HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 - Drewry Deck Modification - PA2015-093 o4�Ewr°Q COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT y PLANNING DIVISION u 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3200 Fax: (949) 644-3229 c`�LfFOR�,P www.newportbeachca.gov CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT May 28, 2015 Agenda Item No: 2 SUBJECT: Drewry Deck Modification - (PA2015-093) 917 West Bay Avenue • Modification Permit No. MD2015-006 APPLICANT: Theresa Drewry OWNER Theresa Drewry Trust PLANNER: Gregg Ramirez, Senior Planner (949) 644-3219, gramirez@newportbeachca.gov ZONING DISTRICT/GENERAL PLAN • Zone: Two-Unit Residential (R-2) • General Plan: Two-Unit Residential (RT) PROJECT SUMMARY The applicant proposes a remodel of an existing 2,369-square-foot detached dwelling. The project consists of interior alterations, relocation of the laundry room, new windows and other upgrades. All new construction will comply with applicable zoning code development standards with the exception of the proposed second floor cantilevered deck that would encroach 1 foot into the required 10-foot front yard setback which requires approval of a modification permit. The deck design also includes the code allowed 6-inch encroachment for the deck rail and an additional 6-inch encroachment for a code allowed roof overhang. No work is proposed to the detached three-car garage and second story apartment located at the rear of the property, adjacent to the alley. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving Modification Permit No. MD2015-006 (Attachment No. ZA 1). 1 V� QP �P Drewry Deck Modification Zoning Administrator, May 28, 2015 Page 2 DISCUSSION • The property is located on the Balboa Peninsula between 9th Street and 10th Street. The lot is typical in size and shape as others in the vicinity and is a 35- foot-wide by 90-foot-deep lot that is rectangular in shape and topographically flat. The property faces a small public beach across West Bay Avenue with Newport Harbor beyond. The property was developed in 1953 with a two-story, 2,369- square-foot residence (front unit) and detached two-car garage. In 1959, a use permit was approved that allowed the addition of a single car garage and second floor, 682-square-foot apartment to encroach 3 feet into the 5-foot alley setback. These additions were constructed in-line with the setback of the existing two-car garage. • There are ten homes along West Bay Avenue that face the public beach, including the subject property. Of these, five have decks or balconies that encroach into the 10-foot front setback. Of these five, one received discretionary approval to allow the encroachment. A modification permit was approved in 2000 for the second floor deck at 911 West Bay Avenue. The others are considered legal non-conforming and could not be replaced if the homes were demolished and reconstructed. • Section 20.52.050 (Modification Permits) allows deviations up to 10 percent of the required setback area with the approval of a modification permit. This code section recognizes that relief from specified development standards, including minimal setback projections, may be appropriate when doing so is consistent with the purpose of the Zoning Code and the General Plan, and does not negatively impact the community at-large or in the neighborhood of the specified development. In this case, the proposed one-foot encroachment represents a ten percent deviation from the required standard. • The intent of the modification is to provide outdoor living space above street level to enjoy the benefit of the beach and bay views. The additional one foot allows for a more usable space and room for outdoor furniture. • A strict application of the code would allow a deck with a 3-foot depth. In order to achieve a 4-foot deck depth, the scope of the applicant's remodel project would need to be expanded and more interior walls would need to be altered. The increase in scope would add more cost and potentially require significant foundation upgrades, making the project unfeasible for the applicant. • Staff believes that since the proposed encroachment is for a second floor deck with an open railing and not the main structure, there will be no affect to light and air on the adjoining properties and that the 9-foot setback meets the intent of the code. The proposed additional 6-inch encroachments for the deck rail and eave 3 Drewry Deck Modification Zoning Administrator, May 28, 2015 Page 3 overhang are allowed by the zoning code and do not affect the ability to make the required findings for approval. Therefore staff is recommending approval of this request. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt under Section 15301, of the State CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) Guidelines - Class 1 (Existing Facilities). This exemption includes minor additions and alterations to existing residences including those proposed by this project. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application, including the alternative modification to allow an addition in excess of 10 percent to an existing dwelling with nonconforming parking, was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of-way and waterways), including the applicant, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal may be tiled with the Director of Community Development within 14 days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at (949) 644-3200. Prepared by: Gregg R&Vhez Senior Planner Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Neighboring Deck Exhibit and Photographs ZA 4 Applicant's Project Description, Justification and Letters in Support ZA 5 Setback Map No. S-21D ZA 6 Project Plans Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 5 V� QP �P RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING MODIFICATION PERMIT NO. MD2015-006 TO ALLOW A SECOND FLOOR DECK TO ENCROACH 1 FOOT INTO THE REQUIRED 10-FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 917 WEST BAY AVENUE (PA2015-093) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Theresa Drewry, property owner, with respect to property located at 917 West Bay Avenue, and legally described as Lot 6 of Tract 1061 in the County of Orange, State of California, as shown on a map recorded in Book 34, Page 26 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County requesting approval of a modification permit. 2. The applicant requests approval of modification permit to allow the construction of a new cantilevered second floor deck at an existing residence that will encroach 1-foot into the required 10-foot front yard setback along West Bay Avenue. 3. The subject property is located within the Two-Unit Residential (R-2) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is Two-Unit Residential (RT). 4. The subject property is located within the coastal zone. The Coastal Land Use Plan category is Two-Unit Residential — (20.0 —29.99 DU/AC) (RT-E). 5. A public hearing was held on May 28, 2015, in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E-1st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this meeting. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. This project has been determined to be categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act under Section 15301, Article 19 of Chapter 3, Guidelines for Implementation of the California environmental Quality Act) under Class 1 (Existing Facilities). This exemption includes minor additions and alterations to existing residences. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with Section 20.52.050 (Modification Permits) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 2 of 5 Finding: A. The requested modification will be compatible with existing development in the neighborhood. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The neighborhood is comprised primarily of a development pattern of two-story single family homes and duplexes. 