HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-02-1991 - AgendaCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PARKS, BEACHES AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TO BE HELD TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1991 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:00 P.M. I. PROCEDURAL MATTERS 1. Call to Order . 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes 4. Adoption of Agenda II. ACTION ITEMS 5. Seating of new Commissioner - Mr. Phillip Glasgow 6. Election of Officers for Fiscal Year 1991 -92 • III. INFORMATIONAL AND COMMITTEE REPORTS - 7:15 P.M. 7. Park and Street Tree Division (Report Attached) 8. Recreation Division (Report Attached) 9. Tree Committee - Chair Herberts 10. Recreation Program Committee - Chair Compton 11. Parks and Open Space Committee - Chair Vandervort 12. Beach Committee - Chair Taft 13. Oasis Liaison - Commissioner Demmer 14. Theatre Arts Center Liaison - Commissioner Compton IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS - 7:30 P.M. V. ACTION ITEMS 15. Basketball Court - Bayview Park (Report and Letter Attached) 16. Request to Add Trees in Baycrest to Special Trees • List (Report and Letter Attached) • VI. DISCUSSION ITEMS 17. Committee Assignments \J • 18. Capital Improvement Projects (Report Attached) 19. Park Maintenance (Report Attached) VII. SPECIAL, URGENT OR LAST MINUTE ITEMS VIII. Cl Item No. 3 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH • is arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission June 4, 1991 Citv Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Call to Order Roll Call' Approval of Minutes Adoption of Agenda Park and Street Tree Division Ex- Officio Member Present: Ronald A. Whitley Staff Present: Jack Brooks, Park and Tree Mainten- ance Superintend- ent Nancy Beard, Recreation Superintendent Dottie Flohr, Secretary I. PROCEDURAL MATTERS Item #1 - Call to Order The meeting of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. Item #2 - Roll Call Roll call was taken. Commissioners Compton, Demmer, Grant, Herberts, Konwiser, Taft and Vandervort were present. Item #3 - Approval of Minutes - Meeting of May 7 1991 Commissioner Vandervort moved the minutes be adopted as presented. Unanimous. Item #4 - Adoption of Agenda The agenda was adopted as presented. II. INFORMATIONAL AND COMMITTEE REPORTS Item #5 - Park and Street Tree Division Commissioner Demmer inquired if the Coastal Commission designated the plants to be planted at Inspiration Point. Jack Brooks explained that this park site is under state jurisdiction, thereforb, they directed that native vegetation be planted which was done on a contract basis. Call to Order Roll Call' Approval of Minutes Adoption of Agenda Park and Street Tree Division CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission -Page 2 Citv Council Chambers 7 D.m. INDEX . V, , Commissioner Demmer asked if the state designated plantings on all coastal bluffs and Director Whitley explained they have jurisdiction only over those areas owned by the state. Commissioner Demmer pointed out that the two Palms transplanted from 2919 Cliff Drive into Cliff Drive Park appear to be dying. Jack Brooks explained that, although they have been watering, we may lose them. Commissioner Compton asked why the Palms on Coast Highway where Cal Trans is working have white ribbons and Jack Brooks explained these were originally tagged at the nursery. Mr. Brooks also mentioned there is a 90 day maintenance program before the Department takes over and that • the trees are guaranteed for one year. Commissioner Herberts pointed out that there seem to be as many people who object to Palms as do those who prefer them and inquired as to who decides if a Palm or shade tree will be planted. Jack Brooks explained this decision is dependent upon the architect and the project. Director Whitley explained that there is a very limited list of designated trees by Cal Trans for state highway medians. Commissioner Konwiser pointed out the trees on East Coast Highway near Jamboree need trimming and Jack Brooks advised these are still under. contract. Commissioner Herberts reported a Council Member asked her when a species other than Palms will be planted at the Newport Pier. Jack Brooks explained that some shade trees will be planted, however, they are limited as to what will grow near the ocean. Item 06 - Recreation Division Recreati0n Division Nancy Beard reported that Saturday, June 8, is the Corona del Mar Scenic 5K and about 3,000- 4,000 are expected to attend. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks., Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 3 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Commissioner Taft referred to the quarterly brochure and inquired about the ads. Nancy Beard explained the department has a contract with the publisher that 43% of the brochure can be advertising and the remainder must be the department's material. A full page ad costs $1,000 and this department reviews the brochure before it is published so that any inappropriate ads can be rejected. Commissioner Herberts asked if there was a policy to reject liquor and cigarette ads and Nancy Beard reported there is no written policy, however, she will so inform the publishing company. Should there be a problem, she will bring the matter to the Commission. • Commissioner Demmer stated she was pleased to see the drop -in program at Newport Heights expanded to five days a week. In response to a question from Commissioner Demmer, Nancy Beard explained the travelling craft and game wagon will be located at five sites, namely, Newport Heights Elementary School, West Newport Community Center, Andersen School, Bonita Creek Park and Irvine Terrace Park. Commissioner Demmer inquired if there is a specific reason for the higher revenue this year and Nancy Beard explained it is probably due to people' staying closer to home due to the recession. Item #7 - Tree Committee Tree Committee Item #7 was addressed following Item #10. Commissioner Herberts reported the committee met May 28 and reviewed 9 tree requests. The committee agreed with staff on all requests except one which was for tree retention. Item 08 - Recreation Program Committee Recreation • Program Commissioner Compton reported his report will be Committee covered under Item #14. