HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-06-1990 - AgendaCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PARKS, BEACHES AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TO BE HELD TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1990 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:00 P.M. I. PROCEDURAL MATTERS 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes - Meeting of October 2, 1990 4. Adoption of Agenda II. INFORMATIONAL AND COMMITTEE REPORTS 5. Park and Street Tree Division (Report Attached) 6. Recreation Division (Report Attached) 7. Tree Committee - Chair Herberts 8. Recreation Program Committee - Chair Compton 9. Parks and Open Space Committee - Chair Vandervort 10. Beach Committee - Chair Taft 11. Oasis Liaison - Commissioner Demmer 12. Theatre Arts Center Liaison - Commissioner Compton III. ACTION ITEMS 13. Tree Appeal - 1038 Sea Lane (Report Attached) 14. Tree Appeal - 30 Morro Bay (Report Attached) 15. Volleyball Court Relocation (Report Attached) 16. Bolsa Avenue Park Proposal (Report Attached) 17. Develop Agenda for Joint Meeting with City Council (Report Attached) IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS V. DISCUSSION ITEMS 18. Status of Capital Improvement Projects (Report Attached) 19. Facility Inspections (Report Attached) 20. Bonita Creek Park Noise Report (Report Attached) 21. Capital Improvement Proposals 1991 -92 (Report i Attached) VI. SPECIAL. URGENT OR LAST MINUTE ITEMS VII. ADJOURNMENT 11 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH • Motion Ayes Item No. 3 arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission October 2, 1990 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Ex- Officio Member Present: Ronald A. Whitley Staff Present: Nancy Beard, Recreation Superintendent Jack Brooks, Park and Tree Maintenance Superintendent Dottie Flohr, Secretary I PROCEDURAL MATTERS Item 01 - Call to Order all to Order The meeting of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. Item #2 - Roll Call olI Call Roll call was taken. Commissioners Compton, Demmer, Grant, Herberts, Konwiser, Taft and Vandervort were present. Item #3 - Approval of Minutes - Meetina of kpproval of September 4, 1990 inutes x Commissioner Herberts moved the minutes of the x x x x x x x September 4, 1990 meeting be approved. Unanimous. Item #4 - Adoption of Agenda Adoption of The agenda was adopted as presented with the Agenda addition of Dedicated Plaques under Item ##8 and North Star Beach under Item ##17. II. ACTION ITEMS Item #5 - Analysis of Ambient Liaht from Analysis of Lincoln Athletic Center Ambient Light Chair Grant turned the meeting over to From Lincoln Athletic Director Whitley who referred to the history Center CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 2 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX of the subject project which is covered in the report submitted. After refurbishment of the facility, candlepower was increased as one of the objectives to provide better lighting. However, this has caused problems in the adjacent neighborhood. A third consultant, RWR Pascoe, Electrical Engineers, recently completed an investigation and report, and their representative is present to answer any questions. Chair Grant opened the meeting to Public Hearing and Dr. Robert Pike, 3 Monterey Circle, addressed the Commission on behalf of Spyglass Hills Community Association. Dr. Pike expressed their appreciation for the Commission's concern on the lighting problems • and stated they would prefer to follow the consultant's recommendations as presented in his report as well as implementing reasonable hours for usage. He reported that in the past lights have been poorly managed and have occasionally been on until 11:00 P.M. In addition, he felt they were installed with no regard to views and his home is like having high beams directed at every room. He stated it was his understanding that the original goal was to make the field fit for softball, however, during the process consideration was not given to nearby residents. Commissioner Herberts commented that when she visited 1907 Yacht Enchantress, which is adjacent to Spyglass Hills, it was also affected by the lights. In response to a question by Commissioner Compton, Dr. Pike explained that all the poles are a problem, however, the side closer to San Miguel has less impact. Mr. George Havriluk, 27 Point Loma, addressed the Commission on behalf of club soccer and softball. He urged a compromise be reached so • ` the fields can remain open for these activities. Dr. Jack Ericksmoen, 3601 Blue Key, addressed CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 3 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX the Commission on behalf of AYSO Region 57. He reported that if the lighting were withdrawn, it would have a devastating effect on the 900 children who live in the area. He stated their group does not play at night but uses the field for practice in the early evening, and that Club Soccer uses the lighted fields afterwards. In response to a question by Commissioner Compton, Director Whitley explained that reconfiguring the fields and not changing the lights would not help the homeowners. Dr. Robert Pike, 3 Monterey Circle, addressed the Commission and pointed out he is not against sports. He feels the problems are • with the ball fields when the lights are turned up and not the soccer program. Director Whitley explained that the field was originally lighted in 1974 specifically for baseball and that the pole height is the same and in the same general location. Mr. Ralph Raya, consultant representing RWR Pascoe Engineering., addressed the Commission. He reported they were contacted to identify the lighting problems and offer solutions which are provided in their report. During his review he pointed out that lights which are required for softball are not the same as those needed for soccer. When the soccer fields were reoriented further away, the light fixtures were aimed at a higher angle creating an ambient light in the sky which is what the Spyglass Hills homeowners are seeing. He reported the initial intent was to light the ball field and the lights were properly designed for this, however, they are wrong for the soccer fields. His recommendation would first be to re -aim the existing problem light fixtures. If there is not sufficient • candlepower and the glare is not eliminated, he suggested the soccer fields be reoriented to the original design layout and the lighting products and fixtures be re- evaluated: Should the latter not solve the problem, then high CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 4 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX pressure sodium lamps should be considered. There being no further Public Testimony, Chair Grant closed the meeting to Public Hearing. Motion x Commissioner Compton moved to accept the Ayes x x K x x x x consultant's recommendations by first re- aiming the lights for a one week trial basis to see if this meets the needs of the homeowners and athletic groups. If this is not satisfactory, the fields should be relocated and the lights re -aimed for a two week trial basis. If the problems continue to exist, then the consultant's third recommendation to change the lighting system be implemented. Unanimous. In response to Chair Grant's concerns on • lighting management, Nancy Beard reported staff is trying to remedy past problems and she explained the new automatic override system which automatically turns the lights off Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 9:00 P.M. and Monday and Friday at 10:15 P.M. There is no weekend use. The lights can also be manually turned on /off before that time frame. Dirctor Whitley advised staff is attempting to educate users to manually turn the lights off when they are through using the fields. Commissioner Demmer asked when the Commission will have an evaluation and Director Whitley advised the Deparatment will act immediately and have a report for the Commission's November 6, 1990 meeting. Commissioner Konwiser recommended additional time management is needed on holidays. Director Whitley agreed and advised staff will handle this matter. Item #6 - Basketball Court in Channel Park Basketball Director Whitley reported notification was Court in Channel Park made that this item would be reviewed at the Commission's October meeting. He also passed CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 5 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX out a letter received from Mr. Garvey, 205 43rd Street, which favors installing the court. Chair Grant explained that the half basketball court has been provided as a capital budget item and at this time the decision can be reversed or approved. Chair Grant opened the meeting to Public Hearing and Ms. Meredith Butler, 4313 Channel Place, addressed the Commission in favor of a half basketball court. Her only concern was with parking problems, however, after consulting the City Manager, the City has agreed to either reconstruct her driveway or paint it red. . There being no further Public Hearing, Chair Grant closed the meeting to Public Hearing. Motion Ayes x x x x x x x Commissioner Compton motioned to proceed with installing a half basketball court t proposed location in Channel Park. Unanimous. Item #7 - Enhancement of Jetty View Park Enhancement of Jetty Chair Grant reported he spoke with Public View Park Works and they pointed out that all changes presented on public right of way require an encroachment permit through their Department. Chair Grant opened the meeting to Public Hearing and Mr. Curt Herberts, 2290 Channel Road, addressed the Commission. Referring to the concrete which is part of the seawall, he suggested it be covered with dirt and made a berm. He also recommended City Ordinances concerning wall and fence height be strictly enforced by the building inspectors. Mr. Brion Jeannette, architect for the Grasso residence, addressed the Commission. He . presented the preliminary plan and explained the proposed landscaping concept and house location. One of the main issues is the fishermen who use the bench and cut bait, resulting in a dirty and smelly area. Another CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 6 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX issue is the proposed sidewalk which is subject to Public Works approval. In reviewing the plan, Mr. Jeannette stated their intent is to take the extension of the seawall down to grade level for security purposes and relandscape; relocate the fishermen; add a sidewalk; rebuild the wall; plant grass to the bulkhead; and raise the fence for security reasons. Director Whitley advised that raising the fence between the park and Grasso property would obstruct views and Chair Grant suggested using shrubbery in lieu of raising the fence. Mr. R.J. Mitchell, 2172 Oceanfront, addressed • the Commission. He stated he favors Mr. Grasso's improvements and recommends the proposed plan be accepted. He agreed the fishermen's bench is an attractive nuisance and that raising the wall or fence would restrict views. Mr. Chuck Ryffel, 2294 Channel Road, addressed the Commission. He, too, agreed the fishermen create a mess and that there is easy access to the fishing area. He felt there is no way to keep people out without having a wall and it should be