HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/5/1995 - Agenda PacketCOMMISSION Meeting December 5,1995 0 i CITY OF NEWPORT BEACFI i 4 PARKS, BEACHES AND'RECREATION'COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TO BE HELD TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1995 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:00'P.M. ORDER AND ROLL CALL II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Meeting of November 7, 1995 and meeting of November 14, 1995 with City of Costa Mesa Recreation Facilities and Parkways Commission. III PUBLIC COMMENTS Members of the, public are invited to comment on non agenda items. Speakers are limited to three minutes. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar (1 -6) are considered by the Commission to be routine and will all be enacted by one motion in the form listed' below. The Commission members have received detailed staff reports on each of the items recommending approval. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time the Commission votes on the motion unless members of the Commission, staff or the public request specific items to, be discussed and /or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Members of the public who wish to discuss a Consent Calendar item should come forward to the lectern upon invitation by the Chair, state their name and Consent Calendar. Item Number, and complete the sign -in card provided at the podium. • 1. Park and Tree Division (Report Attached) Report of Park and Tree Division activities during November and upcoming, projects in December. l 0 PON 2 2. Recreation and Senior Services (Reports Attached) Report of activities during November for these two divisions. 3. Bench Donation (Report Attached) Approve donation of one concrete bench from Mrs. Nancy S. Muir. 4. Tree Donation (Report Attached) Approve donation of trees from Dr. Frederick A. Birnberg for planting on Sandcastle Drive. 5. Change of Designated Parkway Street Trees (Report Attached) Approve change in the designated parkway street trees within the Harbor View Hills South Homeowners Association. 6. Facility Safety Inspections Reports (Report Attached) Approve services recommended for parks and facilities as compiled by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commissioners. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS 7'. Peninsula Park Athletic Field (Report Attached) Discuss field usage at Peninsula Park. 8. California State Games (Report Attached) Discussion of request from the Orange County Sports Association to participate as hosts in the 1996 California State Games. VI. FUTURE AGENDA'ITEMS Matters which Commissioners may wish to put on a future agenda or raise for discussion. VII. ADJOURNMENT CITY OF NEWPORT BE1 1CH Item II Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission G November 7, . 1995 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. Staff present: LaDonna Kienitz, Community Services Director David E. Niederhaus, General Services Director Marceline Lomeli, Park and Tree Maintenance Superintendent Steve Hunt, Recreation Manager Dottie Flohr, Secretary I. ORDER AND ROLL CALL The Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. Roll call was taken. Commissioners Beek, Bonner, Demmer, Glasgow, Schonlau and Vandervort were present. Commissioner Compton was absent. Ii. APPROVAL OF MINUTES i ,., Ei on x Commissioner Glasgow moved the minutes of the October 3, 1995 Ayes x x x x x x meeting be approved as presented. Unanimous. III. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None IV. CONSENT CALENDAR Motion x Commissioner Glasgow moved the following items be approved Ayes x x x x x x except for those removed from the Consent Calendar. Unanimous. Item #1 - Removed from Consent Calendar Item #2 - Recreation and Senior Services Approve report of activities during October for these two divisions. Item #3- Removed from Consent Calendar 'Item #4 - City Council. Policies Approve staff report regarding policies. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR Item #1 - Park and Tree Division In response to a question from Commissioner Demmer concerning the tree removals due to property damage, Director - Niederhaus reported the trees were removed due to sidewalk and curb damage and will be replaced provided the adjacent property owner agrees to maintain them. CITY OF NEWPORT Parks, Beaches & Recreation November 7, 1995 Page 2 Commission ti dq City Council Chambers 7 P.M. In response to Commissioner Demmer's inquiry regarding maintenance of signs in public parks, Marcy Lomeli explained the Operations Support Division reconditions and replaces them as needed on a yearly basis. The Department would appreciate being notified if there are any specific signs that need attention. Moti on x Commissioner Demmer moved to approve the Park and Tree Ayes x x x x x x, Division report as submitted. Unanimous. Item #3 - Bench Donation Director Niederhaus reported he received a proposal just prior to the meeting from the Balboa Island Improvement Association requesting that the replacement benches on the Island be teak. The Department's experience with teak benches has not been good in that those at Inspiration Point and Rhine Wharf Park have dried out, cracked and splintered. He recommends staff have more time to review their proposal. I Chair Vandervbrt opened the meeting to public testimony. Diana Chandler, 201 Coral Avenue, addressed the Commission on behalf of the Balboa Island Improvement Association Beautification and Horticultural Committees. Ms. Chandler stated the Association is requesting a new style teak bench to replace the existing benches on the Island within a 12 month period by private donations. They have received donations for 4 benches on the condition they are the traditional teak style. If Mr. Ibbotson's donation were teak, they could order five benches immediately which would be delivered within two weeks. Ms. Chandler reviewed the benefits of teak such as the aesthetic quality, durability, cost and maintenance. She stated they should last 75 -100 years. Ms. Chandler explained that they are proposing the new benches be 6' in length for those at street ends which would accommodate two benches in addition to the donated planters. Eight foot benches are suggested for Marine Avenue where individuals share benches•outside the shops. In summary, they are requesting the Commission approve the teak bench as detailed in their report as the new bench for Balboa Island and confirm their order for five benches. i Commissioner Glasgow expressed his concern over the durability of teak. Commissioner Beek agreed and also questioned if all the Island residents were informed of the proposed bench. Ms. Chandler Y explained that the matter has been discussed and voted upon at the Association's monthly meetings. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACON Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission G S' November 7, 1995 wsti� ° �`° X Page 3 O City Council Chambers 7 p.m. Robert Ibbotson addressed the Commission on behalf of his mother. He stated his mother is now 92 years of age and has been a resident of Balboa Island for 60 years. It is his mother's desire to donate a. new concrete bench at Opal Street and South Bay Front as soon as possible. This site does not have a bench. Motion x Commissioner Demmer moved to approve the Ibbotson donation of Ayes x x x x x one concrete bench to be located at Opal Street and South Bay Nay x Front. Motion passes. Commissioner Bonner stated he did not support the motion because he opposes the potential of three different types of benches on the Island. Chair Vandervort advised that the concept of a new style teak bench for Balboa Island will be addressed at the Commission's next meeting on December 5, 1995. Commissioner Beek recommended that all the residents on the Island be informed about the bench proposal. V. DISCUSSION ITEMS Item #5 - Appeal of Tree Removals in the Harbor View Hills South Homeowners Association Director Niederhaus reported that Clyde McCoy, 1406 Outrigger Drive, withdrew his appeal and agrees with.staff's recommendation to remove a Carrot Wood tree in front of his home and replace it with a designated street tree. Director Niederhaus reported there is one Carrot Wood tree at 1210 Keel Drive causing substantial hardscape damage which it will continue to do if not removed. Irene Barr, 1210 Keel Drive, addressed the Commission. She stated she objects to the new designated replacement tree, a 15 gallon Rhaphiolepis, which she feels is a shrub and should not replace a mature tree. Marcy Lomeli explained that the Rhaphiolepis is a hybrid with a small tree effect. It is the designated tree, approved by the Commission, needed for this appropriate growth space. Director Niederhaus pointed out that homeowners have the option of paying $100 towards a larger'24" box tree. The tree removal ,program is at the request of the homeowners association in conjunction with,a future hardscape repair program. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission G 1 P November 7, 1995 � o� �o o^ Page 4 �o E v4 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. Mrs. Barr stated that when a street scape may be changed, all residents should be notified. She requested a public hearing on this matter. Victor Penan, 1214 Keel Drive, addressed the Commission. Mr. Penan stated there has been no attempt to solicit input from the homeowners on Keel Drive; and that the trees are being removed for view purposes. He objects to the trees being removed in such a short time frame. There being no further public testimony, Chair Vandervort closed the meeting to public hearing. Marcy Lomeli reported staff's recommendations are based upon suggestions from the Association's Landscape Beautification Committee. The designated tree can be changed at the, request of the Association. Director Niederhaus pointed out that the problem trees must be j removed and the sidewalks repaired as soon as possible. The designated tree planting project can be delayed until such time as the homeowners and the Association agree on a replacement tree. Patricia Dreyfus, 1209 Keel Drive, addressed the Commission. She stated she just heard last week from the Association that the trees would be replaced with shrubs. She stated that since the Carrot Wood is a slow growing tree which has finally made their street beautiful and uniform, she requests other alternatives be, researched to solving the sidewalk problems. Dean Jones, 3601 Park Green Drive, addressed the Commission. Mr. Jones stated his tree is not damaging the sidewalk, causes no view obstruction and would spoil the area if removed. He suggested other solutions be analyzed to save the trees and that, if necessary, the homeowners could help defray the costs. Ben Helphand, 1321 Keel Drive, addressed the Commission. He stated their tree is a beautiful and uniform street tree and feels it would be absurd to put in bushes which would also lower the property values. There being no further public testimony, Chair Vandervort closed the I meeting to public hearing. Motion x Commissioner Glasgow moved to postpone the tree removals for Ayes x x x x x x one month in order that the Homeowners Association can use all possible efforts to contact the homeowners regarding the proposed project. Unanimous. 