HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-05-1993 - Agenda6 •1 • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PARKS, BEACHES AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TO BE HELD TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1993 •CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:00 P.M. I. PROCEDURAL MATTERS 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes - Meeting of September 7, 1993 II. INFORMATIONAL AND COMMITTEE REPORTS 4. Park and Street Tree Division (Report Attached) 5. Recreation Division (Report Attached) 6. Recreation Program Committee - Commissioner Schonlau • 7. Park and Open Space Committee - Commissioner Vandervort 8. Budget Committee - Commissioner Grant 9. Tree Committee - Commissioner Herberts 10. Oasis Liaison,- Commissioner Demmer III. PUBLIC COMMENTS IV. ACTION ITEMS 11. Street Tree Appeal - 1737 Centella Place. (Report Attached) V. DISCUSSION ITEMS 12. Commission -Staff Relationship (Report Attached) 13. Agenda Format and Conduct (Report Attached) VII. SPECIAL. URGENT OR LAST MINUTE ITEMS VII. ADJOURNMENT 0 CITY ®F NEWPORT BEACH Notem3 Parks. Beaches & Recreation commission • o o �i h ��o September 7, 1993 o� City Council Chambers 7 p.m. I%DDC to �r Call oval of tes tion of da and et Tree sion Ex- Officio Members Present: Ronald A. Whitley David.E. Niederhaus LaDonna Kienitz Staff Present: Nancy Beard, Recreation Superintendent Dottie Flohr, Secretary I. PROCEDURAL'MATTERS Item #1 - Call to Order Cal Ordi The meeting of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. Item #2 - Roll Call Rol Roll call was taken. Commissioners Compton, Demmer, Glasgow, Grant, Herberts, Schonlau and Vandervort were present. Item #3 - Approval of Minutes - Meeting of Appi August 3, 1993 Mint Motion X Commissioner Compton moved the minutes be Ayes X X X X X X X approved as presented. Unanimous. Item #4 - Adoption of Agenda Adol Aget Chair Grant recommended that Item #18 be Motion X addressed under Item #5. Commissioner Compton Ayes X X X X X X X moved the agenda be adopted as corrected. Unanimous. II. INFORMATIONAL AND COMMITTEE REPORTS Item #5 - Park and Street Tree Division Parl Str( Director Niederhaus reported that the bench Div' renovation program has begun throughout the City and that additional benches will be installed on the boardwalk. The Gazebo at Peninsula Park has been rebuilt and newly painted. Director Niederhaus also reported the Department has purchased a new steam cleaning unit which can be used in a multitude of ways and quadruples speed cleaning. They are currently cleaning the public areas on a monthly basis and will be able to expand when a second unit can be purchased. Public sidewalks are not included since they are the responsibility of the homeowner or business owner. Director Niederhaus reported that they have instituted a budget amendment in order to hire to �r Call oval of tes tion of da and et Tree sion Parks. Beaches & Recreation Commission.. • J d Page 2 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. IPDDC a graffiti contractor that the south counties also use. There will be access to a hot line and an attempt to remove graffiti within 24 hours. Since the problem has magnified, it now takes 4 men four days a week to remove the graffiti. In response to a question from Commissioner Demmer, Director Niederhaus explained that the Corona del Mar Chamber contributed the plant material for the new East Pacific Coast Highway medians, however, the City will assume its maintenance. Commissioner Herberts pointed out the report submitted shows that 4 trees were planted and 16 removed. She urged that removals and replacements be equalized. Director Niederhaus agreed, stating they will try to catch up next month. Commissioner Glasgow reported he has received complaints that the fields at Eastbluff Park and Lincoln are too compacted. Director . Niederhaus explained the fields will be sanded and aerated and that he will contact Commissioner Glasgow as to their status by the end of the week. Commissioner Demmer questioned the liability issue as it would pertain to citizens in an Adopt a Park program and those working on a median. Director Niederhaus explained that workers are more impacted by care and are at an extreme risk working on a highway, therefore, volunteers would never be considered for median work. Director Niederhaus gave a brief background of the report submitted, Basic Assessment of the Street Trees Maintenance Division of the General Services Department, which was prepared at the City Council's request. The study was done under strict and unbiased guidelines, and comparisons were made with private industry. Director Niederhaus introducted Tom Larson, President of Integrated Urban Forestry, Inc., that prepared the report submitted. Director Niederhaus explained that the City Manager has asked this Commission to review the report and make recommendations in order that the report can be agendized for the City Council at the end of September. This is the first public • review of the report which was just released to the media. Chair Grant opened the meeting to public hearing and Mr. Tom Larson, 23441 S. Pointe Dr., Laguna Hills, addressed the Commission on I behalf of Integrated Urban Forestry, Inc. Mr. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks. Beaches & Recreation Commission o s rn Page • o��o.