HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 - Point of Dispensing Site Planning ServicesCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Agenda Item No. 9 January 11, 2011 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: fire Department Mike Morgan, Fire Chief, 644 -3101, mmorgan(a.nbfd.net SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF THE POINT OF DISPENSING SITE PLANNING SERVICES AGREEMENT RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 2011 -_ approving the Point of Dispensing Planning Services Agreement for Fiscal Year 2010 -2011 and authorizing the Mayor to act as the "Authorized Agent" to execute for, and on behalf of, the City any actions necessary to implement the Agreement and obtain financial assistance provided by the County of Orange Health Care Agency. DISCUSSION: The Health Disaster Management (HDM) Division is part of the Orange County Health Care Agency. The HDM coordinates the Agency's emergency response functions related to all - hazard planning, including bioterrorism, pandemic influenza, natural disasters, the Countywide Emergency Medical Services system for medical emergencies, and other County health - related disasters. HDM participates in and supports ongoing all- hazards planning and preparation activities undertaken by the Orange County Operational Area and is responsible for coordinating organized planning efforts with County departments, local cities and special districts to mitigate against, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters. The Orange County HDM has received Point of Dispensing planning grant funding from the California Department of Public Health. They are offering a portion of the grant funding to cities to create individual POD site plans. A Point of Dispensing, or POD, is a federally instituted best - practice model designed to provide medication to a large community during a public health incident. During a public health emergency, PODs will be activated in order to provide medication to the community prior to the onset of illness in order to prevent illness and death. By providing these items to a large population quickly, the level of illness and the number of deaths associated with that disease agent can be decreased. Approval of the Point of Dispensing Site Planning Services Agreement January 11, 2011 Page 2 The ultimate goal of a POD is to quickly provide these items to a large number of people in a short period of time. PODs are not designed to serve as hospitals, nor are they designed to treat illness. Therefore, people who are ill are encouraged to stay away from PODs during a public health incident to prevent them from potentially spreading the disease. POD sites are locations that are both familiar and easily accessible to the community (i.e. schools, community centers, and churches) and are designed to serve as a place for the public to come and receive their medications, vaccines and medical supplies. PODs are in location's that are planned throughout Orange County and are exercised on an annual basis. When planning a POD site, the Health Care Agency works closely with each site along with city emergency management representatives, local fire and police agencies, and other community groups to ensure the POD site plan has been developed through a collaborative process. The POD planning process occurs in three phases. Phase One focuses on the creation of the draft POD plans. Working with the Health Care Agency, two potential sites in Newport Beach will be identified and assessed. Site maps, staff identification, resource identification, and an Incident Action Plan (IAP) will be developed. Once the POD site plans are complete, they will be submitted to the Health Care Agency. This phase is eligible for $9,000 in reimbursement, $4,500 for each POD plan. There is a match requirement of 35% of the total submitted for reimbursement (maximum of $1,575). This match can be met through personnel costs incurred during the planning process, use of volunteers, or any needed training that arises. Phase Two is the submittal of the final site plan. Once the City receives the draft plans back from the Health Care Agency, staff will make any necessary changes. The plans will then be resubmitted as the final POD site plans. Once approved, the City will receive $8,000, which can be used to purchase any equipment needed to properly equip the PODs. Phase Three is to exercise the completed plans and is optional. The City can choose to complete the first two phases but not the final phase. The drill would be conducted with the help of the Orange County Health Care Agency and would be done during flu shot season. The City would host a flu shot POD in Newport Beach. Although the clinic would be designated to essentially test the POD plan, it would also be providing a vital service to Newport Beach residents. This phase is eligible for up to $7,000 in reimbursement for City personnel costs associated with the clinic. Environmental Review: The City Council's approval of this Agenda Item does not require environmental review. Public Notice: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act. Approval of the Point of Dispensing Site Planning Services Agreement January 11, 2011 Page 3 Funding Availability: There is a match requirement of 35% of the total submitted for reimbursement (maximum of $1,575). This match can be met through existing staff budgets for personnel costs incurred during the planning process. Prepared by: Katie Eing Emergency Submitted by: Mike Fire Attachments: Point of Dispensing Site Planning Services Resolution Point of Dispensing Site Planning Services Agreement RESOLUTION NO. 2011 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING THE TRANSFER AGREEMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010 -2011 POINT OF DISPENSING (POD) SITE PLANNING SERVICES AGREEMENT ( "AGREEMENT ") BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE COUNTY OF ORANGE AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ACT AS THE "AUTHORIZED AGENT" TO EXECUTE ON BEHALF OF THE CITY ANY ACTIONS NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT THE AGREEMENT AND OBTAIN FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROVIDED BY THE COUNTY OF ORANGE. WHEREAS, the City of Newport Beach ( "City) has partnered with the County of Orange ( "County ") and other cities located within the County to participate in the Fiscal Year 2010 -2011 Point of Dispensing Site Planning Services Agreement. The City of Newport Beach has requested funding under this grant that will be used to create two Point of Dispensing Plans for the community. WHEREAS, the Orange County Health Care Agency is the administrator of the Fiscal Year 2010 -2011 POD Grant. The City is required to sign the Transfer Agreement in order start the planning process. The Health Care Agency requires the naming of one authorized agent from within the City to sign this document on behalf of the City. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach: Section 1: Approve the Transfer Agreement for Fiscal Year 2010 -2011 POD Grant Program purposes ( "Transfer Agreement') between the City and the County attached hereto as Exhibit 1. Section 2: Authorize the Mayor to act as the "Authorized Agent' to execute on behalf of the City any actions necessary to implement the transfer agreement and obtain financial assistance provided by the County of Orange. q Section 3: This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the City Council, and the City Clerk shall certify the vote adopting the resolution. Adopted this 11th day of January, 2011. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK Attachment: Exhibit 1 5 EXHIBIT 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 `37 AGREEMENT FOR PROVISION OF POINT OF DISPENSING SITE PLANNING SERVICES BETWEEN COUNTY OF ORANGE AND CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH JULY 1, 2010 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2011 THIS AGREEMENT entered into this 1 st day of July, 2010, which date is enumerated for purposes of reference only, is by and between the COUNTY OF ORANGE (COUNTY) and CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a California local government agency (CONTRACTOR). This Agreement shall be administered by the County of Orange Health Care Agency (ADMINISTRATOR). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, COUNTY wishes to contract with CONTRACTOR for the provision of Point of Dispensing Site Planning_services described herein to the residents of Orange County; and WHEREAS, CONTRACTOR is agreeable to the rendering of such services on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth: NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: // // // // // // // // // // // 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 11:7 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 CONTENTS PARAGRAPH TitlePage ............................ ............................... Contents.............................. ............................... Referenced Contract Provisions ........................ I. Alteration of Terms ............ ............................... II. Compliance ......................... ............................... III. Confidential ity .................... ............................... IV. Delegation, Assignment, and Subcontracts ...... V. Employee Eligibility Verification ..................... VI. Expenditure and Revenue Report ....................., VII. Facilities, Payments and Services ...................... VIII. Indemnification and Insurance ........................... IX. Inspections and Audits ........ ............................... X. Licenses and Laws ............... ............................... XI. Literature .............................. ............................... XII. Maximum Obligation .......... ............................... XIII. Nondiscrimination ............... ............................... )UV. Notices ................................. ............................... XV. Records Management and Maintenance............ XVI. Severability ........................... .............................., XVII. Status of Contractor .............. ............................... XVHI. Term ...................................... ............................... XIX. Termination .......................... ............................... XX. Third Party Beneficiary ........ ............................... XXI. Waiver of Default or Breach ............................... Signature Page ..................... ............................... PAGE ....................................... ............................... 1 ...................................... ............................... 2 ............................. ............................... 3 ...................................... ............................... 4 ...................................... ............................... 4 ...................................... ............................... 7 ...................................... ...........................I... 7 ...................................... ............................... 8 ...................................... ............................... 8 ..................................... ............................... 8 ..................................... ............................... 8 ....................................... .............................10 ....................................... ......................:......11 ....................................... .............................12 ....................................... .............................12 ....................................... .............................12 ..............:........................ .............................13 ....................................... .............................14 ........................................ ............................... . ......................................... .............................15 ......................................... .............................15 ......................................... .:...........................15 ........................................ .............................16 ......................................... .............................16 ....... .................................. .............................17 EXH LBIT A I. Definitions .................................................................................................... ............................... 1 H. Payments ....................................................................................................... ............................... 1 III. Services .......................................................................................................... ..............................2 // // // CrrvoFNEwmoRTBEAcH 2 of 17 X:ICONTRACTS - 2010 - 12010- 2011VMIHS\POD -PLAN- MASTER- IO- 11- BG.DOC F CNB02- MAPODOIMIKKIl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 REFERENCED CONTRACT PROVISIONS Term: July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011 Total Aggregate Maximum Obligation $646,000 Basis for Reimbursement: Actual Cost and Fee for Service Payment Method: Actual Cost and Fee for Service Notices to COUNTY and CONTRACTOR: COUNTY: County of Orange Health Care Agency Contract Development and Management 405 West 5th Street, Suite 600 Santa Ana, CA 92701 -4637 County of Orange Health Care Agency Program Manager Health Disaster Management Division 405 West 5th Street, Suite 310 Santa Ana, CA 92701 CONTRACTOR: City of Newport Beach Katie Eing 3300 Newport Blvd Newport Beach, CA 92663 CONTRACTOR's Insurance Coverages: Cover e Comprehensive General Liability with broad form Property damage and contractual liability Automobile Liability, including coverage for owned, non -owned and hired vehicles Workers' Compensation Employer's Liability Insurance CRYOPNEwPoRTBEACH 3 of 17 XACONTRACTS - 2010 - \2010- 20111MniSIPOD -PLAN- MASTER- 10- 11- BO.noC Minimum Limits $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence $2,000,000 aggregate $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence Statutory $1,000,000 per occurrence q CNB02- MAP0D01M1KK11 I. ALTERATION OF TERMS 3 expresses all understanding of COUNTY and CONTRACTOR with respect to the subject matter of this 4 Agreement, and shall constitute the total Agreement between the parties for these purposes. No addition 5 to, or alteration of, the terms of this Agreement, whether written or verbal, shall be valid unless made in 6 writing and formally approved and executed by both parties. 7 g II. COMPLIANCE 9 A. COMPLIANCE PROGRAM - ADMINISTRATOR has established a Compliance Program for 10 the purpose of ensuring adherence to all rules and regulations related to federal and state health care 11 programs. 12 1. ADMINISTRATOR shall ensure that CONTRACTOR is made aware of the relevant 13 policies and procedures relating to ADMINISTRATOR's Compliance Program. 14 2. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that its employees, subcontractors, interns, volunteers, and 15 members of Board of Directors or duly authorized agents, if appropriate, ( "Covered Individuals ") 16 relative to this Agreement are made aware of ADMINISTRATOR's Compliance Program and related 17 policies and procedures. 