'CITY OF NEWPORT BERCH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission G o o co i o y November 7, 1995 Page 5 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. In response to a question from Chair Vandervort, Director Niederhaus explained that should a homeowner choose to retain the tree and assume responsibility for the damage it causes, the homeowner can hire a licensed contractor to repair the concrete and add root barriers per City specifications. Upon Commissioner Bonner's suggestion, the Commission directed staff to not proceed with replacing any of the removed Carrot Wood trees with the,•Rhaphiolepis at this time. Commissioner Bonner recommended thatthe letter sent to homeowners, informing them of their tree removals.include their two options to either hire a licensed concrete contractor to correct the, problem per City specifications or upgrade the quality and size of the replacement tree at their expense. Staff will comply. Item #6 - Upper Castaways Active Park j Discussion concerning the naming of the active park was discussed following Item #3. Kevin Murphy, City Manager, addressed the Commission. Mr. Murphy reported that as a result of the wide community support for a memorial to Bob Henry, it has ,been recommended that an appropriate recognition would be to name the active portion of the park the Bob Henry Park. In accordance with City Council Policy, enough time has passed since Officer Henry's.death.on April 13 near this site to name the area after him. Recommendations also provide for an area which would include a recognition plaque and a flag pole illuminated at night. Should other City employees lose their lives directly in the line of duty, they would also be recognize6 at this special area. Commissioner Beek stated she felt more time is needed for the Commission to-review other possible names. She also expressed her concern over the Daily Pilot's article on the subject prior to Commission discussion and recommendation. Commissioner Glasgow • concurred. In response to the timeliness of the need for the park name,, Mr. Murphy explained that the name should be determined by the time bids are awarded, namely, in December or January. I Mr. Bob Kreger, 230 Rochester, Costa Mesa, addressed the Commission and stated that AYSO Region 97 desires to donate money and effort towards the proposed memorial. CITY OF NEWPORT BERCH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission November 7, 1995 ��i \Oe, x Page 6 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. m Ed Benson, 1028 Westwind Way, addressed the Commission and recommended there be more exposure and input from the general public on the matter. There being no further public testimony, Chair Vandervort closed the meeting to public hearing. Chair Vandervort stated she would prefer the active park and. passive park each have different names and explained why she feels the active portion should be named Bob Henry Park. Commissioner Beek stated she.felt the park name should be further researched'in terms of a name that fits the area or for others who have donated their time to the community. A special area commemorating those who have given their lives in the line of duty could still be implemented. Moti on x Commissioner Beek moved that the naming of the park at 16th and Dover be postponed to the Commission's December 5 meeting. )ion x Commissioner Demmer made a substitute motion to name the active Ayes x portion of the park the Bob Henry Park and to name the passive area Nays x x x x x the Castaways Park. Motion defeated. Ayes x x x x x Vote was taken on Commissioner Beek's motion. Motion passes. Nay x Emmet Berkery, Project Consultant with the Pubic Works Department, addressed the Commission. Mr. Berkery reported the Park and Open Space Committee met and reviewed the proposed plan for the design of the Upper Castaways active park. Mr. Berkery reviewed the proposed plan and presented a sketch by the landscape architect showing access to the park along Dover Drive. In response to a question from Commissioner Schonlau, Director Kienitz explained that a half basketball court was discussed in the early design stages and not included due to the close proximity of the homes. During discussion Mr. Berkery advised that more trees will be added than shown on the plan to serve as a buffer for the nearby homes. In response to a question from Commissioner Demmer, Ron Yeo explained the layout and design of the restrooms at the site. I Motion x Commissioner Demmer moved to approve the plan as presented with the addition of an additional walkway to be located in the northwest corner of the proposed park. The walkway would connect Ayes x x x x x x the unloading area of the Dover Drive bus stop with the concrete apron behind the northern baseball backstop. Unanimous. CITY OF Parks, Beaches d & Recreation Commission November 7, 1995 Page 7 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. Item #7 - Joint Meeting with City of Costa Mesa Park, Recreation Facilities and Parkways Commission Following a brief discussion and verbiage corrections, the Commission approved the agenda as presented. The meeting will be held November 14 at 6:00 P.M. at the West Newport Community Center. VI. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS The following items will be discussed at the Commission's December 5 meeting: Field Usage at Peninsula Park, Bench Proposal by Balboa Island Improvement Association, Naming of Upper Castaways Active Park and Tree Removals in Harbor View Hills South Homeowners Association. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no'further business, the Parks, Beaches and Recreation 'Commission adjourned at 11:05 P.M. The agenda for this meeting was posted November 1, 1995 at 11:45 A.M. outside the City Hall Administration Building. i C� CITY OF NEWPORT BEI 1CH Item II `Parks , Beaches & Recreation Commission '0'5 December 5, 1995 Cfty Council Chambers 7 .p.m. Staff present: LaDonna Kienitz, Community Services Director David E. Niederhaus, General Services Director Marcelino Lomeli, Park and Tree Maintenance Superintendent Dave McConnell, Recreation Manager Dottie Flohr, Secretary I. ORDER AND ROLL CALL The Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Vice Chair Schonlau. Roll call was taken. Commissioners Beek, Bonner, Compton, Demmer, Glasgow and Schonlau were present. Chair Vandervort was absent. ll. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ( ion x Commissioner Demmer moved the minutes of the November 7, 1995 h, s x x x x x x meeting and the minutes of the joint meeting with the City of Costa Mesa Recreation Facilities and Parkways Commission be approved as,presented. Unanimous. III. PUBLIC COMMENTS Yvonne Houssels, President of Harbor View Hills South Homeowners Association, addressed the Commission. Ms. Houssels thanked Marcy Lomeli and John Conway for their efforts in working with their Parkway Tree Committee and Board towards establishing a designated street tree, reforestation program, and tree trimming program which the majority of the homeowners approved. The Association is requesting that the Magnolia "Little Gem" be the designated street tree for the entire area and that the City continue to move forward with the reforestation program. Ms. Houssels also stated that Director Niederhaus will be receiving individual requests from homeowners and the Association concerning additional trees that continue to cause property damage, particularly the Eucalyptus trees along Sandcastle Drive. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR Nation x Commissioner Compton moved that the following items be approved �s x x x x x x except for those removed from the Consent Calendar. Unanimous. Item #1 - Removed from Consent Calendar U 1 Item #2 - 'Recreation and Senior Services Approve report of activities during November for these two Divisions. CITY OF NEWPORT BERCH °Par'ks , Beaches & Recreation Commission G o o December 5, 1995 Page 2 City Council Chambers 7 p.m. Item #3 - Bench Donation Approve donation of one concrete bench from Mrs. Nancy S. Muir. Item #4 - Removed from Consent Calendar Item #5 - Removed from Consent Calendar Item #6 - Facility Safety Inspections Reports Approve services recommended for parks and facilities as compiled by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commissioners. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR Item #1 - Park and Tree Division In response to a question from Commissioner Compton concerning the proposed teak replacement benches on Balboa Island, Director Niederhaus explained that if teak is not maintained on a fregular basis it will not survive the salt air environment. In the meantime, a compromise has been proposed by the Balboa Island Improvement Association for a pilot bench program which will be placed on the Commission's January 2, 1996 agenda. Item #4 - Tree Donation In response to a question from Commissioner Bonner, Director Niederhaus explained that the funds for planting (approximately $1,000 for 30 trees) and root barriers will be borne by the City. Motion x Commissioner Bonner motioned to approve the donation as Ayes x x x x x presented. Unanimous. Item #5 - Change of Designated Parkway Street Trees The following people spoke in support of the tree removals, particularly the Eucalyptus trees on Sandcastle Drive, and the Magnolia "Little Gem" as the designated street tree within the Harbor View Hills South Homeowners Association. They stated that the tree should grow to 25' at maturity and that the majority of the homeowners approve the project. Martha Jones, 1220 Seacrest Drive ! Brian Corrigan, 3607 Surfview Patricia Rattray, 1505 Sandcastle Drive J. Guy Cazort, 3501 Seabreeze Lane S George Parker, 3407 Seabreeze Lane CITY OF- "Parks, Beaches & Recreation December 5, 1995 Page 3 Commission ti dq City Council Chambers 7 P.M. The following• people spoke in opposition to the Magnolia "Little Gem" as the proposed designated street tree. Reasons given were that the tree is a miniature tree that