HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 - Minutes - 11-25-2008Agenda Report Il 1 December 9, 2008 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Minutes Regular Meeting November 25, 2008 — 7:00 p.m. I. STUDY SESSION - Cancelled II. CLOSED -SESSION - 5:00 p.m. III. RECESS IV, RECONVENE AT 7:00 P.M. F( V. ROLL, CALL Present: Council Member Henn, Council Council Member Webb, Council VI, CLOSED VII. PLED. GE OF ALLEGIANCE - VIIL INVOCATION - Reverend Le IX, PRESENTAni NS'` Proclamat4 to the; Balboa read the procl "" do Id pre; "Ame ' e Be oclamatio eco 'zing Mayor Selich re he p' mg resentation by he Lo' mber 9, 2008. YL NO_. TO THE UBLIC XI. CITY. .0 Cl ANNOUN Rosansky, Mayor Pro Tein Daigle, Mayor Selich, Curry, Council Member Gardner f1 Church for 25 Years Serving the Community - Mayor Selich the Balboa Bachelors. The Balboa Bachelors performed National Family Caregivers Month for November 2008 - Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) - Continued to Council Member Gardner announced that the Corona del Mar Christmas Walk will be held on December 7 from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Council Member Curry announced that the Resort at Pelican Hill will be holding its grand opening this week. Council Members Curry and Gardner reported that the City's firefighters and CERT members were deployed to assist during the fires. Council Member Henn referenced Item 7 (Lido Isle and Via Lido Street Rehabilitation) and stated Volume 59 - Page 23 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 25, 2008 that he is pleased that the City will be hiring the surveyor as this is the first step to refurbishing the streets. He stated that, along with Assessment District No. 101, the City is moving forward with Peninsula infrastructure improvements. Council Member Henn noted that he was present when staff participated in the earthquake drill on November 13 and commended staff for their professionalism. Council Member Daigle reported that she attended a luncheon for the Orangewood Children's Foundation. She reviewed the services that Orangewood provides and stated that people can also assist them by volunteering. City Manager Bludau emphasized that the City is mo nng revenues and expenditures daily. He reported that staff will be developing an advanced to cut 2% and 4 %, if needed. XII, CONSENT_ CALENDAR A REtIDING OEAy�NUTES1ORDIN CES AND RESO O_NS 1. MINUTES OF THE AMOUR iD REGULAR ME : NG OF NOVEMBER 8, 2008, AND ADJO '� D�EGULAR AND RE R MEETING OF NOVEMBER 12, 2008. a reading of subject minutes, approve as written and order filed. 2. READING 00, m INANCES A RESOLUTIONS. Waive reading in full of . =.. all ordinances and re ions under eration, and direct City Clerk to read by title only. 3 B. ORDINANEE FOR INTR = DU ON .,�+� a 0 S. 0 RDI ANCE AME ING SECTION 5.50.050 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL .CODA REGARDING MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS - ?IEQIIREMENTS OIOPERATORS. Adopt Ordinance No. 2008 -18. C. 4: JGTS. ESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE kNDMENTS TO THE EXISTING INTEGRATED REGIONAL RMIAGEMENT (IRWM) PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION a)'Zescind Resolution No. 2005 -20; and b) adopt Resolution No. 2008 - h revised wording requested by the State Water Control Board authorizing y Manager to execute any amendments to the existing Integrated Regional Management (IRWM) Planning and Implementation Grants. D. CO CTS AND AGREEMENTS 6. SUNSET RIDGE PARK - APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT NO. 2 WITH EPT DESIGN FOR SCHEMATIC AND 'FINAL DESIGN SERVICES AND A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BONTERRA CONSULTING. FOR ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTS. a) Approve Amendment No. 2 to Professional Services Agreement with EPT Design of Irvine, for Landscape Architectural Services for preparation of the Sunset Ridge Final Design at a not to exceed price of $598,558 and authorize the Mayor and City' Clerk to execute the Amendment; b) approve a Professional Services Agreement with BonTerra Consulting of Costa Mesa, for Environmental Document Processing for the Sunset Ridge Park at a not to exceed price of $203,047 and authorize the Volume 59 - Page 24 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 25, 2008 Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement; and c) approve a budget amendment (09BA -024) authorizing $50,000 in additional funding for the final design, environmental documentation and supplemental consulting services related to the Sunset Ridge Park Project from unappropriated General Fund Reserves to the Sunset ridge Park Account No. 7412- C5100515. LIDO ISLE AND VIA LIDO STREET REHABILITATION PROJECT - APPROVAL OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH COAST SURVEYING, INC. Approve a Professional, Services Agreement with Coast Surveying, Inc. of Tustin, for survey work at a0hot to exceed price of $67,604 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execFthe Agreement. 