18 3. CONTRACTOR has the option to adhere to. ADMINISTRATOR's Compliance Program or 19 establish its own. 20 4. If CONTRACTOR elects to have its own Compliance Program then it shall submit a copy 21 of its Compliance Program and relevant policies and procedures to ADMINISTRATOR within thirty 22 (30) calendar days of award of this Agreement. 23 5. ADMINISTRATOR's Compliance Officer shall determine if CONTRACTOR's 24 Compliance Program is accepted. CONTRACTOR shall take necessary action to meet said standards or 25 shall be asked to acknowledge and agree to the ADMINISTRATOR's Compliance Program. 26 6. Upon approval of CONTRACTOR's Compliance Program by ADMINISTRATOR's 27 Compliance Officer, CONTRACTOR shall ensure that its employees, subcontractors, interns, 28 volunteers, and members of Board of Directors or duly authorized agents, if appropriate, ( "Covered 29 Individuals ") relative to this Agreement are made aware of CONTRACTOR's Compliance Program and 30 related policies and procedures. 31 7. Failure of CONTRACTOR to submit its Compliance Program and relevant policies and 32 procedures shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement. Failure to cure such breach within sixty 33 (60) calendar days of such notice from ADMINISTRATOR shall constitute grounds for termination of 34 this Agreement as to the non - complying party. 35 B. CODE OF CONDUCT - ADMINISTRATOR has developed a Code of Conduct for adherence 36 by ADMINISTRATOR's employees and contract providers. 37 1 // Crrl'oFNEWPORTBFACH 4 of 17 10 X:ICONTRACTS - 2010 - 1201 0 - 2011 \MIHS\POD -PLAN- MASTER- 10- 11- BG.Doc CNB02- MAPODOIMIKKII 1 1. ADMINISTRATOR shall ensure that CONTRACTOR is made aware of 2 ADMINISTRATOR's Code of Conduct. 3 2. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that its employees, subcontractors, interns, volunteers, and 4 members of Board of Directors or duly authorized agents, if appropriate, ( "Covered Individuals ") 5 relative to this Agreement are made aware of ADMINISTRATOR's Code of Conduct. 6 3. CONTRACTOR has the option to adhere to ADMINISTRATOR's Code of Conduct or 7 establish its own. 8 4. If CONTRACTOR elects to have its own Code of Conduct, then it shall submit a copy of its 9 Code of Conduct to ADMINISTRATOR within thirty (30) calendar days of award of this Agreement. 10 5. ADMINISTRATOR's Compliance Officer shall determine if CONTRACTOR's Code of 11 Conduct is accepted. CONTRACTOR shall take necessary action to meet said standards or shall be 12 asked to acknowledge and agree to the ADMINISTRATOR's Code of Conduct. 13 6. Upon approval of CONTRACTOR's Code of Conduct by ADMINISTRATOR, 14 CONTRACTOR shall ensure that its employees, subcontractors, interns, volunteers, and members of 15 Board of Directors or duly authorized agents, if appropriate, ( "Covered Individuals ") relative to this 16 Agreement are made aware of CONTRACTOR's Code of Conduct. 17 7. If CONTRACTOR elects to adhere to ADMINISTRATOR's Code of Conduct then 18 CONTRACTOR shall submit to ADMINISTRATOR a signed acknowledgement and agreement that 19 CONTRACTOR shall comply with ADMINISTRATOR's Code of Conduct. 20 8. Failure of CONTRACTOR to timely submit the acknowledgement of 21 ADMINISTRATOR's Code of Conduct shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement, and failure 22 to cure such breach within sixty (60) calendar days of such notice from ADMINISTRATOR shall 23 constitute grounds for termination of this Agreement as to the non - complying party. 24 C. COVERED INDIVIDUALS - CONTRACTOR shall screen all Covered Individuals employed 25 or retained to provide services related to this Agreement to ensure that they are not designated as 26 "Ineligible Persons," as defined hereunder. Screening shall be conducted against the General Services 27 Administration's List of Parties Excluded from Federal Programs and the Health and Human 28 Services /Office of Inspector General List of Excluded Individuals/Entities. 29 1. Ineligible Person shall be any individual or entity who: 30 a. is currently excluded, suspended, debarred or otherwise ineligible to participate in the 31 federal health care programs; or 32 b. has been convicted of a criminal offense related to the provision of health care items or 33 services and has not been reinstated in the federal health care programs after a period of exclusion, 34 suspension, debarment, or ineligibility. 35 2. CONTRACTOR shall screen prospective Covered Individuals prior to hire or engagement. 36 CONTRACTOR shall not hire or engage any Ineligible Person to provide services relative to this 37 Agreement. CITYOFNEmRTBEACH 5 of 17 1 X:ICONTRACTS - 2010 -\2A10 -2011 W IUSIPOD- PLAN- MASTER- 1041- BG.Doc CNB02- MAPODOIMIKKI I 1 3. CONTRACTOR shall screen all current Covered Individuals and subcontractors to ensure 2 that they have not become Ineligible Persons. CONTRACTOR shall also request that its subcontractors 3 use their best efforts to verify that they are eligible to participate in all federal and State of California 4 health programs and have not been excluded or debarred from participation in any federal or state health 5 care programs, and to further represent to CONTRACTOR that they do not have any Ineligible Person in 6 their employ or under contract. 7 4. Covered Individuals shall be required to disclose to CONTRACTOR immediately any 8 debarment, exclusion or other event that makes the Covered Individual an Ineligible Person. 9 CONTRACTOR shall notify ADMINISTRATOR immediately upon such disclosure. 10 5. CONTRACTOR acknowledges that Ineligible Persons are precluded from providing federal I1 and state funded health care services by contract with COUNTY in the event that they are currently 12 sanctioned or excluded by a federal or state law enforcement regulatory or licensing agency. If 13 CONTRACTOR becomes aware that a Covered Individual has become an Ineligible Person, 14 CONTRACTOR shall remove such individual from responsibility for, or involvement with, COUNTY 15 business operations related to this Agreement. 16 6. CONTRACTOR shall notify ADMINISTRATOR immediately if a Covered Individual or 17 entity is currently excluded, suspended or debarred, or is identified as such after being sanction screened. lg Such individual or entity shall be immediately removed from participating in any activity associated 19 with this AGREEMENT. ADMINISTRATOR will deter if any repayment is necessary from 20 CONTRACTOR for services provided by ineligible person or individual. 21 D. REIMBURSEMENT STANDARDS 22 1. CONTRACTOR shall take reasonable precaution to ensure that the coding of health care 23 claims, billings and/or invoices for same are prepared and submitted in an accurate and timely manner 24 and are consistent with federal, state and county laws and regulations. 25 2. CONTRACTOR shall submit no false, fraudulent, inaccurate or fictitious claims for 26 payment or reimbursement of any kind. 27 3. CONTRACTOR shall bill only for those eligible services actually rendered which are also 28 fully documented. When such services are coded, CONTRACTOR shall use accurate billing codes to 29 accurately describe the services provided and to ensure compliance with all billing and documentation 30 requirements. 31 4. CONTRACTOR shall act promptly to investigate and correct any problems or errors in 32 coding of claims and billing, if and when, any such problems or errors are identified. 33 E. COMPLIANCE TRAINING - ADMINISTRATOR shall make General Compliance Training 34 and Provider Compliance Training, where appropriate, available to Covered Individuals. 35 1. CONTRACTOR shall use its best efforts to encourage completion by Covered Individuals; 36 provided, however, that at a minimum CONTRACTOR shall assign at least one (1) designated 37 representative to complete all Compliance Trainings when offered. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 6 Of 17 /1)-- X:ICONTRACTS- 2010 - \2010 -201 I\IvMS\POD -PLAN- MASTER- 10- 11- BG.Doc - CN802- MAPOD01MIKKII 1 2. Such training will be made available to Covered Individuals within thirty (30) calendar days 2 of employment or engagement. 3 3. Such training will be made available to each Covered Individual annually. 4 4. Each Covered Individual attending training shall certify, in writing, attendance at 5 compliance training. CONTRACTOR shall retain the certifications. Upon written request by 6 ADMINISTRATOR, CONTRACTOR shall provide copies of the certifications. 7 g III. CONFIDENTIALITY 9 A. CONTRACTOR shall maintain the confidentiality of all records, including billings and any 10 audio and/or video recordings, in accordance with all applicable federal, state and county codes and 11 regulations, as they now exist or may hereafter be amended or changed. 12 B. Prior to providing any services pursuant to this Agreement, all CONTRACTOR members of the 13 Board of Directors or its designee or authorized agent, employees, consultants, subcontractors, 14 volunteers and interns shall agree, in writing, with CONTRACTOR to maintain the confidentiality of 15 any and all information and records which may be obtained in the course of providing such services. 16 The agreement shall specify that it is effective irrespective of all subsequent resignations or terminations 17 of CONTRACTOR members of the Board of Directors or its designee or authorized agent, employees, 18 consultants, subcontractors, volunteers and interns. 19 20 3V. DELEGATION, ASSIGNMENT, AND SUBCONTRACTS 21 A. CONTRACTOR may not delegate the obligations hereunder, either in whole or in part, without 22 prior written consent of COUNTY; provided, however, obligations undertaken by CONTRACTOR 23 pursuant to this Agreement may be carried out by means of subcontracts, provided such subcontracts are 24 approved in advance, in writing by ADMINISTRATOR, meet the requirements of this Agreement as 25 they relate to the service or activity under subcontract, and include any provisions that 26 ADMINISTRATOR may require. No subcontract shall terminate or alter the responsibilities of 27 CONTRACTOR to COUNTY pursuant to this Agreement. CONTRACTOR may not assign the rights 28 hereunder, either in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of COUNTY. 29 B. For CONTRACTORS which are nonprofit corporations, any change from a nonprofit 30 corporation to any other corporate structure of CONTRACTOR, including a change in more than fifty 31 percent (50 %) of the composition of the Board of Directors within a two (2) month period of time, shall 32 be deemed an assignment for purposes of this paragraph. Any attempted assignment or delegation in 33 derogation of this paragraph shall be void. ADMINISTRATOR may disallow, from payments otherwise 34 due CONTRACTOR, amounts claimed for subcontracts not approved in accordance with this paragraph. 35 C. For CONTRACTORS which are for -profit organizations, any change in the business structure, 36 including but not limited to, the sale or transfer of more than ten percent (10 %) of the assets or stocks of 37 CONTRACTOR, change to another corporate structure, including a change to a sole proprietorship, or a CITY OE NEWPORT BEACH 7 of 17 0 XICONTRACTS - 2010- \2010 -201 iwms1POD- PLAN- MASTER- lo- 11- BG.DOC CNB02- MAPODOIMIKKI I I change in fifty percent (50 %) or more of CONT'RACTOR's directors at one time shall be deemed an 2 assignment pursuant to this paragraph. Any attempted assignment or delegation in derogation of this 3 paragraph shall be void. 4 5 V. EMPLOYEE ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION 6 CONTRACTOR warrants that it shall fully comply with all federal and state statutes and regulations 7 regarding the employment of aliens and others and to ensure that employees, subcontractors and 8 consultants performing work under this Agreement meet the citizenship or alien status requirement set 9 forth in federal statutes and regulations. CONTRACTOR shall obtain, from all employees, 10 subcontractors and consultants performing work hereunder, all verification and other documentation of 11 employment eligibility status required by federal or state statutes and regulations including, but not 12 limited to, the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, 8 U.S.C. §1324 et seq., as they currently 13 exist and as they may be hereafter amended. CONTRACTOR shall retain all such documentation for all 14 covered employees, subcontractors and consultants for the period prescribed by the law. 15 16 VI EXPENDITURE AND REVENUE REPORT 17 A. No later than sixty (60) calendar days following termination of this Agreement, Ig CONTRACTOR shall submit to ADMINISTRATOR, for informational purposes only, an Expenditure 19 and Revenue Report for the preceding fiscal year, or portion thereof. Such report shall be prepared in 20 accordance with the procedure that is provided by ADMINISTRATOR and generally accepted 21 accounting principles. 22 B. CONTRACTOR may be required to submit periodic Expenditure- Revenue Reports throughout 23 the term of the Agreement. 24 25 VII. FACILITIES, PAYMENTS AND SERVICES 26 CONTRACTOR agrees to provide the services, staffing, facilities, any equipment and supplies, and 27 reports in accordance with Exhibit A, to this Agreement. COUNTY shall compensate, and authorize, 28 when applicable, said services. CONTRACTOR shall operate continuously throughout the term of this 29 Agreement with at least the minimum number and type of staff which meet applicable federal and state 30 requirements, and which are necessary for the provision of the services hereunder. 31 32 VIII. INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE 33 A. CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify, defend and hold COUNTY, its elected and appointed 34 officials, officers, employees, agents and those special districts and agencies for which COUNTY's 35 Board of Supervisors acts as the governing Board ( "COUNTY INDEMNITEES ") harmless from any 36 claims, demands, including defense costs, or liability of any kind or nature, including but not limited to 37 personal injury or property damage, arising from or related to the services, products or other CTTY OF NEWPORT BEACH 8 of 17 14 XACONTRACTS- 2010A2010- 201111 HiSTOD -PLAN- MASTER- 10- 1I- BG.Doc CNB02- MAP0D0IMIKK11 I performance provided by CONTRACTOR pursuant to this Agreement. lfjudgment is entered against 2 CONTRACTOR and COUNTY by a court of competent jurisdiction because of the concurrent active 3 negligence of COUNTY or COUNTY INDEMNITEES, CONTRACTOR and COUNTY agree that 4 liability will be apportioned as determined by the court. Neither party shall request a jury 5 apportionment. 6 B. COUNTY agrees to indemnify, defend and hold CONTRACTOR, its officers, employees, 7 agents, directors, members, shareholders and /or affiliates harmless from any claims, demands, including g defense costs, or liability of any kind or nature, including but not limited to personal injury or property 9 damage, arising from or related to the services, products or other performance provided by COUNTY 10 pursuant to this Agreement. If judgment is entered against COUNTY and CONTRACTOR by a court of 11 competent jurisdiction because of the concurrent active negligence of CONTRACTOR, COUNTY and 12 CONTRACTOR agree that liability will be apportioned as determined by the court. Neither party shall 13 request a jury apportionment. 