HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/07/1995 - PB&R Commissionion Ayes Motion Ayes CITY OF NEWPORT BERCHItem II Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission 3 G 361, 30N d� dryl: � �Oh c�L February 7, 1995, i Citv Council Chambers 7 o.m INDEX Staff present: David E. Niederhaus, General Services Director Nancy Beard, Recreation Superintendent Marcelino Lomeli, Park and Tree Maintenance Superintendent Dottie Flohr, Secretary I. ORDER AND ROLL CALL The Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. Roll call was taken. Commissioners Compton, Demmer, Glasgow, Grant, Hart and Schonlau were present. Commissioner Vandervort was absent. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES x Commissioner Grant moved the minutes of the January 3, x x x x x x 1995 meeting be approved as presented. Unanimous. III. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None IV. CONSENT CALENDAR x The following items were approved except for those items x x x x x x removed from the Consent Calendar. Item #1 - Communication Accept letter from'Cherie Hart regarding her resignation from the Commission. Item #2 - Bench Donation Approve donation of one concrete bench from Toby and Jennifer Albers. Item #3 - Removed from Consent Calendar Item #4 - Park and Street Tree Division Approve report of Park and Tree Division activities during January and upcoming projects for February. Item 45 - Removed from Consent Calendar INDEX CITY OF Parks, Beaches d 9 o le-�L�x NEWPORT BERCH & Recreation Commission February 7, 1995 Page 2 Citv Council Chamhnrc 7 n _ Tnrnr*v ITEMS' REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR Item #3 - Tree Removal, Main Street Balboa Director Niederhaus reported that the graphics displayed were submitted by Ken Delino, Assistant CityManager, who is out of town and has no objection to this item being postponed to the March meeting. The graphics show the proposed streetscape design and improvements intended to help revitalize the area. Commissioner Demmer recommended that this item be postponed to the March meeting. She requested the Urban Forester prepare a report assessing the value, health and condition of the subject trees. Correcting page 2 of the report submitted by Mr. Delino, she stated that this Commission, by policy, reviews all aspects of public tree removals. Commissioner Demmer also recommended that a committee be formed to review the proposed design. • s Doug Boyd, 2101 E. Balboa, addressed the Commission and gave a brief history of the Specific Area Plan. Mr. Boyd stated the ficus trees are currently so heavy that the Pavilion cannot be seen and the roots are also very invasive. He recommended the trees be removed in order to provide the merchants with an open streetscape and a pedestrian friendly environment. Jack Camp, 1401 Quail Street, addressed the Commission on behalf of Langdon - Wilson, the design firm retained to develop the streetscape for Main Street. Mr. Camp reported that there is a total of eighteen trees, eight of which are proposed to be removed in order to open up the street while maintaining the canopy effect. Three trees would be removed on each side,of the street and two located by the Pavillion, leaving ten trees. Six parking spaces are also proposed for removal. Cindy Doran addressed the Commission on behalf of those residents opposed to the tree removals. She stated that the trees add an overall' beauty to the area and hide the homeliness of the store fronts, cracked cement and telephone • wires. She pointed out that 100 residents were contacted on the subject and 90% oppose removing any trees. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission • D c t ti s' February 7, 1995 3 d d o Page 3 L 0c, °^ City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Elaine Linhoff, 1760 E. Ocean Boulevard, addressed the Commission. Ms. Linhoff commented that removing the parking might help to make the area more pedestrian friendly but stated she is opposed to the tree removals. Kay Mortenson, 1530 Miramar Drive, addressed the Commission. Ms. Mortenson stated the ficus trees are one of the most attractive features in the area which not only provide shade but also a continuous line and nice canopy effect. She recommended eliminating some parking, retaining the trees and requested the•prcject be- postponed until there is more input. Virginia Herberts, 2290 Channel Road, addressed the Commission. Mrs. Herberts stated the sidewalk was built in 1930 and there is no commitment yet for street repair. She urged the trees be retained and that suggestions from the merchants be considered. • Jack Camp, Langdon- Wilson, addressed the Commission to clarify the total design concept. Mr. Camp reported that the 1 intent of the design is to improve the street and create more space while maintaining the canopy. The trees slated for removal have root problems and the trunks also infringe on the merchants' doors. Dayna Pettit, 1741 Plaza del Sur, addressed the Commission and pointed out that the Specific Area Plan-will take 1-2 years to implement and that the downtown area needs