HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/02/2000 - PB&R CommissionMAY 2, 2000 APPROVED PB &R COMMISSION MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting May 2, 2000— 7pm CONVENED AT 7:05pm ROLL CALL Present: Allen, Beek, Franklin, Macfarland, Pfaff, Skoro, Tobin Staff Present: LaDonna Kienitz, Community Services Director /City Librarian Marcelino Lomeli, Park & Tree Superintendent Andrea McGuire, Senior Recreation Manager Teri Craig, Admin Assistant Chair Beek introduced new Commissioner Debra Allen and asked her to give a brief history. Commissioner Allen stated that she had been a City resident for 16 years and an attorney for 15. In the 1970's had served on the Planning Commission and is a Harbor View Hills resident. She also had her own florist business in Newport Beach for a few years. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Commissioner Pfaff to approve the regular minutes of April 4, 2000. Motion carried by acclamation. PUBLIC COMMENTS None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Correspondence - None received 2. Item removed at the request of Commissioner Macfarland 3. Item removed at the request of Director Kienitz. 4. Item removed at the request of a member of the public 5. Bench Donation - Accept bench donation from Mr. & Mrs. James Wright at West Jetty View Park. 6. Item removed at the request of Chair Beek 7. Trash Receptacle Donation - Accept donation of three trash receptacles from Fred Crook at Gateway Parks. Motion by Commissioner Skoro to accept items 1, 5 & 7 of the Consent Calendar. Motion carried by acclamation. IN Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting May 2, 2000 Page 2 2. Park Et Tree Division - Commissioner Macfarland asked staff for an update on the infestation of lerps on Holiday Road. Superintendent Lomeli stated that on May 22, staff will begin a mico- injection treatment on the infested Red Gum trees, beginning on Holiday Road, which according to the flyer attached to the report has a 90% success rate. He stated that he would keep the Commission updated. Jan Vandersloot, 2221 E. 16`" Street, stated that he had walked the site behind the Library with City Manager Bludau and had offered interested volunteers to keep the site clear and avoid weed abatement. He also commended the Parks Division for looking into treatments for the lerp infested trees instead of just removing them. 3. Community Services - Manager McGuire stated that the approval of the contract for the Bonita Canyon Sports Park is on the agenda at the May 9, 2000 City Council meeting. Construction is almost ready to begin on Arroyo Park rending completion of the plan check for the restroom facility. Manager McGuire introduced new Recreation Manager Darin Loughrey to the Commission who comes from the City of Tustin. The Commission welcomed him. Commissioner Franklin asked about the bid opening on Bonita Canyon Sports Park. Director Kienitz stated that two of the bids had come in about $5.9 M. The staff report from the Public Works Department regarding the awarding of the contract will be forwarded to the Commissioners when it is received later this week. 4. Request for Park behind Harbor Cove - Cort Ensign, 1428 Newporter Way, stated that he and his neighbors had a vision to a park for the children and families to congregate in Service Area 9. The space is on a point with a spectacular view and it would have the capability for 50 parking spaces without any obtrusion. Mr. Ensign asked that this item be forwarded to the Park Et Open Space Committee for consideration. Chair Beek opened the public hearing Steve Levenson, 1433 Newporter Way, President of Harbor Cove, also urged that the the Commission forward the request to the Park Et Open Space Committee. He noted that there is not an area for the children to play. Brian Glabman, 1434 Newporter Way, also expressed his support. Jan Vandersloot, 2221 E. 16`" Street, asked that he be notified of any meetings pertaining to this subject. Chair Beek closed the public hearing Chair Beek asked staff to set up a meeting of the Park Et Open Space Committee and that all interested parties be notified. Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting May 2, 2000 Page 3 6. Dog Nuisance Dispensers - Chair Beek stated that she was aware of the donation and asked staff prepare a letter from her thanking the Castaways Homeowners Association for the donation. Motion by Commissioner Skoro to accept items 2, 3, 4 and 6 of the Consent Calendar. Motion carried by acclamation. DISCUSSION ITEMS 9. Temporary Installation of Netting at Lincoln Athletic Center - Manager McGuire discussed the past history of balls damaging cars at the Bayport Apartment complex. She stated that Little League has agreed to assume responsibility for one -half of the cost ($1,000) and for the installing, removing and storing of the netting each year and for subsequent repair. Manager McGuire stated that this will not solve all the problems. Chair Beek opened the Public Hearing. Hearing no comments, the Public Hearing was closed. Motion by Commissioner Franklin to approve the temporary installation of netting at the Lincoln Athletic Center. Motion carried by acclamation. 