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 4 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Item #9 - Parks and Ooen Space Committee Parks and Open Space Commissioner Vandervort reported the Committee Committee did not meet, however, Commissioners Demmer, Herberts, Taft and herself attended the County's Upper Bay Regional Park Advisory Committee meeting. Commissioner Vandervort gave a brief summary of the meeting which addressed the Equestrian Trail Study, the EIR which is due in July and the California Environmental Quality act. Commissioner Demmer reported she attended the Newport Conservancy meeting at which time it was pointed out that revenue received from County recreation sources must be spent within the surrounding area. • Director Whitley further advised that funds received from the County must be spent on County land, such as the Upper Bay Regional Park, Back Bay Drive, North Star Beach, etc. Chair Grant requested Director Whitley to research which areas may receive County funds and to report back at the Commission's July 2, 1991 meeting. Item #10 - Beach Committee Beach Committee Commissioner Taft reported the committee did not meet. 'The metal volleyball poles were installed at 41st, 42nd and 43rd Streets. Thus far there, have been no complaints and some people have requested the poles be installed at additional locations. Item #11 - Oasis Liaison Oasis Commissioner Demmer reported the Board met May 21 Liaison and authorized the Executive Committee to transfer three vehicles to the City effective July 1. She further reported that Oasis is . losing two valuable employees and that construction bids for expansion will close June 12. Commissioner Demmer invited the Commissioners to CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 5 City Council.Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX attend the dedication of the Oasis gardens on June 23. Item #12 - Theatre Arts Center Liaison Theatre Arts Center Commissioner Compton reported the new play, y Liaison "Three Penn opera," has Penny just started. III. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Bob Lunde, 1938 Westminster Avenue, Costa Mesa, addressed the Commission. Mr. Lunde stated he is President of the Building Committee for the Newport Harbor Booster Club and he presented a revised budget for the shower /locker room at Newport Harbor High School. • Mr. Lunde gave a brief history of the pool, the funding and the for process need a new shower /locker room. He explained that 3 months ago the plans went through the state process and when put out to bid, the cost was twice that of the original budget. Since that time, the architect, Rolly Pulaski, has made the necessary revisions to reduce the scope of the project. Mr. Lunde reviewed the revised budget and pointed out that another $75,000 is needed to complete the project. He reported the School District is willing to fund 1/3 of the project and, at their suggestion, he is requesting the City to also fund 1/3 of the $75,000. In response to a question from Commissioner Vandervort, Director Whitley explained that the City funded 25 %, or $80- 85,000 of the original cost of the pool. In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Demmer concerning a firm pledge from the School District, Mr. Lunde reported the School District has voiced their commitment, although there is no written contract. • Mr. Lunde explained the breakdown of the 3800 square foot facility which would include a coaches facility, desk facilities, equipment room, classroom, restrooms and locker rooms. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 6 Citv Council Chambers . 7 p.m. INDEX Commissioner Vandervort pointed out that the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center is located close to the Corona del Mar High School gymnasium which provides locker facilities, however, the pool at Harbor High School is a distance away from the gymnasium. Commissioner Herberts inquired if the proposed project could be implemented since the budget process for Fiscal Year 1991 -92 is almost complete. Director Whitley advised that on June 10 the City Council will vote on capital projects, at which time the Booster Club could request Council to amend the budget and approve funds for the project. The other alternative would be for this Commission to agendize the project at a future meeting in regards to • amending the department's budget. Commissioner Compton suggested the project be put on the Commission's agenda as an action item and that the Booster Club attend the City Council's Study Session on June 10. Chair Grant concurred. Chair Grant stated he agreed with the concept of the shower /locker room but questioned the design of the private coaches' locker rooms. Mr. Lunde explained the original design has been deleted from the plans and they will just be rooms. Commissioner Konwiser voiced his concern that the amount,of structural work shown can be built for $75,000. Director Whitley agreed with Commissioner Konwiser's concerns that the amount might be higher. Mr. Lunde reported he will find out when the project will be put out to bid and will ask the architect to address this Commission. The Commission determined that this matter be brought back unless the City Council approves funding for the project at their Study Session on • June 10. IV. ACTION ITEMS CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 7 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Item #13 - Reauest from Fire Department to Request from Encroach Into Mariners Park Fire