HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 - Port of Long Beach Memorandum of AgreementCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH City Council Staff Report Agenda Item No. 12 March 22, 2011 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Public Works Department Stephen G. Badum, Public Works Director 949 - 644 -3311, sbadum @newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Chris Miller, Harbor Resources Manager APPROVED:P�eb TITLE: Memorandum of Agreement with the Port of Long Beach for the Rhine Channel Contaminated Sediment Cleanup Project ABSTRACT: The Port of Long Beach (POLB) requires a Memorandum of Agreement to be executed prior to the City disposing any dredged sediment from the Rhine Channel in the Port's Middle Harbor Redevelopment Project which will begin in August 2011. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve and execute the Memorandum of Agreement with the POLB to dispose of the sediments from the Rhine Channel Dredging Project; and Authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute any future agreements related to the Rhine Channel Dredging Project to ensure the City meets the strict project schedule imposed by the POLB. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: The Rhine Channel Dredging Project will cost approximately $5 million. Estimated funds for the construction portion of the project are approximately $4 million (CIP 7231- C4402004 — Tidelands Fund previously appropriated by the City Council). However, project bids are due on March 24 which will further refine the estimation. Construction management costs which include pre - project agency submittals, job site field management, sediment and water quality sampling, lab fees, POLB coordination and post - project agency submittals are expected to cost approximately $700,000. Other project expenses are $71,000 in permit fees and air quality mitigation credits (previously approved by City Council), and the potential costs associated with vessel relocation of which plans are currently being formulated but not yet finalized. Memorandum of Agreement with the Port of Long Beach for the Rhine Channel Contaminated Sediment Cleanup Project March 22, 2011 Page 2 DISCUSSION: The Rhine Channel Dredging Project will remove contaminated sediments from the Rhine Channel in the Lower Bay as well as from other nearby tidelands areas (Marina Park, American Legion and 15th Street public pier). Overall, this project will (1) remove contaminated sediments to restore and enhance state - designated impaired beneficial uses of the Rhine Channel, (2) dispose of the removed sediment in an environmentally responsible and cost - effective manner, (3) improve navigation, and (4) enhance coastal access opportunities for the public by improving water quality. The sediment removal from the Rhine Channel will be placed in the POLB's Middle Harbor Project in order to fill an existing channel which will improve terminal operations at the Port. The attached Memorandum of Agreement with the POLB will allow the City to deposit sediment at the Middle Harbor Project (see attachment B). The Middle Harbor Project is an extremely complex, multi - phase, time - sensitive project that relies on coordination from multiple entities, and the City of Newport Beach is the first party to participate. The POLB's Memorandum of Agreement was presented to the City on a "take it or leave it" basis with little to no room for amendment. Although the Memorandum of Agreement was drafted in favor of the POLB, City staff believes it is the best option available to ensure the Rhine Channel is dredged in a cost effective and efficient manner. Rhine Project Status: Several milestones have been met and the Rhine Project continues to proceed on schedule as outlined below: • The Mitigated Negative Declaration (CEQA) was approved by Council (July 2010). • POLB approved the City's application to dispose of material at their facility. (August 2010). • Construction documents are finalized and the project is currently out to bid. Bid opening March 24, Anticipated Council award April 26. • All permits secured: Water Board, State Lands (no dredging lease necessary), AQMD (pending purchase of mitigation credits), Army Corps of Engineers, Coastal Commission (pending pre - project submittals). • Staff is working with the State Lands Commission to obtain approval for the use of Tidelands Funds on this project as required by the City's Tidelands Grant. Memorandum of Agreement with the Port of Long Beach for the Rhine Channel Contaminated Sediment Cleanup Project March 22, 2011 Page 3 • Outreach meetings to the community: ongoing. • Coordination with the Project stakeholders: ongoing. • Coordination with the Office of the City Attorney for various stakeholder agreements: ongoing. • Negotiations for Construction Management including project coordination in Newport Beach and the POLB, pre- and post - project submittals, and water quality/sediment sampling: currently underway. • Project duration: August through December 2011. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The City prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration for this project that was reviewed and approved by the City Council in ,July 2010. NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). Submitted by: Public Works Director Attachments: A. Vicinit y Map B. Port o f Long Beach Memorandum of Agreement Memorandum of Agreement with the Port of Long Beach for the Rhine Channel Contaminated Sediment Cleanup Project March 22, 2011 Page 4 Attachment A Vicinity Map SOURCE: Issemap prepared from city of Newport Beach GIS files. tEGENO: NOTE: Temporary moorage areas are located throughout lower O Proposed PmJect Area Newport Bay. Pierhead Unes(Approdmate) 0 1000 Figure 2 �P. Proposed Project Area ANCHOR �yRhine Channel Contaminated Sedimeent nt Cleanup QFA cu.. Memorandum of Agreement with the Port of Long Beach for the Rhine Channel Contaminated Sediment Cleanup Project March 22, 2011 Page 5 Attachment B Port of Long Beach Memorandum of Agreement Im MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AND THE CITY OF LONG BEACH, ACTING BY AND THROUGH ITS BOARD OF HARBOR COMMISSIONERS THIS MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT ( "MOA") is made and entered into, in duplicate, as of the date executed by the Executive Director of the Long Beach Harbor Department ( "Executive Director"), by and between the CITY OF LONG BEACH, a municipal corporation, acting by and through its Board of Harbor Commissioners ( "City ") pursuant to authority granted by said Board at its meeting of 2011; and the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a municipal corporation ( "Third Party "). 