provided so there is no direct and easy access onto private property. He added that he hoped the turf areas would allow the landscaping to survive. Mr. Curt Herberts, 2290 Channel Road, addressed the Commission. Mr. Herberts recommended cactus type plants be planted in the planters and that bushes be added to keep the fishermen off the grass. He suggested a concrete rubble ramp be built out 15 -20 feet to move the fishermen down and make the area nice for everyone. • Mr. Don Hammono addressed the Commission. Mr. Hammono spoke of the hazardous condition which exists at the bulkhead which needs to be addressed to protect children from falling. He felt the park is beautiful and would CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 7 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX benefit from the additional landscaping. Mr. Glen Davis, 2183 E. Ocean, addressed the Commission and spoke in favor of the proposed plan. He added that he would prefer access be limited. Mr. Chuck Ryffel, 2294 Channel Road, addressed the Commission and stated he favors moving the fishermen but•is against any more concrete in the bay. Mr. Al Grasso, 2296 Channel Road, addressed the Commission. He expressed his gratitude for his neighbors coming to the meeting. He felt there are not many parks with a view such as West Jetty View Park, however, the initial • use has been taken away by the fishermen. Nobody can use the bench it area and is a constant cleaning problem. Mr. Grasso reported he is trying to enhance the park and make it more usable for the people, rather than having it a fishing hole. Referring to , the, existing 18" high bulkhead, he felt it has no structural value. He reported he would be happy to maintain the landscaping and bear the expense of moving the bench. Commissioner Konwiser pointed out Public Works requires 8t of the coping closest to the bay remain. In response to a question from Commissioner Herberts, Mr. Grasso pointed out no trees will be removed. Director Whitley advised that Department policy is that the adjacent property owner pay for initial landscaping expenses, after which the City maintains the area. There being no further Public Testimony, Chair Grant closed the meeting to Public Hearing. • During discussion, Commissioner Compton stated he had no problem with the sidewalks, fence and bulkhead. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches ,& Recreation Commission Page 8 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Commissioner Demmer suggested the fishermen be moved from the park to the jetty or else something be provided for.them away from the park. She also stated she favors enhancing the landscaping and views and adding benches. She does not, however, like the idea of the sidewalk cutting into the view park. Commissioner Vandervort felt the sidewalk is appropriate and favors the plan presented. Commissioner Herberts addressed the Commission and those present and asked if they felt there would be a conflict of interest on her part and, if so, she would refrain from discussion and voting. There being no response, Commissioner Herberts • stated the bulkhead and issues such as certain sidewalks will have to be addressed by Public Works. She commented that she spoke with the Tidelands Administrator who stated there should be no problem taking the bulkhead to grade level. Commissioner Herberts also emphasized that this Commission's jurisdiction lies directly with the park itself. Commissioner Herberts stated she is in favor of the landscaping plan as the fishermen's area is smelly, filthy and unsanitary. Commissioner Herberts recommended a higher wrought iron type fence be added to the top of the legally allowed 3 foot wall between the park and Grasso property which would help the security situation and not restrict views. Motion x Commissioner Konwiser moved to approve the plan and recommend the architect and applicant pay special attention to the use of pycantha or natal plum at the location where the 18" curb wall abuts the bulkhead on the subject property. Commissioner Herberts amended the motion to • include approval of plans only as they relate to the park under the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department's jurisdiction; the remaining issues to be addressed by the Public Ayes I� U M MV Ix` Ay xIx CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches .& Recreation Commission Page 9 City Council Chambers 7 p.m Works Department. Unanimous. Item 08 - Council Poliov I -22 Naming of Cif Parks Chair Grant announced that Policy I -22, Namina of City Parks, has been brought back for the Commission's review due to numerous requests for plaques in parks for those who have passed away. Director Whitley reported the subject policy has been reviewed by staff and it indicates what the City Council had directed the Commission provide, namely (1) It allows for naming of parks, (2) It identifies areas where plaques can be put, and (3) It allows site amenities to be dedicated in a park. Director Whitley further explained that when a site amenity is added, such as a drinking fountain or bench, it cannot have a plaque. Commissioner Konwiser felt the policy should be amended to specifically address plaques and that the word "dedicated" be'clarified. Commissioner Demmer recommended sites need to be identified to place plaques for those who are not exceptional or distinguished. She also suggested other cities and counties be contacted to review their policies on the matter. Director Whitley advised he has made inquiries and many cities do not have such policies, however, some cities allow plaques any place. In the past, City Council has not encouraged placement of plaques in the City. Commissioner Konwiser recommended adding Item #6 to state that commemorative plaques and monuments shall not be allowed. Commission Compton motioned Policy I -22 be X x x referred to a subcommittee for review and brought back to the Commission. Unanimous. INDEX Council Policy I -22 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH • Motion Ayes arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 10 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Free Appeal :apital 'rojects Goals and Objectives At Commissioner Herberts suggestion, the Commission determined that the Park and Open Space Committee review Policy I -22 and that commissioner Demmer attend in Chair Grant's stead. Item #9 - Tree-Appeal, 2027 Deborah Lane Director Whitley reported that in talking with the homeowner, Mrs. Wilcox first requested the item be continued and then decided the Commission should review it. Should her appeal be denied, she indicated she would appeal it to the City Council. Commissioner Herberts reported both the Tree Committee and staff recommended the tree be retained since it is a beautiful tree and there is no history of sewer problems. Commissioner Herberts moved the subject tree be retained. Commissioner Demmer asked if the tree was diseased and Jack. Brooks advised it is infected with an insect but is not diseased. X x' x x x x x Unanimous. III. PUBLIC COMMENTS IV. DISCUSSION ITEMS Item #10 - Capital Projects In response to a question from Commissioner Taft, Director Whitley informed the Commission that both Little Corona and Inspiration Point are under construction. Commissioner Compton inquired about dressing rooms at the Theatre Arts Center and Nancy Beard replied they will be recommended for next fiscal year. Item All - Goals and Objectives Commissioner Konwiser stated he felt spending Free Appeal :apital 'rojects Goals and Objectives • • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 11 City Council Chambers 7 p.m a lot of time on the Goals and Objectives report was not all that necessary and it would take a lot of work to follow through when things seem to be running smoothly. Commissioner Vandervort referred to Page 2, Item 7, and recommended the word "where" be inserted to help clarify the sentence. She also referred to Page 5, Item 7, about offering registration through a charge payment system. Nancy Beard explained a fee would be attached and that this use of payment has raised revenues in other cities. Referring to Page 8, Commissioner Vandervort pointed out that Objective 2 of the Parks and Open Space Committee also includes the full Commission. On Page 91 Commissioner Vandervort recommended the dates following Items (a) through (e) under Item #6 be deleted. Commissioner Herberts questioned Item 8 on Page 8 referring to reducing Commission tree removal time. Chair Grant explained the concept is to reduce the Commission's time on appeals by giving them more review at the subcommittee level. Commissioner Konwiser questioned Item 4 on Page 2 referring to the Parks Division's objective to reduce water by 200. Jack Brooks explained the Division feels they can make this reduction where water is wasted and still have green parks. Commissioner Konwiser referred to Objective #1 of the Tree Committee on Page 7 which states Policy I -12, Obstruction of Views by Trees, be clarified. Since I -12 has now been deleted, Commissioner Konwiser felt there is presently no view policy and urged Policy I -12 be reconsidered since it has been used to justify a number of problem areas, more recently those on Larkspur. Following discussion on Ordinances and INDEX CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Motion Ayes • arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 12 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX rk and reet Tree vision Recreation Division nication ved Policies as they relate to views, Commissioner Vandervort moved to bring Policy I -12 back a! X x x x •x x an action item. Unanimous. Commissioner Demmer referred to Item 3 on Pag( 9 and suggested new projects be added. It wa! determined that Cliff Drive Park and Newport Shores Park be added as Items (d) and (e). Item 012 - Park and Street Tree Division Item #12 was addressed following Item #9. Commissioner Herberts questioned a tree removal not approved by the Tree Committee anc Jack Brooks explained this was done because root pruning was not sufficient to solve the problems. Commissioner Herberts requested replanting or the median parking lot at the Balboa Pier. Item 413 - Recreation Division Nancy Beard reported the information for the winter brochure is due October 5 which includes a message from the Commission. Commissioner Demmer asked about the continuation of the travel sports wagon and Nancy Beard explained staff is still determining if it will be continued at Newport Heights for a few days during the school year. Item 414 - Communication Received Bonita Creek Park, Dan Rabun Director Whitley reported Mr. Dan Rabun, who spoke at the Commission's September 4 meeting on Bonita Creek Park, has sent another letter dated September 14 to the Commission. Mr. Rabun took his issue to the City Council and they have asked for additional data. Director Whitley passed out a letter just received from the Newport Beach Junior All rk and reet Tree vision Recreation Division nication ved U it CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 13 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX American Football Association wherein they are instituting policies to relieve the noise and parking problems during their use of the park. Commissioner Vandervort reported she went to Bonita Creek Park on Saturday morning