HomeMy WebLinkAbout15 - Hoag Memorial Hospital - Development Agreement Annual Compliance ReviewCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL SUFF REPORT Agenda Item No. 15 April 27, 2010 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Planning Department James Campbell, Principal Planner (949) 644 -3210 jcampbelll(a)city.newport- beach.ca.us SUBJECT: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Development Agreement Annual Compliance Review ISSUE Should the City Council determine that Hoag is in good faith compliance with the terms of the Development Agreement? Conduct public hearing and determine that Hoag is in good faith compliance with the terms of the Development Agreement. DISCUSSION In 1994, the City executed a Development Agreement (DA) related to the long term development and expansion of Hoag Hospital. The agreement has a 25 -year term and expires in 2019. In May of 2008, the DA and the Hoag Planned Community Text (PC Text) were amended to allow the hospital to increase the intensity of future development on the upper campus commensurate with a reduction in intensity of future development of the lower campus. Additional improvements to reduce noise, improve landscaping within the lower campus, and to reduce the periodic water vapor plume from the cogeneration plant were required. Pursuant to the Development Agreement, the City is required to review the agreement on an annual basis in April to determine Hoag's good faith compliance with the terms of the agreement. Previous compliance review hearings were conducted in 1996, 1998, 1999, 2008 and 2009 and Hoag was found to be in good faith compliance with the agreement. No significant new building projects were initiated during the last year and none were completed. Due to the present economic downturn, Hoag has suspended all new buildings and continues to re- examine the entire building program. This includes the cancellation of the South Building previously planned for the Hoag Upper Campus and Hoag Hoapital Annual DA Compliance Review April 27, 2010 Page 2 of 6 an out - patient building and parking structure once planned for the lower campus. Hoag has been pursuing all noise mitigation improvements and landscaping improvements as required. The attached project status report prepared by Government Solutions on behalf of Hoag includes information regarding DA and mitigation measure compliance over the preceding year for this annual review. 1. Significant New DA provisions a. Section 5.4 of the amended DA requires an annual review of the DA for compliance. The review must include a noise regulation compliance assessment. RS Acoustics prepared a compliance report for the 2009 Annual Compliance Review that concluded that the Lower and Upper Hoag Campuses were meeting applicable noise standards with the exception of noise in the area of the Ancillary Building. Noise from the Ancillary Building, West Tower, West Hoag Road and the main loading dock contribute to noise that exceeds the nighttime noise standard by 1 dBA. Mitigation of noise from the Ancillary Building is 100% complete at this time (see 2c below). Hoag anticipates that with the imminent completion of the soundwall, compliance will be achieved. A follow -up noise study will be necessary and should compliance not be achieved, additional mitigation may be necessary. b. Section 8.2 of the amended DA requires Hoag to pay $3 million for public improvements in two installments. The first installment was paid in July 2008 and the second installment was paid in July 2009. c. Section 8.3 of the amended DA provides sales & use tax origin provisions. Hoag is required to include a provision in its general construction contracts, when contracts exceed $5 million, that the contractors and subcontractors shall allocate all eligible sales taxes to the City. Hoag has prepared appropriate language within their Master Services Agreement; however, no qualifying contracts have been signed within the last reporting period. Hoag is also required to follow the Direct Payment Permit Process established by the Revenue and Taxation Code and use the permit for all qualifying individual purchases in excess of $100,000. One such purchase within the last year was subject to this procedure. Both of these provisions are ongoing and will be monitored as necessary. Staff believes Hoag is in good faith compliance. d. Section 8.4 of the amended DA requires Hoag to reimburse the City $150,000 for landscaping and irrigation improvements to Sunset View Park. Specifically, the improvements are planned for a 20,500 square -foot area directly north of the cogeneration facility that is not presently landscaped. This project has not been initiated by the City and this reimbursement provision has no completion requirement date or "sunset' clause and Hoag is prepared to reimburse the City upon completion of the improvements. Hoag Hoapital Annual DA Compliance Review April 27, 2010 Page 3 of 6 e. Section 8.5 of the amended DA requires Hoag to curtail the cogeneration plant's effective heat rejection by 33% to reduce plume formation during certain atmospheric conditions between 7:OOAM and TOOPM from November 1st to April 30th of each year. Hoag installed a weather station in 2009 as required that allows them to identify plume formation conditions as they occur so they can reduce cooling tower load to reduce the cooling tower plume. Hoag has submitted printouts of daily atmospheric conditions and heat load for most months regulated by the DA and staff has requested the missing months of data. Additionally, staff has requested a detailed listing of days where atmospheric conditions necessitated the 33% reduction of effective heat rejection at the cooling towers. Staff has also requested documentation of the 33% reduction of effective heat rejection. The DA also requires that Hoag automate the plant's controls based upon weather station data and staff is awaiting a report on Hoag's progress in accomplishing system integration. As of the drafting of this report, Hoag has not supplied the requested information to demonstrate compliance. Staff anticipates receiving this information in advance of the hearing and will provide a verbal report. 2. Mitigation & Compliance Update a. Villa Balboa window replacement — Hoag offered and was obligated through approval of the Master Plan Update to provide a window replacement program for 12 condominium units located at 260 Cagney Lane (Project Design Feature [PDF] 3.4 -1). The program was to be implemented by March of 2009 and the Villa Balboa Homeowners Association was to provide an estimate for the work prepared by a qualified contractor for Hoag's approval prior to execution of the contract. Villa Balboa would make the improvements and Hoag would be responsible for reimbursement of the approved costs. Subsequent to the City's adoption of the Master Plan Update and PDF 3.4 -1, Hoag and Villa Balboa entered into a private agreement to provide window replacements for 6 additional units at 260 Cagney Lane (18 total units). They also agreed to a modified set of guidelines to implement the window replacement program. Under these modified guidelines, Hoag and Villa Balboa each would provide bid proposals. After a price is agreed upon, Villa Balboa would implement the program and Hoag would reimburse Villa Balboa those costs plus administration fees that are capped. The window replacement program should have been implemented by now. Part of the delay in implementing the program has been testing for asbestos, which recently was completed. Asbestos is not a concern, so the program can move forward. Total costs of the program have been estimated and Villa Balboa has agreed to the scope of work and costs. Hoag has not yet agreed to the total cost of the program and Hoag also believes that with the completion of the West Road soundwall and the previously implemented noise mitigation for the West Tower and Ancillary Building, compliance with the noise ordinance should be achieved Hoag Hoapital Annual DA Compliance Review April 27, 2010 Page 4 of 6 and that the replacement windows might not be needed. Hoag has retained a qualified noise consultant to prepare a comprehensive noise study and testing has been completed, but the final report has not been completed. Regardless of the outcome of noise testing, Hoag must provide funding for the replacement program should Villa Balboa owners choose to take advantage of it; there is no flexibility to eliminate the program without an amendment of the DA. Hoag has pursued the goal of noise reduction and mitigation in good faith and has been working with Villa Balboa to reach an agreement on the cost of the replacement windows. However, Hoag has not completed this item. b. West Road sound wall — The required soundwall is nearly complete. All of the screening landscaping on the side of the wall that faces Villa Balboa has been installed. Additional sidewalk and landscaping improvements on the side of the wall that faces Hoag remain and will be completed in the coming days or weeks. Hoag has complied with the provisions of the DA requiring the soundwall. The effectiveness of the wall is being evaluated at this time by a qualified noise consultant. c. Ancillary Building and West Tower noise reduction — A noise wall, replacement kitchen exhaust fan, and an enclosure around the fan have been installed on the roof of the Ancillary Building. Sound louvers for air handling systems of the West Tower were completed in 2009. Noise from these buildings has been reduced but contributes to an overall noise environment that still exceeds nighttime noise ordinance limits at Villa Balboa by 1 dBA (RS Acoustics January 2010). Hoag believes that the sound absorbing qualities of the newly- erected soundwall may address this issue and is in the process of testing this hypothesis now that the soundwall is effectively complete. Staff is skeptical of this theory due to the elevation differences between the noise sources, wall and residential units. Should nighttime noise remain an issue, additional mitigation will need to be identified. Hoag has implemented all previously identified noise reducing measures and is in good faith compliance. d. Truck deliveries to the loading dock — Mitigation measure 3.4 -4 requires truck deliveries to be restricted to the hours between TOOAM and 8:OOPM. Additional signage has been installed, staff has been trained, and physical access to West Road remains closed during these hours. Mitigation measure 3.4 -8 required signs indicating "no idling" and several signs have been installed. Staff has not received any complaints about excessive idling and staff believes Hoag is in good faith compliance. e. Loading dock sound panels, trash compactor and bailer relocation /enclosure — Mitigation measures 3.4 -5 and 3.4 -6 require 450 square feet of sound absorbing panels to be installed on the west facing wall of the loading dock and the relocation and enclosure of the trash compactor and bailer. These improvements were to be implemented by November of 2008 and Hoag placed these Hoag Hoapital Annual DA Compliance Review April 27, 2010 Page 5 of 6 improvements on hold given their decision to cancel the South Building. Given that these improvements were designed to facilitate and coordinate the ultimate construction of the South Building, Hoag no longer considers these improvements necessary or feasible. Mitigation measures require these improvements irrespective of any other project or permit so Hoag cannot dismiss them. The prior year's RS Acoustics report shows that these improvements may not be necessary given the installation of the soundwall and Hoag proposes to hold the loading dock improvements in abeyance until the soundwall is completed and subsequent acoustical testing can be performed to determine whether or not these improvements are necessary to comply with noise ordinance limits. Hoag is not compliant with these mitigation requirements. f. Grease trap cleaning schedule — Mitigation measure 3.4 -8 requires the grease traps in West Road near Villa Balboa to be cleaned Saturdays between 11:OOAM and 3:OOPM, rather than during the week at times that often disturbed Villa Balboa residents. This schedule has been implemented and no reports of any problems have been received. Staff believes Hoag is in good faith compliance. g. Cogeneration building lattice screen — This improvement has been completed and Hoag is in good faith compliance. h. Lower Campus landscaping — Hoag has just recently begun the installation process for the landscaping within the parking lot, along the slope above the lower campus retaining wall and within the landscape area abutting Coast Highway (the "green screen "). Completion of these improvements is scheduled for mid -June and staff believes that Hoag is in good faith compliance. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This compliance review is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15321 of the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act. This section exempts actions by regulatory agencies to enforce or revoke a lease, permit, license, certificate, or other entitlement for use issued, adopted, or prescribed by the regulatory agency or enforcement of a law, general rule, standard, or objective, administered or adopted by the regulatory agency. Construction activities undertaken would not qualify for this exemption. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this hearing was mailed to property owners within 300 feet of Hoag Hospital Hoag Hoapital Annual DA Compliance Review April 27, 2010 Page 6 of 6 ALTERNATIVES The City Council can continue this item should additional information be necessary. Prepared By: James Campbell, Principal Planner EXHIBITS Submitted by: David Lepo, Planning Director Hoag Hoapital Development Agreement Annual Review dated March 12, 2010 (separate binder) Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Master Flan Development Agreement Annual Review March 12, 2010 PLANNING APR 1.4 2010 CITY OF NEWPORT Prepared By: SUBMrTTALt COPY r C @IIt' Hoag— - Datea Turning Challenges into Victories TO; Jinn Cam / Dept: Planning 23o Neioport Center Ur. Suite sio By: Coralee Newman Vicki Fetterman Newport Beach, CA 9266o 949-717 -7943 WIVW.gousoLcom II 0 A 61 r,) L 61 O II 1 A L 11 a J P 1 1 A t P H e li a V 1 L 11 1 A !1 C1ne Hmg Drive M flux 6ion Newpnrr I, 11h CA ry2658•6161) HOfjSP M4 764 -I IOAG (4624) f{ �M.6nsg1)rnpird.ulg March 12, 2010 Mr. Jim Campbell Senior Planner City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92658 -8915 RE; Haag Hospital— Development Agreement Annual Review Dear Mr. Campbelk: Please find attached the required documentation to demonstrate Hoag s compliance with the Development Agreement between Hoag Hospital and the City of Newport Beach. As you are aware, this Development Agreement was adopted by the City Council an April 22, 2008 by Ordinance No. 2008.10 and Is known as the Amendment to Restated Development Agreement No. 5. Per Section 5.2 of the Development Agreement, "The Annual Review shall he conducted at a public hearing noticed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 15.45 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Annual reviews should be scheduled in April of each year," it is our understanding based on discussions with city staff, that we will be scheduled for the April 27t" City Council hearing, per the above noted requirement. The enclosed Project Status Update is for the period of time from March 31, 2009 through March 12, 2010. Sincerel Mr. Sanford Smith Senior Vice President Real Estate and Facilities Enclosure A NOT4GK -MtOFR a]UMtr M' I1 FcU A RLLIR[0 IV ME ION7 (- ONMMON ON hLYMLPFrA11M OF HLALIMM ORt:AM117h710v% Hoag Development Agreement 2ni1 Annual Review Table of Contents Noise Analys Development Agreement Fe SaleS/USe Tax Grigi Co.Gen Weather Station Repo Mi kigation Measures & PC Text Requiremen Co Gen Plant Sound Wall Photos West PIoag Dr. Sound Wall 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 OSHPD Final Permit (AriCillary Building & West'rower) 8 CoGen Green S North Slope above Retaining Wall & PCH Green X iv Lower Campus Slope & PCH Screen Landscape Phase Plan 11 Project Status Report March Al, 2009 through March 12, 2010 Second Annual Review of the Development Agreement Between the City of Newport Beach And Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Introduction & Overview On April 22, 2008, the City of Newport Beach { "City "} approved an amended Development Agreement between the city of Newport Beach and Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian ("Hoag") which is known as the "Amendment to the Restated Development Agreement No. 5r. This Amended Development Agreement was adopted by Ordinance No. 2008 -10 on May 13, 2008, Per Section 5.2 of the Amended Development Agreement: "The Annual Review shall be conducted at a public hearing noticed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 15.45 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Annual Reviews should be scheduled in April of each year." This Amended Development Agreement was part of Hoag'S Master Plan Update which included revised Development Agreement provisions, a revised Planned Community Text { "PC Text ") and associated standards, and certification of the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report { "SEIR" ) with mitigation measures. The Supplemental Environmental impact Report (SCH Na. 1991071003) was adopted by City Council Resolution No. 2008 -27. As part of the SE adoption, a Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program was required which shall be utilized as the. basis Far the Development Agreement Updates as it relates to mitigation measures. For the purposes of this Development Agreement update, and those subsequent annual updates, this update shall serve as the Second Annual Review for the Amendment to the Restated Development Agreement No 5. Project Status for the Second Development Agreement Annual Review As will he described in detail below, over the last year, Hoag has made a diligent, good faith effort to complete as many of the mitigation measures and associated requirements For both the Development Agreement & Planned Community Text as required in this timeframe. As was the case in 2009, many.Df the projects anticipated as Hoag's development goals have been altered due, in large part, to the poor economic conditions. Hoag's operations continue to be strong; however Hoag has had to move more cautiously in incurring new construction and building costs. The result of this has been very little new construction on Hoag's campus over the last year and all significant capital projects being put on hold with the exception of the first phases of the expansion of the Emergency Department on the Upper Campus. In addition, as was the case last year, the anticipated construction of the South Tower, which necessitated for the allowable square footage transfer from the Hoag Lower Campus to the Hoag Upper Campus provided in the Oevelopment Agreement Amendment, remains off of Hoag's capital improvement project:list. Given these Factors, sevens of the improvements associated with the Hoag loading dock reconfiguration which were planned to facilitate and to coordinate with the ultimate construction of the Soutli Tower are no longer necessary nor are they feasible at this time. Development Agreement Specific Terms & Obligations In terms of the stand alone Development Agreement requirements (not found in either Mitigation Measures or PC Requirements), the following has been completed: 11. Section 5.4 "5.4 Mitigation Review. The annual review shall include a detailed report of compliance with the various conditions and mitigation measures contained with the mitigation monitoring plan. The report shall also include a noise regulation compliance assessment that includes noise measurements prepared by a qualified noise consultant on a yearly hasis. The noise assessment shall ideiitify noise regulation compliance issues and recommended measures to abate any noncompliance. The report shall include an analysis of the view impacts of buildings constructed in comparison to the anticipated views depicted in the EIR. Hoag shall be found in compliance with this Agreement unless the City Council determines, based upon evidence presented at the Annual Review, that Hoag has not complied with all mitigation measures and conditions including those imposed as a result of subsequent environmental analysis, applicable to the grading of, or building on, the Property as of the date of the Annual Review. Hoag shall pay the City administrative casts incurred in conducting Annual Reviews. Hoag shall reimburse the City for costs incurred by the City associated with Fluor Enterprises' review of the cogeneration plant during the 20DS Annual Review." Hoag has complied with this section of the Amended Development Agreement with the submittal of this detailed report which demonstrates compliance with the various conditions and mitigation measures contained within the mitigation monitoring plan, as noted below. Additionally, Hoag has complied with noise regulation compliance assessment. A noise analysis was performed by R5 Acoustics on March 1i, 2009 for the previous Development Agreement annual update which demonstrated that the CoGeii Plant was in full compliance of the noise standards. Additionally, a report was prepared this year on January 21, 2010, which focuses on noise levels at the Hoag property line along West Hoag Drive which demonstrates that the redesigned kitchen exhaust fans and penthouse enclosure located on the rooftop. of the ancillary building and cafeteria are in compliance with day time noise standards. The nighttime noise standards did exceed the noise requirement by 1 dB however. It should be noted that these tests were done without the benefit of the sound wall that is currently under construction. The RS Acoustics report is attached for your reference. (Attachment 1) No view analysis was necessary in this annual Development Agreement review, as no new construction has occurred on the Hoag campus during this timeframe. 13. Section 8.2 - Exactions "jdj... Hoag shall pay to the City Development Fee of Three Million Dollars ($3,000,0001. Payment of one -half of the Development Agreement Fee of 1 -5 Million shall be made upon the Effective Date of this Agreement ". As noted in the attached letter from Dennis Danner, the City's Administrative Services 11Irector, Hoag paid the second 1.5 million dollar Development Agreement Fee increment to the City on July 10, 2009, thus fulfilling its complete obligation of the Development Fee of Three Million Dollars ($3,000.00). The first incremenL was paid to the City on July 7, 2008. (Attachment 2) 14. New Section 8.3 Sales /Use Tax Origin (a) Haag will include in its ge+leral contractor construction contract a provision that Hoag's general contractor and subcontractors, to the extent allowed by applicable law, will obtain a Board of Equalization sales use tax sub permit for the jobsite at the Project Property and allocate all eligible sales and use tax payments For individual contracts over $5 million to the City -see attached development Agreement far complete section (a). (h) Hoag will continue to follow the Direct Permit Process established in the Revenue and Taxation Code and use the permit for all qualifying individual Purchases in excess of $100,000 so that the local share of its sales use tax payments is allocated to the City as the point of sale. With reference to requirement (.aj as noted in the attached Master Services Agreement between Owner (Hoag) and Contractor, Hoag has amended its contracts in section 4.15 "Development Agreement- Sales Use Tax Origin" with the following language: "General contractors and sub- contractors are to contact the City of Newport Rea cli regarding any Board of Equalizationn sales,rusc tax sub permits} for the jobsim exceeding $5 million, as per the current adopted Development Agreement. The Hoag project manager can provide the City Revenue Manager's contact Information (Attachment 3) 15. New Section 8.4 — Sunset View Park Improvements. "8.4 Hoag shall reimburse the City up to $150,000 for installation of groundcover, shrubs, and irrigation systems with the unimproved portion of Sunset View Park and Superior Avenue, approximately 20,500 sq ft in area, located northerly of the cogeneration building. Reirribursement to the City shall be within 30 days of Hoag receiving an invoice from the City." The City has not moved forward with this project during this time period, and therefore has not requested a reimbursement for park improvements from Hoag. 16. New Sectlon 8.5 —Cogeneration Plant Energy Curtailment "8.5 Hoag shall install a weather station capable of identifying ambient.conditions necessary in documenting cogeneration plant and cooling tower operations. The weather statiaiti shall be tied into the cogeneration plant controls in order to maxifnite automatic responses to prevailing weather conditions, assisting in managing the operation changes and load shifting, as well as to provide periodic reports on plant operations. Haag shall not construct or erect additional cooling towers withiii the Hoag Lower Campus, Hoag shall reduce the effective heat rejection by 33% at the existing cooling towers and such reduction shall be measured from a baseline (to be measured at the cooling towers) of operating three existing generators and absorption chiller at 100% of design capacity. This reduced capacity operation shall be implemented daily between November 1" and April 30`11, between the hours of 7.00 AM and 7:00 PM when the relative humidity is equal to or less than 55 degrees Fahrenheit." Per last year's D.A Project Status report, Hoag has complied with the installation of the weather station and the above listed requirements. (For details, see DA Status Report April 30, 2009- March 31, 2009, p. 4). Hoag Hospital purchased and installed a software application in May 2009 to Facilitate the weather station's ability to provide automatic reports to prevailing weather conditions. The software is tracking the necessary data, however, the actual printing and saving of reports still requires daily staff involvement. The software provider has identified an issue with the application, and is in development with a next generation to solve this problem. No date has been given for availability. During this time, the plant operators continue to print and save the reports daily. Reports for the months of July, August, October, November, December 2009, and January, February 2010, are attached and demonstrate compliance with the standards. (Attachment 4) Mitigation Measures and PC Text Requirements (Attachment 5) Because no new major construction has occurred over the last year, Hoag's focus has been to fulfill the requirements that were oriented to noise and aesthetics and that were required to lie completed or are in progress in this Development Agreement annual review time period. For reference, the relevant mitigation measures and PC Text requirements are attached in the order they are addressed below. Mitigation Measure 3.4 -9 Cogeneration Plant Noise Per last year's Development Agreement annual review, Hoag has complied with this requirement and has performed noise analysis for the fourth.cooling tower as required. The noise analysis was performed by RS Acoustics on March 11, 2004. Based on that analysis, Hoag is in conformance with the noise standards. While not required to do so by [lie Development Agreement, Hoag took an extra step to construct sound and visual barrier adjacent to the cooling towers, which was completed on approximately February 1, 2 010. Photos of the wall are attached. (Attachment 6j Noise — West Haag drive Mitigation Measure: PDF 3.4 -1— Villa Balboa Window Installation At the time the noise abatement program for the Villa Balboa windows was discussed at one of the City Council hearings, Hoag made a commitment to spend up to $150,000 to sound attenuate the windows. The City Council at that time requested the staff to determine what would be a reasonable cost for satisfying this mitigation measure. As of last year's Development Agreement annual review, Hoag had fulfilled its obligation for this mitigation measure by submitting a bid by a qualified window vendor, American Vision Windows, Inc. to the City for file window installation. 'rhe bid was submitted to the City in January, 2009. Once the City accepts the bid,. Hoag would have fulfilled its obligation to fund the window and sliding glass door noise attenuation construction by submitting a check for approximately $325,000 (Three Hundred, Twenty Five Thousand Dollars) to the City to be placed in an escrow account for Villa Balboa Community Association's use in managing the installation of the windows in the Villa Balboa condominium units identified in the mitigation measure. Subsequent to the City Council's approval of the Amended Development Agreement on May 13, 2008, Hoag entered into a settlement agreement -with the Villa Balboa Community Association ( "VB Community Association ") agreeing to extend the noise abatement program to include the first floor units numbered 102 through 107 at the 260 Cagney Lane building. Hoag submitted its bid of $415,900 (Four Hundred, Fifteen Thousand, and (Vine Hundred Dollars) based on an estimate prepared by American Vision Windows. VB Community ASSOGIatlori submitted a bid from American Vision Windows of $524,596 that Included three garden window replacements, scaffolding, interior and exterior paint, replacing sliding glass door pans, asbestos testing, and building permit costs. The asbestos testing is scheduled to be completed by March 16 "'. Until asbestos testing results are lenown, Hoag and the VB Community Association cannot proceed with satisfying the window and sliding glass door noise abatement program. Mitigation Measure: PQF 3.4 -2 —Sound Wall Construction of the sound wall commenced in October; 2009 and is scheduled to he completed in May of this year. The sound wall is 471 linear feet in length and has a total projected cost of $M50,000 (Two Million, Fifty Thousand Dollars). When the sound wall is completed this May, Hoag will have completely complied with its obligations uizder this mitigatlon measure. Noise testing along West Hoag Drive with the sound wall in place, will lie completed for the next annual Development Agreement review. Photos of the Sound wall and copies of the permits have been attached for your reference. (Attachment 7) Mitigation Measures 3.4- 213.4 -3 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, for Ancillary Bui €dine and West Tower. As of last years update, Hoag had proceeded in good Faith to complete the requirements of these Mitigation measures in the following manner. The West Tower sound louvers were installed on January 9, 2009 and were sound tested in February and met noise standards. The Ancillary Building roof top sound wall was completed In August, 2008. The plans for the relocation of the kitchen exhaust equipment into a mechanical enclosure for the. Ancillary Building are completed and were submitted to RSHPOD on August 22, 2009 and permits were received on March 17, 2009. The Final permit showing completion of the project by OSHPD is attached (Attachment 8) During this last year, Hoag finished the work required in these mitigation measures and as noted in the above referenced noise analysis by RS Acoustics (Attachment 1), Hoag has redesigned the kitchen exhaust fans and penthouse enclosure located on the rooftop of the ancillary building per the requirements. with the completion of these improvements, Floag complies with the day time noise standards and is slightly higher by 1 dBE Lhan the requirement in the nighttime. Once the Sound Wall is complete, Hoag anticipates it will be in complete compliance with all noise standards. Mitigation Measure 3.4.5 — Loading Dock Sound Absorption Panels The cancellation of the South Tower project, including the reconfiguration of the loading dock, maintains the walls of the loading dock in its current location. The proposed sound absorption pariels will not be required once the completion of the newly constructed sound wall along West Hoag Drive is done. ❑nee the referenced project is finished the annual sound study should confirm these assumptions and that the added absorption panels will no longer be required. Mitigation Measure 3.4 -6 — Relocation of the Trash Compactor The cancellation of the South Tower project, Including the reconfiguration of the loading dock, prohibits the relocation of the trash compactor, Additionally, per last year's Development Agreement Update, city staff proposed to hold the referenced loading dock improvements in abeyance until the sound wall and windows were installed so that subsequent acoustical testing could be performed to verify whether or not these improvements are necessary. Planned Community Requirements — Landscaping Lower Campus. Exhibit tiff] Area 3 Co -Gen Green Screen Lattice Hoag has proceeded in good faith and the Area 3 Co -Gen Green Screen Lattice has been constructed and landscaped. Photos of the Green Screen are attached for your reference. (Attachment 9) Area 7a — West Parking Area Islands Requirement: 69 days after COP issuance at Coastal Commission. Hoag received Coastal Commission's "Approval in Concept" of this item on April 8'4, 2009 and final permits were received on December 15, 2009. Hoag obtained the required building permits for this project on January 1.9, 2010. Copies of the permits are attached For your reference. (Attachment 10) Construction for afi of the Lower Campus landscaping is being phased, per the attached Lower Campus Slope & PCH Screen Landscape Phase Plan. (Attachment 11) Parking Lot Islands are scheduled for completion by April, 2010. Hoag has proceeded in good faith and will be in Full compliance with the completion of construction as noted above. Area 9 — North Slope above Retaining Will II Requirement: 120 days after COP Issued by Coastal Commission. Hoag. received Coastal Commission's "Approval in Concept" of this item on April 8 "', 2009 and Final permits were issued by the City of Newport Beach on January 19, 2010. Copies of the permits are attached for your reference. (Attachment 10) Construction for all of the Lower Campus landscaping is being phased., per the attached Lower Campus Slope & PCH Screen Landscape Phase Plan. (Attachment 11) The Slope construction is scheduled to commence on May 24, 2010, and he completed by July, 2D10. Hoag has proceeded In good faith and will be in full compliance with the completion of construction as noted above. Area 12 PCH Green Screen Requirement: Immed lately upon issuance of an Approval in Concept by the City an application shall be submitted For said improvements to the Coastal Commission. Construction of said Improvements shall be completed no later than 18 months after Coastal Development Permit Issuance by the Coastal Commission. Hoag received Coastal Commission's "Approval in Concept" of this item on April 8'1', 2009 and final permits were issued by the City of Newport Beach on January 19, 2010- Copies of the permits are attached for your reference. (Attachment 10) Construction for all of the Lower Campus landscaping is being phased, per the attached Lower Canrpus Slope & PCH Screen Landscape Phase Plan. {Attachment 11} Construction for the PCH Greed Screen is scheduled to comment an April 19, 2010 and is scheduled to be complete on May 21, 2010. Hoag has proceeded in good faith and will be in full compliance with the completion of construction as noted above. ►. ��, ,. � s�: S ACOUSTICS inc. _ 75757. Beaver Rnn Rd.. Can XnM Cpunt3•y. CA 0387 P f653 1 257 -3965 _r [66]1370 3783 ConslritalljS in A rehiterlurnI Aeolfsl.iti- ez,ct Noise Cnill.rol 21 jamiary2f110 Gregg 7X11, Pro}cct Manager Facilities Design and Construction Hoag Memosial Hospital Presbyterian One Haag Drive, P.O. Sox 6700 New parr Bead k, CA 92658 -63 OD SUBJECT. Hoag Hospital Kilrhen Exhaust Van Noise Level Measnrement Report I•tSA Project No, 7'50130 Dear Gregg: In a coo rdanceo wiIli your request; we leave conducted acoustical measurements of the noise levels generated by the Ha. g Memorial Hospital Presbyterian redesigned kilehen exhaust fans and penthouse located on the rooftop of the ancilhuy building and cafeleria. This measurement program was can ducted to determine if the noise Icvels generated by tied installation of thenew equipment and penthouse is in compliance of the CiLy of Newport Beach Noise Ordinance. We were accompanied by Mr-Andrea IV itjakso of 1•1 oag Hospital for the daytime mcamremcnI tests. Test Equipment Sound Ievel measurements were corlductrdvtilizing the follpwingeyuipmenI whidi was culibraIad prior to and im ln0diate]y au bsequ ent to of -r day lime and nigh 111 me teats' Larson Dav s System 829 Type I so Lod level meter Larson Davis Model PRM902 preamplifier Larson Davis Model 7560 microphone Carson Davis Model CAL.200 acnustieal deiibralor Larson Davis Mode] EXAD50mc=phOne cxtenslun ®ble All tesislvere conducted in accordance Svifli equipment and procedures xv]ridl satisfy Vic requimments set tort 11 in the 0(y of Ncwporl Beadlnoise ordinance. Gregg Zoll Hoag Hospital.Fariliti es Design and Construction Page 2 Tesl Procedure Acoustical tests were conducted in die afternoon of January 13 to determine the daytime noise levels gen ern led by the Abig Nospi taf roollop mechaniml equipm en; and again in the early mom ing host re of January 14 starting al I:00 am. As the ambient noise levels generated from affsite traffic is very simdar in level to the mcchanical equipment, traffienoise is an additive contributor to the noise levels generated by mechanical equipment. Therefore to gather the most accurale mechanical equipment noise level data, measurements conducted in the gaily morning hours when traffic noieeis aI its lowest will result in the most accuracy. Acoustical tests were conducted at two separate Lacedons which are shown in the attached Rigure 1. Measuremennl position 91 Was on West 1-Toag Road immediately adjacent f o the property line Iocnied as close to the exhaust fan penthouse as possible. To reduce any acoustical shielding effects of the andliary building• the measuring niicrophone:was a[tadhed to a telescoping microphone stand elevated to 36' above the road bed. The microphonc was attached to the sound level meter via a microphone extension cable and monitored throughout the tests. 'MC InCasuring equipment Was calibrated which induded the extension cable in the calibration procedure. Measurement posi lie n 52 was in the VilIa Balboa residenti at complex, on the balcony of condominium Unit 309 to ca led at.260 Cagney Lane. 'Mis is the third or upper floor which has an tmshielded direct line oFsite to the l3oag Hospital rooftop mcclhanical equipment. Figure 2 shows the kitchen exhaust fans and mechanical penthouse viewed dirccUy from the'condominiambakony. Optical measurements show Rhat the new mechanical penthouse is approximately 210' from the balcony. To determine lie mechanical equipment noise levels during the daytime hours, our firs lcsl was at position 42, starting at 4:15 pin on January 13u-. 77he rooftop equipment was audible however subjectively [lie vasl.majority of noise was due to traffic on West Haug Road, the cardboard rompactonnear the foa din g dock, and die Yea rninging and moving of wood pallets in the loading do dc. Offs ite vehi cula r traffiSheli cap ter, and commerdtil aircrafl over - flights were a Igo present- To ga [her die mast accurate data, free of extraneous noise intrllsions, all lesis were monitored duri ng Ole entire duration of Ilse tests with Ste meter manually paused when intruding on -site or off -site noises beca me audible or could alter the measYUemei.its. Per die requirements of the noise ordinance discussed below, [lie duration of ail reported sound level data however is the result of an averaged minimum 35 minule period [t-J. To determine the noise level contribution of the kitchen exhaust fans within the new noise control enclosure - separate from other mechanical egLiipment noise - meaaLu=ents were conducted in Rhe early morning hours on January 140, Willi the exhaust fans operating and with the fans turned off to identify the differerimin [he two con diLiam Prior to the tests, it was our understanding that the kitchen exhAtist fans are typic:dly timed off al night and restarted in lie early morning bran kfasl lie urswhcn the kilcheA opens•xhirh would have resuIled in ample time I gather darn for a 15 minute sampling. Unfortunately, fliecngl nee ring siaff member we 4S ACQU5TLC5 inc. J.5751 Beav¢a' iihhn Rd., Canyon Country, CA 913$7 P (661) 251-3965 F (661.) 3111.3783 Gregg Zon Hoag Hospital Padl it! es Design and Construction Page 3 contacted to turn off the fans would only hun the fans off for a few minutes. We did measure the ambient noise levels during this time, however are not completely optimistic that the data measured is as accurate as it should be. Additionally, we were to have access to Ilse mndominiumbaicony in Ote early coercing h&NI determine noise levels at the residence proper while offsite noise sources were al their lowest. During our d ay-ti Die lcsts an January 13 we were requested to start the nighttime icsir at ilic condominium nol later dean 10:00 pm and thin[ access would be limited to 30 minutes. Therefore, we were uriahle to acc rra tely measure the mechanical equipment noise al the balcony due to una Doeptably high offsi le n Disco levels, Nefvport Sea chi Eat eider Noise Standards The City of Newporl Beach specifies noise critano requiremernls in terms of 15 minute 4a and I.. noise ]evels. The Newport Beach specified noise I eve] s shown in Table I below an, these that are not to be exceeded al a property from noise generated al a neighbor property. The defining noise zones; Zane f — Rem den ti a], and Zone M —Mixed Use Residential are app]icable and inctudLd in thisTeporL Zone 11.— Commercial and Zone rV - Ind ustrial/Ma nufactux ng do not apply. TABLE 7 0tp of Newporl Beach Noise Ordinance. Standards EXTERIOR NOSE STANDARDS Zone Zone Descriptor Noise Metric 7 am -18 pm (daytime) 16 pm - 7 am I Residential L�(IS min ) 55 dB(A) —(nighttime) 50dB(A .lm.. 75 dB A 79 dB (A) Mixed -Use Residential° L. 05 min 60 dB (A) 50 dB (A) 1. SO dB (A) 70 dB (A) Residential property within 100'01 a canuneraal property. Section 10.76.055 "Noise Level lvleasurernmr defines the locations where measurements can.be made to determ in a complia nue wide lice noisy sta nd and s. I I. effective ly deft nes wh are the Noise Ord inancc standards are applicable. For residential areas, the exteriox stand ard.is applicable io any part of a private yard, pa tic, deck or balcony normally used for human activity. The standards are'ne I appli cable to non- human activity arms such as trash container storage areas, planter, beds, above or contacting a property ]ine.fence or other areas nol non; 0 l used as part of the yard, polio, deck, or bnleony Section 1.0- 26.095 sets different noise standards for .I-VACequipmenL FTVAC equipmen[in or adjaarnt In residential areas cannot generate a noise level in exmss of.50 dB(A) unless 91. includes a timing device that will deactivate the equipmenn1. between 10:00 pm and 7.00 am in which the standard is raised to 55 dB(A) since iinc 13V—AC will only opera le 'd uring daytime.hours. Test Results The following'] able Tl presents the inoiso levels measured during our test ng sequence RS 6COL151105 inc. _ 15753 13eavu•Run Rd., Cnnyun Counh•y, CA 91387 P (6617 751.3965 E (661) 33.0.3783 Gregg Zell Hoag Hospital Fac lities Design and Construction Page 4 TAHLE 11 Measured Noise Levels Tebt Results - Ne. Location Time dB(A) Notes Lett I R7nax Condominium Substantial noise from traffic on Wesl Hoag Road, ] balmny 4:15 pm 53.8 67.7 &10tc, and aircrafl.Testing monitored and aused dMrin & unrelaled noiscevents. Condominium 2 5:00 pm 39.4 57.5 All windows closed? interim Properly line Noise from often events. Testing monilored and 3 +38' 6:00 pm 53.9 55.7 eused during these events. Condominium Noise from offshe events slit present and audible- 4 balcony 10;00 pm 57.7 67.0 Teslingmanitared rind paused during these _ events. Condominium. A] I windows closed." 5 ] 0:00 Pm 34.