1. Recitals. This MOA is made with reference to the following facts and objectives: 1.1 City's Middle Harbor Redevelopment Project ("Middle Harbor Project") is a complex, multi - phase, time- sensitive project that is expected to be constructed while container terminals remain in operation. 1.2 One of the early, essential components of the Middle Harbor Project is the placement of fill in the areas known as the Slip 1 fill area and the East Basin fill area following the construction of two containment dikes, as further described herein and in City's Middle Harbor Redevelopment Sediment Management Plan ( "Middle Harbor SMP "). 1.3 Unlike a typical dredge disposal location, the Middle Harbor fill site is an early, key component of a much larger, time - critical redevelopment project. The timing of the placement of fill is critical to subsequent terminal construction activities, but is also dependent on the timing of preceding construction activities. As a result, the temporal window for acceptance and placement of fill is both narrow and subject to change as the Middle Harbor Project advances. 1.4 City anticipates satisfying some of its fill material needs from material generated by the Middle Harbor Project and other Port of Long Beach ( "Port") projects; however, in the interest of benefitting the Middle Harbor Project and the region, and furthering the Los Angeles Regional Contaminated Sediment Task Force's ( "CSTF ") policy of encouraging beneficial reuse of contaminated sediments, City is endeavoring to accommodate as much dredge material from third -party (i.e., non -Port) projects as is reasonable given City's fill material criteria, the logistical, technical and environmental requirements of the Middle Harbor Project LVµy ',�IX,u4lIWPOwYO39w1,1[9N�WD'JG AI,.NN� uiomt IWtBMY° OMry Aron xflnom0fl4NIM1Y�7 and the requirements of Applicable Laws (as defined in paragraph 2 below). 1.5 To facilitate identification of suitable third -party fill material, City has distributed Applications (as defined in paragraph 2 below) to potentially interested parties, including Third Party. 1.6 Third Party has submitted an Application to City because it has or expects to have, within the required timeframe, dredge material that it wishes to dispose of and that it believes meets City's criteria and the Middle Harbor Project requirements. 1.7 City, with input from the CSTF, has evaluated the Applications and has selected Third Party as one of the potential sources of third -party fill material. 1.8 Third Party is willing and able to meet City's fill.criteria and the Middle Harbor Project requirements, and City is interested in accommodating as much of Third Party's dredge material as is reasonable within the constraints of the Middle Harbor Project, such project's objectives and as is consistent with Applicable Laws, including without limitation the USACE Permit and WDRs issued to City (each as defined in paragraph 2 below). 1.9 The parties now wish by this MCA to set forth all of their understandings regarding the dredge material, and the terms and conditions under which such material may be placed in the Fill Site (as defined in paragraph 2 below). 2. Definitions. In addition to the definitions set forth elsewhere in this MOA, the following capitalized terms and phrases shall have the following meanings for purposes of this MOA: 2.1 "Applicable Laws" is the collective reference to all applicable laws, rules, regulations, requirements, licenses, permits and orders, as may be amended from time to time. 2.2 "Application" is the Port of Long Beach Middle Harbor Fill Site Application for Placement of Dredge Material, as may be amended from time to time in City's sole discretion. The Application submitted by Third Party is referred to herein as "Third Party's Application." 2.3 "Dredge Material" is Third Party's dredge material or any of it as identified and described in the Third Party Fill Plan Memo as being allowed to be placed in the Fill Site. NIOpE INHBOq 3'^PMiYMpA NFry1FOpi0FACN [RboJ 2.4 "Effective Date" is the latest date on which City and Third Party execute this MOA, as set forth on the signature page(s) of this MCA. 2.5 "Engineer" is the Chief Harbor Engineer of the Harbor Department of the City of Long Beach, California, who may be represented on the work by such assistants. as may be necessary. Engineer's designated construction site manager shall be an authorized representative of Engineer for purposes of this MOA. 2.6 "Fill Schedule" is the overall schedule established by City for Fill Site . construction, dredge material delivery to the Fill Site and dredge material placemenUlocation within the Fill Site, as may be modified from time to time in City's sole discretion as described in paragraph 5. 2.7 "Fill Site" is the confined disposal site into which dredged material is to be placed and contained for disposal within the Slip 1 fill area and the East Basin fill area. The portion of the Fill Site into which Third Party shall place its fill material is set forth in the Third Party Fill Plan Memo (as defined in subparagraph 2.10 below). 2.8 "Governmental Authority" is any nation or government, any state or other political subdivision thereof and any entity exercising executive, legislative, judicial, regulatory or administrative functions of or pertaining to government. 2.9. "Third Party Delivery Period" is the timeframe within the Fill Schedule during which Third Party shall deliver and place the Dredge Material in the Fill Site, as specified in the Third Party Fill Plan Memo. 2.10 "Third Party Fill Plan Memo" is the document developed by Engineer in consultation with Third Party, detailing the Third Party Delivery Period, the volume, the specifics of the material (chemical and geotechnical) and the placement methods, as such Third Party Fill Plan Memo may be modified from time to time in City's sole discretion as described in paragraph 5. The Third Party Fill Plan Memo as of the date hereof is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by this reference. 