HomeMy WebLinkAbout13 - Civic Center & Park Project - FF&EQaEwPaRT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH °q<,FOnNP City C®Q.IIncH Staff Report Agenda Item No. 13 November 22, 2011 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FRONT: Public Works Department Stephen G. Badum, Public Works Director 949 - 644 -3311, sbadum(a)newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Jamie Hook, Finance and Administrative Manager APPROVED: A TITLE: NEWPORT BEACH CIVIC CENTER AND PARK PROJECT — APPROVAL OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT AMENDMENT NO. 4 WITH BOHLIN CYWINSKI JACKSON FOR FURNITURE FURNISHINGS AND EQUIPMENT DESIGN DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT SERVICES ABSTRACT: Design and construction support services are needed for design development and support services related to establishment of a furniture, furnishings and equipment program for Civic Center and Park Project. The scope of work includes program verification and furniture layout options, design development, cost estimating, construction documentation, bidding and installation observation. Approval of a professional services agreement amendment with Bohlin Cywinski Jackson for these services is recommended. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Professional Services Agreement (PSA) Amendment No. 4 with Bohlin Cywinski Jackson (BCJ) of San Francisco California for Civic Center and Park Project Furniture Furnishings and Equipment (FF &E) design development and support services at a not -to- exceed price of $220,310.00 and authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the Amendment. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Sufficient funds are available in the current CIP project budget (7410- C1002009) for the additional services. NEWPORT BEACH CIVIC CENTER AND PARK PROJECT— APPROVAL OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT AMENDMENT NO. 4 WITH BOHLIN CYWINSKI JACKSON FOR FURNITURE FURNISHINGS AND EQUIPMENT DESIGN DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT SERVICES November 22, 2011 Page 2 The proposed use of the funding balance is as follows: Vendor Bohlin Cynwinski Jackson DISCUSSION: Purpose FF &E Design Development and Support Services Total Amount $ 220,310.00 $ 220,310.00 On November 25, 2008, City Council selected BCJ as the Architect for the Newport Beach Civic Center and Park Project. On November 24, 2010, City approved a PSA with BCJ to provide support services during the construction duration. On June 23, 2011, City and BCJ entered into PSA Amendment No. 1 in response to unexpected issues raised by the Southern California Edison Company. Amendment No. 2 was approved by the City Council at its meeting of July 26, 2011 and provides for design and related services for signage for the Civic Center buildings and project site. Amendment No. 3 covers additional costs to update and resubmit the project's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan ( SWPPP) documentation necessitated by updated regulations. The scope of work covered Amendment No. 4 includes verification of furniture layouts for various space types, preparation of design development and construction documentation documents and deliverables, cost estimating, procurement and installation observation. BCJ's base contract included preliminary design services for the interior of the Civic Center building as part of the building planning process. It is now necessary to verify space planning assumptions made early in the project and detail specifications for the purchase of furniture, furnishings and equipment for the building. This is particularly important as the City has reorganized some of its operations and departments since preliminary plans were developed. A summary of BCJ's agreement is as follows: Agreement Scope Amount Original Architectural Construction Support $3,935,112 Amendment 1 Changes in SCE Requirements $15,410 Amendment 2 Si na a Design $165,780 Amendment 3 SWPPP Documentation $10,690 Amendment 4 FF &E Design and Support $220,310 Total $4,347,302 It is expected that BCJ will complete plans and specifications for the furniture program by March 2012 with procurement services taking place in Spring 2012. Installation of FF &E will be coordinated with the building's construction during Fall/Winter 2012. NEWPORT BEACH CIVIC CENTER AND PARK PROJECT — APPROVAL OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT AMENDMENT NO. 4 WITH BOHLIN CYWINSKI JACKSON FOR FURNITURE FURNISHINGS AND EQUIPMENT DESIGN DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT SERVICES November 22, 2011 Page 3 :4.`►yjI :IQ zIiRI4 ki rr_1g ZULU IW; Staff recommends the City Council find this action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA ") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (Architectural and Engineering services is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). Submitted by: Attachment: Amendment No. 4 to Professional Services Agreement AMENDMENT NO. FOUR TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BOHLIN CYWINSKI JACKSON FOR NEWPORT BEACH CIVIC CENTER & PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN PHASE THREE THIS AMENDMENT NO. FOUR TO (".Amendment No. Four"), is entered into aE by arid' between the CITY OF NEWPORT ( "City "), BOHLIN CYVVINSKI JACK; address. is 49 Geary Street, Suite 300, Sai and is:made With reference to the following: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT of this day of 2011, BEACH, a California Municipal Corporation 'ON,, a Pennsylvania Corporation, whose i Francisco, California 94109 ("Consultant "), RECITALS. A. On November 24, 2010, City and Consultant entered into a Professional Services Agf.eetbent ("Agreement") for professionat services for the third phase of the Newport Beach Civic Center'& Park ProjOct, 1which consists of architectural and :consultant services for the Bidding and Construction Administratiptl (CA) Phases 'Iess.Mass Excavation CA of the Project. B. Q0,- -4LMO 23, 201 1,. City and Consultant entered into Amendment No.. One to the Agreement to increase the scope of work and' t6t4l. compensation ("Amendment 'No... One"). G. :OniAugust 22, 2011, City and Consultant. entered 'into Amendment No; Two to ifib Agreement to increase the scope of Work and total compensation (".-A,`m0,nd,rr,ent No. Two"). U., OWSWernber'14, 2:01`1, City and -Consultant -Onfer,ed into: An1en-dm.01,N,0-.- Three to the Agreement to increase the scope of work and total. compensation .("Amendnient No. Three"). E, City, desires to enter into this Arnbriftefft No,. 170, 0 reflect add[6,opol services not -s 0 2ed in the Agreement or p.riQr Amendments; and to increase the total, compensation. F. _OtY '00-d Consultem t mutalally desin e to. amendthe. agreement, as providod'belbw. -NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed by 90 befwbeh the undersigned partio's-ag follows: 1. SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED Section 2 of the Agreement, as amended shall be supplemented to include the Scope of Services dated September 12, .2011, which is attached hereto as Exhibit 'A' and incorporated herein by reference. The City may elect to delete certain tasks of the Scope of Services at its sole discretion. 