HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-03-1986 - AgendaCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PARKS, BEACHES AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TO BE HELD TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1986 CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:00 P.M. AGENDA I. PROCEDURAL MATTERS 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes - Meeting of May 6, 1986 4. Adoption of Agenda I'I. ACTION ITEMS 5. Joint Meeting with City Council - June 23, 1986. Develop agenda. III. PUBLIC COMMENTS • IV. DISCUSSION ITEMS 6. Budget Review by City Council (verbal report) 7. Police Patrol on Beaches (verbal report) 8. Personal Liability of Commissioners (report attached) 9. Status of West Newport Park (verbal report) 10. Recreation Subcommittee (report attached) 11. Park and Street Tree Division (report attached) 12. Recreation Division (report attached) V. SPECIAL, URGENT OR LAST MINUTE ITEMS VI. ADJOURNMENT • _ 1 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 0, Item No. 3 arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission May 6, 1986 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX ;all to Irder (oll Call Ipproval of linutes adoption of agenda !oys Basket - )all Program Ex- Officio Member Present: Ronald A. Whitley Staff Present: Jack Brooks, Park and Street Tree Superintendent Mark Dever, Recreation Supt. Dottie Flohr, Secretary I. PROCEDURAL MATTERS Item #1 The meeting of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:04 P.M. Item #2 f Roll call was taken. Commissioners Brenner, de Boom, Hopkins, Konwiser, Springer, Taft and Wolfe were present. Item #3 P Commissioner Taft asked that his name be included as present in Item #2, Roll Call. Commissioner Konwiser moved the minutes of the May 6, 1986 meeting be approved as corrected. Seconded by Springer. Unanimous. Item #4 The agenda was adopted as presented with the-addition of Little Corona Study, Liability Insurance, Police Department Patrol on Peninsula, Theatre Arts Center, and Teen Council/ Teen Center. II. SPECIAL COMMISSION PRESENTATIONS Item #5 - Boys Basketball Program Chair Wolfe introduced Mark Deven, Recreation Superintendent, who reported that Andersen's 3rd -4th grade and Harbor View's 5th -6th grade teams from the City's youth basketball program won their respective leagues and the County Championships. Andersen went on to win the Southern California Regional Tournament, the first team in the City's history.to do so. Brett Williamson, Harbor View's Coach, and Scott Williamson, Andersen's Coach, introduced each of their players who were then presented with the Commission's Special Recognition Award. ;all to Irder (oll Call Ipproval of linutes adoption of agenda !oys Basket - )all Program CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 2 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Both coaches congratulated their teams and said they felt they were the best group they had ever coached. Mark Deven took group pictures of the players, their coach and Chair Wolfe. Chair Wolfe congratulated the players for their fine effort and said the City is proud of both the players and their parents. III. ACTION ITEMS Item #6 - Landscape Concept, PCH Cameo Shores and Cameo Landscape Concept Highlands Motion x Ron Whitley reported staff has met several times with member Seconded x of the Cameo Community Association with regard to their Ayes x x x x x x landscaping concept along Pacific Coast Highway. The pre- liminary map was introduced to the Commission at their April 1, 1986 meeting and is scheduled for action at this time. ' The Association has attempted to include landscaping adjacen to all the Associations affected on Pacific Coast Highway. The area'does need to be beautified as it has considerable impact on those coming into the City from the south and will also benefit the community and the residents who live there. There are three different owners in this area, namely, the State of California, the homeowners and the City. Mr. Whitley explained the impact of Council Policy I -4, Cost Sharing on Undeveloped Land, to which they are trying to apply the landscape policy. The Association will assume the entire maintenance and irrig - tion of the area by Agreement if the City will help them financially. The City would maintain the existing trees -on the State right -of -way. The one -third partial funding (up to a maximum of $100,000) they are requesting will require City Council approval. Mr. Whitley answered questions regarding the preliminary plan and explained the few changes from the last plan presented. Mr. Courtney Moe, 4518 Roxbury Road, addressed the Commissio • and answered questions regarding the block wall, slopes and bushes. He explained they are in the process of obtaining easements from the homeowners, and Commissioner Konwiser recommended the Association have the consenting easements with them when they address Council. S CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 3 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Commissioner Brenner voiced her.concern and discussion followed regarding safety a's to a bicycle trail /lane. Chair Wolfe suggested staff contact John Wolter, liaison to the Bicycle Trails Committee, to bring this to their attention. Mr. Whitley answered questions regarding funding, liability, ,maintenance responsibility, etc., should the concept be approved. The Association has not yet obtained funding