2.11 "Third Party Project" is the dredging origination project - related activities accomplished or to be accomplished by Third Party that involve the testing, permitting, dredging and transportation of material from the origination location for placement in the Fill Site. 2.12 "Third Party's Application" is defined in subparagraph 2.2 above. ILWIXENM Y°P� Uo2 NENWFf 9EAOIInS�n1 2.13 " USACE Permit" is the United States Army Corps of Engineers permit number SPL- 2004- 01053 -AOA issued for the Port of Long Beach Middle Harbor Redevelopment Project, as may be amended from time to time. 2.14 "WDRs" are the Waste Discharge Requirements (including Order No. R4 -2010 -0020) issued by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region, for the Port of Long Beach Middle Harbor Redevelopment Project (File No. 09 -204), as may be amended from time to time. 3. Placement of Dredge Material. Subject to the terms and conditions in this MOA: 3.1 City agrees to allow Third Party to place the Dredge Material in the Fill Site as set forth in the Third Party Fill Plan Memo. 3.2 Third Party agrees to place or cause to be placed the Dredge Material in the Fill Site as set forth in the Third Party Fill Plan Memo and to comply or cause compliance with the other provisions of the Third Party Fill Plan Memo. Third Party understands and acknowledges that it may be necessary for the Engineer to supplement the Third Party Fill Plan Memo with additional directions as conditions develop in the field, including without limitation directives concerning the movement of Third Party's vessels and equipment within the boundaries of the fill project. Third Party agrees to comply or cause compliance with any such directions. 3.3 Third Party understands and acknowledges that all matters contemplated by this MOA, including without limitation the volume of Dredge Material which may be placed and the deadline by which it must be placed are subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the USACE Permit, the WDRs and all other Applicable Laws. 4. Limited Delegation of Authority to Engineer. Without in any manner limiting City's discretion to modify the Third Party Fill Plan Memo or any other provisions of this MOA, the Board of Harbor Commissioners hereby grants authority to the Engineer to make changes to the Third Party Fill Plan Memo made necessary by geotechnical engineering requirements, logistical requirements and /or to comply with Applicable Laws. Any replacement versions of the Third Party Fill Plan Memo shall be automatically substituted as Exhibit A of this MOA. LV{ p1py.�iWlPpectMXVV�IgR,1E01.4�C A1�yyi] MIWIt FWtBCR Y°FARiY WA HEVAJRi OFAC "IM1NCI 5. Fill Schedule, Etc. 5.1 City reserves all rights and discretion with respect to the Middle Harbor Project, subject to Applicable Laws. As such, City reserves the right to develop, establish and implement among other things, the Fill Schedule and the Third Party Fill Plan Memo and the right to establish the Third Party Delivery Period. City agrees to consult with Third Party in developing the Third Party Fill Plan Memo and establishing the Third Party Delivery Period, but it is understood and agreed by both parties hereto that any final decisions shall be reserved to City. 5.2 City reserves the right to modify, in its sole discretion, the Fill Schedule, Third Party Fill Plan Memo and Third Party Delivery Date from time to time as field conditions and the requirements of the Middle Harbor Project warrant and to comply with Applicable Laws. Where possible, City will consult with Third Party in making modifications to the Third Party Fill Plan Memo and Third Party Delivery Period. City also agrees to keep Third Party reasonably apprised of any substantive changes to the Fill Schedule, Third Party Fill Plan Memo and Third Party Delivery Period (including by providing replacement versions of the Third Party Fill Plan Memo as described in paragraph 4 above), however, notwithstanding anything in this subparagraph or the MOA, any final decisions concerning the Fill Schedule, Third Party Fill Plan Memo and Third Party Delivery Date and any changes thereto shall be reserved to City and it shall be Third Party's responsibility to communicate regularly with City to keep itself informed of any such changes and to comply or cause compliance with any such changes. 5.3 Third Party's sole and exclusive recourse by reason of any disagreement with City that is not able to be resolved regarding the Fill Schedule, Third Party Fill Plan Memo, Third Party Delivery Period or any modifications thereto, shall be the termination of this MOA in accordance with paragraph 13. 6. Conditions Precedent. As a condition precedent to City's agreement to allow Third Party to place the Dredge Material in the Fill Site as described in paragraph 3, Third Party shall do or cause to be done, at the earliest time possible and in any event prior to any placement of the Dredge Material, the following: 6.1 Obtain and provide City with copies of all regulatory permits, licenses and approvals for the placement of the Dredge Material in the Fill Site. Said permits, licenses and approvals shall name the Middle Harbor Project Fill Site as an acceptable disposal site. 6.2 Demonstrate to City's satisfaction, including without limitation by providing copies of any documentation requested by City, that the Third Party Project has secured adequate funding and that Third Parry has approved a dredging contract. Third Party understands and acknowledges that satisfaction of all conditions precedent is in no way a guarantee that Third Party will be able to place the Dredge Material in the Fill Site or of the quantity of Dredge Material that may be placed. 7. Third Party Affirmative Covenants. Third Party hereby agrees that it shall and shall cause its employees, contractors and agents to: 7.1 Maintain all regulatory permits, licenses and approvals for the placement of the Dredge Material in the Fill Site, 7.2 Comply with all Applicable Laws in the handling and placement of the Dredge Material (including without limitation the extraction, transportation and placement of the Dredge Material), and where applicable assist and facilitate City's compliance with its permits and other Applicable Laws. 7.3 In recognition of the critical importance to the Middle Harbor Project of the timely placement of the Dredge Material, promptly coordinate and cooperate, and regularly communicate with, the Engineer and City's contractors in all matters relating to the placement of the Dredge Material such that the Middle Harbor Project schedule is not delayed or otherwise impacted. Such coordination, cooperation and communication shall include, at minimum, attendance by Third Parry's contractors at the Middle Harbor Project's weekly construction meetings relating to dredging and fill activities, starting four weeks prior to anticipated material placement and through the entire material placement process or as otherwise noted to Third Party by City. 7.4 Comply with all Engineer directives, including but not limited to directions to interrupt, delay, stop or modify the delivery of the Dredge Material to and placement in the Fill Site due to water quality issues, safety issues, impacts to City operations, permit compliance, dredge material placement sequencing, and/or other issues pertinent to the Middle Harbor SMP. In any event Third Party shall bear its own standby and delay costs. 