HomeMy WebLinkAbout17 - City Hall and Park Design IssuesCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. 17 November 25, 2008 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Ed Selich, Mayor as Chairman of the Building Ad Hoc Committee Dave Kiff, Assistant City Manager dkiff (cDcitv.newport- beach.ca.us or 949 -644 -3002 SUBJECT: City Hall & Park Design Issues: Final Report of the Design Committee, Appointments to Subcommittee on Schematic Design /Design Development, Changes to the Membership of the Building Ad Hoc Committee, and Designation of a Primary and Alternate Architectural Finn for the City Hall and Park Project ISSUE: How should the City Council move forward into the Design Development phase for the City Hall and Park project? RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: 1. Accept the Final Report of the City Hall and Park Design Committee; 2. Adopt Resolution 2008-_ modifying the membership of the City Hall and Park Design Committee's Subcommittee on Schematic Design /Design Development; 3. Approve the Building Ad Hoc Committee's recommendation to appoint Rush Hill, Stephen Sandland, and Andy Bowden as members of the City Hall and Park Design Committee's Subcommittee on Schematic Design /Design Development; 4. Adopt Resolution 2008 -_ modifying the membership and duties of the Building Ad Hoc Committee; and 5. Approve the Building Ad Hoc Committee's recommendation to direct staff to negotiate with and prepare a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) for City Hall and Park design development with the fine of (Primary) and, in the event that negotiations with the Primary are not successful, (Alternate) with a PSA to be brought back at the City Council's January 13, 2009 meeting. DISCUSSION: Following the approval of Measure B on February 5, 2008, the City Council embarked upon a design competition to design a new City Hall and Park on the parcels immediately adjacent to the Newport Beach Central Library on Avocado Avenue and between Avocado and MacArthur Boulevard. City Hall and Park Design issues November 25, 2008 Page 2 The design competition is complete, and the City's next step would be to move forward with a contract with an architectural firm to design the City Hall and Park. The City Hall and Park Design Committee recommended the selection of Bohlin Cywinski Jackson as the architect and BCJ's plan for the City Hall and Park, with several noteworthy modifications (see Attachment A for the Committee's Final Report). However, Council is free to select any firm it chooses. The Council's selection tonight does not formally bind the Council to a contract with any firm — the recommended action here is to direct City staff to sit down with the selected firm and prepare a PSA for consideration by the Council at the January 13, 2009 Council meeting. The recommended action allows the staff to negotiate with an alternative firm (as designated by the Council) in the event that talks with the Primary firm are not productive. In addition to that action, this agenda item allows the Council to ratify the Building Ad Hoc Committee's recommendation by selecting three members of the City Hall and Park Design Committee to serve with three City Council members on the Building Committee, which is a committee that now consists of three Council members who oversee the City Hall and Park project as well as the OASIS Senior Center project. The Building Ad Hoc Committee's membership needs to be changed to reflect the new Subcommittee's attendance. When the Subcommittee meets with the Building Committee, meetings will be subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act. Therefore, this item includes a new resolution which would make those changes to the Building Committee. For More Information. For more information about the City Hall and Park project, as well as the design competition and the Design Committee, please see the City's website (www.city.newport- beach.ca.us) and click on the "City Hall and Park Master Plan" icon. Interested readers should also use the website to subscribe to the City's "E- Select Alert" system to stay abreast of the City Hall and Park Project. Submitted by, DAVE KIFF Assistant City Manager Exhibits: A — Final Report of the City Hall and Park Design Committee B — Resolution 2008 -_ Changing the Membership of the City Hall and Park Design Committee C — Resolution 2008 -_ Changing the Membership and Duties of the Building Ad Hoc Committee City Nall and Park Design Issues November25, 2008 Page 3 Exhibit A FINAL REPORT CITY HALL & PARK DESIGN COMMITTEE 1— COMMITTEE FORMATION, PURPOSE, and DUTIES In February 2008, the City Council established the 6- member City Hall & Park Design Committee ( "Design Committee "). The purpose and duties of the Design Committee are to: Part 1: To oversee and conduct a design competition for the city hall and park master plan project, including: A. Issue a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to world class architects interested in participating in a design competition for the City Hall and Park Master Plan project; B. In consultation with the Ad Hoc Building Committee, develop recommendations for a detailed set of General Design Parameters to be used by