HomeMy WebLinkAbout15 - Pacific Coast TriathlonCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. 15 November 23, 2010 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: City Manager's Office Dave Kiff, City Manager 949 - 644 -3000, Dkiff @newportbeachca.gov SUBJECT: Exception to Council Policy B -8 (Bike, Footrace, and Surf Contest Event Policy) — Pacific Coast Triathlon RECOMMENDATION: 1. Authorize Pelican Coast Events, organizers of the Pacific Coast Triathlon to hold a sprint- distance triathlon in the Crystal Cove area within the Newport Beach city limits provided that the event is after Labor Day weekend as an exception solely to Council Policy B -8's prohibition of events during June 15 to September 15. 2. Authorize this exception for the next five periods (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015), revocable at any time by the City should the event not be managed correctly. DISCUSSION: Council Policy B -8 restricts significant sports events to twelve (12) events within any one calendar year and prohibits any events from occurring between June 15 and September 15. Pelican Coast Events, the organizers of the Pacific Coast Triathlon, have held a sprint - distance triathlon off of Crystal Cove since the late 1990s, before that part of the community was annexed into Newport Beach. They typically hold the event on a Sunday in the fall, either the weekend after Labor Day or one to two weekends after that. In some cases, though, the event's best scheduling in terms of tides and competing events falls after Labor Day but before September 15. Staff believes that an exception to the "no events between June 15 and September 15" prohibition is warranted because of the Pacific Coast Triathlon's: 1. History with the community, involving an area of town that was not part of the city limits when the event first started. 2. Event occurs after Labor Day, when activities in the community have somewhat subsided; and 3. Location off of Crystal Cove, where few if any other events are scheduled during a calendar year. Council Policy B -8 November 23, 2010 Page 2 The exception is revocable if the City finds that the event's organization or management changes and that such changes have compromised the event's low- to moderate - impact on the community's traffic and recreational needs. This exception does not exempt the triathlon from all other requirements of the City's special event permit process. FISCAL IMPACT: None. PUBLIC NOTICE: This agenda item may be noticed according to the Ralph M. Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the public meeting at which the City Council considers the item. Submitted by: Dave Kiff City Manager Attachment: Council Policy B -8 Council Policy B -8 — BIKE, FOOT RACE AND SURF CONTEST EVENT POLICY The purpose of this policy regarding the use of City streets and beaches for conducting bicycle races, running events, surf contests and other athletic contests is to minimize the inconvenience to City residents, and to eliminate any potential City liability for injuries resulting from the event. All bicycle races, running events, surf contests or events and similar athletic contests /events shall be required to secure a Special Event Permit, comply with all of the conditions to the permit, and comply with the provisions of this Policy. Races, running events and other athletic contests /events using City streets shall not be conducted during the summer (June 15 through September 15). No more than twelve (12) such events shall be permitted during any calendar year and not more than four (4) in one geographical area in one year. Surf contests using City beaches shall not be conducted during Memorial Day weekend or summer (June 15 - September 15). No more than eight (8) large and /or commercial events shall be permitted during any calendar year and events shall be scheduled at least three (3) weeks apart. All Surf competitions, no matter what the size, are required to register with the Recreation & Senior Services Department a minimum of one month prior to the scheduled event in order to receive approval for use of the requested location. There is no fee for registration of a surf competition, only for the Special Event Permit, if needed. All responsible parties must be able to provide upon request proof of a valid registration approval during the hours of the surf competition. Surf contest permits will be granted for specific dates only. No more than one surf contest will be scheduled per day. Surf contest permits do not allow for the exclusive use of the ocean or contest area and are always subject to blackball rules and regulations. There can only be a maximum of six (6) large and /or commercial contests at any one location per calendar year. The Fire Department determines acceptable locations for surf contests. The person or entity primarily responsible for administering the event must prove their ability to pay for all required City safety and maintenance services prior to issuance of any permit. Proof of ability to pay for these services shall be in the form of a cash deposit, bond, or similar instrument. The permittee shall, prior to the event, provide the City with evidence of insurance, with the City named as an additionally insured, with minimum coverage of one (1) million dollars per occurrence unless the City Attorney and City Manager determine that due to the circumstances surrounding the event, more insurance coverage is necessary. No permit shall be issued for any race, running event, surf contest or athletic contest /event which is sponsored or financially supported by a tobacco or alcohol company and no alcohol or tobacco shall be permitted to be dispensed or available in the event there are participants under the age of 21. Nor will any signage promoting alcohol or tobacco company be allowed to be displayed at the contest /event.