14 C. Each party agrees to provide the indemnifying party with written notification of any claim 15 related to services provided by either party pursuant to this Agreement within thirty (30) calendar days 16 of notice thereof, and in the event the indemnifying party is subsequently named party to the litigation, 17. each party shall cooperate with the indemnifying party in its defense. 18 D. Without limiting CONTRACTOR's indemnification, CONTRACTOR warrants that it is self - 19 insured or shall maintain in force at all times during the term of this Agreement, the policy. or policies of .20 insurance covering its operations placed with reputable insurance companies in amounts as specified on 21 Page 3 of this Agreement. Upon request by ADMINISTRATOR, CONTRACTOR shall provide 22 evidence of such insurance. 23 E. All insurance policies except Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability, shall contain 24 the following clauses: 25 1. "The County of Orange is included as an additional insured with respect to the operations of 26 the named insured performed under contract with the County of Orange." 27 2. "It is agreed that any insurance maintained by the County of Orange shall apply in excess 28 of, and not contribute with, insurance provided by this policy." 29 3. "This insurance shall not be cancelled, limited or non - renewed until after thirty (30) 30 calendar days written notice has been given to Orange County HCA/ Contract Development and 31 Management, 405 West 5th Street, Suite 600, Santa Ana, CA 92701- 4637." 32 F. Certificates of Insurance and endorsements evidencing the above coverages and clauses shall be 33 mailed to COUNTY as referenced on Page 3 of this Agreement. 34 G. COUNTY warrants that it is self - insured or maintains policies of insurance placed with 35 reputable insurance companies licensed to do business in the State of California which insures the perils 36 of bodily injury, medical, professional liability, and property damage. Upon request by 37 CONTRACTOR, COUNTY shall provide evidence of such insurance. CITY OENEWPORT BEACH 9 of 17 XACONTRACTS - 2010-\2010-201 11MIHSIPOD- PLAN-MASTER-10-1 I- BG.DOC CN1302- MAPOD0IM M I I IX. INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS 2 A. ADMINISTRATOR, any authorized representative of COUNTY, any authorized representative 3 of the State of California, the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, 4 the Comptroller General of the United States, or any other of their authorized representatives, shall have 5 access to any books, documents, and records, including but not limited to, medical and client records, of 6 CONTRACTOR that are directly pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of responding to a 7 beneficiary complaint or conducting an audit, review, evaluation, or examination, or making transcripts g during the periods of retention set forth in the Records Management and Maintenance paragraph of this 9 Agreement. Such persons may at all reasonable times inspect or otherwise evaluate the services 10 provided pursuant to this Agreement, and the premises in which they are provided. 11 B. CONTRACTOR shall actively participate and cooperate with any person specified in 12 subparagraph A. above in any evaluation or monitoring of the services provided pursuant to this 13 Agreement, and shall provide the above — mentioned persons adequate office space to conduct such 14 evaluation or monitoring. 15 C. AUDIT RESPONSE 16 1. Following an audit report, in the event of non —compliance with applicable laws and 17 regulations governing funds provided through this Agreement, COUN'T'Y may terminate this Agreement 18 as provided for in the Termination paragraph or direct CONTRACTOR to immediately implement 19 appropriate corrective action. A plan of corrective action shall be submitted to ADMINISTRATOR in 20 writing within thirty (30) calendar days after receiving notice from ADMINISTRATOR. 21 2. If the audit reveals that money is payable from one party to the other, that is, reimbursement 22 by CONTRACTOR to COUNTY, or payment of sums due from COUNTY to CONTRACTOR, said 23 funds shall be due and payable from one party to the other within sixty (60) calendar days of receipt of 24 the audit results. If reimbursement is due from CONTRACTOR to COUNTY, and such reimbursement 25 is not received within said sixty (60) calendar days, COUNTY may, in addition to any other remedies 26 provided by law, reduce any amount owed CONTRACTOR by an amount not to exceed the 27 reimbursement due COUNTY. 28 D. CONTRACTOR shall employ a licensed certified public accountant, who will prepare an 29 annual Single Audit as required by OMB 133. CONTRACTOR shall forward the Single Audit to 30 ADMINISTRATOR within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt. 31 E. CONTRACTOR shall forward to ADMINISTRATOR a copy of any audit report within 32 fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt. Such audit shall include, but not be limited to, management, 33 financial, programmatic or any other type of audit of CONTRACTOWs operations, whether or not the 34 cost of such operation or audit is reimbursed in whole or in part through this Agreement. 35 36 37 // CITYOFNEWPORTBEAcn 10 of 17 ° X:\CONTRACTS - 2010 - \2010 -201 I\NMS\POD- PLAN- MASTER- 10- 11- BG.00c CNB02- MAPODOIMIKKI I I `A 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 X. LICENSES AND LAWS A. CONTRACTOR, its officers, agents, employees and subcontractors shall, throughout the term of this Agreement, maintain all necessary licenses, permits, approvals, certificates, waivers and exemptions necessary for the provision of the services hereunder and required by the laws and regulations of the United States, State of California, COUNTY, and any other applicable governmental agencies. B. CONTRACTOR shall comply with all laws, rules or regulations applicable to the services provided hereunder, as any may now exist or be hereafter changed. These laws, rules and regulations shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A -87, Cost Principles for State. and Local Governments. 2. Federal Single Audit Act of 1984 (31 U.S.C.A. 7501.70). 3. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A -133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non -Profit Organizations. C. ENFORCEMENT OF CHILD SUPPORT OBLIGATIONS 1. CONTRACTOR agrees to furnish to ADMINISTRATOR within thirty (30) calendar days of the award of this Agreement: a. In the case of an individual contractor, his/her name, date of birth, social security number, and residence address; b. In the case of a contractor doing business in a form other than as an individual, the name, date of birth, social security number, and residence address of each individual who owns an interest of ten percent (10 %) or more in the contracting entity; c. A certification that CONTRACTOR has fully complied with all applicable federal and state reporting requirements regarding its employees; d. A certification that CONTRACTOR has fully complied with all lawfully served Wage and Earnings Assignment Orders and Notices of Assignment, and will continue to so comply. 2. Failure of CONTRACTOR to timely submit the data and/or certifications required by I subparagraphs La., I.b., I.e., or Ld. above, or to comply with all federal and state employee reporting requirements for child support enforcement, or to comply with all lawfully served Wage and Earnings Assignment Orders and Notices of Assignment, shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement; and failure to cure such breach within sixty (60) calendar days of notice from COUNTY shall constitute grounds for termination of this Agreement. 