nor the consenting easements. Commissioner Taft motioned the landscaping concept as4pre- sented be approved subject to the conditions that they secure proper financing, that the easement situation be resolved, and that the concept is cleared with the remaining homeowners. Seconded by de Boom. Unanimous. ommissioner Hopkins arrived at 8:37 P.M. • Item #7 - Environmental Nature Center Request for Funding Environmental Nature Center hair Wolfe introduced Mr. Robert House, Head of the Science epartment at Newport Harbor High School and President of the nvironmental Nature Center. Mr. House addressed the Commis - ion and presented pictures of the Center. He explained the large variety of bird and plant species found there and ointed out that this 2J acre site is also a future source of ative plants. There is little upkeep involved and the only mall problem is the litter from the residents across the street. The park is open all the'time and is used by both he school district for field trips and the public. t present the park is.funded' and maintained by the school istrict that provides a custodian, along with the help of olunteers and donations. Mr. House is-requesting approval f $26,000 to support a permanent naturalist and two trainees. hey would also hope to advise and help develop the Harbor iew Nature Park, the Big Canyon area and other City parks. r. Whitley answered questions regarding use of the park shoul he City provide funds. He noted that the park is a great sset and provides a hdge community-service. The major roblem is the amount of limited funds available. Motion hair Wolfe motioned the Commission transmit a letter approvin Sec•ed x n concept what is being done at the Environmental Nature enter and recommending the concept of funds be appropriated pon Council's approval. Seconded by Taft. Mr. Whitley will rite the communication. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 4 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Mr. Whitley clarified the budget process for funding and pointed out that the request for funds should be directed to the City Council from the Environmental Nature Center along with a letter of recommendation from the Commission. Discussion followed concerning the proper time frame for the Environmental Nature Center to submit their request. Commissioner Konwiser voiced his concern over funding a project not owned by the City, however, Mr. House pointed out that although the school district owns the land, it is a community project. Mr. Whitley replied that in the past funds have been spent on land-not owned by the City. Mr. House answered further questions regarding financing, organization, etc., and Mr. Whitley pointed out that the funds, if approved, would come out of the M &0 budget. Chair Wolfe.withdrew his motion. Commissioner Brenner suggested Council could increase the • M &0 portion of the budget in order to obtain a: naturalist for the facility who would also serve, as a resident person in the development of the two new nature parks. Motion x Commissioner de Boom motioned the Commission transmit to Seconded x Mr.. House a letter of recommendation approving his request Ayes x x x x x x for funds to continue and improve the Environmental Nature Abstain x Center. Seconded by Taft. Motion passes. Item #8 - Recreation Facility Directory -. Recreation Facility Motion x Mark Deven reported the draft of the Recreation Facility Directory Seconded x Directory and Resource-Guide included in the agenda packet Ayes x x x x =x x x is for the Commission's approval. The Commission may want to provide Council with the Directory at their next Study Session meeting. After Mr. Deven answered questions concerning cost, distribu- tion, quantity; etc., Springer motioned to approve the Directory as presented. Seconded by Konwiser. Unanimous. Item #9 - Bicycle Trail Harbor View School/Community Youth Bicycle Trail Center Ron Whitley reviewed the Commission's concerns regarding the Bicycle Trail which ends at 5th and Iris. Children do not • have an off street route going to Harbor View School from this point. After a brief discussion, the Commission decided to alert th Bicycle Trails Committee that this is a perceived problem an to also inform the consultant to give this consideration as he plans the entire site master plan. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 5 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Park Signs Parklife Cooperative Program Recreation Division IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS Item #10 - Park Signs Ron Whitley reported staff inventoried and reviewed signage at the City's park facilities. Since many are not signed, he suggested -a subcommittee be established to work with staff to develop a comprehensive signing program. The signs should be attractive, consistent and easy to maintain. Due to funding, the program could be phased over a period of time. Commissioner Konwiser will serve as Chair of the subcommitt e and Springer and Taft will assist him. They will work with • staff to prioritize the parks, determine design, costs and production. These items will be addressed for the Commission's approval at their August 5, 1986 meeting. Item #11 - Parklife Cooperative Program Mark Deven reviewed the YMCA's request to use the Mariners Park facility for a summer vacation program site. Since the YMCA is self- supporting, they did not have enough funds to offer this service free of charge. Follow up meetings resulted