grows slowly; it would be inconsistent with the look of the community; and it would decrease property values. In addition, the homeowners stated they were not apprised of the Association's reforestation plan and selection of the designated street tree. They feel that the Board is view oriented and does not take into consideration input from the non -view residents. Victor Penan, 1214 Keel Drive Lizanne Witte, 3632 Blue Key Malcolm Dunn, 402,Sevilie Dean Stubblefield, 1215 Sand Key Yvonne Houssels, President of the Harbor View Hills South Homeowners Association, stated that their last two quarterly newsletters explained that this issue was regularly scheduled at their Board meetings to which every homeowner is invited. Meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month unless there is an exception. Their Parkway Tree Committee was formed by view and non -view homeowners, and each homeowner whose tree was to be removed was contacted by both the City and the Association. Ms. Houssels further stated that the Association represents the homeowners and that the majority approve the project and the Magnolia "Little ,Gem" as the designated street tree. In response to a question from Commissioner Glasgow, Marcy Lomeli explained that the nature of the parkway growth space dictates a smaller tree, and that with proper maintenance the 'Little Gem will flourish. At the time of planting it is 6 -7' (5 gallon container size) and within 6 -10 years it will grow to maturity at 20 -25'. Director Niederhaus advised that he had no knowledge of opposition to the Little Gem until this evening. Director Niederhaus reviewed the history of the project which is based on hardscape damage. An annual sidewalk inspection program was implemented 3 years ago and those areas in need of major repairs were scheduled as a capital improvement project. This area has the greatest sidewalk liability in the City and the project has been planned for 18 months. In the interim, the sidewalks have received temporary repairs. As a result, the schedule for sidewalk repairs can continue, however, the choice of a designated street tree can be postponed. The Little Gem is not a miniature tree, but will become a graceful tree that will not cause I damage nor view problems. Motion x Following discussibm, Commissioner Bonner moved to, approve the Ayes x x x x x x change of designated parkway street tree within the Harbor View (� Hills South Homeowners Association as presented. Unanimous. CITY OE NEWPORT BEACH 'Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission m� o' ^o�o��� ��o�,��`o December 5, 1995 Page 4 ti v4 City Council Chambers 7 P.M. V. DISCUSSION- ITEMS Item 97 - Peninsula Park Athletic Field In response to a question from Commissioner Beek, Dave McConnell explained' that permits are still being issued for activities which require no kicking of the ball. In response to a question from Commissioner Bonner, Mr. McConnell stated it may be feasible to use netting behind the goal posts to protect the parking lot. This would be contingent upon the netting being removed after each game to prevent vandalism. Vice Chair Schonlau.opened the meeting to public testimony. Malcolm Dunn, 402 Seville Avenue and a Board member of the Balboa Peninsula Point Association, addressed the Commission. Mr. Dunn stated he is concerned that the park may be turned into a parking lot. Addressing the issue of liability, he stated that field maintenance is the major liability, particularly when the sprinkler heads were exposed. Mr. Dunn reported that he plays with the YMCA soccer group and requests that other .options, such as temporary nets and boards, be considered to allow adult soccer. He also pointed out that the players patronize the downtown area which the merchants appreciate. Jesse Sell, 1009 E. Balboa Blvd., addressed the Commission. Mr. Sell reviewed his recreational background and history of the park. He stated he has played softball at the park, and that in 21 years there have been no lawsuits and only one window has been broken which was immediately repaired. .Mr. Sell also questioned the dimensions of the park as submitted on the plot plan: He reported he is concerned that the park may be transformed into a parking lot as suggested two years ago. He also stated he feels that the park has become non - functioning and businesses in the area are hurting since the goal posts and backstops have been removed. He urged that permits be reissued to the soccer and rugby groups and that there be new rules and regulations posted for the use of the park. Jim Levisee, 80 Huntington Street, Huntington Beach, addressed the Commission. Mr. Levisee reviewed the major liability issues and pointed out that, although there have been hundreds of soccer and rugby games played at this site, no one has been injured. The YMCA soccer users have substantial insurance and the City's liability is minimal. Mr. Levisee recommended the City reinstall the goal posts and move the field toward the-beach. Users can then provide their own nets to alleviate the ball problems. CITY OE NEWPORT BERCH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission G December 5, 1995 Page 5 ti d4 City Council Chambers a P.M. Stephen Kent, 610 Clubhouse, addressed the Commission. Mr. Kent presented a petition signed by 23 people in appreciation of the recent changes made to the park. Since the goal posts and backstops have been removed, they can use the park for family activities without concern for their safety. There being no further public testimony, Vice Chair Schonlau closed the meeting to public hearing. Lauren Farley, Risk Manager for the City, addressed the Commission and stated that following her review of video tapes of the soccer and rugby games at the park, she met with the City Manager, Community Services Director and Mr. McConnell and recommended the permits not be renewed due to the configuration of the field, players chasing balls into the parking lot, balls just ' missing children on the heavily used boardwalk, and balls ending up on private property. Commissioner Glasgow expressed his disappointment in the I negative approach that has been taken, pointing out that all parks have some degree of liability and the City is lacking in facilities. He urged that problems be solved ahead of time in order that the park can be used for as many recreational uses as possible. Lauren Farley explained that her concern was that the use of the park was causing an unsuspecting danger to multi users on the heavily used boardwalk, and that she is charged with protecting the City's assets. She advised that changing the configuration of the field and installing barriers to prevent balls from traveling onto the • adjacent facilities may allow continued use by the players. In response to a question from Commissioner Demmer, Mr. McConnell explained that users who sign a rental agreement pay for the use of the park. Commissioner Demmer stated that, although risk and liability are always a real issue, she feels this active park is badly needed since adult activities are already being turned down for lack of facilities. She suggested staff research other mitigating measures, such as design and equipment, so that the park can be used for active recreation. Commissioners Beek and Compton concurred. Motion x Commissioner Compton moved to postpone this item to the January I meeting in order that the matter can be further researched and recommendations made concerning equipment, etc., that meet with the Risk Manager's approval. �i ''-Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission - } \02- December 5, 1995 �Oti ^ Citv Councgel6CChambers 7 o.m. Motion x Commissioner Glasgow made a substitute motion to return the Ayes x x x x x x matter to staff to resolve the issue with the users and the Risk Manager in order that the players can utilize the site; and that the costs of mitigating the risks be borne by the users. Unanimous. Item #8 - California State Games Director Kienitz reported a request has been received from the Orange County Sports Association asking if the City will co -host the California State Games in August 1996. The finalists are Oakland, Orange County and Ventura. Motion x Following a brief discussion, Commissioner Demmer moved to Ayes x x x x x x approve sending a letter supporting the Orange County Sports Association in their application to sponsor the California State Games in Orange County in August 1996. Unanimous. VI. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS - None VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no.further business, the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission adjourned at 9:30 P.M. The agenda for this meeting was posted November 28, 1995 at 1:00 P.M. outside the City Hall Administration Building. Item II . MINUTES OF JOINT MEETING BETWEEN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PARKS, BEACHES AND RECREATION COMMISSION AND CITY OF COSTA MESA RECREATION FACILITIES AND PARKWAYS COMMISSION The meeting was held November 14, 1995 at 6:00 P.M. at the West Newport Community Center. Those present were Jo Vandervort, Bill Schonlau, Pat Beek, Gale Demmer, .Phil Glasgow, LaDonna Kienitz, Sue Stein, Diana Teran Blaisure, William Butler, Michael Dunlevie, Chris Sards, Mark Harris, Richard Mehren, David Stiller and Keith Van Holt. Park Security - All Costa Mesa parks close at sundown. Costa Mesa Commissioners are going to present to their City Council the need for a Park Ranger to help patrol the parks. Commissioners from Newport Beach stated that the City does not have that'kind of problem with its parks, possibly because the parks are so heavily scheduled that there is no dead time to allow for unwanted groups to wander on the fields. The only • similarity in park security problems would be the beaches and the piers in Newport Beach. Sharing of Facilities - Parcels of land areas were discussed for possible future shared use. No consensus was reached on the possibility. Cliff Drive Park Restoration - Commissioner Demmer explained the process that Newport Beach went through in restoring Cliff Drive Park and the problems with putting in drought resistant foliage when it rains. The Commissioners recommended that, although this was a long and difficult project, with community support it has been a worthwhile one. Bolsa Park - Costa Mesa Commissioners shared their successful project, the Bark Park. The key to the success of the park is the location between the freeway and the tennis park. They have established a committeathat polices the area. The user groups also conduct fundraising events to help maintain the park. Direction on Donation of Plaques - The Costa Mesa Commission discussed how to respond to requests for memorials or plaques from their community. I 0 Agenda Item No. IV -1 December 5,1995 General Services Department Parks and Tree Divisions November, 1995 Activities Report Park Division Activities 1. The cleaning, polishing and sealing of all plaques throughout the Park system has started using contract services. 