Depart- ment to En- Director Whitley presented a blueprint of the croach Mariners Fire Station which was built about 1960 Into and expanded in the early 19701s. Due to Mariners modernized equipment, the Fire Department needs Park to expand and is requesting an increase in the width of the apparatus room which would encroach onto an area of the park that is not highly used. In addition, their proposed project would require the elimination of a row of trees. The project would be proposed in 1 or 2 years by the Fire Department as a capital improvement. Chair Grant opened the meeting to Public Testimony and Ray Brown, the City's Fire Marshall, addressed the Commission. Mr. Brown . explained that due to the new taller and wider fire apparatus, only one engine will fit in the station. Mr. Brown explained their remodel plans and noted that they would be able to incorporate storage equipment in their plans. Commissioner Herberts questioned if a design utilizing the large parking lot could be implemented, rather than encroaching into the park. Mr. Brown advised this area would not meet their needs due to their access requirements. Commissioners Konwiser, Grant, Demmer and Vandervort commented on the need for expansion which they would support, however, they urged that the Fire Department be reasonable and cautious as to the amount of park area they will need. Chair Grant requested the storage area be incorporated in the design process and that a drinking fountain be added by the back side of the 'building. Chair ,Grant summarized the Commission's support for the project and requested the Fire Department work with the Parks and Open Space Committee, after which their proposed plan would be submitted to this Commission. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks,, Beaches- & Recreation Commission City Council Chambers • 7 p.m. INDEX Motion x Commissioner Konwiser moved to give the Fire Ayes x x x x x x x Department a vote of confidence to proceed with the planning of the project which would encroach onto the park in order to bring the Mariners Fire Station up to standard. Unanimous. Item #14 - Reauest for Purchase of Bleachers and Request for Equipment at Corona del Mar Pool Purchase of Bleachers Commissioner Compton reported Commissioner and Equip - Vandervort and he met with representatives of ment it Friends of the Pool (FOP), members of the Corona Corona del del Mar High School and staff concerning Mar Pool equipment needs at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center. Commissioner Compton stated the major issue is • bleachers which will cost approximately $36,000. He explained the funding sources, pointing out that should the purchase occur before August, 1991 for an Olympic special event seating 1300 ! people, a commitment for another $5,000 will be forthcoming. Total cost to the City would be approximately $12,000, of which there is $7,000 left over in the current budget. FOP is requesting this Commission recommend to the City Council that the remaining $5,000 be funded. Commissioner Compton noted that these figures are not exact and he would prefer to see definite numbers before making a decision. Nancy Beard advised she will review the figures and clarify the exact amount needed to fund the bleachers. Commissioner Grant pointed out that users of the pool have already raised approximately $50,000 for improvements. At the present time the pool is being enjoyed by all the different users. This request was to finish up this year's projects. Commissioner Demmer voiced her concern over the fact that the School District is not providing . any funds for a facility they use. Director Whitley explained they do not have the funds J available at this time. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 9 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Y _. Motion x Commissioner Konwiser motioned to request that Ayes x x x x x x x City Council support FOP's request for bleachers and to fund the shortage per the RFQ. Unanimous. Director Whitley advised he will research his budget as to the exact amount the department can commit. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS Item 415 - Mouth of Big Canyon Mouth of. Big Canyon Director Whitley reported he has a map showing the large number of sewer lines and manholes in Mouth of Big Canyon should the Commission desire to look at this information. • Item #16 - Upper Newport Bay Regional Park UpperN4-wponi Bay Regional Director Whitley reported that four Commissioners Park attended the Upper Bay Regional Park Committee meeting which was discussed under Item #9. He stated he has been attending these meetings for the past year and at each meeting a different aspect is discussed. The County will be making a presentation to this Commission and Council at a future date. Chair Grant urged that this Commission express their opinions formally on the design of the park early in the process so that their recommendations have more impact. Commissioner Konwiser concurred In response to a question from Commissioner Demmer, Chair Grant explained that 7 -1/2 acres of the park are City owned, therefore, this Commission is involved in the process. Commissioner Vandervort recommended the County address this Commission while the EIR is in the discussion process. • Commissioner Herberts pointed out that at their last meeting she saw concerns that people want as much use of the park as they have had prior to the new design. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 10 Citv Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Y. V N71 Item #17 - Capital Improvement Projects Director Whitley reported that Newport Shores Park will be addressed at the Coastal Commission's next meeting and the bid package will go out soon. Chair Grant commented that Inspiration Point is gorgeous but the signage regarding closure is too high. Director Whitley advised the Police Department requires that signs be easily seen by the public, however, he will check out the matter. In response to a question from Commissioner Herberts, Director Whitley explained that the large Citradoras in the Westcliff area were removed. When a response is received from the . Association, the General Services Director will proceed with the work plan for the Baycrest area. Director Whitley informed the Commission that the U.S. Bicentennial Committee twice pulled their recommendation for a flagpole at Lookout Point from the Study Session calendar. The original request, which was denied by this Commission, has been amended to include an 80' night lighted flagpole and a 20' x 30' flag and is scheduled for the City Council's Study Session June 10. VI. SPECIAL, URGENT OR LAST MINUTE ITEMS VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no. further business, the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission adjourned at 8:52 P.M. The agenda for this meeting was posted on May 29, 1991 at 9:00 A.M. outside the City Hall Administration Building. Dottie F ohr, Secretary CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks,, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 10 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Capital Improvement Projects Item #17 - Capital Improvement Projects Director Whitley reported that Newport Shores Park will be addressed at the Coastal Commission's next meeting and the bid package will go out soon. Chair Grant commented that Inspiration Point is gorgeous but the signage regarding closure is too high. Director Whitley advised the Police Department requires that signs be easily seen by the public, however, he will check out the matter. In response to a question from Commissioner Herberts, Director Whitley explained that the large Citradoras in the Westcliff area were • removed and when a response is received from the Association, the General Services Director will proceed. Director Whitley informed the Commission that the U.S. Bicentennial Committee twice pulled their recommendation for a flagpole at Lookout Point from the Study Session calendar. The original request, which was denied by this Commission, has been amended to include an 80' night lighted flagpole and a 20' x 30' flag and is scheduled for the City Council's Study Session June 10. VI. SPECIAL. URGENT OR LAST MINUTE ITEMS VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission adjourned at 8:52 P.M. The agenda for this meeting was posted on May 29, 1991 at 9:00 A.M. outside the City Hall Administration Building. Dottie Flohr, Secretary Capital Improvement Projects 3 • • PARK AND TREE DIVISION JUNE, 1991 PROGRESS REPORT Item No. 7 Our park crews performed the following tasks in addition to normal maintenance during the month of June. Beach Volleyball Courts Raised courts at 9th, 10th, F, and G Streets. Re- located one court by the lifeguard station. Balboa Library Installed a railroad tie border between the lawn and the side and rear planters. Jamboree Median Between San Joaquin and Ford Road Street and median being re- developed by Public Works. We salvaged out all of the sprinkler heads and valves. Tnstalled conduit for re- locating our irriga- controller when Public Works finishes•their project. San Miguel Park Removed and replaced a drinking fountain. Oasis Senior Citizens Center Graded an area to be used for re- cycling green waste., Built 3 re- cycling bins. City Hall Removed turf, amended, tilled and graded an area by the Council Chambers which had died due to the 32nd Street re- development project. West Newport Park Dug out, transported, planted 48 palms along the new Pacific Coast Highway sound wall. Our Stree Tree Division performed the following: Trimmed 676 trees. Planted 16 trees. Removed 12 trees. Root pruned 23 trees. Completed 23 work requests. Area being trimmed this month: Westcliff Trees were removed at the following locations: 221 Poppy 254 Poppy 3822 Campus 1136 Santiago 320 Iris 13 Commiss,ton Commission Dead Dead Root Prune 1- Eucalyptus 1- Eucalyptus 1 -Ficus 1 -Pear 1 -Carob Trees were planted at the following locations: 606 Orchid 1403 Keel 2018 Galaxy 516 Jasmine 422 Fernleaf 512-Fernleaf 514 Fernleaf 516 Fernleaf 1017 Sandcastle 45 Goleta 1226 Blue Gum 3767 Birch 3807 Inlet Isle 600 Larkspur • 0 Iq 1- Eucalyptus 1- Cupania 1- Cupania 1- Loquat 1- Magnolia 1- Magnolia 1- Magnolia 1- Magnolia 2- Cupania 2- Loquat 1 -Pear 1 -Carob 1- Cupania 1 -Carob - 2 - 900 Cercis Dead 1- Willow 1465 Galaxy Dead 1 -Pear 1948 Port Weybridge Accident 1 -Pear • 630 Cameo Highlands Drive Accident 1- Melaleuca 2207 Port Harwick Dead 1- Eucalyptus 36th Street Accident 1- Humulis Trees were planted at the following locations: 606 Orchid 1403 Keel 2018 Galaxy 516 Jasmine 422 Fernleaf 512-Fernleaf 514 Fernleaf 516 Fernleaf 1017 Sandcastle 45 Goleta 1226 Blue Gum 3767 Birch 3807 Inlet Isle 600 Larkspur • 0 Iq 1- Eucalyptus 1- Cupania 1- Cupania 1- Loquat 1- Magnolia 1- Magnolia 1- Magnolia 1- Magnolia 2- Cupania 2- Loquat 1 -Pear 1 -Carob 1- Cupania 1 -Carob RECREATION DIVISION JUNE, 1991 PROGRESS REPORT Youth Activities Item No. 8 Summer drop -in programs began this week. Drop -in recreation programs are scheduled at the Community Youth Center, Mariners Park and Newport Heights Elementary School. The travelling game wagon will be visiting one site per day, Monday through Friday, including Bonita Creek, Andersen School, Irvine Terrace Park, Newport Elementary School and West Newport Community Center. The City is once again co- sponsoring the 'Mariners 4th of July celebration set to begin at 9:00 A.M. at Mariners Park. Adult Snorts As you are aware, via our May report, softball and basketball leagues are in mid season and all is well. Contract Classes /Brochure /Special Events Summer classes have just begun. Registration is very heavy. Our • Pirates Cove Beach Day Camp is already nearing the sell out level. Our swimming program is naturally bursting at the seams in both pools. Although summer has just begun, the fall brochure information is now being formulated and due out mid - August. The Corona del Mar Scenic 5K was another great success with 2560 runners and 700 walkers participating. The Corona del Mar Chamber and the City were very happy with the results. Seniors The Garden Festival was another wonderful success. 