in a plan whereby the 8 week program will be co- sponsored and offered at no cost to daily participants. The YMCA will provide a Recreation Director and the City will pay occupancy and supply costs in addi- tion to funding a Recreation Aide position. Item #12 - Recreation Division Mark Deven reported 1,900 registrants during the spring quarter with revenue totalling $119,500. The winter quarter showed an increase of 10% in participants and net revenue for special interest activities. The Department will be offering new classes to further increase enrollment. Two well qualified staff members, Jackie Judy and Brett Williamson, have been hired for the Community Youth Center. Two hundred teams have registered for the summer softball league and adult basketball has been expanded by adding a "6' and Under" league at Lincoln School. Park Signs Parklife Cooperative Program Recreation Division CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 6 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX The new sailing program at Oasis and the addition of special interest classes and social programs are meeting many different needs of the seniors. The May schedule for Oasis is provided in the agenda packet for the Commission's review and information. Mr. Deven also invited the Commissioners to attend a new event, "Hawaiian Fiesta Day," at Oasis on May 15 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. This is in celebration of Senior Citizens Week and will feature a craft show, bake sale, music and entertainment. Item #13 - Park and Street Tree Division Park and Street Tree Commissioner Brenner reported the area adjacent to Harbor Division View looks very nice after being cleaned up. Mark Deven thanked Jack Brooks and his staff for their help • in providing information for the Recreation Facility Directory. Commissioner de Boom commented the new Palm Trees at the Newport Pier look very good. Item #14 - Facility ReView� Facility Review Commissioner Konwiser handed out a report he had written addressing problem areas from his walks in the City's parks. He said he enjoyed doing this and intends to complete his review in the near future. Mr. Whitley thanked Commissioner Konwiser and said staff appreciates his help and' input. Jack Brooks reported painting of benches is done periodically. They are in the process of replacing the trash cans. Item #15 - Little Corona Study Little Corona Commissioner Taft reported on the status of the-Little Study Corona Study. At their last meeting, attended by repre- sentatives from the Shorecliff Homeowners Association and Ron Whitley, John Wolters from the Public Works Department showed pictures of the site after major rain storms. In the past there was a great deal more beach, however, the marshes and reeds in Buck Gully have diminished the beach • area. One major problem is the gully of water which runs down. Public Works recognizes the problems that exist and is working on them. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH • • arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 7 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Ron Whitley reported that the meeting was designed as a work shop and that information is still being gathered. When completed, a report will be transmitted to Council with a recommendation that a review be made by this Commission. Item #16 - Liability Insurance Liability Insurance Commissioner Brenner asked about liability insurance for th Commissioners. Ron Whitley wil'l get the City Attorney's clarification on this matter and that of a personal umbrella policy. He did point out, however, that since thi Commission is an advisory body, rather than a legislative body, they would most likely not be held liable. Item #17 - Police Patrol on Peninsula Police Patrol on Commissioner de Boom recommended the Commission transmit Peninsula to the Police Department that they patrol 32nd to 34th Streets more often on the Peninsula due to the problems she has observed at this location.- Ron Whitley advised either the Commission, Council or de Boom, as an individual can transmit the matter to the Police Department. Commissioner de Boom decided she would contact the Police Department directly, but wanted to inform the Commission. This will be placed on the agenda for the Commission''s meeting on June 3. Item #18 - Theatre Arts Center Theatre Arts Center Commissioner de Boom reported that the Theatre Arts Center Board meetings will be held the second'Wednesday of each month, rather than the first Wednesday. She al,s6 reviewed the problems which occurred between the Director and Choreographer of the play, "Side by Side." Item #19 - Teen Council /Teen Center Teen Council/ Chair Wolfe reported high school students are being Teen selected to serve on the Teen Council. The Irvine Company Center has tentatively approved land to be donated for the Center along with a building to be leased to the non - profit corporation. There should be something firm within 60 -90 days. In addition, The Irvine Company has .agreed to fund one -half of the economic study. The Bylaws expect to be approved May 7. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Em City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX VI. SPECIAL, URGENT OR LAST MINUTE ,ITEMS There has been no response from the City Attorney yet re- garding the area behind Cappy's Restaurant. Application has been transmitted for a Coastal Permit for West Newport Park. Commissioner Brenner expressed her concern over the City's lack of insurance and how this affects their trips. Mark Deven reported he is-securing Insurance Certificates of Hold Harmless Agreements. There is also a possibility of contracting 'out to a firm that has proper insurance and a good safety record. In addition, the matter is being reviewed by the City Attorney.. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Parks, Beaches and • Recreation Commission adjourned at 9:40 P.M. Dottie Flohr, Secretary 1._J Item No. 8 MEMORANDUM OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY May 26, 1986 TO: Ronald Whitley, Director of Parks, Beaches & Recreation FROM: Carol A. Korade,, Assistant City Attorney RE: Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission You, have inquired about the potential personal liability of the members of the Parks, Beache -s & Recreation Commission. As you a.re aware, this Commission was established by Section 769 of the City Charter and has the power to advise the City Council, consider the annual budget, assist in planning of Parks & Recreation's programs, establish policies for development of parks and beaches, and perform such other duties and may be prescribed by ordinance. The following is a summary of the potential areas of personal liability of the members of the Parks Beache.s & Recreation Commission: 1. Expenditures: There must always be legal authority to make the expenditure or perform the action for which the expenditure is required. There may be personal liability if members of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission expend City funds for an unauthorized expenditure. 2. Individual Actions: If a member of the Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission deprives an individual of consitutional or federal statutory rights, the Commission member will be immune from personal liability for damages for this violation of civil rights if a person under the same or similar circumstances would have a good faith belief that the action is permissible under the federal laws and the United States Constitution. -1- J Z 3. Personal Use of City Property: Commission members • should take care to avoid the use of City property for their personal benefit or advantage. 4. Free Railroad Passes: Article 12, Section 7 of the California State Constitution specifically prohibits the acceptance of any free passes from railroads or other transportation companies by any public officer and provides that such passes will work a forfeiture of the public office. 5. "Willful Omission" Misdemeanors: There are a few specific penalties applicable to individual members of the Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission. For example, Section 1222 of the Government Code reads as follows: "Every willful omission to perform any duty enjoined by law upon any public officer or person holding any public trust or employment, where no special provision is made for the punishment of such delinquency, is punishable as a misdemeanor. 6. Willful Misconduct in Office: Under Sections 3060 et. seq. of the Government Code, a public officer may be removed from office for willful misconduct in office even though s /he has not committed a crime. In general, as long as the individual members of the Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission act within the scope of their powers and duties and in good faith, there should be no individual liabilty. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. CAK /mlh 2 J K&VLOk Carol A. Korade Assistant City Attorney -2- 0 SANTA ANITA.DEvELoPMENT CORPORATION Gary Hamilton President June 2, 1986 Mr. Ron Whitley City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 RE: 2727 Ocean Boulevard Pedestrian Access /Encroachment Permit Dear Ron: Thank you for the time you spent with Ken Perry and me last week. As promised, enclosed please find a.preliminary plan of the . proposed improvement area. The purpose of this proposed improvement is to provide pedestrian access to the front door of my residence and to discourage pedestrian access at the driveway which we all agree is an unsafe condition. • This plan reflects the extension of the four -foot sidewalk and retains 100 percent of the grass area to the north of the new pedestrian access, which grass area would be the only remaining area to be maintained by the City of Newport Beach. As you can see, I have relocated the existing fence to the area directly behind the new sidewalk and as it moves north, it will follow the existing turf in a free -form fashion. The entire area inside this fenceline will become my responsibility to maintain. As you care see.•from this plan, I am anticipating going to great lengths to enhance this area both for the benefit of the public and for the aesthetic value to my residence. At the same time, it is my primary goal to eliminate the terribly unsafe condition. In other words, if I have to construct a new access, I might as well do it right for the benefit of all. We discussed numerous conditions of approval which would be imposed by the City, most of which I have listed below: All improvement costs are the owner's sole cost and expense. 