HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 - Master Fee Schedule & Change in SubsidiesQ�EWPp�T CITY OF N E W P RTF BEACH! Cq�1 FOAHP City Council Staff Report Agenda Item No. 4 March 22, 2011 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Administrative Services Department Tracy McCraner, Administrative Services Director/Treasurer 949- 644 -3123, tmccraner @newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Evelyn Tseng APPROVED: L TITLE: Approval of Master Fee Schedule and Change in Subsidies ABSTRACT: Staff requests that City Council approve updates to the City's Master Fee Schedule as presented at the March 8, 2011, City Council meeting and adopt ordinances amending Newport Beach Municipal Code ( "NBMC ") Sections 3.36.030 (increasing cost -of- services percentage recovery for Emergency Transport — Resident Fees, Arrest Reports, Crime Reports, Traffic Collision Reports and Massage Technician Applications to 100 %, correcting "Vehicle Repossession" to "Vehicle Release," deleting Juvenile Substance Abuse Program and subsidizing Registrants — Narcotics and Registrants — Sex at 100% and Second Hand /Pawn Dealers at 100 %) and 14.12.085(A) and 14.12.125(A) (correcting NBMC to reflect the adoption of Council's previously approved fee adoption). RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 2011 -10 amending NBMC Section and Ordinance No. 2011 -11, updating NBMC Sections 14.12.085(A) and 14.12.125(A) to refer to the appropriate fees. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: There is no funding requirement related to this item. DISCUSSION: At the City Council meeting of March 8, 2011, the Master Fee Schedule and change in subsidies was approved as recommended. Approval of Master Fee Schedule and Change in Subsidies March 22, 2011 Page 2 On March 11, 2011, . Councilman Keith Curry contacted the Administrative Services Director to request a review of several Council meetings held during 2008 to approve the 2008 Fee Schedule, as they included a new fee as recommended by MGT for Sex Offender Registrants. Revenue Division staff conducted a detailed review of all reports and attachments regarding the 2008 Fee Schedule presented to Council at the study session and regular sessions in fiscal year 2008. They also accessed all permanent files in Revenue Division and watched all video clips of the meetings. MGT proposed 22 new fees in their 2008 report. After reviewing the MGT report, the Revenue Manager in 2008 added only 5 of the 22 fees to the Master Fee schedule as presented to Council for approval in May and June of 2008. The remaining 17 were not added to the Master Fee Schedule. We have not found any documentation, in the files or on the video, as to why these fees were not included in the Schedule. The Sex Offender Registrant fee was one of the 17 fees omitted. It is Administrative Services intent to clearly identify for the City Council all new fees when they are proposed by a consultant, reviewed by Directors and recommended by the City Manager. As was the case for the Police Department, the same 5 "new fees" recommended by MGT in 2008 were all recommended again this year, and Council was able to discuss and decide on their respective subsidies in open session. We will keep the other 12 fees (17 omitted in 2008 less the 5 added in 2011), in our records for the next review cycle. When each department is reviewed again on the 3- year cycle, we will have an active discussion of all fees once again and will work with the department to recommend to Council any subsidies and provide the logic behind those recommendations. This should ensure that all fees as they are proposed by the consultant are discussed individually and approved /disapproved accordingly by Council. Staff recommends that Council approve the 2010 Master fee schedule as discussed on March 8, 2011. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends the City Council find this action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA ") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. Approval of Master Fee Schedule and Change in Subsidies March 22, 2011 Page 3 NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to Government Code Section 66018(1) (two publications, with at least five days intervening between the two dates), Government Code Section 66016(a) (notice mailed at least 14 days prior to the meeting to any interested party who files a written request) (mailed notice to the Building Industry Association of Southern California on February 18, 2011), and the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). The fees are not subject to any taxing limitation or voter requirement since as recommended they do not exceed the reasonable cost of providing the service and are not intended to be used for general revenue purposes. Submitted by: Tracy McCrWer Administrative Services Director /Treasurer Agenda Item No. 12 March 8, 2011 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Administrative Services Department Tracy McCraner, Administrative Services Director/Treasurer 949- 644 -3123 , tmccraner @newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Evelyn Tseng, ue Manager APPROVED: 1 C,7 TITLE: Approval of Master Fee Schedule and Change in Subsidies ABSTRACT: Staff requests that City Council approve the attached update to the City's Master Fee Schedule, and introduce an ordinance amending Newport Beach Municipal Code ( "NBMC ") Sections 3.36.030 (increasing cost -of- services percentage recovery for Emergency Transport — Resident Fees, Arrest Reports, Crime Reports, Traffic Collision Reports and Massage Technician Applications to 100 %, correcting "Vehicle Repossession" to "Vehicle Release ", deleting Juvenile Substance Abuse Program and subsidizing Registrants — Narcotics and Registrants — Sex at 100% and Second Hand /Pawn Dealers at 100 %) and 14.12.085(A) and 14.12.125(A) (correcting NBMC to reflect the adoption of Council's previously approved fee adoption). RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that City Council: Conduct a public hearing. 2. Adopt Resolution No. approving the Master Fee Schedule (Exhibit "A "), as recommended by staff. 3. Introduce Ordinance No. (Exhibit "B "), amending NBMC Section 4. Introduce Ordinance No. , updating NBMC Sections 14.12.085(A) and 14.12.125(A) to refer to the appropriate fees (Exhibit "D "). Approval of Master Fee Schedule and Change in Subsidies March 08, 2011 Page 2 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: There is no funding requirement related to this item. Master Fee Schedule NBMC Section 3.36 establishes the City's policy as to the percentage of costs to be recovered from direct user fees. The actual fees collected are set by resolution of the City Council, which is referred to as the Master Fee Schedule. The attached Master Fee Schedule updates Harbor Tidelands and Police fees pursuant to a cost -of- services study conducted by MGT of America, Inc. ( "MGT ") and other fees by the Consumer Price Index. The last Master Fee Schedule was approved by City Council on December 8, 2009. In April 2010, City entered into an agreement with MGT (Exhibit "F ") for a six (6) year six (6) phase comprehensive review and update of General Fund departmental user fee calculations. The first phase required MGT to prepare the citywide cost allocation plan, perform the initial comprehensive Harbor Tidelands user fee study and update the Police user fee study. MGT updated the Harbor Tidelands and Police fees based on its analysis and application of the cost allocation plan. City Council approved the Harbor Tidelands fees on November 9, 2010. MGT studied six (6) new Police fees, which included Solicitor applications, Registrant — narcotics, Registrant — sexual, and Second Hand /Pawn Dealer Tag Check. Other fees in the Master Fee Schedule were increased by CPI as applicable. Fire and Marine - Emergency Transport Pursuant to the most current Fee Schedule, Newport Beach residents pay $348.14, while non - residents pay $695.25 for emergency transport. The proposed fee schedule reflects a flat rate of $704.00, which would apply to both residents and non - residents. However, residents also have the option to subscribe to the Paramedic Subscription Service, "Fire Medics," at $48 /year. NBMC Section 3.36.030(A) provides that cost recovery percentages appropriate for each user service shall be 100% with the exception of the user services listed in Exhibit "A" of that Section. Currently, Section 3.36.030, Exhibit "A," provides that the cost -of- services fees for Emergency Transport shall be recovered pursuant to the following percentages: Approval of Master Fee Schedule and Change in Subsidies March 08, 2011 Page 3 • Advanced Life Support: Up to 80% • Basic Life Support: Up to 80% • Emergency Transport — Resident: 50% The City Fire Department continues to provide high quality service, but the costs associated with these services have increased. In addition, federal reimbursement for Medicare claims decreased in FY10 by 3 -5 %. Because 55% of the City's. emergency medical transports are Medicare, the annual revenue loss is estimated at $116,101. By removing the resident subsidy for emergency transport, Staff projects that the loss can be offset, and revenues will increase approximately $201,126 in FY12. Cost recovery percentages for Basic Life Support and Advanced Life Support shall remain at up to 80 %. Newport Beach residents have the option of participating in the Fire Medics service, at $48 1year. For that amount, subscribers receive unlimited paramedic services and emergency ambulance transportation within City limits with no out -of- pocket expenses. The City bills their insurance company and accepts the insurance company's reimbursement as payment in full. The membership covers anyone at the subscribing address. Police Arrest Reports, Crime Reports and Traffic Collision Reports were previously subsidized. MGT studied the cost to provide these reports and found that the fee would be $10.00 at 100% of cost -of- services. In a change from previous policy direction, City staff recommends that the full $10.00 fee be charged for the reports. Staff recommends that the subsidies for Massage Technician Application fees be deleted. On September 30, 2010, the Governor of California signed SB 294, which made SB 731 (Business and Professions Code Section 4600 et. seq.), regarding the regulation of massage therapists a matter of "statewide concern ". Effective January 1, 2011, cities can no longer require massage therapists to obtain a city permit if they have a certificate issued by a Massage Therapy Organization (as defined in Business and Professions Code Section 4600.5). The massage technician fees shall remain in the fee schedule in the event that massage technicians would prefer the City permit. However, Staff anticipates that there will be very few, if any, City permittees, and these fees should not be subsidized. At some point, "Vehicle Release" was erroneously referred to as "Vehicle Repossession" in Section 3.36. The proposed amendment to Section 3.36 will correct this without changing the 91 % subsidy. Approval of Master Fee Schedule and Change in Subsidies March 08, 2011 Page 4 The Juvenile Substance Abuse Program was outsourced, so Staff recommends that the reference to its subsidy in Section 3.36 should be deleted. Paroled narcotic and sex offenders are required to register at the City if they reside at the City pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 11590 and Penal Code Section 290, respectively. The cost -of- services fees would be $110 for narcotic offender registrants and $202 for sex offender registrants. In addition, sex registrants are required to register yearly, but transient sex offenders are required to register monthly. Staff wants to encourage compliance with State registration compliance, and therefore recommends that these fees be subsidized at 100 %. Similarly, second hand dealers, as well as pawn dealers, are required by Business and Professions Code Sections 21628 and 21631 to notify the City when they receive certain types of property. The Police Department uses these notifications, approximately 900 /year, to ensure that the dealers are not receiving stolen property. The cost -of- services fee per notification is $12. Because Staff believes this fee would discourage compliance with the law, Staff recommends that this fee also be subsidized at 100 %. Water Establishment and Restoration Fees Currently, NBMC Sections 14.12.085(A) and 14.12.125(A) identify the water service establishment fees and water service restoration fees, respectively. The proposed amendments to Sections 14.12.085(A) and 14.12.125(A) reflect the most current fees as approved by City Council. The proposed amendments do not increase the fees authorized by Sections 14.12.085(A) and 14.12.125(A). Water establishment and restoration fees are cost -of- services fees that were studied by KPMG Peat Marwick LLP in 1996, and then updated by subsequent cost -of- services fee studies. Unfortunately, while the Master Fee Schedule, which includes the water establishment and restoration fees, was updated by these studies and the Consumer Price Index, these NBMC sections were not. The amendment of these sections clarifies the fees and would refer users to the City Council resolutions. :1OWAI.191i!IPt140111IFe1 III NWAIVYJ Staff recommends the City Council find this action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA ") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or 'reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. Approval of Master Fee Schedule and Change in Subsidies March 08, 2011 Page 5 NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to Government Code Section 66018(a) (two publications, with at least five days intervening between the two dates), Government Code Section 66016(a) (notice mailed at least 14 days prior to the meeting to any interested party who files a written request) (mailed notice to the Building Industry Association of Southern California on February 18, 2011), and the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). The fees are not subject to any taxing limitation or voter requirement since as recommended they do not exceed the reasonable cost of providing the service and are not intended to be used for general revenue purposes. Submitted by: Tracy McC er Administrati a Services Director/Treasurer Attachments: A. Exhibit "A" — Resolution with Master Fee Schedule B. Exhibit "B" — Resolution with Ordinance amending NBMC Section 3.36.030 C. Exhibit "C" — NBMC Section 3.36.030 Legislative Draft D. Exhibit "D" — Resolution with Ordinance amending NBMC Sections 14.12.085(A) and 14.12.125(A) E. Exhibit "E"— NBMC Sections 14.12.085(A) and 14.12.125(A) Legislative Draft F. Exhibit "F"— MGT Agreement EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION NO. 2011- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA AMENDING THE CITY'S MASTER SCHEDULE OF FEES TO BE CHARGED FOR USER SERVICES WHEREAS, in 2010, the City of Newport Beach retained MGT of America, Inc. ( "MGT ") to prepare the cost allocation plan and cost -of- services studies for City services previously conducted by Public Resources Management in 2006 and KPMG Peat Marwick LLP in 1996; and WHEREAS, pursuant to its agreement, MGT prepared the cost allocation plan and the Harbor Resources and Police cost -of- services studies; and WHEREAS, the cost allocation plan accurately reflects City's indirect cost -of- services; and WHEREAS, the fees for services in the attached schedule of fees ( "Master Fee Schedule ") are no more than the cost to the City to provide such services; and WHEREAS, the City of Newport Beach adopted Ordinance 2008 -14, amending Section 3.36 (Cost Recovery for User Services) of the Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, Section 3.36 of the Municipal Code contains cost recovery percentages for specific services, and provides that the City Council may modify the fee resolution upon a determination that there has been an increase or decrease in one or more cost factors relevant to the calculation of the actual cost of providing the service; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires the Master Fee Schedule to be updated to reflect the decreases and increases in the MGT studied costs, changes in fees due to the Consumer Price Index, the cost recovery percentages established by Chapter 3.36, and to add new fees for City services. NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach. as follows: 1. Most fees, unless precluded by law, are rounded to the nearest dollar. 