HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/08/1991 - PB&R CommissionItem No. 3 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Motion Ayes arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission January 8, 1991 City Council Chambers 7 D.M. INDEX Ex- Officio Member Present: Ronald A. Whitley Staff Present: Jack Brooks, Park and Tree Mainten- ance Superintend- ent Dottie Flohr, Secretary I. PROCEDURAL MATTERS Item #1 - Call to order Call to Orde The meeting of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Vice Chair Vandervort. Item #2 - Roll Call Roll Call Roll call was taken. Commissioners Compton, Demmer, Herberts, Konwiser, Taft and Vandervort were present. Chair Grant arrived at 8:15 P.M. Item 43 - Approval of Minutes - Meeting of Approval of December 4, 1990 Minutes X Commissioner Demmer moved the minutes be adopted X x x x x x as presented. Unanimous. Item #4 - Adoption of Agenda Adoption of N enda The agenda was adopted as presented with Item #16 being addressed as the first Action Item. II. INFORMATIONAL AND COMMITTEE REPORTS Item #5 - Park and Street Tree Division Park and Street Tree Referring to the report submitted, Commissioner Division Demmer questioned the four trees removed by the owner. Jack Brooks explained this was in error and should have read by the Community Association. Item 46 - Recreation Division Recreation Division Director Whitley reported that commencing January CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 2 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX 15 the Department will start a drop in program in the afternoons at Newport Heights. The program at West Newport was cancelled due to low attendance. Commissioner Demmer asked that, if the program at Newport Heights is successful, could it be increased from 3 days to 5 days a week. Director Whitley agreed this could be done. Item #7 - Tree Committee Tree Committee Commissioner Herbert's reported many Palms at McFadden Square were chopped down by the contractor, however, when Jack Brooks was notified he was able to save 20 of them. _ Commissioner Herberts reported the Tree Committee ( reviewed 17 trees, result of which 14 were ' determined to be retained and 3 will be replaced. Commissioner Herberts stated she was pleased to announce the City was again accepted as Tree City USA for 1991. Commissioner Herberts also reported that the Utilities Director was concerned over a resident's complaint about lack of lighting in the Westcliff area due to tree growth. One tree was apparently the cause of the problem, and since it will be laced out there have been no further complaints. Commissioner 'Vandervort inquired about thinning i trees near street lights and Jack Brooks advised his Division trims when problems occur. Commissioner Herberts further explained that Westcliff is a unique area and generally lights are not as high in other residential areas and, therefore, not as affected by tree growth. Commissioner Demmer passed out an article in the Real Estate Section of the L.A. Times by Kenneth Kammeyer, a Corona landscape architect. The article, entitled "Money Does Grow On Trees," explains how landscaping, especially trees, can increase property values 20 %. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ( U j arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 3 City Council Chambers 7 .p.m. INDEX Item 48 - Recreation Program Committee Recreation Program Commissioner Compton reported the committee will Committee be meeting January 22 with the sports . organizations to discuss scheduling. Item #9 - Parks and Open Space Committee Parks and Open Space No report from Commissioner Vandervort. Committee Item 010 - Beach Committee Beach Committee Commissioner Taft reported the committee did not meet this month. He advised the new volleyball poles have not been received and Commissioner Compton reported he will pursue the matter and have them delivered. Item #11 - Oasis Liaison Oasis Liaison Commissioner Demmer reported she attended the Oasis Board meeting during which Boyd Stillings commended the City on the beautiful job they did . on the garden plots, of which 3 are designated for the handicapped. Commissioner Demmer also reported the Human Services Division will be visiting convalescent homes and administered 690 flu shots. Item #12 - Theatre Arts Center Liaison Theatre Arts Center Commissioner Compton reported this item will be Liaison covered under Item #13. III. PUBLIC COMMENTS' Mr. Stuart Williams, 1748 Bayport Way, addressed the Commission. He explained he had previously addressed the City Council concerning landscaping on the medians on Irvine Avenue from 17th Street to Holiday Road. He stated they look a disgrace with the combination of old Eucalyptus, ice plant, bottle brush and weeds. Since the area is also under the jurisdiction of Costa Mesa, he urged they be properly approached to coordinate with the City for better landscaping on the medians, particularly since they are the entrance CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches .& Recreation Commission Page 4 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX to Newport Beach. Jack Brooks explained the Department requested funding to irrigate and landscape the area but it was not approved. He further advised that the area with no trees is the location of a storm drain one foot below soil level. As a result, there is no irrigation and only shrubs can be planted. Director Whitley explained that $50,000 was requested for irrigation, new turf and removal of the ice plant. 