HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/05/1991 - PB&R CommissionCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Item No. 3 arks, Beaches & Recreation- Commission November 5, 1991 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Ex- Officio Member Present: Ronald A. Whitley Staff Present: Jack Brooks, Park and Tree Main- tenance Super- intendent Nancy Beard, Recreation Superintendent Dottie Flohr, Secretary I. PROCEDURAL MATTERS Item #1 - Call to Order Call to Order The meeting of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation ( Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. Item #2 - Roll Call Roll Call Roll call was taken. Commissioners Compton, Demmer, Glasgow, Grant, Herberts, Konwiser and Vandervort were present. Item #3 - Approval of Minutes - Meeting of Approval October 1. 1991 of Minutes Motion x Commissioner Compton motioned the minutes be Ayes x x x x x x approved as presented. Unanimous. Item #4 - Adoption of Agenda Adoption of Agenda The agenda was adopted as presented with the addition of Chair's Report to be addressed as Item 13 -A and Joint Meeting with City Council to be addressed under Item VIII. II. COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD PRESENTATION Chair Vandervort turned the meeting over to Commissioner Demmer, liaison to oasis, who ( thanked Norma Gilchrist for her leadership as past President of the Friends of Oasis and her many volunteer hours donated to the Center and the community. Following a brief background of Mrs. Gilchrist's achievements, Commissioner Demmer presented her with the Community Services CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 2 City Council Chambers 7 n.m. INnFX Award plaque. Mrs. Gilchrist expressed her appreciation to all the volunteers at oasis and thanked the City Council, Commission and staff for all their support. III. JOINT MEETING WITH FRIENDS OF OASIS BOARD Director Whitley introduced Celeste Jardine -Haug, Supervisor of Oasis, who, in turn, introduced Meyer Bloom, President of the Friends of oasis. Mr. Bloomm reported there are currently about 4,000 members of Oasis. He explained the role of both the Board and Executive Committee which meet monthly. He pointed out the Board has 34 active committees, each of which has a minimum of two ( ) Directors. They are particularly proud of their Garden Committee which has 50+ gardens and a waiting list of 26 people. Mr. Bloom introduced Ted Lund, Treasurer, who explained that he keeps the Board advised about their financial condition which is very good as a result of the endowment fund, fund raising efforts, membership services and the many volunteers. Norma Gilchrist explained the Human Services functions which have added Elder Care, an Orange County group that provides an RN at Oasis to give free health screenings. Included in Human Services are the information and referral service, lunches, dances, and transportation program. Mrs. Gilchrist also explained their Outreach program and gave an example of one of their case management success stories. Meals on Wheels are offered in addition to telephone reassurance calls and visitation programs with the high schools. I•� Celeste Jardine -Haug reported the Friends are in the process of selecting furniture which has been 3 funded and that construction is coming along smoothly. She extended invitations to the Commissioners to see their progress at Oasis. CITY OF ,NEWPORT BEACH arks,, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 3 City Council Chambers 7 D.M. INDEX Chair Vandervort thanked the Friends for their informative presentation, pointing out how much they appreciate Commissioner Demmer's involvement as the Commission's liaison. IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS V. Item 45 - Tree Removal Appeal - 900 Almond Tree Remova' Appeal Commissioner Herberts, Chair of the Tree Committee, reported that when she visited the subject home and site, she was unable to see a view due to intervening shrubs. The Tree Committee, in reviewing the matter, voted to deny the applicant's request to remove the two Pine Trees. Chair Vandervort opened the meeting to Public ( j Hearing and Mr. Roger Conant, 900 Almond Place., addressed the Commission. Mr. Conant reported that when he moved in thirteen years ago he had a view from various rooms in his home, which is now obstructed by the 25' Pines in the public parkway and his neighbors' trees on their private property. He recognized that he is protected by the Eastbluff CC &R's that prohibit planting of any tree that would, at maturity, obstruct the view of any homeowner, and that the Association has the authority to remove such trees. A problem exists in that some of his neighbors are reluctant to remove their trees since they feel the City parkway trees already block his view. Mr. Conant also reported that, although the City .has trimmed the lower branches, this has not solved his problem since it is the upper branches that obstruct his view. He, therefore, requested the Commission approve his request to have the City remove the two Pine Trees located adjacent to Alta Vista. In response to a question from Commissioner Compton on a replacement tree, Jack Brooks explained a list of replacement trees is being developed although a number different of trees have been planted in this area. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 4 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Commissioner Grant stated that since he felt the trees appear to be on the horizon and do not totally block Mr. Conant's view, he would recommend denying the request for removal. Commissioner Konwiser agreed with Commissioner Herberts that he saw a lot of foliage which obstructed the view. He recommended the view be opened up which would include removing the neighbors' trees, after which time the view situation should be re- evaluated. Commissioners Compton and Grant concurred with Commissioner Konwiser's suggestion that the area first be cleaned out and that staff then determine if the tree removals are necessary. Commissioner Demmer voiced her concern that if ( the City should first remove the trrees, the neighbors might not follow through and remove theirs. She pointed out that the area is full of mature trees and agreed with Commissioner Konwiser that the trees be retained and the situation addressed after community action. Motion x Commissioner Herberts moved to deny the request Ayes x x x x x x x to remove the two Pine Trees on Alta Vista and that staff reassess any view blockage after the trees between Mr. Conant's house and Alta Vista have been trimmed. Unanimous. Chair Vandervort advised Mr. Conant of his right to appeal the Commission's decision to the City Council. VI. INFORMATIONAL AND COMMITTEE REPORTS Item 06 - Recreation Division Recreation Division Nancy Beard reported the Haunted House on Halloween was a great success with about 700 participants. Ms. Beard invited the Commissioners to attend the 5th Annual Arts 'n Crafts Fair on November 9 and 10 at the Lincoln facility. There will be 110 vendors selling their hand made crafts. Ms. Beard also pointed out the new supervisory CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 5 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX assignments which are included in the Recreation Division report. Steve Hunt, the new Recreation Supervisor, will be introduced at the Commission's December meeting. Commissioner Demmer inquired if the drop -in program could be implemented at Newport Beach Elementary School on the Peninsula. Nancy Beard explained that youth sports are provided, however, in the past the drop -in program did not have many participants. Commissioner Demmer requested staff to research if there is a need for such a program at this site and Nancy Beard advised she will pursue, however, there is no budget for this program this year. ( Nancy Beard reported the Department is in the process of hiring a new swim coach for the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center. Item 47 - Park and Street Tree Division Park and Street Tree In response to a question from Commissioner Division Compton on the status of Irvine Boulevard, Jack Brooks explained this is a joint Public Works project with the City of Costa Mesa for street repair which will not affect the traffic islands. Commissioner Demmer asked why the Commission did not have an opportunity to approve the new play equipment at Grant Howald Park. Nancy Beard explained this is a staff function and decision to use funds left in the Playground Equipment Replacement Fund from the 1990 -91 budget. commissioner Grant further questioned when the Commission should be involved in a park change. Jack Brooks explained such projects come before the Commission if the amount required is more than $5,000 and is deemed to be a non - emergency. Commissioner Grant voiced his opinion that if a park is to be changed, such as adding a play area, that the project be reviewed by this commission. Commissioner Demmer congratulated the Recreation CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 6 City Council Chambers 7 D.M. INDEX Maintenance crew for the immaculate restrooms at San Joaquin Hills Park. Commissioner Glasgow inquired if there is a tree trimming schedule and Jack Brooks replied that, although the schedule is subject to change, he will provide the latest one. Director Whitley explained that in the past the Departments tree trimming policy was every three years. It was changed to every two years, however, they are now pressed to about 2 -1/2 years. Nevertheless, the City has one of the best tree trimming policies in the County. Commissioner Grant requested a computerized street tree sample which Jack Brooks will provide 1 ) at the December meeting. Item 48 - Tree Committee Tree Committee Commissioner Herberts reported the committee reviewed 12 tree requests and discussed their goals and objectives. She referred to the revised letter being sent to property owners concerning participation in the City's program to plant new parkway trees. Commissioner Glasgow had suggested a follow up phone call to which the committee agreed. In addition, a revised letter concerning care for new trees has been written per Commissioner Konwiser's suggestion. Commissioner Grant recommended the letter also include certain information items, such as the fact that Newport Beach is a Tree City U.S.A.; that trees have long term benefits and also add to property values. Concerning remodels, Director Whitley explained that both the Planning and Building Departments will work with us in regard to tree requirements. This may necessitate a new policy or an addition to Policy I -9. (.