conduct an organizational improvement effort through data gathering and the identification of service benchmarks to measure organizational effectiveness." Consultant Phil Batchelor was hired by the City Council to assist the City in undertaking a 3 -step organizational improvement effort: 1) conduct a customer satisfaction survey with statistically valid results; 2) gather data, develop benchmarks for identified services provided to our residents, then compare our benchmarks to benchmarked services in other cities to determine where organizational effectiveness can be enhanced, then implement the service enhancements, and 3) audit identified internal processes to enhance the organization's capability to function effectively. In October, 2007, after a Request for Proposal was made available to most national firms with experience in public sector customer satisfaction surveying, the Council hired ETC Institute of Olathe, Kansas to conduct the survey. After identifying the services and issues desired of our survey, a survey questionnaire was mailed to 1,800 households in an attempt to gain a statistically valid number of obtaining 600 returns. A total of 718 surveys were either returned by mail or completed by telephone contact, giving the survey a 95% level of confidence, with a precision of at least +/- 3.7 %. Customer Satisfaction Survey Results Presentation February 12, 2008 Page 2 CITY MANAGER'S INITIAL PERCEPTION OF SURVEY RESULTS: While the City Manager professes no expertise in the art of interpreting survey data, I am left with some strong impressions of the data results that I will share based on several category results. Overall Satisfaction with City Services by Major Category — Of the ten service categories rated, six categories had "dissatisfied" ratings of 6% or less: • Quality of police, fire and paramedic services [93% approval rating] • Quality of City's library system [92 % approval rating] • Parks and recreation programs/facilities [87% approval rating] • Maintenance of City's beaches and bays [82% approval rating] • Quality of customer service from City employees [75% approval rating] • Effectiveness of City communication w /public [63% approval rating] The lowest rated service proved to be "Management of traffic flow on City streets," in which 61 % rated the service positively, 22% were neutral and 17% negative. That comes as no surprise to me as traffic circulation and the John Wayne Airport are the two issues now and in the foreseeable future which will always have a high level of concern with our citizens. The impact of.Caltrans operating and maintaining portions of PCH could have played a significant impact on this perception. It appears to me the overall satisfaction with the City's basic core services was rated strongly positive. In this day and age where government at all levels is not perceived in respected.terms, to have 75% of our residents.rate.:. "quality of customer service from City employees" positively says a great deal about the quality of our City employees and their commitment to excellent service. Satisfaction with Items That Influence the Perception Residents have of the City — That 87% of our residents gave positive ratings to the "quality of services provided by the City," while only 1 % were dissatisfied with the quality of City services is a remarkably positive endorsement from our citizens. Perceptions of Safety and Security — Again, the percentage of dissatisfied citizens ranged from 1 % -9% in the five categories queried, telling me that Newport Beach citizens feel much safer everywhere in our City than they do in most any other city. Satisfaction with Various Aspects of Facility and Recreation — Given constraints caused by the number of lighted athletic playing fields available, the age of our OASIS and numerous recreation facilities and the high usage given our parks, none of the nine questions generated greater than a 9% dissatisfied response. The least positive response was for "outdoor athletic facilities," which the City Council is committed to improving, still rated a 68% positive response. That is pretty impressive! Approximately 20% of all respondents gave the City "neutral" ratings in these categories, which could come from older citizens who don't get around the City much and would have no first hand knowledge about the quality of our youth and adult recreation programs. Interestingly, 76% gave positive ratings to the "quality of programs for youth," while a strong 74% gave the same rating to "quality of program for adults." I see that as a very strong endorsement of the City's overall recreational programming. . Other Comments — Our residential trash collection services, water services and sewer /wastewater services appear to me to have received very strong ratings, ranging from 88 % -92% of our customers being satisfied. Customer Satisfaction Survey Results Presentation February 12, 2008 Page 3 Code enforcement is an area that based on the rating, we need to look at. We have a strong water quality enforcement program, but much of the public does not come into contact with this division, and 1 think that lack of contact speaks to the reasons that 24 % -34% rated our enforcement areas as "neutral ". We can do a better job of communicating what they do and how they do it to our citizens. The satisfaction of our citizens with various aspects of our communication with them is a definite area we need to improve on, and I believe the recent hiring of our Public Information Manager Tara Finnigan will help in that regard. We need to do a better job of making our video programming more relevant and providing information to our residents on how their tax dollars are being spent. The responses to questions regarding citizen "satisfaction with various aspects of City maintenance' were remarkably consistent regardless of the service in question. Positive responses varied from 70 % -90 %, while those giving neutral or dissatisfied ratings ranged from 14 % -30 %. 1 see the 81% positive response to the question regarding "the way you were treated" as being fairly strong, but we want to do better than that. In summary, I believe there is much to learn from the survey results. It is important these numbers, be placed in a context that I believe only the researchers who do this kind of work can provide us. Even so; I feel there is much to be proud of regarding the effectiveness of the organization at satisfying our community, which is a community with exceptionally high service expectations when compared to most other cities. But we also can and should do better in the areas where we rated lower, and this survey provides us a good blueprint of where to be directing our attention. I will now provide all department directors copies of these survey results and ask for their analysis of what the results mean to them and began preparing a plan for where we can obviously improve the public's perception of the services we offer and how we offer them. Environmental Review: The City Council's approval of this Agenda Item does not require environmental review. Public Notice: This agenda item may be noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the public meeting at which the City Council considers the item). Submitted by: Homer Bludau City Manager 2007 Community Survey FINAL Submitted to Tfie City of V iv ezv wort beach, Cafi ornia p 725 W. Frontier Olathe, KS 66061 t , (913) 829 - 1215 January 2008 �f. Contents ExecutiveSummary .................................................................. ............................... i Chartsand Graphs ...................................................................... ..............................1 Importance Satisfaction Analysis ............................................. .............................17 BenchmarkingAnalysis ............................................................ .............................29 GISMaps .................................................................................. .............................36 TabularData .............................................................................. .............................68 SurveyInstrument ..................................... ............................... ............................104 is • • 0 2007 City of Newport Beach Community Survey Executive Summary Report Overview and Methodology During December of 2007, ETC Institute administered a community survey for the City of Newport Beach, California. The purpose of the survey was to assess citizen satisfaction with the delivery of major city services to ensure that the City's priorities are aligned with the needs of the residents. All of this information will be used for future planning purposes. The five -page survey was mailed to a random sample of 3,000 households in the City of Newport Beach. Approximately seven days after the surveys were mailed, residents who received the survey were contacted by phone. Those who indicated that they had not returned the survey were given the option of completing it by phone. A total of 718 • households completed the survey. The results for the random sample of 718 households have a 95% level of confidence with a precision of at least +/- 3.7 %. There were no statistically significant differences in the results of the survey based on the method of administration (phone vs. mail). This summary report contains: ➢ a summary of the methodology for administering the survey and major findings ➢ charts showing the overall results for each question on the survey ➢ importance - satisfaction analysis ➢ benchmarking data that shows how the results from Newport Beach compare to other communities across the United States and to communities in California GIS maps that show the results of selected questions on the survey ➢ tabular data for all questions on the survey ➢ a copy of the survey instrument. Interpretation of "Don't Know" Responses. The percentage of persons who provide "don't know" responses is important because it often reflects the level of utilization of city services. For graphing purposes, the percentage of "don't know" responses has been excluded to facilitate valid comparisons with data from previous years. The percentage of "don't know" responses for each question is provided in the Tabular Data Section of this report. When the "don't know" responses have been excluded, the text of this report will indicate that the responses have been excluded with the phrase "who had an • opinion." ETC Institute (January 2008) Executive Summary -i 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey • Major Findings Residents were generally satisfied with the quality of services provided by the City of Newport Beach. The highest levels of satisfaction with City services, based upon the combined percentage of "very satisfied" and "satisfied" responses among residents who had an opinion, were the quality of police, fire and paramedic services (93 %), the quality of the City's library system (92 %) and the quality of parks and recreation programs and facilities (87 %). Services that residents thought should receive the most emphasis from the City. The three major services that residents thought were the most important for the City to emphasize over the next two years were: (1) the management of traffic flow on City streets, (2) the maintenance of City streets and infrastructure and (3) the maintenance of the City's beaches and bays. • Perception of Life in Newport Beach. Eighty-eight percent (88 %) of the residents surveyed who had an opinion rated the quality of life in Newport Beach as "excellent" or "good"; 93% were positive about the feeling of safety in the City and 87% were positive about the quality of services offered by the City. ■ Perception of Safety and Security in Newport Beach. Based upon the combined • percentage of residents who felt "very safe" or "safe," ninety-nine percent (99 %) of residents felt safe in their neighborhood during the day and 84% of resident felt safe walking in their neighborhood after dark. Public Safety. The public safety services with the highest levels of satisfaction, based upon the combined percentage of `very satisfied" and "satisfied" responses among residents who had an opinion, were: local fire protection services (92 %), emergency medical and paramedic services (90 %), and how quickly fire personnel respond to emergencies (89 %). Residents were least satisfied with the frequency that police patrol officers patrol their neighborhood (58 %). Facility and Recreation. Based upon the combined percentage of residents who felt "very satisfied" or "satisfied," those residents who had an opinion felt most satisfied with the maintenance of City parks (90 %). The two services that resident felt should receive the most emphasis over the next two years were: (1) the maintenance of City parks and (2) walking and biking trails in the City. ■ Utility /General Services. Residents were generally satisfied with the utility services assessed on the survey. The services with the highest levels of satisfaction based upon the combined percentage of `very satisfied" and "satisfied" responses, among residents who had an opinion, were: residential trash collection services (92 %), water services (89 %) and sewer /wastewater services (88 %). • ETC Institute (January 2008) Executive Summary -ii 2007Newnort Beach Comnucnih, Surve • Codes Enforcement. The highest levels of satisfaction with the enforcement of City codes and ordinances, based upon the combined percentage of "very satisfied" and "satisfied" responses among residents who had an opinion, were the enforcement of water quality regulations (69 %) and the enforcement of animal control regulations (62 %). The code enforcement areas that residents felt should receive the most emphasis over the next two years were (1) the enforcement of water quality regulations and (2) the enforcement of the clean up of debris on private property ■ City Communication. The communication services with the highest levels of satisfaction, based upon the combined percentage of "very satisfied" and "satisfied" responses among residents who had an opinion, were City efforts to keep residents informed (65 %) and the information from the City Manager's newsletter (62 %). When asked where residents received information about the City, over three - fourths (76 1/o) of residents indicated they currently receive their information from local newspapers. ■ City Maintenance. Residents gave satisfaction ratings of 70% or above for all 9 of the City maintenance services assessed. The maintenance services with the highest levels of satisfaction, based upon the combined percentage of "very satisfied" and "satisfied" responses among residents who had an opinion, were: the cleanliness of City streets and public areas (86 %), the condition of street signs and traffic signals • (83 %), the attractiveness of streetscapes and medians (80 %) and the condition of streets in neighborhoods (80 %). Residents felt the cleanliness of City beaches should receive the most emphasis from City leaders over the next two years. E • City Customer Service. The highest levels of satisfaction with City customer service, based upon the combined percentage of `very satisfied" and "satisfied" responses among residents who had an opinion, were the way they were treated (81 %) and how easy City employees were to contact (81 %). Other Findings ■ Ninety-eight percent (98 %) of residents felt Newport Beach was a "good" or "excellent" place to live. ■ Ninety-five percent (95 %) of residents felt Newport Beach was a "good" or "excellent" place to visit. ETC Institute (January 2008) Executive Summary -iii 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Section 1: Charts and Graphs ETC Institute (January 2008) • C� 0 • I 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey 01. Overall Satisfaction With City Services by Major Category by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) Quality of police. tire, and paramedic services Quality of COys library system Parks and recreation programstfaclllees Maintenance of the City's beaches and bays Quality of Ciys water supply Maintenance of City streets and Infrastructure Quality, of customer service from City employees Effectiveness of City communication wi public Enforcement of City codes and ordinances Management of traffic flow on City streets 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% IlVery SaOsfied (5) EZISatialled (4) E31keutral (3) ERDissabsfied (112) Soured: ETC Imatt re (2008 - Newport Beach. CA Resident Sorvey) 100% 02. Cit yServices That Should Receive the Most Emphasis Over the Next Two Years by Major Category by percentage of respondents who selected the item as one of their top three choices Management of traffic flow on City sheets Maintenance of City streets and Infrasbucture Maintenance of the City's beaches and bays Quality of police, fire. and paramedic services Quality of City's water supply Parks and recreation programsRacllitles