10. ACCEPTANCE OF URBAN GRANT TRANSFER AGI equipment funds in the ar Newport Beach Fire Dep material to outfit a mediur b) authorize the Fire Chief Contract; and c) appre„ estimates by $208,946 iii=:;; appropriations by $208,946 E. MISCELLAAEOUS SECURITY INITIATIVE (UASI) ept UASI Grant transfer agreement i be utilized for reimbursement of rtant costa fort urchasing of equipment and iAlfrban, Search and Re a (USAR) Response Trailer; as thiesignee to sign t Y07 Transfer Agreement i budget amendment (09B 5) increasing revenue 136- 48666, UASI Grant, an ncreasing expenditure i11 7014- C8002013. 12. BACK BAY SdIERd ,CENTER PPROPRIATIONS FOR TEACHING LAB AND ADMI IISTRA WING - Approve a budget amendment (09BA- 026) appropriating fmm un riaied General Fund balance $35,000 to t No. 7457-803106 to cover City's share to replace the vinyl flooring ih Back Bay SEae ce Center Water Quality Lab; b) approve a budget ` amen ent (0913A -0 recognizing contributions in the amount of $50,000 from Califo 'a Coastal Co*ervancy, $25,000 from Newport Bay Naturalists and en d $25,000 from Pacific Life, and appropriating $100,000 to Account No. 7 12; thg Back Bay Science Center Teaching Lab tenant pr ents an )t` approve a budget amendment (09BA -026) recognizing trib' s in the amount of $147,956 from California Department of Fish and ppropriatmg $147,956 to Account No. 7457- CIO02020 for the Back .ter Administrative Wing tenant improvements. o by- Mavorbro Tern Daigle to approve the Consent Calendar, except for the items remo (5, 8, 9 and 1). �15 The motio rie y the following roll call vote: Ayes: Council tuber Henn, Council Member Rosansky, Mayor Pro Tem Daigle, Mayor Selich, Council ember Webb, Council Member Curry, Council Member Gardner N3H. ITEMSMEMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR 5. OCEANFRONT SAND REPLENISHMENT - APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH MOFFATT AND NICHOL FOR CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVICES. In response to Council Member Gardner's questions, Public Works Director Badum reported that the consultant did look at the effects the project would have on surf and noted that sand replenishment has occurred at this location before. He added that this Volume 59 - Page 26 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 25, 2008 project also transports existing sand into the groin field. Motion by- Council _Member Gardner to approve Amendment No. 2 to Professional Services Agreement with Moffatt & Nichol of Long Beach, for additional services at a not to exceed price of $40,000 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Council Member Henn, Council Member Rosary, Mayor Pro Tem Daigle, Mayor Selich, Council Member Webb, Council MembqtTurry, Council Member Gardner t t 8. REJECTION OF BID AND AMENDMENT-OF CONSULTING CONTRACT ON BEHALF OF THE INTEGRATED LAW STICE AGENCY FOR ORANGE COUNTY (ILJAOC) -A JOINT PO AUTHO (JPA). In response to Council Member Gainer's questions, P e Chief Klein discussed the bidding.process and noted that the only eived one bid, b the bidder only bid on half the project. He indicated thate nexid needs to be more ecific and clarified that COPS grants will be used for °t r ct. City Manager Bluda doled that this project involves all the cities in the County the City is just the administrator of the program. Motion by Council._ ber,Gardner�, a) on behalf of the Members of the ILJAOC, reject the Unisys bid ectronic Fili` ° System as unresponsive to the Request For + Y P q Proposal (RFP);.b) appr e they ed Scop;of Work and other terms in the attached Change Order submitted y De nsultixg_in the amount of $117,000, funded by COPS Technology Grant F ds, w ' ` inatered by the City of Newport Beach on behalf of JPA; c) aut rize a City ager to execute any necessary contract amendment d2 uments appr by the City Attorney