2. The subject property and surrounding residential properties are zoned R-2 (Two-Unit Residential), which allows single and two unit residential uses. 3. The proposed remodel including the second floor deck encroachment will result in a home design similar to other homes along this block of West Bay Avenue in bulk and scale. Additionally, several homes on the same block have second floor decks or balconies that encroach into the front yard setback. 4. The overall design, based upon the proposed plans, meets residential design criteria provided within Section 20.48.180.B.2 (Design Criteria) by avoiding long unarticulated walls, providing architectural treatment of all elevations, and emphasizing the entry and window elements at the front fagade. Finding: B. The granting of the modification is necessary due to the unique physical characteristic(s) of the property and/or structure, and/or characteristics of the use. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The existing home is built at the 10-foot front setback. The proposed project would move the second floor wall back 3 feet to provide area for the second floor deck. The requested one-foot encroachment for the cantilevered portion of the deck would provide more useable outdoor living area. 2. Increasing the scope of work by creating a 4-foot deck that complies with the 10-foot setbacks would likely require substantial upgrades to the existing foundation or a new foundation, which would increase the cost of the project and the time to complete the project. Finding: C. The granting of the modification is necessary due to practical difficulties associated with the property and that the strict application of the Zoning Code results in physical hardships that are inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Code. 04-24-2013 g Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 3 of 5 Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The principal purpose of setback standards is to provide adequate separation of buildings for light, access and ventilation. Approval of the modification permit will not significantly diminish this setback area due to the open design of the deck. Additionally the second floor deck would maintain a 9-foot setback to the front property line and the first floor would maintain the required 10-foot setback. These distances will provide separation from the public right-of-way and will achieve the intent of the zoning code. 2. Providing the additional 1-foot setback for a deck with a 4-foot depth would require an increase to the scope of the interior alterations and foundation upgrades or replacement could be required. This increase in required structural alterations presents a physical hardship that outweighs any tangible benefits to neighboring properties, particularly since the neighborhood maintains variable front setbacks and several nearby homes have legal non-conforming decks and balconies with similar front yard setback encroachments. Finding: D. There are no alternatives to the modification permit that could provide similar benefits to the applicant with less potential detriment to surrounding owners and occupants, the neighborhood, or to the general public. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The encroachment is for a second floor deck with an open railing into the front yard (street side) setback, therefore no impact to the light, air and ventilation to the neighboring properties is anticipated. Without this approval the applicant would be required to increase the scope of work to potentially include significant alteration or reconstruction of the foundation. 2. The overall design, based upon the proposed plans, meets residential design criteria provided within Section (Design Criteria) by avoiding long unarticulated walls, providing architectural treatment of all elevations, and emphasizing the entry and window elements at the front fagade. The architectural improvements associated with the building will result in an upgraded more architecturally attractive home. 3. The existing and proposed development will comply with all other applicable development standards including height, open volume and setbacks. Finding: E. The granting of the modification would not be detrimental to public health, safety, or welfare, to the occupants of the property, nearby properties, the neighborhood, or the City, or result in a change in density or intensity that would be inconsistent with the provisions of this Zoning Code. 04-24-2013 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 4 of 5 Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The location and design of the deck would not significantly affect air and solar access to any adjoining property or affect public views. 2. The existing development on the property is a single-family dwelling. As such, there is no change to the density or intensity as a result of the addition. 3. The approval of this Modification Permit is conditioned such that the applicant is required to obtain all necessary permits in accordance with the Building Code and other applicable Codes. The construction will then be inspected prior to final of building permits. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Modification Permit No. MD2015-006, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit "A," which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. This action shall become final and effective fourteen (14) days following the date this Resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal is filed with the City Clerk in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 28th DAY OF MAY, 2015. Brenda Wisneski, AICP, Zoning Administrator 04-24-2013 20 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 5 of 5 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Division 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval. (Except as modified by applicable conditions of approval.) 2. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 3. A copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval (Exhibit "A") shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans prior to issuance of the building permits. 4. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Division an additional copy of the approved architectural plans for inclusion in the Modification file. The plans shall be identical to those approved by all City departments for building permit issuance. The approved copy shall include architectural sheets only and shall be reduced in size to 11 inches by 17 inches. The plans shall accurately depict the elements approved by this Modification and shall highlight the approved elements such that they are readily discernible from other elements of the plans. 5. The cantilevered second story deck shall maintain a minimum front setback of 9 feet. The deck rail is allowed to encroach an additional 6-inches in accordance with the standard zoning code allowance. Additionally, the deck (roof) overhang is allowed to encroach 6-inches beyond the deck rail encroachment in accordance with the standard zoning code allowance. 6. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of the Drewry Deck Modification including, but not limited to Modification No. MD2015-006 (PA2015-093). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. 