2. Staff continues coordinating construction projects at Balboa Boulevard Median, Mac Arthur Boulevard, Castaways Park, and Manning Park with the Public Works Department. 3. Park staff performed traffic control for one weekend running event. 4. Annual turfgrass renovation continues at Parks and facilities. 5. A new donated bench was installed at West Jetty Park. 6. The irrigation renovation work, which included the installation of a,gypsum injector was completed at Bonita Creek Park. The gypsum application process will move the soil salinity away from the grass root system and will significantly improve the athletic fields at this facility during the next several months. 7. The replacement of shrubs and ground covers was performed at various sites throughout the City. 8. Testing of the backflow prevention devices by contract has commenced Citywide. 9. The attached letter was sent to the Balboa Island Improvement Association regarding additional information that was requested by the Commission. The results in the form of a staff report will be available for the January 2, 1996 Commission meeting. 10. Randy Kearns, Park Supervisor attended the Pacific Southwest Maintenance Management School at the U. C. L. A. Conference Center in Lake Arrowhead. Randy was one of two recipients receiving a $650 scholarship and attended as a second year student. The school with an enrollment of 180 students is sponsored by the National and State Park and Recreation Society's. 0 Upcoming Activities for December 1. The turfgrass renovation will continue on a Citywide basis. 2 The plaque refinishing and backflow testing will continue in the Park system. 3. The planting of replacement shrubs and ground covers will continue Citywide. Tree Division Activities During the month of November, 1507 trees were trimmed, 5 trees were planted, no trees were root pruned, 3 trees were removed, 6 emergency calls were responded to regarding trees and 179 tree maintenance requests were received by the Urban Forester. A significant amount of staff's time (beyond Mr. Conway's efforts) were expended on tree issues. 1. Tree removals were performed at these various locations during the month: t 1310 Estelle Lane - 1 tree due to property damage (1 replacement tree planted) 1588 East Ocean Boulevard -1 tree due to property damage (2 replacement trees planted) 2. The Urban Forester continues to evaluate the King palms on Riverside Drive. The Merchant Association began watering the trees with the exception of four trees on the eastside of the street adjacent to the parking lot. These trees will be watered by the City until the end of December. All the palm trees will then be watered by the merchants beginning in January. 3. The City tree trimming contractor, West Coast Arborists, completed scheduled work within the Spyglass Hills, Balboa Island, Irvine Terrace, Balboa Peninsula and Fashion Island areas. Additionally, palm tree trimming continues throughout the City, with completion scheduled by the end of December. Park and Tree Maintenance Superintendent • Attachments �Z n 0 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH P.O. BOX 1768, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658 -8915 Mr. Lee Sutherland, President Balboa Island Improvement Association Post Office Box 64 Balboa Island, California 92662 Dear Mr. Sutherland, November 15, 1995 The following correspondence is a response to your request to the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission relative to your Association's request to replace the existing concrete and wood benches with new benches constructed of teak wood. The concern that was shared by some .members of the Commission and myself was that teak benches would not endure the " salt air " environment of the Island and potential vandalism that would be an ongoing problem. The Commission requested that the Association perform a survey to all members relative to a . style of bench that would be appropriate. Additionally, the information needs to be coordinated with the Balboa Island Business Association since they are currently reviewing potential improvements on Marine Avenue. The Commission did approve the private donation of a new style concrete bench for fhe Opal Avenue and South Bay Front area per the attached report. This new style concrete bench for the Island is already one that the City is currently using and has had good experience in other areas of the City. Additionally, your letter (copy attached) has requested that planters be part of the new bench proposal but did not address the specifics of the request. I am requesting that you compile the necessary information and forwarded it to me by December 15, 1995 so that it may be included in the January 2, 1996 Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission meeting agenda. It would be appreciated d a representative from the Association was present at the meeting. Please contact me if you have any questions at 644 -3055. Sincerely, DaNiedeh us General Services Director •• DEN /mgl Attachments 0 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach • Agenda Item No.IV -3 November 7,1995 To: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission From: General Services Director Subject: Bench Donation Recommendation To approve the donation of one concrete bench from Robert A. Ibbotson and Ruth & Ibbotson to be located at the street end at Opal Street and South Bay Front on Balboa Island. Donor will also provide plaque with appropriate City verbiage. • Discussion Mr. Robert A. Ibbotson contacted staff per the attached letter to request a bench donation. The concrete bench would replace a wooden bench that was once at this location. As required by City Council policy, the donor will also provide a plaque with the appropriate verbiage. Staff has also been in contact with Ms. Pat Buderwitz of the Balboa Island Improvement Association's Beautification Committee regarding the placement and design of a new style of bench for the Island. Ms. Buderwitz has been coordinating the painting of the fifty benches on the Island by volunteers during the past few years. The benches are located primarily at street ends along the Bay front and on Marine Avenue. Ms. Buderwitz conceptually agrees with the design of the concrete bench; but would like to see wood incorporated into the bench. Additionally, the Balboa Island Merchant's Association has also been exploring a possible new bench design for Marine Avenue, but staff feels that this design could be similar or different based on different requirements of benches along the business district. Staff has been in contact with a bench manufacture regarding a new design concept that would have minimal wood maintenance, but this style of bench • is very expensive. The bench cost would be approximately double that of the current concrete bench design. • Benches constructed from concrete are very appropriate for this location, since the seacoast conditions and vandalism are significant maintenance problems. These concrete benches have been installed on the Balboa Peninsula and along the bluffs on Ocean Boulevard in Corona del Mar, where they have required very little maintenance and vandalism has been almost nonexistent. • 0 Very respectfully, f i N �,,' David E. Nied'erhaus DEN /mgl Attachments 0 August 24, 1995 Marcelino G. Lomeli City of Newport.Beach General Services.Department Post Office Box 1768 Newport Beach, Ca. 92659 Re: Bench donation for Balboa Island Dear Mr. Lomeli: __ AUG UG :2 4 1995 Thank you for your letter of August 18th. Your prompt response in this matter is greatly appreciated. As I mentioned in our meeting last Friday, it is my mother's wish to donate a new concrete, or wooden, bench to the City to be placed at Opal Street and South Bay Front, just at the foot of the • City's public pier. This is one of the few street ends that does not now have a bench. �J My mother, Ruth E. Ibbotson, now 92 years of age, has lived on Balboa Island for 50 or 60 years. In recognition of all the fond memories she and my late father have had over the years, watching their children, grand children, and great grand children enjoy the many qualities of The Island, it would give her great pleasure to provide this bench to the City and the place where it all happened. I understand that the City has certain procedures that must be followed in these matters and' I will be happy to provide whatever additional information, or assistance, you may require. Sincerely Ro ert A.Ibbofson 9262 Christine Drive Huntington Beach, Ca. 92646 11i� ,* BALBOA ISLAND IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION Mr, David E. Niederhaus, General Services Director, City of Newport Beach, 3300, Newport Boulevard, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, California 92658 - 8915 Dear Mr. Niederhaus, P.O. BOX 64 BALBOA ISLAND, CALIFORNIA 92662 TELEPHONE (714) 675 -1773 7th November, 1995 • New style of bench for Balboa Island With reference to the approval of a bench donation from Robert A. Ibbotson and Ruth E. lbbotson, a Consent Calendar item on tonight's Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission meeting, the Balboa Island Improvement Association would like to propose that consideration be given to a new "teak" bench in place of the proposed new concrete bench. The Balboa Island Improvement Association Beautification and Horticultural Committees have spent a considerable amount of time researching a new style bench for the Island. We therefore kindly request that you review our Committees' findings as detailed below. The Balboa Island Improvement Association proposes that the Teak bench as specified herein should be adopted as the new style Island bench. 1. There are currently 54 benches of a concrete /wood construction located on Balboa Island. These benches are situated at the street ends around the circumference of the Island and along Marine Avenue. 2. For some years The Balboa Island Improvement Association volunteers have undertaken the painting of these benches on an annual basis. 11 Cont'dL2 Mr. David Niederhaus Page Two 3. We understand that although the City will effect minor repairs to these existing benches the cost of any new replacement benches would have to be met by the Balboa Island residents. 