400 tickets were sold and as usual the entertainment and food were superb. The Care -A -Van transportation program has really been busy with 422 rides in May. We now have a fully operational Compost Display in place at Oasis. The Garden Club will be overseeing this new project. r Nan y Bear AIR ATTACK • Airtankers Type Agency Gals. Salvo Trail .Split Doors S2F light CDF 800 200x90 200x45 200x45 4 DC4 heavy USFS 2000 600x90 1000x45 600x45 8 DC6 heavy USFS 2000 600x90 1500x45 .6,00x45 4,6,8 DC7 heavy USFS 3000 750x90 1600x45 750x45 8 C130 heavy FS /CDF 3000 1500x45 MAFFS /8 SP2H heavy USFS 2000 B17 heavy USFS 1800 Helicopters Type Drop cap. People LZ size Bel-1 214 1 Heavy 700 16 75' Bell 204 /UH1B 2 Medium (Heuy) 300 lU 75' Bell 205 /UH1F 2 Medium (Heuy, SAR) 300 14 75' Bell 212 2 Medium (Heuy style) 300 14 75' Bell 206 3 Light (Jet Ranger) 100 5 60' Hughes 500 3 Light (OCSO "Duke ") 100 5 60' Air Attack Bases (Flight Time calculated to Irvine Lake) Miles Airtanker Air Attack Load & Return Hemet -Ryan 40 15 min. 18 min. 40 min. Ramona 70 23 min. 26 min. 56 min. Fox- Lancaster 72 24 min. none 58 min. Helicopter Bases (Flight times calculated to Irvine Lake) • Agency Radio ID Flight time Hemet -Ryan CDF 301 20 min. Chantry- Monrovia ANF 531 20 min. Camp 2- Pasadena LAC varies 20 min. Pacoima LAC varies 26 min. *LAC Copters radio ID- 10,12,14,15,16 *LAC Copters are fixed tank operable only, CDF and FS copters are either fixed tank or bucket operable. *OC Law enforcement copters are bucket operable only.. Guidelines *Air tankers are best used as an initial attack tool. *For going fires, the optimum drop cycle is 1 per 5 min.• *Air tankers may be diverted unless a request is approved for a "no divert ". No diverts may be considered for life and property imminently threatened, etc, *Use terms such as "head, left or right flank, origin," etc, to describe fire. Avoid compass directions. *Turn airtankers on and off as needed. Drops are very expensive. *Air tankers are of little use when surface winds exceed 30 MPH. *The IC needs to express his plan to the Air Attack Coordinator and use him as the IC's eyes and ears. *Medium airtankers and copters are more effective in tight areas than heavy airtankers. *Drops need to be followed up by ground attack ASAP or drop is • wasted. *Maximum acceptable landing slope for a copter is 10%. Item No. 15 • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department • DATE: June 25, 1991 TO: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director SUBJECT: BAYVIEW PARK BASKETBALL COURT The attached letter represents a request from Councilman Turner to review the recent decision made by the Commission on the basketball court within Bayview Park. To bring the Commission up to date, I have enclosed past staff reports and minutes on this issue. The recommendations as listed in January on this matter are still viable alternatives for Commission consideration. If there are questions, please feel free to give me a call. I� ." • Clarence J. Turner June 17, 1991 Mr. Ron Whitley, Director Parks, Beaches and Recreation City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 RE: Basketball Court - End of Mesa Drive (J.M. Peters Development) Dear Ron: Just a follow up on the study session meeting of the City Council wherein the Council supported my request for a further analysis of the basketball court which is installed in the park located at the end of Mesa Drive within City limits but adjacent to Santa Ana Heights. As I understand it, the basketball court was approved as part of the overall package, approved by the County, prior to the time that the old school district site was developed by the J.M. Peters Company and ultimately brought into the City of Newport Beach. It • is also my understanding that the court was originally planned for the usage to be by the residents of that development. Unfortunately, it has not turned out that way. After receiving several complaints from the nearby residents in the Santa Ana Heights area, I visited the sight several times to establish some facts on my own. It is quite evident that the people using the court are generally not from the local area. That is easily ascertainable by the number of cars parked on Mesa Drive when the court is in full use. It appears that the planners did not contemplate that this would be the case because Mesa Drive simply is not designed to accommodate the number of cars currently using it as a parking lot while the owners play basketball. It is a dead end street I know that the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission reviewed the request by the homeowners in that area to do something about curtailing the use of the court but were turned down. Nonetheless, I believe that we need to take a second look at the situation and I request the following: 1. Determine if the court can be relocated in a more or less easterly direction which will place it down under the hill and away from nearby residents. If that can be done, please advise what the costs involved are? I Assuming that it can be done, it appears that this will place the court in closer proximity to public parking. 