2. COMPENSATION The introductory paragraph to Section 4 of the Agreement as amended shall be amended in its entirety and replaced with the following: City shall pay Consultant for the services on a time and expense not -to- exceed basis in accordance with the provisions of this Section and the Schedule of Billing Rates attached to the Agreement. Consultant's total amended compensation for all work performed in accordance with this Agreement and all prior amendments, including all reimbursable items and subconsultant fees, shall not exceed Four Million, Three Hundred Forty -Seven Thousand, Three Hundred Two and no /100 ($4,347,302.00) without prior written authorization from City ( "Total Amended Compensation "). No billing rate changes shall be made during the term of this Agreement without the prior written approval of the City. 2.1 The Total Amended Compensation reflects Consultant's additional compensation for additional services to be performed in accordance with this Amendment No. Four, including all reimbursable items and subconsultant fees, in an amount not to exceed Two Hundred Twenty Thousand, Three Hundred Ten Dollars and no /100 ($220,310.00), without prior written authorization from City. 3. INTEGRATED CONTRACT Except as expressly modified herein, all other provisions, terms, and covenants set forth in the Agreement as amended shall remain unchanged and shall be in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment No. .Four on "the dates written below. APPROVED AS TO FORM: OFFICE- OF THE CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH; A California municipal corporation Date: By: Lennie Mulvihill. Michael F. Henn Assistant CityAttorney 119 1 Mayor ATTEST., CONSULTANT: BOHLIN CYWINSKI Dater JACKSON, a Pennsylvania Corporation Dater By,* By: Leilahi 1': Brown Gregory RI. Mottola, City Clerk Vice President Date'. By: William.D.Loose,. Vice Prosidontand Treasurer Attachmentsc Exhibit —Additional Services. to be.Aerformed Exhibit B_ Schedule of Billing Ratesi I I a,' . l N Bohlin CyVvinski Jackson 08519D x05 12 September 2011 Based on our design -phase discussions, it is understood that the furnishings to be included are primarily. stock catalogue items from a range of manufacturers and vendors. A select number of custom pieces will be included where they are cost effective and best suit the needs of the space and the City. A. Scope of Work 1. Phase I: Program Verification /Furniture Layout Options (5 weeks) a. Verify and finalize the scope of work and the program requirements for furniture and furnishings with the City Hall for the spaces indicated in the attached plan diagrams. b. Issue a furniture and furnishings program for the spaces confirmed for the City's approval and sign -off. c. Space Types Prepare a maximum of two preliminary furniture location options for each of the following space types that will result in one prototype layout for each space type: 1. Enclosed Offices: 3sizes 2. Open Area Work Stations: 6 types 3. Conference Rooms -8 sizes 4. Staff Work Areas 5. Staff Teaming Areas _ 6. Reception Areas — typicalw minor adjustments for each bay 7. File and Records Rooms — typical w minor adjustments for each room's geometry 8. Service Counters at Revenue, One Stop Shop, Parks and Recreation 9. .Council Chamber Dais 10. NBTV 11. Lunch Room 12. Community Room 13. Traffic Management Center 14. Command Center 15. Mail Room 16. Mothers' Room .. Furniture layouts are not required for the fixed furniture elements in following spaces as these layouts have been finalized as part of BCJ's Basic Services Contract: A. Council Chamber— Fixed Public Seating d. Prepare equipment location standardized layout plan for each prototype space:type. This includes equipment dedicated for office or administrative functions only, limited to copy machines, fax machines, printers, computer stations (including location of CPU, monitor, keyboard), plotters and servers . Equipment location plans are to be based on complete information including data sheets and technical specification sheets for all existing and /or new equipment that shall be provided to BCJ by the City including equipment dimensions, power /IT /utility requirements, outlet configurations and special considerations such as dedicated circuits. With the exception of the safe in the revenue area, the equipment location plans do not include equipment used primarily for purposes specific to the occupants of the area they occupy. Services required for revisions to the building construction documents (i.e. power, IT, etc.) in response to equipment requirements and locations are not included in the scope of this proposal and would be addressed as additional services. e. Identify two workstation.types for mock -up. f. Attend a maximum of three (3) meetings with the City's selected representatives. The initial meeting is to confirm the furniture requirements and layout criteria for the space types listed above developed as part of the main project. This would be followed by meetings to review and discuss furniture layouts developed based on criteria confirmed in the initial meeting. Bohl.in Cywinski Jackson 08519D x05 12 September 2011 .g. Program Verification /Furniture Layout Options Deliverables 1. Furniture and Furnishings Program including prototype plans of each space type ate scale of 1/4 "= 1' -0 ". 2. Preliminary floor plans showing location of furniture systems, freestanding furniture and limited equipment for each space type as defined in Item A.1.c above, at a scale of 1/8 "= 1' -0": 2A. Phase II: Design Development (6 weeks) Upon receipt of the City's written approval of the Phase I submission comprised of the furniture program, prototype plans and furniture layout plans, Phase II, Design Development would commence as follows: a. Prepare Design Development Documents to fix and describe the character of the furniture and furnishings to be procured by this contract. This includes: 1. Provide drawings and sketches illustrating the custom furniture under consideration for specific space types. 2. Provide catalogue specifications sheets and color images illustrating the standard furniture under consideration for specific space types. 3. Prepare one color /finish board illustrating the colors and materials of the proposed furniture to establish one color palette as a building standard for each space type. (Refer to Item A.1.c for a definition of space types.) 4. Prepare coded furniture plans illustrating the layout, type and size of furniture for each space type based on the City's approved furniture and furnishings selection. b. Attend a maximum of four (3) meetings with the City to finalize furniture and furnishings selections. c. Provide a furniture list identifying units, colors, options and quantities for one manufacturer listed as the basis for design with two other manufacturers listed as equal subject to final approval by the Architect. It is understood that the City will select the options in a timely manner to enable BCJ to adhere to the schedule included in this proposal. d. Work with City to arrange with vendor for mock =up of two workstations and schedule time for review. c. Design Development Deliverables 1. Furniture and.furnishings program including prototype plans of each space type at a scale of 1/4 "= 1'-0 ". 2. Floor plans showing location of furniture systems, freestanding furniture and limited equipment for each 'space type as defined in Item A.1.c above, at a scale of 1/8 "= V -0 ". 3. Color and sample boards for each space type. 4.. Outline furniture and furnishings specifications based on one manufacturer listed as the basis for design with two other manufacturers listed as equal subject to final approval by the Architect. 5. Draft of type and.quantity spreadsheet. 6. Draft of FF +E cut sheets. 