363 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach, California 926601 P.O. Be, 1880192658.8924 1 Phone 1714) 644.6440 •fw w C] Mr. Ron Whitley • -2- June 2, 1986 2. Owner would indemnify the City of Newport Beach for liability arising from an occurrence in the old and new maintenance areas. That is to say that the City would now be responsible - for the existing grass or park area only. 3. You mentioned that retaining the view corridor was important. With the exception of the existing landscaping material, any new improvements or landscaping would not exceed the height of the existing condition. The existing 42- 48.inch fence would therefore become the highest point of improvement or plant material. 4. The owner would also be responsible for the physical maintenance of this area to include irrigation, sweeping, and landscaping. After your submission of the enclosed to the Parks and Recreation Committee, I would like to get together to. discuss your comments. In the meantime, if you have any questions, you can call me at my office. The phone number is 644 - 6440. Very truly yours, Ga i ton cc: Don Clark, Insurance Agent t,-Geg Grisamore, Architect Ken Perry, Public Works Department cjs y" n U CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department DATE: June 3, 1986 TO: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director SUBJECT: West Newport Park Recommendation: 1. Reaffirm the position of having West Newport Park developed as submitted to the Coastal Commission without parking. 2. Authorize the.Chairman of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission to appear before the Coastal Commission and testify on .this matter. Background: The City Council, on January 27, 1986, approved a conceptual plan for the development of West Newport Park without parking for automobiles. This recommendation had been made in August of 1985 and again in January of 1986 after considerable review by the West Newport Improvement Association and the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission. The appropriate reports on this matter are included for information. Upon submitting this development concept to the Coastal Commission, a verbal Coastal Commission staff condition was placed on the project to provide 100 -200 spaces for beach parking. The chronology of this matter is attached for your information. Ronald A. Whitley 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department August 26, 1985 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO. TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT'OF WEST NEWPORT PARK Recommendation: Direct staff to pursue the development of West Newport Park to include basketbal'1 courts, tot lot areas, picnic areas, bicycle parking and NO vehicle parking lots. Discussion: Staff has had several meetings with the West•Newport Community Association regarding desired improvements to the proposed development of the P.E. Right -of -Way. As recommended by the Association and conceptually approved by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission at their meeting of August 6, 1985, the project would include: 1. Landscaping along Coast Highway to provide aview and sound barrier. 2. Children's play equipment areas. 3. Basketball court(s). 4. Picnic areas. 5. Bicycle parking areas. 6. Restroom to•'be located in the vicinity of Orange Avenue. A specific request was made not to include parking lots in the project. Prior to having a consultant prepare a preliminary plan, it is felt that a conceptual approval is necessary to provide direction. It further will be required to apply the funds appropriated for parking lot construction ($95,000) to the park develop- ment project to accommodate the increased area to be landscaped due to eliminating the parking. The project will require obtaining a Coastal Permit, and it is unknown at this time what their ,reaction will be to the proposed project as described. The proposed development is consistent with our adopted Local Coastal Plan. f 7�� a4&1�W_9. Ronald A. Whitley 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks,,Beaches and Recreation Department January 27, 1986 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO. J -1 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director SUBJECT: PRELIMINARY PLAN FOR WEST NEWPORT PARK Recommendations: 1. Approve a conceptual plan for development of West Newport Park (P.E. Right -of -Way) with o withou angle parking. 2. Authorize the staff to apply to the Coastal Commission for a development permit. 3. Authorize the staff to pursue with the County of Orange the possibility of acquiring or leasing the County owned parcel adjacent to the Santa . Ana River (ocean ward of the bridge) for recreational and parking purposes. Background: At the Study Session of January 13, 1986 the City Council reviewed a request approved by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission and the West Newport Improvement Association that proposed development of the subject City owned property without vehicular parking within the greenbelt. This development concept was based on the factors listed below: 1. No parking is needed for the development as 20 or 30 spaces would not solve the beach related parking problem. 2. As the configuration of the property is narrow (60' - 80'), the park needs space for viable development. 3. Parking lots would break up the continuity of the park facility. 4. Parking is a misuse of val -uable open space and recreational land. 5. To provide parking would not benefit local park users. 