2. The schedule of fees for service, Master Fee Schedule, attached to this Resolution as Exhibit "A" and the 2010 Building Valuation Table attached to the Resolution as Exhibit "B" are hereby adopted. Except as provided in Section 3 below, all fees in Exhibit "A" shall become effective immediately. 3. The fees for development related services imposed by this Resolution shall take effect sixty (60) days following adoption of this Resolution. /// /// Adopted this t, of March 2011. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk CiryN Newpoet Beetle Fee S[heJUle Oak N"'PNOn -3 l 2010 CPI Adj'+Ime ^1% 1. w. m.Noe WOe SERVICE NAML OfSCRIPTION �, �,. � Tolal oe tlase Fee I�Q¢vwnml -lif aPPLmb1A Tolal oa tlaseFre Innemenul CPI NYkB ImplemenuNOn Uale ALL UFPA0.TMENR PFOmG " CAAtt y m Ma4suh La am" °" ae en - en NSUrla Mmalish in[SM1O Co ' 4iah ms 510 R�NSm CuvWUbewU /CD P.R.Aae Nn N uls pi as 1p 1d fffY ImmeAme Oulaide CO "iMm Nn ](p NC"—CM fl3x11'CO hom MinefxAe N, M.f,.f, pl.s1 ..Id FIA 1T 'C mfid —I, Iua1WY.Idlial C.—USb and Clwgb ba C5N4ctianof OelwlumlFm ACOlutwn lWlM No IPM. ff eO Nbd plX msb and TSrge.. Remm Ckn'k: Fee Fmv RmumM CM1a4 IVMn Ywe period GF6ami. C."CNe 11911.) No Maawmm pamitred RemmC k:Ftt Sand And SUbse uml ff—d CFevb MNin Om Yeae p M C mm cml CMe 1 MIT J,) No Maawmm pamited Pes 51 a Cmv. C.I. .— g 16W Imme0lu AANUdon L➢146 N. 1 ema CW -U I.,Ma Raoludm=46 No f.. N C--., lm Cml ize No 1p1Y..1 C.mtrxm. Cm1 tlu5heeb M.R RfwWlim M01-06 N. 1 maCW R" Size AN.s M.OwkSMev [1 -1,6nM 46 No 1. NCO 1CU1 e.ulN aM latrzml IfI— fozsesvi¢.s .1 paid whm due, IM1 mfo.sm+eesa lapyYmmt pew1.111 am.-d eSualmNn FQ`®`tO0%1 NIM v..lcid amvnm:halltr imposed Mrob No ]p%FirslPmil /Iff��dpmalN /IPLL.InErsg1 Immed'a4 Fnp m. Pmen®ig fkl. Wj Amassing CAaag. RmludmM 146 N. Pm 1X UOI COx�. CiryN Newport Beatla Fee S[hedule Oak of AdoPNm -3 l 2010 CPIAd�wbenl% 1. w. bmann Woe SERVICE NAML DESCRIPTION �_ � Tolal oa Baae Fee HaPVBaab1A1,( Tolal oa tlassFre Inaremenul CPI NYI(B Implemen aNOn Oae ADMINISTRATIVE BPRVICES mPmazvn F Renluti�m.11, s mLimnss PmewalAppaLanlw APPtimaon PpcexNg F¢ ACOlution 2W =d2 5 S.N z f ties Bwimz Liana. do l,mw ft emCeaafinre MC, 3,1W I'll S I g $ 111 Yes MCfWOM Lpl 5 4 Dog lLmsMna0iz¢d Fn VLxM S V,M z f No Do Wanve T laamml MC I.I.O. $ 1➢J 4 f Mo 1p , MC 7.1. n/a 1 0%Nrn yercd SCOMHVWkab I., 5 (r3.m S f II.]4 Yez SreoM Hantl Lkaln R—daD fi MC 3,NI.Om $ ll11 5 $ RW Yes VeFitles Pm Wre CutlNrele(11. 1 FrcEUA .1 Blow) NC. 3.2030 s SR.M 5 VpNeb Fw Hlre uA Vdtlele 5 8Am z 4 1'.m Yes Veidale[POCHIre nal VeM1eleF¢Fiy Velvcle lAtlaitivwl VaAVleFa9iawn Below) 1LG>12110 I Annual Vtliipe Fn FOa EaAAddltiaml Veltle - gm q g p.61 Yez V9ikRSPoVHirt OMCi Im t MC 3,11. 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W 5 8 M.Gaifi090 2]O.m S 4 3Sfi Yea. Immedmo- R¢maeal SFcesl P,,L Ikels HO Honk ilP-1 eLtnk Mc"6.IQ I n. f 691 Ya. Immedm4 m11 APP1u"^BOn 3Am 4 5 4H3 Yea I'NamtlelPw4ngPwtll MC, 1369.140 36.p1 5 4 114 Yes. CiryN Newpoet Beatla Fee S[hedule 0.k of AdoPNOn6 3bM1I 2010 CPIAdI'�+lme ^!% 1. m. L.eaoo Woe SERVICE NAML DESCRIPTION �_ � Tolal o, Baa Fee mapVhaablAl,( Tolal o, tlassFa Innemenul CPI NW(B ImplemenkNOn Oale BtlItU1NG Admi OLRam PmmmlBmm. n?cls nz.Rm s 1.13 1, m v m., emmk, EpaNl kaP¢W KmcvelEM Pc Ckyl5mtion McisNZ.ovJ s Ww s 0.733 Yes 60 aM ane,.aoptiv, IkamdlNn men Pe,N VxlarP, MCIInxnw s Lon s om ver eomvs Nmzmymn P¢nN hWC t nAS1Oi ➢awm Mc150?OIO 5 _W 5 OIIi Tez 6ptlsry aM1e,eaopN,n Ap,ABmm Hp Fuag Feema Appell M.c 15'. s ranl.m 4 la.. Yes 60 AM A.,.evwv, NotliHwam, T,IIEC /NL Nateeiils k.NMws4cE To Cmnply N'IM Safion lLlSk106 O1The Vviloem AtivOnWmtire cna. xl.c unznW s m .mwd, wmmpmNmtme,tPdak a,w m,wit�. oma,. pm..l o-nm,wtre,smwkn T s2.W T nsa Y.a svaM,na,amwa, H,aam- aAeAnl DivYVeure Pmm'n. M.elsnx mo 1 Is aO 8 Ql8 Ya. m. aauwov Hooa Enm➢etmmh.,m, lm,mm.w,uBm, M.c 11"a. elanarekwa PrelimMa Plan RnMV Fa Pe, A ..c 11'111 5 I.. $ ;]p Yn ays. aaowvn eLn G¢k HOUd Rnk 5 L].Po 5 Ly1. ry ampN,n AdtliewWPly, Revlew AMRedueks lnE¢m O12 R�uvsLbyRevrstons NR,Ne First Approval v( ➢awing O, veRN,aaks U, bVns,IVetl COrsaTOnsAe PUHOm'. K C15 n?MO S k4?W $ 1P1 amPCVn Ianl@vlew Buildl, aOaEwa,wn aLti,l Owl eamite¢ n/a M M1e,ed,pv,n RayMIBVePW Revkw - Cmmininy M,re E'nm sunrsure,MOm1 Wbvi FUB Fa Ia Pad -J Po, M,de1 11C 11 i¢.030 ti9,.o(Pkn CM1ttk Fa n/e Yo 0 aM.m limtee revinv of d¢mn¢th OM %n(COiurtuamn('mt n/a N, hMimnm$53. Mativwm lml kxdrvM4a 8253 .5Aiiwsunvmf aoamMe„tlopYan TR. f mlwaAevi'ewofGHin .1 t, /. m, sPe. 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Paojan) Code COmPBan¢ Ya svaMaM1e,atlowvo CiryN Newport Beatla Fee S[heaule Oak a"'PNm -3 l 2030 CPIAd�wMen!% 1. w.bmam WOe SERVICE NAML OfSCRIPTION Tolal or &se Fee bapy4[ab1AIrF Tolal or tlaseFre In[remenul CPI NYI(B Implemen aNOn Oae BtlILU1NG Bahia oEVpNJe a 135 %R Iaz Plan Cle^k F,,$261 m ,m n/a Yez vaMaher NOptlen Nan Gak6tlmslon dTOEMmd Mh CAak M.C15.O2A110 S RT S 1 ays aavpavn Har�cCansW[timi Code COm 4m Review MC 1502 W Na 60aMaXerkepNOp Ma x MVxgmmlA4tnvtiwnOOn Fee 4 16w S 0.19 Yee 6BaMehnrboptbn of -WUm lv Xvn4e ud Px HOUr;3HnurMinimum ®13 /IV MC15 @.OIO s M. 6 60aMeNreaepNOp Rn Pn Hwe Aeemetl NTm COme6enz Are 1O I 1— *.d MCI5O010 $ t13W S 1. svaarsaM1erativ - phu LUpecanN PttHOVeNSpavlmuNmOMeen e5peofied /One HOm .NWmwp MCIS. @OY.I E 11).W 4 1.91 Yez 60amallereaoptlon PmnllFren a pmaie 31,00 IR,m'N3 MCI5@,OW w.W T 1]3 6owyanvaeoµloe 52.BJI.OJTO 535,WJW MCIS @➢90 $ 9-0Jp 4 14.41 g 1.19 5 111) Bex (re /m Ne fYrt $2/1 W . Inuemmlel mel be m'X etlaf141, W J Yez orf2[llon IN,maua NtluJiag 93.W0 60arya axereaoptlon b25,WI Wio 45o,W0.W MC1SO3.09J 4 415.W 8 1093 $ 3 $ 11.13 Bve(ee/m WeXm$25.0.tl r lmvm 1W . bamNntltlJ Ts 91 W]oefnriionoF,bvW UVluain S`U,oW meXereaepvop iO,OJ ?WTO 5100,(pOW MC15 @090 9 8 ase ke Im u,e first Em.mB r b[reme,. W .vs m. ®.1, aaan s 51.WB OrhazlipnoF maMircludin $1W,WJ M eanpJOn SIWAJIWTn g5Ot;tlYW MC15 @Og $ .d"3.m 4 ') S 13Xi S 007 balhefuse$1f10,wJ r i.dmnmW3[ns{FnrNClradafl s Sl.ttp mFn[ipm nFinaMirclutlin gSW;tlp soaMaXerativ - SVpAp1 MTO 41pO4pI0w M.0 IS @I190 S 3.SS4W g 4lf 4 39"W 4 00g &xhe ba Pefies!$wglJrirrammW mn (m eadaddtl Tea Sl,ma orhazfiortof,meM iiu'Inaid S1pOJAI10 ays ativpuvn $LOr0001,00 bss,lm.mom M.C.15.nywo a s,fise.w s ax+ s W.zs s uw 6ax.�fmlhearz!$1plq,Omrinoremmgl mel fw u'h.aaa vm. s41m 0. hatlion n6mnnaibin' S=poopoo 6oaM anar.mPNO� Ovn U;OW.JW g 18.'°aAW s 931 g IIi12 4 OM ease ae 3w Me fi.n M,IXVMV r lmemmtil ma Im an[n aaau a 35,tlp orhazlipnd wmyaaryeraavpCOn Hm6a CareM[4imr $100- §lppAll M.C.15.MM 5 99.m 8 1,14 Yea m. atloltivn R001.J0- N,PIJ.w MC 15.01090 91.w $ 11 41 4 1,14 $ LLL) BaxfrebelM Me$2pW r Wemmly melka¢Naaae$Igq Yez o Nnlma IN, tiaeMmauaiug %,OW bOaMahernaop0an SB,OOLW- A50}g9.W MC1S02p10 W S 50 6 .311 $ - Bee (re /m Ne fYS[ }8.w0 r ✓sammlL mel be meX eaaJ a1,0A orf2['tion IN,maM la[lu" S9,vW p aaopNOn W., ? W- g100.p10W MC 1503.010 v S 9 I., $ ([eMNefirsl$Sp,OW r iv[remmW wslmzea[haatlJ s $I,WJ OChazlimof baM v¢Wtlin $1W,W] V+ p $100,.? W- SWJ,pW00 M1150z.W0 I loQl.w s S53 S rzRi S oo) 6sehe FOr O,e lirse BTW,WprircemarW «al Mrndaddtl vee s?Wp octra[amof. baMiriclutlin sS00,WJ ampeon $-0am1.m- st,ma.0oam MelsnxreJ 1 476 s w <z s BW eaera b,ueams<ao.Wa. i��mW.alrnnad, aaael vea s?000 o.lm[nmrnf.mmwimma' $1,aao;wo 6oaMaxe.aao�n S ?OWON.Illlanan MC.151R.IF10 ;fi'Itl.lkl s N 5 M $ LLW Paxhe ba Pefiesl Sl,OW,gprincfenlmlil mslbeaAaaaJ s SIIIAXklortitttinnd rya naopttan 6aonM bumamtlon (U3hmFa RBItlm0al5nv[huea Lexz Than Threz Slmiee leh 5aeonllOi Public Rev,urm CNe n/n _ OP'40FSIaleEa 60aryzaM1eraaopNOn G d, Pemiil Pa iemheaaleulattd bued on Cu mpllwNeh mn 11 d, Plus Pe kheha•Mw valuaaanofelalmpan- CiryN Newpoet BeaYls Fee S[heJUle Oak a"'PNm -3 l 2010 CPIAdlwtmed% 1. my bmavv Woe SERVICE NAME � OfSCRIPTION L ..... � Total or Base Fee baPP4aab1e11if Total os tl4aeFre Innemenul CPI FOM ImPlemen aNOn Oae tl111LU1NG _ - 1�9ng¢ don Nfos FU wNChererls 6'ttU CUblcYwslCUlm Fl01 Ill.mll ]M.ro S 9.21 Yez 601, aM1eraeopnon MU MCUbwY , MC ISIU 1., JS51p S 947 1., aa.- 491AMCUbicVads MCIS Ib1Y0 M9.pl 3 ap M1eraWpaon Nbic Yatls Mc 1510.Pr0 8$1Jp g 9.95 Yez ay aM1ereaoptlon SUMW CO6ic YZNS MC1S10 %0 S 9W➢J f 1b 7 Yes ampevn Ntt- TIOCubRTadz M s W. 3 ary M1era.Ill- J14WNbicYWS Mc 15,I0 .Po 5 935.Ip 4 1b1.24 Yez 60aayaM1eraaoptbn B]IAW CUbICYmds MC 1,t11 T, S Y13.W S Yes ampavn NIXICo64 Tads FIC151bUT s 1, d, p 1bb1- IU.N]Cabic YaNZ hICIS.IJ V.b 4 1L12W 4 3]43} 4 1331 5 W Hveh1, Im the first1,mcubicis idm u10,09 w mzt br each Yes atlaU LWS LYOehaNwof,bvW imintlin CY aryaMraaop[len 10,OO11N.. Cubk Yads MC 1S I ll]E 8 9sz he br Melirsl R. abicyaras♦ Iwenm .- 11mearA d1110Atb CYOSbacdovai band i.tll din IWAOCY M eaeptlon 1W,WI CUbic Yadsmmore MCIS tII.tlJO $ }ASbgl 5 19115 $ M.M 9 415 6arhe ba Oefvs! IN,bD CUbr yaatle ♦'moemmkl cW Meatli Yn atlaN 1U,PMICY Oahectitarol 606anehervaePlon Gna' PenrNlFm lBaeetl on 9relm memmnl C.. GUtln, P- m,pmam C-1 Same AS9uiIdin Pemif flee Table n)e No 606anehervaepaon e PemJlsb Alpaevnb OViw In on Of USaw MC 1510 5 2gbW 8 Yei MamaXeiativ - Elu'uiW Pema<Fces Pe tjm— M.CISBELYb $ 3]W $ b.9U Yes WEm mtervaepnon 5v kmenelParmitzluvar�¢, Pee Fw F+A Perndl MC I5 O2.O10 5 9W S bll Yes MdarsaXerativpavv Pevamtial Cmrswction MC15.02090 T%u18W PapurF# n/e p aaopNOn Cvmbiva lbv EleMZa1 l4mof NwsReildmrial C—.ry —HOteb 4Apsmment Bld, ww2 MC 1111 M0 31 oFHld I4mot Fe n/a No amptivn mlliuf Pemaf iee Fee 1m6vh (LUek.flmN MC15.112M0 $ 3,M 4 II.U3 Yez 60 d, aM1ereaoptlon Fw6avhOmleA. Wps First EO MC 15 O2 M0 S Lpl 4 I 1 Yes amptivn mID 1, . da Xereaopaon Fes Fm Ev ll htl F —,,Afln 30 Mc 11'1121. 5 Llp $ 11.11 Yes Wd, AM1,aaoptOn Ww VOW ar]t1pwVWh OuUtt, PUrt.N Fs FmS AIC19 _ W b I.O Ys . dM M1ereaopNOn a Fes Fm Ev lmv Vltmg OwIN, AIIer FIrrt W MC1S112M0 $ LIV 4 II.G1 Yes 60 d, AM1,aao m FM Fw6avh Pde w PlAbnv- M—t.Ii MC 15 O2M0 $ 1 S OOL Yes ampevn eall lfialriW tv o+Awmblva S a.M 4 o.pz M Xer9eopbon Pw Favh R¢ —tW ApPliav osB¢eptatle OUeet lNeva Cowtrwdon Mc 1502410 5 6W $ Ob1 Ya. afs- ativpavn FwEavh NOn- Rerdmdal ApPliavaeaava EelfLOeta'vrvd - Wlretl.l:oteavNin on �PwEavh Mc 15 @410 5 6W $ Ob1 Ya. afs. ampovn POwn Appenms. Raavti ivlwrse,.vwer.Mwans. tlbvdta wtilnvolt -am u mammelaam 1 Me.unzoan 6.m oln xea BBe mer M eae Oaa landflotOw lO M.CIS0311g0 I I'm 5 014 5 Odayz11- 1o1e1 P'erinaad Natpua SO Mc 15 @.RW .iO.W $ 0.59 Ya. - ampavn b aw .mpuM Mv1W M.C15112090 $ 951p 4 l.lt Yes 60dm+Xareaopaen mebon ThUeolol Bm waes, FOrtmlleo 6PLµinSypeeuzways TwUy a111mN Fea Farwnv - sCwms'MTOTFeTm14 E 9.W b Oit Yh. aN ampuon vA E1M, UNNe t0'"UnBend WpuevsuPPYeh iml^ orcbean &tircu0 11CI5.13.6f0 5 53.81 $ b.9U Yn. 60amaheraaepnon CiryN Newport Beatla Fee S[hedule Oak of AdvPNm -3 l 2010 CPIAdI'�+lme ^!% 1. my bmavv Woe SERVICE NAML DESCRIPTION � �_ � Tolal va Ba¢Fee mapyLCablell,f Tvlal o. tlassFU Incremenul CPI NYI(B Implemen aNVn Oae tltlILU1NG F¢Fm FUli Seni¢'. W]Vvl¢mLmavtl Nm Pre.xplAm res [15 @.1M1 5 ary p (ASV 1 mLns avd Pm kXlAm ml/XfI Am N Cli llx.11W RpJ g Yes 6vemaM1e�ampavn Orvbtl. VvI6mOru 1,IXV Am MC150E.OAX 15q.p] 6 1, 60amaM1etedvptivn .W SyenmueAppa2NgCOndbrc mW COMUCmn 5 AN S 1124 Yez 60vapallereavptivn 5 IEa'mt, Fach Gmmmc Elulncil MC15 BE.IHO S 33 pJ $ OMI Yes ays p E aul Ern[ A1C15 @WO S 9W 4 011 1, 6oam wetedvptivn emPmuy PVwusea.i¢ s 33ASi f 1.. Yea 60aap anm.aoptlov FmEael,r®, m.rse.r;¢Pmma1 Mc s112.am 4 m .mwm. Fee Fm Evil T-1, HzvlbuIwn llS Ii0.,,OUlk1. Rcmadre Sle,TmtPmeryRaePlmin. SaviMl ®AM Lighmig 41uNeld In WhifACVawl4CVnvvlled (E¢epeSLVi¢s Pe+dud: Mekrsl MC1511x,NMl $ D.W $ b.Nl Yn 60amiltmaavwvn MacharvvlPwat Feer PartJI WUVee Mc13. @.WN 93W b OM m ampNVn Sv u1 PmNm4wmucfie Fbt Ead l4mmi! MC15112,NMl $ 9.W $ b.11 Yn 60aanfimvavwvn Cvmbmaaan MClwvalPUmi1 R®im!'al<mWUMvv MC1302MB 39'. vfBW Penal Fee n/a 4a WtlmaXe�ativpdvv CvmbinativnMGeNmlPmnl! Nm�Rmidmtial Canzmutivv.HVldak Apuvvml BldPbarux MC151Yx.U10 1x %o(BW Pumlf Fee v/a N. 60.am alleredvptivn Muhwcal Onil PUmllFrm P¢ Pb Eech FvnM Avm Gmaiq Type Fumvre up m and ircl IW,W]B!u /M1 MCIS.lI3UW S 19ry $ Yes 6vtlmaXe�ativ m Eadz Foal Nava Gmairy' Type Fuma¢ mret 1 W.piO Btu /h $ 9,81 f B$) Yea 6varya alleredvptivn FmEach Flw.FVmace.Inauah, v 1.1,128X. FeeFm Ev11 ffi,, ea xmba, RM-d wall Heefu ve Pl-, Mv.mba wif xmrea Mc1sNxl5w s !sro s ox anar�.amwo„ ammafwauaa. RelrceBmt,Rrelvau ^ e^t bl APPl.av¢ V-1 11C 15 $ 9JYJ $ b.11 Yn 60dan axe.vavwvn Foa6a.h Re pia. Allvedvv NAdtl'n lv Fleam�g /Cw11vg FIC1302W8 g 4 O.II Ye4 m Xetedvptivn Fee Pm MV Bmin ve CVm mandlrcWdA 3HP MC15 b21Nb S 1'. $ qII Ya. aas. aavpavn wpdvv 5yzmt N avd Neludmg lW,WO Bb /h 4 19.W 6 BIx Yee mafteradvpNen Fmlx BVilo veCVmpaezwa C— I —,I4xloding 13 MC 1,o2w1 1 AM1.M b 1.w n amyhvn Fee Fm FicM1 AbwaPdvv Syi WVIPo,bW.11, mcludit SpI,NB Bma M.C11,112 NMI S 33W $ RW Yea ampavn Each Omluva vmpmavaqu l3FN h.aMmclutlxtg 30 1E.830 g4p8 g p.ES Yes boaa/a aheredvpdan 1FvaEavn Ahwgiov4yc lTa 'AN,olnmv /M1klrclutllvg p00,(po Bm/h MC130xINO 5 �W.Po $ 0% maXetadepNVv P¢ Fm Evli Balm m CvmP^s^a Q u 311 HC —d mcludug 50 F@ MC1502N6 S bS.W 8 Yes 6vtlmaxe�ativpdvv F-1-Ess Aba ivv g11 Oru l.IpN.IXIN I3. /b 5vch'ing 1T'NANOem /n M.0 15 axab s 6&m f b03 ve+ 6aaava axe.amymv l—,.— 3P .115'. X1 5 if6.b1 f 1;34 Yea 0 d, aM1U ..