04-24-2013 22 V� QP �P 2� VICINITY MAP � Subject Property r, All wft Drewry Deck Modification Permit 917 West Bay Avenue Modification Permit No. MD2015-006 (PA2015-093) Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 14 Attachment No. ZA 3 Neighboring Deck Exhibit and Photographs 15 V� QP �P 2� 35' -- -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O O I1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING- EXISTING EXISTING EXI5TING- EY:I5TINo EXISTING 1 FOOTPRINT 1 FOOTPRINT 1 FC OT RINT 1 FOOTPRINT 1 FOOTPRINT 1 FOOTPRINT 1 FOOTPRINT 1 FOOTPRINT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EXISTING DEGK EX NG DEGK EXISTING DEGK EXISTING 7EGY X15TING- REGI' 4' INlQ rT 4 '�JTO SET6AG< — 3'-6" INTO SETS K 3' INTO Frzi K aoa an ala al5 al-r - a21 a25 ata- PROP05ED lN. 13f4Y A VEF. DECK 2' INTO 5ETSAGK 10' FRONT 5ETBAGK TYP. EXISTING FRONT DECK EXHIBIT AT WE5T $AY AVE. 5GALE: 1:30 1� —A*t' AVENUE ADJACENT Nrzl6H50R PECK EXH151T o own 6 � o .I �110� I � I R � ■ f Y � I 1 \' d l 4111 NIE5T BAY AVENUE - ADJACENT NEI&HBOR DECK EXHIBIT 921 925 r Q25) ' �III'� _, ;° )�y all LOOKING VEST FROM 4111 VlE5T BAY AVE. ' 9 V� QP �P �o Attachment No. ZA 4 Applicant's Project Description, Justification and Letters in Support 21 V� QP �P Modification Permit Application May 7, 2015 Applicant: Theresa Drewry Owner: Theresa Drewry Trust Address: 917 W. Bay Avenue, Balboa Project description and Justification: Remodel of a 2369 sq. ft. detached house built in 1954, not up to current fire code, discordant with the neighborhood architecture and not meeting today's standards for healthy and environmentally"green" living. Main alterations proposed are: adding and enlarging doors and windows,eliminating ceiling fans and stationary frosted windows, relocating and upgrading utilities and appliances, and changing some walls. This modification request is for the relocation of the second floor wall 3' back and adding 1' of encroachment into the front setback in order to build a deck above the vehicles of W Bay Avenue and to open up the house to the light and air,view and enjoyment of peaceful outdoor Newport Beach living. All other construction will comply with applicable zoning codes. No work is proposed to the detached 3- car garage and second floor apartment located at the rear, adjacent to the alley. My options for the property are: 1. Leave the house as it is and sell it. 2. Remodel solving the most serious issues of health, comfort and general welfare and neighborhood character by building a deck in front as have the rest of the similar properties. The justification is that my project complies with zoning code intent on all issues: promoting and protecting health,safety, peace, comfort and general welfare, also my project does not only protect the character and social and economic vitality of the neighborhood, but enhances them. Required Findings: 1.The requested modification will be compatible with existing development in the neighborhood. The current house is discordant in style and function with the small neighborhood of W. Bay that fronts on the beach between 9`h and 101h street. The current stone slab fagade with a lopsided arch does not fit in with the rest of the houses. Functionally, it is the only house without a second story deck for outdoor living above the street vehicle level. Please see comments from neighbors supporting my request. 2.The granting of the modification is necessary due to the unique physical characteristic(s)of the property and/or structure and/or characteristics of the use. It is unique that the house has no front deck and that the previous owners filled in a patio resulting in a dark house utilizing ceiling fans to "cool the house." (And creating a room that does not meet today's fire safety code.) The house builders valued indoor space. They apparently did not value the beautiful Newport Beach scene with its panoply of watercraft and people playing on the beach and bay and took no interest in viewing it. Between the dreary awnings and small, sometimes frosted windows,they did not know what they were missing. I want to change the house to today's standards of healthful living: a deck to breathe fresh air,above the 23 vehicle emissions; energy savings with bigger windows, cross ventilation and elimination of all ceiling fans, and enjoying the view across the beach with the privacy of entertaining friends and neighbors. The Existing Front Deck Exhibit shows that of 8 like properties, 917 is the only one without a second story deck. 3.The granting of the modification is necessary due to practical difficulties associated with the property and that the strict application of the Zoning Code results in physical hardships that are inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the zoning code. To enjoy the second floor view, light and air without encroaching on the front setback would require a major remodel,which would mean bringing the slab to code, which would make it time for a total scrape of the house. I cannot do that, so I am requesting that my minor remodel be allowed to encroach 1' into the front setback as do 5 of the 8 similar houses that front the beach and bay view. I am requesting a modification to the front set back code so that I can comply with the purposes and intent of the zoning code. It is impossible to build a functional deck with any less than I have herein requested and there is no more footage that can be taken off the front of the building. The second floor height gets too high,the rooms get too small, and the reengineering would be pointless, because the proportions of the facade would be so ungainly as to create a new, discordant front on W. Bay. The marked up floor plan and elevation demonstrates this. 4. There are no alternatives to the modification permit that could provide similar benefits to the applicant with less potential detriment to surrounding owners and occupants,the neighborhood, or to the general public. There is no detriment to the aforementioned. The traditional, stepped back design of the facade I propose and the removal of the big copper awnings and three feet off the second story will have a positive, if minor, impact on the immediate neighbors'views. In the bay,the children's boat races will have to use something other than "the arch"as a landmark. I will gladly raise a flag for them, on my balcony. 5. The granting of the modification would not be detrimental to public health, safety or welfare,to the occupants of the property, nearby properties, the neighborhood, or the City, or result in a change in density or intensity that would be inconsistent with the provisions of this Zoning Code. The granting of my modification request would be inconsequential to all but my dog and me. To us it would mean a lot. 24 j E � i§P TM1(Y. -i5n y 1 F a s j a F { ntl �y{7� the � k WEE 1 q Prt i ry - E > t Y Y `4 1 05/16!2015 13:55 9494994796 TERRY DREWRY PAGE 02/05 VILLAREALE$TA/iT9=M _ yv p1�� GIS �i Z66 JAY VI LORIA R49]9fi R9A9 nl'gar 9A9 69a tn38 jviloriadvillerealestate.c0m c r e n g e c o u n ty h o m efo r. sale cam DRC^Na.01037496 05/16/2015 13: 55 9494994796 TERRY DREWRY PAGE 03105 VILL REALESTAMC.OM 5�4 w �la5iz� Sa.irYj ti's ft i JAY VILORIA i. en 949 295 3983 949 698 1938 Jvllorld®vllleredle5t0te.com , oren9ecountynomefor. sele.com DRE Na:01027496 , i�¢P�. t75#i CPI�411�Jd9k FF uses . C3 IUTR � A n � t y lot a � � � Ili-It ..'.,..s ..R �N D 0 ® S:1 00 �1R 1 8 '13 4 p _ to. IFFk AUEr ALL" 50 a Q tJ 6 � l'd l(iJcs Aw 274 �' a } ' x 1 . 4-27NX sec. a ' 2+.VCEt N R�€t s C05NTY td� tR.aw3E b r "c+� mm -jt ;iJSW 1. e?:'7 . p# � 1544 eA t a iAW x-34 V� QP �P 30 Attachment No. ZA 5 Setback Map No. S-2D 31 V� QP �P 9 09 W6 93 n a 0 0 Sp/D u4 'b A9 m Icy L Y W - 2S ql i yp s�F l2S Subject Property wEsr S S g V EN 8\ � ,Q ��jP �Q\ o s /0\ U) 8\€ 8� � r - - ->- o 0 125 250 N mommo== Feet (n Name: S-2D /October 26, 2010 V� QP �P 31{ Attachment No. ZA 6 Project Plans 35 V� QP �P 3C PA2015-093 Attachment No . ZA 6 - Project Plans r NATIO ALPQLLUTANTDISCHAfjGEELlMINATI0N ,5YSTEM(NPDES)A0JU LEGAL DESCRIPTION Notes must be shown 013 Word@Sl. on the title sheet of the planROOF N 0 T E S LOT 6, TRACT 1061 1.In the case of emergency;.tali at.Work Phone F Ur Horf re Phone it G I TY OF NEWPORT BEACH COUNTY OF ORANGE, CALIFORNIA 2.Sediment from areas disturbed by construction shall be retained on site using structuralccnlrols to the maximum CERAMIC TILE APN: 047-273-06 h�+/i extent practicable. 