1507 ANTIGUA WAY • NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 OFFICE PHONE: 751 -4420 MESSAGE PHONE: 631 -3947 A . Page Two Mr. Ron Whitley June 17, 1991 2. Is there any way that the court can be regulated? Meaning, can it be secured so that the City has more control over its use? While this would not completely eliminate the noise and disturbance to the adjoining neighbors, it would certainly give the City an opportunity to at least schedule the activities there and thus prevent its use at any and all hours of the day. 3. Is this court a part of the recreation system and /or requirements of the City? I- Believe, that this court, unlike the Bonita Creek Park is not a part of our planned recreational activities. Although it obviously serves a purpose, it also obviously serves as a bit of a nuisance to folks living in the area. 4. Is there a possibility to relocate this activity in that section of the City where the activity would not be as intrusive as it currently is? • Please look into this matter and let me know your thoughts. Your cooperation will be most appreciated. Clarence J rner Mayor P Tem City of Newport Beach cc: Robert Wynn Buddy Cox • lr • is • Itiem No. 16 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department DATE: June 25, 1991 TO: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director SUBJECT: REQUEST TO ADD TREES IN BAYCREST TO SPECIAL TREES LIST The attached letter from the Mariners Community Association and specifically the petition from the Baycrest Community has resulted in a request to add the street trees found on Commodore, Starlight, Glenwood, Candlestick and Sandlewood to the list of special neighborhood trees as found in City Council Policy I -9. A copy of the policy is attached for your review. Action by the Commission to add these trees to the list will aid in protecting them when public works projects occur in the area. If there are questions, please call. 1-� f� 9 MARINERS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION BOX 8241 NEN MiOggAPGrI41LdA'�2658 -8241 — THE WEST SIDE OF UPPER NEWPORT BAY — E June 7, 1991 Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department Newport Beach, California Dear PB &R Representatives, Members of the Mariners Community Association wish to express their deep interest in the implementation of a policy that will preserve the trees on city -owned property, that will develop a consistent and ongoing policy to institute planned tree planting programs, and will use all up -to -date methods for tree planting that will permit long -term growth for trees in this city. Our area of Newport Beach, now referred to as one of the older parts of the city, should have beautiful tree -lined streets after twenty to thirty years in existence. Instead we have patchy areas of trees, numerous varieties of trees planted on each street, a policy that apparently permits chopping down of mature trees by homeowners or city employees if the homeowner doesn't like the tree in his frontyard, and a pruning program that often reduces a full,mature tree to a small one. We have examined and will continue to examine tree growth and planning in other communities. Pictures have been taken and we will happily share them with you to present a clear idea of what we feel the city policy should eventually provide for our area, and indeed, all of Newport Beach. It is with a heavy heart that we look around our community and know what it could have looked like by now. As an example,many years ago Santiago Drive was lined with beautiful coral trees and was a stunning sight. Now these magnificent trees are few and for between. Replacing a twenty five year old tree with a fifteen gallon twig is not a tree policy. Members of our community, association would be,pleased to discuss tree planting, sidewalk ramping, whatever i•s feasible to have a handsome, green Newport Beach, parks and parkways. Sincerely, Rae Cohen, President PETITION • We, the undersigned residents of the Baycrest Community of the City of Newport Beach, hereby petition the City Council to retain our street tree designation as "Citradora Eucalyptus" on the following streets: Commodore, Starlight, Glenwood, Candlestick and Sandlewood. This beautiful community was built approximately 25 to 30 years ago by the renowned pbuilder- architect, Ivan Wells, and the Citradoras that were planted throughout our neighborhood then, identify and distinguish our neighborhood like no other In the city. These graceful trees should be retained whenever possible by sensible "root - pruning" .and where this absolutely unfeasible, new 1-5 gallon Citradoras should be planted with bottomless "root- barriers" to promote the downward growth of top roots for stability and the elimination of surface roots. Thank you for your consideration of our request: Name Address Street r� u / 7 J" ,� Jt, d OZ-1 IN PJ- ��-) l (/ if /v 9! U 0 PE TON i C 0 MM ado -, '77, ;•ii.lt, t �,: ;'� ..i /i/...Z[_ : �'�' 7 �4��c {!�- '�- Gv -7--'t c .-�- 30 r'e u � u 0 0 C PE TON 1120 CVLCvl91&-.P� 9)6 Ye� cc- :��e;4 o p6G6 �dl•EC> 1. i • 1 -9 RETENTION OR REMOVAL OF PARK AND PARKWAY TREES It shall be the responsibility of the Parks. Beaches and Recreation Commission to develop and maintain a rather restricted list of ,trees,in the community (attached) which should be retained to the exclusion of all normal problems. This list will contain landmark trees, special trees of extreme beauty, stately trees which contribute to an entire neighborhood, dedicated trees, etc. These trees will be identified, mapped and recorded. Subsequent to this they will be given all types of special treatment to retain them, including the use of asphalt sidewalks, realigned curbing, etc. Whenever it is necessary to prune tree roots in parkways or other public areas in order to correct or prevent damage being caused by the subject tree, gvery reasonable effort shall be made to save the tree, including the use of high grade asphalt sidewalk sections. It will still be necessary to meet the City's standards relative to grades and alignments, with the exgeption of those special trees discussed in Paragraph 1 of this policy statement. If it is necessary for a tree other than that included in Paragraph 1 to be given special treatment, each tree shall be considered individually on its own merits to determine whether the tree should be retained or replaced. All parkway trees included in this category must be subjected to