10. Continuation of Co- Sponsorship of National Junior Basketball - Manager McGuire stated that through no fault of the National Junior Basketball, application for co- sponsorship and /or approval has not been done in approximately three years. She stated that all paperwork has been received. Discussion ensued regarding past problems and follow - up. Motion by Commissioner Skoro to reinstate co- sponsorship of the National Junior Basketball. Motion carried by acclamation. 11. Spyglass Hill Park - Manager McGuire stated that with the playground equipment for Spyglass Hill Park is scheduled for replacement in FY 2000/01. She stated that modifications would also be needed within the playground area. She noted that an onsite meeting was held and no neighbors attended, although two phone calls were received, callers were satisfied with the information supplied. Commissioner Franklin asked that a sign be installed informing residents of the changes and timeframe. Chair Beek opened the Public Hearing. Hearing no comments, the Public Hearing was closed. Motion by Commissioner Pfaff to driect staff to proceed with the planned modifications of playground and equipment replacement of the Spyglass Hill Park. 8. Presentation by Dave Kiff, Deputy City Manager - Kiff updated the Commission on that status of the annexation of Newport Coast, Santa Ana Heights and Bay Knolls. He stated 15 Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting May 2, 2000 Page 4 that the City plans to file the application at the end of June, schedule public hearings for July and August and hope to finish the annexation process by January 2001. Discussion ensued regarding IRWD monies, possibility of additional parks. Chair Beek thanked Mr. Kiff for his time. 12. Tree Removal - Superintendent Lomeli stated that Pat Schwary has requested the removal of two Ficus trees at 107 Island Avenue. He stated that request does not meet the criteria for removal and that staff confirms that trees are healthy and disease free. Chair Beek opened the public hearing Pat Schwary, 107 Island Avenue, stated that these two trees have a thrip insect, common for the Ficus trees. She stated that they have had these trees trimmed several times at their own expense. Superintendent Lomeli stated that thrip will not kill the trees. He also stated that the trees would be trimmed, root pruned as necessary and injected with a pesticide to kill the thrip. Discussion ensued regarding the possibility of requesting a reforestation versus a tree removal request. Jan Vandersloot, 2221 E. 16`" Street, SPON, urged the Commission to uphold the staffs recommendation. He stated that the thrip disease is curable. He also reminded the Commission that you cannot just ask for a reforestation for any reason, it must have a specific reason, and Ms. Schwary's request does not meet the guidelines for reforestation. Alden Kelly, SPON Arborist, stated that thrip is an insect, not a disease, and can usually be cured by injection. Chair Beek closed the public hearing Commissioner Macfarland asked the Chair that if items 12 - 21 on the agenda do not even meet the criteria for removal, why have they been forwarded to the Commission, and is there a need to even discuss them? Chair Beek stated that on future agendas requests for removal would not come to the Commission if they do not meet the specific guidelines and criteria. Superintendent Lomeli stated that during the review of the new G -1 Policy, many requests for removal were received and postponed until the completion of the new policy. The backlog would include requests going before the Commission in June and July. He stated that the Policy does not include for staff to make the decision to remove G Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting May 2, 2000 Page 5 or retain a tree, it must be the Commission. He suggested that the Tree SubCommittee and staff meet to discuss methods to clarify the process of Commission review. Commissioner Pfaff stated that they should only come to the Commission as an appeal of the staffs decision. Superintendent Lomeli stated that the policy has no provision for appeal and that requests will be decided by the Commission. Motion by Commissioner Franklin to deny the request for the removal of two Ficus trees by Patricia Schwary at 107 Island Avenue. Motion carried by acclamation. 13. Tree Removal - Superintendent Lomeli stated that Tim Daum has requested the removal of one Eucalyptus tree at 1909 Commodore Road. He stated that this particular tree was an excellent candidate for the micro injection which will be done the week of May 22. The tree is declining in health but we should wait and see if this process will work. Commission Pfaff asked staff for a schedule of trees that are on this list and that it be updated monthly on their status. Commissioner Allen asked what the procedure was for homeowners that had requested removal because of diseased trees but were denied because staff would be trying other options. Would they need to request removal again. Superintendent Lomeli stated that after these procedures were done and it was deemed that they were not working that they could be reviewed again by the Commission. Chair Beek opened the Public Hearing Hearing no comments the Public Hearing was closed. Motion by Commissioner Skoro to deny the request for the removal of one Eucalyptus tree by Tim Daum at 1909 Commodore Road. Motion carried by acclamation. 