2B. Phase II: Design Development Cost Estimate (2 weeks) Based on the Design Development Submission, BCJ and the City will work together to generate a cost estimate for the FF +E scope as defined in Phases I'and II. BCJ will provide an estimate that provides a line item cost estimate for each type of furniture and furnishing identified in -the Design Development Submission. The City will provide an estimate for all new equipment costs and for relocation of any existing items. Work on Phase III — Construction Documentation activities will not start until the'cost estimate has been completed and approved by the City and BCJ has received written authorization from the City to proceed. . A. If the Design Development cost estimate exceeds the furniture and furnishings project budget established by City, BCJ will meet once with the.City to identify strategies for reducing the project's cost at no additional cost prior to the start of Phase III, Construction Documentation. The City and BCJ shall discuss and agree upon a cost reduction strategy for incorporation into the Construction Documents. Upon receipt of written authorization from the City approving the cost reduction strategy to be incorporated into the Construction Documents, IJCJ shall start Phase III, Construction.Documentation incorporating the agreed upon changes into the documents. 3. Phase III: Construction Documentation - (8 weeks) Bahlin Cywinski aJacks ©n 08519D x05 12 September 2011 Upon receipt of the City's written approval of the Phase II Design Development submission and the cost reduction strategy to be incorporated into the Construction Documents (if required), Phase III, . Construction Documentation would commence. BCJ will prepare drawings, technical specifications and other documents setting forth in detail' the requirements for the bidding of furniture and furnishings. BCJ and the City will work together in the writing and coordinating the RFP (Divisions.0 and 1 of the Project Manual), e.g. the City will provide bidding forms and procedures for Inclusion. BCJ's work in this phase shall consist of the following: A. Coordinate and prepare furniture and furnishings Contract Documents including 1/8 " =1' -0" location plans. B. Prepare custom furniture and furnishings specifications including finishes and fabrics. C. Prepare standard furniture and furnishings specifications including finishes and fabrics based on one manufacturer listed as the basis for design with two other manufacturers listed as equal. Substitutions will not be permitted by the specifications. '. D. Prepare drawings and specifications for custom furniture and furnishing. elements. E. Attend two (2) meetings with the City to review the Construction Documentation progress. F. Construction Documentation Deliverables: 1. Final Construction Documents BCJ will post an electronic set of PDF files to the project's FTP site and send one (1) bond copy of each of the following Construction Documents to the City at Final Completion of the Construction Documents: a. Coded and dimensioned floor plans illustrating furniture locations cross - referenced to the technical specifications. b. Custom and standard furniture and furnishings specifications. c. Dimensioned plan and elevations of each type of custom furniture and furnishings. . d. Final version of type and quantity spreadsheet. e. Final selection of FF +E cut sheets. 4. Phase IV: Bidding .(4 weeks) A. BCJ will work with the City in the bidding, award, procurement and purchasing activities of this contract. During bidding BCJ will provide the following services: 1. Interpret Construction Documents for furniture and furnishings. 2. Issue addenda. BCJ will post an electronic set of PDF files to the project's FTP site and send one . (1) bond copy of all addenda or bulletins which the City which will then issue to the appropriate furniture and furnishings contractors. 3. Substitution requests will not be permitted and services related to review of substitution requests are not included in the scope of services. Such services, if requested by the City will be addressed as an additional service. 4. Provide assistance in evaluating bids. B. The CM -at -Risk, as pan of their base services, will be issuing the RFP, arranging any pre -bid meetings and walk- throughs, and will receive the bids. They will also lead the process of normalizing /reviewing the bids. Once successful bidders have been determined, the CM -at -Risk will be responsible for completing their contracts. 5, Phase V: Installation Observation (116 weeks) A. BCJ will observe the work and issue interpretations of the Construction Documents. This is based on an assumed duration for this phase of work of sixteen (16) weeks. Should the duration of this phase exceed sixteen (16) weeks, then BCJ's fee would be adjusted accordingly. 1. Review shop drawing submittals. 2. Review final placement of furniture and furnishings and inspect for damage, quality, assembly and . function in order to determine that furniture and furnishings are in accordance with the Construction Documents requirements. 3. Prepare one punch list and make one final inspection of installed furniture and furnishings. 4. Attend six (6) construction installation meetings as they relate to installation of furniture and furnishings. 5. Deliverables: Bohlin Cywinski Jackson 08519D x05 12 September 2011 a. One punchlist of installed furniture and furnishings. J. One final inspection report on furniture and furnishings. B. The City and the CM -at -Risk will be responsible for the scheduling and supervision of the installers. C. The City and the CM -at -Risk will be responsible for the hiring and management of the moving coordinator. B. Schedule Based on the scope of work described herein and assuming timely approvals and authorizations to proceed at each Phase by the City, the bidding documents can be completed within twenty -one (21) weeks of receiving written approval to proceed with this work from the City. It is intended that the City will make all key decisions by the end of the Design Development Phase. The duration for each phase of the work is: Phase I: Program Verification /Furniture Layout Options 5 weeks Phase II: Design Development 6 weeks Phase 11: Design Development Cost Estimate (Aker Completion of Phase 11; prior to Phase III) 2 weeks Phase III: Construction Documentation 8 weeks Phase IV: Bid Clarification, Review and Award 4 weeks Phase V: Installation Observation 16 weeks Total 25 weeks plus 16 week Installation Observation Phase The durations listed above do not include time for the City's review of each phase progress submission. Pending discussions with the City and accounting for the 2011 holiday season, it is anticipated that design activities . would be started in the beginning of October 2011 and completed April 2012. B®hlin Cywinski Jackson O8519D x05 12 September 2011 C. Qualifications and Exclusions 1. This proposal is for FF +E in the new City Hall project only and does not include the library addition. Should services for the library be desired, BCJ can provide a separate proposal. 2. These Additional Services shall be incorporated in BCJ's Base Contract as a contract amendment. BCJ is proposing ourfee as an hourly with a not -to- exceed total, to be invoiced monthly based on actual hours expended. These Additional Services shall be on a separate invoice for accounting purposes. 3. Per our review of the City Hall plans colored by department and space type on the 6th of September (copy posted to the FTP Site as mentioned above), these plans accurately reflect layout of offices and work stations with only minor revisions in office and work station locations and titles. - 4. Any revisions to the scope of the furniture and furnishings program andlor documents after completion of Phase I, Program Verification /Furniture Layout Options, with the exception of the cost review exercise described in Phase JIB, will be considered as an additional service. 