'The Costa Mesa Parks Department was contacted three times to cooperate on the project, however, they stated no funds were available for a joint project. Director Whitley further advised that there will be major roadwork on Irvine Avenue by the Public Works Department, at which time a review of the medians should take place for possible inclusion on the capital improvement list. Commissioner Compton recommended the City contact . Costa Mesa again and bring their response to the Commission. Director Whitley will pursue. IV. ACTION ITEMS Item #13 - Capital Improvement Project Pronosals Capital FY 1991 -92 Improvement Project Director Whitley reported that due to fiscal Proposals, concerns next year could be critical and that the FY 1991 -92 capital improvement process should be implemented with this in mind. As a result, a revised list of capital projects was presented along with a report just received on water rationing from the Utilities Director. Director Whitley explained that the proposed capital improvement list has been reduced to those that complete current projects and those that improve existing facilities and reduce maintenance costs. Although good projects were removed from the list, they would require additional water and staff recommends they be postponed for a year. Director Whitley advised the Utilities Director would be willing to CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches .& Recreation Commission Page 5 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX address the Commission and answer any questions on the water situation. Upon Commissioner Konwiser's recommendation, Director Whitley will contact Mr. Dixon. Commissioner Demmer inquired about Newport Shores Park. Director Whitley explained the funds were approved for this fiscal year by City Council to develop the first phase of the park which the City owns and• the architect is currently designing plans and specs. This Commission decided to fund the second phase after obtaining approvals from the other agencies. Director Whitley briefly reviewed each of the proposed projects and pointed out that the completion of Oasis is a top priority and the preliminary plans have been approved. In addition, improvements have been done on Cliff Drive Park for three years and it is important to complete this project. Chair Grant opened the meeting to Public Testimony and Dr. James DeLamater, 2312 Pacific Drive, addressed the Commission. Dr. DeLamater stated it is imperative that the Oasis project be completed as fast as possible due to the increasing members which now total over 3500. He explained how the improvements will provide for needed additional space for personnel, volunteers and activities. Kathy Lenton, 2940 Cliff Drive, addressed the Commission. Ms. Lenton urged that funds be approved to finish Cliff Drive Park. She suggested consideration be given to landscaping in native Southern California vegetation and improving the irrigation system so that maintenance costs would be reduced. In addition, she requested hand rails and lighting for safety purposes be implemented. She also inferred they can obtain consultants to design the project at no charge. Chair Grant pointed out that the proposed funds are only for improvements and the final design will be reviewed at a later date. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 6 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Director Whitley advised funds were approved for the preliminary design which was done in cooperation with the homeowners association and reviewed by the Parks and Open Space Committee. Approval by the homeowners association would be required for planting native California plants. The final design will be reviewed by the Commission at a later date. Director Whitley further advised the proposed funds are mainly for the west side of the park and that safety rails will also be implemented on existing stairs. Mrs. Spence, 2110 Cliff Drive, addressed the Commission. She stated she has been delighted with the improvements at Cliff Drive Park although the west side has been an eyesore. She ( ) recommended lighting at the steps that do not glare and rails for safety purposes. Dr. Jan Vandersloot, 2221 E. 16th Street, addressed the Commission. He expressed his . appreciation for funds allocated for the west side of Cliff Drive Park. He also pointed out the Newport Heights .Homeowners Association never voted on the design and that he would like an alternate plan developed with input from Robert House, the Environmental Nature Center, and Tree and Life Nursery. He asked for an opportunity to start at the subcommittee level to consider biological aspects of vegetation. He further recommended wider steps at the stairways and lighting. In response to a question from Commissioner Demmer concerning funding another study, Dr. Vandersloot proposed use of their free consultants and that they be reimbursed should their alternate plan be approved. Chair Grant explained the Commission is eager to receive input and that Dr. Vandersloot will be invited during the subcommittee's review of the project. There being no further Public Testimony, Chair Grant closed the meeting to Public Hearing. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 7 City Council Chambers . 