4. The following criterion were therefore adopted when selecting a new bench design: - Aesthetic quality - Durability and Maintenance -Bottom Line cost to Residents 5. We reviewed a selection of concrete and concrete /wood construction benches proposed by the City. Whilst we appreciate the suitability of these modern style benches for general use within Newport Beach, the consensus of opinion was that the selection offered did not reflect the more traditional Island ambience. 6. We have received an overwhelmingly positive response for the traditional style solid Teak Garden Bench. (Please refer to the attached Photograph Exhibit I). • 7. The benefits of a solid Teak Bench can be summarized as follows: -Solid Teak benches will last from 75 to 100 years. - Impervious to all weather conditions - Requires no maintenance (- Selected bench is kiln dried so will not crack.) -Spare parts available in the event of vandalism. • and as more fully described in the attached Bench Specifications Exhibit III. 8. When analyzing bench usage we noted that the benches located at the street ends around the circumference of the Island were usually occupied by either a single person or a couple. If a bench was occupied, albeit by one individual, people would walk to the next available bench rather than share. We therefore propose that the new benches for the Street ends be of a 6 ft length. There is also sufficient room at many of the street ends to accommodate two 6 ft benches in addition to the Horticultural Society's proposed planters. 9. With regard to seating along Marine Avenue we noted individuals do share the benches located outside of the restaurants and shops. We therefore suggest 8 ft Benches for Marine Avenue although we are sure the Business Association would also accept donations of 6ft benches. Marine Avenue seating to be in liaison with the Business Association. jq Cont'd/..3 • W. David Niederhaus Page Three 10. In reviewing potential suppliers the following criterion were examined: - Benches to be of a quality and construction suitable for public usage. - Company's current customers - Length of time in business - Wholesale pricing 11. Unfortunately we were unable to find a local, nor a West coast wholesale supplier which would meet our requirements for quality and price. 12. We have therefore selected benches supplied by BRITISHAMERICAN . This Company has been in business for over 20 years. Company clients include the Huntington Library and Gardens, and the cities of Salt Lake City, New Orleans, Vale, The Hamptons Long Island, White Plains N.Y., and Williamsburg. Please refer to the attached Company details Exhibit II. 13. In addition to aesthetics, price is the key factor. We have negotiated wholesale prices as follows: Size Retail Price Wholesale Price to B.I.I.A. • 6 ft Bench weight 84 lbs $ 1320.00 $ 475.00 8 ft Bench weight 125 lbs $ 1870.00 $ 673.00 Please refer to the complete break down of pricing in the attached Exhibits III and IV. These Teak Benches fully installed on Balboa Island with brass plaque and carving cost less than any of the alternatives proposed by the City. 14. The cost of the new benches will be met by donations received from, Island residents. In addition to the donation received from Robert and Ruth Ibbotson we have already received the following four donations with a prerequisite that the benches be of a traditional style Teak: Two 6 ft Benches to be located Garnet and South Bay Front One 6 ft Bench to be located Amethyst and South Bay Front One 6 ft Bench to be located Sapphire and South Bay Front This initial order of five benches could be delivered within 14 days. • Cont'd/. A t� r� l • Mr. David Niederhaus, Page Four 15. We note some expediency is required with regard to the Robert and Ruth Ibbotson donation. We recommend placing one of the existing wood/concrete benches at Opal and South Bay Front as an interim measure whilst awaiting delivery of the new bench. We anticipate that an enthusiastic response will be received ,to the new Teak Bench and all the existing benches will be replaced within a twelve month period through donations. The Balboa Island Improvement Association therefore requests that the City approve the Teak Bench as detailed herein as the new bench for Balboa Island. We would like to confirm the initial order for five benches tomorrow 8th November. With regard to the replacement of the benches the Balboa Island Improvement Association will work closely with Marcelino Lomeli and his team. 0 With Kind Regards, 0 Yours sincerely, Lee Sutherland, President. Enclosures u 0 Agenda Item No. IV -2 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT DATE: December 5, 1995 TO: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: LaDonna Kienitz, Community Services Director SUBJECT: Monthly Commission Report Adult Sports Adult basketball and softball fall leagues are ending in the next couple weeks and 27 league champions will be crowned. Each first place team will receive a sponsor plaque and each player will be awarded a custom silk screened sweatshirt. Over 450 awards will be presented. Contract Classes There were 300 contract classes offered in the fall quarter with 1,045 participants, resulting in $53,981 in revenue. Dance classes generated $21,000 with 258 participants; fitness and gymnastics brought in $8,617 and $17,725 respectively. Aquatics Water polo has continued to expand with $8,100 in revenue during the, fall quarter. Lap swimming, despite the cooler weather, is averaging 28 participants during the week nights and 38 during the weekends. A few complaints concerning the temperature of the pool have been forwarded to the School District. The pool will be drained and closed for repairs January 1 -7. Youth Sports The Department crowned two Harbor View School Youth Flag Football teams as City Champions. The Harbor View "B" Division and "C" Division teams will compete in the Orange County Municipal Athletic Association Football Tournament on December 2. The winner of this tournament will advance to the Southern California Municipal Athletic Z1 Association Tournament on December 9. • Youth Sports Commission The Youth Sports Commission met November 16 for its semi - annual scheduling meeting. In attendance were representatives from the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission, Junior All- American Football, AYSO Region 57, Orange Coast United Soccer, Newport Harbor Baseball, Newport Beach Little League, Pony Baseball - Newport East, Pacific Coast Bobby Sox, General Services and Community Services Departments. The main issues involved field conditions and availability. Registration levels are rising and programs are extending their seasons with additional team play. Field conditions are getting worse due to overuse and limited downtime, however, each group is working cooperatively to,produce quality youth sports programs. Park Playgrounds Staff has contacted resident groups in the neighborhoods of Newport Island Park and Spyglass Hill Park to gain input on replacement playground equipment. Funds for 1995 -96 have been designated for • these two sites and Bayview Park. Staff feels it is important to work with community representatives in an effort to incorporate their needs. 2L, Youth Council The first meeting of the Youth Council will be held December 6. Twenty five students will serve on the Council this school year. Rent -A -Santa The popular Rent -A -Santa program is available through December 23. Facility Safety Inspections Thanks to Commissioners for their time and effort in reviewing the City parks. The remaining reports will be incorporated when completed, as well as inspection reports conducted by staff. Staff have tentatively identified disposition or evaluation of the problems identified. • COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT DATE: November 27, 1995 TO Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission FROM: Celeste Jardine -Haug SUBJECT: Senior Services Division - Monthly Commission Report OASIS has been busily preparing for the Holiday Season. This is the time of year that the center provides a little cheer to many people. The staff have organized a few projects which provide people the opportunity to help those who are less fortunate. One of our programs provides gifts to children at Olive Crest, a home for abused children. Seniors are given-the opportunity to chose a name from our wish tree and purchase a gift for that child. The program is already a success with most of the names selected. We also have people busy knitting lap robes for people who have moved to nursing homes. The staff will be wrapping them up and having volunteers deliver them during the holidays. • Keeping with tradition, we are collecting canned goods for SOS to distribute to families at Christmas, and warm wool hats for the homeless. E zy The Holiday Season, for many, older adults is a difficult time. These charitable programs are designed to help peopler feel good by doing something positive for.someone else. On November 22nd, we held a Thanksgiving luncheon party for 225 people. As always, the staff did an excellent job in coordinating the events. Our time spent in case management programs generally increases during this time of year. Already we have experienced an increase in the amount of calls for assistance. Many family members who visit for the holidays become more aware of problems with their parents and require guidance in how, to help their relatives. Next month will be filled with parties and special programs. 0 • rJ Z5 RECF+' 1 " NOV 9 1995 OASIS SENIOR CENTER October 1995 Ctp,YDII.UNITY SEhviCEI MONTHLY ACTIVITIES/UTILIZATION REPORT LA E GROUP SERVICES Another Passage Blood Pressure Braille Caregiver Support Group Case Management Chair Exercise Counseling Eldercare Employment Information/Rental Legal Assistance Life-On Your Own Medicare Assistance Shared Housing Telephone Reassurance Visual Screening VOLUNTEER HOURS .�. Care -A -Van Shuttle NUTRITIOUS LUNCHES SPECIAL EVENTS Sunday Movies Pancake Breakfast Halloween Luncheon Flu Shots Hicap Lecture 3673 12 45 64 .65 36 65 34 1273 12 32 45, 372 2 2775 506 472 1879 80 215 190 570 19 LONG TRIPS Laughlin Branson Palm Springs DAY TRIPS Santa Anita Lake Elsinore Oak Glen Music Man MEETINGS Board of Directors Executive Committee Long Range Planning Newsletter Collating General Membership 43 33 15 18 10 24 21 10 8 6 16 90 • Agenda Item No. IV-3 December 5,1995 To: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission From: General Services Director Subject: Bench Donation Recommendation To approve the donation of one concrete bench from Mrs. Nancy S. Muir. Donor will also provide plaque with appropriate City verbiage. Discussion • Mrs. Nancy S. Miur contacted staff per the attached letter to request a bench donation. The concrete bench would replace an existing metal bench at Ocean Boulevard and Poppy Avenue that is very corroded. The concrete construction is very appropriate since the seacoast condition and vandalism are a significant problem for maintenance of benches at this location. The donor will alsaprovide a plaque with the appropriate verbiage per City Council policy. 