7.5 Employ best management practices in the handing and placement of the Dredge Material (including without limitation with regard to the extraction, transportation and placement of the Dredge Material). l4poYGlytn.YM9Lta'MM'PoI IYlE�160].00L LPNLE W.R&ifl J'O PAiRTIAM 111 W3b flEV.waTeFFCflfftsml 7.6 Upon request by City, provide access to Third Party's records relating to or concerning the handling and placement of the Dredge Material. 7.7 Upon request by City, provide access to Third Party's contractors' construction operations records such as barge and disposal logs related to the Fill Site placement activities to ensure coordination with other construction activities. 7.8 Be responsible for rehandling, relocating and/or retrieving any material which.is placed in any location other than that specified in the Third Party Fill Plan Memo or lost during transportation or placement activities, as may be directed by the Engineer or Governmental Authorities, as the case may be. 7.9 Promptly give notice to City of'. (A) the commencement of dredging activities for the Third Party Project; . (B) the completion of dredging activities for the Third Party Project (at the same time notification is provided to the regulatory agencies); (C) any change in anticipated scheduling of the Third Party Project or Third Party's ability to comply with any provisions of this MOA, including without limitation the Third Party Delivery Period or Third Party Fill Plan Memo; (D) any changes to the information provided to City relating to or concerning the Dredge Material, including without limitation the volume or chemical or geotechnical profile; (E) any litigation, investigation, proceeding or order involving or affecting Third Party or the Dredge Material; and (F) any other matter or information involving or affecting the Dredge Material which heretofore has not been notified to City in writing. 7.10 Furnish to City: dam+�uY�«+�uwevs Me Mtli e,eo:.o �11aln eomee.unea+>Z=We He RT (A) as soon as available, but no later than concurrently with Third Party's execution of this MOA, copies of all bathymetri surveys and dredge designs; (B) as soon as available but no later than concurrently with Third Party's execution of this MOA, copies of all sampling, analytical and technical data and reports. relevant to assessment of the suitability of Third Party Project material for placement and disposal in the Fill Site; (C) as soon as available but no later than concurrently with Third Party's execution of this MOA, any other test results, reports or data relating to or concerning the Dredge Material; (D) prior to the placement of any Dredge Material in the Fill Site, copies of the permits, licenses and approvals referred to in subparagraph 6.1, together with any regulatory correspondence; (E) any information generated by or caused to be generated by Third Party for regulators concerning the Dredge Material or Third Party Project; (F) any information which may reasonably be expected to need to be incorporated into City's Middle Harbor Project documentation or documentation to comply with City's permits. In the event of any doubt, Third Party shall promptly consult with City. (G) within thirty (30) days after Third Party's notification to the regulatory agencies of completion of the pertinent dredging activities, copies of Third Party's calculation of the total in -situ dredged material volume, and all information relevant to such calculation, including without limitation all bathymetry surveys and other . information; and (H) any other information reasonably requested by City, including without limitation barge information and transportation logs. 7.11 Work in good faith with City to eliminate or minimize standby and delay costs which may be incurred to accomplish the placement of the Dredge Material in accordance with the Fill Schedule. LY�KryLr .3TYRCeci1�J30W011'CONfEaIDCC Alt W$B] kIW$EINgBQQ Y°PARIYMON NEWlOfliBE.�CN$RLa� 7.12 Cooperate with any post - placement bathymetric surveys or sampling which may be conducted by City to ensure that placement of the Dredge Material was conducted as agreed upon in the Third Party Fill Plan Memo. 8. Third Party Negative Covenants. Third Party shall not, and shall not permit any of its employees, contractors or agents to: 8.1 Place any Dredge Material in the Fill Site prior to the satisfaction of all conditions precedent pursuant to paragraph 6. 8.2 Place anything other than the Dredge Material (such as construction debris) in the Fill Site, or otherwise violate the terms of the USAGE Permit, the WDRs or any other Applicable Laws. 8.3 Impact, delay, interrupt or hinder the Fill Schedule, Middle Harbor Project schedule, successful construction of the Middle Harbor Project or the ongoing activities of City or the Port, including without limitation any marine terminal operations. 8.4 Engage in any landside activities. 8.5 Engage in any activities inconsistent with the Environmental Impact Report for the Middle Harbor Project ( "Middle Harbor EIR "). 8.6 Engage in any activities that would cause City to violate any Applicable Laws, including without limitation, the USAGE Permit and WDRs. 9. No Payment of Monies. Third Party understands that City will pay no monetary consideration for the Dredge Material, but that the benefit to Third Party is Citys willingness to accommodate as much Dredge Material as is reasonable in the context of the Middle Harbor Project, subject to the terms and conditions of this MCA. 10, No Liability of City: Assumption of the Risk by Third Party. 