6. To provide ingress, egress and sight clearance for interior parking lots takes away current street parking in the area. 7. The proposed development is a green belt concept that normally does not provide parking. -2- Discussion: During discussion of this item the .City Council asked for several details to be clarified and that the matter be presented for Council action. Additional information is provided and it is pointed out that the project is still in a preliminary phase with final approvals to be obtained in the future. Construction Costs $445,000 I't is estimated by the project architect that the cost for construction fs $445,000 which includes all landscaping, walkways, tot lots„ basketball court, irrigation and design fees. Funds available are $295,000 in the current,budget and an additional appropriation has been requested for Fiscal Year 86 -87 to complete the project. This utilizes the $95,000 appropriated for parking in the current budget and does not provide funds for a public restroom. It is proposed that the restroom be funded from our public rest -room program. Maintenance Costs: $15,000 It is estimated that the development of 6 acres will require an operating budget increase of $15,000 annually. This cost will be considered in the normal budget process as development occurs. Street Angle Parkin There are currently 118 spaces available for parking on Seashore Drive from 56th Street to Nordina. By providing additional angle parking it becomes possible to provide 30 spaces for public parking on Seashore. This decreases the width of the greenbelt development by ten (10) feet in three locations, but does not significantly alter the design concepts. This parking concept provides a net increase of 15 spaces but could be expanded to include the entire length of the greenbelt. Sound Attenuation Wall The environmental document for the construction of a new Coast Highway Santa Ana River bridge provides for a wall to be constructed on Coast Highway adjacent to th-e - proposed park development. The wall construction is anticipated to be,done in the 1989 -90 State fiscal year. To assure that the two projects are compatible the consultant will work closely with CAL TRANS and the Public Works Department, who will be administering the road widening project, to determine a location of the wall and provide landscape that will not require alteration as the wall is constructed. Countv Propert As the West Newport Park is extended to include the green belt development and the Santa Ana River bridge is reconstructed to provide a new entrance to Newport Beach, the County owned beach area adjacent to the Santa Ana River becomes an integral and useful parcel. To use this property for addi- tional aquatic recreational purposes. and public parking is highly desirable. Authorizing the staff to investigate the use of this property will coordinate all possible public agency plans for the West Newport area. 41 Staff looks forward to pro area that local residents in an acceptable way. You the necessary preliminary -3- ' viding a public will be proud o r approval of considerations important development. y facility in the West Newport f and one that serves the public the recommendations will allow to be acquired to implement this 0 • • 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department WEST NEWPORT PARK July 1, 1985 funds available. July 24, 1985 Architects solicited. July and August Meetings with Association to determine amenities. August 26, 1985 Request to City Council to proceed with design to exclude parking. Architect approved City Council directed staff to prepare preliminary plans by City Council that depicted park development with parking and without Sept. 9, 1985 parking. January 27, 1986 City Council approved a conceptual plan without parking. Authorized the staff to apply for a Coastal Commission permit. Apri9, 1986 Coastal permit prepared—submitted. May 6, 1986 -'Notified, by-Coastal, Commission that permit request to be a public hearing at their June meeting in San Francisco. Notice of permit posted. May 22, 1986 Informed by Coastal Commission that parking would be required,,100 -200 spaces. May 22, 1986 Requested a continuation of the public hearing to July in Southern California. u Item No. 10 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department DATE: May 28, 1986 TO: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: Recreation Superintendent SUBJECT: Recreation Programs Subcommittee Meeting of May 13. On Tuesday, May 13-, the initial meeting of the Recreation Program Subcommittee was held to discuss program components per the subcommittee's objectives. Present were Commissioners Clyda Brenner and A.Z. Taft and Recreation Division staff members Mark Deven and Nancy Beard. The following agenda summary is provided as a means of keeping the Commission up to date. I. Summer Program Brochure Nancy Beard described the'Department's summer program brochure, including new classes, the brochure cover and distribution dates. Ms. Beard described the Department's programming direction for the summer, which traditionally emphasizes outdoor activities, such as sailing, swimming and tennis over culinary arts, investment workshops and image enhancement classes. Ms. Beard answered specific questions with respect to individual classes and how the Department administers Personal Service Agreements. II. Capital Improvements Specific capital improvements which impact use of recreation facilities were discussed at Las Arenas and Channel Place Parks, Oasis and the Theatre Arts Center. 