5. If The City causes the duration for any phase of this work to exceed those specified in this proposal, the work performed in excess of the specified duration would be in addition to this proposal and would be considered as an additional service. 6. A fixed number of meetings are identified for each phase of the work. This proposal assumes that the attendees at these meetings are limited to two. BCJ representatives and two City representatives. It does not include meetings with individual users. If the number of meetings for any one phase is exceeded, these meetings would be in addition to this proposal and considered an additional service. 7. Procurement and purchasing of the FF +E scope and move -in coordination are not included by BCJ as part of these services. S. Interior elevations, perspectives or renderings are not included as part of these services. 9. This proposal is based on developing a standard furniture package for each space type as described in.ltem A. 1.c, Space Types, on page 2. Once approved by the City, these designs would be documented for all rooms of-the correlating type. This proposal does dot include design services for the customization of individual officelworkstations, conference room or other spaces. The design of unique furniture layouts and accessories for individual rooms is considered an additional service except for those listed above and for columns or other architectural elements affecting typical layouts. 10. This proposal assumes that all furniture and furnishings being specified for the new City Hall as part of this contract are newly purchased and does not include the survey or relocation of any existing furniture or furnishings with the exception of: 31 Department of Public Works specially -sized hanging files for mylar drawings. 11. The survey or relocation of existing office equipment is not included as part of these services, with the exception of the existing computers and monitors, copiers and printers, plotters and servers the City elects to relocate. The City will provide BCJ with a list of those items to be relocated and mark a draft plan of the intended location for these items. 12. Furniture plans that indicate office equipment such as computer CPU's, monitors, keyboards, fax machines and copy machines are for location only. Information regarding equipment sizes and utility requirements are to be provided to BCJ by the City. No new office equipment is being selected, specified or purchased as part of this contract. 13. No services are included for the specification, bidding or procurement of any equipment specific to the needs of a particular department. 14. Demountable partitions are not included as part of these design services. 15. Individual desk accessories: a. File trays, monitor mounts and task lights are included as part of these design services. Bohlin Cyw'inski Jackson 08519D x05 12 September 2011 b. Keyboard trays and trash cans will not be included, though cuts will be provided as recommendations for purchase from other budgets. c. Standard office supplies are not included within the FF +E scope. 16. Roller shades at exterior walls and interior conference rooms where required are being provided as part of BCTs base building contraef services. Additional window treatments at other locations; if requested by the City, are not included as part of these design services. 17. Chalkboards, whiteboards and /or tackboards are being provided at certain locations as part-of BCTs base building contract services. Additional chalkboards, whiteboards and /or tackboards at other locations, if requested by the City, are not included as part of these design services. 18. Battery operated wall clocks would be provided, if desired by the. City, as part of these services. Electric clocks and /or a centralized, synchronized clock system, if requested by the City, are not included as part of these design services. 19. Other than custom furniture and' furnishings items as identified above, built -in millwork items in individual offices /workstations and /or conference rooms are not included as part of these services. 20. Room signage, wayfinding signage or building directories are covered under separate scope and are not included as part of these services. 21. Cost estimating services are provided for furniture and furnishings, but not for equipment as part of these services. These will be provided by the City and included in BCJ's cost spreadsheet. 22. Value engineering services and meetings are not included as part of these services other than as indicated in 2B.A. above. 23. Coordination of mechanical, electrical, plumbing, IT, AV and other building systems revisions and additions with the furniture layouts, including revisions to building documentation by BCJ and other consultants, is not included as part of these service's and shall be addressed, as additional services. 24. BCJ will create furniture and furnishings cost estimate at the end of Phase II; Design Development. The City will advise BCJ of any requested modifications to the furniture drawings prior to the start of Phase III, Construction Documents.. Modifications of the program, drawings or specifications after receipt of the City's written approval of the Phase II Design Development submission and the cost reduction strategy to be incorporated -into the Construction Documents (if required) shall be considered an additional service. 25. The.City will develop the equipment portion of the cost estimate. BCJ shall be entitled to rely upon the completeness and accuracy of this estimate effort. Equipment estimate to be based on actual project schedule for when equipment will be purchased and installed and will account for escalation. Any services required due to inaccurate or incomplete estimates by the City, including all revisions to documents after coordination of the approved scope with the approved budget based on the Design Development Cost Estimate, shall be considered an additional service. 26. Documents shall be prepared according to BCJ office standards for construction documentation. 27. Provision of electronic file formats fo'r use by the estimator, contractors or bidders shall be available upon receipt of a signed original of the Electronic File Transfer Agreement to be provided by BCJ. 28. Cost for reproduction of Construction Documents'for bidding purposes is not included as part of these services. 29. If at the time of bidding changes have been made in manufacturers' product lines, fabric types, furniture sizes, options, accessories or any other technical or design specifications of the furniture which were used as the basis for the original Contract Documents, changes to the Contract Documents to update this information to.match current manufacturer's specifications shall be considered an additional service. _ Bohlin Cywinski Jackson 08519D x05 12 September 2011 D. Fee Proposal ' Based on the above scope of work description, BCJ proposes the following hourly, not to- exceed amount for this work. No other disciplines have been included in this proposal. Should their services be required, they will be available as an additional service. Invoicing will be monthly based on actual hours expended. Please see attached exhibit A for additional detail. - Proposed Bohlin Cywinski Jackson Services Fee Amount Phase I: Program Verification ' . $ 29,085 Phase IIA: Design Development $ 44,630 Phase 1113: Cost Estimate $ 9;020 Phase III: Construction Documentation $ 58,605 Phase IV: Bidding $. 