help now. Mrs. Pettit explained that this project has been going on for four years and has been well publicized. In addition, the Balboa Merchants Owners Association is anxious to -move forward on the project. She recommended removing the six parking spaces on Main Street and removing the eight trees, which would be replaced.later when the sidewalk and street improvements are made with those that are low maintenance and within the correct dimensions. Mrs. Pettit pointed out the Belmont Shores project on 2nd Street in Long Beach as an excellent example of opening up sidewalks for the merchants. Director Niederhaus explained that the area of sidewalk in front of Britta's Cafe will be repaired in two weeks due to extensive root damage. Although the trees are valuable, the • / JE potential for sidewalk damage is high requiring constant surveillance and minor grinding of the concrete. Tree removal evaluation reports will be prepared for the Commission's March meeting. CITY OF NEWPORT BERCH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission v February 7, 1995 • o Page 4 �0e, ��N d� d'%, C Oh n` �� c �^ City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Gary Malazian addressed the Commission and stated this subject has been discussed for the past 1 -1/2 years. He recommends removal of the trees followed by replacement of those appropriate to the area. Hearing no further publictestimony, Chair Glasgow closed the meeting to public hearing. Motion x Commissioner, Demmer motioned to postpone this item to the Ayes x x x x x x Commission's March 7 meeting. Unanimous. A committee was formed- consisting of Commissioners Demmer and Schonlau who will meet with Mr. Niederhaus, Mr. Delino, the Balboa Merchants Owners Association and the Balboa Peninsula Point Association. Item #5 - Recreation and Senior Services In response to a question from Commissioner Demmer, Nancy Beard explained that.although class registrations are • good, outdoor programs have been adversely affected by the recent rains. Commissioner Demmer requested a representative from Oasis present a progress report on their intergenerational program that just started, which iszhomework assistance, project to promote children's learning skills. In response to a question from Commissioner Grant, Nancy Beard explained there have been three bids received for the Lincoln lighting controls. Chair Glasgow pointed out that the athletic fields should not be used after it rains and that a policy be developed to address this issue. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS Item #6 - Public Hearing Regarding Castaways Chair Glasgow gave a brief review of the original and alternate plans proposed for the Upper and Lower Castaways. He reported that The Irvine Company has just announced • they have withdrawn the alternative plan for the area and will proceed with the currently approved plan. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission • c' D c c y s February 7, 1995 Page 5 1 `° ° City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Don Webb, Public Works Director, addressed the Commission and passed out the letter just received from The Irvine Company. Mr. Webb reviewed the original concept approved by The Irvine Company providing for a 4.8 acre active park at 16th and Dover which will include two baseball diamonds, one soccer field, restrooms, parking lot, tot lot area and trails. Recommendations for the View Park Area include the addition of installed- railings; bike trails and parking lot for about 40 spaces. Should the City Council approve the conceptual plan at their February 27 meeting, a landscape architect will be retained to proceed with the plans. Commissioner Demmer reported that the Concept 1 plan provided for a parking lot in the open area with a road leading to it from Dover Drive. Don Webb concurred that this was approved by this Commission and the Coastal Commission. Mr. Webb read portions from the Coastal Commission report and pointed out that public parking is necessary for public access. A traffic signal will also be installed at Cliff Drive • and Dover Drive. Kip Kula, 708 St. James Place, addressed the Commission and stated the local residents have not seen, nor have they approved, the parking spaces in the passive area. He stated Ste feels the best access is 16th Street and urged that there be no parking spaces in the natural area. Kurt Yeager, AYSO representative, addressed the Commission and suggested the baseball fields be minimized so that multiuse fields can be used to accommodate the needs of the younger children. Stephen Gilbert, Treasurer of Newport Harbor Lutheran Church, addressed the Commission and reported that they were in support of the alternative concept. Mr. Gilbert read portions of a letter from Reverend Kirlin- Hackett directed to the Commission and requested time to review the plans. They are very concerned about the parking problems posed by the approved concept and that they will end up in the "parking business." Commissioner Grant explained that there will be a parking lot • to service•the active park and one to service the passive portion. Activities will not be scheduled on Sunday mornings. 