HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 - 11-08-2008 and 11-12-2008 MinutesAgenda Report #1 November 25., 2008 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Minutes Adjourned Regular Meeting 4500 MacArthur Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92660 November 8, 2008 — 8:30 a.m. I. CONVENED IN OPEN. SESSION - 8:30 a.m. II. ROLL Present: Mayor Selich, Mayor Pro Tern Daigle, Ci Council Member Webb, Council Member III. CLOSED SESSION - 8:30 a.m. IV. CLOSED..SESSION REPORT - None V. PUBL_IC COMMENTS - None VI. MOTION FOR. RECONSIDERATION - VII. ADJOURNMENT - 3:45 p.m The agenda for the Adjo ned Regular p.m on the City Hall etin Board Administration Buildhne. City Clerk Henn, Council MemW Rosansky, Member Gardner was posted on October 31, 2008, at 2:15 outside of the City of Newport Beach Recording Secretary Mayor Volume 59 - Page 12 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Minutes City Council Study Session November 12, 2008 — 4:00 p.m. 1. II. ROLL CALL Present: Council Member Henn, Mayor Pro Tem Daigle, Council Member Curry, Council Member Gardner Excused: Council Member Rosansky C_UR. RENT BUSINESS 1. CLARIFICATION OF ITEMS ON Regarding Item 5 (Eliminating and S Gardner received confirmation that the informally. City Manager Bludau clarified Center and Sunset Ridge Park 7bnlry borrow money for the projects, announced that she will be pu the public. Member Webb, CALENDAR. g Nine Committees), Council Member wpo oast Advisory Committee can meet Member We that Item 4 (OASIS Senior thorizati3h) does not commit the City to op MWailable. Mayor Pro Tem Daigle to clarify the purpose of the staff report for In response to a Member He-""'s questions regarding Item 18 (Confined Aquatic Disposal Site ' � Ne ort Harbor), II rher Resources Director Miller explained what a Confined A tic Di osal (CAD) sites and that it could be designed to accommodate disposal o tamin ed sediment from.he Rhine Channel, as well as other areas of the Lower Bay. or elieved that this can be an option since Orange County landfills of accept sediment. cil r He ndicated that he will be pulling Item 12 (Council Policy F -2) routht for fu r disco BALBOA THEtRE STATUS REPORT. Mary Lonich, jecutive Director of the Balboa Performing Arts Theatre, utilized a werPoint prentation to discuss project phases, what has happened since they met with th oastal Cmission, discussed the leadership summit, and displayed the flexible inte or theater performances, meetings, or banquets. She emphasized their desire to be sust }and reported on the Season Without Walls (SWOW) program. Council Member Rosansky joined the meeting at 4:24 p.m. Council Member Henn noted that the new Balboa Theater will be more efficient than old theater models. He stated that the City is attempting to identify fundamental parking solutions for Balboa Village, and that he wants to form a citizen advisory committee that will revise the Vision Plan for Balboa Village in a complimentary manner to the two anchors, the Nautical Museum and Balboa Theater. Volume 59 - Page 13 City of Newport Beach City Council Study Session November 12, 2008 In response to City Manager Bludau's question, Ms. Lonich indicated that after the Coastal Commission meeting, the belief that the Balboa Theater could happen increased so fundraising efforts moved forward rapidly. 3. REVIEW OF BUSINESS LICENSE PROCEDURE. Revenue Manager Everroad utilized a PowerPoint presentation to.smdicate that City staff is responsible for the collection of the business license tax, ew the Newport Beach Municipal Code, discuss business turnover, and display a b sines tax revenue graph. He reported that there are 32 business indicators that dete ne if someone is conducting business in the City, and discussed the noticing process d hr Fthe public can appeal a business license citation. , In response to Council questions, Business refunds are processed and that some busir business incorrectly with the State or the Ci out of 6,000 notices that were sent duri filed, five of those appeals went before a; hearing officer, and one went to court. He depending on the nature of the trust and its Council Member Curry comp& anted Revenue be customer - friendly, with a qu' _more 1 III. PUBLIC COMMENTS_ Edwin Cowan discussed a freeway traffic and requested that the City allow him to IV. ADJOURNMENT - 5: The agenda for t _, Stu City Hall Bullet. oai Building. City Clerk Inspector NavarA discussed how rec ve notices because