13,280 Phase V: Installation $ . 35,090 BCJ Fee for services proposal: $ 189,710 E. Estimated Reimbursable Expenses Following are BCJ's estimate of reimbursable expenses. When possible, BCJ will economize by combining expenses with those of the main project. The expenses below are in addition to those already identified in BCJ's Proposal for Basic Services. Travel expenses are generated using the same assumptions as those on the. main project. Please see attached exhibit B for explanation of proposed reimbursable expenses. BCJ Estimate of Reimbursable Expenses:. , $ 30,600 The amount included in the Estimate of Probable Reimbursable Expenses is provided as an allowance, against which actual cost will be assessed. The City has agreed that should the A/E Team expenditures approach these estimated limits, the City will reasonably increase these amounts in discussions with BCJ. TOTAL FEE PROPOSAL: 220,310 The BCJ team appreciates the continued opportunity to work with the Newport Beach community towards the realization of this exciting project. Please contact us if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely yours, Greg Mottola, AIA Steven Chaitow, AIA Principal Cc: BCJ Team OWNER: City of Newport Beach Signed: Printed Name: Project Manager ARCHITECT: Bohlin Cywinski Jackson Signed: Printed Name: Gregory R. Mottola, AIA Title: Vice President Date: Hours and Fee for Newport City Hall Project - FF +E Architectural Stephen G. Badum, P.E. 12 September 2011 08519D X05 FF +E [Page 9 of 10 P. mt�/eri 'x Des Dev. MtiCost Est_, .00MDocs ^sBids :CA: _. ?x' Totals ' Rate $ /hr � Hrs CA Hrs Hrs be[ Hrs Hrs Hrs Princi al 1 $2851 61 2 9 4 10 24 Senior Associate $160 20 42 20 32 40 Associate $125 0 0 0 0 0 0 Staff 1 $105 0 0 0 0 0 0 Staff 2 $85 280 .413 60 592 64 320 Office $75 5 7 2 8 4 16 Architectural Fees $29,085 $44,630 $9,020. ' $58,605 $13,280 $35,090. $189,710 Bohlin Cywinski Jackson EXHIBITB Project Name: NEWPORT BEACH CIVIC CTR + PARK - FF +E INITIAL REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES ESTIMATE Description BCJ Travel Expenses per 1 -Day Trip Transportation to /from airport in SF Parking at airport Cab fare l car rental Food Hotel per night Plane Fare (see Note 1) Total' per person per one day trip 9 1 -day trips; 1 person /trip 8 1 -day trips; 2 peopleltrip Stephen G. Badum, P.E. 12 September 2011 08519D 05 FF +E Exhibits / Page 11 of 11 BCJ Project No. Date: 08519D x05 Amount/ No. of Days / Person Miles $45.00 $22.00 $75.00 $75.00 $240.00 $500.00 12 sep_2011 Total $90.00 $44.00 $75.00 $75.00 $240.00 $500.00 $1,024.00 People X No. of Trips $1,024.00 9 $9,216.00 $1,024.00 16 $16,384.00 BCJ estimated total for travel /lodging /meals (see note 2) _ $25,600.00 BCJ total initial'reimbursable expenses estimate for $ 5,000.00 $5,000.00 reproduction, printing, telephone, /fax, mail(regular and ' express), photos /prints per BCJ proposal Total design professional team initial reimbursables _ $30,600.00 expenses estimate (see note 3) ' Notes: Note 1:Reimbursable expenses include the following: - BCJ transportation, lodging and expenses for all travel between . their offices and the job site. - BCJ expenses for all reproduction and printing. -AII expenses for telephone /fax, video conferencing, postage, handling, delivery (regular and express) between BCJ, BCJ'sConsultants, the Owner, the Contractors and others involved in the project. - BCJ expenses for prints. Note 2: Plane fare costs are estimated based on minimum two week advanced notice to BCJ of all meeting dates and on ticket purchases being non - refundable. In addition, as BCJ has no control over any fare increases that may occur during the term of this agreement, BCJ will require reimbursement for any additional costs that may occur due to future fare 'increases in excess of the estimated cost indicated herein. Note 3: If this initial projected amount for BCJ and /or Consultants reimbursable expenses is exceeded, (i.e. due to revisions to the quantity of or schedule for BCJ and /or Consultants meetings /presentations, changes to costs upon which the initial projections were based, scope of services changes, etc.) this initial not -to- exceed dollar amount will be increased based on an updated projection of reimbursable expenses. All reimbursable expenses will be billed at a multiple of 1,10 times the expenses incurred, Upon Receipt of the City of Newport Beach's written approval and authorization to proceed, BCJ will commence this work. END OF EXHIBIT B "RECEIVEDg -, +'RINTED•" _ 1 AMENDMENT NO. FOUR TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT-WITH BOHLIN CYWINSKI JACKSON FOR NEWPORT BEACH CIVIC CENTER & PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN PHASE THREE THIS AMENDMENT NO. FOUR TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT ( "Amendment No. Four "), is entered into as of this day of 12011, by and between the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a California Municipal Corporation ( "City "), and BOHLIN CYWINSKI JACKSON, a Pennsylvania Corporation, whose address is 49 Geary Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California 94108 ( "Consultant'), and is made with reference to the following: RECITALS: A. On November 24, 2010, City and Consultant entered into a Professional Services Agreement ( "Agreement') for professional services for the third phase of the Newport Beach Civic Center & Park Project, which consists of architectural and consultant services for the Bidding and Construction Administration (CA) Phases less Mass Excavation CA of the Project. B. On June 23, 2011, City and Consultant entered into Amendment No. One to the Agreement to increase the scope of work and total compensation ( "Amendment No. One "). C. On August 22, 2011, City and Consultant entered into Amendment No. Two to the Agreement to increase the scope of work and total compensation ( "Amendment No. Two "). D. On September 14, 2011, City and Consultant entered into Amendment No. Three to the Agreement to increase the scope of work and total compensation ( "Amendment No. Three'). E. City desires to enter into this Amendment No. Four to reflect additional services not included in the Agreement or prior Amendments, to extend the term of the Agreement to March 31, 2013 and to increase the total compensation. F. City and Consultant mutually desire to amend the agreement, as provided below. NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed by and between the undersigned parties as follows: 1. TERM Section 1 of the Agreement, as amended shall be amended in its entirety and replaced with the following: The term of the Agreement shall terminate on March 31, 2013, unless terminated earlier as provided for in Agreement. 2. SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED Section 2 of the Agreement, as amended shall be supplemented to include the Scope of Services dated September 12, 2011, which is attached hereto as Exhibit 'A' and incorporated herein by reference. The City may elect to delete certain tasks of the Scope of Services at its sole discretion. 