that are consistent with the revised term end con.'tions as ou d in the staff report; and d) revise the RFP and conduct anot&r proc4ement process s detailed in the attached amended Scope of Work on . -ed by th ng roll call vote: Ayes: Co it M er Henn, Council Member Rosanaky, Mayor Pro Tem Daigle, Mayor Seli Counci ember Webb, Council Member Curry, Council Member Gardner PREPARA ON OF RANT APPLICATION, ASBS COMPLIANCE - MONITORING AND RE TED TASK - AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO THE PROFESSIONAL RVICE AGREEMENT WITH WESTON SOLUTIONS. Ma Veean Tem Daigle emphasized that the City is supportive of water quality and prate e ASBS, but expressed concern that the City will not meet the requirements in the Plan no matter what it does. She noted that the City is starting to work with other coastal cities to amend the Ocean Plan to still protect water quality, but allow coastal cities to gain compliance. She expressed support for the staff report but wanted everyone to be cognoscente that the City's willing participation and money will run out Council Member Gardner noted that the samples will be analyzed, but asked if the impacts will also be analyzed. Assistant City, Manager Kiff reported that the overall study will attempt to analyze the impacts of runoff and that the City wants to prove to the State Board that it is not harming the environment. Motion by Council Member Gardner to approve Amendment No. 4 to the Professional Services Agreement with Weston Solutions (Weston) of Carlsbad to: a) prepare a Volume 59 - Page 26 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 25, 2008 Proposition 84 grant application request for. 42.5 million for ASBS protection measures; b) perform ASBS Compliance Monitoring; c) develop a community monitoring program for the Newport Coast Watershed; and d) perform a high tide inundation survey in the Harbor and along the open coast on Balboa Peninsula at a not to exceed price of $201,369 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Council Member Henn, Council Member Rossi Selich, Council Member Webb, Council Member 11. APPROVAL OF ONE POSITION DEPARTMENT AND ONE CORRESPONDING BUDGET AM DEPARTMENT. Mayor Pro Tem Daigle, Mayor r. Council Member Gardner IFICATION IN THE POLICE TION ADJUSTMENT AND IN THE PUBLIC WORKS In response to Council Member Gardlgr's question, Polichief Klein indicated that this was not a cursory recruitment, the receiv several hundre pplications, but no one met the qualifications. - Motion by _Council Member Nin4the to a) reclassify one vacan Computer Applications Development Analyst position ice De partment to Applications Coordinator P.D.; and b) adjust the sala ange for the Ci urveyor position by 10% and approve a budget amendment (09BA -02 amount of $ 87. The motion carried by Ayes: Coungil..Member He Co Mem sansky, Mayor 'Pro Tem Daigle, Mayor Sel, `E until Memb Council mber Curry, Council Member Gardner XIV. ORAL REEQRTS FROM, CITY Council Membe' 4 ar tated that t�e Newport Bay Executive Committee received a report from a Ra a I D) regarding what was collected in the pre -boom during ndic that, of t 2,000 pounds collected, 23% was plastic and 41% was „Council Member � enn r orted that, during the Balboa Village Parking Study Steering mittee meeting t was de rmihed that they should consider a wider view of issues. He stated th the consultant ill be coming back in about a month with a more comprehensive solution. CounN er ' nn reported that the Planning Commission considered and approved the settlee nt with Sober Living by the Sea, but noted that there will be two more public heari a agreement is finalized. He reported on the three use permit hearings sched cember 4, December 8, and December 10, and encouraged the public to provide input during the hearings. Mayor Pro Tem Daigle discussed the access plan and new carrier capacity allocations at John Wayne Airport (JWA). Council Member Webb emphasized that the airport is still limited by the total number of flights per day and that 14 flight allocations have not been filled. City Manager Bludau added that most of the loudest types of planes have been taken out of circulation, but noted that these planes still meet the noise standard. XV. PUBLIC HEARINGS Volume 59 - Page 27 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 25, 2008 13. APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION TO DENY USE PERMIT NO. 2008 -045 (PA2008 -123) FOR AN EXISTING FULL - SERVICE RESTAURANT TO ALLOW CONVERSION OF APPROXIMATELY 93 SQUARE FEET OF STORAGE AREA INTO NET PUBLIC AREA, LIVE ENTERTAINMENT ON FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYS, OPERATION OF AN ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE OUTLET UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE ORDINANCE (ABO); AND PARKING WAIVER AT SHORE HOUSE CAFE, 801 EAST BALBOA BOULEVARD. Assistant Planner Nueno reviewed the staff report and recommended that Council uphold the Planning Commission's decision. She.i•eported t the parking requirement can only change if there is a variance. Mayor Selich opened the public hearing Michael Travis Fernandez, Shore and pointed out that he only wa emphasized that his business is 1 clientele is changing and that h" occupancy is 86, but they art =b Planner Nueno noted that parkin] Fernandez is asking the City to rei Joe Gutierrez noted t he Shore and if they cannot ha or banquets with DJs, kara ,e, an afe, read proposal he provided to Council provide live a rtainment until midnight. He y one that provi arking and noted that his einvent the cafe. noted that the maximum quired to have 103 ng spaces. Assistant ad on the net public are nd that the areas Mr. im its count has already been removed. has had live entertainment for 55 years this limits their ability to hold wedding Mayor Selich closed the public hear` In respYise tt Council que s, Assistant Planner Nueno indicated that the parking issue voas discussed at the Ed of the Planning Commission hearing and that the plan neeft also satisfy the Coasts Commission. She indicated that the cafe will intensify its use by re thaai 10% by havil live entertainment and would need a use permit. She ss d tha*b� brd' r uch r for flexibility as it relates to the parking standard. ,_ t C _,Manager indicated that, if the other pre - existing nonconforming restaur is ward to expand or increase intensification, they would go through the same process a hore ' . se Cafe. Mayor Selig stated tt Council can deny.the request without prejudice so that, if another solution p sents itself in less than a year, it can be reviewed by the Planning Departmen Council Member Henn suggested that Mr. Fernandez get professional istance navigate through this issue.better. Planning Director Lepo indicated that th la g Commission approved Balboa Inn's parking waiver because they limited all the events to off - season months. Motion by Council Member. _Henn to deny the appeal, without prejudice, and uphold and affirm the decision of the Planning Commission to deny Use Permit No. 2008 -045. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Council Member Henn, Council Member Rosansky, Mayor Pro Tern Daigle, Mayor Selich, Council Member Webb, Council Member Curry, Council Member Gardner 14. CITY HALL SITE GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2008 -009 (PA2008 -182) - 1300 AVOCADO AVENUE - TO CHANGE THE LAND USE CATEGORY OF THE CITY HALL SITE FROM OPEN SPACE (OS) TO PUBLIC FACILITIES (PF). Volume 59 - Page 28 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 25, 2008 Planning Director Lepo reported that the General Plan Amendment (GPA) to change the zoning designation of a portion of the site to Public Facilities (PF) from Open Space (OS) was required as part of Measure B which was approved by the voters in February. He noted that this is not a discretionary item and does not require a Greenlight vote (Charter 423) since this would implement the will of the voters. He reported that impacts will be discussed when the building .details are brought forward and that the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will also be done at that time. He noted a typographical error in Table LU -2 that will be corrected as part of the resolution. Regarding the letter from Allan Beek's attorney, City rney Clauson explained the laws behind the recommended action, particularly it relates to charter cities. She emphasized that.this becomes an administrative to implement the legislative act of the voters since Measure B basically told Coun ' Section 425 supersedes the General Plan. She confirmed that how to carry o e Ci all site project is discretionary and not part of this GPA, that an EIR will be-tc at th me, and that the City is required to relocate to this site pursuant to Wasure B. She r ted that all the items in the attorney's letter were raised and rejected by- the court duri a first lawsuit against the City by