HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/05/1999 - PB&R Commission1 : ; 1 COMMISSION Minutes 1999 COMMISSION Minutes January 5. 1999 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches &Recreation Commission (�) Regular Meeting January 5, 1999 — 7pm CONVENED AT 7pm 1. ROLL CALL Present: Franklin, Glasgow, Pfaff, Sinclair, Skoro, Tobin Absent: Beek Staff Present: LaDonna Kienitz, Community Services Director /City Librarian David Niederhaus, General Services Director Steve Hunt, Senior Recreation Manager Teri Craig, Executive Secretary II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Jan Vandersloot, representing SPON asked that the minutes of December 1 reflect that SPON requested the Commission to follow through with their motion of July 7, 1998 and forward a letter to City Council stating that the land behind the Central Library should remain open space Vice Chair Glasgow asked Director Kienitz to draft a letter reaffirming the Commission's statement on the open space behind the library. Motion by Commissioner Pfaff to amend the minutes of the regular meeting of December 1, 1998. Motion carried by acclamation. 111. PUBLIC COMMENTS None IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Correspondence 4. Senior Services 5. Preservation of Special Trees List- City Policy G -1 Items removed from Consent Calendar 2. Park and Tree Division - Jan Vandersloot asked for clarification regarding the tree at 1734 Santiago Drive. Director Niederhaus stated that this tree has caused concrete damage for the second time and is impeding the street light in the area. He stated that this tree was posted last Thursday, so it will not be removed for at least 30 days. The Urban Forester has stated that this tree will be replaced but will be located away from the light pole. Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting January 5, 1999 n Page 2 3. Recreation Services — Senior Recreation Manager Hunt distributed Youth Commission contact phone number to the commission. Motion by Commissioner Skoro to accept items 1 — 5 on the Consent Calendar. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Franklin, Glasgow, Pfaff, Sinclair, Skoro, Tobin Noes: None Absent: Beek Abstain: None V. DISCUSSION ITEMS 6. Status Report on the Tidelands Study — Assistant to the City Manager Dave Kiff discussed future plans on tideland issues that the City Council is facing. He also stated that the following issues would be discussed at the City Council Study Session meeting on February 8: • Long term leases for public that use the tidelands versus year to year permits. • Monitoring leases • Administrative issues - Commissioner Skoro stated that the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission has continuing concern with the Marina Park area. Assistant Kiff stated that this area will be discussed at the Study Session i ) 7. Bonita Canyon Park — Vice Chair Glasgow stated that new information regarding the park will be released next week. Commissioner Skoro asked if a special meeting might be needed. Vice Chair Glasgow stated'that any discussion of this item should wait until next week. 8. Volleyball Court Removal Appeal — Senior Recreation Manager stated that staff had' received an additional letter from a homeowner in the area, which has been distributed to the Commission. The City has yet to receive an application from a homeowner and staff continues to recommend that the volleyball court remain at 2406 Oceanfront. Vice Chair Glasgow opened the public hearing Charles Hartwell, 2408 Oceanfront, stated that he was speaking on behalf of Maria Carvell and Mitzi Rhodes. He stated that they feel that they are alienated from access to the beach. In the last three years, semi professional volleyball players are at this court everyday, they are tournament players, and feels that there is a safety problem from balls but also an access issue for emergency crews. He stated that he is frustrated with staff, the direction that he was given was to notify all homeowners within 100 feet, and questioned why staff did not follow the City Council Resolution. Manager Hunt stated that he has made numerous.trips over to the volleyball court and'has not witnessed problems, but staff is glad to work with the homeowners and will continue to ask 'the police to tour the area. ( ) Commissioner Franklin asked Mr. Hartwell knew why this group uses this particular court. Mr. Hartwell stated that this volleyball court is used because spectators like to stop and watch. Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting January 5, 1999 Page 3 Commissioner Sinclair stated that she lives in the neighborhood and has ridden her bike around that area and has not observed this group. Stacey Madsen, 110 25i1' Street, stated that the volleyball court is for the enjoyment of all residents, not just for the people who live on the oceanfront. She stated that she is annoyed that this item continues to be on the agenda. She stated that the person complaining about the court has misrepresented himself as a homeowner. Moses Mortazavi, 2406 Oceanfront, stated that he has lived at this address for 11 years, and has noticed that the public walks through his yard, urinates on his property, and windows have been broken. There is too much noise and foul language. He does not feel that homeowners not directly on the oceanfront have the right to be a part of the removal process. Matt Madsen, 110; 25`h Street, stated that 8 property owners do not want this court removed. He stated that he has just as much of a right to speak on this issue as anyone living on the oceanfront; after all it is.a public beach. Eric Thurner, 2406 W. Oceanfront, stated that the reason for this request is because it is quality of life issue. The problem is that this particular court has been adopted by a serious group of volleyball players. The people that do not want it removed are not directly affected by its location. Vice Chair Glasgow closed the public hearing. Commissioner Sinclair reminded the audience that it is a public beach. Senior Recreation Manager Hunt again stated that staff is happy to work with the homeowners, and it is not their intention to make the homeowners miserable. Motion by Commissioner Pfaff to deny the request for removal of the volleyball court at 2406 W. Oceanfront. Commissioner