{] AG interior 6 Properly line Kitchen exhaust fans on :38' 3 :00 am 50:4 59.6 Property line Kitchen exhaust fans off 7 7;45 am 50.7 51.8 a See Figu(e 3 for cpnd ominium interior and exterior measurement positions. Discussion The noise levels generated by the operati on of all rooftop mechanical equipment was found to 1x 51.4 dB(A) L� during die daytime lioura when mcs sured at the property line. Rounding this result to 51 d13(A) L. ,j, the noise levels arc fuss than the 55 dB(A) L., maximum levels all owed by 71ie City of Newport 9each thus stitisfying the noise ordinance for din ytime operations. This test was monitored and paused when required to eliminate (to the degree possible) nny unrelaled on -sile or off -site noise intrusions. During the nighttime, the noiselevels generated by the operation of a!] rooftop mediarucal equipment was found to be 50.9 d0(A) L., when measured at the property line, 36' above Uieroadbed. Rounding this rem] i to 51 dB(A) L y the noise levels exceeds by 1 dB; the 50 dB(A)1.9 maximum noise levels allowed by The Cily of Newport Beach. T his.test was also monitored and paused. when MIkiired to c]iminate (to the degree passible) any unrelated on -site or off -site noise ill trusions. NOPQIevc]6ineasured of f]ie properly line with the kitchen exhaust fans off resulted in 503 dB(A) L., during lbe niglittime hours. This test period was only for a few minutes. To dclermine the noise levels gencra led by the replacement kitchen exhausl.fnns and the level of noise red uclion provided by die iiew.mec- Lan!cdl.equipment noiFe con trol penthouse, we subtract die noise levels measured wi ih Ilie fans oft (50 -1 dH(A)) from the levels with Ilhe fans opera li ng (50.9 dd(A)). Thi .results of this calculation suggest that the noise Ievelsfrorn the kitchen exhaust iv is independent of aU ocher equipmeniwouId be 43.2 dB(A) when measured at the proMu iy line. 3.5757 11 envcrItun It d., Canyon Country, CA 91597 P (663.) 251.3965 P (661) 31.0 -3783 Gregg 7. olI Hoag Hospital facilities Design and Construction Page 5 As discussed earlier in this report, we are uncertain of the accuracy of the noise levels measured with the kitchen exhauid fans off due to the short duration allowed for our measun inents. Medmnical equipment noise is usually very constant and unchanging, and we expert a short duration measurement would be the same as an extended measurement however as offsite noise levels at this site ale equal or often greater than the equipment noise levels, measurements can be easily effected. The calculated 431 dB(A) noise level generated from the kilchen exhaust fans complies with both the daytime and nighttime maximum noise level requirements of The City of Nesvporl Beach ordinance. This concludes our report. Please IM free to call our office with any questions sincerely yours, RS Acoustics Inc Robert Sdunide Principal Consul tail RA&bh End! Figures 1, 2, mid 3 RS AC. USTIC5 'nc. 14753 Beaver Run Rd., Canyon Country, CA 91387 P f6611 251 -3965 F (661) 310 -3783 Gregg Earn Haag Hospital Facilities Design and Construction Page 6 Measuremen! Posilion 4' Figure 1 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian RS ACQUOY&S ine_ 15751 . Braver Run Rd., Canynn Caaintry, CA 91387 V (6633 2,51 - 396:5 F Mbl) 310 -3783 Gregg Zoil Hoag Hospital gacilities Design and Construction Page 7 Ancillary building foof8op Kilchen exhaust tan nvise cuniroC endasute Figure 2 Has© Hvsplat Umviai Prc,hylerian ,BS O I TI Sin . 15751 Beaver Run Rd., L_anyun Cnuntry, CA 91,387 P Ux6'11 X51 -3965 V k6611 3181. -3783 Gregg Z011 H oag Hospital FadIN es, Des.! gn and ConsLTu cLian Page 8 a yK Hospital I F I . Baclony measurement position. Figure 3 Condominium Measurement Position,, 12S A COUS 13 CS j 75751 Beover Run Ed., Canyon Comntry, CA 91.367 P 16671 253-39i65 F (661) 310-3783 Mill AL93 -27 -2998 14: It RFP DEPT, ° Om Kyp*�11g P�una PO EM 6100 Nyw ft nw Ch CA 9265&6100 W64-HOAC 0" wvm,haantw�p]laf.vrg Mr, Stave 61110n Account Manager Philips Medical Systems 22100 Bothell Everett Highway P 0 box 8003 60theli, Washington 96041 -9403 August 26,.2008 -- subject= use TGA bireet PaymentPerioit Reference: Nogg 0987555401 Philips Lluototiali h10.1.1N8WW5 Order for ULTRASOUND 5YSTEM 100622 If83 Total Capital Expenditures. $1441'50.00 Dear Mr. 6illon: 425 402 8713 P.93 Hong Hospitol has obtained from the California State Board of Equalization, o Uoe Tax Direct Payrnimt Permit. Attached is the Use Tax Direst Payment Certificate, This permit allows Hoag Hoapltal to self•ocerue and pays dIrectly-to the State of California the use tax" oucciaited with our purchases from your company.' Pursuant to his Use Tax birect Payment Parm1T. we request that you not include soles tax an the Involca(a) shot you will issue regarding our purchases. The purchase order w111 be proemed upon our receipt of your conformation. If you have any question I can h2 reached at (949) 764 -8591. Thank u in ad�van ar your "oration. rent Chem s Manager, Purchaeing bepartment Cr: C087565001 PwILIpS MEbrCAL §Y$TFM6 ochnowladges and a9re0s to allow Hoag HosPital to self - accrue and remit this California Soles and Use Tog. All invoices issued by PHILIPS MEQICAL 6V5'I'EM5, for this order only will not include California Soles and Use Tag a fhey :are submitted, a rebikirg will i' ulrmd, Signature Tit e , COHHuH r• H03WYn LnCCP[ARFd hV THUOINT mu'ph'A Cp AOMD1TAtlow aP X lmm;FFNI Offiuml A " TOTAL P.93 2004 Total 2003 Total 2002 Total i Imy►E ��T1 CERF .LOG ZEIZO SALES TAX 768016E 1 8151231 2007 X11370 1007 -091,_817600 7400 6E 2007 iT1460 8193911 2007 111459 819392 2007 087632 8203141 2007 077633 1OZO4741 2007 2004 Total 2003 Total 2002 Total i Imy►E ��T1 CERF .LOG ZEIZO SALES TAX 768016E K 5PEE0 CT SCAIJ $ 1,076,491.40 7400 6E FETAL MOh7ITM5 $ 174,637.88 7650 Philips Skylight AZ $ 451,995 -k-0 7650 Philips strewn Workstn $ 124,958.48 7632 Philips Wraaound System $ 170.085 -00 7633 Hologic SeJenia Systems 1 $ 240.100.00 7420 5tiyW 6 Sets Power Inat $ 499,943 -50 7420 Stryker 1TP5Instruments $ `547,514.60 7630 Philips Mobile Florvecopy $ 163,960.20 Medtranic 767010E 150N 7565iPhil le C Arm Avanti -F" Xrcy Units Mini PACS Ultrasound Ulstrasound Cerf Log $0 sales tax Page 5 $ 7.139.713.35 193,465.00 182,887.50 323,250 -00 176,000.00 144,150 -00 2,490,BM50 2,490,823.50 2,170,673.50 7,139,753.35 2,692,438.71 .0.493 - 153.57 12,634,328.72 11,295,109.711 7,312,087.83 74.906.659.28 $ 83,428,08 $1334.44 I 153,327.78 $27,169 -64 $74,206.25 $12,050,86 1 $ 513,219 -39 $ 953,903.33 $ 455.k72.7i $ 919,313.81 $ 774,464.3; $ 521,3211.9E $5,559,437.21 HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN Master Services Jkq reernent Between {OQlQtad: Annu¢I Owner and Contractor +__ __________ __ __ _____ ______ _____. petaled:r mIna60oyN f bruDry20D EaITIDN____ 6TIPDLA7E D $uM{t THIS RNEW 1 FRI MRS AGED AMT LEGAL CiTO FS C MPL C HItN D im)(M ICAT31 AN n1TpANEY 16 Er +CpIJW.GED WlTli RESPECT 1'U R& CCAIPLEYei7nl DR AIPP]FICM1ilG10. D4lokod: Jenu¢ry 2005 TMn Ma 01 ar n r¢ liamemanl solo } h -!ao ierill? And eond[11on¢ for ConaJructlon $arvleea ie of prwrdod for MD•ap__ _ _ j pClotC d: Anilual Momodal Ma1p1ION PmlEpmrfan during 111Q 4p a afll¢d fain, it In Ili e. Conrroclor s rrapon¢Ihlllry to m low and and around !ho oct w n! ILIr n¢no uo prier In ou nj unc n vA Mnxlerhntvltre M1yro cme nl enoe net atlom>,e Irye 0neye QI anrCpeCl Rr- -_ _ _ pC1Cte P1 Ann uol Find C t mcthoutd 4v ueed only In uo nJ une tl¢n rAlh we a nra 9 Fd14Cn SVEplAnla nl raryABfQamanl $mWQQn Cwn9r- ¢ndC¢ntr4eur. - " - pcirmd: May 2C66 AGREEMENT Ea madQ Qa al�� and sdgP con[Inao In full Lorca one aifecl until aEIWEEN 1ho chman Hoeg r¢rmerinl Hoeplial PrpauylOrion 600 Supdrldr Ave., Su @d 30D H6wporl 13000, Callfa+nla 9$663 Mal federnl Expross Addres6: lioeg Memorial Hpsptlal Prpshylerien Facili eat; Oesfgn and Conslruellon 506 Superior Avenue, Sulte 300 Newport Beach, CA 92663 and the Canlmclal; COMFeclor Company Name Sire el Address And Suite City, State Zip I+1 _ _ _ - • trCleled; 5eplemEN 1, 2600 Delel4d: Rupu5171, 20$7 nelrled: Drlelod; n1i*IALL Delp led: ANNIIAL paI4tCE14a 3a7pgD.0 r,�j [ nRle[ed: ?n109 i MS47EH CRE @rdEHT % �� E .__________ ______-- _____tiQ%1 EMa8 AL HQ$ P17AL F! 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Arellllocl, Enfllmragq ConstruMfen MDnadar (ir any), and the CariMlor(e) fcuWcllevii, Ilia'Prvjacl Team'), berinp d.jgdAl1 MYillap oommunfnailon end mrk pmduel or WE Project Toom mom bmy, MEDIga Em Ina PrgjaCL yRlh• - - • Fvtmalmd: ll +le rifH one- 0.S' Iho D=iptlon o[ regally reeag olzad prWFlepod or and protuctud earn mumloa Gam, ehmll he 1lanamhled Through and murnialnad by Conslrucl0isra. 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'� n 5,2 T.ha Wank nlhy he suspended try Iho 1pl' xan provIdgd I n Anido 1h ell bra Genofhl Condilfpma. p1' 2005 e MM�un y ARTICLE 6 �" I ; a;' ontract 2065 ENUMERATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 411 Deleted: EAlfacnad llcielo) 8.l The Convaci J7ocuni all to, which can ufiluts Ilia onlfra ligrapn orl between the Otmar and ilia Conti actor, i a „ ndefGd: Ca[YYRACTOR except for Modifin lan5 issued allor nxecuffan er llyl � ,Apr- owinnl, ¢rm onumePkC R}_rv_Ilowa_ •, 1' - -- - _r� - l x, r �, Delcled: _ 1Mnws 6..M1.7 Tlla MnslRr.Agfaomanl' pl en Ilia Ov�or and Cpn!!muo, 1lfllllry 2069 _L•dition and all _ _ _ 1 4 , ' - 11f f aCl{gsl hemf0. ii Detclnd: ANNUAL S -1.2 Eene ml Condlllons o_iwu_an Iho OMaar and I_II_e CvntrnC_I_0 Zgku 2699 Cdltion 1 ' r r , 1 oedotcd: 11 SO75AOC �� _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ --- - "-- ' Deleted: 212M rle 1M57'ER SREEhrExr i +__ ____ _____ ______ ______HQ3A_�•E7AOR% HOSPITAL 114§PTE BIAA- _____.__- ^ Hoag Co Gen Weather Station Report February 200 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, GA Database. Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity .f 57.5 LL 55.4 0 52.5 Me" CO v LO d o 00 o a CO o 60 a 07 o CQ a Cd c W O M a 07 o N 43 O 03 o W 07 c N CA CTi .I Co W A iT 09 -J Co (O © O f9 O C7 O O O O O C O O 4 O 8 0 O O O O C] f3 O d O O 9 6 O O p Dates /Times I 1 1 1, 97.5 95.17 3g EM .7 1 1 87.5 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 59 58 1. 57 LL 0 05 54 N IJ r a V M1J -4 V N V N V V N V Itii V N -Q V h7 +-t !J V V V 0 0 o a a o 0 o a a o o a a a a a m es n3 w �► CA C) m m �' o o a as o o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 v 0 a CP o c o 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 o 0 a 0 s'a 0 o Dates /Times 140 M E 97 401 �L! Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag r. Temperature Relative Humidity A 62.5 LL 60.0 57.5 55.0 N N QS 67 Q G fV Q O N W O M13 Qi O N @ O N) 6Y O N Cl O C77 O N R7 O N W Q h! Q° Q M1J R73 O N W O P� Liz O PV 87 O O O Q7 ►C Co Cp O j N G A CF* O Q 0 O O O O 0 O 0 O O O O O O O O Cates /Times 100 90 80 70 60 50 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Obseryations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 51 5-W Gam; ;L 58 57 W 55 N iJ t td M M13 r h5 h ra N N N N i itis M M13 N N N N Dates / Times 100.00 46XH: 99.50 BIR 99.25 MOT, Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database' Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station. Newport -Hoag s Temperature Relative Humidity LL 57 56 55 54 53 A � A �A A � A 3 3 3 3 4 0 Q 0 a o 0 0 6i rl W cY3 O O O C 0 0 0 0 A � A �A A � A ,� A ? .c► 3 3 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 © 3 i N 3 3 3 G1 A SFi 3 C37 4 rY W 3 Ili ni hi' Dates f Times 100 95 90 85 de 8a 75 70 65 Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag FAI 62.5 Temperature Relative Humidity 64.0 A61 LL n 55.0 52.5 50.4 N N W W vN W h.3 W N W N W N W N W N W N W N C�e7 N W N W N W N W N W N �7 a o c a o o a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n Q 0 Q © r' i J 3 r' Nj fl) M —I 0 Co 0 ...a N W S C n CA V C6 to 0 3 N 0 O O 0 0 0 Q 0 0 CD O O 0 0 9 G O 0 6 0 o 0 O 0 C O 0 O O O 0 O C7 o Dates 1 Tlmes 51) 55 50 45 Be 40 35 30 25 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station. Newport -Hoag � 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 53 62 ST LL 50 Y 59 58 57 90 80 70 60 a� 50 4.0 30 20 10 N M1� N N I N Q P N hi !w N i M1Q N N N f� N 1 N M13 N r9 N 3 �T N 3 i r n O o ri ri. R Lit O V O C7 O 0 C N W 4b, 4Tt 0 �t O7 Cp C r N C Q O 6 O O O O O Cl O O O O O O O C O O O O L7 O O O O O O O Ci O O 0 Dates /Times 90 80 70 60 a� 50 4.0 30 20 10 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Statlam !Newport -Hoag 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 60.5 e0.0 59.5 59.0 LL 58.5 0 58.0 57.5 57.0 56.5 Dates /Times a W A ST 0 C 4 O 0 o o C o 0 0 Q O O C ..a ..s M -Q co 0 D i N O O O 0 C O O 0 0 0 O O 0 C Dates /Times a W A ST 0 C 4 O Dates /Times 100.0 95.0 * .W R 0 0 o a o 0 0 C O O O d 4 O 100.0 95.0 * .W R Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station- Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 59 58 57 55 LL 55 54 53 52 Dates 1 Times 100.0 97.5 95.0 BE 92.5 90.0 87.5 O O O O O O O O 6 O b O O O O Q O N W ..06 C 77 0 67 `J CO SQ f7 s v ® O O o A 0 0 o Q c+ O o O c o o 9 © 0 o Q o O 6 O o s o Q c c O O Dates 1 Times 100.0 97.5 95.0 BE 92.5 90.0 87.5 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, GA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Temperature Relative Humidity 61.0 60.5 60.0 59.5 59.0 ILL 58.0 57.5 57.0 55.5 Station: Newport-Hoag Dates /Times v � � .l r3 3 3 v ri 3 sD rp cg W +� cry efl o a s o a o G cy ® o N N N 07 �I dU CD 0 —i N O Q A C1 G O D a o 0 o c c ca Dates /Times v � � 0 0 4 v ri 3 W A Gri Q 6 O a o a Dates /Times HMO 87.5 85.0 e 82.5 r1 4`Q fp O m s N N N tT '9 Co (0 0 —i N a o 0 o c c ca HMO 87.5 85.0 e 82.5 r1 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 59 58 57 56 LL 55 54 53 �Mr Co W W W W W 6 0 o C o ® c L3 a o O Q o c c o C, 0) d -�j ® OS a Cp s1 CD i PQ 3 W A d C11 C7 , W J 07 CD O + N o °°© o o o ® o ° a o 0 0 ° o o Dates /Times 100.000 4ILSI V 99.950 3R 4 � � IM' 1 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag � 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 64 63 62 61 LL 0 617 59 58 57 N 1V LI`D N N N N 1V N N N N N N N �3 �.i e+ a o 0 0 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 o a o 0 �0 0 0 0 C 3 1 d rS itii N iu p �I W Cfl C O 4 O C C? O C7 C7 Ci 0 ® CD 0 C7 C3 Cs 0 0 © o 0 o a o C> o 0 0 0 0 o n o Dates /Times 100 95 90 85 ag so 75 70 55 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database- Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport--Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 57.5 65.0 62.5 LL 0 60.0 57.5 55.0 Dates 1 Times 67.5 65.0 62.5 60.0 57.5 55.0 52.5 50.0 l%i Oi £39 a1 C65 �J1 07 W C?7 ii7 aS CA W S7 �7 CA CA C C O O d C7 C7 © O d C 0 © a 0 d d C7 4 O s s s s s s C) -f Co to C N.I W .A C n -.J Co 44 C3 s N) v v o D 0 v o o Cs 0 o o o 0 ® c o ® Ct © n o o o ® c a c o a c+ Q a Dates 1 Times 67.5 65.0 62.5 60.0 57.5 55.0 52.5 50.0 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 87.5 65.4 62.5 LL 60.0 e 57.5 55.0 52.5 Dates 1 Times 100 ar M 70 . M, 3 3 3 3 w1 s1 r.3 3 3 3 3 3 3 y 3 3 3. Gf1 C,TS CT, CJ1 Us CJs CT U 4fi L1 CJs CT C7s U U U CT O O O O O 6 p O O O O O O O O p O O -+ N Ca A U tT� W 00 cp tN7 N ® © o 0 0 o p o o O O O O p p O O Dates 1 Times 100 ar M 70 . M, Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity -2rl 60.0 57.5 55.0 52.5 Dates /Times 100 95 90 at 85 80 75 A A A A A A A A A_ A A A A A A A A 0 0 0 o a o 0 Dates /Times 100 95 90 at 85 80 75 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag �a 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 62.5 -mom 57.5 LL ' 55.0 52.5 50.0 h1 N N Ai ht h'^+9 N 9�T IV ti? N h? M1? h�3 h7 N iti 7 CD Q C% 0 a? i 1 1 1 1 3 1 j � � O V Co Co O 3 N W A ST+ CA ►i cc W O . i M1J O O O O S? O 6 Q O © 6 O Q 0 O O O iO O © O O O C 4 6 O O O O O Dates /Times 100.0 7 95.0 5W. .jWIw E YJW Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag i Temperature Relative Humidity NJ 60 J 3 59 Q 58 C L7 O 57 56 CD V W LL O o o ° b O O D 55 54 53 52 51 ! t NJ 1 EQ A ti w1 3 aY rY .1 3 w N O O © O O 6 0 3 QA d Q7 dt9 q + N NJ J 3 Q C L7 O Dates /Times 900 .a 0 WA Mi CD V W O o o b O O D 900 .a 0 WA Mi Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity � 0 60.0 Temperature Relative Humidity 57.5 55.0 u- 4 52 5 50.0 Station: Newport-Hoag Dates /Times 100.6 975 95.0 ag 92.5 et r 1 1. A A � � '� 1 ► � � A A A A � 1 �. �•. +� A A A A ►� r� ter. A o a o 0 0 0 0 0 o a 0 o a a o 0 0 o c o o N N N` 0 V ea 0 0 3 N w 4 to a hi O 0 © o o 6 O o o O 9 G O o a o Q 0 0 0 4 0 0 a o a o 0 o C? O a cs o Dates /Times 100.6 975 95.0 ag 92.5 et r Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 57.5 55.0 52 5 LL 50.0 a 47.5 42,5 Dates 1 Times 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 o O o 0 o O o O l7 o o O O O o O O O O O O O O O Q O O ® O d C O C O O O O Q d O O O Q O O O Q O o ® O O a o 0 0 0 0 o O o o Q a O a Dates 1 Times 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag � 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 57.5 61401 LL, 52.5 a 50.0 !111,[0. N N N N N N hJ N N N hJ N N N Q a G7 c O C7 ® o 0 0 0 o a o o Q O h7 Ga $ CT C9 Co 0 3 N O O C Q O O O D C7 O O C3 O Q �f C7 a Q C7 O 6 Q O O Co Q O C1 O O O O O O Dates /Times 100 ,. W 97 9 M. 95 94 Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity 'Station: Newport-Hoag � 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 59 58 57 56 u55 - 0 54 53 52 51 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N a a a a a a a a a d 4 O O 4 O M O O O O O O d O O 0 N N N CD V CO 0 O 3 N W A {Si M V O CO O v N O O 8 O @ O O O d O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C7 €7 O O O O O Crates /Times 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, GA Database Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag FA I Temperature Relative Humidity 59 58 57 56 LL a 55 54 53 52 a a a a a a a a a V V a V rl a W Q o o O O o 6 C C C C' O o C o O C9 O O C W --4 Co i0 M R? W 41- a 0 6 a (j O C7 O o O c� C a C o O a Q ca Q o 0 a C7 O O o C C7 Q o Co O C O ® o Q d Dates /Times 100 W 80 9 70 D& Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 58 u- a 57 63 Q O O O b p ® p Q Q O Q O O Q d Q cn era -r co rn o j iV 0 6 o 4 a Q o L7 a O c O o Q ca O ca O o Q o Q c O ® O o O c C o Q a Q Dates J Times 100.00 99.75 99.50 99.25 ae 99.00 98.75 98.50 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Temperature Relative Humidity 57.00 56.75 56.50 5625 LL 56.00 0 55.75 55.50 55.25 55.00 Station: Newport-Hoag VI U1 VI U1 rl 3 3 W {f Cit O O d O 4 O Dates l Times cn vim, � u, cn cr+ rn 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ri 3 3 -X a1 3 O O O Q O 3 O O O O O O 0 O O VI U1 VI U1 rl 3 3 W {f Cit O O d O 4 O Dates l Times 100.000 99.975 99.950 99.925 99.900 * 99.875 99.850 99.825 98.800 cn vim, � u, cn cr+ rn ri 3 3 -X a1 3 G7 'J 00 lD O 3 IU o C C © C+ p O O 8 O O 0 © O 100.000 99.975 99.950 99.925 99.900 * 99.875 99.850 99.825 98.800 Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database- Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag 0 Temperature Relative Humidity .r 69 58 LL v A 56 55 � N `�► N "�. i "�� � � 'fir N Z ++N�� � N .., � N � N 3 N � N 3 N v. M, 0 0 © 0 0 0 o a 0 0 o r 0 0 Q c) r Co to N W 4� C) M Co ffi O a N 0 0 0 Q a o 4 0 Q 0 cCP a 0 0 Q 0 C5 0 o 0 Dates I Times IOfl 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoeg LAI Temperature Relative Humidity 1-.1111f 57 5 uw a 55.0 52.5 Dates /Times 100 99 98 97 1 94 93 a a a�j a a a a a a a a a a a a a ca �s w w w to w c,a w w w w w w w w ux Q O O O O O O O O G1 g L7 4 O Q O O O d 07 cc Q N 44 7. C7i X37 ^J OP 0 O s N 0 Q ca © a o ® © o © C o o ea 0 Dates /Times 100 99 98 97 1 94 93 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity .r PW LL a 57 M 64R. N L�' O N O 0 N 0 Q 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CI) -4 Co W 0 N W A Clt M -d Co 40 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 C7 0 0 0 0 0 C5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C] 0 0 O 0 0 O Dates 1 Times 100.0 99.5 99.0 98.5 98,0 97.5 97.0 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag � 0 60 Temperature Relative Humidity _ 59 58 57 LL 56 a 55 54 53 N N N rQ h7 N N N N N N N N N N N N a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 0 0 c a 0 0 0 o 0 C 0 o 0 C 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 s ..k s s ..3 ..+. N3 N N 0 [D 0 N G] A 0 0 �I Co 0 C 3 N 0 0 C Q 0 0 C9 0 C, O 0 0 0 0 0 ® o 0 0 0 ® 0 0 0 0 o 0 a 0 a 0 p 0 Q Dates 1 Times 100.00 99.75 99.50 99.25 99.00 98.75 98.50 98.25 98.00 Hoag Memorial Hospita,bogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity "n 97 67 ux ii qy 2QAxl n2r2x11n rvT"2 K11II n_!> lu to: (2 n];]Rrl It 172 ^xl Jt 11225110 Ilea Pto Ills .�11 rtti 1eaO ,>,SI 1.11:]I ASI III 4x s' ^d cu ].:.] Pht n791p:53 I'M 111l37pis Pal ■ Relative HumicI4 20 -100 % (Solid Line) e Temperature 20 -100 deg F (Dashed Line) Qa Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) g° Reference Line = 55 s7a; IA ?1 Mfi OJIMI rp,r -wI0 I1 ^-xfl0 r14:t711:00 AM nx3rw;A4 A }] * Heat Rejection MBH Li■ Reference Line = 4700 i'�zV R�per, Heat Rejection i12J2R7I11 R,'��x /III 17?GxilU .ia + �� 1 L13:2x AIM IILPO;r2 Par 11-1:26: St. PM ��- ,� :. ��.I HIV ,lll =: pR• RePort Generated on; 002 ^ F Hoag Memorial Hospita, Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity a9 97 - x3.97 (17,49— 51 n9 3srr, WIND r11111 I lIn 01p11II IN ,CANI M11 06:41001 AM r18:36a11 ANI II:I Y.9 4H r Rotative Humidity 20 -100 `Ya (Solid Line) ® Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®v Plane Condition DNaff (Thick Line) e v Reference Linea 55 3x31 1916 IF next n�,nlilu n�,en+tu u,nitin� 116:00:00 AM ax: (04 A. I I I:I }:1x A %I • Heat Rejection MBH 13v Reference Line =4700 Oa7y Report THU n1'1r1114n Pb5t 111 +, n1n1111 f1 nt:ax: ?= P11 ua3= �= i�tl n7�rtll.s? I�AS Heat Rejection k/A L12M III IN 0I;P):11 PAS n2AIIII n 043656 PM n?01"1 ri 117fl ?yn PAS 112tlI 3 .114) nu i7-i4 nh1 1111111j1n N19 Aft-14 PV Report Generated on: ZMW1010:010 F i 7 _II NII Hoag Memorial Hospital 'Co en 'Weather Data Temperature and Humidity I12Al2 .110 02,1Q011 qZA IM II IL.illl [M Ail 118:3 -Orl AM I It12:71 AM ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Llne) e Temperature 20 -100 Deg H (Dashed Line) ■► Flurne Condition OrK)ff (Thick Line) ®° Reference Line= 55 +15711 — 7hhi -A` 1H ;{ 0.17E111 112MVIIt 'r Trrl n ncrlpl.an 41 a AM ■ Heat Rejection M6H rt° Reference Line =4700 6TO— Hepon 1.17�7gJt l l Il�ill?J{p 11?AI'Jlli 112Alit 111 11'_AI]l1f7 417J14- %111\I Heat Rejection Report Generated on: llz s7zno 10Or,19 r Hoag Memorial Hos itCar Co en Weather Data Temperature and Tumidity „1- x}n7 ]fl :INI 112p1.VIII 112M -Y111 tI`MP10 I7h;I111 {f l0,;.%I Iis:3n:10 AM 11112 ''1 IM s Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ® Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) s® Plume Condilion ❑n+Off {Thick Linea E]■ Reference Line = 55 Olt WHO UZMT1110 I17.mpil7 'IF01110) AM UUfp.,44 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH ov Reference Line =4700 [filly n N/A i II_i11,i111} Ih:diiy'y tl Ilia %;ij f' \! II- V;3d�J'I " #t Heat Rejection NIA - 07:1111_<I j "py 113A19I1e+ Wh;7114 VNI Ml:; II _ -:'.II (Y ?�[li1'EO El';II�Ii Il ±ypl }flu `Y. ! '.I :Si. _= P'•I n &?r+,S6 PPI M 1V j..: Report Generated on: 0o r 4 Hoag Memorial Hos ita,"Co en Weather Data 39.I:M1 , 11?nWli fl et_nu IS,I n;,<M1lll 11 flpr0f19X1 AM OX :'._III .A }I I JA: :I ASI ® Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) n Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) Plume Condition OrdOff (Thick Line) o` Reference Line = 55 T6N3 — 57aT -- IN31 1916. - O.U017 03A410 nS,ru�1n 116:0911I17.1AI IIN,:;3h AA AAf a Heat dejection MBH 139 Reference Line =4700 oauY Rep°n n'n,arin 111 a.s:z_ [!31 Heat Rejection r1;nW�r1t1 tu:_a;Jl Cti r1�ma1l11 uT ntlil TIM 6 ua• s' Pa I'M 'Crt1ami 117/U.111tl (IIA14110 112AIA110 113#,41111 1 :1 ?: =F AM 01:5W.12 YA1 04.26:56 r1M 117113:411 M 04.411: 24 6117 Report Generated on: 0=4nO 10 :411 M F Temperature and Humidity t9 1i 7.4 f.t O9 39.I:M1 , 11?nWli fl et_nu IS,I n;,<M1lll 11 flpr0f19X1 AM OX :'._III .A }I I JA: :I ASI ® Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) n Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) Plume Condition OrdOff (Thick Line) o` Reference Line = 55 T6N3 — 57aT -- IN31 1916. - O.U017 03A410 nS,ru�1n 116:0911I17.1AI IIN,:;3h AA AAf a Heat dejection MBH 139 Reference Line =4700 oauY Rep°n n'n,arin 111 a.s:z_ [!31 Heat Rejection r1;nW�r1t1 tu:_a;Jl Cti r1�ma1l11 uT ntlil TIM 6 ua• s' Pa I'M 'Crt1ami 117/U.111tl (IIA14110 112AIA110 113#,41111 1 :1 ?: =F AM 01:5W.12 YA1 04.26:56 r1M 117113:411 M 04.411: 24 6117 Report Generated on: 0=4nO 10 :411 M F Memorial Hospita 'Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 1.12fOS11 fl 17?ffl5lr lu 0?�IIISfl11 172+SISj {0 •,�, II7 MF eyp — ti7.V1t -- 5 ev is Ilq OW IM II?.1151141 63015/111 1111 :n'J6; NI 11:13:31 n'NI 6114 s;53 p51 N;N!4� PM n79uls l PM 1P137:64 1'M ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) o Temperature 20 -100 lea F (Dashed Lime) ®'r Plume Condition Or11DN {Thick Line) Q• Reference Line = 55 4578 4747 — 3N ?1 1'11 h 11,I1Of1 m Heat Rejection MBH Q• Reference Line =4700 Daily Aepprl 11 �,ll }y; It ::I i:'F ',S, Heat Rejection 11':(15;111 lef 5u:1' Pf.l 1 1_!71 \II II r13N °rI II 117 tit ::1'1 F, %% 011.4W24 p \7 Report C.S e'ne ra ted on:0205 +1010*6:91 F Haa Memorial Hos itatoCo en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 94 07 I Y3 v? I 51 N4 3R uu _ rn iet — p7dIN+1(1 41U141101 q$Alh,i {E7 6?Vilh�ln MI I1n :1111 A%[ 4 Ig :111 H] 7W Ili]:I :111 nl dN -S P'1 • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg H {Dashed Line} ■v Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) e v Reference Line = 55 Heat Rejection 1,971 anon n7m:ai711 (1:;111,1111 117;11tol91 IQAJ61111 n5alnp11l AM Iyi %',a,A.! :151 I1!11!29 "N 11{,511:7? PM IN Heat Rejection MBH 133 Reference Line= 4700 owr r�pon' n';(1i1Aq ia�rtllr /lli n7A7n}[r7 n - rtu +T 1111 r19:1. 11A 113,1 UZO1613 3 07mnn11 112m7�1171 11J.'NI . PM (17 :01:417 PM 11.0 441 ?J P1" Report Generated on: C- nn Memorial Hospital'Cogen Weather data Temperature and Humidity J I I 1 ?1171 11 IQI1117 11 Iry2,il II O?ry'I'; 111 112.41 ij II 111 117 1 111 P ?pl N111 ilhiMIAW AM INJI,:111 AKI I1•I ";1 :vm OI Jw,l] MI II4:24 J. I ^'i1 1371X}51 PN nu::71W I'Al In Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) G Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) av Plume Condition On1Off (Thick Line) Gv Reference Line = 55 Heat rejection 7661-- _ c74-, 3xII - - _ ila;l27110 Il_'A17FIU UJ43711 IN 11_'11]711 IN A17l311 41ZA17F3P 02;07 11 tth IIII.I If AM IW:3hA4 AM I I: 11:29 AM III :.SN:12 Phil 04;Zh:.1h P 67:41} --Irk PAS 119- #17:_241'M Heat Rejection MBH no Reference Line =4700 Report Generated on: OZE 12 1:1 ", 06—F Hoag Memorial Hoapita.'Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity xI X17 - ra.vs Si.YY - 112MIE111I r12141S 1l ll 1u_:u!; lip I plil 4191 h ?I I1ti;l o:lu ;411 I I:I'.]I 1,% El Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) El Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ro Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) eo Reference Line = 55 57x7 — 11n @ - n nnn 412p181111 IL.AI %f, 11 (W.N1:1II1 AM 1111;}M11JJ h,S1 ■ Heat Rejection MBH ©v Reference Line =4700 Dozy fii�'pan 11z!ftlNi 111 11:41 %111) el I-J %j? 1'11 {u;]1111111 Heat Rejection lL /CS.(I• II �JSCg17ll 414-16:511. P%t 11"'0x!1111 11]if7ft1i 11 017 ilu, +1 r'!11 un :- n{ "•! 117'11 :t ... uYaiD;�d P1.` Report Generated on: 6TJ rlo 10 :DD LF Y +•� �1T X yT MAX — Hoag Memorial Hos itai Co en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity If) 011 IL I I?RII171 I- I If,'YN1911.UI ilW ih III.S }9 11:1]:11 A%I ■ Relative Humidity 20 -104 % (Solid Line) ® Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) my Plume Condition OnIOff (Thick Line) p" Reference Line ; 55 - 7h6} _ 573" 1R }1 I'JYM Il.pbn o+,TYypn fl2mlo fYR.:[Ib;On AM 13:36;44 LNI ■ Heat Rejection MSH 0■ Reference Line =4700 o3�r Y�ppr, NIA 1IiRl!YlIB fh]•u•IY hi 172:fhu1111 ill •�11:)_ I'M1I BJ•_a,J] h ?I 07119 --13 Phi Meat Rejection N/A T YI�1NY /11Y 114;1T;17d j'17 n2my1tu ra_svrnll u_'rir9rin a_,ru� „— — fV3,iNlrllr 19:11-2R AM (II i17:12 P.M 114:2h:3lr PM 117 11 pM11 Report Generated on: aun 0III;on-n3 F Haag Memorial Hospita,'Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity m/ r I 57.0E i 51911 I_ I il'!J1 [lj601 n'_II11111I II?Jj IYf III Y1 ?ll lull? 71'_fllrll[I tl1 ?il llr 111 Plv llull'll [IN Flll,q[I ail ft 1w lu ANN lI:I':'I AM U!•SN 1: E'd1 (14 144i V]I 11,1111133 PRl 11.47 -1 IMI ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) 4 Temperature 20 -100 deg F (Dashed Line) o" Plume Condition OrL[Off (Thick Line) ov Reference Line = 55 Heat Rejection 7ah? — t 7.77 n.una "M WI YI }79110r11 _ II6:II[I:II0 AM UM:,Wt41 AA! II'.1 }]N. ::,1' it -•. _ ':1 n �,. .. „ -�,i -, u,. JO 0b ® Heat Rejection MEH pv Reference Line =4700 17aily iaaparl. Report Generated on: aro M10 Hoag Memorial Hospita,"Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 51 lJ' :5 V4 Tt11111 1'1 '131111 ,,.I, I.- II_'l bill WOIILnH AM w: �n 111 %'.1 I I I' _ "1 w ® Relative Humidity 20.100 % (Solid Line) © Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) Btl Plume Condition ©rt'Of {Thick Line) o° Reference Line = 55 gS7x — Y IIG nIn 0111111 G'_71 1110 01111110 06:00;00 A.M 08:34:44 ANI 11:9::11 A': ■ Heat Rejection MBH OT Reference Line =4700 ..[lady Fln�rt ICA call 41111 IrYO 111111110 I -M 144. =x:12 I'h1 IIT110 i} 11 M1.1 Heat Rejection 1 Y11JT nn ltxu i'M •1 srn.,, �,•.' _ c. "•: 47A.t -.01 PM 011:411114 "M Report Generated on: ©2 s1+1a,o:nrs:az r I ,)I, Ir M7.97 a't9x e I bn ps wu Memorial Hospita,'Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity Il ±,alto 0311?711p tl71i 7.1111 0lll7riJl 0711 ]11P ❑711 ?1111 0� IIa.IMb.IRI •! %I 41 ::16;111 A%I I I J7:71 A %I 01AM! VNI ILL 74'4_' MI 117-IMI:5., PM IPp 7.lpt Ppl • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■y Plume Condition OnIM (Thick Line) ec Reference Line = 55 X7.0 — pM„ - 1916 IPA90 - 0MU11i EQ1131111 IFC;11DAM AM 118:3,6 :44 AA] v Heat Rejection MBH ©• Reference Line = 4700 raslly ?�,rt Heat Rejection ":A 2!411 uQ117119 OJ'!'_!10 117 11]1111 117 117711, 11:13.18 ANT 111:50,13 ['!•I nd ±b:95 Ph1 07113:40 MI 119:411:2.1 pAl Report Generated on:oznzsaso:n11 ar Hoag Memorial Hos itaXo en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity x'✓.v7 - fu7 'IF tl uu 4% uy '_erkIh 13:1 IIG.OYl rkII AM rI,G :;.,[0 VlE s Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Lille) » Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®o Plume Condition CrVOff (Thick Line) aP Reference Line = 55 '663- - 5-.4 1431 -- i'JI6 - n.um e2nm11 118aNh[PO AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH av Reference Line =4700 Cki�y Reporl [J YI=f1 :1117 k11 .JK�l� I'h1 Heat Rejection NIA 11_l1 wk) III 112A1311n 113:744'I'M 117 rnP+?MI ❑JJ )41 P 104;i7.nJ 11hl CI �!'� Irl ,�l•� n +_fl ?r'10 11JI316[J e±,r1311k1 I : ' ).' ..1 ).1 Yrl +il I' :' °.• PJ•?M1;Sfi Fh1 17gw111a1e o`.S YI'N „11' +_.1 FA! Re Pori G e n 9 rated ❑n: 0211311 0 7 0'00:08 F Hoag Memorial Hosph Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity sk 114 ±cl nn u:!r•YJ1P P:"I41111 11J1 a'In R ?71 J!1 r1 11_'71 ZI11 I1'±IN 1140 4,11 Hrrw:111 A31 IIx:3fi:11I AIM 1 I'.1' ]1 :131 nl•Jxyi -+ P1S M ^_ltJ] MA 107 +10 i L I I M Irv.:7 1 F'71 * Relative Humidity? 20 -100 % (Solid Line) * Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■o Plume Condition OnDf# (Thick Line) o v Reference Line = 55 Heat Rejection) MAI — "'`- -,r II ❑OIY IY'_ A11 C1 n ?71 J.rl IY 9VIZ11, 11711 J r Iv o6:001111 AM nN: ?fis -11131 1133;RR AM I11-511:tJ P31 * Heat Rejecllon MBH Ov Reference Line = 4704 r�� RcAOrt 11? 11 J 1111 r121141111 (1111411 II 11 t:16 4n Pht 117:133•Jn PM 179 :411?2J PAt Report Generated on: az 14M) ln:a11 CI F Memorial Has it;ims) Ca en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 35 yp •n i. IInp111110 .w, \I 1, 1r, 11' e Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) q Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®v Plume Condition Ort'Off (Thick Line) av Reference Line = 55 ViTx — TfiGt - iTJ7 — lx ?t 1918 — - Q.1xN1 Oyl5flfl C! ?Il Slltl O"(I AM Ox,16 :44 NI; 9 Heat Rejection MSH Ov Reference Line =4700 �i �r Repo 'I�ntnll n2rl�Jll! nllltlul 1121r +1•. nl .i S. ?J3 "ii 1141,4.4' PM PT 1111.41 I'M 0'1 uJ I'1.1 Heat Rejection -�.r f0211511 1) 11_11 R(NI 11-1;15110 07715!]I1 C1:) 1511 [p 11:13 ^RAM 41 1:5u:32 PAT Od L26;5 f, P!d 07;0.40 PM 01JPA11 :24 Ph7 Report Generated on5oPiis +10 so_ooms r Memorial Hos ita,'Co en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 99.410. N? 47 67 09 - 6I p1,r. 15 .", N INI Cdt1,1p1 02/111/111 ri1 F1-1�I11 04;0171141 . \TI ON 1 I.1 `_:_I .k.1! ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) * Temperature 20 -100 Deg IF (Dashed Line) By Flume Condition On/Off rMick Line) Ese Reference Line= 55 1 +s 711 7af1? ?Njl 11AIMI ❑2y'1 Gf19 E0211 fiJIl+ 02Ft 6110 Otii011 nl, 4'q 05:311:41 X751 1 I:E 3:28 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH ❑■ Reference Line =4700 �w f�np�re BV Ir.11�+r1n 11211bA11 ul;dx;? +I'll 114 '3 J2 11N1 Heat Rejection 1 \LM_ 1Y1n by l it "NI h11IA 11710311' NJ 11m.37'11W 171 ❑211 (if 10 02/1111!0 11 , ,;! „?'1 +d2f11011 I1I:50:12 V11 111:.' 416 PNI 11 j I.'. I'1 F:1 1141-4 11:7A I "• Report Generated on: va+ 1010 -Mol r r 'i1i N7 asil7 flyF 5I 1M °1 :S iil ?11JNI Hoag Memorial Hospitiarl Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 112,1171111 412A 77:11 0711'86 116 110:1111 A!1 OR 3h:10 -11I I I AM ■ Reiative Humidity 24 -140 % (Solid Line) o Temperalure 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®v Flume Condition On'Off (Thick Line) o v Reference Line =55 3 %31 1'116 -- — — O MI6. 1121171Yd1 0:11 71 10 u?117116 "15MQ:fNY AM 08:36A4 AM 1I:1?:?II AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH r37 Reference Line =4700 Daly f>Ppnn N/A 1]_11 -7,1111 11'_!171111 Feat Rejection N/A 117/171111 674111 i i Q11 T 1!_1171111 II•� �? 1611'11 I, _- I -.';lu I1311771ti 't T;l'f7n Report Generated on: I -1-PIO 10 0CI:aa F Hoag Memorial Hospita, Bogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 9 ?.97 67.99 — i - - -- --------- - ----` i 9C1 20 -[Ill 02/lallu n+119lirl 11_11%1111 116110011 AM rIN im l el ,4 \I 11 -.12:'_1 X191 ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) IS Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) av Plume Condition OnOff (Thick Line) a v Reference Line = 55 S7J7 3931 - 11.1100 II ?,y1911❑ 11'.1191111 1169111:.011 AM 11936:44 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH my Reference Line =4700 �Y H2part 11:119.110 11:1 ?1.8 AM T rI:JI 81111 111 :4 PAI Heat Rejection 11211 N7l ll n1:5na_'P.M T 11°1191111 07,11 8110 04126:58 PM 112718/10 9711[164 I,NI 11,07114 ¢111 157- ,1:,.211 P.M 09¢.1111241141 Report Generated an. Ow&lo 10.0 M r Hoag Memorial Hos ita. )Co en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity N1 •17 35 Y11 — '_11,1111 f II ?1114JI11 115J'hJlu Il_JI'!rin IhJlY7pn IY�lhA11 112?19J111 RNI11 Jiu III, 11101NI, {hl II'17:_1 AM III J %S"P5I IU; ^J -1 +P ?I 117!111147 I'M 419 ;17.41.9 I'M • Relative Humidity 20 -106 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F ('Dashed Line) *• Plume Condition OwOH (Thick Line) o • Reference Line = 55 Heat Rejection p57R _ if•p: _ _ 57.1- _ rxil IYIh — Il 0114 0:1111/11] 83719JI11 11_JI Yl I[I II':I ". :I1 II].'I �Ii IY'I IL'; 1'l'I�� II?J'1lJb 116130M, ?lNI 05-36:21 A%I I [:1 I'S 11,11 I.; ..111 PM IIJ 'fi :I, P!.i mr -11+ ^_ P +,I ■ Heat Reiection MBH El v Reference Line = 4700 Report Generated on: ovl�r7a lo;oo:a3 r Hoag Memorial Hospita, Bogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 1 Li 6R i\ HII VI @II I_f'f 1;111 11_'011[{1. II'i211,!lit II21 -11 /III II !'I I,I I, ut.[1111y1.i \I 'M I" I s. \.1 II FI:1 q } I INI :48:13 r' Y1 [1.1;_442' ?1 Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) o Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (flashed Line) ®" Plume Condition OrilOff (Thick Une) ❑9 Reference Line = 55 574- L=—.�� 1811 MIS IIJDA 1 Db0111.61P AM ll� AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH ©■ Reference Line= 4700 baay rderx, rl Heat rejection 11 2 171111 1' 02011111 117310/1 i I'm 111;17:111 PNI tn,n u; 10 n?J?i?(ICt u2r-± 1541 412r -'I; {111 SI I:S I I'13 PM 111''h3h PT<1 111 911 ill rim 411:411:]4 I°h1 Report Generated on: a Ono 10mn:aaF 957A 76( 3 [747 IR}1 1916 KEW" 11:r111111 n'. ^_I /In ■ Heat Rejection MBH! o■ Fleterence Line = 4700 oax c�Pan Heat Rejection OI1 -1n11 n2. nz'_lilu Ir'l_'i M I I 14:13Q8ANT 01:50412 Phi W:26-1r. !'V 07 n):an I'M 110'.Al?-t P4r Report Generated art: 021'21+401®: 00 Hoag Memorial Hospital, Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity [rIJ Cf'/ rSi 41 _ Ii7 ny _ - - - - -. - - - 1 j 9'1 ]fl flA _ cf_r]Inrl n=r wri Ir "l2YINI u.Rtrl It uyh lllrr tr�n_pflfl a2J?Illu ITIONI: M AM ❑N:11r:11r A51 I.I7:]l .V }1 IV{ JK-1' I'll ttJ `1-A' 1' \I 4141 51 I'll ItC1:T 7:IIJ V %t Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) 13 Temperature 20 -100 Reg F (Dashed Line) 137 Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) 0" Reference Line =55 957A 76( 3 [747 IR}1 1916 KEW" 11:r111111 n'. ^_I /In ■ Heat Rejection MBH! o■ Fleterence Line = 4700 oax c�Pan Heat Rejection OI1 -1n11 n2. nz'_lilu Ir'l_'i M I I 14:13Q8ANT 01:50412 Phi W:26-1r. !'V 07 n):an I'M 110'.Al?-t P4r Report Generated art: 021'21+401®: 00 Haag Memorial Hospitcal Gogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity ng.v" x3.11 .w qH ]Ir.nu uL -;.141 112!1 111 0]R27i11 r12C21141 Ulrn[I I14 1.,A }I 11R;lfh[ ill :%AI 11:12-11 Ail 111 41[02 I'M ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ® Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■* Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) 04 Reference Line =55 Heat Rejection 7 M�} 57x7 1'lIh -- fl111111 0? J?'IF II 0' -r1'_! I II 03j!:�I I I 11 _i7 :;1 C I6AFIAM ;AM ff lh-1.1,A }1 11.13:24 ANI 111;spa -'PSI • Heat Rejection MBH 4r Reference Line =4700 �IFr ran 11'_122? III 4121: LIII W24,12 117:118:.11 I +AI '2 11]r!_r1 u m197:na I'll 11: -=llr1 n'lr! F10 rl.: -'fi5c P ?I n+ n }:11 P. NJ IrV411:1.1 P }I Report Generated on: aarzz 1n Aa:aa:ns Hoag Memorial Hos ita, -Coggin Weather Data Temperature and Humidity WY,.) r — M 5.V7 1 - i E,'llY 2U: III I' 112x231110 11 --i+ln n2; ^'71II 136_ {111:1341.111 I;1f, III AM II [_;'I ,1S€ is Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ® Temperature 20 -100 Deg f= (Dashed Line ®n Plume Condition ONDff (Thick Line) 0o Reference Line = 55 57J7.- 3Ntl . 14th - - II, {11111 g2r_�fn, ler7nfl 11G-IIIF:11f1 AM 4 §_tn :;; }I IF Heat Rejection MBH C■ Reference Line =4700 u_♦?illu 11]"_7/111 ❑2,'J {JI 15 I/2127r 111 112f?irlQ Ui:3x; ;_ 1 "il IW14 •1 _` P5.1 u7.rM1;511"'11 IH7371u r "tl Heat Rejection m,n,if €n ,12r2tflu Ir212 }flu n2/2717n III 51-1:171'M 4"I 16:5h P71 00.1x1 411 P51 41-r41112i I'A1 �Iy F�pon iiEpOft Generated On: 5imna 350:03 F Hoag Memorial Hos ita. to en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity !1119]7 :E} !1' I!i !IK SS lq �I I MN e1;1a'l 11 11!^1711, ❑,n.Vlll elclNl:04 ANI nR:N1:11I AM 11.11:11 AM 0 Relative Hurnidity 217 -100 % (Solid Line) M Temperature 24 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) Inv Plume Condition On +Off (Thick Line) av Reference Line = 55 N57B ]1463 4%;0001 AM sa ;7 183! — 171fi — — - IY,IiOa Il ?/1JjtiP M_fltll it ■ Heat Rejection M13H ❑v Reference Line =4700 oa?y Prpun n'rvrtn 1 l:I1 ^ti l'd NIA e ±r_.lnn u, 1111 Q!L 41111 n? ile 111:411:3'_ MI 1L1+ ^A;i1 I'Nf 117314I' l P%I nws i:o.t t'NY Heat Rejection N/A Report Generated oft: taT24114 td:o[:03 F Hoac 1 Memorial Hoa ivdl wCo en Weather Data Temperature and Tumidity ,n n7 It 35 9Y — '_1131 113'251111 pgri tpu ir/i Sllli 0l.00.11u AEI 418:36:141 A11 I1; 11:21 A 11 ■ Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Limey E, Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®t' Plume Condition OrL'Off (chick Line) ❑4 Reference Line =55 Y57g — — 7ht,J c7a7 116:1 rl unn 1f?r-y111 6P2r5flo 4 1T IWARIJKY,ANI 118-36;44 AM 11;13 20 A..'N 4 Heat Resection MRH 341 Reference Line =4700 �5�1y Ilnpprt 112C'Rn 111:1x;3'_ PhY Heat Rejection SV2f'ST al;slo-;Y? P�1 nzI,5!tlr 03 1125110 11?,nc11II ILk_3:4] Pal 117IR03 PAi 11,07,04 Phl ❑u281111 n] /_';.'; •i �13^_SIi IY 04 "(1:56 PSf n7:u: Av "•.I 114 - 441;23 P }1 Report Generated on- a ,,o soy^ 413 r Hoag Memorial Has itai b- en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity NY n 67'.'JN S 1 INi e un al.l Nl� n� ^,dnl n= Rlr +1n n +, ^_Mlln un:[I16:Ylll ilM IIN: kh;111 ,111 11;12:+1 A N I Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) e Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) a• Plume Condition Qn/Off (Thick Line) ®v Reference Line -55 1116 1 i-a1 - 1s�1 1x11. Il.non n2f261k11 I,_,?fii111 "6:1107X1 ,Ltl IIN'16:44 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH 0` Reference Line =4700 Report AM [ice 112T3bf l 11 I I V +h11 u n1;la1;F21 "NI o4 .24A: PNI Heat Dejection N/A 1121260111 117{111:51 PM Y n_r_Irn1r rrrC+7au r11 Jh._`de 11 P, �fii rfl ti'61 ��,�_, IH n�r6n,l 01 '" l_ I'M 11 - 2ti:Sh P4E 107.11t'.:P ft }1 Rl:'IIF. 14 P:\" Report Generated I ozl is Io:/>^ m F NI 47 Md.v7 Haa MemvriaC Hospit�r jCc��en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity — N/A u_' ^7llu n_'3 ?flu p,,.•- III n]! ",In GnyIII:W AM 118, 4-:10 ANI I I I1:`: \11 PIAX 1' I' \I ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) m Temperature 24 -100 Deg F (Cashed Line) ov plume Condition OrVCff( (Thick Line) 137 Reference Line =55 Heat Rejection yc7R. 71d'i c7d7 iAtl - N/A 11.IIrlu uh:llgl W ahl (In'34SAA A11 11,11:2K A11 ■ Heat Rejection MBH ov Reference Line =4700 �a�ly Papcn .Iq 57 M r':ll Report Generated on: ozr2711016:gCU r Hoag CoGen Weather Station Report January 2010 sK.:� es S), n JANUARY 2010 Syekn PIonnOwl CI Oki p C;)kAal111C1 oh. luc Tul; 31p,312.0200 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Tumidity Station Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Tumidity 57.5 55.0 LL 52.5 ! � o; Oates ITimes W O O Q O Q C7 Uri C) c 4 100 .. W.- aim M 3 3 3 � 3 i � 3 4 0 0 0 0 h 0 Q cc 1 Q! V Co 6Q CP � rga 0 d o d O Oates ITimes W O O Q O Q C7 Uri C) c 4 100 .. W.- aim M i y y � 3 i � 3 4 0 0 0 0 CD C o o Q Q C Oates ITimes W O O Q O Q C7 Uri C) c 4 100 .. W.- aim M 100 .. W.- aim M Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. Houriy Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 58 57 56 55 LL 54 4 53 52 51 50 Dates ITimes Cif W E7 C7 46 Q a a O O O O Q O C3 a 01 O -+ hj C) 4Z? `+t m O i O O Q a Q Q a a a o Q o Dates ITimes Cif W 46 Q a a Dates ITimes 100 99 98 2e 97 96 95 W O O O O O O 3 .3 3 hj LT1 4Z? `+t CO rO G Q 4 Q O O n O a a Q Q a 100 99 98 2e 97 96 95 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity Mall 57.5 55.0 q 52.5 -1911 [fates /Times N N [t7 #$ Cd to (p © 0 a o 0 0 0 p 0 0) o to 0 0C -4 CO 0 0 O O p 0 [fates /Times © 0 a o 0 a p 0 0 o °0 a °rte -4 CO 0 [fates /Times It 97.5 ae 95.0 92.5 N11 0 a p 0 0 CD -4 CO 0 0 a o e It 97.5 ae 95.0 92.5 N11 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag � 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 62.5 [YIEI] 57.5 LL 55.0 52.5 50.0 cc d .y n'3�o CO CO CO o a o CO CO O C O O O 6 O O O o a o 0 0 0 0 0 0) 'J OQ SC7 Q PQ fl -d CO 0 CD © C9 cc n cc CO CO o c o a o CO CO O C O O O 6 O O O Dates /Tim as Me not M 29 70 .o 50 T CO CO CO CO CO O O O Q Q Q PQ Eat 0 -d CO 0 M © C9 O O O a C7 O G O O O Me not M 29 70 .o 50 T Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, GA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity 81 Temperature Relative Humidity 60 59 58 57 u. 6 56 55 54 53 Station: Newport -Hoag �3 ;3 n`3 �3 1 1 'fir C a a O C7 O L7 C3 a O C] O O r -• 477 '.I CO Lf] O r a a 0 0 0 Q a ® a a a o Dates / Times 1 1 'fir C a a 0 r s 0 0 0 Dates / Times 1170.0 97.5 95.0 92.5 90.0 87.5 85.0 82.5 80.0 r r s r r r a Q O C9 0 O s r r N 4n W -4 Co m O p a a a C5 6 O 0 6 a a 0 1170.0 97.5 95.0 92.5 90.0 87.5 85.0 82.5 80.0 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag 1 K7 Temperature Relative Humidity 57.5 LL 52.5 .s i N N 3 z Q7 a) C) 3 3 1 3 Q Q 0 j � CO �k N W C7 O C] C3 .D o 0 0 i i 3 a) C) 3 3 3 0 Q Q Q Q O C3 O ® es o Dates I Times 100.0 99.5 99.0 98.5 ae 98,0 97.5 97.0 96.5 a) C) Q Q -I Co Cp C] 100.0 99.5 99.0 98.5 ae 98,0 97.5 97.0 96.5 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 57.5 55.0 LL 52,5 G 50.0 47.5 wi i i i (jl (J1 Cn Ln Ln Ln Jl i i i.i rY o a o 0 0 a o v a o N w a Ln o a c o c 0 0 0 0 0 Dates 1 Times N L" LrI N Ln Ln 0 0 0 0 0 0 s A G o N w a Ln M o ci v o 0 0 0 0 0 Dates 1 Times 100 d1 85 i* L' 75 T N N Ln Ln 0 o A G o M w Co w o 0 o c5 ® p 0 0 0 0 0 100 d1 85 i* L' 75 T Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag ■� 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 57.5 55,0 52.5 u< e 50.0 47.5 45.0 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 0 0 0 1 3 i N W A A O C? 0 0 0 0 0 o a n o © 1 0 Q 3 1 fS1. 