and felt they are doing a good job reducing the noise. In addition, although many cars pass Mr. Rabun's home, most do not go into the park. She also did not see any illegally parked cars and felt the noise level was minimal. Commissioners Compton and Herberts agreed that when they were there, they saw no problems and felt the program to be very worthwhile. V. COMMISSION COMMITTEES Item #15 - Tree Committee Tree Committee Commissioner Herberts, Chair of the Tree Committee, reported they met September 26 and addressed nine removal requests, four of which are Carobs and have termites. Jack Brooks will pursue. - Item #16 - Recreation Program Committee Recreation Commissioner Compton, Chair of the Committee, Program Committee reported they met and reviewed four policies for minor clarification. Item #17 - Parks and open Space Committee Parks and Commissioner Vandervort, Chair, reported they Open Space Committee met and discussed North Star Beach. Director Whitley reported he met with several members of the Dover Shores Community Association and some controversy exists. When the capital improvement process starts, North Star Beach will be included and the Association notified to provide input for the Commission's consideration. Director Whitley passed out the Park Facility Inspection Reports that staff completes every 3 months which shows what occurs after CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 14 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX inspections. Commissioner Vandervort announced the Commission's Facility Inspection Reports are due next month. In addition, policies and objectives for November will be reviewed by the Park and Open Space Committee along with a special meeting to review Policy I -12. Item #18 - Beach Committee Beach Committee Commissioner Taft, Chair, reported they met September 20 to review minor changes in the volleyball regulations. Commissioner Taft reviewed his report submitted, noting that the word "both" will be deleted under Item 3 in Procedures for • Installation Approval. The Marine Safety Department requested changes be made between 40th -44th Streets due to the heavy concentration of courts in this area in order that access be easier for emergency equipment. As a result, the committee determined the court at 4105 Oceanfront be moved to the end of 41st Street and the court at 4307 Oceanfront be moved to the end of 44th Street and all courts be moved out to a point at least 50 feet from the adjacent property line. Commissioner Vandervort questioned if it were not an informal policy not to put courts in at street ends where there is a lifeguard station. She also felt that Rental Resident /Owner should not be included on the Application for Court Installation. Commissioners Taft and Konwiser concurred. Nancy Beard advised that both owners and rental residents are notified regarding court • removals and installations. I Chair Grant questioned if the proposed relocations will require the notification CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 15 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX process. Director Whitley agreed stating that they also need to be posted. Motion x Commissioner Compton motioned that the Beach Ayes x x x x x x x Committee's recommendations be approved with the exception of the proposed relocations to be reviewed at the Commission's November meeting after posting; and that Rental Resident and Owner be deleted in the Application for Volleyball Installation. Unanimous. Commissioner Compton recommended steel poles, which the volleyball players favor, be used if these courts are moved. Director Whitley will pursue. • Commissioner Vandervort suggested a review be made of the cost effectiveness of metal poles since there is deterioration in those installed one and a half years ago at Corona del Mar Beach. Item 419 - Oasis Liaison Oasis Liaison Commissioner Demmer reported the bids for the garden relocation were too high, therefore, the Parks Division will do the job. She also reported an additional $100,000 cost increase will be requested for the Oasis expansion. Chair Grant referred to the green belt area near the parking lot across from Oasis and asked the Tree Committee to review planting trees at this location. Director Whitley advised the community association had adamently opposed trees be planted at this site. • Item 420 - Theatre Arts Center Liaison heatre Arts enter Liaison Commissioner Compton reported the Commission is invited to complimentary tickets on Tuesday and Sunday nights. The Theatre has taken over CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 16 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX the Recreation Room and converted it into a dressing room. Cabinets have been put in the old dressing room. VI. SPECIAL. URGENT OR LAST MINUTE ITEMS VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission adjourned at 10:40 P.M. The agenda for this meeting was posted on September 25, 1990 at 10:30 A.M. outside the City Hall Administration Building. Dot Ct d .� Dottie Flohr, Secretary i • PARK.AND TREE DIVISION Item No. 5 OCTOBER, 1990 PROGRESS REPORT • Our Park crews performed the following tasks in addition to normal maintenance during the month of October. West Newport Park Removed Wind Mill palms because they couldn't take the ocean exposure. Balboa Library Planted (1) palm from existing nursery stock in our Corporate Yard. Oasis Senior Citizen Center 1. Garden plot project redesigned and put back out to bid. 2. Removed exi.sti.ng Pine trees to clear the way for the garden plots. Kings Road Park Removed and replaced two (6" x 8" x 4') boards on the steps which were rotting out and deemed to be unsafe. Bayside Parking Lot Between Marguerite and Jasmine 1. Installed automated irrigation systems. • 2. 'Spread out and graded 60 yards of imported top soil. 3. Poured approximately 30 feet of concrete curbing to separate our planter from the adjacent property. 4. Trimmed existing trees and shrubs. 5. Installed new landscaping. "M" Street Park 1. Removed turf from around the Pine tree to develop a planter area. 2. Poured approximately 50 feet of concrete edger strip. 3. Planted with one gallon color. Inspections performed by our Sprinkler Technician Crew Chief for Public Works East Pacific Coast Highway: 2 coverage tests, 2 valve tests, 1 controller test. West Pacific Coast Highway: 3 main line pressure tests, 1 lateral line pressure test. Corona del Mar Bluffs - Lookout Point • Completed needed repairs on surfaceArain. 11 - 2 - Irvine Terrace., Beek Park, Bayside Drive Park • Sanded where needed, stain and linseed oiled all wood playground equipment. For the Recreation Department Park Crews performed the following: Picked up and delivered an organ which was donated to the Oasis Center for the rummage sale. Delivered 25 delineators and a roll of caution tape for a special event. Installed new sand in the playground areas at•the following locations: San Miguel Park, Irvine Terrace Park, Buffalo Hills Phase I, Bayside Drive Park and Newport Community Center. Our Street Tree Division Performed the Following: Trimmed 850 trees. Planted 24 trees. Removed 2 trees. Root Pruned 10 trees. Completed 4 work requests. Areas being trimmed this month: Corona del Mar south of Pacific Coast Highway, Palms Central Newport. Transplanted 21 palms from West Newport to Newport Boulevard'(-Ill and Irvine Avenue (.10). Trees were removed at the following locations: Balboa Library Dead 1 -Palm 30th Street Parking Lot Dead 2 -Palm Trees were planted at the following locations: Balboa Library 1 -Palm 30th Street Parking Lot 2 -Palm --Jack roo <s � 2� Item No. 6 • RECREATION DIVISION OCTOBER, 1990 PROGRESS REPORT Contract. Classes Contract classes continue to do well. We are in the middle of our fall season. 3,000 people are currently enrolled in classes. Our Art After School class began this month. This class is sponsored by the Newport Harbor Art Museum. 15 children are participating in the class. We are also holding a waiting list of 11. The winter brochure is now in production. 24 new classes will be offered this winter. Don't forget about the November 10 and 11 Holiday Arts and Crafts Fair at Mariners Park. It promises to be an exciting event. Aquatics We are still staffing the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center although our open swim hour participants are waning. Sailing . Our sailing registration is up 20% from last fall. That's great news. The sailing program has been suffering through a slow year. Youth and Adult Sports The Flag Football program is going strong. 130 boys and girls are participating in the program and playing their games on Thursday evenings at Grant Howald Park. In November three teams will be sent to the Orange County Championships hosted by the City of Costa Mesa. The 182 teams competing in our softball and basketball leagues will conclude around the Thanksgiving Holiday barring any rainouts or unforeseen delays. Youth Services The youth staff spent the month preparing for the 2nd Annual Halloween Haunt. 400 to 500 boys and girls and moms and dads came through the spooky center where they were made to walk through a grave yard where the likes of Kay Mart, Candy Cane and Rip Tide were buried; then on to everyone's worst nightmare -- Freddy Kruger's bedroom. They had to wade through a swamp; work their way through the vertigo black and white room; in and out of jail; and if they were lucky, they made it to the reception area where they had punch and cookies with Grant and Inez Howald. It was a great night. • You'd be surprised what a bunch of amateurs on a low budget can do! seniors go OIL Seniors • October has been a busy month due to two major programs. The Annual Holiday Craft Fair scheduled for October 27 was successful once again. Approximately 30 vendors, including Oasis groups, filled the Multi- purpose Room with handcrafted gifts and crafts. Approximately 300 people turned out to get a jump on holiday shopping. The Friends of Oasis sponsored a Halloween Party on October 28. This party was attended by 150 fully costumed seniors ranging from Dracula to Groucho Marx. A good time was had by all! Nan y Be d • • a �- M • SEPTEMBER 1990 OASIS SENIOR CENTER MONTHLY ACTIVITIES /UTILIZATIOR REPORT Classes /Groups 2864 Long Trips Human Services Alberta, Canada 41 Another Passage 28 Meetings Blood Pressure 117 Braille 13 Board of Directors 22 *Care -A -Van 194 Executive Committee 9 Case Management (hours) 25 General Membership 88 Chair Exercises 103 Long Range Planning Counseling 6 Human Services Committee 10 Employment 189 Fundraising 54 Information /Referr-al 420 Newsletter Collating 30 Medicare Assistance 2 Newsletter Committee 27 OASIS Singles 72 Shared Housing 84 Day Trips • Telephone Reasurance 181 9 -6 Del Mar Races 20 9 -11 LACMA 24 9 -25 Lawrence Welk 21 Volunteer Hours 2399 9 -28 Walkers Not Rockers 15 Van Transportation 378 Nutritious Lunches 758 Special Events Octoberfest 200 *This included one way and round trip ridership. � a� Item No. 13 • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department 11 DATE: October 29, 1990 TO: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director SUBJECT: TREE APPEAL - 1038 SEA LANE, CORONA DEL MAR The attached letter represents an appeal of the decision made by the Street Tree Committee to retain the Ficus street tree at 1038 Sea Lane. Also provided is the original staff inspection report and the notification of the Street Tree Committee's action. If there are questions, please feel free to call. Ronald A. Whitle 0 LI • • J KeruzetA S. CaAa 9038 Sea Lane Co.