0 26 Very respectfully, David E. Niederhaus DEN /mgl Attachments 0 Mr. Marcelino Lomeli City of Newport Beach General Services Department P.O. Box 1768 Re: Bench Donation Dear Mr. Lomeli, rNoTv 15 1995 fib I am requesting to donate to the City of Newport Beach one-;new concrete bench for the Corona del: Mar Park on Poppy and Ocean Blvd., overlooking,Little Corona Beach by the drinking fountain. I have spent time on Little Corona Beach, my favorite. My brother Vincent S. Salerno has been a resident of Corona del Mar since 1978, and I would like his name on it. This location is a short walk from his home. We will enjoy the bench there, and other people can enjoy it too. • Thank You, r U • J-1 Agenda Item NoZ- -4 December 5, 1995 To: Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission From : General Services Director Subject: Tree Donation Recommendation To approve the donation of up to thirty, fifteen gallon Magnolia " Little Gem " trees from Frederick A. Birnberg, M.D. for planting on Sandcastle Drive in the Harbor View Hills South Homeowners Association area. Additionally, that staff inspect and approve the trees prior to delivery. Discussion • Staff received the attached correspondence from Dr. Birnberg who is offering to donate up to thirty Little Gem Magnolia trees for replacement planting, on Sandcastle Drive in the Harbor View Hills area. His offer does not include planting, staking, and root barriers. The City has been in the process of a reforestation program with the Association in this area and can include this donation in the tree replacement program. Staff, upon your direction, will work out the details of the donation with the donor. • 29 Very respectfully, David E. Niederhaus DEN /mgl Attachments Nevi Edward 1. Miller, M.D. • Melvin J. Suydam, M.D., Inc. Gerald F. Scidmom, M.D. Stephen D. SholkoR, M.D., Inc. Roger H. Thomas, M.D. Jay P. Lichman, M.D. Russell L Hafer, Jr., M.D. S. Robert Hurwitz, M.D. Richard M. 7hketa, M.D. Douglas M. Cassel, M.D. iport Harbor Radiology Associates Medical Group, Inc. Daryl H. Chinn, M.D. 355 Placentia, Suite 207 Elliott C. Mercer, M.D. Newport Beach, CA 92663 M.N. Brant- Zawadzki, M.D. (714) 645 -9500 Michael C. Roossin, M.D. Fax (714) 548 -3286 Frederick A. Birnberg, M.D. O-NmD Ive f QA �1aJS 6!i \ A� Craig A. Cox, M.D. Kathryn L Cook, M.D. W. Michael Shea, M.D. Iris Choo, M.D. Winston S. Whitney, M.D. «(lK�as C� ys- � ) ��I0-.'xt '�'Vf cri, sk , �, C ,„ICS �"" .i�� = w t is �/. 2 -fit, Q.w 'PP ' ,rv� 4�Aj CAA & �-c Lkl-z C,-QD- '/ I 0.)Y- 4 Cut �Lp- . A-, l 4?-u,'1 "— �F�zto 54cn© c 0 Agenda Item No. Tv-5 December 5,1995 To: Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission From: General Services Director Subject: Change of Designated Parkway Street Trees in the Harbor View Hills South Homeowners Association Recommendation To approve a change in the designated parkway street trees on the following streets located within the Harbor View Hills South Homeowners Association: Street Designated Tree Proposed Designated Tree Topside Lane Bronze Loquat Magnolia "Little Gem" • Inlet Isle Same Same Sandune Lane Same Same Park Green Drive Same Same Key Bay Same Same Key West Same Same Sand Key Same Same Catamaran Drive Raphiolepis'M. B. Same Keel Drive Same Same Outrigger Drive Same Same Seacrest Drive Same Same Herron Way Same Same • 30 Discussion The Harbor View Hills South Homeowners Association and staff have been working together for the past few months as directed by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission on a parkway street reforestation program. The proposed recommendation to redesignate tree species represents a change from action taken by the Commission at the August 1, 1995 meeting whereby the tree species was changed to either Raphiolepsis " Majestic Beauty ", Bronze Loquat, or Magnolia "Little Gem ". • The Association has sent the attached correspondence requesting that the existing tree designated list be changed to reflect that the Little Gem Magnolia be the exclusive tree for the streets in the Association area. Additionally, since there was comments from general members of the Association at the last Commission meeting that did not feel, the Raphiolepis an appropriate tree for their neighborhood, staff feels that this is an appropriate compromise. • • �1 V,eerry. respectfully, David E. Niederhaus DEN /mgl Attachments 0 FROM : Panasonic FAX SYSTEM PHONE'NO. : Nov. 15 1995 02:30PM P1 Suite 201, Irvine, California 92713 November 15, 1995 Mr. Marceline Lomelli, Park and Tree Maintenance Superintendent Mr. John Conway, Urban Forester City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92658 -8915 Dear Marcey and John: We look forward to finalizing the Cityts re- forestation plans with you prior to the Parks,, Beaches, and Recreation Commission Meeting on December 5. As you are aware, the great majority of our homeowners have been positive about the re- forestation efforts so far. The Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission previously approved' three trees for our Association. • However, a number of homeowners on specific streets have not been pleased with the selection of the "Majestic Beauty" Raphiolepis and Bronze Loquat. As we have received an enthusiastic response to the selection of the "Little Gem" Magnolia tree, the Association would like to request that this tree be used throughout harbor View Hills South. Please let the Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commission know that we would like to use this previously approved tree for our entire community. Thank you for your continued help with this matter. Sincerely, ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD Yvonne Houssels President • cc: Board City Parkway Tree Committee Sue Conley, Property Manager 11 Professional Management Assodates, RO. 9ox 19530, Irvine, CA 92713 (714) 752 -2225 Fax (714) 757.6396 NOV -2I -13S 14:28 FROM:COMM SERVICES ID.71484431S8 PAGE 2/3' 0 Agenda Item No. IV-2 August 1, 1995 To: Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission From: General Services Director Subject: Change of Designated Parkway Street Trees its the Harbor View .Fills South HomeovmersAssociation Recommendation To approve a change in the designated parkway street frees on the following streets located within the Harbor View Hills South Homeowners Association: Street Designated Tree Proposed Designated Tree Sandcastle Drive Carrot Wood Little Gem Magnolia Blue Key Same Same Surfview Lane Same Same Seabreeze Lane jacaranda Same Quiet Cove Brisbane Box Same Sausalito Drive Car* -rot Wood Same Tiller Way Brisbane Box Same Topside Lane Carrot Wood Bronze Loquat Inlet Isle Same Same Sandune Lane Brisbane Box Same Park Green Drive Carrot Wood Same Key Bay Same Same Key West Same Same Sand Key Same Same Catamaran drive Carrot Wood Majestic Beauty Ralphiolepis Keel Drive Same Same Outrigger Drive Same Same Seacrest Drive Same Same Herron Way Same Same Histazv The Harbor View Hills 'South Homeowners Association and staff have been working together. for the past few months as directed by the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission on a parkway street reforestation program. The proposed recommendation to redesignate tree species represents a joint effort between the Association and staff oil the first phase of this project. NOV -2I -SS 14 =22 FROM,COMM SERVICES I13.714S4431SS PACE 3/3 Discussion • Staff and the Association have been working on an agreement to begin a phased program relative to parkway street tree reforestation. one important element of this process is to select replacement trees that can to be maintained within the growth space and also not cause damage to either private or public property. The species of tre e axe being recommended meet tivs criteria and would be a significan t improvement witltin the Association areas. 0 r1 A final report -with a agreement relative to refarestation(tree removals, planting and f Inding) between the Association and the City with be ,presented at 'the Commission meeting scheduled for September 5, 1993. Very respectfully, David E. Niederhaus DIN /ml �7a .' • LO 0 E n CL Item IV -6 35 m m a � I ! i 0 w � z O I i a I I U_ _U U_ i U_ U_ U_ z Z Z 2 Z Z E U N N N +N+ !"O' .r0. U ..0. n0. I N N N av v� o� >> a c a 2 �'0 LL. N C a) m. a) N U q) � U C (11 C N C N In Ncn C6 WT In Inch ln'N� fnN NNfn F5 CD (D (D (vUUU 0U w a 000 00 (D (D' —° a �p I E o.2 a ° > N a) N 7 p I m N >1 .E a) O C C '- y L`.. E Co w O fa N I (a a) C. I O. a N C- O N U N I N N co w. cu o 0 0$ o i 2 c N m t0 2! C y 0 .R N N E O O >> C N N! E O N C C cu a) T>, L N Ica > .p c a `o aci N m o °, c a >> a >°). cci o d W °cam L«`aoiml E o,ou �'�`m2 ?rn mom W. N a) a) — c 2� a N a)W m o> 2a� a °� d d a; c w a>i ��aIN� c 0l2 0 o o, 2 m o' is o. o U in .- mcan ai c z Y N N O G a) Z, 5.I � N 'C •w @ N N E fa W C 8 L m W C w a) C> a) a a) E d m C N U N L a) w d C d 7_ O O O N a N 0� 6 a w a s •O 'T Y o) ,r, w E E a a m o 3 ;._ a c' a o>> a N >, c o ,- w :I E � c� ZJm N d co, m z00 m ma o. 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E R a i s d) c P N C i O Q G — N C C a C N f/J P' m M, a) I m 0 y m m a y ' V)i m a n o O a m cmi a��i C', E y •E '� m N O)'^ aai C .c �a m a a N as n V .CIE O =' O C> I C 0 �' C U rb- G '=O C N m= C ry N a) N .y O` >' C m L m 0 a t .a) IM O I I�Dv.0 'C a) O Q) m m m l 0 a) m N X LL ; I- md2��t.l_ F :313:1 w 1 I i I I i I I II � I I • I I t I I Y v I Y I I bc I I 3 y N CL E I ` R e I d I ci I a I e a = = > c CL j o ° a Im O I ig I m I m .+, .+: .