Enforcement of City codes and ordinances Effectiveness of City communication wi public Quality of City's library system Quality of customer service from City employees 54° 51% 46% 727%% 20 °k 19% 11% 7% 6 °k • 0% 20% 40% 1st Choice 012nd Choice 3rd Choice Suuroe: ETC Instuotef 008- .N'ewporr Beach. CA R�4/eat Survey) con ETC Institute (January 2008) 2 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey 03. Satisfaction With Items That Influence the Perception Residents Have of the City by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) Feeling of Safety in the City 47% 112%. Quality of life in the City 45% Quality of servces provided by City 56% I r Character and quality of your neighborhood 35% 9% How well the City is planning growth 35% 32% ®Very Satisfied (5) 17Salisfied (4) ONeutral (3) mDissatisTied (1/2) Source: ETC /nsumie f2 008 - .Newport Beach, CA Resident Survn9 Q4. Perceptions of Safety and Security by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point smote (excluding don't knows) I Walking in your neighborhood during the day Walking in your neighborhood after dark On City beaches In City parks In commerclalPousiness areas agar dark 40 °h, 32% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% MVery Safe (5) OSafe (4) ONeutral (3) ©Unsafe (12) . Source; ETC butiture (2008 - .Newport Reach. CA Ravidc , Survey) ETC Institute (January 2008) 3 U E is is • 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Q5. Satisfaction with Various Aspects of Public Safety by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) Quality of local fire protection services Emergency medical and paramedic services How quickly fire personnel respond to emergencies City efforts to prevent crimes Quality of lifeguard services How quickly police respond to emergencies Fire prevernionleducation programs Enforcement of local traffic laws Enforcement of parking regulations Frequency police patrol your neighborhood 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% ®Very Satisfied (5) USaOsfied (4) ONeutral (3) ®Oim sfied (112) Source: ETC Imuntre (2008 - Newport Beech. CA Reridem 5urvry) 06. Public Safety Services That Should Receive the Most Emphasis Over the Next Two Years by Major Category by percentage of respondents who selected the dem as one of then top two choices City efforts to prevent cranes Frequency police patrol your neighborhood Him quickly police respond to emergencies Enforcement of local traffic laws Emergency medical and paramedic services How quickly fire personnel respond to emergencies Quality of local fire protection services Enforcement of parking regulations Fire preventicNeducaUon programs Quality of lifeguard services -i19% _ 18% -14% -14% ■ 11% ■ 8% 4% 4% 30% OY° 20% 40% ■1st Choice 2nd Choice Spume: ETCIMMte 12008 - Newport Beach. CA Resident Survevi ETC Institute (January 2008) 47% W7s rd Y225l 40% 48% 43% ' 40% 28% 15% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% ®Very Satisfied (5) USaOsfied (4) ONeutral (3) ®Oim sfied (112) Source: ETC Imuntre (2008 - Newport Beech. CA Reridem 5urvry) 06. Public Safety Services That Should Receive the Most Emphasis Over the Next Two Years by Major Category by percentage of respondents who selected the dem as one of then top two choices City efforts to prevent cranes Frequency police patrol your neighborhood Him quickly police respond to emergencies Enforcement of local traffic laws Emergency medical and paramedic services How quickly fire personnel respond to emergencies Quality of local fire protection services Enforcement of parking regulations Fire preventicNeducaUon programs Quality of lifeguard services -i19% _ 18% -14% -14% ■ 11% ■ 8% 4% 4% 30% OY° 20% 40% ■1st Choice 2nd Choice Spume: ETCIMMte 12008 - Newport Beach. CA Resident Survevi ETC Institute (January 2008) 47% W7s rd 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey 07. Satisfaction with Various Aspects of Facility and Recreation by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) 08. Facility and Recreation Items That Should Receive the Most Emphasis Over the Next Two Years by percentage of respondents who selected the item as one of their top two choices Maintenance of City parks Walking and biking trails in Me City Outdoor athlatic facilities Quality of programs for youth Quality of programs for seniors Number of City parks Availability of City recreation facilities Availability of info about recreation programs Quality of programs for adults - 19% M18% -15p/d,. M15% M14% 012% 9% Source: ETC Inattorm (2008 - Newport Brach- CA Resident Survey) 20% ■ 34% 30% ETC Institute (January 2008) 5 • E I� • • u 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Q9. Approximately how many times did you or other members of your household visit a park in the City during the past year? by percentage of respondents 5 times or less 28% Q10. Approximately how many times did you or other members of your household visit a beach in the City during the past year? by percentage of respondents 610 times 5 times or less /o 1701. 18 11 -20 times 15% 20+ times 43% SoO ETC Imiavte (?008 - Newport Reach. CA Reaidmt Survey) ETC Institute (January 2008) None 4% Don't know 3% j 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Q11. Approximately how many times did you or other members of your household visit a library in the City during the past year? by percentage of respondents 5 times or less 28% 6-10 times 14% 11 -20 times 14% Saume: ETC /axtilure0 008 - Neapon Reach. CA Rrkknt Survey) None 19% Don't know 3% + times 22% Q12. Satisfaction with Various Aspects of Utility and General Services by percentage at respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) Residential trash collection services Water serwca Sewer /wastewater services 32% 41% 8% 42% 10% Yh LVT 9YA WT OYA IVV %° Very Satisfied (5) Mattsfied (4) MNeutral (3) ®Dissatisfied (1@) Source: ETC liuttture (ZORR - Newport Beach, CA Resident Survey) ETC Institute (January 2008) 7 • E I� r 1 U I� • 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Q13. Satisfaction with Various Aspects of Code Enforcement by Major Category by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5-point scale (excludina don't knows) Enforcing water quality regulations Enforcing animal control regulations Enforcement of Business Operating Conditions Enforcing the ext. upkeep of commercial property Enforcing clean up of debris on private property Enforcing the ext. upkeep of residential property 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% ®Very Satisfied (5) Matisfied (4) F3Neutral (3) GADissafisfied (1R) Source: ETC fnstimte( 2008 - Newporr Beach, CA Resident Survey) 100% Q14. Code Enforcement Items That Should Receive the Most Emphasis Over the Next Two Years by percentage of respondents who selected the item as one of their top two choices Enforcing water quality regulations Enforcing clean up of debris on private property Enforcing me on upkeep of resicential property Enforcing me ext. upkeep of commercial property Enforcing animal control regulations Enforcement of Business Operating Conditions 33% -26% 021% 020% 15°/p 0% 20% 40% moist Choice 1111112nd Choice Source: ETC lmrirute ! 2008- .N'ewpon Beach. CA Resident Survey) ETC Institute (January 2008) IJ 49 °k 46% 24% 14% 42% 34% 8% 41% 29% 114% 42% 31 °b 12 °b 100% Q14. Code Enforcement Items That Should Receive the Most Emphasis Over the Next Two Years by percentage of respondents who selected the item as one of their top two choices Enforcing water quality regulations Enforcing clean up of debris on private property Enforcing me on upkeep of resicential property Enforcing me ext. upkeep of commercial property Enforcing animal control regulations Enforcement of Business Operating Conditions 33% -26% 021% 020% 15°/p 0% 20% 40% moist Choice 1111112nd Choice Source: ETC lmrirute ! 2008- .N'ewpon Beach. CA Resident Survey) ETC Institute (January 2008) IJ 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Q15. Satisfaction with Various Aspects of Communication by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows) City efforts to keep residents informed The information from City Manager's newsletter The City's website Information about how your tax ddlars are spent Quality of the Citys NBN programming trx'r rr� h ♦ v ®Very, Satisfied (5) f7Salisfied (4) ONeutral (3) ®Dissatisfied (112) Source: ETC lnsritute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Resident Survey) Q16. Sources of Information Residents Currently Get Information About the City by percentage of respondents (mulbple choices could be made) Local newspapers City Managers newsletter Regional newspaper Utility bill city weosae City Cable channel Other 0% 20% 40% Source: ETC lnrtitutu (20(M - Newport Beath. CA Resident Su.) ETC Institute (January 2008) 60% 80% 6'7 l� 1I lu 1 I� 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey • Q17. Satisfaction with Various Aspects of City Maintenance by percentage of respondents who rated the Item as a 1 to 5 on a 5-point scale (excluding don't knows) Cleanliness of City streets and public areas Condition of street signs+traffic signals Attractiveness of st"Mcapestmedians Condition of streets m neighborhoods Condition of major City streets Cleanliness of stormwater drains in neighborhood Cleanliness of City beacres Condition of sidewalks in neighborhood Adequacy of City street lighting • 57% 10% 57% 11%�° 51% 14% 6 48% 11 %'10°/ 53% 15% 1 8% 51% 16% 9% 54% 18% 9% 48% 16% 12% n'. 507. 19% 112% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% ®Very Satisfied (5) Matisfied (4) MNeutral (3) ®Dissatisfied (1/2) Source: ETC ynstlNte(2 008- .N'ewport Beach. CA Resident Survey) 018. City Maintenance Items That Should Receive the Most Emphasis Over the Next Two Years by percentage of respondents who selected the item as one of then too two choices Cleanliness of City beaches 43% Condition of major City streets 33d/c Cleanliness of City streets and public areas 20% i I Adequacy of City street lighting 1'% i Condition of streets in neighborhoods 146 Cleanliness of stormvrater drains in neighwrhood 14% Condition of sdewalks in neighborhoods 140/6 Condition of street signsttraffic signals 11% Attractiveness of streetscaoestmedians 11 % • OY° 20% 40% 60% 1st Choice fa2nd Choice Saurce.- ETC 1nslUate(2 008 - Newport Beach, CA Resident Survey) ETC Institute (January 2008) 10 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Q19. Have you contacted any department in the City No during the past year? 41% by percentage of respondents m )gar Q19a. Which City Department did you contact most recently? Yes Police 58% Building Library Services Recreation or Senior Services WalierMastewater Public Works General Sv RefuselStraet Maintenance Planning Fire f inancelLicensinglBi Ilirfg City Manager's OKcelCity, Council City Clerk 0% Source: ETC furifute( 2008 -,Newport Beach, CA Resident Surw-yf 5% 10% 15% 20°6 Q19b -f. Satisfaction Respondents Received from City Employees by Major Category by percentage of respondents who contacted the City and rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (ekcludino don't knows) The way you were treated How easy they were to contact The accuracy at the info.fassistance given How quickly the City staff responded W request How well your issue was handled • I L J 0% 10% 40% 80% 80% 100% • Very Satisfied (5) OSatisfied (4) ONeutral (3) ®Dissatisfied (112) Sourer: ETC Mstiturr (2008 - Newport Brach. CA Beaident Survey) ETC Institute (January 2008) 11 37% 8 %112% 40% 9% 10% 35% 9% 14% 32% 11% 16% 30% 13 %' 18% • I L J 0% 10% 40% 80% 80% 100% • Very Satisfied (5) OSatisfied (4) ONeutral (3) ®Dissatisfied (112) Sourer: ETC Mstiturr (2008 - Newport Brach. CA Beaident Survey) ETC Institute (January 2008) 11 • • 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Q20. Overall Quality of Life in the City of Newport Beach by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) As a place to live As a place to visit As a place to work As a place to retire As a place to raise children City that provides efficient delivery of service, As a City moving in the right direction 0% 20% 40% 60% a0% 100% Excellent (5) OGood (4) ONeutral (3) EMBelow Average (1!2) Source: ETC lnsrirate(2 008 - Newport Beach. CA Readertt Su^vq) Q21. Assuming no differences in the level of service and if there are no significant cost savings, how would you feel about non -City employees providing the following: by percentage of respondents who rated the Item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) ParkNStreet landscape maintenance Residential trash colledon Beach maintenance Water and wastewater sorvicas Public Safety • % 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% FOStrongly Agree (5) OSOmewhat Agree (4) ONeutral (3) ta'Il)isagree(V2) Suuree: ETC lmtimte (2008 - Newport Bemb. CA ResidcwSarvey) ETC Institute (January 2008) 12 19% 26% F13%52% 1 25% 25% 17% % 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% FOStrongly Agree (5) OSOmewhat Agree (4) ONeutral (3) ta'Il)isagree(V2) Suuree: ETC lmtimte (2008 - Newport Bemb. CA ResidcwSarvey) ETC Institute (January 2008) 12 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey • Q22. Demographics: Years Lived in Newport Beach by percentage of respondents 11 -20 years 17% 5 -10 years 23% Source: RTC Insfinte (2008 - .Newport Beach. CA Resident Survey) ian 5 years 17% Not provided 1% More than 20 years 42% • Q23. Demographics: Are you a year -round or seasonal resident? by percentage of respondents Year -round 92% Seasonal 8% Source. ETC 1mritute( 2008 - Newport Beach. CA Resident Si ) ETC Institute (January 2008) 13 is • 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Q24. Demographics: Age of Respondents by percentage of respondents Ages 3514 20% Ages 25 -34 Ages 45-54 _ 16% Ages 55-64 19% Source: ETC Insawe (2008 - Newport Beach. CA Re idml Survey) 75+ Q25. Demographics: Gender of the Respondents by percentage of respondents Female 46% Male 54% So ce. ETC fmtimte(2008- Newport @each. CA Resldmt Sarver) ETC Institute (January 2008) IE-1 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey u 026. Demographics: Own Or Rent Current Residence by percentage of respondents Clwn L07° Source: ETC /nerimre 2008 -Newport Beach, CA Resident Survey) is Q27. Demographics: Race /Ethnicity by percentage of respondents American Indian /Eskimo 1% Other 0 HispanidLatino/Spanish 1 �0 6% Black/Ahican American 1% Asian/Pacific Islander 6% — White a5% �I Source: ETC /nsr6ute (2008 -Newport Beach, CA Reidenr Survev) ETC Institute (January 2008) 15 • • C J 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Q28. Demographics: Total Annual Household Income by percentage of respondents Not provided ETC Institute (January 2008) 16 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey • Section Z: Importance - Satisfaction Analvsis 0 CI ETC Institute (January 2008) 17 is 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey DirectionFinderOO Survey Benchmarking Summary Report Overview ETC Institute's DirectionFinder�J program was originally developed in 1999 to help community leaders across the United States use statistically valid community survey data as a tool for making better decisions. Since November 1999, the survey has been administered in more than 150 cities and counties in 36 states. Most participating communities conduct the survey on an annual or biennial basis. This report contains benchmarking data from three sources: (1) a national survey that was administered by ETC Institute during July 2007 to a random sample of more than 2,000 residents in the continental United States, (2) a statewide survey that was administered to a random sample of more than 400 California residents during August 2007, and (3) individual community surveys that were administered in 30 medium -sized cities (population of 20,000 to 199,999) between January 2005 and December 2007. The "U.S. Average" shown in this report reflects the overall results of ETC Institute's national survey. The "California Average" in this report reflects the results of the statewide survey that was administered by ETC Institute in August 2007. The results from individual cities were used as the basis for developing the ranges of performance that are shown in this report for specific types of services. The 36 mid -size cities included in the performance ranges that are shown, in this report are listed below: • Arlington, Virginia • Auburn, Alabama • Blue Springs, Missouri • Bryan, Texas • Bridgeport, Connecticut • Casper, Wyoming • Casa Grande, Arizona • Columbia, Missouri • Concord, California • Greenville, S.C. • Hilton Head, S.C. • High Point, N.C. ETC Institute (January 2008) • Independence, Missouri • Indio, California • Lawrence, Kansas • Lee's Summit, Missouri • Lenexa, Kansas • Naperville, Illinois • Newport, R.I. • O'Fallon, Missouri • Olathe, Kansas • Overland Park, Kansas • Peoria, Arizona • Prairie Village; Kansas • Palm Desert,, California • Provo, Utah • Shoreline, Washington • Sioux Falls, S.D. • St. Cloud, Florida • Tamarac, Florida • Tuskegee, Alabama • Westland, Michigan • West Des Moines, Iowa • Wilmington, N.C. • Vancouver, Washington • Yuma, Arizona 30 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey National Benchmarks Note: The benchmarking data contained in this report is protected intellectual property. Any reproduction of the benchmarking information in this report by persons or organizations not directly affiliated with the City of Newport Beach, CA is not authorized without written consent from ETC Institute. Overall Satisfaction with Various Attributes Newport Beach vs. California vs. the U.S by percentage of respondents who rated the gem 4 or 5 on a 5 -point scale where 5 was 'very satisfied' and 1 was 'very dissatisfied' (excluding don't knows] Overall quality of services provided by the City Overall quality of de in the City How well the City is olanning growth Source: 2007 ETC Immure 8T% 81% 53% 71% 77% 49% 52%y' 48% 0% 20% 40% 80% 80% Newport Beach I�Califomia iU. S. 100% ETC Institute (January 2008) 31 U • • u I 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey How Safe Residents Feel in Their Community Newport Beach vs. California vs. the U.S by percentage of respondents who rated the item 4 or 5 on a 5 -point scale where 5 was 'very safe" and t was 'very unsafe' lexcludina don't knows Overall Satisfaction with Various City Services Newport Beach vs. California vs. the U.S b1' percentage of respondents who rated the item 4 or 5 on a 5 -point scale where 5 was "very sa0sfied' and t was 'very dissatisfied" (excluding don't knows) Quality of City parkslreo pmgramslfacis0es Enforcement of City codes and ordinances Quality of customer service from City employees Effectiveness of City communication with public Management of traffic flow in the City Sos,vs. 2007 ETC hutwte ETC Institute (January 2008) u% 49% IB% 0% 20% 40% 00% 90% 100% Newport Beach OCalifornia MU.S. 32 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Overall Satisfaction with Public Safety Services Newport Beach vs. California vs. the U.S by percentage of respondents who rated the item 4 or 5 on a 5 -point scale Whom 5 was "very satisfied' and 1 was 'very dissatisfied' (excluding don't knows) Frequency polka patrol your neighborhood The City's overall efforts to prevent crime Enforcement of local al laws How quickly polka respond to emergencies 58% 63% X69% 87% '69Ye ¢6% 74% 66% 63% 85% 69% 69% 0% 20% 40% 60% 60% 100% Newport Beach OCalifomia ®U.S. Source: ?fNl'ETC'lnsrirute Overall Satisfaction with Maintenance Newport Beach vs. California vs. the U.S by percentage of respondents who rated the item 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale where 5 was "very satisfied- and I was 'very dissatisfied' (excluding don't knows) Condtion of major City streets Condition of streets in neighborhoods Condition of traffic signals and street signs Overall cleanliness of City streetslpublic areas Adequacy of City street lighting Source: 2007 ETC 1nstUUte ETC Institute (January 2008) - 77% 59% 7% X80% 60% 83% 70% 74% 86% Newport Beach IMCafifomia 1111111U.S. 33 n LJ • l� lJ • 1I ,, u 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Overall Satisfaction with Parks and Recreation Newport Beach vs. California vs. the U.S by penxntage of respondents who rated the item 4 or 5 an a 5-point scale where 5 was 'very satisfied' and 1 was 'very dissatisfied" {exdudina don't knows) Maintenance of city parks The number of City parks Walking and biking trails Outdoor athletic facilities Quality, of programs for youth Quality of programs for seniors M90% 80% 79% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Newport Beach oCalifomia Soo e:.007 £TC fnnirare Overall Satisfaction with Utilities Newport Beach vs. California vs. the U.S by percentage of respondents who rated the item 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale where 5 was'very satisfied' and 1 was Mery dissatisfied' Iexcludina&lon't knows) Water service Residential vash Collection service Sewernvasrewaler service • S ✓an, 'MI -ETC LnrunM 89% 82% 71% 88 82% � sa% 84% ENewportBeach OCalifomia U.S. ETC Institute (January 2008) 34 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Overall Satisfaction with Communication Newport Beach vs. California vs. the U.S by percentage of respondents who rated the item 4 or 5 on a 5 -point scale where 5 was 'very satisfied' and 1 was 'very dissatisfied' fexUUdino don't knows) City efforts to keep residents informed The City's web page Cluatity of City's cable television channel 65% 49% 46% :;662% 0% 46 °h 55% 42% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% WNewport8each OCafifomia MU.S. Source: 100' ETC lmtirmr • • ETC Institute (January 2008) 35 • 40 0 ETC Institute (January 2008) 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Section 4: GIS Maps RET 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey • Interpreting the Maps The maps on the following pages show the mean ratings for several survey questions by zip code. If all zip codes on a map are the same color, then most residents in the community generally feel the same about that issue. When reading the charts, please use the following color scheme as a guide: • shades indicate POSITIVE ratings. Shades of blue generally indicate that residents in an area thought the issue was "not a problem." • OFF- WHITEBEIGE shades indicate a NEUTRAL rating. Shades of • neutral generally indicate that residents in the area thought the issue was a "minor problem." • >t shades indicate NEGATIVE ratings. Shades of red generally indicate that residents in the area thought the issue was a "major problem." • ETC Institute (January 2008) 37 • J • 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Location of Survey Respondents bF - -- 05 1r: . City of Newport Beach, CA . 2007Cononuniry Surety !Merged Census Block Groups (Nvatershown is gray.) 3sj. 3ytis 0. `t. •a►..` . tom._ City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Cow uWty Survey ETC Institute (January 2008) 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Quality of police, fire and paramedic services (Qla.) LEGEND 1 u-1 9 - Vm DissusiiW 1. &2M1 D,.M W y, a ueuml 3.1 -1_' SazisfiN 4'S0-V6� S"sfid Oihtt City of Ne 2007 Co...,s....y.a... y UWds�s Rnm,maa.n:m;aamal aaoo„6mn nyc�el�t rmw •4iaa1 rec waa �e�aa��aw.rre dlu�twm. Quality of City parks and recreation programs /facilities (Qlb.) o 0 ON- � �a City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey ,r'natineRh +. me mem..,onx rvr,tl ��a,�nma ey em.. amt c�.w. •sak :w C&i. une nxnas 6.rJ.m ayvndem diaviMn�m. ETC Institute (January 2008) 39 • • 11.4 LEGEND s 1 0.1 .9 - VLry Dissadssie @ s 1. &2.6 Duatisfi.d 2,63 4 ' 12.5.0 - Very Sai kd � �a City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey ,r'natineRh +. me mem..,onx rvr,tl ��a,�nma ey em.. amt c�.w. •sak :w C&i. une nxnas 6.rJ.m ayvndem diaviMn�m. ETC Institute (January 2008) 39 • • • I 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Maintenance of City streets and Infrastructure (QI c.) LEGE:V'D 10-LA S vm DusauaicJ Lb'_.6 GisvtisfiM 2.63.4 \corral 3.J .'_ SausfW 4.'-5,0 - Vc Sarisficd _. Offi T City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey sx.aNy Rn<rn mamm���y r�,d1 ae�hc�elo�tc�r. •se1R��l CBC xart �n*8�J 1uw�J w �a�vhic 5anb�vim Quality of City's water supply (Qld.) LEGEND 10.1 a= V ry M.,, icd Ls -2 6 Oissa¢ na 1 3 b IJeubal 3.3.J1 , - :-" Vryswisficd f7 2 } Tk City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Commueiry Survey SluJinA nnceudrz �nvngfo,dlrgioigeusby CCnas Blak Gmup. •Selctd _. __ _ (9G veu mssgedts/mbmbuxA._ _ __ ETC Institute (January 2008) 40 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Enforcement of City codes and ordinances (Q I e.) — G a i LEGEND I0-1.8 i Very �wa4sliW 1.8 -Z6 _• DiiOevafiM 3.63.4 N.0 3.3-4.2 Mai Se6etia i 3.SA - Very Suuti�M OiAcr City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 C3rmwrnUy S3 ey S;mtinB rtkn. me.m mm� U AI.Ww 6Ycw.9loea Gmop.'snena :'B('n were mneed bsd a rtymEert 6uvLVim. Quality of customer service from City employees (Qlf.) ,O 7 LEGEND r Very Oism srl d LB -2.6 Dautisfied ?.61 J Neutral 3442 _J 8atiefied Very Sa4afial ONer O City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Commutiq Survey SluEln {�ellnY tlwwm.an.�g'ur all mparnw n•;.�.u. HAWI ;.n.;�r •... .., CBG wvr: m -6'a 1:aJ en vyewnl.o: uistnM1Uim _ ETC Institute (January 2008) 41 n LJ 1� u • • • • 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Effectiveness of City communication with the public (Qlg.) ,o 0 � o LEGEND [.W Ls = Very Di." icd 1116 DunualiW 26-34 Nmo-il Sidi S+timiM Very Se60 d City of Newport Beach, CA 1001 Community SurM Slcde�rtM1 co 4m omlY mall ^�p�Y.�MCaws Bock (hmP'Se4a.�1 CBOs wac mvecd w__ �w iopatleN diabvbn. Management of traffic flow on City streets (Qlh.) LEGEND 16 Ltl - Very N'...fiw I.8 - -2.6 Duvdsfud 26-3 A 3.aJi Saurlicd 4' -50 Very ofied Olhm �c City of Newport Beach, CA 1001 Community• Surmy I Shw6nERBe[b Oe os lmvpfar YlivpwdmuMCars BOCk Gmu}• &kr..J C9C .mev�+d WedmmOmh'n tim4evi ETC Institute (January 2008) Q 0 c ILL 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Quality of the City's library system (Qli.) ,0 LEGE.YD IA -18 - V,q D,."fid 11-26 Di,a ,fied 2.6 -3 4 N." 3.44.1' S SrW J.. -5.0 � Very 3uisfiwl ONer City of Ne 2007C, - -- -- ',Ndngm!4 de=Mnung fm ill.+pond®• by Caw Bbk G gjp'41.0 +N CB[is.rn• nerpl hoed m naemhm di.udmion. Maintenance of the City's beaches and bays (Qlj.) O LEGEND 10.1.8 _ Very Di.u6d 1F 2.6 Du"Lisied 2.6 -1.a _I Ncutral ).� -421 SenstiN 4.2 -5.0 - Very BY Jkd Otha Te _ —_— Cit}' of Newport Reach, CA 2007 Cowwnn4 Snrvry a.ala.el5ea.me,� mwB 4zY1 �we�s by Cwis Bbck GmuP'Schc+d _ CB/n eert nv✓1cd t�N ®mpmdnt dkmLwve ETC Institute (January 2008) 43 n U u • • • 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Quality of services provided by the City (Q3a.) 0 LEGEND ID -1.9 a very OissamtiN 1 R -16 D�vavis0ed ^_.b - ;s Neutral S.ia � Saiivfied i.MA M V• Swsfied 016 R City of Newport Beach, I 200" Com,nnniry Survey ClWing rtflm tM1r aax�easint isillsnAwgni¢by Cw Blrct Cm •$e W CBC•.s.ae �rngd EssN w:e�oMem.LmiNVion. Character and quality of your neighborhood (Q3b.) LEGEND I i 1.8 _ Va DissatisliW 1 &'_b =7,Du flti _&3A Neutral );4-1 &D Satisfied t2 -5.0 Very S.Ww 00nr City of Newport Bei 2007Comwrniy su..., :.ud'aprtMatbessem nmgfmaO mV^a6.m MCmeu BIUR C,mup •S JenN 09Gs pert mnDW bead m Rynrlvu dicrilunwn. ETC Institute (January 2008) m 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey How well the City is planning growth (Q3c.) a LEGEND - Very P. iuiN 1.8-2.6 ' Di .RW 3.634 %eU=i 4- 1 SaWftl 4.2 -3.0 Very suisfia Oiha v City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Counrnify Survey e,.::��2rt aanem �sw.0 �usre®.nmt crow. •sei....� Quality of life in the City (Q3d.) City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Conneud* Surrey sbSnsmha,etl ."., 6. A,npeedos by C. B1oek Cn •se4.:..1 eee....e�e�aano.na.m ETC Institute (January 2008) 45 n LJ • 1 LJ LEGE.M1'D 0.1 .8 i Vc Divansfis 316 Disaetisfed _.b3 a Ncuual Very suisfied Other City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Conneud* Surrey sbSnsmha,etl ."., 6. A,npeedos by C. B1oek Cn •se4.:..1 eee....e�e�aano.na.m ETC Institute (January 2008) 45 n LJ • 1 LJ u E • 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Feeling of safety in the City (Q3e.) 1 61 4 LEGEND 10.1 8 = V" M.U.6w 13-2.6 DissatisfiN �. (yiJ Neua91 }ya+ Saiislied a 3 -5.0 V" S U5 fiN City of Newport B( 200' Community• S S:vW�ny Rhr_. iN maw nmy!m ill rtsaoN.mn M1;. t.. -. Block G", •SImN CB(n uc nnGN bn - agrn4m N+md ,-. Feeling of safety walking in your neighborhood during the day (Q4s LEGE%'D W -I e - V" Umafe S.n -ti.l Na l Safe 4.' - -5.0 Va Safe City of N 2001 Cvmm�may urrrcy avw�a2hrn :6e mvn and CaraBiegmtlm brCa 8lackGa •SeksuN __'eto wvc aBryelbdmmpwdemdwiavion __ ETC Institute (January 2008) 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Feeling of safety walking in your neighborhood after dark (Q4b.) I� _f f �j;'afi$r LEGEND 1 0.1 8 - Very unarc I 1.416 Lvsafe '.M)1 NcuM1al 3 Safe 4,2-3,0 Very Safe cow �e City of Newport Beach, CA 2007Com mniq,Survey s� Ntmme �a.amy r>.u.e�rm.w m 6. ce.�. alvtGoW. •saa*..1 can � � u.Kd.� �m ,tioi6wm. Feeling of safety in City parks (Q4c.) w Q LEGEND 1.0 -18- Very L.w I..1 -_' 6 Wuafc '(,3 Nwwl 1�4 ` I Safe l_ SD Vay SO. OIM1er O City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Commaniry Survey sn.fq m�nme msm vent foulnap�ne.c.,su<Faw.iun,,,p •s.+.sd C9G � ak+N 6®1.n n+p...Ym �knn6�eiun ls=- ETC Institute (January 2008) 47 \J • • • • C 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Feeling of safety on City beaches (Q4d.) .. o v LEGEND 1.0. I's M ', 1.8.16 U�alc Vm Safe ONer '�a 0 City of Newport Beach, CA 2007Cammrniry sarvry Vu ,.,q., Oe ndm raiNb Rx dlmgoe6ms by C. Block Gm 511 ceG, we.: m,g.MbmeE ae rtp�mhn &mib�vm, — - - - -_. Feeling of safety in commercial/business areas after dark (Q4e.) a LEGEND IL -I.9 - Very L.fc LN - -1_6 U. ak i.J.J.' _ Sak 42.i.o Very Sale Odw 0 City of Newport Beach, CA 2 "7Cauwrn4 s,,.ny w =atmd rcflee,stlr meal �terdlnemmd ®by Cm Olak G'mq.•Se4vd _ __ CBfn sa. mgdbeolm mpoeEeu6mihom.__ _ -- ETC Institute (January 2008) EN 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey City efforts to prevent crimes (Q5a.) LEGEN - Very Dismdsfied 6 Usvtislied Vcuwl 14 .] Sandia J. +_Sp tl♦ Very S Sfi d ONer �e City or Newport Beach, CA 2007 Canlnunity Survey w:Wma znwt demur reun� (m ell nWayeu Ev Cauw BLet GnxP '41.+ +..I C'BC., a'Fle � �• J m vpN� Saipupm Enforcement of local traffic laws (Q5b.) D O !J LEGE.�'D 1 21.8 - very Disc uscLn �. l.8-.6 Ouselisfcd ' _13A Veuo-al 3.1 -1.: SuisliN A.Z -eJ Very S UY fib Olha City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey �n.w. +p n ^Lm •M rtcm army (nr Jhrapum4 u by C --'I"' n" -1; "N ITi(:. uerc mryN Ewdmmryndev �hmbuxFl _. - -___ M 9 b ETC Institute (January 2008) 49 • u C • • is 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey How quickly police respond to emergencies (Q5c.) EEGE,VD w = Va Ui .fi,fim i . -' 6 ' ' 1 Dismtisfied l n -� � Neutral 1.44.2 - SazufiN 4.' -3.0 V.ry S rLG 0 City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Commanhy Surveil :�wting rt0er hem nnns'wyl.o'n . b Ccuu, Bluck Gap. •SClecsJ CBC Overt arJ haed.n vp,Wcm �innM1am C Frequency that police officers patrol your neighborhood (Q5d.) o, s �-t LEGEND - V" DLv ''lied 1.8 -'.6 Dis.MflN 2&14 Nc }y.J. Salisfed Very sfiw 0m City of Newport Beach, CA 1007Colk xW1YSerW GhoJ.g atkrn TC am wry6r At inp..ba H Ce Blest Geup ssln-+vl CBG wca va,pl lrml in �epaMea 6vibmwn - —... -..... _ —_ _ ETC Institute (January 2008) 50 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Quality of local fire protection services (Q5e.) v G ND 10 -I.8 _ Vey Disfis d 19-26 _ _ assa OLs '_63A N.m 3".2 Seuub Very SVisfiN 01he City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Cvm xnhy Swvey ' 9u6mt �elloeu tlrroen nnn{MalliepeeGmu6yCrmvs BbA gwW.'4ekeN Eire prevention and education programs (Q5f.) L03 jo 44W •f LEGE.h'D 1'0.1.9 _ Vm DiseedsfiN 1&26_ Dn wflH ®.` 2.6-3 4 _ N.L Y 4.2 -3.0 Vey S m O d —: Qhe City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Ca Unity Survey drmm,,,,oy mallmdmu 6yreimecm,ps.>,r.,.1 r IN e ETC Institute (January 2008) 51 u I i� • • • • 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Quality of emergency medicallparamedic services (Q5h.) O LEGEND IdN 3 ' V- a.(Mi d L&'_6 OixauiuiN ., &},, Neutral 31 .1 sw,fied ,.1.5.0 V.ry S mfiO — Wier City of N 2007Co nWao ey flmNrcsrtMe Ln as+n nary fa.tl by Cm DI kG w -Sind CBfn vdetaspd beNmrtpmdem divLim ETC Institute (January 2008) 52 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Quality of lifeguard services (Q5i.) LEGEND I.M I.N - Vary D'.A W IBd6 Dissaliafied za1.4 Vcuml 1.14.2 Suiafid 4_ 5A Very SaosliN Omer City of Newport Beach, CA 200.' Community Survey Giwk'ny rtlkm . (W Hungb rWm- giuMmn Mf am Bock Gmiq.'LI :..::! CBC'.src vngM bwd .n reygK dmmiglo, Enforcement of parldag regulations (Q5j.) l LEGEND 10 -1 g V o - m i vaual�d 13-..6 OiavazialicJ 2.114 Neu.l 3 u SuiviM '�yyn 4-15.0 i♦ Vc S.nrrcd "l Oth. Q City of Newport Beach, CA 200' Communio Survey sLnYgrttlmb me was nongr Jlr9imak+c by(maw Birkfmmp'Se w �Br. +m mngw tMm.m�mnsvi aimdaom ETC Institute (January 2008) 53 • L E • • • 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Maintenance of City parks (Q7a.) m LEG 0.1.8 - V ry Di.UO bed I.X -2.5 Diswisfied 2.63.4 Nwwl 3,.