- Fm FwE Abcnal.vv A'Wem 0,, 1,301. Bm /h MC 1,IE.QIB 8 m edewvn Fva 6a.h Au M1anNivg ONI Tv k Inelvaaag I o,Rip Cu A /Km 1nclua'mgAnvM1M WC6 MC1,M.W0 $ 13.Nt $ A1N. Yez. fiodryaaltere&pYan CiryN Newpoet Beatla Fee S[hedule Oak a"'PNm -3 l 2x10 �w= CPIAd 1. mr ba.earr Woe SERVICE NAME � OfSCRIPTION �_, � Tolal oc Baze Fee Unemenml -h6 Tolal oc tlazeFre Innemenul CPI NW(B ImplemenuNOn Oale nuulnnc rEam Air FlmaB u.dlo..r loalorm. uclsmae s 1127 .r: ,doPUra Pa Pmfied EValvcaXae Gwlec Olbee Fhan PoXeble Type M.C15 M.11g11 101 4 A16 ays atlorevn I- Early VmNlebon Fm COmMaibe9ngle➢uR .16.30 $ b.11 Yez 60aan mtecvCernon For6arh VmaUaon Saslem Yrt COr�'�b MyOtliw FIC1502.OA0 13.W 4 0.16 6basry aM1erempNOn Fee Fm EV11 HnM Fenal 6lMadi FxnvuN. Litlud OuXZ. M.C.15.bi..1F10 13W $ RI4 Yec maM1eratlopvn lic TYPeu—Il $ T2N b on Ym 6bdMaherampmn ForEsrhC --lmb -Il T Iwrenmc Nc1i. I 5 6 L. M eramWon ONwfE Iipmml rc Applm— Nrllured m Tti Crde, Fee Fm EirA MCIS BEING $ $ Alb Yss 6omysaneramPavn Pluml.ir P 4zeanaol Pernit $ 33.N 4 Of0 Yez WdryvaRerempmn Su ul Permi¢Iswmec lke GCFed I t .,c 15,111. $ 9pJ $ A11 Yss 6omysaneramPavn Crmbinaliw WUmhU Pemdt RBIamNl Cnvsmu'lion ntC 1502.oA0 1p%o[e ¢/e No 60dryz anerempNOn Comtinatlan Plumbm hmN! NorAaidmdalCmumznon.HoNz 6 Apu —Fldgz mn1 M.C.15 p2,IF10 1tlXOf BW PecmitGre n(a Np m. aavravn PIrmM rrifllml Gen Fa FOC Cxd Flumb" FltLUe,T SXO(Fixmrson One TCe Mc.IS.IRANl1 5 UW ; Ill6 ays abrevn Fm Eeda BmlNngSewtt. ➢ellu PaN5ewee i¢.030 IlW f 669 Yn 60danellecvdnPlon Fa Paa GainUSamwatr` NCI50E.OA0 13W 5 6odryzanvedNNOn Cexrym 5 46.1E b 1156 Yez Wdapanmemptlrn Fee Fm FnrA In —Srrva U —I em MC 1 M,1. S 990J S Yes ays p Exh Watm HeaksaM /m Vwl FIC15020A0 5 UFlO 5 60dm neremmlon o-aaryme Euepting %iCnmi¢e m AztFUNre TCa 11C 11 I¢.03o 5 xS.W S an aenpYOn Frs hW.tw .Wapsrma S FW S 60$ Yr Wdarsaneramravr Fee Fm EVll Drama em Vml Pymg Hxmce M.C.15031Fb $ ].M 4 8.64 Yez 60. d,..r.'m F- Ear 1wn5imwu5lz- -r➢ a ..11, mwm 1 Tr5 A— M,T rm BUkers MCI502W0 $ IiW 3 619 apaNerativpnvn Fee Fm FUM1 Wnmhtore lF nSAMOZpheAV 2Tpe Vecrum Bnmkrz, MCISIIS, W11 5 ]IYd $ b.M Yn 60dm fiervdnnnon mEerH➢Mec Bac40on' I.,, ➢eviaxUGa kSmallec 0 d- M1er emptlon Fm F-s hp r BasHlw Pmlaetive➢ni¢ Over 2 n w C1502M0 1 32.W $ qi9 Yn. yes. aavPavn Re FmFhC. File Aunol OOemPmrt OUlle6 MLI5021N0 B 1..W 5 6W 1. maMr NOpOnn W m rf Flve c ls@.W1 n ampNOn GweDi wl Licmz AmnelFre MC, 111.050 5 636.W $ 1. Yn Wdrys fierbnnnnn maRa m rmr marvcvtlXmrtrl Qi'u PanialaT 1]cm an A ril lfina 1.1 .1 1. IAAN 6 2M Yea 6odmalrar Mnptlm iemR^ary 11*'IP^tl APpmvel Pwa To Fmnl M 8 m P Retldmoel ENldiX� Sin Ie FamB M.0 15.1 x.101911 156.W 4 1:BJ Yes bOdryaaBeradopNan h'dmdal BUOtl' ➢u kx m c 1 c 15 1 214 Yss acs. aavravn Roldml'uI BUOtlm rlt Ch ImEUh.1 T— m c 11 1 I s .11 11 0 dM M1eredoptlon RaWmdal BUJtling Repm! Rilnzµatian MC15.I i.IbM1 $W b t01 ampNOn CiryN Newport Beativ Fee S[heJUle Ovk of AJOpNOn6 3bM1I 2010 CPIAd�wMenl% 1. w. bmao� Woe SERVICE NAML OfSCRIPTION ... Tolal o�BVeeepee� PPL"b Q Ilf Tolal oaVtlave`Fremm Invremenul �app4mbkl CPI NYkB Implemen aNOn Oae RK u.s. AmhorlstlM Ne L'S Rp v Comvlm Tliai¢�ROpottin ¢s -.—[sn�e, db,v , tC.d, P.�srpn5wv�ag NZalmum lremAitd Fe Gne'i Coda - Pvnswl�. ya Rekcw Paae Immeae� Ciry N Newport Beatla Fee S[heJUle Oak a"'PNm -3 1 2010 CPI Adj'+Ime ^1% 1. w. mwao� Woe SERVICENAML OfSCRIPTION � „ �_, � Tolal or Baee Fee MapVhaablA l,( Tolal or tlassFre Innemenul CPI NW(B Im plemen uNOn Oaie CITY MANAGER'S OPTICE Cade Lnle rcemeni t¢¢wJYC 4upuYO elutN NspsYOn C.15.10.090 Ves aya aAere&pHOn CiryN Newpml Beatla Fee S[hedule Oak of AdoPNm -3 l 2x111 CPIAdIwMem% 1. w. L.eam Woe SERVICE NAML ■ OfSCRIPTION # -,� - Tolal oa Baze Fee mnamenpl -lif avvhmem Tolal o. tlazeFre Innemenul CPI NWq ImplemenuNOn Oa1e TMENr a2RECUZVwi Hanilion ChielxnR (me. rsnl m In. Nm,at a Mi.. v,.remmt we< 1 w., F� Pes FbuNm MG9Bkp3p 9 rv.mNkwn(Iwn n.) 1 HV MLNmum TOThe Nenmf ld YJn. lnmanm1Orv1 W. Fee pe. xvu. M.c AOanw S u9.nn s b ].0 ve: mmemam lNUee non9 PaxpuaMwmumio TFeNaat ISMU N.remmlovalw.. Pee MG9.W039 3 90/.Po 8 B 9.m ImmeNh Tv¢ti uree 1 x..XMimuv. TOThe Nwrmfu Min �t O. I Fm Pn F6ur MG9oapM S :'+f9.W 4 8 612 5landk F'uefl ml f 1 W. Minimum Tn TheNnmtli Min.lnaremmt OVn I. W.Fee M-, MC9.04.PJ0 8 IBIJp 5 4 1.E3 Yez wa9e.visn .vi ti(e SUn m S b Yes. Basic Llfz SU MC i611030 5 BJ.Ip b 5 2M Yes on CFae m a -fA1. S JMW 3 3 R19 Yes AmnWm¢iaw em A9HU C pl 5 5 Eme Ambulao¢Treru M B dable Mefkal SU Iks MC i611030 5 91Jp 6 5 1198 Yes O. m MCSW IIN 5 J9L] 3 3 h96 Yes u Iq plcThan Fx rcNSU lb Ic - 5 Na Penmadic5ubwl on Servia AnnmlPre MG No CvKtre[Bmana L¢ n5misrs Pw,almRCVmmwal sPMaam �e.Ovm21'.Wls mntB s n/. 6Ben an.teeoPnnn PWC kRe meJ NmlkvAo wntl 5lttJ MC9W n1p S ISSN S Na Yea' wamane.aavpCVn Inz don COnunewl fireR fFVmlt Fre M.G9B1.0111 S 11J.N E n/a Yn fi0.d Mete mu /Insp.Rr+tlmNl Fire Alan. &LJe Safely Baz ftt♦ MC .9 C4.01n S I1iN f 3 lJB ays atloevvn Pemnt /ImP' Bddentlal PlreAhml k WkSafery adevi¢ 9 I.N 5 OBI Ves 60dMahervdlptbn Plan Cnxk Feadmnel Fire Ahem tr Iih Skq MC 903➢10 Id %o o[PUmi1Pre b n/a Vo 60dmanerpopdon n;t/ e� f 5 BmITS,e4- m 9 N 010 .n ftmul 3 n/a ays atloevvn Plan CM k Wa1FUePro4nan.¢ 5 BoolTS.ek: MC. 901.010 8 Na No ary aEVpNOv emty Fuedt�Fr rew s sshnd F xNC Mevu.m0 1 F1969'o s mn N9 roaXe�aevpuov PW Uxk Pbd RROe - Srsme ry9un MC. 91010 1 of PbvtilF¢ 4 Ne Nn aysaMradl , Pemtit /Lt+p. COmmeenal fire Alvm6Wk5ekn MC 911010 P l 4 af/e Nn aysaMrvdopryvn wuvemWPare NUmktik Sekry .1 Ns =L uA No w aenwov Nel MOdil4 mCM1m mExi PLn Pu Hdue- t Hwr Nmimmn M.C. Y:U 0111 $ 645.N S 4 &li Yes ay aM1eredoptlon val Cash w(Nev'COnamelim MIm,1ImdRk Vee IX6a¢s NC904.010 Pemail Re s n(a Np m atlopvn MMWIGssPIavRrviery Pa[meOn. Nrt &VKIXHm %ot Pemu 8 Na No 60 daysaXetadepNOv Fw Aaesz GaMRO m Pu M1w -I /E M1OUr h4nlmwn. 5 B v/a Nn zn. aav9avn vnWOUf COnecdma En - tW.W 8 S 2n ava etaeapuon A md/NOI Rgdv M "m (B-1) S >LN s i M105 ap atlopevn EPetiat9mim W dary aPetademlov Ns RegmN 9 2W.N 4 6 2. Yee 60dMaheradoptbn rnm, o -1xow MUUmum 5 b2m B 5 SN. cialEml P—it Sin Ie 8amt ft bLC A6LOIN $ 189.N S v/e Ya modem SpwlEVent Eapadre Re9uut WoXlutg Oen 8 3J9.N 4 5 IBiB!) Yee Aamual Fire l petNew S IS&N 3 5 1� Yee Gu a AnnuNPemdb inuk/ merval t 5 W. 8 B 16j Tea Curdle 1UV l bst Nmk ands Teomt 'm& Eeml FaM1 B SO.N 4 5 BFA Yu of -HVUrs 4up¢etiovla¢9'rst Pa Fbua- t HmuMUUmum MG9.01010 $ 293.p1 S - 4 390 Yes Immedate CiryN Newpoet Beatla Fee S[hedule Oak a"'PNm -3 l 2010 CPIAd)wMenl% 1. m. ba.eam Woe SERVICE NAME OfSCRIPTION -,,. -_,� Tolal oa Base Fee bapyLaablell,f Tolal o. tlassFre Innemenul CPI N. ImplemenuNOn Oale O @ARTMENT kL6EGllAROS _VOnC b pAfm. 1.51100e'.FUYa LOadM HOUSI/ Nre(a tlo: S basske�Mwlr U4O0 EVealal Eaenb PmEVmllnepeeE�n Eerviaa Ptt Hnue- 1 HOm M;awnum M<.901.0111 4 2R Yez meAme V ue Cn FVabadan Ol qc Id M[.9w010 S 3N 1. FSeml:e9uHding PUNia Radom Cmmge Syabn 5envzb PdvaRSm¢mres SmambpmaNyvxndbldb ¢dnwlampliH®timasys4msby Nw O:vage COUVb 56u;N{umew. COmmunimaons UViuox um heAaV Of H¢CIN PaI¢eantl FreRry:mw::;a 1N0 %psss WOxgb of OCSM1eNf {mmwa Com:nunimXws U:asion Cha g n/a ;o pdvaMyox +cetlb;dimnmalamplidmtiw�sytle�by Ne Rvge Cwmy 9�eaH {Drove: COmmunkadoe�s paa¢on on bAW(offbe CJy PoI;¢avtl Fbe @paw MY Pax NmxgM1 olpCymiN{omre Commmiaado:u Gv1sisrw�CM1are. N-1 Abl- Wceds, RUbbINMdOtlw :YWSmm AtFUlemh.1 M1 I¢14 __ 8 Na No WeeN�RUbbkh Md Otlre NUbmq.Aahalaosb+45% $eciilEVm; Fire4 e5mntlb P¢somW um(tOPA FUHy [oadaa HOmiy Rao [aplreM;vl 5 "r "Nbaae (¢xM1nual MC9N3.030 5 n/a Rof blMwW 4a I @tl aNn'NebasesaR. aN berviea aaNSa MG]b.OdO 0 5 b Llk Pn HOUe Mc 1.11, 9 19.W 5 5 Yez Imdos Guard -R dml MC.316 NM g 65 N0 ) g luwoa GUaw!9omaame mea m MoxoM s W b s rz.W 5 WPLn Reaitw SeMati Nexpna Pa.HUUr -I HOU. Mbb:mn Me 9 pt010 s I.. 4 4 193. 1. Md­ pb- .,i- Pee Ha.. �l HOUaMinimum M.C9W010 1 Yes 60denaReevBnpnon !ile p ial FyxatlC Imaon PttHOVe -t HOw MWmum FLC 9.M.010 ^g3D] 8 A 1. Yez 6pa Corvm 31C 9M1110 N 5 3 ap adeglon Ra@P COnFdeamnRev4w E¢ Aamal CnA -6u mw A¢nxn; xm 51pW Ic 1 11. S n/a w rn:al Cvp -In ealFwvw AmwYq umfl,tlX1 ays atlopevn TM, dUw UK 0. R tt Mc9M ➢10 5 4y.W b 1 -a Yes 6pa Haca,wawxmaw tFm Marmnm) rm xm,aa lxmMw,:m„ Mc9mmB m s � .mrum Fed MwineagmPlm la rlml P¢. Hm,. -t wm_naeam„m Me9tlimB s vsW s s sodm=na.amPeo� auv emmw, Petrov n %ofBwm' Peemh s n/a Nn soery.hm.mµmn Plan♦ a¢k Rnk WmBadonq WNONI AboveOe Below6400nd,Pa imk MC 9 Xk111 111. 1F,1¢ s v/a No aV ampevn emdf/ maxvupatis MektUly Pi " lvaludes Ondv muM F;ammWkfl wds P1 N L1. 5 No V edoptlon Pbn CAa'k Haemimu}rWedsls Pl bdW,, UMvm dFl-bk Li WdsP' MC 9.W 010 of.-il F¢' b n/a No ayaheredopdon SUU Mavtlapol IXAizmbry Aanuil FS Ic 11.11. s tnm b S Iba2.W1 1mm.elao. Ctiw Offs -d Tialmm<PadBlha 6kk PUeOmpnre Mc. 9.W OlB 5 aim b b 1998 Yes GreF+tll;lip A:muil F¢1 -99 C¢x YLC.9 M0;0 s 1g9W S S di.N3 Yas aUtil;ee AvnuJFee lWe Oau Ic 91.11. S #SW 5 $ Hn Im1a MdCnna'elamNFMB;in Mnnal Fee l- 1WEals 11 c 9:.010 $ I w S $ ?]le Yez Fio 'Uls:and CmvalcamFad4a¢ A:v:ua1 F¢]ON Os NOre HDd9' YLC.901.0;0 9 6.92pW S S MN.Ofi Yas o-ss /MOwa AammlFmw. a9 HOOma Ic 91.11. s tum $ $ f»Hl) Hnreb /MOrek 1.-a Fre.11 Oe Il -Rmms MC. 9.W 010 s 'JaSm b $ 191931) Yes avGreFadliars :snnval Fa "1 904.0;0 f Vim S S 1139111 Yas m use BUEJInv g 4tv5,W g T 09U Rddmdal Hl R1z Balml s 1.-u Fre MC. 9.W 010 5 P9$m b S Il,li].1� Yes ReddmNl Care Fa N; P:e1i¢:veW Px HVUS- 1xmuAtiNmum. Ca H:re1;F antl(ABrt 6) .S¢tirn1L95 (AB Mf61 S 233p1 8 Immadmce. w.amm„Ma;mv,l.s�wne. een, .mm.P O.do.;.¢www InatilaPw,:l Mmi¢ICx PmmRS,;Nil FU;. oa<w..>m.tlnkvaeou¢.wmkg¢I�aLM1m 2.aWC.w. Mc9tlimB s so.W s s No Po.xmwaw Safm ema.mml aa. ®m.mmm�d gw bom¢anmamPao� MNkaleasPwd<Wmmation tiff &Vrt IXBres ti ®Las1Mn1 MC. 9.01010 5 W 5 5 o Pee HealNaMSJev COde.mW ke mrvm;eavretl+SO e:ado 0 Above =d5pngeT Pm Taak Me9.61.010 $ 1f1.W S - $ ISR 94) Yes Immedwm CiryN Newpoet Beatla Fee S[heJUle Oak a"'PNm -3 l 2010 CPIAd�wMenl% 1. w. bmauu Woe SERVICE NAME OfSCRIPTION - ... �_,� be¢uwnpl -lif Tolal oa Baze Fee apP4eablel Tolal oa tlassFre Inaremenul CPI NWq ImplemenuNOn Oale FMEDTMtM &I6EGUARDS Emu - J- R¢Gl q=�slnp of FVAs bkC 9Lk➢10 Ix:A.lfil _ ____ = =SGlbngx00 Cube Fal,3M Powtls U.0 9.N010 1 1. se a=u+ez6 = =SSGelbns, Llocube F¢I.Sm emuac M.C. 9..11. 1 MW B s 195 2- IOChmOmla = =53GilWns, x00 Cubic F¢1. SIYI pounds NC 9.N01N fixfi.W S 4 &15 - llquni=ils = =s3 G+Ibns, x00 Cube F¢1. SIyI Pounds BLc 9pt010 S lw S 4 943 sxoawa=ils = =s3Glbns, x0pcube F¢1. SIyl POUnac mc. 96t01b S Sb3.W s s xlJOmvrvols = =SGlbns, Lq cube CM.spIPOUnac mc. 96t01b S 999W s s xo99 memrcAk nGaLLw+S WOCUb1cFmAp OOUnaz 1.1,5110 5 $ 13.81 Yes metllem CiryN Newpoet Beatla Fee S[heJUle WN a"'PNm -3 l 20IBCPIAd�wMenl% 1. wv bmavv Woe SERVICE NAML OfSCRIPTION � �_, � Tolal oa Baee Fee mapVhasblAl,( Tolal oa tlassFre Innemenul CPI NYI(/ Implemen aNOn Oae GFNERFL SERVICES Lu�mn5be¢ISaash&n HenluYOn N9]- ]0- Vana4le R a o Rmlvtionigl�N -VaMNe Em¢P¢ PrrRddmtlal11v1Prr MOnIh MG2300311� 3.N 6 RC4 Yee mmeMa¢ UemWltlon Omio - Valwtiotlof8]b 999 Rmo - Vilaatuna(SBIO H,9N MG13020i 4 S/I.N 6 689 Yee mmeMe¢ Owm - Valwlivv of 4;NW b89,9N 4mv - ValwtivnalSi.WN1v 59,999 vm Aa.0 150 ?N5 8 IJ12W 3 14f1 �Valuatlonn(SIN.ttp sndeFwe Rmo ae Valua4on MSSO.W]vW above - - 1.9i3W 4 ID.M ImmeNh p WnaB¢mwl Mminlsbatima iee Tammutretm Re4mNitim MC 1i0 ?NS S t]l.W 8 P.14 Tee Immealm CiryN Newport Beativ Fee S[hedule Ovk a AdapNOn -3 l 2010 CP1AdI'�+lme ^!% 1. w. m.eao�WOe SERVICE NAML OfSCRIPTION 0.EFEAENCE � Tolal ov BVZe Fee Q¢vwnpl -hl �.pphmbm Tolal oa tlazeFre Innemenul CPI Np(/ ImplemenuNOn Oale MRBORRf5O11RCE&Npk- WAO.Rmurtes kaaaereviexedN deull and atl)uzLnm¢wertmadebeani onzvudareNl¢and weCPladjusmilas Sa ortl.eq ®evlann D¢agTg MC 17555 ➢Id) BLMpa4 51,19633 Vey Plan Cbxk F¢wp New Cwemn'No¢x'/ !m'el M.11N N3IWI 3699W 59III 63 an CTsk CV MamlenWUe @p(tl) MMC11�. S162W IMnMIu MssinePeewrei9u5 ". W9.W 83295 Vez RevpermllTwu&v C— I— ml- do ®mmmer&I lers MC19W.pNII) RSLW IR9L611 N'a1t L6t lva Baia Tarhl0e9n Sp .end Gare c NC 1y1. E3fAN 1¢1,04) mN Pew16 MniulPmd<Fm cl llip-09p R95W S1pS1B Vez Liaeabp N'aiN Liu Fa MC 17U I11IB1 53900 S15.fA 6A ua Sun 565AW S65pN ew he Immw u mmm"vld 1].Ip.Ctl &4LW 5361.W Vez Nex'lze Mar'ure Aa'tiviXes Rmd<- lJ lbplp §t9ZPo 5192pN Tez Vew rce Immedam. CiryN Newport Beatl, Fee S[heJUle Oak of AJOPNm -3 l 2010 CPIAd�wMenl% 1. w. bmaoo Woe SERVICE NAML DESCRIPTION �_ � Tolal o, Baae Fee °P°1°1a1 -h( Tolal oa tlassFre Innemenul CPI NYkB Implemen,NOn Oae uBRARV Seav¢rs _ cwanelma fa. m,vu,mmm,lo- mom L�TL,sR�om.,eeeas.ml C— tp.;,17 s m Clwge.W PwgnuuaMEPNYim Pvogmm ,Renal ACOlutwn lW1-16 6 ties Ane,nECUINnI5m4a +ry r ..030 ]36 5 No. Nd5e11mazFmral Pe m Uwl MC. 1.36,ON 5 I I Na Revbls lurv,arue.lkf ^RiR AM $1 -ap Fm Mry Be Reryiretl. A V aJabi4ly Ma 9elimlM,pbn Bmdtlimu Ma A ImmeN,u IXry41c Z tP,ary COmmwIty ROOM Nm'Reewdab4 G, Fa l!ve Of GtM MdiG Fwd MC.3 ?6.I. 5 P0.00 5 No metll,m Cmval Lib C—m .Room Relwtle6le.Ux Ol Public Addrms MC.3M030 4 1011.00 5 Na Rtlonaebb C" RduOdable Clunin NC .3X030 S SeNp AVtl Oemup Fne Cmeal Lib COmmuN Room SeN MG 335.030 'S ]SO] t e 9O¢M1 Adito,,Cba N TORemva Olc Cl. M.C, M, U,Mll Ha AOPOM m Emblleb CM1 R Od, wC,t ImmeAm MnNv Cmval Libor COmmwi ROOm N—A R idml Rare. FeePw Hwr l HOU. Minimum MC 1.36.030 5 E0 S No Cmb+I L3 Cumin Room Nor- NO0[Y —.® Bale, Fw PU Hnw 2 HVw Mm — mc .3.,. S $m 5 Cmo-al Lib,ery CommwvN ROOm apR®itlent Ratr. Fa Pe,FNiI,2Haw.NWmum 5 ep;ip E No ImmeAere Cslal Lba�y COam�m111y mom PnvaCNOruvdmf mle;Fa Pa Hwa2Hmv\Woaoua� MC.� %030 5 Ifi6Ot S - Nn ImmeMm CiryN Newprxe Beavlz Fee S[heJUle Oak of AdoPNm -3 l 2010 CPIMIwMen1% 1. w. ba.eaor. WOe sERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION -,� Tolal or Baze Fee 1^°e°r`nlal -hl avv.mem Tolal oe tl�ceFee Innemenul CPI NW(B ImplemenuNOn Oale PI.ANNLVG _ Am- Radio dEare.re OIZXMrerma Permim A I,u , MG 30 511.050 5 1359W 5 161A ays ampavn e- Generil lryan CCPOM% 5 36R.W 4 1.95 Is 60dayzaM1eraaoMlon Ammdmmn�PWmM COmmwyY npplvntion �pv Mw CCPO1ury R�1 5 Ifi3.lp 4 1.95 Yez 6odrya alreraaopXOn Ammdmmre -Z CMe/ ePlm A lim nm Xmrt MC 30511.050 115 Yes ays ampavn bMC1 Cowvl A 14zEmr MC 2061.30 5 9,1 W S 60dsyz M1ereaNNOn ApP b PNaNrrg Cmmvtizeioa ApptiuMn MC3B61➢30 g q,3t5.1p 52M ties 60dryaalrerebptlon A weal m Cw A limn MC 30511.050 5 6AN 5 4:9 ays erampmn CetifieateolUmr Tarr¢ A b I. MC N250➢50 S 4 L19 M ereWMon neW BpWmtiNIXVeWpmeaf Pa W! APPO .-,Mw C,Mll.SN $ I..W 5 19i ties 60dmalrervloptlon Com 4ao¢Inmz./ Minor PxoMZ FexerN liu®n MG 30511.050 S 313N 5 -A-l.- [mdwNn:r.m UmerCOn Perm'n A liafiwr 1961.30 S 1,2M.W 4 - 1195 M M1eraEaMon mrpMnuivx /Imovativesign Pem@ APPOUMn�Pm Mw MG20.i2.130 /lio g 163.W 5 ties Wd'.M1, .om 0rvtl tPlm- Plamrai(inmwrN A 14enm- Mor MC 1050.50 5 162. 5 195 ap ralvpHVn One6 War 5 362.W 4 L95 r/z M1eraEaMon itttbr /StdHAppwvel App4uMn C, 2D 11.11 $ S11Jp 5 10.1P Vez 60drya.M1,W.om EMmzion of Time- SUMivWOrr COde A limn MG 19.16030 S WN - raivpdvn PMm ®on o(Time -ZC @a Abatement An'odl A limum MG 3054.M0 S flW aysaperaivPlmn pl Revmmb War 362.W 5 1.95 e§ 60dmaM1eredop0on Hedd§e Lgn Rev WV App0uMn�Pm Mw 4050.50 I 1... 115 Yes 60dpyv Amrebpdon Im liw Pm4m A 14enm- MC 1040.150 S Wtp 6 W ap era. p- kwOV.V9 lgp.W Ye4 OdWz .10.0n Lmtied iemtPem0p� more Mm 10 C, 2D .50 ➢50 I 921m 1211 Yez rya.M1,W.om Li- .d I- Pemitz- emmwlales A Huhn mC,"150I1" 1 .w 6 ap ralvPHVn 1 1451.. s Yez ry M1ergaMon L.N, Apptiution I'mm Yez Wd'.a,W.om Modlfimi ®PV.mit A I4 MG"I 50A150 I.MW 6 22b --A-l.- A b'e I. War law y OdM ..100Mon OIFyYp Patimg Ageemrmt ApPOUMn,w ]050.50 ASMC.i25 I... 19i Yes Wd'Amrvbp m orstirmeeA limdon liu®n 1 656m ays aiapmn brs L'rauae A� il A L'rary'aa MC .S 1E6D4 ez M M1eradaMon Plmtl IXv bpmml Pw t MC 4.50.50 5 1... wdm.,W.om RmnrvbleA¢omiEeMn A I4 MG 1050.50 1 1- 6,d --A-l.- tRevlew -mnia Ptl S 9pA.W X1.95 ryz M1erada0m ti¢Cm4opmene Revgn � Pla, Cammtglm App0u -,Mw 2D 5Q.50 1... Vez 60d'.a,W.om .1dhizuru- 1-1 Me A Ii MG 19..:W0 S 3. 0w 5 I0) ays aEapavn Mar 5 362W 4 1.95 ry ner paMlon Nvkww VU0ng -IWati MaP App0u0 -M. 1... 19i Vez ,,.,,..Om iekeom Pe a -c-al A liu®n- Mur MG 15 W0 S 162. 5 195 - ea Ttlermn Pemdt -PWnia O4ecbr A bI. Wa 195 n e,.a, ReRm SWYY ApPOUMn,w cl 1590AM0 I Od,.a ,W.,m Tmnzhe o(OSMO 14enm- Mur mC,"150.1 1 :fit. 6ompa,Yeramp6vn u�Pemr:rlCm+:riwaB- Plaa,ia Comm - A lira 1111.11 1 I.M 4 155 6odw nreraeoPnna I:ce Permit lMihoal�ZOam8AdmlrNSo-amt App0uMn C,2D5Q.50 5 1.939.. s 21.A Vez 60dm Aterebp0on Vwnu A liu®n- Mur MG 10511.1 1 62. 