+ w CD N I N N N in I I I �I (rn n n� I J� N, m m a Item No. V -7 City of Newport Beach Community Services Department Date: November 27, 1995 To: LaDonna Menitz, Community Services Director From: Dave McConnell, Recreation Managery \ Subj: Peninsula Park Athletic Field This memorandum is written to outline the history regarding the removal of the soccer goal posts and softball backstop at Peninsula Park Athletic Field; to clarify the present use of the facility; to respond to the communication from Mr. Jesse Sells dated October 31, 1995; and to present recommendations for the future use of the facility. HISTORY In 1991 the Community Services Department issued a permit to the Newport -Mesa Y.M.C.A. for the use of the park for an adult coed soccer league. At the time of application, this facility was the only soccer field in the city that was available. The adult sports coordinator of the Y.M.C.A. explained that the players in the league were • of beginning and intermediate ability, and that the league was designed as a social, recreational coed league. Following review by the Recreation Superintendent, the Community Services Department issued a permit to the Y.M.C.A. The Y.M.C.A. also applied for, and was granted, permits in 1992, 1993, 1994 and the spring of 1995. During that same time period, the department routinely issued permits to the Back Bay Rugby Club for adult rugby practices, games and tournaments. For games and tournaments, the Rugby Club would attach vertical extensions to the soccer goals since one aspect of the sport is to kick the ball through goal posts similar to kicking extra points in football. During this time the department received occasional complaints regarding soccer and rugby balls traveling into the parking lots, onto the boardwalk, and onto private property. In addition, conversations with the league coordinator revealed that the league was expanding, becoming more competitive, and the ability level of the players was improving. The coordinator also revealed that the Y.M.C.A. had reimbursed one private individual for a broken car windshield and another-individual for a broken plate glass window in the front of the individual's residence along the boardwalk. In April' of 1995 the department requested that the Risk Manager review the use of the park by adult sports groups. The Y.M.C.A. was informed, at this time, that the use of the field for adult sports was under review, and that their permit, which was valid through July of 1995, might not be renewed. The Risk Manager, in turn, • requested that.the department videotape the soccer activity at the park. This was TD done in June of 1996 and, after reviewing the tape, the Risk Manager recommended that the Y.M.C.A.'s permit not be renewed after the conclusion of the current season. The Risk Manager's decision was based upon the following: • Balls traveled onto the Oceanfront Boardwalk, missing (often unsuspecting) bicyclists, rollerbladers, joggers and walkers, and, on at least two occasions, narrowly, missed the heads of children bicycling on the boardwalk. • Balls traveled into the parking lot and players ran between parked.cars and into the parking lot to retrieve them. • Balls struck parked vehicles. • Balls were kicked over private property fences causing the players to trespass onto private property to retrieve them. The Y.M.C.A. was informed that their permit would not be renewed following their current season. The department attempted to locate an alternate facility, but the high demand by co- sponsored youth sports groups of city athletic fields has created a shortage of field space within Newport Beach. (Note: The YWCA. obtained the use of Tewinkle Park in Costa Mesa in August of 1996 and the league continues to operate.) During the numerous discussions between the department and the Risk Manager regarding the soccer /rugby field use, the issue of adult softball also arose. Home plate was located 296 feet from the parkinglotin left field and 300 feet from the boardwalk in right field. In discussions with the Recreation Manager in charge of • adult softbal, it was determined that adult softball players can, occasionally, hit a softball over 300 feet. The liability of the distances involved, coupled with the fact that the backstop had become dilapidated and structurally unsafe, led to the decision of the removal of the backstop. Since the denial of the use permits of the Y.M.C.A. and Back Bay Rugby, the department has been contacted by three individuals of the community, one of 'them being,Mr. Sells. CURRENT USES OF PENINSULA PARK The field is currently permitted to the American Youth Soccer Organization (A.Y.S.O. Region 97), for soccer practices on weekdays from 3:00 P.M. to dusk with the stipulations that any temporary goals or cones be placed at least 100 feet from the parking lots and the boardwalk and that no balls leave the playing field at any time. The department continues to encourage this co- sponsored youth group to utilize this field, and has done so since the park was built. The department also continues to issue permits to the Back Bay Rugby Club for touch tournaments and practices (activities which require no kicking of the ball). Although the department does not currently issue permits for adult soccer at this facility, individuals and groups have complete access to the field for informal practices and games utilizing temporary goals. qI REVIEW OF OTHER CITY SOCCER FIELDS The City maintains ten additional facilities that are permitted for soccer use. These facilities and the proximity of the goal areas to adjacent facilities is shown below. None of the adjacent facilities maintain the same frequency of traffic as the Oceanfront Boardwalk or the parking lots that border Peninsula Park. Youth soccer Field Adiacent facility Distance from soccer a'oal 1. Mariners Park Path 116 2. Irvine Terrace Park Path 55' 3. San Miguel Park Path 32' 4. Eastbluff Park Path 80' 5. Buffalo Hills Park Street 40' Adult soccer Field Adiacent facility Distance from soccer goal 1. Bonita Creek Park Street 80' 2. Lincoln Field #1 Jogging track 72' 3. Lincoln Field #2 Playground 90' • 4. Lincoln Field #3 Jogging track 53' RESPONSES TO MR. SELVS COMMUNICATION 1. As stated previously, individuals or groups have complete access to the field for informal practices and games utilizing temporary goals. 2. The department has not received any formal communication from local businesses or the Balboa Merchant Owners Association. 3. A Special Event Permit was issued to a local merchant who hosted a car show and used the park to display some -of the cars that could not be accommodated by the smaller park area surrounding the gazebo area. No damage was caused by the removal of the center posts, on the boardwalk. The promoter of the event did violate one condition of the Special Event Permit by actually driving on the boardwalk for a longer distance than was designated, but no damage resulted. No turf damage was reported as a result of this event. The department conducted the third annual Balboa Arts and Music. Festival, in conjunction with SeaFest, and, for this year's event, utilized the park for overflow parking. No turf damage was reported as a result of this event. The department has no plans to utilize the park for public parking for any events that are not • sponsored by the City. At this time, there are no other events planned that would 4v require this type of use, and the department is not actively pursuing any events of this nature. 4. In 1992 the Planning Department of the City hired the firm of Austin -Foust Associates, Inc. to conduct a traffic and parking study as part of the Balboa Specific Area Plan. The two concepts involving Peninsula Park are attached. Both of these concepts met with such strong opposition from the residents in the community that they were discarded as alternatives by 'staff. Since that time, the department has received no communications or information from the City Council, other City departments, or the general public regarding these concepts. Furthermore, the department would strongly oppose any such plan. 6. If the soccer field was relocated south towards the beach, per Mr. Sell's suggestion, the likelihood of soccer balls traveling onto the boardwalk would be reduced, but the relationship to the parking lot would not be altered whatsoever. The maximum distance the field could be relocated south is approximately 60 feet. The goal area would still be immediately adjacent to the parking lot and parked cars. 6. Contrary to Mr. Selrs statement, the Risk Manager perceives that the balls traveling into the parking lot, and the players running into the parking lot to retrieve them, are as much of a liability concern as the balls that travel onto the boardwalk. • 7. It is the opinion of staff that it is not realistic that participating soccer teams provide an official "retriever" with a yellow flag to retrieve balls in the parking lot or, for softball games, that "at bat" teams provide right field protection of pedestrians on the boardwalk. RECOMMENDATIONS The Community Services Department staff recommends the following use of the facility: 1. Continue to encourage the American Youth Soccer Organization (A.Y.S.O., Region 97), to, utilize the field for soccer practices on weekdays from 3:00 P.M. to dusk and retain the current stipulations that any temporary goals be placed at least 100 ,feet from the parking lots and the boardwalk, and that no balls leave the playing field at any time. 2. Continue to issue permits to the Back Bay Rugby Club and any other,youth and adult groups for practices and games when, in the judgment of staff, the activity will not cause balls to leave the playing field. 3. Continue to encourage and allow individuals and groups to utilize the field for informal practices and games, as well as any other activities where balls do not • leave the playing field. 41? 4. Continue to strictly regulate the use of the park for both recreational and commercial activities and not allow the park to be used for overflow public parking except for City- sponsored events. 5. Evaluate the feasibility of installing a new softball backstop at the facility with signs stating "No Hardball Allowed." 6. Do not reinstall permanent soccer goals at the facility. It is staff s opinion that permanent soccer goals at this facility would have to be placed at least 100' from any sidewalk or parking lot. The average length of the park is 354'. The field would have to be reduced from 295' to 154'. The Y.M.C.A. has informed the City that the minimum length required for an adult soccer field is 240'. This places the field no further than 60' from the boardwalk and the parking lots. A template is included (attachment #5) that illustrates the minimum field dimensions. This attachment is drawn to the same scale as attachment #4. Attachments: 1. Aerial photo of Peninsula Park (1993) 2. Austin -Foust Concept Plan - Alternate:1 (1992) 3. Austin -Foust Concept Plan - Turnaround Study (1992) 4. Current field dimensions • 5. Minimum field dimensions template 6. Memorandum from Mr. Sells to Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission • �a r, r gg5 ' J1 { I M 7 y ►i � a �, /� N i { l �'npnr 1' �•. 