filed their evee Manager Everroad orted that, 2,067 -2008 fiscal year, 450 appeals were officer, one appeal was dismissed by the that a family trust may receive a notice, ed that the process needs to process. his non - profit organization is working on is at the City's Yard. i was po°ted on November 5, 2008, at 1:55 p.m. on the outside;o the City of Newport Beach Administration Recording Secretary Mayor Volume 59 - Page 14 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Minutes Regular Meeting November 12, 2008 — 7:00 p.m. I. STUDY,SESSION - 4:00 p.m II. CLOSED. SESSION - 5:08 p.m <4 III. RECESS IV. RECO.NVENED.AT 7;00 P.M. FOR.REGULAR MEETING rr V. ROLL CALL Present: Council Member Henn, Council Member Rosansky, Mayor Pro Te Daigle, Mayor Selich, Council Member Webb, Council Meu.ber Curry, Council Member Gardner VI. CLOSED SESSION REPOR City Attorney Clauson reported tat th@ Closed Sessio'ii iiscussion is adjourned to November 20, 2008, at 9:00 a.m. P 4�'' VII. PLEDGE OF ALEfxIANCE - May? r Pao Tem Dai VIII. INVOCATIQ - RabbN Craig Lewi1hir Ha -Ma'a Lot Temple D:. PRE$ENTATI4N : f ��,� Pro to (ify Clerk xVtiag iYl. Harkless - Mayor Selich presented a proclamation to ,Clerk H' as ai banked her for her dedication and hard work. Council also thanked her 0' or her professi hsm, ssibihty, fairness and assistance. City Clerk Harkless thanked Council and staff ',the rec tion. X. %TICE TO THF. i1Ri.i('. XI. . CITY':OUNCIL_,NNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH COUNCIL MEMBERS WOUL IKE _PACED_ON_A FUTURE AGE_NDA._FOR._DISCUSSION ..ACTION QR Council Memb4W Gardner requested a report from the General Services Department regarding the number of hours used to collect campaign signs from the City right-of-ways- Council Member Curry reported that airport traffic at John Wayne Airport has declined. XII. .CONSENT CALENDAR A. READING OF AUNUTESIORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 1. MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR AND REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 28, 2008. [100 -2008] Waive reading of subject minutes, approve Volume 59 - Page 15 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 12, 2008 C. FRI as written and order filed. 2. READING OF ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. Waive reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions under consideration, and direct City Clerk to read by title only. O.R. DINANCE FOR INTR OD. UCTION 3. ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 5.50.0 MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING REQUIREMENTS OF OPERATORS. 2008 -18, and pass to second reading on Nppemb �i11 j1 RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION 5. RESOLUTION ELIMINA ESTABLISHED CITY OFFICIAL eliminating nine a of the Balboa Penii Field Operations( Memorial Commit Attorney Ad H Hoc Committee, CONTRACTS AND AG 6. COI _NA DEL a) District it poles fees 6) OF THE NEWPORT BEACH AGE ESTABLISHMENTS - 0081 Introduce Ordinance No. 25, 2008. 9'AND SUNSIkTTING NINE PREVIOUSLY sS IN ORDER TREDUCE THE LIST OF ES' [100 -2008) Al Pt. Resolution No. 2008 -93 tC�d Hoc Committee to li' mote the Revitalization 2) City - School Ad Hoc Cmittee, 3) Oil and Gas Neighborhood Traffic Calming Committee, 5) ill '-lerk Ad Hoc Recruitment Committee, 7) City 4mittee, 8) Santa Ana River Crossing (SARIi) Ad Coast,Advisory Committee. ISINES9T"PROVEMENT DISTRICT HOLIDAY L OF ENCROACHMENT PERMIT N2008 -0385. y approve the request of the Corona del Mar Business VI BID) for the installation of 32 holiday banners on November 12, 2008 to January 11, 2009 - installation [ighway from Avocado Avenue to Hazel Drive; and b) ,ith the banners and their installation. 7. ST O AN FRONT ALLEY WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT - 14 STR T TO MCFADDEN SQUARE -AWARD OF CONTRACT (C- 400 . [38/1 2008J a) Approve the project plans and specifications; b) award the ntract (C -4007) to John T. Malloy Inc: for the total bid price of $629,580 and authorize the Mayor and the Uity perk to execute the Contract, and c) estaollsh andmount of $62,958 (10 %) to cover the cost of unforeseen work. 8. 