���h� �Q�h o��doh� City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Larson reported they analyzed costs of maintenance and salaries and compared these with private industry, the result of which was that it would be less costly to privatize at the same or better level of service. Commissioner Herberts voiced her concern that the report has not been made available to the public. Chair Grant explained that the Commission's action is for recommendation only and comments should be related to the Commission's role. Final decisions and labor relations aspects will be addressed by the City Council. Commissioner Demmer questioned the statistic that cities with populations over 100,000 rarely contract out tree maintenance. Mr. Larson explained that this is a statistic derived from the Department of Urban Forestry in 1989 and is probably a result of the budget process. In response to a question from Commissioner Glasgow regarding the costs of maintaining . trees, Mr. Larson replied that their study shows that there are conflicting goals and regulations, and that the City should remove trees that will become too costly and hazardous. Commissioner Herberts pointed out that, as Chair of the Tree Committee, they have always agreed with staff's recommendations to remove an unsafe tree. Mr. Larson commented that the report is based on information received. In response to a question from Commissioner Glasgow concerning the use of City equipment should privatization be implemented, Director Niederhaus advised that some of the equipment would be retained since it is tailored to City needs and can also be used in other ways. Director Niederhaus further advised that in most contract situations, the contractor offers employment to City employees and purchases surplus equipment. It has been recommended that an Urban Forester be hired and that two Tree Trimmers and a Laborer be retained to respond to special and emergency requests and also work in other areas of the Department. Commissioner Herberts referred to the report's . section on Training and pointed out that the average employee in the Tree Division has 17- 1/2 years of on- the -job training. Chair Grant recommended that the Organization Structure include a definition of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission's role. aw AND a al M �. Parks. Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 4 • �0 0�w�°� � � °��o City Council Chambers 7 p.m. I VEX Director Niederhaus concurred and advised this will be implemented. In response to Commissioner Compton's concerns regarding tree trimming, Director Niederhaus explained that the current cycle is 2.73 years. The report shows what needs to be done, although some trees do need annual trimming. The RFP can be written to include these issues. Commissioner Schonlau referred to the salary cost comparisons in the report and commented that realistically you cannot ask a Tree Trimmer I to take a out from $15 /hour to $6 /hour. Director Niederhaus reported his Department currently has 8 vacancies they hope to staff from within the City and which provide more employment opportunities. Commissioner Vandervort inquired if the Superintendent could be the Urban Forester. Director Niederhaus explained that the . Superintendent would be in charge of staff and that the Urban Forester, who would have a technical background in arboriculture is needed to liaison between the contractor and City and be in charge of scheduling and inspections. In response to Commissioner Herberts' concerns in regard to profit margins, Mr. Larson stated that it could be true that in a few years the private sector may be more expensive. Some cities hire more than one contractor and contracts are normally for one trim cycle. Commissioner Demmer commended Mr. Larson on his report and stated she felt the major issue is the fact that costs for tree maintenance service are considerably less when provided by the private sector at this time, and that the objective of the City Council is to reduce costs. Commissioner Demmer questioned if keeping the small City crew, as recommended, should be contracted out. Mr. Larson explained that they are sensitive to any job losses and that they have looked for methods that will have the lowest negative impact. He agreed that the small crew could be privatized, however, he feels the recommendations as submitted • would be the best way to start the transition. In support of maintaining a small crew, he pointed out that the private sector cannot respond immediately to emergencies and it is costly to charge for incidental services that I the City crew could provide. IN r.• ,. Parks. Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 5 d�0°0 °sue City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Director Niederhaus advised that it is essential to have an Urban Forester and that the tree crew would also be cross trained with the downsized Parks Maintenance Division. Motion X Commissioner Compton motioned to recommend approval of the report submitted with the addition of defining the Commission's role under Organizational Structure. Motion X Commissioner Herberts made a substitute motion to first allow the Tree Division employees to study the review in order to allow them the opportunity to compete and bid. Director Niederhaus explained that the City Manager gave this Commission first review of the report and that the employees and League will be meeting tomorrow morning to discuss it. The Commission discussed and agreed that privatization could provide the same quality of service at a lesser cost, however, they felt it very important that the employees be • given a chance to respond and that the City do everything possible to assist them with job opportunities. Director Whitley explained that the report is submitted with a recommendation to privatize and that the contract is a separate document which would list all conditions. Director Niederhaus reminded the Commission that the employees are meeting tomorrow and that they will be involved in the whole process. Commissioner Herberts suggested the Commission's recommendations be postponed until they hear from the employees. Ayes X Vote was taken on the substitute motion. Nays X X X X X X Motion fails. Ayes X X X X X Vote was taken on the original motion. Motion Nays X X passes. Items #6 through #11 were addressed following Items #12 through 19. Item #6 - Recreation Division Recreation Division In response to a question from Commissioner • Demmer, Nancy Beard explained that the Department will not be budgeting for a diving board since the high school pools are under the jurisdiction of the School District. The District eliminated the boards as a result of liability issues. Parks. Beaches & Recreation Commission d • o �� c y" �o �� Page 6 6�h hf o `o m� City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX ion ae i' ide ae �e !e for ;orship Commissioner Glasgow reported the Corona del Mar High School scoreboard was completely redone at no cost by Colorado Timing. Commissioner Vandervort passed out copies of the controversial Commission letter, 'which delayed printing of the fall brochure, along with copies of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission's role as defined in the City Charter. Recreat Item __ #7 - Recreation Program Committee 'Program No report. COmmitt Item #8 - Park and Open Space Committee Park an, Open Sp No report. Committ Item #9 - Budget Committee Budget Committi No report. Item #10 - Tree Committee Tree Committ . Commissioner Herberts reported the committee agreed with all of staff's recommendations. Item #11 - Oasis Liaison Oa$7s Liaison No report. III. PUBLIC COMMENTS IV. ACTION ITEMS Item #12 - Request for Co- Sponsorship Request Co -Spun; Chair Grant opened the meeting to public hearing and 'Mr. Dale Meredith, 1429 Galaxy Drive, addressed the Commission. Mr. Meredith stated he is a coach and Director of National Junior Basketball, which is a non - profit organization providing a positive learning and competitive environment for boys and girls from 1st grade through high school. The group is similar to Little League and AYSO and involves heavy parent participation. Their games are played on Sundays and they are requesting a Saturday facility for practice sessions,, preferably West Newport Community Center or Lincoln. Request is made for City co- sponsorship in order for them to qualify for the reduced rental rate. • In response to a question from Commissioner Demmer, Mr. Meredith explained that every child is accepted and plays a minimum of 2 periods per game. In response to a question from Commissioner I � Glasgow, Nancy Beard advised that their ion ae i' ide ae �e !e for ;orship Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission 0�G 0 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Motion Ayes X X X X X X X X $8 /hour rate will cover lighting and maintenance costs and will not affect the City's recreation programs. Staff recommends the group use the West Newport Community Center since there is more time available at this location. Commissioner Herberts moved to accept National Junior Basketball's request for co- sponsorship. Unanimous. Item #13 - Tree Removal Appeal - 510 E. Tree Removal Oceanfront Director Niederhaus reported the Acting Appeal Superintendent offered to do additional trimming and install root barriers for the subject tree. The tree obscures the view of the end of the Pier, however, it can be opened out. Since it is a healthy tree, recommendation is for retention. Chair Grant opened the meeting to public hearing and Ms. Debbie Irish, 510 E. Oceanfront, addressed the Commission. Ms. • Irish questioned the Department's policy as stated in The Register that residents must remove trees that block neighbors' views. Her primary reason for removal is view obstruction, however, the Ficus is also messy with low branches and droppings that create a hazard. She further stated the curb is.broken which will extend to the boardwalk. In response to a question from Commissioner Glasgow, Director Niederhaus explained that if they trimmed the upper branches it would impair the tree's shape. Commissioner Vandervort explained to Ms. Irish that The Register's article was misleading in that the situation reported was not between two property owners - the tree obstructed a public view. There being no further public testimony, Chair Grant closed the meeting to public hearing. commissioner Demmer asked if Ms. Irish would consider paying for the cost of removal and Ms. Irish stated she would consider sharing the cost. Director Niederhaus advised that the top cannot be trimmed or it will accelerate growth • and /or mutilate the tree. The tree, however, can be air laced as a compromise to allow more view. Motion X Commissioner Demmer moved to approve staff's recommendation to retain the tree and air lace i i it. �. Parks. Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 8 a - X10.9�h�� m6� o���ox City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Ayes Nay X X X X X X X Commissioner Glasgow voiced his concern that the motion does not solve the problem. Commissioner Vandervort commented that the tree is on the property line and not in the applicant's view plane or in front of her house. Motion passes. Item #14 - Tree Removal Appeal - Superior Tree Remov: Appeal Avenue Motion X Commissioner Compton moved to retain the tree. unanimous. Ayes X X X X X X X Item #15 - Dog Park Dog Park Director Whitley reported staff has researched the concept of a dog park, which other cities have implemented, and recommend the following criteria be considered: (1) Not be offensive to nearby residents, (2) Adequate access to parking and users; and (3) Not impact existing • people programs. Nancy Beard summarized telephone comments just received on the subject, one being from Council Member Sansone who urged an alternative site than Grant Howald Park due to anticipated noise levels, proximity to tot area and the school. Alternatives suggested were San Joaquin Hills Park between the lawn bowling facility and tennis courts and North Star Beach or Castaways areas. In response to a question from Commissioner Schonlau, Nancy Beard advised that the approximate dimensions for the CYC site would be 342 linear feet of fencing, or approximately 85' x 851. Chair Grant opened the meeting to public testimony and Sean McGowan, 900 Sea Lane, addressed the Commission. Mr, McGowan acknowledged he brought the idea to Nancy Beard since the Laguna Beach and Long Beach Dog Parks are too far to travel. He reported there are pet stores, vets, and other merchants that can raise $6,000 - $7,000 for a trust fund to be used for a watering hole, fencing, repairs, etc. He stated there is a lot of interest in a dog park and it is important for dogs to socialize with each other and also people. • In response to a question, from Commissioner Glasgow, Mr. McGowan stated small sponsorship signs could be visible along the fences. Chair Grant recommended raising the dog I t license fee to accommodate the park and Nancy 1 •�:� �• �;�: jam'. .' *M' L Parks. Beaches & Recreation Commission NN' o�G�o City Council Chambers 7 p.m. IMDC V Beard advised that the City of Costa Mesa is also considering this idea. Mr. Ken Russo, 807 Gardenia Way, addressed the Commission. Mr. Russo stated he lives in Jasmine Park and that, although he supports the concept, the site at CYC is too small in size and too close to the Jasmine Park development. The noise from the Youth Center and softball fields already carries into their homes and the dogs would make it worse. The area is also next to a basketball court, handball court and tot lot which would create a nuisance and hazard. Mr. Russo stated the Jasmine Park community was never consulted and Chair Grant explained the recommendation is to start the process. During the review process all homeowners affected will be so notified. Helen Kieron, 3201 4th Street, addressed the Commission. She stated she felt Grant Howald Park was provided so children could play. A dog park brings health problems from dog • droppings, such as the parvo virus, of which she is a victim. She urged a dog park not be introduced to a residential area which would harass residents. John Hedges, City Council Member, addressed the commission. Mr. Hedges reported it was at his request a dog park be initiated and he thanked Shawn McGowan for all of his help. He pointed out that the site at Grant Howald Park is not what he envisioned since he would prefer a larger open area. He recommended either the North Star Beach or San Joaquin Hills area near the lawn bowling facility be pursued. Commissioner Herberts recommended that should the North Star Beach area be selected that trees be donated to serve as a sound barrier for the Dover Shores homes. Director Niederhaus commented that the North Star Beach area could accommodate more parking. Chair Grant reported that he conceptually approves the idea of a dog park but recommends that it be referred to the Park and Open Space Committee for further review and then proper notification. • Lyndi Fauria, 711 Jasmine, addressed the Commission and stated she and her husband are presently in the process of buying near the CYC site. She urged this site not be considered due to noise from dogs and cars, I � i litter, and parking problems. Parks. Beaches & Recreation Commission Page 10 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX m Bob Patterson, 615 Larkspur, addressed the Commission. He urged this site not be chosen due to the close proximity of children at the school and Youth Center, and that safety factors due to increased traffic would also negate the site. Chair Grant pointed out that if dog owners abuse the situation, which he doubted, the dog park would close. Chris Crosson, 610 Newport Center Drive, addressed the Commission. Mr. Crosson stated he is a Doggie Walk Park supplier and presented an odorless neutralized bag used to pick up dog nuisances. He reported Balboa Island has installed six of his machines and usage is high during this 3 month trial period. He stated the Laguna Beach Dog Park is very successful and recommended a larger area be pursued with ample