and meet the following criteria: 1. Have sufficient root system to sustain life and remain in a safe condition after root pruning; 2. Have sufficient life expectancy to merit special consideration; 3. Have adjacent property owners be desirous of retaining tree in light of "patchy sidewalk effect" that would be created next tc their homes if asphalt sidewalk is to be used to save the tree; 4. Not be of an undesirable species that has been removed from the official street tree list by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission; 5. Not have had a consistent history of damaging utilities such as sewers, water mains, etc.; 6. Not interfere with acceptable drainage if alternate methods of curb repair are utilized. (kpplication of the criteria on parkway trees will be conducted by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department in coordination with the Parks, 3 Beaches and Recreation Commission. In applying the criteria, other departments of the City will be consulted as necessary. If there is any • cogflict between the application of the criteria and established standards of the City which cannot be resolved at staff and Commission level, final resolution will be determined by the City Council. • • 1 -9 !, RETENTION OR REMOVAL OF PARK AND PARKWAY TREES - Page 2 The Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission is required to establish a standing Street Tree Committee to assist the Commission in developing a community awareness program and provide input to the total 'street tree program. Objectives of this Street Tree Committee will be: 1. To obtain representation for each situation as it arises in a community and /or neighborhood. 2. To develop innovative techniques that will enable trees to be saved when concrete is removed and replaced. 3. To provide recommendations to the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission when tree removal requests are received. 4. To inform the public and further the philosophy of the value of trees in a community. 5. To pursue procedures whereby larger replacement trees can be used when trees are removed. 6. To assure that no community has a mass removal effect as projects / occur. 7. Annually review landmark tree locations for inclusion in Council Policy I -9.' When a tree is removed from the parkway for the sole benefit of the adjacent property „owner, the property owner will be responsible for the cost of removal. Removal must still be done in accordance with City approvals. Note: (See Attached List - Preservation of Special Trees) Adopted - May 9, 1966 Amended - August 14, 1967 Amended - November 9, 1976 Amended - November 12, 1985 Amended - November 28, 1988 3� F 1• r• (Attachment) CITY ,OF NEWPORT BEACH PRESERVATION OF SPECIAL TREES I -9 Adopted - May 9, 1966 • Amended - November 9, 1976 Amended - November 28, 1988 �+ I Location Species LANDMARK Balboa Library Eucalyptus globulus TREES Balboa Library Phoenix canariensis West Jetty (near Historical Marker Phoenix canariensis Dover Drive at Westcliff Liquidamber styraciflua 400 block Poinsettia Eucalyptus corynocalyx Ocean Blvd. Corona del Mar Phoenix canariensis Westcliff & Dover (Groves) Eucalyptus globulus In Arches-Overpass Eucalyptus lehmannii DEDICATED No. Mariners Park TREES (Marcie Schrouder) Pious radiata Mariners Park (Frank Tallman) Pious radiata No. City Hall grounds (Bill•Covert) Ficus benjamina City Hall grounds (Walter Knott) Pinus halepensis City Hall grounds (Calif. Bicentennial) Pious halepensis Las Arenas Park (Ed Healy) Melaleuca linarifolia Mariners Park (Isy Pease) Pinus halepensis City Hall grounds (U.S. Bicentennial Freedom Tree) Harpephyllum caffrum NEIGHBQR- Parkway in Shorecliffs Erythrina caffra HOOD Marguerite Avenue Phoenix canariensis TREES Goldenrod Avenue Washingtonia robusta Dover Dr. (Mariners to Irvine) Eucalyptus globulus 15th Street (Newport Heights) Eucalyptus cladocalyx Irvine Avenue traffic island, Eucalyptus globulus Holiday between Irvine & Tustin Eucalyptus globulus Surrounding Old Reservoir Eucalyptus varieties Along Avon Avenue Eucalyptus globulus Via Lido bridge Eucalyptus globulus Marine Avenue (Balboa Island) Eucalyptus .rudis Seaview Avenue (Corona del Mar) Pinus radiata Poppy Avenue (Corona del Mar) Eucalyptus rudis Heliotrope Avenue (Corona del Mar) Pinus radiata Adopted - May 9, 1966 • Amended - November 9, 1976 Amended - November 28, 1988 �+ I Item No. 17 • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department DATE: June 25, 1991 TO: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director SUBJECT: COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS To provide continuity as we enter a new fiscal year, a listing of committees that have been operational in the past is provided. A discussion should occur that enables the very important committee work to continue in an effective manner. • 0 3� • PARKS, BEACHES AND RECREATION COMMISSION Committees and Liaisons Tree Committee Virginia Herberts, Chair A.Z. Taft Gale Demmer Recreation Program Committee Pete Compton, Chair John Konwiser Jo Vandervort Beach Committee A.Z. Taft, Chair Pete Compton Virginia Herberts Parks and open Space Committee • Jo Vandervort, Chair John Konwiser Taylor Grant Oasis Liaison Gale Demmer Theatre Arts Center Liaison Pete Compton Jo Vandervort � 3� • i, u • Item No. 18 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department DATE: June 25, 1991 TO: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director SUBJECT: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS, 1990 -91 CARRIED OVER Restrooms - CYC, Eastbluff - Construction contract awarded. Field Renovation - CYC - On hold pending restroom bids. Little Corona - Construction contract completed. 