0 m 0, N INSTALLATION NOTES PROJECT ADDRESS 0 A 10 o 3. Stockpiles of soil shall be properly contained to minimize sediment transport from the site to streets,drainage s U 00 facilities or adjacent properties via runoff,vehicle tacking,or wind. of o I. CERAMIC GLAZED TILE BY: 0117 WEST $AY AVENUE o ,� N 4.Appropriate 811 for oonstrucUun4elated materials,wastss,spills shall be.implemented to minim Le transport NEWPORT EfEAGH, GA 92661 y N x ON from the site to Streets,drainage facllltfas,or adjoining.properties by wind or runoff. .b r" m 5.Runoff from equipment and f+ehfela waching shall be rctrmrned at conStrurlion sites unless treatedto reduce 2. PROVIDE I/2" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING (MIN.) OWNER ADDRESS � � M N or remove sediment and otter pollutants. a 6.All construction contractorandsubcontractor personnel are to be made aware orthe required best management 5. TILE NAILING: 10 PENNY, II GAU6E, CORROSIVE MS. THERESA DREWRY practices and good housekeeping measures for the project site and any associated construction staging areas. RESISTANT BOX NAILS; 2 PER TILE 15 SOUTH LA SENDA DRIVE T Al the end of each day ofconstructionactivity all construction debris and waste materials shall be collected 4. PROVIDE 50# FELT UNDERLAYMENT LAI9UNA BEACH, GA 012651 and property disposed to Yash or recycle bins. LAPPED 2" HORIZ. 4 4" VERT. INSTALL PER MFR. SPECS. (01401) 40101-47016 8.Construction slter3 shall be maintained in such a condition that an anticipated storm does not carry v±astes or 5. PROVIDE SHEET METAL RISER STRIP/BIRD �+ pollutants off the site. Discharges of material)ether than stornv.'ater only-when necessary for performance and STOP AT "5" TILE ROOFS. SHEET INDEX PRELIMINARY PLANS eomplation of constructlon pra--ices and where lhey de not cause!or contribute to a viulakn of any water quality standard; cause or threaten to cause pollution, contamination, ornuisance, or Contain a hazardous substance-in 6. CONCRETE TILE TO 5E INSTALLED PER MANUF. TITLE/51TE # ROOF PLAN/NOTES/TABS. T a quantity reportable under Federal Regulations 40 CFR Parts 117 and 302. SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS. EXISTING FLOOR PLANS Al 9. Potential pollutants include but are not limited to:solid or liquid chemical spills: wastes from paints, stains, 1, WEIISHT OF TILEr 11 1_55. EACH NEW FLOOR PLANS A2 sealants,glues, limes, pesticides,herbicides;wood preservatives and solvents;asbestosfibers,palntflakes or stucco fragments;fuels, oils,lubricants,and hydraulic, radiator or battery fluids;fertilizers, vehicleloquipment 8. COLOR: MEDIUM BLUE - TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER ELEVATIONS A3 wash water and concrete wash water,concrete, detergent or floatabla wastes;wastes from.any enginelaouipment GROSS-SECTIONS A4 steam Weaning or chemical degreasing and superchlorinated potable water line flushing- During construction,permittee shall.dispose or aueh materials in a specified and conuailed temporary area on -site,physically separated from potential stormwater ares,with ultimate dispo=sal in accordance with focal, NOTE: DISTORTIONS IN THE UNDR:LAYMENT state and federal requirements. SHALL NOT INTERFERE WITH THE ABILITY 10. Dewatering of contaminated groundwater,or discharging contaminated soils via surface erosion Is prohibited. OF THE SHINGLES TO SEAL. Dewatering of non-contaminated groundwater requires a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit from the respective State Regional Water Quality Control Board. 11.Graded areas on the permitted area perimeter must drain away from the face of slopes at the conclusion of each ALL VENTS TO BE PROTECTED WITH TABULA r I O N S working day. Drainage is to be directed telt?ard castling facilities. MAX. 1/4" NON-COMBUSTABLE, 12.The permittee and contractor shall be responsible and shall take necessary precautions to prevent public trespass CORROSION-RESISTANT, METAL MESH. EXI5TIN& 15T FLOOR: 1,194 50. FT, onto areas where impounded water creates a hazardous condition. 13. The permittee and contractor shall inspect the erosion control work and insure that the work is in accordance WTR. ALLEY ATR. EXI5TIN& 2ND FLOOR: 1,1-15 50. FT. with the approved plans. FLA5HIN6 AT VALLEY AND swo 35'00 TOTAL EXI5TINSP LIVABLE: 2,369 SQ. FT. ]\ VERTICAL CONFIGURATIONS RILL W �� 14,Theers:that dumpingsat chemicals into the storm tlmfn� material suppliers, lessees,.and property (E) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14.The ermitteeshaA heti ou antral con'ractore,subcontractors.fro BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GBG - ADDITION AT IST FLR. + 12 SQ, FT. system or t1e vralef;•hed is prohibited. 2013 GATE NEW FIR5T FLOOR TOTAL: 1 06 50. FT. 15.Equipment.and workers for eme gency work shall be made available at all tines during the rainy season. Necessary H.B. ELEC. materials shall be available an site and stockpiled at convenient locations to facilitate rapid consiruction ofI I SERV. 2ND FLR. DEMO.: - 65 50. FT. �--1 temporary devices when rain is imminent. ALL FASCIAS TO BE PROVIDED GAS NEW 5EGOND FLOOR TOTALr Ipa2 50. FT. t� WITH SEAMLESS, G.I. METAL, OR VAULT 16.All removable erosion protective devices shall be in place at the end of each working day when the 5-Day Rain VINYL RAIN6UTTER5 AND 1 \Q SUB PANEL NEW LIVABLE TOTAL: 124516 50. FT. Probability Forecast exceeds 40%. DOWNSPOUTS. PAINT TO MATCH I C�j Z I GV 17,Sediments from areas disturbed b construction shall be retained on site using an effe tive Combination ci (E) P.A. y s FASCIA. ( NOT SHORN FOR I Sia �� I NEW DECK: + 152 SQ. FT. 01 erosion and sediment controls to the maximum extent practicable, and stockpiles of sail shall'be properly contented CLARITY ). STYLE: 06EE (E) PA EXISTING UTILITY: IQ SQ, FT. to minimize sediment transport train the sale to streets, drainage'fadlitl.es of adjacent properties via runoff,:. vehicle tracking.or wind. I I (E) I DEMO. UTILITY: -12 50. FT. � 18.Appropriate BMPs for construction-related materials,wastes,spills or residues shall be implamenlad and retained NOTE 5EE DETAIL 3" G.O. 1 RIDGE 1 NEW TOTAL UTILITY: T 5FT. 0 V on site to minimize transport from the site to streets,drainage facilities,or adjoining property by wind or FOR ROOF VENT PIPE EXISTING GARAGE: 638 SQ0. FT. �t rill runoff. PENETRATIONSI l yXA (N) H.B. EXI5TIN& 2ND UNIT (LIVABLE) 662 50. FT. �-I" U EXISTING 1 1 ONE BEDROOM UNIT LOT SIZE: 3,150 SQ. FT. M IavvWR NO CHANGER GARAGE i NOTES F+1 I r - - - - - - - - �I I I I OCCUPANCY GROUP: R-3 / U Q O - - - NUMBER OF STORIES: 2 (N) P.A. A TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-B REMODELED A4 EXISTING 5' HIGH �+ OUTDOOR BREEZEWAY PROP. WALL APPROX. YEAR BUILT: 953 (REMODELED 1984) ABBREVIATIONS SHOWER (E) NEW, FLAT 111- (N) PA FIRE SPRINKLERS: NO �r H.B. ROOF BELOW ZONE: R2 f AS ANCHOR BOLT EA EACH INT INTERIOR REG. HVAC REGISTER GATE MAXIMUM HEIGHT: ABV ABOVE ELEV ELEVATION L LONG (LENGTH) REINF REINFORGE(ING) AG ASPHALT CONCRETE ELEG ELECTRICAL LAM LAMINATE(D) REO REQUIRED a= - S r==T==a c=_=a a=_,-, MAXIMUM LOT GOVERA6E: A/G AIR CONDITIONING EMER EMERGENCY LAV LAVATORY REV REV151ON(5),REVISED J� AGOU5 AGOU5TIGAL ENCL. ENCLOSURE LH LEFT HANDED RH RIGHT HAND (E) PAII 11 PROPERTY LINE SETBACKS: ADJ AD.U5TA5LE (E ) EXISTING LT LIGHT RM ROOM u r====,vi I AFF ABOVE FINISH FLR Ea. EQUAL LTNT LIGHTNEIGHT RO ROUGH OPENING 11 FRONT: 10' FEET ALUM ALUMINUM EW EACH NAY MAS MASONRY RON RIGHT OF WAY 11 __; ALT ALTERNATE EWG ELEG.NATER COOLER MATL MATERIAL SG SOLID GORE o 1 Cr N O REAR: 2' FEET ANOD ANODIZED EXH EXHAUST MAX MAXIMUM SD. SMOKE DETECTOR 0 SIDES: 3' FEET ARGH'L ARGHITEGT(URAL ) EXIST EXISTING MB MACHINE BOLT SF SaJARE FOOT 1 I --� O LIM AT EXP EXPOSED MEGH MEGHANIGAL SH 51NGLE HUNS NINDON' DI �_�j II II W 0 REQUIREMENTS OF TITLE 24 REALATIN6 TO ENERGY BD BOARD EXT EXTERIOR MET METAL SHr SHEET 0' I ,J1__ > n Q- CONSERVATION HAVE BEEN TAKEN INTO BEL