Mr. Beek. Mayor Selich opened the public Barry Allen believed at it would Iieappropriate to process the GPA along with the project and took issue t this is being "cgpsidered as an administrative act. He noted that Measure B did n .about the jY _ k area and that Planning Commissioner Hawkins voted against s bec ' there wa o environmental basis for approval. He expressed concern that dty Hall w *` place' n the highest part of the park and discussed the description Faradjon City Attorney Clauson reported that Measure orizes the b ldisg of City Ha on the site, but does not specify where on the si She noted that Cou can designate the entire 12.8 acres as PF, instead of just the g6thern 6 acres, but be vved that this is not what Mr. Allen is requesting. Allan B— b ed that; since %,e project would require a major GPA, it is subject to a n 4 an t1}e rp psal is not the correct way to handle this. He questioned w e the should poiune this GPA until January since it is the ninth one this year. Atto Clauson indicated that limiting the number of CPAs only applies to generalla cities. '94 Jan Vande oot belle d that this should be subject to a Greenlight vote and that it is a mistake to y that a Greenlight vote does not apply. He expressed concern that the City trying to ass the GPA without knowing the environmental impacts. He believed that Z perty should not be designated PF and that the knoll should be kept at the big t p t of the site since it has the best view for the public. Jim WJ&n believed that the City Attorney should not disrespectful Mr. Beek. Ron Hendrickson noted that designating 6.5 acres as PF does''not mean the building will take up the entire 6.5 acres, since the project will include landscaping. He emphasized that Measure B states that the City will move City Hall, make the necessary changes to the General Plan as. soon as possible, and that a Greenlight vote is not required. He expressed support for the recommendation. Mayor Selich closed the public hearing. City Attorney Clauson agreed that this GPA is a unique circumstance, the action is ministerial since Council was directed by Measure B to move City Hall, and Volume 59 - Page 29 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 25, 2008 recommended approving the GPA. Motion. by Council Member Gardner to approve General Plan Amendment 2008 -009, by approving Resolution No. 2008 -97. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Council Member Rosansky, Mayor Pro Tem Daigle, Mayor Selich, Council Member Webb, Council Member Curry, Council Member Grdner Noes: Council Member Henn XVI. PUBLIC COMMENTS Marie Case discussed Leadership Tomorrow and in ate . at they are looking for nominees for the Community Leadership Award. This person be hot d at their 5th Annual Celebrating Leadership awards event on February 5. XVII. PLANNING _COMM_IS5ION AGENDA XVIII. 15. PLANNING COMMISSION AAENDA FOR NOVEMBER Planning Director Lepo reported on following items: Airport Business Area Integrated Conceptual Developm t Plan (PA2007470 & PA2008 -063); Group Homes (PA2008 -199); and Albertson 's Off -S rking Agreeiu'ent Status Report (PA2007 -115) - 3049 East Coast Highway. 16. COUNCIT VIEW OF kjA STATUS OGRESS REPORT ON SIX OF THE CITY .,ROUN - L PRIORIT OR 2008. Citanager. ludau, Assistant City Manager Wood, and Public Works Director Bludau repo rte a nswered quesiIns regarding the following City Council priorities: traffic aua ageme a rovesraffic flow throughout the City; minimizing the adverse in of n Wayne rt through the implementation of the City's airport policy; " ng 4 City's codes, regulations and policies with the General Plan; providing more pu' _ park . d recreation facilities, with emphasis on active and water - oriented facilities w re app iate; implementing an effective communication plan which utilizes various co' municati tools to provide current information to our residents; and developing process to regularly review and update City fees in order to ensure most fee services pa or themselves. 