5 195 6omy¢aM1eramptian ning PW 21. S 115 abp:vn CiryN Newpoet Beatla Fee S[hedule Oak M"'Pti n-3 l 2010 CPI Adj'+Ime ^1% 1. w. bmdo� Woe SERVICE NAME OfSCRIPTION RHRBHNf'a ' Tolal oa Baae Fee Q¢vwn¢1 -h1 Tolal oa tlassFre In<remenul CPI NWq ImplemenuNOn Oale PoLLCF No @- Poli¢ kawnemiexwM In dedJ and adryzo,im¢weremadebaal on mdvrezul¢andnMCPlatl�uzM,mn Admi it 1.1, C et Cntle601gi 20 NC.335.0. Ii0E0 561.A2 ai MeaPmuemwl IXM OI Smx FZmbhZ Fee P.G1205➢{nl Vo 1� Con<vled Wm I. 1RVewal 1.11.11 — &1,,11 etl Fee P.C1205NIA1 .111- En<blifitt1- Yl5 ,, Bubz, Nc 1.NB 4 .1. S10iS1 ImmeN u swpP Se , Nike Lt—I 11 C 1111.1 S 3Aq (E0.tt NC.336.OW S N.W SID,OF A- II Repoeh S IOW V,. Vez CNme P.BM B AN QW Tn(h <WBSiw P.R AeI 9 tOM $$ uua4lxaz F S 3E.W U". Vez f] TaiIBOO Fe< Ca1JmNe6 oeemmml Gde2A55B3 S .7W 9KW No 1WGSGp ESbbllsbolFss 1NM SIap Faybl¢ie1P¢ IL C' "1". f IM W'. Yes SaliomrPal liealon -u tt,U —,I 5 36w ew Fae SoE1:me. k.Md�lnmmmm 1 N.ttl ewcee Reglro-vla. �artoMZ B Nu Ne fa d,a a n<'e M.e.3.x S w wra lea a Animilc Im1 MW�FS Pag, G¢AndgMa 5hMW 56epNVUb hLC. 7.1615tt S 39W {411.311 Ves .1—dl. Small Arvmek M.0 9.111. 6 3NW IWI]1 BuudinF qumal Atltr�A N. nzMl2a IMmeedlu 0wNmg Fce SmW Mivuk SbeOU Agremml No 1a basal on zheI- I-Alt \10 abaznionsFAMa �c� on,6tlon M owtlN W Atltr�A on Nellea IMmeedl u Spay.Nealcieee pNee Nan On ®oNwmea SbehU Agsmml No Fa 1,,MOn"tr mmMivle Muc Am —IU Smirea PeS MC]69.O1N $ llbm gif.4 .Animal�m Ewlm M6YBed A6 M.C. F.W.090 S SB.O] (g3p59) Tes ImmvLare CiryN Newport Beativ Fee S[hedule Ovk M"'Pti n-3 l 2010 CPIAdIwMenl% 1. w. Leann Woe BERVICE NAME OfSCRIPTION RHRgHNCa ' Tolal ov B.ze Fee nemen¢1 -hi Tolal oa tlazeFre Invremenul CPI Np(/ ImplemenuNOn OXe PoLLCF Nok- Poli¢ kawnemiewM In deuJ mdadryvonm¢weremadebaxf on mdyrezul¢andnMCPlatluzbmm� I.SC Animal lns 'on SenArez V\Yld Ndmal Pemd¢ M.C'lRM SBAO S3it i41 Kennel tkenze A9 vtlwlz 01.(N Ut]].]I) Is Kelmel time 10.29 uJmAZ _ Hfi.W 15148 b) ties I4mtl Wema 31F59mlmvlr IIlw maAR Kan,.n;.aa,e al. a^aws s 2muo Is549m � Immm.t. whpom.rM wwa eaitio.�Eadatee epee lsw �ro so.w .hugels Pa'9unXV M1mu I15 mint Taalk<.6 w.maam m,gewnaso.lBeu Paaw,ilB]n pv pg mvr' No miwrdm enamn.aalrea mamm AlaamA lia'ntiweN Monimralmllwmnibretl M.0 a "!9050 S SBW SgW bvF¢ gmmal MC ii4➢F9 S 2HpJ (SIBA¶ ImmW u TXtluJal AmewY Fee AegWmtial Almpl+emll. f 1IW $II A9 Vez A-1 R-1 lke Communal Alam Pamit .15'...5 f 17W n 5' nn SVZlem M114P OBi S N.OJ 51].fi] Immeealu oeNgIXW aeYageoiTm OmLL - s 13.Po 41062 ties mmMivle VeMa'Ie51 OI[He Po 51 nOR 5 15W (sxiA $0m mugmry R®p nRBiI1Ng - 91N Ves Pa6ovL COee �t50 rlmMiXe Pzluaban¢Atltin CaN /Ae S SgW ew Re Memze 4 Hand /P—O ff TagC MG SY 3 No No luiz dta d Mssa Liantss Teelminmt 4ntion M.c v"a10#a $ W1W S1x1W T¢chtltlznAaenil XC.iA0V S 347M S'M9Ip ImmW u Mezzegetium�ve Opuama hLC. aA.OID 5 ]5B W 1534659) Ves Mmi L'uvtss IXF Premuu M.G V'3ti0ti 5 956W (SSAv Tvw!¢ MCiA ON S 15E,Po YN%4 ImmW u Mezzagetium¢e zticHWNOpenlm hLc 4.1.0]0 4 ?3&W 153]1 f01 ties Mssa 1i HIM! .1l PmaNdmm Ac, v'n10. S 54L.W f&154R Mena Stgi I— Mc 1A0. $ pSOW SV91?p ez Immeelu Mvzagetireane QWe - 50.030 4 I5].Po S1'NR Yes mmMime IJUwge [iaenY Managenaaa pn NGS.i0o3(I 5 6xOp SIt NS Ye. Immedlem CiryN Newpoel Beavla Fee S[hedule Oak of AdoPNm -3 l 2010 CPIAd�w)mm1% 1. m,. ba.eao�WOe SERVICE NAML DESCRIPTION � �_ � Tolal or Ba¢Fee yapVhrablAlr( Tolal oe tlFee F¢ Inaremenul CPI NYI(B Implemen aNOn Oae PVBLIf WORI(5 Mar CM1Vk3mtle 354N 937 Yll ap p y17600 1 .1 Ven 60dmaM1V eappflon hlep Gxk {omp4g y3V5Vp 5 39P6 Y. 60dryaellerebpXOn Ev'mnchmml FemNf WiOOU[Olhv Oepl. /Olv. Ikview C, 11 030 1 P2Y.W 5 Y. ap nerampevn Emwa6mmrPmNeµiNpN¢ a 1. /LYV.RMnr g 101. Y 345 Vv M M1eraaaMon EwwrLmml &EOg, ngv¢mmlPrcp c 3.Y.V3o B 95 m 5 I1a1 Vn 6odMalmrvlopuon Vommml Rematladon F¢ MC. 1.36.0311 $ M. 5 334 Yen. ays raivpdvn Field tlon wb/ W mNE W ewa14 /Lllvewa}'/ Nm�#aMmtl Mp.FV'X tloall3V' mnlpll -I6 E 116.W S Vey epaXV 4pgloo E in¢nn FieL In tlon Serer/Watu Mera /Fireem'i¢FVndupjound OnlinmFnd In /lo¢tlon R®IUlion TX11 -16 $ 196W 5 1.]fi Yw. maM1erampavn nia lve PerkwavilevnrFevX lve Rmlutimrmll -w B 196.W 5 1T5 Vw m neraaaWon Vtllideg Field Server COnnealion /WarerSVnecEedal RcoWnon YFllJfi $ 1P8.03 Y 1]b Ys aysaneraiopevn Intlane RduslmenaU¢4iv Fre NG3 #V30 5 1,p920V 9 1245 Vp 6pdmaXer NppXOp Rcea¢RReviewg /Pm�giug Mc 3...0. 5 104W S 116 Vd 60.dMaM1ervloptlon Cv h,-ofG imi¢Raiew Mc 1.36.0311 5 93.OJ 5 330 Vm. aFOUMap VC3Twrs ays raivptivn Saret FZSemem.mvamnon Pr.mviv .Fee NC.I.1. 8 9T.W 6 It3; YM . mre VGBMma 'av nerpaMlon GvmW Ag¢emmtRwrcA &Rlview. Fm Cturg¢tllpurlY MC. .1603(1 3.. LOa % IIG4. Hmr1 Rate du aysarler MOpXOn 1.. 1&, nm Plan CLed. Clm hom Mc]3fi0. No 1 CVadrtl Hwtl ezle(a -1-) 'e p TnfYa ('wlml PyvCL¢4 bLC.I m0. 5 32L0 E L43 YM ry aaoµloe TreRLL'CnnhvIPW CM'Y N 36 c 3..0. $ 132W 5 UA1 1. 60da/saXereaopXOn T¢( &Spd' Vlitizn wlalde mneWUn1 Mc 15411. $ Np WO be ..,d Weed vn wvaulWtbiP 6omvs aM1eramptivn Plan CXp*wlrh Prei4mtiteeviex Clu Mburly MGJ36.0. a¢nopa Np 10T.IrotlW Fiqu1 Rap( md61 60dmeNreaepXOp Tr tPlan a" V To.w. M.C. 193A.OM1 uno4s 630'k N.o 6.5`.of valueu byIWAMI_AWlmrvreum zn. aavpavn m Caer4 BINASJ3 TO S100,W3 Mc 193d.0ID $ 8.6@3.00 400% 5 0% (ee br 6N St0J.0 W .Inuemmul mgh for amowe avu No SIN.fKKI p aappXOn iracl Plan CFUk Ovu41011AXM1 M.c19 EJ0A1 5 $k]1000 AOfP.6 5 0% &ae(u kn11rs154roPR3- incemmmlmq(oramonnrovv NO NN.M1JO ap aavpevn AmrW PUVUI dEwoarbmeNU9.OP¢t Cewtil POILLV Lss 321W S 1H] Y. 60dM anveaoptlon O¢anfivnl EnvoaAmml Mnualiwdl R NO(FSweclmmf3A]S Peel CouMlPOlir L12 $ 48300 $ 381 Yes yJmaXeramgava x s 3a. M .mwm OmnlamlEmioarhmmf Mnnal FVmir rb Oi Emrverlwmf 1., 1- C-.. PolicyLl4 $ 96400 5 1163 Vm. sorry Nerampdvn numC�mml Pevrvl. ticvtion 8 - E Yw 60dmeNreanpXOn nmm erwmacAmmr.1 l}am(v Cnnnal Pnu � 21 $ 136W 1 1 B9. v.. afa. ativmvn awTlemvi< Atmuill3re FUOnadeO gal S E I 1b m ampXnn Vmin E.-.. -I.l Amaal VSe F¢OUfaide Gn MaOVV 100 .F4 Counnl P,I,q L21 $ 33100 Y 3.03 Vas ap ativpevn mw A¢aomndmiogYetlon mmAUOUN adMNea.YOn Seenvn i2300GPUbliv COnnaRCOde 8. S Y. m eenpXOn urvryReview .WP CMrY S Y. EOdma6nradoptbn Mo-,t Wtlh PemdblPPl&l) $ 46900 5 i'. Y. ays aaopevn Bah.-1 .1 Mf. 3 511, 5 1 YM WdmM ebgloo I%9min Genre Rtlundable MG336.0311 $ I.ON.00 5 avaaMrativpnvn V vndllhtiieclilW lF) Befuvdaby Rwlutimr2W1M S. 6240V 5 Na 60dmaXereanpXOn ItWergrowd Ontiliv pW LF). E i0B1.00 5 No 6Bdma6nramptbn M uirtd G Rtlandable kcoWNOn 111-04' nfa VvrFa ava abpevn 6 tOOamreRmtlt T, pmure Ol PVblie Pao MC1262.m9(EI S 5200 S 043 Yea 6pamaXerebpXOn TanFOry�NO Par4mg5ign Temprcary NOParMrig Slglu $ LN S OA3 eaagim CiryN Newpoel Beatla Fee S[hedule Oak a"'PNm -3 l N Ajmt 1. CI w¢m Woe SERVICENAML DESCRIPTION � -�_ � Tolaloa Bav Fee neuwn¢t -h1 x.vvhmhm Total oa tlassFre Innemenul CPI NYkB Implemen aNOn Oae LTILITIES Waln RelalM feee wade Eenia xnillaBnn Fa NwOe ENa Wa¢e5eni¢ 5 Wala San'Ire ESUbtisFmm<Fee 61.W 5 ties wnensnire Faamlannanl Fay anRrc xm s tutu-) C—dO, en CO Wa¢e rvc Ia12N30 3,sd WvM5arvlah+mpBCbMltr- UMVlIavA - ve CFage ISWO - 13.Itl 5 kY No WamiMa- �mnticMm -1 Lrch MootlN 11'ar¢Smi¢CM1a MG1f.IR010 5 L92 5 10.32 No waME¢rvi¢- Wmyd[Nab -ll /Zi RbnM1 N MC 1411. E 91:61 S No N'am5¢n'Itt�O3mwtlalMln�SxN _ ee CMage 13. pJ.0 5 698E $ NI33 No WelvServive- �nlaticMm -3LrcM1 11—s— C., MC, A 11.1110 5 13091 5 11291 No wve Eeniee -W—,Ie 44 tze Ee CM w MC 1412= E S1PE8 6 N'aM5arv1ee O3mptlaMeki 6xN mu5 —CMage 13.030 § 95631 1 I9 N No Watvirvlve- �m ®ticMm -BLrcM1 M— 1mo1VV Cl. MC 1f.11.010 3 RB19 S No Wve Eem¢- WmmYNeb- 10ivaii MC 1412@0 S 1,354.93 S Oimpticb4lb -124vL - veC w NLC 1412 . @0 $ 1A1flN 4 1,018.64 No 1n��via. Fd lmaTEx 4 /MUItl- FauWVUni¢NOnrnI.Re Pee l;nXxE¢e -s Otgre MC A12030 4 N. N'alaim¢- Addillvnil &tlmomsAUnik \LmNlyke /aNllaneessolmv �Mrel /maM /M1Upilil /maz Mme MG1f.11030 0'0. S No FuelircErrNee -Sxrh ManrTly Wa¢e5e�via Cba NC 1412890 30.W E No _ CWge § ID.W Y No 1'm'areF relNe Leve�binpl MonFM1I Warta Fervke CM1a MC 3113.10.0 5 3RW S Fve L'KSsvRe -Bbd) ManMIV Wa¢eSmue Cv MC Al2M 5 49Po E Na u'e CFVge 11.0 S SO.W Y No I'm'are Fire 1111e LOVe -12iKM1 MnneM1l WertrSmke CM1a MC lf.13.1190 S 61W 3 umMQa Sam ybWre4 m uC 1412139 1 3yI.Po E Lluge: - NLC, 1412 125 5 193.W 5 ties Ware'TUn CM OI meal atkaA MC 1411.125 1 3!4W f Wv¢$hurOlE -i Plaem�vd MC1412130 S 10M rt- RegWVM § 110.W 4 1.W No Hyd�tTeae lbme /Mhva TOt a 1.6u3tw 36 1 IN. 6 AW Hvdtan<FlOw Tes<�Wlhlnwg ice %ewludw8U9{b. 5 190.W § No IWT Meke0ox Fm PVkwa kSWevalk RmludmlMNR6 n/a No Actual Cng�liM1 xeraa, eFl i and Fantl' 1 xvT Meo-. Bmxd Paekwa &SWewa14 R•solue'ou3W336' n/a o Actual COStr 15 °. bau; 2L1L1MR'e BOx le'ay 45Wev'alt ewludwEA9{6, n/a Yo Aavual CO. 31Wax, shi and Mntll' ImnuMme 2 WT MNa 0m 13tl For Pm4 'av h5idewalk R601udm2lp M n/a No Actu11.. lit xeaa,.. and M1antl' ImmePalz xcT \felt' Btu Lld aNetrA @v R6nludnn NlN pb' n/a o .c lCOnr 15 %b1 a; and hand" mMlCkre 2xfi31N+BOx tid eTakk Nley n/a No Am1al COSer 15 %W ax, shi and Meal' Imnadm Max WreVilve BOZ Foa Taalfiefi Alle , —1 Cnga lit xeaa, eFl and Fantl' Ilse VaheBmlld mire Ma trA @v R•eolue'ou3W336' n/a Actual COnr 11 %b1 a; akd Fe® Sewer Servlia P¢ MmeMl heblmnmalinn In ceveamkm MC. 1114065 8 iW 1 No ...d- Fue�4rnre Fre- NOWa¢e Uw Non161 mnnmHnn¢�vve�walem -x rvelmmannlM1eea MC 1424MO 1 625 1 on a kLC, A .HPoS $ 2W § No Sean USe fee Pn HwdaNCUbk FM OI Wa1v USM MC 1414 W5 5 x0.9 E Na g 3LMee [le td.0 1434055 IO.W 5 coraltttion Faa.Gry Pa Mery ewme[B.m 014240.53 § 150w 5 0..W No Sevn4TI0m R I,Nn10NR6 Ii, xeraa,.. aMFantl' se.e4rrea. ud xouxduuzw9 B6 ad0§i nta n ..I CUn r Ill tut a ;w andhana- mkeelkuanea rrexh Pl.MPmW -4'x8' wnYly Penalmamvain mllsn¢ — kmmxrvul R— I,d,,2MHM a teal 8 141101 x.wrl.Plars RmW -Tr 1P Wo411ten¢lhewv¢x m Rsuxdnnxm9 F6' 1 ZL'N 1. ILm) Sreneh Palm leadal�6:e M' wcetly WVelba wvvxgmuwNmvla, mewo-l:mOVmum 5 M'N 1 ILaTI No [illxg Ele Fm Hmd�Plate Ry. a�IQdy NOBme1Fw Rasoludan EIX5F6 § I..W 5 - No ImmeMa¢ CiryN Newport Beatla Fee S[heaule Wk a"'PNm -S l 2030 CPIAd�wMenl% 1. w. bmao� Woe SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Tolal oc B.ee Fee °P°1°1a1 -h( �wvhmbm Tolal oa tlassFre Innemenul CPI Np(/ ImplemenuNOn Oale AFCAFAT3ON AND 5F MR SFA CFs messwg Fee npptieamprcgumana tultiry aeawvlucgez xs.W Nu sp w sernae. rsAOUaoaO dVdl BCmm Rmluaun SN -06 $9W.W n9gp No R szal s.,�m® ww ,�cm� PeM� Rmlusm. ffNAS axsao lmm.a.�.. F so 00 rsea.na as All OMealiv am. ena F.Nian amo. PZnllrvrsmwllmtlwsTi.N1 Rmluaon xf0l -06 SAW s No Mlvnd CM NlgbuPry myW Faeilmo Pq cam Oc Fanlity RmwlflSW OCmore) RwWtim�XM -16 E20(q 4 gtlultspm6 hcY P.mtlml b Tezma UC.33fiN30 S ASS. �vamc amtrMoche. olleyenR NOxe9dea Lngu T— S N. A mnegoelataem�uaemef¢, meAam Vol4 4LC.33fiN3o 8 val4 G ou FIaYe b Na cnegmlare..wvaoloc!¢. Vall¢ /Bd4eMall Rnlaml d MG33fi.1M1 SI.Wm S w5 c SoAbap 4z ueT�s NC.33GO3N yM.W S No eem Spun NwvbNa�� Leagueinma 5690.W s Nn ieam5 m BakedellLw ue Teema M.G 3360N KN.IA ; No AWePoall t¢a ve ieama MA3W➢3B 6P90.W f No s u.m Nn AauI15o¢'ec fvld hdinamm¢ePss MC I'M 1B 1 §SAW y No RegnuaW�Fee la Regleveaw Fce MC.J360w SioPo S - Ne lmm.dm. CiryN Newprxt Beatla Fee S[hedule Oak a AdoPNm -3 l 2 Ajmr 1. CI wreWOe SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION � �_ � Tolal or Base Fee bapVhaablAlr( Tolal oa tlassFre Innemenul CPI NYI(B Implemen aNOn Oae nnCXENPION AND 5E MR EFAVICES Ic No onryio unBNnh� 0m Swim Lnsnrrs NOmesiaevt Grou NC.33ti W(I No RSS OU¢rarHasAVrhvXr i Eslahlishpu Has2 vn Cv# mediate Swim LaauRavdml SmN -XVnk MC.336.030 No RSS OVabr HanAUNOeiN io Eaubfuh Baud on COrt Swim l ®maNOnmbmt SemIPXVnk Mcl "I". No RSS. Di 111 FW NONy TO EamhYNClurg Oared mr COst $HmL— Reraevt .1 1.,. N, RSS Zh¢ Has AUNVeiry TV E,bMishpa Bawd vv Ca# Sxdm L.— Nmrtnldmt Pmek MG33IN R5S Dh ., 1UIM1mi To Em[16hG Raudon COrt LXegwN Naka ry ucmriramNN ReLdprh Ot C336.0. oolm No RS.S, QVMaet3as AUdoXryio 65NWW9vrge Hassdm CO# Imnmdlm Llhgvaea vs N'alec Sakrylvslrucbciraining 41.C.33fiN30 N. RSS D'vabr HaswvNONV iv ESbbllsM1W Basedvn CVar CM1allm Coos ReXdml M.C.3Xo. $ Np .SO, IIVMm Aw.A, TO ESVn6451, Che 9—1 on Cort CTallmge COUrx Nmregidmt NICI I.NI. R omy TO ENNIhUUr¢ Ba dwCA Rrv¢EVVSwuv Resiamt ,LC 131. b o RSS Pv O- Has AVOrvX i Wa Hawa vv Cast lmfflldwk R—O —Ervin N—n idmt Dro In MC 336.030 $ _ No 0.5. DVU'mr Has AUOmnNTO EamblmOCF Bssed -CO. Lap$x�vr Reddmt AnnwlFsss S No R NOXry TO SUC1isrtUage HmmoaCart Immed•Imr G S N —iaenr MO 33". N, RSS DU¢rvrHasAVrhvXr iv ESWlishpu Haut odCv# L Nml dmr I—IN. NC .336.0311 $ o RSS Oieabr Han AUrM1miN To EUa h Reuel on COu Lap SINSV llmNmr Ou .. U.C. 3.360. g No RSS. Die HaaAUNONy TO EmhYNCMrg BWd M COSt a Avim R —tl t .1 1.,. N, 255 Dh¢rorHaawuNVaty iv E#ablishpa Bueavn Cas[ La Avim Nnnmldml In MC, I'M IN, 5 0 .5S Dh ., AOIFOeI TO E-[& Raudvn COrt Raidarr /FmFmv BMAB 6 Shared l:x Rare None fi1Nmnr®dsV FOUr MGONM 5R5A0 $ we[se Rare 1-1. 0-1 Mvr MO 3.1. ySCU 4 NO w.pmfit. Nrmreudem/ S Nn SM1ared lix Rarek Pm'nre MGONM .1w 4 SIVM IIURare Mua MO 3361. 5110. $ NO �t PR /b w 5165. S Nn Pxdmve llseflak P'avnk. Nw- resldmr M1wr MG 336.0. $1.. 4 51anLllu Rab Cvm 1, a¢ia.t M1. MO 3361. gal. 4 NO mmwaL nN.r t Ow $a0m S Nn EId.geOxflnm COr Tpal�ealdml Iwm mC, ON SMS.W 3 E.c1v #ve Crw Rare Cvmmwvial; nvmaesidmr MO 3361. En 5u All MIC ON ON f No R.S S. DVMm HU AUthod IoEUa MCha .a dOn COrt AaaiO —I1 eA Sbff Pes. HOff rxn hwa MC.3.IN 83041 $ No S.Ma DiseMelnmuUa Ptt aeerokn S Yo R S. DVaiorYr puMOXry TO EUehbhLOmgeHgadonCO# ImnmMam. Vw11r5 Orb all ReaiduX PtrPernn MC.336.n30 Sm00 b mMlCbk N SpwuFOOrbYINOwesidm! MG 336.0. STjW $ IN No Ilan Yount Raslre11re11R-,d -, PnRram Mc 3360" 57OW $ 5. 1. ImmeParz VouOS s0as4erbaHrvmunidmr eee¢emn Me3. §6.090 53s.0p 3 9W No Immedi#z CiryN Newport Beatla Fee S[hedule WN of AdoPNm -3 l 2010 CPIAdI'�+lme ^!% 1. w. bmaov Woe SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION - -� .. Tolal or GZe Fee Ive¢mmpl -I;f avvhm3m Tolal or tlassFre Invremenul CPI NWq ImplemenuNOn Oale HHCxHATIONw D 5 Mll6HHVIC66 PeeNreBazkelball Reziamt Per Person M.C' 336030 550. N C.33fi030 $31q Pre VUre Fmlbau Pv Person Mc"I". S50W Vn Pee N're FOOtball.Yarvaiamt Pa Peron MC.1360. ry'AO ra.kvW Fbla Re d.t Pn Persm Me.33fi030 YtOAp h 6poryiraJVW mevdenl Px Peem MC 3.360. S.. No Youth L­ Mg,mmflm Fre Pn Peron Mc I'M 0. lu 3.hoolPm PnC T_. Me. 3111. iaWW 5 No amP Fee PntlWa PP[ \w °a MC 1.960. $354. $ iM No f)av Cam Caricellatlon fide aorlev mave 91. $ No Oav Gm Catl6am� ]atla znoli.v YiSM 4 Oev Came Fee FUadLtip Pa Pxt101dpuxreeY AtG 3.X0. $103.. 4 No Hn15veCm o T1Ctll f F9l Mo Presa�m1101 vT /i 5195. 3 lID.W m eeY nlma4+ Pnaczl .111F Prevfw Iand 4435. f iYldl No Imm 6xakmvuca m llxak Xhnnvi Camnn Claevu PecPoro. 4 xfSIT.rtNrn n lmvpriw. wNGUrgp Cyyp TM1an$75 C].Y.039 y.W g No NmI- idmtAadnonJ CM1are -Cle Pn Peron Fre TISNOr Mme MC.3 m I. W. $ No Vonmitlmt Aaa;tloval Char a -Gm Pn._ NC 311131 EiOAp g y3,W 6pall 3vmy S n COmatAmeena YOUlh/Vlnnm Na t Ptt Peron Faor to nw Radtirre MC 3.3500 530.(p $ No snncml..!- Am:ewvn.0 /wm�Nm,eNaan Pa<Pem.,Fanrm m.am�lwa6ae MC. s.Xn. s3sm s 6«e P.maexoiaen Re Rrson MG3M0. 3135. $ No Immeal»e .xim s Ntl mm.3.re v..w 3ameamiy edam $ su Yea mm.3.re x..samoN..OeP.m.e,kN H.�aeT..,,rea: 1...11 wnm Nm,.eaae.l An.a.m..mo.Pem.;k o�om.. v3e;1N.n. 3HSS.W s 1Rm vee 4vellP txeadml3nk Fee NGWdar Oaya 311.1. 1.11 Yn Imnmtllm 1era l vamhm­de, ..l mGle,m.m -. Me 313.1. 31'1 k1 E 1 75 xa. Honed ro ONm 0.yaarmeeu No RcaaC W surm, lsvell Permle Ppp.N Fee BVNmIkNOmpldme m[n $190.. 4 I(5 Yez elt POmiraezitlw Ue.31N0. gv31W 3 eveli PUmSeNavetlam! 4t,933.Po 4 2i.25 Yez meAam ComPlex.6tan Rry W ang Prvd Cloanre; LevelEPemNl Fezitlm;Itte Fee AnevM1mm¢OrFmnieB Olhn mmmn WGImdar0. MGi.l0.0Y1 $I M].. $ 1].96 Yea ImmMm CanpM EZm¢R1quiM&R0ad Cloaum, IevelEPtimi; Nmv ®amllzh F¢ AXadmenn Or PemN¢B ONV Mw¢WCelmdar0. MC. 5.1ll.1311 $BRS.00 3 HN <m�PIO.Hxe.k RgWang R.N Clesws. [evel]PUmitA IFaeP 'dwtkNOn�sast Att.dmsb O.PemakH.OMm NC. "100. 