¢ona Det &A, CA 92 i y1 2z, -19. E ?+ Mr. Bob Wynn SQ • _. v 3 City Manager b, 'SEP2 71990ap- 3300 Bewport Blvd. J CRY IEanager Newport Beach, CA c11r of r:.,,,••e,� Beach Dear PLr. Wynn: During the first week of Sept. I ca ed and asked that someone from the Parkway Tree Committee come to my home to discuss removal of the large ficus in our parkway area. Yesterday, Mir. A. Z. Tast came—out to inspect the tree, spoke to our neighbor, Jean Morris, and told her he did not want to talk to us about the tree as he is a "tree lover" and would not consider removal. Both my wife and I were home at the time and Mrs. Paorris told him that and also explained the problems we have had with this 30+ year old fici,s. i tried to flag P•'r. Tast down as he was leaving but that was to no avail. I would like you to know a few facts regarding the problems we have had with the tree: Approximately 4 years ago we had a gas leak that turned out to be the problem of the Gas Co. but while we were getting quotes for replacement we were told by all that one day we would have serious problems with the ficus. The Gas Co. had many problems with the roots at that time and they were trimmed back. In 1986, 4 slabs of our sidewalk had to be replaced by the City because of root damage. In Oct., 1989, Sams Rooter did work on our kit- chen line running 20' towards the street also stating ficus roots would eventually cause serious damage to our pipes running to the street. In June, 1989 we had to replace the mower edge _ around the ficus and that new cement is rising, with the roots and is completely loose from its foundation. Currently our curb is broken and several of our friends, not to mention ourselves, have caught tires on that ragged break which is becomming worse daily. Three of our neighbors, on either side of us have had their trees removed. The City recent- ly replanted a new ficus two doors ;sown. tie are not asking the City to incur the expense and actually remove the tree. �e will do that if we can get permission. We have recently put in several thousand dollars of brick work in our front yard and it will be most upsetting if the roots from this much "overgrown for the area" (about 6'x7') ficus tree creates damage. i:e realize the committee meets this evening and its probaly too late for this letter to be heard, but we would certainly appreciate the opportunity to speak to one of the committee about this problem and let them know that we too are "tree lovers" and have 5 others on our property. Yx. Tast was unconcerned with out problem. Sincerely, &0-0v � M 0 ;° 0 • 0 �i PARK DEPT. CITY Of NEWPORT BEACH Name: Address: lb Phone Number: Complaint: y Date: 9 —6 ` 90 Species: /7 Damage: ~' - sidewalk: LJ Curb: (� L`2nc�'sd� P ✓s�iJ.,47L 4" 'Parkway: r1 Other: A Parkway: Concrete M Brick f--1 Turf 0ther.M ' Comments: /S i Fezi, Sew,,g Ss�s� .CVO, 3%� �2Ffi of 4 7 Peon /..e Inspected by: Supervisor's Recommendation: Si V,44� CITY' OFNEWFORT BEACH* `MpJ P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACIJ'CA 92659-1768 'Polak (714) 644410', 4� Ir , DATE: bcto6eh, u X, Comments: Sincerely, Jack Brooks Park and Street Tree Superintendent decision. please send a Tett6r•to-thb•Parks.,Ieaches and, Recreation'Commiss on: Attention: 'Jack Brooks: ,City Ordinance 13.08.040;- Tampering With Planting,Prohibi.ted NO ;pers kn-shall"'t, rim,.-cut idoWn damage'-'IremoVe".or 4est•oy`any- tree growing upo n any public'pa ,kt'.beach or,playground, or -,#e •grounds of any!publjc:building,�,or­a public• streetriqhtof-way, without wri tte .n,,,permis�si .,o .the 330.0 New'port Boulevard, Newp'ort Beach' CITY' OFNEWFORT BEACH* PARKS. BEACHES AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT: P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACIJ'CA 92659-1768 'Polak (714) 644410', 4� Ir , DATE: bcto6eh, u TO: Mr. 'Carr 1038Sea1ane Corona del Mar, California 926,25 Your r equest for tree removal has been reviewed,.by,the. Street Tree Committee and has been denied.. X, Comments: Sincerely, Jack Brooks Park and Street Tree Superintendent decision. please send a Tett6r•to-thb•Parks.,Ieaches and, Recreation'Commiss on: Attention: 'Jack Brooks: ,City Ordinance 13.08.040;- Tampering With Planting,Prohibi.ted NO ;pers kn-shall"'t, rim,.-cut idoWn damage'-'IremoVe".or 4est•oy`any- tree growing upo n any public'pa ,kt'.beach or,playground, or -,#e •grounds of any!publjc:building,�,or­a public• streetriqhtof-way, without wri tte .n,,,permis�si .,o .the 330.0 New'port Boulevard, Newp'ort Beach' Item No. 14 . CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department DATE: October 29, 1990 TO: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director SUBJECT: TREE APPEAL - 30 MORRO BAY DRIVE The attached letter and related material provide the Commission with information necessary to consider the appeal of Ms. Barbara Butler on the two street trees at 30 Morro Bay Drive. If there are questions, please call. VA ME '' Ronald A. Whitley,' C M Lr.�c_e_. G�--s� cZ —c,[ -� '`'` C`�c.� Gc,— /.�ft -c—t✓. 3 o G' 0 E C.4, �/ l �---� . � %ice' Q�J �A--t/ � G'�c_[�f✓ .��c �� 31 f9 G � 8 0 • • 3 PARK DEPT. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Name: /��,j2 y. Address: _2!z-'26 A46,ur0 Phone Number: Complaint: Species: Damage: Sidewalk: 0 Curb: f3 Parkway: f-1 Other: F-3 a rQ�.aya! Date: Parkway: Concrete I-2 Brick 1ZI Turf Other El' Comments: ScwE2 /�8'/2o Hr 3� /��E�•.f.E'F7' � z'Cq 1. R �Teec A �'r"itc�r 4j,4-lEe Inspected by: V,4,i�e eon Supervisor's Recommendation: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, ' . 1. -PARKS. BEACHES AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, V. P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 - 17.68 (714);;64.4- 3162' ..:. . TO: Mrs ".-'Butler #30 Morro Bay Corona del Mar, Ca., 92625 ' Your request for tree removal has been reviewed by the Street Tree Committee and has been denied r.+. Comments: ;... 'd( sion please send a letter'�to the Parks, Beaches and - ' w,. • Recreation' Commisiibn. Attention: Jack-Brooks: ;. ;'- •City. Ordihante,13:08. 040, - ": Tamperin4 W'itK�- Planting 'Prohibited No, person'- sha1_l, trim, 'cut down,, damage,'; remove 9r: destroy; any, ;,"tree growing;.upon any public. park,• beach. oriplayground;.or, <the ; •• , :grounds of.. any.:public,building', 'or --a publicrstreet right -of -way; without wr#teq;permjssjon,of,the City•Manager.. 3300 1�10owoonnrt Y n „a ., on . 5 , 1 Sincerely, :i•1. Jack Brooks"• a Park and t Street 'Tree Superintendent `Y "you wish to ialoeal the Street Tree Committee sion please send a letter'�to the Parks, Beaches and - ' w,. • Recreation' Commisiibn. Attention: Jack-Brooks: ;. ;'- •City. Ordihante,13:08. 040, - ": Tamperin4 W'itK�- Planting 'Prohibited No, person'- sha1_l, trim, 'cut down,, damage,'; remove 9r: destroy; any, ;,"tree growing;.upon any public. park,• beach. oriplayground;.or, <the ; •• , :grounds of.. any.:public,building', 'or --a publicrstreet right -of -way; without wr#teq;permjssjon,of,the City•Manager.. 3300 1�10owoonnrt Y n „a ., on . 5 , 1 • I Item No. 15 • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches and Recretion Department DATE: October 29, 1990 TO: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director SUBJECT: VOLLEYBALL COURT RELOCATION Recommendation: Relocate beach volleyball court from 4105 Ocean Front to 41st Street end. Relocate beach volleyball court located at 4307 Ocean Front to 45th Street end (10 to 15 feet). Discussion: The relocation of the two courts was prompted by a Marine Department request (attached). Also included is a letter from Mr. Mayer, 4107 Seashore Drive, in • support of the relocation of the above courts to street ends. Mr. Mayer also requests relocation of all mid - street courts to the street ends, therefore, eliminating all mid - street courts. 1 i � 3 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH • Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department DATE: October 29, 1990 TO: Nancy Beard, Recreation Superintendent FROM: Bob Granger, Recreation Supervisor SUBJECT: BEACH VOLLEYBALL POLE INFORMATION Currently, Corona del Mar State Beach is the only location with metal poles (9 sets) . The reason we substituted metal for wood in that specific location was due to the wooden standard being constantly replaced as people used them for fire wood. The metal poles are holding up fairly well. They are rusting from the inside out. We predict in 2 or 3 years the rust will have penetrated the outer surface. Staff recommends aluminum poles with powder painting or hot dipped galvanized poles to avoid the rust potential. • Staff is currently researching the cost of the wooden poles vs. the metal type. The remaining courts throughout Newport Beach are the blue wooden standards. The poles were painted blue to designate authorized locations and ensure residents, users and City maintenance workers that such courts were approved by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation 'Commission. Bob Granger 3 0 0 30 THE PARKS, BEACHES AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT WILL BE REVIEWING THIS VOLLEYBALL COURT PLAYING AREA AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATION: 4307 OCEANFRONT 4105 OCEANFRONT THESE VOLLEYBALL COURT LOCATIONS WILL BE REVIEWED FOR MOVING TO 40TH AND 44TH STREET ENDS AT THE PARKS, BEACHES AND RECREATION COPTIISSION MEETING OF TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 61 1990, COPT9ISSION MEETINGS ARE CONDUCTED IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3300 NEWPORT BOULEVARD, BEGINNING AT 7:00 P,M, OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS POSSIBLE, ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND SAID HEARING AND EXPRESS THEIR OPINIOIS FOR OR AGAINST THE PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE VOLLEYBALL COURTS, SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT BOB GRANGER, RECREATION SUPERVISOR, AT 644 -3151, w Q SEW P °fir ° `� m CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH U� P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92659 -1768 cq4FpA r Marine Department July 12, 1990 TO: BOB GRANGER, PARKS BEACHES AND RECREATION FROM: Eric Bauer, Area 1B Supervisor SUBJECT: QUANTITY AND PLACEMENT OF VOLLEYBALL COURTS - We are experiencing some difficulties with the placement and number of courts in the West Newport area. While it is our feeling that volleyball is essential to the beach environment, we need to consider a method of re- viewing the location of some of these courts. The area that is in need of immediate review is the area between 40th Street and 44th Street, where there are five courts. All other four block sections have, at the most, two courts, with most sections having • only one or none. The density of volleyball activity in this area makes it difficult and dangerous to maneuver emergency equipment. This particular area is also the narrowest point on the beach and the most densely populated. Because the - courts in this area are haphazardly located with relationship to the houses and the water, beach access for our vehicles is very limited on crowded days. Our suggestions would be to have a maximum of three courts per four block section, with consideration given to beach access for emergency vehicles. The courts should be placed an equal distance apart and an equal distance from the houses. What the exact distance from the houses should be needs to be put up for further discussion. The final potential hazard is that some of the large beach trash con- tainers are placed in close proximity to the coilrts and pose a potential hazard. Thank you for your consideration of this issue. Sincerely, ?14 Eric A. Bauer, Marine Safety Officer Marine Safety Department • EAB:la 3�cc: David Harshbarger, Marine Director John Blauer, Lieutenant, Marine Safety Department 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach • G U iV T Ir R C. N A Y E R 4107 Seashore Drive. Newoort Reach, CA October 15, 1990 Newport Beach Parks R Recreation Dept. c/o 11r. Bob Granqer^ City Hall Newport. Beach. CA 92663 4 RECEIVED OCT 19 1990 Clir CLERK anon NEWMI BECH 92663. (714) Subject. volley Ball Courts. 