10.1 Although City is undertaking in this MOA to accommodate as much of the Dredge Material as is reasonable in the context of the Middle Harbor Project, Third Party acknowledges and understands that the Middle Harbor Project's requirements and schedules are subject to change and /or delay as field conditions develop and as fill from other third parties is placed in the Fill Site. For example, the fill that is placed prior to or concurrently with Third Party's Dredge Material may affect the timing, volume and chemical and structural characteristics of the fill that follows, LWq�L1,L.QNYJZ;, XWII W],fp%DCL [TLi.1 VJOOtP MNBOR � °VARIYMOF ttE4NgRTOCM1CH �n e. +� including without limitation eliminating the need for any additional fill. Third Party understands that it is its responsibility to make, at its cost and expense, such contingency and other plans as it sees fit, including securing an alternate disposal site and negotiating flexibility into its contracts and permits, to be prepared in the event that City's fill material needs and /or scheduling changes. Third Party understands and acknowledges that if it fails to make such contingency and other plans it does so at its own risk. 10.2 Third Party assumes all risks and responsibilities associated with the extraction, transportation and placement of the Dredge Material, including without limitation compliance with all Applicable Laws and rehandling of Dredge Material, injury to crew or contractors and misplaced or lost fill material. 10.3 Third Party understands and acknowledges that City retains all rights and discretion with respect to the Middle Harbor Project. City makes no representations or warranties with respect to the placement of the Dredge Material in the Fill Site, either by virtue of this MOA, any permits, licenses or approvals obtained by either of the parties hereto, or otherwise. 10.4 Third Party understands and acknowledges that nothing in this MCA shall constitute or confer or be implied to constitute or confer a grant of any property right, privilege, permit, license or other entitlement to Third Party or anyone else. 10.5 Notwithstanding anything in this MCA, Third Party understands and acknowledges that all matters contemplated by this MOA are subject to the terms and conditions of City's permits and all other Applicable Laws, as described in subparagraph 3.3 above. 10.6 Neither Third Party nor any other persons shall be entitled to any monies or damages (including without limitation, consequential damages) from City as a result of any matters relating to or arising from this MCA, including without limitation any changes in City's fill material needs or scheduling, such as City's accommodation of less Dredge Material than is contemplated in this MOA or no Dredge Material. Third Party's sole and exclusive recourse by reason of any matter concerning this MOA shall be the termination of this MOA pursuant to paragraph 13. 11. Costs and Expenses. Without limiting any other provision of this 11r, 11.1 Third Party agrees that it shall be responsible for all costs, expenses and /or losses associated with the placement of the Dredge 10 LMppM .�ta]N'RpoalMmWO„tlEalaO]DCC n,,.mna wnnewnecxamvu,ttw.a - nt�woai oE:cxf�'•I Material, including without limitation the extraction and transportation of the Dredge Material to the Fill Site, compliance with all Applicable Laws, any contingency plans, any delays in scheduling or any other circumstances, conditions or changes, whether anticipated or not. 11.2 Third Party further agrees that it shall be responsible, and. reimburse City for, all costs, expenses and /or losses incurred by City associated with the placement of the Dredge Material, including without limitation for any delays to the Fill Schedule. Costs, expenses and /or losses incurred by City include, without limitation, out -of- pocket expenses, in -house staff costs, reduced rent, and /or reimbursements. 11.3 Third Party agrees that it shall be responsible, and reimburse City for, for all costs and /or losses incurred by City in connection with surveys, inspections, monitoring and review related to or arising out of the Dredge Material. 11.4 Third Party understands and acknowledges that if all the Third Party Project material is not placed before the end of the Third Party Delivery Period, the Fill Site may, at City's sole discretion, no longer .accept the Third Party Project material or acceptance of material may require additional logistical procedures and associated costs in order to receive Third Party's Project material, all of which additional logistical procedures, costs and expenses shall be Third Party's responsibility. 11.5 Third Party understands and acknowledges that once the Fill Site reaches the elevation at which bottom dumping is no longer feasible, rehandling of the Dredge Material including without limitation hydraulic placement (and additional costs and expenses) will be necessary, as further described in the Third Party Fill Plan Memo. Third Party shall be responsible for any planning, costs and expenses associated with such rehandling. 12. Representations and Warranties. To induce City to enter into this MOA and allow Third Party to place the Dredge Material as provided in this MOA, Third Party hereby represents and warrants to City that: 12.1 Except as otherwise notified to City in writing and acknowledged by City prior to the Effective Date of this MCA, all information and materials provided by Third Party to City relating to or concerning the Dredge Material, including without limitation the information set forth in Third Party's Application, is true, complete and accurate. 12.2 Third Party has disclosed to City all material facts concerning the Third Party Project and Dredge Material and not failed to II �wmYm =.�rymoonemwa„wz.iwx.00c n„ame mcaFwamaa °vu,nuo� HEwvom eficx(na,l disclose any material fact that would cause any representation to be materially misleading. 12.3 The Dredge Material has been designated by all applicable regulators as suitable for placement in a confined disposal facility. 12A The Dredge. Material does not constitute "hazardous waste" as defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency or the California Department of Toxic Substances Control. 12.5 The Dredge Material is not encumbered by restrictions, covenants or any other requirements imposed by the State of Califomia;or any other Governmental Authority, including without limitation any restrictions, covenants or other requirements having the effect of establishing long -term liability, monitoring and/or maintenance obligations. 12.6 No litigation, investigation, proceeding or order of or before any Governmental Authority is pending or, to the knowledge of Third Party, threatened by or against Third Party or anyone else with respect to the Third Patty Project or Dredge Material. 