Pfaff commented to the public that more legwork regarding the application needs to be done. He urged that talks be initiated with these volleyball players. If disturbances occur, the police should be notified. Motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Franklin, Glasgow, Pfaff, Sinclair, Skoro, Tobin Noes: None Absent: Beek Abstain: None 9. Tree Removal Appeal — Director Niederhaus stated that bore testing has been done on this tree and the tree is sound and should not be removed at this time. He stated that the I 1 Erickson's have asked that it be removed as they are moving and believes that damage to the floor of their home has occurred because of the tree. Director Niederhaus stated that staff has two proposals, one, is to deny the removal or two, approve the reforstation of one Blue Gum at the resident's expense. The City Attorney's office has stated that if during the excavation it Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting January 5, 1999 Page 4 is noted that damage has occurred to the house because of tree roots then the removal will be at the City's expense. Vice Chair Glasgow opened the public hearing. Jim Erickson, 620 Orchid, stated that the City has given a cash amount to them to repair the slab of the house due to possible tree root damage. He urged the Commission to remove the tree at their expense. He stated that he is reluctant to pay for repairs if the tree continues to cause damage to the house. Director Niederhaus stated that there are two arborists that do not agree on the possible damage to the Erickson's home, but stated that if during the excavation there is root damage to the house then the City will replace the tree at. However, at this time it is against the City G -1 policy to remove the tree as it does not meet the removal requirements. Mr. Erickson stated that he would pay the $700 to remove the tree, if during the excavation it is found that there is root damage to his home, could he be reimbursed? Director Niederhaus stated yes. Vice Chair Glasgow closed the public hearing. Motion by Commissioner Skoro to proeceed with the reforestation of one Blue Gum at 620 Orchid; the removal of the tree would be at the homeowners expense, however, if during excavation it is found that there is root damage to the house then the homeowner will be reimbursed the cost that was paid to remove the tree. Ayes: Franklin, Glasgow, Noes: None Absent: Beek Abstain: None Pfaff, Sinclair, Skoro, Tobin 10. Buffalo Hills Park Playground Expansion — Vice Chair Glasgow stated that Buffalo Hills Homeowners Association had requested that this item be tabled until the February meeting. 11. Mariners Park Field Lighting Proiect — Senior Recreation, Manager stated that staff has received a request from Newport Harbor Baseball Association and American Youth Soccer Association for a lighting proposal. Staff recommends that this item be continued so that all residents have had a chance to be notified. Vice Chair Glasgow opened the public hearing. Liz Parker, representing Newport Harbor Baseball Association, stated that they have been trying to find more field usage, and have always taken care of the fields at their expense. They have seen a forty percent increase in participation, and more lighted fields are needed. Newport Harbor Baseball Association has been working with the lighting company so that there is little impact on the homeowners. Ms. Parker stated that Newport Harbor Baseball Association (NHBA) and American Youth Soccer Association (AYSO) are the only organizations that do not have access to lighted fields. Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting January 5, 1999 Page 5 Steve Rasch, AYSO Commissioner, stated that they are dealing with the same problems as baseball. The main problem arises during daylight savings time. For the most part these lighted fields would be used for practice. Dave Payne, 637 Saint James Road and a member of AYSO, stated that he is concerned that there is an enormous amount of young children who are unable to practice enough because of the limitability of lighted fields. It is very important not to turn children away. He stated that he feels that this proposal is responsible and does not feel that the parking will get worse. Randy D' Cruz, 135 Via Zurich, also stated that he does not feel that the parking will become any more of an issue then it is already. The bottom line is that the children need space to play. Rick Nelson, 515 Aliso Avenue, supports the lighted field at Mariners Park. Don Webb, 1821 Mariners Drive, stated that he has lived there for 21 years, and did receive notification of this meeting, but because of the holidays, just did not read it. He stated that more of the residents would be here if they had read the notification. He stated that it is not just the lights that bother them, it is the use of the park. He stated that there are many times that he is unable to even park in front of his house. The residents deserve an opportunity to speak to this issue. He supports the staff recommendation that this item be continued to the next meeting. Vice Chair Glasgow closed the public hearing; Commissioner Franklin stated that it is exciting to see a lighted field but wondered if there was any chance of funding. Liz Parker stated that they would be willing to have meetings with homeowners. The league does not want to be bad neighbors. Senior Recreation Manager Hunt offered to facilitate these meetings. Commissioner Glasgow asked staff to move forward with these meetings and report back at the next meeting in February. 12. Subcommittee Reports • Liaison Committee - no new information. • Open Space Committee - no new information. • Budget — Skoro asked staff to keep them informed as to any schedule. • Liaison with Oasis - no new information. • Naming of Parks - no new information. • Community Services Award - no new information. • Skateboard — Commissioner Franklin stated that the committee will be meeting in January to review the purkiss -rose report. Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting January 5, 1999 Page 6 VI. Future Agenda Items Buffalo Hills Playground Expansion Mariners Lighting Bonita Canyon - have alternate proposals. Fire Ants report. VII. ADIOURNMENT- 9:20pm SUBMITTED BY: TERI CRAIG, COMMUNITY ARVICES EXECUTIVE SECRETARY