2V7-2008 CITYWIDE SLURRY SEAL PROGRAM - COMPLETION AND - CEPTANCE OF CONTRACT (C- 3960). [381100 -20081 a) Accept the °completed work; b) authorize the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion; c) authorize the City Clerk to release the Labor and Materials bond 35 days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded in accordance with applicable portions of the Civil Code; d) release the Faithful Performance Bond 1 year after Council acceptance;- and e) approve a budget amendment (09BA -022) recognizing contributions in the amount of $660 from Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church for improvements to its parking lot. 10. OASIS SENIOR CENTER CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT - APPROVAL OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT AMENDMENT NO. 1 WITH GKK WORKS (C- 4026). [381100 -2008] Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Volume 58 - Page 16 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 12, 2008 Professional Services Agreement with GKK Works of Irvine, to provide project and construction management services at a not to exceed price of $662,000, and authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the amendment. 11. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH ADT SECURITY SERVICES, INC. (ADT) FOR ON -CALL SECURITY AND FIRE MONITORING, MAINTENANCE AND INSTALLATION SERVICES (C- 4125). [381100 -20081 Approve the Professional Services Agreement with ADT Security Systems, Inc. for on -call security and fire monitoring, maintenance and installation services, and authorize the Ma ,0 and City Clerk to execute the agreement. E. MISCELLANEOUS = 13. HUMAN SERVICES GRANTS," FOR 20aV9. [100 -20081 Authorize the allocation of $25,000 in Human;Services Grants ali outlined in the staff report. 14. UPDATE ON PROPOSITlON ('JESSICA'S LAW') AND LOCAL SEX REGISTRANT ENFOI�CEMEAiT. [100 -20081 Recei &eand file. S18. PROFESSIONAL SERVIS AGREEMENT FOR THE PREPARATION OF A CONCEPTUAL DESIGN R AN FOR A CONFINED AQUATIC DISPOSAL SITE IN NE RT HARBOIN(,C- 4126). [381100 -20081 a) Authorize the City Manager and torney to wrfand approve a standard agreement with Anchor Environ tenEa jtou_investigati the disposal options for contaminated sediments in New port Ha and b) ;iAopt a budget amendment (09BA -023) taking $25,000 in it approp to &11 nera Fund reserves and assign these funds to..,,C-apital Improve'#pent.,;Project it %1- C4402001 (Newport Harbor Dredging Motion by IYIavor Pro _T,em Daigle?.ao approve the Consent Calendar, except for the items removed (4 9 and 12) The n*W MW k;. ted Ta the follows sell vote: , y yes: Council Me ber d n, Council Member Rosansky, Mayor Pro Tem Daigle, Mayor Selich, Council McAer Web-- ouncil Member Curry, Council Member Gardner XIII. MS REMOVED' ROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR 4. NTERIM FUNDING REIMBURSEMENT AUTHORIZATION FOR THE OASIS IOR CENTER AND SUNSET RIDGE PARK. [100 -20081 Admit stive Services Director Danner reported that the intent of the resolutions is to allow (Wuncil the opportunity to reimburse itself for any capital expenditures only if there is a debt issuance. In response to Council questions, Administrative Services Director Danner stated that the Finance Committee met with the bond counsel, financial consultants, and underwriters to discuss the debt issuance- He emphasized that there is no obligation to Council to do anything at this time. Council Member Curry added that the Finance Committee is discussing the funds needed for the OASIS project. He stated that they won't know the amount of the bonds until the bids are returned and then they will look at market conditions. He explained that the resolutions are to be used in case the interest rates are not up to par, adding that reserves can be used when the rates are tip and the bonds can be used for reimbursement. Volume 58 - Page 17 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 12, 2008 Council Member Rosansky suggested that funding for OASIS be discussed further. Dick Nichols expressed concern about the amount of the expenditure. Motion _ by.Mayor -Pro Tem. Daigle to adopt Resolution Nos. 2008 -91 and 2008 -92 that would allow the City the option to reimburse itself for project costs incurred prior to possible future debt issuances for the OASIS Senior Center project and the development of Sunset Ridge Park - The motion carried by the following roll call vote: a Ayes: Council Member Henn, Council Membe ansky, Mayor Pro Tem Daigle, Mayor Selich, Council Member Webb, Councils em Curry, Council Member Gardner 9. MACARTHUR BOULEVARD MEDI�1i TREES -A RD OF CONTRACT (C- 4054). [38/100 -2008] _ fi' Dick Nichols expressed concern `about trees in this area ob cting motorist's views. Public Works Director Badum siat,cd that the project includes 12 = quid amber trees and noted that there are no view impact56?