parking and restrooms. Commissioner Vandervort recommended the matter be referred to committee in order to develop • criteria before selecting appropriate sites. Motion X Commissioner Demmer motioned to have a non- Ayes X X binding straw vote to not recommend the area Nays X X X X X behind CYC for a dog park. Motion fails. Motion Commissioner Compton motioned to send the X matter to the Park and Open Space Committee and that they report back within 3 months with a recommendation on the concept of a dog park Ayes X X X X X X X and a possible location. Unanimous. Item #16 - Final Approval of the Recreation Final Mission statement Approval 01 Commissioner Glasgow recommended the second the Recrea- and third sentences be deleted and added to tion Missfi Goals and Objectives. Statement Nancy Beard explained that the statement is specific as to staff's mission and how it is carried out. she would, however, not be opposed to deleting the two sentences. Motion X Commissioner Demmer moved to approve and adopt Ayes X X X X X X the Recreation Mission Statement. Motion Nay X passes. Director Whitley introduced LaDonna Kienitz, • who will become the Director of Community Services on January 1, 1994. Item #17 - City Council Policies Review City Counc -' RevieieS Director Whitley reported that those policies Review which reflect no change will be reworded when referencing the appropriate Director and /or m Motion Ayes • • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks. Beaches & Recreation commission PC, Cpl Page 11 Citv Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Department. Director Niederhaus reported each Director has been assigned policies for review and that the City Manager's goal is to have all those that will be rewritten addressed by the City Council in October. LaDonna Kienitz reported that Council Policy I -5, Use. Priorities and Fees for Facilities and Eauipment, is being reviewed by the City Attorney's office. All Community Services policies will be in the I- aeries. Director Whitley reviewed the policies assigned to him as submitted in Item #17(a). Following discussion, Commissioner Vandervort X moved the policies as submitted in #17(a) be approved and that should I -4, Cost - Sharing on Undeveloped Land, be deleted that the Commission would review the developer agreements which incorporate this policy. X X X X X X X Unanimous. Director Niederhaus reviewed the proposed changes for those policies assigned to him as submitted in Item #17(b). The Commission made the following changes: Policy I -9, Retention or Removal of Park and Parkway Trees. page 1, first paragraph, add "If said special treatment is not determined to be adequate to retain the identified tree, a full report shall be made to the Commission before any other action is taken." Retain Item #2. Reword Item #4 for a more positive approach. Page 2, Item #2 - Reword to state... "recommend innovative and practical techniques..." Policy I -12, Preservation of Views, Delete Item #2. Item #2 (new) - Add to the last sentence... "unless deemed necessary by the General Services Director. Exceptions to this will be referred to the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission." Policy I -15, Park Improvement Donations, Delete the underlined second sentence. Policy I -19, Maintenance and Planting of Parkway Trees. Under Maintenance of Parkway Trees, second sentence, add... "on a less than a three year I cycle. "... ' INDEX Motion Ayes � 1 Motion Ayes • Parks. BeGaches s dam. O�J O �0 o & Recreation Commission Page 12 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Basic Assess- ment of the Street Trees Maintenance Division Commission Staff Report Under Tree List, delete California Pepper. Under Established Parkways, Item #2, reword the sentence to state "Applicant must accept responsibility for watering and fertilizing new trees" and move to above the newly added paragraph beginning "If you have any questions..." Policy I -22, Naming of City Parks Add Item 2(e) to state "Common names already used in the area." X Commissioner Compton moved to accept the I X X X X X X X Policies submitted in Item #17(b) as corrected. Unanimous. Item #18 - Basic Assessment of the Street Trees Maintenance Division of the General Services Department Item #18 was addressed under Item #5. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS Item #19 - Commission Staff Report Director Whitley explained that the report submitted defines the Commission and staff roles which will be implemented January 1, 1994. X Chair Grant motioned to postpone the report to X X X X X X X the October 5, 1993 meeting for further review. Unanimous. VI. SPECIAL. URGENT OR LAST MINUTE ITEMS VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission adjourned at 11:07 P.M. The. agenda for this meeting was posted on August 31, 1993 at 11:00 A.M. outside the City Hall Administration Building. -4 o�� \ 7 Dottie Flohry Secretary INDEX Basic Assess- ment of the Street Trees Maintenance Division Commission Staff Report V • GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT Item No. 4 In addition to normal summer activities the Park crews performed the following duties in the month of September. On the Pacific Coast Highway medians between Jamboree and MacAr.'thur, we re- moved the degraded Junipers due to fungus problems we were unable to combat. The plants will be replaced with 'hardy dwarf Oleanders, which will also pro- vide color and require less watering. On the Pacific Coast Highway medians in West Newport, we are relocating the Agapanthus. They detract from the beauty of our Mediterranean Fan Palms, being heavily clustered around them, and are not growing well in other areas where there are only bubbler sprinkler heads (they are soiled from exhaust sediment). 