HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 - Planning Commission Action ReportAgenda Item No. 10 November 8, 2011 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Community Development Department Kimberly Brandt, AICP, Director 949 - 644 -3226, kbrandt @newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Gregg Ramirez, Acting Planning Manager 949 - 644 -3219; gramirez(a)newportbeachca.gov APPROVED: A TITLE: Planning Commission Agenda Report for November 3, 2011 Study Session Item No. 1 Newport Banning Ranch Environmental Impact Report SUMMARY: Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City of Newport Beach has prepared Environmental Impact Report (EIR) SCH No. 2009031061 to evaluate the environmental impacts resulting from the proposed Newport Banning Ranch project. The Project is a proposed General Plan Amendment, Pre - zoning, Zone Change, Planned Community Development Plan, Master Development Plan, and Tentative Tract Map submitted by Newport Banning Ranch, LLC. The 401.1 acre project site is proposed for development of 1,375 residential dwelling units, a 75- room resort inn and ancillary resort uses, 75,000 square feet of commercial uses, and approximately 51.4 acres of parklands. Approximately 252.3 acres would be retained in permanent open space. The Project site's existing surface oil production activities located throughout the site would be consolidated into approximately 16.5 acres. The remaining surface oil production facilities would be abandoned /re- abandoned, remediated for development, and /or remediated and restored as natural open space. A Development Agreement and Affordable Housing Implementation Plan between the City and Newport Banning Ranch LLC is part of the Project. Draft EIR SCH No. 2009031061 examines the potential impacts generated by the proposed Project in relation to the following CEQA Checklist categories: aesthetics and visual resources, land use and planning programs, geology and soils, hydrology and water quality, population, housing, and employment, transportation and circulation, air quality, green house gas emissions, noise, biological resources, cultural and paleontological resources, recreation and trails, hazards and hazardous materials, public services, utilities, and alternatives. 1 Planning Commission Agenda Report for November 3, 2011 November 08, 2011 Page 2 Planning Manager Patrick Alford provided a presentation explaining the DEIR process and overview of the project. The project applicant team then provided a more detailed presentation describing the proposed residential development, commercial components, circulation system and the restoration and open space plans. The Newport Banning Ranch Conservancy gave a presentation under public comments that focused on the ecological value of Banning Ranch and the various habitats found there. The Conservancy also discussed their efforts to raise money to purchase the property. Additionally, two Costa Mesa residents spoke in opposition to the proposed project and one Newport Beach resident commented that the DEIR was too long and complicated. Planning Commission inquiries included questions regarding our third -party habitat mitigation, traffic and oil field remediation and clean -up. Public hearings are tentatively scheduled to begin in January, but could be delayed depending on the number and types of comments received during the DEIR public comment period. Regular Meeting Item No. F Planning Commission Appointments to the General Plan /Local Coastal Program Implementation Committee Chair Unsworth appointed Commissioners Amed and Hillgren to the Committee. The third seat is held by Vice -Chair Toerge. Item No. 1 Minutes of October 20, 2011 The minutes for items 1,4,5,6,7,8,and 9 were amended and approved (6 ayes, 0 noes, 1 excused). The minutes for items 2 and 3 were amended and approved (4 ayes, 2 recused, 1 excused). Item No.2 Housing Element Update - (PA2008 -078) 3300 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Summary: An amendment to the Newport Beach General Plan incorporating the 2008 -2014 Housing Element update. The Housing Element is one of the mandatory elements of the General Plan, and State law requires it to be updated periodically. The Newport Beach Housing Element details the City's strategy for enhancing and preserving the community's character and indentifies constraints to the development of housing. It also identifies strategies for expanding housing opportunities and services for all household types and income groups. It provides the primary policy guidance for local decision - making related to housing. The draft 2008 -2014 Housing Element is an update and revision of the 2006 Housing Element and it contains new technical data and updated policies and programs. Associate Planner Jaime Murillo and Assistant Planner Melinda Whelan gave a presentation outlining Housing Element Law, the development of the draft Housing Element and notable changes from the 2006 housing element. 2 Planning Commission Agenda Report for November 3, 2011 November 08, 2011 Page Commission discussion focused on the proposed program that would reduce the minimum acreage requirement in the airport area for housing projects from 10 acres to 5 acres if 30% of the housing is affordable. One member of the public spoke in favor of lowering the minimum acreage required for affordable housing, but believed it should apply to all housing projects, not just those proposing 30% affordable housing. AYES: Ameri, Hillgren, Myers, Toerge, and Unsworth NOES: Hawkins ABSENT: Kramer ABSTAIN: None Submitted by: ---- Y / /S&" Gregg Ramire , Actinb Planning/Manager _t