the participating architects; C. Review the qualifications of architects who respond to the RFQ; D. Recommend to the City Council three to four architects to participate in the design competition; E. Review design concepts submitted by the selected architects, and hold public meetings to receive public input on the design concepts; and F. Recommend an architect and design concept to the City Council. Part 2: To assist the City Council as the Council and staff work with the selected design team through the Schematic Design/Design Development phase by: a. Naming three (3) existing Committee members to a Schematic Design/Design Development Subcommittee. These three members shall serve as ex officio members of the Building Committee. They shall attend Building Committee meetings as necessary and shall offer the Subcommittee's perspective on any design and construction issues; and b. Holding at least two (2) noticed and public Committee meetings during the Schematic Design /Design Development phase whereby the Committee will offer Committee members' thoughts about changes to the design during this phase, as well as accept and respond to public comments about the phase. See Resolution 2008 -14 and Resolution 2008 -95 (Attachment A) for more details about the Design Committee's duties, purpose, term, and membership. The members of the Design Committee are: • Larry Tucker (Chair and ex officio); • Andy Bowden, Licensed Landscape Architect; • Rush Hill, Licensed Architect; • Walt Richardson, Licensed Architect; • Steve Sandland; Licensed Architect; and • Linda Taylor, Licensed Architect. City Hall and Park Design Issues November 25, 2008 Page 4 The Design Committee has also provided technical support for the City Council Ad Hoc Building Committee (formed on March 11, 2008 by Resolution 2008 -16 and referred to as the "Building Committee "). Mayor Ed Selich and Councilmembers Steve Rosansky and Mike Henn comprise the Building Committee. In consultation with the Building Committee, the Design Committee accomplished the following tasks in addition to Items A -E above: 1. Received questions and proposed answers in regards to the terms of the RFQ. 2. Suggested edits to the General Design Parameters (see Attachment B), the document that sets forth the design constraints applicable to the City Hall and Park site. 3. Prepared a Judging Procedure and Criteria (see Attachments C and D) by which to judge the responses to the RFQ and the design competition itself; 4. Used the Judging Procedure and Criteria to review more than 50 responses to the RFQ, eventually narrowing the submittals down to thirteen (13). Prior to final selection of the top five firms for the design competition, staff contacted client references for the thirteen firms on the short list and made the comments available to the Design Committee. Five (5) firms were then selected, formally recommended to and accepted by the City Council. The five finalist firms are: • Bohlin Cywinski Jackson • Gonzalez Goodale • Johnson Fain • LPA, Inc. • Rossetti 5. Accepted questions raised by the five design finalists and proposed answers prior to the submission of their designs (see Attachment E), 6. Conducted an all day public hearing on Saturday, September 27, 2008 where each of the five finalist firms made a 45 minute presentation of their concept plans followed by a 45 minute question and answer session. 7. Held three public hearings to obtain public input regarding the five finalist firm concept plans. 8. Prepared this Report to the City Council, which includes a ranking of the designs, an explanation of the Committee's reasons for the design given the highest ranking, and Recommendations for Further Consideration by the City Council. Importantly, the RFQ and the subsequent Professional Services Agreements executed with each of the five firms provide that the designs submitted are the property of the City upon submittal. These documents, in part, read as follows: From the RFQ: The City reserves the right to divide the Project into multiple parts, to reject any and all proposals and re- solicit for new proposals, or reject any and all proposals and temporarily or permanently abandon the Project. City makes no representations, written or oral, that it will enter into any form of agreement with any respondent to the RFQ for any project and no such representation is intended or should be construed by the issuance of this RFQ. City Hall and Park Design Issues November 25, 2008 Page 5 Ownership of Submitted Design Documents: All design documents, DVDs, and accompanying materials submitted to the city by the firms through this RFQ process shall become the property of the City of Newport Beach upon their submission. From the PSA 17. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS Each and every report, draft, map, record, plan, document and other writing produced (hereinafter "Documents'), prepared or caused to be prepared by Consultant, its officers, employees, agents and subcontractors, in the course of implementing this Agreement, shall become the exclusive property of City, and City shall have the sole right to use such materials in its discretion without further compensation to Consultant or any other party. Consultant shall, at Consultant's expense, provide such Documents to City upon prior written request. .. At the Design Committee's direction, city staff placed extensive information, including agendas, minutes, the General Design Parameters, Judging Procedure, Q & A's, and various technical reports for the City Hall and Park site on the City's website (www. city. newport- beach.ca.usl. The website became a primary method of communicating information to the design firms and to the public. The Design Committee has met on 12 occasions to date: April 7, April 21, May 5, May 19, June 2, June 16, July 28, September 27, September 29, October 13, October 27, 2008 and November 10, 2008. The meetings lasted two to three hours, except the meeting of September 27, which lasted nine hours. Each meeting was open to the public, and the agenda for each meeting was published on the City's website. Each meeting provided at least one period for public comment, but most meetings provided multiple opportunities for audience input. On Saturday, September 27th, the Design Committee held an all -day meeting during which each of the final design teams presented their concept plans to the Design Committee. Notice of the meeting of September 27 was announced by the Mayor at the City Council's meetings on September 9t' and September 23d. The all -day meeting was also advertised three times in the Daily Pilot and was the subject of a front page Daily Pilot article on September 24, 2008. Detailed minutes of the meetings have been published and are available for public review. The "boards" that show the five concept plans presented on September 27`" have been on display since the end of September at the Central Library, the Mariner's Branch Library, the Balboa Peninsula Branch Library, the OASIS Senior Center, the Newport Coast Community Center and City Hall. Several members of the public provided comments on special comment cards —these comments were reviewed by the Design Committee and are attached (Attachment F). In addition, commencing October 5, 2008, the presentations part of the Committee meeting of September 27 has been shown several times on the City's "NBTV" community programming channels (Channels 3130). II — RECOMMENDATIONS The Design Committee has ranked the architects and design concepts, but also has a series of other recommendations for consideration by the City Council. City Hall and Park Design Issues November 25, 2008 Page 6 A. — RANKING OF DESIGNS The primary purpose of the Design Committee, as noted in Resolution 2008 -14 (F), is to make a recommendation to the City Council as to the architect and design concept which the Design Committee believes that the Council should select. However, because the five designs were all well thought out, and were so varied in approach, the Design Committee concluded that it would rank the designs in order of preference and provide a commentary as to why the Committee ranked the first choice design as it did, so the City Council has the benefit of the Design Committee's thinking. Pursuant to the Judging Criteria, the Design Committee members considered four criteria in reaching their individual rankings: (i) Functionality of Design; (ii) Creativity and Timelessness of Design, (iii) Practicality, Efficiency and Constructability; and (iv) 5ustainability. The Design Committee decided that each member would award 5 points for his /her top choice, 4 for his/her second choice, and so on. The Committee's point tally was as follows: Note from the above tally chart that Bohlin Cywinski Jackson (BCJ) received three top scores, while tying LPA in total points. Gonzalez Goodale and Johnson -Fain also received one top score each. Based upon the fact that a majority of the Committee ranked BCJ as its top choice, the Committee on a split vote of 3 -2, determined that it would recommend BCJ's design to the City Council as the top design. The Committee articulated the following major reasons for its decision: • The aesthetics of the structures — one Committee member said, "the design captures an iconic image for the City of Newport Beach and tries to capture the spirit of the city with the wave design of the clerestory windows and a sail design for the Council Chambers." Another said, "(BCJ's is) the most exciting design concept." • The parking structure is separate from the City Hall facility, located along the berm of MacArthur Boulevard, and will be less expensive to build than an entirely or mostly underground parking facility; • The design minimizes grading and dirt export, minimizing cost; • The design creates an airy working environment for the City staff, providing extensive glass and clerestory windows allowing significant natural light and direct sun flow into the work environment. • The design creates a people - friendly courtyard between the parking structure and City Hall; • The roof structures cover a large amount of space, allowing the buildings underneath flexibility within the office pods that comprise the City Hall building; City Nall and Park Design Issues November 25, 2008 Page 7 • BCJ was able to capitalize on inexpensive technologies for the roof /structural system. The curved steel should not be considered exotic or expensive, and most materials