4405 Seashore Drive. NB. Dear Mr. Granger, I am the owner /resident of 4107 Seashore Drive and wish to submit my uroent support to withdraw the permits for not only 410: but for ALL mid —block volley ball courts. As suggested. they should be .relocated in front of street accesses away from homes. We alonq with most permanent residents cherish the pristine nature Of quiet ocean front living. As a matter of fact. the city COUnty and state are soendino millions for- improvements of infrastructure to enhance the ouality of life in West Newport. The trend in hOUSinp is now towards expensive sinol.e family residences away from duplexes use for SUmmer /Winter rental=_. I have lived with the old conflict between Residents and Non— Residents for 30 Years. The Residents which are always directly affected by activities in front of their homes. obviously want to protect their quality of life from deterioration. It must be understood that every home owner considered and accepted the orevailinq ��Taconditions and amenities the public beach provide=_ at the time of property purchase and has learned to live with these but also iayer will protect them. 'Wnciimen tanager Non— residents on the other hand do net have to out up with the ,ttorney nuisance created by crowds, bub never the less always seem to M:l•Dlr• generate more pressure on the residents to accept less. 3ltgi D11* These same people would never stand for such nuisances in front a&RDIr. of their own home=_. .lan1 Dir 3 leeC (ef It is my opinion that the City Council mu =_t fo- mulate a permanent 'vy.iilr policy to accommddate the general oublic in a manner which does Whet not result in a deterioration of the Ouality of life of Beach 'rr-ont Residents and the choices of amenities available for so l,nnq. •The siiecific width of the,beach should also be considered. i f `:. r\ Dear Mr. Granger, I am the owner /resident of 4107 Seashore Drive and wish to submit my uroent support to withdraw the permits for not only 410: but for ALL mid —block volley ball courts. As suggested. they should be .relocated in front of street accesses away from homes. We alonq with most permanent residents cherish the pristine nature Of quiet ocean front living. As a matter of fact. the city COUnty and state are soendino millions for- improvements of infrastructure to enhance the ouality of life in West Newport. The trend in hOUSinp is now towards expensive sinol.e family residences away from duplexes use for SUmmer /Winter rental=_. I have lived with the old conflict between Residents and Non— Residents for 30 Years. The Residents which are always directly affected by activities in front of their homes. obviously want to protect their quality of life from deterioration. It must be understood that every home owner considered and accepted the orevailinq ��Taconditions and amenities the public beach provide=_ at the time of property purchase and has learned to live with these but also iayer will protect them. 'Wnciimen tanager Non— residents on the other hand do net have to out up with the ,ttorney nuisance created by crowds, bub never the less always seem to M:l•Dlr• generate more pressure on the residents to accept less. 3ltgi D11* These same people would never stand for such nuisances in front a&RDIr. of their own home=_. .lan1 Dir 3 leeC (ef It is my opinion that the City Council mu =_t fo- mulate a permanent 'vy.iilr policy to accommddate the general oublic in a manner which does Whet not result in a deterioration of the Ouality of life of Beach 'rr-ont Residents and the choices of amenities available for so l,nnq. •The siiecific width of the,beach should also be considered. i f • • • Pane c This deliberation should not only include vollev ball courts. but also prohibit the placement, of permanent improvement=_ on narrow stretches of shiftino sands, such as additional bicycle paths a.nd consider General Services access and ease of oolicino. turfing and ouiet beach enioyment by the oener•al public in fr nt of residences has not been a problem for us and should be encouraged in future planning. Volley ball courts and tournaments directly-in front of homes. on the other hand, have manv negative attributes for the residents. such as: - i. It concentrates crowds 40 -50 feet from our patios- 2. ' Ib concentrates trash. Reach cleanuo equipment has to drive around the nets, leavino trash uncollected. It concentrates noise in front of homes. 4. It creates an unbelievable amount of dust, which the off share winds blow towards and into the homes. One really must be into dust to enjoy a PBQ dinrer on rhe patio when oame=_ are in or•ooress. . They block o.ff.beach areas for specific rather than general use and disrupt the wonderful natural view. 6. The counts are too close to the front orooerty !Ines a--d should be placed at least 75 feet out. 7. Police and Lifeguards have problem=_ with the court=_. P. The width of the beach should be considered when pla•_Inq c n u•rt S. There are presently THREE. not two volley ball counts. end to end. within the 4100 block of Seashore. which is one of the narrowert stretches of .beach.. 4101 Seashore. . - ;0 feet out from prop line. 4105 Seashore. 66 feet out from prop line. at 42nd Street access. I hope this letter will be considered favorably when this matter is debated. Si erely Yours. cc:/Mayor of Newport Peach, Ruth Plummer Mnt" er C. aver• West Newport Home Owners Assoc. • o Item No. 16 r • BRADFORD C. SMITH A R C H I T E C T. A. 1. A. October 19, 1990 City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. -Newport Beach, CA 92660 4. RECEIVED Gq Iq BN t5 RE: Creation of public park by way of road closure at Bolsa Ave. Dear Members of the City Council: In order to meet the needs of our citizenry and further beautify our community, we ask your approval of this park proposal. Our West Newport Heights area, bounded by 15th, Old Newport Blvd., Orange and Westminister streets, has no park space available to it. Also, no large undeveloped private parcel exists that might be acquired. Therefore, we look forward to this alternative method of park development by the closure and conversion of a portion of Bolsa. Bolsa Avenue is a low -use residential street, approximately 255 yds. long, running from 15th St. to Old Newport. By "disconnecting" it from the commercially-oriented, Old Newport Blvd., we can keep traffic residential within our area. Probable costs of implementation are considered by Public Works to be fairly minimal - under $100,000, because of the lack of land acquisition costs. Also, the recent building in our area has contributed substantially to the "park fund" by of the park dedication fees charged to,each new housing unit. Yet, these monies have not gone back into our neighborhood. With this park, we hope to change that. After initial meetings with the heads of the city departments necessarily involved, we've accumulated the items required for approval - except for one item, and that's City Council blessing. To sum up, then, we present our proposa1 by saying we we want it, we deserve it, and we improve the city by it. Thank you, �1 Brad Smith& Bill Guidero 1 for the West Newport Heights Homeowers 2515 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR, CALIFORNIA 92625 need it, gaining_, _ 1128 / C; MES SENTTa C] Mayor ❑ lmen aci aner ager er C7 Attorney 11 ffl". Dir. E3 G -&ry Dir. R Dir. anning Dk 2 P w" Chief �'.�, 8jr3 -2482 Other • • • 14 0'TE — I" '�)E✓)1A"lel -�j October 1, 1990 City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA RE: Closure of Bolsa Ave. -Ne J e,C P ✓Y V P C- 'L z -I 6-t.�✓ ? "5 � 0 tg 19 Rf' CM t oEW Vtl Boo Dear Members of the Planning Commission and City Council: I have reviewed the proposed plans for the closure of Bolsa between Broad St. and North Newport Blvd. as presented by Mr. Brad Smith. I have no opposition to this proposal, and support the notion of creating a neighborhood park in its stead. Yours, Ralph Irwin i J q • • tro r� — I v ^*I V--t571 n -ctz y A�v % City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92660 Re: Closure of Bolsa Avenue 912 Via Lido Nord Newport Beach, California 92663 October 12, 1990 Dear Members of the Planning Commission and City Council: I have reviewed the proposed plans for the closure of Bolsa between Broad Street and North Newport Boulevard as presented by Mr. Brad Smith. I have no opposition to this proposal and support the notion of creating a neighborhood park in its stead. jlm q Yours truly, Allan J. Carlton, Jr. RECEIVED OCT 19 1990 CITY CLERK CITY of NEWPORT BEACH C PETITION.TO•SUPPORT THE ROAD CLOSURE OF BOLSA AVENUE BETWEEN NORTH NEWPORT BLVD. AND BROAD ST. The undersigned homeowners and residents wish to .make their feelings known to the members of the Planning Commission and City Council. We are in support of the closure of the street at this location, as well as the proposed creation of a public ,park area. R , Signature Address 3Z3z G X23°► Clay u �e S. Sf• �70� c►au ter. i REGGOVED . OC GRY o�R�990 CITY OF ' NEWPORT BEAC N PETITION TO SUPPORT THE'ROAD CLOSURE OF BOLSA AVENUE BETWEEN NORTH NEWPORT'BLVD. AND BROAD ST. The undersigned homeowners and residents wish to make their feelings known to the members of the Planning Commission and City Council. We are,in support of the closure of the street at this location, as wel-1 as. the proposed creation of a public park area. Signature Address ]MI L t�to - , E (1� W 0 � � I PETITION TO SUPPORT THE ROAD CLOSURE OF BOLSA AVENUE BETWEEN NORTH NEWPORT BLVD. AND BROAD ST. The undersigned homeowners and residents wish to make their feelings known to the members of the Planning Commission and City Council. We are in support of the closure of the street at this location, as well as the proposed creation of a public park area. at re Address i 61 320 ( Gl�c.� mot. _ 3z07 3Z�o Goa Zl5 Cola 5fi 32z° 0 1a 41 3Z2I Claw, , a . 