4163.. $ 117 Vee 1.evtl }PemtitAetldem MC 3.100» 52,553.. $ 3R31 Level31e 1,1mraiam! MGi.l0.0Y1 y1,0.93.. $ 53$1 Ves Immeamrt CiryN Newport Beatlt Fee S[hedule Oak a"'PNm -3 l 2010 CPIAd�wlmeW% 1. w.Itmam WOe SERVICE NAME OfSCRIPTION s_, � Tolal oa Baze Fee be¢menpl -I;f Tolal o. tlazeFre Inaremenul CPI NWq ImplemenuNOn Oale RFCRENFIONMD5B MRSBR ES Lean reams reealdmt ule Fe. 3xnealmaaaa Mevao. IeveldPwat VOmetldmllzteFa wpm F..mk aey W a„g Rma Goame, Attammaa OtPemWSBy OeM1es➢ryvmuttK &tl+te<tmtMeea�tg 12J Glmtlar ➢as MC510.B30 S9,9B9.N _ Yes eee R®iamt$wmaWml mK Rsqu'wsg Rma C1aw.m. Anadmiv.K o.eemt;t� -obm➢a mKn lAeev¢ntMaen Me,1oo. s+1sM - .e,.¢yxo..,,w 511.1. r.1v x.a O vt.lerelE IetM2 ALLi.la030 $X150] 4 9Ri Yag dt -4veI3 ie.el3 Mc 51. SI2f6W 8 Additlwil Gall Halt oMThOreS MC.51. $1.. 1 3.M Y¢ mmatllek ImmeNak VinS M.c.3360M S3.BII 3 1W 1. SworRttreanan Clvea Y4030 S oetinCQm WFa &Itbe Ra. Closes NOnt¢Iae�[Atlditlolul CM1 a P¢Rnon F¢Lrzllvn x]5:00 MG3.36.030 Si.W 4 OASISWELWJESFimnzCmm AmrtilHeeidme MC. 336.0311 V.. S ligl No ➢A�WELWE55 FiMae Cptra AmmalNw.x®dm< MC.3.35.J30 $19 &w No ImmeNNe Ptll Renble Gwaatl¢, Oepotlk AM SeFUp Fio Ms' Be Raryv d, A.aWbili Ma' Belimlretl.OlM1¢MZhieNOnz Ma A MG 3.35030 $ Nn mmuNa¢ R to GFmmlltws mcll36,. 1115.W $ No Imnmdlme DA56MWti -Pw RROm YoNmM1OI MC.330030 ValI1.P S No DAS1SMWti.Ptvpge Rim WIdAkWio1 MCJ.350W Sillll.pl f No D.a56G eGessm� M.e.3360M 51B3. 3 M. OaVS Smwuaszmom g No BmmsA'Par DMeame k MC3360. S1.. $ Na MzeingvmmzaW Peau SISRm 6 Nn mmuNa¢ .I—Stoulty Me.1.1. Bip2w S No RemabRtl bla xM1eaule4cmza1OA56 C4aWttg F¢ MG]36.O.W $1MW $ No PehutaretlmkemFetlukh ' auze olOA51F ImnuMm ztv11 Guards MC.33GOM1 536Aq E No RelnstseW blssrM1 eaWebsauY OIDA515re A/VP ApPliezmaBlaytian MC 3.350. $3WW g No Re'malnreabhe;Fevu k!¢vtueol OA51F S.b p Md4 Em. Nc.33a0. Gymtmvuma Smry 4 No AB gAers $ MC 113 0. .11, $ Na Srmgy Stvmaege Bwulaatgerveeemeyio l4mtc Fwgy eozea f Nn R wary TO Er bl hawg Baxamtfrett medu BaWOS Cl— C G¢Y, Ca UB¢k Cti Dave, CmtmuN Yw CenhLMvanevry C, BYll C—m C Nt New rt L Cmm d,l Raiamt Fh. Fee F¢ Hwa 2 H— MWtwm MC- 335030 31 k1.M 5 Np Immetlp4 CJmmeamlN idmt MtpF P¢B—x HVw Minimum MG 3.35030 ¢WW 5 Nn mmuNa¢ NonSmfit Rezidmt Rah, Fee P¢HOtta3HOm Mtiamum MG3.35.11"O HiA3 S _ No Immealm CiryN Newport Beatla Fee S[hedule Oak of AdoPNm -3 l ZOIOCPIA �wMent% 1. w. mdm WOe SERVICE NAME OfSCRIPTION � .� ._. � Tolal or Bau Fee la°e°„nl'1.4( avvhmem Tolal or tlaaeFre Inaremenul CPI NNq ImplemenuNOn Oale RECREA'F1oN ANO sFNOOR sFAncss m,- PmM1lNOmesiamisl.. Fa I N—xHwr Mmiv,um N.e IN'. .s Il Pmek Rnidmt Rare,Fa PerHwrS HOUr Miitimum M.G IM030 $11. voak 1wadmt RVt4Fee Nn Hmv3 HOwMUtimum .I31. 1 NO metllem Whs SCammlvim�Mem�R mivdom MI I,,,. YiOAp ResVml NOn <YOUM ServiaeO ivNHr¢ MC.IiON SN1.00 S'H4W f Nn meMa¢ CommewlNmmzamf Rap, F¢Per33OmZHrn..MiWmw� Me .3360. $96ZW b Noa- 1'vNtRreNmI RaR Fee Per Hmu3HOw Minimum MC.I O. gObfp $ No Ram Fa PmlxwzxOwMVIW.am gesW g Na Pa rele R®iaemRale, Fa Per HOw2HOwAtiam�m Me .33G0. 5S[.N B Na PtlaareNrcamMmt Rak,Fae Pm Hoar 3 HOUrAtitlmum Mc 1.01, 5111. g voaNl Sporn COmatiuioa Mmmm Oeguvaatiow MC 3.311. ¢6W 4 No OaiO —ON. mfif VOwL Se!vee0 'mtlae¢ 311. I. IN .6Po 1. Neu ort TheaW Art CmW Oail I -ft NNII and mr 0- Covaril PO4 1. E il'remal, l- The Ftimd'ee ,l hea. NCCC antl CYCRmlale Rmm Reamk 3lA ldpfvdwm zmXal I.Ok a ptladmg Ymlth MWtl- ParyauFUWWa OA56MWX -P emm C--l. Ra4,Fre Pn Hw. ?HOm Mwmum Me.3]SNO bWW 5 30,W Immedlem Gmmatial NI -Ndml Ma Pee Pn HO- ZHIWPObmwa M.0 I34030 ht.IXl 3pN No Immedm4. N Nn - Pmfi[um�- RSIamI Rae, Fee PO xmuZxowM1(im'mum Mc I'll. Sx6£W b 311.. meeyk P—w Revdmt Fare, Fa MHOw S HOar Mmim= MC.I.ON $31X1.. $ MW No IaowoWmegaq Fx PC HOw2NOwamimum sUO.m 4 f0.b! No medam vain hcamm;.im,mm,mu.,,..;awm M1 .336X. $31W $ NP aapro(Irvaau Ferv4eogarveamim s3sm $ Nn mmeMa¢ oA56 CLxmm� cmmw.ial Racamf R,m. F IN.— xrcom M.u.aVm Mc. 336.0. 4290.. $ 1. No CommuvalNwretldmf Wk,Fa Pe+IbwSHwr MLJmum MC 136.0. $ IM.W No ImnuMme I— P. Rieidml Wle,.a PO NPm x HVw MLilmum MO 3110. 56fi00 $ Z16S 'N w�PmBt NOmReeidmtRak. Fee PV HOwSFpw Minimum MC 3.310. $137w g 47M N. Rei'em Rak, FFRr HOUr2HmuMmimum Me.3360N 511W 3 54W laowoWmegaq FeePC HOw2NOwamimum 5'u6m 4 103.p1 No OA565milICUmoom <ommertvl Reaitlml Rao, FZePn Fbu. ?HOm Mwmum Me.3360. 8160.. S I6 O'1 Na 4M11R.W S 18.N Na Immetllak m- Pmfi{Iler'aml 11 FeeFO3 Wr x Ol— c..0. 83Ow 8 SW W NmrPmB<NOn.Rmdmf ftvk Fee PUHOw ZHOw Mmlmam CI36.0N M9 $ 9.W No Imamdm Parele R®iaem Rae, Fa Per HOm Z Me.3NI. $AN E ?NS 'N NOwmWmt Rek, FS Pw NOwSFbwMNhnum MC 3.310. $ISRW f 150.1 No. tl Wesl NewpM n lea CHmmeaval.N—1 RVe, Fee PaxowlHOwrvtiWmum MC 3.36.0. $Sl9.m g - Vo Immedme CiryN Newpoet Beatla Fee S[hedule Oak a"'PNm -£bN 2 Ajm1 1. CI wmm WOe SERVICE NAME OfSCRIPTION -,� - Tolal oa Baee Fee b.aem...pl -ff Tolal oa tlaaeFre Inaremenul CPI NWq ImplemenuNOn Oale RECREATION AND IF MR SFR CE6 O—ml Nmueaiamt Rate,Fre PwHnw 2 G. 336X. mHt R6tlmt Rare, Fee PV HOwxFbw Mirvmum McJ.36.Nm 4 Nn meAam Ym -Pmfie Ntlnmidmt Rap,F¢PeeHm12H 41C. 336X38 $ Ws, Fee PerFbue2HOw MLtimum g Nn madmN144,Fce Pee HOw 2HOm Ydnlmum MC336.N8 S116w S No wM$paeq Cgmvtitiw NmiMe 9egvJantlore 333. $ No ImnuMm Rmltlmt NOn wb3m'iceO ary 533. E No 6ptla18lll Fltltl 6uHav [I 6 Aatlitivnil witled, 1.1ar I— Par FieY MC .I I. W. 3 xitl Freparetig. MtliRmalCMBetITm NONded. Ere PV Field MC.A %RW $AS.Po 4 No' mmeMate BaI1 Hel& Inewm, Cepotlh AeW SY-uP Fen May h Pryulmi, AaaileMli Mn'Be Limisd, OlFe.MZtA'tioru Ma 1 ImnuMme Dais Cewt$o. Cmn lu, RUXa1v XRls ph, 6ebinNPaek..antHVwald Park l3vmlm ARdmie field, Ma Na Parmweela Park san Ni ePark eunip Cmw6 1d meH (re 11 k.ela Ol, Fneal.ee 36.8 Sli£W 6 No Cemmertlal N—dml Mt, (Up 4{'reld Peep. Exm) Fa Pv 4an.w g Ne MdRevdmtNre111gM146He1d Prep.Exleal Fee PeeHOUa 66£. 8 N. NortnPmtll NOnrsidml RaklLVhhtr Fled Prep. Psba Ere Pea Hwa3 HOm Mm. MC.]X.030 41114tl1 S No Rere IPlgnn6: Fmd Prep. em.l Fee Pu HoOa I c J35.ow $9E. B No Immmwe Parvah Noru®dmt Rart ILigbn tr Fkld Prtp Ezlrel Fn Pn.Haw 3 HOw Mhi. MC 3,M ON $194Q1 E Nc vawh oarvlmiLe Oe MC.11lllW 3T. $ MetlbtS R 0-1 N- 1I.Ol EVnee nivdmo MC,".1. $15. S Rwumm cepovu And Yt,, Fe MnyxRryWre6. mNmyommlkalaeNnremav � /Parkaey mal ReiWen Rap lldan. Tahpme�vadm 30Y.) Pw l R <om H Fre MC 9JfihV SiWW S No ortpmSl TaurhSwlae�gmwHn.. SI£. $ No lln " Cnmmudal Nw Rap R1ax TabY R--rn SP,.1 Fre Pw H, 2 N C. 336838 mi 3 Np Wml Rek maw Tabp Hnervaliw SP %) Fa Ptt W. MC 3.310. $J6.. g No. P-I, Namaiaml Rak IMaa. Tab4 Remma� An) Fn Pw He .\R MC. 336 NM $Tx.Po 5 Reudm< M PVHn2 Rek Tmk im- Rnerv..,1 ) M- : $i3;Po 4 No meAme Abmatlmt Rale lFlav Table Reewaativn50 %)Re PU W. m . 33fiN30 E93(61 $ Na CbmmntialReitlm<fta¢IElcvlury 3lJExtm)Faha3NwY SID]ID g Nn meMa¢ Covmmial Reaitlwl RaplHntiuly513 F+tralFa PeeHnue2 bG?36.00 f W Wemvma m meWarenry E MG 336.830 536IX1 $ No Imnmdm oa-Pm& a—dmt NplDCladty 5136na1 FS PaHaued X[.336830 SR.N E Np v ek RUldm<MklEkalndly 513EVea), Fee P¢Hwa3FNw MC3.310W $5£Po 4 N. Paerele NomNam[ Rap fElzNCly 513 F+tre), Fie Pn F6ue 2 61.[.3X890 590{q 3 onpm0l TauNSUVVe OgaN?adoas Y1£. 3 Immedere nR 08..rt Cwc lRmldml MC.3X838 IL. $ Na S'ID].m g Nn meMa¢ M 01bem Non- PeafilRmiden[Rak, Fee Pw XOOex XO�e Minimum MC$XN0 SM41 S No AIM OLlen NarROflINOVaeltlenl Rely Pee Pea HOUa3HOw Minimum MC. 9.i5.. 553. $ No ImmeNh CiryN Newpoet Beatla Fee S[heJUle Oak a"'PNm -3 l 2010 CPIAd�wMenl% 1. w. m.eao�WOe brnewenYl -lif SERVICE NAME OfSCRIPTION .. Tolal or Gae Fee wvbmem Tolal or tlaaeFre Innemenul CPf FMN ImPlemen .NOn Oae xFCRFeTION AND MaR SFn CEs YesltleneRae,Fa PU XOwE HVwMlrumm MC.3iS090 333W ul MLA %PID 56a.W SVo meAem App4iaEOn,raev Nl vlM1an sbnsmmtlayxptlorm W ApPtlull^a Fn S No OtlY. NMe rentN&emetlNtiw.m lMwrNhe. Building Valuation Table - 2010 Exhibit "B" Cost per Square Cast per Square Cost per Square Occupancy and Type Foot, Average Occupancy and Type Foot, Occupancy and Type Foot, Average 1. APARTMENT HOUSES: R -2 7. HOTELS AND MOTELS: R -1 12. PUBLIC GARAGES: S2 Type IA + IB $170.00 Type IA $170.00 Type IA $101.75 Type IIA+ IIB $165.00 Type iB $170.00 Type IB $96.75 Type IIIA +B and Type IV $160.00 Type IIA $165.00 Type IIA $92.25 Type VA $160.00 Type IIB $165.00 Type IIB $87.75 Type VB $150.00 Type IIIA $160.00 Type IIIA $79.00 Type IIIB $160.00 Type IIIB $74.00 2. BANKS: B Type IV $160.00 Type IV $84.00 Type IA $154.25 Type VA $150.00 Type VA $63.50 Type 1B $148.75 Type VB $150.00 Type VB $58.50 Type IIA $144.00 Type IIB $137.25 8. MEDICAL OFFICES: B 13. RESTAURANTS: A -2 Type IIIA $125.00 Type IA $154.25 Type IA $154.25 Type IIIB $120.50 Type IB $148.75 Type 1B $148.75 Type IV $132.00 Type IIA $144.00 Type IIA $144.00 Type VA $120.00 Type IIB $137.25 Type IIB $137.25 Type VB $110.00 Type IIIA $125.00 Type IIIA $125.00 Type IIIB $120.50 Type IIIB $120.50 3. CHURCHES: A -3 Type IV $132.00 Type IV $132.00 Type IA $180.75 Type VA $120.00 Type VA $120.00 Type 1B $174.50 Type VB $110.00 Type VB $110.00 Type IIA $170.00 Type IIB $162.25 9. OFFICES: B 14. SCHOOLS: E Type IIIA $152.00 Type IA $154.25 Type IA $166.50 Type IIIB $147.00 Type IB $148.75 Type IB $161.00 Type IV $156.50 Type IIA $144.00 Type IIA $156.25 Type VA $137.25 Type IIB $137.25 Type IIB $149.50 Type VB $131.50 Type IIIA $125.00 Type IIIA $140.25 Type IIIB $120.50 Type IIIB $133.00 4. CONVALESCENT HOSPITALS: R -4 Type IV $132.00 Type IV $144.50 Type IA + IB $170.00 Type VA $120.00 Type VA $123.50 Type IIA+ IIB $165.00 Type VB $110.00 Type VB $118.75 Type IIIA + B and Type IV $160.00 Type VA $160.00 10. Private Garages 15. SERVICE STATIONS: B Type VB $150.00 Type VB $80.00 Type IA+ 1B $116.00 Open Carports $30.00 Type IIIA + IIB $115.00 5. DWELLINGS: ONE AND TWO FAMILY R -3 Type IIIA+ IIIB $120.75 Type VA + VB $160.00 11. PUBLIC BUILDINGS: B Type VA+ VB $103.25 Basements finished $160.00 Type IA $154.25 Canopies $48.50 Basements unfinished: U $60.00 Type IB $148.75 Type IIA $144.00 16. STORES: M 6. FIRE STATIONS: B Type IIB $137.25 Type IA $111.50 Type IA $154.25 Type IIIA $125.00 Type IB $107.25 Type IB $148.75 Type IIIB $120.50 Type IIA $102.50 Type IIA $144.00 Type IV $132.00 Type IIB $98.00 Type 1113 $137.25 Type VA $120.00 Type IIIA $89.75 Type IIIA $125.00 Type VB $110.00 Type IIIB $87.00 Type IIIB $120.50 Type IV $93.25 Type IV $132.00 Type VA $80.00 Type VA $120.00 Type VB $80.00 Type VB $110.00 2010 Valuations 12/10 2010 Valuations 12/10 Building Valuation Data 2010 - Continued Exhibit "B" Cost per Square Cost per Square Cost per Square Occupancy and Type Foot, Average Occupancy and Type Foot, Average Occupancy and Type Foot, 17. THEATRES: A -1 (`add 15 %w /stage) 22. TENANT IMPROVEMENT (Ti): 29. WOOD FENCE per s $5.50 Type 1 $177.75 Office /Retail Services (TI) per sq.ft. Type IA $171.25 Type I or 11 construction $44.00 30. RETAINING WALLS $18 -$27 per sq.ft. Type IIA $167.00 of wall depending on height of wall: Type 116 $159.25 All other types of 0-4' hi $18.00 Type IIIA $148.75 construction $35.50 4'1" - 10' hi $21.00 Type IIIB $143.75 Medical Offices (TI) 10'1 "+ hi $27.00 Type IV $153.50 Type I or 11 construction $53.00 Type VA $134.00 All other construction $44.00 31. Skylights (each) $800.00 Type VB $128.50 23. POOL /SPA per sq.ft. $70.50 32. Loft/Storage per sq. $35.50 18. WAREHOUSES: S -1 Type IA $101.75 24. DECK /BALCONIES per sq $26.50 33. Carport Encl. per sq $21.00 TypelB $96.75 Type IIA $92.25 25. BLOCK WALLS per sq.ft. $14.50 34. Garage Conv per sq $72.00 Type IIB $87.75 Example: 100' long x 6' high Type IIIA $79.00 X $14.50 = $8,700.00 35. Portable Spa (typica $6,560.00 Type IIIB $74.00 Type IV $84.00 26 FIRE ALARMS: per sq. ft. 36. Solar Voltaic Valuation Per Watt: Type VA $63.50 New Commercial $1.48 Residential $6.00 Type VB $58.50 Residential $0,83 Commercial $4.00 Big Box Retail $2.00 19. HARBOR CONSTRUCTION: Valuation Per roofing square Docks (per sq.ft.) $40.00 27. ROOFING: With tear -off Piers (per sq.lineal foot) $40.00 Built -up /rock roofs $355.00 Without tear -off Gangways (per lineal ft) $137.50 Composition Shingle $345.00 $268.50 /sq Seawalls (per lineal foot) $2,062.00 Wood Shake /Shingle $550.00 $268.50 /sq Piles (each) $3,436.50 Tile, or special product $650.00 $500.00 /sq Earth anchor tiebacks Sheathing $130.00 (per tieback) $2,089.00 Metal Roofing $713.00 Tieback repair (per tieback) $687.50 Tieback replacement (per tieback) $2,695.00 28 FIRE SPRINKLERS: 1 -10 heads $1,000.00 min. 20. PATIOS & RES. REMODEL: per sq.ft. 11 -100 heads $1,000.00 for the first 10 heads + $100.00 / each additional head Patio Covers: 100 + heads $10,000.00 for the first 100 heads + $80.00 / each additional head Open Trellis $13.50 Solid Roof $30.00 ADD EQUIPMENT COST: Patio Enclosure $72.00 AIR CONDITIONING: Res Remodel $80.00 Commercial $7.50 Modular Home $70.00 Residential $6.00 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: $4.50 21. TEMPORARY SHORING: per sq ft. Soldier Pile /Lagging $50.00 Res Dewatering (Total) $30,000 2010 Valuations 12/10 EXHIBIT B ORDINANCE NO. 2011 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTION 3.36.030 OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO EMERGENCY TRANSPORT — RESIDENT FEES, ARREST REPORTS, CRIME REPORTS, TRAFFIC COLLISION REPORTS, VEHICLE REPOSSESSION AND MASSAGE TECHNICIAN APPLICATIONS /RENEWALS WHEREAS, the City of Newport Beach ( "City ") funds certain municipal services, which are typically performed without request by the user, benefit the public generally and are traditionally funded by tax revenue; and WHEREAS, the City performs other services which are funded in whole or in part by the person requesting the service; and WHEREAS, Section 3.36.030(E), Exhibit "A ", provides that the City's cost of providing Emergency Transport — Resident services shall be recovered at 50 %, Arrest Reports at 14 %, Crime Reports at 14 %, Traffic Collision Reports at 14 %, Massage Technician Application /Renewal with CAMTC at 10% and Massage Technician Application /Renewal without CAMTC at 30 %; and WHEREAS, Section 3.36.030(D) provides that City Council may modify the cost recovery percentage for any service by amending this chapter; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that the cost recovery percentage for Emergency Transport — Resident fees, Arrest Reports, Crime Reports, Traffic Collision Reports, Massage Technician Application /Renewal with CAMTC and Massage Technician Application /Renewal without CAMTC should be increased to 100 %; and WHEREAS, the Juvenile Substance Abuse Program was outsourced, so the reference to the subsidy is no longer required; and WHEREAS, the subsidy for Vehicle Release was erroneously named Vehicle Repossession and Council desires to correctly identify the subsidy; and WHEREAS, to encourage compliance with State law, the City desires to subsidize Second Hand /Pawn Dealer Tag Check, Registrant — Sex and Registrant — Narcotics fees at 100 %. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach ordains as follows: SECTION 1: Section 3.36.030, Exhibit "A ", of the Newport Beach Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Service Percentage of Cost to Be Recovered from Direct Fees Building 35% Preliminary Plan Review 75% Planning 8% Appeals to City Council 50% Appeals to Planning Commission 50% Recreation and Senior Services Adult Sports 50% Volleyball 60% Soccer 70% Basketball 85% Park Rentals 80% Facility Rentals 95% Park Patrol 85% After School /Camp Programs Vacation Camps 30% Summer Recess Camp 30% KidScene After - School Program 20% Teen Program 15% Aquatics 0.2% CdM Pool 35% Water Polo 35% Lap Swim 50% Rentals 8% Lessons 40% Fee Classes 75% Youth Sports Basketball— Winter 50% Youth Flag Football 50% Tiny League Football 50% Basketball Tiny League 50% Basketball— Summer 50% Track and Field 50% Special Events — Levels 1, 2, and 3 80% Senior Services Oasis Transportation 3% Classes 11% Oasis Rentals 95% Library Services Meeting Room Rentals 0.2% Rentals— Book/Video 5% Fire and Marine Emergency Operations Services Permitted by Law Advanced Life Support— Escorted Up to 80% Advanced Life Support—Not Escorted Up to 80% Basic Life Support— Escorted Up to 80% Basic Life Support—Not Escorted Up to 80% Marine Environment Services 100% Marine Preserve 15% Construction and Inspection Services—State-Mandated Inspections Day Care Facilities 25% Police 88% Initial Concealed Weapons Permit Maximum Permitted by Law Concealed Weapon Permit Renewal Maximum Permitted by Law Bike Licenses 17% Subpoena Duces Tecum Maximum SECTION 2: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 3: The City Council finds that this ordinance is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA ") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, Permitted by Law Vehicle Release 91% Domestic Violence Reports 0% Missing Persons Report 0% Second Hand /Pawn Dealer Tag Check 100% Registrant - Sex 100% Registrant - Narcotics 100% Public Works Engineering Encroachment Permit without Traffic Engineer Review 88% Encroachment Permit with Traffic Engineer Review 57% Revenue Parking Reviews 0% Parking Hearings 0% Admin Cite Hearings 0% Dog License — Sterilized 50% SECTION 2: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 3: The City Council finds that this ordinance is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA ") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. SECTION 4: The Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the passage of this ordinance. The City Clerk shall cause the same to be published once in the official newspaper of the City, and it shall be effective thirty (30) days after its adoption. This ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, held on the day of , 2011, and adopted on the _ day of 2011, by the following vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEMBERS NOES, COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY LEONIE MULVIHILL, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY ATTEST: LEILANI BROWN, CITY CLERK EXHIBIT C LEGISLATIVE DRAFT Section 3.36.030, Exhibit "A" Service Percentage of Cost to Be Recovered from Direct Fees Building Preliminary Plan Review 75% Planning Appeals to City Council 50% Appeals to Planning Commission 50% Recreation and Senior Services Adult Sports Volleyball 60% Soccer 70% Basketball 85% Park Rentals 80% Facility Rentals 95% Park Patrol 85% After School /Camp Programs Vacation Camps 30% Summer Recess Camp 30% KidScene After - School Program 20% Teen Program 15% Aquatics CdM Pool 35% Water Polo 35% Lap Swim 50% Rentals 8% Lessons 40% Fee Classes 75% Youth Sports Basketball— Winter 50% Youth Flag Football 50% Tiny League Football 50% Basketball Tiny League 50% Basketball— Summer 50% Track and Field 50% Special Events — Levels 1, 2, and 3. 80% Senior Services Oasis Transportation 3% Classes 11% Oasis Rentals 95% Library Services Meeting Room Rentals 0.2% Rentals— Book/Video 5% Fire and Marine Emergency Operations Services Advanced Life Support— Escorted Up to 80% Advanced Life Support—Not Escorted Up to 80% Basic Life Support— Escorted Up to 80% Basic Life Support—Not Escorted Up to 80% Frnernency Trenspori— Desirlent 50% Marine Environment Services Marine Preserve 15% Construction and Inspection Services — State - Mandated Inspections Day Care Facilities 259/6 Police Initial Concealed Weapons Permit Maximum Permitted by Law Concealed Weapon Permit Renewal Maximum Permitted by Law Bike Licenses 17% n rr.T,e&I Zepeft 44% GnmeRepGrts 4404 440/6 Subpoena Subpoena Duces Tecum Maximum Permitted by Law juvenile SUbStaRGe Abuse PfogFam a"0 Vehicle Release Repessess;e„ 91% Domestic Violence Reports 0% Missing Persons Report 0% Massage TerhniGian a9% Massage TeGhRigiaR CAMTC 80% Second Hand /Pawn Dealer Tag Check 100% Registrant - Sex 100% Registrant - Narcotics 100% Public Works Engineering Encroachment Permit without Traffic Engineer Review 88% Encroachment Permit with Traffic Engineer Review 57% Revenue Parking Reviews 0% Parking Hearings 0% Admin Cite Hearings 0% Dog License — Sterilized 50% EXHIBIT D ORDINANCE NO. 2011 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AMENDING SECTIONS 14.12.085(A) and 14.12.125(A) OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO WATER ESTABLISHMENT FEES AND WATER SERVICE RESTORATION FEES WHEREAS, water establishment fees and water service restoration fees are cost -of- services fees identified in the Master Fee Schedule, which updates are approved by the City Council; and WHEREAS, Sections 14.12.085(A) and 14.12.125(A), approved in 1996, identify specific fee amounts and were not updated concurrently with the Master Fee Schedules; and WHEREAS, City Council now desire to revise Sections 14.12.085(A) and 14.12.125(A) to reflect the cost of those services, as updated by the Master Fee Schedule. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach ordains as follows: SECTION 1: Section 14.12.085(A), Establishing Service, is hereby amended to read as follows: A. When establishing an account, the customer shall pay a fee as set forth by resolution of the City Council to establish water service in the customer's name at the property. The fee shall be payable upon application for water service. SECTION 2: Section 14.12.125(A), Service Restoration, is hereby amended to read as follows: A. Service that has been discontinued may not be restored until payment of all delinquent water service charges, including the restoration charge, has been received by the Administrative Services Department. Upon payment, service shall be restored during regular working hours. The restoration charge shall be that fee as set forth by resolution of the City Council. SECTION 3: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 4: The City Council finds that this ordinance is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA ") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. SECTION 5: The Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the passage of this ordinance. The City Clerk shall cause the same to be published once in the official newspaper of the City, and it shall be effective thirty (30) days after its adoption. This ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, held on the day of , 2011, and adopted on the _ day of , 2011, by the following vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEMBERS NOES, COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY A7& I LL.-- ;vzbl LEONIE MULVIHILL, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY ATTEST: LEILANI BROWN, CITY CLERK EXHIBIT E LEGISLATIVE DRAFT Sections 14.12.085(A) and 14.12.125(A) 14.12.085 Establishing Service. A. When establishing an account the customer shall pay a fee as set forth by resolution of the City Council to establish water service in the customer's name at the property. The fee shall be payable upon application for water service. B. An application for water service, as provided by the Revenue Division of the Administrative Services Department, shall be used for the purpose of establishing water service into a new customer's name. Property owners may enter into a continuous service agreement which will authorize the transfer of water service into the name of the property owner upon a tenant's notice to discontinue service. Property owners shall be responsible for all water service charges at their premises. Water service will not be established in the name of a customer other than the property owner without the written authorization of the owner, or the owner's authorized representative. C., Upon application and payment of an establishment fee, the water will be turned on. D. A customer's newly established service may be discontinued for nonpayment of a bill for services previously rendered to the customer at any location served by the City provided such bill is not paid within fifteen (15) days after mailing of a notice of discontinuance of water service stating that present service will be discontinued for nonpayment of such bill for prior service. (Ord. 2006 -13 § 1, 2006: Ord. 96 -22 § 1 (part), 1996: Ord. 92 -56 § 1 (part), 1993) 14.12.125 Service Restoration. A. Service that has been discontinued may not be restored until payment of all delinquent water service charges, including the restoration charge, has been received by the Administrative Services Department. Upon payment, service shall be restored during regular working hours. The restoration charge shall be that fee as set forth by resolution of the City Council. for same day sewice sha!l be seventy five `ollars and fifty five dellar-s ($55.00) for seFV*Ge restoration charge followirig day 9 d+ssefltir+uaec-e. B. Any service wrongfully discontinued shall be restored without charge for the restoration of service, and a notation thereof shall be mailed to the customer at the customer's billing address. A credit shall be applied to the customer's next municipal services bill. The credit shall be set by Council ordinance. (Ord. 96-22 § 1 (part), 1996: Ord. 92 -56 § 1 (part), 1993) EXHIBIT F PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH MGT OF AMERICA, INC. FOR COST ALLOCATION PLAN AND USER FEE SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of this 14th day of April, 2010, by and between the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a Municipal Corporation ( "City "), and MGT OF AMERICA, INC. a Florida Corporation, regionally based in California, whose address is 2001 P Street, Suite 200 Sacramento, California, 95811 ( "Consultant "), and is made with reference to the following: RECITALS A. City is a municipal corporation duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of California with the power to cant' on its business as it is now being conducted under the statutes of the State of California and the Charter of the City. B. City is planning a six phase (during a period of six years) comprehensive review and update of General Fund departmental user fee calculations, initial comprehensive Harbor Tidelands user fee analysis and update of the citywide cost allocation plan. City also wishes to create a detailed breakout of departmental user fee services which directly links to City revenue codes (collectively, the "Project "). Cataloging the user fee services along with the corresponding City Revenue Code will allow the City to more efficiently update charge levels and create a better linkage between user fee services and general plan revenue accounts. C. Consultant, in 2006, had calculated the City's cost allocation plan. At that time, Consultant was PRM, a company that has since been merged into MGT of America, Inc. Because of Consultant's familiarity with City's organization, and the ensuing cost savings, City desires to engage Consultant to complete the Project in accordance to the schedule shown in Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference. D. Consultant possesses the skill, experience, ability, background, certification and knowledge to provide the services described in this Agreement. E. The principal members of the Consultant for purposes of the Project, shall be Brad Burgess, Erin Payton and Mike Adams. F. City has solicited and received a proposal from Consultant, has reviewed the previous experience and evaluated the expertise of Consultant, and desires to retain Consultant to render professional services under the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed by and between the undersigned parties as follows: 1. 2. 3. TERM The term of this Agreement shall commence on the above written date, and shall terminate on the 13th day of April, 2016, unless terminated earlier as set forth herein. SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED Consultant shall diligently perform Services attached hereto as Exhibi t The City may elect to delete certain discretion. TIME OF PERFORMANCE all the services described in the Scope of "A" and incorporated herein by reference. tasks from the Scope of Services at its sole Time is of the essence in the performance of services under this Agreement and the services shall be performed to completion in a diligent and timely manner. The failure by Consultant to perform the services in a diligent and timely manner may result in termination of this Agreement by City. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Consultant shall not be responsible for delays due to causes beyond Consultant's reasonable control. However, in the case of any such delay in the services to be provided for the Project, each party hereby agrees to provide notice to the other party so that all delays can be addressed. 3.1 Consultant shall submit all requests for extensions of time for performance in writing to the Project Administrator, as defined in Section 6, not later than ten (10) calendar days after the start of the condition that purportedly causes a delay. The Project Administrator shall review all such requests and may grant reasonable time extensions for unforeseeable delays that are beyond Consultant's control. 3.2 For all time periods not specifically set forth herein, Consultant shall respond in the most expedient and appropriate manner under the circumstances, by either telephone, fax, hand- delivery or mail. 4. . COMPENSATION TO CONSULTANT City shall pay Consultant for the services on a time and expense not -to- exceed basis in accordance with the provisions of this Section and the Schedule of Billing and Rates attached hereto as Exhibit `B" and incorporated herein by reference. Consultant's compensation for all work performed in accordance with this Agreement, including all reimbursable items, shall not exceed: Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000) during 2009 -10 (Year 1); Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) during 2010 -11 Year 2); 2 5. Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) during 2011 -12 (Year 3); Twenty -Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) during 2012 -13 (Year 4); Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) during 2013 -14 (Year 5); and Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) during 2014 -15 (Year 6) without prior written authorization from City. No billing rate changes shall be made during the term of this Agreement without the prior written approval of City. 4.1 Consultant shall submit monthly invoices to City describing the work performed the preceding month. Consultant's.bills shall include the name of the person who performed the work, a brief description of the services performed and /or the specific task in the Scope of Services to which it relates, the date the services were performed, the number of hours spent on all work billed on an hourly basis, and a description of any reimbursable expenditures. City shall pay Consultant no later than thirty (30) days after approval of the monthly invoice by City staff. 4.2 City shall reimburse Consultant only specifically approved in this Agreement, in advance by City. Unless otherwis e limited and include nothing more than Consultant: A. Approved reproduction charges. for those costs or expenses or specifically approved in writing approved, such costs shall be the following costs incurred by B. Actual costs and /or other costs and /or payments specifically authorized in advance in writing and incurred by Consultant in the performance of this Agreement. 