µ+ Sa49tiW 41Sp - Very Sausfcd Other City of Newport Beach, CA 200' Commudry Survey Sbvtine Rflwa de mcs raen8 ror ilI cryuM ®by C.RWkCi •Selscvl CB4 were irc 1u.J.n i.Mm Qmum . Number of City parks (Q7b.) G O LEGEND 1.0.1 9 = Vm Dix,ui9fi�N I.IF'S Dis9odAW 1634 _ Na."l 3y.2 S'O, d 4.2 -5.0 Very S rw Oihcr City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Communfry Sumey Sh,6vµ Fflecaete ms mun6 Fn Jl mpondmnMCmeu Bbk(;m�q.'erAnM i___ _ CBCu rero maFd bail �n �vpmhm Yrnbmm. __ ETC Institute (January 2008) WA rAl 54 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Walking and biking trails in the City (Q7c.) Z r. LIGEND 10-1 .8 VL' Dim�qfi�d MsWisfW 1b3.4 Nc.nl OJrer City of Newport Beach, CA 1007 Ca unio!sz"ey Availability of City recreation facilities (Q7d.) ETC Institute (January 2008) 55 • • • LEGEND M Vey Dismnsrlw 8-'.6 DimdA� i&3 4 Ncu� 3 "2 �-ficd 4.1-50 V-YSatisON Olbe City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Cowwxajty Survey ETC Institute (January 2008) 55 • • • �J • 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Outdoor athletic facilities (Q7e.) 0 LEGEND I.0-I.9 _ Va Gxsuiai�k Lb'_.6 _ Dis�i6llcJ S."., _ _ S.MW 4.2 -4.0 - Very S-Ll O d 00W City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Com antry Surrey ShaJinr rc:lm amen ramp far ml'ul+.wknaM C--W kCmmp�'Sekeul I:BI'n w.R m..EJ!�cJ.� mpmJ.x Jurnbmn�. Availability of information about recreation programs (Q7f.) D p� c�Vp 1 n -I.8 a Very Di.mfi d IN I.8 - -2.6 �.UAS _.bi.J V.vual ,q M! Vtt Setiified _— Oth. c City of Newport Beach, CA 1007 Com mnTry Surrey tinafiny rtdan Oe men mvnr to dl mpmtlmaq Cmm&ak4miq�.'Selmad _ C9Cn wne ntereJEartlm mpm4 JuaiMvm _._ _ _ _ _ _ -- ETC Institute (Januanj 2003) 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Quality of programs for youth (Q7g.) O LEGE:YD 1 al d _ Vcry Dissolixsied 4 L. 26 OisvcisfM 26)A _ Ncutrd 3.1 -t3 SazisliN �_ Viry 8disri M - -ONe City of Newport Beach, CA 1007 Community Survey j Qu4ip rcBttYBemrn nmig'bs dl�epnWmP!�Caab B4cY �eP.'Be1mN CBCw av-c nmgd baN m rarwWcis JiRbleiui. Quality of programs for adults (Q7h.) LE j&ND 1.0.1,8' Vey D .ris 1.82.6 DistmsisnPi 1.6-3.3 Nvbal 3.3-3.1 _ Setiefid 12.5.0 VMS *dd —0� City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey Baton{ RB[W 6r � ra0og W dl RpxMma by Cerra BM 1 Gn�iq.'YI.�:.J (�Cn a ve v.tpel bod uo mgwWin T C C ETC Institute (January 2008) 57 n U • • • is 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Quality of programs for seniors (Q7i.) a O Olher City of Newport Beach, CA 200' w o nmp ip• f a �emn�KU Xie mca muny y I atiw C. elanc�. •sa..,w tBln ...+e matyN Mrl.m.erymkm mmmmm. 0 r' Residential trash collection services (Q12a.) LEGEND 1.0.1.X a Vay DisatistiM I A.'.6 _ DivmmfiN 2.611 Neuvd 3.14.2 __� SetisfiW 4_ -3.0 Vcy Srofied Olhn City of N4 1007 Commuuuy survey tilxYnX rcfltta tllt0'a fey fix all;e¢�•ntmubr a,61Y' wt %� limes 'Sel«N C6fu W Ve mnlpO howl m repnlm[ 5smluiw ETC Institute (.January 2008) 0 ® Aj LEGEND L0 -LX - V ry Oiasuzlid 1.9 3.6 Divuusficd 2.6 -3.4 N.1 3.J 2 S.U'H� a.._j0M Vc U'tifiN Olher City of Newport Beach, CA 200' w o nmp ip• f a �emn�KU Xie mca muny y I atiw C. elanc�. •sa..,w tBln ...+e matyN Mrl.m.erymkm mmmmm. 0 r' Residential trash collection services (Q12a.) LEGEND 1.0.1.X a Vay DisatistiM I A.'.6 _ DivmmfiN 2.611 Neuvd 3.14.2 __� SetisfiW 4_ -3.0 Vcy Srofied Olhn City of N4 1007 Commuuuy survey tilxYnX rcfltta tllt0'a fey fix all;e¢�•ntmubr a,61Y' wt %� limes 'Sel«N C6fu W Ve mnlpO howl m repnlm[ 5smluiw ETC Institute (.January 2008) 0 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Water service (Q12b.) D n A% LEGEND loar'+ - Very Dis.WlM I.8 -2.6 Di: A. a4,a' �► Neutral 3.4 .2 S ' id 4.2 -5.0 iii Vv SM S1cd — Olha City of Newport Beach, CA 3007 Community Survey 96eday rtfleru Un Herr We -Mu MCerra B krm •Seim) CBCn acre meyN 6a J,n:eµnJmt 6eibuNn. SewerlWastewater services Q12c.) 4tir LEGEND 1.0-1.8 v,ry Dimwi4riN 1.8 2.6 Dmauulid 2.61.4 Neuval 3.4 .2 —_. Satiaficd 43.5.1 Very SadsAW D1ier City of Newport Beach, I 2007 Community Survey 6halnc rc:LC:e!N mss.e f for A ie Pw by Cmm Bb C , •4.�N (bea were m.Tgtlbwd w:npwd[A dwoku:m. — ETC Institute (January 2008) 59 LJ i� • u • I 1 i� 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Enforcement of the clean up of debris on private property (Q13a.) 0 0- ). 0 LEGEND I.aIxS Very D.od IX26 OI44al19rd 1b34 Ncuw 1.4-1.3 -_. S skd 4.'_.5.0 ii♦ Vu Se AW City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Cummoniry Sw vey yuAUJ ntkc -9a kF'11 -Ng nlpSaae baudb nlemgCam- BlockGmq. •52ac�N CB[n «nvm pvWma,6m>b,vao. Enforcement of water quality regulations (Q13b.) - O LEGEM1'D L. 13 Vk N murd 1g.2.6 Ou- etidid 263.4 Ne I 3A-.2 S".rd Very Sad -lid - 0l City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey SMAnk nM + ++ 4 mvx twig fads rty�mW®s by Cwiu Blak Gmup.'SCkoi CB�e were nvgd EUdw�eyddi divrAaron. ETC Institute (January 2008) 10 0 60 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Enforcing exterior maintenance of residential property (Q13c.) 0 0 LEGEND I n -I.a M V,q D,.10 18 -2.6 Dirsaorfid 'b 3,4 Ftuml aa1 SalisliN OJIa a �r City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey �:Wny n11em fc.lalrnp furall �q�mlrnp M1 C. Bb rn ,•YIecN Enforcing exterior maintenance of commercial property (Q13d.) 0 LEGEND I.Od.N - Vcm Divva4sliN Ltl -'_.n Disvuslid 1 14 M1tuhW ;.�.'_ Snuvlid J3 -5.0� Very Sm.ficd Odor �r� �s City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Commani y Survey flu�im� Mkae me m7n �np fm WI repwWme by Ctruw Bock Gmp •SCkt�N (BC xnc �'rycdMNmrepa4 lvrbiuiun. _. —_ ETC institute (January 2008) 61 • • • • is r 1 �J 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Enforcement of animal control regulations (Q13e.) i Enforcement of Business Operating Conditions (Q13f.) 0 0 LEGEND 1.0.IB- Very D,MtLsrl d - I.b2.6 Dissmsfi 2.&14 N.0 3.0 SaistiN a � -s.o � very smarm 0a O City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Commanfy Sarwy .,-„� �. a..rr.rlw rm.o � e. roam e�.+o�. •secm..� ETC Institute (January 2008) 62 G LEGEND L0.1.3 - VR Dls stictl 1.&2,6 D,.fl,fuW 3."i &d'fic 41-5.0 Va Saistie 00ur Q City of Newport Beach, CA \` 200" Community Survey Slwtl�p rttlen>:M1e meal om 0.vri mpolY. mcmve Week rump •Sela:N C9li> wcn � bacd w mpaMani Y a;urulon. -- - -- Enforcement of Business Operating Conditions (Q13f.) 0 0 LEGEND 1.0.IB- Very D,MtLsrl d - I.b2.6 Dissmsfi 2.&14 N.0 3.0 SaistiN a � -s.o � very smarm 0a O City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Commanfy Sarwy .,-„� �. a..rr.rlw rm.o � e. roam e�.+o�. •secm..� ETC Institute (January 2008) 62 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Condition of major City streets (Q17a.) Y� 4 LEGEND I.0 -11 - very D,.,.,rN LP 2.6 Du.UAW —&3A _ N.1 3,J .2 S,iisliN 4.2 -5.0 V• S fiN City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Com aniV Survey :in6eymM1Ulb,mnn�ivp k.Yl my.m6mo MCmu0lrcYUwo •sc..,N Condition of streets in YOUR neighborhood (Q17b.) D LEGEND L0 -18 - Very Di 6,4 1 3.4 M1euud +2 -s 0 �_ Very sm,rm our, City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Coo xaiiy Sm. �h,60� �e11 to lie rtmi eaing G.JI rt�mdem 6y Ceas BbA dwP. •S,I. �N CBfu ane meryN WN s mpe0deu JhPbeim. ETC Institute (January 2008) 63 • • C L-] I 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Condition of street signs and traffic signals (Q17c.) 0 0 LEGEND IJ41. %' Vm Dis sfid SaYIIIM p<.p Vc S.J fi d 3 Ciq or Newport Beach, CA 200" Community Survey �ieWin6 rttksn tle na:an ru�lnS lur all �asluM n M C<nw 6bck Gaup. •SClard ('HC�x. -c mei ge.l lraJ.n mpnJL-1 JianMCw. AjW Condition of sidewalks in your neighborhood (Q17d.) 0 LEGEND' V,ry Di.. id Lfl 2.5 Dumuslied 2.614 - N.0 " -S.o VmS 011w rnn�r �e City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Cvu unity Survey 55eJkktrtMal CB C. eupud[milrtRUUih.w MCaeca Bb:k Gmp. •9elmel � nvFl4dm+an*�Ja�llJwiwum ETC Institute (January 2008) r: 0 r C 54 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Attractiveness of streetscapes and medians (Q17e.) ceG£:YD - Vcry oimuifi.d 13-2.6 Om,eiixf d Neutral 4_' -10 Vcry S-WlG Olhcr City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Coeunumov Survey .�;.J�nN rcflaY tlk:69n wg6Nallrtq�mknn by C. 81 kCiwP'SelenM C9l'uwemnFd6rdan iepminrt Jum6ipm, _______. _.. -. 'C Adequacy of City street lighting (Q17f.) o =c 1EGEND - Very Co,u AW 1. &2.6 Dixwixfictl 2.6 }p _ Neutral }.y..1 ±_ Svixfd 42.5.0 Very S"i iu Otlmr 3 City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Cowmuniq• Survey Sh.Any ROcpdm mai rn�! r.11 a by Came elmk Gn,gi. •Yi.:-..1 l�<:, Overt � bmW m ti.goedm J�bn A ETC Institute (January 2008) 65 • • ,I \I u • • • 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Cleanliness of City streets and public areas (Q17g.) 0 0 � ., , City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Commanify Surrey SRU1m3 �sttecs lrc man nnnp for ill .� n M Cans Hk k Qi •Sekc d (9l'n w -'c m *y4d La d m mry.Wcn.linriWtron. Cleanliness of stormwater drains in your neighborhood (Q17h.) D LEGEND I.al.3! Vey Dis sfiW 1.326 Dlssnu4lW �y_l, Ncuval >.u: Sui.liW 4_ 5 0 M Very sous0 d . *r OF, C� City of Newport Beach, CA 3007 Communhy Survey Lu.LrB ml4vdtlrmem rumy fug ill vvm by C. Bbk G�*Wa C9C rci m"dhal[.1 n rt+pmMe d�(�en ETC Institute (January 2008) r'1 6'\L� rj •- LEGENP 10-[g - Vc D,.n AW LB -'_6 DisanlufiW 1 Ncub 3_�a,? SktisliW Vm sousfiW ONa �e City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Commanify Surrey SRU1m3 �sttecs lrc man nnnp for ill .� n M Cans Hk k Qi •Sekc d (9l'n w -'c m *y4d La d m mry.Wcn.linriWtron. Cleanliness of stormwater drains in your neighborhood (Q17h.) D LEGEND I.al.3! Vey Dis sfiW 1.326 Dlssnu4lW �y_l, Ncuval >.u: Sui.liW 4_ 5 0 M Very sous0 d . *r OF, C� City of Newport Beach, CA 3007 Communhy Survey Lu.LrB ml4vdtlrmem rumy fug ill vvm by C. Bbk G�*Wa C9C rci m"dhal[.1 n rt+pmMe d�(�en ETC Institute (January 2008) r'1 6'\L� rj •- 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Cleanliness of City beaches (Q17i.) C£ EM1'D MIA - Very Dl.Mr, e L. 16 Dar,tir(ed 2634 Ycuml 1"2 SeiisON 42-5.0 M `Ary Seiufvtl ?. r ONv+ �r City of Newport Beach, CA 2OO7Coe &Wly Sr ey s..tiy 1.1 * Como 91K 0� ETC institute (January 2008) 67 • • n LJ • 2008 City of Newport Beach Developer Survey by: ETC Institute January 2008 • Contents Executive Summary ............................ ..............................1 Charts and Graphs ............................. ............................... 5 TabularData ....................................... .............................19 Survey Instrument ............................ ............................... 48 • 0 u • • ETC Institute (January 2008) 2008 City of Newport Beach Developer Survey Executive Summary 2008 City of Newport Beach Developer Survey Survey of Newport Beach Developers Executive Summary Report Overview ETC Institute administered a survey for the City of Newport Beach during January of 2008 to gather input from developers in the community. The purpose of the survey was to obtain qualitative and quantitative data from leaders in the development community about their perceptions of the City's development review process. A total of 30 developers from the City were randomly selected to participate in the survey. The survey was administered by phone. Some of the specific issues that were addressed in the survey included the following: • What developers like BEST about the City of Newport Beach • • What developers like LEAST about the City of Newport Beach • Overall satisfaction with the City's development review process • How developers think the development review process in the City of Newport Beach could improve • How developers feel the development review process compares to other communities in Orange County • Satisfaction with the Planning Commission Staff and Plan Check Staff in the City's Planning Division • Satisfaction with the Development Review Staff in the City's Public Works Department • Satisfaction with the Development Review Staff in the City's Fire Department • Satisfaction with the Plan Check/Permitting Staff and the Inspections Services Staff in the City's Building Division • How developers think the overall quality of the Development Review Staff in the City of Newport Beach compare to other communities in Orange County • How developers feel about standards for new residential development • Developer's overall satisfaction with the level and effectiveness of coordination among the Development Review Staff • Willingness of developers to pay higher fees for a quicker review time by the City's Development Review Staff • ETC Institute (January 2008) 2 2008 City of Newport Beach Developer Survey • This report contains (1) a summary of the methodology and major findings, (2) charts and graphs depicting the results of most questions on the survey, (3) tabular data for the overall results to each question on the survey, and (4) a copy of the survey instrument. Please note that some charts and tables presented in this report do not sum to 100% because of rounding. Major Findings ➢ Overall ratings of the development review process in the City of Newport Beach as compared to other communities in Orange County. 37% of the developers surveyed who had an opinion, rated the development review process as "worse" in the City of Newport Beach as compared to other communities in Orange County; 33% of the developers rated the development review process as the same as other communities, 20% rated the development review process as "better" than other communities; 10 % did not have an opinion. • Satisfaction with the City's Planning Commission Staff in the Planning Division. 79% of the developers surveyed who had an opinion were satisfied ( "very satisfied" or "satisfied' with the technical competence of the Planning Commission Staff in the Planning Division; 75% were satisfied with how fair they were treated by the staff and 67% of developers were • satisfied with how easy it was to contact their case planner. • Satisfaction with the City's Plan Check Staff in the Planning Division. 69% of the developers surveyed who had an opinion were satisfied ( "very satisfied" or "satisfied ") with the technical competence of the Plan Check Staff in the Planning Division and 65% were satisfied with how fairly they were treated by staff. Developers were least satisfied with the speed of responses to inquires about applications from staff (39 %). • ➢ Satisfaction with the City's Staff in the Public Works Department. 74% of the developers surveyed who had an opinion were satisfied ( "very satisfied" or "satisfied ") with how fairly they were treated by staff in the Public Works Department and 72% were satisfied with the technical competence of the staff. ➢ Satisfaction with the City's Staff in the Fire Department. 72% or above of the developers surveyed were satisfied ( "very satisfied" or "satisfied") with all six of items assessed about staff members in the fire department. Developers were most satisfied with the technical competence of the staff (81 %0), how easy it was to contact their case planner (81 %) and the speed of responses to inquires about applications from staff (81 %). ETC Institute (January 2008) 3 2008 City of Newport Beach Developer Survey ➢ Satisfaction with the City's Plan Check/Permining Staff in the Building Department. • 59% of the developers surveyed who had an opinion were dissatisfied ( "very dissatisfied" or "dissatisfied ") with the speed of responses to inquires about applications from the City's Plan Check/Permitting Staff in the Building Department and 44% were dissatisfied with how easy it was to contact staff members. ➢ Satisfaction with the City's Inspection Services Staff in the Building Department. 74% of the developers surveyed who had an opinion were satisfied ( "very satisfied" or "satisfied ") with the technical competence of the Inspection Services Staff in the Building Department; 71% were satisfied with how easy it was to contact their case Planner and 70% were satisfied with the speed of responses to inquires about applications from staff. ➢ Overall Ratings of the City's Development Review Staff. 