1 CITY OF NEWPORT BERCH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission • �, p c c y s February 7, 1995 3" d�Oti Page 6 City Council Chambers 7 o.m. INDEX Marianne Towersey, 501 Kings Place, addressed the Commission on behalf of the Newport Conservancy. Ms. Towersey suggested consideration be made to purchasing 3 units or 1/2 acre for an additional soccer field and that a footbridge be built at Cliff Drive over the wetlands for safety purposes. She further stated she felt a parking lot by the passive park is not needed since it will be mostly neighbors who will use ,it. Don Webb, Public Works Director, commented that the Coastal Commission requires a parking lot but does not stipulate how many spaces. From his.experience, there is never enough parking spaces at park sites. Forty spaces are currently planned for the,passive park, however, this number can be modified. Karl Kemp, 128 Kings Place, addressed the Commission and stated there has been no discussion in the past on the parking issue. He requested a different method be used. • Commissioner Schonlau read a portion of the Coastal' Commission report, wherein it states "Public parking is necessary to assure public access." Jim Bailey, 2301 Margaret Drive, addressed the Commission. He requested the Coastal Commission take another look at the plans so that there can be more local input. He commented that the passive area is very important and:he would like�to participate in its planning. Marge Palomar addressed the Commission and stated she felt that not many parking spaces are needed for the passive park area. Rochelle O'Donnell addressed the Commission and stated she felt access is needed at 16th Street. She requested the area be kept natural; that there be no parking lot in the passive area; and that the Coastal Commission be approached again. Joe Sanchez addressed the Commission and stated that although he supports the original concept, he requests research to locate a dog park in a non intrusive area. • Ed Heath of the Newport Conservancy addressed the Commission and supported access from 16th Street and a proposal to acquire an additional half acre for field purposes. CITY OF Parks, Beaches NEWPORT BERCH & Recreation Commission February 7, 1995 Page 7 Ci +v Cminni i rknmke"o 7 rnmcv Bob Newberry, 6 Park Place, addressed the Commission and stated the majority of the residents support a passive park, therefore, lie suggests eliminating one baseball diamond for more parking and walkways. John Sturgess, 601 Cliff Drive, addressed the Commission. Mr. Sturgess, President of Cliff Haven Community Association, stated that there already is enough parking, namely, at the church, high school, commercial areas and side streets. Commissioner Grant reported the overlay plan as presented was recommended in order that the parking lot would not be visual. He pointed out that a park cannot be built relying on private parking since demand often•overflows onto residences resulting in traffic problems, trash, etc. Adequate parking is required where the facility is used. Marianne Towersey, 501 Kings Place, addressed the • Commission and stated her opposition to a parking lot at the passive area. There being no farther public testimony, Chair Glasgow closed the meeting to public hearing. Commissioner Demmer explained that this Commission serves an advisory role and asked that residents submit their opinions to their respective Council representative. The Commission is well aware of the problems associated with active parks and they also spend a great deal of time researching the needs ofthe entire community. Commissioner Demmer further stated it is important to remember that the existing private vacant lot will become a public park for all residents. Item #7 - Communication Commissioner Demmer referred to the letter transmitted to the Commission from Pat Brubaker, Chair of the City Arts Commission, wherein they propose a partnership to be involved in- planning city parks. Commissioner Demmer reported she spoke with Pat and Phyllis Drayton and explained the Commission's committee process. She suggested a committee be formed consisting of three Commissioners and two Arts Commissioners to address this idea. •In addition, she asked if the Commission would be interested in seeing a slide presentation by Bob Miller, State CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission February e7, 1995 c^oX City Council Chambers 7 p.m. INDEX Park Planner, concerning functional public art design amenities for public facilities. The Commission determined that they would like to see the slide presentation at a future Commission meeting and that they will inform the Arts Commission when they begin their review of development plans. In the meantime, the Arts Commission may address the Commission at any of their regular meetings. VI. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission.adjourned at 9:45 P.M. The agenda for this meeting was posted on January 31, 1995 at 4:00 P.M. outside the City Hall Administration Building. 9