'We will be adding a flowering ground cover to these medians for color. We repaired the drinking fountain at West Jetty Park and modified the drain system to avoid the fountain water from flowing onto Channel Road. This water was puddling and could cause mosquito or liability problems. At 38th Street Park, we repaired and adjusted the basketball backboard support clamps to set proper height for the goal rim. We performed this adjustment procedure at Bonita Creek's basketball court as wel'1. • The portable and practice soccer goals have been set up city wide as requested by Recreation. In addressing concerns of both Chair Grant and Commissioner Glasgow, aerating the fields at Lincoln Athletic Center will be scheduled through Nancy Beard, to accomodate the youth groups' activities. A schedule will be prepared short - lyaout'liningtour plans and distributed to the groups. The Tree Division activity is as follows: Areas being trimmed this month: Corona del Mar Trees were removed at the following locations: 1963 Port Bristol Owner 2 -Pear 311 Heliotrope Dead 1 -Pine Trees were planted at the following locations: 2018 Port Weybridge 1- Liquidambar 441 Carnation 1 -Carob 439 Carnation I -Carob 321 Marigold 1- Magnolia 226 Heliotrope 1- Magnolia 2300 Port Lerwick 1- Lagerstroemia PARK AND STREET TREE DIVISIONS • SEPTEMBER, 1993 PROGRESS REPORT In addition to normal summer activities the Park crews performed the following duties in the month of September. On the Pacific Coast Highway medians between Jamboree and MacAr.'thur, we re- moved the degraded Junipers due to fungus problems we were unable to combat. The plants will be replaced with 'hardy dwarf Oleanders, which will also pro- vide color and require less watering. On the Pacific Coast Highway medians in West Newport, we are relocating the Agapanthus. They detract from the beauty of our Mediterranean Fan Palms, being heavily clustered around them, and are not growing well in other areas where there are only bubbler sprinkler heads (they are soiled from exhaust sediment). 'We will be adding a flowering ground cover to these medians for color. We repaired the drinking fountain at West Jetty Park and modified the drain system to avoid the fountain water from flowing onto Channel Road. This water was puddling and could cause mosquito or liability problems. At 38th Street Park, we repaired and adjusted the basketball backboard support clamps to set proper height for the goal rim. We performed this adjustment procedure at Bonita Creek's basketball court as wel'1. • The portable and practice soccer goals have been set up city wide as requested by Recreation. In addressing concerns of both Chair Grant and Commissioner Glasgow, aerating the fields at Lincoln Athletic Center will be scheduled through Nancy Beard, to accomodate the youth groups' activities. A schedule will be prepared short - lyaout'liningtour plans and distributed to the groups. The Tree Division activity is as follows: Areas being trimmed this month: Corona del Mar Trees were removed at the following locations: 1963 Port Bristol Owner 2 -Pear 311 Heliotrope Dead 1 -Pine Trees were planted at the following locations: 2018 Port Weybridge 1- Liquidambar 441 Carnation 1 -Carob 439 Carnation I -Carob 321 Marigold 1- Magnolia 226 Heliotrope 1- Magnolia 2300 Port Lerwick 1- Lagerstroemia • • • DIVISION SEPTEMBER, 1993 PROGRESS REPORT Youth Item No. 5 Our four drop -in programs located at the Community Youth Center, Mariners Park, Newport Heights and Newport Elementary School are going very well. The youth flag football season is under way as well at six park /school sites. Games began this past week at Grant Howald Park on Thursdays in the late afternoon through evening. Plans for our annual Halloween Haunted House and Carnival are in full motion. The event is planned for October 31 (of course) from 5:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. at the Community Youth Center. Adult Sports The fall season softball leagues began this month with 124 teams. We were able to accommodate a few more teams this fall due to a tighter scheduling of the Lincoln fields. We still have enough teams on a waiting list to field 4 more leagues. 