are 'everyday items' using very common construction technology; • There is good vehicular access from the library parking lot to the parking structure; • The design demonstrated use of sustainable design features in the building structure and systems which should result in reduced operating costs; • The landscape along Avocado Avenue is a continuation of the library landscape scheme and ties the sites together; and • The Park plan proposes to maintain as is, those areas that would require State and/or Federal permits were they to be modified. The Park design leaves most of the topography of the Park unchanged so that it is primarily a "natural park." The Design Committee noted during and after the presentations that each of the five plans could benefit from certain refinements /redesigns to the initial design. The same is true of the BCJ plan. Accordingly, the Committee suggests that the City work with BCJ to redesign the following parts of the BCJ Concept Plan, and such other additional elements as the City deems appropriate: • Consider changing the "Pod" modular sections. The modular sections should be changed to improve circulation and to promote the "tine Stop Shop" concept; the floor plan needs redesign since a one -stop shop on two floors and in more than one pod will not be efficient. But the fact that the design team can do any configuration of buildings under one canopy is beneficial. • Review the Sail Design Feature. Consider the modification of the sail feature to reduce the incursion into the view plane. • Add Surface Parking. The Entry plaza should be redesigned to allow for some surface parking. • Improve the Aesthetics of the Parking Structure. The proposed parking structure could benefit from a redesign so it will look less like a parking structure. • Reduce Amphitheatre and Add Parking. Consider reducing the size of the amphitheatre to create more open space. The design should add more parking to the north, for the park. • Integrate City Hall and the Park better. The park's integration with City Hall needs work. There is a conflict between vehicles and pedestrians which needs to be addressed. • Refine Council Chambers, Community Room and Parking. The Community Room needs an outdoor function area or should be combined with the Council Chambers. The Council Chambers should be able to be expanded. The Council Chambers is out front, close to Avocado, but all of the parking is behind the City Hall building. • Reduce Light and Glare. Consider using louver or other systems to address light and glare from the clerestory windows. The building should. be reoriented slightly so that the clerestory windows are not as prominent from above the site. BCJ's design has the highest potential for glare from the east, so mitigation needs to take place. The exposure of the west side of the building to direct sunlight should also be addressed. • Improve the Link to the Library. The eating area between the City Hall and Library could be improved to be "a nice place to go for visitors, staff, and Library patrons. This would make the Master Plan a true Civic Center that's alive and vibrant." The connection between the Library and the parking structure was never fully explained. City Hall and Park Design issues November 25, 2008 Page 8 The point differential between the first place team and the fourth place team was narrow. If the City Council were to prefer another one of the design teams and its concept plan over BCJ and its plan, the Design Committee would be pleased to provide the City Council suggested amendments to that alternate plan if the City Council desires that the Design Committee do so. B — RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION Unlike a design competition that would ask competitors to use a flat site with circulation improvements and utilities already brought to the site, the teams in this competition had to work with a site with considerable dirt export and significant constraints as set forth in the General Design Parameters. Adding to the complexity, the design includes a park element, a City Hall element, and a significant amount of parking, all of which were to be integrated to the extent feasible with the existing Central Library. Some of the designs were stronger on the park and site design elements than others. Some were stronger on building designs or the parking solutions. So while the Committee did not have the authority to "mix and match" concepts, but only to rank the designs, the Committee does have several recommendations that the City Council may want to consider as it seeks to come up with the best possible project for the City. In other words, if the City Council were to concur with the ranking recommended by the Committee, the Council may nonetheless conclude that the highest ranked design of the Committee could be improved by incorporating concepts from other plans in the final project. Several members of the Design Committee provided written comments to the designs presented and those comments are attached in Attachment G for the City Council's edification. The Committee's Recommendations for Further Consideration are intended to provide general observations that the Council may want to consider as it implements