BELOW FAD FORGED AIR UNIT MFR MANUFACTURER SHR. PNL. SHEAR PANEL 1�- �� - - " ---- � O BET BETWEEN FD FLOOR DRAIN MIN MINIMUM SL. SLIDING �r "py ` 1 CONSIDERATION. BLDG 5UILDIN6 FEG FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET MISG M15GELLANEOJ5 5HTR. PRF. SHATTER PROOF 1I L- ---------- 1 SCOPE O F WORK (MAJOR PORTION) BLKG BLOCKING FG. FUEL GASELK BLOOK FF FINISH �oNISHED GRADE MTOL METAL LRY OPENING SIO.V. SHUT-OFF VALVE (E) 4:12 ROOF N ii (1 ) 4.12 ROOF -- �1 , -- - - REMODEL KITCHEN BM BEAM FIN FIRE HOSE CABINET ( N ) NEW SPEC SPEGIFIGATIOIJ �F_� 1 O j1 [_�1 ERG BOTTOM FIN FINISH NAT NATURAL SO 50UARE „ j1 p i1 - REMOVE 3' FEET OF UPSTAIRS FRONT ERG BEARING FJ FLOOR JOIST NIG NOT IN CONTRACT 55 STAINLESS STEEL -----------��---"-1 N 11 55MT BASEMENT FLR FLOOR NOM NOMINAL Sr. STATIONARY I rr ---11-----jl Q ry IID H (N) PA TO PROVIDE ROOM FOR 5' DEEP DECK. (2' GANTJCd CASE. GA5EMENT WINDOW FOG FACE OF CONCRETE NRC N015E REDUC'N COLEFIGIHNT STD STANDARD I u W -� II - NEW FRENCH DOORS OFF MASTER BED. AND GB GATGH BASIN FOF FACE OF FINISH NTS NOT TO SCALE STOR STORAGEd �1 rU II ul OFFICE (PREVIOUS BED 2) GEM GEMENT FOM FAGS OF MASONRY O/ OVER 5TRUGT STRUCTURE u (] u - RELOCATE HVAC 1 1 GJ GEILIN6 JOIST FOS FAGS OF SND OG ON CENTER 5YM SYMBOL 1 V „ - RELOCATE LAUNDRY UPSTAIRS W G1-6 CEILING FS FINISHED SURFACE OD OUT5IDE DIAMETER T TREAD ^ 11 - EXPOSE GEILIN6 N KITCHEN, GREAT RM., O R GLEAR(ANGE) FTG FOOTING O.H. OVERHANG ( ROOF ) TBD TO BE DETERMINED 1 f,=� 9l n CENTERLINE FUR FURRED(ING) OPN6 OPENING TEL TELEPHONE 1 -- iL H �I DINING, AND BREAKFAST ROOM AND COL COLUMN 6A GAGE, GAUGE OFF OPPOSITE T&6 TONGUE AND GROOVE -1 11 d-' r J� REFRAME WITH JOISTS AT 32" O.G. COMB COMBINATION GI GALVANIZED IRON O.SA. OUT5IDE AIR THK THICK 1F=====- II 11 { I TIMER SEE KEY NOTE5 ON FLOOR PLAN GONG GONGRETE 6L 6LA5S, 6LAZIN6 PA PLANTER AREA TOB TOP OF BEAM I 1 ii 1 11 a H.B. DEFERRED SUBMITTALS GOND GONDEN5EW CONDITION 6LB GLUE LAMINATED BM PERP. PERPENDICULAR TOG TOP OF CURB } co FOR MORE INFORMATION CONST CONSTRUCTION 6R GRADE PH PANIC HARDWARE TOP TOP OF PLATE I 11 --- r'r--= �� CONSULTANTS CONT CONTINUOUS 6YB GYPSUM HALL BOARD PKT. POCKET DOOR T05 TOP OF SHEATHING / CA.055-HATCH PATTERN FJ V �G o DEFERRED SUBMITTALS TO BE REVIEWED BY GONTR CONTRACTOR H HIGH PL. PLATE ( DBL TOP PL. ) TOP OF STEEL INDICATES LIVABLE 3' I I o q PROJECT ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD AND D DEEP (DEPTH) HB HOSE BIB FLYWD PLYWOOD TON TOP OF WALL AT 2ND FLOOR TO F�- (E) 6.5:12 ROOF PRIOR TO SUBMITTAL FOR PLAN CHECK OR d PENNY HG HOLLOW GORE PROPERTY LINE TYP T'PIGAL (E) RIDGE (29'L4 1/2 ABOVE F.5J DRAFTING / DESIGN DET DETAIL UNG UNLESS NOTED OTHER1i15E APPROVED BY THE CITY. HG HANDICAP F51 POUNDS PER 50. TOOT BE REMOVED DF DRINKING FOUNTAIN HDR HEADER P51 POUNDS PER 50. INCH VERT VERTICAL H.B. II GAD WORKS - RESIDENTIAL DESIGN DF DOUGLAS FIR HDN HARDWARE P5L PARALLAM MFR'D. BM. VY. VINYL I I 4'-3" (E) 2'-8" J DIAS DIAGONAL HORIZ HORIZONTAL PTDF PRESS. TREATED DOUG.FIR N NIDTH, WIDE 11 _ (E) 6.5:12 ROOF HIGH WALL LASU SOUTHPORT 12 DIA DIAMETER HR HOUR PROV. PROVIDE N/ KITH LACUNA HILLS, GA 012653 DIM DIMENSION W/O WITHOUT RELEGATED II 2ND FLOOR HRDWD HARDWOOD STAIR RISER, RADIUS WG NATER GLO^ET GATE I tl 1' WALL TO BE 949 - 230 - 8042 DN DOWN HT HEIGHT IRAQ RETURN AIR GRILLE �-" _ " - YRTyy, �} �,�. - REMOVED STRUCTURAL ENG. / T24 DR DOOR HVAC HEATING/VENTILATING RAD RADIUS WD 'WOOD SHADED AREA '-;r,a7. PTL DETAIL AIR CONDITIONING RD ROOF DRAIN NH NATER HEATER INIDGATES NEW141 - _-- - - - - - - - - - - - DNG DRAWING ID INSIDE DIAMETER REF REFERENCE NI NROUGHT IRON - - +, _ DNR DRAWER INCL INGLUDIN6 REFL REFLECTED HL NATER LINE ADDITION _ - - _ - _ _ (nDEMOLITION NOTES NP NATER PROOF(IN6) 1'-Q" NTR. WATER b - NR NATER RESISTANT HIGH WALL - b" I. DASHED AREAS ARE TO BE REMOVED. NNM NELDED NIRE MESH A O LINE OF I5T (N) P.A. INCLUDIN6 DOORS, WINDOWS, CABINETS, a M) PA PORCH FLOOR BELOW ETC. I `_1, A4 RELOCATED (D) P.A. VICINITY MAP NO SCALE (D) PA _ 2. DEBRIS SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO CENTER PILASTER ACCUMULATE ON OR ABOUT THE SITE. /^\ 3. EXERCISE DUE CAUTION IN CUTTING 5 (E) PA 35.00 (E) PA PATCHING OR GENERAL CONCRETING 50 D AS NOT TO DEFACE THE PORTION OF 13 (N) PILASTER 4'-6" SURVEYI SEIV WER THE EXISTING STRUCTURE WHICH 15 TO 55 GONG. WALK MARKER 4 REMAIN. SHOULD ANY SUCH IMPAIRMENT OCCURE, IMMEDIATELY GLEAN OR I PACIFIC RESTORE TO ORIGINAL CONDITION AT NO COST TO OWNER. CO HWY. CURB WEST, BAY �mQ NEWPORT BAY GUTTER O SEPARATE PERMIT(5) I5/ARE REQUIRED FOR ACCESSORY yY J BUILDIN6, PATIO COVERS, FENCES, SWIMMING POOL, BAY qV RETAINING WALL, DEMOLITION, ETC. AvLB p r ESI. N �A, �, D' o N 9 ALL SIMPSON CONNECTORS r NOTE: PROVIDE HOUSE IGC-E5 ESR-2535 These drawings / plans and related specifications are in STREET NUMBER VISIBLE general conformance with local building code requirements DRAWN W.J5TOFFRErSEN SITE DRAINAGE NOTES 2 well 015 the 2013 California Building Standards Cade: AND LEGIBLE FROM STREET 2013 California Building Code, 2013 California Residential Code, DATE 5/6/I5 2013 California Electrical Code, 2013 California Mechanical Code, SITE / FLOOR PLAN KEY ff9iL1NE OF WEST BAY MANUFACTURERS PRODUCT INSTALLATION - ALL SURFACE WATER SHALL - THE DISGHAR5E OF POLLUT- 2013 California Plumbing Code, 2013 California Energy Code, PROJECT N0. DRAIN AWAY FROM STRUCTURES, AN75 TO ANY STORM DRAINAGE 2013 California Fire Cade, 2013 California Green Building SITE PLAN / R 0 0 F PLAN NSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON AWAY FROM NEIGHBORING SYSTEM 15 PROHIBITED. NO SOLID Standards Code. SCALE AS NOTED NEA WALL (N) NEW THE JOB SITE AT THE TIME OF INSPECTION. PROPERTIES AND LEAD TO THE NA5TE, PETROLEUM 5YPRODUGT5, _-_ EXIST'& WALL (� EXISTING PER GH. I DIV. II, SEG. R106.1.2 OF THE CRO STREET OR OTHER APPROVED SOIL PARTICULATE, GON5TRUGTION SHEET -- TO REMAIN SCALE: 1/5" = I'-O" TERMINUS. NA5TE MATERIALS, OR NA5TE- Signed: (D) DEMO. WATER GENERATED ON GON5TRUTION WILLIAM J. STOFFREGEN - PLAN PREPARER DATE ------- WALL TO BE ALL D/1-fEN5/ON5, CLEARANCE5, FRAM/N6 MINIMUM SLOPES ARE: SITES OR BY CONSTRUCTION Firm Nome: CAD Works ------- REMOVED (W RELOCATE / TO MEMBER SIZES AND GONF/G1)RAT/ON5 - 256 ANAY FROM 5TRUG7URE5 ACTIVITIES SHALL BE PLACED, ---- ROOF, GONG TO ARE TO BE VER/F/ED PR/OR TO BE RELOCATED WITHIN 5'-0" OF 5TRUG7URE CONVEYED OR DISCHARGED INTO Firm Address: 24972 Southport St. - 1% FOR ASPHALT AND THE STREET, GUTTER OR 570RM Laguna Hills, CA 92653 BE REMOVED GON5TRUG T/ON. LANDSCAPED AREAS DRAIN SYSTEM OF 949-230-5042 L 37 PA2015-093 Attachment No . ZA 6 - Project Plans BEAM 1 — —B— - - —® 7'-4" � 1 k `e -- — — — — — — — — — — - 2=CAR GARAGE 1-CAR GARAGE o m I I O A ¢ o y { I ONE BEDROOM UNIT \ mQ I � c OVER 3-GAR GARAGE I rj N NO CHANGE I b x SOFFIT \ N y Q I ABV. I m r 3420 AL. 5T. II � I 1 1 1 1 1 1 'ti II P PA UP - - - -- -- — -- - - — -- -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - -9 SECOND LEVEL ABOVE (CANT.) BREEZEWAY Q GONG. 5' HIGH 0. PROP. EXISTING FRONT ELEV. ` ALL SHWR. 2" F -1L I — Jinzn GOb ELEG. 8020 AL. XOX - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c IP;� Ma IN J LAV.w 1 rx t�1O If I � FAU O � NNr J f`I N W.G WH9 CLOSET x III o } , �Q I BED. 4 .--I W ry 8' GL'G / GRPT. C� i g� ii II o BATH R.A.G. W fia I - - - - - - - - - - - - - VGL'G TIL I ^ C4 I z IREG. I 8' GL'G/ SHWR. II III ' i NII r'SHWR�, a 7'-2" z J TILE h� BEDROOM 3 CL'G jl Q 0 o 4:12 GL'G / GRPT. i i ` O VENT III — — — — — // — \\ — — — — I PANTRY — — I�f - �I ao� IIS DR - - - - -- - - J - - - SII � I - - � —Y � J SHEAR WALL: 0 �y 3/8' THK. PLYWOOD WITH 8d'5 AT 3 I/2" O.G. II_ 1 I BELAI SOFFIT AT EDGE5 SHELVES TO T-2" n0. 