7 p.m. INDEX Chair Grant reported the capital improvements list was reduced from 11 projects to 7. Commissioner Taft voiced his concern that the funds proposed for Oasis are $100,000 over those originally allocated. Chair Grant concurred and suggested the extra $100,000 be postponed. Commissioner Demmer explained the City acquired a different architect who has increased costs with City approval. She urged the project be approved since the Center is dependent upon these funds and the City has committed to the project. In response to concerns from Commissioners Compton and Vandervort concerning the extra $100,000, Director Whitley explained the City cannot enter into a contract unless funds are ( r available. He further advised that it is not unusual for the last year of a three year funded project to be increased. Plan checks are completed and the architect is working on cost estimates which may change. Nevertheless, the . project needs to be done correctly. Commissioner Konwiser pointed out that prices are substantially lower now, making it advisable to start construction as soon as possible. Commissioner Konwiser recommended North Star Beach be added to the list as Item #6 in order to complete the design phase and then finish the project next year. In response to a question from Commissioner Vandervort over the extra funds for Bolsa Avenue Mini Park, Director Whitley explained these are for playground equipment. Commissioner Demmer, although in support of the park, questioned if it should be listed since the City Council has not approved it yet. Chair Grant pointed out the City owns the land and he recommended allocating a design fee for the park t prior to City Council approval. Both Commissioners Compton and Herberts agreed that the park should be kept in the budget. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Motion Ayes arks, Beaches .& Recreation Commission EM City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Chair Grant also recommended reducing the Park Facility Improvement Fund and identifying areas where playground equipment needs to be replaced so that this fund could possibly be reduced. Director Whitley explained the Department formed a construction crew, thereby increasing projects and funding for material supplies. During further discussion, Chair Grant agreed with Commissioner Konwiser to add North Star Beach design. Both Commissioners Taft and Compton concurred. Chair Grant and Commissioner Vandervort both suggested adding Lincoln lights to the list providing user groups help support the project. Chair Grant also suggested adding Harbor View School Field Refurbishment. Commissioner Konwiser motioned the Commission X x x K x approve the capital improvements list in the following priority: $350,000 for oasis . Expansion; $35,000 for Cliff Drive Park; $50,000 for Park Facility Improvement Fund; $35,000 for Playground Equipment Replacement; $35,000 for Theatre Arts Center; $15,000 for North Star Beach; $15,000 for Bolsa Avenue Mini Park; $55,000 for Lincoln Soccer Field Lights; $25,000 for Harbor View School Field Refurbishment; and $10,000 for Athletic Field Cooperative. Unanimous. Item 014 - Council Policy I -12 Obstruction of Council Policy I -12, Views by Trees Obstruction Commissioner Compton reported the subcommittee of Views by met concerning rewording Policy I -12. Two Trees members of the committee felt a policy is needed addressing views for referral purposes along with recognizing the fact that prviate property is not under the Commission's jurisdiction. Referring to the two policies submitted, Commissioner Compton explained that Policy A, Obstruction of Views by Trees was written by the subcommittee and Policy B, Preservation of Views and Trees, was later written by the Tree CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches .& Recreation Commission Page 9 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Committee. Motion Commissioner Compton motioned to accept Policy A to replace I -12. Commissioner Demmer opposed both policies since they do not clearly define views and unreasonable obstruction of views. She felt there should be a policy on public tree maintenance and not views. She also pointed out both the City Attorney and staff reported the original I -12 policy was causing problems. Commissioner Demmer then presented a letter from a local real estate agent emphasizing that trees are public property and belong to everyone. Commissioner Compton referred to the Municipal Code, Section 709, wherein it states this { Commission acts in an advisory capacity only. Since nothing is mentioned regarding private property and CC &R's, he felt a policy is needed that defines views. Commissioner Herberts reported the Harbor View Hills Association was instrumental in the original request to prepare Policy I -12 since they needed stronger enforcement of views impacted by trees in accordance with their CC &R's, but the policy did not help them. They are, however, pleased with the City yIs maintenance policy of trimming for views. Commissioner Herberts pointed out the City Manager agreed with Council when they unanimously deleted I -12 as recommended by the Commission. She stated Council has never requested a view policy and she recommended the deletion remain until next October when the policy can again be reviewed. 1 Commissioner Konwiser recommended Policy A, Item 1, be reworded to state. .."surrounding locale, recognizing views... 