3. It is expressly understood that this data will be transmitted to governmental agencies charged with the establishment and enforcement of child support orders, or as permitted by federal md/or state statute. CrrY OF NEWPORT BEACH 11 of 17 XACONTRACTS - 2010- V2010- 20111MIHS\P0D- PLAN- MASTER- 10- 11- BG.Doc !7 CNB02- MAP0D01MIICK11 I XI LITERATURE 2 Any literature, including educational and promotional materials, distributed by CONTRACTOR for 3 purposes directly related to this Agreement shall indicate that CONTRACTOR's services are supported 4 by federal, state and county funds, as appropriate. For the purposes of this Agreement, distribution of 5 such literature shall include written materials as well as electronic media such as the Internet. 6 7 XII. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION 8 The Aggregate Maximum Obligation of COUNTY for services provided in accordance with all 9 agreements for POD Site Planning Services is as specified on Page 3 of this Agreement. This specific 10 Agreement with CONTRACTOR is only one of several agreements to which this Aggregate Maximum I I Obligation applies. It therefore is understood by the parties that reimbursement to CONTRACTOR will 12 be only a fraction of this Aggregate Maximum Obligation. 13 14 XIII. NONDISCRIMINATION 15 A. EMPLOYMENT 16 1 During the performance of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall not unlawfully 17 discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of his/her ethnic group I8 identification, race, religion, ancestry, color, creed, sex, marital status, national origin, age (40 and over), 19 sexual orientation, medical condition, or physical or mental disability. CONTRACTOR shall warrant 20 that the evaluation and treatment of employees and applicants for employment are free from 21 discrimination in the areas of employment, promotion, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment 22 advertising; layoff or termination; rate of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, 23 including apprenticeship. There shall be posted in conspicuous places, available to employees and 24 applicants for employment, notices from ADMINISTRATOR and/or the United States Equal 25 Employment Opportunity Commission setting forth the provisions of the Equal Opportunity clause. 26 2. All solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of CONTRACTOR 27 shall state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to 28 ethnic group identification, race, religion, ancestry, creed, color, sex, marital status, national origin, age 29 (40 and over), sexual orientation, medical condition, or physical or mental disability. Such requirement 30 shall be deemed fulfilled by use of the phrase "an equal opportunity employer." 31 3. In the event of non - compliance with this paragraph or as otherwise provided by federal and 32 state law, this Agreement may be terminated or suspended in whole or in part and CONTRACTOR may 33 be declared ineligible for further contracts involving federal or state funds. 34 B. SERVICES, BENEFITS, AND FACILITIES - CONTRACTOR shall not discriminate in the 35 provision of services, the allocation of benefits, or, in the accommodation in facilities on the basis of 36 ethnic group identification, race, religion, ancestry, creed, color, sex, marital status, national origin, age 37 (40 and over), sexual orientation, medical condition, or .physical or mental disability pursuant to all CITY or NEWPORT BEACH 12 Of 17 1 IS' XACONTRACTS- 2010 - 12010 -2011\ IIM\POD -PLAN- MASTER- 10- I1- BG.DOC CNB02- MAP01)OIMIKKII 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 applicable federal and state laws and regulations, as all may now exist or be hereafter amended or changed. C. PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES — CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with the provisions of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C.A. 794 et seq., as implemented in 45 CFR 84.1 et seq.), and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C.A. 12101 et seq.), pertaining to the prohibition of discrimination against qualified persons with disabilities in all programs or activities, as they exist now or may be hereafter amended together with succeeding legislation. D. RETALIATION - Neither CONTRACTOR, nor its employees or agents shall intimidate, coerce, or take adverse action against any person for the purpose of interfering with rights secured by federal or state laws, or because such person has filed a complaint, certified, assisted, or otherwise participated in an investigation, proceeding, hearing or any other activity undertaken to enforce rights secured by federal or state law. XIV. NOTICES A. Unless otherwise specified, all notices, claims, correspondence, reports and/or statements authorized or required by this Agreement shall be effective: 1. When written and deposited in the United States mail, first class postage prepaid and addressed as specified on Page 3 of this Agreement or as otherwise directed by ADMINISTRATOR; 2. When faxed; transmission confirmed; 3. When sent by electronic mail; or 4. When accepted by U.S. Postal Service Express Mail, Federal Express, United Parcel Service, or other expedited delivery service. B. Termination Notices shall be addressed as specified on Page 3 of this Agreement or as otherwise directed by ADMINISTRATOR and shall be effective when faxed, transmission confirmed, or when accepted by U.S. Postal Service Express Mail, Federal Express, United Parcel Service, or other expedited delivery service. C. CONTRACTOR shall notify ADMINISTRATOR, in writing, within twenty -four (24) hours of becoming aware of any occurrence of a serious nature, which may expose COUNTY to liability.. Such occurrences shall include, but not be limited to, accidents, injuries, or acts of negligence, or loss or damage to any COUNTY property in possession of CONTRACTOR. D. For purposes of this Agreement, any notice to be provided by COUNTY may be given by ADMINISTRATOR. 33 34 35 // 36 37 // CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 13 of 17 XA CONTRACTS - 20 10-\2010-201 PLAN-MASTER-1 0-11 -BG.DOC 19 CNB02- MAP0DOIM1KK11 I XV. RECORDS MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE 2 A. CONTRACTOR, its officers, agents, employees and subcontractors shall, throughout the term 3 of this Agreement, prepare, maintain and manage records appropriate to the services provided and in 4 accordance with this Agreement and all applicable requirements. 5 B. CONTRACTOR shall implement and maintain administrative, technical and physical 6 safeguards to ensure the privacy of protected health information (PHI) and prevent the intentional or 7 unintentional use or disclosure of PHI in violation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability g Act of 1996 ( HIPAA), federal and state regulations and/or COUNTY HIPAA Policies (see COUNTY 9 HIPAA P &P 1 -2). CONTRACTOR shall mitigate to the extent practicable, the known harmful effect of 10 any use or disclosure of protected health information made in violation of federal or state regulations 11 and/or COUNTY policies. 12 C. CONTRACTOR's patient records shall be maintained in a secure manner. CONTRACTOR 13 shall maintain patient records and must establish and implement written record management procedures. 14 D. CONTRACTOR shall ensure appropriate financial records related to cost reporting, 15 expenditure, revenue, billings, etc., are prepared and maintained accurately and appropriately. 16 E. CONTRACTOR shall ensure all appropriate state and federal standards of documentation, 17 preparation, and confidentiality of records related to participant, client and/or patient records are met at 18 all times. 19 F. CONTRACTOR shall make records pertaining to the costs of services, participant fees, charges, 20 billings, and revenues available at one (1) location within the limits of the County of Orange. 