7 pup 4x16 BOTT. } Q I � .L Irl HALL I AT II'-b"-1111 I 0. UP ISR --------T-T -- ---- III GRPT. _ �a III - - - - - - - - - - - rI W II - - REJ -b O ,LIN �o LINEN / 5TOR. C WARDROBE I I W z STOR. — — — — i F GABS. ABV. PL NUM L J - x rn 0. N Zj OVEN VENT '/�I L — — — — — — — — — — — Ok w� V GL'G / GRPT. X KITCHEN _ � � I C`� �,^ o (W8' GL'G / TILE 7 RETREAT 14" I I a I P - J 4C2 GL'G / GRPT. N I G. N L I — — _ I �i ; O -- I SOFFIT III °C I — =il . V1 BATH 1 SOFFIT — — m_v — — — — :� ' — — — o Q z a'-1o" ' � o N - - -I BREEZEWAY LOOKING WEST N 8' GL'G / TILE`�� III SOFFIT J SII I F IL AT 8'-0" I JL �� I Z RE(5. I I REG., a — — — — — — — — — — 2" — ` - — ,4xb - - (E) 4x12 #2 BM. J ` DOWN G. 7E) 6x12 #I BM. D '_ — — HALL 5" / ATFf; 0: I I ATF6 10.. ro L GABS/ 1 8' GL'G / GRPT. I fI I v ir — u STORAG (LOFT ABOVE 6� (E) 5x12I O II I II O — II II I I I LL 18 W I� a C n of 4x16 BOTT. 0. AT 11'-6" I — 1 I ;,1. •y it '°,' , I I 1' a. STI— -�„F \\-I — _ m=-Ti — -TiI � DINING LIVING RM. V 8' GL'G / TILE I I V OL'G / GRPT. L . I 13EDROOMI12 I 11 BEDROOM 1 11 I m [ I 4F, 5:12 GL'G / G PT. 6.5:1 GL'6 / GRPT. _ ,I W II II Qac II II II I bP� �F I I IL II II �`7° II II IIMCI 60JO AL. SL. 109,40 AL. XOX Ill AL. SL. 10050 AL. XOX o 17 - - — — — \ I J / \ v- — — — — — - v- — — — — — — — — — y / I J A W NP PE R r< ° PORCH 2'-8" HIGH WALL GONG, BREEZEWAY LOOKING EAST 36" HIGH PILASTER PA PA PA MAIL BOX T MAIL BOX35.00 ' PA s w a: These drawings / plans and related specifications are in general conformance with local building code requirements ORAwN W,J.5T0FFIllll as well as the 2013 California Building Standards Code: CONCRETE WALK SURVEY 2013 California Building Code, 2013 California Residential Code, LATE 5/6/15 2013 California Electrical Code, 2013 California Mechanical Code, MARKER SEWER 2013 California Plumbing Code, 2013 California Energy Code, PROJECT No. Z 2013 California Fire Code, 2013 California Green Building SCALE Standards Code. A5 NOTED EXISTING SECOND FLOOR EXISTING FIRST FLOOR Opp SHEET SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 50ALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" s Signed:WILLIAM J. STOFFREGEN - PLAN PREPARER DATE A 1 Firm Name: CAD Works Firm Address: 24972 Southport St. Laguna Hills, CA 92653 949-230-8042 OF L 3g PA2015-093 Attachment No . ZA 6 - Project Plans r WINDOW AND DOOR NOTESGARAGE 1-CAR GARAGE I \ / � I KEY NOTES W W ALL NEIN - - _ _ _ _ - G WINDOWS AND FRENCH DOORS TO HAVE I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1. NEW OPENING - SEE INTERIORS Vl TEMPERED DUAL-PANE GLAZING WITH (LOW-E) ~ I I. 2. REMOVE STONE VENEER THE MANUFACTURED WINDOWS INDOS SHALL HAVE 1 1 \ / 1 3. FILL-IN EXISTING PLANTER 1.7.1 A LABEL ATTACHED CERTIFIED BY THE 2.-CAR}- - •- - -� 1' 4. NEW WINDOW WITH SIZE INDICATED NATIONAL FENESTRATION RATING COUNCIL I I 5. NEW DOOR WITH 51ZE INDICATED y rn N oN ( NFRG ) AND SHOWING COMPLIANCE WITH � ' ry Q b. NEW B -PASS WARDROBE DOORS O A p � c THE ENERGY CODES .I I /ONE BEDROOM UNIT c•1� I a. 1. 5HELVING AND HANGING SPACE - BY OWNER a U o0 PROVIDE CAULKING / APPROVED SEALANT I / OVER 3-GAR GARAGE \ mQ -. 8. CABINETS OPEN TO ABOVE - SEE INTERIORS �; o AROUND WINDOWS AND DOORS I / NO GHANGE \ I q. REMOVE DOOR AND WIDEN OPENING '" :'� - - - - - - - - 10. REMOVE DOOR(s) INTERIOR DOORS ARE TO HAVE RAISED / i I 11. RELOCATE WATER CLOSET, PROVIDE 30"w x 24"d b PANELING SOFFIT \ GLR. IN FRONT OF WATER CLOSET. WATER CLOSET SEE TITLE 24 SHEET FOR MINIMUM WINDOW I I ABV. (N) HB. ( MUST BE RATED FOR 2013 GAL. GREEN FLOW RATES ALL DOOR XPERFORMANCE 12. RELOCATE OVEN VENT TERIORDOORS TO BE SOLID GORE I / - - - - - - - - - \ 1 I I / \ I 13. HVAC PLENUM - DIMENSIONS TO BE FINALIZED / \ AFTER INSTALLATION OF UNIT AND DUCT WORK U THE LOAD RESISTANCE OF GLASS UNDER / � � 14. LAVATORY - OWNER HAS CRYSTAL KNOB SETS UNIFORM LOAD SHALL BE DETERMINED IN Z_J 17 I WHICH MAY REQUIRE NEW FAUCETS, STD. 51ZE5 ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM E 1900 / \ I5. WOOD FRAMED MIRROR - SEE INTERIORS WHERE A WINDOW SILL IS LOCATED HIGHER I / ,^�\ I b. 24"d x -1?"w COUNTER. PROVIDE 3" BLUE TILE TO THAN -12" ABOVE ADJACENT &RADE OR 3420 AL. ST._ ,' •` _ BE SELECTED BY OWNER - SEE INTS. FINISHED SURFACE ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE, 1 IT OVAL TILEX. XTUB APROXCERAMIC, " - 15" DEEP. OVER PROVIDE THE LOWEST PART OF THE OPENING SHALL I I I / / / 1 I \ 1 44 SHATTER-PROOF SLIDING GLA55 DOORS WITH BE 24' MINIMUM ABOVE THE ROOM FINISH FLOOR SURFACE. OPERABLE SECTIONS OF I I : UPI 12"w "GLUE CHIP" PATTERN. TILE TO BE 3" BLUE COLOR THE WINDOW SHALL NOT PERMIT OPENINGS I I \ 1 THAT ALLOW PASSAGE OF 4" SPHERE I / \ TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER. TILE TO +78" WHERE SUCH OPENINGS ARE LOCATED I I I L - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 L i - : : I PROVIDE SHOWER HEAD WITHIN 24" OF FINISHED FLOOR. 8. APROX. 20"Y4 x 24"d LINEN CABINET - SEE INTS. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - y I Iq. NEWSTAIRCASE SEE INT5. AND ARCH'L. DET5. TI I 20. NEW HANDRAIL AND GUARDRAIL, SEE INTERIORS 1/2" MAX THRESHOLD TO 5TOOP5 / FINISHED '� $ �. AND ARGH'L. RETS. SURFACES AT ALL DOORS THAT SWING I j/ boll 36 X ouTs1DE /I18"X 1 21. UPGRADE WINDOW WITH SIZE INDICATED I" MAX. THRESHOLD TO STOOPS / FINISHED �I/I ��� NEW TILE COUNTER AND SPLASH WITH 23 / 22. NEW LAVATORIES TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER SURFACES AT ALL DOORS THAT SWING 44 . INSIDE OR SLIDE '/I q4 CELADON GREEN 3" 'PILE TO BE SELECTED BY i 36BREEZEWAY � 60,X OWNER - SEE INTERIORS WINDOW / DOR E5RE55 � GONG. 24. NEW 36" w x 22" d VANITY - TBD •IIF INDICATES EGRESS WINDOW /INDO / DOOR I/I 43 25. STACKED WA5HER / DRYER (21"w x 31"d 5HOWN) ESCAPE OR RESCUE WINVOW5 SHALL HAVE A A / I TI : 26. 10"d x 40" w STORAGE CABINET. ALLOW 5TOR. MINIMUM NET CLEAR OPENABLE AREA OF 51" A4 28 27 88 ' 6-! 86 56 88 FOR IRONING BOARD 50. FT. THE MINIMUM NET OPENABLE HEIGHT I 10 - 85 2-I. 4" DIA. RIGID DRYER VENT HOSE. LENGTH = 8' DIMENSION SHALL BE 24" INCHES. THE MINIMUM I I I I 28. VINYL OR PLASTIC DRYER VENT NET CLEAR OPENABLE WIDTH SHALL BE 20" 1 r -�- .�s -iX, 1 29. UPGRADED H.G. DOOR WITH 51ZE SHOWN INCHES. WHEN WINDOWS ARE PROVIDED ASA 21 15 I EXISTING 4 I \o' ,� ��i �r -`x 8`1' S' HIGH PROVIDE TRADITIONAL TRIM, FINISH BY OWNER MANS of £scAP£ OR RESCUE, THEY SHALL 2030 2024 VY. O I I � !/ ,� * ( 1 �FCI EXISTING PROP' 30. RELOCATED ATTIC, ACCESS LOCATION (22"x30") HAVE A FINISHED SILL HEIGHT NOT MORE THAN -CAFE€ - -• --693A- Y.�ASE- �-' •- 44" INCHES ABOVE THE FLOOR r �� _ I PROVIDE HEATHERPROOFING TO PREVENT PLUMBING NOTES 31 ilc°. I 31. REMOVE HVAC REGISTER 21 FLu I I I I n N ® J 65 15 F� � II 32. NEW HVAC REGISTER �� 33. NEW 4x12 FLOOR JOIST AT 32" O.G. - PURR DOWN TUBERA PANEL ( 12"x12" ) R£ NON-SLIP FOR Om 23 ® `� I n \, - II I /! 12"w GL'G W/ I/2" DRYWALL TO +/- 4" ABOVE JOIST rl 1118 TRAP SLIP-JOINT OR USE NON-SLIP -_ - - - J a IIII lel (WELDED) JOINTS. p V - , 1� 24 5- - U-�_ Jti- M - - I BA .3 ---' - - - -' I pIA I 34. VENEER SOFFIT TO + 8'-O" (� IN SHOWERS AND TUB-SHOWER COMBINATIONS, 15 2 3p T .flt0 I I : 8' GL'G / O 35. REMOVE RAISED HEARTH AND SHELVES (p CONTROL VALVES MUST BE PRESSURE 2" - ' '� I 16 ABED. 4 1 56. 24" WIDE DESK - SEE INTS. ��� - - - - - - - - - - - - - WI�I TI BALANCED OR THERMOSTATIC MIXING VALVES. B Ul 'r8 ill 04 MAX TEMP. 120°. PER GPC, SEG. 414.5 4 418.0 r 1 5 \ 3 O 8 GLC, / TILE I 3T. NEW MANTLE TO X SELECTED" HI&H) BY OWNER - SEE 8 GLC/ I I V SHWR. 69 4 'ilk III / INTERIORS (APROX 52" HIGH) ALL HOSE BIBBS MUST HAVE AN APPROVED I TILE I I I I 7 'I 38. NEW MARBLE SURROUND BY OWNER - SEE INTS. QI: ANTI-SIPHON DEVICE. J �p I I l EXISTING BEDR OM S -r�� PENv. II I PROVIDE FREE-5TANDING FIREPLACE SCREEN 65 SHWR. 4:12 GL'G / TILE 3q. NEW DRAIN LINE TO TIE INTO NEW PORCH DRAINS GAS VENTS AND 6 THROUGH FLOORS PIPING �.