11 M jn Commissioner Herberts made a substitute motion to Ayes X X confirm the previous deletion of I -12 and adopt Nays X X X X X no new policy. Motion fails. Commissioner Taft recommended renaming Policy A CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH' arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 10 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX "Preservation of Views." Ayes x x x K x Chair Grant called for a vote on the original Nays x x motion adopting Policy A with the title and language changes as proposed. Motion passes. Item 415 - Fishinq Regulations at West Jetty View fishing Park Regulations at West Item #15 was addressed following Item #13. Jetty View Director Whitley reported there has been no Park response from the City Attorney on this subject. Pointing out that fishing is from a park (turf) area, he advised it would be easy to prohibit fishing from 11:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. since both parks and beaches close at that time. ( Chair Grant opened the meeting to Public Testimony and Mr. Douglas Boyd, 2101 E. Balboa Boulevard, addressed the Commission. Mr. Boyd requested curtailment of fishing at West Jetty View Park since there are ample opportunities at . the public dock at "M" Street and the jetty. Mrs. Dayna Pettit, 1741 Plaza de Sur, addressed the Commission. She urged that fishing be prohibited at West Jetty View Park since it is a beautiful view park with an unsightly area where fishermen congregate. The site has attracted rats from the fish heads and presents a health hazard. Mr. Al Grasso, 2296 Channel Road, addressed the i Commission. Mr. Grasso stated the park would benefit more people if there were no fishing since it takes away from the purpose of the park and the constant food supply attracts rats. The fishing area also causes problems such as pollution, maintenance and beer drinking. In response to a question from Commissioner Vandervort regarding the legal opinion solicited, I Mr. Grasso reported he asked for an opinion that would confirm the City can limit fishing in public parks. There being no further Public Testimony, Chair CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH irks, Beaches .& Recreation Commission Page 11 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX _ t, I - Grant closed the meeting to Public Hearing. Commissioner Herberts stated she recommends eliminating fishing at the public view park for sanitary and health reasons. She reported she talked to the Orange County Vector Department and they stated the only way to get rid of rats safely in a public area is to take away their food supply. Commissioner Compton motioned to eliminate fishing at the subject park portion due to safety, congestion and health hazards. Commissioner Demmer suggested a sign be posted notifying fishermen where they can fish. _ Commissioner Konwiser announced he would be voting against the motion since the area was not - posted as an action item. Chair Grant concurred. Commissioner Compton withdrew his motion, recommending the matter be brought back at the next meeting after proper posting. Commissioner Herberts pointed out posting the area will take place when the matter comes before the City Council, however, further testimony will not change the unsanitary conditions that exist. Motion Commissioner Vandervort motioned to prohibit Ayes x x .x x x fishing in the green belt area of the park for Nays x x safety and health reasons and that signs be posted directing fishermen to proper areas. Motion passes. Item #16 - Tree Plantina Appeal - 2515 Bamboo Tree Plantin Appeal Street Item 416 was addressed following Item #12. Director Whitley reported he received a call from a representative of the Eastbluff Homeowners 4 Community Association advising that the form _ showing approval of Mr. Cerko's parkway landscaping was in error. The representative stated the Association did not approve Palms at 2515 Bamboo Street and in the community due to CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 12 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX view lots. Commissioner Herberts reported the Tree Committee reviewed the matter and directed the trees be removed and Podocarpus, the City's designated tree, be planted. She further stated the Association was unanimously against planting Palms and requested their removal. The owner has been so notified by both the Association and the Tree Committee. In response to a question by Commissioner Konwiser, Director Whitley explained that when the Association reviewed the original plan, they did not see the location where the Palms would be planted. The trees, however, are in a public right -of -way and the Association does not have -� authorization to approve them. The meeting was opened to Public Testimony and Mr. Gene Cerko, 2515 Bamboo Street, addressed the Commission. Mr. Cerko reported he submitted two plans calling for Palms in front of his house and . he did not understand how the Association did not see them in their approval process. He further stated he received verbal approval from the City to plant the Palms. Mr. Cerko referred to Coral and fruit trees which cause more root problems than Palms. He pointed out other neighbors have Palms and they have also requested they be planted to appreciate their homes. Mr. Cerko stated he does not intend to block views and would remove the Palms and plant smaller ones when they grow too high and cause view problems. Mr. Douglas Smith, 2507 Bamboo Street, addressed the Commission. Mr. Smith stated he felt the landscaping in Eastbluff is changing and would not want to be limited to planting only the Podocarpus. 