12.7 No claim or litigation of or by any person or non- governmental entity or organization is pending or, to the knowledge of Third Party, threatened by or against Third Party or anyone else with respect to the Third Party Project or the Dredge Material. 12.8 Third Party has obtained and is familiar with the contents of the Middle Harbor EIR, the current version of the Middle Harbor SMP, the USACE Permit and the WDRs, copies of which are on file with City's Director of Environmental Planning. 12.9 Third Party has the power and authority, and the legal right, to make, deliver and perform this MOA. 12.10 This MOA has been duly authorized, executed and delivered on behalf of Third Party. 13. Termination. If not earlier expired, this MOA may be terminated at any time as follows: 13.1 Upon the mutual agreement of City and Third Party. 13.2 By either party, by giving fourteen (14) days' notice to the other party in the event that the parties are unable to resolve a dispute pursuant to paragraph 23. 12 nn�iweoaY°P"�pnT�i'uon IIW3190I.000 NEYYLOFT 6Fl.O1IR 1 13.3 City may terminate this MOA by giving Third Party two (2) days' notice upon the breach or default by Third Party (either directly or through a contractor, subcontractor or agent of Third Party) of any covenant, duty, obligation, representation or warranty of Third Party under this MOA and /or any exhibit hereto. Notwithstanding the foregoing, City may terminate this MOA immediately and without any notice to Third Party in the event of a breach`or default that City believes in its sole discretion is an imminent threat to the timely, safe or successful completion of the Middle Harbor Project. Additionally, City may terminate this MOA immediately and without any notice to Third Party in the event that City believes in its sole discretion that a violation of an Applicable Law is imminent or reasonably likely to occur. 13.4 Upon any termination (or expiration) of this MOA, Third Party shall immediately cease and cause its employees, contractors and agents to cease all activities, and shall at Third Party's cost, promptly and with all due care, remove and demobilize all equipment, debris and personnel from the Middle Harbor Project site. Third Party shall, at its cost, repair any damage caused by such removal or demobilization and reimburse City for any delay costs attributable to such removal or demobilization. 13.5 Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing or elsewhere in this MOA, the obligations and indemnities of Third Party pursuant to paragraphs 10, 11, 13.4 and 15 shall survive any termination of this MCA. 14. MOA Expiration Date. Notwithstanding anything contained in this MCA or any exhibits hereto, including without limitation the Third Party Fill Plan Memo, if this MOA has not earlier been terminated pursuant to paragraph 13, this MOA shall expire on the earliest of the following dates (such date, the "Expiration Date "): 14.1 Five years from the Effective Date; 14.2 February 3, 2015, or other date specified in the WDRs; 14.3 February 28, 2020, or other date specified in the USACE Permit; or 14.4 Upon reaching the applicable volume limits set forth in the USACE Permit, unless and until City in its sole and absolute discretion elects to and approves the extension of the Expiration Date (and, in the case of any applicable regulatory requirements, obtains the necessary approvals or waivers from the relevant Governmental Authority to modify such requirement). Notwithstanding, anything 13 11=2 �nwvw �omewo,rom.,em. woo�wmm�� °ouexuw ,.Ewrovr oenc�l*�sel contained in the foregoing or elsewhere in this MOA, the obligations and indemnities of Third Party pursuant to paragraphs 10, 11, 13.4 and 15 shall survive any expiration of this MOA. Nothing in this paragraph 14 creates a duty or obligation on the part of City to seek any approvals, waivers, time extensions or otherwise from any Governmental Authorities. 15. Indemnity, Third Party shall indemnify, hold, protect and save harmless the City of Long Beach, the Board of Harbor Commissioners and their officials, commissioners, employees, consultants, advisors and agents ( "Indemnified Parties ") from and against any and all actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, damages, losses, liens, costs, expenses or liabilities, of any kind or nature whatsoever ( "Claims ") which may be brought, made, filed against, imposed upon or sustained by the Indemnified Parties, or any of them, alleging any connection with this MOA or activities described or related to activities described in this MOA, including without limitation any activities of Third Party, its employees, contractors, subcontractors or agents. City shall notify Third Party of any such Claim, shall tender its defense to Third Party, and assist Third Party, as may be reasonably requested, in such defense. Upon such notification and tender, Third Party shall have independent duties to defend such Claim, and to indemnify the Indemnified Parties except to the extent that injury, death or property damage is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to have been caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of the Indemnified Parties or any of them. Payment of a Claim shall not be a condition precedent to an Indemnified Party's right to defense and indemnity. 16. Insurance. As a condition precedent to the effectiveness of this MOA, Third Party shall (or shall cause its contractor to) procure and maintain in full force and effect during the term of the MOA, Watercraft Liability Insurance including Protection and indemnity with minimum limits of $10,000,000 per occurrence, Jones Act for employees performing services under said Act, and Water Pollution Liability. Water Pollution Liability shall include coverage for bodily injury (including death and mental anguish), property damage, defense costs and cleanup costs with minimum limits of $10,000,000 per loss and $10,000,000 total all losses. Insurance policies will not be in compliance with the MOA if they include any limiting endorsement that has not been approved in writing by City. The policy or policies of insurance for Watercraft Liability shall contain the following provisions or be endorsed to provide the following: (1) The Indemnified Parties shall be additional insureds with regard to liability and defense of suits or claims arising out of the MOA. Additional Insured Endorsements shall