3UT i 61 PETITION TO.SUPPORT THE ROAD CLOSURE OF 8OLSA AVENUE BETWEEN NORTH NEWPORT BLVD. AND BROAD ST. indersigned homeowners and residents wish to make their feelings known ielmembers of the Planning Commission and City Council. We are in support of the closure of the street at this location, as well as the proposed creation of a public park area. Signature Address 0 a Y2 &I I X260 • PETITION TO SUPPORT THE ROAD CLOSURE OF BOLSA AVENUE BETWEEN NORTH NEWPORT BLVD. AND BROAD ST. The undersigned homeowners and residents wish to make their feelings known to he members of the Planning Commission and City Council. Were in support of the closure of the street at this location, as well as the proposed creation of a public park area. Signature 9 4,11 Address 3a-Ya S 32 ?,:s ?,:s Z3-� �fzvAV Sr. 0.r, 0 v1X"f�nlnWnr -�(.. r \ � PETITION TO SUPPORT THE ROAD CLOSURE Of BOLSA AVENUE BETWEEN NORTH NEWPORT BLVD. AND BROAD ST. The undersigned homeowners and residents wish to make their feelings known to the members of the:Planning Commission and City Council. We are in support of the closure of the street at this location, as well'as the ,proposed 'creation of a public park area. Signature n . A Address -49-� ) G �I 0 0 CC Ci LA,6 PETITION TO SUPPORT THE ROAD CLOSURE OF BOLSA AVENUE BETWEEN NORTH NEWPORT BLVD. AND BROAD ST. The undersigned homeowners and residents wish to make their feelings known the members of the Planning Commission and City Council. We are in support of the closure of the street at this location, as well as the proposed creation of a public park area. 0 0 PETITION TO SUPPORT THE ROAD CLOSURE OF BOLSA AVENUE BETWEEN NORTH NEWPORT BLVD. AND BROAD ST. The undersigned homeowners and residents wish to make their feelings known to the members of the Planning. Commission and City Council. We are in support of the closure of the street at this location, as well as the proposed creation of,a public park area. ZX /- . AA ✓ • '/ /mil D�� ., •A n 1 "1 �II PETITION TO SUPPORT THE WAD CLOSURE OF BOLSA AVENUE BETWEEN NORTH NEWPORT BLVD. AND BROAD ST. The undersigned homeowners and residents wish to make their feelings known to the members of the Planning Commission and City Council. Oe are in support of the closure of the street at this location, as well as the proposed creation of a public park area. Signature�� * dG /�� ��d ; Address //G) — e7� 9-11 / Alou.Cl A3 % ex�7`ri A G' yI Pa r G� 4 S a ie, P �y0 M■ PETITION TO SUPPORT THE•ROAD CLOSURE OF BOLSA AVENUE BETWEEN NORTH NEWPORT BLVD. AND BROAD ST. The undersigned homeowners and,-residents wish to make their feelings known to the members of the Planning Commission and City Council. We are in support of the closure of the street at this location, as well as the proposed creation,of a,public park area. IR f f C � 1 1 I 'd h � � n'' .J h �04 �v 4A� N Ilk " Z' I, L—A DATE: TO: ,FROM: SUBJECT: Item No. 17 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department October 29, 1990 Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director JOINT MEETING WITH CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 26, 1990 The Commission is scheduled to meet with the City Council at their Study Session on November 26, 1990 at 2:00 P.M. Chair Grant has determined that the Goals and Objectives developed by the Commission is an item that should be shared with the Council. In addition, an information data report will be developed that shows the diversity of our programs. Other items of interest should be determined to allow an agenda report to be prepared. E 9 1�( • • Item No. 18 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department DATE: October 29, 1990 TO: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director SUBJECT: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS, 1990 -91 CARRIED OVER Restrooms - CYC, Eastbluff - Public Works Department bid package to City Council for authorization to proceed. Field Renovation - CYC - Public Works Department bid package to City Council for authorization to proceed. Little Corona - Construction contract awarded. 1990 -91 Cliff Drive Park Design Newport Shores Park Oasis Expansion Channel Place Park Basketball Court Playground Equipment Replacement Backbay Regional Park $ 15,000 - Being reviewed by homeowners $150,000 - Consultant selected by Public Works $500,000 - Plans and specs being prepared $ 15,000 - Bids received $ 35,000 - Las Arenas equipment purchased Information Sheet Attached Ronald A. Whitley 5 PROJECT STATUS With earnest and Informative input from Citizen Advisory Committee participants, a preferred concept of the General Development Plan for Upper Newport Bay Regional Park has been been developed. Remaining is an Informational presentation of the Concept Plan to the Harbors, Beaches and Parks Commission scheduled for September 26. Completing this phase of the project represents the product of a longer -thon- expected planning process to allow discussion from concerned special interest groups who provided valuable feedback for Planning of the park. The remaining General Development Planning Process includes refinement and design of the park Plans as well as a General Development Plan Report, a master Plan guide for the ultimate development of the park. In conjunction with this document, a Resource Management Plan Report, a user's manual to park personnel for managing the Park's resources, will be provided. A final Harbors, Beaches and Parks Commission presentation is expected toward the end of the year. PREVIOUS CAC MEETINGS Previous CAC meetings brought forward various community •reactions to proposed troll designs. Noting these varied reactions, HBP presented three park concept plans that consolidated citizen input from past meetings into three general categories. Low, Medium and High Intensity Plans. A fourth plan, the HBP Park Concept Plan, attempted to meld these three CAC plans Into one that allowed the optimum recreational use and yet provided the greatest protection of the sensitive resources of the park. Many planning issues pertained to conflicting natural resources and human use needs on the Westboy parcel. Recognizing the limited carrying capacity of that park parcel to support all historic recreational uses without Jeopardizing its sensitive natural resources, it was finally determined to limit uses to a pedestrian- orlentation. The following briefly provides an overview of the proposed HBP concept elements listed by park parcel for future park development, EASTBLUFF PARCEL 1. Retain existing bike and pedestrian connections at Jamboree. Improve pedestrian connection. 2. Retain existing paved bike troll along Backbay Drive with improved delineation for bike trail. 3. Retain automobile use on Backbay Drive. Add parking bays along Backbay Drive. • 4. Provide no blufftop trolls. Provide bike and pedestrian troll connection to Eostbluff Park. UPPER NEWPORT BAY REGIONAL PARK NEWSLETTER September 7990 fits Is the third in a series of newsletters designed to Inform interested parties of the Upper Newport Say Regional Park status during the General Development Planning Process. SANTA ANA — HEIGHTS PARCEL WESTBAY--J V EASTBLUFF PARCEL. PARCEL 5. Provide limited boardwalk Interpretive nodes (pedestrian) at key areas along Backboy Drive.' 6. Provide interpretive group parking / staging area at Sheilmoker Island for group tours.' SANTA ANA HEIGHTS PARCEL z Retain existing formal bike, riding, and hiking trails. 8. Provide no additional trails. Revegetate informal dirt trails (such as troll adjacent to the wetlands) to consolidate use. 9. Provide pedestrian, bike, and equestrian connections to Mesa Drive. 10. Enhance the corridor for wildlife, WESTBAY PARCEL 11. Provide on interpretive Center near University Avenue, with limited on -site parking (approximately 100 spaces). 12. Retain existing paved bike trails along University and Irvine Avenues. Provide bicycle rest- stops. 13. Provide no equestrian trails west of the Santa Ana Delhi Channel Bridge. 14. Provide a perimeter pedestrian trail located parallel, but away from Irvine and University Avenues with berming and vegetation to buffer use from Irvine Ave. 15, Provide a blufftop trail forpedestrlans, use restrictions compatible with critical biological periods. 16, Provide overlooks for interpretation of upland and lowland habitats. Recommendations for non -park property. Requires coordination with State of California and /or City of Newport Beach, UPCOMING SCHEDULE The concept plans will be presented to the Harbors, Beaches and Parks Commission as an Informational Item on September 26, no action Is required at this time. The next scheduled CAC meeting will be held October 10 at 7,00 PM of the Newport Dunes Aquatic Park in Newport Beach. Notices regarding this meeting will be molled,to -CAC members approximately one week prior to the meeting. CAC members who do not receive a notice should contact Mary Murray at HBP (714) 568.4979. COUNTY OF ORANGE Harbors, Beaches 0 Parks • Item No. 19 • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department 9 i DATE: October 29, 1990 TO: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director SUBJECT: FACILITY INSPECTIONS The attached is recycled as a reminder that Facility Inspections are due by December 1, 1990. Sq r� 9 C� CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission DATE: September 11, 1990 TO: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: Taylor Grant, Chair SUBJECT: Facility Inspections The following locations have been determined as those to be inspected by each Commissioner: Jo Vandervort Bonita Creek Park Las Arenas Park 38th Street Park Bayside Drive Park Kings Road Park Rhine Wharf Park A. Z. Taft Buffalo Hills Park Lincoln Athletic Center West Newport Community Center Begonia Park "L" Street Park Spyglass Park Taylor Grant Carroll Beek Community Center Mariners Park West Newport Park Channel Place Park Lido Park Spyglass Reservoir Park Pete Compton Cliff Drive Park Newport Theatre Arts Center Ensign View Park Lookout Point Westcliff Park t Gale Demmer Eastbluff Park Oasis Senior Citizens Center/ Oasis Passive Park Galaxy view Park Newport Island Park West Jetty Park Virginia Herberts Grant Howald Park /CYC San Joaquin Hills Park Inspiration Point Old School Park Bayview Park John Konwiser Irvine Terrace Park San Miguel Park Jasmine View Park Peninsula Park 15th Street Park • i Item No. 20 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department October-22, 1990 STUDY SESSION ITEM. NO. TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director SUBJECT: BONITA CREEK PARK, JR. ALL - AMERICAN FOOTBALL The attached letter and related material from Mr. Dan Rabun requesting resolve of Bonita Creek Park uses was preliminarily reviewed by the City Council on September 24, 1990. The Council requested information on parking, noise, hours of operation and scheduling. Specifically, the following is provided: 1. Parking. There are 109 parking spaces within Bonita "Creek Park. This parking allocation is the - largest of any public park in Newport Beach. We are currently working to provide overflow parking on MWD land adjacent to the park. 2. Noise. The Jr. All- American Football Program does create cheering, referee whistles and noise above levels found in most youth sport activities. We have conditioned their use to not allow air horns, amplified sound or musical instru- ments. 3. Hours of Operation: The park is available for use from 9:00 A.M. to 10 :00 P.M. Our lights are programmed to not allow use after 10:00 P.M. as a courtesy to surrounding neighbors. 