40% of the developers surveyed rated the City's Development Review Staff as "much better" or "better' than other communities in Orange County; 20% rated the Development Review Staff "about the same," 33% rated them as "worse" and 7% did not know. Willingness of Developers to Pay Higher Fees for a Quicker Review Time by the City Development Review Staff 73% of those surveyed were willing to pay more for a quicker review time by the City Development Review Staff; 23% were not, and 4% did not have an • opinion. • ETC Institute (January 2008) 4 • • F, I ETC Institute (January 2008) 2008 City of Newport Beach Developer Survey Charts and Graphs 5 2008 City of Newport Beach Developer Survey Percentage of Developers Who Have Been Involved with Various Types of Development Review Processes in the City of Newport Beach by percentage of respondents Building permits Land Use /Planning approvals Public Works permits Fire Other 77% 70% 87% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Suurce: ElC lnvuule (2008- .Vwpun Bah. CA Oevelaper Su ve, 0% Overall Satisfaction with the City's Development Review Process by percentage of respondents who rated the Rem as a 7 to 5 on a 5 -point scale where 5 =very satisfied and 1 =very dissatisfied (excluding don t knows) How easy the process Is to understand Now easy the process is to complete Length of time process takes my-y sat®sed (5) OSomewtat safissed (4) ONeutral (3) ❑Dissaftft d (2l C3Very Dbsafisfied (1) Source: ETC bmrimte /-1008- .9ewpun Beuch. CA Oevefoper ;iwxi) ETC Institute (January 2008) 2F_ A E I IL -.A 1 • • 2008 City of Newport Beach Developer Survey How Developers Rate the Development Review Process in Newport Beach Compared to Other Communities in the Des Moines Area by perreatage of respon0ents Same Better Worse 37% Source ETC /ns0rute (2008 - Ymport Reach. CA Developer Survet ) Much Better 10% Don't know 10% Have you interacted with the City's Development Review Staff in the Planning Department who work on planning commission cases? by percentage of MVondents Yes 80% .Source: ETC /mritutr! ^008- .Y'ewpnrr Beach. CA Dneloper Survey! ETC Institute (January 2008) No 20% VA 2008 City of Newport Beach Developer Survey Satisfaction with the City's Planning Commission Staff in the Planning Department by percentage of respondents who rated the Item as a 1 to 5 an a 5 -point scale where 5wery satisfied and 1 =very dissatisfied (excluding don't knowsl Technical competence of staff How fairly you are treated by staff How easy it is to contact your case Planner How easy it is to contact staff w/ authority How consistently codes am applied Speed of response to Inquires about applications 21% 58% 17% 42% 33% 21% 25% 02% 17% 'i 17% 8% 38% 29% 25% 9%1 38% 38% 17% 33% 62% 21% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% OVM Satlafied (5) OS=ewhal satisfied (t) ONeutral l3) Mesatlefied (112) Source- ETC lnsdtute (2008 - Newport Beach. CA Deve4tper Surrev) J Have you interacted with the City's staff in the Planning Department who review building plans for Zoning Conformance? by pemenfage of respondents Yes 87% No 13% �J Source. ETC fnsdMre (2008 - Newpun Beach. G Developer Sunny) ETC Institute (January 2008) 8 2008 City of Newport Beach Developer Survey • Satisfaction with City's Plan Check Staff in the Planning Department by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale where 5-very satisfied and 1 =very dissatisrred (excluding don't knows) • Technical competence of staff How fairly you are treated by staff How easy It is to contact your case Planner How consistently codes are applied Speed of response to inquires about applications How easy it is to contact staff w/ authority 19% 50% 23% 23% 42% 27% 8 12% 35% 27% 27% 19X 27% 35% 19% 39% 19% 1 39% 27% 31% 11% 0% 20% 40% 50% 80% +00 OVery Satisfied (5) OSOmewhat Satisfied (4) ONeutral (3) OOlsssmUd (1121 Souree ETC" Innhure (1MI8 - N.wpon Hau$. CA D vrlaµr S�nry! Does the staff from the Planning Department who checks your applications usually identify most of the needed changes in their initial review? by percentage of respondents Y 6E • I .S.mrce. ETC lesdmle /2008- Newp,," Beach. CA Oneioper Sun.7l 0 ETC Institute (January 2008) 9 2008 City of Newport Beach Developer Survey How many rounds of review are generally needed prior to receiving signoff by the Planning Department staff? by percentage of respondents Three 15% Two 35% More than three 38% Source: ETC lutiture I: 008 - N^r rt lr a h. CA Developer Suneyr One 8% Don't know 4% Have you interacted with the Development Review staff in the Public Works Department? by percentage of respondents YE 87 Source ETC Insrdute P008 - Newport 8e h, CA D~Iaper Sunryl Ia 10 /a ETC Institute (January 2008) 10 u • • 2008 City of Newport Beach Developer Survey • Satisfaction with the City's Development Review Staff in the Public Works Department by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale where 5 =very satisfied and 1 =very dissatisfied (excluding don? knows) lu How fairty you are treated by staff Technical competence of staff How easy it is to contact your case Planner How easy it is to contact staff w/ authority How consistently codes are applied Speed of response to inquires about applications 16% 58% 21% 6 22% — tfi% 427% 16% 42°h 26% 16% 25% 28% 22% 22% 1m 32% 37% 16% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100 °% ©Very SaESfied (5) OSOmewhat Sefisf ed 14) ONeutral f3) ODissabsfied (112) Source: ETC /nrtirwr tZO08- Newport Beach, Cl D einper Suruevl Does the staff from the Development Review Division of the Public Works Department who checks your applications usually identify most of the needed changes in their initial review? by percentage of aspandentS Yes 70% • Source: ETC Imarwe t'JtOX - .Newport Be.,*, CA Dmelaper Sun'ey) ETC Institute (January 2008) No 30% 11 2008 City of Newport Beach Developer Survey How many rounds of review are generally needed prior to receiving signoff by the Development Review Division of the Public Works Department? by percentage of mspondenfs TN 4( Three 20% .Sourer: ETC 1.0mte t2098 -,Vr Mw Beath. CA Dneloper Surm•1 ie Don't know 5% than three 15% Have you interacted with the Development Review staff in the Fire Department? by pecentage of respondents YeE 70 °6 Source: ETC lmdmtr f 3008 - Newport Burch. CA DevrleperSw q) No W% ETC Institute (January 2008) 12 \J I•_J • 2008 City of Newport Beach Developer Survey • Satisfaction with the City's Development Review Staff in the Fire Department by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 7 to 5 on a 5 -paint scale where 5 =very satisfied and i =very dissatisfied (excluding don? knowsl • Technical competence of staff How easy it Is to contact your rase Planner Speed of response to inquires about applications How fairly you are treated by staff How consistently codes are applied How easy a Is to contact staff wf authority 29X 52% 14% ¢° 24% 57% uX 57% 0° 10° 211% 48% 14 % 110° 20% 55% 10Y 15% U%., 48% 19% 1 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100 " -b ©Very SatlaAeC (5) OSpmewhat Satisfied (4) MNeutral (3) 0101ssatisfied (1(2) Seurce: ETC lnvinue f=flOF - N n porn He Ar. CA Develnlxr Survn•i Does the staff from the Development Review Division of the Fire Department who checks your applications usually identify most of the needed changes in their initial review? by percentage or respondents Yes 81% • 9iuroe ETC lnsurare 0008 -.V wponr Beach. CA Developer Sarver) Not provided 5% No 14% ETC Institute (January 2008) 13 2008 City of Newport Beach Developer Survey How many rounds of review are generally needed prior to receiving signoff by the Development Review Division of the Fire Department? by percentage o / respondents One i3% Have you interacted with the Plan /Check Permitting staff in the Building Department? by percentage of responaents Yes 90% Sourer. E7'C hvroure (?008 - Newport 8aoeh. G De lnpa Serve_vl No 10% ETC Institute (January 2008) 14 • • • J 2008 City of Newport Beach Developer Survey Satisfaction with the City's Plan /Check Permitting Staff in the Building Department by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale where 5 =very satisfied and 1 =very dissatisfied (excluding donY knows) Hour consistently codes are applied How fairly you are treated by staff Technical competence of staff Haw easy it Is to contact your case planner speed of response to Inquires about applica0ons How easy it Is to contact staff wt authonty 41% 19% 22% 30% 30% T^-3o-/.F 33% 30% 30% 26% I 41% 11% 19% 11 %I t 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% mVery Sabateo (5) OSmnew t satisfied (4) ONeuhal (3) ®OisezEsfIeo OM Sourre: ETC fmrbum (1008 - h'eripurl 0enoh. CA Dew taper Sune}l Does the staff from the Plan Check/Permitting of the Building Department who checks your applications usually identify most of the needed changes in their initial review? by percentage of respondents Yes 48% No • 48% \nurev ETC Inuilme 0ifts- :Veepurl Ae:rcb, CA Dnefuper Sunsv) Not provided 4% ETC Institute (January 2008) 15 2008 City of Newport Beach Developer Survey How many rounds of review are generally needed prior to receiving signoff by the staff of the Plan Check/Permitting Division of the Building Department? by percentage of respondents Three 22% Twn Have you interacted with the staff in the Building Department who review building plans for the conformance to codes and issue permits? Ay oeMentage of respondents Sow". ETC losiftle (2008 - Nebpurr Beach. CA D ®wta er Sweyl ETC Institute (January 2008) 16 • • E • 2008 City of Newport Beach Developer Survey Satisfaction with the City's Inspection Services Staff in the Building Department by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a r to 5 on a 5-point scale where 5 =very satisfied and r =very dissatisfied (excluding donY knowsl Technical competence of staff How easy it is to contact your case Planner Speed of response to Inquires about appllc Uons How fairly you are treated by staff How easy it is to contact staff wl authority How consistently codes are applied 1e% 59% 18% 24% 47% 24% 35% 35% 24% FA 24% 41% 18% 18% 35% 291/6 24% 12% 0% 41% 7 24% 18% 0°% 20% 40% 60% 90% 100% OVery Satisfies (5) MScrnewhat Satisfied 141 ONsuhal (3) <70issatiafied (712) Source. f7C'fnsrimle(2008..Veupwr 8vrx h. CA Der.rinper Survn') How Developers Rate the Overall Quality of the Development Review Staff in Newport Beach Compared to Other Communities in Orange County by percentage of respondents Better 30% Same 20% Worse 33 % Su, FTC levirore 17048 -,Ni tt v 8euch. CA Ucvrloper' Surve°/ Much Better 10% Don't Know 7% ETC Institute (January 2008) 17 2008 City of Newport Beach Developer Survey Developers Ratings of the Level and Effectiveness of the Coordination Among the Development Review Staff in the City Newport Beach by percentage of respondents Satisfied 37% Percentage of Developers Who Would Be Willing to Pay Higher Fees for a Quicker Review Time by the City Development Review Staff Ov percentage of respondents Yes 23% Such.. ETC fail rub /_M�$- h'rwpart Beach. CA Dev *er Su rv! Don't know 4% ETC Institute (January 2008) 18 E • C 2008 Business Survey FINAL REPORT Submitted to The City of 0 Neuport Beacfi, Caqrornia F1 Dlatlie. KS 66061 X913 ) : s January 2008 0 Contents Executive Summary ............................ ............................... i Charts and Graphs ............................. ............................... 1 TabularData ..................................... ............................... 10 Survey Instrument ............................ ............................... 27 • 40 0 2008 City of Newport Beach Business Survey 2008 Business Survey Executive Summary Overview and Methodology ETC Institute administered a survey to a random sample of 30 business owners and managers in the City of Newport Beach during January 2008. The purpose of the survey was to gather objective feedback from the community regarding the quality of city services. Some of the major findings are briefly described below. Major Findings from the Business Survey The majority of businesses were generally satisfied with the overall quality of services offered by the City of Newport Beach. All (100 %) of businesses surveyed who had an opinion were satisfied with the quality of emergency medical services, 96% were satisfied with the quality of police services, 91 % were satisfied with the quality of fire services and 85% were • satisfied with the quality of city water and sewer utilities. > City services that businesses felt should receive the most emphasis over the next two years included: • police services (50 %) • fire services (40 %) • street maintenance (37 %) 80% of businesses felt the City of Newport Beach is a "Business Friendly" community, 17% disagreed, and 3% did not know. 86% of businesses surveyed rated the physical appearance of the area where their business is located as "excellent" or "good." Seven percent (7 %) rated it as "average" and 7% thought it was "poor ". > When asked to indicated which issues were most important in their decision to locate their business in Newport Beach, the top reasons included: • availability of telecommunications, utilities, and other infrastructure (97 %) • overall image of the City (93 %) • • low crime rate (93 %) o proximity of other businesses that are important to them (90 %) • access to airports (90 %) ETC Institute (January 2008) 2008 City of Newport Beach Business Survey i ➢ The top three reasons businesses felt would most impact their decision to stay in Newport Beach for the next 10 years were: • overall image of the City (50 %) • access to highways (40 %) • low crime rate (33 %) ➢ When asked to rate the performance of various units of the Newport Beach government they had contacted, 89% of businesses rated the Fire Inspections unit as "excellent" or "good" and 72% felt the Business Licensing unit was "excellent" or "good. ➢ Ninety -seven percent (97 %) of businesses who had an opinion were satisfied with the overall feeling of safety the City provided, 93% were satisfied with the overall quality of life in the City, and 90% were satisfied with the overall image of the City. ➢ Sixty-nine percent (69 %) of businesses who had an opinion felt the quality of labor in the City's labor pool was either "excellent" or "good ". • • ETC Institute (January 2008) • • CJ ETC Institute (January 2008) 2008 City of Newport Beach Business Survey Charts and Graphs 2008 City of Newport Beach Business Survey 2008 City of Newport Beach Business Survey Quality I I I Quail Stn Ei Overall Ratings Overall Satisfaction With City Services by Major Category by percentage of business respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excludina don't knows) of emergency medical services Quality of police services Quality of fire seances y of City water & sewer utilities iet sweepinglsideiialk cleaning _ 6% 8X 33% 14% -' ' ' 39% %i 12% onomic development initiatives The City's support of tourism - 39% 6%j 11% 28% 1 13% 4% Municipal code enforcement Street lighting City's drainage system -t .,':�, : 26% 11% 1 11% 32% 14% 1% -' ' . 23% 14% nc Cloy planning and development Street maintenance 40% 20% e% 29X 25X 1x • 40 0% 20% 40% 60% 90% 10014 • 81Vary Satisfied (5) aSatisfied (4) ONeutnil (3) D3Dlssatisfled (112) Sovrce: ETC 1=11tum(2W8 Newparr Heath, CA. Bwieera Survey) BUSINESS SURVEY ETC Institute (January 2008) 2 E J is 2008 City of Newport Beach Business Survey City Services That Should Receive the Most Emphasis Over the Next Two Years by Major Category by percentage of business respondents who selected the item as one of their top three choices Quality of police services 50% Quality of rite seNices 40 %a Street maintenance 37% Quality of emergency medical services 30% City planning and development 30% Economic development initiatives 20% Street sweepinglsidewalk cleaning 17% The City's support of tourism 17% Street lighting 13% Municipal code enforcement 79/6 Quality of City water 8 sewer utllitles 3% City's drainage system 3% 0% 20% 40% 60% Sowrce: ETC Imrimte(?008- .Newport Beach. C4, Business Survrv) BUSINESS SURVEY How Would You Rate the Physical Appearance of the Area where Your Business is Located? by percentage of business respondents Excellent 63% Good 23% Average 7% Sri. ETC hvt w& (2008 - Newport Beach. CA. Bus/nrss Survey) BUSINESS SURVEY ETC Institute (January 2008) 3 2008 City of Newport Beach Business Survey Do You Think the City of Newport Beach is a "Business Friendly" Community? by percentage of business respondents IESS SURVEY How Important Various Issues Were to Businesses When They Decided to Locate in Newport Beach by percentage of business respondents surveyed (excludirc don't knows) Availability of telecomm and other infrastructure Overall image of the City Low cnme rate Proximity of businesses that are important Access to airpors Attitude of local government toward business Access to highways Availability libraries, arts, and cultural ameniU Availability of parka and open space Availability of quality housing Availability of trained employees Availability of entry-level employees Quality of local schools 0% 20% 40% 60% ®Extremely important OVery important Milan tent 8wree: ETC Institute (2008 - N'ewpart Beach. C.A. ilwum s Survey) 80% 100% 11 I' l� I I ETC Institute (January 2008) 4 • • 2008 City of Newport Beach Business Survey Top Reasons that Businesses Will Stay in the City of Newport Beach for the Next 10 Years by percentage of business respondents who selected the item as one of their top two choices Overall image of the City 50% Access to highways 40% Low crime rate 33 %', Access to airports 20% Availability of quality housing 20% Availability of trained employees 13% 17% Proximity of businesses that are important 17% Attitude of local govemment toward business 13% Availability of telecomm and other infrastructure 13% Quality of local schools Availability of entry-level employees Availability of parks and open space Availability libraries, arts, antl cultural ameniti 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Source: ETC Imuti( 2008 - Newport Beach. CA, Bminess Survey) BUSINESS SURVEY In the Next 12 Months, Is Your Business Considering Any of the Following? by percentage of business respondents who answered "YES' Exparding in the City of Newport Beach Relocating in the City of Newport Beach Relocating outside the City of Newport Beech Closing 27 % 17% 131. 