not: 14 M'M� >-P 'P.IQHSO,M1Wl�I W.BOC AM1,-0]]B] NR4tEMAPHORJ °PMTY H]/. REµ9pPT BFACX (R6'cI Be limited to ongoing operations. ii. Exclude contractual liability. iii. Restrict coverage to the sole liability of Third Party (or Third Party's contractor, if insurance under this paragraph 16 is being procured and maintained by Third Party's contractor). IV: Contain any other exclusion contrary to the •M (2) This insurance shall be primary and any other insurance, deductible, or self- insurance maintained by the Indemnified Parties shall not contribute with this primary insurance. (3) The policy shall not be canceled or the coverage reduced until a thirty (30) day written notice of cancellation has been served upon the Executive Director of the Harbor Department except notice of ten (10) days shall be allowed for non- payment of premium. Any deductible or self - insured retention must be approved in writing by the Executive Director and shall protect the Indemnified Parties in the same manner and to the same extent as they would have been protected had the policy or policies not contained a deducible or self- insured retention. Third Party shall (or shall cause its contractor to) deliver either certified copies of the required policies or endorsements on forms approved by the City ( "evidence of insurance ") to the Executive Director for approval as to sufficiency and as to form. At least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration of any such policy, evidence of insurance showing that such insurance coverage has been renewed or extended shall be filed with the Executive Director. If such coverage is canceled or reduced, Third Party shall (or shall cause its contractor to), within ten (10) days after receipt of written notice of such cancellation or reduction of coverage, file with the Executive Director evidence of insurance showing that the required insurance has been reinstated or has been provided through another insurance company or companies. The coverage provided shall apply to the obligations assumed by the Third Party under the indemnity provisions of this MOA but this insurance provision in no way limits the indemnity provisions and the indemnity provisions in no way limit this insurance provision. Third Party agrees to suspend and cease, and cause the suspension and cessation of, all operations hereunder during such period of time as the required insurance coverage is not in effect and evidence of insurance has not been approved by the City. 15 (LN{paK.rytM1IMMw`C4]pWl IY1W1 VA WG A111O3i> MiC4.E INRB]II) °FMtt Ww NEN90Nl BP.GjRb'o� Each such policy shall be from a company or companies with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than A:VII and authorized to do business in the State of California, or otherwise allowed to place insurance through surplus line brokers under applicable provisions of the California Insurance Code or any federal law. If coverage is written on a claims -made basis, the retroactive date on such insurance and all subsequent insurance shall coincide with or precede the effective date of the MOA and continuous coverage shall be maintained or Third Party shall (or shall cause its contractor to) obtain and submit to City an extended reporting period endorsement of at least three (3) years from termination or expiration of this MOA. Upon expiration or, termination of coverage of required insurance, Third Party shall (or shall cause its contractor to) procure and submit to City evidence of 'lair coverage or an extended reporting coverage period endorsement -for the period of at least three (3) years from termination or expiration of the MOA. 17. Notices. Any notices to be given under this MOA, including without limitation the notices described in subparagraph 7.9, shall be given in writing. Such notices may be served by personal delivery, facsimile transmission or by first class regular mail, postage prepaid. Any such notice, when served by mail, shall be effective two (2) calendar days after the date of mailing of the same, and when served by facsimile transmission or personal delivery shall be effective upon receipt. For the purposes hereof, the address of City, and the proper person to receive any such notices on its behalf, is: Executive Director, Long Beach Harbor Department, P.O. Box 570, Long Beach, California 90801, FAX number (562) 901 -1733 with a copy to: Thomas Baldwin, Long Beach Harbor Department, P.O. Box 570, Long Beach, California 90801, FAX number (562) 901 -1763; and the address and FAX number of Third Party set forth on Exhibit B attached hereto. 18. Governing Law. This MOA shall be deemed made in the State of California and shall be governed by the laws of said State (except those provisions of California law dealing with conflicts of law), both as to interpretation and performance. 19. Amendments. Waivers and Extensions. Except as expressly provided in this MOA, no modification, amendment or extension, in whole or in part, of this MOA shall be effective unless made in writing by both parties hereto. No waiver shall be effective unless made in a writing by a duly authorized officer or representative of the parry whose rights are thereby waived. No waivers shall be implied. 20. Merger: Integration. This MOA, including all exhibits, constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all other agreements, oral or written, with respect to the subject matter herein. 16 E: trowra,w+uawwrmoxwo„oox„aoz.00c ..n.00zm ui00Le1HVeOF Y °vMTV MpA •'EKYJHi¢FACN �iISn� 21. Relationship of the Parties. Each party hereto represents that it has sought and obtained any appropriate legal advice it deems necessary prior to entering into this MOA. No party shall act or be deemed to act as legal counsel or representative of the other party, unless expressly retained by such party for such purpose, and, except for such express retention, no attomey /client relationship is intended to be created between the parties. Nothing herein shall be deemed to create a partnership or joint venture and /dr principal and agent relationship between the parties hereto. Each party represents that the parties hereto have participated jointly in the negotiation and drafting of this MOA. In the event any ambiguity or question of intent or interpretation arises, this MOA shall be construed as if drafted jointly by both parties hereto, and no presumption or burden of proof shall arise favoring or disfavoring any party by virtue of the authorship of any of the provisions of this MOA. 22. Assignment: Binding Effect. Third Party shall not assign or transfer this MOA without the prior written approval of City. Such approval may be granted or denied in the absolute discretion of City. This MOA shall extend to, be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successor, heirs and permitted assigns. 