HomeMy WebLinkAboutP1 - Youth CounncilPresentation June 8, 2010 �---- City of Newport Beach Youth Council The Youth Council is committed to representing the voice and viewpoint of teens while striving to benefit the life in Newport Beach by creating experiences tha t teens to the community" - Established by Resolution No. 86 -2 on January 13, 1986. quality of connect Responsibilities and Purpose To act i�n� any adviiaory capaciity to thie Ci [Ity of Newmport Jeach and the Qty CouancJ11l� ProuiidJe a diireCtr Nine of communicati,, one D;et w eeffla thae yo utrhJ of Ne mpo rt Beach and thhie Cility Co unci�11 P rov idle any effectri ve � �a y to o rgan'ize euents any .n o .n J � , actiwiiiti�es fo r youth Promote youtfh i'hvi0uement and iilntiereSt in communily J 'J aIffaIi�rs What does the Youth Council do? Winter Wonderland Guest Speakers Youth Government Day Advise Recreation Dept. Spring Egg Hunt Fundraising on teen programs tam- . �,- AN Seasonal fun for over 2,500 at Bonita Creek Park December 5, 2009 and an interactive 1 fundraising opportunity for us! 1 0 Youth Government Day March 4, 2010 -& r r 150 ,,.-.- {j/.j• is A Harbor Resources Department City Clerk Mock City Council Meeting Confined Aquatic Disposal Site Options General Fund Budget Update MIA U., v Ar Ira A �.CPP. l r .. 1 Ah tWAM mmm6lqm myAh 1.I ►AW Ah IB M Future Goals o Enhance participation with an emphasis on individual commitment Increase member diversity/ school representation o Venture beyond traditional goals and projects to expand the year's agenda (�) Continue to be a positively recognized force within the community working for its benefit Thank you to Council Member Steve Rosansky A� �; 1 Thank you to NMUSD Board Member Karen Yelsey and thank you from the Youth Council Members'. J A f P r r A40 r