3% 0% 10% Source. ETC Institute (2008 - Newporc Beach, CA Bwinn Survev) ETC Institute (January 2008) 20% 30% 40-1 BUSINESS SURVEY ', 7 2008 City of Newport Beach Business Survey Percentage of Businesses that Had Contact with Various Units of Newport Beach City Government During the Past Year by percentage of business respondents who answered *YES' Fire inspections Business license fees Construction /building permits Code enforcement Zoning W 60 63% % 30% 23% 13% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Souree: ETC lnstitute(2 008- .Newpun Beach C4. Business Survey,) I BUSINESS SURVEY How Businesses Rate the Performance of Various Units of Newport Beach City Government That They Contacted During the Past Year by percentage of business respondents who contacted units and rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (ezcludino don't knows) Fire inspections Business license fees Zoning Code enforcement Constructionibudding permits 0% 20'% 40% 60% 80% 100% ®ExeetleM OGood Average OBelow average ®pool Source: ETC lmawte(208- Newport Beach, CA, Busuress Survey) BUSINESS SUBYFY ' ETC Institute (January 2008) 6 • 11 • 21% 5 %5 22% i 22% S% 40% 40% IL 29 ft 13% 13% 0% 20'% 40% 60% 80% 100% ®ExeetleM OGood Average OBelow average ®pool Source: ETC lmawte(208- Newport Beach, CA, Busuress Survey) BUSINESS SUBYFY ' ETC Institute (January 2008) 6 • 11 • • L 2008 City of Newport Beach Business Survey How Businesses Rate the Labor Pool in the City of Newport Beach by percentage of business respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) Quality of labor Productimty of the workforce Attitude of employees Stability of the City's labor force Availability of labor 0% 20% 40-A 60% 80% 100% OExcellent OGood OAverage OBelowaverage cwwr Source: ETC 7nstiaete 0008 - Newpurr Sew& CA, Swinevs Survey) @USINESS SURVEY Overall Satisfaction With Items that Influence Perceptions of the City of Newport Beach by percentage of business respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) Overall feeling of safely Overall quality of life in the City Overall image of the City Overall quality of services provided Quality of new development How well the City is planning growth III Quality of public education ICI Value you receive for company tax dollars 8 fees I 54% 15% 8% 8% 7 23% 7% 60% 50% 19% 8% b. 48% 7°k7 58% 17% 38% 19% 41% 17% 32% da% 35% 35% 15% 0% 20% 40-A 60% 80% 100% OExcellent OGood OAverage OBelowaverage cwwr Source: ETC 7nstiaete 0008 - Newpurr Sew& CA, Swinevs Survey) @USINESS SURVEY Overall Satisfaction With Items that Influence Perceptions of the City of Newport Beach by percentage of business respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) Overall feeling of safely Overall quality of life in the City Overall image of the City Overall quality of services provided Quality of new development How well the City is planning growth III Quality of public education ICI Value you receive for company tax dollars 8 fees I 40X 4J% 7 23% 7% 60% 10 48% 7°k7 58% 17% 38% 19% 41% 17% • 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% =Very Satisfied (5) OSatisfled (4) ONeutral (3) f301asatisfled (1f2) &mete: ETC tnalMte 0 088 - .Newport Beach, CA, Business Survey) err ETC Institute (January 2008) 7 2008 City of Newport Beach Business Survey How Many Employees Do You Employee in Newport Beach? by percentage of business respondents Less than s 63% 6-10 17% Source: ETC Insiltute (20418 - Newpart Bv=h. CA• Business Survey) 50 -99 13% ?4 25-49 oro 3% i BUSINESS SURVEY How Many Years Has Your Business Been Operating in the City of Newport Beach? by percentage of business respondents 6 -10 years 33% 5 or fewer yrs 23% 11 -20 years 27% $iurce: ETC Intitule (2008 - N'ewporr Beach. CA. Business Survev) than 20 yrs 17% g—o —ms S SURVEY ETC Institute (January 2008) 8 • i • E • • 2008 City of Newport Beach Business Survey What is the Best Description of Your Business? by percentage of business respondents Retail food service Real eastate Professional services Finanmriinsurance Retail trade not food sm Communications Arts, entertainment, recreation Heats caretmedicallsocial services Other 3% 3% 10% 10% 10% 10% 17% 17% 20 °/a 0% 10% 20% 30% Sowce: ETC 1mruure(2008 - Newparr Beach, CA, Business Survgv) BUSINESS SURVEYI Would You be Interested in Participating in a Future Focus Group to Discuss City - related Issues? by percentage of business respondents Yes 40% No 60% S>urm ETC lestitete (2008 - Newport 8e 1,. CA, 8¢sim Sur o) ETC Institute (January 2008) m 2008 City of Newport Beach Business Survey • Tabular Data • • ETC Institute (January 2008) 10 Community Survey Findings roe; ,v City of Newport Beach `j IT nRN�� W Presented by ETC Institute February 2008 j .. n u n u ce O wjPV • • • A • to Of UMLAMW P, More than 1,000,000 U.S. residents surveyed in more than 400 communities during the past five years Three Surveys Resident Survey Business Survey Developer Survey RESIDENT SURVEY Methodology: Resident Survey Administered by Mail /Phone during December 2007 A random sample of 3000 households was selected Goal was to obtain at least 600 completed surveys Actual number of completed surveys was 718 Precision +/ -3.7% at the 95% level of confidence GIS Mapping Benchmarking Data Location of Survey Respondents City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey Location of Survey Respondents Perceptions of the City Overall Quality of Life in the City of Newport Beach by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) As a place to live As a place to visit As a place to work As a place to retire As a place to raise children City that provides efficient delivery of services As a City moving in the right direction 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 10 Excellent (5) OGood (4) ONeutral (3) ED Below Average (1/2) Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Resident Survey) 22% 25% °/ "- 30% 9%il . = 27% 9% ° ' . 311/6 00/ ° 47% 13% io) 35% 19% 9% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 10 Excellent (5) OGood (4) ONeutral (3) ED Below Average (1/2) Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Resident Survey) Satisfaction With Items That Influence the Perception Residents Have of the Cit), by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) Feeling of Safety in the City Quality of life in the City Quality of services provided by City Character and quality of your neighborhood How well the City is planning growth 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Very Satisfied (5) OSatisfied (4) ONeutral (3) ODissatisfied (1/2) Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Resident Survey) 47% °/ 45% 8%10/ 56% 12% 35% 9% °/ 35% 32% 19% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Very Satisfied (5) OSatisfied (4) ONeutral (3) ODissatisfied (1/2) Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Resident Survey) Quality of provided 1 I 55 iSI '�` U uz-I! �j _ ,3 I�c , II � _ N ��}} .. W-*x LEGEND 1.0 -1.8 - Very Dissatisfied 1.8 -2.6 - Dissatisfied 2.6 -3.4 Neutral 3.4 -4.2 - Satisfied 4.2 -5.0 - Very Satisfied ® Other Nole -.'Xef BRBB dO nM wM in 8M 4h rESWnSBe roeMw BI80W[81y BgMtenl lBWb. 46 r >� 0 City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey 2 F: 1 I I I I Character and quality of your neighborhood (Q3b.) W 7rE S —A& LEGEND 1.0 -1.8 - Very Dissatisfied 1.8 -2.6 - Dissatisfied 2.6 -3.4 Neutral 3.4 -4.2 0 Satisfied 4.2 -5.0 - Very Satisfied Other Nole: YMdeiH CIE MI Wll6n eMllgn R60g6C City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey COSH I x, A \I 1 x, How well the City is planning growth (Q3c.) a- way., N W +E 5 A LEGEND 1.0 -1.8 - Very Dissatisfied 1.8 -2.6 - Dissatisfied 2.6 -3.4 0 Neutral 3.4 -4.2 - Satisfied 4.2 -5.0 - Very Satisfied Other Nd Whey amm U ro mnWin enxpe rteaamae W atww GamaneY agnifiuM iemdu. City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey LEGEND 1.0 -1.8 - Very Dissatisfied 1.8 -2.6 - Dissatisfied 2.6 -3.4 0 Neutral 3.4 -4.2 ® Satisfied 4.2 -5.0 - Very Satisfied Other Quality of life in the City (Q3d.) "M . 7 __ I r 4, I City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey L 1' / N ti� \�`� W +H LEGEND 1.0 -1.8 - Very Dissatisfied 1.8 -2.6 - Dissatisfied 2.6 -3.4 Neutral 3.4 -4.2 - Satisfied 4.2 -5.0 Very Satisfied Other Nate "UM1e� areas cie nel wnuv eMn.gn resvonses t, soon 'M M.aM, s gn fcaa rcwae Feeling of safety in the City (Q3e.) "*sir City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey Overall Satisfaction with Various Attributes !Newport Beach vs. California vs. the U.S by percentage of respondents who rated the item 4 or 5 on a 5 -point scale where 5 was "very satisfied" and 1 was "very dissatisfied" (excluding don't knows) Overall quality of services provided by the City Overall quality of life in the City How well the City is planning growth Source: 2007 ETC Institute 61% 53% 71% 77% l49% J 52% 48% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% M Newport Beach 0 California F-1 U. S. H 100% Satisfaction with Major Categories of City Services Overall Satisfaction With City Services by Major Category by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) Quality of police, fire, and paramedic services Quality of City's library system Parks and recreation programs /facilities Maintenance of the City's beaches and bays Quality of City's water supply Maintenance of City streets and Infrastructure Quality of customer service from City employees Effectiveness of City communication w/ public Enforcement of City codes and ordinances Management of traffic flow on City streets 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% OVery Satisfied (5) E]Satisfied (4) ONeutral (3) Dissatisfied (1/2) Source: ETC Institute (2008 -Newport Beach, CA Resident Survely) 34% ° 33% °/ 46% 49% 12°/ °/ 44% 16% % 48% 16% °/ 42% 20% ° 42% 26% ° 39% 27% 0° 42% 22% 17% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% OVery Satisfied (5) E]Satisfied (4) ONeutral (3) Dissatisfied (1/2) Source: ETC Institute (2008 -Newport Beach, CA Resident Survely) �I 55 rai�3ii ��� �� •_�� I ��� C » UM hL u <•5� Is N IV�F tl LEGEND 1.0 -1.8 - Very Dissatisfied 1.8 -2.6 - Dissatisfied 2.6 -3.4 0 Neutral 3.4 -4.2 - Satisfied 4.2 -5.0 - Very Satisfied ® Other We 'Wer mn CAW amen enmgh maneec O SIpW BmliSha,� 9'9n1(I[0N 18WMi_ 6 *4411`1' City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey F l Quality of City parks and recreation programs /facilities (Qlb.) N LEGEND 1.0 -1.8 -Very Dissatisfied 1.8 -2.6 - Dissatisfied 2.6 -3.4 Neutral 3.4 -4.2 ® Satisfied 4.2 -5.0 - Very Satisfied Other Hda. rover m. as nw mrm, «wqn mwaw+ m Harr ebbgbly WNfcWlimdb. I` City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey r; 1 Maintenance of City streets and Infrastructure (Qlc.) E LEGEND 1.0 -1.8 - Very Dissatisfied 1.8 -2.6 - Dissatisfied 2.6 -3.4 Neutral 3.4 -4.2 - Satisfied 4.2 -5.0 - Very Satisfied Other Note 'Oft' areas W nor.,Wl anage mspm W Yaw slaasLCally sipfwnl results SS City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey t r t r l Quality of City's water supply (Qld.) _ 1, LEGEND 1.0 -1.8 - Very Dissatisfied 1.8 -2.6 - Dissatisfied 2.6 -3.4 0 Neutral 3.44.2 - Satisfied 4.2 -5.0 - Very Satisfied Other No :'ONef areas o J �oimrvar enMlr -espouses - to snow Mai sti.wy sign teal re.L �l 4� y� 1 l a J City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey : Enforcement of City codes and ordinances (Qle.) I LEGEND 1.0- 1.8 M Very Dissatisfie ' • 1� Other 2.6-3.4 Neutral 3.4-4.2 Satisfied 4.2-5.0 Very Satisfied City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey I ' ' • • • 1 • ' ' • • , LO �r )3 _ 1 M. N W�E LEGEND 1.0 -1.8 - Very Dissatisfied 1.8 -2.6 - Dissatisfied 2.6 -3.4 Neutral 3.44.2 ® Satisfied 4.2 -5.0 - Very Satisfied Other Ndc'0W • d0 w mnW,n &ao m p0rom by SMS1.11, Signi M(M1 City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey A 55 111 !RIM F•Si'j�l�l `Cl:� CO /JI� J3 ��i .I 31 MAi 3 .' � 1{I nu 1. ) I Ilr wl►' AWL 1 LEGEMI 1.0-1.8 M Very Dissatisfied 1.8-2.6 M Dissatisfied 2.6-3.4 Neutral 3.4-4.2 Satisfied 4.2-5.0 Very Satis Other i \ City of 11 Beach, ' 2007 I 11 Management of traffic flow on City streets (Qlh.) L s YI LEGEND 1.0 -1.8 - Very Dissatisfied 1.8 -2.6 - Dissatisfied 2.6 -3.4 Neutral 3.4 -4.2 ® Satisfied 4.2 -5.0 - Very Satisfied Other Note 'ONef ertn did 0 cmeeir eoonyvespcnses b show s1sY Iy S'picam resuin U City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey 1.. rr �� r , r 1 1 N �E Quality of the City's library system (Qli.) fry \l 4t- .11 LEGEND 1.0 -1.8 - Very Dissatisfied 1.8 -2.6 - Dissatisfied 2.6 -3.4 Neutral 3.4 -4.2 - Satisfied 4.2 -5.0 - Very Satisfied Other ware: -aW. , da W.0 n.pu 108HAV 818bf�11'8./91GII0I1�1p1��4. am�ivm City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey f }.. i i - i� Maintenance of the City's beaches and bays (Q1 j.) ,o -_, c �; ISK !p ' LEGEND I � . 1.0 -1.8 - Very Dissatisfied 1.8 -2.6 - Dissatisfied 2.6 -3.4 0 Neutral 3.4 -4.2 Satisfied - 4.2 -5.0 - Very Satisfied ® Other We:'OW area Eq W WOWS M* reap.naa mahvx waaauly agnikmvrtWY. � iG City of Newport Beach, CA i R/ N __ Overall Satisfaction with Various City Services Newport Beach vs. California vs. the U.S by percentage of respondents who rated the item 4 or 5 on a 5 -point scale where 5 was "very satisfied" and 1 was "very dissatisfied" (excluding don't knows) Quality of City parks /rec programs /facilities Enforcement of City codes and ordinances Quality of customer service from City employees Effectiveness of City communication with public Management of traffic flow in the City Source: 2007 ETC Institute 87 T76 72% 63% ss °% ° 53% 75% 57% 3% 5% 69% so °% ° 45% I M 61% 49% 48% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% i Newport Beach 0 California F-I U. S. Overall Satisfaction with Various City Services Newport Beach vs. the US by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 4 or 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) Overall quality of life in the City Quality of City parks /rec programs /facilities Enforcement of City codes and ordinances Quality of customer service from City employees City efforts to keep residents informed 0% Source: 2007 ETC Institute 28% 7%88% 34% 91% 87% 29% 76% 63 30% 89 o 75 30% 75% 65% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% LOW--- - - - - -- MEAN- - - - - -- -HIGH City Services That Should Receive the Most Emphasis Over the Next Two Years by Major Category by percentage of respondents who selected the item as one of their top three choices Management of traffic flow on City streets Maintenance of City streets and Infrastructure Maintenance of the City's beaches and bays Quality of police, fire, and paramedic services Quality of City's water supply Parks and recreation programs /facilities Enforcement of City codes and ordinances Effectiveness of City communication w/ public Quality of City's library system Quality of customer service from City employees Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Resident Survey) I54 510/ OMNI[= 46% 009=1 35% off::] 27% 20% 19% 11% 7% 6% 0% 20% 40% 60% 1st Choice 02nd Choice =3rd Choice O yr V w t4 N 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Importance- Satisfaction Assessment Matrix - Overall City Services - (points on the graph show deviations from the mean importance and Satisfaction ratings given by respondents to the survey) mean importance Exceeded Expectations Continued Emphasis lower importancethigher Satisfaction higher importance /higher Satisfaction City's library system* • • Police lfirelparamedic services Parks and recreation programs /facilities.. Maintenance of City's beacheslbays• • . Customer service *Quality o water supply % • City communication w/ public. • Maintenance of streets and Infrastructure Enforcement of City codes and ordinances** Management of traffic flow* • Less Important Opportunities for Improvement lower importance /lower Satisfaction higher importance /lower Importance Rating Source: ETC Institute (2008) aausracuon C O v !q v ca N as m L Public Safety Perceptions of Safety and Security by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) Walking in your neighborhood during the day Walking in your neighborhood after dark On City beaches In City parks In commercial /business areas after dark 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Very Safe (5) =Safe (4) =Neutral (3) =Unsafe (1/2) Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Resident Survey) 82% 17% 44% 40% 110/ 0 36% 40% 21% ° 29% 44% 23% ° 19% 40% 32% 9% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Very Safe (5) =Safe (4) =Neutral (3) =Unsafe (1/2) Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Resident Survey) Feeling of safety walking in your neighborhood during the day (Q4a.) p � S IX LEGEND � �, '��'� o ��.�`'�'\, a1i .,r �� �`r� 1.0 -1.8 - Very Unsafe w;, �w P�.