23. Dispute Resolution. In the event of a dispute between the parties hereto, the parties shall make good faith efforts to resolve the dispute through negotiation. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute, one or both parties may terminate this MCA in accordance with paragraph 13. 24. Order of Precedence. In the event of any conflict or ambiguity between this written agreement and any exhibit hereto, the provisions of this agreement shall govern. 25. Counterparts: Headings. This MOA may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but both of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. The headings and sub- headings contained in this MOA are for reference purposes only and shall not in any way affect the meaning or interpretation hereof. [Signature Page Follows] 17 Mi�wwcM.nznw000bnmro,),wz.,wx LRE IWieCRJ°PNRYI0.V. xenvonr eei.cx )eeve) 2011 By: Name: Title: 2011 By: Name: Title: APPROVED As TO FORM - 0n%i�n1 == tic City Attomey 2011 By: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a municipal corporation :- 'T:ISI CITY OF LONG BEACH, a municipal corporation, acting by and through its Board of Harbor Commissioners CITY Richard D. Steinke Executive Director Long Beach Harbor Department The foregoing document is hereby approved as to form. 2011 By: ROBERT E. SHANNON, City Attorney Tiffani L. Shin, Deputy [Signature Page to Third Party Dredge Material MOAJ 18 4M�C�y� vlriYlTOeubPtM1Wa��tlM��a02000 nitaCEa] umpElYABgt Y°rurtruw HEVmonrsucH Risal EXHIBIT A THIRD PARTY FILL PLAN MEMO [Attached.] 19 1.Mp'sl>)tapiiYlCte't@0`PJI1 W St1 WLOLL LLOREILW WRJ°PMIY WA A1fIXQGi N2AMYITBEACN X17 THIRD PARTY FILL PLAN MEMO Version 1.0 February 17, 2011 This memorandum sets forth specific details associated with the materials to be delivered by the City of Newport Beach to the City of Long Beach. DELIVERY PERIOD The delivery period for the third party material shall be as stated below. Any changes to the delivery period will be according to the provisions of the MOA. The delivery cannot commence until the City constructs the retention dike and the site is made available. It is understood, the City has entered into a Contract with Manson /Connelly JV to construct the retention dike for the Slip 1 fill location and coordinate the deposit of Third Party materials. The retention dike is anticipated to be in place and the, fill site available by August 2011. The City will notify the third party in writing when the disposal site is available. Delivery Period is August through December, 2011 VOLUME OF MATERIAL The volume of material the Third Party anticipates delivering to the City is 150,000 cubic yards. This quantity is approximate and may vary by 10V9 without this memorandum needing to be revised. MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS The materials to be delivered are generally characterized as silt /clay materials dredged from the Rhine Channel representing contaminated sediment cleanup. The material characteristics are based on geotechnical reports provided by the City of Newport Beach with the application dated June 30, 2010 and additional geotechnical data in September 2010. Based on the geotechnical information provided, the proposed dredge materials have the following typical geotechnical characteristics: Mostly fine- grained soils with up to 25 percent clays (percentage of materials finer than 2 micrometers in diameter) and up to 75 percent silts [percentage of materials that are larger than 2 micrometers in diameter and smaller than No. 200 sieve opening (75 micrometers in diameter)]. Based on early chemical information provided by the City of Newport Beach, the proposed dredge materials have the following specific characteristics: All boring locations exceed ERL and /or ERM levels for Mercury, Copper and Zinc. Also, all boring locations exceed ERL and /or ERM levels for PCBs and DDT. Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 Any material not consistent with the general characteristics represented by the testing performed will not be permitted to be placed in the fill PLACEMENT METHODS The materials are to be delivered by barge and deposited in the Slip 1 Layer 1 area within the Middle Harbor in the Port of Long Beach as shown on the attached placement drawings. The deposited materials shall be placed in a manner as to create a relatively consistent elevation, with undulations not to exceed 4 feet vertically from the surrounding area. The material shall be placed in a pattern of barge placement that does not continuously overlap previous placement. In no case shall the material be allowed to be deposited at a height above elevation -20' MLLW. Any debris from the Third Party material disposal shall be removed by the Third Party and properly disposed of outside the Port of Long Beach. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The Third Party shall schedule a pre - disposal coordination meeting with the City at least fourteen calendar days prior to scheduled delivery. In addition to Conditions Precedent, Section 6 of the MOA, the Third Party shall provide for the City's review and approval copies of all permits, insurance, indemnity forms no less than thirty calendar days prior to scheduled delivery in accordance with the MOA. In addition to Third Party Affirmative Covenants, Section 7 of the MOA, the Third Party shall provide the City with a pre disposal bathymetric survey of the fill site seven calendar days prior to scheduled delivery. Attachments: Fill Site Plan Fill Section A -A Fill Section B -B Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 . .. ...... ... 4 tzh, floir illetwtat LONG BEACH ----------- ----------------- .. ........ . . . ....... ........ ...... F., .. ..... ... . . CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DREDGE. MATERIAL DEPOSIT LOCATIONS PLAN TIw Pork LONG DEACH LEGEND "yok I vpl� CITY OF REWPORT BEACH SLIP NO. 1 MATERIAL LAYERS SECTION B-B EXHIBIT B THIRD PARTY'S ADDRESS AND FAX NUMBER City of Newport Beach, Harbor Resources Chris Miller 829 Harbor Island Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 FAX number (949)'723 -0589 20 LW WCM..ISJWCW'�ffiY�O��OCN.��tMC .�,.�N NevwxieE+ca(nsaJ