07 Co D? m o O ® O C O C1 o ® ® o 0 0 1 rY 3 3 A3 N 3 3 3 1 0 0 0 1 3 i N W A A O C? 0 0 0 Dates 1 Times 3 rY 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 n 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 1 ny' fS1. 07 .1 D? m o a c o M a o 0 0 e a a o 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 55 60 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Temperature Relative Humidity 57.5 444, 52.5 LL a 50.0 475 Station: Newport-Hoag r3 n"3 � n� r3 n3 r3 nS tQ W A w w 0 0 0 o Q o Ca a Q 0 0 0 cA ►4 on C o a j v 6 © o is c> © a o 0 o of r3 n"3 Dates /Times 0 o a tQ W A w w 0 0 0 Dates /Times 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 ca w w 0 o a o o c a o 0 o c> 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 Hoeg Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourdy Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 55 54 53 52 LL 51 50 49 Dates /Times 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 Q ® C9 O Q 0 O 0 0 {?. 0 Q 0 CO 0 0) � 0 M 0 W A 6h 0 v co to 0 c c c 6 o o 6 o o 6 6 6 ® 6 6 a 0 0 © 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dates /Times 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity FAI Temperature Relative Humidity 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 Station Newport -Hoag Crates f Times N N i3 N Co Q Q PJ W 'A C 3 C 4 Q ri o © Q o 0 0 LT OT V CC tp n C 6 o v o C ® n O n 0 6 Crates f Times N Co Q Q PJ W 'A C 3 C 4 Q ri Crates f Times 100 95 s0 85 ae 80 75 70 � 3 3 3 rY ri ca o a o n n LT OT V CC tp n o c C C 6 6 © 8 ® Q O O 100 95 s0 85 ae 80 75 70 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station. Newport-Hoag 0 Temperature Relative Humidity *1 LL 0 55 Oates 1Times N Q � v 0 Q 0 Co a 0 hY w A 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 S76 `6 00 �D to o CS ® G C C CS a o 0 o c 4 Oates 1Times N Q � v 0 Q 0 Co a 0 hY w A O O O c+ 0 0 Oates 1Times 100 99 98 97 96 �°• 95 94 93 92 � 0 Q 0 0 0 +a v 4 a o cn 67 r! 90 to o O O d ¢ O 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 99 98 97 96 �°• 95 94 93 92 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 59.0 58.5 58.0 57.5 u- 57.0 0 56.5 56.0 55 5 55.0 Dates 1 Times 3 d E3 b d r.s w A 0 0 0 v a o 0 0 0 O D O p y rn v Co cfl a O O a D °O O o O Dates 1 Times 3 d E3 b d r.s w A 0 0 0 Dates 1 Times 100.0 a '' ti d. a o 0 0 o a CT 4d V Co 0 O O a D O O O 100.0 a '' ti d. Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station. Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 61 .i 59 a 58 671 W.- Dates 1 Times 0 C0 CO CO CO CO CO CO a 0 0 a 0 0 N W A CSC C7 4 C? 9 O B 0 0 0 0 c 0 CA �.! CO c4 0 C .a e o cs © o 6 0 o a o 0 0 Dates 1 Times 0 C0 CO CO CO CO CO CO a 0 0 a 0 0 N W A CSC a o 0 CD CD o a a Dates 1 Times 100.O TIP, 9 F 97.5 CO CO CO CO 0 0 0 0 0 CA V CO CO 0 CD c 0 o 0 0 0 0 a 0 100.O TIP, 9 F 97.5 sK.:� es S), n JANUARY 2010 Syekn PIonnOwl CI Oki p C;)kAal111C1 oh. luc Tul; 31p,312.0200 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Tumidity Station Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Tumidity 57.5 55.0 LL 52.5 ! � o; Oates ITimes W O O Q O Q C7 Uri C) c 4 100 .. W.- aim M 3 3 3 � 3 i � 3 4 0 0 0 0 h 0 Q cc 1 Q! V Co 6Q CP � rga O d o d O Oates ITimes W O O Q O Q C7 Uri C) c 4 100 .. W.- aim M i y y � 3 i � 3 4 0 0 0 0 CD C o o Q Q C Oates ITimes W O O Q O Q C7 Uri C) c 4 100 .. W.- aim M 100 .. W.- aim M Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. Houriy Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 58 57 56 55 LL 54 4 53 52 51 50 Dates ITimes Cif W E7 C7 46 Q a a O O O O Q O C3 a 01 O -+ hj C) 4Z? `+t m O i O O Q a Q Q a a a o Q o Dates ITimes Cif W 46 Q a a Dates ITimes 100 99 98 2e 97 96 95 W O O O O O O 3 .3 3 hj LT1 4Z? `+t CO rO G Q 4 Q O O n O a a Q Q a 100 99 98 2e 97 96 95 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity Mall 57.5 55.0 q 52.5 -1911 [fates /Times N N [t7 #$ Cd to (p © 0 a o 0 0 0 p 0 0) o to 0 0C -4 CO 0 0 O O p 0 [fates /Times © 0 a o 0 a p 0 0 o °0 a °rte -4 CO 0 [fates /Times It 97.5 ae 95.0 92.5 N11 0 a p 0 0 CD -4 CO 0 0 a o e It 97.5 ae 95.0 92.5 N11 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag � 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 62.5 [YIEI] 57.5 LL 55.0 52.5 50.0 cc d .y n'3�o CO CO CO o a o CO CO O C O O O 6 O O O o a o 0 0 0 0 0 0) 'J OQ SC7 Q PQ fl -d CO 0 CD © C9 cc n cc CO CO o c o a o CO CO O C O O O 6 O O O Dates /Tim as Me not M 29 70 .o 50 T CO CO CO CO CO O O O Q Q Q PQ Eat 0 -d CO 0 M © C9 O O O a C7 O G O O O Me not M 29 70 .o 50 T Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, GA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity 81 Temperature Relative Humidity 60 59 58 57 u. 6 56 55 54 53 Station: Newport -Hoag �3 ;3 n`3 �3 1 1 'fir C a a O C7 O L7 C3 a O C] O O r -• 477 '.I CO Lf] O r a a 0 0 0 Q a ® a a a o Dates / Times 1 1 'fir C a a 0 r s 0 0 0 Dates / Times 1170.0 97.5 95.0 92.5 90.0 87.5 85.0 82.5 80.0 r r s r r r a Q O C9 0 O s r r N 4n W -4 Co m O p a a a C5 6 O 0 6 a a 0 1170.0 97.5 95.0 92.5 90.0 87.5 85.0 82.5 80.0 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag 1 K7 Temperature Relative Humidity 57.5 LL 52.5 .s i N N 3 z Q7 a) C) 3 3 1 3 Q Q 0 j � CO �k N W C7 O C] C3 .D o 0 0 i i 3 a) C) 3 3 3 0 Q Q Q Q O C3 O ® es o Dates I Times 100.0 99.5 99.0 98.5 ae 98,0 97.5 97.0 96.5 a) C) Q Q -I Co Cp C] 100.0 99.5 99.0 98.5 ae 98,0 97.5 97.0 96.5 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 57.5 55.0 LL 52,5 G 50.0 47.5 wi i i i (jl (J1 Cn Ln Ln Ln Jl i i i.i rY o a o 0 0 a o v a o N w a Ln o a c o c 0 0 0 0 0 Dates 1 Times N L" LrI N Ln Ln 0 0 0 0 0 0 s A G o N w a Ln M o ci v o 0 0 0 0 0 Dates 1 Times 100 d1 85 i* L' 75 T N N Ln Ln 0 o A G o M w Co w o 0 o c5 ® p 0 0 0 0 0 100 d1 85 i* L' 75 T Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag ■� 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 57.5 55,0 52.5 u< e 50.0 47.5 45.0 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 0 0 0 1 3 i N W A A O C? 0 0 0 0 0 o a n o © 1 0 Q 3 1 fS1. 07 Co D? m o O ® O C O C1 o ® ® o 0 0 1 rY 3 3 A3 N 3 3 3 1 0 0 0 1 3 i N W A A O C? 0 0 0 Dates 1 Times 3 rY 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 n 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 1 ny' fS1. 07 .1 D? m o a c o M a o 0 0 e a a o 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 55 60 Hoeg Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourdy Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 55 54 53 52 LL 51 50 49 Dates /Times 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 Q ® C9 O Q 0 O 0 0 {?. 0 Q 0 CO 0 0) � 0 M 0 W A 6h 0 v co to 0 c c c 6 o o 6 o o 6 6 6 ® 6 6 a 0 0 © 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dates /Times 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity FAI Temperature Relative Humidity 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 Station Newport -Hoag Crates f Times N N i3 N Co Q Q PJ W 'A C 3 C 4 Q ri o © Q o 0 0 LT OT V CC tp n C 6 o v o C ® n O n 0 6 Crates f Times N Co Q Q PJ W 'A C 3 C 4 Q ri Crates f Times 100 95 s0 85 ae 80 75 70 � 3 3 3 rY ri ca o a o n n LT OT V CC tp n o c C C 6 6 © 8 ® Q O O 100 95 s0 85 ae 80 75 70 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station. Newport-Hoag 0 Temperature Relative Humidity *1 LL 0 55 Oates 1Times N Q � v 0 Q 0 Co a 0 hY w A 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 S76 `6 00 �D to o CS ® G C C CS a o 0 o c 4 Oates 1Times N Q � v 0 Q 0 Co a 0 hY w A O O O c+ 0 0 Oates 1Times 100 99 98 97 96 �°• 95 94 93 92 � 0 Q 0 0 0 +a v 4 a o cn 67 r! 90 to o O O d ¢ O 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 99 98 97 96 �°• 95 94 93 92 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag ■� 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 57.5 55,0 52.5 u< e 50.0 47.5 45.0 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 0 0 0 1 3 i N W A A O C? 0 0 0 0 0 o a n o © 1 0 Q 3 1 fS1. 07 Co D? m o O ® O C O C1 o ® ® o 0 0 1 rY 3 3 A3 N 3 3 3 1 0 0 0 1 3 i N W A A O C? 0 0 0 Dates 1 Times 3 rY 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 n 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 1 ny' fS1. 07 .1 D? m o a c o M a o 0 0 e a a o 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 55 60 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Temperature Relative Humidity 57.5 444, 52.5 LL a 50.0 475 Station: Newport-Hoag r3 n"3 � n� r3 n3 r3 nS tQ W A w w 0 0 0 o Q o Ca a Q 0 0 0 cA ►4 on C o a j v 6 © o is c> © a o 0 o of r3 n"3 Dates /Times 0 o a tQ W A w w 0 0 0 Dates /Times 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 ca w w 0 o a o o c a o 0 o c> 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 Hoeg Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourdy Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 55 54 53 52 LL 51 50 49 Dates /Times 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 Q ® C9 O Q 0 O 0 0 {?. 0 Q 0 CO 0 0) � 0 M 0 W A 6h 0 v co to 0 c c c 6 o o 6 o o 6 6 6 ® 6 6 a 0 0 © 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dates /Times 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity FAI Temperature Relative Humidity 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 Station Newport -Hoag Crates f Times N N i3 N Co Q Q PJ W 'A C 3 C 4 Q ri o © Q o 0 0 LT OT V CC tp n C 6 o v o C ® n O n 0 6 Crates f Times N Co Q Q PJ W 'A C 3 C 4 Q ri Crates f Times 100 95 s0 85 ae 80 75 70 � 3 3 3 rY ri ca o a o n n LT OT V CC tp n o c C C 6 6 © 8 ® Q O O 100 95 s0 85 ae 80 75 70 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station. Newport-Hoag 0 Temperature Relative Humidity *1 LL 0 55 Oates 1Times N Q � v 0 Q 0 Co a 0 hY w A 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 S76 `6 00 �D to o CS ® G C C CS a o 0 o c 4 Oates 1Times N Q � v 0 Q 0 Co a 0 hY w A O O O c+ 0 0 Oates 1Times 100 99 98 97 96 �°• 95 94 93 92 � 0 Q 0 0 0 +a v 4 a o cn 67 r! 90 to o O O d ¢ O 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 99 98 97 96 �°• 95 94 93 92 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag ■� 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 57.5 55,0 52.5 u< e 50.0 47.5 45.0 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 0 0 0 1 3 i N W A A O C? 0 0 0 0 0 o a n o © 1 0 Q 3 1 fS1. 07 Co D? m o O ® O C O C1 o ® ® o 0 0 1 rY 3 3 A3 N 3 3 3 1 0 0 0 1 3 i N W A A O C? 0 0 0 Dates 1 Times 3 rY 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 n 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 1 ny' fS1. 07 .1 D? m o a c o M a o 0 0 e a a o 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 55 60 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Temperature Relative Humidity 57.5 444, 52.5 LL a 50.0 475 Station: Newport-Hoag r3 n"3 � n� r3 n3 r3 nS tQ W A w w 0 0 0 o Q o Ca a Q 0 0 0 cA ►4 on C o a j v 6 © o is c> © a o 0 o of r3 n"3 Dates /Times 0 o a tQ W A w w 0 0 0 Dates /Times 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 ca w w 0 o a o o c a o 0 o c> 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 Hoeg Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourdy Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 55 54 53 52 LL 51 50 49 Dates /Times 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 Q ® C9 O Q 0 O 0 0 {?. 0 Q 0 CO 0 0) � 0 M 0 W A 6h 0 v co to 0 c c c 6 o o 6 o o 6 6 6 ® 6 6 a 0 0 © 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dates /Times 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity FAI Temperature Relative Humidity 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 Station Newport -Hoag Crates f Times N N i3 N Co Q Q PJ W 'A C 3 C 4 Q ri o © Q o 0 0 LT OT V CC tp n C 6 o v o C ® n O n 0 6 Crates f Times N Co Q Q PJ W 'A C 3 C 4 Q ri Crates f Times 100 95 s0 85 ae 80 75 70 � 3 3 3 rY ri ca o a o n n LT OT V CC tp n o c C C 6 6 © 8 ® Q O O 100 95 s0 85 ae 80 75 70 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station. Newport-Hoag 0 Temperature Relative Humidity *1 LL 0 55 Oates 1Times N Q � v 0 Q 0 Co a 0 hY w A 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 S76 `6 00 �D to o CS ® G C C CS a o 0 o c 4 Oates 1Times N Q � v 0 Q 0 Co a 0 hY w A O O O c+ 0 0 Oates 1Times 100 99 98 97 96 �°• 95 94 93 92 � 0 Q 0 0 0 +a v 4 a o cn 67 r! 90 to o O O d ¢ O 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 99 98 97 96 �°• 95 94 93 92 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag ■� 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 57.5 55,0 52.5 u< e 50.0 47.5 45.0 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 0 0 0 1 3 i N W A A O C? 0 0 0 0 0 o a n o © 1 0 Q 3 1 fS1. 07 Co D? m o O ® O C O C1 o ® ® o 0 0 1 rY 3 3 A3 N 3 3 3 1 0 0 0 1 3 i N W A A O C? 0 0 0 Dates 1 Times 3 rY 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 n 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 1 ny' fS1. 07 .1 D? m o a c o M a o 0 0 e a a o 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 55 60 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Temperature Relative Humidity 57.5 444, 52.5 LL a 50.0 475 Station: Newport-Hoag r3 n"3 � n� r3 n3 r3 nS tQ W A w w 0 0 0 o Q o Ca a Q 0 0 0 cA ►4 on C o a j v 6 © o is c> © a o 0 o of r3 n"3 Dates /Times 0 o a tQ W A w w 0 0 0 Dates /Times 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 ca w w 0 o a o o c a o 0 o c> 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 Hoeg Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourdy Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 55 54 53 52 LL 51 50 49 Dates /Times 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 Q ® C9 O Q 0 O 0 0 {?. 0 Q 0 CO 0 0) � 0 M 0 W A 6h 0 v co to 0 c c c 6 o o 6 o o 6 6 6 ® 6 6 a 0 0 © 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dates /Times 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity FAI Temperature Relative Humidity 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 Station Newport -Hoag Crates f Times N N i3 N Co Q Q PJ W 'A C 3 C 4 Q ri o © Q o 0 0 LT OT V CC tp n C 6 o v o C ® n O n 0 6 Crates f Times N Co Q Q PJ W 'A C 3 C 4 Q ri Crates f Times 100 95 s0 85 ae 80 75 70 � 3 3 3 rY ri ca o a o n n LT OT V CC tp n o c C C 6 6 © 8 ® Q O O 100 95 s0 85 ae 80 75 70 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station. Newport-Hoag 0 Temperature Relative Humidity *1 LL 0 55 Oates 1Times N Q � v 0 Q 0 Co a 0 hY w A 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 S76 `6 00 �D to o CS ® G C C CS a o 0 o c 4 Oates 1Times N Q � v 0 Q 0 Co a 0 hY w A O O O c+ 0 0 Oates 1Times 100 99 98 97 96 �°• 95 94 93 92 � 0 Q 0 0 0 +a v 4 a o cn 67 r! 90 to o O O d ¢ O 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 99 98 97 96 �°• 95 94 93 92 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 59.0 58.5 58.0 57.5 u- 57.0 0 56.5 56.0 55 5 55.0 Dates 1 Times 3 d E3 b d r.s w A 0 0 0 v a o 0 0 0 O D O p y rn v Co cfl a O O a D °O O o O Dates 1 Times 3 d E3 b d r.s w A 0 0 0 Dates 1 Times 100.0 a '' ti d. a o 0 0 o a CT 4d V Co 0 O O a D O O O 100.0 a '' ti d. Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station. Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 61 .i 59 a 58 671 W.- Dates 1 Times 0 C0 CO CO CO CO CO CO a 0 0 a 0 0 N W A CSC C7 4 C? 9 O B 0 0 0 0 c 0 CA �.! CO c4 0 C .a e o cs © o 6 0 o a o 0 0 Dates 1 Times 0 C0 CO CO CO CO CO CO a 0 0 a 0 0 N W A CSC a o 0 CD CD o a a Dates 1 Times 100.O TIP, 9 F 97.5 CO CO CO CO 0 0 0 0 0 CA V CO CO 0 CD c 0 o 0 0 0 0 a 0 100.O TIP, 9 F 97.5 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity 5tation� Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity so 59 58 LL 0 57 56 55 54 r1 3 C7 C 1 q r1 q 3 O 3 q 3 q i i7 3 43 d q 3 O 3 q 3 O i O Q m 3 w 4h- sn rn y cu y7 a Dates /Times 100 99 98 BR 97 96 95 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station; Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity W 61 60 LL 59 a 56 55 3 3 ai � 3 rl © 0 Q �i rS iu W f3. T Q 0 ® a o 0 3 Q7 -.r OQ tp F7 3 0 Q Q Q fl 3 3 3 3 V 3 © 0 Q �i rS iu W f3. T Q 0 Dates /Times 100 95 90 85 8o * 75 70 55 6o 55 C 0) v Q 100 95 90 85 8o * 75 70 55 6o 55 Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. Houdy Observations Temperature and Reiative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoeg Temperature Re[ative Humidity 67.5 65.0 62.5 LL 60.0 55.0 Dates /Times © 0 i 3 � N w � O CS O C C G O 0 a �? V 1?C 0 47 � Z5 C! q Q O O Z5 © o O O o Dates /Times © 0 i 3 � N w � O CS O Dates /Times 30 �5 W :R CM Sd V GS 4a A O O C, O O o a a 0 O o 30 �5 W :R Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 65.0 62.5 MCI LL 57.5 0 55.0 52.5 50.0 ri 3 rS 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 v a P 4� 4- �• 0 0 cs 0 o o C� o o a a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o ci o 0 0 0 o c3 c] 0 o Q Q Q o Q a o 0 o ca o 0 0 Elates f Times 100 �r �a ffill 50 Hoag Hospital Newport Beech, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag I Temperature relative Humidity N! i'610f W_ LL a 57 3M .l7 100.0 99.5 99.0 98.5 as 98.0 97.5 97.0 rl ri .mS r` W 3 Sli Lr: 4J w 3 W 4 P O O O 1 N rr' c -v -- 0 Co Q [Q o .:� M t.f w A 1 s C o 0 c c 0 0 ® o 0 c Dates 1 Times 100.0 99.5 99.0 98.5 as 98.0 97.5 97.0 4 P O O O 1 N M a c C3 c 0 0 0 o c 100.0 99.5 99.0 98.5 as 98.0 97.5 97.0 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity *1 M 57 LL 56 a 55 54 53 Dates I Time s a t ► M Y s Q w 4� a a o o a a t? C! G 4 G a CA V CO (0 a 3 a a © a a 61 a v o 0 a a Dates I Time s s Q W 4� a a o o a a Dates I Time s 11.11.0 107.5 105.0 102.5 100.0 97.5 95.0 92.5 90.0 0 o a o a a i1 Q3 r! Co to a 0 o a a a a a v o 0 a a 11.11.0 107.5 105.0 102.5 100.0 97.5 95.0 92.5 90.0 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, GA. Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 65.0 62.5 60.0 LL P 57.5 55.0 52.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 ri 1 Q Q Q Q Q C C C 0 1 M -4 CO ua Q 6 O 6 C C Q o a 0 o Dates (Times i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ri ri C Q Q C C 1 1 y 1 C7D �t OS CC 0 C7 0 CS C3 0 0 0 0 O 0 Dates (Times i 1 1 1 1 1 1 ri i 1 C C 0 0 0 1 1 y 1 C7D �t OS CC 0 O O C7 O CJ o Q Q 0 0 100 2R rf M`' Q•1I1 75 70 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Q Temperature Relative Humidity 65.0 62.5 u, 60.0 0 57.5 55.0 Station: Newport-Haag � 3 ® C? o 0 o O � w � 0 0 0 O O O Q O O o 0 a o 1 3 rn y AO cp 6 Q 6 6 6 6 6 'rte O O O O Q O � 3 O O 1 1 � � w � 0 0 0 Dates /Times 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 O O O O O p ►1 06 m Q a 0 o v a o 0 0 0 o a o 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 55.0 MR LL 60.0 G AM 55.0 a fO a a a 3 r 1 1 1 1 1 O N w A 0 � o 1 SA 3 1 1 r D O © O C7 O 0 C] O o 0 W CO (0 © 1 0 0 a o 0 0 a fO a a a 3 r 1 1 1 1 1 O N w A 0 a o Dates I Times !gyp fO to CO LO 3 1 1 O O O CI © O Sul SA �I CO 0 0 0 4 fl 0 o 0 rM M 6D 55 50 W M Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity :3M 62.5 M LL 57.5 0 55.0 52.5 50.0 Co a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Co Co W CI d C P P D P 6 D D O D O D 0 0 D rir ...1 1 3 d d rY 3 ri i IN 0 �l CG tL'1 C N W ? Ch rl N cp O 6 C 6 G 6 O Q a O i7 6 4 0 O Q O O D D O 4 D D O D 4 Dates 1 Times 100 35 ;4f, 85 s 80 75 70 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag 0 Temperature Relative Humidity .ul f 57.5 LL a 55.0 52.5 1 v 1 rS1 i 3 a a a O Q Q Q W 4h- .tea Q Q Q Q 1 C} Q U1 Q1 ►I o a o a o 1 v 1 rS1 i 3 O Q Q Q W 4h- .tea Dates /Times ..1r i 1 rS1 i 3 O .tea C7 o O o C} Q U1 Q1 ►I G7 m G o °a v Q Q o 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 55 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 62.5 r E 'a' 57.5 55.0 52.5 s rf a s a�a yiy W Q1 -7 W O O O O O O O O O M v @3 6D O c o ® c o 0 0 0 0 Cl Dates /Times rf a s a�a yiy O O O O O Os N G7 A CDC 6 o 6 o v 0 0 0 0 0 Dates /Times 100 90 80 8e 70 60 50 rf a s a�a yiy O O 6 O O Os -. [O to C7 0 o a o 8 L7 C d 6 100 90 80 8e 70 60 50 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Haag Temperature Relative Humidity 65.0 62.5 60.0 57.5 LL 0 55.0 52.5 50.0 d d i 3 Cn d 33 O Q Lil 3 3 3 d N 4k Ln v ® v o o v O iJ O O d O G7 -! OS [d O d L7 O O C7 O O d d 3 3 Cn Cz Q 3 3 3 d N 4k Ln w ►i O O O O Dates / Times 11i M-I Clams El 50 G7 O O O B w ►i Co (C C7 O O iJ O O d O O O o 11i M-I Clams El 50 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 67.5 65.0 62.5 , 60.0 57.5 55.0 Dates /Times a 4 o v a o 0 hT CV A ci a o {77 0 W fp O � o c q v o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dates /Times a o a a r.1 � hT W A ci a o b 0 0 Dates /Times :1 70 60 BR 50 40 01 a o c o 0 0 LT CD � CO to O 0 0 0 o 0 0 :1 70 60 BR 50 40 01 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag � 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 67.5 65.0 62.5 60.0 LL 57.5 55.0 52.5 i' 3 3 �iy O 3 3 � 0 0 0 3 3 r`L W T O O O a a a o © o a o O 0 3 3 M rl Co 0 O © O d O i7 a o q= 0 o a o 3 3 �iy O 3 3 � 0 0 0 3 3 r`L W T O O O Dates /Times We 70 60 W He: o O Q O a a hj M rl Co 0 O We 70 60 W He: Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag 0 Temperature Relative Humidity .ul f 57.5 LL a 55.0 52.5 1 v 1 rS1 i 3 a a a O Q Q Q W 4h- .tea Q Q Q Q 1 C} Q U1 Q1 ►I o a o a o 1 v 1 rS1 i 3 O Q Q Q W 4h- .tea Dates /Times ..1r i 1 rS1 i 3 O .tea C7 o O o C} Q U1 Q1 ►I G7 m G o °a v Q Q o 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 55 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 62.5 r E 'a' 57.5 55.0 52.5 s rf a s a�a yiy W Q1 -7 W O O O O O O O O O M v @3 6D O c o ® c o 0 0 0 0 Cl Dates /Times rf a s a�a yiy O O O O O Os N G7 A CDC 6 o 6 o v 0 0 0 0 0 Dates /Times 100 90 80 8e 70 60 50 rf a s a�a yiy O O 6 O O Os -. [O to C7 0 o a o 8 L7 C d 6 100 90 80 8e 70 60 50 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Haag Temperature Relative Humidity 65.0 62.5 60.0 57.5 LL 0 55.0 52.5 50.0 d d i 3 Cn d 33 O Q Lil 3 3 3 d N 4k Ln v ® v o o v O iJ O O d O G7 -! OS [d O d L7 O O C7 O O d d 3 3 Cn Cz Q 3 3 3 d N 4k Ln w ►i O O O O Dates / Times 11i M-I Clams El 50 G7 O O O B w ►i Co (C C7 O O iJ O O d O O O o 11i M-I Clams El 50 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 67.5 65.0 62.5 , 60.0 57.5 55.0 Dates /Times a 4 o v a o 0 hT CV A ci a o {77 0 W fp O � o c q v o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dates /Times a o a a r.1 � hT W A ci a o b 0 0 Dates /Times :1 70 60 BR 50 40 01 a o c o 0 0 LT CD � CO to O 0 0 0 o 0 0 :1 70 60 BR 50 40 01 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag � 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 67.5 65.0 62.5 60.0 LL 57.5 55.0 52.5 i' 3 3 �iy O 3 3 � 0 0 0 3 3 r`L W T O O O a a a o © o a o O 0 3 3 M rl Co 0 O © O d O i7 a o q= 0 o a o 3 3 �iy O 3 3 � 0 0 0 3 3 r`L W T O O O Dates /Times We 70 60 W He: o O Q O a a hj M rl Co 0 O We 70 60 W He: Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity i. FAI Temperature Relative Humidity 57.5 65.0 62.5 60.0 LL 57.5 55.0 52.5 50.0 Station: Newport-Hoag Dates /Times 3 2 3 yj G N Q Q Q Q Q p 2 C] 0 3 CA —4 Co to O Q 8 A CJ Q Q Q CD Q Dates /Times 3 2 3 yj G N C Q O O CS Q Q Q Q Q 3 NJ L Ln C] 0 O C3 Q Q Q Q 0 Q Dates /Times 95 90 85 80 75 ae 70 55 50 55 3 2 3 yj G � 3 3 Q Q Q Q Q Co to Q Q 6 O P C7 0 0 0 O 0 95 90 85 80 75 ae 70 55 50 55 Haag Hospital Newport Beech, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station. Newport -Hoag dME.MM I A7 Temperature Relative Humidity 60.0 57.5 L4. ° 55.0 52.5 50.0 Dates /Times � a a a a a a a a Q Q and rl 3 Q Q C! o a O a a c Q7 �J Qa Cii Q y C o Q Q C7 Q Dates /Times � a a a a a a a a Q Q and rl 3 Q Q C! Dates /Times 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 a a a a a a Cn iSi �6 CO t6 Q Q Q Q O A b 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 Memorial Hospital Cogen 'Weather Data Temperature and Humidity h- 101 e Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) 13 Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) 0 Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) e■ Reference Line = 55 — i99n I OWS [!1[i itll?Ills! ® Heat Rejecfion MHH tie Reference Line= 4700 [>aay Fleeppr! lei -:. l•.1 Ul Pa! Heat Rejection 01131!10 04.34#2 PAt 6111o1n1rlo 07:0033 PVl 090704 PM 41131fl0 010fno Report Generated on: otr�lno io:oa:oa F Haag Memorial Hospitar Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 'I.Y'. s.Y7 48 49 s yq 4 a l:4a110 41!/3aflll s1TtYJl❑ Cu 'St Ila -..4 AM ® Re[abve Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) 13 Temperature 20 -100 Dog F (Dashed Line) Ov Plume Condition Oru'Off (thick Line) ®o Reference Line= 55 0l;�iYll!1 U8:36A4 AM M Heat Rejection MBH o• Reference Line = 4700 6ally RapaR. OM�110 0113dilo a1I30/1.0 0150111,1 a IAs3. PM !.18:_3;.6: PM a ?0033?M 05137 -w I-M. Heat Rejection MIA I'I:Dz1b AIM UU161 I. PU M2635 PM Report Generated on 7lr3on47 647:oom Hoag Memorial Hospital Cogen Weather Data Temperature and 'Humidity 44 47 3 47 1.99 r.y9 111, 19410 ., —1 A% • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ©v Plume Condition OrVOff (Thick Line) >ao Reference Line= 55 "76 .1131 191b, 0. 01fy9l10 )&Aft l0.1", ■ Heat Rejection MBH oT Reference Line =4700 fly i�pwl N/A n {11;9110 UCa'2fllill 11CQ9 /lA 01.48:32 PM P.M 07'.110:53 FM Heat Rejection PI.: �U :_ 11M o42a:5s Pit j Ul/?9lIU 093":0.1 PM niamo 09:40:24 PM Report Generated on: alas 101oaa:ai F :9 .; ?p , 1`,. ? +.iih ail AM 0 Relative Humidity 20 -100 (Solid Line) Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) Qv Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) LIT Reference Line= 55 Hoag Memorial Hospitao Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 3h ?V — l'llfi� —�- n �bflU "n[X7 ABU atf . . a Heat Rejection MRH ov Reference Line= 4700 � aepon UtAuzI'M OP„24AZI'l ,7,u1rp3f'hl M3711MPM !iT! Report Generated on: m2a to �v:aa:aaF Hoag Memorial Hospita, Cflgen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity ru. Naill. N! '1s -3u:10 AIM ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) o Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ©v Plume Condition ONOff (Thick Line) ®v Reference Line= 55 iR31 " 19 Heat Rejection MBH ov Reference Line =4700 C>mity Regvrt N/A nl, ^ -7a0 fI II_'�'10 01-.9 Ai PSI (4.23: M Heat Rejection OUrIAO OTMZJJ !M 0r19MI) 10:3104 PA u; 13?:ali. YSS O5AM24 PAI Report Generated nn: os z�no ia:oatr3 a Haag Memorial Hospitw Bogen Weather Data ]tl Af I 4Y:11:21 AM e Relative Humidutq 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ® Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (gashed Line) a Plume Condition QNC7ff (Thick Line) e• 'Reference Line = 55 Jl :a.F? Ptd Heat Rejection 3 1118 - - y 0 Mn Oir"0 V ASt 09:36W AM %M n1:3u:12 PM a Heat Rejection MBH ❑v Reference Line= 4700 Mr-6110 :,. I:- :I] _1 1, Report Generated on: ov�rvya iaoo:� r j Hoag Memorial Hospital Coen Weather Data Temperature and Tumidity . _- . OEr.SftO OE12J10 a Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) * Temperature 20 -100 deg F Gashed Line) El plume Condition ©n/Off (Thick Line) 01 Reference Line = 55 9575 U. WI? 101l_`.i11fl 06•00 -40 :Lv! ® Heat Rejection MBH ©P Reference Line = 4700 17auEl r�aoYll 01133110 OlA'9510 01,12V10 G3 MIO 01:4332 PM 0634:42 PM 07110. -13 PAI 09:37:0.4 PM a iiG51I to 111:2 i "10 01 a"0 01!'..-3/10 0183040 A&I ?:H 30'12 P.M 041 -16:50 P1.1 (173)3:40 P \f 119:.3 Q4 FY Report Generated on. alrlo r(1o0.if3 r Memorial Hos en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity •.v — Oi {11(.1"10 01124110 0i.C41V11 U r.:,:o : i ','.1 01,14'3'_ PM 04'34:1. FM 07910:33 P41 0937 04 PI e Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Sold Line) o Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (D as Line) rya Plume Condition ArNCKf (Thick Line) oc Reference Line =55 Float. Rejection ■ Heat Rejection MBH o* Reference Line= 4700 �r ;140 04..'5:46 P \t 117:0340 F',! Report Generated on: alrzano,aaorxsr 31 MW j Hoag Memorial Hospital, Co.gen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity . ............................... _ _.... . QiMM otams uWalio 76 "I'M AM 4P.M-14 Aril : I A' 'I AAAI u Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) a Temperature 20 -100 Deg R (Dashed Line) tz>: Plume Condition On/Oft (Thick Line) 13 Reference Line = 55 i Oi%3i1Q 41 -.031 Phi Heal: Rejection 01123AG IIV131tm naasA_" Phi 07;wM eu CILL ays7 Heat Rejection MBH Oo Reference Line =4700 vStepan Report Generated on: El 1101a:uP:07F 6- 35 .1) •r ..';u nl. __ 01/33110 10:11-11 Alin ® Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) E3 Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) o v Plume Condition On/Off (Fhick Line) El v Reference Line = 55 erg Weather Data Temperature and Humidity :1 M_ -"A'3[ a Neat Rejection MBH 13■ Referem;e Line =4700 011="110 OI VIO Ola -VIO 01:41:32 PM 0424:43 Pal 071033 PGi Heat Rejection G ILiLatu 119:17Z4 PM 01911:12A3S 1170" 40 F 11 i:d0141'i.r Report Generated on. o+ 22so ld:pn:o3 F Hoag Memorial HoapitA, Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 44 V7 M 9 07.41 it Vll 4 11117180 0i alno OU21110 )5:341105.Np ¢'1321 All ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) © Temperature 20.100 Deg F (Dashed Line) oQ Plume Condition On/Off (T'nick Line) 13 Reference Line = 55 NIA 0112WO 01 %937 PM Heat Rejection otr_ulo 01a111u 01411nu 04:114A:! P74 0790053 PM 0937:m PM USAM 4 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH ov Reference Line = 4700 R fir+ 11:43: =1 AM OL -5011Q P1r 04;:2636 PM 117MAD P1! 09A044 PW Report Generated on: +r�+;10 la:ooaa s� vw 35.49 Hoag Memorial Hospital Cogen'Weather Data Temperature artd Humidity -- N/A 0 _©10 13UM10 nIr011U 1n fl '-W A%t O&36c1U A ?i 11 12:31 AM • Relative Humidify 20 -100 % (ScGd Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) OT Plume Condition WOff (Thick Line) n► Reference Line = 55 +841 t ■ Heat Rejection MBH 13■ Reference Line = 4700 P+r apon I I 0iriinu C1 rORO OW410 'DIPMIU 0'1:413? Phi 04,'?4-.42 Phl OF7M:53 PM n5--171M PM Heat Rejection NIA_. !Ik -UJ1❑ UI!' -0440 01 _0440 Ili ^0140 VU34', +1U I a. 1, kM oil 5W12 P11 r:3n3n Phi '77;03.40 PM 414:41U4 Ph: Report Generated on: alr2ono iaaa m! Hoag Memorial Hos yen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity !r:r.I[:in: %%[ 01AIn.IoAM1 .I I' ^_kANI di -1 :,_r%l 0424A2 "I MOM FM 093744 PM Relative Humidity 20 -100 % © Temperature 20 -100 Deg F MY Plume Condition OnOff BY Reference Line= 55 (Solid Linej (Dashed Line) (Thick Line) Heat Rejection a Heat Rejection MBH pv Reference Line =4700 rR0" Report Generated on: o7nvso 1r:oo oa F Memorial Hoa ita. Co en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity a.• "., +; I "I _ _ 01F4t22 PM 042A4 ? PM 07:0033 PM 09737:04 PM ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ❑a Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) my Reference Line = 55 r 01148110 01118110 o6A0:00 A.1: 09:36:44 Ahl ■ Heat Rejection MBH ov Reference Line =4700 7.:1`:I. i 1:1328 AM Heat Rejection 01!18110 0150_12 PM 0326:36PM Report Generated on: ovlaloro:no:a�F Hoaa Memorial Hospital Cogen Weather Data ' lo' YR )9 .:c 109 2Q.UPi 41111?llIL ,. I,i A t ■ Relative Humidify 20 -100 % (Solid Line) Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) pv Plume Condition ®rYOff (Thick Line) 13P Reference Line = 55 . UlF17J10 09 :3b.44 AM e Heat Rejection Ml3H 13■ Reference Line = 4700 R `\ Temperature and Humidity U[A 7110 01 AC32 PAt Heat Resection D.;SCYfH�53 MANIC, 0200 PM NJ744 PM 0111,7 /IU 11 fr3 11111 � 1Lll3aU - 11-11-?RAM C' F31 - "7:U3:4u Fit Report Generated ors: out 1ao �o:bu:as r Hoag Memorial Hospita, Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 55 �Y !i! 1•II Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) ■ Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®■ Plume Condition OnOff (thick Line) ■v Reference Line = 55 t,57M - '663 - 5i77 — z431 - 1916 o. 01116110 OIA6tlo 05:00:00 AN 1106:44 .M ■ Heat Rejection MSH Ov Reference Line =.4700 [»y Repws I N/A OI116110 01116110 a9l16l1a OIZW10 01:74:32 PSI 0.9•.25;72 PM 0710:53 PM 0937:.09 PA9 Heat Rejection 01110 "DO 001W16 (10600 11:13'23 _AA 01:S0 :12 FM W:2c:5n PM 111; 167111 (07 4141.111 FM Report Generated on: 0119W90 50;0004 r Haag Memorial Hospita, Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity F ki 12!21 AM ® Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) E3 Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) 13 Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) 139 Reference Line =55 `bhp ® Heat Rejection MBH ©v Reference Line = 4700 ileily Fiepor, IzV. -I n:.- to 01f13nD 01 .=n..12 PAS W.24h2 Pl1 Heat Rejection N/A utn3i10 07:0033 PJA 01113110 0931W PM Report Generated on: ays usa 7o'D:as r Hoag Memorial Hosphita, Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity N/A . nln4no osn4nu I! L21 AM 0 1 -411321 PM * Relative Hurnidfry 20 -100 % (Solid Line) o Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (dashed Line) 13e' Plume Condition ©n/Off (Thick Line) Qv Reference Line =55 Heat Refectlon N/A R Heat Rejection MBH ov Reference Line =4700 oa�y Report ci: l - fl M4AU .. .. '' 94:_.1 —i'M r17DW:53 PM Report Generated on: oln4no 1fluo:os t Hoag Memorial I . Li.i ll? OYfl3fllr _ _ ■ Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) o Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) gv Plume Condition On/Of (Thick Line) 1av Reference Line 55 -663 5147. 1415 ).wo 01AInu Ir5:00:00 AM e Heat Rejection MBH ❑v Reference Line =4700 ally aaPorl Weather Data i ernperature anci nurniciny NIA Heat Rejection f 11 VIL I,• l" 0111} 11113110 OV13110 O4::4-4_P%L 0701110 FM 00:37A4 PM Report Generated oaa: oinano 1a:ou:a� F Hoag Memorial Hospita, Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 55 �Y !i! 1•II Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) ■ Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®■ Plume Condition OnOff (thick Line) ■v Reference Line = 55 t,57M - '663 - 5i77 — z431 - 1916 o. 01116110 OIA6tlo 05:00:00 AN 1106:44 .M ■ Heat Rejection MSH Ov Reference Line =.4700 [»y Repws I N/A OI116110 01116110 a9l16l1a OIZW10 01:74:32 PSI 0.9•.25;72 PM 0710:53 PM 0937:.09 PA9 Heat Rejection 01110 "DO 001W16 (10600 11:13'23 _AA 01:S0 :12 FM W:2c:5n PM 111; 167111 (07 4141.111 FM Report Generated on: 0119W90 50;0004 r Haag Memorial Hospita, Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity F ki 12!21 AM ® Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) E3 Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) 13 Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) 139 Reference Line =55 `bhp ® Heat Rejection MBH ©v Reference Line = 4700 ileily Fiepor, IzV. -I n:.- to 01f13nD 01 .=n..12 PAS W.24h2 Pl1 Heat Rejection N/A utn3i10 07:0033 PJA 01113110 0931W PM Report Generated on: ays usa 7o'D:as r Hoag Memorial Hosphita, Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity N/A . nln4no osn4nu I! L21 AM 0 1 -411321 PM * Relative Hurnidfry 20 -100 % (Solid Line) o Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (dashed Line) 13e' Plume Condition ©n/Off (Thick Line) Qv Reference Line =55 Heat Refectlon N/A R Heat Rejection MBH ov Reference Line =4700 oa�y Report ci: l - fl M4AU .. .. '' 94:_.1 —i'M r17DW:53 PM Report Generated on: oln4no 1fluo:os t Hoag Memorial I . Li.i ll? OYfl3fllr _ _ ■ Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) o Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) gv Plume Condition On/Of (Thick Line) 1av Reference Line 55 -663 5147. 1415 ).wo 01AInu Ir5:00:00 AM e Heat Rejection MBH ❑v Reference Line =4700 ally aaPorl Weather Data i ernperature anci nurniciny NIA Heat Rejection f 11 VIL I,• l" 0111} 11113110 OV13110 O4::4-4_P%L 0701110 FM 00:37A4 PM Report Generated oaa: oinano 1a:ou:a� F Hoag Memorial Hospitar Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 01;48:33 PM 04 =4;4? PM 07;09:53 PM a Relative Humidity 20-100 % (Solid Line) o Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) oe Flume Condition On/Off (Thick. Line) ®vr Reference Line= 55 3831 1P1 U.U00 /10 II+! =11n 06-.00:09 AM US 34;44 AAf ■ Heat Rejection MSH Ov Reference Line =4700 Rally Fagan' Heat Rejection 1110 1 111 0 Util?flU 0412110 (11= '16:12 PM {µ;_c;Sh PM 11793'40 PAS 03:37:04 PM U I�I:,'i0 N):40-24 PM Report Generated on: OU12 +10 0:U0i3F Hoag Memorial Hospitar Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 01;48:33 PM 04 =4;4? PM 07;09:53 PM a Relative Humidity 20-100 % (Solid Line) o Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) oe Flume Condition On/Off (Thick. Line) ®vr Reference Line= 55 3831 1P1 U.U00 /10 II+! =11n 06-.00:09 AM US 34;44 AAf ■ Heat Rejection MSH Ov Reference Line =4700 Rally Fagan' Heat Rejection 1110 1 111 0 Util?flU 0412110 (11= '16:12 PM {µ;_c;Sh PM 11793'40 PAS 03:37:04 PM U I�I:,'i0 N):40-24 PM Report Generated on: OU12 +10 0:U0i3F Hoag Memorial Hospita. Cogen Weather Data �S 49 � I fl; ;r11i[0 alp 11te 011100 ..0 4'1 A:18 11:12'.71 AM ® Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) © Temperature 20 -100 Deg P (Dashed Line) pv Plume Condition ©NCIff (Thick Line) nv Reference Line = 55 OU71110 01111110 01 38:12 FM 08:24:42 Yal Heat Rejection . -, rat ^i, '•n PA1 © Heat Rejection MBH Ov Reference Line= 4700 0111 IT 07.-0"3 PV, -L 011111/1 119:,1798 PM Report Generated ran: je +.Y+ +o 10:00:0. r — - -- - -_ -T -� -- - - - - - -- -------------------'------------------------------ - - - - -- - �S 49 � I fl; ;r11i[0 alp 11te 011100 ..0 4'1 A:18 11:12'.71 AM ® Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) © Temperature 20 -100 Deg P (Dashed Line) pv Plume Condition ©NCIff (Thick Line) nv Reference Line = 55 OU71110 01111110 01 38:12 FM 08:24:42 Yal Heat Rejection . -, rat ^i, '•n PA1 © Heat Rejection MBH Ov Reference Line= 4700 0111 IT 07.-0"3 PV, -L 011111/1 119:,1798 PM Report Generated ran: je +.Y+ +o 10:00:0. r Hoag Memorial Hospital Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity .. N/A . 61d@f16 6116110 oulMO QIJIWIQ 01:48J2 PM 64a4A2 PM 07116:53 PM W47-04 PM ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ® Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (dashed Line) ®v Plume Condition On/Off fMck Line) ®v Reference Line =55 40 '7A - Lye, iF31 !Q! U1:. i.IJ 18:_6:44 A141 M Heat Rejection MBH pv Reference Line =4700 [lsily Fizpprt 1 1:13:28 AM Heat Rejection NIK— 51,10 lb 6136:.12 FU 01;16110 64:2536 PM —r— r? 311611 CI ?•63'40 Pw1 UYi6U9[) ira:s6,2s r ++ Report Generated on:'QV1Qr1Q 1Q:QO:�1 F III, fv Hoag Memorial Hospita. Cogen Temperature and Humidity ''Feather Data I; Lin ulfi9/io ul,aerla 11,ogno ollclvlla o1,v�lau . ..... .. .. kL11 AN 01 A232 PM 0424912 Py 07; 3 P!4 09:37# PM o Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) o Temperature 20.100 Deg F (Dashed Line) Qv Plume Condition OrVOff (Thick Line) �v Reference Line = 55 Heal Rejection - - - - 'rh'3l IT .1W Uli!}9flu u11J:+; l:+ 01 119 'OIM/10 .11,1iYi 111 UI,U9r Il9 (Y6:016:00 AS'! 7 1:13 ! .Ai! 917:13:-40 AM f19:ft2+ PM Heat Rejection MBH Ov Reference Line =4700 rrt Report Generated on: a1 uwllllpo:s� 'Holag Memorial Hospita, Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity "OUR 110 OIfi6fl0 Q Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) m Temperature 20-100 [leg F (Dashed Line) ®■ Flume Condition On1Off (Thick Line) ®v Reference Line =55 �I!VS 57d? .y:l — I91i� — O;CrtPIY i11,4N'l � -- un:wr,., r Heat Rejection M8H nv Reference Line =4700 Gully Rapor� N/A Heat Rejection Report Generated on: 0�iae'1v 10:W:08 F O10110 Ui.,• ��! OFVOtliIU GlµtlllU Ui:ati; i� Pill 04-14:9? JIM 07'9033 Pill W.3 ?JM PM Heat Rejection Report Generated on: 0�iae'1v 10:W:08 F Heat Rejection ■ Haat Rejection MBH ov Reference Line =4700 C>aily FloPort. Report Generated on: of a7no aofloos Hoag Memorial Hospita. Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity �> Yx -"° --- ------ --- -- - - --t- -- --- I 34.44 - 01 P7JIU try.. rl A77110 PIA7,f1.0 µi N7IIU Ph10Td1P UIN7RU _ ••i :'ll AM. M sWE32 PM M424 d;. PM 07MI" PM 07 }7,0I PM 13 Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) El Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) 0o Plume Condition On;Off (Fhick Line) O■ Reference Line = 55 Heat Rejection ■ Haat Rejection MBH ov Reference Line =4700 C>aily FloPort. Report Generated on: of a7no aofloos Memorial ien Weather Data Temperature and Humidity r. :I,, 11n?fi :16AS1 :'. 122::1 AAI ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ■ Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■v Plume Condition OrL'Off (Thick Line) my Reference Line m 55 N,1 n r�rru _ ■ Heat Rejection IvIBH av Reference Line = 4700 o 01::832 P11 Heat Rejection NIA 64-24;'_ Pod 0713093 PM 49:3704 PH .::c "in a 41.4;0 ,IZ" .; I;i Qr JI01,, M 60A2.PN 4r16:16 PV 0,141340 P}i o-4.10.Id P31 Report Generated ors: LI ar�4a I44n :a� L Hoag Memorial Hospital, Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 51 yy -- _. :s uti ri'iv31iG 414115110 1191113J10 • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (solid Une) • Temperature PO -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■* Plume Condition Cn'Off (Thick Une) 2r Reference Line =55 7L6: Sal' - 191fi o1Nino 01:46 ;)2 PSI Heat Rejection 11 118 ACP 14: 24 :4: P.M olA3flo a MLA =PM OW5110 9937AM PM 01!05/10 - u1iO3l10 01 Mill O u1pJ5fw +a- . !V, CHI fl i A4 911:541! Q PM 19 ?6i 16 PM 1174+(39 Phi - - M Heat Rejection MBH - ov Reference Line =4700 o3y Repan Report Generated on. o41n®rlo 45 :aao9 F III, fv Hoag Memorial Hospita. Cogen Temperature and Humidity ''Feather Data I; Lin ulfi9/io ul,aerla 11,ogno ollclvlla o1,v�lau . ..... .. .. kL11 AN 01 A232 PM 0424912 Py 07; 3 P!4 09:37# PM o Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) o Temperature 20.100 Deg F (Dashed Line) Qv Plume Condition OrVOff (Thick Line) �v Reference Line = 55 Heal Rejection - - - - 'rh'3l IT .1W Uli!}9flu u11J:+; l:+ 01 119 'OIM/10 .11,1iYi 111 UI,U9r Il9 (Y6:016:00 AS'! 7 1:13 ! .Ai! 917:13:-40 AM f19:ft2+ PM Heat Rejection MBH Ov Reference Line =4700 rrt Report Generated on: a1 uwllllpo:s� 'Holag Memorial Hospita, Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity "OUR 110 OIfi6fl0 Q Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) m Temperature 20-100 [leg F (Dashed Line) ®■ Flume Condition On1Off (Thick Line) ®v Reference Line =55 �I!VS 57d? .y:l — I91i� — O;CrtPIY i11,4N'l � -- un:wr,., r Heat Rejection M8H nv Reference Line =4700 Gully Rapor� N/A Heat Rejection Report Generated on: 0�iae'1v 10:W:08 F O10110 Ui.,• ��! OFVOtliIU GlµtlllU Ui:ati; i� Pill 04-14:9? JIM 07'9033 Pill W.3 ?JM PM Heat Rejection Report Generated on: 0�iae'1v 10:W:08 F Heat Rejection ■ Haat Rejection MBH ov Reference Line =4700 C>aily FloPort. Report Generated on: of a7no aofloos Hoag Memorial Hospita. Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity �> Yx -"° --- ------ --- -- - - --t- -- --- I 34.44 - 01 P7JIU try.. rl A77110 PIA7,f1.0 µi N7IIU Ph10Td1P UIN7RU _ ••i :'ll AM. M sWE32 PM M424 d;. PM 07MI" PM 07 }7,0I PM 13 Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) El Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) 0o Plume Condition On;Off (Fhick Line) O■ Reference Line = 55 Heat Rejection ■ Haat Rejection MBH ov Reference Line =4700 C>aily FloPort. Report Generated on: of a7no aofloos Memorial ien Weather Data Temperature and Humidity r. :I,, 11n?fi :16AS1 :'. 122::1 AAI ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ■ Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■v Plume Condition OrL'Off (Thick Line) my Reference Line m 55 N,1 n r�rru _ ■ Heat Rejection IvIBH av Reference Line = 4700 o 01::832 P11 Heat Rejection NIA 64-24;'_ Pod 0713093 PM 49:3704 PH .::c "in a 41.4;0 ,IZ" .; I;i Qr JI01,, M 60A2.PN 4r16:16 PV 0,141340 P}i o-4.10.Id P31 Report Generated ors: LI ar�4a I44n :a� L Hoag Memorial Hospital, Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 51 yy -- _. :s uti ri'iv31iG 414115110 1191113J10 • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (solid Une) • Temperature PO -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■* Plume Condition Cn'Off (Thick Une) 2r Reference Line =55 7L6: Sal' - 191fi o1Nino 01:46 ;)2 PSI Heat Rejection 11 118 ACP 14: 24 :4: P.M olA3flo a MLA =PM OW5110 9937AM PM 01!05/10 - u1iO3l10 01 Mill O u1pJ5fw +a- . !V, CHI fl i A4 911:541! Q PM 19 ?6i 16 PM 1174+(39 Phi - - M Heat Rejection MBH - ov Reference Line =4700 o3y Repan Report Generated on. o41n®rlo 45 :aao9 F Hoa 3 Memorial Hos ita, Co en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity uV 9? "97 — l Y9 tilAWt1O eIAVAO e Relative Humidity 20 •100 % (Solid Line) m Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) III Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) ev Reference Line = 55 cA3# 1916 f1,0ee tt #A>afAo uti:b6iiU 41.1 - ■ Heat Rejection MBH eye Reference Line= 4700 17ai1v w•,eyaa., I * 49"11 OIAWIltl Olzo 111:411:32 PM O4:24:42 P-M Heat Rejection eIAHlAtl Olpine 07,0013 PM 09:77764 PM Report Generated on: 47 +os; ie #4:1111 as F Hoag Memorial Hospita, CQgg VWeather Data Temperature and Humidity a.AM ® Relative Humidify 20 -100 % (Solid Line) 9 Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (flashed Line) zv Flume Condition Qn./Cf1 (Thick Line) ov Reference Line = 55 U1M16L - — .UIM 0IlU3rI0 111eV =rtl u{7dli hi W'00.90 AIM 08:36:44 AM I3:13•±11 AA1 ® Heat Rejection MBH Liv Reference Line = 4700 . ZIL. r [ilkF I QIMNIO MAIM 01 a4:11 I'M 04:1"2 PM T ol,n3rto 87!10:33 PM OIJOVIO 09:37'alm PA6 Heat Rejection DEr43r00 auuSau - -� - --- ul,fJ±�w O 130:12 PM Ui _ ^.:Sh P.M F3! Report Generated on: DIAM10100o;®6 F Memorial Hospital Cogen Ternnerature and Hurnidity 93.5 67,59 ss.95 OIR3110 wim(i 01=10 06MI[Al M I N in In 1 ! U:1Z:.'