HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/06/2000 - PB&R CommissionJUNE 6, 2000 APPROVED PB &R COMMISSION MINUTES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting June 6, 2000— 7pm CONVENED AT 7:05pm ROLL CALL Present: Allen, Beek, Pfaff, Skoro, Absent: Franklin, Macfarland, Tobin Staff Present: LaDonna Kienitz, Community Services Director /City Librarian (arrived at 8:30pm) Marcelino Lomeli, Park ft Tree Superintendent Andrea McGuire, Senior Recreation Manager Teri Craig, Admin Assistant APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Commissioner Pfaff to approve the regular minutes of May 5, 2000. Motion carried by acclamation. PUBLIC COMMENTS None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Correspondence - None received 2. Item removed at the request of staff 3. Item removed at the request of Chair Beek 4. Item removed at the request of Chair Beek 5. Bench Donation - Accept bench donation from Robert Weiner at Newport Pier. 6. Dog, Nuisance Dispensers - Accept donation of 5 dog dispensers from Newport Hills Community Association to be installed at Buffalo Hills Park, Nature Park and green belt adjacent to Manning Tract. 7. Dog, Nuisance Dispensers - Accept donation of 5 dog dispensers from Harbor View Community Association to be installed at Buffalo Hills Park. 8. Item removed at the request of Commissioner Pfaff Motion by Commissioner Skoro to accept items 1, 5, 6 ft 7 of the Consent Calendar. Motion carried by acclamation. 2. Park & Tree Division - Superintendent Lomeli stated that Bonita Canyon Sports Park will break ground on June B. He stated that 736 trees had been trimmed; that on the advice Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting June 6, 2000 Page 2 of the Risk Manager and with City Manager approval, 5 trees were removed on Clay and 2 from Aliso Avenue; 285 trees were injected with pesticides for lerps. Jan Vandersloot, 2221 E. 16`h Street, asked why these trees were removed and why couldn't they wait to be removed until the Commission had met again. Superintendent Lomeli reiterated that they were removed because of liability issues on the advice of the Risk Manager and approved by the City Manager. He stated that there was structural damage caused by these trees and that Council Member Glover had been alerted of these removals. Mr. Vandersloot asked for tighter scrutiny before removals and that all should come before the Commission for approval. Commissioner Pfaff stated that that the Commission be notified of these emergency removals and that they receive any correspondence regarding them. 3. Community Services - Chair Beek thanks staff for a well organized Arbor Day and CdM 5K walk. Manager McGuire particularly wanted to thanks the Parks Division of the General Services Department for their help with these two events. She noted that the Youth Government Day went extremely well and that Council Member Ridgeway was instrumental in its success. Commissioner Skoro thanked the staff but particularly Marilyn Fisher for her hard work on the CdM Scenic 5K. 4. MarinaPark Status - Manager McGuire stated that nothing could be done with the site until the land lease is determined. Chair Beek asked that Assistant City Manager Sharon Wood be invited to the next Park Et Open Space Meeting to update the committee on the pending issues of the site. 8. Castaways Park - Chair Beek reminded the Commission that the Castaways Park Committee was put together over a year ago and that Mr. Glover had forwarded a grant for funding of planting, irrigation, installation and maintenance to the California Coastal Conservancy. Mr. Glover stated that he was very hopeful that the grant would be funded. Commissioner Pfaff thanked Mr. Glover for his work on the grant. Motion by Commissioner Skoro that Mr. Glover forward the grant for funding to the California Coastal Conservancy. Motion carried by acclamation. DISCUSSION ITEMS Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting June 6, 2000 Page 3 8. Policy Guidelines for Surf Contests - Manager McGuire stated that the demands for surf contests have increased in the last 3 years and that staff are receiving complaints from residents from 54`h and 56`" Street, where a lot of contests are held. Commissioner Skoro stated that he understands the concerns of the residents but believes that the organizers of the surf contests have not been notified. Commissioner Allen agreed. Chair Beek opened the Public Hearing. Hearing no comments, the Public Hearing was closed. Motion by Commissioner Skoro to table item until surf organizations have been notified of the pending action. Motion fails due to a tie. Discussion ensued. Motion by Chair Beek to approve the revision of Council Policy 1 -8 — Bike, Foot Race and Surf Contest; with the provision that contests already scheduled be allowed to go on. Commissioner Pfaff stated that he does not agree with limitations on public beaches and offered a substitute motion: Substitute motion by