'Approximately $10,000 of- playground equipment has been purchased for Las Arenas and'Channel Place, Parks. The equipment is modular with brightly colored vinyl covered posts and sidings. Layouts at each facility were reviewed. The Oasis north wing restroom is nearly complete -and a Request for Proposals for renovations to'the'Theatre Arts Center has been sent to prospective bidders. III. Selected Program Review The adult sports program was reviewed by the committee. The attached fact sheet describes the program's philosophy, seasonal sports, actual /projected participation and revenue. The program generates approximately $130,000 of revenue and 5,200 participants into'Department programs, with the heaviest concentration in the adult summer softball program. The committee discussed the impact of Lincoln School on the program and projected impact of the planned Bonita Creek facility. TV. Special, Urgent or Last Minute Items is The committee discussed the Department's marketing effort and requested continuous review in this area. V. Next Meeting Date j`7 July 30, 1986 wzxmi� Mark i • • Adult Sports Facts Philosophy Participation, sportsmanship and fitness are the program's objectives. The majority of teams are "industrial ", sponsored;by Newport Beach businesses ranging from Hotel /Restaurants to Legal firms. As a result, teams are scheduled to play as early as 4:30 PM to accomodate the participants work schedule. Seasonal Sports Offered: Softball is offered in the summer and fall seasons. Although the demand for a year round schedule is present, the lack of lighted facilities and the damp winter /spring seasons makes a year -round softball schedule diffi- cult. Basketball is offered throughout the year at four gymnasium in the City. The lease of the Lincoln gymnasium will allow the Department to expand the program if the demand is present. Actual /Projected Participation: The following figures are based on previous year's annual registration: Sport Teams Softball 255 Basketball 120 Totals 275 Actual / Projected Revenue: Participants Games 3,800 1,402 1,400 660 5,200 2,062 The following figures are based on year -to -date revenue for fiscal year 1985 -86 and projected revenue for fixed year 1986 -87. M, Year Revenue 1985 -86 $125,000 1986 -87 $130,000 Increase on Fiscal Year 1986 -87 is based on a 5% fee increase. Item No. 11 . PARK AND STREET TREE DIVISION MAY, 1986 PROGRESS REPORT Our Park Crews performed the following tasks in addition to normal maintenance during the month,of May: Reset old'scul'pture and installed new sculpture at City Hall. Graded and seeded lawn areas; planted trees; installed basketbal•1 posts and backboards at Irvine Terrace Park. Removed ice plant from streets on Riverside Avenue. Planted Palm Trees at Newport Pier. Aligned, graded and striped baseball fields. Returned books from library sale. Replaced one volleyball post at 38th Street and two • posts at the State Beach. Moved piano from Las Arenas to Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department storage. Our Street Tree Division performed the following: Trimmed 458 trees. Removed 8 trees. Root pruned 3 trees. Completed 13 work requests. Areas being trimmed this month are Corona del Mar and Westcliff. iq �� RECREATION DIVISION MAY, 1986 PROGRESS REPORT Special Interest Activities Item No. 12 The Department's Summer Recreation Brochure was mailed to Newport Beach residents on May 28. Approximately 40,000 brochures are published, 30,000 of which are mailed while an additional 10,000 are distributed to public libraries, homeowners associations, community centers, parks and schools. The brochure cover includes a•color picture of the Newport Beach Trolley which will serve thirteen recreation sites through a fixed route system linking the Balboa Pier with the Oasis Senior Center. The Summer Brochure features information on 285 separate activities, which includes tennis, sailing and swim instructor schedules. Youth Activities The girls softball program began May 12 with practices conducted at five elementary school sites. Softball' coaches have attended coaching clinics and will continue practices with league play beginning the week of June 23. Interested players may register up to the first game of the season. Activity 'highlights at the Community Youth Center include a Cinco de Mayo celebration, softball games and special events such as movies and tournaments. Sports and Aquatics •Classification round play began May 12 for 207 softball teams. The City has scheduled over 1,100 league games beginning May 27 and continuing through mid - August at seventeen softball diamonds. Through the efforts of the Parks Division, renovations have been completed at all of the diamonds, including those at School District sites, which have resulted -in safety and esthetic improvements. Aquatic program highlights include capacity classes in Lido 14 and surfing programs. Seniors On May 2, Mayor Philip R. Maurer and Councilwoman Evelyn Hart - attended the Friends of Oasis General.IMembership Meeting. The Mayor presented a Proclamation' recognizing May as Older Americans Month and the week of May 11 -17 as National Senior Center Week. On May 15, the Center celebrated "Fiesta Day" complete with food and entertainment provided by the Friends of Oasis. The Center continued its monthly assortment of health and human services classes, including Blood Pressure Testing, Skin Cancer Screening and a presentation by the League of Women Voters on the June 3 primary ballot. The June schedule of Oasis activities is attached. 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