.6 .119 • Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Une) • Temperature 20 -140 Deg P (Dashed Line) ■• Plume Condition OrVQCf (Thick Line) ev Reference Line = 55 r 3831 (11102/.10 01 r1J-iW c) 1, _:� 06.-MM AM 08'16.14 AM 1IJ3 28 AM a Heat Rejection MBH 47 Reference Line =4700 Choy �:pwi NIA 01A1'JiU OI:sS:3� PM Heat Rejection NIA, 01301i PIW Weather Data 01/02/10 01.3113 PM a O i3l10 03A033 Pat UJIU MO aW—n0 MR2 +1U U416S6 PIM 1.!7:03:40 P, ;19:40:24 Pao Report Generated on: oiN81a looa:oa r ,HI 91 R3.y7 U' -96 k Hoag Memorial Hospjta, Gogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity mm� W61110 OrN1fl0 Ol!0!!lu ® Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) 6 Temperature 20 -100 Deg IF (Dashed Line) uv Plume Condition CJn/Off (Thick Line) Yao Reference Line =55 W1 •IR,rGli l.� '11 'u'tU Ngw1w A-N! 06:3bA4 AM 8 Heat Rejection MBH an Reference Line =4700 k7s3y k3apoe.. 11:1326 AM Heat. Rejection r „LIr10 0130:12 PIM 04'26345 PM 09.8034 Poi Report Generated on: C01,01,10 10:00:06 s ------------------ ------ - - - - -- - -. -�. O1NII10 01 :w.32 P}A OIN1lYI1 0424A2 PN O1Ni310 07:0033 Ph1 Ot101JJ0 W."104 PM Heat. Rejection r „LIr10 0130:12 PIM 04'26345 PM 09.8034 Poi Report Generated on: C01,01,10 10:00:06 s Hoag Memorial Hospital, Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 51 yy -- _. :s uti ri'iv31iG 414115110 1191113J10 • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (solid Une) • Temperature PO -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■* Plume Condition Cn'Off (Thick Une) 2r Reference Line =55 7L6: Sal' - 191fi o1Nino 01:46 ;)2 PSI Heat Rejection 11 118 ACP 14: 24 :4: P.M olA3flo a MLA =PM OW5110 9937AM PM 01!05/10 - u1iO3l10 01 Mill O u1pJ5fw +a- . !V, CHI fl i A4 911:541! Q PM 19 ?6i 16 PM 1174+(39 Phi - - M Heat Rejection MBH - ov Reference Line =4700 o3y Repan Report Generated on. o41n®rlo 45 :aao9 F III, fv Hoag Memorial Hospita. Cogen Temperature and Humidity ''Feather Data I; Lin ulfi9/io ul,aerla 11,ogno ollclvlla o1,v�lau . ..... .. .. kL11 AN 01 A232 PM 0424912 Py 07; 3 P!4 09:37# PM o Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) o Temperature 20.100 Deg F (Dashed Line) Qv Plume Condition OrVOff (Thick Line) �v Reference Line = 55 Heal Rejection - - - - 'rh'3l IT .1W Uli!}9flu u11J:+; l:+ 01 119 'OIM/10 .11,1iYi 111 UI,U9r Il9 (Y6:016:00 AS'! 7 1:13 ! .Ai! 917:13:-40 AM f19:ft2+ PM Heat Rejection MBH Ov Reference Line =4700 rrt Report Generated on: a1 uwllllpo:s� 'Holag Memorial Hospita, Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity "OUR 110 OIfi6fl0 Q Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) m Temperature 20-100 [leg F (Dashed Line) ®■ Flume Condition On1Off (Thick Line) ®v Reference Line =55 �I!VS 57d? .y:l — I91i� — O;CrtPIY i11,4N'l � -- un:wr,., r Heat Rejection M8H nv Reference Line =4700 Gully Rapor� N/A Heat Rejection Report Generated on: 0�iae'1v 10:W:08 F O10110 Ui.,• ��! OFVOtliIU GlµtlllU Ui:ati; i� Pill 04-14:9? JIM 07'9033 Pill W.3 ?JM PM Heat Rejection Report Generated on: 0�iae'1v 10:W:08 F Heat Rejection ■ Haat Rejection MBH ov Reference Line =4700 C>aily FloPort. Report Generated on: of a7no aofloos Hoag Memorial Hospita. Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity �> Yx -"° --- ------ --- -- - - --t- -- --- I 34.44 - 01 P7JIU try.. rl A77110 PIA7,f1.0 µi N7IIU Ph10Td1P UIN7RU _ ••i :'ll AM. M sWE32 PM M424 d;. PM 07MI" PM 07 }7,0I PM 13 Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) El Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) 0o Plume Condition On;Off (Fhick Line) O■ Reference Line = 55 Heat Rejection ■ Haat Rejection MBH ov Reference Line =4700 C>aily FloPort. Report Generated on: of a7no aofloos Memorial ien Weather Data Temperature and Humidity r. :I,, 11n?fi :16AS1 :'. 122::1 AAI ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ■ Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■v Plume Condition OrL'Off (Thick Line) my Reference Line m 55 N,1 n r�rru _ ■ Heat Rejection IvIBH av Reference Line = 4700 o 01::832 P11 Heat Rejection NIA 64-24;'_ Pod 0713093 PM 49:3704 PH .::c "in a 41.4;0 ,IZ" .; I;i Qr JI01,, M 60A2.PN 4r16:16 PV 0,141340 P}i o-4.10.Id P31 Report Generated ors: LI ar�4a I44n :a� L Hoag Memorial Hospital, Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 51 yy -- _. :s uti ri'iv31iG 414115110 1191113J10 • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (solid Une) • Temperature PO -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■* Plume Condition Cn'Off (Thick Une) 2r Reference Line =55 7L6: Sal' - 191fi o1Nino 01:46 ;)2 PSI Heat Rejection 11 118 ACP 14: 24 :4: P.M olA3flo a MLA =PM OW5110 9937AM PM 01!05/10 - u1iO3l10 01 Mill O u1pJ5fw +a- . !V, CHI fl i A4 911:541! Q PM 19 ?6i 16 PM 1174+(39 Phi - - M Heat Rejection MBH - ov Reference Line =4700 o3y Repan Report Generated on. o41n®rlo 45 :aao9 F III, fv Hoag Memorial Hospita. Cogen Temperature and Humidity ''Feather Data I; Lin ulfi9/io ul,aerla 11,ogno ollclvlla o1,v�lau . ..... .. .. kL11 AN 01 A232 PM 0424912 Py 07; 3 P!4 09:37# PM o Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) o Temperature 20.100 Deg F (Dashed Line) Qv Plume Condition OrVOff (Thick Line) �v Reference Line = 55 Heal Rejection - - - - 'rh'3l IT .1W Uli!}9flu u11J:+; l:+ 01 119 'OIM/10 .11,1iYi 111 UI,U9r Il9 (Y6:016:00 AS'! 7 1:13 ! .Ai! 917:13:-40 AM f19:ft2+ PM Heat Rejection MBH Ov Reference Line =4700 rrt Report Generated on: a1 uwllllpo:s� 'Holag Memorial Hospita, Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity "OUR 110 OIfi6fl0 Q Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) m Temperature 20-100 [leg F (Dashed Line) ®■ Flume Condition On1Off (Thick Line) ®v Reference Line =55 �I!VS 57d? .y:l — I91i� — O;CrtPIY i11,4N'l � -- un:wr,., r Heat Rejection M8H nv Reference Line =4700 Gully Rapor� N/A Heat Rejection Report Generated on: 0�iae'1v 10:W:08 F O10110 Ui.,• ��! OFVOtliIU GlµtlllU Ui:ati; i� Pill 04-14:9? JIM 07'9033 Pill W.3 ?JM PM Heat Rejection Report Generated on: 0�iae'1v 10:W:08 F Heat Rejection ■ Haat Rejection MBH ov Reference Line =4700 C>aily FloPort. Report Generated on: of a7no aofloos Hoag Memorial Hospita. Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity �> Yx -"° --- ------ --- -- - - --t- -- --- I 34.44 - 01 P7JIU try.. rl A77110 PIA7,f1.0 µi N7IIU Ph10Td1P UIN7RU _ ••i :'ll AM. M sWE32 PM M424 d;. PM 07MI" PM 07 }7,0I PM 13 Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) El Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) 0o Plume Condition On;Off (Fhick Line) O■ Reference Line = 55 Heat Rejection ■ Haat Rejection MBH ov Reference Line =4700 C>aily FloPort. Report Generated on: of a7no aofloos Memorial ien Weather Data Temperature and Humidity r. :I,, 11n?fi :16AS1 :'. 122::1 AAI ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ■ Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■v Plume Condition OrL'Off (Thick Line) my Reference Line m 55 N,1 n r�rru _ ■ Heat Rejection IvIBH av Reference Line = 4700 o 01::832 P11 Heat Rejection NIA 64-24;'_ Pod 0713093 PM 49:3704 PH .::c "in a 41.4;0 ,IZ" .; I;i Qr JI01,, M 60A2.PN 4r16:16 PV 0,141340 P}i o-4.10.Id P31 Report Generated ors: LI ar�4a I44n :a� L Hoag Memorial Hospital, Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 51 yy -- _. :s uti ri'iv31iG 414115110 1191113J10 • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (solid Une) • Temperature PO -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■* Plume Condition Cn'Off (Thick Une) 2r Reference Line =55 7L6: Sal' - 191fi o1Nino 01:46 ;)2 PSI Heat Rejection 11 118 ACP 14: 24 :4: P.M olA3flo a MLA =PM OW5110 9937AM PM 01!05/10 - u1iO3l10 01 Mill O u1pJ5fw +a- . !V, CHI fl i A4 911:541! Q PM 19 ?6i 16 PM 1174+(39 Phi - - M Heat Rejection MBH - ov Reference Line =4700 o3y Repan Report Generated on. o41n®rlo 45 :aao9 F Hoa 3 Memorial Hos ita, Co en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity uV 9? "97 — l Y9 tilAWt1O eIAVAO e Relative Humidity 20 •100 % (Solid Line) m Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) III Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) ev Reference Line = 55 cA3# 1916 f1,0ee tt #A>afAo uti:b6iiU 41.1 - ■ Heat Rejection MBH eye Reference Line= 4700 17ai1v w•,eyaa., I * 49"11 OIAWIltl Olzo 111:411:32 PM O4:24:42 P-M Heat Rejection eIAHlAtl Olpine 07,0013 PM 09:77764 PM Report Generated on: 47 +os; ie #4:1111 as F Hoag Memorial Hospita, CQgg VWeather Data Temperature and Humidity a.AM ® Relative Humidify 20 -100 % (Solid Line) 9 Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (flashed Line) zv Flume Condition Qn./Cf1 (Thick Line) ov Reference Line = 55 U1M16L - — .UIM 0IlU3rI0 111eV =rtl u{7dli hi W'00.90 AIM 08:36:44 AM I3:13•±11 AA1 ® Heat Rejection MBH Liv Reference Line = 4700 . ZIL. r [ilkF I QIMNIO MAIM 01 a4:11 I'M 04:1"2 PM T ol,n3rto 87!10:33 PM OIJOVIO 09:37'alm PA6 Heat Rejection DEr43r00 auuSau - -� - --- ul,fJ±�w O 130:12 PM Ui _ ^.:Sh P.M F3! Report Generated on: DIAM10100o;®6 F Memorial Hospital Cogen Ternnerature and Hurnidity 93.5 67,59 ss.95 OIR3110 wim(i 01=10 06MI[Al M I N in In 1 ! U:1Z:.'.6 .119 • Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Une) • Temperature 20 -140 Deg P (Dashed Line) ■• Plume Condition OrVQCf (Thick Line) ev Reference Line = 55 r 3831 (11102/.10 01 r1J-iW c) 1, _:� 06.-MM AM 08'16.14 AM 1IJ3 28 AM a Heat Rejection MBH 47 Reference Line =4700 Choy �:pwi NIA 01A1'JiU OI:sS:3� PM Heat Rejection NIA, 01301i PIW Weather Data 01/02/10 01.3113 PM a O i3l10 03A033 Pat UJIU MO aW—n0 MR2 +1U U416S6 PIM 1.!7:03:40 P, ;19:40:24 Pao Report Generated on: oiN81a looa:oa r ,HI 91 R3.y7 U' -96 k Hoag Memorial Hospjta, Gogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity mm� W61110 OrN1fl0 Ol!0!!lu ® Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) 6 Temperature 20 -100 Deg IF (Dashed Line) uv Plume Condition CJn/Off (Thick Line) Yao Reference Line =55 W1 •IR,rGli l.� '11 'u'tU Ngw1w A-N! 06:3bA4 AM 8 Heat Rejection MBH an Reference Line =4700 k7s3y k3apoe.. 11:1326 AM Heat. Rejection r „LIr10 0130:12 PIM 04'26345 PM 09.8034 Poi Report Generated on: C01,01,10 10:00:06 s ------------------ ------ - - - - -- - -. -�. O1NII10 01 :w.32 P}A OIN1lYI1 0424A2 PN O1Ni310 07:0033 Ph1 Ot101JJ0 W."104 PM Heat. Rejection r „LIr10 0130:12 PIM 04'26345 PM 09.8034 Poi Report Generated on: C01,01,10 10:00:06 s Hoag Memorial Hospital, Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 51 yy -- _. :s uti ri'iv31iG 414115110 1191113J10 • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (solid Une) • Temperature PO -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■* Plume Condition Cn'Off (Thick Une) 2r Reference Line =55 7L6: Sal' - 191fi o1Nino 01:46 ;)2 PSI Heat Rejection 11 118 ACP 14: 24 :4: P.M olA3flo a MLA =PM OW5110 9937AM PM 01!05/10 - u1iO3l10 01 Mill O u1pJ5fw +a- . !V, CHI fl i A4 911:541! Q PM 19 ?6i 16 PM 1174+(39 Phi - - M Heat Rejection MBH - ov Reference Line =4700 o3y Repan Report Generated on. o41n®rlo 45 :aao9 F Hoa 3 Memorial Hos ita, Co en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity uV 9? "97 — l Y9 tilAWt1O eIAVAO e Relative Humidity 20 •100 % (Solid Line) m Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) III Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) ev Reference Line = 55 cA3# 1916 f1,0ee tt #A>afAo uti:b6iiU 41.1 - ■ Heat Rejection MBH eye Reference Line= 4700 17ai1v w•,eyaa., I * 49"11 OIAWIltl Olzo 111:411:32 PM O4:24:42 P-M Heat Rejection eIAHlAtl Olpine 07,0013 PM 09:77764 PM Report Generated on: 47 +os; ie #4:1111 as F Hoag Memorial Hospita, CQgg VWeather Data Temperature and Humidity a.AM ® Relative Humidify 20 -100 % (Solid Line) 9 Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (flashed Line) zv Flume Condition Qn./Cf1 (Thick Line) ov Reference Line = 55 U1M16L - — .UIM 0IlU3rI0 111eV =rtl u{7dli hi W'00.90 AIM 08:36:44 AM I3:13•±11 AA1 ® Heat Rejection MBH Liv Reference Line = 4700 . ZIL. r [ilkF I QIMNIO MAIM 01 a4:11 I'M 04:1"2 PM T ol,n3rto 87!10:33 PM OIJOVIO 09:37'alm PA6 Heat Rejection DEr43r00 auuSau - -� - --- ul,fJ±�w O 130:12 PM Ui _ ^.:Sh P.M F3! Report Generated on: DIAM10100o;®6 F Memorial Hospital Cogen Ternnerature and Hurnidity 93.5 67,59 ss.95 OIR3110 wim(i 01=10 06MI[Al M I N in In 1 ! U:1Z:.'.6 .119 • Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Une) • Temperature 20 -140 Deg P (Dashed Line) ■• Plume Condition OrVQCf (Thick Line) ev Reference Line = 55 r 3831 (11102/.10 01 r1J-iW c) 1, _:� 06.-MM AM 08'16.14 AM 1IJ3 28 AM a Heat Rejection MBH 47 Reference Line =4700 Choy �:pwi NIA 01A1'JiU OI:sS:3� PM Heat Rejection NIA, 01301i PIW Weather Data 01/02/10 01.3113 PM a O i3l10 03A033 Pat UJIU MO aW—n0 MR2 +1U U416S6 PIM 1.!7:03:40 P, ;19:40:24 Pao Report Generated on: oiN81a looa:oa r ,HI 91 R3.y7 U' -96 k Hoag Memorial Hospjta, Gogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity mm� W61110 OrN1fl0 Ol!0!!lu ® Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) 6 Temperature 20 -100 Deg IF (Dashed Line) uv Plume Condition CJn/Off (Thick Line) Yao Reference Line =55 W1 •IR,rGli l.� '11 'u'tU Ngw1w A-N! 06:3bA4 AM 8 Heat Rejection MBH an Reference Line =4700 k7s3y k3apoe.. 11:1326 AM Heat. Rejection r „LIr10 0130:12 PIM 04'26345 PM 09.8034 Poi Report Generated on: C01,01,10 10:00:06 s ------------------ ------ - - - - -- - -. -�. O1NII10 01 :w.32 P}A OIN1lYI1 0424A2 PN O1Ni310 07:0033 Ph1 Ot101JJ0 W."104 PM Heat. Rejection r „LIr10 0130:12 PIM 04'26345 PM 09.8034 Poi Report Generated on: C01,01,10 10:00:06 s Hoag CQGen Weather Station Report December 2009 Hoag Memorial Hospita.'Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity rtn p, A7 4M — W -A) _ T 311 -119 , -- -- 1'731 n09 1 W 1,A19 I W I Am I t,im;f111;1 }I 1718;7x:111 AM 11 -12 21 741 • Relative Humidify 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -140 Deg F (dashed Line) 0 Plume Condition QrdOff {Thick Line) E3 c Reference Line = 55 9478 -- - 74a1 S ?47 1831 —. Iola — - - U UM 13$IA14 I °ill ;u�+ 12771A10 i15:Ik7:UU A]%1 t11;:3 e;7: AM 11:132h 711 ■ Heat Rejection MBH nr Reference Line =4700 pair e3epnR 111-rri I21111Yh1 0 a ?21 +31 Heat Rejection N/A L/11p1 +1 Q/1l NII I "_!311[19 11,.:,,Iw ral 1201,YN3 LW 111!9 !_f, 11Y19 1 X9 1N'+ 411:5 U92 PM Ud•?a;yb [ -,,l 117:01 ;4 P P%1 rNAO:24 I'M Report Generated on: Y23Y p9 Y ©oo:os F Hoag Memorial Hoa ita.'Co en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity E7.4x 31.y9 '_001 I ?liipll'1 I ]f.,nryn1 1- ''IJildl °I nft:110;7111 Alt (1ti 16.'U'.1,11 11:1791 ANI e Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ® Temperature 20 -100 peg F (Dashed Line) Av Plume Condition QnOff (Thick Line) ov Reference Line = 55 1V911 5747 - 3:131 141E -. neon NA 111;4x:32 JiM [Wy4:4' VNI Heat Rejection •T!A 13r3nm� 1_�+Ii,n4 1.nun.N, i,r�nro4 n6110:11U AM 11b:3f04 L41 t f:1 ?''x AM n115rk12 PMI IF Heat Rejection MSH pv Reference Line =4700 Gtiay Flepan 1?P. U,i39 l?.f31711i'1 I17:[IfiLSi I'u 114;774113 P11 1 *rluroa I..r�unlu 13131�N4 114:26 56 Phi 4177n140 0 P15 WA UU-24 P1: Report Generated on: 1�ao.ros,o:ao:a1 F j 99.97 N3.97 67.9N 51.99 1599 '_ AU Hoag Memorial Hos ita,'Co en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 13f_9A7" I'PW4 IV29AW 11611119141 All VIN 8:111 ANI l t.12:21 ANI • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Dashed Line) e3, Plume Condition ORIOff (Thick Line) ❑v Reference Line =55 3831 1916 - n nnn 1'1291149 I?ie9a11Y MKOO:1111 ANI 11M:36!64 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH o■ Reference Line =4700 9aay Fepnn N/A a Meat Rejection 121 4mq 12r9 M9 I2129,9 1140:2N,I-M 111:50A2 PM 114:26:56 PH 117:1/$:411 PM WR411 :24 P \l Report Generated on; to X05 P l'n9n19 111:48.:62 Phl 13P *9nnl W.N.JQ P%l I �9,srl 071111751 Phi I'_I.91i,N 007M4 P.M Meat Rejection 121 4mq 12r9 M9 I2129,9 1140:2N,I-M 111:50A2 PM 114:26:56 PH 117:1/$:411 PM WR411 :24 P \l Report Generated on; to X05 P Hoag .Memorial Hospital `Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 44.4' K3.N7 (17 9% 1 e5 X14 12 P-8 1 2P 811191 Ith 00:4 191 AM P % 3n III .411 I I I ` `I A) 1 • Relative Humidity 2-0-100% (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■• Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) cr• Reference Line - 55 57x7 - l4tfi — n n�ln 116:00; {N}: NI i14:irr Je : }AI II li' €:L11 ■ Heat Rejection MBH nr Reference Line =4700 1'C510t1 l'J2N�117 1142%014 I'J'!. %,rtf4 n 1311 114:'_3:420:11 67:0053 VNI fiYClTn.71'61 Heat Rejection V PI-3R_72 Pit f14?6:36 P151 017;15j:4I11 - %1 114:444:24 P%: Report Generated on: X29:98 �6;�0:17 r Hoag Memorial Has itai?Co en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 94!A7 H.1 �17 67,98 S1!lu - ;5 yq ]11.11[1 ZOA1.1 1 ?i?7p1a 111_'7013.1 U6[ V1 AEI ON 11, 11'I AM II1 =21 5,11 ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) e Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■■ Plume Condition ONOff {Thick Line) E37 Reference Line= 55 57 :7 .1X31 — i ®l6 11 min i?F`7A1Y I_1271[w1 1212;,[nl 06917AIL7 AM IIpyA;A -A XNI M Neat Rejection MBH CJ v Reference Line =4700 oa�y �P�n R/A - - 1]127AMA 121'_7A... 131?7A7a 12£S7jfp7 01 4R:3, j +A1 114:2:;:2 P%I 107A11131 I °11 IPA 17,fN I'M Heat Rejection I _ NIA II1271SI9 12p7A7!f 13p7A1 +7 II!_1A19 III'il}113 PAS 461:36.5f, PAS 1779] };611 Phi IMP A[J:26 PA.' Report Generated en: 12f27ras shoo a3 r Hoag Memorial Hoa ita.'Co en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity E7.4x 31.y9 '_001 I ?liipll'1 I ]f.,nryn1 1- ''IJildl °I nft:110;7111 Alt (1ti 16.'U'.1,11 11:1791 ANI e Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ® Temperature 20 -100 peg F (Dashed Line) Av Plume Condition QnOff (Thick Line) ov Reference Line = 55 1V911 5747 - 3:131 141E -. neon NA 111;4x:32 JiM [Wy4:4' VNI Heat Rejection •T!A 13r3nm� 1_�+Ii,n4 1.nun.N, i,r�nro4 n6110:11U AM 11b:3f04 L41 t f:1 ?''x AM n115rk12 PMI IF Heat Rejection MSH pv Reference Line =4700 Gtiay Flepan 1?P. U,i39 l?.f31711i'1 I17:[IfiLSi I'u 114;774113 P11 1 *rluroa I..r�unlu 13131�N4 114:26 56 Phi 4177n140 0 P15 WA UU-24 P1: Report Generated on: 1�ao.ros,o:ao:a1 F j 99.97 N3.97 67.9N 51.99 1599 '_ AU Hoag Memorial Hos ita,'Co en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 13f_9A7" I'PW4 IV29AW 11611119141 All VIN 8:111 ANI l t.12:21 ANI • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Dashed Line) e3, Plume Condition ORIOff (Thick Line) ❑v Reference Line =55 3831 1916 - n nnn 1'1291149 I?ie9a11Y MKOO:1111 ANI 11M:36!64 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH o■ Reference Line =4700 9aay Fepnn N/A a Meat Rejection 121 4mq 12r9 M9 I2129,9 1140:2N,I-M 111:50A2 PM 114:26:56 PH 117:1/$:411 PM WR411 :24 P \l Report Generated on; to X05 P l'n9n19 111:48.:62 Phl 13P *9nnl W.N.JQ P%l I �9,srl 071111751 Phi I'_I.91i,N 007M4 P.M Meat Rejection 121 4mq 12r9 M9 I2129,9 1140:2N,I-M 111:50A2 PM 114:26:56 PH 117:1/$:411 PM WR411 :24 P \l Report Generated on; to X05 P Hoag .Memorial Hospital `Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 44.4' K3.N7 (17 9% 1 e5 X14 12 P-8 1 2P 811191 Ith 00:4 191 AM P % 3n III .411 I I I ` `I A) 1 • Relative Humidity 2-0-100% (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■• Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) cr• Reference Line - 55 57x7 - l4tfi — n n�ln 116:00; {N}: NI i14:irr Je : }AI II li' €:L11 ■ Heat Rejection MBH nr Reference Line =4700 1'C510t1 l'J2N�117 1142%014 I'J'!. %,rtf4 n 1311 114:'_3:420:11 67:0053 VNI fiYClTn.71'61 Heat Rejection V PI-3R_72 Pit f14?6:36 P151 017;15j:4I11 - %1 114:444:24 P%: Report Generated on: X29:98 �6;�0:17 r Hoag Memorial Has itai?Co en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 94!A7 H.1 �17 67,98 S1!lu - ;5 yq ]11.11[1 ZOA1.1 1 ?i?7p1a 111_'7013.1 U6[ V1 AEI ON 11, 11'I AM II1 =21 5,11 ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) e Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■■ Plume Condition ONOff {Thick Line) E37 Reference Line= 55 57 :7 .1X31 — i ®l6 11 min i?F`7A1Y I_1271[w1 1212;,[nl 06917AIL7 AM IIpyA;A -A XNI M Neat Rejection MBH CJ v Reference Line =4700 oa�y �P�n R/A - - 1]127AMA 121'_7A... 131?7A7a 12£S7jfp7 01 4R:3, j +A1 114:2:;:2 P%I 107A11131 I °11 IPA 17,fN I'M Heat Rejection I _ NIA II1271SI9 12p7A7!f 13p7A1 +7 II!_1A19 III'il}113 PAS 461:36.5f, PAS 1779] };611 Phi IMP A[J:26 PA.' Report Generated en: 12f27ras shoo a3 r Hoag Memorial Hospita.'Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity '19.97 — S1 7 — L7.H% N/A !'- 1?'6111 "1 lafPfyY}9 I.'.!' -RRM' 1:A!R1114 12f25i9'1!1 l ?I_'RlINI I?J_°6RY�1 Uh MC011l AM 1] %; }II; In ASI 11:1'_-11 '153 III AN 3i PSI Iw-24Az P51 1171KJ-g3 P51 II +1;g7;1w I''SI • Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (gashed Line) ■• Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) Ov Reference Line = 55 Heat Rejection — 7GB — 4"] N/A anal 1416 0,000 — l?/?�4 I_CFr09 0 ±r_orlw I_i: r:il' I:. -:; , iO�Rnay 0_r_nnr� 05:00:00 AM 09,16 :44 AM 11 ta, %.%70 r ",: _.: ;.I +; n7 Y+:al1 PD-1 o9y10?a Pni ■ Heat Rejection MBH o■ Reference Line =4700 �av fin. Report Generated an: 12r2aras 10:00:00 c Hoag Memorial Hospita.'Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity '19.97 — S1 7 — L7.H% N/A !'- 1?'6111 "1 lafPfyY}9 I.'.!' -RRM' 1:A!R1114 12f25i9'1!1 l ?I_'RlINI I?J_°6RY�1 Uh MC011l AM 1] %; }II; In ASI 11:1'_-11 '153 III AN 3i PSI Iw-24Az P51 1171KJ-g3 P51 II +1;g7;1w I''SI • Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (gashed Line) ■• Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) Ov Reference Line = 55 Heat Rejection — 7GB — 4"] N/A anal 1416 0,000 — l?/?�4 I_CFr09 0 ±r_orlw I_i: r:il' I:. -:; , iO�Rnay 0_r_nnr� 05:00:00 AM 09,16 :44 AM 11 ta, %.%70 r ",: _.: ;.I +; n7 Y+:al1 PD-1 o9y10?a Pni ■ Heat Rejection MBH o■ Reference Line =4700 �av fin. Report Generated an: 12r2aras 10:00:00 c 9 99.97 47'r% I �u :1.911 ?[1.110 Hoag memorial H ©s ita.'Ca en Weather ©ata Temperature and Humidity 1'_,^_51119 I7115Ar'r 12MA19 MAICH III AXI Os:3mll! 141 11:12-21 AM • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg IF (Dashed Line) N■ Plume Condition OrdOff (Thick Li'.ne) pT Reference Line-55 3871 141[ 1 ki r. CJ .%.M* Iza aPI ._ _`. nn 11h:pU:411 X%1 (1836'44 AN ! : I ? -:, :s.'.: ■ heat Rejection MBH O+ Reference Line = 4700 I NIA — - I_r2s,,>•, 1a35n,9 11�✓tly I2PSmv lll:44%12 PSI IW2.1 :421'%I 1177IM1:53 PAI 0107:1W 1111 Heat Rejection NIA l'_1�a1!1 IiLA.119 12i., ti", l- '1-51119 t11 -50t 12 PSI 94:26:5h P%I 117:03 >In P41 MR40:24 I °ti [deport Generated on: 12'25 +{Y9 so.00:,g F Hoag Memorial Has ita,'Ca en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 6-1 913 N/A 5i'l4 aRl> �1 I2^anw•1 1_naaw 41%.Ur1:41I AM A11 I. L' 'I A}I IU:14-4] PM 14? 1111:AI I' ?! IHl; ?9.1J4 1•i{ • Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 peg F (Dashed Line) ■r Plume Condition OrVOff (Thick Line) av Reference Line = 55 Heat Rejection 'Y;, — NIA _ ILIg1tl I1A;4111:1711 .1M �li)..: 1.'r: II 1' -_ ..• �i ll;':'•I i. '. �. .. u4,tu.�.1 P11 ® Heat Rejection MBH p17 Reference Line =4700 Oai1y Flzporf Report GE'ReC1t2C1 OR: i2r�ara9 4690:117 F 9 99.97 R3.u' na!Ix i1a9 Memorial Hos ita,'Co en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 3ll.nn+ I:1!3AI +a ran�pp, o6tln:un -131 1 LINT. M1:11V .131 • Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) • Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Dashed Line) sv Plume Condition Orvofi (Thick Line) O• Reference Line= 55 II Il - Woo ,[747- - 3xE1 - - — _ 1916 n.ulp7 N/A Heat Rejection NIA i... . 3! . C 114. 111�17 tea I'Y1 I_(_l�llu UG:011:00 AM I1R:3n..t4 ,L31 l t:028 ANI ■ Heat Rejection MBH ®. Reference Line = 4700 Slily I`y.po:l N/A Heat Rejection NIA i... . 3! . C 114. 111�17 tea I'Y1 I_(_l�llu f Hoag Doi :W_40 AM Memorial Hospita,'CogenWeather Data ■ Heat Rejection MBH ❑o Reference Line =4700 Temperature and Humidity V9:9T 51.99 4l. nil 1!111419 [�'_Al'I I31^�AYI [IR:111:Pll AM 11x;:G;1n .IN 11.12:1 AM • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■o Flume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) oa Reference Line= 55 1oox -- 5Ta7 - 1914 11 IItlM1 C31'_'_dS4 L_':2'_Ai11 Doi :W_40 AM ftJ6:" ,i„11 11:13;214 AA1 ■ Heat Rejection MBH ❑o Reference Line =4700 I3133A10 IWIM -33 PMI 1:17.3A1u W-?4:41 11111 I'J131iMi 1!1;,1111;5,1 I!1d T IPlaT:l li P[51 Heat Rejection i 1"!,^_31919 13%lpl9 i'_, ^_'.?1° L11nil +l (11:51 }I3 PM IN-26:5h PNI 117:mJ•.111 P:il r111•.lu:lx PSG Report Generated ore-. y z 2uo& t p 0u pR F 67.98 51 9.1 35 4u 71mm Hoag Memorial Hospita, 'Cogen Weather data Temperature and Humidity I 1 11717 12G` 1 RN1 I I;6AM:UO A } I 118; r1.. 10 A \ I 11: {':' ] AM ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ® Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■e Blume Condition ©rVOff ('Thick Line) ov Reference Line =55 ...,.I- ,93 1 N/A I U211110 1 _ +/_ I AIU 111:4 14;3 = 5-31 114:'_4:42 I'AI Heat Rejection NIA I'_Y_FMY t.^_I.G'r 1'- +`_LAO 1'_1,31009 11t.:1111:111I ANI 119._; -1A A,1E I I;I ?iZs AM 11130 12 Ptt ■ Heat Rejection M13H 4• Reference Line =4700 Oady Ae3wn I 2 IAA 117:114};51 I'M T [14:i7A41 Pal. I'_G[1174 B'f'_1N`n IPPI RIB 11A�y:ya P61 .17' 16 ?.40 f".%1 114:411-24 P61 Report (Generated on: 122vvs iu oa:on F BRAY K3 n^ 67.911 _ i1.79 s Is ny 211.00 Hoag Memorial Hos ita. °Co en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity I2120AM 1'INPAIR 121 -NIAN U 00:(111 pM OS :3160 A'M 11.1':', A,1 • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) m7 Plume Condition OrVO f (Thick Line) By Reference Line =55 3931 — - 191 OAP tz"W01) 1' -!^- -0,177 0601:00.L41 ,7936:441117 ■ Heat Rejection MBH Ia■ Reference Lime =4700 oa+r Repa7n N/A I'_I'_IYrU" 72f_74177 I7,r nJ09 L',7[Cal^ 11:13'?10 AN ul ;0A, I'll rla:2h 56 711 117 n -..1.1 JIN7 I'M I'J`11A1R I_,2nnY�, 12r2up19 r212rrm7 ?M II4 :24' . J' I'M 117 :010:33 PM 119:17:114 PM Heat Rejection N/A - E 212f1y}hl I'_I'_IYrU" 72f_74177 I7,r nJ09 L',7[Cal^ 11:13'?10 AN ul ;0A, I'll rla:2h 56 711 117 n -..1.1 JIN7 I'M Report Generated on: 17a2a,o97a:oo:osr Hoag Memorial Hospital'togen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 4vy ir -. yl N7 67.4s — 31 94 IS 99 2SY.Y14 121141A 12flixn+ l'_114,rcN1 4A.:4Q:44 AM 1K YOU AN I I 1. I' : I ill • Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) •. Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) ov Reference Line =55 76GA - — ,r,47 A3] 1'716 MAI 1- T114�Iv III 4 31 Pit Heat Rejection MIA 12d1'1AY4 1 ?/14A14 Ia71U1:5? 1'Yt T l?fY9APA 4437:114 I'M 13IP1N7 L'1'IYi II') i i o-' 1'11 Y1[M) 12J 1IMP 1 ?f 17N9 Dfi*D:U4 A.M 1111!36:14 AM D4, -16!56 PAS 117:NAFI PA! (II)A40:24 Pfd ■ Heat Rejection M3H 17' Reference Line =4700 C2ily aepon Report Generated an: 1aros+Y� la:ao:o4 F 67.98 51 9.1 35 4u 71mm Hoag Memorial Hospita, 'Cogen Weather data Temperature and Humidity I 1 11717 12G` 1 RN1 I I;6AM:UO A } I 118; r1.. 10 A \ I 11: {':' ] AM ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ® Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■e Blume Condition ©rVOff ('Thick Line) ov Reference Line =55 ...,.I- ,93 1 N/A I U211110 1 _ +/_ I AIU 111:4 14;3 = 5-31 114:'_4:42 I'AI Heat Rejection NIA I'_Y_FMY t.^_I.G'r 1'- +`_LAO 1'_1,31009 11t.:1111:111I ANI 119._; -1A A,1E I I;I ?iZs AM 11130 12 Ptt ■ Heat Rejection M13H 4• Reference Line =4700 Oady Ae3wn I 2 IAA 117:114};51 I'M T [14:i7A41 Pal. I'_G[1174 B'f'_1N`n IPPI RIB 11A�y:ya P61 .17' 16 ?.40 f".%1 114:411-24 P61 Report (Generated on: 122vvs iu oa:on F BRAY K3 n^ 67.911 _ i1.79 s Is ny 211.00 Hoag Memorial Hos ita. °Co en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity I2120AM 1'INPAIR 121 -NIAN U 00:(111 pM OS :3160 A'M 11.1':', A,1 • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) m7 Plume Condition OrVO f (Thick Line) By Reference Line =55 3931 — - 191 OAP tz"W01) 1' -!^- -0,177 0601:00.L41 ,7936:441117 ■ Heat Rejection MBH Ia■ Reference Lime =4700 oa+r Repa7n N/A I'_I'_IYrU" 72f_74177 I7,r nJ09 L',7[Cal^ 11:13'?10 AN ul ;0A, I'll rla:2h 56 711 117 n -..1.1 JIN7 I'M I'J`11A1R I_,2nnY�, 12r2up19 r212rrm7 ?M II4 :24' . J' I'M 117 :010:33 PM 119:17:114 PM Heat Rejection N/A - E 212f1y}hl I'_I'_IYrU" 72f_74177 I7,r nJ09 L',7[Cal^ 11:13'?10 AN ul ;0A, I'll rla:2h 56 711 117 n -..1.1 JIN7 I'M Report Generated on: 17a2a,o97a:oo:osr Hoag Memorial Hospital'togen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 4vy ir -. yl N7 67.4s — 31 94 IS 99 2SY.Y14 121141A 12flixn+ l'_114,rcN1 4A.:4Q:44 AM 1K YOU AN I I 1. I' : I ill • Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) •. Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) ov Reference Line =55 76GA - — ,r,47 A3] 1'716 MAI 1- T114�Iv III 4 31 Pit Heat Rejection MIA 12d1'1AY4 1 ?/14A14 Ia71U1:5? 1'Yt T l?fY9APA 4437:114 I'M 13IP1N7 L'1'IYi II') i i o-' 1'11 Y1[M) 12J 1IMP 1 ?f 17N9 Dfi*D:U4 A.M 1111!36:14 AM D4, -16!56 PAS 117:NAFI PA! (II)A40:24 Pfd ■ Heat Rejection M3H 17' Reference Line =4700 C2ily aepon Report Generated an: 1aros+Y� la:ao:o4 F •1 +1,.,7 s1.ua �5 U9 ?p, {II1 Hoag Memorial Hospital,1Gogen weather Data Temperature and Humidity 12111`rtAm 12JI6nl+l ! n,na 06.01JID Ail IIN }ha❑ }I : LI'.'1 ;lll • Relative HumidBty 20-100% (Solid Line) • Temperature 20-100 Oeg F (Dashed Line) ■o Flume Condition OnlOff [Thick Line) ®r Reference Line =55 N/A I UI NIP) 12An+n' III. -IiOz IMI 04:' -:4' P11 �inmv 12I16�![1!r 1211mn1'I 12rleun7 0(cOW111 AM 1%3h.44 AM lia ?;2±< -%I n13i1a2 PM ■ Heat Rejection MSH 0• Reference Line = 4700 tr4ay aepon 1211 6 o 11"OrP33 I'll 12111"11+1 119A 7 1" 1']I t_ *IfEN7 1211Em� 1211r +�17 W-1h:5E PM I17:03Ar1 PNI r1U;111 2J PM Report Generated on: 1zr+eto010:00:0+ r Heat Rejection 95714. — - — — - — 7663 5747 - - ]r% /,� - RIA 3s31 171E — �inmv 12I16�![1!r 1211mn1'I 12rleun7 0(cOW111 AM 1%3h.44 AM lia ?;2±< -%I n13i1a2 PM ■ Heat Rejection MSH 0• Reference Line = 4700 tr4ay aepon 1211 6 o 11"OrP33 I'll 12111"11+1 119A 7 1" 1']I t_ *IfEN7 1211Em� 1211r +�17 W-1h:5E PM I17:03Ar1 PNI r1U;111 2J PM Report Generated on: 1zr+eto010:00:0+ r 67.98 51 9.1 35 4u 71mm Hoag Memorial Hospita, 'Cogen Weather data Temperature and Humidity I 1 11717 12G` 1 RN1 I I;6AM:UO A } I 118; r1.. 10 A \ I 11: {':' ] AM ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ® Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■e Blume Condition ©rVOff ('Thick Line) ov Reference Line =55 ...,.I- ,93 1 N/A I U211110 1 _ +/_ I AIU 111:4 14;3 = 5-31 114:'_4:42 I'AI Heat Rejection NIA I'_Y_FMY t.^_I.G'r 1'- +`_LAO 1'_1,31009 11t.:1111:111I ANI 119._; -1A A,1E I I;I ?iZs AM 11130 12 Ptt ■ Heat Rejection M13H 4• Reference Line =4700 Oady Ae3wn I 2 IAA 117:114};51 I'M T [14:i7A41 Pal. I'_G[1174 B'f'_1N`n IPPI RIB 11A�y:ya P61 .17' 16 ?.40 f".%1 114:411-24 P61 Report (Generated on: 122vvs iu oa:on F BRAY K3 n^ 67.911 _ i1.79 s Is ny 211.00 Hoag Memorial Hos ita. °Co en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity I2120AM 1'INPAIR 121 -NIAN U 00:(111 pM OS :3160 A'M 11.1':', A,1 • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) m7 Plume Condition OrVO f (Thick Line) By Reference Line =55 3931 — - 191 OAP tz"W01) 1' -!^- -0,177 0601:00.L41 ,7936:441117 ■ Heat Rejection MBH Ia■ Reference Lime =4700 oa+r Repa7n N/A I'_I'_IYrU" 72f_74177 I7,r nJ09 L',7[Cal^ 11:13'?10 AN ul ;0A, I'll rla:2h 56 711 117 n -..1.1 JIN7 I'M I'J`11A1R I_,2nnY�, 12r2up19 r212rrm7 ?M II4 :24' . J' I'M 117 :010:33 PM 119:17:114 PM Heat Rejection N/A - E 212f1y}hl I'_I'_IYrU" 72f_74177 I7,r nJ09 L',7[Cal^ 11:13'?10 AN ul ;0A, I'll rla:2h 56 711 117 n -..1.1 JIN7 I'M Report Generated on: 17a2a,o97a:oo:osr Hoag Memorial Hospital'togen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 4vy ir -. yl N7 67.4s — 31 94 IS 99 2SY.Y14 121141A 12flixn+ l'_114,rcN1 4A.:4Q:44 AM 1K YOU AN I I 1. I' : I ill • Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) •. Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) ov Reference Line =55 76GA - — ,r,47 A3] 1'716 MAI 1- T114�Iv III 4 31 Pit Heat Rejection MIA 12d1'1AY4 1 ?/14A14 Ia71U1:5? 1'Yt T l?fY9APA 4437:114 I'M 13IP1N7 L'1'IYi II') i i o-' 1'11 Y1[M) 12J 1IMP 1 ?f 17N9 Dfi*D:U4 A.M 1111!36:14 AM D4, -16!56 PAS 117:NAFI PA! (II)A40:24 Pfd ■ Heat Rejection M3H 17' Reference Line =4700 C2ily aepon Report Generated an: 1aros+Y� la:ao:o4 F 67.98 51 9.1 35 4u 71mm Hoag Memorial Hospita, 'Cogen Weather data Temperature and Humidity I 1 11717 12G` 1 RN1 I I;6AM:UO A } I 118; r1.. 10 A \ I 11: {':' ] AM ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ® Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■e Blume Condition ©rVOff ('Thick Line) ov Reference Line =55 ...,.I- ,93 1 N/A I U211110 1 _ +/_ I AIU 111:4 14;3 = 5-31 114:'_4:42 I'AI Heat Rejection NIA I'_Y_FMY t.^_I.G'r 1'- +`_LAO 1'_1,31009 11t.:1111:111I ANI 119._; -1A A,1E I I;I ?iZs AM 11130 12 Ptt ■ Heat Rejection M13H 4• Reference Line =4700 Oady Ae3wn I 2 IAA 117:114};51 I'M T [14:i7A41 Pal. I'_G[1174 B'f'_1N`n IPPI RIB 11A�y:ya P61 .17' 16 ?.40 f".%1 114:411-24 P61 Report (Generated on: 122vvs iu oa:on F Hoag Memorial Hospital'togen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 4vy ir -. yl N7 67.4s — 31 94 IS 99 2SY.Y14 121141A 12flixn+ l'_114,rcN1 4A.:4Q:44 AM 1K YOU AN I I 1. I' : I ill • Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) •. Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) ov Reference Line =55 76GA - — ,r,47 A3] 1'716 MAI 1- T114�Iv III 4 31 Pit Heat Rejection MIA 12d1'1AY4 1 ?/14A14 Ia71U1:5? 1'Yt T l?fY9APA 4437:114 I'M 13IP1N7 L'1'IYi II') i i o-' 1'11 Y1[M) 12J 1IMP 1 ?f 17N9 Dfi*D:U4 A.M 1111!36:14 AM D4, -16!56 PAS 117:NAFI PA! (II)A40:24 Pfd ■ Heat Rejection M3H 17' Reference Line =4700 C2ily aepon Report Generated an: 1aros+Y� la:ao:o4 F •1 +1,.,7 s1.ua �5 U9 ?p, {II1 Hoag Memorial Hospital,1Gogen weather Data Temperature and Humidity 12111`rtAm 12JI6nl+l ! n,na 06.01JID Ail IIN }ha❑ }I : LI'.'1 ;lll • Relative HumidBty 20-100% (Solid Line) • Temperature 20-100 Oeg F (Dashed Line) ■o Flume Condition OnlOff [Thick Line) ®r Reference Line =55 N/A I UI NIP) 12An+n' III. -IiOz IMI 04:' -:4' P11 �inmv 12I16�![1!r 1211mn1'I 12rleun7 0(cOW111 AM 1%3h.44 AM lia ?;2±< -%I n13i1a2 PM ■ Heat Rejection MSH 0• Reference Line = 4700 tr4ay aepon 1211 6 o 11"OrP33 I'll 12111"11+1 119A 7 1" 1']I t_ *IfEN7 1211Em� 1211r +�17 W-1h:5E PM I17:03Ar1 PNI r1U;111 2J PM Report Generated on: 1zr+eto010:00:0+ r Heat Rejection 95714. — - — — - — 7663 5747 - - ]r% /,� - RIA 3s31 171E — �inmv 12I16�![1!r 1211mn1'I 12rleun7 0(cOW111 AM 1%3h.44 AM lia ?;2±< -%I n13i1a2 PM ■ Heat Rejection MSH 0• Reference Line = 4700 tr4ay aepon 1211 6 o 11"OrP33 I'll 12111"11+1 119A 7 1" 1']I t_ *IfEN7 1211Em� 1211r +�17 W-1h:5E PM I17:03Ar1 PNI r1U;111 2J PM Report Generated on: 1zr+eto010:00:0+ r •1 +1,.,7 s1.ua �5 U9 ?p, {II1 Hoag Memorial Hospital,1Gogen weather Data Temperature and Humidity 12111`rtAm 12JI6nl+l ! n,na 06.01JID Ail IIN }ha❑ }I : LI'.'1 ;lll • Relative HumidBty 20-100% (Solid Line) • Temperature 20-100 Oeg F (Dashed Line) ■o Flume Condition OnlOff [Thick Line) ®r Reference Line =55 N/A I UI NIP) 12An+n' III. -IiOz IMI 04:' -:4' P11 �inmv 12I16�![1!r 1211mn1'I 12rleun7 0(cOW111 AM 1%3h.44 AM lia ?;2±< -%I n13i1a2 PM ■ Heat Rejection MSH 0• Reference Line = 4700 tr4ay aepon 1211 6 o 11"OrP33 I'll 12111"11+1 119A 7 1" 1']I t_ *IfEN7 1211Em� 1211r +�17 W-1h:5E PM I17:03Ar1 PNI r1U;111 2J PM Report Generated on: 1zr+eto010:00:0+ r Heat Rejection 95714. — - — — - — 7663 5747 - - ]r% /,� - RIA 3s31 171E — �inmv 12I16�![1!r 1211mn1'I 12rleun7 0(cOW111 AM 1%3h.44 AM lia ?;2±< -%I n13i1a2 PM ■ Heat Rejection MSH 0• Reference Line = 4700 tr4ay aepon 1211 6 o 11"OrP33 I'll 12111"11+1 119A 7 1" 1']I t_ *IfEN7 1211Em� 1211r +�17 W-1h:5E PM I17:03Ar1 PNI r1U;111 2J PM Report Generated on: 1zr+eto010:00:0+ r •1 +1,.,7 s1.ua �5 U9 ?p, {II1 Hoag Memorial Hospital,1Gogen weather Data Temperature and Humidity 12111`rtAm 12JI6nl+l ! n,na 06.01JID Ail IIN }ha❑ }I : LI'.'1 ;lll • Relative HumidBty 20-100% (Solid Line) • Temperature 20-100 Oeg F (Dashed Line) ■o Flume Condition OnlOff [Thick Line) ®r Reference Line =55 N/A I UI NIP) 12An+n' III. -IiOz IMI 04:' -:4' P11 �inmv 12I16�![1!r 1211mn1'I 12rleun7 0(cOW111 AM 1%3h.44 AM lia ?;2±< -%I n13i1a2 PM ■ Heat Rejection MSH 0• Reference Line = 4700 tr4ay aepon 1211 6 o 11"OrP33 I'll 12111"11+1 119A 7 1" 1']I t_ *IfEN7 1211Em� 1211r +�17 W-1h:5E PM I17:03Ar1 PNI r1U;111 2J PM Report Generated on: 1zr+eto010:00:0+ r Heat Rejection 95714. — - — — - — 7663 5747 - - ]r% /,� - RIA 3s31 171E — �inmv 12I16�![1!r 1211mn1'I 12rleun7 0(cOW111 AM 1%3h.44 AM lia ?;2±< -%I n13i1a2 PM ■ Heat Rejection MSH 0• Reference Line = 4700 tr4ay aepon 1211 6 o 11"OrP33 I'll 12111"11+1 119A 7 1" 1']I t_ *IfEN7 1211Em� 1211r +�17 W-1h:5E PM I17:03Ar1 PNI r1U;111 2J PM Report Generated on: 1zr+eto010:00:0+ r Hoag Memorial Hospitia. ,Coggin Weather Data Temperature and Humidity ay!i7 MPR — 67.93E i I un - 33fI51tF, 12115llYl f_'fl }n19 06:111MOD %M IIM;}Ir; 411 ASl 11:I!ZI SAM • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -1 OD Deg F (Dashed Lime) ■p Plume Condition OrVCtif (`Thick Line) na Reference Line= 55 9s7x 7dRl sa.st lRif - 1916 -- — N/A 1311 FJll4 III AN-12 I'M Heat Rejection N/A T 1314 iatMl l zn 41U�7 fnilu:sl tcnl 1311 ±AH1 L119 17AW I'nl ';1 -.u„ I,.pa p° I'1i Sryiu 1'lipl!1 lw;,. 1 31 n7ol:4EI Pn9 0I:40 .34 VNI Report Generated on: Aa11s o� 7a:oa:oa F ■ Heat Refection M13H DIP Reference Line =4700 Ib;ly Wepan N/A 1311 FJll4 III AN-12 I'M Heat Rejection N/A T 1314 iatMl l zn 41U�7 fnilu:sl tcnl 1311 ±AH1 L119 17AW I'nl ';1 -.u„ I,.pa p° I'1i Sryiu 1'lipl!1 lw;,. 1 31 n7ol:4EI Pn9 0I:40 .34 VNI Report Generated on: Aa11s o� 7a:oa:oa F Hoag Memorial Has itat Ge en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity N/A 514y• — ii 44 – I�11 ;;C1'i I_'I[�A17 I_:Id.b7 i' ?I -0.li'i M.-II113111 .411 0_1to:I f1 A%I ' IIa1,',1 ,4,19 Ul;.v �_I ",I .. �... ... 15'. OF, s: p +,l um ;; n =1 "41 ■ Rotative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ■ Temperature 20 -100 beg F (bashed Line) av Plume Cor>dition arVOff (Thick Line) OV Reference Line 55 — Heat Rejection 5747 N/A ;IQ I I'l16 - n.orlp I'_11315ND 1 ?f]dpl9 I_IY'IliIY IA dlfl9 1 `(I al'r !I iila 410 4110 k-,f 1'05:,ib,4l {yl I1.1 L:aM AM M3,, J! P \[ , . � N. ® Heat Rejection MBH oa 'Deference Line =4700 oaay rie�per, Report Generated on: ta'�uas io:ao:a� F J m7 u7 $3 u4 It.47 Hoag Memorial Hoapita, togen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 1,11311 1', lzfopn !.Jl adw 1401011IJAM ML31, 111 AM I II All • Relative Humidity 80 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg P (Dashed Line) r■ Plume Condition ONOff (Thick Line) Or Reference Line = 55 I- — 1747 3831 — !4!6 n near 1113,11v I_JI ?lu4 1115,(14 1J6:W31Ll A.%J 11MA15:4: A,71 11:1 kl' AAI ■ Heat Rejection MSH p• Reference Line =4700 N/A I- 2tl13Fki Meat Rejection BU 12211 g,rt14 1?6#vI 174 :14:42 P \S IP7110:5A P11 I2- 11lpWd 10::7;(" PAI 12115„gy 1211 }JM) 1211 lam 12sii 19 U 150 12 PS! 0.t:�!6:1n P'11 117:1, ?: I-1 RM 114:311:24 PV Report Generated on: iTJ13OB1{i:ad48F Hoag Memorial Hospitall'Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity % 1 117 fi7 9% 5199 NIA - I ?11 ?A14 42112AI9 1?!'13I8W � t I,1A_11p1 . f11 :� %.2� 1';tE 11�,1•d? I'AI IY1:W_il FMS lW;i79M1 PAI Heat Rejection 1311:A14 12112,01.) 81,58:1.2 JIM 8i'dhSfi I'd1 -I: t r I'f1! -'1T19 12112M., 117-11!411 PM "4112.1 IM Report. Generated an-.El F 12)0910:(18:05 F I?A dA14 L!L`Ai9 I?JI ?APA 1f(,311141IJ AM Co %;ih; 10 AM E I:I 2 ::A A \1 • Relative Humidity 20 -100 %, (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■n Plume Condition On/Coff (Thick Line) Ov Reference Line= 55 977% 7(p63 '. 7}37 3N.11 3X71 1916. -- 8.I1fl0 — 04:00:80 A31 +;::: ,� .:.: ,;?i 11717,8 AV ■ Heat Rejection MBH My Reference Line =4700 [laly F2p9 f1 NIA - I ?11 ?A14 42112AI9 1?!'13I8W � t I,1A_11p1 . f11 :� %.2� 1';tE 11�,1•d? I'AI IY1:W_il FMS lW;i79M1 PAI Heat Rejection 1311:A14 12112,01.) 81,58:1.2 JIM 8i'dhSfi I'd1 -I: t r I'f1! -'1T19 12112M., 117-11!411 PM "4112.1 IM Report. Generated an-.El F 12)0910:(18:05 F Hoag Memorial Hos itb!'q en Temperature and Humidity 9N.77 - M3 9' 67.99 35 V9 2G.GIT 12n Img 1371111P1 121L lma 06:011:110 Am IKRP: 10 AM I1.12'21 AM • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -300 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■■ Plume Condition OnADif (Thick Une) a° Reference Line =55 !9'16 —_.- GMl 12111M9 III I;119 I'- 111,419 ULIKI :IIG ANI IIX:31W;1a A..I I1'13 'ti M 0 Heat Rejection MBH 13 • Reference Line = 47D0 I7aay liepnn Weather Data 1]141;[7`1 121] ION 1if I WN IJIIA7+1 111:aK:52 1'1p W24:42 I'll 111- 1+11:53 NCI 119 :37:G41' ?I Heat Rejection 1_',111,119 1211 Ij11V 1]. I:�i11, 1 it I ILI4 111:¢11:1 " f -NI Il -0:2fi Loh Py1 417:1l.3,4 11 Pl1 119;J 11:2,1 (' \: Report ' Generated on; IvluGSaG:ar:o�r ,,,, it X11, - Hoag Memorial Hos ita, 'Co en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity IlflpIDOD AM [18; 111: 111A]I II. L'ai A %1 ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) a Temperature 20 -100 beg F (Dashed Lire) ■■ Plume Condltion OrVOff (Thick Line) ®• Reference Line = 55 19tR — BRIM 12/1 OX43 1.:11 oN9 I MAIM AM 0836:44 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH 13r Reference Line = 4700 �+r RBaMI 1'16611IN 11: 13:28 AM NIA I 171 i9Li� Pt41 Heat Rejection NIA, t�In,vy 111150:13 PM 1'- 11111,14 1V1 Rho,, 4I3: =4.112 I'M 0 OW53 I'M I'RU,Sni 111Jr.:7;114 PM 1211 OKIV 121JW110 121100, (14^5:5'6 Pit 117IM40 P33 919:.ell:?J 1'S1 Report Generated on: sznwue,aoo ns F J e,7.va 3{.79 :I I'l IO Haag Memorial Weather Data Temperature and Humidity I1A19A]•1 11,rr1A11i I;,aorrrin IN,OLl 419, 1]I i3 ire; III q>I i[ I'' 111 • Relative Humidity 20-100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■■ Plume Condition OrVOff (Thick Line) By Reference Line = 55 IIY, 1.000 NIA Izmv,'a, I.nr+r,ml 13ml,rlrl Ill:d &:I7 1•:y1 IYd;Sd:d"! P \{ 07:1111;53 P }I Heat Refection IVIA - - I?/110 A 119;37114 1.11 X109,119 l- 'A17AY9 12819,114 I_'AMA17 IJ07pi9 !_IEIOA1k 17A97A1 ?' WI:UIIA11r ,+M 118,34;44 h }! ANI (11 10:12 Pit UA:2" -5n PM 107pi4 111' >6 f4u..M •_•] pil ■ Heat Rejection MBH 07 Reference Line = 4700 iy 0`! Report Generated an: Izro911,69 -10-000o r- Hoag Memorial Hospita.'Cogen (temperature and Humidity �) 91 ____- - - - - -_ 35.99 — +n Irl I ?A1 ;.;119 I_'A3NAw 4_'/11y119 llietl6:11n 111 i1$_i1y_I11 .isi II'I':' -'.11 ® Retative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ® Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ev Plume Condition Cr/Off (Thick Line) ®■ Reference Line= 55 7Eb3 5747 ?N ?I IEEE - n rinn I'!g1A,N'1 I_AIY;II�I i_'.;i,INNIU 118:1111:011 AEI ■ Heat Rejection MBH Ely Reference Line =4700 Weather Data I- 'AINA7'1 I2A1xAM1 III:.tx:i'_ i",l1 n41:4 -32 X71 Heat Rejection 07:00AI l >NI 4 9 s - -IS: I'll I2e14fuip I -'l 419 Id11F401J IZfI IFAIu 111:5(1:1? PNI 114:2F:56 PM 117.1)3 ;II P.m WO s10-24 P%I Report Generated on: f?[laro9 ro aa:o3 r Hoag Memorial Hos itar'Co en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity %397 N/A a1 m i 12.440 1_°,117,11+7 I?,Y171M1 120'1 ?31 +! _ ..• I_i'-: _in i_'AITA1 +! 11 ii1 .:., "I'M .. . _= P ?I 67:LlI1:i i. VNI 11937;1114 PM • Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■v Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) pF Reference Line= 55 Heat Rejection 7Rh3 — ST.17 - — - N/A - 3!{5I - - - INi6 I?(I}T/iNl I_,1Y7+114 I' ,117,e9 I-- 2,S17AXi E?A 17 ,179 12tt17,119 11917 ,119 06:01KO AAA 1: t1:2N AN 111.:a lrl. P ?I 0.1.2f ib P %1 a? fl +.ln P }I a +1 :n:±: E +Sf • 'Heat Rejection M8H 13v Reference Line = 4700 Report Generated on: 12ar,o9 ro;uuaa 49.97 x3.97 117.9& 51 yy :g day ][l i I(I Memorial Hospita.'Gogen 'Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 12•t NIN 12A NO N1 t!AlfiA111 ❑it6Ri141 -75I ❑x !" III .751 l 1112 21 Ali • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■■ Plume Condition CnOff (Thick Line) e■ Reference Line =55 vc7R 7fifi3 5747 M7 1 — 1916. 1'–W)" 11n16r 1 116ml1:aII AM I11r3fiA4 AM ■ Heat Rejection MSH clr Reference Line =4700 STa11y 1�p9n 11d11rA� +1 11:13: 211 AM N/A I �,l rnryrr 1 ill PEI A19 48;32 I'M 114:244: PM Heat Rejection NIA 1' –A16N9 TII: 511:2 FM { 2106 A9 114 29;511 PM Y jITIfiA19 n7 1 H7;5➢ I' 11 Y Am 119:17114 IN Vl:ry]1111 JIM 4110w11-14 PM! Report Generated on: 4aa ioao:oa F J 99911 41.Y7 fi7!Jl< 51 H7 :9 qq 1117@ Hoag Memorial Hvs itao'Co en Weather Data 12mA s 1'l 1291.1"? .'RI,S flIV Ofif!WOr,.