14. Tree Removal - Superintendent Lomeli stated that Ralph Warrington has requested the removal of one Ficus trees at 2830 Bayview Drive. He stated that request did not include any documentation regarding repair bills and that it was uncertain whether the crack discussed in the request was actually on the retaining wall. Chair Beek opened the public hearing Ralph Warringron, 2830 Bayview drive stated that in a nutshell the tree is just in the wrong place in regards to the house and that it has an aggressive root system. Mr. Warrington distributed pictures of the tree and his last sewer bill. He stated that the tree was 8 feet from the house. He stated that when the plumber was last called out that the snake actually went 90 feet, and that the City took care of the last invoice. 7 Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting May 2, 2000 Page 6 Chair Beek stated that the G -1 Policy specifically states that there must be two occurrences within 18 months. At this time request does not have supporting documentation. Commissioner Allen asked if application were to provide documentation from the plumber of imminent danger, could that be cause for removal. Superintendent Lomeli stated that the policy stipulates two occurrences in 18 months. Alden Kelly, SPON Arborist, asked if there were holes in the pipes as roots will only go there if there is a break. Jan Vandersloot, 2221 E. 16`h Street, urged Commission to uphold staff recommendation. And that if documentation were to be received regarding imminent danger it would need to be corroborating independent documentation. Chair Beek closed the public hearing Commissioner Franklin asked staff to go to the house and look at the roots and the retaining wall. Motion by Commissioner Tobin to deny the request for the removal of one Ficus tree by Ralph Warrington at 2830 Bayview Drive. Motion carried by acclamation. 15. Tree Removal - Superintendent Lomeli stated that William Gulley has requested the removal of one Camphor and two Brisbane trees at 63 Cambria Drive. He stated that requestor has asked that request be pulled from the agenda under the recommendation of their attorney. 16. Tree Removal - Superintendent Lomeli stated that Nancy Bradley has requested the removal of one Ficus tree at 1124 Pembroke Lane. He stated that request does not meet the criteria for removal and that staff has not received any supporting documentation. Chair Beek opened the public hearing Nancy Bradley provided a copy of an invoice dated July 17, 1999, for $1134 for main line stoppage. She stated that there is a severe liability and safety issue here. Many of her elderly neighbors have tripped because of the roots. Discussion ensued regarding the possible continuation of a red curb in front of the tree. Ms. Bradley stated that the request for removal was basically because of the liability issue, damage can be dealt with. She did provide a sewer bill for one incident. Y Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting May 2, 2000 Page 7 Jan Vandersloot, 2221 E. 16`h Street, stated that he did not go by and look at the tree but that the Commission should abide by the G -1 Policy. Chair Beek closed the public hearing Motion by Commissioner Franklin to deny the request for the removal of one Ficus tree by Nancy Bradly at 1124 Pembroke Lane. Motion carried by acclamation. Motion by Commissioner Tobin to deny the request for the removal of one Ficus tree by Ralph Warrington at 2830 Bayview Drive. Motion carried by acclamation. 17. Tree Removal - Superintendent Lomeli stated that Dave Blackman has requested the removal of one Ficus tree at 1927 Mariners Drive. He stated that staff can confirm the repairs by the Utilities Division on February 12, 2000 and that the Risk Manager has paid claims for $300 and $2,000 for damages. The Risk Manager substantiates that homeowner does meet the criteria for removal. Chair Beek opened the public hearin Dr. Melinda Blackman, 1927 Mariners Drive, stated that despite preventative measures by the City, that this Ficus tree has caused numerous backups in their house. She stated that root guards have been installed but have not solved the problem. She commended Jeff Sankey and his crew for their fast response and clean up. She stated that these backups cause hazards to her house and her family. She urged that the Commission approve the removal of the tree. Commissioner Allen asked staff if they were confident that by removing the tree it would solve the problem. Superintendent Lomeli stated that there are no other trees in the proximity. If approved the tree would be replaced with a Jacaranda. Discussion ensued regarding surviving roots, and if the tree can be salvaged. Superintendent Lomeli stated that with its root base it would need to be moved 12 feet away, it is not possible. Alden Kelly, SPON Arborist, stated that the only plausible reason to remove a tree is crushing of pipes. This tree is clearly doing that and recommends removal. Jan Vandersloot, 2221 E. 16`h Street, reminded staff and the Commission that the Street Tree Redesignation List has not been approved yet, and that the replacement tree is probably not the Jacaranda. He also stated that he disagreed with Mr. Kelly and that the tree should not