HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/03/1995 - PB&R CommissionCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Item II Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission . G a January 3 1995 0 d d ^e, °So o Y City Cnunni1 Chnmhars 7 n_m_ Tmnpv Staff present: LaDonna Kienitz, Community Services Director David E. Niederhaus, General Services Director Marceline Lomeli, Park ;and Tree Maintenance Superintendent Dottie Flohr, Secretary I. ORDER AND ROLL CALL The Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. Roll call was taken. Commissioners Compton, Demmer, Glasgow, Grant, Hart, Schonlau and Vandervort were present. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mon Commissioner Demmer x moved the minutes of the Ayes x x x x x x x December 6, 1994 meeting be approved as presented. Unanimous. III. PUBLIC COMMENTS The following persons spoke in favor of delaying the installation of a bench donation at 7th and Oceanfront which the Commission approved at their October 4, 1994 meeting. Norma Klein, 628 W. Oceanfront John Miller, 1232 W. Oceanfront Frank Hughes, 1520 W. Oceanfront Evan Thomas, 700 W. Oceanfront Mike Winder, 828 W. Oceanfront Chuck Beek, 620 W. Oceanfront Lois Irwin, 1802 W. Oceanfront Reasons for the requested delay were additional notification for more public input; placement is hazardous and will promote vandalism, noise and traffic; concern over maintenance; and objections to structure near homes. • Karen McCarthy- Casey, 22192 Rico Road, South Laguna, 3 addressed the Commission and reported it was she who made the initial request to honor her father and continue the tradition of benches throughout the City. The bench would CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission • G January 3, 1995 Page 2 > 0- r Citv Council Chamhers: 7 n.m. TNnFX not be a memorial but would be about living and enjoying the beach. Tom Hyans, President of the Central Newport Beach Community Association, addressed the Commission and reported lie received 9 -12 telephone calls from those who live in the area opposing the bench. Mr. Hyans confirmed that the issue was brought before their membership and originally denied, however, the decision was reversed at their September 22, 1994 meeting. There being no further public testimony, Chair Glasgow closed the meeting to public comments. Chair Glasgow pointed out that there was proper notification. Commissioners Schonlau and Grant also explained that, although not required by law, notices are usually sent to those living within 200' of the proposed site; notification given -to the.homeowners association; and • notices posted. Commissioner Schonlau further stated that, although he opposed the bench donation, he defended the Commission's decision. He explained that each decision is made on its own merits based upon those directly affected and all other factors. In response to questions from Commissioner Demmer, Director Niederhaus explained that the majority of benches along the boardwalk are located west of McFadden and that there are no benches near the proposed area. Director Niederhaus presented photos of the site and clarified that the proposed bench would be 3 -4' away from the walkway on a concrete slab adjacent to the walkway. He stressed that it is.important that there be places where people can step off the boardwalk and rest. Should the location prove to be unsuitable, the pad would remain and the bench could be relocated. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR Motion x The following items were approved except for those Ay x x x x x x x removed: 1-I Item #1 - Communication Letter from Edward Benson regarding Castaways. r� U Motion Ayes • CITY OF NEWPORT BERCH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission s o c c ti s %f N7j�� pig �hC nX C��h yoL January 3, 1995 Page 3 Citv Council Chambers 7 o.m INDEX Item #2 - Park Safety Inspections Approve status report on safety inspections. Item #4 - Bench Donation Accept donation of two benches from friends and family of Brent and Jim Waydelich. Item #7 - City Council Policy 1-2. Instructional Recreation Activities Approve proposed revisions to City Council Policy I -2. Item #8 - Park and Street Tree Division Accept report of Park and Tree Division activities during December and upcoming projects for January. Item #9 - Recreation and Senior Services Accept report of activities during December for these two divisions. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR Item #3 - Capital Improvement Projects for 1995 -96 In response to a question from Commissioner Demmer, Director Kienitz explained that the slide at Cliff Drive Park is being repaired from funds for FY 1994 -95. Director Kienitz corrected.the Mariners Park- Vincent Jorgensen Community Center project to show that the removal of grass cloth wallpaper and painting has been transferred to the Library, thus reducing the total figure to $5,600. x Commissioner Demmer motioned to approve the Capital x x x x x x x Improvement Projects as presented with the correction to the Vincent Jorgensen Community Center. Unanimous. Items #5 and #6 - Bench Donations In response to a question from Commissioner Demmer, Director Niederhaus explained that two sites have been designated at Cliff Drive Park and that one of these is for a replacement bench. All sites are below view points and the benches will be made from recycled plastic wood which requires little or no maintenance. INDEX CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission . O c y s January 3, 1995 d Page 4 9 le- d Citv Council Chambers 7 o.m. INDEX Motion x Commissioner Grant motioned to accept the donation of Ayes x x x 'x x x x one bench from Toby and Jennifer Albers and one bench from Dr. Jan Vandersloot. Unanimous. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS Item #10 - Palm Tree Donation Director Niederhaus explained the proposed replanting on the beachfront of eight Mexican Fan Palms between 16th and 17th Streets at the owner's expense and under staff's supervision. The relocation has been discussed with the engineer and homeowners association. The trees will not be hazardous to bicyclists or skaters nor will they interrupt the view plane. In addition, they will only be planted with the adjacent homeowners' approval. i Tom Hyans, President of the Central Newport Beach Community Association, addressed the Commission and summarized the Association's survey, result of which about • 50% support the relocation. Motion x Commissioner Grant motioned to approve the donation as Ayes x x x x x x recommended by staff. Motion passes. Nay x t Commissioner Compton stated he is opposed to the relocation due to the split vote by the Association and he also feels the palms would not enhance the beach area. i{ i Commissioners Vandervort, Grant, Demmer and' Hart voiced their support for the motion since they felt the gift of palms will improve the ocean scape and have the adjoining homeowners approval. Item #11 - Harbor View Hills Community Association Marcy Lomeli reviewed the Association's request, which originated in 1992, to replace on a phased basis all Ficus nitida in their area. The trees have caused major damage to sewers, water lines,, sidewalks, curbs and driveways. Cost to remove the trees is $21,216 and replanting will cost $9,500. No funds are available this fiscal year, however, • should the total funds for street tree reforestation be approved for FY 1995 -96, the program can be accommodated. The Association has pledged at least $4,000 towards the replacement project. CITY OF NEWPORT BERCH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission • O c c y s January 3, 1995 a d d 6 Page 5 /�o� dG LoX City Council Chambers 7 n.m. TNni -X Bill Ginter, 2807 Ebbtide Road, addressed the Commission. Mr. Ginter stated all but one homeowner approved the replacement program. Mr. Ginter reviewed the problems caused by the Ficus nitida which, in turn, are also expensive for the City. Jim Wharton, 1033 Goldenrod, addressed the Commission and stated he has had to replace his drain due to the Ficus tree. He recommended approval of the reforestation program which could serve as a model of cooperation. During discussion Commissioner Vandervort voiced her support for the project and recommended there be a designated tree per street. Director Niederhaus stated that parkway tree species options will be presented for the Commission's approval and that he will,present a status report at the Commission's February meeting. An x Commissioner Schonlau moved to accept staff's Ayes x x x x x x x recommendation to proceed with a formal agreement between the Harbor View Hills Community Association and the City on a phased parkway street tree replacement program designating a street tree per street for final approval by the City Council. Unanimous. Ttem #12 - Castaways Park Study Commissioner Compton reported that the City Council requested staff to do a study on what active and,passive park uses could be developed if The Irvine Company gave Lower Castaways to the City instead of the 4.8 acre site at 16th Street and Dover. The Irvine Company agreed to pay up to $2,500 for the study. Don Webb„ Public Works Director, addressed the Commission and presented the currently approved plan for the 4.8 active park site at the Upper Castaways which would include two baseball diamonds, one soccer field, restrooms, parking lot for 100 cars, tot lot area and trails. Mr. Webb then explained the concept plan utilizing Lower Castaways which could result in one small diamond; 1/2 soccer field, a full basketball court, 40 additional parking spaces, a dog park, a second restroom, view points, border trails and road access. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission • o D c� G� v k January 3, 1995 `o x P age 6 City Council Chambers 7 o.m. TNTIFX Mr. Webb advised that he feels using the Lower Castaways concept is feasible, however, there are no cost estimates at this time. The plan will be presented to the City Council at their next meeting and, if approved, a public hearing will be held on January 23 and a landscape architect could be retained to proceed with the preparation of park plans. During discussion, Mr. Webb clarified and answered questions regarding the design of the park. Commissioners Grant and Schonlau stated they favor the new plan which would benefit more groups, provide more play areas and a better planned community. Although in support of the new plan, Commissioner Compton voiced the committee's concern that there will not be enough money to provide all the amenities; some will have to be implemented on a year to year basis. Commissioner Vandervort stated she strongly opposes the new plan since she doubts that all the amenities requested will be implemented. She also voiced her concern over the tightly structured trails as shown on the new plan and the loss of passive uses on Upper Castaways. Motion x Commissioner Compton motioned to recommend the new Ayes x x x x x x conceptual proposal if it is feasible and flexible; that it Nay x provide lighting as appropriate for the use provided; that the boundary line by the church is flexible and could be adjusted to benefit both parties; that there are two restrooms; and that there is no cost increase from the originalplan. Motionpasses VI. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission.adjourned at 9:50 P.M. The agenda for this meeting was posted on December 28, 1994 at 11:00 A.M. outside the City Hall Administration Building. Q U