- 1 Commissioner Herberts reported she spoke with the City Attorney regarding illegal street tree removals. He advised that there needs to be proof of removal which can then be handled at Small Claims Court without an attorney or CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 11 arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 7 Citv Council Chambers 7 n -m- INnp:y Municipal Court with an attorney. He further suggested some type of television coverage which Commissioner Glasgow volunteered to pursue. In the meantime, the City Attorney will draft a policy /procedure to be followed for illegal street tree removals as requested by the Tree Committee. Commissioner Grant recommended an informational paragraph on trees be included in the quarterly recreation brochure. Commissioner Herberts referred to the letter from Stuart Williams wherein he rejects the City's designated street tree to be planted. The Tree Committee determined that he would receive the Commission's recommendation of the Brisbane Box. Director Whitley will transmit a response to Mr. Williams. item #9 - Recreation Program Committee Recreation Program In response to a question from Commissioner Committee Grant, Nancy Beard reported a meeting is being scheduled concerning the operating times at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center. Commissioner Grant reported the Department's new winter classes were approved by the committee. Item #lo - Park and open Space Committee Park and Due to the sensitive issues on open space, Open Space Committee Commissioner Grant requested a $101000 study be considered for Mouth of Big Canyon. There are presently no guidelines for the 54 acre parcel even though there are access roads. Item 411 - Beach Committee Beach Commissioner Compton in P inquired about the 20 new Committee beach volleyball poles and Nancy Beard explained they have not yet been budgeted. Some, in fact, are already rusting which will require a review of the poles. Item 012 - Budget Committee Budget Committee No report from Commissioner Konwiser. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Citv Council Chambers 7 ,D.m. INDEX Item 413 - Oasis Liaison Oasis Liaison Commissioner Demmer reported that January is the 10th anniversary for the Braille Institute at Oasis. Item 413 -A - Chair's Report Reports Chair Vandervort reported the League of California Cities Conference was both interesting and valuable, and she will prepare a report for the Commission's information. Chair Vandervort also reported the Commission's Facility Inspection Reports are- due. The Commission's annual Christmas Dinner will be December 11 at 6:30 P.M. at the Five Crowns Restaurant. Due to the forthcoming party for the City Manager Motion x scheduled on December 3, Commissioner Compton moved the Commission's meeting on that date commence at 5:00 P.M. Motion x Commissioner Herberts made a substitute motion Ayes x x x that the meeting begin at 4:00 P.M. Motion Nays x x' x x fails. Ayes x x x x x Vote was taken on the original motion. Motion Nays x x passes. VII. DISCUSSION ITEMS Item #14 - Capital Improvement Project Proposals Capital FY 1992 -93 Improvement Project Director Whitley reported this will be a critical Proposals, and lean year and advised the Commission to keep FY 1992 -93 this in mind when submitting proposed capital improvement projects. Commissioner Grant recommended the lights at the Lincoln facility be considered. l 1� Commissioner Konwiser suggested Mouth of Big Canyon and the Cal Trans project at Superior /PCH be addressed. Commissioner Demmer recommended improvement CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH irks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 9 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX M and /or completion of present park sites be included on the list, such as Cliff Drive Park and Newport Shores Park. There was concern by the Commission if the proposed Bolsa Avenue mini park should go forward and Director Whitley advised he will get clarification from the Public Works Department. Commissioner Compton recommended projects be prioritized at the committee level to be reviewed by staff. Item 415 - Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance Water Efficient Director Whitley corrected his memo to read that Landscape the Commission's action on this subject should Ordinance take place during, the summer of 1992. He recommended that the proposed Ordinance submitted by the City's Utility Committee be referred to the Park and Open Space Committee for review. Commissioner Demmer inquired if a representative from Newport Oil Company would be addressing the Commission and Director Whitley advised he is still .pursuing this request. Item 416 - Capital Improvement Project Status Capital In response to a question from Commissioner Improvement Project Compton, Nancy Beard reported the gymnastics set Status for Newport Shores Park will soon be installed. Commissioner Compton reported the ribbon cutting ceremony for Newport Shores Park will be held January 11, 1992 at 10:00 A.M. VIII. SPECIAL URGENT OR LAST MINUTE ITEMS Director Whitley reported the Commission meets semi annually with the City Council and their next meeting is scheduled for November 25. t Following discussion, the Commission decided 1 their agenda with Council would included the tree preservation program, future capital improvement I projects, the ribbon cutting ceremony at Newport Shores Park, and the subject of water CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH arks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 10 Citv Council Chambers 7 D.m. INDEX IV A conservation. IX. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission adjourned at 10:00 P.M. The agenda for this meeting was posted on October 29, 1991 at 10:00 A.M. on the City Hall Bulletin Board located outide of the City of Newport Beach Administration Building. I, Dottie Flohr, Secretary