4.3 Consultant shall not receive any compensation for Extra Work performed without the prior written authorization of Project Administrator. As used herein, "Extra Work" means any work that is determined by City to be necessary for the proper completion of the Project, but which is not included within the Scope of Services and which the parties did not reasonably anticipate would be necessary at the execution of this Agreement. Compensation for any authorized Extra Work shall be paid in accordance with the Schedule of Billing Rates as set forth in Exhibit "B ". PROJECT MANAGER Consultant shall designate a Project Manager, who shall coordinate all phases of the Project. This Project Manager shall be available to City at all reasonable times during the Agreement term. Consultant has designated Erin Payton to be its Project Manager. Consultant shall not remove or reassign the Project Manager or any personnel listed above or assign any new or replacement personnel to the Project without the prior written consent of City. City's approval shall not be unreasonably withheld with respect to the removal or assignment of Project Manager. 3 Consultant, at the sole discretion of City, shall remove from the Project any of its personnel assigned to the performance of services upon written request of City. Consultant warrants that it will continuously furnish the necessary personnel to complete the Project on a timely basis as contemplated by this Agreement. 6. ADMINISTRATION This Agreement will be administered by the Administrative Services Department The Revenue Division Manager shall be the Project Administrator and shall have the authority to act for City under this Agreement. The Project Administrator or her authorized representative shall represent City in all matters pertaining to the services to be rendered pursuant to this Agreement. CITY`S RESPONSIBILITIES In order to assist Consultant in the execution of its responsibilities under this Agreement, City agrees to, where applicable, provide access to, and upon request of Consultant, one copy of all existing relevant information on file at City. City will provide all such materials in a timely manner so as not to cause delays in Consultant's work schedule. 8. STANDARD OF CARE 8.1 All of the services shall be performed by Consultant or under Consultant's supervision. Consultant represents that it possesses the professional and technical personnel required to perform the services required by this Agreement, and that it will perform all services in a manner commensurate with community professional standards. All services shall be performed by qualified and experienced personnel who are not employed by City. By delivery of completed work, Consultant certifies that the work conforms to the requirements of this Agreement and all applicable federal, state and local laws and the professional standard of care. 8.2 Consultant represents and warrants to City that it has, shall obtain, and shall keep in full force in effect during the term hereof, at its sole cost and expense, all licenses, permits, qualifications, insurance and approvals of whatsoever nature that is legally required of Consultant to practice its profession. Consultant shall maintain a City of Newport Beach business license during the term of this Agreement. 8.3 Consultant shall not be responsible for delay, nor shall Consultant be responsible for damages or be in default or deemed to be in default by reason of strikes, lockouts, accidents, or acts of God, or the failure of City to furnish timely information or to approve or disapprove Consultant's work promptly, or delay or faulty performance by City, contractors, or governmental agencies. rd 9. HOLD HARMLESS To the fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, boards and commissions, officers, agents, volunteers, and employees (collectively, the "Indemnified Parties ") from and against any and all claims (including, without limitation, claims for bodily injury, death or damage to property), demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever (individually, a Claim; collectively, "Claims "), which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to any breach of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, any work performed or services provided under this Agreement including, without limitation, defects in workmanship or materials or Consultant's presence or activities conducted on the Project (including the negligent and /or willful acts, errors and /or omissions of Consultant, its principals, officers, agents, employees, vendors, suppliers, consultants, subcontractors, anyone employed directly or indirectly by any of them or for whose acts they may be liable or any or all of them). Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing herein shall be construed to require Consultant to indemnify the Indemnified Parties from any Claim arising from the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the Indemnified Parties. Nothing in this indemnity shall be construed as authorizing any award of attorney's fees in any action on or to enforce the terms of this Agreement. This indemnity shall apply to all claims and liability regardless of whether any insurance policies are applicable. The policy limits do not act as a limitation upon the amount of indemnification to be provided by the Consultant. 10. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR It is understood that City retains Consultant on an independent contractor basis and Consultant is not an agent or employee of City. The manner and means of conducting the work are under the control of Consultant, except to the extent they are limited by statute, rule or regulation and the expressed terms of this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute approval for Consultant or any of Consultant's employees or agents, to be the agents or employees of City. Consultant shall have the responsibility for and control over the means of performing the work, provided that Consultant is in compliance with the terms of this Agreement. Anything in this Agreement that may appear to give City the right to direct Consultant as to the details of the performance or to exercise a measure of control over Consultant shall mean only that Consultant shall follow the desires of City with respect to the results of the services. 11. COOPERATION Consultant agrees to work closely and cooperate fully with City's designated Project Administrator and any other agencies that may have jurisdiction or 5 interest in the work to be performed: City agrees to cooperate with the Consultant on the Project. 12. CITY POLICY Consultant shall discuss and review all matters relating to policy and Project direction with City's Project Administrator in advance of all critical decision points in order to ensure the Project proceeds in a manner consistent with City goals and policies. 13. PROGRESS Consultant is responsible for keeping the Project Administrator and /or her duly authorized designee informed on a regular basis regarding the status and progress of the Project, activities performed and planned, and any meetings that have been scheduled or are desired. 14. INSURANCE Without limiting Consultant's indemnification of City, and prior to commencement of work. Consultant shall obtain, provide and maintain at its own expense during the term of this Agreement, a policy or policies of liability insurance of the type and amounts described below and in a form satisfactory to City. 14.1 Certificates of Insurance. Consultant shall provide certificates of insurance with original endorsements to City as evidence of the insurance coverage required herein. Insurance certificates must be approved by City's Risk Manager prior to commencement of performance or issuance of any permit. Current certification of insurance shall be kept on file with City at all times during the term of this Agreement. 14.2 Signature. A person authorized by the insurer to bind coverage on its behalf shall sign certification of all required policies. 14.3 Acceptable Insurers. All insurance policies shall be issued by an insurance company currently authorized by the Insurance Commissioner to transact business of insurance in the State of California, with an assigned policyholders' Rating of A (or higher) and Financial Size Category Class VII (or larger) in accordance with the latest edition of Best's Key Rating Guide, unless otherwise approved by the City s Risk Manager. 14.4 Coverage Requirements. A. Workers' Compensation Coverage. Consultant shall maintain Workers' Compensation Insurance and Employer's Liability Insurance for his or her employees in accordance with the laws of the State of California. In addition, Consultant shall require each subcontractor to similarly maintain Workers' Compensation Insurance and Employer's Liability Insurance in accordance with the laws of the State of California for all of the subcontractor's employees. Any notice of cancellation or non - renewal of all Workers' Compensation policies must be received by City at least thirty (30) calendar days (10 calendar days written notice of non- payment of premium) prior to such change. The insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against City, its officers, agents, employees and volunteers for losses arising from work performed by Consultant for City. B. General Liability Coveraae. Consultant shall maintain commercial general liability insurance in an amount not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage, including without limitation, contractual liability. If commercial general liability insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to the work to be performed under this Agreement, or the general aggregate limit shall be at least twice the required occurrence limit. C. Automobile Liability Coverage. Consultant shall maintain automobile insurance covering bodily injury and property damage for all activities of the Consultant arising out of or in connection with work to be performed under this Agreement, including coverage for any owned, hired, non -owned or rented vehicles, in an amount not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) combined single limit for each occurrence. D. Professional Errors and Omissions Insurance. Consultant shall maintain professional errors and omissions insurance, which covers the services to be performed in connection with this Agreement in the minimum amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000). 14.5 Endorsements. Each general liability and automobile liability insurance policy shall be endorsed with the following specific language: A. The City, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers are to be covered as additional insureds with respect to liability arising out of work performed by or on behalf of the Consultant. B. This policy shall be considered primary insurance as respects to City, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers as respects to all claims, losses, or liability arising directly or indirectly from the Consultant's operations or services provided to City. Any insurance maintained by City, including any self- insured retention City may have, shall be considered excess insurance only and not contributory with the insurance provided hereunder. C. This insurance shall act for each insured and additional insured as though a separate policy had been written for each, except with respect to the limits of liability of the insuring company. 7 D. The insurer waives all rights of subrogation against City, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers. E. Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect coverage provided to City, its elected or appointed officers, officials, employees, agents or volunteers. F. The insurance provided by this policy shall not be suspended, voided, canceled, or reduced in coverage or in limits, by either party except after thirty (30) calendar days (10 calendar days written notice of non - payment of premium) written notice has been received by City. 14.6 Timely Notice of Claims. Consultant shall give City prompt and timely notice of claim made or suit instituted arising out of or resulting from Consultant's performance under this Agreement. 14.7 Additional Insurance. Consultant shall also procure and maintain, at its own cost and expense, any additional kinds of insurance, which in its own judgment may be necessary for its proper protection and prosecution of the work. 15. PROHIBITION AGAINST ASSIGNMENTS AND TRANSFERS Except as specifically authorized under this Agreement, the services to be provided under this Agreement shall not be assigned, transferred contracted or subcontracted out without the prior written approval of City. Any of the following shall be construed as an assignment: The sale, assignment, transfer or other disposition of any of the issued and outstanding capital stock of Consultant, or of the interest of any general partner or joint venturer or syndicate member or cotenant if Consultant is a partnership or joint - venture or syndicate or cotenancy, which shall result in changing the control of Consultant. Control means fifty percent (50 %) or more of the voting power, or twenty -five percent (25 %) or more of the assets of the corporation, partnership or joint- venture. 16. SUBCONTRACTING The parties recognize that a substantial inducement to City for entering into this Agreement is the professional reputation, experience and competence of Consultant. Assignments of any or all rights, duties or obligations of the Consultant under this Agreement will be permitted only with the express written consent of City. Consultant shall not subcontract any portion of the work to be performed under this Agreement without the prior written authorization of City. 17. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS Each and every report, draft, map, record, plan; document and other writing produced ( "Documents "), prepared or caused to be prepared by Consultant, its officers, employees, agents and subcontractors, in the course of implementing this Agreement, . shall become the exclusive property of City, and City shall have 0 the sole right to use such materials in its discretion without further compensation to Consultant or any other party. Consultant shall, at Consultant's expense, provide such Documents to City upon prior written request. Documents, including drawings and specifications, prepared by Consultant pursuant to this Agreement are not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse by City or others on any other project. Any use of completed Documents for other projects and any use of incomplete Documents without specific written authorization from Consultant will be at City's sole risk and without liability to Consultant. Further, any and all liability arising out of changes made to Consultant's deliverables under this Agreement by City or persons other than Consultant is waived against Consultant and City assumes full responsibility for such changes unless City has given Consultant prior notice and has received from Consultant written consent for such changes. 18. CONFIDENTIALITY All Documents, including drafts, preliminary drawings or plans, notes and communications that result from the services in this Agreement, shall be kept confidential unless City authorizes in writing the release of information. 19. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INDEMNITY The Consultant shall defend and indemnify City, its agents, officers, representatives and employees against any and all liability, including costs, for infringement of any United States' letters patent, trademark, or copyright infringement, including costs, contained in Consultant's drawings and specifications provided under this Agreement. 