�° E- III I ryv 1 ' --- „ /i 40. RAISE EXISTING DRYWALL SOFFIT TO +1'-O" IN WALLS PASSING THROUGH 3 FLOORS OR 13 5 S - 13 O ��, Q 41. LINE OF DECK ABOVE ^ LE55 SHALL BE EFFECTIVELY DRAFT- 18 6� 25 = ��-. - _ -% - - - 10 J f 32 �- I �-� 42. PROVIDE TYPE GALVANIZED DUG1•ING PER MFR'S 4 STOPPED AT EACH FLOOR OR GEILIN6 r - - REG, I - SIF I (E) S.W. BEE III II RECOMMENDATION BEHIND UPPER GAB NTS El V PROVIDE HARDIBAGKER CEMENT, WATER- 18 - - - - 211 2668 r' RESISTANT BACKING BOARD AS BASE I 5 - �868 �♦- HALL lEI PLAN DUTCH FOR TILE OR WALL PANELS FOR TUB OR � h- T I QEl El 52 �:/DUTG(a- 3 - - - r-11 2q 1 I 43. NEW FLAGSTONE OR QUARTZITE PAVERS - TBD _ ryd 8' GLC, / TILE bb 3068 PROVIDE GUT LAN FOR DRAINS - SEE SHOWER ENCLOSURES OR WATER OL05ET F _ -. 1 - - - -. .- - •r LANDSCAPE PLAN COMPARTMENT WALL5. z J ® PKTB 26 268E d 36 1O 43 �I 44. NEW PLANTER WITH SIZE INDICATED 1 N 5 HALL I-FOLIA ® ® I 65 UP 15R _ - i -- I 45• RELOCATE / REBUILD PILASTERS WHERE NEEDED TANKLE55 WATER HEATER: "NORITZ" .O 8' GL'G/TILE C 7 _ �� - 31 I' 46. ENTRY DOORS: SEE ENTRY DOOR NOTES AND Q PLUMBER TO DETERMINE MODEL NUMBER. X 2-4 3266 xI�S •,Tf.�l I- f I ` -•I -� �' SECURITY NOTES ON TH15 SHEET PLUMBER TO PROVIDE 6A5 SIZING AND LOAD ��� 1-F LD II fT 1�-� I bbl is _ _ _ _ _ 'I_ - ``�. I _ _ - _ /� 4-I. MAIL DROP - 'SIGNATURE HARDWARE' 13" BRA55 CALCULATIONS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION -� � I LETTER SLOT. SKU #923204 , -t46e BI-Pass ,. HOT MOPPED SHOWER PAN SHALL BE OB I �I - MIRRORED- - _ I 7 O b �2 5 -13 + 58 - X 48. RELOCATED 3068 DUTCH DOOR FROM FRONT L INSPECTED UPON COMPLETION OF HOT 20 O F- `�-,, I r � REMOVE bb R / , 4q. RELOCATE W.I. GATE 18" TOWARDS REAR MOPPING AND SHALL BE FILLED WITH 4 VY. 1-( ,I I I CHEN - - - - - F-1 Q FLuo SHEAR WALL I 50. REBUILD LOW PLANTER WALL AND GARDEN WATER FOR INSPECTION. GA I i- I_ 11.1 2668 �$- - - -, - -. __ ___ _ __ _ J� SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN - - + - MIRROR 55 - G T - I - - - �i 51. RELOCATED FORGED AIR UNIT. SEE TITLE 24 TO ALL PILOT LIGHTS TO BE 18" ABOVE TE - - - --- - - � � 2 �- --1 -� r- - MIRRORED r X IO VERIFY RECOMMENDED OUTPUT. PROVIDE 5/8" FLOOR IN GARAGE - GMC, 308.1 _ I I Iq �, W �I 5 4 - DINING Try TYPE 'X' GYP. BRD. IN GL05ET FOR I-HR. FIRE RAT'G. Q PER 4.303.1 OF GBG: 1rO I { �_J I l _� 11'1 U O 66 I - 81 - - " - - iI� - 8 GLC, / TILE - Ig I 52. RETURN AIR GRILLE Q7 FIXTURE TYPE MAX. FLOW RATE 10 III _ ry �- RETREAT - - y - - I� - - �. - - - _ 1 /', 53. DOG DOOR - APROX. 10'w x 14"h ROUGH OPENING WATER CLOSETS 128 GAL. P/ FLUSH I PEND�1') \ 10 - 4:12 CL'G / TILE O m 6 III r - II 2' /I OWNER TO SELECT T FOR HVAC 183 Ib \ry �� - - I I m v - - - - - - - 75 I bl 33 q i• 3 IU~1 / 1 ABOVEGVENEERv50FFITIDE OT01 MATCH CABINETRY RESIDENTIAL LAVATORY 13 GAL. AT 60 PSI - - I ' -' '- - - ,� 81 - II _ Ix SHELVING LAYOUT BY OWNER AND KITCHEN FAUCETS 4 ASE 22 BATH 1 reEG� i� 11 12 3668 - 7_ EXP• I _� - - - I•� _ _ _ -: :- _: 'W �! 55. RELOCATE PLUMBING PLENUM - SEE ELEVS. SINGLE SHOWER HEAD 2 GPM AT 50 PSI , L'- � 15 - P{�T• - - - `a 8 GLC, / III 4x8 " I I ,, I 56. TANKLESS WATER HEATER - TO BE SELECTED MULTIPLE SHOWC�2 HEADS 2cOMBBINAE40 P51 14 TILE, jgPErrD.___! ly.. _ _ I� I O AT 48" O.G. L 6 31 - - III ,, ) D III 1 BY CONTRACTOR DISHWASHERS AND CLOTHES((WASHERS J)SHALL " 5 FIT ! �' - - ,�1 I• SI. BROOM CLOSET - SHELF LAYOUT BY OWNER AND NOTE #54 BE ENERGY STAR COMPLIANT I 65 I8 5 All 8'-O" I (L -; _ NEW_bxl2_ _ G,y ./� 58. 36" REFRIG. / FREEZER SPACE PROVIDE WATER V� IS O - - _ -_ -_ - - - - - - - - - - = - - - �._ -..._ --�.- SERVICE MECHANICAL NOTES I DOWN TI j - IT - 11- ATE--� TT - -I - Th--�- 5q. 24" DISHWA5HER - TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER _ _ - I - - - - �� -.- _• 60. 30" RANGE 'FRIGIDAIRE' #FPG53085PF WITH -GI T 3068 n I I I I / r \ �. I I I I TI IT 11 �I; T I ...... MATCHING MICROWAVE ABOVE - SEE INTS. Q PROVIDE SMOOTH METAL DUCT FOR DRYER �; HALL �, Tq 63 � i - bl. ELKAY STAINLESS STEEL DOUBLE SINK 33 WIDE 6068 BI-PF�SS� BI-FO I TI 0O I I bb I I I I I I I I I ! I 63. LAZY SUSAN EXHAUST - 4' DIA. MIN. T4 q 8 GL G / WD. % hf ` ' I I I I 35 , , m I 62. 5" WIDE TRASH COMPACTOR SPACE PROVIDE DRYER EXHAUST TO OUTSIDE AIR. TI i- - 5 I z 4 64 I I I I ,32 r 82 I a DRYER VENT SHALL HAVE BABKDRAFr 6 I I - - \ 1 J.,I I I b I I OE O I I 11 I I I I i r 1 $ 1 64. 10 DEEP BOOK SHELVES BELOW DAMPER. � �� r 11O_�� r ® 32 REMOyy�� I I I I 1 65. PORCELAIN TILE FLOOR - OWNER TO SELECT 32 1 I II II EXISTING 1 1 II I PROVIDE A 14"x8" OPENING WITH A METAL I 11 11 II 1 i 8x12 g�1 bb. MARBLE TILE 12" SQ., LUNA MARFIEL (HOME DEPOT) GRILLE INSERT( 100 SO. IN. GLR. NET) I I 11 / I I I I I I I I I I I 66 11 I I 1 I I 67. REMOVE EXISTING STONE DAM AND PROVIDE ABOVE DOOR FOR REQUIRED MAKE-UP AIR I I I I `� 'I I! �.I� 1 d I I APROX. 23'x33 DEPRE5510N FOR DOG SHOWER BREAKFAST I RM. I I I I . 36 1 1 I USE EXI5TING DRAIN. REPLACE H05E BIBS AND O WALL NOTES I I 66 1110 I I, �q ❑ \ 4x16 bIi A' GL'G / IIIILE I I 1 31 I I 8'ICfL'G / TI I 1 11� I FAUCETS SPECIFICATIONS FOR LATH, PLASTER AND I I I I I I I 1 ATI 43 1 68. DRYWALL MECH. SOFFIT 8 WIDE - T.B.D. O DRYWALL SHALL CONFORM TO THE OI - - - Jl 31 I - __1 E- _ I- - -. .ii _ I I 1ml '-�-, I I I I 1 I I 1 I ! 1 6q TOWSELEGTR5ED &LA55 TYLE 'ROWER DOOR - OWNER REGUIREMENT5 OF GRG CHAPTER -1 J - - - 1 I- - I- _' TIT �-'S, 1 1 mi 0 (N) OFFICE ISI s s 1 70. NEW 3" TILE COUNTER AND SPLASH - TO BE ANY PLUMBING DRAINPIPE OR VENT PIPE I I I 1 1 1 I � � 11 ---' I I I I 1 I I 3 1 I SELECTED BY OWNER LL CUT THROUGH STUD WALL SHALL BE 2x6 o !z5• GL'G ILS' I I MASTE l it BEDROO � T1 11 '`''`' i 1 I I I 1 33 I I 1 I I -- i 1 1 71. STUCCO WALL ON OWNER'S SIDE - TYP. AT EXPOSED STUD WALLS OR TWO 2x4 WALLS WITH I I1 � I I 1 I I I CMU WALL PLYWOOD SHEAR PANEL ON NON- ry I ; 111 65:12 GL'G ! 'fftE �jO m I I I I X 1 1 1 1 1 T 1 I I I -f2. CHANDELIER - OWNER TO PROVIDE PLUMBING, WALL O LILL•1------ I I I I I I I I zO = IO I I 93. HERB CUPBOARD, &" DEEP - SEE INTERIORS ® I I 11 11 11 i I -14. ENLARGE CLOSET SHELVING BY OWNER PROVIDE 2 LAYERS OF GRADE D PAPER �I 115424 5T 11 1 I- - 522 1 B 11 X24 S7 I I EV 4 I 3 1�1 8 I I I OVER ALL LENGTH APROX. &' FEET W ( FELT ) OVER PLYWOOD SHEAR WALLS I IRAD� I I -I I---' ORA]b� I ORAD. STI I I 1 1 I . 1 �- I I 11 11 11 1 I 1 1 1 -I5. 3 PART KITCHEN WINDOWS - LEADED GLA55 CASE. WALL INSULATION NOTES I ITEM .4 L; I 4 TEM_I� 4 TEMP. I I �Il _U - -i.L- - �. LL - -1 I- - u - IL - ._ I I WINDOWS TO BE 24' WIDE. MIDDLE Z �� ' T� (N 8x12 WOOD BEAM r*T WIOx STEEL B . - I WINDOW TO BE 30" WIDE SLIDER Tau - -17-- -n - '-I T- 11 TtN - T I-II Tr 1 'Tb. PRE-CAST TRIM - APROX. 4" WIDE x 1 1/2" DEEP. R-13 BATT INSULATION ® 2x4 EXT, WALLS L I L `1- _. ! r SIL FRENCH DOORS TO FOLD BACK AS FAR AS POSSIBLE R-19 BATT INSULATION ® 2x6 EXT. WALLS O \ON Ir I / \ 5 5 T\ l�l /4 I I I I 1O j I � I ,I/ III I I I I I i -M. 6.5"W x b" DEEP CAN15TER SHELF R-90 BATT INSULATION ® CEILINGS R1 �, II I� ` // II OUT BACK 3'HALL 1 14 O d 1 1 I t f III I I 4 p I I -78. RAISE CEILING TO 8-O' ✓I , O�.I �r `�4r• �� I � 1 �! O ® r �r• I ( 1q. RA15E CONTINUOUS BEAM TO FLUSH CONDITION AND o I L - J_ ` U- ' ' 1 ---' I D I-I 2 ALL INSULATION MATERIALS SHALL HAVE A O - - J L ___ _ _ _ _ - -0ECK C - _ - 1 � ______ r �O. HANG RAFTERS OFF BEAM - SEE FRAMING PLAN FLAME-SPREAD RATING NOT TO EXCEED 25 I '!6 ` _-- -'-'- _ PA2015-093 Attachment No . ZA 6 - Project Plans M y V N 01 7 A O U U oho 0 pM N N a� � N a U (E) STONE _ (E) RIDGE (EJ RIDGE \ (E) RIDGE (E) 4:12 ROOF 12 12 4 4 O REMOVE ROOF LL AND WALLLL p p \ O u� i (E) N O i. . . I 2x4 TRIMPRE-CASF POP�IJT'WALL w IL AT TYP. QORS NEW, FLAT ROOFLn N L :2x4'PRECAST TRIM ABOVE.. N O n SLOPE 2% 1 I.• LL DOORS _TYP. EXTERIOR FINISH NOTES '- 5 2 = ALL EXPOSED WOOD TO BE 545 rl p wTR. HTR 24 +/ - T VENT , �' •.r - O ip ) PROVIDE 2 LAYERS OF GRADE D �� �'�I PAPER (FELT) OVER PLYWOOD amu LTJ I SHEAR WALLS rj ALL EXTERIOR WALL FINISHES rl ELI i .. � H E ACCORDANCE ( , (E) GATE (NJ o I I P ..0 N (E) GATE \ a I o �) a .OUTDOOf2 SHALL B IN GORDANG w -REWORK L MSI G (E)'ELEG SERV. ! ' �a ' 5HOWER. WITH GBG AND TITLE 24 (N) .' �, ALL TRIM 4'-0" OR LESS FROM ,1r .