Commissioner Pfaff to amend the number of contests from 8 to 10 and change the number of weeks between contests from 3 to 2 weeks. Motion fails due to lack of a second. Chair Beek's motion carries by the following vote: Ayes: Allen, Beek, Skoro Nays: Pfaff 10. Report of Park Ft Open Space Committee - Chair Beek stated that they had held a meeting with residents of Harbor Cove regarding their request for a park. Some concerns are that the area is very environmentally sensitive and would need Coastal Commission approval. Chair Beek opened the Public Hearing. Jan Vandersloot, 2221 E. 16`h Street, stated that he wanted to reiterate that this site is an archeology site and that it is appropriate that it remain so. He stated that Acajohmen Indians bones had been found there and that a plaque would be appropriate. Chair Beek closed the Public Hearing. Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting June 6, 2000 Page 4 Chair Beek stated that no action was needed. 11. Tree Removal - Superintendent Lomeli stated that Judy Van Winkle has requested the removal of two Brisbane Box trees at 915 Aleppo Street. He stated that request does not meet the criteria for removal and that staff confirms that trees are healthy and disease free. Chair Beek opened the Public Hearing. Jan Vandersloot, 2221 E. 16`h Street, stated that this request does not have any valid reasons for removal. He asked why it would even come forward to the Commission. Chair Beek closed the Public Hearing. Motion by Commission Skoro to deny the request for removal of two Brisbane Box trees of Judy Van Winkle, 915 Aleppo Street. Motion carried by acclamation. 12. Tree Removal - Superintendent Lomeli stated that Myrtle Asahino, 1323 Ashford Lane, has requested postponement of her request for removal of two Brisbane Box trees. 13. Tree Removal - Superintendent Lomeli stated that Patrick Hoag has requested the removal of one Eucalyptus tree at 501 Poppy Avenue. He stated that request does meet the requirements for removal as tree has slime flux disease and that it is a hazardous condition. Chair Beek opened the public hearing Patrick Hoag, 501 Poppy Avenue, stated that he is requesting the removal because of the hazard and that the disease cannot be cured per John Conway, Urban Forester. Commissioner Pfaff asked if he would like to have a replacement tree. Superintendent Lomeli stated that it would be 24" Eucalyptus tree. Aldon Kelly, SPON Arborist, stated that slime flux occurs when a tree has been wounded. It is not lethal, but should be removed because of the hazard. He stated that he would encourage that replacement tree be smaller that 24" and not the same species. He also recommended that the soil be replaced. Chair Beek closed the public hearing Motion by Commissioner Allen to approve the request for the removal of one Eucalyptus tree by Patrick Hoag at 501 Poppy Avene. Motion carried by acclamation. Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting June 6, 2000 Page 5 14. Tree Removal - Superintendent Lomeli stated that Jack Reinert has requested the removal of two Ficus trees at 1200 Nottingham Lane. He stated that request does not meet the criteria for removal. Chair Beek opened the public hearing Peggy Reinert, 1200 Nottingham Lane, stated that the trees in her neighborhood are different that the one on her property and that they are much prettier. She stated that the Ficus trees are just ugly and urged the Commission to allow removal. Jan Vandersloot, 2221 E. 16`" Street, stated that he can appreciate Ms. Reinerts concern of the trees being ugly; but reminded the Commission that being ugly is not a criteria for removal; and cannot be removed. Aldon Kelly, SPON Arborist, stated that it is not normal for these Ficus trees to look the way they do, he suggested that staff check the soil. Chair Beek closed the public hearing Superintendent Lomeli stated staff will check the nutrients level of the tree and add them as necessary. Motion by Commissioner Skoro to deny the request for the removal of two Ficus trees by Jack ft Peggy Reinert at 1200 Nottingham Lane, and directed staff to follow through on the measures to possibly rehabilitate the trees. Motion carried by acclamation. 15. Tree Removal - Superintendent Lomeli stated that John Bubb has requested the removal of one Monterey Pine tree at 439 Irvine Lane. He stated that request does not meet the criteria for removal and that this pine tree is one of the few in the City that is as healthy or as tall. He stated that staff would like to work with resident to look at the construction of a fence so that it will not impede the growth of the tree. He stated that resident is also willing to work with staff. Chair Beek opened the public hearing John Et Lelie Bubb, 439 Irvine Avenue, stated that they were willing to work with staff but that a fence was needed in their front yard. Mr. Bubb stated that there are some significant root stumps left from a previous City tree removal in the yard and asked that staff will also look at removing those. Jan Vandersloot, 2221 E. 16`h Street, stated that it was refreshing to hear of a resident wanting to work with staff to keep a tree. Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting June 6, 2000 Page 6 Aldon Kelly, SPON Arborist, stated that the wholesale price of the tree is $100,000 and that it is possible to raise the ground around the roots for the tree. Chair Beek closed the public hearine Motion by Commissioner Pfaff to deny the request for the removal of one Monterey Pine tree by John Bubb, at 439 Irvine Avenue, and direct staff to work with homeowner. Motion carried by acclamation. 16. Tree Removal - Superintendent Lomeli stated that Sorrel Wayne has requested the removal of one Metaleuca trees at 1364 Hampshire Circle. He stated that request does not meet the criteria for removal. He stated that there is no immediate hazard and if there is an additional uplift to the sidewalk, it will be replaced by City staff and at that time barriers will be placed. Chair Beek opened the public hearine Newton Wayne, 1364 Hampshire Circle, stated that he was most concerned about the tree being uprooted. He stated that he has lived there for 30 years and that every 10 years the tree has been uprooted. He stated that he has no objection to another tree being planted as long as it is planted deep enough to not be uplifted again. Jan Vanderstoot, 2221 E. 16`h Street, reminded the Commission that this request does not meet the criteria for removal and that staff look at different pruning techniques. Superintendent Lomeli stated that staff will work with homeowner regarding the root pruning of the tree and replacement of sod if any is damaged in the parkway. Chair Beek closed the public hearine Motion by Commissioner Allen to deny request for the removal of one Melaleuca tree by Sorrel Wayne at 1364 Hampshire Circle and direct staff to work with homeowner regarding uplifitng of the tree and root pruning. Motion carried by acclamation. 17. Tree Removal - Superintendent Lomeli stated that John Norton has requested the removal of one Queen Palm tree at 613 Narcissus Avenue. He stated that request does not meet the criteria for removal and that staff will be cognizant of removing fruit droppings. Chair Beek opened the public hearine Jan Vanderstoot, 2221 E. 16`h Street, stated his agreement with staff. Chair Beek closed the public hearing Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting June 6, 2000 Page 7 Motion by Commissioner Skoro to deny request for the removal of one Queen Palm tree by John Morton at 613 Narcissus Avenue. Motion carried by acclamation. Adjourned for a break at 9:20pm and reconvened at 9:31 pm 18. Tree Removal - Superintendent Lomeli stated that Judy Lockyear has requested the removal of two Ficus trees at 1100 Essex Lane. He stated that between the hardscape repairs and sewer problems the tree does cause a significant problem, therefore staff recommends removal of the tree. Chair Beek opened the public hearing Jan Vandersloot, 221 E. 16`" Street, stated that the tree does not meet the standard of the 18 month repeated history. Superintendent Lomeli stated that staff recommends removal to avoid further hardscape and liability issues. Chair Beek closed the public hearing Motion by Chair Beek to approve request for the removal of two Ficus trees by Judy Lockyear at 1100 Essex Lane. Motion carried by acclamation. 19. Tree Removal - Superintendent Lomeli stated that David Miller has requested the removal of one Eucalyptus tree at 536 Santa Ana Avenue. He stated that request does not meet the criteria for removal and that the Public Works Department will be performing major street and hardscape repairs at this location this summer. Chair Beek opened the public hearine David Miller, 536 Santa Ana Avenue, stated this it is a beautiful tree but has displaced the curb and gutter and that the tree is in contact with electrical wires. He stated that he was willing to have some remedial root pruning done to save the tree and hopes that it will be successful. Chair Beek closed the public hearing. Motion by Commissioner Pfaff to deny the request for the removal of one Eucalyptus tree at 536 Santa Ana Avenue and directed staff to work with homeowner regarding root pruning. Motion carried by acclamation. 20. Tree Removal - Superintendent Lomeli stated that Bellany Joan Beaumont has requested the removal of two Brazelian Pepper trees at 715 Larkspur Avenue. He stated that Ms. Beaumont has asked for a continuance of this item Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting June 6, 2000 Page 8 21. Subcommittee Reports • Budget — Nothing to report • OASIS Liaison — Nothing to report. • Beach — Nothing to report • Community Services Award — Nothing to report. • Tree — Nothing to report FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Irvine Terrace Park - Encroachment by adjacent neighbors ADJOURNMENT - 10:25pm Submitted by: 4� Teri Craig, Admin Assistant