1990 -91 Cliff Drive Park Design Newport Shores Park Oasis Expansion Channel Place Park Basketball Court Playground Equipment Replacement 31 Commiss scheduled $150,000 $500,000 $ 15,000 $ 35,000 ion review for August. Project to bid. Bids received. Completed. Completed. .. - e Item No. 19 . CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department LJ DATE: June 25, 1991 TO: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director SUBJECT: PARK MAINTENANCE Attached is an additional progress report that supplements the report provided to the Commission in March. As you can see during the last three months, many of the tasks that were scheduled have been completed. These tasks or service needed result from the Commission facility inspection program. Your continued concern and assistance in this maintenance objective is appreciated. 3� • 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department PROGRESS REPORT June 19, 1991 Recommended services completed from Maintenance Safety Inspection Reports done by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation 'Commission during September - Decem- ber 1990. 1. Standard Service Completed. 2 > Standard Service Scheduled Facility Task or Service Needed Las Arenas Windscreen needs re -tied "Waiting Board" needs hooks Basketball courts need re- surfaced and paint Palms need trimming 15th Street Park, picnic counter needs service Peninsula Park Removed rusty post S.W. corner of grass Request for bleachers 15th Street Park Need park sign Turf -bare spots "L" Street Park Install drinking fountain West Jetty View Drinking fountain clogged Install (i) additional bench Lido Park Sea -wall needs repairing + sidewalk Replace dog sign Lido parkway, landscape, view benches installed Rhine Wharf Park 38th Street Park Pound down nails on boardwalk Grafitti on top of larger tube slide Newport Is. Park Check sand level under play- ground equipment 31 2 Disposition X II Parks Department X Parks Department X X X X X X X X X X X X X Notified Recreation Dept. Parks Department Recreation Department Parks Department .Request to Recreation Work request to General Services Parks Department Parks Department Parks Department Parks Department Notified Marine Dept. Parks Department Parks Department Parks Department Parks Department Parks Department • 0 • Facility Channel Park - 2 - Task or Service Needed Cracked "T" joint on pl equipment West Newport Park Install Barbeque's More sand needed Repair rail on wall near rest - rooms Square cutouts, plant trees? Mariners Park Athletic field & turf main- tenance needed Paint backstop More sand needed Sand needs cleaning Check playground equipment for broken rusted joints Westcliff Park Sprinkler maintenance needed Park sign needed Galaxy View Park Benches need repairing Need lids on trash cans Turf maintenance needed Asphalt needs resurfacing Cliff Drive Park Needs sand San Joaquin Hills Drinking fountain needs repair Park Turf needs water and irriga- tion maintenance Court III, install latch on gate Court benches need replacing Windscreen needs repair Eastbluff Park Athletic field and turf maint- enance needed Men's restroom has graffiti Storm drains need maintenance, remove litter Irvine Terrace Park y6 Large bare spot on lawn, need" to improve irrigation coverage, or seed Park sign needs to be restain ed. Signs turned over to paint shop 1 .2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X. X X X X Disposition Request Parks Dept Parks Department Parks Department Parks Department Parks Department Parks Department Parks Department Parks Department Parks Department Parks Department Work request to G.S. Parks Department Parks Department Parks Department Completed by Contractor 1 -15 -91 Parks Department Parks Department Parks Department Parks Department Notified Recreation Notified Recreation Parks Department Parks Department Parks Department Parks Department Parks Department Facility - 3 - Task,or Serytce Needed 1 2 Disposition Old School Park Back of Park sign needs paint X Parks Department Sign is in for re- painting Turf looks bad, check irri- gation X Parks Department Some'trees need re- staking X Parks Department Install (1) bench X Parks Department Carrol Beek'Park Repaint /replace bathroom doors Notified Recreation (exterior) Repaint blue rails Notified Recreation Lookout Point Turf around spyglass area well worn X Parks Department Inspiration Point Drinking fountain not working X Parks Department Benches need stain on upper level .. X Parks Department Trash and litter under benches X Parks Department Disappearing path covered with sand X Parks Department Grant Howald Park Check irrigation X Parks Department • Bleachers need repainting Basketball court needs; small X Parks Department holes repatched X Work request to G.S. Drinking fountain needs adjusting X Parks Department Picnic tables need res.taining X Parks Department Sand areas need attention X -Parks Department Jasmine View Park Brown and wet spots in turf, check irrigation X. Parks Department Need a park sign Parks Notified Oasis Center Concrete bench by memorial fountain in need of repair X Parks Department Park maintenance needed in front entrance parking lot. X Parks Department Bayside. Drive Park Maintenance needed on,ground- cover areas X Parks Department All park trees trimmed X Parks Department Begonia Park Barbeque's X Parks Department Brown and bare turf spots. X Parks Department The former slide area slope r� needs to be renovated X Parks Department E 0 -4- Faci.l I ty Task. or Service Needed Buffalo Hills Park Repaint basketball post. Adjust drinking fountain, place benches in shade Playground need mainten- ance San Miguel Park Park sign needs restain- ing Slope area behind rest - rooms is bare, needs planting Spyglass Hills Park Adjust drinking.fountain, areas need to be weeded Needs more sand Shrubs on slope need to be trimmed and bare spots planted Bonita Creek Park Turf has some bare spots, need seeding done Diamont #1 backstop is, coming apart 12 I.X X X X X X. X X X X Disposition Parks Department Parks Department Parks Department Parks Department Parks Department Parks Department Parks Department Parks Department Parks'Department Parks Department