��'' rH I AND REMOVE OLD (N) - CC„CZ LO)JVERED I h EXTERIOR MOUNTED N = DOWNSPOUT I E) :Xx IST FLOOR LINE TO BE WOOD DOOR FOR. i� I . r�1 HVAC I' PLUMBING 'PLENUM 1 I I W/ STUCCO U.N.O. TRIM ABOVE i' .. I (E) G�EAN-OUT `� I LLLJJJ LLLJJJ 4'-0" CAN BE FOAM (F) F.S. nJ-1- I FJ'1 MM -- - --- — (E) F.S. -N - - — - — - -- (E) F.5 ALL DOOR AND WINDOW F+y (N) PET (E) F.S. DE516N WOOD MEGH TRIM TO BE STUCCOED OVER STONE VENEER BY OWNERDOOU.N.O. DOOR OWNER TO TANKLE55 STUCCO LATH AND DRYWALL �`� C LEFT (EAST) ELEVATION SELECT REAR (SOUTH) ELEVATION WATER HEATER SHALL BE NAILED TO TOP x SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/4" = I'-0" AND BOTTOM PLATES ALL EXPOSED WOOD PENETRATING F� STUCCO TO BE G.I. FLASHED AT F� PENETRATION PROVIDE 2" GLR. FROM 5TUCCOED P TRIM TO WINDOW FRAMES FLASHING NOTE ��✓r-j FLASHING AT VALLEY AND VERTICAL CONFIGURATIONS WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GBG FLA5HING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SUCH A MANNER 50 A5 TO PREVENT M015TURE FROM ENTERING THE WALL OR TO REDIRECT IT TO THE EXTERIOR. FLA5HING SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE PERIMETERS OF EXTERIOR DOOR AND WINDOW ASSEMBLIES, PENETRATIONS AND TERMINATIONS OF EXTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLIES, EXTERIOR WALL INTERSECTIONS WITH ROOFS, CHIMNEY, PORCHES, DECKS, BALCONIES, AND SIMILAR PROJECTIONS AND AT BUILT-IN GUTTERS AND SIMILAR LOCATIONS WHERE MOISTURE COULD ENTER THE WALL. FLASHING WITH PROJECTING FLANGES SHALL BE INSTALLED ON BOTH SIDES AND AT THE ENDS OF COPING5, UNDER SILLS AND CONTINUOUSLY ABOVE PROJECTING TRIM PER GBG y z O - a (E) RIDGE (E) RIDGE (E) RIDGE UJ 12 _ (E) STONE _ lbs UJ (NJ M1 (E) 4:12 ROOF F m - 0 WALL AND ROOF <� 54^ ST. y H O H TO BE o"> "� (N) 5T. U o REMOVED 12„ w LL STONE VENEER -- - - -�-- _Y w TO BE SELECTED 1 _ `� � - j '.. \ . . '. / \ -, w = rn BY OWNER CL \i f \ U O I . 0. 42" HIGH MTL. GUARDRAIL CL O I / (N) (w \ IL WITH T.S. PICKETS SPACED r F�REMOVE' . a O O - 50 A 4" DIA. SPHERE H t-'•------ _� .fl CANNOT PA55 THRU -WINDOW AND ------'--•- - O FILL-IN HLC Ul _ �' ".. ISL• W - - - lb 0oc 290LL �.. _ O _ PRECAST 2x4'TRIM �O O .'FOR PR¢TECTION N a0 - - VI - - - w U1 These drawings Ions and related specifications are in . _ _ 9 � P P 11 _ \ - RELOGA D - RAIN - general conformance with local building code requirements DRAWN TE GUTTER W.J.STOFFREGEN (� GATE a DUTCH DOOR' _ w o as well as the 2013 California Building Standards Code: a FROM ENTRY, , - �- �P =9 0 - - 2013 California Building Code, 2013 California Residential Code, DATE S/6�18 2013 California Electrical Code 2013 California Mechanical Code �_ - - 2013 California Plumbing Code 2013 California Ener Code, PROJECT No. _ 9 9Y " d d) 71 LLLU StandardsCode. re Code, 2013 CaliforniaGreen Building ALE 13 N (E) _ � • . (E) ry (E) StiaFi5^ AS NOTED F.S. — —— - - F.S. —ice - SHEET Signed: (E) F.5. WILLIAM J. STOFFREGEN — PLAN PREPARER DATE RIGHT (WEST) ELEVATION FRONT (NORTH) ELEVATION Firm Name: CAD Warks Firm Address: 24972 Southport St. 50ALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Laguna Hills, CA 92653 OF 949—230—8042 L 40 PA2015-093 Attachment No . ZA 6 - Project Plans r r^ v1 M O •'y`j'� IN O Q'' r A v 000 O M N •� N U INSULATION NOTES SEE TITLE 24 SHEETS FOR MINIMUM PERFORMANCE FRAMING NOTE FIRE BLOCK STUD WALL5 ( AT 10' INTERVALS [ HORIZ. B VERT.] ), ENCLOSED AND CONGEALED SPACES, AND AT OPENINGS AROUND VENTS, PIPES, DUCTS, CHIMNEYS, BETWEEN ATTIC AND CHIMNEY CHASE, AT STAIR STRINGERS, AND SIMILAR PLACES AT CEILING AND FLOOR LEVELS. EXTERIOR FINISH NOTES ALL EXPOSED WOOD TO BE 545 PROVIDE 2 LAYERS OF GRADE D PAPER (FELT) OVER PLYWOOD SHEAR WALLS ALL EXTERIOR WALL FINISHES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GBG AND TITLE 24 ALL TRIM 4'-0" OR LE55 FROM IST FLOOR LINE TO BE WOOD rl W/ STUCCO U.N.O. TRIM ABOVE El 4'-0" CAN. BE FOAM ALL DOOR AND WINDOW C4 TRIM TO Be STUCCOED OVER U.N.O. STUCCO LATH AND DRYWALL r , SHALL BE NAILED TO TOP V AND BOTTOM PLATESALL ., STUCCO TOSED O BE 6.IOD PSHE�TING PENETRATION PROVIDE 2" GLR. FROM STUCCOED 9 TRIM TO WINDOW FRAMES .0 FLASHING NOTE .� C FLASHING AT VALLEY AND VERTICAL CONFIGURATIONS WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GBG FLASHING NOTE 2 �i Z FLASHING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SUCH A MANNER 50 AS TO PREVENT MOISTURE FROM ENTERINS THE WALL OR TO REDIRECT IT TO THE EXTERIOR. FLA5HING SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE PERIMETERS OF EXTERIOR DOOR AND WINDOW ASSEMBLIES, PENETRATIONS AND TERMINATIONS OF EXTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLIES, EXTERIOR WALL INTERSECTIONS WITH ROOFS, CHIMNEY, PORCHES, DECKS, BALCONIES, AND SIMILAR PROJECTIONS AND AT BUILT—IN GUTTERS AND SIMILAR LOCATIONS WHERE MOISTURE COULD ENTER THE WALL. FLASHING WITH PROJECTING FLANGES SHALL BE INSTALLED ON BOTH SIDES AND AT THE ENDS OF COPINGS, UNDER SILLS AND CONTINUOUSLY ABOVE PROJECTING TRIM PER GBG EXISTING RIDGE K5 CEDAR ,, n EXI5TIN6 RIGID TBG CEILING INSULATION 12G � 12 1/2" GDX ROOF 6.5 'y" O �F/ � 6.5 5HT'G + PCS 4�BRygr3 FRMSLIF. (E) ROOF 4x (4:12 ROOF)F) A AT 32"" O.C. 2x10 FASCIA DEMO. ROOF �. EXI5TIG 4x16 C RIDGE BEAM (E) ATTIC COPPER ' RAIN GUTTERt � &YPSUM AD FINISH _ _ _ - -�� ]CXX' X)CXR - - 1 Bid.AL1AAA.tJILd�.AdVAAAdIM�.b� 8-Abd II1be11LL Z LL EXTERIOR NEW CRIPPLE j O 0 FIN15H Q WALL O II II II � NEW FRENCH O NEW 5I—PA55 0 DOORS (N)' ECK DooRs NEN WALL TUD (, D- DEMO WALLS ii OFFICE s OR. W Q BATH 1 HALL BATH 2 0. —1 REMOVE 42" HIGH T.S. p 0. WALL5 NA LLO� ~ GUARDRAIL WITH J PICKETS SPACED NEW EXPOSED 50 A 4" DIA. 4x12 AT 32" O.G. T NEW EXPOSED NEW DUCTING l�L SPHERE CANNOT 4x1 EXP. D/J i0 �i 4x12 AT 32" O.G. 2'-0° PASS THROUGH ® 3 I' p,G, s NEW PLYWOOD ADD I (REMOVE 2x12 AT (N!) FLAT FLOOR BHT'& 1 1 BLK'G 16" O.G. ) ROOF, SLOPE 2% E 2% 1 1 F I � I 2x8 OVER — (() 2x10 FASCIA (y = HANGER PER N STRUCTURAL (N) DRYWALL —_ RREN) HVAC GISTER EXISTING 7/8" STUCCO PLANS 2 — UNDER DECK LINE OF FURRED (E) 6x12 LINE OF FURRED 2x12 FLOOR I� DECORATIVE DOWN DRYWALL BEAM DOWN DRYWALL JOISTS AT 16" O.G. WOOD GAP TO CEILING LEAVE CEILING LEAVE 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD CONGEAL HANGER APROX 4" OF BEAM NEW MECH. APROX 4" OF BEAM EXISTING 2 N INTERIOR FINISH EX005ED SOFFIT EXP05ED STORY STUD WALL 2x4 NAILER z NEW WINDOW STEEL BEAM PER BREAKFAST RM. KITCHEN BATH 2 T STRUCTURAL lIl PLANS PENINSULA X (E) EXT. W LU (E) PORCH SLAB DOOR These drawings / plans and related specifications are in general conformance with local building code requirements DRABad WJ.STOFFRE6EN (E) HOUSE 5LAB (E) PORCH as well as the 2013 California Building Standards Code: LATE 2013 California Building Code, 2013 California Residential Code, 5/6/15 SLAB 2013 California Electrical Code, 2013 California Mechanical Code, 2013 California Plumbing Code, 2013 California Energy Code, PROJECT No. (E) S 2013 California Fire Code, 2013 California Green Building SCALE l Standards Code. AS NOTED n'�m�i���`�v��ii��`�vi��vi��`��i��`ivi��`�vi�'.�. `�;i�`�`i�.�.`./.`i�.�`.�.`i��`�vi��`�vi-�`ivii`�vi��`��i�\\.i\/ `.�`i��ivi�`v/��`i`/.�.�i`i��`�\i�`�`i�y\i�..�`�\i.��`�\i��.`./\i��.i\i.�..�`�`i��`�i;�.�.`/.`/ `/.`/��`/`/��`/\/��`/.\/��`/`/ `/.\/.��`./;/��%`/��`/`/��-`/`/�•�`/�/'�����\ r��\U\/'��\\r�\\\� Y.�\\�. _HEFT FOOTING PER / Signed: PLAN �% �� %` WILLIAM J. STOFFREGEN — PLAN PREPARER DATE Firm Name: CAD Works A 4 i SECTION A-A ll 16 Firm Address: 24972 Southport St. SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" Laguna Hills, 92653 949-230-80422 of PA2015-093 Attachment No . ZA 6 - Project Plans I ir1 LL_U ♦a 1.•.�-.. rc- >lvrce R I LIL: ��. _.fie •-- _•_ .� y�"3" � Noeru <uvlr+ea ! ,.. !7/dT k{feH�MM • we ilr JII � 9a • `I �� I �� � � N M. �p. �1`•.8'__lt J i r 'I ♦ jin.Pw'r li •t. i�� i's-•u V 1 _� �_�•_ - � >-zrr•— - —. � � �. ' trM`N+rt +rropJaC fDAGD dU4d � 1 � D � e tlwie Reath N i, ti T✓rt �" In +GroR}C f_ CYwi Y I 7 /mr.,vnX ftlrr y•-I I�� lL..11J1 I 'v'J"e I 1, r e ,. +, ev .. vf• r_ _ -..<_�— (f- 4._n Je li