3. COMPENSATION The introductory paragraph to Section 4 of the Agreement as amended shall be amended in its entirety and replaced with the following: City shall pay Consultant for the services on a time and expense not -to- exceed basis in accordance with the provisions of this Section and the Schedule of Billing Rates attached to the Agreement. Consultant's total amended compensation for all work performed in accordance with this Agreement and all prior amendments, including all reimbursable items and subconsultant fees, shall not exceed Four Million, Three Hundred Forty -Seven Thousand, Three Hundred Two and no /100 ($4,347,302.00) without prior written authorization from City ( "Total Amended Compensation "). No billing rate changes shall be made during the term of this Agreement without the prior written approval of the City. 2.1 The Total Amended Compensation reflects Consultant's additional compensation for additional services to be performed in accordance with this Amendment No. Four, including all reimbursable items and subconsultant fees, in an amount not to exceed Two Hundred Twenty Thousand, Three Hundred Ten Dollars and no /100 ($220,310.00), without prior written authorization from City. 4. INTEGRATED CONTRACT Except as expressly modified herein, all other provisions, terms, and covenants set forth in the Agreement as amended shall remain unchanged and shall be in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment No. Four on the dates written below. APPROVED AS TO FORM: OFFICE OF TH CITY ATTORNEY Date: By: r ii eC) Leonie Mulvi� Assistant City Attorney ATTEST: By: Leilani I. Brown City Clerk CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, A California municipal corporation Date: Michael F. _Henn Mayor CONSULTANT: BOHLIN CYWINSKI JACKSON, a Pennsylvania Corporation Date: By: Gregory R. Mottola, Vice President Date: By: William D. Loose, Vice President and Treasurer Attachments: Exhibit A — Additional Services to be Performed Exhibit B — Schedule of Billing Rates Bohlin Cywinski Jackson 08519D x05 12 September 2011 Based on our design =phase discussions, it is understood that the furnishings to be included are primarily stock catalogue items from a range of manufacturers and vendors. A select number of custom pieces will be included where they are cost effective and best suit the needs of the space and the City. A. Scope of Work 1. Phase I: Program Verification /Furniture Layout Options (5 weeks) a. Verify and finalize the scope of work and the program requirements for furniture and furnishings with the City Hall for the spaces indicated in the attached plan diagrams. b. Issue a furniture and furnishings program for the spaces confirmed for the City's approval and sign -off. c. Space Types Prepare a maximum of two preliminary furniture location options for each of the following space types that will result in one prototype layout for each space type: 1. Enclosed Offices: 3 sizes 2. Open Area Work Stations: 6 types 3. Conference Rooms -8 sizes 4. Staff Work Areas 5. Staff Teaming Areas 6. Reception Areas — typicalw minor adjustments. for each bay 7. File and Records Rooms — typical w minor adjustments for each room's geometry 8. Service Counters at Revenue, One Stop Shop, Parks and Recreation 9. Council Chamber Dais 10. NBTV 11. Lunch Room 12. Community Room 13. Traffic Management Center 14. Command Center 15. Mail Room 16. Mothers' Room .. Furniture layouts are not required for the fixed furniture elements in following spaces as these layouts have been finalized as part of BCTs Basic Services Contract: A. Council Chamber— Fixed Public Seating d. Prepare equipment location standardized layout plan for each prototype space: type. This includes equipment dedicated for office or administrative functions only, limited to copy machines, fax machines, printers, computer stations (including location of CPU, monitor, keyboard), plotters and servers . Equipment location plans are to be based on complete information including data sheets and technical specification sheets for all existing and /or new equipment that shall be provided to BCJ by the City including equipment dimensions, power/IT/utility requirements, outlet configurations and special considerations such as dedicated circuits. With the exception of the safe in the revenue area, the equipment location plans do not include equipment used primarily for purposes specific to the occupants of the area they occupy. Services required for revisions to the building construction documents (i.e. power, IT, etc.) in response to equipment requirements and locations are not included in the scope of this proposal and would be addressed as additional services. e. Identify two workstation types for mock -up. f. Attend a maximum of three (3) meetings with the City's selected representatives. The initial meeting is to confirm the furniture requirements and layout criteria for the space types listed above developed as part of the main project. This would be followed by meetings to review and discuss furniture layouts developed based on criteria confirmed in the initial meeting. Bohlin Cywinski Jackson 08519D x05 12 September 2011 ,g. Program Verification /Furniture Layout Options Deliverables 1. Furniture and Furnishings Program including prototype plans of each space type eta scale of 114 "= V -0 ". 2. Preliminary floor plans showing location of furniture systems, freestanding furniture and limited equipment for each space type as defined in Item A.1.c above, at a scale of 1/8 "= V -0 ". 2A. Phase II: Design Development (6 weeks) Upon receipt of the City's written approval of the Phase I submission comprised of the furniture program, prototype plans and furniture layout plans, Phase II, Design Development would commence as follows: a. Prepare Design Development Documents to fix and describe the character of the furniture and furnishings to be procured by this contract. This includes: 1. ' Provide drawings and sketches illustrating the custom furniture under consideration for specific space types. 2. Provide catalogue specifications sheets and color images illustrating the standard furniture under consideration for specific space types. 3. Prepare one color /finish board illustrating the colors and materials of the proposed furniture to establish one color palette as a building standard for each space type. (Refer to Item A.1.c for a definition of space types.) 4. Prepare coded furniture plans illustrating the layout, type and size of furniture for each space type based on the City's approved furniture and furnishings selection. b. Attend a maximum of four (3) meetings with the City to finalize furniture and furnishings selections. Provide a furniture list identifying units, colors, options and quantities for one manufacturer listed as the basis for design with two other manufacturers listed as equal subject to final approval by the Architect. It is understood that the City will select the options in a timely manner to enable BCJ to adhere to the schedule included in this proposal. . d. Work with City to arrange with vendor for mock -up of two workstations and schedule time for review. R. Design Development Deliverables 1. Furniture and furnishings program including prototype plans of each space type at a scale of 1/4 "= 1' -0". 2. Floor plans showing location of furniture systems, freestanding furniture and limited equipment for each space type as defined in Item A.1.c above, at a scale of 1/8 "= V -0 ". 3. Color and sample boards for each space type. 4.. Outline furniture and furnishings specifications based on one manufacturer listed as the basis for design with two other manufacturers listed as equal subject to final approval by the Architect. 5. Draft of type and.quantity spreadsheet. & Draft of FF +E cut sheets. 