HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 - Police Reclassification & Public Works Comp AdjustmentCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. 11 November 25, 2008 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Human Resources Department Barbara Ramsey, Human Resources Director 949 - 644 -3303, bramsev(a)-city.newport- beach.ca.us SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF ONE POSITION RECLASSIFICATION IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT AND ONE COMPENSATION ADJUSTMENT AND CORRESPONDING BUDGET AMENDMENT IN THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION The following actions are recommended: 1. Reclassify one vacant Computer Applications Development Analyst position in the Police Department to Applications Coordinator P.D. 2. Adjust the salary range for the City Surveyor position by 10% and approve a budgetary amendment in the amount of $7,687. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION Human Resources is responsible for maintaining the City's compensation and classification system. Over time some positions change and take on additional responsibilities. When this occurs, Human Resources is tasked with conducting classification and compensation studies to ensure the assigned job classification is appropriate and the compensation is equitable. Recently, the City Manager approved Human Resources to conduct classification and compensation studies of the following positions: the Computer Applications Development Analyst position in the Police Department and the City Surveyor position in the Public Works Department. Computer Applications DevelopmentAnaiyst Since August 2008, the Computer Applications Development Analyst (CADA) position in the Police Department Information Technology Unit has been vacant. The Police Department conducted a cursory recruitment to fill the position but was unable to get Classification and Compensation Adjustments Council Report November 25, 2008 Page 2 qualified candidates to apply. The Police Department indicated the duties of the position have changed and they believe they are not getting an adequate response to the recruitment because the compensation for the position is not commensurate with the job duties and qualifications required. The CADA position was first established approximately 6 years ago. At that time the department intended the position to provide lower level programming and systems support to the Applications Coordinator P.D. position. It was the Police Department's original intent that the Applications Coordinator position be responsible for performing highly complex and technical programming and database management duties, while the CADA position was to be responsible for more routine applications management duties. Over time, the number of complex information technology systems the Police Department was managing increased and it became apparent they needed additional technical assistance at a higher level. The Applications Coordinator P.D. position was already busy with a full workload so the CADA position began to assume many of the same responsibilities as the Applications Coordinator P.D. position, including development and implementation of complex database systems and management of information technology system vendor contracts. Two.of the more complex systems the CADA position is now responsible for are the City's Jail Information System and the Computer Aided Dispatch system. The study of the CADA position revealed it is functioning at a level higher than originally designed. The technical skills required, complexity of the duties being performed, and level of accountability and independent decision - making required indicate the position is working at the level of Applications Coordinator P.D. To ensure the position is assigned at the appropriate classification level, it is recommended the Computer Applications Development Analyst position be reclassified to Applications Coordinator P.D., with a salary range of $6,153 - $8,658 per month. City Surveyor In August 2007, one Principal Engineer retired from the City. One of the job duties assigned to the Principal Engineer was the signing of the City's subdivision parcel maps, as required by the California Subdivision Map Act. After the Principal Engineer retired, the responsibility for signing parcel maps was assigned to the City Surveyor. The current incumbent is a Licensed Surveyor and since no other employee in the Public Works Department is authorized by State law to sign the parcel maps, the City Surveyor assumed that responsibility. With the additional signing responsibilities, the City Surveyor has taken on a greater level of accountability and increased his level of exposure and personal and professional liability. In recognition of these changes to the position, it is recommended the City Surveyor salary range be adjusted by 10% to $5,491 - $7,727 per month. The City Manager has reviewed the results from the classification and compensation studies and approved the proposed changes. Additionally, Human Resources staff has met with members of the Police Employees Association (PEA) regarding the Classification and Compensation Adjustments Council Report November 25, 2008 Page 3 Applications Coordinator P.D. position and met with members of the Professional and Technical Employees Association regarding the City Surveyor position. Representatives from both Associations concur with the proposed changes. Fundina Availability: If approved, the costs associated with providing the adjustments are as follows: • Computer Applications Development Analyst to Applications Coordinator P.D. — the Police Department has indicated there will be no budgetary impact for the remainder of FY08 -09 as a result of salary savings from the vacant CADA position. It is anticipated the annual cost to staff the position at the Applications Coordinator level will be $11,900 (including increase in benefits costs). • City Surveyor Salary Range Adjustment — if approved, the cost (including benefits costs) associated with providing a salary adjustment is anticipated to be $7,687 f or the remainder of FY 08 -09. The Public Works Department has submitted a .budgetary amendment in the amount of $7,687 to be transferred from the General Fund to the Public Works Department. The annual cost to reclassify the position is estimated to be $10,519 and would be added to the FY 09 -10 Budget. CONCLUSION Human Resources is responsible for maintaining the City's compensation and classification system. As a result of two separate studies, the above compensation and classification adjustments are recommended. These adjustments ensure the City is assigning employees to an appropriate job classification and that the corresponding compensation is equitable to the job duties assigned. Prepared by: Attachment Submitted by: Barbara Director ' City of Newport Beach NO. BA- 09BA -027 BUDGET AMENDMENT 2008 -09 AMOUNT: $7,ss7.w EFFECT ON BUDGETARY FUND BALANCE: Increase Revenue Estimates Increase in Budgetary Fund Balance Increase Expenditure Appropriations AND X Decrease in Budgetary Fund Balance Transfer Budget Appropriations No effect on Budgetary Fund Balance SOURCE: from existing budget appropriations from additional estimated revenues X from unappropriated fund balance EXPLANATION: This budget amendment is requested to provide for the following: To increase expenditure appropriations from General Fund unappropriated fund balance to increase the salary and benefits for the City Surveyor. ACCOUNTING ENTRY: BUDGETARY FUND BALANCE Fund Account Description 010 3605 General Fund - Fund Balance REVENUE ESTIMATES (3601) Fund /Division Account EXPENDITURE APPROPRIATIONS (3603) Division Number 5050 Account . Number 7000 Account Number 7425 Account Number 7373 Account Number 7439 Account Number 7440 Division Number Account Number Signed: Signed: Descri tion Description Public Works - Administration Salaries - Miscellaneous Medicare - Fringe Compensated Absence PERS Employee Contribution PERS Employer Contribution FintancialApproval: Administrativ. Services Director Administrative Appro I: City Manager Amount Debit Credit $7,687.00 ` ' Automatic $6,161.00 $89.00 $216.00 $461.00 $760.00 Date to Signed: City Council Approval: City Clerk Date