%%1 II 9:19,; 111 ® Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) e Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) mo Plume Condition On'Olf (TNck line) 0o Reference Line =55 N74 ]N?I. Ivlr, t205XYY [if," 1:1110 R \I ® Heat Rejection M6H ov Reference Line= 4700 Dail FiapacC L Temperature and Humidity .Lf 1 1� I311E,7J'D l21r1i191n 121915p'1 121S14pIDi t11:AV112 I'M II4 -'4 42 P.:I L1711Wi3 IN IVA:!704Ph1 Heat rejection NIA - Report Generated on: izslo-sia:un.w� Y) +97 S 1.97 67.44 S! w +u IM ' Hoag Memorial Hos italXo en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity ___j ----------------------------------- -_ - - 1211 UAYI 12A14AIII I 'A 14,011 12 A N,0l1 I _`RIAA N9 IIIrnu:I.Il[ h]1 IIS:3eau AM 11.12::1 ANI of 44%1] PM ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ■ Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■• Plume Condition ONOff (Thick Line) o• Reference Line =55 Heat Rejection 7fifi3 5747 3831 1416 f111Nf1 ! _A.14919 IMA16100 AAI ON -36744 All :!:I '_b :171 01- 511.1?PKI r Heat Rejection MBH ❑v Reference Line =4700 I�€y 13epan 13AL9A7!I m IN1,5? I'll I'_0u4,91Y ItY4; 7;114 Pbi 1 ar�a+OY l'- lfF1,9iY 15r9�M1101 r14!?h15fi P }I 417:40:411 P }! u4.41I;!4 PAI Report Generated on: 9o4ro, 27:77:76 r e 9-7.91 HI 97 fi7.9fi c, l uu i.99 10.-11 Memorial Hos ita, `Co en Temperature and Humidity 12A13AW I],0l ,qw I]AI }/W miw,ow AM 11 %:i1i Iu A%I 11.11:1 AM • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) - • Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■■ Plume Condition QNOff (Thick Line) El Reference Line = 55 57 ;7 3F31 IYF6 - .n.. 1.�1A3AW EJ,u.1101' IJA1110" D6100:00 AN IIA: SN:43 A:%I I 1 1 ^:Sti. AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH o► Reference Line =4700 Ceily }�� NIA Weather data 12M APP 1. •_ll13A I41 1 zm3A19 111:1$: i_+ P.M I!! 'e;l_' PM 1171111:51 PSI Heat Rejection NIA I'_A 13A711 q91� 7:1 it I' ?I 1'_F11A]n 19A1iytllu Y1;11 iAl +i 12A17A1!1 u1.54 1a1 P51 04:2ty5h PSI n7.u3 su 1'Sy uu•y1C -'a PSI Report Generated on '1��aoa7oaoro� Hoaa Memorial Has ita,'Co en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 99.97 x7.47 SIN9 SS 414 °11IXI I_M ,� / I_llr_AM7 I_�6_i114' 0411411x1 AN 1(A::1b:110 A. N1 I1AL'I AM Ilr:1Y.i2 I'Ll SIl ^1:S: IN 117:110:571' #I (]q: ?7:(1.{I'M M Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ■ Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) 0 Plume Condition OrdOff [Thick Line) By Reference Line = 55 Heat Rejection - u.41an UM7211)9 rfA1 ^_MNJ 4?MI'_�SI'1 121026/5 12M12AN3 '12M12Ap9 I'_Af'AH r16:OH:WAM nF; 11i:'1,LN 11:0:28 AM 413:25:56 Ph1 017:0 }:all P'M relA0:23 Pn1 ■ Heat Rejection MBH o■ Reference Line —4700 Report Generated on: FJF2M11[+:041;041 F 49 :97 HIJI? 67 9.4 i 1 44 i [ w14 2u.110 Hoag Memorial Hospital. Co en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 124+1, I F, I2A[11119 I_ "II I fill, 1111:010.1111 W IIY :I, III AM I I: I' : I +;M • Relative Hurnidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F ¢Dashed Line) sv 'Plume Condition Cr/Off (Thick Line) oa Reference Line = 55 3747 3631 I_ 1916 — — 11 curl - I «N 11V9 1 ?M1}} �}!.1 121[1 11119 W10:00 A%I [*:36:44 AM 1 1'13 L2x AM m Heat Rejection MBH ❑9 Reference Line = 4700 '*oily Reparl N/A l3 fl l Il119 I'p71 j114 I DIN IIi:1X!X2 ISM 1Q:_4.42 PM 11711,101 P \I Heat Rejection N/A - I Zml t art IIU 37:114 PM I?R111114 I'_i011 (1113 1�lll1[19 i�1i]IN4 I11:3ri-1? I'M t14:26:3G 110.1 u7A }:411 PAP 11!1 - 11124 I'M Report Generated on: raarra5,oao:o�r y Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Databass: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 62.5 60.07 57.5 OLL 55.0 52 5 50 -0 a ca a Cfl a 0 a co a tQ a 0 a m a m a cc a is a M a z a to a 0 a 0 a (0 a SO Q Q Q O r3 3 3 3 i 3 3 W -I co 0 0 -+ N CA A 4rt 07 -I O Cp O 3 N O O G O O O Q p G 6 G O O o O a O Q O O i7 O Q Q i3 O O Q ® O Q Q Q O Dates f Times 100 95 90 85 aR 80 75 70 65 Hoag Hospital Newport Bead, CA Database. Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag r 0. Temperature Relative Humidity 56.0 55.5 55.0 LL 54.5 a 540 53.5 53.0 110.0 107.5 105.0 102.5 100.0 dR 97.5 95.0 92.5 90.0 0 0 o a a Ci o � CS o o C7 d c� o 0 rn M cc cc CD © Co 0 �, J. 3 h5 3 W i► 0 0 sY -4 d Co t� Q N N 6 O O O O Q O Q ® d O O O Q Q C Dates f Times 110.0 107.5 105.0 102.5 100.0 dR 97.5 95.0 92.5 90.0 Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -'Haag � 0 51 Temperature Relative Humidity 60 59 58 LL ° 57 56 55 54 100 95 90 85 d� 80 75 70 Pj NJ to a to a c� a e7 a cs� a � a � a to w m a a a to a to a eo a e7 a us a ro a e7 a r1 tp m ssi tf7 cG rn to 0 CO C!T f0 tp rfl Q0 co tE rY 46 to U v N W 01 4i �E Cfl Cp p s yT o 0 C! o a o o 0 c3 0 c 0 c o 0 0 n o c o 0 O a O ra o 0 a 0 O 4 E7 e Dates /Times 100 95 90 85 d� 80 75 70 0J t Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 62.5 . O, 57.5 LL A*( 52.5 AWN M- 70 60 a° Ali f coco io co co W a a O7 co co a a a co co � a co a 07 a OD a OS a C7D a p 1.0 co m Q Q o 1 ey a.y W th i W s1. ►p rS co i LA %] €7 o a d C Q d Q 0 O O C O O O O O v a o M- 70 60 a° Ali f coco io co W a a O7 co co a a a CO a co � a co a 07 a OD a OS a C7D a f z 1.0 co ai 1 1 N 1 ey a.y W th i W s1. ►p rS co i LA %] €7 O O C7 4 d C Q d Q 0 O O C O O O O O O O O 6 O O Dates ITimes M- 70 60 a° Ali f G T Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station; Newport-Haag Temperature Relative Humidity 60.0 57.5 55.0 ;L 52.5 50.0 47.5 45.0 100 90 80 3� 70 60 50 40 V a V a V a V a ►I a rl a V a V V V a a a '+1 a V a -4 a r[ a -+7 a �f a W a re r� o r� rs5 o ca co ca eQ c® o ffi CD tC tp 0 m 0 -4 0 Co 0 [:7 a 3 N } } w 41. VI } O } -4 m iM b s 6�V 0 O 0 O 0 O © O c O c Q o O 0 0 © O O O n O o O c Q c C1 c5 O c3 O a O Dates I Times 100 90 80 3� 70 60 50 40 J Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station Newport -Hoag 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 57.5 55.0 52.5 LL 0 50.0 47,5 45,0 E71 a fn L" a Lo CIE a L15 C�t� a V) a Lim a co S11 a 0 L71 a (,i1 a (J1 a to (Jl a 0 ()'I a 0 C71 a to CT CT a L71 f.f� a a to to Q Q7 0 -4 Q W to Q s M W 4N. 3 UN 69 3 -1f 3 W 1 a o ® o ® 0 4 Q Q Q CJ Q o a tys d 4 Dates J Times 144 i g0 Be ! 0 j P Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA, Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 57.5 55.0 LL 52.5 O 50.0 47.5 Dates / Times 100 95 90 85 Be e2 75 70 65 60 A A A A A A A A A A C0 A C4 A to A to .ti Co A C A to A to FIj 0 V W tD 0 � N W # Cn O -.4 Co Co O s N C t7 a o 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 o a o 0 Dates / Times 100 95 90 85 Be e2 75 70 65 60 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity STI rf MI -I 55.0 V 52.5 V 50.0 47.5 45.0 Dates /Times F0 rt ap 50 M 30 w a w a w a w a w a w a w a w a w a w a w a w a m w a w a w a Co w a w a NJ K.) w c O e>5 O c C a O c O o O 0 Q 0 O © O c O a O ® d o C ® 4 o O a O O Dates /Times F0 rt ap 50 M 30 A Y Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Haag � 0 Temperature Relative Humidity M 41 s. LL 55 53 90 80 70 60 aR 5✓:1 ao 30 N W A CSt 0 67 -4 V co LD d � N Dates /Times 90 80 70 60 aR 5✓:1 ao 30 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA, Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Haag FA 1 63 Temperature Relative Humidity 62 61 60 59 U. 58 57 56 55 54 10D 80 aR We si 50 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a en ca CD ea is C:7 00 64 tGT Co CD 0 va C 0 C31 W Co 0 O N (4 _Pk CP 0> Co Ch C —� N O A O O O O O Q O Q O Q C7 O CJ O O C C Q Ct O O O Q O O © O O G O C7 O Dates /Times 10D 80 aR We si 50 Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag r.�. F Temperature Relative Humidity 57.5 65.0 62.5 LL 6 60.0 57.5 55.0 Dates /Times r 80 70 aR 60 50 40 30 Q Q Q CD K i CG a -z N {e, A cn at '4 CO W a to o a o o c o a o a d o c o C o is c5 a o o a a 0 Q a a 0 a 4 0 0 o a a Dates /Times r 80 70 aR 60 50 40 30 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, GA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity station. Newport-Hoag 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 80 72.5 70.11 67.5 65.0 LL 0 62.5 60.0 57.5 55.0 rl CO a 0 i 0 a (0 � 0 a to 1 M a cc 0.0 (a a to `i` ZLY a (D `L.i, cD a to i,tva� Mt s to tp a w �l�v, ca a CD y1,, rn a 0 � t1i a Co �f GA a to � �D a cn � w a CD � e� a CO �.�.va• efl a G7 O 6) 0 y q Co Q d0 O N W U1 a -1 Co 0 0 1 N O O O O 4 O O O O O 6 O 4 0 9 q O ® D O O O O 0 O 0 6 O Q 0 P 0 4 0 Dates ! Times F1 91 P aE 50 40 30 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station- Newport -Hoag 65.0 Temperature Relative Humidity 62.5 zero LL a 57.5 55.4 52.5 Dates /Times We BV y T F Sl i Co Co Co 25 a a a a a a a a a aaa CQ CQ CO [0 to CO (0 to W cc 0 0 M to tp 0 to o Q 0 ei i a..l 3 3 Cn "•1 Co t0 a hi W A 0 a V fG LO d + N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a a o c+ o 0 0 0 o a o a o 0 0 Dates /Times We BV y T F Sl i J Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity 62.5 3-81V 57.5 LL 0 55.0 52.5 50 0 � 0 Temperature Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag r1 1 3 3 3 3 3 i Li3• �`3v {f3v� f�3r♦ �4yi.�] I�JI a o a a a a a a a 67 V Co 0 b. tSt 0) -4 tU to O D O O O O O © O ICJ O O O d O O O O O f� p O U b O 0 O O 0 O O O 0 C] O Dates /Times 90 80 ag 70 60 50 F i Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station Newport -Hoag + Temperature Relative Humidity .t 59.5 �Mll : »i.7 LL 58,0 Y 57.5 61AC A;. 56.0 12/16/09 18:00 12116/09 19M 12/16109 20:00 12116/09 21:00 12116/09 22:00 Oates /Times 100.0 97.5 95.0 92,5 i� 90.0 87.5 85.0 82.5 J Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity w� Temperature 55.0 U. 0 52.5 50.0 47.5 ETI Relative Humidity G Station: Newport -Hoag 13115/05 06:00 12115!09 07:00 12115/09 08'00 13115109 WOO 12115/09 10:00 12115/09 11:00 Dates ! Times 100.0 97.5 95.0 92.5 'B' 90.0 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station. Newport -Hoag 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 59 58 57 kL 55 55 54 53 Dates /Times 100.0 97.5 95.0 92.5 e PnNII 87.5 JMI z 1 Iq g 3 3 3 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 07 V CG rJ3 O -+ fJ W A CJ'e Oi �1 O iA O � P.7 O O O O O L? O O O U 6 O v O O O O O G1 6 O O O C! O O O 6 4 ® C O O O Dates /Times 100.0 97.5 95.0 92.5 e PnNII 87.5 JMI r � Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station- Newport --Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 59.5 -ME LL 58.5 a bases f Times 700.0 97.5 95A 3E 92.5 90.0 87.5 N r ru O) W c co t to O O j j N N W W A A. C Cis 0 0) r rl C CO W W O O — —i [ [j O O 4 4 © © a a O O O O O O O 4 4 © O © O O O O 8 O O O 8 bases f Times 700.0 97.5 95A 3E 92.5 90.0 87.5 i Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourty Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station. Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity � r; 59.5 ma 59,0 58.5 ITIM 110.0 107.5 105.0 102.5 100.0 97.5 95.0 92.5 90.0 rn m ca O w w a cn -r Co <p o nti'a C7 O O Q C7 O Q 4 O7 O O Q O G C O Q C7 Ci Gates 1 Times 110.0 107.5 105.0 102.5 100.0 97.5 95.0 92.5 90.0 F, Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag F Temperature Relative Humidity 58 57 56 LL 0 55 54 53 52 Dates /Times 100.0 97.5 95.0 I 92.5 90.0 87.5 1 tj PQ tj a s 'a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a O O O -'J d Co O 10 i O 3 a N s W 3 .� - U1 3 (M V 07 60 O � N O O 57 O Q O O O O O C3 G O O O O O 6 O C C7 O O O O O 4 0 t7 © O O O Dates /Times 100.0 97.5 95.0 I 92.5 90.0 87.5 f 9 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station Newport-Hoag Temperature Reiative Humidity 57.5 55.0 52.5 LL 0 50.0 47,5 45.0 Lutes f Times g0 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 0 a 0 a a a a a 0 a a a a a a a a a a LO tD t0 C(j Cfl L7 tD GCS CO tp Cr] t4] 0 to G4 0 (0 N ii N 0 -4 Q} Co 0 j N w ,A. Ln C) V 47 0 0 i N d o c5 6 ei o a ca m a ci o €5 0 o t5 d O 0 0 0 O iC 4 O Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 O Lutes f Times g0 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 FA Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Datahase: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity &W LL 50.0 47.5 iii i 3 3 3 3 3' i .1 j ri r1 3 3 1 3 i 3 3 W 07 M O ai ii G} A [Jl Qa +4 OD (L1 Q O O G d Q Q O O O O G O 4 O O Q O O O O O O b O Q 0 O O 0 O O 0 O O O C? A 0 Dates 1 Times 75 70 65 BR all 55 50 J Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity WOMEN= F AL Temperature Relative Humidity 52.5 � 1. L P 47.5 45,0 Station Newport -Hoag Dates /Times 62.5 60.0 57.5 55.0 52.5 50.0 41.5 45.0 42.5 00 W €3 CQ a co c3 Co 00 W cn as Co m co w co Co Co a a ca co oa co 0o so co ai e *�� u�i to o Q O 3 3 j s — s N N N Co (0 a a n� w s• uz M ►i Co 4? Q N C7 Q O O O C7 O Q q Q Q Q Q O O O' O O Q Q O O O O Q fl O d P O O O O C Dates /Times 62.5 60.0 57.5 55.0 52.5 50.0 41.5 45.0 42.5 i' i Hoag Hospital Newport each, CA Database' Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 55.0 52.5 ,y a 50.0 47.5 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 55 60 55 Chi 0 c CVJ S D cc to r0 (Q 0 fo to to to a � V iD !D [D lo L`3 R0 tf7 l0 to W G9 0 fo SO to to to L0 0 a W 0 V o co a G4 0 s N W A ch _ CD = V Co _. CD © .�+ Pli N NJ W A C O O C7 O O O O O Q 0 O O Q O fl Dates /Times 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 55 60 55 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 57.5 57.0 56.5 LL 56.0 e 55.5 55.0 545 a a a a a a a a to a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 0 Q 0 ' 0 .� i na .d 3 3 C.1 U A 3 S?, 3 .� 3 co 3 to 0 � ra N) a Cs o G c+ o o 0 a 0 0 0 CG o o o a c © o 0 0 o 0 o 0 D 0 d 0 0 0 o Dates 1 Times 57.5 55.0 e 52.5 50.0 M Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Databases Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 58 57 56 LL a 55 54 53 Dates 1 Times a a a v m o Cs O a 0 C7i _j CO 0 O O C9 p O O O 0 Dates 1 Times a a a v o a a a a cc C.0 a a a m to CZ CO C 3 N S� A C77 N CA -I CO W 0 o a v a o Q Dates 1 Times i 1 e, iR 75 a a a a o a a a a a a m to CZ CO —y N h} N CA -I CO W 0 -s N C C 6 Q O O 6 O 0 0 0 0 O O i 1 e, iR 75 r Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Haag Temperature Relative Humidity 62.5 60 o 57.5 LL fl 55.0 52.5 50.0 100 90 80 3E 70 60 50 40 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Q%' v C o Q _ i NJ SAN T7 x.11 0 Co cc C q 0 0 Q 0 0 0 C7 0 ICJ C 0 0 O CJ o o a 0 D o a O 0 o O C 0 0 0 0 0 cs Dates 1 Times 100 90 80 3E 70 60 50 40 T Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag �■ 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 62 61 60 59 LL 58 57 56 55 54 3 3 i N W 1 ,y ry CA W O O ❑ a a a as a a rM (0 CD a c5 a p o o O Q ❑ O O ❑ ❑ O 0 O Q O O 4 ❑ O 3 3 i 1 ,y ry O O ❑ Dates / Times 100 95 90 85 80 ae 75 70 65 60 a a a a a as a a c5 a p o o O Q ❑ O 4 C7 O 100 95 90 85 80 ae 75 70 65 60 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 61 A W LL a 58 57 56 Gates 1 Times 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 W NJ Pj PQ hi Nj f !V7 to cc co to to 0 4 O 0 0 (0 w w co fQ W A fJ1 4 0 0 6 0 0 0 Gates 1 Times 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 W NJ Pj PQ hi Nj f !V7 hl N R] dal (0 (0 cc Q co W A fJ1 Q,Y --4 co 0 4 � N O 0 Ca 4 0 0 Gates 1 Times 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 ;y Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database; Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station. Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 62 61 60 LL 59 0 58 57 56 97.5 950 82.5 ee Mrs 9M a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 63 —J L1tl �(O 4 —+ t4d W A LA GJ -4 Co iQ O N © O Q Q O Q Q O O O 4 O Q 0 O 6 O O O 9 O O O O O q O 6 Q 0 6 O Q Q Dates /Times 97.5 950 82.5 ee Mrs 9M Haab; CoGen Weather Station Report November 2oog Fr- l-OS Flume Condition History Save To File Filename: c'HISTORYDATAlplume.csv Nov 01 Nov 01 Nov 01 Nov 01 06:00103 09:45:40 13.30:00 17:15:00 Print — Nov 01 21:00:00 06:00:00 21:0000 R Current Time Zoom. In Zoom Qut Scresll Leff Scroll Right Heal Reference 4700.0 4700.0 COGEN CW MEAT_REJEGTION 2850.0 4275.0 COGEN OAT - TEMP - WEATHER -1 54.4 630 COGEN ©A- HUMIDITY- WEATHER 89.0 90.0 COGEN_PLUME ALARM 00 00 Temp_Reference 28150.0 427 5. 0 Lclos Plume Condition History Save To File Filename= CAHISTORYDATAWLUME.CSV Nov 02 Nov 02 Nov 02 Nov 02 06:00:00 05:45:00 13:30100 77:55:00 Print Nov 02 Heat —Reference 21:00:00 t 06:n0:OC 21 00:00 Current Time Zoom In doom Out 5cro3l Left Scrod Right 700.0 4700.0 COGEN_CN! HEAT_RE.JECTION 3500.0 4230.0 COGEN OAT TEMP - WEATHER -1 58.0 55.0 COGEN OA- HUMIDITY - WEATHER• 85.0 100.0 COGEN, PLUME ALARM 0.0 0.0 Temg_Reference 3300.0 4230.0 Hoag Memorial Hasp. it Cogen_WNeather Data - 'temperature and Humidity Gy 97 Ki +F` e..9& -- - - - - - - - - - - - - .- --- •- --- `-- ...---- _....._ - -.. i ^19 zs!i9 20.00 II1O =m1•T III➢7A9 IIM?M9 IIA2109 II10 % IloU oq I 160 w,M). a y,',t 08:36:141 AN] I I:1::'I .AM 01 :46J« PM 04- 24:42 PM 07:6631 P.M 69:37:04 PSI ■ Relative Humidity 2D -100 % (Scud Line) o Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) BY Plume Condition OrVOfi (Thick Line) lav Reference Line = 55 Heat Rejection ..---------------...- ----------------------------------- -- -- -- — ----------------------- �------- .......- - - - - -- f916 - I IM?A9 I IAl d19 a1h0000 AM 0936:bJ AM E Heat Rejection MBH ❑v Reference Line =4700 �Ay Rop9n I IM?,w 11,0'109 1110:+09 11,609 I ia3 ^Sall 0130:1'' -PIN D4.24:56 PM 9'.11 }. -0 PSI 11AaJU4 119!40:;A PM Report Generated on: ti:rz69 tu:66:o�rti+ cloy- - Plume Condition History Save To Fie Filename: CAHISTORYDATATLUMECSV No•v 03 Nov 03 Nov 03 Nov 03 05:00:uO 09:45:00 13:30:00 17:75:00 Print Nov 03 Heat Reference 21:00:00 0€i:00:00 21:00.:(30 Current Tune Zoom lr7 Zoom Out Scroll Left Scroll Right 4700.0 4700.0 COGEN CW_HEAT_REJECTION 3325.0 3760.0 COGEN OAT - TEMP- WUEATHER -1 55.0 59 -0 COGEN OA- HUMIDITY- WEATHER 100.0 104.0 COGEN_PLUME ALARM. 0.0 0.0 Temp_Reference 33250 37F300 Hoag Memorial Hosp. A Cogen'W'eather Data Temperature and Humidity 4i7 L, 1 IAP3.nq 11311.1.}'+ IIXI.AF1 Ob 00.01) AM i ,b11, ASS 1 I :' I , ?7 ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) n Temperature 20 -1 DO Deg F (Dashed Line) fl■ Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) E]• Reference Line =55 5,47 1SM - 1446 11m�as� [Imanw I[mimv 0690:0[I Apt 08'34:3-0 A,19 11 ■ Heat Rejection MBH 0■ Reference Line m4700 wepan I 04 :. ":111 ?Y1 Heat Rejection NIA I imams s Im3,Tra [ Iro3res 1 [a3Ri9 4) :• O.1_ FM W:26;56 FM U7.113:30 PM U9:30 -y3. PSS Report Generated on: ++•pans so:oc:o2 x l Hoag Memorial Hosp. -A Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity n, v7 ,07 i s. w9 I I,173J99 S 110.iA4 I IA4A9 I tIW/dS1 I it6Se04 11R61f114 1.IA3+114 <le;001,00 AM [18;76:10 A"N 11:12' -2I AM UI:49•;2 P \f 01;:3:4: PM 07:W:53 PM 047:04 P1I • Relative Humidity 20 -1 DD % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume conditon Orvof€ CMck Line) m• Reference Line =55 Heat Rejection s Heat Refection MBH Ov Reference Line = 4700 y Haan Report Generated on: i i:oe os to:oo:aa Pht Hoag Memorial Hosp. -A Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity n, v7 ,07 i s. w9 I I,173J99 S 110.iA4 I IA4A9 I tIW/dS1 I it6Se04 11R61f114 1.IA3+114 <le;001,00 AM [18;76:10 A"N 11:12' -2I AM UI:49•;2 P \f 01;:3:4: PM 07:W:53 PM 047:04 P1I • Relative Humidity 20 -1 DD % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume conditon Orvof€ CMck Line) m• Reference Line =55 Heat Rejection s Heat Refection MBH Ov Reference Line = 4700 y Haan Report Generated on: i i:oe os to:oo:aa Pht Haag Memorial Hospt al Gogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity +1 Y7• ,3 97. t,7 Y&- ' 6'/Y- $.49- 20.W� 11105A9 1IMM)Y IIffl ;' 9 06-100:00 .i \t 0136:16 .AM 11:1"_: =1 A.ti1 • Relative humidity 20 -100 % (Sofid Line) • Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Crashed Line) By Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) e• Reference Line = 55 3931 1916 G.OW 1 tasv9 I tus,v9 06,004111 q;4 08:36:14 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH o■ Reference Line =4700 on,y aepon 11+95x19 1 I =13 ^8 AM WA 11 A15MY Ol PNt Heat Rejection _l±1CA►_ 1lAiN4 01.:10:1_ PM 1 1105+99 l 1N51U9 1 11U$N9 D4 24A'_ Pti1 07A)05,, PX1 GY:37:04 P%1 t IA3111Y o IAi,O9 t Idt15F19 0x;2636 7t1 01.03:30 PM 09;S02t Pa, Report Generated on; 11Aa 04 ,A:DO: �1 Haag Memorial Hospt al Gogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity +1 Y7• ,3 97. t,7 Y&- ' 6'/Y- $.49- 20.W� 11105A9 1IMM)Y IIffl ;' 9 06-100:00 .i \t 0136:16 .AM 11:1"_: =1 A.ti1 • Relative humidity 20 -100 % (Sofid Line) • Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Crashed Line) By Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) e• Reference Line = 55 3931 1916 G.OW 1 tasv9 I tus,v9 06,004111 q;4 08:36:14 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH o■ Reference Line =4700 on,y aepon 11+95x19 1 I =13 ^8 AM WA 11 A15MY Ol PNt Heat Rejection _l±1CA►_ 1lAiN4 01.:10:1_ PM 1 1105+99 l 1N51U9 1 11U$N9 D4 24A'_ Pti1 07A)05,, PX1 GY:37:04 P%1 t IA3111Y o IAi,O9 t Idt15F19 0x;2636 7t1 01.03:30 PM 09;S02t Pa, Report Generated on; 11Aa 04 ,A:DO: �1 Hoag Memorial Hosp. -A Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity n, v7 ,07 i s. w9 I I,173J99 S 110.iA4 I IA4A9 I tIW/dS1 I it6Se04 11R61f114 1.IA3+114 <le;001,00 AM [18;76:10 A"N 11:12' -2I AM UI:49•;2 P \f 01;:3:4: PM 07:W:53 PM 047:04 P1I • Relative Humidity 20 -1 DD % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume conditon Orvof€ CMck Line) m• Reference Line =55 Heat Rejection s Heat Refection MBH Ov Reference Line = 4700 y Haan Report Generated on: i i:oe os to:oo:aa Pht Hoag Memorial Hosp. -A Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity n, v7 ,07 i s. w9 I I,173J99 S 110.iA4 I IA4A9 I tIW/dS1 I it6Se04 11R61f114 1.IA3+114 <le;001,00 AM [18;76:10 A"N 11:12' -2I AM UI:49•;2 P \f 01;:3:4: PM 07:W:53 PM 047:04 P1I • Relative Humidity 20 -1 DD % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume conditon Orvof€ CMck Line) m• Reference Line =55 Heat Rejection s Heat Refection MBH Ov Reference Line = 4700 y Haan Report Generated on: i i:oe os to:oo:aa Pht Haag Memorial Hospt al Gogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity +1 Y7• ,3 97. t,7 Y&- ' 6'/Y- $.49- 20.W� 11105A9 1IMM)Y IIffl ;' 9 06-100:00 .i \t 0136:16 .AM 11:1"_: =1 A.ti1 • Relative humidity 20 -100 % (Sofid Line) • Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Crashed Line) By Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) e• Reference Line = 55 3931 1916 G.OW 1 tasv9 I tus,v9 06,004111 q;4 08:36:14 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH o■ Reference Line =4700 on,y aepon 11+95x19 1 I =13 ^8 AM WA 11 A15MY Ol PNt Heat Rejection _l±1CA►_ 1lAiN4 01.:10:1_ PM 1 1105+99 l 1N51U9 1 11U$N9 D4 24A'_ Pti1 07A)05,, PX1 GY:37:04 P%1 t IA3111Y o IAi,O9 t Idt15F19 0x;2636 7t1 01.03:30 PM 09;S02t Pa, Report Generated on; 11Aa 04 ,A:DO: �1 Haag Memorial Hospt al Gogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity +1 Y7• ,3 97. t,7 Y&- ' 6'/Y- $.49- 20.W� 11105A9 1IMM)Y IIffl ;' 9 06-100:00 .i \t 0136:16 .AM 11:1"_: =1 A.ti1 • Relative humidity 20 -100 % (Sofid Line) • Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Crashed Line) By Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) e• Reference Line = 55 3931 1916 G.OW 1 tasv9 I tus,v9 06,004111 q;4 08:36:14 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH o■ Reference Line =4700 on,y aepon 11+95x19 1 I =13 ^8 AM WA 11 A15MY Ol PNt Heat Rejection _l±1CA►_ 1lAiN4 01.:10:1_ PM 1 1105+99 l 1N51U9 1 11U$N9 D4 24A'_ Pti1 07A)05,, PX1 GY:37:04 P%1 t IA3111Y o IAi,O9 t Idt15F19 0x;2636 7t1 01.03:30 PM 09;S02t Pa, Report Generated on; 11Aa 04 ,A:DO: �1 orial Hosph.al Cogen Weather Data 'temperature and Humidity s=.97 07 as 51.99 35,99 ?01]0 I IAl Aly 11 AMRAW I IA)SAYO On:011:06 AM G 36:10 AM 1 1111 -:3 i AM • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume Condition OWOff (Thick Lime) Lay Reference Line = 55 I IMAI9 I11 -1 S:}.' ? }I Heat Rejection 6577 -------- ---- -- 1916 I f m@J69 O,ReuO 11 A1iiAj9 0130:13 Phl 041264°46 PM 64;63:40 P51 1mam9 11MW9 Ims," 059600 A%1 O8:}6:44 AM H 13.'+ A.... ■ Heat Rejection MBH rev Reference Line =4700 �Y Repan I M809 11MHA 9 11M80% 171:21:41 PM 010h53 PM 693794 PM Report Generated on: 1i,va x1,o:o6:oa n+ ------------------------------------------------ 1 1 AJB109 I f m@J69 I I A1BI09 11 A1iiAj9 0130:13 Phl 041264°46 PM 64;63:40 P51 09.4024 ?M Report Generated on: 1i,va x1,o:o6:oa n+ Hoag Memorial Hosp..al Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 99.9? L3.91 b7,98 ! I Y9 4'19 I11[NA9 IlA9A9 11/09149 Ob:000i Am 11930:10 A;41 I IA! "F AM ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Lime) ■ Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Clashed Line) ■• Plume Condition ©rVOfl (Thick Line) BT Reference Line =55 063E 1410 n ,vui I IM9lu? IIA9,119 11 A09AW 11690:011 A'.I 4:' >0:44 X,41 11:1 ?:213 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH Ov Reference Line =4700 Clady wcgon I]A9+r19 Heat Rejection I I A4+09 1 1(D9R9 1 I M9,V9 0-1::4:42 PM 07:04-93 FM 09- 17:04 PNI 1 1,9919 11:09A9 1 1 A9A9 11 MWD9 01: <0: 12 PM 044 6:50 PM I•" 0t '11 I 19.4024 PSI Report Generated on: ++rows ao:a4:45 PM Clow Plume Condition History Save To File Filename: C:IKSTORYDATAIPLUME.CSV Nov 05 Nov 05 Nov 05 D6,00:00 034500 13:30:00 a DE:00:00 Nov 05 17:15:00 Print Nov 05 21:00:00 21 00:01 Current Time Zoom In Zoom t7ut Scroll left Scroll Right Heal—Reference 4700.0 5700.0 COGEN_CW_HEAT_REJECTION 3750.G 3250.0 COGEN OAT - TEMP- WEATH€R -1 59.0 60 -0 COGEN CA- HUMIDITY- WEATHER- 93:0 100.0 Temp_Referenoe 3760.0 3290.0 Haag Memorial Hasp>.al Gagers Weather data Temperature and Humidity 1 tAli Aye IIA17A9 tIAripll9 06[[19:6] Aa1 69%36:10 hat II:[2''I AM • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -140 [leg F (Dashed Line) ■v Flume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) 13• Reference Line =55 383{ 1916 I IM7109 1 IM7109 ■ beat Rejection MBH ❑v Reference Line =4700 coy lin9on T 11A57AY9 01= 48•_L' Pal Heat Rejection 11An7M I IM KA IIt97A99 04•.24;42 PM 07:4533 Pal 99:}7814 Pal t IM7ro9 11✓ iM9 {IxiAA IIR77I09 IlA57fi9 11:1? 29 ha; 01311:1 PAS O4 -26:56 PM 97;03:411 P%I 69:46:24 PM Report Generated on: 1 {ro7ros t9:9ao7Pr orial Hosph.al Cogen Weather Data 'temperature and Humidity s=.97 07 as 51.99 35,99 ?01]0 I IAl Aly 11 AMRAW I IA)SAYO On:011:06 AM G 36:10 AM 1 1111 -:3 i AM • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume Condition OWOff (Thick Lime) Lay Reference Line = 55 I IMAI9 I11 -1 S:}.' ? }I Heat Rejection 6577 -------- ---- -- 1916 I f m@J69 O,ReuO 11 A1iiAj9 0130:13 Phl 041264°46 PM 64;63:40 P51 1mam9 11MW9 Ims," 059600 A%1 O8:}6:44 AM H 13.'+ A.... ■ Heat Rejection MBH rev Reference Line =4700 �Y Repan I M809 11MHA 9 11M80% 171:21:41 PM 010h53 PM 693794 PM Report Generated on: 1i,va x1,o:o6:oa n+ ------------------------------------------------ 1 1 AJB109 I f m@J69 I I A1BI09 11 A1iiAj9 0130:13 Phl 041264°46 PM 64;63:40 P51 09.4024 ?M Report Generated on: 1i,va x1,o:o6:oa n+ Hoag Memorial Hosp..al Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 99.9? L3.91 b7,98 ! I Y9 4'19 I11[NA9 IlA9A9 11/09149 Ob:000i Am 11930:10 A;41 I IA! "F AM ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Lime) ■ Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Clashed Line) ■• Plume Condition ©rVOfl (Thick Line) BT Reference Line =55 063E 1410 n ,vui I IM9lu? IIA9,119 11 A09AW 11690:011 A'.I 4:' >0:44 X,41 11:1 ?:213 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH Ov Reference Line =4700 Clady wcgon I]A9+r19 Heat Rejection I I A4+09 1 1(D9R9 1 I M9,V9 0-1::4:42 PM 07:04-93 FM 09- 17:04 PNI 1 1,9919 11:09A9 1 1 A9A9 11 MWD9 01: <0: 12 PM 044 6:50 PM I•" 0t '11 I 19.4024 PSI Report Generated on: ++rows ao:a4:45 PM Haag 'Memorial Hosp._al Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity I -fa -97 53-9? 1 :4 44 ao.cw I III IM 1III 7+s79 11711+579 1.1711 A79 1 III 1A9 I1n IA9 IIII IA9 176:00.40 ,451 48:36:10 A%I 11112:_?] A.11. 01:46: }7 PM UL�4:42 Phi 07:00J3 PM 0937:1 P'AI ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ■ Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume Condition OrVOft (Thick Line) ©• Reference Line = 55 39 }I I9Y6 11711+S7Y 1f1117D9 06.01):DI1 ADS 08:36:44 A.'4I ■ Heat Rejection MRH ❑o Reference Line =4700 F�ec9+I Heat Rejection I III 1709 I III I 09 11111109 1inI w IIII IIX79 1 1:132? L AAi 01130:1 ^- PHI 0436j6 PNi 07:03:40 P ?I 09:4024 PM Report. Generated on: 1V11r0910:DD:10 PhA Hoag Memorial Hosp..al Cogen Wea #her Ctata Temperature and Humidity 9$.97 93.97 e ?98 3 LA i!1:99 ?IJ.W Illt?AI! Ilfl _A09 IIJl ^_A1EY I16{10:011 AM 11133n: 10 .i. \f 11 12:21 ANI • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Lime) ®■ Plume Condition OrVCIH (Thick Line) Q• 'Reference Line =55 3531 €946 1111'.A9 1 In2AW9 06:60:00 AM 111:3d:44 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH p4 Reference Line =4700 �Y 1�port t IJ&* I Ili .?A9 01:493'_ P6'1 04::4:42 FM.. Heat Rejection 1012 wl I vj:r <! 07;06:53 Phi 09:375!7 PM 111609 1 w1 w 1111? ug I U1 A9 11: 13:2A A]I 01:56:1 = Fh1 04:2636 PM 07513:40 Phf - : tM Report Generated on: farf ceist66:f6Pn� c F 00S,- Plume Condition History Save To File Filename: C:1HIS T 0RYDATA%PLiJME.CSV Nov 14 Nov 14 Nov 14 05-00:00 09-45 00 13.30:00 G6:o�:aG d Print _ Nov 14 Nov 14 7.15.00 2.1:00 :00 27 -GO:flO + Current Time ZQ011i In Zoom C3ut Scroll Left Scroll Right Heat Referenw 4700.0 4700.0 COGEN CVh HEAT_RE=JECTION 2375.0 2680.0 CCGMI OAAT- TEMP - WEATHER -1 57.0 — - 7.0 COG EN OA-FlUMIOITY-WEATHER- 94 0 75.0 COGEN -PLUME ALARM 0.0 0.9 Temp Reference 2 °75 -0 2680.0 Hoag Memorial Hosp..al en Weather Data Temperatures and Humidity 99 b ^_910. N/A i l e 14.579 11014109 1 I f 14A9 1 k 114M9 06170 :00 AM 09 :3b :10 A%I 11:12:!1 AM 01:4632 PM ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ■ Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■• Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) ■• Reference Line = 55 Heat Rejection ?x;! N/A 3831 1918 -1111 LL19 I 10 4+T19 1IfIJAN I In." np!.IUa7D qs1 ON It s..,}1 11:1 .j }1 1130:12 PM ■ Heat Rejection MBH ©• Reference Line =4700 I I!I4109 11n4A9 11114A9 04 --24:42 Phl 07:00'53 PM 0937M PM 11!1ZN 1Ii I1R)9 11714!09 04ih:ib PM 07;4 3;40 P%I 0-AD26PM Report Generated on: 15 r4,og so:ao:ers PIA Hoag Memorial Hosp. -A Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity n, v7 ,07 i s. w9 I I,173J99 S 110.iA4 I IA4A9 I tIW/dS1 I it6Se04 11R61f114 1.IA3+114 <le;001,00 AM [18;76:10 A"N 11:12' -2I AM UI:49•;2 P \f 01;:3:4: PM 07:W:53 PM 047:04 P1I • Relative Humidity 20 -1 DD % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume conditon Orvof€ CMck Line) m• Reference Line =55 Heat Rejection s Heat Refection MBH Ov Reference Line = 4700 y Haan Report Generated on: i i:oe os to:oo:aa Pht Hoag Memorial Hosp. -A Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity n, v7 ,07 i s. w9 I I,173J99 S 110.iA4 I IA4A9 I tIW/dS1 I it6Se04 11R61f114 1.IA3+114 <le;001,00 AM [18;76:10 A"N 11:12' -2I AM UI:49•;2 P \f 01;:3:4: PM 07:W:53 PM 047:04 P1I • Relative Humidity 20 -1 DD % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume conditon Orvof€ CMck Line) m• Reference Line =55 Heat Rejection s Heat Refection MBH Ov Reference Line = 4700 y Haan Report Generated on: i i:oe os to:oo:aa Pht Haag Memorial Hospt al Gogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity +1 Y7• ,3 97. t,7 Y&- ' 6'/Y- $.49- 20.W� 11105A9 1IMM)Y IIffl ;' 9 06-100:00 .i \t 0136:16 .AM 11:1"_: =1 A.ti1 • Relative humidity 20 -100 % (Sofid Line) • Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Crashed Line) By Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) e• Reference Line = 55 3931 1916 G.OW 1 tasv9 I tus,v9 06,004111 q;4 08:36:14 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH o■ Reference Line =4700 on,y aepon 11+95x19 1 I =13 ^8 AM WA 11 A15MY Ol PNt Heat Rejection _l±1CA►_ 1lAiN4 01.:10:1_ PM 1 1105+99 l 1N51U9 1 11U$N9 D4 24A'_ Pti1 07A)05,, PX1 GY:37:04 P%1 t IA3111Y o IAi,O9 t Idt15F19 0x;2636 7t1 01.03:30 PM 09;S02t Pa, Report Generated on; 11Aa 04 ,A:DO: �1 Haag Memorial Hospt al Gogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity +1 Y7• ,3 97. t,7 Y&- ' 6'/Y- $.49- 20.W� 11105A9 1IMM)Y IIffl ;' 9 06-100:00 .i \t 0136:16 .AM 11:1"_: =1 A.ti1 • Relative humidity 20 -100 % (Sofid Line) • Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Crashed Line) By Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) e• Reference Line = 55 3931 1916 G.OW 1 tasv9 I tus,v9 06,004111 q;4 08:36:14 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH o■ Reference Line =4700 on,y aepon 11+95x19 1 I =13 ^8 AM WA 11 A15MY Ol PNt Heat Rejection _l±1CA►_ 1lAiN4 01.:10:1_ PM 1 1105+99 l 1N51U9 1 11U$N9 D4 24A'_ Pti1 07A)05,, PX1 GY:37:04 P%1 t IA3111Y o IAi,O9 t Idt15F19 0x;2636 7t1 01.03:30 PM 09;S02t Pa, Report Generated on; 11Aa 04 ,A:DO: �1 Hoag Memorial Hosp. -A Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity n, v7 ,07 i s. w9 I I,173J99 S 110.iA4 I IA4A9 I tIW/dS1 I it6Se04 11R61f114 1.IA3+114 <le;001,00 AM [18;76:10 A"N 11:12' -2I AM UI:49•;2 P \f 01;:3:4: PM 07:W:53 PM 047:04 P1I • Relative Humidity 20 -1 DD % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume conditon Orvof€ CMck Line) m• Reference Line =55 Heat Rejection s Heat Refection MBH Ov Reference Line = 4700 y Haan Report Generated on: i i:oe os to:oo:aa Pht Hoag Memorial Hosp. -A Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity n, v7 ,07 i s. w9 I I,173J99 S 110.iA4 I IA4A9 I tIW/dS1 I it6Se04 11R61f114 1.IA3+114 <le;001,00 AM [18;76:10 A"N 11:12' -2I AM UI:49•;2 P \f 01;:3:4: PM 07:W:53 PM 047:04 P1I • Relative Humidity 20 -1 DD % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume conditon Orvof€ CMck Line) m• Reference Line =55 Heat Rejection s Heat Refection MBH Ov Reference Line = 4700 y Haan Report Generated on: i i:oe os to:oo:aa Pht Haag Memorial Hospt al Gogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity +1 Y7• ,3 97. t,7 Y&- ' 6'/Y- $.49- 20.W� 11105A9 1IMM)Y IIffl ;' 9 06-100:00 .i \t 0136:16 .AM 11:1"_: =1 A.ti1 • Relative humidity 20 -100 % (Sofid Line) • Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Crashed Line) By Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) e• Reference Line = 55 3931 1916 G.OW 1 tasv9 I tus,v9 06,004111 q;4 08:36:14 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH o■ Reference Line =4700 on,y aepon 11+95x19 1 I =13 ^8 AM WA 11 A15MY Ol PNt Heat Rejection _l±1CA►_ 1lAiN4 01.:10:1_ PM 1 1105+99 l 1N51U9 1 11U$N9 D4 24A'_ Pti1 07A)05,, PX1 GY:37:04 P%1 t IA3111Y o IAi,O9 t Idt15F19 0x;2636 7t1 01.03:30 PM 09;S02t Pa, Report Generated on; 11Aa 04 ,A:DO: �1 Haag Memorial Hospt al Gogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity +1 Y7• ,3 97. t,7 Y&- ' 6'/Y- $.49- 20.W� 11105A9 1IMM)Y IIffl ;' 9 06-100:00 .i \t 0136:16 .AM 11:1"_: =1 A.ti1 • Relative humidity 20 -100 % (Sofid Line) • Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Crashed Line) By Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) e• Reference Line = 55 3931 1916 G.OW 1 tasv9 I tus,v9 06,004111 q;4 08:36:14 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH o■ Reference Line =4700 on,y aepon 11+95x19 1 I =13 ^8 AM WA 11 A15MY Ol PNt Heat Rejection _l±1CA►_ 1lAiN4 01.:10:1_ PM 1 1105+99 l 1N51U9 1 11U$N9 D4 24A'_ Pti1 07A)05,, PX1 GY:37:04 P%1 t IA3111Y o IAi,O9 t Idt15F19 0x;2636 7t1 01.03:30 PM 09;S02t Pa, Report Generated on; 11Aa 04 ,A:DO: �1 orial Hosph.al Cogen Weather Data 'temperature and Humidity s=.97 07 as 51.99 35,99 ?01]0 I IAl Aly 11 AMRAW I IA)SAYO On:011:06 AM G 36:10 AM 1 1111 -:3 i AM • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume Condition OWOff (Thick Lime) Lay Reference Line = 55 I IMAI9 I11 -1 S:}.' ? }I Heat Rejection 6577 -------- ---- -- 1916 I f m@J69 O,ReuO 11 A1iiAj9 0130:13 Phl 041264°46 PM 64;63:40 P51 1mam9 11MW9 Ims," 059600 A%1 O8:}6:44 AM H 13.'+ A.... ■ Heat Rejection MBH rev Reference Line =4700 �Y Repan I M809 11MHA 9 11M80% 171:21:41 PM 010h53 PM 693794 PM Report Generated on: 1i,va x1,o:o6:oa n+ ------------------------------------------------ 1 1 AJB109 I f m@J69 I I A1BI09 11 A1iiAj9 0130:13 Phl 041264°46 PM 64;63:40 P51 09.4024 ?M Report Generated on: 1i,va x1,o:o6:oa n+ Hoag Memorial Hosp..al Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 99.9? L3.91 b7,98 ! I Y9 4'19 I11[NA9 IlA9A9 11/09149 Ob:000i Am 11930:10 A;41 I IA! "F AM ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Lime) ■ Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Clashed Line) ■• Plume Condition ©rVOfl (Thick Line) BT Reference Line =55 063E 1410 n ,vui I IM9lu? IIA9,119 11 A09AW 11690:011 A'.I 4:' >0:44 X,41 11:1 ?:213 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH Ov Reference Line =4700 Clady wcgon I]A9+r19 Heat Rejection I I A4+09 1 1(D9R9 1 I M9,V9 0-1::4:42 PM 07:04-93 FM 09- 17:04 PNI 1 1,9919 11:09A9 1 1 A9A9 11 MWD9 01: <0: 12 PM 044 6:50 PM I•" 0t '11 I 19.4024 PSI Report Generated on: ++rows ao:a4:45 PM Clow Plume Condition History Save To File Filename: C:IKSTORYDATAIPLUME.CSV Nov 05 Nov 05 Nov 05 D6,00:00 034500 13:30:00 a DE:00:00 Nov 05 17:15:00 Print Nov 05 21:00:00 21 00:01 Current Time Zoom In Zoom t7ut Scroll left Scroll Right Heal—Reference 4700.0 5700.0 COGEN_CW_HEAT_REJECTION 3750.G 3250.0 COGEN OAT - TEMP- WEATH€R -1 59.0 60 -0 COGEN CA- HUMIDITY- WEATHER- 93:0 100.0 Temp_Referenoe 3760.0 3290.0 Haag Memorial Hasp>.al Gagers Weather data Temperature and Humidity 1 tAli Aye IIA17A9 tIAripll9 06[[19:6] Aa1 69%36:10 hat II:[2''I AM • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -140 [leg F (Dashed Line) ■v Flume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) 13• Reference Line =55 383{ 1916 I IM7109 1 IM7109 ■ beat Rejection MBH ❑v Reference Line =4700 coy lin9on T 11A57AY9 01= 48•_L' Pal Heat Rejection 11An7M I IM KA IIt97A99 04•.24;42 PM 07:4533 Pal 99:}7814 Pal t IM7ro9 11✓ iM9 {IxiAA IIR77I09 IlA57fi9 11:1? 29 ha; 01311:1 PAS O4 -26:56 PM 97;03:411 P%I 69:46:24 PM Report Generated on: 1 {ro7ros t9:9ao7Pr orial Hosph.al Cogen Weather Data 'temperature and Humidity s=.97 07 as 51.99 35,99 ?01]0 I IAl Aly 11 AMRAW I IA)SAYO On:011:06 AM G 36:10 AM 1 1111 -:3 i AM • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume Condition OWOff (Thick Lime) Lay Reference Line = 55 I IMAI9 I11 -1 S:}.' ? }I Heat Rejection 6577 -------- ---- -- 1916 I f m@J69 O,ReuO 11 A1iiAj9 0130:13 Phl 041264°46 PM 64;63:40 P51 1mam9 11MW9 Ims," 059600 A%1 O8:}6:44 AM H 13.'+ A.... ■ Heat Rejection MBH rev Reference Line =4700 �Y Repan I M809 11MHA 9 11M80% 171:21:41 PM 010h53 PM 693794 PM Report Generated on: 1i,va x1,o:o6:oa n+ ------------------------------------------------ 1 1 AJB109 I f m@J69 I I A1BI09 11 A1iiAj9 0130:13 Phl 041264°46 PM 64;63:40 P51 09.4024 ?M Report Generated on: 1i,va x1,o:o6:oa n+ Hoag Memorial Hosp..al Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 99.9? L3.91 b7,98 ! I Y9 4'19 I11[NA9 IlA9A9 11/09149 Ob:000i Am 11930:10 A;41 I IA! "F AM ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Lime) ■ Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Clashed Line) ■• Plume Condition ©rVOfl (Thick Line) BT Reference Line =55 063E 1410 n ,vui I IM9lu? IIA9,119 11 A09AW 11690:011 A'.I 4:' >0:44 X,41 11:1 ?:213 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH Ov Reference Line =4700 Clady wcgon I]A9+r19 Heat Rejection I I A4+09 1 1(D9R9 1 I M9,V9 0-1::4:42 PM 07:04-93 FM 09- 17:04 PNI 1 1,9919 11:09A9 1 1 A9A9 11 MWD9 01: <0: 12 PM 044 6:50 PM I•" 0t '11 I 19.4024 PSI Report Generated on: ++rows ao:a4:45 PM Haag 'Memorial Hosp._al Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity I -fa -97 53-9? 1 :4 44 ao.cw I III IM 1III 7+s79 11711+579 1.1711 A79 1 III 1A9 I1n IA9 IIII IA9 176:00.40 ,451 48:36:10 A%I 11112:_?] A.11. 01:46: }7 PM UL�4:42 Phi 07:00J3 PM 0937:1 P'AI ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ■ Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume Condition OrVOft (Thick Line) ©• Reference Line = 55 39 }I I9Y6 11711+S7Y 1f1117D9 06.01):DI1 ADS 08:36:44 A.'4I ■ Heat Rejection MRH ❑o Reference Line =4700 F�ec9+I Heat Rejection I III 1709 I III I 09 11111109 1inI w IIII IIX79 1 1:132? L AAi 01130:1 ^- PHI 0436j6 PNi 07:03:40 P ?I 09:4024 PM Report. Generated on: 1V11r0910:DD:10 PhA Hoag Memorial Hosp..al Cogen Wea #her Ctata Temperature and Humidity 9$.97 93.97 e ?98 3 LA i!1:99 ?IJ.W Illt?AI! Ilfl _A09 IIJl ^_A1EY I16{10:011 AM 11133n: 10 .i. \f 11 12:21 ANI • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Lime) ®■ Plume Condition OrVCIH (Thick Line) Q• 'Reference Line =55 3531 €946 1111'.A9 1 In2AW9 06:60:00 AM 111:3d:44 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH p4 Reference Line =4700 �Y 1�port t IJ&* I Ili .?A9 01:493'_ P6'1 04::4:42 FM.. Heat Rejection 1012 wl I vj:r <! 07;06:53 Phi 09:375!7 PM 111609 1 w1 w 1111? ug I U1 A9 11: 13:2A A]I 01:56:1 = Fh1 04:2636 PM 07513:40 Phf - : tM Report Generated on: farf ceist66:f6Pn� c F 00S,- Plume Condition History Save To File Filename: C:1HIS T 0RYDATA%PLiJME.CSV Nov 14 Nov 14 Nov 14 05-00:00 09-45 00 13.30:00 G6:o�:aG d Print _ Nov 14 Nov 14 7.15.00 2.1:00 :00 27 -GO:flO + Current Time ZQ011i In Zoom C3ut Scroll Left Scroll Right Heat Referenw 4700.0 4700.0 COGEN CVh HEAT_RE=JECTION 2375.0 2680.0 CCGMI OAAT- TEMP - WEATHER -1 57.0 — - 7.0 COG EN OA-FlUMIOITY-WEATHER- 94 0 75.0 COGEN -PLUME ALARM 0.0 0.9 Temp Reference 2 °75 -0 2680.0 Hoag Memorial Hosp..al en Weather Data Temperatures and Humidity 99 b ^_910. N/A i l e 14.579 11014109 1 I f 14A9 1 k 114M9 06170 :00 AM 09 :3b :10 A%I 11:12:!1 AM 01:4632 PM ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ■ Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■• Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) ■• Reference Line = 55 Heat Rejection ?x;! N/A 3831 1918 -1111 LL19 I 10 4+T19 1IfIJAN I In." np!.IUa7D qs1 ON It s..,}1 11:1 .j }1 1130:12 PM ■ Heat Rejection MBH ©• Reference Line =4700 I I!I4109 11n4A9 11114A9 04 --24:42 Phl 07:00'53 PM 0937M PM 11!1ZN 1Ii I1R)9 11714!09 04ih:ib PM 07;4 3;40 P%I 0-AD26PM Report Generated on: 15 r4,og so:ao:ers PIA Hoag Memorial Hosp. -A Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity n, v7 ,07 i s. w9 I I,173J99 S 110.iA4 I IA4A9 I tIW/dS1 I it6Se04 11R61f114 1.IA3+114 <le;001,00 AM [18;76:10 A"N 11:12' -2I AM UI:49•;2 P \f 01;:3:4: PM 07:W:53 PM 047:04 P1I • Relative Humidity 20 -1 DD % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume conditon Orvof€ CMck Line) m• Reference Line =55 Heat Rejection s Heat Refection MBH Ov Reference Line = 4700 y Haan Report Generated on: i i:oe os to:oo:aa Pht Hoag Memorial Hosp. -A Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity n, v7 ,07 i s. w9 I I,173J99 S 110.iA4 I IA4A9 I tIW/dS1 I it6Se04 11R61f114 1.IA3+114 <le;001,00 AM [18;76:10 A"N 11:12' -2I AM UI:49•;2 P \f 01;:3:4: PM 07:W:53 PM 047:04 P1I • Relative Humidity 20 -1 DD % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume conditon Orvof€ CMck Line) m• Reference Line =55 Heat Rejection s Heat Refection MBH Ov Reference Line = 4700 y Haan Report Generated on: i i:oe os to:oo:aa Pht Haag Memorial Hospt al Gogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity +1 Y7• ,3 97. t,7 Y&- ' 6'/Y- $.49- 20.W� 11105A9 1IMM)Y IIffl ;' 9 06-100:00 .i \t 0136:16 .AM 11:1"_: =1 A.ti1 • Relative humidity 20 -100 % (Sofid Line) • Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Crashed Line) By Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) e• Reference Line = 55 3931 1916 G.OW 1 tasv9 I tus,v9 06,004111 q;4 08:36:14 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH o■ Reference Line =4700 on,y aepon 11+95x19 1 I =13 ^8 AM WA 11 A15MY Ol PNt Heat Rejection _l±1CA►_ 1lAiN4 01.:10:1_ PM 1 1105+99 l 1N51U9 1 11U$N9 D4 24A'_ Pti1 07A)05,, PX1 GY:37:04 P%1 t IA3111Y o IAi,O9 t Idt15F19 0x;2636 7t1 01.03:30 PM 09;S02t Pa, Report Generated on; 11Aa 04 ,A:DO: �1 Haag Memorial Hospt al Gogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity +1 Y7• ,3 97. t,7 Y&- ' 6'/Y- $.49- 20.W� 11105A9 1IMM)Y IIffl ;' 9 06-100:00 .i \t 0136:16 .AM 11:1"_: =1 A.ti1 • Relative humidity 20 -100 % (Sofid Line) • Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Crashed Line) By Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) e• Reference Line = 55 3931 1916 G.OW 1 tasv9 I tus,v9 06,004111 q;4 08:36:14 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH o■ Reference Line =4700 on,y aepon 11+95x19 1 I =13 ^8 AM WA 11 A15MY Ol PNt Heat Rejection _l±1CA►_ 1lAiN4 01.:10:1_ PM 1 1105+99 l 1N51U9 1 11U$N9 D4 24A'_ Pti1 07A)05,, PX1 GY:37:04 P%1 t IA3111Y o IAi,O9 t Idt15F19 0x;2636 7t1 01.03:30 PM 09;S02t Pa, Report Generated on; 11Aa 04 ,A:DO: �1 orial Hosph.al Cogen Weather Data 'temperature and Humidity s=.97 07 as 51.99 35,99 ?01]0 I IAl Aly 11 AMRAW I IA)SAYO On:011:06 AM G 36:10 AM 1 1111 -:3 i AM • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume Condition OWOff (Thick Lime) Lay Reference Line = 55 I IMAI9 I11 -1 S:}.' ? }I Heat Rejection 6577 -------- ---- -- 1916 I f m@J69 O,ReuO 11 A1iiAj9 0130:13 Phl 041264°46 PM 64;63:40 P51 1mam9 11MW9 Ims," 059600 A%1 O8:}6:44 AM H 13.'