2B. Phase It: Design Development Cost Estimate (2 weeks) . Based on the Design Development Submission, BCJ and the City will work together to generate a cost estimate for the FF +E scope as defined in Phases I'and II. BCJ will provide an estimate that provides a line item cost estimate for each type of furniture and furnishing identified in the Design Development Submission. The City will provide an estimate for all new equipment costs and for relocation of any existing items. Work on Phase III — Construction Documentation activities will not start until the cost estimate has been completed and approved by the City and BCJ has received written authorization from the City to proceed. A. If the Design Development cost estimate exceeds the furniture and furnishings project budget established by City, BCJ will meet once with the.City to identify strategies for reducing the project's cost at no additional cost priorto the start of Phase III, Construction Documentation. The City and BCJ shall discuss and agree upon a cost reduction strategy for incorporation into the Construction Documents. Upon receipt of written authorization from the City approving the cost reduction strategy to be incorporated into the Construction Documents, BCJ shall start Phase III, Construction Documentation incorporating the agreed upon changes into the documents. 3. Phase III: Construction Documentation (8 weeks) Bahlin Cywinski Jacks ®n O8519D x05 12 September 2011 Upon receipt of the City's written approval of the Phase II Design Development submission and the cost reduction strategy to be incorporated into the Construction Documents (if required), Phase III, Construction Documentation would commence. BCJ will prepare drawings, technical specifications and other documents setting forth in detail' the requirements for the bidding of furniture and furnishings. BCJ and the City will work together in the writing and coordinating the RFP (Divisions.0 and 1 of the Project Manual), e.g. the City will provide bidding forms and procedures for inclusion. BCJ's work in this phase shall consist of the following: . A. - Coordinate and prepare furniture and furnishings Contract Documents including 118 " =1' -0" location plans. B. Prepare custom furniture and furnishings specifications including finishes and fabrics. C. Prepare standard furniture and furnishings specifications including finishes and fabrics based on one manufacturer listed as the basis for design with two other manufacturers listed as equal. Substitutions will not be permitted by the specifications. D. Prepare drawings and specifications for custom furniture and furnishing. elements. E. Attend two (2) meetings with the City to review the Construction Documentation progress. F. Construction Documentation Deliverables: Final Construction Documents BCJ will post an electronic set of PDF files to the project's FTP site and send one (1) bond copy of each of the following Construction Documents to the City at Final Completion of the Construction Documents: a. Coded and dimensioned floor plans illustrating furniture locations cross - referenced to the technical specifications. b. Custom and standard furniture and furnishings specifications. c. Dimensioned plan and elevations of each type of custom furniture and furnishings. d. Final version of type and quantity spreadsheet. e. Final selection of FF +E cut sheets. 4. Phase IV: Bidding _(4weeks) A. BCJ will work with the City in the bidding, award, procurement and purchasing activities of this contract. During bidding BCJ will provide the following services: 1. Interpret Construction Documents for furniture and furnishings. 2. Issue addenda. BCJ will post an electronic set of PDF files to the project's FTP site and send one . (1) bond copy of all addenda or bulletins which the City which will then issue to the appropriate furniture and furnishings contractors. 3. Substitution requests will not be permitted and services related to review of substitution requests are not included in the scope of services. Such services, if requested by the City will be addressed as an additional service. 4. Provide assistance in evaluating bids. B. The CM -at -Risk; as part of their base services, will be issuing the. RFP, arranging any pre -bid meetings and walk- throughs, and will receive the bids. They will also lead the process of normalizingtreviewing the bids. Once successful bidders have been determined, the CM -at -Risk will be responsible for completing their contracts. 5, Phase V: Installation Observation (16 weeks) A. BCJ will observe the work and issue interpretations of the Construction Documents. This is based on an assumed duration for this phase of work of sixteen (16) weeks. Should the duration of this phase exceed sixteen (16) weeks, then BCTs fee would be adjusted accordingly. . 1. Review shop drawing submittals. 2. Review final placement of furniture and furnishings and inspect for damage, quality, assembly and function in order to determine that furniture and furnishings are in accordance with the Construction Documents requirements. 3. Prepare one punch list and make one final inspection of installed furniture and furnishings. 4. Attend six (6) construction installation meetings as they relate to installation of furniture and furnishings. 5. Deliverables: Bohlin Cywinski Jackson 08519D x05 12 September 2011 a. One punchlist of installed furniture and furnishings. b. One final inspection report on furniture and furnishings. B. The City and the CM -at -Risk will be responsible for the scheduling and supervision of the installers. C. The City and the CM -at -Risk will be responsible for the hiring and management of the moving coordinator. B. Schedule Based on the scope of work described herein and assuming timely approvals and authorizations to proceed at each Phase by the City, the bidding documents can be completed within twenty -one (21) weeks of receiving written approval - to proceed with this work from the City. It is intended that the City will make all key decisions by the end of the Design Development Phase. The duration for each phase of the work is: . Phase I: Program Verification /Furniture Layout Options 5 weeks Phase II: Design Development 6 weeks Phase II: Design Development Cost Estimate (After Completion of Phase II; priorto Phase III) 2 weeks Phase III: Construction Documentation 8 weeks Phase IV: Bid Clarification, Review and Award 4 weeks Phase V: Installation Observation 16 weeks Total 25 weeks plus 16 week Installation Observation Phase The durations listed above do not include time for the City's review of each phase progress submission. Pending discussions with the City and accounting for the 2011 holiday season, it is anticipated that design activities would be started in the beginning of October 2011 and completed April 2012. ' B®hlin Cywinski Jackson 08519D x05 12 September 2011 C. Qualifications and Exclusions 1. This proposal is for FF +E in the new City Hall project only and does not include the library addition. Should services for the library be desired, BCJ can provide a separate proposal. 2. These Additional Services shall be incorporated in BCJ's Base Contract ass contract amendment. BCJ is proposing our fee as an hourly with a not -to- exceed total, to be invoiced monthly based on actual hours expended. These Additional Services shall be on a separate invoice for accounting purposes. 3. Per our review of the City Hall plans colored by department and space type on the 6th of September (copy posted to the FTP Site as mentioned above), these plans accurately reflect layout of offices and work stations with only minor revisions in office and work station locations and titles. 