20. RECORDS Consultant shall keep records and invoices in connection with the work to be performed under this Agreement. Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to the costs incurred under this Agreement and any services, expenditures and disbursements charged to City, for a minimum period of three (3) years, or for any longer period required by law, from the date of final payment to Consultant under this Agreement. All such records and invoices shall be clearly identifiable. Consultant shall allow a representative of City to examine, audit and make transcripts or copies of such records and invoices during regular business hours. Consultant shall allow inspection of all work, data, Documents, proceedings and activities related to the Agreement for a period of three (3) years from the date of final payment to Consultant under this Agreement. 21. WITHHOLDINGS City may withhold payment to Consultant of any disputed sums until satisfaction of the dispute with respect to such payment. Such withholding shall not be deemed to constitute a failure to pay according to the terms of this Agreement. Consultant shall not discontinue work as a result of such withholding. Consultant W shall have an immediate right to appeal to the City Manager or his /her designee with respect to such disputed sums. Consultant shall be entitled to receive interest on any withheld sums at the rate of return that City earned on its investments during the time period, from the date of withholding of any amounts found to have been improperly withheld. 22. ERRORS AND OMISSIONS In the event of errors or omissions that are due to the negligence or professional inexperience of Consultant which result in expense to City greater than what would have resulted if there were not errors or omissions in the work accomplished by Consultant, the additional design, construction and /or restoration expense shall be bome by Consultant. Nothing in this paragraph is intended to limit City's rights under the law or any other sections of this Agreement. 23. CITY'S RIGHT TO EMPLOY OTHER CONSULTANTS City reserves the right to employ other Consultants in connection with the Project. 24. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST The Consultant or its employees may be subject to the provisions of the California Political Reform Act of 1974 (the "Act "), which (1) requires such persons to disclose any financial interest that may foreseeably be materially affected by the work performed under this Agreement, and (2) prohibits such persons from making, or participating in making, decisions that will foreseeably financially affect such interest. If subject to the Act, Consultant shall conform to all requirements of the Act. Failure to do so constitutes a material breach and is grounds for immediate termination of this Agreement by City. Consultant shall indemnify and hold harmless City for any and all claims for damages resulting from Consultant's violation of this Section. 25. NOTICES All notices, demands, requests or approvals to be given under the terms of this Agreement shall be given in writing, and conclusively shall be deemed served when delivered personally, or on the third business day after the deposit thereof in the United States mail, postage prepaid, first -class mail, addressed as hereinafter provided. All notices, demands, requests or approvals from Consultant to City shall be addressed to City at: Attn: Revenue Division Manager Administrative Services Department City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA, 92663 10 13..TLTt�Z'ti3:1<��cTiL'L! All notices, demands, requests or approvals from CITY to Consultant shall be addressed to Consultant at: Attention: Brad Burgess 2001 P Street, Suite 200 Sacramento, CA 95811 Phone: 916.595.2646 Fax: 916.914.2372 26. TERMINATION In the event that either party fails or refuses to perform any of the provisions of this Agreement at the time and in the manner required, that party shall be deemed in default in the performance of this Agreement. If such default is not cured within a period of five (5) calendar days, or if more than five (5) calendar days are reasonably required to cure the default and the defaulting party fails to give adequate assurance of due performance within five (5) calendar days after receipt of written notice of default, specifying the nature of such default and the steps necessary to cure such default, and thereafter diligently take steps to cure the default, the non - defaulting party may terminate the Agreement forthwith by giving to the defaulting party written notice thereof. Notwithstanding the above provisions, City shall have the right, at its sole discretion and without cause, of terminating this Agreement at any time by giving ten (10) calendar days prior written notice to Consultant. In the event of termination under this Section, City shall pay Consultant for services satisfactorily performed and costs incurred up to the effective date of termination for which Consultant has not been previously paid. On the effective date of termination, Consultant shall deliver to City all reports, Documents and other information developed or accumulated in the performance of this Agreement, whether in draft or final form. 27. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LAWS Consultant shall at its own cost and expense comply with all statutes, ordinances, regulations and requirements of all governmental entities, including federal, state, county or municipal, whether now in force or hereinafter enacted. In addition, all work prepared by Consultant shall conform to applicable City, county, state and federal laws, rules, regulations and permit requirements and be subject to approval of the Project Administrator and City. 28. WAIVER A waiver by either party of any breach, of any term, covenant or condition contained herein shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other term, covenant or condition contained herein, whether of the same or a different character. 11 29. INTEGRATED CONTRACT This Agreement represents the full and complete understanding of every kind or nature whatsoever between the parties hereto, and all preliminary negotiations and agreements of whatsoever kind or nature are merged herein. No verbal agreement or implied covenant shall be held to vary the provisions herein. 30. CONFLICTS OR INCONSISTENCIES In the event there are any conflicts or inconsistencies between this Agreement and the Scope of Services or any other attachments attached hereto, the terms of this Agreement shall govern. 31. INTERPRETATION The terms of this Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the meaning of the language used and shall not be construed for or against either party by reason of the authorship of the Agreement or any other rule of construction which might otherwise apply. 32. AMENDMENTS This Agreement may be modified or amended only by a written document executed by both Consultant and City and approved as to form by the City Attorney. 33. SEVERABILITY If any term or portion of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. 34. CONTROLLING LAW AND VENUE The laws of the State of California shall govern this Agreement and all matters relating to it and any action brought relating to this Agreement shall be adjudicated in a court of competent jurisdiction in the County of Orange. 35. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT Consultant represents that it is an equal opportunity employer and it shall not discriminate against any subcontractor, employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, national origin, handicap, ancestry, sex or age. 36. NO ATTORNEYS' FEES In the event of a legal dispute under the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall not be entitled to attorneys' fees. 12 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day and year first written above. APPROVED AS TO FORM: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY: L`eonie Mulvihill Atsr Y�Gi�o Acting City Attorney ATTEST: By: "-I Leilani Brown, City Clerk CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, A Municipal Corporation By: -'` Keith Curry Mayor :�•��rr>~r�rt9 -- ` (Corporatie Officer) Title- 5'r. ?C -tr'? -C Print Name: 5- P_ rn fad LeAlf ss By: (Financial' Officer) CFO Print Name: MICHELLE JUAREZ Attachments: Exhibit "X— Scope of Services Exhibit "B" — Schedule of Billing Rates 13 Exhibit "A" Scope of Services Project Organization The project shall be divided into the following six phases: Year 1 (FY 2009 -10): Update citywide cost allocation plan Perform initial comprehensive Harbor Tidelands user fee study Update Police user fee study Catalog user fee services for all user fee departments listed in project years 1, 2 and 3 along with developing a linkage from each service name to the corresponding City revenue code. o Year 2 (FY 2010 -11): Update Administrative Services, Library, Recreation & Senior Services and Utilities user fee studies. • Year 3 (FY 2011 -12): Update Building, Fire and Code Enforcement, Planning, Public Works user fee studies. • Year 4 (FY 2012 -13): Update citywide cost allocation plan, Harbor Tidelands and Police user fee studies. • Year 5 (FY 2013 -14): Update Administrative Services, Library, Recreation & Senior Services and Utilities user fee studies. • Year 6 (FY 2014 -15): Update Building, Fire and Code Enforcement, Planning, Public Works user fee studies. Detailed Project Description: User Fee Updates For the fee study departments described above, the areas of update /analysis will include: • The addition of any new fee services. • Review /revise all time estimates included in the previous study and capture new time estimates for new services. Note — the initial Harbor Tidelands study will be conducted with all new time information, which will be gathered on site from City staff. Update annual volume and revenue statistics for all fee services. ® Update all staffing and expenditure information. ® Update all cross - department support calculations. ® Provide revenue forecasting based on recommended fee levels. • Update department overhead rates. • Prepare for Council approval the annual citywide service fee schedule reflecting the results of the year's user fee update and cost allocation plan (if applicable), and the changes to the 14 Consumer Price Index from the previously adopted service fee schedule. The staff report for the Council presentation will be created by City staff. Following Council adoption of the service fee schedule, for each department - create individual comprehensive user fee service and copy & duplication charges catalogs. The user fee catalog will be created in a manner that creates a better linkage between individual departmental user fee levels and the corresponding departmental general fund revenue by tying service fees and transaction counts to general fund revenue accounts. This catalog will allow enhanced revenue forecasting and budgeting by incorporating staffing changes and volume statistics. Any department not included in that year's detailed analysis will have their user fees updated by the local CPI (i.e. the Planning fees will be updated by the CPI factor in years 1 and 2; the Police fees will be updated by the CPI factor in years 2 and 3).These updates will be applied and forecasted revenue information will be provided for each department. Detailed Project Description: Cost Allocation Plan For the cost allocation plan, the areas of update /analysis will include: ® Review /update of all central service departments (add /remove any divisions) ® Update cost plan structure /receiving departments to reflect the current city budget structure ® Update all functional areas within allocating departments ® Update all staff time analyses within functional areas ® Update all allocation basis used to allocate functional costs ® Update expenditure data to reflect current budget (or previous year actuals) Compare allocations to prior cost plan results 15 Exhibit "B" Schedule of Billing and Rates Year 1: Update citywide cost allocation plan - $12,500.00 Update Police user fee study - $2,500.00 Perform initial comprehensive Harbor Tidelands user fee study - $25,000.00 Catalog user fee services for all user fee departments listed in project years 1, 2 and 3 along with developing a linkage from each service name to the corresponding City revenue code — included Total - $40,000.00 Year 1 will be billed as follows: 50% after all initial department meetings /interviews are conducted 30% upon receipt of first draft of cost allocation plan, Police and Harbor Tidelands fee study 20% upon receipt of final cost allocation plan, Police and Harbor Tidelands fee study and departmental fee service catalog Year 2: Update Administrative Services user fee study - $3,500.00 Update Library user fee study - $2,500.00 Update Recreation & Senior Services user fee study $4,500.00 Update Utilities user fee study - $4,500.00 Total - $15,000.00 Year 2 will be billed as follows: 50 % upon receipt of 151 user fee draft for all departments 40% upon receipt of 2nd user fee draft for all departments 10% upon receipt of final report and presentation Year 3: Update of Building user fee study - $4,500.00 Update of Code Enforcement user fee study - $2,000.00 Update of Fire user fee study - $4,500.00 Update of Planning user fee study - $4,500.00 Update of Public Works user fee study- $4,500.00 Total - $20,000.00 Year 3 will be billed as follows: 50% upon receipt of 1St user fee draft for all departments 40% upon receipt of 2nd user fee draft for all departments 10% upon receipt of final report, presentation and departmental fee service catalog 16 MMIXIf Update Police user fee study - $2,500.00 Update Harbor Tidelands user fee study - $10,000.00 Update citywide cost allocation plan - $12,500.00 Total - $25,000.00 Year 4 will be billed as follows: 50% after all initial department meetings /interviews are conducted 30% upon receipt of 1't draft of cost allocation plan and Police and Harbor Tidelands fee study 20% upon receipt of final cost allocation plan and Police and Harbor Tidelands fee study Year 5: Update Administrative Services user fee study - $3,500.00 Update Library user fee study - $2,500.00 Update Recreation & Senior Services user fee study - $4,500.00 Update Utilities user fee study - $4,500.00 Total - $15,000.00 Year 5 phase will be billed as follows: 50% upon receipt of 1st user fee draft for all departments 40% upon receipt of 2"d user fee draft for all departments 10% upon receipt of final report, presentation and departmental fee service catalog Year 6: Update of Building user fee study - $4,500.00 Update of Code Enforcement user fee study - $2,000.00 Update of Fire user fee study - $4,500.00 Update of Planning user fee study - $4,500.00 Update of Public Works user fee study - $4,500.00 Total - $20,000.00 Year 6 will be billed as follows: • 50% upon receipt of 15t user fee draft for all departments ® 40% upon receipt of 2nd user fee draft for all departments ® 10% upon receipt of final report, presentation and departmental fee service catalog 17 Hourly Billing Rates For any services outside or in addition to the Scope of Services ( "Extra Work ") described in Exhibit "A ", City shall pay the Consultant for the services on a time and expense basis in 1 /10th hour increments at the following rate(s).. Senior Partner: $250 Senior Associate: $185 Associate: $165 Senior Consultant: $155 Production Coordinator: $85 Project related expenses (mileage, air travel, car rental, lodging, meals while on site, duplication) shall be billed at cost. m