a design. The Committee's Recommendations are as follows: 1. Design Elements. The Design Committee spent most of its meetings on September 29 and October 13, 2008 discussing the five concept plans and summarizing what the Design Committee thought were important design elements which would be desirable in any plan. The Design Committee believes that, while each concept plan and design team may not have each design element addressed at this time, the City Council may want to consider working with the selected Design Team to implement the following design elements in the Final Design (in no particular order): • Maintain the berm along MacArthur Boulevard; • Provide appropriate and effective mitigation of light and glare on the site, so that neighboring residences are not adversely affected by light and glare; • Separate pedestrian and vehicular access ways and primary circulation elements; • Provide a floor plan that will easily accommodate future modifications to internal department sizes and layouts, i.e. provide for maximum flexibility; • Be logistically feasible, understanding how the duration of construction will affect the surrounding commercial, retail and residential area; • Integrate the Library so as to develop a true "civic center"; • Provide for restrooms for visitors to the park; • Provide for easy parking for visitors to the park; City Hall and Park Design Issues November 25, 2008 Page 9 • Show strong visual and physical connectivity between the North Park Parcel to the Central Park Parcel (such as textured paving to cross San Miguel); • Consider a "cafd" , small coffee shop or coffee /snack cart or kiosk for visitors /employees in the City Hall building; • Have a vehicular connection from City Hall parking to the Library's existing parking lot; • Contain the Council Chambers and the mufti- purpose community room in a single building or wing separate from the remainder of the City offices to allow for easy after - hour and weekend access to the Council Chambers and multi - purpose room. A direct link between the City offices and Council Chambers for staff and elected and appointed officials would also be recommended; • To the extent possible, design the Council Chambers and Community Room to be able to act together as a single large community space, and also provide for the possibility of useable contiguous outdoor space for community events; • Provide access to natural light from all staff workstations; • Provide continuity of landscape treatment from the Library olives along Avocado; and • Provide screening or other appropriate accommodation for roof - mounted antennas and dishes as required for City operations. • If feasible, consider retaining the high point of the southernmost meadow area to maintain the oceanward view. 2. Design Team's Flexibility. The Design Committee believes the selected design may have significant changes as the schematic design phase of the project plans proceeds. Therefore, the Design Team selected should have a demonstrable track record of good working relationships with clients, and meeting their wishes even if those wishes are not entirely consistent with the Design Team's vision. 3. Staff Input. The City Council should review and consider the merits of the Report of the City Staff on the constructability of each Plan presented and the opinions of staff as to the functionality of each Plan (the perceived efficiency of staff work -flow, comfort and ambience, and maintenance risks associated with the operation of the facility contemplated in each plan). This Report is included as Attachment H. 4. 3t° Party Cost Estimate. The City Council should undertake an independent investigation of the cost information submitted by each of the designs deemed a feasible alternative design by the Council. For budget information submitted by design teams see Attachment I. 5. Phasing. The Final Design should depict a timeless building. However, if budget constraints would impact the ability of the City to construct the Council's preferred design, the City could consider phasing the project to construct the building in Phase I and the park in Phase II. This could be accomplished by cleaning up the existing vegetation by removing non - native species, filling in those and other barren areas with native species, irrigating only as necessary to allow the newly planted materials to survive and then allow the remainder of the park to remain natural. The park element could remain that way, or the design features of the selected park design could be implemented later as money to make those improvements becomes available. City Hall and Park Design Issues November 25, 2008 Page 10 III — IN CONCLUSION This report concludes the Design Committee's scope of work as outlined in Resolution 2008 -14. As it concludes its work, the Design Committee wishes to state its sincere thanks to the many firms that submitted thorough responses to the RFQ and especially to the five design teams chosen for the competition. The effort and creativity that went into each of the five Concept Plans from the design teams was impressive. It was clear to the Design Committee that each team took to its task very diligently, getting to know the community, the site, the facility