HomeMy WebLinkAboutN2000-0373_ .......... t_5T4CHIBIT ( qP Mr r+'rcuchlMas@,stevi 7-99 Ep rvrrn.xls HME 1\T PERMIT INN& —''�-CItlCRVMC "CITY pF NEln/P , e. Press had ,makes 3 copies) [1l APPLIC (p+ey ❑ CURB CUT ❑ SEWER CONNECTION Permit # E.P. Oo —� Az4Ej ❑ STREET EXCAVATION ❑ WATER CONNECTION Amount Fee Paid $l��i fi=g ❑ UNDERGROUND UTILITIES --tT OTHER: Receipt# [2] ADDRESS OF WORK: [3] APPpLICANT'S NAMES :ADDRESS: o Gg_ :AREA CODE: sS�d(?G2A'r.G /</rt�TOrN Pir�r5r , PHONE: C9 f9iS�= 1 2 z _._._.......... [4] OWNER'S NAME: :ADDR3F�, GA,y51 :AREA CODE: :PHONE: 09�w '-5_2 2� S [5] CONTRACTOR'S NAME: :ADDRESS: Sr :Office Phone: (909 :Job Site Phon JQg 1Co_.p6�G [6] APPLICANT HEREBY MAKES APPLICATION TO: a c. - (SEE ATTACHED PLANS) SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL BY CITY: /REQUIRED ❑ Locate and pothole existing City owned utilities (ie: water, sewer, or street lighting conduits) to verify locations prior to start of any work. Maintain a one (1) foot clearance over or under existing City owned utilities. To arrange for inspection of all connections to City Utilities or if a conflict should occur please contact of the Utilities Department, 48 hours prior to start of any work at (949) 644-3011. In add when a sewer cleanout is required, V.C.P. or P.V.C. SDR35 shall be used with a 4TT box over the cleanout riser. ** ALL UNDERGROUND WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A LICENSED CONTRACTOR** CONTACT "UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT" AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY EXCAVATION AT 1-800-422-4133 [7] CONTRACTORS CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NO. 003/ [8] STATE LICENSE NO. 57665 [9] WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (Section 3800 Labor Code) ❑ 1 certify that I have a Certificate of consent to self -insure, or Certificate of Worker's. Compensation Insurance or a Certified Copy thereof. Policy No.: Q S/ G' 6 o Company: Expiration,Date:'z /—o/ Date: Applicant _ (signature) 10] CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION (Section 3800 Labor Code) ❑- 1 certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers Compensation laws of California. If, a If, after signing this this certificate I become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the State Labor Code, I must comply with the provisions of Section 3700, or this permit shall be deemed revoked. Date: Applicant: (signature) [11] CONTRACTOR LICENSE EXEMPTION ❑ 1 am exemptfmm hiring a Conhactor as I am the OWNER of the property and am personally performing all work within the Public right-of-way. Date: Applicant (signature) [12] HOLD HARMLESS STATEMENT ❑ 1 understand that I am locating minor encroachments within the City righWI-wayleasement It is my responsibility as the property owner to maintain the encroachments. I will be responsIDle for replacing the improvements if the City removes them for maintenance of utilities or other public need; and 1, the property owner shall indemnify and hold the City harmless for any liability associated with the minor encroachments. Dale: Owner Signature: [13] «««< 24 HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE IS REQUIRED FOR ALL INSPECTIONS »»»> CALL(949)644-3311 Thesand conditions of this permit are printed on both sides of this form. Applicant hereby acknowledg that he as read nd un n s sat t and condifi s an at a agrees to bide by Nem. aL J OWNERS OR AUTHORIZED AGENTS SI NATURE (DAT) [14] * * * * * TREES WITHIN THE CITY'S RIGHT-OF-WAY * * * * * NO TREES WITHIN THE CITY'S RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE PLANTED, REMOVED OR RELOCATED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL REQUIRED DATE SIGNATURE - TITLE ............. ..... ._...._..._.._........:_..._..------.._..-------- PERMIT ISSUED BY: DATE ISSUED:EXPIRATION DATE OF PERMIT: PERMIT DENIED: White - Permit Pink -Temporary Office Copy Yellow - Applicant