21 G. If CONTRACTOR is unable to meet the record location criteria above, ADMINISTRATOR 22 may provide written approval to CONTRACTOR to maintain records in a single location, identified by 23 CONTRACTOR. 24 H. CONTRACTOR may be required to retain all records involving litigation proceedings and 25 settlement of claims for a longer term which will be directed by the ADMINISTRATOR. 26 I. CONTRACTOR shall notify ADMINISTRATOR of any Public Record Act (PRA) request 27 within twenty-four (24) hours. CONTRACTOR shall provide ADMINISTRATOR all information that 28 is requested by the PRA request. 29 30 XVI. SEVERABILITY 31 If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any provision of this Agreement or application thereof 32 to any person or circumstances to be invalid or if any provision of this Agreement contravenes any 33 federal, state or county statute, ordinance, or regulation, the remaining provisions of this Agreement or 34 the application thereof shall remain valid, and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain 35 in full force and effect, and to that extent the provisions of this Agreement are severable. 36 /! 37 H CITY OFNEWPORT BEACH 14 of 17 C2 0 XACONTRACTS- 2010 -@ 010- 2011WM\POD -PLAN- MASTER- 10- I1- BG.Doc CNB02- MAPODOIMIKKI I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 . 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 XVII. STATUS OF CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR is, and shall at all times be deemed to be, an independent contractor and shall be wholly responsible for the manner in which it performs the services required of it by the terns of this Agreement. CONTRACTOR is entirely responsible for compensating staff, subcontractors, and consultants employed by CONTRACTOR. This Agreement shall not be construed as creating the relationship of employer and employee, or principal and agent, between COUNTY and CONTRACTOR or any of CONTRACTOR's employees, agents, consultants, or subcontractors. CONTRACTOR assumes exclusively the responsibility for the acts of its employees, agents, consultants, or subcontractors as they relate to the services to be provided during the course and scope of their employment. CONTRACTOR, its agents, employees, consultants, or subcontractors, shall not be entitled to any rights or privileges of COUNTY employees and shall not be considered in any manner to be COUNTY employees. XVIII. TERM The term of this Agreement shall commence and terminate as specified on Page 3 of this Agreement, unless otherwise sooner terminated as provided in this Agreement; provided, however, CONTRACTOR shall be obligated to perform such duties as would normally extend beyond this term, including but not limited to, obligations with respect to confidentiality, indemnification, audits, reporting and accounting. XIX. TERMINATION A. Either party may terminate this Agreement, without cause, upon thirty (30) calendar days written notice given the other party. B. Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, COUNTY may terminate this Agreement upon five (5) calendar days written notice if CONTRACTOR fails to perform any of the terms of this Agreement. At ADMINISTRATOR's sole discretion, CONTRACTOR may be allowed up to thirty (30) calendar days for corrective action. C. COUNTY may terminate this Agreement immediately, upon written notice, on the occurrence of any of the following events: 1. The loss by CONTRACTOR of legal capacity. 2. Cessation of services. 3. The delegation or assignment of CONTRACTOR's services, operation or administration to another entity without the prior written consent of COUNTY. . D. CONTINGENT FUNDING 1 Any obligation of COUNTY under this Agreement is contingent upon the following: a. The continued availability of federal, state and county funds for reimbursement of COUNTY's expenditures, and CITYoF NEwpoRT BEACH 15 of 17 XACONTRACTS - 201042010 -2011 VvMS1POD- PLAN- MASTER- 10- 11- BG.Doc CNB02- MAPODOIMIKKll I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17' 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 b. Inclusion of sufficient funding for the services hereunder in the applicable budget approved by the Board of Supervisors. 2. In the event such funding is subsequently reduced or terminated, COUNTY may terminate or renegotiate this Agreement upon thirty (30) calendar days written notice given CONTRACTOR. E. In the event this Agreement is terminated prior to the completion of the term as specified on Page 3 of the Agreement, ADMINISTRATOR may, at its sole discretion, reduce the Maximum Obligation of this Agreement in an amount consistent with the reduced term of the Agreement. F. In the event this Agreement is terminated by either party, after receiving a Notice of Termination CONTRACTOR shall do the following: 1. Comply with termination instructions provided by ADMINISTRATOR in a manner which is consistent with recognized standards of quality care and prudent business practice. 2. Obtain immediate clarification from ADMINISTRATOR of any unsettled issues of contract performance during the remaining contract term. 3. If records are to be transferred to COUNTY, pack and label such records in accordance with directions provided by ADMINISTRATOR. G. The rights and remedies of COUNTY provided in this Termination paragraph shall not be exclusive, and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this Agreement. XX. THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARY Neither party hereto intends that this Agreement shall create rights hereunder in third parties including, but not limited to, any subcontractors or any clients provided services hereunder. XXI. WAIVER OF DEFAULT OR BREACH Waiver by COUNTY of any default by CONTRACTOR shall not be considered a waiver of any subsequent default. Waiver by COUNTY of any breach by CONTRACTOR of any provision of this Agreement shall not be considered a waiver of any subsequent breach. Waiver by COUNTY of any default or any breach by CONTRACTOR shall not be considered a modification of the terms of this Agreement. Cay of NEWPORT BEACH 16 of 17 X:ICONTRACTS- 201042010- 2011VvMB POD -PLAN- MASTER- 10- 11- BG.Doc C2 r,1-- CNB02-MAPODOIMIKKI I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement, in the County of Orange, State of California. I CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH KEITH CURRY, MAYOR TITLE: MAYOR DATED: APPROVED AS TO FORM BY: r� DATED: NE7TE1 D. i3EAiiJCHAMP �r TITLE: ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY CK91II N 11'L#)0[@].712[�J BY: DATED: HEALTH CARE AGENCY APPROVED AS TO FORM OFFICE OF THE COUNTY COUNSEL ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA BY: DATED: DEPUTY If the contracting party is a corporation, two (2) signatures are required: one (1) signature by the Chairman of the Board, the President or any Vice President; and one (1) signature by the Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, the Chief Financial Officer or any Assistant Treasurer. If the contract is signed by one (1) authorized individual only, a copy of the corporate resolution or by -laws whereby the board of directors has empowered said authorized individual to act on its behalf by his or her signature alone is required by HCA. Cn YOFNEWPORTBEACH 17 of 17 X.XONTRACTS - 2010 - 12010- 2011\MIHS\POD -PLAN- MASTER- 10- 11 -BG.Dm ;Z5 CNB02- MAPOD011 I=11 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 .19 20 21 22 23 24 25 M 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 EXHIBIT A TO AGREEMENT FOR PROVISION OF POINT OF DISPENSING SITE PLANNING SERVICES CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH JULY 1, 2010 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2011 I. DEFINITIONS A. "Exercise" means an event designed to test and evaluate the POD site plan using the guidelines set forth by Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) requirements. B. "Health Emergency" means a situation where a potential threat to the health of the community from a disease agent (i.e. Anthrax, Smallpox, Influenza, etc.) requires medication, medical supplies, and/or equipment to be dispensed in mass quantity. Designation of a situation as a Health Emergency requires an emergency declaration by the County Executive Officer and the Public Health Officer. C. "Incumbent City" means any City developing a POD plan under a previous agreement that will continue the same plan development under this Agreement. Incumbent Cities are Anaheim, Fullerton, Garden Grove, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Laguna Woods, Santa Ana, and Rancho Santa Margarita. D. "Incident Management Personnel" means any sworn Fire Agency, Paramedic, or Emergency Medical Technician employed by any city or county agency contracted with CONTRACTOR. E. "Local Emer encMaanagement Personnel" means the designated city emergency preparedness planner, and staff, that are employed by any city or county agency contracted with CONTRACTOR. F. "Point of Dispensing (POD) Site" means any pre - identified location within a city and/or agency designed to provide public citizens with medications, supplies, equipment, and/or other resources in the event of a Health Emergency. G. "Public Safety Personnel" means any sworn Law Enforcement personnel or non -sworn public safety personnel that are employed by any city or county agency contracted with CONTRACTOR. II. PAYMENTS A. COUNTY shall pay CONTRACTOR, in arrears, for identifying POD Site locations and developing POD site plans for responding to Health Emergencies or POD exercises. Payments shall be as follows: 1. COUNTY shall reimburse CONTRACTOR, in arrears, for CONTRACTOR's personnel costs associated with developing each POD Site Plan required in subparagraph III.C, below, to a maximum of $4,500 per POD Site Plan; provided, however, the total of such payments to all participating cities does not exceed COUNTY's Total Maximum Obligation and, provided further, - ONTRACTOR's costs are reimbursable pursuant to COUNTY, state, and federal regulations. - ONTRACTOR shall provide an in -kind contribution of non - Federally funded staff time. The : ontribution amount shall be determined by ADMINISTRATOR, but shall be no less than thirty percent CrrroexewroRrBEAm 1 of 3 X: \CONTRACTS - 2010- \2010.2011\M]IiS\POD- PLM- MASTER- 10- 11- BG.DOC EXHIBIT A CNB02- MAPODOIMIKKII 1 (30 %), and no more than thirty five percent (35 %) of CONTRACTOR's reimbursable personnel costs. 2 Incumbent Cities shall be waived of the contribution requirement. 3 2. COUNTY shall pay CONTRACTOR, in arrears, to a maximum of $4,000 for each final 4 POD Site Plan approved by ADMINISTRATOR; provided, however, the total of such payments to all 5 participating cities does not exceed COUNTY's Total Maximum Obligation and, provided further, 6 CONTRACTOR'S costs are reimbursable pursuant to COUNTY, state, and federal regulations. 7 3. COUNTY and CONTRACTOR may mutually agree, in writing, to amend the payment g maximums identified in subparagraphs ILA.1 and II.A.2, above, provided, however, the total of such 9 payments to all participating cities does not exceed COUNTY's Maximum Obligation, and provided 10 further, CONTRACTOR's costs are reimbursable pursuant to COUNTY, state, and federal regulations. 11 B. CONTRACTOR's invoices shall be on forms approved or supplied by ADMINISTRATOR and 12 provide such information as required by ADMINISTRATOR. Invoices should be submitted by the tenth 13 (10th) working day of the month following the provision of services, and payments to CONTRACTOR 14 should be released by COUNTY no later than the tenth (10th) calendar day of the succeeding month. 15 C. All billings to COUNTY shall be supported, at CONTRACTOR's facility, by source 16 documentation including, but not limited to, ledgers, books, vouchers, payrolls, schedules for allocating 17 costs, journals, time sheets, invoices, bank statements, canceled checks, receipts, receiving records, and lg records of services provided. 19 D. ADMINISTRATOR may withhold or delay any payment if CONTRACTOR fails to comply 20 with any provision of this Agreement. 21 E. COUNTY shall not reimburse CONTRACTOR for services provided beyond the expiration 22 and/or termination of this Agreement, except as may otherwise be provided under this Agreement. 23 24 III. SERVICES 25 A. CONTRACTOR agrees to assist COUNTY in planning for and responding to a Health 26 Emergency or Exercise by identifying POD Site locations within CONTRACTOR's boundaries and 27 developing individual POD Site Plan(s). CONTRACTOR shall ensure ADMINISTRATOR approves 28 each POD Site location. ADMINISTRATOR and CONTRACTOR may, upon written mutual consent, 29 agree to revise POD Site locations as necessary. Development of the POD Site Plan shall be prepared by 30 CONTRACTOR personnel and requires: 31 1. POD seminar attendance — where a POD overview, planning assumptions and staffing and 32 equipment needs are discussed. 33 2. POD Site Identification and Assessment - utilizing HCA POD site assessment form; 34 POD workshop attendance - where site maps, staff identification, resource identification, and incident 35 action plan will be developed. 36 3. Field Operations Guide (FOG) workshop attendance - planning session designed to identify 37 and develop a core group of POD site plan subject matter experts. 49 CrrYOFNEWPORTBEAM 2 of 3 EXHIBIT A X:ICONTRACTS- 2010 - 12010- 2011V1-IIHSIPOD -PLAN- MASTER- 10- 11- BG.Doc - CNB02- MAPODOIMIKKll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 4. Online POD planning modules designed to develop a secondary group of POD site plan subject matter experts. 5. Participation of at least one staff member to serve as a POD site plan subject matter expert to validate regional POD site plans during the annual POD Exercise. 6. Development and submission of a draft POD site Incident Action Plan (IAP), which must be approved by COUNTY that includes, but is not limited to the following Incident Command System (ICS) and HCA forms: a. SITE MAPS & MAPPING NOTES b. SITE EQUIPMENT LIST c. ICS 202 — INCIDENT OBJECTIVES d. ICS 203 — ORGANIZATIONAL ASSIGNMENT LIST e. SITE SECURITY PLAN f. ICS 204 — DIVISION ASSIGNMENT LIST g. ICS 205 — COMMUNICATIONS PLAN It. ICS 206 — MEDICAL PLAN i. POD ORGANIZATIONAL CHART j. ICS 215A — SITE SAFETY MESSAGE & ANALYSIS k. ICS 221 — DEMOBILIZATION CHECKOUT B. TIMELINES 1. CONTRACTOR shall provide staff to attend a POD Seminar by November 30, 2010. CONTRACTOR shall submit POD Site location(s) for ADMINISTRATOR approval by December 15, 2010. 2. CONTRACTOR shall submit the HCA POD Site Assessment form by December 30, 2010. 3. CONTRACTOR shall provide staff to attend a POD Workshop by January 31, 2011. 4. CONTRACTOR shall provide staff to attend a FOG Workshop by February 28, 2011. 5. CONTRACTOR shall ensure pertinent staff attend online training by March 30, 2011. 6. CONTRACTOR shall submit a draft POD Site Plan to ADMINISTRATOR for each location identified in subparagraph III.B.1, above, by 3/15/2011. 7. CONTRACTOR shall submit a final HCA approved POD Site Plan to ADMINISTRATOR for each location identified in subparagraph U.B.1, above, by 4/1/2011. C. CONTRACTOR shall develop 2 POD Site Plans. Crry OFNEWPORr BEACH 3 of 3 X;\CONI'RACTS - 2010 - 12010 - 2011 \MHs\POD -PIAH- MASTER- 10- 11- BG.Doc CP (0 EXHIBIT -A CNB02- MAP0D01MMK11