63 basketball teams also began league play this month. Special Events Our four person volleyball tournament held at Mariners Park on Labor Day attracted 24 teams. The holiday tournament format seems to be very popular. Our next tourneys will be on all the Monday holidays and the day after Thanksgiving. Peninsula Park will host the next weekend tournament on October 9. The fall surfing championship was a very successful sell out at 125 participants. Surf was up all weekend and all went ripping along until we halted the action for a 2 -1/2 hour fog delay! Aquatics The Newport Beach Aquatics Club registration brought in over 100 aquatics program. is again looking strong. Fall kids between the water polo and Staff is currently evaluating the summer aquatics program. A few suggestions have been given as to how to improve our tot age lessons by providing an extension to the pool bottom. Staff is also researching, the possibilities of a portable slide and other equipment which will enhance participation (and revenue) during our free swim time. Senior Services This past weekend the Oasis Center was the scene of the huge annual rummage sale. Over 100 volunteers assist in this very successful • event which typically nets $7,000 for the Friends of Oasis. Oasis is currently searching, out volunteers for the intergenerational program for both Ensign Junior High School and Harbor View Elementary School. Oasis is the very fortunate recipient of a Steele Foundation Grant which will cover the van driver's salary for one year. Following this year, we will have to again search for funding this position. Revenue Our fall quarter is the weakest registration period we have seen in quite some time. Many more classes than usual are having to be cancelled. I will keep you posted. The winter brochure will be coming out November 30. The Holiday Arts and Craft Fair is upcoming November 13 and 14. Next year we will combine this event with the Balboa Music and Arts Fair in September. This was a very, very successful program for US. Over 1,000 people enjoyed the day long crafts and music offerings. We are still promoting our Roller Hockey League. Registration is still lacking, but we are optimistic for a very successful future. • The Newport Ski Company and Inline Rollerworks are both offering 10% discounts for all participants in an effort to promote the league's potential. Our Recreation Secretary, Jill Moffitt, will be leaving us November 1. A search for her replacement will be underway shortly. Nanc Bea • I Z4 0 n �J 11 OASIS SENIOR CENTER AUGUST 1993 MONTHLY ACTIVITIES /UTILIZATION REPORT CLASSES /GROUP 2952 HUMAN SERVICES Another Passage 46 LONG TRIPS Blood Pressure 110 Braille (vacation) Laughlin (Flamingo Hilton 43 Case Management (hrs.) 50 Chair Exercise 80 Counseling 35 DAY TRIPS Eldercare 3 Employment 285 Del Mar Races 23 Information /Rental 2011 Ringling Bros. Circus 25 Legal Assistance 12 Sail n Sandwich 24 Life On Your Own 37 Phantom of the Opera 21 Medicare Assistance 5 Del Mar Races 25 Shared Housing 60 Great Western Rodeo 19 Telephone Reassurance 341 Angels vs Milwaukee 14 Visual Screening 5 Home 8i Garden Show 15 Huntington Library 22 VOLUNTEER FTOURS 2170 VAN TRANSPORTATION MEETINGS Care -A -Van 413 Shuttle 343 Board of Directors 22 Executive Committee 9 Long Range Planning 10 NUTRITIOUS LUNCHES 1557 Human Services Comm. 12 Fund - raising 18 SPECIAL EVENTS Newsletter 18 Newsletter Collating 30 Sunday Movies 120 General Membership 109 Breakfast at OASIS 40 Senior Resources Expo 400 _� • Item 'No. 11 September 24, 1993 TO: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: - General Services Director SUBJECT: Street IWO Remova/Appea/ Attached is a letter sent by Mr. Jack O. Badorek appealing the Street Tree Committee's decision to deny removal of a Brazilian Pepper tree from his parkway at 1737 Centella Place. Municipal policy on surface root pruning Is •primarily restricted to a citizen request due to the damage this process causes to their parkway landscape. Notably, due to liability Issues, this policy may be subjected to re- evaluation. The Brazilian Pepper tree can be safely root pruned at this time without damaging the tree. • Our Department is unaware of a policy allowing removal of other Brazilian Pepper trees on either the citizen's block or In the surrounding areas. Although some illegal removals may have occurred in the past, such activities have not surfaced since the inventory of City trees. Recommended Action: To uphold the Street Tree Committee's decision to deny removal as per City Council Policy 1 -9. Field Inspection of the Brazilian Pepper tree before the Commission meets may clarify the issue. If there are any questions, please call me. David E. Niederhaus DEN /an. cc: Randy Kearns, Acting Parks and Tree Maintenance Superintendent Bob Bailey, Street Tree Supervisor I� ;lip. i Jack D. Bado &ek 1737 Centetta Ptace Ne.wpo &t Beach, Ca 92660 City o4 Newpo&t Beach Box 1768 Newpoat Beach, Ca 92658 Randy Kea&nes Pa&k & T &ee Supe&t.ntendent Septembe& 20, 1993 Dean Randy, Tht..a tette& wtet con6t, %m my dent. &e to have the ¢utt Pa &k.a, . Beachez, and Rec&eatt.on Commt-6ton hear tht..e matte &. P.teaze enters me on the agenda .ao that I may make a peazonat appea&ance. Yours auggeztt.on to prune the &oota, acco&dtng to 1ulor my expert, zhoutd have been done 4t4teen on twenty yea&a ago. P&untng the &oots Witt not towe& the &oote near the trunk on the trunk t,t.aet{r, eau.at.ng the p&obtem to .6titt extzt. In addition, can you exptat,n the &emovat o¢ akt the others peppers t &ee.a not onty {y&om ours b.tock, but 4 from the 6unnounding zt&eetz az wett. Thank you Uo& yours help in thtz matte&. Stnce &ety Jack as ote I� JACK D. BADOREK, D.C: 1500 E. KATELLA AVENUE, SUITE G ORANGE, CA 92667 (714) 639 -7654 August 20, 1993 Randy Kearns City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, Ca 92658 Parks Dept. Dear Randy, I am writing to request that you remove the two pepper trees that are located in the parkway in front of my residence, 1737 Centella Place. They have grown roots so large, that one tree has sent roots into our water vault, and both have raised the ground level eight inches above grade. I have recently experienced my elderly mother -in -law and my elderly aunt tripping and falling over these roots while getting out of their respective auto's. I do not need law suits of this nature, nor do I want claims against my homeowners' insurance. I will plant two trees to replace these pepper trees, but closer to my house, out of harm's way so to speak. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter, and let's hope this can be resolved in a timely manner. Respectfully yours, M L Jack D. Badorek • 10 0 'PARK DEPT. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ,me: ,Z/1 oess: 1737 Phone Number:. Complaint:e� Species : �% 1Z� ��' /-- �'c_s- A2 5 7 Damage: Sidewalk: 0 Curb: ;M X Parkway: r-1 T Other: P Parkway: Concrete M Brick GI Turf>Zl Other E1 comments:- e 1A1 XS AA dt.41 Inspected by: _ 6W6 7,OA,j f Supervisor's Recom endation: �� iIV 9ruN�77- Jack D. Badorevl G ,e the two pepper a front of my grown roots so water vault, and ies above grade. I :r -in -law and my ese roots while do not need law ims against my rees to replace out of harm's way z in this matter, nely manner. Fj 0 CITY OF NEWPORT. BEACH GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT PARK AND STREET TREE DIVISIONS P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658 -8915 (714) 644 -3162 September 15, 1993 Jack•Badorek 1737 Centella Place Newport Beach, Ca., 92660 Dear Mr. Badorek: Your request for tree removal has been reviewed and examined on site, by the Street Tree Committee and•the City Tree Supervisor. A recommendation has been made to retain the trees in accordance with the Tree Preservation Policy I -9 (attached) for the following reasons: These trees are very healthy beautiful and valuable to your community. We will root prune the above ground roots, which is a process we perform regularly. Your recourse in this matter includes an appeal of the Tree Committee's decision to the full Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission. If you wish to'do so please send a letter stating that to: Attn: David Niederhaus, Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, Ca., 92658- 8915, for inclusion-on the October P.B.& R. Commission agenda by September 21, 1993.' 'Please let me know if you approve root pruning or if you plan to appeal so I can schedule accordingly.. Sincerely, Randy Kearns Park:.& Tree Superintendent Attachment 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach Item No. 1.2 • 'CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department DATE: July 14, 1993 TO: City Manager, Kevin J. Murphy FROM: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Director, Ronald A. Whitley SUBJECT: PARKS, BEACHES AND RECREATION COMMISSION AFTER DECEMBER 30, 1993 Staff support and responsibilities to enable the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission to continue their objectives of being the advisory group responsible to the City Council on Park Maintenance, Tree Maintenance, Park Development, Beach Operations, Recreation Programs, and Community Services: Community Services Department 1. Administrative responsibility to prepare Commission agendas, including all appropriate staff reports, minutes of meetings and coordinating all Departments' input to the process. 2. Monthly reports to Commission on Recreation, Senior Citizen and Community Services. 3. Coordinate and administer a, program of future park development, including planning and Public Works Capital Improvement review and observation. General Services Department 1. Monthly reports to Commission on Park and Street Tree Maintenance. Marine Department 1. As needed, provide information on beach operations. To enable a smooth transition and reduce the time requirements of two Department Heads in a critical time of limited resources, it is recommended that the incumbent Recreation Superintendent (possible title change) be designated as the position to handle administrative matters for the Commission. This position should work closely with the Park and Street Tree Superintendent to assure is that the Commission continues to operate with full staff support. • Item No. 13 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY September 10, 1993 TO: Ron Whitley, Director, Parks & Recreation David Niederhaus, Director, General Services La Donna Kienitz, City Librarian FROM: Robin Flory, Assistant City Attorney RE: Conduct of P,B,& R Commission Meetings On September 8th, Mr. Gordan Glass, a prior member of the Newport Beach City Planning Commission, notified me that the agenda item for the consideration of the privatization of tree crew was considered and acted upon out of order. I understand that part of the reason for this was due to the paid consultants' attendance at the meeting and not wanting to delay that consultant until the end of the meeting. Mr. Glass objected to this as it denied him the opportunity to speak to the issue, to the commission. Pursuant to the Brown Act, agendas must be published at least 72 hours prior to the time the meeting is held. Once an agenda is published, the public is entitled to rely on the order that the agenda shows matters will be considered. It is highly irregular, and not recommended, that actions on an item be taken out of order, or that an agenda, different form the posted agenda, be adopted at the hearing. Please take the above into consideration when preparing the agenda in the future. RF:wb