needs, and the project parameters. Each design had elements that were inspired and creative — reflecting the high caliber of the competing firms. At its meeting on November 10, 2008, the Design Committee approved this Report on a unanimous vote. Lastly, the Design Committee would also like to thank the City Staff and especially Assistant City Manager, Dave Kiff for doing an outstanding job as the staff liaison for the Design Committee. Much of the RFQ, General Design Parameters, answers to questions and this Report were authored in whole or in part, or edited by Dave. His work was timely, professional and much appreciated. Attachments: A — Resolution 2008 -14 and Resolution 2008 -95. B — General Design Parameters, as Amended C — Judging Criteria — RFQ D — Judging Criteria — Concept Plans E — Q & A for Phase II — The Five Concept Plans F — Responses from Public Comment Cards G — Comments from Committee Members H — City Staffs Functionality Report I — City Hall Cost Summaries City Nall and Park Design Issues November 25, 2008 Page 11 Exhibit B RESOLUTION NO. 2008- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 2008 -14 AND RESOLUTION 2008 -95 WHICH ESTABLISHED THE CITY HALL AND PARK DESIGN COMMITTEE WHEREAS, on February 5, 2008, the voters of Newport Beach approved Measure B, which provides that a new city hall shall be located on City owned property north of the Central Library; and WHEREAS, the City Council, seeking to follow the will of the voters and develop a new city hall on said property, adopted Resolution 2008 -14 relating to a City Hall Design Committee; and WHEREAS, the Design Committee conducted a nationwide design competition for a City Hall and park, narrowing 51 submittals to a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) down to thirteen, then selecting five of the thirteen to receive a stipend to submit a Concept Plan for the City Hall, park, and parking structure; and WHEREAS, in November 2008, the Committee forwarded its recommendations to the City Council, an act that completed the Committee's formal scope of work as outlined in Resolution 2008 -14; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to keep the Committee involved in the next steps of the design process (called "Design Development'), and seeks to amend Resolution 2008 -14 accordingly; now, therefore be it RESOLVED by the Newport Beach City Council as follows: Section 1. The City Council amends Resolution 2008 -14 and 2008 -95 as follows: Section 2. The primary duties of the Committee shall be: ... (2) to assist the City Council as the Council and staff work with the selected design team through the Schematic Design /Design Development phase by: a. Naming two- (2)three 3 existing Committee members to a Schematic Design /Design Development Subcommittee. These twG -three members shall serve as ex officio members of the Building Committee. They shall attend Building Committee meetings as necessary and shall offer the Subcommittee's perspective on any design and construction issues; and City Hall and Park Design Issues November 25, 2008 Page 12 b. Holding at least two (2) noticed and public Committee meetings during the Schematic Design /Design Development phase whereby the Committee will offer Committee members' thoughts about changes to the design during this phase, as well as accept and respond to public comments about the phase. This Resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach held on November 25, 2008, by the following vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCIL MEMBERS NOES, COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT, COUNCIL MEMBERS MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK City Hall and Park Design Issues November 25, 2008 Page 13 Exhibit C RESOLUTION NO.2008- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CHANGING THE MEMBERSHIP AND DUTIES OF THE BUILDING AD HOC COMMITTEE WHEREAS, the Newport Beach City Council established the Building Ad Hoc Committee on June 24, 2003 by Resolution No. 2003 -30 to help guide the construction of a new City Hall; and WHEREAS, the City Council extended the term of the Building Ad Hoc Committee on February 8, 2005 by Resolution No. 2005 -9; and WHEREAS, on February 5, 2008, the voters of Newport Beach approved Measure B, which provides that a new city hall shall be located on City owned property north of the Central Library; and WHEREAS, the City Council, seeking to follow the will of the voters and develop a new city hall on said property, adopted Resolution 2008 -14 relating to a City. Hall Design Committee; and WHEREAS, the City Council disbanded and re- formed the Building Ad Hoc Committee on March 11, 2008 by Resolution No. 2008 -16, adding oversight of the OASIS Senior Center project to the Building Ad Hoc Committee's duties; and WHEREAS, the Design Committee conducted a nationwide design competition for a City Hall and park, narrowing 51 submittals to a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) down to thirteen, then selecting five of the thirteen to receive a stipend to submit a Concept Plan for the City Hall, park, and parking structure; and WHEREAS, in November 2008, the Committee forwarded its recommendations to the City Council, an act that