{o �E ��1 a1�2J` {�1 • 1.8 -2.6 Unsafe 2.6 -3.4 Neutral K a 3.4-4.2 -Safe s 4.2 -5.0 - Very Safe `\ Other b Mw eian+orw ¢pNfra�l mu1s. City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey Feeling of safety in commercial /business areas after dark (Q4e.) LEGEND 1.0 -1.8 - Very Unsafe 1.8 -2.6 - Unsafe 2.6 -3.4 0 Neutral 3.4 -4.2 ® Safe 4.2 -5.0 - Very Safe Other NM'OthWg dm WmNWn m Nmr smlaloly sgnHranl rtwb. City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey , Feeling of safety in commercial /business areas after dark (Q4e.) LEGEND 1.0 -1.8 - 1.8 -2.6 - 2.6 -3.4 3.4 -4.2 - 4.2 -5.0 do 'ORe� areas oltl roi: Io et.11y How Safe Residents Feel in Their Community Newport Beach vs. California vs. the U. S by percentage of respondents who rated the item 4 or 5 on a 5 -point scale where 5 was "very safe" and 1 was "very unsafe" (excluding don't knows) Walking in your neighborhood during the day Walking in your neighborhood after dark In City parks 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% O Newport Beach D California M U. S. Source: 2007 ETC Institute Satisfaction with Various Aspects of Public Safety by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) Quality of local fire protection services Emergency medical and paramedic services How quickly fire personnel respond to emergencies City efforts to prevent crimes Quality of lifeguard services How quickly police respond to emergencies Fire prevention /education programs Enforcement of local traffic laws Enforcement of parking regulations Frequency police patrol your neighborhood ' , 43% °/ 36% 0° 34% 1 °/ 55% 2°/ 41% 15% 42% 2°/ ' 40% 1 25% j, 43% 22% °/ 40% 28% 15% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% JOVery Satisfied (5) OSatisfied (4) =Neutral (3) =Dissatisfied (1/2) Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Resident Survey) Overall Satisfaction with Public Safety Services Newport Beach vs. California vs. the U. S by percentage of respondents who rated the item 4 or 5 on a 5 -point scale where 5 was "very satisfied" and 1 was "very dissatisfied" (excluding don't knows) Frequency police patrol your neighborhood The City's overall efforts to prevent crime Enforcement of local traffic laws How quickly police respond to emergencies Source: 2007 ETC Institute 58% 63% 59% 87% 59% 58% 74% 68% 63% 85% s9 °io 690% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% ® Newport Beach 17:1 California ED U. S. 100% Overall Satisfaction with Public Safety Services Newport Beach vs. U. S by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 4 or 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) How quickly police respond to emergencies Frequency police patrol your neighborhood The City's overall efforts to prevent crime Enforcement of local traffic laws 0% Source: 2007 ETC Institute Newport Beach 61% 9 % 85% 46% 65% 58% 39% 370/ 87% 42% 74% 74% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% LOW-------MEAN - — ----- HIGH O V .y 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Importance- Satisfaction Assessment Matrix - Public Safety - (points on the graph show deviations from the mean importance and Satisfaction ratings given by respondents to the survey) mean importance Exceeded Expectations Continued Emphasis lower importance /higher Satisfaction higher importance/higher Satisfaction Emergency medicallparam edic service Local fire protection services• • _/ How quickly fire personnel respond Lifeguard services* • . City efforts to prevent crimes• • How quickly police personnel respond "00 Local traffic laws. • Fire preventionleducation programs • Parking regulations .Frequency police patrol neighborhoods Less Important Opportunities for Improvement lower importance/lower Satisfaction higher importance/lower • • • Importance Ratin_q Source: ETC Institute (1008) O V y Y y ro a� Parks, Facilities and Recreation Approximately how many times did you or other members of your household visit a ark in the City during the past year? by percentage of respondents 6 -10 times 16% 11 -20 t 10% 5 times or less 28% Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Nexport Beach, CA Resident Survey) one 0% Don't know 2% 111 1 les 34% Approximately how many times did you or other members of your household visit a beach in the City during the past year? by percentage of respondents 6 -10 times 170/- 11 -20 times 15% 5 times or less 18% 20+ times 43% Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Resident Survey) None 4% Don't know 3% Approximately how many times did you or other members of your household visit a library in the City during the past year? by percentage of respondents 5 times or less 'N 6 -10 times 14% HOW3 11 -20 times 14% Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Resident Survey) Don't know 3% )+ times 22% Satisfaction with Various Aspects of Facility and Recreation by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) Maintenance of City parks Quality of programs for youth Quality of programs for seniors Number of City parks Availability of info about recreation programs Quality of programs for adults Walking and biking trails in the City Availability of City recreation facilities Outdoor athletic facilities 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% JOVery Satisfied (5) E:]Satisfied (4) Neutral (3) Dissatisfied (1(1/2) Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Resident Survey) 46% 20% ° 43% 22% ° 47% 16% 9% 50% 20% °/ 47% 18% 9% 45% 23% 9% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% JOVery Satisfied (5) E:]Satisfied (4) Neutral (3) Dissatisfied (1(1/2) Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Resident Survey) Overall Satisfaction with Facility and Recreation Newport Beach vs. California vs. the U.S by percentage of respondents who rated the item 4 or 5 on a 5 -point scale where 5 was "very satisfied" and 1 was "very dissatisfied" (excluding don't knows) Maintenance of City parks The number of City parks Walking and biking trails Outdoor athletic facilities Quality of programs for youth Quality of programs for seniors Source: 2007 ETC Institute 90% 800/0 79% 75% 70% 69% 73% 54% 52% 68% 66% 69% 76% 64% 70% 74% 160% 56% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% W Newport Beach 0 California M U. S. 100% Overall Satisfaction with Facility and Recreation Newport Beach vs. U. S by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 4 or 5 on a 5 -point scale excluding don't knows The number of City parks Outdoor athletic facilities Newport Beach 31% 84% 37% 82% Walking and biking trails 16% 81% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% LOW --------- MEAN ----- — - HIGH Source: 2007 ETC Institute 75% 73% G �i V 42 v CO 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Importance- Satisfaction Assessment Matrix - Facility and Recreation - (points on the graph show deviations from the mean importance and Satisfaction ratings given by respondents to the survey) mean importance Exceeded Expectations Continued Emphasis lower importance /higher Satisfaction higher importance /higher Satisfaction Maintenance of City parks* • .Quality of youth programs Quality of adult programs•. /.. Walkinglbiking trails in the City.. Info about recreation programs Availability of recreation program Number of City parks Quality of senior program •Outdoor athletic facilities Less Important Opportunities for Improvement lower importance /lower Satisfaction higher importance /lower • • • Iminnrtance Rating Source: ETC Institute (2008) C O d of Q C O V y w m y Utilities and General Services Satisfaction with Various Aspects of Utility and General Services by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) Residential trash collection services Water service Sewer /wastewater services 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Very Satisfied (5) OSatisfied (4) L]Neutral (3) ODissatisfied (1/2) Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Resident Survey) ' 32% 41% 8% ° 42% 10W O, 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Very Satisfied (5) OSatisfied (4) L]Neutral (3) ODissatisfied (1/2) Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Resident Survey) Overall Satisfaction with Utilities Newport Beach vs. California vs. the U. S by percentage of respondents who rated the item 4 or 5 on a 5 -point scale where 5 was "very satisfied" and 1 was "very dissatisfied" (excluding don't knows) Water service Residential trash collection service Sewer /wastewater service 0% 20% 40% 60% IIIIIIIIIIIIIINewportBeach El California M U. S. Source: 2007 ETC Institute "�! 82% 71% 92' 88% 82% 88% 79% 64% 80% 100% Code Enforcement Satisfaction with Various Aspects of Code Enforcement by Major Category by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) Enforcing water quality regulations Enforcing animal control regulations Enforcement of Business Operating Conditions Enforcing the ext. upkeep of commercial property Enforcing clean up of debris on private property Enforcing the ext. upkeep of residential property 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 1MVery Satisfied (5) OSatisfied (4) ONeutral (3) ODissatisfied (1/2L] Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Resident Survey) 49% 46% 24% 14% 42% 36% ° 42% 34% °/ 41% 29% 14% 42% 31 % 2°/ 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 1MVery Satisfied (5) OSatisfied (4) ONeutral (3) ODissatisfied (1/2L] Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Resident Survey) Enforcement of the clean up of debris on private property (Q13a.) oil 1_1 N W +F S LEGEND 1.0 -1.8 - Very Dissatisfied 1.8 -2.6 - Dissatisfied 2.6 -3.4 Neutral 3.4 -4.2 - Satisfied 4.2 -5.0 - Very Satisfied Other NWa 'MV a Ek a al males aro* reapo b 91gw s1e0eYtaly sgrO BfiI1BNYb —I L A. City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey 1 .1 Enforcement of water quality regulations (Q13b.) W E ` s LEGEND - r 1.0 -1.8 - Very Dissatisfied — 1.8 -2.6 - Dissatisfied 2.6 -3.4 Neutral.. ; 3.4-4.2 -Satisfied 4.2 -5.0 - Very Satisfied Other - -- — ! Ncle.'Olnef areas pia rnH wnlam enouyn respmeea - wsno-xsulisn¢IpsgnFianoesW6 / City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey Enforcing exterior maintenance of residential property (Q13c.) is -! • t.l I 701 UP CSII�CIIIII X1 LEGEND 1.0 -1.8 - Very Dissatisfied 1.8 -2.6 - Dissatisfied 2.6 -3.4 Neutral 3.4 -4.2 - Satisfied 4.2 -5.0 - Very Satisfied Other Ndt'dha!'.eu d'd nd oonUn ewu9h resPO�sas _ bBhMI BIBQIIKAN/Sgnil cant ¢sull5 City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey `\ I F: 55 . �.�i�� _� •�, I y111 73 yy j�aos� N ` i w +E LEGEND y 1.0 -1.8 - Very Dissatisfied 1.8 -2.6 - Dissatisfied 2.6 -3.4 Neutral 3.4 -4.2 - Satisfied 4.2 -5.0 - Very Satisfied ® Other Nde "ON masd4namnwinenough response. b show MWbCaRy sireM nl Muis City of Newport Beach, CA 2007 Community Survey t �1 r, fr I l / f ift I `\ i G v C O V 42 v Y 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Importance- Satisfaction Assessment Matrix -Code Enforcement- (points on the graph show deviations from the mean importance and Satisfaction ratings given by respondents to the survey) mean importance Exceeded Expectations Continued Emphasis lower importancelhigher Satisfaction higher importance /higher Satisfaction Water quality regulations• • Animal control regulations*• Business Operating Conditions Exterior upkeep of commercial property The clean of debris on private property Exterior upkeep of residential property Less Important Opportunities for Improvement lower importance/lower Satisfaction higher importance /lower Importance Rating aaasracnor Source: ETC Institute (2008) e O v w Vl r0 y G d Ln Communication Sources of Information Residents Currently Get Information About the City by percentage of respondents (multiple choices could be made) Local newspapers City Manager's newsletter Regional newspaper Utility bill City website City Cable channel Other 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Source: ETC Institute (2008 - NeitTort Beach, CA Resident Survey) Overall Satisfaction with Communication Newport Beach vs. California vs. the US by percentage of respondents who rated the item 4 or 5 on a 5 -point scale where 5 was "very satisfied" and 1 was "very dissatisfied" (excluding don't knows) City efforts to keep residents informed The City's web page Quality of City's cable television channel Source: 2007 ETC Institute 7 65% 49% 46% 52% 62% 60% !755% 42% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% IIIIIIIIIIIIIINewportBeach 0 California [--]U.S. I Satisfaction with Various Aspects of Communication by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) City efforts to keep residents informed The information from City Manager's newsletter The City's website Information about how your tax dollars are spent Quality of the City's NBTV programming 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% ®Very Satisfied (5) OSatisfied (4) ONeutral (3) MDissatisfied (1/2) 1 Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Nexport Beach, CA Resident Survey) 48% 25% 110% 44% 34% ° 40% 43% ° 41% 31% 18% 35% 44% 0° 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% ®Very Satisfied (5) OSatisfied (4) ONeutral (3) MDissatisfied (1/2) 1 Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Nexport Beach, CA Resident Survey) Maintenance Satisfaction with Various Aspects of City Maintenance by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) Cleanliness of City streets and public areas Condition of street signs /traffic signals Attractiveness of streetscapes /medians Condition of streets in neighborhoods Condition of major City streets Cleanliness of stormwater drains in neighborhood Cleanliness of City beaches Condition of sidewalks in neighborhood Adequacy of City street lighting 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% tOVery Satisfied (5) EDSatisfied (4) Neutral (3) ODissatisfied (1/2) Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Resident Survey) 57% 00 0 A- 57% �10 0/ 261 51% 14°/ ° 48% 1 ° 0° 53% 15% °/ 51% 16% °/ 54% 18% • ' 48% 16% 20/ 50% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% tOVery Satisfied (5) EDSatisfied (4) Neutral (3) ODissatisfied (1/2) Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Resident Survey) Overall Satisfaction with Maintenance Newport Beach vs. California vs. the U.S by percentage of respondents who rated the item 4 or 5 on a 5 -point scale where 5 was "very satisfied" and 1 was "very dissatisfied" (excluding don't knows) Condtion of major City streets Condition of streets in neighborhoods Condition of traffic signals and street signs Overall cleanliness of City streets /public areas Adequacy of City street lighting Source: 2007 ETC Institute 77% 15 16 57% ® 80% 58% 160% 7 70 83% % 74% 86°/ 67% 6 %% 7 70% 62% 62% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% ® Newport Beach 0 California ED U. S. 100% Overall Satisfaction with Maintenance Newport Beach vs. the U.S by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 4 or 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) Condition of traffic signals and street signs Overall cleanliness of City streets /public areas Adequacy of City street lighting Condition of major City streets Newport Beach 50% *U 30% =OKI 44% 77% 20% 81% 0 83 lo 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% LOW --- - - - - -- MEAN------HIGH Source: 2007 ETC Institarte 86% 70% 77% S! w O w V LY, 2007 Newport Beach Community Survey Importance- Satisfaction Assessment Matrix -Maintenance - (points on the graph show deviations from the mean importance and Satisfaction ratings given by respondents to the survey) mean importance Exceeded Expectations Continued Emphasis lower importance /higher Satisfaction higher importance /higher Satisfaction • Cleanliness of City streets and public areas Street signs/traffic signals• • Attractiveness of s tree tscapes/medlans• • Sidewalks in neighborhoods.. .klajor City streets Cleanliness of stormwater drains• • Cleanliness of City beaches. • Condition of streets in neighborhoods* • Adequacy of City street lighting* • Less Important Opportunities for Improvement lower importance /lower Satisfaction higher importance /lower Importance Rating Satisfaction I: - Source: ETC Institute (2008) c at m O� Q c 0 V 42 r- w W N Customer Service Satisfaction Respondents Received from City Employees by Major Category by percentage of respondents who contacted the City and rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) The way you were treated How easy they were to contact The accuracy of the info. /assistance given How quickly the City staff responded to request How well your issue was handled 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% �OVery Satisfied (5) OSatisfied (4) ONeutral (3) ODissatisfied (1/2) Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Resident Survey) ' 37% ' 40% 9% 0°/ 35% 9%14% 32% 1 °/ 16% 30% 13% 18% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% �OVery Satisfied (5) OSatisfied (4) ONeutral (3) ODissatisfied (1/2) Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Resident Survey) Other Issues Assuming no differences in the level of service and if there are no significant cost savings, how would you feel about non -City employees providing the following: by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) Parks /street landscape maintenance Residential trash collection Beach maintenance Water and wastewater services Public Safety 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% ®Strongly Agree (5) =Somewhat Agree (4) =Neutral (3) =Disagree(1 /2) Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Resident Survey) 28% 24% 19% 25% 18% 26% 26% 21% 25% 24% 25% 25% 17% 13% 52% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% ®Strongly Agree (5) =Somewhat Agree (4) =Neutral (3) =Disagree(1 /2) Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Resident Survey) Summary: Resident Survey Overall satisfaction with City services was 34% above the national average. • • Comparative Strengths all utility services • • most areas of parks and recreation *all areas of maintenance •• most areas of public safety *efforts to keep residents informed • • overall quality of life • • how safe residents feel in the city Average Ratings how well the city is planning growth **frequency of police patrols • • outdoor athletic fields • • city cable channel Comparative Weaknesses city web page Summary: Resident Survey Opportunities for Improvement Overall: (1) traffic flow, (2) maintenance of streets and infrastructure, and (3) quality of the City's water supply Public Safety: frequency of police patrols in neighborhoods Facilities and Recreation: (1) walking /biking trails and (2) outdoor athletic fields Code Enforcement: (1) Exterior upkeep of residential property and (2) clean -up of debris on private property BUSINESS SURVEY FINDINGS Overview: Business Survey Purpose: to gather input from businesses in the City to objectively assess satisfaction with city services and their overall perceptions of the community Administered by phone to owners or senior managers of 30 randomly selected businesses in the City Conducted during January 2008 How Many Years Has Your Business Been Operating in the City of Newport Beach? 