be removed. Chair Beek closed the public hearing Motion by Commissioner Pfaff to approve the request for the removal of one Ficus tree by Dave Blackman at 1927 Mariners Drive. Motion carried by acclamation. l Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting May 2, 2000 Page 8 18. Tree Removal - Superintendent Lomeli stated that Charles Nance has requested the removal of two Liquidamber trees at 1000 Somerset Lane. He stated that request does not meet the criteria for removal and that no supporting documentation has been received. Chair Beek opened the public hearing Charles Nance, 1000 Somerset Lane distributed diagrams and stated that he has always maintained his property and any problems that have occurred because of the this tree has been taken care of. He stated that a car accident several years ago had caused this tree to weaken. Mr. Nance also stated that City crews had come out and removed the upper third of the tree. He distributed a letter from Ed Black, Arborist of Ellers Tree Service stating that the tree is in distress and should be removed. Mr. Nance stated that he should have been notified when staff was going to come by and inspect the tree he could have added addition information that would have been helpful. Superintendent Lomeli stated that he ask for an onsite meeting with staff. Commissioner Macfarland stated that it would probably be better that in the future that a plumber be called so that there is appropriate documentation. Jan Vandersloot, 2221 E. 16`" Street, SPON, stated that he likes the Liquiamber trees especially the colors. Recommends denial of the request. Debra Nance, 1000 Somerset Lane, stated that these Liquidamber trees do not change colors, it is an eyesore and that it drops round pods on the ground and that it could cause a slip and slide hazard. She also noted that the sidewalk has been repaired in the past. She also noted that Mr. Conway had marked the tree for removal back in December but nothing had come of it. Alden Kelly, SPON Arborist, stated that this is a borderline decision, the impact of the crash has caused failure in the amount of mineral getting to the tree. He stated that euthanasia might be kindest thing to do for this tree. He recommended that the soil be analyzed. Chair Beek closed the public hearing. Commissioner Skoro asked staff how dead or alive should it be before it meets the criteria of removal. Superintendent Lomeli recommended that staff take soil samples, augment the nutrients of the tree, recovery should happen by the end of the summer. He recommended that the tree be reevaluated in 6 -12 months. 10 Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting May 2, 2000 Page 9 Motion by Commissioner Pfaff to deny the request for the removal of two Liquidamber trees by Charles Nance at 1000 Somerset Lane, but that staff move forward with their recommendation. Motion carried by acclamation. 19. Tree Removal - Superintendent Lomeli stated that Andrew Schultz has requested the removal of one Eucalyptus tree at 1317 Ashford Lane. He stated that Mr. Schultz has asked that item be pulled for further discussion with staff. 20. Tree Removal - Superintendent Lomeli stated that John Murdock has requested the removal of one Eucalyptus tree at 2100 Windward Lane. He stated that request does not meet the criteria for removal and that sewer damage was not confirmed. Chair Beek opened the public hearing. Mr. Murdock asked that action be deferred until he can discuss options with staff. Chair Beek closed the public hearing. Motion by Commissioner Skoro to defer action on the request for the removal of one Eucalyptus tree by John Murdock at 2100 Windward Lane. Motion carried by acclamation. 21. Tree Removal - Superintendent Lomeli stated that Jan Nguyen has requested the removal of one Eucalyptus tree at 2627 Alta Vista Drive. He stated that request does not meet the criteria for removal and that further monitoring of the tree is needed. He stated that the tree is a good candidate for recovery. Chair Beek opened the public hearing. Jan Vandersloot, 2221 E. 16`" Street SPON, stated that he appreciates staff approach and that this should be encouraged. Alden Kelly, SPON Arborist, stated that if tree does not respond that mercy killing should be used. Chair Beek closed the public hearing. Motion by Commissioner Franklin to deny request for the removal of one Eucalyptus tree by Jan Nguyen at 2627 Alta Vista Drive. Motion carried by acclamation. Commissioner Franklin asked that staff to provide tree appraisal reports as in the past on how the costs of the tree are assessed. 22. Subcommittee Reports Budget — Nothing to report Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting May 2, 2000 Page 10 • OASIS Liaison — Nothing to report. • Beach — Nothing to report • Community Services Award — Nothing to report. • Park Et Open Space — Next meeting will be May 17, 4pm. • Tree — Chair Beek stated that a meeting needs to be convened to discuss the current forms and the G•1 policy. Staff will contact committee members with the date. Chair Beek asked staff to provide each month a table showing removals, reforestations, emergency removals. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Irvine Terrace Park - Encroachment Permit ADJOURNMENT - 9:50pm Submitted Teri Craig, Admin I