completed the Committee's formal scope of work as outlined in Resolution 2008 -14; and WHEREAS, the City Council desired to keep the Committee involved in the next steps of the design process (called "Design Development "), and amended Resolution 2008 -14 accordingly via Resolution 2008 -95; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires now to add three members of the Design Committee to the Building Committee; now, therefore be it RESOLVED by the Newport Beach City Council as follows: City Hall and Park Design Issues November 25, 2008 Page 14 Section 1. The City Council amends Resolution 2008 -16 as follows: Section 2. The membership of the Committee shall consist of: • Three members of the City Council, appointed by the Mayor; and • Three members of the City Hall and Park Design Subcommittee as appointed by the Mayor. The three members of the Subcommittee shall attend Building Ad chairman. During meetings when the Building Ad Hoc Committee meets with the members of the City Hall and Park Design Subcommittee these meetings shall be held in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act. This Resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach held on November 25, 2008, by the following vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCIL MEMBERS NOES, COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT, COUNCIL MEMBERS MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK City Hall and Park Design Issues November 25, 2008 Page 15 BUILDING AD HOC COMMITTEE AUTHORIZATION: Established by Resolution No. 2003 -30, adopted on June 24, 2003. Term extended by adoption of Resolution No. 2005 -9, adopted on February 8, 2005. Original committee disbanded and re- formed by adoption of Resolution No. 2008 -16 on March 11, 2008._ Amended by Resolution No 2008- on November 25, 2008 MEMBERSHIP: The Committee shall be comprised solely -of three Council Members and three members of the City Hall and Park Design Subcommittee, all appointed by the Mayor. When the Subcommittee meets with the Building Ad Hoc Committee, these meetings shall be open to the public and follow the Ralph M. Brown Act. Council Members of the Committee and shall provide regular reporting of progress of the Building Ad Hoc Committee at regular meetings of the City Council. TERM: Upon completion of the City Hall Building and Maste and Park Master Plan improvements and the OASIS Senior Center. PURPOSE & RESPONSIBILITIES: The Building "444oc- Committee may meet as necessary and convenient to accomplish the following: A. City Hall Buildinxand Park and- Master Plan ■ ='.W =0=:72-M..MM-M .. =.1. 211M..M- :rW ..��L-MI 9.5...,x. Review the City Hall and Park Design Committee activities with the City Manager and Public Works Director; and 32. Research, request information from staff and recommend to the full City Council the general design City Hall and Park Design issues November 25, 2006 Page 16 parameters of the City Hall BuiIjin - andAnd Park Master Plan, such as validating the space requirements and needs assessment already completed for the previous City Hall design, requirements of the view plane ordinance, placement of the city hall building on the park site, options for use of the natural park area of the previous park design, parking structure capacity and location, access and circulation, LEED Certification, and other similar public policy issues that will be design parameters for the City Hall Design Committee; and 43. Research and request information from the City Manager and Public Works Director to implement and address issues raised during the design development phase and construction phase of the final City Hall &AkIiRg�andand Park Master Plan esi a ^ ^v� r;.., r ,, :i B. OASIS Senior Center 1. Research, request information from staff and recommend to the full City Council the design parameters of the OASIS Senior Center, such as validating the space requirements and needs assessment, placement of the Center on the site, parking, access and circulation, LEED Certification, and other similar public policy issues; and 2. Research and request information from the City Manager and Public Works Director to implement and address issues raised during the construction of the final OASIS Senior Center design approved by the City Council. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT r4 g A` Agenda Item No, s 19 November 12, 2008 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: City Hall Building Committee (Mayor Selich and Council Members Henn and Rosansky) SUBJECT: Resolution 2008 Relating to the City Hall Design Committee's Role During the Schematic Design /Design Development Phase of the City Hall and Park Project ISSUE: Should the City Hall Design Committee's duties be amended and term be extended to allow the Committee to assist the Council during the City Hall and Park Project's schematic design and design development phase? RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Adopt Resolution 2008 -_ amending Resolution 2008 -14 relating to the City Hall Design Committee. 