4. Scheduling. The Jr. All- American Football Program uses Bonita Creek Park on eight (8) Saturdays for games. A copy of their official game schedule is attached. In addition, local teams practice on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 5:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. A similar letter. from Mr. Ra" "bun to the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission was considered at their meeting of Septem- ber 4, 1990. The Commission unanimously approved a motion to continue the use of the facility by Jr. All- American Football with the time and noise conditions as listed to be strictly enforced. The Commission felt that every effort was made to inform the residents that Bonita Creek Park would be night lighted and used W • for community sports groups. The Irvine Company disclosure statement used in the sales process clearly stated that the park will be a public athletic facility and will involve lighted night time use. The park planning process was lengthly and involved a large number of users and local residents to determine the approved plan. All components of the park were well thought out and the design has ,received an award from the California Architects Association. The, Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission has had several members monitor the Jr. All- American Football Program this fall. They have found the program to be very worthwhile and problems of noise and parking to be of minimal impact. They have expressed a desire to provide verbal comments when the City Council addresses this matter. ow Ronald A. Whitley � 5 FIELD SCHEDULE FOR JR, ALL AMERICAN FOOTI -a i BONITA CREEK PARK ALL SATURDAYS fT 3 GAMES FROM 8:00 AM TO 4:00 PM • \X` B'S3Y'itfBLFt"i3Tli- 4 GAMES FROM 8:00 AM TO 6:00 PM x c°T^�lf3L�ZZN`7' NO GAMES %C 1�MBER— E�3`PH. 3 GAMES FROM 9:00 AM TO 6:00 PM fox 4 GAMES ,FROM 9:00 AM TO 8:00 ;PM l_ 'OCTOBER 13TH 2 GAMES FROM 3:00 PM TO 10:00 P OCTOBER 20TH 2 GAMES FROM 3:00 PM TO 10:00 P OCTOBER 27TH 3 GAMES FROM 9:00 PM TO 6:00 PM NOVEMBER 3RD 2 GAMES FROM 3:00-PM TO 10:00 PH • • J 0 To give a little background, the City had for many years desired to have an "active recreational facility" for "high intensity" uses like softball, football, and soccer and the last possible location in the City was the present site. Three things went wrong however in the planning, and design of the "park" as it is today. 1. The park is bordered on one side, in close proximity, to single family homes. 2. The design of the park did not allow for the presence of these homes. a. Hon Whitley, lion 'Hebb, and Jim iiewicker all told me that noise was not considered in planning and designing the park. The lighting was the largest concern at -'.he 'irte:. b. The entrance to the park is such that all traffic to and from the park must pass through a residential area - the large majority being directly behind the single family homes. c. The active, noise generating areas are toward the homes while the passive areas such as the parking lot are away from the homes. 3• The City, although it required that disclosure be made to all buyers in the area, did not do anything to ensure that this was done adequately. Noone at the City reviewed the disclosure statement, no drawings or other documented information was made available when requested, and no signs or other public notice was posted at the site to inform of the City's "intent to �rovide active recreational facilities with night lighted fields." Copies are attached of what was posted and what should have been posted (as was done in an identical situation in Yorba Linda.). Attached also is a copy of the disclosure we signed. The disclosure does not mention football, nor does it use the words "active" or "high intensity" which are both key words commonly used and understood in describing park facilities. 1. Page 55, Paragraph 4, North Ford PC Text Copy attached. Dite UMES SENT TO: (YU September 14, 1990 ri Mayor 0 C9lcitmen anager a Attorney RECEI City Council q B'o 0 Ce ry =J/ I SFp ' City of Newport Beach K b R DIr.9Q -{ 3300 Newport Blvd. o Planning Dir } ;. Newport Beach, CA 92663 o Police Chiot %„ RrB o P.w.. Uir �� : ,• Dear City Council, . ,. ❑ Other I am requesting your help in resolving a very serious problem. The Bonita Creek "Park" facility is being used for activities which it is not• designed to accommodate. The noise and traffic thereby created is a major nuisance and hazard to both the local residents and the "park" users. Furthermore, the disclosure given to us at the time we bought our homes (before the "park" was ever built) did not disclose that this type of activity and nuisance would be present. To give a little background, the City had for many years desired to have an "active recreational facility" for "high intensity" uses like softball, football, and soccer and the last possible location in the City was the present site. Three things went wrong however in the planning, and design of the "park" as it is today. 1. The park is bordered on one side, in close proximity, to single family homes. 2. The design of the park did not allow for the presence of these homes. a. Hon Whitley, lion 'Hebb, and Jim iiewicker all told me that noise was not considered in planning and designing the park. The lighting was the largest concern at -'.he 'irte:. b. The entrance to the park is such that all traffic to and from the park must pass through a residential area - the large majority being directly behind the single family homes. c. The active, noise generating areas are toward the homes while the passive areas such as the parking lot are away from the homes. 3• The City, although it required that disclosure be made to all buyers in the area, did not do anything to ensure that this was done adequately. Noone at the City reviewed the disclosure statement, no drawings or other documented information was made available when requested, and no signs or other public notice was posted at the site to inform of the City's "intent to �rovide active recreational facilities with night lighted fields." Copies are attached of what was posted and what should have been posted (as was done in an identical situation in Yorba Linda.). Attached also is a copy of the disclosure we signed. The disclosure does not mention football, nor does it use the words "active" or "high intensity" which are both key words commonly used and understood in describing park facilities. 1. Page 55, Paragraph 4, North Ford PC Text Copy attached. J -2- The situation that has made the above deficiencies evident is the Bonita Creek "Park" for the Junior All America Football Program. The issue is not us against youth sports as some people try to twist it. This same problem would exist with any large public event held at the "Park ". The noise and traffic generated by such events is unreasonable and downright unbearable. For three evenings a week and anywhere from 6 to 13 hours on Saturdays we are subjected to shrill referee whistles every 30 seconds or so, screaming coaches, crowd noise from up to 300 people., organized cheerleading teams, busloads of singing supporters,, car horns, 'traffic from•50n -1000 extra cars, etc.; etc., etc. I•have measured sound -levels over 75. decibels (dba) at my bedroom window up to 900 or 10 :00 pm on Saturday. The levels rarely fall below 55 dba (the current limit on noises generated by pool equipment and such). To be subjected to this kind of noise is unbearable psychological torture. I invite every Council Member to visit my home and see for themselves if the noise is reasonable. In summary, the use of Bonita Creek "Park" for this program is inappropriate. In terms of a solution, I offer the following. 1. This program was conducted for several years before Bonita Creek was built at Corona Del Mar High School. I have not heard a good reason why it could not be moved back there. 2. If that is not possible, why not use the same facilities that the local high school football teams use? They can't be scheduled for Saturdays. 3. Locate a proper facility in another nearby City. 4. If night lighting is required, add the lights at CDM High School or some other such facility. If I had received the proper disclosure that this type of situation would exist at the "Park ", I would never have bought my home, as I believe noone else would either. As an example, imagine what would happen-if you tried to build this same facility with the same noise and traffic in an existing neighborhood. You could •never do it. We have no Community Park anywhere nearby that we can use. What should have been a Community Park has been turned into an athletic stadium that imports all its activity from other areas and leaves us local residents to suffer the consequences. This is not fair. I urge you to put yourselves in our position. I believe that a solution should be easy to find with a little effort. I am anxious to meet with you to present my case and-to answer any questions you may have. • Attachments: Excerpt from North Ford PC Text Park Signs .(2) Disclosure Statement L.A. Article -Noise Limits Sincerel , 7^ Dan Rabun Pa &Ox R -15 l-,t62 -5133 N &, CA- g2GS? • • 7 �l \ • S5 . affordable for a period of ten 1101 years from the data of original occupancy. Dependent on the availability, of Mortgage Revenue Bond Financing and CDBG funds, the City will determine the mix of ownership and rental affordable housing units. These affordable housing units shall be developed prior to or concurrent with the other development in the North Ford area and the additional 221,2!0 square, feet of office permitted in Xoll Canter Newport - Office Site C. 3. That A fire station site 11>6 reserved within the project area. 4. That residential uses developed shall comply with the requirements of the park dedication ordinance thrpugh' land dedication. The park "to shall be parcelled, and made accessible concurrent with approval of the first residential development. The City shall have the right to ceemence site improvements concurrent with development or the first residential tract. If the entire park is not developed prior t< occupancy of the first residential unit, a mechanism shall be edt a ed to intorm all first and subsequent occupants and ownors or the commmnity park location and the intent to provide active recreational facilities Vito night lighted fields S. That the Eastoluff Drive extension Do deleted from the City's Master Plan of Streets and Highways. 6. That the extension or University Drive South to Hastbluff Drive North be designated on the City's Master Plan or Streets and Highways as A Primry Road - four lanes divided. 7. That projected noise contour lines be adjusted for revised roadway alignments. U. That letters, of service regarding water, sewer, and school services be executed prior to approval of any Tentative Tract Map. 9. That a development agreement between the City of Newport Beach and The Irvine Company be executed prior to or concurrent with any rurther discretionary approvals. This agreement shall address provision of affordable housing, parkland dedication, traffic and circulation system improvements, dedications and exactions, the fire station reservation, and the phasing or all components. Tne development in North Ford /San Diego Creek South and the additional 221,250 square feet of development in Koll Center Newport - Office Site C shall be subject to this agreement. 