17. C H . L AND PARK DESIGN ISSUES: FINAL REPORT OF THE DESIGN CO EE, APPOINTMENTS TO SUBCOMMITTEE ON SCHEMATIC DESI /DESIGN DEVELOPMENT, CHANGES TO THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE BUILDING AD HOC COMMITTEE, AND DESIGNATION OF A PRIMARY AND ALTERNATE ARCHITECTURAL FIRM FOR THE, CITY HALL AND PARK PROJECT. Mayor Selich read the recommended actions and indicated that he is recommending that Council approve the Building Ad Hoc Committee's recommendation to direct staff to negotiate with and prepare a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) for City Hall and Park design development with the firm of Bohlin Cywinski Jackson (BCJ) (primary) and, in the event that negotiations with the primary are not successful, negotiate with Gonzalez Goodale as the alternate. Volume 59 - Page 30 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 25, 2008 Jan Vandersloot expressed support for hiring Bohlin Cywinski Jackson (BCJ) as the primary architect; even though their plan needs modifications. However, he requested that Council consider Johnson Fain as the alternate architect. Barry Allen agreed with the recommendation to have Andy Bowden and Rush Hill on the design subcommittee. He asked that Johnson Fain be considered as the primary architect since they considered having a green roof on City Hall. He recommended that this concept be considered by the primary architect. Debbie Stevens emphasized the need to protect the ew plane, avoid lights and glare, Dale Lee indicated that he wiI upset f is view plane is not served. Motion_byCouncil_.Membe_r, R_.: ` sky to a) accept the Final port of the City Hall and Park Design Committee; b) ado ;Resolution No. 2008 -98 modifying membership of the City Hall and P esign Commitifq_e's Subcommittee on Schematic Design/Design Development; c) appr Building Ad' _Hoc Committees recommendation to appoint Rush Hill, Steven San n ndy Bowfin as members of the City Hall and Park Design Committee's Sub mmitte chemsDesign/Design Development; d) adopt Resolution No. 2008 -99 difying ership and duties of the Building Ad Hoc Committe,ihd e) approv the Iding A Committee's recommendation to direct staff t'egotite with and p re a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) for City Hall and rk design developme with the firm of Boblin Cywinski Jackson (BCJ) (primary) an _ the ev6nt that negotia ns with the primary are not successful, selected Gonzalez Goodale as t It,ernate, with SA to be brought back at the City Council's January 13, Ntadderdtha �?ryiflita r tdau stated that the City has budgeted for the conceptual design and that er oNte budget will be handled in the upcoming CIP budget. Mayor Selich he stop ' work included genera l guidelines for the project. Council Member ed that, is committed to preserving the view plane. Council Member Curry )1low ended the committee and. noted that Council will take all comments into considwhen developing City Hall. Council Member Rosansky noted that the City o h the deed restrictions set by The Irvine Company. Council Member Henn e eport for the motion and appreciation for the committee's recommendations. He that the plan also include an Emergency Operation Center (EOC), if feasible. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Council Member Henn, Council Member Rosansky, Mayor Pro Tem Daigle, Mayor Selich, Council Member Webb; Council Member Curry, Council Member Gardner maintain the berm, and protect the park. She a seed support for Andy Bowden and Rush Hill's appointment to the subcommittee. Ron Hendrickson believed that the City Ha nd� k Design Committee was sensitive to all the issues, especially the impacts oft ` view pla He recommended that the sail be removed from the BCJ plan and tha ouncil follow t committee's recommendation to select BCJ- Dale CURRENT BUSINESS - None XK MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION Council Member Gardner noted that the Newport Coast Advisory Committee (NCAC) should not have been disbanded at the last meeting since there are still outstanding issues in the annexation Volume 59 - Page 31 City of Newport Beach City Council Minutes November 25, 2008 agreement. Motion by Council. Member Gardner to reconsider reinstating the Newport Coast Advisory Committee (NCAC) at a future meeting. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Council Member Henn, Council Member Rosansky, Mayor Pro Tem Daigle, Mayor Selich, Council Member Webb, Council Member Curry, Council Member Gardner M. ADJOURNMENT - 9:22 p.m. The agenda for the Regular Meeting was posted November. 19, 2008, at 3:51 p.m. on the City Hall Bulletin Board located ou f the City of Newport Beach Administration Building. The amended. ag a for Regular Meeting was posted on November 21, 2008, at 2:46 p.m on the CfY�Hall Bulle Board located outside of the City of Newport Beach Administration 134,f1ding. Secretary Mayor Volume 59 - Page 32