2. Designate and to be members of the City Hall and Park Design Committee's Subcommittee on Schematic Design /Design Development. DISCUSSION: We would like the City Hall Design Committee to continue working on the City Hall and Park Project following the selection of a design team. This selection is anticipated to be at the Council's November 25, 2008 meeting. We have proposed an amendment to Resolution 2008- 14 proposes that the Design Committee: • Be renamed to reflect the fact that a park is involved in the design; • Have a term ending December 31, 2009 instead of December 31, 2008. • Designate two members to serve on a subcommittee. The subcommittee would work with the Building Committee (an ad hoc committee of three City Council members), as the Building Committee oversees the Schematic Design /Design Development phase of the City Hall and Park project. • Hold at least two public meetings during Schematic Design /Design Development, to allow the full five- member Design Committee to weigh in on design changes, as well as to take public comments. Prepared by: DAVE KIFF Assistant City Manager Attachment: Resolution 2008- RESOLUTION NO. 2008- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 2008 -14 WHICH ESTABLISHED THE CITY HALL DESIGN COMMITTEE WHEREAS, on February 5, 2008, the voters of Newport Beach approved Measure B, which provides that a new city hall shall be located on City owned property north of the Central Library; and WHEREAS, the City Council, seeking to follow the will of the voters and develop a new city hall on said property, adopted Resolution 2008 -14 relating to a City Hall Design Committee; and WHEREAS, the Design Committee conducted a natonwide design competition for a City Hall and park, narrowing 51 submittals to a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) down to thirteen, then selecting five of the thirteen to receive a stipend to submit a Concept Plan for the City Hall, park, and parking structure; and WHEREAS, in November 2008, the Committee forwarded its recommendations to the City Council, an act that completed the Committee's formal scope of work as outlined in Resolution 2008 -14; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to keep the Committee involved in the next steps of the design process (called "Design Development "), and seeks to amend Resolution 2008 -14 accordingly; now, therefore be it RESOLVED by the Newport Beach City Council as follows: Section 1. The City Council amends Resolution 2008 -14 as follows: Section 2. The name of the Committee shall be the "City Hall and Park Design Committee." Section 3. The primary duff- duties of the Committee shall be_ - (1}_to oversee and conduct a design competition for the city hall and park master plan project, including the following specific duties: a. Issue a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to world class architects interested in participating in a design competition for the project. b. In consultation with the Ad Hoc Building Committee, develop recommendations for a detailed set of Design Parameters to be used by the participating architects. c. Review the qualifications of architects who respond to the RFQ. d. Recommend to the City Council three to four architects to participate in the design competition. e. Review design concepts submitted by the selected architects, and hold public meetings to receive public input on the design concepts. f. Recommend an architect and design concept to the City Council. members of the Building Committee They shall attend Building Committee meetings as necessary and shall offer the Subcommittee's perspective on any design and construction issues; and b Holding at least two (2) noticed and public Committee meetings during the well as accept and respond to public comments about the phase. Section 4. The Committee shall sunset on December 31, 20882009, unless extended by action of the City Council. This Resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach held on November 12, 2008, by the following vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCIL MEMBE NOES, COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT. COUNCIL MEMBERS MA ATTEST: CITY CLE +11 BOHLIN CYWINSKI JACKSON AFTER FIFTY -TWO YEARS OF MARRIAGE TO NEWPORT BEACH ARCHITECT HERBERT E. RILEY AND A. RESULTANT ARCHITECTURAL INDOCTRINATION, I CONSIDER MY VOTE ON THE MODELS AND SCHEMATICS DISPLAYED FOR OUR NEW CITY HALL TO BE A VALID ONE. MY OWN BACKGROUND IS FINE ART. THE OFFICE.OF BOHLIN CYWINSKI JACKSON BY FAR EXCEEDS THE OTHER PRESENTATIONS IN CREATING A "NEW FACE" FOR THE COMMUNITY , EQUAL TO THE NEW MILUNIUM..THEIR REPORT IS MOSTTHOROUGH. WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PARKIN CONJUNCTION WITH THE BUILDING, NEWPORT BEACH WILL HAVE CREATED A "JEWEL" IN THE CENTER OF OUR CITY. THE WONDERFUL DESIGN SUGGESTS THE SURF, IT IS EXCITINGLY SIMPLE AND MY UNDERSTANDING IS THE LAMINATED BEAMS ARE BOTH BEAUTIFUL AND EASILY CONSTRUCTED. TO ARRIVE ATTHIS ENTRANCE WOULD BE A PLEASURABLE AND IMPRESSIVE EXPERIENCE. BERNICE C. RILEY VIA LIDO NORD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Yom"" BOHLIN CYWINSKI JACKSON h ,} a- tiJw� 7,,j' Y'c..,NS Tkc Sew T-6 , ZVI f JW�A("" BOHLIN CYWINSKI JACKSON A IV I 'f- VA :71z/&4z-7 A/s 6771z,� 4 o7� I 7;Y (, 6 4 /\) L ( �-, BOHLI,N,CYWINSKI JACKSON �, I Mt-15� du,.. ac.-A nt,� 13o iwi. 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