30. At the time of future discretionary approvals the project shall be required to contribute a sum equal to its fair share of future circulation system improvements as shown on the City's Master Plan of Streets and Highways and other mitigation measures as required. The 2[1,250 square feet of otrice and 120 dwelling units shall not be subject to fair share requirements. Regularly passed one adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach on the 28th day or September, 1983, by the following vote, to wit: IJ 'AYES Balalls, Cofr, Klnq, Kurlander, McLaughlin, Person Winburn NOES ABSEN'1 I NEWPORT NORTH :ION S.GN DATA S-_T -T SIGN TYP -, Future Facility 11RT Nl1RT41 DR(1.T Ff T '"'��G � D= V*- S10N': SIGN NO: F -20 LL?TT_ON P�3:�IT NO. I EX ?.:?ATT_ON - 6/86 I /A?PROVAL: DA':-- ;N COPY:, MAIN PANEL: Park Site Logo 7z • FUTURE PUBLIC PARK • Rider:'NIGHT LIGHTED FACILITIES Rider: BONITA CREEK PARK - - - - -• • -• f //L7i aTt• L 1 _ PARK; ' �i` lr� t• FUTURE pUeLiC "If.. =mwm . l • Updates: 8/86 Add 'Bonita Creek Park' panel. WO# 10061 ,1 0 • ON TONS PROPERTY PLACENTIA U J FLED SCHOOL DISTRICT . CITY OF YORBA LINDA FUTURE SCHOOL & PARK SITE ", Lmm ELEMENTARY SCHOOL & HIGH INTENSITY PARK FUG. Lighted Athletic Facility for Baseball • Soccer • Football tL t *111 VI' u Welcome, • The lend use map on the reverse side depict current and proposed land uses in the area surrounding your new dwelling on IoVunit of tract in Newport North. The map is provided for your Information and should be fully reviewed to determine �v your property might be affected by future development. 1. Future Development: Present plane to develop the real property posed at Ford Road and the So Joaquin HNie 11ansporueon Cor- adjoln ng or in the vicinity of your unit or lot ars described on the land use map. No warranties or representations are made that such land uses will be carried out or will remain the same in the future. Future development not shown on the map may occur. 2. View: Any view from your lot or land, whether developed or_ undeveloped, is not intended as part of the value of your property and is not guaranteed. Future development may affect yourview. 3. Overflights: Residents of Newport North can expect airplane and jet noise from overflight activities originating from John Wayne Airport. 4. UCI Land Use: The area easterly of MacArthur Boulevard between a�i i_W and University Drive is within the University of Cal - lfomia inclusion area, currently planned for future development. 5. San Joaquin Hilts Transportailon Corridor: The County of Orange has adopted on its master plan of arterial highways an'approved route for the planned San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor. The Transportation Corridor will extend from the Corona del • Mar Freeway (Route 73) at Jamboree Road in the City of Newport Beach, continue generally parallel to an easterly relocated MacArthur Boulevard adjacent to Newport North and turn east near Bonita Canyon Drive. Near Newport North, the configuration of arterial highways was scrutinized closely as part of transportation analyses prepared by the County of Orange and City of Newport Beach. It is antick pated that modification of several planned and existing arterials will be proposed as part of the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor construction. At this time the County is proposing that MacArthur Boulevard be relocated easterly to accommodate the corridor, that a segment of Bonita Canyon Drive easterly of MacArthur be abandoned and that Bison Avenue be extended easterly to interchange with the corridor and to connect with California Avenue on the U.C.I. campus. Noise levels in Newport North will increase when the corridor is constructed. For further information, contact the Orange County Transporta- tion and Planning Division at (714) 834.5390 rldor and could vary in size from approximately two saes to four am Aocess to the Park- end -Ride facility would be schleved diracdy from special corridor ramps to ford Road. 7 Public Park: A twelve -acre city -owned facility is proposed for the oorner Drive and LeVida. Facilities could include: Two (2) softball fields, ons'(1) adult soccer field, concession area, and parking faciltties. THESE FACILITIES WILL INVOLVE LIGHTED NIGHT TIME USE. For informatlon please contact the City of ewport at (714) 8443151. a Commercial Site: The site consists of approximately five was meson Avenue and Camelback. The anticipated devel- ooment will consist of approximately 50,001), square feet of restaurant and retail uses and a service station. The buildings may be a maximum of thirty -two feet high with Nhted parking faculties. 9. Can n l arldfl11: The Cotmly of Orange operates a major - soli waste Ian u n Coyote Canyon (approximately 2 miles southeast of Newport North) serving the central and southern portions of Orange County. This facility is planned to be in opera- tion through the end of 1986. For further Information, contact the Orange County General Services Program, Solid Waste Manage- ment Office, (714) 834.8100. 10. Sayview Development: The area located northwesterty of Newport North at the comer of Bristol and Jamboree is planned to include single - family detached and attached homes, office buildings and a hotel. J1. Geologtc gonditlons: An inactive ged!ogical (earthquake) fault" zone was discovered during mass grading of the Newport North community. Certain grading procedures were followed as recom- mended by the developer's soils engineer. Soil and geotechnical reports are available at the City of Newport Beach. 12. No Representation: No salesperson, employee or agent has the authority to make any representations to you which contradict the foregoing matters. You acknowledge that no representations have been made to you by any such persons upon whom you have relied in the purchase of the property. Please indicate below 6. Transit Facility Orange County: A Park - and -Ride facility is,pro- any contrary statements made by a sales representative. Jease indicate your acknowledgement and agreement to the foregoing and your review of the land use map by signing your name on the space provided below: ADDRESS DATE BUYER DATE SALES REPRESENTATIVE DATE BUYER CONTIGUOUS AREA REPORT uoo• E 1NITY VT � OF )MMUNITY PMENT THE AREAS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT SHOWN ON THIS MAP ARE BASED ON THE LATEST PLANNING INFORMATION AVAILABLE. HOWEVER. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT MOST OF THE INFORMATION IS PRELIMINARY NATURE AND THEREFORE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. THE LOOATIONS'AND USES SHOWN WILL BE REFINED FURTHER AS SUBSEQUENT DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING OCCURS THROUGH LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES MAP NOT TO SCALE PREPARED BY THE IRVINE COMPANY •) • Item No. 14 September 14, 1990 Parks, Beaches and Recreation Dept. City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Bch., CA 92663 The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the problems assosciated with using Bonita Creek Park for the Jr. All American Football Program. This past Saturday September 8, was the first game day. We were awakened at 6:30 am by the sounds of someone hammering while assembling some bleachers to be used for team photographs. He decided to do this in the'end zone near our homes. At the same time a large flatbed truck rumbled by, delivering the scissor lift platform used for videotaping the games. The extra car traffic continued in earnest from then up to the start of the games at 9 am, when the parking lot was full (note that there were no softball games scheduled for this day) and the bike lanes around the park were filled with 35 cars parked illegally (not counting the 15 cars or so that can now park legally along the south side of the park). I estimate that during a one hour period from 8 to 9 am, there were 150 extra car trips behind my home above normal for a Saturday. (That's one every 24 seconds) Each car (assuming the radio is not blasting or they don't honk their horns to signal a friend) creates a decibel level of 62 -65 dBA for 4 -5 seconds. This equates to a major nuisance. The entire scenario repeats itself at 2 hour intervals as each new game is played. Now we get to the noise from the games themselves. This was a "short" -day in that the games only lasted for 6 hours (from 9 am to 3 pm). The effect of cheering and referee whistles blowing every 30 seconds or so is absolute psychological torture. You cannot imagine it unless. you have to live through it. One hour is too much, let alone the usual 12 or 13: I understand that this activity used to be held at Corona Del Mar High School. Why can't it be moved back there? I implore you to investigate possible alternate sites for this activity baseion -my conviction to continue to appeal my cause to the City Council and beyond if necessary. cc Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission O Sincer , Dan Rabun WT BFgc y o NEWPORT BEACH 1R. ALL AMERICAN FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION,_ INC. 881' DOVER DRIVE, SUITE 14 -'27 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92663 October 2, 1990 (714) 646 -0931 Dear Mr. Whitley Director of Parks,Beaches & Recreations' City Of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92663 Dear Mr. Whitley: The Board of Newport Jr. All- American Football wanted me to drop you a note voicing our concern and actions involving the noise and parking at Bonita Creek Park. We have instituted the following policies for this season: • 1) We have banned any artificial noise makers (air horns, trumpets etc.) 2) We are no longer using hammers at any time, to pound stakes used to rope field. 3) We have eliminated the use of rented scissor platform which was delivered by a semi - truck. 4) The cheerleaders now only practice one evening per week, Tuesday from 6 -7:30 PM. 5) We have informed all parents to park in softball lots first and to carpool when possible. Being a 100% volunteer organization, glitches sometimes happen. We hired a photo,company to take team photos on our first game Saturday. Unbeknownst to us, the photo company erected a video platform early in the morning. This will not happen again. A video platform has been built by one of our parents and the need for the rental platform delivery has been eliminated. The community support and involvement for our program is growing dramatically. The program is 300% larger than it was four years • ago, in terms of youth participation. J k • We wish to make every effort to get along with the community. The sounds of children laughing, yelling, and having a, good time in a supervised safe environment, sure beats gang warfare, the sound of gunfire, and the blight of graffiti. Thanks for letting us give the kids a chance. BestA regards, zz�L' John M. Walz President cc: Taylor Grant Nancy Beard U Item No. 21 • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department DATE: October 29, 1990 TO: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director SUBJECT: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROPOSALS 1991 -92 Our preliminary review and proposed development for 1991 -92 Capital Improvement requests should occur in November. Projects identified to this point are: 1. Oasis Expansion - Third and final year funding - $350,000. 2. Newport Shores Park - $50,000 needed to complete this project. 3. North Star Beach - $100,000 to develop turf and picnic area. • 4. Park Facility Improvement Fund - $50,000 5. Bolsa Ave. Mini Park - $75,000 0 6. Playground Equipment Replacement Fund - $50,000 7. Cal Trans East Linear View Park - $100,000 8. Lincoln Soccer Field Lights - $40,000 Ronald A. Whitley, V