+ A.... ■ Heat Rejection MBH rev Reference Line =4700 �Y Repan I M809 11MHA 9 11M80% 171:21:41 PM 010h53 PM 693794 PM Report Generated on: 1i,va x1,o:o6:oa n+ ------------------------------------------------ 1 1 AJB109 I f m@J69 I I A1BI09 11 A1iiAj9 0130:13 Phl 041264°46 PM 64;63:40 P51 09.4024 ?M Report Generated on: 1i,va x1,o:o6:oa n+ Hoag Memorial Hosp..al Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 99.9? L3.91 b7,98 ! I Y9 4'19 I11[NA9 IlA9A9 11/09149 Ob:000i Am 11930:10 A;41 I IA! "F AM ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Lime) ■ Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Clashed Line) ■• Plume Condition ©rVOfl (Thick Line) BT Reference Line =55 063E 1410 n ,vui I IM9lu? IIA9,119 11 A09AW 11690:011 A'.I 4:' >0:44 X,41 11:1 ?:213 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH Ov Reference Line =4700 Clady wcgon I]A9+r19 Heat Rejection I I A4+09 1 1(D9R9 1 I M9,V9 0-1::4:42 PM 07:04-93 FM 09- 17:04 PNI 1 1,9919 11:09A9 1 1 A9A9 11 MWD9 01: <0: 12 PM 044 6:50 PM I•" 0t '11 I 19.4024 PSI Report Generated on: ++rows ao:a4:45 PM Clow Plume Condition History Save To File Filename: C:IKSTORYDATAIPLUME.CSV Nov 05 Nov 05 Nov 05 D6,00:00 034500 13:30:00 a DE:00:00 Nov 05 17:15:00 Print Nov 05 21:00:00 21 00:01 Current Time Zoom In Zoom t7ut Scroll left Scroll Right Heal—Reference 4700.0 5700.0 COGEN_CW_HEAT_REJECTION 3750.G 3250.0 COGEN OAT - TEMP- WEATH€R -1 59.0 60 -0 COGEN CA- HUMIDITY- WEATHER- 93:0 100.0 Temp_Referenoe 3760.0 3290.0 Haag Memorial Hasp>.al Gagers Weather data Temperature and Humidity 1 tAli Aye IIA17A9 tIAripll9 06[[19:6] Aa1 69%36:10 hat II:[2''I AM • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -140 [leg F (Dashed Line) ■v Flume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) 13• Reference Line =55 383{ 1916 I IM7109 1 IM7109 ■ beat Rejection MBH ❑v Reference Line =4700 coy lin9on T 11A57AY9 01= 48•_L' Pal Heat Rejection 11An7M I IM KA IIt97A99 04•.24;42 PM 07:4533 Pal 99:}7814 Pal t IM7ro9 11✓ iM9 {IxiAA IIR77I09 IlA57fi9 11:1? 29 ha; 01311:1 PAS O4 -26:56 PM 97;03:411 P%I 69:46:24 PM Report Generated on: 1 {ro7ros t9:9ao7Pr orial Hosph.al Cogen Weather Data 'temperature and Humidity s=.97 07 as 51.99 35,99 ?01]0 I IAl Aly 11 AMRAW I IA)SAYO On:011:06 AM G 36:10 AM 1 1111 -:3 i AM • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume Condition OWOff (Thick Lime) Lay Reference Line = 55 I IMAI9 I11 -1 S:}.' ? }I Heat Rejection 6577 -------- ---- -- 1916 I f m@J69 O,ReuO 11 A1iiAj9 0130:13 Phl 041264°46 PM 64;63:40 P51 1mam9 11MW9 Ims," 059600 A%1 O8:}6:44 AM H 13.'+ A.... ■ Heat Rejection MBH rev Reference Line =4700 �Y Repan I M809 11MHA 9 11M80% 171:21:41 PM 010h53 PM 693794 PM Report Generated on: 1i,va x1,o:o6:oa n+ ------------------------------------------------ 1 1 AJB109 I f m@J69 I I A1BI09 11 A1iiAj9 0130:13 Phl 041264°46 PM 64;63:40 P51 09.4024 ?M Report Generated on: 1i,va x1,o:o6:oa n+ Hoag Memorial Hosp..al Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 99.9? L3.91 b7,98 ! I Y9 4'19 I11[NA9 IlA9A9 11/09149 Ob:000i Am 11930:10 A;41 I IA! "F AM ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Lime) ■ Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Clashed Line) ■• Plume Condition ©rVOfl (Thick Line) BT Reference Line =55 063E 1410 n ,vui I IM9lu? IIA9,119 11 A09AW 11690:011 A'.I 4:' >0:44 X,41 11:1 ?:213 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH Ov Reference Line =4700 Clady wcgon I]A9+r19 Heat Rejection I I A4+09 1 1(D9R9 1 I M9,V9 0-1::4:42 PM 07:04-93 FM 09- 17:04 PNI 1 1,9919 11:09A9 1 1 A9A9 11 MWD9 01: <0: 12 PM 044 6:50 PM I•" 0t '11 I 19.4024 PSI Report Generated on: ++rows ao:a4:45 PM Haag 'Memorial Hosp._al Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity I -fa -97 53-9? 1 :4 44 ao.cw I III IM 1III 7+s79 11711+579 1.1711 A79 1 III 1A9 I1n IA9 IIII IA9 176:00.40 ,451 48:36:10 A%I 11112:_?] A.11. 01:46: }7 PM UL�4:42 Phi 07:00J3 PM 0937:1 P'AI ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ■ Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume Condition OrVOft (Thick Line) ©• Reference Line = 55 39 }I I9Y6 11711+S7Y 1f1117D9 06.01):DI1 ADS 08:36:44 A.'4I ■ Heat Rejection MRH ❑o Reference Line =4700 F�ec9+I Heat Rejection I III 1709 I III I 09 11111109 1inI w IIII IIX79 1 1:132? L AAi 01130:1 ^- PHI 0436j6 PNi 07:03:40 P ?I 09:4024 PM Report. Generated on: 1V11r0910:DD:10 PhA Hoag Memorial Hosp..al Cogen Wea #her Ctata Temperature and Humidity 9$.97 93.97 e ?98 3 LA i!1:99 ?IJ.W Illt?AI! Ilfl _A09 IIJl ^_A1EY I16{10:011 AM 11133n: 10 .i. \f 11 12:21 ANI • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Lime) ®■ Plume Condition OrVCIH (Thick Line) Q• 'Reference Line =55 3531 €946 1111'.A9 1 In2AW9 06:60:00 AM 111:3d:44 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH p4 Reference Line =4700 �Y 1�port t IJ&* I Ili .?A9 01:493'_ P6'1 04::4:42 FM.. Heat Rejection 1012 wl I vj:r <! 07;06:53 Phi 09:375!7 PM 111609 1 w1 w 1111? ug I U1 A9 11: 13:2A A]I 01:56:1 = Fh1 04:2636 PM 07513:40 Phf - : tM Report Generated on: farf ceist66:f6Pn� c F 00S,- Plume Condition History Save To File Filename: C:1HIS T 0RYDATA%PLiJME.CSV Nov 14 Nov 14 Nov 14 05-00:00 09-45 00 13.30:00 G6:o�:aG d Print _ Nov 14 Nov 14 7.15.00 2.1:00 :00 27 -GO:flO + Current Time ZQ011i In Zoom C3ut Scroll Left Scroll Right Heat Referenw 4700.0 4700.0 COGEN CVh HEAT_RE=JECTION 2375.0 2680.0 CCGMI OAAT- TEMP - WEATHER -1 57.0 — - 7.0 COG EN OA-FlUMIOITY-WEATHER- 94 0 75.0 COGEN -PLUME ALARM 0.0 0.9 Temp Reference 2 °75 -0 2680.0 Hoag Memorial Hosp..al en Weather Data Temperatures and Humidity 99 b ^_910. N/A i l e 14.579 11014109 1 I f 14A9 1 k 114M9 06170 :00 AM 09 :3b :10 A%I 11:12:!1 AM 01:4632 PM ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ■ Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■• Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) ■• Reference Line = 55 Heat Rejection ?x;! N/A 3831 1918 -1111 LL19 I 10 4+T19 1IfIJAN I In." np!.IUa7D qs1 ON It s..,}1 11:1 .j }1 1130:12 PM ■ Heat Rejection MBH ©• Reference Line =4700 I I!I4109 11n4A9 11114A9 04 --24:42 Phl 07:00'53 PM 0937M PM 11!1ZN 1Ii I1R)9 11714!09 04ih:ib PM 07;4 3;40 P%I 0-AD26PM Report Generated on: 15 r4,og so:ao:ers PIA Hoag Memorial Hosp. -A Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity n, v7 ,07 i s. w9 I I,173J99 S 110.iA4 I IA4A9 I tIW/dS1 I it6Se04 11R61f114 1.IA3+114 <le;001,00 AM [18;76:10 A"N 11:12' -2I AM UI:49•;2 P \f 01;:3:4: PM 07:W:53 PM 047:04 P1I • Relative Humidity 20 -1 DD % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume conditon Orvof€ CMck Line) m• Reference Line =55 Heat Rejection s Heat Refection MBH Ov Reference Line = 4700 y Haan Report Generated on: i i:oe os to:oo:aa Pht Hoag Memorial Hosp. -A Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity n, v7 ,07 i s. w9 I I,173J99 S 110.iA4 I IA4A9 I tIW/dS1 I it6Se04 11R61f114 1.IA3+114 <le;001,00 AM [18;76:10 A"N 11:12' -2I AM UI:49•;2 P \f 01;:3:4: PM 07:W:53 PM 047:04 P1I • Relative Humidity 20 -1 DD % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume conditon Orvof€ CMck Line) m• Reference Line =55 Heat Rejection s Heat Refection MBH Ov Reference Line = 4700 y Haan Report Generated on: i i:oe os to:oo:aa Pht Haag Memorial Hospt al Gogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity +1 Y7• ,3 97. t,7 Y&- ' 6'/Y- $.49- 20.W� 11105A9 1IMM)Y IIffl ;' 9 06-100:00 .i \t 0136:16 .AM 11:1"_: =1 A.ti1 • Relative humidity 20 -100 % (Sofid Line) • Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Crashed Line) By Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) e• Reference Line = 55 3931 1916 G.OW 1 tasv9 I tus,v9 06,004111 q;4 08:36:14 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH o■ Reference Line =4700 on,y aepon 11+95x19 1 I =13 ^8 AM WA 11 A15MY Ol PNt Heat Rejection _l±1CA►_ 1lAiN4 01.:10:1_ PM 1 1105+99 l 1N51U9 1 11U$N9 D4 24A'_ Pti1 07A)05,, PX1 GY:37:04 P%1 t IA3111Y o IAi,O9 t Idt15F19 0x;2636 7t1 01.03:30 PM 09;S02t Pa, Report Generated on; 11Aa 04 ,A:DO: �1 Haag Memorial Hospt al Gogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity +1 Y7• ,3 97. t,7 Y&- ' 6'/Y- $.49- 20.W� 11105A9 1IMM)Y IIffl ;' 9 06-100:00 .i \t 0136:16 .AM 11:1"_: =1 A.ti1 • Relative humidity 20 -100 % (Sofid Line) • Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Crashed Line) By Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) e• Reference Line = 55 3931 1916 G.OW 1 tasv9 I tus,v9 06,004111 q;4 08:36:14 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH o■ Reference Line =4700 on,y aepon 11+95x19 1 I =13 ^8 AM WA 11 A15MY Ol PNt Heat Rejection _l±1CA►_ 1lAiN4 01.:10:1_ PM 1 1105+99 l 1N51U9 1 11U$N9 D4 24A'_ Pti1 07A)05,, PX1 GY:37:04 P%1 t IA3111Y o IAi,O9 t Idt15F19 0x;2636 7t1 01.03:30 PM 09;S02t Pa, Report Generated on; 11Aa 04 ,A:DO: �1 Hoag Memorial Hosp. -A Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity n, v7 ,07 i s. w9 I I,173J99 S 110.iA4 I IA4A9 I tIW/dS1 I it6Se04 11R61f114 1.IA3+114 <le;001,00 AM [18;76:10 A"N 11:12' -2I AM UI:49•;2 P \f 01;:3:4: PM 07:W:53 PM 047:04 P1I • Relative Humidity 20 -1 DD % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume conditon Orvof€ CMck Line) m• Reference Line =55 Heat Rejection s Heat Refection MBH Ov Reference Line = 4700 y Haan Report Generated on: i i:oe os to:oo:aa Pht Hoag Memorial Hosp. -A Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity n, v7 ,07 i s. w9 I I,173J99 S 110.iA4 I IA4A9 I tIW/dS1 I it6Se04 11R61f114 1.IA3+114 <le;001,00 AM [18;76:10 A"N 11:12' -2I AM UI:49•;2 P \f 01;:3:4: PM 07:W:53 PM 047:04 P1I • Relative Humidity 20 -1 DD % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume conditon Orvof€ CMck Line) m• Reference Line =55 Heat Rejection s Heat Refection MBH Ov Reference Line = 4700 y Haan Report Generated on: i i:oe os to:oo:aa Pht Haag Memorial Hospt al Gogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity +1 Y7• ,3 97. t,7 Y&- ' 6'/Y- $.49- 20.W� 11105A9 1IMM)Y IIffl ;' 9 06-100:00 .i \t 0136:16 .AM 11:1"_: =1 A.ti1 • Relative humidity 20 -100 % (Sofid Line) • Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Crashed Line) By Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) e• Reference Line = 55 3931 1916 G.OW 1 tasv9 I tus,v9 06,004111 q;4 08:36:14 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH o■ Reference Line =4700 on,y aepon 11+95x19 1 I =13 ^8 AM WA 11 A15MY Ol PNt Heat Rejection _l±1CA►_ 1lAiN4 01.:10:1_ PM 1 1105+99 l 1N51U9 1 11U$N9 D4 24A'_ Pti1 07A)05,, PX1 GY:37:04 P%1 t IA3111Y o IAi,O9 t Idt15F19 0x;2636 7t1 01.03:30 PM 09;S02t Pa, Report Generated on; 11Aa 04 ,A:DO: �1 Haag Memorial Hospt al Gogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity +1 Y7• ,3 97. t,7 Y&- ' 6'/Y- $.49- 20.W� 11105A9 1IMM)Y IIffl ;' 9 06-100:00 .i \t 0136:16 .AM 11:1"_: =1 A.ti1 • Relative humidity 20 -100 % (Sofid Line) • Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Crashed Line) By Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) e• Reference Line = 55 3931 1916 G.OW 1 tasv9 I tus,v9 06,004111 q;4 08:36:14 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH o■ Reference Line =4700 on,y aepon 11+95x19 1 I =13 ^8 AM WA 11 A15MY Ol PNt Heat Rejection _l±1CA►_ 1lAiN4 01.:10:1_ PM 1 1105+99 l 1N51U9 1 11U$N9 D4 24A'_ Pti1 07A)05,, PX1 GY:37:04 P%1 t IA3111Y o IAi,O9 t Idt15F19 0x;2636 7t1 01.03:30 PM 09;S02t Pa, Report Generated on; 11Aa 04 ,A:DO: �1 orial Hosph.al Cogen Weather Data 'temperature and Humidity s=.97 07 as 51.99 35,99 ?01]0 I IAl Aly 11 AMRAW I IA)SAYO On:011:06 AM G 36:10 AM 1 1111 -:3 i AM • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume Condition OWOff (Thick Lime) Lay Reference Line = 55 I IMAI9 I11 -1 S:}.' ? }I Heat Rejection 6577 -------- ---- -- 1916 I f m@J69 O,ReuO 11 A1iiAj9 0130:13 Phl 041264°46 PM 64;63:40 P51 1mam9 11MW9 Ims," 059600 A%1 O8:}6:44 AM H 13.'+ A.... ■ Heat Rejection MBH rev Reference Line =4700 �Y Repan I M809 11MHA 9 11M80% 171:21:41 PM 010h53 PM 693794 PM Report Generated on: 1i,va x1,o:o6:oa n+ ------------------------------------------------ 1 1 AJB109 I f m@J69 I I A1BI09 11 A1iiAj9 0130:13 Phl 041264°46 PM 64;63:40 P51 09.4024 ?M Report Generated on: 1i,va x1,o:o6:oa n+ Hoag Memorial Hosp..al Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 99.9? L3.91 b7,98 ! I Y9 4'19 I11[NA9 IlA9A9 11/09149 Ob:000i Am 11930:10 A;41 I IA! "F AM ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Lime) ■ Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Clashed Line) ■• Plume Condition ©rVOfl (Thick Line) BT Reference Line =55 063E 1410 n ,vui I IM9lu? IIA9,119 11 A09AW 11690:011 A'.I 4:' >0:44 X,41 11:1 ?:213 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH Ov Reference Line =4700 Clady wcgon I]A9+r19 Heat Rejection I I A4+09 1 1(D9R9 1 I M9,V9 0-1::4:42 PM 07:04-93 FM 09- 17:04 PNI 1 1,9919 11:09A9 1 1 A9A9 11 MWD9 01: <0: 12 PM 044 6:50 PM I•" 0t '11 I 19.4024 PSI Report Generated on: ++rows ao:a4:45 PM Clow Plume Condition History Save To File Filename: C:IKSTORYDATAIPLUME.CSV Nov 05 Nov 05 Nov 05 D6,00:00 034500 13:30:00 a DE:00:00 Nov 05 17:15:00 Print Nov 05 21:00:00 21 00:01 Current Time Zoom In Zoom t7ut Scroll left Scroll Right Heal—Reference 4700.0 5700.0 COGEN_CW_HEAT_REJECTION 3750.G 3250.0 COGEN OAT - TEMP- WEATH€R -1 59.0 60 -0 COGEN CA- HUMIDITY- WEATHER- 93:0 100.0 Temp_Referenoe 3760.0 3290.0 Haag Memorial Hasp>.al Gagers Weather data Temperature and Humidity 1 tAli Aye IIA17A9 tIAripll9 06[[19:6] Aa1 69%36:10 hat II:[2''I AM • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -140 [leg F (Dashed Line) ■v Flume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) 13• Reference Line =55 383{ 1916 I IM7109 1 IM7109 ■ beat Rejection MBH ❑v Reference Line =4700 coy lin9on T 11A57AY9 01= 48•_L' Pal Heat Rejection 11An7M I IM KA IIt97A99 04•.24;42 PM 07:4533 Pal 99:}7814 Pal t IM7ro9 11✓ iM9 {IxiAA IIR77I09 IlA57fi9 11:1? 29 ha; 01311:1 PAS O4 -26:56 PM 97;03:411 P%I 69:46:24 PM Report Generated on: 1 {ro7ros t9:9ao7Pr orial Hosph.al Cogen Weather Data 'temperature and Humidity s=.97 07 as 51.99 35,99 ?01]0 I IAl Aly 11 AMRAW I IA)SAYO On:011:06 AM G 36:10 AM 1 1111 -:3 i AM • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume Condition OWOff (Thick Lime) Lay Reference Line = 55 I IMAI9 I11 -1 S:}.' ? }I Heat Rejection 6577 -------- ---- -- 1916 I f m@J69 O,ReuO 11 A1iiAj9 0130:13 Phl 041264°46 PM 64;63:40 P51 1mam9 11MW9 Ims," 059600 A%1 O8:}6:44 AM H 13.'+ A.... ■ Heat Rejection MBH rev Reference Line =4700 �Y Repan I M809 11MHA 9 11M80% 171:21:41 PM 010h53 PM 693794 PM Report Generated on: 1i,va x1,o:o6:oa n+ ------------------------------------------------ 1 1 AJB109 I f m@J69 I I A1BI09 11 A1iiAj9 0130:13 Phl 041264°46 PM 64;63:40 P51 09.4024 ?M Report Generated on: 1i,va x1,o:o6:oa n+ Hoag Memorial Hosp..al Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 99.9? L3.91 b7,98 ! I Y9 4'19 I11[NA9 IlA9A9 11/09149 Ob:000i Am 11930:10 A;41 I IA! "F AM ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Lime) ■ Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Clashed Line) ■• Plume Condition ©rVOfl (Thick Line) BT Reference Line =55 063E 1410 n ,vui I IM9lu? IIA9,119 11 A09AW 11690:011 A'.I 4:' >0:44 X,41 11:1 ?:213 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH Ov Reference Line =4700 Clady wcgon I]A9+r19 Heat Rejection I I A4+09 1 1(D9R9 1 I M9,V9 0-1::4:42 PM 07:04-93 FM 09- 17:04 PNI 1 1,9919 11:09A9 1 1 A9A9 11 MWD9 01: <0: 12 PM 044 6:50 PM I•" 0t '11 I 19.4024 PSI Report Generated on: ++rows ao:a4:45 PM Haag 'Memorial Hosp._al Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity I -fa -97 53-9? 1 :4 44 ao.cw I III IM 1III 7+s79 11711+579 1.1711 A79 1 III 1A9 I1n IA9 IIII IA9 176:00.40 ,451 48:36:10 A%I 11112:_?] A.11. 01:46: }7 PM UL�4:42 Phi 07:00J3 PM 0937:1 P'AI ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ■ Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume Condition OrVOft (Thick Line) ©• Reference Line = 55 39 }I I9Y6 11711+S7Y 1f1117D9 06.01):DI1 ADS 08:36:44 A.'4I ■ Heat Rejection MRH ❑o Reference Line =4700 F�ec9+I Heat Rejection I III 1709 I III I 09 11111109 1inI w IIII IIX79 1 1:132? L AAi 01130:1 ^- PHI 0436j6 PNi 07:03:40 P ?I 09:4024 PM Report. Generated on: 1V11r0910:DD:10 PhA Hoag Memorial Hosp..al Cogen Wea #her Ctata Temperature and Humidity 9$.97 93.97 e ?98 3 LA i!1:99 ?IJ.W Illt?AI! Ilfl _A09 IIJl ^_A1EY I16{10:011 AM 11133n: 10 .i. \f 11 12:21 ANI • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Lime) ®■ Plume Condition OrVCIH (Thick Line) Q• 'Reference Line =55 3531 €946 1111'.A9 1 In2AW9 06:60:00 AM 111:3d:44 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH p4 Reference Line =4700 �Y 1�port t IJ&* I Ili .?A9 01:493'_ P6'1 04::4:42 FM.. Heat Rejection 1012 wl I vj:r <! 07;06:53 Phi 09:375!7 PM 111609 1 w1 w 1111? ug I U1 A9 11: 13:2A A]I 01:56:1 = Fh1 04:2636 PM 07513:40 Phf - : tM Report Generated on: farf ceist66:f6Pn� c F 00S,- Plume Condition History Save To File Filename: C:1HIS T 0RYDATA%PLiJME.CSV Nov 14 Nov 14 Nov 14 05-00:00 09-45 00 13.30:00 G6:o�:aG d Print _ Nov 14 Nov 14 7.15.00 2.1:00 :00 27 -GO:flO + Current Time ZQ011i In Zoom C3ut Scroll Left Scroll Right Heat Referenw 4700.0 4700.0 COGEN CVh HEAT_RE=JECTION 2375.0 2680.0 CCGMI OAAT- TEMP - WEATHER -1 57.0 — - 7.0 COG EN OA-FlUMIOITY-WEATHER- 94 0 75.0 COGEN -PLUME ALARM 0.0 0.9 Temp Reference 2 °75 -0 2680.0 Hoag Memorial Hosp..al en Weather Data Temperatures and Humidity 99 b ^_910. N/A i l e 14.579 11014109 1 I f 14A9 1 k 114M9 06170 :00 AM 09 :3b :10 A%I 11:12:!1 AM 01:4632 PM ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ■ Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■• Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) ■• Reference Line = 55 Heat Rejection ?x;! N/A 3831 1918 -1111 LL19 I 10 4+T19 1IfIJAN I In." np!.IUa7D qs1 ON It s..,}1 11:1 .j }1 1130:12 PM ■ Heat Rejection MBH ©• Reference Line =4700 I I!I4109 11n4A9 11114A9 04 --24:42 Phl 07:00'53 PM 0937M PM 11!1ZN 1Ii I1R)9 11714!09 04ih:ib PM 07;4 3;40 P%I 0-AD26PM Report Generated on: 15 r4,og so:ao:ers PIA cfost. Plume Condition History Save To Fife Filename: CAH1STORYDATAIPLUME.CSV Nov 15 Nov 15 Nov 15 Jc00:n.0 09:45.00 13:30:00 Nov 15 17:15:40 Print Nov 15 Heal—Reference 21:00:00 06:00:00 21:00:00 > Current Time 2aam In Zcam out Scrall Leit Scroll Right 4700 -0 4700 -0 COGEN CW HEAT—REJECTION 2720.0 3290.0 COGEN OAT - TEMP - WEATHER -1 53.0 60 -0 COGEN OA-HUL41DFTY-WEATHER- 6O 0 54 -0 COGEN_PLUME ALARM 0 0 0.0 Temp_Refemrice 2720..0 3290.0 n7.Y5 I 51 YY t 35.Y9 Hoag Memorial Hospr.al en Weather Data _ 'temperature and Humidity NIA 11/15A79 1 [fI5A9 11115±09 11113409 111631P9 I I11.SR9 I I113N9 ❑014410 A }1 [18:35:10 AM 11:1 ANI 01;48:3? PM 0484:42 PM 07110-53 PM 09:37:04 ?Ni • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■■ Plume Condition OrVOff (Thick Line) ■ v Reference Line =55 5747 36,1 1916 �f +131[19 lllISNY '.:I'11 °. 45A0:00 AM 4ti:36 °44 AM I : I - .2,..'..`.1 ■ Heat Rejection MBH ®w Reference Line =4700 Heat Rejection NIA Iaii V'. IIA 5ILH II�IFi1H i,'I STJu Report Generated on; nits o9 tavou3 Fra -- Hoag Memorial Hosp,dal Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity •_ .97 -4$ - - - . -Y io tHi 11f168Y9 1ii66814 1iJ16819 n9c1uu+:I M36:10 A41 11!12:2 tAM • 'Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ®• Plume Condition CrVOff (Tuck Line) ❑• Reference Line= 55 3x37 1910 1Ir16�a9 larlt�t+9 06911:00 AJM 08:56:44 ANT ■ Heat Rejection MBH ®* Reference Line =4700 ce�y aepan T t 11 i 6f17°i 01:3$;32 PM Heat Rejection T 1 llk6N9 03'd3i3� Pi! 11116579 11116819 t -W--i3 ?,M 095PDA P %I 11/168W 16A68M1 „ 111338:%74 A130:13 P ?1 I Report Generated on: Hoag Memorial Ho$pILal Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 94.47 i �.j 63.47 Ii7,9li ' - ----- - ------- - - - ! 1 i31.991.r i 3599j IM U9 I III 7N4 ! rl -.I09 415:00:00 AM G6:36 :IV AIM il.l1. -11 �Nl • Re€ative Humidify 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Dashed Line) a► Plume Condition Onfpff (7hick Line) Ely Reference Line =55 3%31 1416 n rau� 111171ID4 11117M9 - 06:00:00 &M U8:36%41 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH ar Reference Line =4740 I tll7tir4 Heat Dejection 11717109 111171U9 IIII TA9 04,- 1.3:42 PM 0%051 0937,U PhI l M i104 I I l I i,Ry9 ! 1 /'1 7!09 1 M e e!09 [7741[1:11 -PM 04: =a36 P!I U':OiaO PM 09.4u:N PM Report Generated on: 'I117u4 o:oa:?TPrr 1 Haag Memorial H I Cogen Weather Ciat Temperature and Tumidity g9.v7� 83.b7 67.98 i f' '1 [f1E109 IIflN+Y19 II!! &RP7 [W MY-09 AM EI W111 Ahl 11 ;12;21 AM ■ Relative 1- tumidity 20 -100 % (solid Line) ■ Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) '• Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) n• Reference Line =55 T a In7w9 III -483 = PM Heat Rejection ------------------ 3031 t9t6 1 111"Y 1 111 SAW I I el eblw I I 115t74 f1lb. -W.60 a'.'. 0913b:; ,Lm o 1 -11 2N Arl Ill a01 I'_ P %1 A Heat Rejection fdfBH E3 Reference Line= 4700 M ABpart II11ko9 IIIIe09 on m 04:24142 PM 117:0173] PM W9!37AX PM Report Generated on: +v,vos+o:oo:oz Rw Hoag Memorial Hvsp_ _A Cvgen Weather Data j Temperature and Humidity i 99.9, 83.97 67.99 1I :�I SI.99• �' 35.99• +400 4 1119109 i 1139N9 ] 1119n19 9600.90 AM GSO&'l O A51 11.13: =1 AM ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Sc id Line) ■ Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Lune) ■* Plume Condition ONOfi (Thick Line) ■v Reference Line =55 3,y3€ ]9i6 ]1MUN 1[119419 MARI'511 ,1.%'I G8: }6:44 Alf ■ Heat Rejection MBH Ov Reference Line =4700 I i �Y r�vcn N/A l 1 r 19,vu PM Heat Rejection € 1l194i9 I I I I i D; 10:,. -11 €1119!1)9 Ilni m 11119109 IIA9,6S9 11/19/69 11:1?-:'.6 AAS 0IS0112PM 114;26;56 P.M 07:63:40 P1: 119:iG:34 p11 Report Generated on: stltaKlB �ng6� nu c , Plume Condition History Save To File Filename: CAHIST©RYDATATLUME.CSV Nov 19 Nov 79 Nov 19 06:00:00 09:45:00 13:30:00 + 08:00:00 + Nov 19 17:15:00 Print Nov 19 24'00:00 Heat Refarenee 4700.0 4700.0 COGEN CW HF-AT_REJECTION 2070.0 3290..9 COG N OAT- TEMP_WEATHER -1 51.0 59.0 COGEN OA- HUMIDITY - WEATHER 100.0 99.0 OOGEN_PLUME_ALARM 0.0 Temp_Reference r 27 .00:00 _ i 2010.:0 Current Time loam In Zoom slut 81 rs�ll Leff Scroll Right Wt 3290.0 Hoag-Memorial Hos - _al Go en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity i 44.97 is3s7 167.41I- 31.99• 33.99 • �U W• :I/_"UA9 11201114 ]If"�414 Otl:00;00 q,N 08;36;!0 AN ] I.I��I r1.°1 ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Sand Line) ■ Temperature 20 -900 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■.• Plume Condition On/Off (thick Line) ®■ Reference Line =55 3811 144b r7TA I Mn 01:4,1;32 PM Heat Rejection MENNEU I Ir^_G109 IIf2am IInOM9 04 ^4:41 . PM 07:M ..33 PM 09:37:04 PM Ilr_ILIA lln, mM IIRa99 Ilrzaa4 01 -�0.:'_ P1I 04 166 5h PM fl ?:113:40 PM [}4:11!.24 PS: Re port Gene rated on: +7t2GY00i0,00:03Ph AM It I :._5 AM ® Heat Rejection MBH riv Reference Line =4700 r7TA I Mn 01:4,1;32 PM Heat Rejection MENNEU I Ir^_G109 IIf2am IInOM9 04 ^4:41 . PM 07:M ..33 PM 09:37:04 PM Ilr_ILIA lln, mM IIRa99 Ilrzaa4 01 -�0.:'_ P1I 04 166 5h PM fl ?:113:40 PM [}4:11!.24 PS: Re port Gene rated on: +7t2GY00i0,00:03Ph FC Plume Condition History Save To Fie Rename- GftHJ5TQRYDATA1PLUME;C5V Nov 20 Nov 20 Nov 20 Nov 20 06:00:00 09:45:00 13:30:00 17:15:00 Print Nov 20 Feat Reference 21:00:00 + 06:00:00 21 :00 :00 Current Time Zoom In Zoom Out scroll Lefi scroll Right --- 4700.0 COGEN CW HEAT REJECTION 3820.0 COGENV OAT- TEMP - WEATHER -1 — 57.0 COGEN OA4AUMtDITY-WEATHER- 100.0 COGEN —PLUME -ALARM D.0 Temp_Fteference — 3920.0 Hoag Memorial Hoap_.al Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 44,47• 53.97 67.96. 51 49. J 9.44 ?U,Uul Oh910 -1lil A%1 011-36,30 A,.r 11'1 ='I W a Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) a Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Dashed Line) m► Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) p► Reference Line= 55 19161 JS lb-14 XN I e Heat Rejection MBH 13► Reference Line= 4700 �v �eaon 'WA t 1!'IflYA Pleat Rejection M 1112IM9 1 121ft79 11 fl I?U9 UA_24. 42 PA1 07:611:53 P51 04:T,:1t PM 1=1,414 IIP_i,Y)9 ItG IdG7 tYC IPU9 1 1 _:!.h' =r I'M q ?rU3 -fl PM L%}:Sllsa PM Report Generated on. 1424h 3l0:00:� Pln Clos- 'Plume Condition History Save To File Flenarne: C.tH]STORYE)ATA\PLUME.CSV Nov 21 Nov 21 Nov 21 06:00:00 09•.45:00 13:90:00 Nov 21 17 -15:00 i�rint Nov 21 21:00:00 NMI 21:00.Op Current Time Zoom fn Zaam Out Scroll Left Scroll Right Heat Reference 4700.0 4700.0 COGEN_CW- HEAT_REOECTION 2820.0 3760.0 COGEN OAT - TEMP - WEATHER -1 54.0 57.0 COGEN OA-HUM161TY-WEATHER- 100.0 100.0 COGEN_PLUME ALARM 0.0 0.0 Temp_Reference 2920.0 3760:0 Hoag Memorial Hose -_al Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity I I ' 19997 60.9} 6a.96 WA i 91:99 :fep;l� IIr_7w II?'?M Itln -209 II MM ' 06:0000 AM 0636:10 AN ! 1:12:21 AM 01::5: c+ P %I • Relative Humidity 20.100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■v Plume Condition On/Off (Thiel¢ Line) BT Reference Line = 55 Heat Rejection N/A 14E6 n imn 06:00:00 A %I '1 ' ; ....,.. ■ Heat Rejection MBH e■ Reference Line =4700 Report Generated on: trrlms ]o:oa.a3 Rn [LOS Plume Condition History Save To Fle FikKiame: C:IHISTORYOATAIPLUME.CSV Nov 22 Nov 22 Nov 22 Nov 22 00:00:00 09.45.00 13:30:00 17:15:00 Print Nov 22 21:00.00 21:00:00 Current lone Zaam In Zoom Out Scroll Left SCraU Right Heat Reference 4740.0 4700.0 COGEtJ_CW HEAT REJECTION 2750A 3330.0 COGEN OAT- TEMP - WEATHER -1 53.0 57.0 COGEN OA- HUMIDITY- LNE4THER 100.0 100.0 COGEN_PLUME ALARM 0.0 4.0 Temp_Reference 2750-0 3330.0 H 011*91JU 35 99� Memorial HoSphfr.al Cogen Temperature and Humidity I I,13M9 11123N% 111 =3109 116:00.00 AM 0 &:34:10 Ali 11:12.21 A19 • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Dashed Line) my Plume Condition Or0Off (Thick Line) By Reference Line = 55 sssal 1916 I1C3Ak4 41 ��;VJti Ilr_;;u, lw:Otlim .a >1 ^Iy:5n:33 n61 na; 2a qA1 ■ Heat Rejection MSH OT Retererc:e Line= 4700 Weather Data - - - - -- -- -- --------- ---------- - - - - -- - --------------------- t 11!169 1 Il23N9 I Ir3mq I 1123N9 01:383`— PNi 03.24,42 PM 07:00'33 PM 10937:64 Phi Heat Rejection I U�:ia ^+ t9P3A74 I IL'�i,N9 04:1034 PJUt Report Generated on. 1123b91o� I close Plume Condition History Save To File Filename: OHISTORYPATAIpinme.csv Nov 24 Nov 24 Nov 24 Nov 24 0:::00:00 09 =45:00 13:30:00 17:75:00 Print Nov 24 Heaf_Reference 21:00:00 06:00:QD 21:00:00 Current Time Zoom In Zoom t7ut Scroll Left Scroll li3ght 4700.0 4700.0 COGEN_M HEAT REJECTION 3290.0 4995.0 COGEN OAT- TEMP - WEATHER -1 57.0 61,0 COGEN oA- HWM:IDITY- WEATHER 100.0 20.0 COGEN_PLIJME ALARM 00 a.o Temp_Reference, 3290.E 4995.0 Hoag Memorial 'HOSPILal Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity n :- -cs ur2+aa4 t1r_4m4 air�w4 L, 01 r9 Ax1 0936:10ANI 11:1211 AIM 0I:432PM • Relaltve Hunfiid'tty 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) av Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) ®• Reference Line =55 3531 141 �4f1� -.iNV 11J'_1AS4 I:i' =ue 0890:ml A11 0500:44 a%I 11::3 -x A-M Heat Rejeabon M13H OF Reference Lim =4700 Celt' Rspon Heat Rejection WA 1 124104 04:24;42 Phi I Ir-4w I1f 4" 07".53 PM 04371D4 P'M I Il'_4109 1 tP.J=fW I 1 .�24n:V 11r2 03 0050:1' PSt 04.16 :56 f =7•.1 ,1713?40 Pat 04:4",24. PM Report Generated on: f txa04 00;0{ pg PM close Plume Condition History Save To FRe Filename- i .AH1STORYDATAIpiume.csv Nov 25 Nov 25 Nov 25 06 00 00 09:45:00 1330:00 06:00,00 Print Nov 25 Nov 25 17:15:00 27:00:00 27.00:60 Current Time Zaam In 2com Out Scroll isit SGroil Right Heat_Reference 4700' -O 4704.0 COGEN-CW_HEAT REJECTION 3250.0 4700.0 CC)GEN OAT- TEMP - WEATHER -1 54.0 67 -0 COGEN 0A- HUMIDITY- WEATHER- 75..03 15.0 COGEN_PLUME_ALARM 0.0 0.0 Temp_Reference 3290.0 4700.0 99.91• 61.9 &• i 51.44• ?5.49• Hoaq Memorial Hospital Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity N/A 111,559 I]1," -3+49 l0!'�'J09 tl�'_S+tYI 1912b+r➢9 11✓��`,R� E9fj�N'1 06:00.00 AM 0 &3610 AAY 11 :1221 ANN 01..AU2 P%I 0424.;13 PM 07:0033 PM 0937,04 PM • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■• Plume Condition On/Off (!lick Line) ■* Reference Line = 55 I IMJ09 1Ir ..0 06:W:011 AM ii }p s3 AS ■ Heat Rejection MSH o• Reference Line =4700 iiepon Heat Rejection M, II' "_SR4 1IP$M Etr.,SAN IIf1UA 111,509 I I:11 _� AM 0130:12 PM 0426 :�o PM 0103;46 PM 09.4034 PhS Report Generated on: �tr1' io ucroar ciosn Plume Condition History Save To File Filename: C:WISTCRYDATAXPLUME.CSV Nov 26 Nov 26 Nov 25 Nov 26 06:00:00 09:45:00 13:30:00 77:95:00 Print Nov 26 Heal Reference 21:00:00 06:00:00 71:00:00 urrentTime mom In Zovrrr Out Scrol{ Left Scroll Right 4700.0 4700.0 C OGEN_C4Y_H EAT_REJ ECTION 4000.0 4635.0 CCGEN CAT- TEMP - WEATHER -1 52.0 59.0 COGEN OA- HUMIDITY - WEATHER• 46.0 64.0 C©GEN_PLUMFE_ALARM OD 6.4 Ternp_Reference 40GO.0 4635.6 T 1 9.97 S3.97 - 67.98 S 1,99 33 -99 Memorial HaspILal Cogen Temperature and Humidity ,6 -ix1. - 11126109 I r_arov 11 C2 09 1h:176 -% AM 08:36: 10 AM 11:12.11 A%l • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20-100 Deg F {Dashed Line} ■• Plume Condition OrVOff (T7uck Line) a v Refererlre Line =55 3831 191ti 111"r61U9 I f+�'6n.39 I RC6.rthu 1W:1HMi AM os:?L," AM 11.1 i:2� AM s Heat Rejection MBH ary Reference Line = 4700 Wuy aep9n N/A 11 r-"9 01:48L4_' ?%I Heat Rejection N/A Weather Data 1126m 11f26D9 1123A9 0 24;42 P51 67:9653 FM 69;37:44 PM tIr%+64 III'_60Y I J:6l64 1lr-Ww 0130:12 P%l 64:26:56 P1) 117-03 -0 PM 094413:24 PM Report Generated on: 112b 69 tFY06:IXiPM lwlc llvwl l"l Il lw%xy.-CAll vv c�� rr cuay >I�1 y.ra LSa Temperature and Humidity x: bi.VR N/A i1 S1.99 i$.99 9;-n 3831 1916 11rri+u9 11r�n69 C&MIH, all OS:36�3,i \1 ■ Heat Rejection MSH er Relerence Line =4700 �' spat Heat Rejection -WA I tl2&" I.IP -SAR D4;24 13 PM 0::(1653 Pl+I 11rSID9 0937.4a PM I Ir_"N 11r&09 tl(-' uq lr-" 11rmw 11:13:'S AM 01:10:12 P %1 W2656 PNI x17.03:10 PN1 04'.111;34 PM Report Generated on: sirzeros 1a66,oaPr�' I LPSM IIr8l09 ItrSN9 IIri17119 6G {16;6[1 AM 0936:101 AM IJAI :!I AM 01s UZPM • Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Gushed Line) ■• Piume Condition OrVOff (Thick Lane) Q* Reference Line = 55 9;-n 3831 1916 11rri+u9 11r�n69 C&MIH, all OS:36�3,i \1 ■ Heat Rejection MSH er Relerence Line =4700 �' spat Heat Rejection -WA I tl2&" I.IP -SAR D4;24 13 PM 0::(1653 Pl+I 11rSID9 0937.4a PM I Ir_"N 11r&09 tl(-' uq lr-" 11rmw 11:13:'S AM 01:10:12 P %1 W2656 PNI x17.03:10 PN1 04'.111;34 PM Report Generated on: sirzeros 1a66,oaPr�' Fc Plume Condition History Save To File Faename: CiiHISTORYDATA%PLUME.M Nov 28 Nov 28 Nov 28 08;00:00 09:45:00 13:30:00 s 06:0I]:Q0 Print Nov 28 Nov 28 17:15.00 21.00.00 Current Time Zac1m !n Zoom but Sernll l eft serail Right Heat—Reference 4700.0 4700.0 COGEN_CW HE4T_REJECTION 2350.0 3325.0 COGEN OAT - TEMP - WEATHER -1 57-0 _ 57.0 COGEN OA- HUMIDITY- WEATHER• 81.0 75.0 COGEN PLUME ALARM 0.0 00 Temry Reference 2350.0 3325.Q i 83 :9F JI 67.9tl 51.99 35.99 Hoag Memorial Hose. -al Cogen Weather L?aia Temperature and Humidity 1 11_'9109 [ IT-19M 1 lJ_'9AW i75 :W:00 AM 08 -30:10 AM 11;12;21 AM x Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Lire) ® Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Lirte) oT Plume Condition ONOff (Thck Line) nT Reference Line= 55 9478 7(163 5747 -. ._.- _____ ____ ___ - - - - - -- 19f6 - - n M 11,29109 I1✓ =9109 I IP— AM 116'00:06 AIM d%S 3? 'a= A }I 1 i a ? -._3 AM e Heat Rejection MBH Qv Reference Line =4700 o�ay span 1 17'_9109 01:&832 PM Heat Rejection - - - - - r. ------- - - - - -- 11,79A9 04:24:42 PNI 41/29!09 nF�ss PM I1724P09 093794 PM 11291P9 i I IIP_9109 01!0.1? FM 07:03:45 P1t 09:40;24 F%l Report Generated on.- nszgros to:aa:co Pr Hoag Memorial. Hosp..al Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity `-- �`'"'-- - -- . y} ... ...... ..... ................. 611WL'. n IIV3[N79 rlr3urtr9 Ilnum9 114_M 110 All 0536: I0 ANI I I: t_:21 .jai • Relative Humlidity 20 -1 OD % (Solid Lire) • Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ■T Plume Condition OrVOft (Thick Line) ®► Reference Line =55 I I730rr19 u l 4:3I PM Heat Rejection I1nam9 IP4'4,.I` P \I pV4P 19i8 ' VI1i}0�419 Ilr3fli09 06;00:00 .AXI 09;kPA4 AM ■ Heat Rejection MBH B• Reference Line =4700 %6fy riBpGrt I I awq 07:0053 PM. 117,}0,119 09137:114 PM I Ica" I MOM 11 rJOM 11130/09 i 113 0AN 11:13.. ^_8 AM W;50:12 PM 00:36:56 PM 07:93:90 PM 09130.24 PM Report Generated on: 17r�nros,u aa:as PM Hoag Co Gen Weather Station Report October 2009 Hoa Memorial Hospital Co even. Weather Data Temperature and Humidity ., IMtinl� Yudi lIPl a Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (SDlid Line) L Temperature 20-100 I7eg F (Dashed Line) Ov Plume Gondikn On/Off (Thick Line) L r Reference Line = 55 L Heat Rejection MBH oY Reference Line =470D Daly Pagan Report Generated on:, iaavrr� i ®:w:ue�ns -,1.48':3" Phl Heat Dejection g41244: PM 117'(X149 Pal IW:77;pd "I Report Generated on:, iaavrr� i ®:w:ue�ns Hoag Hospital Newp©lt Beach, CA Database. Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity :�xs 525 LL 9 60.0 57 5 Dates 1 Times a o p a a 8 o a a a (a. NJ co t3 0 Co Cl 0 Q Q 0 d M c3 J �• 0 .3 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 0 Dates 1 Times a o p a a n a Psi W A LT Q 0 0 d V c3 co A Dates 1 Times 55.0 92.5 90.0 87.5 e°- 85.0 82.5 80.0 77.5 75.0 a o p a a a a N N N G7 V c3 co A s N Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 55.0 92.5 90.0 87.5 e°- 85.0 82.5 80.0 77.5 75.0 1 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 67 66 65 LL 64 63 62 61 Dates /Times IFRI mug f, 85 80 75 c t a o a V 8 a a a a a V cc sa a __4 a o o a e V a ® a V o a a C C v cc 0 a v to C a V a c a e © a a a a c a o a o Q©j O Co O © N W I+. al C r1 Co lD im N c q 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 q 0 O 0 0 0 O C Q 0 Q 0 O 0 O a O 0 O a C7 Dates /Times IFRI mug f, 85 80 75 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 67.5 65.0 L ° 62.5 .1 1 wl i C� CD a 0 a 23 (8 �5 8 �5 O 6 8 O W co a co 3 W Co OJ a 07 r3 00 a co o W 0 W 0 p o W ci W a C3 co c3 sa ep c. a (_0 eO so eM cCI Lo co CD C7 C) Q 3 N> N) N C o ra C4 Ch 0 v e3 c a u Q O O i7 d O a O p C Cj o Cf f7 L7 C7 4 O O q Q O a Q Q d Q Q O ® Q Q Q Dates J Times IWO 97.5 95.0 92.5 90.0 87.5 85.0 825 80.0 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station; Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 660 65.5 65 -0 64 5 64.0 LL 0 63.5 6M 62.5 520 P G O O O °a °a °a °a ro � cti p ca a a (M C5 o CCD p a M co CID 0 4 6 O O O M V Cp t O O C3 O O d p O O p p P G O O O ro � cti p ca a a a C5 CCD M W A Ln O p O O O p © O O O Dates / Times 100.0 97.5 95.0 92.5 90.0 87.5 85.0 82.5 80.0 CCD P a a a 6 9 r`3 (c LID (. r N N N C7 -4 co cp O N O O CS P O O O O O 0 O P O O 100.0 97.5 95.0 92.5 90.0 87.5 85.0 82.5 80.0 1 Haag Hospital Newport Bead, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity a Temperature Relative Humidity 64.5 64.0 63.5 63.0 LL 62.5 62.0 61.5 61.0 Station: Newport -Hoag Dates / Times 100.4 97.5 95.0 92.5 9o.a 87.5 85.0 a v o G� tG O tL a to 40 O � 4 C J �D o a t9 a a to a 8 CO CS � fL 9 CO o � to o a to a a 0 d 8 to O � CP O a 0 4 c3 40 O 0 a '+1 O co a t® i C j h3 - t,] A _ CF, co co N O N N.) N O a O O O a v O O O a C? O O P v O Dates / Times 100.4 97.5 95.0 92.5 9o.a 87.5 85.0 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database : Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 66 65 64 LL n 63 62 61 CS v 0 a a 3 T1 i 1 1 1 cc cc m s N N O j N O CD Q O Q O CD 'J Co O O C3 O O O O O O O O O FF Dates /Times 0 0 0 o 3 3 1 1 3 3 cc cc m s N N O j N O 17 O b t7 O N W 41 CY CA O O C? O O o e+ cs o a Dates /Times 0 0 0 3 1 3 m a a cc cc m N N N O j N O 17 O © t7 O 0 a o 3 1 1 a a a cc cc m N N N O j N O O O O O O 72.5 70.0 67.5 65.® 6.2.5 60.0 57.5 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Q+ Temperature Relative Humidity .. W. M. ILL 63 b'2 li 1 Dates / Times E W. xs [I VJ 6G 0 0 0 0 0 ca 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �L�� O N O N N +K> 67 N N O LO t 0 LP C + L•7 E4 CO ro fU tO (0 (.1D D 00 3 O s 0 LO O s N W A U1 0 '-I co LO N O P O O O O O O c C7 O O O O 0 0 O O O 0 0 0] O 0 O O O O 0 O O CO O O Dates / Times E W. xs [I VJ 6G Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA, Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Temperature Relative Humidity 68 67 66 LL 65 64 63 62 Station: Newport -Hoag 100.0 97.5 950 aQ 92.5 90 -0 0 o n q o o n o +a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q � a E5 o o o e� co LO LO d ch rfl e7 q c0 rs� c� e;� en eg r.9 c� LO o co o o cD cg O O c, D - N IV tV Co LD 0 3 N W A Ln 67 —E co CO o NJ O O q O O p O O G Ga f3 O q © Q O O O 0 C] O O D p O Q O O O O O O 0 O Gates ITimes W Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Temperature relative Humidity 67 66 LL 9 M 6d Station. Newport-Hoag 63 a o o O 0 0 c o 0 0 A A A N W A CP d Q 3 a 0 L7 CJ C. ao in � O C`JU to in Li tj1 © CY O D 6 0'1 V 03 co O 6 0 CD0 Q a 0 0 0 v 0 c 0 0 0 0 Dates 1 Times a o o O A A A N W A CP d Q 3 a 0 L7 Dates 1 Times ID MOO 99.975 99.950 * CIT-1P 99 900 a o o A A A ? ;a ?• A d Q 3 a 0 L7 CJ C. fQ CO C'1 Cp 6 6 O O C> Q 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ID MOO 99.975 99.950 * CIT-1P 99 900 Y Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Temperature Relative Humidity 68 67 LL 66 0 r5 64 Station: Newport -Hoag Dates 1 Times 1 00.00 99.75 99.50 2R 99.25 HILIff, U1 a Cp CJ1 a C3 r fit CO C11 4'J i.Tti a 43 f31 a (B o_ iJi 8 l> O LF1 4 CD o C7R a C9 j 3 4T7 f.11 a a IH C:7 0 !� a C7 3 CA a Cj Cn o f,'T CJI a Q C.� a O r CT a O O C G7 �I Q W O Lo O N W s A = CTi 07 = ►j 09 alS N O N N hi 0 O O O d O O O Q O Q O O Q O O p Dates 1 Times 1 00.00 99.75 99.50 2R 99.25 HILIff, i Haag HcSpita➢ Newport Beach, CA Database, Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station. Newport -Hoag ETI Temperature Relative Humidity 75.0 72.5 70.0 LL A 67.5 65 -0 62.5 0 o a a a c c) o n c o M o a o 0 a a 0 G7 c'7 67 a cr. 8 C'j Q V) 0 U) O 4 CAS [i7 0 M 67 23 M 3 67 a L7 a L7 f-1) to Lo co Lj c0 a:1 cD 67 -4 ro C`J o -+ h? W CJF 67 +1 CO to O N' 0 0 o a 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cl 0 a ® a o 0 Dates f Times 100 95 90 2E 85 80 75 70 Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity 69 Temperature Relative Humidity ::3 67 LL 66 64 Station: Newport -Haag [Dates f Times 100 -00 99.95 99.90 99.85 Be 99,80 99.75 99.70 O a o 4 a to to e ( a to a ( a m O Cp3l GO7 cc Q -y N W 46 0 a -4 W cJ O j N G O O O q O O O O O 0 O O O O G fj [Dates f Times 100 -00 99.95 99.90 99.85 Be 99,80 99.75 99.70 1) �i Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag U ■ 67 Temperature Relative Humidity •• 65 1� 64 63 62 Dates 1 Times 110.0 107.6 105.0 102.5 100.0 BR 97.5 95.0 92.5 90.0 Q O O 8 O O O GA to O 0 Co 0 0o Co Co Co C® (0 Co SQ W C'7 CO f'� C�4 L47 Co a t,D Co 25 ft3 06 l"J CC• tp ca {� Co to Co 40 0 Q 0 0 O N CA 0 O P3 Cd L" 0) V Co C G a h.4 G O 0 © O C] p O tD O O p C3 O p O BC D O C:I O O O G O O Q 0 O O O O O O O Dates 1 Times 110.0 107.6 105.0 102.5 100.0 BR 97.5 95.0 92.5 90.0 j Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 66.5 68.0 67 5 67.0 66.5 66.0 65.5 65.0 100.0 97.5 95.0 92.5 at 90.0 87.5 85.0 Co Q is o C Q Q O Q rD a L7 67 0 e a 2 C,7 Co Co Co � (z Q0 C�] tL1 C,2 CD a a a a fl 0 0 0 CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dates F Times 0 0 0 0 Q o o O 100.0 97.5 95.0 92.5 at 90.0 87.5 85.0 Co Q is o C C) Q SD 8 L7 a rD a L7 67 0 e a 2 C,7 Co Co Co � (z Q0 0 P14 C4 46 Ui CM 0 a 0 fl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dates F Times 100.0 97.5 95.0 92.5 at 90.0 87.5 85.0 C7 a � Q 0 0 0 0 0 CD c Q Q Q o 100.0 97.5 95.0 92.5 at 90.0 87.5 85.0 i 9 Hoag Hospital Newpot! Bead, CA Database. Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 69 M, 67 0 66 65 64 100 95 90 85 aE 80 75 70 �3 h3 M13 S h'3 O a C7 a G a O a 4 a O a O O O 6 3 a Q a 0 a Cl a O a O 23 O 8 O a CID Q7 © co 0 O A3 G3 A LM a) V w (0 O N N O O O O O 0 O O O O C7 O l7 4 p C? O f9 O O O O O © O Q O O Dates 1 Times 100 95 90 85 aE 80 75 70 Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Temperature Relative Humidity 70.0 67 5 Mi, LL 6? .5 60.0 57.5 1 Station: Newport -Hoag O Q © C7 Q Q 47 O O O P Q O b N N N A � N QD a a a a a a a a� o a Q0 Q% CID CIO 43 Gia CJ fPJ al) (0 tai O O O V O M Q C] O -y N W A Cis W V 0) Ct7 0 Q O O O O O +' CD O O O C3 0 +3 O Q O C7 O O O 0 Q O Dates f Times 100.4 57.5 95.0 52.5 90.0 3° 875 85.0 82.5 800 a � a M1�. N M1`S n.i 3 N N N A � N O C✓ �^ 100.4 57.5 95.0 52.5 90.0 3° 875 85.0 82.5 800 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 70.0 87.5 65.0 ur G 82.5 80.0 Crates 1 Times 100.0 97.5 95.0 92.5 94.0 87.5 85 o 82.5 3 O O O O O O O U O O O D CJ C9 C 4 K] NNi NJ M1 M1� h�. f 7 hQ IlrQ P� M1 !PQ N N7 N N N h5 t F�J NJ N+ M1} N PrJ f.] !V IV N N a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a e a 0 G6 CJ O tw3 Ld A Ln M _d co [D O — N Crates 1 Times 100.0 97.5 95.0 92.5 94.0 87.5 85 o 82.5 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 70 0 57.5 LL e 65 0 62.5 Dates /Times 1111( nj ss R O 13 �0.. N O z 4 m @ no O 03 O Q O A O Q O (n O Q G7 [ 3 4D 003 co fNo W Q O to O N O A co Z W 3 W a W 3 W a L3 a` W 3 W 3 C. 3 W 3 W 8 W 8 W 8 W c W 3 W a W 3 W 3 W a W M (IJ cc ca a to (n co c0 cn ca cc (c cc c4 to (fl cn O 07 G -1 O CIA O (:] O h) = L: w .R. .-.a G71 M ^J p (D N a N N N N W N d+ a a O O O O O O C7 P C] O O M E3 O O O O O O O a 4 Q G 'O t7 O O O O O O O O O O Dates /Times 1111( nj ss R Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 67 66 65 64 ;i 63 62 61 50 Dates /Times 100.000 99.975 99.950 BE 99.925 99 900 o O a o e� L7 O rO O rc e5 c� O o 0 0 0 o yOy 67 4^ Ch a tD O to P tD K7 > C.7 a 4? �3 t_1' 3 (0 co ~O ccy C7 a to c3 lO (D O t9 M 0 W (.0 0 3 tii A E:1 m v tQ r�1 W O O O O E-J d O O O O O O O d O O O O O O O O O O O O G7 G`3 O O 4 8 O O O O O O Dates /Times 100.000 99.975 99.950 BE 99.925 99 900 9 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 67.5 u. 65.0 0 62.5 Dates 1 Times 100,0 97.5 95.4 92.5 90 0 ca n S. c o n3 a n3 o Fa a K� c o 0 0 M1a 0 r3 0 r3 q 0 n� a o Co i:3 0 i` 0 r3 U1 6 40 iJt c3 40 at a L'1 Lit 8 L!1 U1 8 to 471 8 40 C1t a 40 CJt es f0 U1 a C7 CIe c3 cif f_Sl �3 QZ C" 8 La t31 o fLt 477 � 40 U1 a f0 Ut o co 0 v CIJ fit a to Ut 8 M V W 0 CD N W 4L C77 M —4 O] 40 0 N W A o 0 0 0 0 o Q o ® o o a ct o o c o 0 v 0 f7 0 0 O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dates 1 Times 100,0 97.5 95.4 92.5 90 0 I Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Temperature Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag 80.0 ., f 77.5 75.0 72.5 70.0, OLL 67.5 65.0 52.5 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 o n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i;3 r ;zi ;Z; �3 rj r 3 �3 �j ;Z� iZ3 il� ;:3 i a) 8 0 8 C) 8 0 �3 a) �3 M 6 C) �3 0 8 as a) a a C) 8 w 8 a 8 M 8 a) 8 aM a a) a eo 4 Q r] [4 rM ea en t tC 3 EJ eD cc eC to O a7 -4 W fn O s N W 3+. Ch C) V co to f,? C] N } f.] N O O O O Q 4 P C] Q 4 O O O Q O O q P 4 Q Q O P d G7 co C O Q © O O O O Dates I Times 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA [database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station Newport --Hoag IF A Temperature Relative Humidity 70 M: 68 A LL P 66 65 64 63 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 o n 0 u o o v n3 3 �3 i �3 n3 L4 C3 C`� aD C4 cD (J i.7 `C9 d O O a C6 i:� GJ L7 C9 f:7 ifl O O O Dates f Times -E CO cc b 3 r) °0 0 °0 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 rJ n ;,3 Z Z 2 �3 �3 n`t L4 C3 C`� aD C4 cD (J i.7 i5? Lp f.? A Un 3 0) 1. W CO to U O FJ — N N Dates f Times 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 I V Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Tumidity abI 65.0 62.5 LL e 60.0 57 5 NC W� 35 30 a� 25 KII 15 e.] O O O O CS N O M1�S C7 I O I O f 3 O iz� O M1a O O O ! I 1+3 C7 N O Cl) Co co CA Gd 03 co p Co Ctl Co Cq Lei 7J N N eo f.7 L� v GC CCt O — N W A 4T C77 �I C7 C ® 0 O O O O O O O 0 O 9 O O O O O O O O O O Dates /Times W� 35 30 a� 25 KII 15 e.] O O O O :� cry LS Crj cD 7J N N O O O O O O Ca d O O W� 35 30 a� 25 KII 15 Hoag Hospital Newport Beech, CA Database. Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag 2 0 650 Temperature Relative Humidity 52.5 .E N e 57.5 I•M13 52 5 0 LO 0 (M o LO n to 0 � o N 0 ocm) 0 0 a a a a a a a a a a a a a CD O va Q -N cu cp o N 3 PV w � cn w d 0 Ci a C7 0 Q 0 Q 0 A 0 C1 0 d Q O 0 a 0 Q Q 0 Q a a 0 Oates 1 Times M 55 P 45 BR 40 W 30 25 co LO � 0 a a a a a CD LO LO 0 N N N O Q Q G O 0 Q a a 0 55 P 45 BR 40 W 30 25 I Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 65.0 62 5 LL 60 0 0 57 5 55 -0 Dates 1 Times KIII E. 80 75 aR 70 65 60 55 W �+ �3 W �3 �y � ° � Z3 Z� S S W a a a a o a a a a� o rM a a c a a a o o a v j N N N es -d co ra CD -. ns w a (_n c� -4 07 o NJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ® 0 o o n e o o a 0 b o o c o ® p 0 o 0 A 0 o 0 0 Dates 1 Times KIII E. 80 75 aR 70 65 60 55 Floaq PAemorial 'Hospital Co c en Weather Data � Temperature and Humidity Iwo Iouu 6 Relative Humidity 20 -100 % {Solid Line} » Temperature 20 -104 Deg F (Dashed Line) 07 Plume Condilion On/Off (Thick Line) a • Reference Line= 55 5747 3871 � ---- t -` - - -- -- r31r1 - u.rwu tlClil Cpl "1 Hk6 L➢7 nh;lhr #a AM rs Heat Rejection MBH Qv Reference Llae = 4700 �'' 179aaf1 Ill W.09 0!475:32 Pu Heat Rejection lr+ in,ni v� 1`•1 111:56:1: PM 1"6139 W •24; -43 P14 Inmfnn 0111113 PJ61 IUMVIN d4afieib JIM 1zi7� In nlIar n4 °371}1 N'dl 00.40il4 Pht. Report Generated on: Io6s as 16:N>a:oaQn7 Hoag Memorial HospitalBogen W�;ather Data 1 Temperature and Humidity I ® Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) a Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Dashed Line) Dv Plume Condition OrVOff (Thick Line) DQ Reference Line = 55 45', J631 1914 — u.aau 14 A1.'Arl o Heat Rejection MBH oP Reference Line =470D Daly I�p�n. III 'UI U" 7U W11" IUN "94 III -W II•i W AS I' I "•1 6.4 :1 J! I'M 13711LO13 Phi 11937.114 C61 Heat Rejection Report Generated on: Io:ozoglo;�;l3npo _Hoag Memorial Hospi -A Cagen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity .97 .97 4 •19 9V M u,G3,U9 M01.119 IIL9$("A IW03109 Ii ayaq ID,03j09 10/03409 6101:1111 AN: Ih ir. I., kN1 I I:I_._ I :k %l 411:'18:32 PM 04:24t43 I'M 07]01133 P61 09:37:04 9' ?1 Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) • Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) • Reference Line= 55 H31 X11 G � I'10 .iii I!OH-U, 44 AM Heat Rejection MBH o Reference Line = 4700 :y Iw-PW Heat Rejection lUdi'r il+ In �i � ��_ i�. 11141310'1 Report Generated on: lqa ,n;�o:u3 Haag Memorial Hospital Co en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 99.9 �3_q7 i — I - 33.9+1 I 9399. 9M31 I11'lldtlln II1�t1i HU IIL14.0,j 191 Cltl.�L.lflr. r.S 11.1_',1p 1Ai lVl iN i]�rSI ® Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) ® Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Dashed Line) a■ Plume Condition On10ff (Thick Line) o • Reference Llne = 55 9M31 �a 191 u UUU 1 (FM U9 1A'ClitUa c Heat Rejection MBH ca Reference Line =4700 r3�v �o9n Heat Rejection 10N1019 10,114`09 11.13•.21{ AM 111:30 :I1 PM I Uk C42 PM IG7W11W I 1UUNT U7iUp33 PM T l UAk.til'1 I 111W40 9 u9�37a1,1 P11 Ov:::n rs.l OIAO V PMI Report Generated on: saoi ay so:ao:aarlrl Ho Nfie- � anal He Temperature and Humidity +14 97 F— ii: lit �r1 livow 111 $M9 1110304 nh iw wi k�i 0836'1 (1 ASI VI 13]t t� ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) e Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ml Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) oV Reference Line = 55 Ii ll. i.. tR11,9 A17 d11dpjrJu W AM 11111:211 AM a Heat Rejection MBH no Reference Line =4700 Qa:y ��11 111,03,110 11113" 01 d83.: Pfd Ud A:A. PM Heat Rejection 11p:1Ik17Pill 1 III 11surl 07:11W$3 PNI UT)IV4 PM IuRliiro� ipNi/li9 L,.. e,. 04-3646 PM 11:mArt r'.' .....t Report Generated on: IUrAa 7o:aa:uA R.r. �- -Hoag �flemorial 'Hospital Go�er� V"Vaather data Temperature and Humidity I I9NI4WI .+ •.I +• u f[F[Ih:FYN 10. iNPtlP A, \I In. u fn ".bl II'21 AM ® Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) o Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) 137 Plume Condition OtVCff (Thick Line) ©4 Reference Line= 55 i I. El Heat Rejection MBH co Reference Line = 4700 Way I�pan N/A 10.0"9 UIAMII� PM Heat Rejection N/A [OdIhAw 04.24:4-1 PM i lamndw u7;110s3 PM USUs 11ua Report Generated on; ;a9ero-s ia.m.n2 FT.1 Hoag Memorial Hospital Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity i i tai 47411 14MIM 10+Ui4w i IRA- PIlvi" I0'07r4ri urn uu nu .111 ON 3!:5$ AM i i tai 47411 14MIM 10+Ui4w M14N71IW PIlvi" I0'07r4ri urn uu nu .111 ON 3!:5$ AM 1 1104' +1 A%I 01:34c47 I'M 04:11145 PM 64M;3$ PM 04.1 7!U ph$ ■ Relative Humidity 20 - 100 % (Solid Line) 3031 13 Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) 13P Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) Reference Line = 55 111;07J14 IUU7�Y /Y un,a7•!! CSC II4:!II']U I' \f RepDrt Generated on: Imo7maos:44:o21�a Heat Rejection ifM3- ST4T — — 3031 941G 9.004 — 11R47l111 14'U7nW 14M17N14 If1Ri710A ,• . •1+ :n 1, 1., :F ANI I I.4b:St, :131 IW40;25 P %I o Heat Rejection MBH ov Reference Line =4700 eu:� I�Imrt 111;07J14 IUU7�Y /Y un,a7•!! CSC II4:!II']U I' \f RepDrt Generated on: Imo7maos:44:o21�a Hoag, Memorial Ho tal aw n. Weather Data _J Temperature and Humidity 51.7 AM 194"W 1 11 r8: 01,110 AN .I,. +i• .n - .. o Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) o Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) 07 Plume Condilion OruOff (Thick Line) ©Y Reference Line = 55 1418 r IFIIQ - IIIIMLilil�l 11'I Ib, it El Heat Rejection MSH ov Reference Line =4700 Ili �� _ I•'�I Heat Rejection Ili p,. n taffl{ 9N u4J7A4 'Pn4 Report Generated on inru�o� sa:on:oa an Hoa Memorial Hosp Temperature and Humidity • +" a Y ather Data . '• -° IImam 11+naO. Ia.aOdw 1a1019%w 10.04" ;n.,nr •. +n 4•.t ❑x:sn.ILI AM 10.12:]1 AM n1a8 -3_ :MI I44 2Aa2 F5, u7:11n.33 PM ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Sclid Line) Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) a* Plume Condition ONOff (Thick Line) a+ Reference Line = 55 C Heat Rejection MBH 01 Reference Line =4700 R,3Y f;ipan Heat Rejection li4!INr09 0937Ai PM i.. -., i... il!1 90n119+nN 011'f191]''1 Report Generated on: io+nsms ta:oo:o3 Pra Hoag Memorial Hospital Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 67 - NIA .0 .o II =• I,r ur u•' nr II. •. -• pV34 q19 10vl litr.lM' I I dal 01:39:47 Phi 04:11.43 P4 ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) Temperature 20 -104 Deg F (Dashed Line) cT Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) OT Reference Line = 55 WI — Nib — — YY1100 - —.- i o -llnna 4 Heat Refection MBH Ov Reference Line= 4700 Carr Revcrl Heat Rejection NIA F IIIIIII'M 06:4439 Phi Re po rt Ge ne rate d on: 1 CV7 W09 �9:1m:OS EM I ill is Hoag 'Memoria'l Hospital Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity y IU I I nn IUH I M IU9I+U4 ni 0.1 0.1:7::3 }A.MI IYA]131 AM UI.38:A7 PM e Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (SoUd Lime) e Temperature 20 -100 Deg P (Dashed Line) ea Plulne Condition OrVOfi ('thick line) eT Reference Line= 55 Ton] M7i7 � -- }S }I 1910 III' 1 L� I a ilna lM�,1'd . ❑ Heat Rejection MBH oc Reference Line =4700 dory Fepon Heat Rejection IUdI tt ~M1W 91:11:13 PM I` tU'I E•YMI lUa L'1W1' W14411S PAt 99.1704 PM lip I � ii +� .� I: �� I'Llnl LiE9 Hv711 Iv'� 4:41l, ]; I'M 114 41 PA.I Uh:67..51'M'I von lip 11: 111.1 Report Generated on: iomnaQa�;ao:grnn. v C—}L I y IU I I nn IUH I M IU9I+U4 ni 0.1 0.1:7::3 }A.MI IYA]131 AM UI.38:A7 PM e Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (SoUd Lime) e Temperature 20 -100 Deg P (Dashed Line) ea Plulne Condition OrVOfi ('thick line) eT Reference Line= 55 Ton] M7i7 � -- }S }I 1910 III' 1 L� I a ilna lM�,1'd . ❑ Heat Rejection MBH oc Reference Line =4700 dory Fepon Heat Rejection IUdI tt ~M1W 91:11:13 PM I` tU'I E•YMI lUa L'1W1' W14411S PAt 99.1704 PM lip I � ii +� .� I: �� I'Llnl LiE9 Hv711 Iv'� 4:41l, ]; I'M 114 41 PA.I Uh:67..51'M'I von lip 11: 111.1 Report Generated on: iomnaQa�;ao:grnn. Heat dejection M - - — -t - - M I I - tlA�i. {:717 1n,!,N,lu I11+1?MN/ 10/k299 M MMY 1A112A9 t UMV ul: np I'll :1.; : - ;,- 41 AM 11 :Mn AM "I_AQ :a2 PAS IwU4*4 rP4 117x03.40 P%1 1194634 1':.i c Heal Rejection MBH MT Reference Line =4700 Report Generated on: 1a1za91o:eo:a5 a Hoag Memorial Temperature and Humidity 1 Will" 10!1.2.414 IWI204 14P 2+YW WIM019 111'12109 Iw'!?dD4 06 1 I I 40 Apt n %_16: 10 AM I I:ILI AS 01:.1832 PM 04:24;42 I'm Ol 010a71`AI ❑9372) PM ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (SoUd Line) 13 Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ne Pfume Condition Qnl©ff (Thick Line) CIT Reference Line = 55 _W Heat dejection M - - — -t - - M I I - tlA�i. {:717 1n,!,N,lu I11+1?MN/ 10/k299 M MMY 1A112A9 t UMV ul: np I'll :1.; : - ;,- 41 AM 11 :Mn AM "I_AQ :a2 PAS IwU4*4 rP4 117x03.40 P%1 1194634 1':.i c Heal Rejection MBH MT Reference Line =4700 Report Generated on: 1a1za91o:eo:a5 a -Hoag Memorial Hospital Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity w 06 On'.06 A%l Q. In 10 V.1 1 i I: ; I AM *Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) o Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) 07 Plume Condition On/Of (Thick Line) LIT Reference Line= 55 o Heat Rejection MBH CT Reference Line = 47010 U�iIY Ripon .� -•- -- - - t't :�, ;:, � •a +)a .a a= ant Heat Rejection 1 IIUI]Q4 R7:09[S] PM )IVd 1 Report Generated on. rws3ros 1]:Wi36 Ph1 Hoag Memorial Hospital Co en'lllll'eather Data Temperature and Humidity _'11114 •-• III Id I- Ir I »1e•J IU!14+OU I•. . !n '..., IIN u, , i ..- 11 I],1 4.41 Ulnllk:72 PMI ® Relative Humidity 20 -74[7 % (Solid Line) o Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ee Plume Condition OrVOlf (Thick Line) F Reference line a 55 - u• — 41 nun i N'l•14p4 I!� L: C4 IJII IIII =JII 11.1 "..3h:44 AM M Heat Rejection MEM ov Reference Line = 4700 � flep9rt IUgiJ4U 11:1:1;7'14 A41 Heat Rejection I Url4 [1U 1341442 PM twts,3r! I'm 04:2A;51r 1't1 Y — r 4u 14.1w kU'Ia�UU 11711313:53 P!I 09:57 A4 P'.W 111!14.414 I'M IN 411.:41141 Report Generated on: 141r14a51u;4w;o5c�t Hoag Memorial Hospital Co en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity ........................... 35.99 9011 sAi9 1019m9 w +ISYf9 inr13,99 111. IMP 1111 V'I ne in'p!r h1- AM WAS 32 PM e RelaSve Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) A Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Lire) t?r Plume Condition OrVOff (Thick Line) a• Reference Line = 55 Heat Rejection II,IM11 W14 07 w+I411111 (k, 011 vas • _ • : ASI ■ Heat Rejection MBH 04 Reference Line =4700 E3aYy I�+pan we] 5+n4 I W Is" 0424:43 V 073;10:$3 I'M OYJ7 0+ V161 I n'1 4d14 IR11!4YIY 10,1;11w 1014414 1+i 11 129 AM 0130:13 Phi U4 ?.6:56 I'M 117:03:40 PA4 Report Generated on: to is os so:ao:aosm+ Hoag memorial Hospital Can Weather Data Temperature and Humidity ., .,. :GI 11-1 I. 11 iv :1;31 n:'"I ® Relative Humidity 2Q -100 % (Solid Line) 4 Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Ipashed Line) ❑O Plume Condition On/Off (Thick Line) 13Y Reference Line =55 AM M16 n IU! a Heat Rejection MBH ❑Y Reference Line =4700 u:-21.ta P.M Heat Rejection N/A tllW3.z9 PM uF:39-.,u1 PM 14xM11 Ilk, Report Generated on: 1a'r5pg to.ae;a�€n1 Hoag Memorial Hospital Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity li lnl .LI I' -try 111'Iv III "I7:C14 IU I7.UN 17N9 u'17.11'� i.u, %vlb Ml " 0&-5!+111 A%I I 1 12:71 1%M 111:41.32 PM 0424.Z2 I'M 07161-53 PNI O-PL37 i.0 Pbl l Relative Huxnid4 20 -100 % (Solid Line) 1a Temperature 20 -100 Reg F (Rasped Line) OT PltimeCondition OrVOf (Thick Line) o • Reference Line = SS C71 h r 1tl3117�6 II: .' li P.I. ❑l? Ilea AM ,. .. a 4 q'. a Heat Rejection MBH 0+7 Reference Line =4700 Heat Rejection 1 � e 1001 ifl" 16317+&9 IWI.715I9 17 An III -III: 1 1:13:214 AM 4N 90:1..1`M 04•1&JO PM 137AMO P"I :......�..:. .:,.: Report Generated on: ram +o} so:an:oal�s I Hoag Memorial Hospital Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 100 009 141 9414 I Q11 YI119 061101,00 W ny i" - I'I Atl * Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) * Temperature 20 -100 Deg P (Dashed Linz) ov Plume Condi #ion QrJaff (Thick Line) E37 Reference Line= 55 ie I' " I;On tirtpiiFt Heal Rejection MBH ❑o Reference Line = 4700 Pai�y F%nraart IMAM (A AM3: PM Heat Rejection I an tutln 66124:42 PM W116rE19 WA00 !J PM T 1 ur 1 wm'u 0937!04 1'M 1W1116911 IOFIN.V1 11V'IR+V'1 Ionic y N 3411, 11:4_'9 AA: [N ±i1:1_T P%I 04:a, S,, .P, I 117.(} A0 11M I1-1 ,A 2- I••.: Report Generated on:i I(vime ioiloJlld R9 Hoag Memorial hospital Gocien Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 5L" U." NA! t01tle 1011.), V, n1 i':, .' 116:W11U A.41 4 +:36 In AM ._ t',t ■' Rebtive Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Lime) p Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ❑, Plume Condition QIVQif (Thick Line) QT Reference Line = 55 IGI.i"10 I0ri9N4 01 s3&r33 Pht 04:14:42 I'M Heat Rejection QJM me6s - 57ax _ - — -- — 10'1A,Y14' - .. - fAU:OIiI'P '.N ■ Heat Rejection MBH 0', Reference Line =4700 �,t a�pan 147'r w 07{Ht:55 PM 09311LW PM I1 :0 --111 AM 411.50.1:1' ".I 474�26:56Phi Report Generated on: tp taros ta:oo.aaFft Haag Memorial Hospital Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity '7 719M 116:0009 11 _ . 11 - 1 L "211,119 Ib, 411 un VN ,'. . , 111221 AM ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) p Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) o. Plume Card {iion OrVO f (Thick Line) o. Reference Line= 55 1916 } U.OIIIII fU'_6'pP Iii ' Heat Rejection M13H Ov Reference Line =4700 may I�pcm N/A 10 11 +6v tl 1 A11:3 2 PM Heat Rejection N/A ID�0 +o9 I(IrJ49 44444 42 PW 07 GUI I'M s+�snmv+ U977:04 V'x4 Report Generated on: 4o zn as 4u:ea o2 ff i Temperature and Humidity I Y L; 9'A ri- - - -��• � = .iY_____ _. �� .tee -. -... I L. ; , : ., N1eaA1.1 IIL:109 1021109 1021fW U:144 I: I, •, ..:. I '.I I IAZ-2I A \I 01:4 &31 Ml 0414:91 "1 07:00 3 PM 0931:14 Ph! ® Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Litre) a Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ap Plume Condition Or Off (Thick Line) l3v Reference Line= 55 Heat Rejection 11 OWN) nr:i:n� I li a Heat Rejection MBH e,r Reference Line =4700 Dyr; Fapon' Illr 1009 iQi:l All IPM'_IAYI 1071. a!+ VI 01?10:91 HAM Aw4 0751n:411 P61 10'4074 I'M Report Generated on: ia'sr+roe raoro:ua 1 s -- Hoag Memorial HospRa[ Cogen Weatheir DE Temperature and Humidity PI.1 RX.- '151.-911 - - - I .. ml w.•','.I n�3r•IV MI III2 ^_1 AM UI +A3: PM q Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Lana) o Temperature 20 -100 beg F (Dashed Line) ono Plume Condition OrVOff (Thick Line) Reference Line = 55 Heat Rejection AV[A 4 :;'l /9 I ::,1., 100 09 J;.0; 44 1'' Report Generated on: �dr2ra in:an:ae as ., a „u. ;•.r '. .. UI dU;I.t PM U4 ^_6:561'SI Heal Rejection MBH 0o Reference Line =4700 oast ftP r, J;.0; 44 1'' Report Generated on: �dr2ra in:an:ae as _ Y Haag Memorial Hospital +Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity N/A - . •' Itt:�ru9 ttr::a•rry ar3a4rr 10 ^_Sa!r Ibl^3A9 lar�ro4 •:II 0436.111 AM 11.1 -::1 AM 111 4103 PM 114-:4:43 Plot 07.04:53 PM 09:31:04 rNI e Relative humidity 20-100 % (Solid Line) U Temperature 20-100 Deg F (Dashed Line) oP Plume Condition OrVOff (Thick Line) 0o Reference Line = 55 [seat Rejection TWO All NIA All �liM 10.'33.39 10 DO-1 06170:110 AAI IM :3hA4 AM M Heat Rejection MBH ev Reference Lime =4700 ptP7 P4pOrt IIb,; 09 111 Je•7' w73419 i••:'i•., : ^. l•.1 01; 3011: I'M IN 21, iii P%1 qY 113f491 P %1 �. Report Generated on: Y02LY9 sa:oo-:ns lal -Hoag Memorial Hospital Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity 113.97 - - I =G.W ' IIIOLCW Ilf -a•1W III'_'9•i Ml �' ?i•[w IU•bQO Ilk]J�n4 III :3 tl+} 11,1111 IM +,!.; ONAII -10 AM 171`:'1 AN 111AKt]P.M 04 :24 a] PM 117,OD:53 PSI LYUJ7iL P-M is Relative Humidity 20-100% (Solid Line) El Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) a,' Plume Condilion 7NOff (Thick Line) ❑o Reference Line =55 Heat Rejection 11.1 US AAT i_ ill a Heal Rejection MBH no Reference Line =4700 Report Generated on: ieiam9 iorrcl.00 a� t Woag Il�emorial Hospital C©gen Weather Data I � Temperature and Humidity n Ilil :Sp6 Ill.:areto laysu1 Iar.3iaa r.. ,I• �u ^sm3 14��ra3 Iln 1u.1111 ANI 0934. 11) k51 11d0a1 AA1 01 AK-32 P ►7 U4.]- -' VMi IMUO.J3 I'M OR 3711" IlM a Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Sc4d Line) n Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) zav plume Condition On/Off (Dick Line) nv Reference Line =55 Heat Rejection —_ -- lFk3� 5737 - .. 111 :�U -I- I'Al ] -t I ".I Heat Rejection MBFi ®o Reference Line= 4700 ��� " Report Generated on: t4aso ®14:176:07 PM Hoak Memorial Hgspital Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity ":a5 KNOW lurtfilliq Y le. .LmM AM SIN ti,- P�. \t1 :1A =11 AM a i4mmi7 PM ® Relaf6Ve Humidity 20 -1 OD % (Solid Line) E3 Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) nF Plume Condition OrVC]ff (Thick Line) o v Reference Line= 55 ;a„, 5z1z �fl3i - I�)Ih. n onu .- Iflt ' ai.rNl ■ Heat RejecUan MBH ov Reference Line =4700 Heat Rejection N I IIi2Ofl1V {111:3: E'61 110 76.v* YY7:L11�3 PM I U 20MO uV_, #7:111 I'M . In:': htlNl 11 ➢2Onr, 1�n n.. � -. Report Generated on: lazru791o:ao:us are r 211AI11 KNOW lurtfilliq Y le. .LmM AM SIN ti,- P�. \t1 :1A =11 AM a i4mmi7 PM ® Relaf6Ve Humidity 20 -1 OD % (Solid Line) E3 Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) nF Plume Condition OrVC]ff (Thick Line) o v Reference Line= 55 ;a„, 5z1z �fl3i - I�)Ih. n onu .- Iflt ' ai.rNl ■ Heat RejecUan MBH ov Reference Line =4700 Heat Rejection N I IIi2Ofl1V {111:3: E'61 110 76.v* YY7:L11�3 PM I U 20MO uV_, #7:111 I'M . In:': htlNl 11 ➢2Onr, 1�n n.. � -. Report Generated on: lazru791o:ao:us are L- boa Memorial Hospital Cogen Weather Data, Temperature and Humidity t,79R S j,47 35.44 10.771" to,:7419 IOCW 4 06:11IftiNl IIW3t"IU All 11-4_`-31 AM ■ Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) in "temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ov Plume Condition O VOff {Thick Line) [IT Reference Line= 55 s747 �- 3671 1416 'ri1 I4 I•, 01+41:33 I'M Meat Rejection NIA I.. . - 04:24:1_ r.11 11N_7AW U7vm53 r61 T If1i:iN9 119:7Tali !'M 12 Heat Rejection MBH ea Reference Line =4700 17 PP.M Report Generated on: ICQTro!) I0;00:07 PM Hoag Memorial Hospital Co en Weather Data Temperature and Humidity L' wF NIA t"I1U9 IVF1"9 Iwu;lw 116^.9X79 04&01 INI A%I 0136:10 AM It iI:_I I'll * Relative Humidity 20 -100% (Solid Line) e Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) oT Plume Condiflon On/Off (Thick Line) oa Reference Line= 55 �r•rlr �Ilu In =�. �,•: bI L�II. ��� IIII 1111 nn..� I • -.I I• �� I .. Heal Rejection MBH t3v Reference Line =4700 Heat Rejection NIA IU49n19 04 24:4_ @ M I Ida11X79 ta.:i1V9 0711033 I'm 09:Mu I'M1I Report Generated on: 7426nJS�:oaaalyt Hoag Memorial Hospital Co en WVeather Data I Temperature and Humidity I I _ _ li i'p - .. `9119 m Relafive Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) e Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) ov Blume DondiUon OrVOff (Thick Line) MY Reference Line= 55 i 73T - SHSI 1411' '. nn e Heat Rejection MBH ❑v Reference Line =4700 I o 24(w 111: 0:32 PM Heat Rejection IUh;.114 141. -g9wi I(I -9,v1 0.1-1341 I'M 1,;.110:53 I'M 11Pi7:M I'M Iu,490) 117:9ar, IU:'9rtY1 07MIA0 1' 11 11J.", u -. CNAII::4 I'M Report Generated on: +onwvs step to F7.1 Hoag Memorial Hospital Cogen Weather Data Temperature and Humidity N/A I, 1U 04) Ill hill 116(1UN4 10130419 Ib!1fINU 10 21"Ll IIk30419 ai uo 41d na 11, I n ,r,l ! I `''I AM 01:4X:37, PM 0424:42. I'M 07.00133 PM 119d7d14 phi ® Relative Humidity 20 -100 % (Solid Line) n Temperature 20 -100 Deg F (Dashed Line) too Plume C©ndiGon OnIOff (thick Line) [IV Reference Line =55 Heat Rejection - 5747 - N/ IA 111}0,09 10!71 III � a I • I1F4041Y 10/301011 11130114 Iv;u m, , , II.eI I• . • J I:I3: - "X e,tis 0130:1.3 i1Xt 04:2(bU i!M 07:113;40 PBI 4W24 I'M Heat Rejection MBH ua Reference Line =4700 Daly �' Report Generated on: )ar3aos sa:ob:barmt Haag CoGen Weather Station Deport August 2.00g J Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station- Newport -Hoag i F+ Temperature Relative Humidity VMK 72.5 LL 0 70.0 t-IM w 0 a a ao a a w o r'3 m o a an a cc a a co a a oe o w v a «s o w ra c3 W oa a a ca o a Go a w a o0 a 0 to m to a a a a M co cc a_� W� w a) -4 c m `u p a a a Q a o 4 0 o o Dates /Times 1000 97.5 95.0 92.5 90.0 87.5 Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Houdy Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 75 74 73 72 °l 71 70 69 68 67 cfl CO co co CO M CO CO co CO cc � to c 3 c c+ 0 0 0 0 e� sc m 0 CO to (C CO (0 CO Q71 0; IQ 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 Dates 1 Times CO cch efl ra fQ i X41 0 n 100 M yr �7 all Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 77.5 VJMKII LL 72.5 0 vigil] 67.5 W Ln M -.4 W to a o 0 p 0 © O ® o o c o a o 0 a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a CD o o r, o Dates 1 Times 100 95 90 85 80 V&I 70 65 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 8 8 a as a a � � � n n� n na Dates 1 Times 100 95 90 85 80 V&I 70 65 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station. Newport -Hoag 80.0 Temperature Relative Humidity WAR 75.0 72.5 P Me 67.5 . M11 O P4.3 iJ3 If i9 il� C9 ;3 W i13 C]7 13 Co ! 1 Co I M � C4 C� Ci7 h,3 M ;5 O 0 OS iS W S W CQ 13 t_S a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a to C4 CD cp 0 Co O 0 to (0 Co to CD to Co 0 (0 iQ Q 0 Q 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 r) N hJ C) ti. Co 40 O 1 N W A CJa 0) '�1 O to O -+ N O O O 9 G Q G O O 0 O 6 O O O Q Q O 0 O Q Q O O O O O 13 O O O C7 O O Dates 1 Times 70 fir] 40 ►, Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Temperature Relative Humidity 77.5 75.0 WAR LL 70.0 O 67.5 65.0 62.5 Station' Newport-Hoag m CO cc a a a 0 a a a a a a a a a a a a m d 0 CO C4 0 j N 43 4. 0 0) °-1 CO M Q Q C C Q Q Q Q C7 Q Q C C C Q C C O o Q Q Q Q Ci Q Q J 0 o Q o Q Dates f Times 100 80 80 70 60 50 i I Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 71 70 69 68 LL 67 66 65 Cd 100.0 97.5 95.0 92.5 90.0 87.5 85.0 82.5 co co E hS 2 2 VI 0 Q Cn �5 Ln 2� U1 Z5 fJ1 U* Lvl.,1 CJI CTS LSJ7 frill C4 CD O Q q So 'L7" lC CD tD Q O Q V 0 co C� CD CO v os v O CD 6 b O O © O O q q O 6 b O O O q O O GS Dates E Times 100.0 97.5 95.0 92.5 90.0 87.5 85.0 82.5 co co VI CJ" Ln d CD co C7 tD to tD fQ NJ v os v -s N 100.0 97.5 95.0 92.5 90.0 87.5 85.0 82.5 1 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity 71 Temperature Relative Humidity 70 ,M LL 68 9 67 Station Newport-Hoag Co w w eo Co Co eo 0o to eo as to eo Co Co Co rl 'u r� n3 n3 r a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a �C7 O O O O O O O O O O O O O C Q fd O ea Cs t9 ea a O v o � O O *� 8 O ca o Dates /Times. 100.0 97.5 U, 90.0 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 71.0 70.5 70.0 69.5 69.0 U. 68.5 68.0 57.5 67.0 66.5 N hS Co ;1'3 Co �j S M �3 00 i,� S ham$ M1�. Co 0 M 0 W r3 ip W cc W 0 Gr7 a (C W a5 0 W (o W W W fn W a eO W 9 =1 W W W W 6 W 8 to W �$ f0 W a 47 G7 V CG e19 C N W A ut 67 'V :A LF} Nj O NJ ..a 14 hi O O O O O C`: O O O O C7 O O O O O O O O Q 4 O O O O O O O Ca Q O O O p Dates /Times Mrr 97.5 95.0 * 92.5 1 R G Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag � 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 71.0 70.5 70.0 LL 69.5 0 6s.a 68.5 68.0 m m m cro ea co ca ao Co Co Co m m ao ca rsa cb r43 n� r n� nS n3 n� r`3 2 N cc N ci N N N N N N N a N 0 N 3 N 0 SC lCf {9 to [p CD Cp 6i" [4 ail [D iD tD (0 O CD f(] Cp lD ® Q Ci Q NJ h% NJ 8J "d W to O N GJ A 4r CV V Co 0 Q � N O Q P Q O O O O 4 O O O D to D CD � o 0 0 0 0 © � o 0 p o o 0 d o o r� Dates 1 Times i[eI+i .. M 97 W 95 :, N Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag 71 Temperature Relative Humidity 70 fig 68 67 LL 66 65 64 63 62 00 m co W ao co w w to w ro co iz3 W n3 as ca a to a to a 0 a fn 0 0 co co W 0 0 a a a a a a a a Q7 W O 0 y N W A Ln m ^.[ co Co 0 � N O O O O O O G O O O O O O O O O O Q Q D L7 d O O O O O O Q O 0 O Q O Bates / Times IIIIIi11 95.0 92.5 gall AFAU i Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Haag Temperature Relative Humidity IM 67 66 LL e 65 64 63 ca Co W m w w co w a� ao w w a w oa ao w w S3 n Z �3 0 C3 u d a a a tD CO Co (0 Co to C4 to to (0 C to to QO (0 to O LU to Ca Q O d N N h? C^J r) d N CO CD O 1 Cti9 L7 .r► [n Cr) V 0D CD O N La -;k O O O O Cr O O O d O O O O p p O O D O p d O d d d p p p O p P O C? 4 O O O O Dates 1 Times 97.5 ii 92.5 9 KIM 87.5 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station. Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 69.0 68.5 68.0 67.5 67.0 LL 66.5 66.0 65.5 65.0 os m co CO CO CO CO W ao to co ao o w w w rn to to 3 a e 3 a �5 8 9 Q v r] Cr r1 r1 .3 rl 3 3 3 3. 3 NJ N M -4 W W 0 PV G.z _Pk Lh 0 V CO CO 0 3 N 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o d p o +� o � a ca o t7 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dates 1 Times 4 Wi 90.0 e IM :WIC r 1 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA, Database: dourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag ® Temperature Relative Humidity 68.0 67.5 67.0 66.5 66.0 65.5 65.0 64.5 w ca oa w ca Co co Co ca m Co ca Co m Co rn w Co a 40 Co a Co m a Q0 C6 a Co 93 a � Co a co Co a co 23 ao a M a to Co a M a M a 3 a ar a to 0U a cc 4 Q7 V CO L7 4 N W A C3't 6'i -1 Co � C7 C O O 6 C 6 A o O q C7 O C O O O o 6 Q C q O p 6 o O D C7 C7 t7 O A C7 Dates 1 Times 92.5 90.17 87.5 85.0 82.5 I 1 Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA. Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Q Temperature Relative Humidity 68.0 67.5 67.0 66.5 LL 66.0 65.5 65.0 64.5 co so w w cc cc ca co w cc ca m m M W W W ! -Z a 1 N ro rJ d1 �k Co rp O N W A Ut O -+J 00 0 O N O Ca O O O O O O O C O O p O p R O O G © O O O O © O C] O O 0 O C7 O O Dates 1 Times r 92.5 90.0 et 87.5 M 82.5 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag 7D 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 69.5 89.0 68.5 68.0 uw ° 67.5 67.0 66.5 66.0 ca w w w oa as m ao Co ao m as ao w to m av m G7 rn M w M C7 ca a) ca ca as �yy O G7 cn car (0 O yp LO Co C4 C¢ t O 0 Cg (a C4 0 to Co to C= rS ri sY J 3 N hJ M -W Co M O a N W A 41r a5} a] (c Cok O O O O O O O O O a7 O O O O O O Gates 1 Times 97.5 95.0 92.5 90.0 87.5 85.0 82.5 ii J Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag MEMO= 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 70 69 T; LL 0 67 66 W co CO co �• w ' �' 3 W .l CO 1 ca � w 3 ca 3 W rd W .3 w � 0 Ln a a Lt a cc (J1 a m Cn a Lh a iT1 CC in a KO VI a M� 01 a [77 a 0 a U1 a UI a tn 0 a to Cif 3 Ia Gil a cc O O W �1 O C@ O h7 -> O ..a hi ..a W A [l1 a i ..a CO !D N O N> -} IQ N O O O O q C5 O O O O O O O O O O CO Dates I Times 95.0 92.5 90.0 87 5 ag 85.0 82.5 80.0 P Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, GA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag 70.0 Temperature Relative Humidity 69.5 s9.o 68.5 LL 68.0 67.5 67.0 56.5 66.0 0 •P a ip ao P a i�] all A a [p ao A a LO N iO m A to m A a L4 to a to o a 0 eo a 0 ce a to m A a !0 o a tp a a ip m a b W A a CrJ ao A a S'J 0 6} 1f 0 Co 0 (D C K) w A cr, cn 14 m Co IQ 0 3 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a 0 o 0 o 0 0 o o 0 0 Q 0 O 0 Cates /Times 95.0 92.5 9M 87.5 ae 85.0 82.5 80,0 i P Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 68.5 88.0 67.5 67.0 66.5 0 65.5 65.0 6d.5 Dates /Times 100.0 97.5 95.0 92.5 90.0 87.5 E2 !j�o C W W W M co W m �o � a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a !D iG M to cc cg IM 0 t0 tD M to to 44 (c cv CA Q g Q p 3, 1 3 3 i -y i ? i) NJ Sj Q7 ..F co (0 C. 3 IQ W A 6fi a) '4 Cd M 0 � N 0 a 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o is c o a o Q o Q o 0 0 0 o a o 0 o Q o Q Dates /Times 100.0 97.5 95.0 92.5 90.0 87.5 Hoag hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag �rtr. 0 Temperature Relative Humidity ICY? RR LL 54 9 63 62 m w w as w m to w co as oz co w m ao ca w m 0 C, Q Q rj tl� O � Co t0 O r TJ 43 4�6 L7h 0S —4 W Ct? O rJ a o d P n o 0 0 0 o n o 0 0 0 0 0 Dates / Times 100.0 am 95.0 4W 7 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CAS Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Haag ITI Temperature Relative Humidity [Y? 67 RU 65 54 68 CC) a1 C3 CG 1. CG 3 W 3 Q i a 3 W 3 3 M 3 6G 3 00 3 C73 3 CO a1 W 3 W 3 63 3 a [4 a a a co a CC a m a CC a 0 a 0 a US a fa a fp a fC a cG a c0 a a Q C ;P !A M -d 0� 00 0 0 0 3 N W A- CP Ci d N N Ca 4 O C 6 P Q 0 O O O 0 6 C f? 0 O O O O O 0 O O O O O C3 O 6 Dates 1 Times 100.0 97,5 95.0 92.5 90.0 87.6 P Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag U Temperature Relative Humidity .• L 67 LL P 56 W, tl co co W co CO CO M CSI,. W W W W W C0 Q NCO W A A A A A ii A A A A A A A A A A A O O W O Q Q 0 O 0 O O Q Q Q O d 0 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a tb 0 cc 'GJ' cp ca i4 <0 0 KS 0 cc co CQ m z (a 0 Q Q 3 3 3 S ..1 IQ rj ill W � ca eo O N ca -. en ¢: —4 W e0 Q i4% O Q CD o 0 Q 0 o Q o 0 o a © v A o 0 o Q o Cakes 1 Times M 92.5 .M LIM 1 82.55 r I Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity A PI M. LL m 66 .+" [.f a o eo a o� a ro a ao a w m a o0 a oc a(0 ou eo 0 co a eo to ca a m a ca a eo 0 a m aD a CD Ca Q 'J Co 0 cc C7 s N W Al 01 Ci .I CO to O IQ ..1 PQ N L7 Ci C7 d d Q O Q {� O 4 O C.7 Q G O C, O CJ C7 O O Dates /Times 95,0 915 1= All E`•i. KII i Hoag Hospital Newport Peach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 70 69 68 67 u_ 6 66 65 64 Station. Newport -Hoag Dates 1 Times 97.5 95.0 92.5 90.0 aE 87.5 85.0 82:5 80,0 J 3 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, GA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag Q Temperature Relative Humidity 71 70 69 68 U. e 67 66 65 64 . go 85 e rip. a-4 a a a a o a a V a V U V a V a rl a V a V a -4 +.t V a g a V a V a Cp SJ ID W !{y tg Cfl (if O f0 cD CD O O O O r% O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O C] O p O O O d O C3 4 O Dates ITimes go 85 e rip. 23 9 a a a �G C@ (0 fD co 3 r% O O O O Co go 85 e rip. A i Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station, Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 69 68 67 LL 0 66 65 64 Q Q Q Q 3 3 , 3 NJ iii -4 co f9 O — N W .? Ch M V W fD Q 3 N c o CS 0 0 0 0 0 a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C) e 4 0 0 o 0 o a o 0 o a a o Q o Dates /Times 95.0 92.5 90.0 87.5 85.0 82.5 80:0 77.5 ,i Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station. Newport-Hoag FIL Temperature Relative Humidity 72 71 70 U. ° 69 68 67 cc co a a w a co en 25 ca 6 W co a a a a aa w w a a a a tA to Ct, a ro a a iU a co UP a 0 a M a to a (0 a a co a e.0 a m a w a m a z CD o 67 ^.I o W a (O 6 _ w _ NJ _ W j A. 01 Ci V co eD Q h.Y O O D O O O O 0 6 Q O b 1;3 0 O C Q a O C O o 4d C, 0 9 0 CO 0 O 0 Q Q O Dates 1 Times 92 -5 90.0 87.5 ae 65.0 62 -5 60.0 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag U Temperature Relative Humidity 74 78 72 71 u- 0 70 69 IM, i-M co co W co W a a a a 4, It 8 a A a A A A A C z co r W 0 CD OP w G O © O O O O O O O O O O O q O Q CD co W a a a a 4, It A A a a to W A Vt OP w G O © O O O O O O O Dates /Times 4111 M 84 VIP 74 A A a a co ti] 4 N O g O C O O O O Q O 4111 M 84 VIP 74 i 1 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA [database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station. Newport -Hoag F AL Temperature Relative Humidity 74 73 72 LL 71 P 70 69 68 67 CO co O3 CO m CO CA CO CO CO CO m CO CO a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a W W W C.i W W W W W W W W W W W W W a 8 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a CO 0 W CD 0 to Cp C,a CO C4 0 O :D 0 C,4 cs O o Cl O _? j �' s �' ns ry N) Coy --.I SU CO O — N W A C.h M -`I CO W O —+ N C7 O p © G © O O O O O O 6 6 ci d O P O Q O O p O O O O O O O O C7 Oates I Times 87.5 85.0 82.5 80.0 77.5 75.0 73.5 1 r Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Houby Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Haag 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 79 5 71 0 70.5 ILL 700 Y 69.5 69.0 68.5 Dates f Times I S. 87.5 a� ss.o 82.5 CO Co Co a a a a a (0 a a o(0 to 0 to a to n Cr) +1 Co LtT O h7 W 4�6 01 M -4 Co (0 6 3 N O O O O O O O q Q Q O O O O D 4 O Q O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O p Dates f Times I S. 87.5 a� ss.o 82.5 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity ® LiD Temperature Relative Humidity 73 72 LL 71 lP 69 Station. Newport -Hoag ca co co co co 0� W c co m a co a co a ca a m a co a co a a a to a a a 0 a(0 a a a a a a a� cry ti 90 cc ra ca A cn c) --j � m o ON ns c o o c c a a o o a o o cz o 0 o a Dates 1 Times 90.0 87.5 85.0 8R 82.5 80.0 77.5 Haag Caen Weather Station depart July 2.aa9 N Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity � d 73 Temperature Relative Humidity 1�. 71 LL 0 70 69 y Station: Newport-Haag Crates f Times 87.5 ME 82.5 ag ME 77.5 75.0 a a a a a a m Crates f Times 87.5 ME 82.5 ag ME 77.5 75.0 m W CJ� O7 +I Qp (0 O ,.1 A7 b a O © O v O 0 O a Crates f Times 87.5 ME 82.5 ag ME 77.5 75.0 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. Hruriy Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity 72.0 71.5 71 0 70.5 ;L 70.0 69.5 69.0 6£t 5 — liD Temperature Relative Humidity Station Newport-Hoag Dates /Times 87 5 85.0 82.5 at r 77.5 WK. -1 -J -4 W V rl w -J -d ­4 -4 v v Z3 Z3 cI �3 Z3 c3 Z3 c3 c_3 c w �I �3 Z3 . n o O 0 0 0 0 0 0 n o O ® 0 0 O O © 0 3 N N N M V CO tO 0 N W •P UI in 0 s N O O Q O 0 O O Q O J O O O O O O O 0 O C] O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Dates /Times 87 5 85.0 82.5 at r 77.5 WK. i Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database- Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 71 5 71.0 70..5 LL 0 70 0 69.5 69.0 t0 Lo (0 9 25 8 p 3 c� c0 z ca co to 0 s0 e0 (0 cc 0 cn 0 cc^ [� Q Q Q 3 3 3 i 3 rl 3 3 NJ y N p7 a1 CO L"J 0' N W A 69'+ 67 --j W ID O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 0 O O O 0 Q p Q 0 0 0 0 i0 0 0 p Q 0 R 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 Q Cates [Times 85 84 83 82 ae 81 80 79 78 77 --1 � t i:3 � � � � � � � � � � - ti Cates [Times 85 84 83 82 ae 81 80 79 78 77 i Haag Hospital Newpoit each, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Stations: Newport-Hoag isyI Temperature Relative Humidity 70.5 70.0 695 LL 0 69.0 68.5 68.0 V he'd Co +J 0] V �3 06 -4 iZ� 0o -4 M13 W KD V co (J V P $ p (0 V F3 Co co rl M13 Co ID W M13 Co £q �I PJ G3 M -4 '�3 [77 t9 -4 13 co O (O 'd [ 3 co (D V i� I d to y i:3 Co C J V 1 3 co (D W v co ' (J o h? W A (Sl 61 .1 co 4:7 A7 0 N j N) hi 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 r� 0 a 0 o 0 is o o p o o a 0 o 0 0 o 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 Dates I Times 90.0 85.0 aR E :3I]Dj K Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 72 71 LL 70 RE •. V V V � V a V V V � V a V V a�3 V 8 V V a a a a a a a a a to (JD m CA V U7 Co O NJ Ca A U1 C3 V CO to O Q G Ld Q O O Ca 6 O O a C 6 C7 6 C7 6 O 6 O 4 C7 6 0 O C] 6 C3 C t7 CS 4 D C7 q 0 C7 C3 Dates / Times 95.0 92.5 90.0 aR EMI 4 Ia Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station. Newport -Hoag FA Temperature Relative Humidity 72.5 72.0 71.5 OLL 71.0 70.5 70.0 89.5 v - w —r .d .r .a v . v ai a c73 a rn a c7s a 47 a ct7 a O7 a 6-) a Ch a cy a 6 a O a IM a 4A a G7 a c7 a O o 4 C O v O Co O 6 = O —a r N W A SS7 M 6 O 6 0 O O O O 6 O C? 6 O O O O p O 6 C C5 C7 O O O O O O O O O O fl O Dates I Times 92.5 MM 87.5 aR Ems] Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station. Newport-Haag Temperature Relative Humidity rA 71 70 LL P ry 89 ME 67 92.5 •11 87.5 ae EFU N N N ;3 i'13 �3 N N N N N N [ri a Cn a G n a c r1 a 9 a Ce L21$1 t a o � a� a a� a o a 9 a cfi 4 m 0 0 w 0 Q N Co W o N 0 C 0 O o O a O o O O 8 0 O 0 0 C O 0 A o O a O o 0 O O c O 0 O Dates / Times 92.5 •11 87.5 ae EFU Haag Hospital Newpoit Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Temperature Relative Humidity V[G? 72 71 LL 4 70 69 68 I Station Newport -Hoag - 1 - 95.0 92.5 90.0 87.5 85.0 82 5 -1 V V e e9 t ti - i�3 h� N V V L L � a rn Co CD 0 a) Q Co o 6 a O O O -1 V V e e9 t ti - -d N N N N V V L L � �I ^ ^4 O � i Efl O 0 0 0 -1 V V e e9 t ti - -d N N N N V V L L � �I ^ ^4 (Dates 1 Times I } Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 74 73 ri►a 71 70 69 -1 V 'V N --J N N aJ —I v V a a LV a co a a a a a a O M O V O LV O to [- to %1 W A Cal Qi O O O O O O O C7 O O C? o 0 0 Dates f Times 95.0 92.5 T, F Ems: no a a a a(D a N Co to Cl O 4 O O Ct O C) d a o 0 0 95.0 92.5 T, F Ems: no Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag 0 72 Temperature Relative Humidity VA 70 d 69 68 67 V �I ti v v y V V r4 -1 V +J a a a a a a a a a a a a n o o a 0 � co rIj a o 0 0 0 V �I ti v v y V V r4 -1 V +J a a a a a a a a a a a a rIj o a c rs o o � o a o p ey Dates /Times 97.5 95.0 90.0 ?P FM FM 82.5 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station. Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 73 72 71' 70 u_ e 68 67 66 Dates /Times -4 1 i ..i 3 ri J. a a a a a a a O m N a a Ca cc � -� co r7 O 0 C7 O O O O O Dates /Times -4 1 i ..i 3 ri J. a a a a a y i O -a N a a 0 O O CD Dates /Times -4 1 N 3 ri J. a a a a a a 0 a W a UI rn Q CD © 6 Dates /Times 93 92 91 90 89 3� 88 87 86 85 a a 0 a a a s s N N w, V 0 CD b s N 6 6 O 6 6 O O O O C1` O O 93 92 91 90 89 3� 88 87 86 85 Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. Hourly Observarions Temperature and Relative Humidity Temperature Relative Humidity 70 69 68 LL 67 v 66 65 ed Station: Newport -Hoag Z) to a 0 a 0 a to "4 to a CD a a ►4 a -4 a '4 a M v a v a r a a m a CO 0 M -d CO 0 O �. N W A ih CD V i0 [6 Q � fN 0 © 0 a 0 e7 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 a 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 a o o o 0 c 0 v 0 o Crates / Times 92.5 90-0 ;:qty IM 1 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag F Temperature Relative Humidity .• 68 67 u. m 66 t-P, 64 Dates ! Times 9a.(l 92.5 M 87.5 - 1 -.r 14 v v -a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a co La Q %4a l,.f 46 UI — a7 — I O Q 6 C7 6 O O C 6 O 6 q 6 O O O 6 O 6 O O O O C 6 O 6 O o C3 O O 6 G Dates ! Times 9a.(l 92.5 M 87.5 - 1 e� Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station Newport -Hoag A Temperature Relative Humidity 159 68 67 LL e ss 6'S 64 ! 1 r -s ` � ! Z 1 0 © Q of -4 as 0 0 0 a a o ! 1 ! -4 ` � ! Z 1 .1 a a a a O a a cc (0 Lo J i i 0) __4 ca � a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 © a a o 0 0 0 Dates /Times r 1. 87.5 U9115' 82.5 \ ti —4 ! Z 1 a a a a O a a cc (0 Lo 0) __4 ca � a d G A ® P O a r 1. 87.5 U9115' 82.5 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newpori -Hoag Temperature Relative Humiditv 69.0 68.5 68.6 67.5 67.0 LL 9 665 66.0 65.5 65.0 V V V V V V V r1 V V —4 V �I V r9 V V U1 (71 U1 Eil Ul CA fell U1 Cif (,11 01 Ln �.n fJ1 (J1 Ul 01 a s a a a a a a a s a a a a a a a fn to co co La co �0 cc o v a 0 - _ 3 ra r) u 0) V co 0 0 N W A Ul CM V W 40 0 N O O 6 L Q O 6 q O O O O O O O O G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dates /Times 92.5 i`I11e1 87.5 85 0 02.5 A Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity L__ Temperature 70 69 LL 68 9 67 66 0 Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Dates / Times �1 -d �4 ti v ti y 3 Y -P. 4P A A A A A hT A A a 8 a 8 a 8 a a a a t O co a C o n o 0 0 a O O O s Q O ® 6 O O C? O 0 O C3 O C3 © Q O Q O C3 f7 Dates / Times 14,111 87.5 850 ae 82.5 � y N hT N O a 6 4 6 O 6 a C o n o 0 0 14,111 87.5 850 ae 82.5 P Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity 0 Temperature Relative Humidity 72 71 70 LL 69 68 67 66 Station: Newport-Hoag V V V �E � � v ti _• a i U) i 0 —4 co � d d s V V V �E ti _• a i i � , � d y s Dates / Times 90.0 87 5 85.0 82.5 80.0 77.5 75.0 72.5 ti _• i � , � 3 y s 8 a a a a a a a a a LPj 47 tt3 40 r3 �0 cc Z 0 ca d.? NJ N w A C77 rn - co c9 a rs i7 O Q O G O 0 O Q Dates / Times 90.0 87 5 85.0 82.5 80.0 77.5 75.0 72.5 I i Hoag Hospital Newpoil Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station. Newport -Hoag FALI Temperature Relative Humidity 7? 79 rill LL 68 Ir Dates /Times 9M 87.5 85.0 a� 82.5 Mo 77.5 —4 V V V L —4 V —4 W 'tit -1 V i N N h) N N N N N N N N N r:J tCS CJ G.+ e0 cp tD Lp i4 tg CeJ' to an ea 6a sp eP O —.# Co fJ O N d4 A Cft O tl Co C^J Li N O Q 6 O O 6 O O 'Co' 0 O O CO O O G7 O O O 6 O O O O Cn O O O O O O O [7 O Dates /Times 9M 87.5 85.0 a� 82.5 Mo 77.5 U 3 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 71 70 69 68 °1 67 66 55 64 z ti � - -4 - a w3 3 7 el W 4 Cii Q 3 � Q a a a a 0 0 a 0 to co LO N 0 to 0 A P O -i N 41 V p c`1 0 i N A O d O Q 0 0 A Q Q d Dates 1 Times a a a W 4 Cii Q Q 4 Q O Q Dates 1 Times 85.0 82.5 80 0 3e 77 5 75.0 72.5 N fs7 iG.7 CA V O C4 O -i N O O A A O d O 85.0 82.5 80 0 3e 77 5 75.0 72.5 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Temperature Relative Humidity 70 69 68 67 LL e 66 65 64 63 Station: Newport -Hoag 92.5 •I I am 65.0 8R 82.5 M 4 77.5 75.17 a a O a O a a O O O O Ca 0 D a a o a a a a CG U3 O v N N O O C3 O c� c 0 O O 3 Dates 1 Times 0) 'V CO [f,7 O N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 92.5 •I I am 65.0 8R 82.5 M 4 77.5 75.17 a a O a O a a o a a W 4� U1 Cp r7 CG U3 O v N N O O C3 O O O C.: C7 O O Dates 1 Times 92.5 •I I am 65.0 8R 82.5 M 4 77.5 75.17 ,y I Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity 'Station: Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity e8 67 66 LL 0 65 64 63 V � V 0 `J V a a a a LO a O O 4 67 �1 C8 C5 a o r o --A V d `J V a a a a a a a a a a a a a a C O cc O O a a a a a a a a a a a O. 3 C:3 O s N W A U'1 01 05 C0 O O O O 4 P O O 4 Gi O Dates /Times $7.5 85.0 HIM. 77.5 75.0 72.5 a a a a a a tlU E�7 h7 O O O O O O $7.5 85.0 HIM. 77.5 75.0 72.5 Y Haag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 67.0 66.5 660 e 65.5 65.0 64.5 64.0 r cs w a v 'o —4 a Ij 8 --j 8 v o -4 �3 ­4 Zz -.1 8 -.e 8 _Ij v Co W C9 CO (M W tf3 Co sD CG LG W C"3 CO Cfl 07 [S Co f-D Co C47 Co (:3 q Cl W ik9 Z`] O] (J CJ Co C) LO O PQ NJ N o 0 v o o 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c5 o a a o 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 Dates /Times. two 82.5 &0.0 e- 77.5 75.0 PA i Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 58 57 65 tt a 65 64 63 a a a o a a G7 N Co 0 0 0 0 o a a _ a o N o ri o c 0 0 0 0 a a a a a a a sa cr a� � p rn 0 0 o c+ o a c 0 0 0 0 o a o Dates I Tulles a a a N N A3 O RT 0 0 a M7 �it7 82.5 80.0 77.5 75.0 W a - -4 a _ a o N o ri o c 0 0 0 0 a a a a a a a sa cr a� � p rn 0 0 o c+ o a c 0 0 0 0 o a o Dates I Tulles a a a N N A3 O RT 0 0 a M7 �it7 82.5 80.0 77.5 75.0 a a a a a a a sa cr a� � p rn 0 0 o c+ o a c 0 0 0 0 o a o Dates I Tulles a a a N N A3 O RT 0 0 a M7 �it7 82.5 80.0 77.5 75.0 Dates I Tulles a a a N N A3 O RT 0 0 a M7 �it7 82.5 80.0 77.5 75.0 M7 �it7 82.5 80.0 77.5 75.0 Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. H©urty Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 67 66 65 64 LL 0 63 62 61 V _II J V -e -a J wi V �a 1 V -%j -a 4 ^a J _j W a a a a a a M CID 0 0 a a a a o a a 23 a 8 XD tD C7 a O a ..s -.• i a N N N v co cc a N W A CP 0 ­4 co to a N O O 0 O O 0 C7 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a a o 0 o a o 0 o v o a a o 0 0 Dates /Times 92.5 90.0 87.5 85.0 82.5 80.0 77.5' �1 A Hoag Hospital Newport Peach, CA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity SIation: Newport -Hoag EKJ Temperature Relative Humidity 65 64 33 LL 62 61 60 a a Cn a a a U1 a a a Q a a a a a a a a a 3 a a 23 a a a a a a a a a o L'J C2 CD Cp t:] i. cc C L'? C.0 q CO (0 CO O cc to 0 C07 O N -. Ca A Cn 6J ^, V -a CO O 1..7 O rQ O O 6 O O p Q O O O O 4 O O O O O 0 O O C7 O 6 O q M O C3 O O O O C O Dates ITimes MCI 87.5 85.0 dQ 82.5 ME Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport-Hoag 6— 1 M i Temperature Relative Humidity 65 64 63 v_ 0 62 61 60 •M 87.5 aR 85.0 82.5 51111] a i3 3 cs � co (0 a a - eo M fT� V CO 0 0 0 O O O •M 87.5 aR 85.0 82.5 51111] 3 cs a (0 a a c3 us ca co ap c0 co to �.Q fm o a 46 0 O a O o O 0 b 0 0 0 O O O 0 O Dates 1 Times rQ •M 87.5 aR 85.0 82.5 51111] a a a cc LO rq ca w sp (.n_ N) rQ V CQ C7 O z N Q Q O O O O 6 C O O f1 O •M 87.5 aR 85.0 82.5 51111] bJ Haag Hospital Newport Beach, GA Database: Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 65 U 64.5 64.0 63.5 63.0 LL b 62.5 62 0 61.5 61 0 a W 6 a W a 6 W a 6 W a a W a v a W a y a W 6 v a W a V a W 8 �I a W a N 6 W a V a W a -.4 s W 6 --4 a W a ;-7 a W a �I a W a V a W a pQj 4 CM co 0 co O 3 M13 W A Cn = Cp -4 Co tD N w NJ C7 O O O Q C7 O O R b O O O Q 0 O O O O O O O Q O O C3 O O O O 0 A O O Dates / Times 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 I Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database. Hourly Observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station: Newport -Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity i 63 LL G 62 51 Dates I Times 92.5 awl] Wi 85.0 82.5 ri O O t7 O O O co O N N -i h7 W A Zn O v co t.0 O N t.3 P to m V tb (0 O s N O O O O O O O d O Q d 4 O Q Q O O O O O O O O p O O O O O O 0 Q O 6 O 0 O O O O O O O O Dates I Times 92.5 awl] Wi 85.0 82.5 ri I E Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, CA Database: Hourly observations Temperature and Relative Humidity Station. Newport-Hoag Temperature Relative Humidity 65.0 64.5 64.0 63.5 g'- 63 0 62.5 62.0 61.5 61.0 V V N V V V V VVi 1V1 ^a V V V V V -+1 N -4 V ',1 V V c a a o (.0 (a O cs es cO O cp ct eO ca en O eO O u p cC ca O CC d w Q a O v C] ay Q C W O LO -- o N — w .