_ W� Motion- b� Council Me her Curry to a} approve the project plans and specifications; b) award the contract (C_;�' to Jeff Traci' lqc- dba Land Forms Landscape Construction for the total bid price of $57;6 and authori the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the contract; and c) establish an ame at of $10 (17 %) to cover the cost of unforeseen work. The motion carried by the foliwftg roll call voter A es ouncil IFi Y.� Member Henn, Guncil Member Rosansky, Mayor Pro Tem Daigle, Mayor wwich, Council Member IA( bb, Council Member Curry, Council Member Gardner R 12. SION OF COU --X.Q— PgWCY F -2 - RESERVESIDESIGNATIONS OF FUND tt E. [ "j,.D.p- 2008], Council tuber Tenn announced that he is very pleased with the way the reserve investme.ntd°hre struct, red and that it is essential that the City stay in compliance with its policies. n response to Council Member Henn's question, Administrative e rvices Director Danner ed t ha t :)here were many discussions about the proper level of reserves and there will be ansr of $5.9 million from the Appropriation General Fund to assure that all intern serves are fully funded in accordance with the new policy. He stated that in the past, t City did not have internal funds and everything was funded from the General Fund which would cause spikes during large purchases and lawsuits. Council Member Henn recommended that Policy 3B be amended so that transfer amounts in excess of $500,000 would require notice to the Council at the first meeting following such transfer. He requested that Policy 4B include similar language. He stated that amounts so transferred are material and wanted Council to be aware of why the funds were transferred- Motion by Council Member. Henn to approve Council Policy F -2 - Reserve/Designations of Fund Balance, as amended. Volume 58 - Page 18 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 12, 2008 The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Council Member Henn, Council Member Rosansky, Mayor Pro Tern Daigle, Mayor Selich, Council Member Webb, Council Member Curry, Council Member Gardner XIV. ORAL REPORTS FROM CITY, COUNCIL ON COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES. Council Member Gardner stated that the Green Task Force created a subcommittee which will work on an ordinance with Building Director Elbettar and they will be implementing a television program on green practices. - Council Member Henn reported that the City continues t{nake progress on group homes issues and thanked staff for addressing the issues vigorously = irrsst he noted that the City won another victory in court in the Pack Shores Litigation where the co t ruled in favor of the City to allow Ordinance No. 2008 -005 to stay in effect, active, and enforceab Second, he stated that in a major development that will benefit residents, Narcanon the largest gle group home facility in the City and the City reached an agreement to close their facility in Iary 2010- Third, he noted that the Sober Living by the Sea agreement will go to the Planning C mission on November 20. Residents have been notified and he encouraged. citizens to come to the ° ting. Lastly, he stated that group homes use permit hearings w$1 start December 4 and continue fro 19 January. Mayor Selich reported that the,.' General Plan Implementation Committee meeting is progressing. Assistant City Manager Wood st�tgdthat provisions_will be brought back to Council in Spring. XV. PUBLIC HEARING �F 15. SALE OF BONDS FOR A$SESSMENT-DISTRICT NO. 99 -2. [891100 -2008] Finance O`flic6l iMatusiewicz iiise6ssed the purpose of the assessment district, stated that the funding was approved, Md gave the history of the bonds. He stated that 49% of resid nts paid,; the entire assessment in cash and asked Council to finance the remamil thr�}gugh the sale of bo�r',ds. The tentative date for bond closing is December 4. ns - Curry's question, Finance Officer Matusiewicz stated that the 3 penyto contest the assessment district has passed. Motion b'. ouncif, em her— Webb to adopt Resolution No. 2008 -94, authorizing: a) the sale of 191 Ass e`ssment bonds not to exceed $1,978,488 for Assessment District No. 99.2; b) the xecution and delivery of one or more Indentures in substantially the form presented; c)the execution and delivery of one or more Official Statements and continuing Q - closure A �reements in substantially the form presented; d) the execution and delivery of a or m6re Bond Purchase Contracts in substantially the form presented; e) staff to take . rcessary steps to provide for the sale and issuance of the bonds; and f) approve a budgetjendment (09BA -021) for $12,448.05 for funding and assessment on the 15th Street estrooms, included in Assessment District No. 99 -2. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Council Member ,Henn, Council Member Rosansky, Mayor Pro Tem Daigle, Mayor Selich, Council Member Webb, Council Member Curry, Council Member Gardner XVI. PUBLIC_COMMENTS Dick Nichols expressed concern about group homes in Lido Marina Village. He also expressed concern about public access, views, and non - conforming uses at the Port Theater. Assistant City Manager Wood stated that the Coastal Land Use Plan Amendment was approved, but Volume 58 - Page 19 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 12, 2008 needed changes in order to be consistent with the General Plan. She stated that the Theater is currently working with staff and the Coastal Commission to resolve issues. Planning Director Lepo stated that the Port Theater was renovated under the landmark buildings ordinance. He stated that the steel on the roof was for a closure and the building complies with code. In response to Council Member Gardner's question, Planning Director Lepo stated that the Port Theatre does not have a liquor license. XVII. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA AND ORAL STATUS jZEPOR.T 16. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA FOR NOVEMBER 6, 2008. [100 -20081 Planning Department Director Lepo i Newport Beach Expansion (PA2005 -2 Amendment (PA2008 -182). XVIII. CONTINUED BUSINESS 17., CITY HALL DESIGN S19. RESOLUTION 2008-95 RELA'. ROLE DURING THE DESIGN PARK.PROJECT. [100-20081 Without objection, Mayo. stated that the City Count Committee be renamed toll term to: Dec tuber 31,2009, serve o bcommittee, they rmmedfed that a i the following items: Hyatt Regency Jamboree Road; and General Plan FINAL REP MT. [731100 -20081 THE CITY HALL DEu`IGN COMMITTEE'S ,PMENT PHASE OF THE CITY HALL AND suggested that Item S19 be discussed with Item 17. He uildmg Committee recommended that the Design the f that a park is involved in the design, extend the n�awfe two m�ip�}aers of the City Hall Design Committee to mold at least two public meetings. He stated that ;ion be adopted to amend Resolution No. 2008 -14 and e two members for the City Hall Design Committee be contiiio th`� November 25 Jeting. t f Hall �sign '.. ' air Tucker stated the City Hall Design Committee recd nde. hlin Cywins ackson (BCJ) as its top choice to design the new City Hall and he ilized" :,PowerPoint presentation that included the efforts to date, the committee , initia asks, rankings, recommendation, key reasons for their choice, refinement o the pl _- and additional recommendations. to Council Member Gardner's question, City Hall Design Committee stated that he believed that BCJ missed many of the points in the RFQ, but Tone of the designs were perfect. He emphasized that the BCJ plan was not the required the least amount of change to meet the RFQ requirements. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Daigle's question, Chairman Tucker stated that the major challenges are the.physical nature of the site, the view plane, and parking. In response to Council Member Henn's question, Chairman Tucker stated that the architects were not interviewed during the selection process and the RFQ allowed for third party recommendations. He noted that the architects were not allowed to contact the Committee and was told to refer any questions to the City Manager's Office. Assistant City Manager Kiff stated that the reference checks were done and all five firms met the threshold. Committee Member Taylor stated that BCJ had an outstanding track record and is a Volume 58 -Page 20 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 12, 2008 previous recipient of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) National Award. Committee Member Richardson stated that the BCJ exhibited willingness to work with the City and Council, and the Committee voted 3 to 2 in favor of their criteria and design parameters. In response to Council Member Gardner's question, Committee Member Richardson stated that changes can be made to the design, including combining the modulars, mitigating the glare by changing the access to the