6 -10 years 33% by percentage of business respondents 5 or fewer yrs 23% 11 -20 years 27% More than 20 yrs 17% Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA, Business Survey) I BUSINESS SURVEY Overall Satisfaction With Items that Influence Perceptions of the City of Newport Beach by percentage of business respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) Overall feeling of safety Overall quality of life in the City Overall image of the City Overall quality of services provided Quality of new development How well the City is planning growth Quality of public education Value you receive for company tax dollars & fees W570M I r- 50% 67% 27% 380 ! 1.1 33% P1043% 0 �' •' 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% JOVery Satisfied (5) OSatisfied (4) ONeutral (3) ODissatisfied (1/2) Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA, Business Survey) BUSINESS SURVEY Overall Satisfaction With City Services by Major Category by percentage of business respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale (excluding don't knows) Quality of emergency medical services Quality of police services Quality of fire services Quality of City water & sewer utilities Street sweeping /sidewalk cleaning Economic development initiatives The City's support of tourism Municipal code enforcement Street lighting City's drainage system City planning and development Street maintenance 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% ®Very Satisfied (5) EDSatisfied (4) ONeutral (3) ODissatisfied (112) Source: ETC Institute ( 1008 - Newport Beach, CA, Business Survey) BUSINESS SURVEY 33% 14% • ' 39% ° 12% 39% 6% 11% 26% 13% 26% 11% •' 32% 14 �/6 �% 23% 14% s°r° 40% 20% 8% 29% 25% 7 °I° 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% ®Very Satisfied (5) EDSatisfied (4) ONeutral (3) ODissatisfied (112) Source: ETC Institute ( 1008 - Newport Beach, CA, Business Survey) BUSINESS SURVEY City Services That Should Receive the Most Emphasis Over the Next Two Years by Major Category by percentage of business respondents who selected the item as one of their top three choices Quality of police services Quality of fire services Street maintenance Quality of emergency medical services City planning and development Economic development initiatives Street sweeping /sidewalk cleaning The City's support of tourism Street lighting Municipal code enforcement Quality of City water & sewer utilities City's drainage system 0% 50% 40% 37% 30% 30% - 20% 17% 17% 13% 1 7% 3% I I 3% 20% 40% 60% I BUSINESS SURVEY Source: ETC Institute (2008 - NexBort Beach, CA, Business Survey) E IL How Would You Rate the Physical Appearance of the Area where Your Business is Located? by percentage of business respondents Excellent 63% Good 23% Poor 7% terage 7% Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA, Business Survey) BUSINESS SURVEY Do You Think the City of Newport Beach is a "Business Friendly" Community? YE 8C by percentage of business respondents Don't know 3% Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA, Business Survey) BUSINESS SURVEY Top Reasons that Businesses Will Stay in the City of Newport Beach for the Next 10 Years by percentage of business respondents who selected the item as one of their top two choices Overall image of the City Access to highways Low crime rate Access to airports Availability of quality housing Availability of trained employees Proximity of businesses that are important Attitude of local government toward business Availability of telecomm and other infrastructure Quality of local schools Availability of entry -level employees Availability of parks and open space Availability libraries, arts, and cultural ameniti Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA, Business Survey) 50% 40% 33% 20% 20% 1;7% 17% 13% 13% 3% 3% 3% 3% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% BUSINESS SURVEY Summary: Business Survey Satisfaction with City Services was generally very high: •• 100% gave positive ratings for emergency medical services ••96% gave positive ratings for police services • • 91 % gave positive ratings for fire services ••85% gave positive ratings for water and sewer utilities Only three major services had dissatisfaction levels above 10 %. street sweeping /sidewalk cleaning (12 %) economic development initiatives (11 %) municipal code enforcement (11 %) Services Business Leaders Think Are Most Important to Emphasize Over the Next Two Years: (1) police services, (2) fire services, (3) street maintenance Other Findings: 80% thought the City of Newport Beach is "business friendly" DEVELOPER SURVEY FINDINGS Overview: Developer Survey Purpose: to gather input from the development community to objectively assess satisfaction with the City's development review process Administered by phone to 30 randomly selected leaders from the City's development community who had interacted with the City during the past year Conducted during January 2008 Percentage of Developers Who Have Been Involved with Various Types of Development Review Processes in the City of Newport Beach by percentage of respondents Building permits Land Use /Planning approvals Public Works permits Fire Other 30% 0% 20% 40% Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Developer Survey) a low 77% 70% 60% 80% 100% Six Key Areas Were Assessed Planning Commission Staff Plan Check in the Planning Department Public Works Fire Plan Check /Permitting in the Building Depart. Inspection Services Perceptions of Plannina Commission Staff Satisfaction with the City's Planning Commission Staff in the Planning Department by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale where 5 =very satisfied and 1 =very dissatisfied (excluding don't knows) Technical competence of staff How fairly you are treated by staff How easy it is to contact your case Planner How easy it is to contact staff w/ authority How consistently codes are applied Speed of response to inquires about applications 21% 58% 17% ° 42% 33% 21% ° 25% 42% 17% 17% 8% 38% 29% 25% 8% 38% 38% 17% ° 33% 42% 21% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% OVery Satisfied (5) OSomewhat Satisfied (4) ONeutral (3) ODissatisfied (112) Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Developer Survey) Perceptions of Plan Check Staff in Planning Department Satisfaction with City's Plan Check Staff in the Planning Department by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale where 5 =very satisfied and I =very dissatisfied (excluding don't knows) Technical competence of staff How fairly you are treated by staff How easy it is to contact your case Planner How consistently codes are applied Speed of response to inquires about applications How easy it is to contact staff w/ authority 19% 50% 23% 8% 23% 42% 27% 8% 12% 35% 27% 27% 19% 27% 35% 19% to 39% 19% 39% 12% 27% 31% 31% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% ®Very Satisfied (5) OSomewhat Satisfied (4) ONeutral (3) NDissatisfied (1/2) Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Developer Survey) Does the staff from the Planning Department who checks your applications usually identify most of the needed changes in their initial review? Y 6L by percentage of respondents Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Developer Survey) How many rounds of review are generally needed prior to receiving signoff by the Planning Department staff? Three 15% by percentage of respondents Two 35% More than three 38% Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Developer Survey) One 8% Don't know 4% Perceptions of Public Works Satisfaction with the City's Development Review Staff in the Public Works Department by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale where 5 =very satisfied and 1 =very dissatisfied (excluding don't knows) How fairly you are treated by staff Technical competence of staff How easy it is to contact your case Planner How easy it is to contact staff w/ authority How consistently codes are applied Speed of response to inquires about applications 16% 58% 21% ° 22% 50% 17% 11% 16° /u 42% 32% 11% 16% 42% 26% 16% 28% 28% 22% 22% 16% 32% 37% 16% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% iVery Satisfied (5) OSomewhat Satisfied (4) ONeutral (3) ®Dissatisfied (1/2) Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Developer Survey) Does the staff from the Development Review Division of the Public Works Department who checks your applications usually identify most of the needed changes in their initial review? Yes 70 °/ by percentage of respondents Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Developer Survey) No 30% How many rounds of review are generally needed prior to receiving signoff by the Development Review Division of the Public Works Department? by percentage of respondents T� 4C Three 20% Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Developer Survey) ie Don't know 5% than three 15% Perceptions of Fire Satisfaction with the City's Development Review Staff in the Fire Department by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale where 5 =very satisfied and 1 =very dissatisfied (excluding don't knows) Technical competence of staff How easy it is to contact your case Planner Speed of response to inquires about applications How fairly you are treated by staff How consistently codes are applied How easy it is to contact staff w/ authority 29% 52% 14% ° 24% 57% 14% 24% 57% 10% 29% 48% 14% 20% 55% 10% 24% 48% 19% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Very Satisfied (5) OSomewhat Satisfied (4) ONeutral (3) MDissatisfied (1/2) Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Developer Survey) Does the staff from the Development Review Division of the Fire Department who checks your applications usually identify most of the needed changes in their initial review? by percentage of respondents Yes 81% Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Developer Survey) Not provided 5% No 14% How many rounds of review are generally needed prior to receiving signoff by the Development Review Division of the Fire Department? by percentage of respondents Two 43% One 33% Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Developer Survey) Don't know 10% more tnan three 14% Perceptions of Plan Check /Permitting Building Department Satisfaction with the City's Plan /Check Permitting Staff in the Building Department by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5 -point scale where 5 =very satisfied and 1 =very dissatisfied (excluding don't knows) How consistently codes are applied How fairly you are treated by staff Technical competence of staff How easy it is to contact your case Planner Speed of response to inquires about applications How easy it is to contact staff w/ authority 11% 33% 15% 41% 19% 22% 30% 30% 7% 30% 33% 30% ° 309/6 26% 41% 11% 190/0 11% 59% ° 19% 33% 44% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Very Satisfied (5) OSomewhat Satisfied (4) ONeutral (3) ©Dissatisfied (112) Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Developer Survey) Does the staff from the Plan Check /Permitting of the Building Department who checks your applications usually identify most of the needed changes in their initial review? by percentage of respondents Yes 48% No 48% Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Developer Survey) Not provided 4% How many rounds of review are generally needed prior to receiving signoff by the staff of the Plan Check /Permitting Division of the Building Department? by percentage of respondents Three 22% Twn More than three 48% Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Developer Survey) One 4% Don't know 7% Perceptions of Inspection Ser'ivces Satisfaction with the City's Inspection Services Staff in the Building Department by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a I to 5 on a 5 -point scale where 5 =very satisfied and I =very dissatisfied (excluding don't knows) Technical competence of staff How easy it is to contact your case Planner Speed of response to inquires about applications How fairly you are treated by staff How easy it is to contact staff w/ authority How consistently codes are applied 18% 59% °/ 18% 24% 47% 24% °/ 35% 35% 24% °/ 24% 41% 18% 18% 35% 29% 24% 12% 18% 41% 24% 18% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% OVery Satisfied (5) OSomewhat Satisfied (4) ONeutral (3) ODissatisfied (1/2) Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Developer Survey) Overall Perceptions of the Development Review Process Overall Satisfaction with the City's Development Review Process by percentage of respondents who rated the item as a I to 5 on a 5 -point scale where 5 =very satisfied and I =very dissatisfied (excluding don't knows) How easy the process is to understand How easy the process is to complete Length of time process takes 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% iVery Satisfied (5) OSomewhat Satisfied (4) Meutral (3) ODissatisfied (2) ®Very Dissatisfied (1) Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Developer Survey) 7% 40% 33% 10% 10% 20% 20% 40% 20% °/ 7% 33% 30% 27% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% iVery Satisfied (5) OSomewhat Satisfied (4) Meutral (3) ODissatisfied (2) ®Very Dissatisfied (1) Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Developer Survey) How Developers Rate the Development Review Process in Newport Beach Compared to Other Communities in Orange County by percentage of respondents Same Better , nl Worse 37% Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Developer Survey) Much Better 10% Don't know 10% Summary of Development Review Ratings by Department Department # areas with Dissatisfaction review Planning Commission 2 NA Plan Check in 3 53 Planning Public Works 1 35 Fire 0 14 Building Dept - Plan 6 70 Check /Permitting Inspections 0 NA Other Issues Percentage of Developers Who Would Be Willing to Pay Higher Fees for a Quicker Review Time by the City Development Review Staff by percentage of respondents rim I I V 23% Source: ETC Institute (2008 - Newport Beach, CA Developer Survey) Don't know 4% Summary: Development Survey Satisfaction with processes in the (1) inspection, (2) fire, and (3) public works departments was generally high Overall Opportunities for Improvements Ease of the process (60% dissatisfied) Length of time the process takes to complete (60% dissatisfied) Specific Areas with the Greatest Concerns: Planning Department's Plan Check Building Department's Plan Check /Permitting Other Findings: 73% of those surveyed would be willing to pay higher fees for a quicker review by the City's development review staff PROTECTING CITY'S IMAGE PROMOTING VS. HEALTHY DEVELOPMENT OVERALL SUMMARY OVERALL SUMMARY Overall the City is doing very well Key Things for the City: Maintaining high levels of service delivery over time Being sensitive to concerns about planning and development The results of this survey will provide a baseline for objectively assessing the City's performance in future years QUESTIONS ? ??