� is 0 r —e - W i0 N O N N N) ti 4 o O o O D O 6 O o G 6 O cs 0 4 O o O ci O a O c+ C o O o O Ca O cr O v O o O c O c5 O 0 O Dates /Times 925 Emil 87.5 3R n4!] 82.5 - � ;�, Y Hoop MCmadel Hospilel Preabyleden Mosier Pie" updole Roved Mili.9ol6n Monl10dn8 and RepOW(09 Pmprum Hoag Hospital Project: Mitigation Measure: 3.4 -9 Upon installation of the fourth cooling tower at the cogeneration 'facility, additional noise measurements shall be performed to determine compliance with the City's noise ordinance. The measurements shall be made and a report submitted to the City within three months of commencement of operations of the fourth cooling tower. If a violation is noted, the problem must be corrected and a second' set of measurements submitted to the City showing compliance within one year of commencement of operations of the fourth cooling tower. Standard for Compliance: Submission of report documenting additional noise measurements and abatement of violation if necessary. Method of Verification: Documentation of report. Timing of Verification: Upon Installation of the fourth cooling tower at the cogeneration facility. If a violation is noted, the problem must be corrected and a second set of measurements submitted to the City showing compliance within one year of commencement of operations of the fourth cooling tower. Responsible Party {ies }: Applicant; acoustical engineer; Planning Dlrecicr or designated representative. Verification Date: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: PA=iarnwaF[w QFW4400.o I FA 101 Nogg Memorial Hospllel Pmsb)dorion Mnear Plan Update Proles/ Mlfipagon Monrlwinp anb fiopprrinp Program Hoag Hospital Project: Mitigation Measure: PDF 3.4 -1 Within six months following approval owe Master Plan Update Project by the City of Newport Teach and the expiration of any appeals, statute of ]imitations or referendum periods for challenging any of the Project approvals, the Applicant shall offer a window /sliding glass door upgrades (dual pane windows) and balcony barrier extensions to the owners of the residences (Owners) of 12 condominium units at 260 Cagney Lane, Newport Beach, in Units 202 through 207 and 302 through 307. With respect to the balcony barrier extensions, the extensions shall be 318-inch-thick tempered glass with a frame. The top of the extensions shall extend approximately 5 to B feet above the balcony deck Where windows and/or sliding glass doors would be located behind a balcony barrier, the Applicant would not be required to provide window and/or sliding glass door upgrades. Other windows /sliding glass doors of the identified condominium units would be upgraded with dual pane glass with a Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating of 37 or better. Upgrades would. be subject to the approval of the Homeowners Association and Owner. The Applicant shall be responsible for the imp lementatlon of. the noted upgrades pursuant to the following provisions and guidelines: (i) in order to participate in the program and receive new balcony barrier extens ons andlor windowslsliders, each Owner must provide written notice to the Applicant within 45 days following receipt of the proposed program from Applicant, that the Owner wants to participaje in the program; (ii) failure to respond within such time period shall mean the Owner desires not to participate; _ (Iii) the replacement balcony barrier extensionslwindowslsliders shall be installed by a third -party contractor as part of one overall program pursuant to a contract between the Vllia Balboa Homeowners Association (Association} and such third -party contractor selected by the Association, (iv) the Association shall provide the Applicant with a written estimate from the contractor stating that the total cost of the replacement program and obtain Applicant's written approval of such work, prior to executing a contract with the contractor; (v) the total cost of the balcony barrier extensions and windowlslider replacement, and related patch -up work to be reimbursed by the Applicant to the Association for all Owners shall not exceed. the total cost identified in a Bid Estimate approved by the City prepared by a qualified and licensed contractor plus reasonable administrative casts to manage the contract and 'constructlon effort; and (vi) provided the Applicant receives the reimbursement request from the Association within 60 days following completion of the work,. the Applicant shall reimburse the Association for the cost of the work within 30 days of the Applicant's receipt of a final receipt, bill or invoice from the Association evidencing that the balcony barrier extensions, and windowfslider replacement work wes' completed pursuant to the approved estimate. Standard for Compliance: Hoag to provide copies of all documentation between Hoag and affected property owners; installation of balcony barrier extensions, wail insulation, and window and /or slider upgrades to participating property owners. Method of Verification: Documentation of correspondence; field inspection. Timing of Verification: Prior to issuance of building permits; installation within fi months of approval of the Master Plan Update Project. Responsible Party(ies): Applicant; Planning Director or designated representative. 1PATfAT -0PTVJRPPiAlstpf`- WOiilatlee ed Haag GDMOnal Hospllal pmshAannn. Mower Plan lrpdale prnjatf MX[jalfon Manrlwfng and Reporting PWOgram Hoag Hospital Project: Litigation Measure. PDF 3.4-2 Within 12 months following approval of the Master Plan Update Project by the City of Newport Beach and the expiration of any appeals, statute of limitations or referendum periods for challenging any of the Project approvals and subject to tie City's issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall have constructed a sound wall of approximately 470 linear feet along West. Hoag Drive within the boundaries of the Applicant's property. The sound wall would be constructed adjacent to Hoag•Ddve and set back approximately 3 to 6.5 feet from the edge of the existing curb. The sound wall shall range In height from approximateiy 17 to 23 feet between West Hoag Drive and the 280 Cagney Lane condominium building; and approximately 14 to 98.5 feet at the 260 Cagney Lane condominium, The. location of the sound wall is provided In Exhibit 1. The sound wall shall be constructed using the Sound Fightero LSE Wail System (or a sound.wall system with the same sound attenuation capability and construction implementation capability). To the maximum degree feasible, the sound wall shall be constructed to retain existing vegetation which serves as a visual screen. Vegetation that is required to be removed associated with installation of the sound wall shall be replaced in -kind with specimen plant material as designated on a landscape and Irrigation plan prepared by a licensed landscape architect. The plan shall be subject to review by the Villa Balboa Community Association, and review and approval by the Clty: The Applicant shall be responsible for the maintenance of landscaping within the property boundaries of Hoag. Any future modifications made to the sound wall and/or landscaping shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director. If the removal of vegetation is scheduled to proceed between March 1 and July 31, no more than seven days prior to the onset of construction activities that would impact trees associated with the sound wall, a qualified 13iologtat shall conduct a pre - construction bird nesting survey for the trees scheduled for removal to determine the presence of any active bird nest. If an active bird nest is found, the tree cannot be removed until the nest is deemed no longer occupied by the qualified Biologist. If no active nests are found, tree removal may commence. Trees removed anytime between August 1 and February 28 do not require any nesting bird surveys, or corresponding avoldance measures for nesting bird species. Standard for Compliance: Shown on approved building plans. Method of Verification: Plan check for grading and building permits issued by the City. Ttming of Verification: Within 12 months of the certification of the Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Master Plan Update Final Supplemental EIR (SEIR), as detailed in the above measure. Responsible Partyjiesj: Applicant; Building Director or designated representative; Planning Director or designated representative; qualified biologist. Verifcation bate: wn�om.araueenaarunnv-0:mnadoe 86 Hong INemednl Nnsp710PresbylerleM MOSIOrP78n Update Project' MIN -Won MoNfarlpp and Repmting Program Hoag Hospital Project: Mitigation Measure: 118 Non - vehicular activities, such as the operation of the trash compactor, which occur in the vicinity of the servicefaccess road shall be operated only between the hours of 7:00'AM and 7:O0 PM daily. Standard for Compliance: Strict adherence to the operating hours; compliance documented as part of the Development Agreement annual review. Method of Ver €ficafion: Documentation of compliance. Timing of Verification: Ongoing during construction and project operation. Responsible Party(fes): Applicant; Planning Director or designated representative. Verification Date: CAV of Hew nrt Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: 1PR dM- 7 UMR MRP-0VNKdw 92 Hoag Memwiaf HOS014 f Presbplerien Roesler Pkn Updn[n PraJGC: Rffignlfpn Monflonng and Reponing Program Hoag Hospital Praject: Mitigation Measure: 3.4-2 The final plans for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment for the Ancillary Building and West Tower shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. The plans shall be reviewed by an Acoustical Englneer to ensure that they wlll achieve 55 dHA (Leq) at the property line adjacent to the loading dock area. These plans need to be submitted within six months of the certification of the Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Master Plan Update Final Supplemental EIR (SEIR). If Hoag does not pursue the redesign of the HVAC systems for the Anclllary Building and West Tower, Hoag shall submit within six months of the certification of the Final SEIR a plan to the City that, details how Hoag will bring the current equipment into compliance with the 55 dBA nighttime noise limit when measured at the property line adjacent to the loading dock area, Standard for Cornpliance: Approval of final plans for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment for the Ancillary Building and West Tower, Method of Verification: Plan check and noise measurements. Timing of Verification: Within six months . of the certification of the Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Master Plan Update Final Supplemental EIR (SE) R), as detailed in the above measure. Responsible Party(tes): Applicant; Planning Dire ctor or designated represe nt ative. Verification Date: Cl afNeweonl3aachVerification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: U 'A]D]7�]3'AI.NnR \l'nRP-0idl00.�de 94 Hoag ATarnodel Nvspilal plBSbyfedan MasterFbn Updala pf" mftwfon manilogng and Roparling Pr wn Hoag Hospital Project: Mitigation Measure: 3.4-3 Prior to issuance of building permits for any project that includes HVAC equipment, an acoustical study of the noise generated by the HVAC equipment shall be performed and a report that documents the results shall be submitted. -Phis report shall present the noise levels generated by the equipment and the methodology used to estimate the noise levels at nearby residential uses or property boundary, as applicable; the report will also demonstrate thet combined noise levels generated by all new HVAC equipment does not exceed applicable regulations, This study shall be reviewed and approved by the City prior to issuance of building permits. After installation of the equipment, noise measurements shall be performed and provided to the Citythat demonstrates compliance with applicable noise level limits. Standard for Compliance: Approval of applicable acoustical study, provision of nolse measurements to the City after installation. Method of Verification: Approved applicable acoustical- .study. Timing of Verification: Prior to issuance of bullding permits for any project that includes HVAC equipment, measurements after installation of appllcable equipment. Responsible P"(1es): Applicant; Planning Director or designated representative. Verification Date: City of Newport Beach Ve I ication Approved on: Approved by: Signature: wazommavu�nw.uanP.wo�oe�, e5 Hoag Memorial Hasp!ler Pn:sby[erien Master Alan Updofe Project hIftollan Monitoring and J!yporffng Program Hoag Hospital Project: Mitigation Measure.: 3.4-4 Truck deliveries to the loading dock .area are restricted to the hours of 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM. it is noted that special'situations may arise that require delivery outside dthese hours. Standard for Compliance; Strict adherence to the operating hours; compliance documerited as part of the Development Agreement annual review. Method of Verification: Documentation of compliance.. TlmIng of Veri fication: Ongoing during project operation. Responsible Party(les): Applicant; Planning Director or designated representative. Verification Date- City of Ale art Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: %PAMu .azaiv,�rrrvwMRP.049rva.mc 9a Hoeg A?aMOW81 HasplW PmsbWndan Master Alan Updata "ef edrGpattan MOOOdhg and Reporlirtt,7 Program Hoag Hospital Project Mitigation Measure: 3.4-5. Sound absorption panels an the east wall of the loading dock shall be installed. Approximately 450 square feet; of absorptive panels shall be used to cover major portions of the back wall of the loading dock area. The Noise -Foil panels by Industrial Acoustics or a panel with an equivalent or better sound rating shall be used. Standard for Compliance: Installation of sound absorption panels. Method of Verification: Field Inspection and noise measurements. Timing of Verification: Installation within 6 months of approval of the Master Plan Update Project. Responsible Partyjies): Applicant; acoustical engineer; Planning Director or designated representative. Verification Date: City of Newport Beach Verification Approved ow Approved by: Signature: �A' WWJVA.NARk�07W Hoeg MsmorfO Hospllal PrssbAWar+ Masser Plen ilpdata ProJecf Mifigutron ftnllonng end Rep=09 Propmrrf Hoag Hospital Project: NlitigatTon Veasure: 3.4-6 The trash com pactor. sh a 11 be relocated within the loading dock. The trash compactor and baler shall be enclosed In a three -sided structure. The walls shall be concrete block or similar masonry construction. The roof shall be lightweight concrete roof or a plywood surface with concrete tiles; a built -up roof with 5' 5" of insulation on the inside would be an acceptable aitemative. The open side shall face away from the residents. Doors may be on the side of the enclosure facing the residents, but must be closed when the baler or compactor are operating. The compactor and baler should only be operated between the hours of 7:00 AM and 7:00 PAS. Standard for Compliance: Shown on approved applicable plans. Method of Verification: Plan check and ongoing. Timing of Verification: Within 6 months of the approval of the Master Plan Update Project. Responsible Party(ies): Applicant; Planning Director or designated representative. Verification Hate: City of New ort Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: iP /.=-O?3WMRFW.MRPdaOnO 98 Hoag Ma5forpka upoale Pm*f Miuyaon +lManRanng and noporft Program Hoag Hospital Project: Mitigation Measure: 3.4 -7 "Ho Idling" signs shall be posted in the loading dock area and any area where the trucks might queue. Standard for Compliance: Method of Verification: Timing of Verification: Responsible Party(ies): Verification pate: Installation and maintenance of signs.. Maid Inspection. Within one month of the approval of the Master Plan Update Project. Applicant; Planning Director or designated representative. City of Newport Beach Verification Approved on: Approved by: Signature: WuMMMw,srw+.ui�oam 99 Hoag Mor 060 Haspkfl! PreshAndnn Masiar Alan Updnle Profecf Mrllgafiea Mvrrr7arrag slid Raperllr�p Program Hoag Hospital Project Mitigation Measure: 3.4 -5 Grease trap cleaning operations shall be limited to Saturday between the hours of 19:00 AM and 3:00 PM. Standard for Compliance: Strict adherence to the operating hours; compliance documented as part of the Development Agreement annual review. Method of Verification: Documenfation of compliance. Timing of Verification: Ongoing. Responsible Party(ies): Applicant; Planning Director or designated representative. Verification Date: Ch of New art Beach Verincation Approved on: Approved by: Signature- l !�'1�OTJNIAIAPyAMFP-0ey03dx � (b Location Area Areal - Ca Gen Ares 2 . C o Gen Area 3. Cc Gen N Q E 3 lY J CI 0 : qE V m 4 : x N CL E V 3 £ 1 Ch O Description Landscape Element Schedule Add 6, aft' box evergreen Sam trees and new MM14 lase PlIT&g Irdgglarl New 2007lesdted CommuNfy request IMan al tree ptanflnq temmunny request preen screen e Pereammunay Clean UP and regrodo Area d -Co am $lope area »dh added daub B ON nd Tralltm and gmundoaae, tlai @' b" evergreen screen trees and Metro mence Mry 2006. canNdton.ydy N MOM green screen lame, ownure In rn coo q. Met 1Fary 220@. goal Wilding eleva'Iion hrotog eorplognon July 1foWadng anesla eve pman ;peen do mince Mry 2206. oompld4n Trig 2006. 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Costal Comm. Coaxial Wild Ik m old grass Hydrpseed Emdaxldurt esevoi and ing "Ol pern N "I parkig Id with HYchsaed and nipahm arW'Im urn enhanced vflual al idnPe lmPrevemems added. moaned Dee 2001 fie camlneled v "ding future Pasting sass act status Indkees cwmnt lmpravemenfi Td have hem Ins}alled per P wAoua approvals lndtcales ImpmvemeMS bell but not spent of reprised Perrot, Indkllas Improvemdlla In design phase Td to as submided far ray or agency Sppuvrab edkatcs Imprwemems Pnoosed but Mal l Wove d for Iasaallrtlan n Revlaed An 6736 for Cry _Council Medina t°1 131 r -16 fv i r I .1 " ..'� ���i Cogen Plant Sound Wall --- Before and After Pictures Looking South 1127110 Looking Southeast 9127110 After Looking South 21100 Looking Southeast 2/1110 ,, ►ti �. i r } ��srrna 3U, 1,0 Plan ChWA Fee: S4.0S421 City of Newport Beach 9ullding DEPaTtraeTlt COMB Permit No: X200!3.00136 $0.00 Road NzWafrwl : S30.00 Snarpy Camp9ancd; PO Sox 770 Nmnperl eouch, Cafffumtu M5"215 PonnO CauntarTalophono (946}fii4.92A8 M1yes6on RsQuall Yrdephcno (9491044.1235 •�°"iA • Combination Typo - BLOG+ELEGfGRAD i OdabW A=so: Job Adrrws: I j5W) HOAO.DR Ne Fm Imcnma: Fee: Omplp4an: IRM,90 ONDWALL.7S NJ.(" s ap0' LF Addmmml Pea: Pm]ud; 0064 -s30e OOSaMMWEST RD LDAD pOCH Inopestnr Area: L Lepi Do= TOTAL FEE : 517,284.0B Oarwl • kCN3 HOSPITAL FG&C Canhacim DES CCli$TRIl=CN INC ATddteet HERMAN DANIEL Addy . 500 SUPERIOR Ave 0300 Addmss: 1730 EYANSTOHROAD Ado! ma: 873 DDVPR OR 89 NEWPORT R EACH CA92G= ANAHEIM CA 928o6 h1EWPGRT8EACRCA92M Fhcur. 949•T644W49 Pnnne: 114-0124684 prawl 4465464450 Stab LLIC00AW, Applicant HAZARD MATT Can Bfafe 11G ST7416 E v>w HALLADAY DANA STANLEY Addm . 073 DOVER OR 96 vacwnx o1131r2af1 Ad*=: 1761 CALIFOFINIA AVE 1NO2 HEWPORTOLACHC:AMM an L]c 6710028894 GORONAC:A 92MH Pha= 9495d&:d59 uGerAO34c 0941wo Phase: 5514MM Shoff LL- "34TS1 Cede Ed.R: 2007 wooffles Componoalisn Imum DaftAer, Typo of OwobvdkM: Corter. TRAVEL my MEMNRY Addm= Omp anvy Group: u FgdLy khe DTEURMU MICA Adddl "5Q.1L @hip: 0 EXAM olaKa01a Fhww. Added Kw eq. fL QarngT 4 Novrlitmus- 0 6umffn69efbudm Rum; I Saodot Candt6cm: No of Oidm: 0 From I Bfdp HalghL• 0 Loft f Skip eprlw' : Rlphc f F90W Z"W Oau 7.aw: camuudon Valua Dan:— S1.093.09�,40 Ri&AMPnmdt Fee: 3U, 1,0 Plan ChWA Fee: S4.0S421 OVMfnnu F9an Clc $"a In wftdon Pau: $0.00 Road NzWafrwl : S30.00 Snarpy Camp9ancd; 30.0 CA Saluda 65": 50.90 OdabW A=so: SUM Fm Imcnma: Fee: $4.40 Addmmml Pea: $0.00 Haomd= P4W : 3100 Buifding Green Fee : S42.00 TOTAL FEE : 517,284.0B San W. $0.0 Iadae Tm 50.00 N"v Fse: SOAD S%ding PWMRFBe: $73D,OD GMrPnp PC Ft= $54040 WO Imp. Fee! 5200 Einawwt 71: t: fAaae,dcatrA, fi Plvmh]Dg 9{.: FEES FIm nln@ OoPmAnenl - PlnnCf ckt ;": =UD Fok Simr: Kea S1HTrand: $0.00 Pahlln Wedm Dopertmanl- pork Dodhadon t 130.00 PAN Plan CRedt: $600.00 pro" Chock Fan: 35,539:70 Flna OaportmoM File kupec4rtie Fbo Pfen Rov DamolWbA Fn o Bullft opl Adm Gan drr] SIIMc Re Ipso DBposll $0.4o u0054 SD.CD 60.90 $0.00 Sam 50.00 Re Donal Rurmlt f9aunnw : 57,754.78 PROCESSED BY; Pl1eUC WORNSpPPkDVAL4 ' ,� _•_ - _ -� ZONING APPROVAL: PLAN CHECKHj: •• • •,� e _ _ GRAQIHG APPROVAL: AFPROVAI, TO 18SUE: PERMrM E)QDfAE 780 DA Y9 A FIER Js&uANcr OR L45T VAuOj60pE0wpb Z+ —Ian$ E. .. ......... M4 72 W1.7v- lop 4 007 nor,; u `..s. ;r rt T s AN k jr r r ifu , w; '` ry c r y �7' a �.J .re° � • 5 u 1 T _q ne r 4 I •' r sjo joill 4L WL I uilahle Hrallhcarc AccesSfhll Office of Statewide Health Planning and Develapmenf Facilities Development alvfslon 700 N. Alomedo sireel, Suite 2.500 tos Angeles, CA. 90012 (21318917-0166 fax 12131697-0168 v, ww.oshpd.co.gov1Idd Mr. Joseph A, Balbons RB8 Architects, Inc. 10880 Wilshire Boulevard Las Angeles, CA 90024 Facility: Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian- 119428 Facility Address: One Hoag Drive Newport Beach, CA 92663 Project Title: 125657 KITCHEN EXHAUST FAN SOUND ISOLATION Hear Mr. Joseph A. Balhona: LYE i •J JAN 08 2019 FACfLiphs DESIGN 11612010 a CONSTRUCTION SLO81724 -30 This Office has been notified that construction on the above- referenced project Is complete, However, prior to acceptance by the Department of Health Services, Licensing and Certification Division, the completed construction must be approved and accepted by the Facilities Development Division of the Office of Slalewide Health Planning and Development. Please submit the required information no later than 317/2010 Final Verified Reports: Missing reports are indicated by a " ?" Not required reports are Indicated by "NIA" Reports received are indicated with a dale. Contractor/Owner: 7 Inspector of Record: 7 OB10426 A20352 Davis Architect: 7 Mechanical Engineer. ? C06451 Balhona M24311 Fundament Seruclural Engineer: ? Electrical Engineer: ? 33552 Modah E10762 Stout Geotechnical Engineer: NIA Civil Engineer: NIA Final Verified Costs: Complete, sign, and return this form. I HEREBY CERTIFY THESE COSTSNALt1ES TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY. THESE COSTSIVALUES ARE SUBJECT TO AUDIT. 33, Final Constructlon,Vglue Radi ogical Equipment Value Certified fay: _ Print Name: Write an explanation if your final cost Is 5% under or 10% over If there are any questions, ,please contact me at (213) 887.0174. Sin Ze ,b Ka onw y�%�� cc: Project File Program Techniclgn }II IOR Li Administralor, Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbylerlan- 10428 Date: J-- /0-/P Phone: -,q I cost of $453,572. W:S =� Rsgvasd Stale of CaOforrllca - Heallh and Hui-non Services Agency Prato vostlaa Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor OSHPO NSLDS1724-30 HOAG Project No.: 125657 — Kitchen Exhaust Fan sound Isofadon y*F z13Y, Final Construction Value a/ Radfoln ical Equipment Value 1 M 0 {I ,-3 77- ,00 If Final Cost Is 5% 55% under or 10% over the estimated cast please provide explanation: OFFICE OF STATEWIDE HEALTH PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 401)'R' Shea I. SLlle 200 — Socramonlo, Callfwnla 95911 Pliono (010) 440.6200 FAX (91(3) 324 -6 U 700 N. Alameda Slraol, Sul in 1.509, Los Aelgelas, O[di fa Ne 99952 Phone (2 13) 897 -0186 FAX (213) 9974166 rurci",c alma Pngj r VERIFIED COMPLIANCE REPORT Ii FInN Roporl, Plare'P In 6ws NOTE: Required at spaclflc Intervals or project milestones as indicated In the Tasting, lrlspectlon and VR OSH -R3 -113 Revised f12120fe9 observation P rog ram a p p roved by the Office IS ee Part 1 Title 24 CCR Secdon 7 -161 A Wag Ff+�a orial Hospital Presbyterian - 10426 6 08911 24 -30 �ne ioae °IDriye g IncramenllRhaewa^ub No. or Visacrfptlon NA %Wporl Beach county Orange Lie. 92d8b to pr PrnJe4 ,5 Chhnrpolers Max.) xtraus� an Em Pavement FF cuo9�110. No. 3�u18 C intervallmilestorW: Final Verified Compliance Report at Completion Ref. No.': 1 This repast Includes cons tructlon work to the 14th day of December 20 09 D observed Elements of ConstrucIIon this reaofting Interval or project. mIlastone: ALL E Area Under Observation Compliance Statement: hereby deal ara Ihat. to the besl of my personal knowledge', the work performed end, the matdrlaN used and nstaIled cdverar by this report, are In compliance with the approved drawings and 8p9cificotfons and any approved Post Approval Documenls. If applicable, a Ientative list of Items to be completed or corrected is given herein below or Vtochad hereto. This Iisl may nol be all- inclusive. Failure to include an Item In It does not oiler the responslbilily of the Contractorlaullder to complete all of the work In accordance with Iheapproved. drawings and so actlicallocis and all a licable building codes. (! As defined in Part 1 in 24 CCR Section 7 -151 F Comments andlor Exception List: (A(tach additional sheets if necessary) G signed __ Dale __Z. �. 0 AOR 13 8E0 ❑ MrOR ❑ EEOR L7 GEOR 01011 ❑ Special I9 ns edpr ❑ plhol:_ ii Newman 1416 Name (Print] y wman ,_- Registration No.: Firm Name Kemp Bros. Construction, Inc.. Address •10135 Geary Ave. city Santa Fe Springs slate CA Zip 90670 OSH -R3 -113 Revised f12120fe9 OFFICE OF STATEWIDE HEALTH PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 1600 Or Skeel, na0m 470 - 6ntlamenlo, CA 95614 Phone 1016) 654.97F7 FAX j9I61 d'S4 -2979 I5mivi.•a ccalwlupon) & , I"I 9r s1.•el -S.,, CA 9NIA Mona IDIej7249r19D FA%{07W 32.!rSf45 P+�mrCminl Nearnr i Do Alenw to Short. SWIe 9 -500 I• os Angeles, CA KO 12 PO, v (213)W -DI65 FAx {1'f Al9D7.0156n+•.Yw..a ew.w. PWi VERIFIED COMPLIANCE REPORT ttnmlNepOI,PlOCU f Maur ■ ■■ NOTE: Required at specific intervals or project milestones as indicated In the Tasling, Inspection and V R ohsefvalion Program approved by the Office (See Pall t, Title 24, CCR, Section 7.151) A Namr of Faeday Hoag Mernofial Hospital Preshyterian -10428 $ 05NP4 No. SL- 081724.30 InaemenIOND fSo6 Ho. 00 Addioss - Shoal One Hoag Drive oeealpleon Cny CnumlY $1010 zip Newport Beach Orange, _ CA 9Z§g8 NIA F00111ty r.v No. TWe of Proiecl 145 Chanudam om.3 Exhaust Fan Improvement 10428 C hltervallMilostone': Final Verified Compliance_Repori at Completion Rel. Nu': i Tths repurl includes can6lruc4ion work to the 1 d111 day of t7eCemlraf 2p d�, ['As rdenldrea on lire 9pproveci 1eDlinp, Ineliechon and Ot a waGon Program} D Opserved F,lenicals of Construction tills repelling interval w project Illllentone: ALL E Area tinder Ob5ervalion compliance statomenl: I hereby declare Thal, to the lest of my personal knowledge', the work pedermed and the materials used and installed covered by this repair Eire in compliance with the approved drmvinfl6 and speclkcations and any approved f osl Approval Documents ti appdcable, a tentative Iisl of Berns ro 4e compieled of c heeled is plven herein below a attached hereto This list may not lie a11•Irlerusive Failure to Include an Ilem In 9 does not alter life respt7r sUilly of the Cunhaclmisulder to complete all of the +.vofk in accordance w1h the approved drawings and speciiicatlonS and all applicable building codes. l' An delved in Bail 1, Title 24, GXR, Section 7.1511 F Comments andlor Exception List: tAiledi additional sheets Ii necessary) Signed Dale /.,G7. 7GE7 G jtl Aon i] SEOn ❑ MEGR 401? lJ C001tadw1CWhh1 nnxd0t CI Kan El CP0elo1 hsp001or U onhor- Name (Print) Joseph a. Balbona . -, - _ -- Regishalion No C -64.51 ..,• rim Name RM AIChileCt5 Address 10980 Wlisnlre Boulevard City Las angetes state CA Lip )0024 oslbPD• 179 novland 0202(000 OFFICE OF STATEWIDE HEALTH PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 16900" Slronj, Room 420- Savo rhento, CA 96614 Phone 19161094.3362 FA%(e56J 554- 2e731rwinadcoeapaaoim 5631 4d' Sirodl - SaCrn monlo, CA 96814 Phone (016)324,9013D FAK. (9567 324.91451rvxn,end Cw,oi n.�N 7000.. Al omedn Simel, 8ulle 2.600, Los Anp ores, CA 090$2 PhOn9 1217) 697.0-166 Fri# (tie) 807- 0160iWOranyvcxNh. vnrl if Final Ra"ri. Ploce 'P" In Boy -i VERIFIED COMP uANCE REPORT VR (VOTE: Required at specific Intervals or project mI lento nes its Indicated In the Testing, Inspectlorrarld obsarvatlon PI'ogram approved by the Off fc9 (See Part 1, Title 24, CC R, Section 7 -761) Nnmo of Fncllily 13 OSHP0 No. A i�o N!e oriel os it Presb le Ian -10 28 SL- 081724 -30 el incur mopl7Plreee78ub No. ar Address - Si re One Hoary Drive aesnolpnon Ct[v county S1alc 2I NIA AO-W-1 Beach Orange _ CA g2658 Fadlnyl.o.wa. TIIIe or Projoct (46 ❑haraclum max.) 10428 Exhaust Fan lrn rovement C IntervallMllastane•: Final Verified Compliance Report of Cornplellor4 _ Ref. This report Inc Iudaa construction work to the 14th day of DeCerrlber 20--9-9 C. Am Identlflod an Iho approved Tesil n0, Ins ecllon 2nd observation Progrem) D 0b served Elements of Construction this reporting Interval or project nil leatone: ALL E Area Under 0baervatlen Compliance Statement: I herelsy declare (hell, to the bast of my personal hnowterige', the work performed and [lie materials used and Installed covered by this report, are ill complIsnde%vlth the approved drawings and speclitcatlons and any approved Poet Approval Documents. If applicable, a tentative its, of Items to he completed or comet €ed is given hereln below or stlached hereto. This Ilsl may not be all - inclusive. Failure to Include an Item In II does not alter the responslbik(y of the Conlractorl6ulIdBr to comp[ele all of [lie work In accordancewllli Ills approved drawings and speciflcaliona and all appl Ica bis building codes. t "'As defined in Part 1, Title 24, CC R. Section 7 -161) F Cornmenis andlor Exceptlon List: {Attach oddllianal sheets If necessary} !s l Date Signed ❑ AOR PU SEOR ❑ MEOR ❑ EEOR ❑ GEOR ❑ CunhaCl01i0k' nUj- 6nrl11a1 ❑ IOR ❑ Speclal tnapedw ❑ Other____ Name (Print) Ramzl Hadali RegNtratioll No.: 53552 Firm Name _ICPFF CollStliting Engineers Address 6080 Center Drive, Suite 300 City Las Angeles Slate CA zip 90045 OSN- FO.123 Reatsad 02129!09 OFFICE OF STATEWIDE. HEALTH PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 400'R' Sire•el, 6epW 2W - Sacrnmpala. Couainla 95611 Phan is 16) 440 -0399 FAX (810) 324•:I5615 700 N. Alameda Street, Sune 2 -500, Lis Anipele 6, Cnnlaiala 00012 Pllona (21a) 07.01156 FAX (?W) 6974MGe U-Ln , 0,91 VERIFIED COMPLIANCE REPORT if Final nepurl- Place 'F'ln,pa -a Id NOTE: Required at specific Intervals or project mliealones as indicated In the Testing, Inspection and VR observation Program agpiroved bv the Office See Part ! Title 24 CCR Section 7.461 A "yINd��%�ydiy4-,;��l gimoriai Haraplial Presbylerla_n - 10428 B SGH W24.30 IncremenBPSaeel9vb No. ar DoKrlplion VSYB r7'L.7HU Dr PO Box (31(} %WPORT BEACH cw it ORANGE 92& N/A 1MPd'N? 0rt MAST FAN SOUND ISOLATION C IntervallMilealone': FINAL VERIFIED COMPLIANCE REPORT AT COMPLETION Ref. H'o.': 5 _ This report Includos cvn 82nd DECEMBER '49 atructlon work to the day of 28_ Observed Elemanis of ConslructlGn this reporting interval or project milestone: D ALL _. E Area Under Observation Compl lance Statemsnt: I hereby declare that, to the heat of my personal knowledge', the work performed and the materiels used and inalalled covered by this report, are in cemp%rwe wilh ilia approved drawings and spodficatlons and any approved Post Approval Documents. If appilcable, a tentative list of Items to be completed or corrected Is given haraln below or attached hereto. This list may net be all - Inclusive. Failure to Indude on Item In It does not stint the responsibllity, of the Contraolorl8utklar to complete all of the work In acecrdanco with the approved drawings and npeclflcatlons and all a llcable building codes. ' As defined In Parl 1 TI(M 24 CC R, Section 7 -164 F Comments andlor Exception Lis[: (Attach additional sheets It necessary) itas 4 rna C Signed __. _ _ _ _ Date — d SEOR 11 meM 0 EEOR 13 GEOR 0 C; nlracioFM"*r,BWlder 14 [ON C3 Speclol IndilaWT Otrrer: Name (Print) TODD DAVIS Regisiration No.: 20392 c ) _ Firm Nam, MLD & Assoc., Inc. Address 23052 -H Alicia Parkway, 4162 city Mission V9jo stale GA zip 92692 DSR- FG•1�s Revtaed 4=20116 OFFICE OF STATEWIDE HEALTH PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 1600 a" 5lreel, Roam 420- amrnmento, CA. 95814 Phone 19[8) 65443302 FAX (06)654- 29731aw.u, ene tmmrp.pb•y rf a 1831 r Slreel - Secranlenta, CA 65614 Phone 1916) 824.909D fAx (916 324.914,11rrc r.nncwoie. prat r 't 700 N, Alameda Sueel, Build 2.598, Los Angales, CA 90812 Phone 12131 [197.8106 FAX i2°13�ea7A16E 1wcn�. cu,m... o-ryl VERIFIED COMPUANCE REPORT If Fk al Raparl, Place In ear -r NOTE: Required at specific intervals or project milestones as Indicated In the Testing, Inspection and observation Program approved by the Office (See Part 1, Title 24, CCR, Section 7 -1511 A Nama of Foollity i3 obi-M No, Hoag Memo riadf o pitaIFresbylerian - 14428_ __ ^_.. —.. SL-081724-30 Inceem WhaWS uh No. or Address- 6trael One Hoag drive oescollon - -- - -, - - — Gfly Courtly 51814 Zip �y�Ilport Beach - pranne — -- CAA -MW- 111114 T16e of pad t45 Characrera 1nae.i fadlg1 1.6. No Exhausl t=an Improvement 10428 C Inten7auMUaslone•: Final Verified Compliance Report as GomRletion- _ -° Ref. No.":— 1 This report Includes construction work to the 14th day of December 20 09 i' As identified an the approved Testing. Inspecilon and Observation pr tam D Observed Elements of Construction this reporting Interval or project milestone: ALL E Area Under Observation Compliance Statement: I hereby declare That, to the best of my personal knowledge', the work performed and Ufa materlats used and Installed covered by this report, are in compliance with the approved drawings and spedficafions and any approved Post Approval Documents. If applicable, a tentative list of Items robe completed or corrected Is gWan herein below or attached hereto. This list may not be all- Indusive. Failure to Include an Itom In 11 dads not after [tie responsibility of the ConlractorlBullder to complete all of the work In accordance with Itte approved drawings and speclftallons and all appiiraWe building codes. (- As defined in fart 1, Title 24, CCR, Section 7 -151) F Comments andlor Exception Ust: (Attach additional shoals If nacessaryy r' Signed / _ _ _ _ _. Date D Agri - FOR IE O Etoh EI GEOR i7 con ractor)chmer•Rulidar 01011 L7 5lxalel Ir clan [j CIM1er.,,�_ Name (print) Paulo F. Fundament _ Registration No.: M24311 _ f=irm Name Fundament & Associates, Inc. Address 26 Executive Park, Suite 14{} City I Min e Stale CA dip 92614 0SfFF ®•123 Rovlsotl 0212=8 OFFICE OF STATEVWDE HEALTH PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 1 1600 V Slreal, RWM 420 - SacranWr". CA 99814 Mono {6191654 -3362 FAX [916) 659- 2 973 1amr+rc Ngw t `� : V: $831 B` SIrea1- Sac(amento, CA 95614 Phu* 1916)324,909O fAX [4ley 324.9145 prn.ur.b FrrevlruyeiY Z 760 H. Alameda Sosel. SuBe 2.560. Los Anaerer., CA 00012 Ffinne (213) 097 -6166 FAX [213) 697-Qt8a rL=ww0&x&,0,M {VERIFIED COMPLIANCE REPORT PnFlwlRapan,WaCe'F n6ax El 5pur�Rry�� NOTE: Required at specillc Intervals or project milestones as Indicated In the Testing, Inspection and m tl re observation Program snorovod by the Office (See Part 1, Title 24, CCR, Seallon 7 -151) A Hamo of Facaty Hna� Memorial Hop gi tal Presb r�terIan -10428 0SHPD %a SL•081724 -30 _e__, Rd&usa - Street IncrementlfA,eaa/Sua No. or tkte Hoaa Drive DesuaBan NIA Nsw oil etch eaewlya_ CR 82G58 p_ -.. -. -�._ FdcSlyl.❑ Ha Tllle of Pogfacl (46 Gfiareclafa MK.) Exhaust Fan improvement 10428 C Inie7vallM lies tone': Flnal Verified Compliance Report at Completion Ref. No.'; 1 This report includes construction worir to the 14th day of December , 241 09 (' As Idenlilied un the approved Toctl , rnspaclion and Obso mtlon r4 rain) 1) Observed Elements of Construction this reporting Interval or project milestone: ALL E Area Under Observation Compliance Statement; I hereby declare that, to the best of my personal knowledga', Itle work performed and the materials used and Installed covered by this report. are In compliance with the approved drawings and specifications and any approved Post Approval Documents. If applicable, a tentative list of Items to be completed or collected is ®Ivan herein below or attached herelo. This list may nol be all - Inclusive. Failure to include an Item In it does not alter the responsiblllty of the ContractorlBulldar to complete all of ft work In accofdance with the approved drawlnps and specifimlions and all applicable building codes. ('As defined in Part 1, Title 24, CCR, Section 7.151) F Comments and/or Exception List: (AW0 additional sheers it necossarir) Signed. ___ _ Dale EI AOR 0 SECRr ESOR DGrEoR ❑ Gonlreetarr[nvner•aukdcr ©IPR ❑ SpecWl impecter 001h&:_ Nome (Print) Chi Kii Chan _ -„ RegIsIration No.. E18090 rim, Name Fundament & Associates, Inc. Address 26 Executive Park, Suite 100 City Irvine state CA Zip 92814 0SH•F0.123 Revlwd 02WOB OFFICE OF STATEWIDE HEALTH PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT DIVISION 700 N. ALAMEDA ST. SUITE 2.500 LOS ANGELES, CA. 00012 CF Tel: (21097.0100 Fax: {213} a97.0108 CONSTRUCTION ADVISORY — CONSTRUCTION FINAL Facility Name and Address Facility I.D. No. Project Number Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyierien One Hoag Drive Newport Beach, CA 92663 10428 SLOO1724.30 Dale "G" Sub No. 12122!2009 Contractor Project % Complete Kemp Brolhers 100 Bu@rgng Permit (a YES UNO Approved Plans U res ❑ NO Inspector of Record Telephone No. Change Orders Pending App'd Todd Davis ❑ F] 1 Title or Fan CONSTRUCTION FINAL -- The work has been completed and appears to substantially conform to the approved plans and applicable California Building Standards Gode. Project closure requires that Final Verified Reporls be wbmltted and the Final Construction Costs be certified to the Office In axordance with Section 7 -155, Article 4, Chapter 7, Part 1, Title 24, CCR. Alt submittals shall be sent to the Office Indicated above. Failure to do so may result in a project closure status of "non- compliance." Any subsequent construction changes to an area, portion or project that has been Issued a construction final must be done through a new permitted project, and not as a change order. osHK)• c%onslwctlon Floal {a9106r99y i r mmmodma L�l 4*14 I ta.. r City of Newpon,Beach Building Department COM9 Permit P1a: ii20 9 -7: 3fi PO BOX 1768: Newport Beach, Calflomla 92658 -0915 Pa wit C0UnlerTeieplicne (949)644.3208 InspecilOn Requesta.7ialeph0ne �9493S4d 255 r•rt Ir[ru�~ + Combination Type - BLM GRAD 7 .l Dh Address: 4 HOAG OR NE Daeufp0pn: ill iii WALL 25:117111' , 1, , C: Ht [d•LOW ER GAMPUS S:: Area: 7 Pmjecl: 0919.2009 0079.2009 [SOUMO.WdLL) OPE OF LOT OF LOT Legal Dom: MINE SUB 0M2 -LOTS 169,& 179 FOR OF LOTt:& 13LK 7 472 MR , Ormer, HOAG HOSP,nAL FQ 8 C Address: 50 rSUPERfOR AVE 930a Contractor. DEB.CCNSTRUCTlON INC ArohllecL NEWPORT` BEACH CA 92663 =0 Address:. 2230 E WINSTOH ROAD Address: N R Phone: 949= 76da486 EWINST Phone: 714- 832$600. ApprindL RABBEN lR Phone: stare uc C0n•S1at0 Ut, 372419 Address: 833'17oV R,,6R t!9 Engineer- HALLADAY DANA STANLEY l'J0 Explrg: 0373112a11 Yk NEi7VPOR1'f3EACii CA92663 Address: 39VW Bl&STR205 Bus L'Ic 9T'3602695k Phcn9: 94y-5d6�459 _ Vi Exp Qale; 0813472D10 GDRCNA CA 92080 Phone: 954478 -pno Code Edll: 2007 State [ii:C -074767 WCrkoraCampensatlo n.lnsurancv - c0pn: V =B [ cy Defigner: iiERR9A}dpliNIEL Canter.. TRAVELERS FDEMNrTY Mrxp O ded'i cyGmup' U Gm -Bldg: Address: 033 OOti1ER OR 99• Pnllcy,NO: OTEi16t3072Gi1�9 Added7Nma sq,[0 0 NEWPnRT BLACK CA-92683 Expire: 0116112840 Rdded.114vvrsq. R. Garage' 0 Go-rage! Pfidnv: 949.94&3d5g No of Studer: 0 Ne.ol : 8 Buildina Sel6acks Rear. 1 Spacral Condlllhrns: Bldg}icfahl: p ClPh ;iMnt: 1 B16 Spdnklvrs: H LeB: 7 and Zone. RiphL•, 7 Issued [lase: 077,4972010 Use Zone: Parkfd -S cos: o FIM Hazard Zone: N FEES Conslructlpn ValVaBvn:_ 550000.66 Building PE wit Fee: 5660.00 PIan Check•Fea: %75.20 Solar Sysigm -PC -: $0.00 Planlilh Qe •artmtinL- Exdse Tax P Fire Oeparlmant Overllme,Plah Ck: 50.00 Mix? Mail eheck:Fee.: +S-3 •00 hre lnspeellen: $0,00 lUnslfgallcn Fee: 50.00 Farr Share: $0.00 Fire Plan Rev $95,e4 RBCard Management: 5330 -00 GJHTrans•: 50.00. Oerird9Hah Pee Glading permit Fee: $700.00 Energy CornpAance: 50.00 F3u0dfhg Oapi Adrn Grading PC Fee:. $7,24a a0 Puhllc' Works Oepariment SOHO •CASelsmlc.5arety: 88,06 Dlsahled.Access - WO lnsp - Fee: $0.00 General SeMce Park Dedinatldn : 80.00 : 10.00 ;0.60 Refund Qaposit 10,00 Fee Increase: Fce: 31911 P7W Plan Chock: $0,00 Elerarf�I '' $0.00 Addlllvnal Fee : 80.00 San Dist! MOD Mmhanrcal %: $000 NMIISD Fee: Hazardous Mal: S0.00 50.80 Plumbing °le: 59.08 SUM Building Green Fee : ° m -00 ° X9,00 TO$ALFEto. ° °° or,,7�g,g4 Plan Check Fee: $2,570,24 Fee Due ot.PermltArsuance : 531148.70 AHOCESSEQ BY: - - ° � ° ° • PUBLIC WORKS,APPROVAL• ZONING APPROVAL- -06 ° - = PLAN CHECK BY; GRACING APPROVAL' a APPROVAL TO rS5UE: PEl7rg7TS 0,1PlRE 180 L, DAYS AFTER.% ^VAA10E OR LAST VALIDdNSPECTf[ ?v 4._�) s(F- a R City of Newport 13e;;cIh - 'Bu iIding'Aepartment 4 ' Ins e.•a� c il = P ,� Card f� Inspac6 ,on•geque'sLt7clap}ipnu =[BA 916443266 4 Bulb ing,Permlt it: ](20Q9• .fl36 . - = • ^'° plan C}ieFk #i.'• pa19 =20Be it h Addreas: 7 HOAG•RR'Nl3 :'• '~ - ' Y HOAG"HOSPITA, Fa C' w B6 pG ,•'1 GRIIg Cohlecl6r,: DEB CDN$f12Lf7lpN,IHC ' . :rrn.- a:cr:u •.,, rW :'n'U}n'ZH :I:VwGK• NPJIY.US�scF��r �:f:"y f .�a .1.. _ PE mme 7029c 'BATE 'SIGNATURE OMB '2266 'PiagraEe MeeB OMB 2250 SDn-PE e OMB 2730 Seher ❑life 2280 Waler Pi u -' OMB 2246 Gas F400 iy OM8 2256 - UddursiablFloor Mer]ian €col OMB 7.25p ;UlurCmund COMB 227q {1nAo -rpund Efecldcal OMB 2280 Ruu h'Gi A mwE OMB 2280 WO.Besi Management Pr2cmus 2900 EreclEon Pads = OMB '2316 Founda50n Selhacks COMS 2920 FvdBd rJFaundail"P _- . 9 2390 Sra.6'oi1 Grdde time 2346 AbaOralde •OM8 - � OMB 1.2350 W. ''ii�id?ungoUSaH�� 2360 :' ;OUiargiurnW o s •r r . iTe�` F�f�- `- Maovii -P.1e -Grout OMB 237p Slah pn.Ceck .OMB 2386 Pliimbla "DUB 2390 1 Gag•P•i e ;OMIl 2406 FIVAC FOR 2416 Hood OfiRB ,2420 re Fl Ince Thmal COMB 12425 1 OlherMdctianlcal COMB :7430 I Under Flour'Fluinhln • rAiYkB 2g60 UndorFl00r E{oulncal • COMB. 2450 ,Rough Eleclne Residenlia] OMR. 2466 RD1i hCanduh Walls MB 2476 J Ruu 1i WhIc Ceillh s OMB '24110 uu ih Ela drlcal5avcu CQMR 249D Eioor 11rumin '& -9-11 11 i 'Oun 2590 Rpugh Wall- Frdmin OMB 4510 Roughframlri :.SftuUiln 9 ad] ding Ht -Oh96 ,252p Corn" lale f2ming OMB. ..:R536.'. • •OMB :;OgioilElecGiaal:` -. .. e °- 10R!E}E7f-7ENI0 FLF -_5. 'Insulauen- 2646. OMB 2556 ,a - Ik M8 2560 Sus-'endedCellinn em I 2576 Shower L'e!h OMB 1,2au ExIe1iDFLalh • MB 259D Plos{efvcLr3tCh OMB 2600 Olher Bulld[ing , OMB 2610 Gas Pressure e51 • flMB 2517 Gmdlr q 18ralnage OMB 3000 P1611hln Oa L 1948l94 -03206 OMB 3001 L1Dlitlas Oe 1.9491rm -3091 .OM 3DD2 Aubllc Works U491644-3 al I 7MIl 9003 General q.fW 8 64 8164 43ff5S MB 9tl04 I F7m.ns t 8487644.31118 _.]MB .2624 I FJNAL ° rn; glc 7'O'iiEgtlESTlH9PECTiQNS - - r - ca[I1RelncpeeGun dqueci:lfne a1 00421 4¢.3255 Dr !rinlf gie`�fly vrahs €lu, a! ntiPWw" awI poribupchyg.gai vW e]eFi;P[i11ne.5eiv ms Irysjii"cddpsI 1.. only i!ir perirllis.l'n appioved ilpkusj'rrludlJle Pequastail 901erv�11:60 A.M, - ?Ica sa u§e'pf a fopovringIletuF.germll uddu vhun tiah[!rg loran Ihopectlun TRESS; - 1 ; 0TAXm III nation ] X! pefti t 1;idrpullti[r1g�l8�pe1m11 t'.fgr:plufihing_I Plpernil! Ylf rPleclt c l 1 E Egan t - 3',Yor. mec4anlcaf FH psrinll, ii fcr.9Mr ]dg i G'permlt ,lar iiartiarr M.'FWrmN "fd pna]:End spa-/ S Perriif[ ! "For, fiio'! F�ennll poclor Huts am rncSted on the, reverse e. 1258.89 Lower Campus Slope and PCH Screen Landscape PHASING PLAN 0 EKINtIng T6" HOAGg HOSMAL AE F C I --PRAsu 6 MEN ---------- 07� 111111011=112 JF COGEN PLANT IERROR1%. C", -F %WF6 LOCATION Hoag HOSPIIBI- Newport Beach OWNER Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian One Hoag Drive. PO Box 6100 Newport Beach, CA 92685 ARCHITECT Robben Herman Design Group Newport Beach. CA ExdslJng TFRil@M PHASE 2 PHASE I CHILL) CARE CENTER I F I PHASE PHASE 7 PHASE7 PROJECT SCHEDULE L4171fir carnpus Pcm Lanasmp—d Do days men .'5116114 Fn 1511170 Pfa 1, JE.-M Par" Lai 16 02YS U(m 9115110- Friafwlf) Pha 2--weal Pa6dnq Lot is CwY5 Mon 71/14110 rd4mculo 1s X1^1- -mor14112110 --- F �WIJCI Ue Camj u Lippw Step* Rnw ning Well 00 d*W Mon IM41TU r" 7,M10 Frf �w -5 --W I E"Ll Slulx If] Z10h r,lvn W2421 U —NMIZOTO _1111,1 Ca, Store In owv INIMGM11) _kVIVIC, L: I 131 C 7 Eari End Slope 10 crap^ mon-612vto- Fn Trjiio FY ii it