1 Mr. Craig Collins, 2521 Bamboo Street, addressed the Commission. He reported he does not like the Podocarpus since it is too filthy, too large and causes damage to curbs and sidewalks. He stated he prefers Palms which would also improve the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 13 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX neighborhood. Mrs. Cheryl Collins, 2521 Bamboo Street, addressed the Commission. She voiced her concern that if Mr. Cerko's Palms were removed, all residents on Bamboo Street would have to remove theirs. She felt it was unfair that their property value would decrease because they. live on Bamboo Street. There being. no further Public Testimony, the meeting was closed to Public Hearing. Commissioner Konwiser commented that this is a difficult case and it is unfortunate Mr. Cerko was misled that his trees were approved. However, he pointed out the Association has no authority over parkway planting. Commissioner ( Konwiser pointed out the City has a designated tree for each street and that it can change for valid reasons. Commissioner Konwiser explained he looks for harmony in a street scape and feels the Podocarpus belong there and Palms are in . violation of the street scape. Commissioner Demmer commended Mr. Cerko on his landscaping and pointed out all trees provide for noise abatement and a habitat for birds. Since the City attempts to plant trees consistently on public property, she recommended the Palms be removed. Commissioner Compton commented that he was concerned about setting a precedent and advised there is a procedure to follow for changing a designated tree. Commissioner Taft concurred with Commissioners Konwiser, Demmer and Compton that, although the Palms look nice, they are not suitable to the area. Commissioner Vandervort reported the original l 1 request to the homeowners association was for three trees, however, five were planted. She stated that as she drove the neighborhood she saw no Palms and only one deviation from the Podocarpus. She felt the Podocarpus is a CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 14 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX gorgeous tree and pointed out all trees except Palms can be trimmed for views. Commissioner Herberts recommended the Palms be removed and replaced with Podocarpus, the designated tree, which can be trimmed for view and height and is consistent with the street scape. Motion x Commissioner Demmer moved the Palms at 2515 Bamboo Street be removed. Commissioner Herberts amended the motion to state Ayes x x x x'x x'x the City replace the Palms with two Podocarpus. Unanimous. Vice Chair Vandervort advised Mr. Cerko he can appeal the Commission's decision to the City Council and /or start a petition to change the designated tree on Bamboo Street. Director Whitley advised that changing a designated tree is done in cooperation with the . respective homeowner associations. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS Item #17 - Circulation and Open Space Agreement Circulation and Open Director Whitley recommended the Commission refer Space this item to the Parks and Open Space Committee Agreement in order to begin an analysis and recommendations to the Commission. There has been a tour arranged for the committee on January 12 at 9:o0 A.M. to tour the undeveloped sites. In addition, The Irvine Company will provide the Commission with a book detailing each undeveloped site, location, etc. Director Whitley referred to the City Manager's memo included in the packet and explained the four recommendations requested by April. In addition, the Commission should assess future maintenance and development costs on the dedicated acreage. Other considerations will be if the proposed 112 acre's are usable and adequate and, if more are needed, how they would be financed. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ) arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 15 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX In response to a question from Commissioner Demmer, Director Whitley recommended the Commission consider acquisition and definition at this time and postpone maintenance, development and design. Particular attention should be made to identifying pure open space, buffer zones, view and active parks. Chair Grant suggested that after committee review the Commission hold a special meeting to review the subject. Item 018 - Status of Capital Improvement Projects Status of Capital' Director Whitley corrected the report submitted Improvement stating that the stair rails at Cliff Drive Park Projects have not yet been installed and new play equipment is being installed at Las Arenas Park. VI. COMMUNICATIONS Item 419 - Bluff Development in Corona del Mar Bluff Devel.o Director Whitley reported the letter from Tom ment in Corona del Peckenpaugh commending the Department on the work Mar done on the bluffs is for the Commission's information. VII. SPECIAL. URGENT OR LAST MINUTE ITEMS In response to a question from Commissioner Compton, Director Whitley explained the revised plans for PCH /Dover have been submitted to CalTrans. Commissioner Compton requested this item be put on the Commission's agenda. Commissioner Demmer inquired about the Park Facility Inspection Forms and Chair Grant explained they are reviewed by the Parks and Open Space Committee before being presented to the Commission. 1/ VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission adjourned at 11:05 P.M. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 16 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX The agenda for this meeting was posted on January 2, 1991 at 9:30 A.M. outside the City Hall Administration Building. f Dottie Flohr, Secretary