HomeMy WebLinkAboutSS3 - Lido Village Conceptual PlanningCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. ss3 November 23, 2010 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Planning Department James Campbell, 949 - 644 -3210, icampbell()newportbeachca.gov SUBJECT: Lido Village Conceptual Planning ISSUE The City has participated in a conceptual planning effort for the Lido Village area, which consists of the current City Hall site, Lido Marina Village and Via Lido Plaza. Two alternative plans have been prepared for City Council consideration and input prior to the creation of final plans. RECOMMENDATION Provide input and direction on the two concept plans presented DISCUSSION On July 27, 2010, the City Council designated an ad hoc committee consisting of Mayor Curry and Council Members Henn and Rosansky to participate in a conceptual planning process to analyze potential land use alternatives for the City Hall site, Lido Marina Village and Via Lido Plaza. The ad hoc committee along with representatives of Lido Marina Village and Via Lido Plaza retained a Tim Collins to manage the overall effort. William Hezmalhalch Architects was selected from a competitive selection process to develop the conceptual plans. Two alternatives will be presented during the study session and these two alternatives are considered 90% complete. Next Step The design team will take all input offered by the City Council and the public during the study session and they will continue to refine the concept plans. A public outreach meeting is planned for January 11, 2011, which is intended to focus on City Hall re -use options. The schedule anticipates a final comprehensive presentation of the full study to the City Council on January 25, 2011. Lido Village Conceptual Planning November 23, 2010 Page 2 Environmental Review Lido Village Conceptual Planning Project is only a planning and /or feasibility study for possible future actions that the City has not approved, adopted or funded. The concept plans are not regulatory documents and would not have a legally binding effect. This activity is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA ") pursuant to Title 14, Chapter 3, Section 15262 of the California Code of Regulations. Public Notice This agenda item has been noticed in accordance with the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the public meeting). The item appeared upon the agenda for this meeting which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. Funding Availability Funding for this continued effort has been equally shared between the three major stakeholders: the City and the owners of Lido Marina Village and Via Lido Plaza. No additional funding is requested. Prepared and submitted by: J4mes Campbell, Acting Planning Director C� LIDO VILLAGE CONCEPT PLAN CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION Nei 11 -23 -10 Tim Collins TC Collins & Associates Introduction - Opening Remarks Objectives of this forum • Narrow down to optimal plans • Give input on preferred features n • Near preliminary reactions to market demand and economic feasibility of options Set deliverables needs for I -I I -I I meeting (more verticallgraphic illustrations) Revisit the Project • What we have learned -data gathering • Guiding principles - test the vision • Challenges to Integrated, Phased plan • Final inventory of current uses • Response to Public Input /Comments • Major Stakeholders' Vision Hear about plan refinements • Need for Phasing flexibility New adjacent projectsledge conditions Identified parking deficit Owner expectations for plan concession/incentives "Sense of Place" and "Gateway" features Public Use /Benefit Options - City Hall site • Life Long Learning Center • SeniorHousing Health Fitness/Wellness Center Public Comments /Q &A • Speaker self -intro and time limits `ui Closing remarks - Major Stakeholders Look ahead dates - Next Public Outreach Forums • 1- 11- 114:00 PM -City Council Study Session -City Nail Reuse Options 1 -25- 117:00 PM -Final Presentation- Integrated Plans Todd Larner 1 .: Architecture and Planning WHAT WE HAVE LEARNED .® WHAT WE HAVE LEARNED GUIDING Provide thoughtful yet creative design solutions that are appropriate for the City of Newport Beach. • Retain boutique quality of retail experience. • Incorporate morevert icality into the village encouraging a broader diversity of use& • Joint Use Parking Programs Balance local service needs and maximize regional draw opportunities without sacrificing one for the other. • Tap Into the sub - regional draw opportunities for the village. Avoid pitfalls of trying to over -reach our audience. • Enhance our greatest assets -The Beach and the Ray. • New opportunities for marina Improvements. Highlight Lido Village as a "Gateway Village" for the City of Newport Beach. • Incorporate thoughtful branding, signage and monumentation programs for the village. • Develop a "Smart Streets" program to frame and define the character of the village. • Altering street patterns to make them more intuitive. Respect the local desire for strong aesthetic value for each unique city village. • Create an architectural theme and style that is appropriate and thoughtful for Lido Nllage. Use historic mater €als, colors and styles in a crafted application. • Weave Newport's great maritime and resort history into an Implementable vision. • Visioning and architectural styling Insure all land use concepts are thoroughly tested from a market standpoint as well as revenue generation while incorporating stakeholder and public perspective. • Ensure that the project Is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. Checking the pie during design: CNB, Duda, Marshall Olen. Develop a dynamic plan that is approvable by Newport Beach public officials & key staff, stakeholders, citizens and the California Coastal