1p je 11 u • "1 • • • .j Ir •a�.s .I` � 1 1 .1 it 1• •t .1 t •1. .1 _1 .i .1 •1 � • 1 I 1'lil -it V. 4 Y � $ + ♦ ♦ + f s s • ♦ • s + i s r ♦ s s s s s ♦ • ♦ ♦ i f + ♦ f i r i f + + s • ♦ + + ♦ i i ♦ i r ♦ + •`JC s . . r s s s . . s ♦ r s r + + + • s ♦ ♦ i ♦ r ♦ iC � i ♦ + ♦ i ♦ s s + f r ♦ ♦ s•++ f r♦♦ r f♦ s ;� ♦ r + f f ♦ s s r + + ♦ ♦ ' r f♦•♦ s r♦♦ r �� j� ♦ f ♦ f s • + • • s + I i f♦ f f f♦ f• r s i f i ♦ ♦ r + ♦ r s + + + r ♦ 1 f =a m N � S o t •u ? i N G 1 < Q U 2 J y11YUJ♦ t m 2 � O � � m m �I ySySjH _ ■wI Qs i R 1� u • U 4b a a M m � r c r o m o � I � m F a 0 m m R yX q Y it lt. 'L .4 I I t \ t ill 1 I 1 i i I 1 11t r , tt riiiii iiI 1 iii qtr . Z (t t . I � •u .r. y W it O h Q y B d r y Q °de b 1 0 E-0 F rdi .', "C ,' -," , I � r-• t�- 'TS! Zr? u!x 1 1 Lsdc"j ff -1 4J c u ru 4J -;r qv co It -77 ------ —I —L -- - J— I - -i -- li ; -- III — i- - -�- -- ( � 1�;�� _�,_I_ i_i_�J_ Ell '01 ni I FG IT IN �tj %A.3 + ff -1 4J c u ru 4J -;r qv co n U OCT 311995 COMMUNITY 0",., Balboa, Ca Oct. 31, 1995 To: Newport Beach Recreation Commission From: Jesse Sell (Resident), Malcom Dunn (Resident & member, Bd. A. Dir., Balboa Point Association) Subject: Request for review of action taken with regard to the removal of athletic equipment and termination of (Use Permits for rugby and soccer teams) at the Peninsula Park, and recommendations to Director of Recreation, Dave McConnell, for alternative solutions to related problems. When: Agenda Schedule for 7:00 PM', Nov.7, 1995 • • Balboa, Ca Oct. 31, 1995 To: Newport Beach Recreation Commission From: Jesse Sell (Resident), Malcolm Dunn (Resident & member, Bd. of Dir., Balboa Point Association) Subject: Request for review of action taken with regard to the removal of athletic equipment and termination of (Use Permits for rugby and soccer teams) at the Peninsula Park, and recommendations to Director of Recreation, Dave McConnell, for alternative solutions to related problems. When: Agenda Schedule for 7:00 PM, Nov.7, 1995 This review is being requested to provide ,a possible solution to numerous problems that were created when the permits were not renewed for Adult Soccer Teams, and Adult Rugby Teams, and the removal of permanent goal posts, as well as Softball backstops. After numerous letters, telephone conversations, and meetings with City Employees, and the presentation of signed petitions by local property owners and residents by concerned citizens have had no effect, it is our • hope that the wisdom of the Recreation Commission, established to assure the democratic process in governmental decision making, will ,stimulate those officials in decision making positions to respond either by workable solutions or plausible explanations for the lack thereof. PROBLEMS: (1) The removal of equipment from the park has eliminated even pick up games,of softball, soccer, and rugby from the Peninsula Park for the young adults of Newport Beach (2) The elimination of these activities has had an adverse effect on local businesses in the Balboa Business District as expressed by owners during meetings of the Balboa Business Association. (3) The absence of activities has led to problems of using the area for parking for city functions ie. Seafest, and Antique Car show, along with the related problems of cars driving on the board walk, removal of center posts to deter such vehicular use., and tire damage to sprinkler heads and turf. (4) Anxiety to property owners who fear the lack of athletic activities and the activities mentioned in (3) will lead to the implementation of a previously proposed study to replace the southerly half of the park, with parking and the creation of a street connecting 'A St. with B St. and using B St. as an exit from the Main and A St, parking lots, and • causing need for another signal on Balboa Blvd. at B. St.. REASONS STATED FOR RECREATION DEPT. ACTION AND REBUTTALS (1) Athletic activity liability to City. 4� n L -.A (R) The athletic field as it was initially built for in the early 60's has never been a cause for any law suit to be brought against the City of Newport Beach or any employees of it. (Positions taken by Dave McConnell, Rec.dir.) (a) "Field is too small for adult activities." (R) Field Dimensions 330•' & 30G' by 413.8' [1] Football field 160' Xr360' Rule Book [2] Softball foul lines 300' SCSBA Book (b) Vidio tape shows repeated entry of ball onto heavily trafficked Board Walk (Lorna) Youth Soccer to maintain 100' clearance from all surrounding side walks. (Dave) [1] Moving football field to the left field foul nine for softball, would provide 130' Board Walk clearance at East •end of football field, & 100' at West end. (c) Adults retrieving balls from parking lot was basic liability concern of Dave's (R) Moving of field as suggested in (B) [1] would place only 6 end stalls in line with goal posts. [1] Participating teams would be happy to • provide official retriever with yellow flag to retrieve balls. Cars travel now @ 5mph.' [2] For softball, at bat teams would be happy to provide right field protection of pedestrians on board walk. The soccer and rugby participants have expressed willingness to provide volunteer turf repair, as indicated by Mr. Dunn, and Mr. Sell has expressed willingness to use his years of recreational training and experience to assist Mr. McConnell in creating signs to elaborate on park priority and rules of use. Perhaps by working together with the Recreation Commission we can bury THE GHOST OF GAMES PAST, that Mr. Sell unfurled on Friday the 13th past, and dismiss fears of local residents and owners as to, "What is happening with the Peninsula Park ?" • UI Item No. V -8 • COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT DATE: 11/28/95 TO: LaDonna Kienitz, Community Services Director FROM: Steve Hunt, Community Services Manager SUBJECT: 1996 California State Games Staff contacted Sandi Hill, Director of the California State Games. She had approached the Orange County Municipal Athletic Association a year ago to inquire about the possibility of securing venues in the Orange County area for the 1995 games. It did not work out and ,the games were held in San Diego. The Orange County Sports Association has been asked to give a proposal on hosting the 1996 California State Games in the Orange County area on August 8 - 11. Ideally, this would include the use of four or five hub or multi - facility venues. Each of these sites would host a number of events. • In discussion with Sandi, it was decided that if Newport Beach were to become involved in this event, the only possible facilities that could be used would be Bonita Creek Park (girls softball) and the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at CdM High School(swimming, water polo, or synchronized swimming). The NMUSD would have to be contacted if the high school's gymnasium (basketball, wrestling, karate, etc.) were to be included. 'Some of the factors affecting the use of any other Newport Beach facility are lack of seating and lack of multi -event capabilities. Other issues include the fact they are going to be asking for donated facility use; and the actual use of requested facilities may hinder our own programming or rentals. The Games seem to be a quality, well established event. However, Newport Beach's involvement may be limited by its facility needs. n LJ • November 17, 1995 GRANGE COUN1'y O SPORTS ASSOCIATION Kevin J. Murphy City Manager City of Newport Beach P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92663 -3884 Dear City Manager: Orange County has been selected as a finalist to host the California State Games in August 1996. We, the Orange County Sports Association, a non - profit organization supporting athletics in Orange County, submitted the bid. We have produced such events as the Freedom Bowl; the Disneyland Pigskin Classic and the Toshiba Senior PGA Classic. What are the California State Games? "The California State Games is a multi -sport festival of Olympic -style competition for California's amateur athletes of all ages (predominantly 10 to 18). The State Games is a community based member of the United States Olympic Committee. " • In 1995, over 5,000 athletes and their families converged on San Diego for the eighth annual California State Games. Economic impact of this four day event has been estimated. at over $1.5 million, plus.the statewide publicity opportunities to showcase our county. The Orange County Sports Association is planning to distribute the -20 different Olympic sports at locations throughout the county. What we need is to know if your city would be interested in hosting one or more of the events. Opening ceremonies, team parties, awards dinners; There are a wide variety of venues or levels of involvement that are available. Please contact our office by December 15, 1995. This is when we have to present the California State Games with our final proposal as a host county. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Jerry McGee Executive Director JMG /jd Enclosure P. S. Also enclosed is an application to join the OCSA. Please join if you believe, as we do, that athletics are good for our county's residents, economy and future prosperity. I look forward to meeting you. 5\ P.O. BOX 10, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92662 (714) 442 -0.755 FAX '(714) 442 -0756 • • SZ CALIFORNIA STATE GAMES FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 3, 1995 CONTACT: SANDI M. HILL PHONE: (619) 233 -9950 THREE COMMUNITIES SELECTED AS FINALISTS FOR THE 1996 CALIFORNIA STATE GAMES The California State'Games has selected three finalists as possible sites for the 1996 Games: Oakland, Orange County. and Ventura The organizations representing each finalist are the Oakland Convention & Visitors Bureau, the Orange County Sports Association, and the Ventura Parks & Recreation respectively, California State Games is a development program of the United States Olympic Committee, and it is part of a nationwide program currently held in 44 states. It is an Olympic event for amateur athletes at the grass roots level. California State Games will'be conducting its eighth annual sports festival in 1996. Over 5,000 athletes will come from all over the state to compete in 18 Olympic sports over the four day period in August. Majority of these athletes are between 12 and 18 years old. The direct.economic impact to past host communities has been estimated at well over 1,5 million. The three finalists were selected based upon previously established criteria. The final .decision on the host location will be announced in late November. P.O. Box 126698 • San IXago, California 92112 • 619/233.9950 • a r %111 },.,1• ./ t hM, 4iSl'V � �1 r � • • O .n4f � �• 1 Ni y •:r h t, Y'yi "` � ��r �.��1 V $� inn �'n ++ r Via' / �•1'' Ma'rN!? � �y�1 i,... ?',.w f9,1• x it 'nl y ��•+ ; vzr J / m "• � +,:. � �'` � �1j1` ! {, rya" , ..41 1 � W r * � tm'•t• �� r �• }4 i, ,ryrte ,� CfY . j H r fie':