northerly direction, nd modifying the sail to mitigate issues with respect to the view plane- Chairmarucker added that the Design Committee followed the general design parameters`And stated that there might be some concerns about the design elements that went int0.i'rthe view plane. In response to Council Member Henn's thing to do is to have experts represent reliability- He noted that the featured economically built. He also notedo6at them, but the architects were povided H set a budget and provide it to trim ofl set a budgetary goal and will wo it stated that all the architect presen :t should be established, then the archi In response to Council$ that BCJ did not incluc that minutes for the City stcon, MI 'rman Tucker stated that the best .ng the City -yide information about the cost Lt was importanr the BCJ plan is that it is Committee did nqt have experts available to tih parameters. He bWgved that the City should architect. Mayor Selicli``�tated that the City has the selected architect. lbouncil Member Webb ms should not be considered as bids, a budget ,kgts should comply. Assistant City Manager Koff stated t presented to the City and noted available online. Debra A,JIen'- expressed conr about the public view and described the view plane agreement and° City ordinan She emphasized that it is unfair for the City to build a 0. buildkg that yrould pierce th view plane and stated that the land easement was not recorded:;buttlre are minutes support her findings. �➢' 1 .Wolt th asked ' "Cbt o observe the view impact, mitigate parking and noise, stay c 'stentdi ith the ordina ce, mitigate lighting, and not permit anything that sticks out of th lding L,. Karen Trin li thankA'f the City Hall Design Committee and expressed concern about the phasing of t project. ebbie Stevens suggested that Council respect the view plane ordinance, mitigate light a?:, larepacts, retain the berm along MacArthur, and lower the sail. She also stated that e rk is. integral and should not be phased. She suggested that Council look at the Jo son -Fain plan more seriously and that the landscape architect be. designated to the su0 committee of the City Hall and Park Design Committee. Dick Nichols stated that in the past, the City has protected public and not private views and many of the private views have been lost due to trees. Jim Warren stated that dirt removal will be very costly and believed that the Johnson Fain plan required less dirt removal. Hugh Logan expressed concern about the cost of the project and the impact on views. He suggested that the building and landscape be executed together and stated that he favored the Johnson -Fain plan. Volume 58 - Page 21 City of Newport. Beach City Council Minutes November 12, 2008 Jim Vandersloot commended the City Hall Design Committee for their hard work and stated that, he liked the BCJ plan but, believed that the Johnson -Fain plan gave a sense of City Hall in the park. He suggested that Bill Ficker be involved with the plan. Barry Allen favored SWA for landscaping and Johnson -Fain for designing. He stated that concentration should be placed on the park, the park should not, be phased, the City should keep the berm, and the southern most meadow area should be retained. Nancy Skinner expressed concern about the sail but;she supported the BCJ plan. She suggested that. Council look at a better green building'"or energy and water conservation. Mayor Selich thanked the committee and stated that the City Hall and Park Design Committee will continue working on the prof. Motion by_ Council Member Webb tcT a) receive and° =ile; b) adopt Resolution 2008 -95 amending Resolution 2008 -14 relating�o the City Hall De Commttee; and 0 continue the designation of two City Ha11;I) sign C mmittee membe be members of the City Hall and Park Design Committee's Subcommit.t.ee on emat.ic Design/Design Development. The motion carried by Ayes: Council Member Selich, Council N XXI. ADJOURNMENT U09. 38 p.m The agenda lof the M Bulletin Boa"P'A jocat supplemental agftda City Clerk following rolllcall vote: it MemF Rosansky, Mayor Pro Tern Daigle, Mayor Council IVI6mber Curry, Council Member Gardner !.ar Meeting way posted on November 5, 2008, at. 1:55 p.m. on the City Hall outside of the City of Newport Beach Administration Building. The 3t he;Regular Mel ing was posted on November 7, 2008, at 2:15 p.m. on the locai.6&o is dew the City of Newport. Beach Administration Building. Recording Secretary Mayor Volume 58 - Page 22