Commission. • Provide a workable mix of uses that will stand the test of time and provide greater public benefit. • Draw on community outreach to help provide authorship in crafting program, theme and vision for the village. glii"Va 4 "Big Idea" Concepts from T.A.P. Maintenance Plan w Connectivity Main Street Support and Concerns from local residents and business owners. • Parking -Needs to be improved and joint use programming. • Anchor with greater benefit (high end tenant) Hospitality. • Charter Yacht and interaction. Negative. How do we improve? • Community Center on City Hall. • City Hall is for the residents'services It's already a civic site, keep it civic in re- use. • Need for Residential: What Kind? Seniors, affordable, market rate etc. • Nautical Heritage "Celebrate" our city. • Create a sense of place "Water- Front. Live, Work, Play - spend time here. • Gateway- Expand Study Area "sphere "to include Newport Blvd. Retail. • Incorporate future flexibility. • Eminent domain concerns from local businesses and residents. • Big Vision -Don't stick with status quo. VISIONING VISIONING CREATING THE LIVING ROOM I /I'- , CREATING THE LIVING ROOM I /� ,. FIRE STATION 14 OTEL 1 /1" GYM & SPA f® //' MAINTENANCE: ALTERNATIVE 1 MAIN STREET: ALTERNATIVE r. r ti CONNECTIVITY: ALTERNATIVE 3 1 � 'hrr ;4#� Key points Canal waterway throughout the site &1,1 Re- Configure all parcels Pedestrian promenade along 4� wG> waterfront Narrowing the Field - From 4 plans down to 2 The fo!/owingisa listoflteyelemeots idenrXedfrom each of the 4akernatiues thalhe /pedshape the program, phasing andphysica / /ayaulofthe. site Opportunities • Beach to Bay and Toes to Water • Create a neighborhood destination - "The Living -room' • Relocation of the party boats and improving the docks/ bulkhead in Lido Village. 7 O' canti lever of the bulkhead. • Iconic bridge element/ gateway and connectivity to Mariners Mile. • Improve automobile circulation to benefit retail storefronts. • Separate residential neighborhood from retail uses. Change street patterning. • Possible relocation of Elks while retaining their waterfront presence. • Provide new location for iconic fire station. Sense of civic pride. • City Hall site Flexibility for seniors, high end residential, wellness program or life long learning village. • Bring benefit to neighboring retail/ commercial uses. • Revenue generating parking structure and management program. City hall site as an education campus and life long learning For profit university venue Loca'I university extension a facility Narrowing the Field - From 4 plans down to 2 The fo!/owingisa listoflteyelemeots idenrXedfrom each of the 4akernatiues thalhe /pedshape the program, phasing andphysica / /ayaulofthe. site Opportunities • Beach to Bay and Toes to Water • Create a neighborhood destination - "The Living -room' • Relocation of the party boats and improving the docks/ bulkhead in Lido Village. 7 O' canti lever of the bulkhead. • Iconic bridge element/ gateway and connectivity to Mariners Mile. • Improve automobile circulation to benefit retail storefronts. • Separate residential neighborhood from retail uses. Change street patterning. • Possible relocation of Elks while retaining their waterfront presence. • Provide new location for iconic fire station. Sense of civic pride. • City Hall site Flexibility for seniors, high end residential, wellness program or life long learning village. • Bring benefit to neighboring retail/ commercial uses. • Revenue generating parking structure and management program. Constraints • Existing parking deficits with current densities with retail and residential. • Existing long term ground leases. • Improvement opportunities vs. building replacement costs. All sites. • General Plan - Need modification to improve future opportunities. Density / intensity, height and parking. • Phasing commitments. Parking, Building, Street Improvements, Docks and Bulkheads, Fire Department, • Thinking our of the box and unifying a visionary plan. • Limited capabilities of incorporating people places. Signalization and traffic patterns. • Creating a performance based plan based upon today's market conditions not future opportunities. • Thoughtfully separating the pedestrian and bike from the cars. "Safety" • Promoting 4 sided buildings and architecture. • Coastal commission to support marina improvement to Lido Village. "Public Access" IGO A"GE -MIRE 9VOF9' eG- 27,- &MTQTt $FF IOdaD] IOTA MY uan wi W.M If ]O.IGOiOFALLF. U=TOWAL=F. f l ♦Llr[&MATIVE 2B OLEN CC . WW FMJ PROJECT TIME LINE / LIDO VILLAGE - INLINE SHOPS est. 27,250 TOTAL S.F. PARKING® 1/ 4500 SF = 123 SP DUDA - LIDO PI 10500 TOTAL PARKING® 4.5/ 1000 SF = (487 PROVIDED 015 LONE FINLEY 1 , NEWPORT BLDV. SHOPS 30,740 TOTAL S.F. CITY HALL RE -USE—/ 72,600 TOTAL S.F. PARKING@ 4.5/ 1000 SF = 326 P (665 PROVIDED 0339 LONG) .� - // -2,3 /O VORNADO LIDO VILLAGE est. 107,860 TOTAL S.F. PARKING® 1/ 4500 SF = 485 SP - MARSHALL DEVELOPMENT MIXED -USE OFFICE/ RESIDENTIAL OLEN CORP. MID -RISE RESIDENTISAL x20 LUXURY FLATS MARSHALL DEVELOPMENT ± 17 DU - ROW \ TOWNS OLEN CORP.' ROW TOWNS 6 UNITS 1 41 LIDO VILLAGE - INLINE SHOPS est. 27,250 TOTALS. F. PARKING® I/ 4500 SF = 123 SP )PLAZA 100,000 TOTAL S.F. 13 DU - LIVE WORK PARKING04.5 / 1000 SF - 450 SP 1 PARKING, UN -32 SPACES r I (481 PROVIDED d 1 SHORT) ' I I j I I I j I I ww ij lSFFT I BLDV:- 30,740 TOTAL S.F. / � fmu an SPACES 1, E %Inl G SfiRCF� THIAIVR A V.700 I CITY HALL RE -USES 34,500 TOTAL S.F, SENIORS - 80 DUi I� PARKING®4.S / l OOO SF - 155 P�� PARKING SENIORS - 120 I -. ._________.r _ (562 PROVIDED 6287 LONG) J ± 121,880 TOTAL S.F. PARKINGO 114500 SF = 548 SP (414 PROVIDED 4 134 SHORT. 3.4/ 1000) — MARSHALL DEVELOPMENT MIXED -USE OFFICE/ RESIDENTIAL l OLEN CORP. A MID -RISE RESIDENTISAL t20 LUXURY FLATS MARSHALL DEVELOPMENT \ ± 17 DU -ROW TOWNS \ N R . -