4. Any revisions to the scope of the furniture and furnishings program and /or documents after completion of Phase I, Program Verification /Furniture Layout Options, with the exception of the cost review exercise described in Phase 116, will be considered as an additional service. 5. If The City causes the duration for any phase of this work to exceed those specified in this proposal, the work performed in excess of the specified duration would be in addition to this proposal and would be considered as an additional service. 6. A fixed number of meetings are identified for each phase of the work. This proposal assumes that the attendees at these meetings are limited to two. BCJ representatives and two City representatives. It does not include meetings with individual users. If the number of meetings for any one phase is exceeded, these meetings would be in addition to this proposal and considered an additional service. 7. Procurement and purchasing of the FF +E scope and move -in coordination are not included by BCJ as part of these services. S. Interior elevations, perspectives or renderings are not included as part of these services. 9. This proposal is based on developing a standard furniture package for each space type as described in.ltem A.1.c, Space Types, on page 2. Once approved by the City, these designs would be documented for all rooms of-the correlating type. This proposal does not include design services for the customization of individual office /workstations, conference room or other spaces. The design of unique furniture layouts and accessories for individual rooms is considered an additional service except for those listed above and for columns or other architectural elements affecting typical layouts. 10. This proposal assumes that all furniture and furnishings being specified for the new City Hall as part of this contract are newly purchased and does not include the survey or relocation of any existing furniture or furnishings with the exception of: 31 Department of Public Works specially -sized hanging files for mylar drawings. 11. The survey or relocation of existing office equipment is not included as part of these services, with the exception of the existing computers and monitors, copiers and printers, plotters and servers the City elects to relocate. The City will provide BCJ with a list of those items to be- relocated and mark a draft plan of the intended location for these items. 12. Furniture plans that indicate office equipment such as computer CPU's, monitors, keyboards, fax machines and copy machines are for location only. Information regarding equipment sizes and utility requirements are to be provided to BCJ by the City. No new office equipment is being selected, specified or purchased as part of this contract. 13. No services are included for the specification, bidding or procurement of any equipment specific to the needs of a particular department. . 14. Demountable partitions are not included as part of these design services. 15. Individual desk accessories: a. File trays, monitor mounts and task lights are included as part of these design services. B®hlin Cywinski Jackson O8519D x05 12 September 2011 b. Keyboard trays and trash cans will not be included, though cuts will be provided as recommendations for purchase from other budgets. c. Standard office supplies are not included within the FF +E scope. 16. Roller shades at exterior walls and interior conference rooms where required are being provided as'partof BCJ's base building contract services. Additional window treatments at other locations, if requested by the City, are not included as part of these design services. 17. Chalkboards, whiteboards and /ortackboards are being provided at certain locations as part of BCJ's base building contract services. Additional chalkboards, whiteboards and /ortackboards at other locations, if requested by the City, are not included as part of these design services. 18. Battery operated wall clocks would be provided, if desired by the City, as part of these services. Electric clocks and /or a centralized, synchronized clock system, if requested by the City, are not included as part of these design services. 19. Other than custom furniture and furnishings items as identified above, built -in millwork items in individual offices /workstations and /or conference rooms are not included as part of these services. 20. Room signage, wayfinding signage or building directories are covered tinder separate scope and are not included as part of these services. 21. Cost estimating services are provided forfurniture and furnishings, but not for equipment as part of these services. These will be provided by the City and included in BCJ's cost spreadsheet. 22. Value engineering services and meetings are not included as part of these services other than as indicated in 2B.A. . above. 23. Coordination of mechanical, electrical, plumbing, IT, AV and other building systems revisions and additions with the ' furniture layouts, including revisions to building documentation by BCJ and other consultants, is not included as part of these services and shall be addressed.as additional services. 24. BCJ will create a furniture and furnishings cost estimate at the end of Phase II; Design Development. The City will advise BCJ of any requested modifications to the furniture drawings prior to the start of Phase III, Construction Documents.. Modifications of the program, drawings or specifications after receipt of the City's written approval of the Phase II Design Development submission and the cost reduction strategy to be incorporated into the Construction Documents (if required) shall be considered an additional service. 25. The .City will develop the equipment portion of the cost estimate. BCJ shall be entitled to rely upon the completeness and accuracy of this estimate effort. Equipment estimate to be based on actual project schedule for when equipment will be purchased and installed and will account for escalation. Any services required due to inaccurate or incomplete estimates by the City, including all revisions to documents after coordination of the approved scope with the approved budget based on the Design Development Cost Estimate, shall be considered an additional service. 26. Documents shall be prepared according to BCJ office standards for construction documentation. 27. Provision of electronic file formats for use by the estimator, contractors or bidders shall be available upon receipt of a signed original of the Electronic File Transfer Agreement to be provided by BCJ. 28. Cost for reproduction of Construction Documents for bidding purposes is not included as part of these services. 29. If at the time of bidding changes have been made in manufacturers' product lines, fabric types, furniture sizes, options, accessories or any other technical or design specifications of the furniture which were used as the basis for the original Contract Documents, changes to the Contract Documents to update this information to.match current manufacturer's specifications shall be considered an additional service. . ` / TFLO Bohlin Cywinski Jackson 08519D x05 12 September 2011 D. Fee Proposal ' Based on the above scope of work description, BCJ proposes the following hourly, not -to- exceed amount for this work. No other disciplines have been included in this proposal. Should their services be required, they will be available as an additional service. Invoicing will be monthly based on actual hours expended. Please see attached exhibit A for additional detail. Proposed Bohlin Cywinski Jackson Services Fee Amount Phase I: Program Verification - $ 29,085 Phase IIA: Design Development $ 44,630 Phase IIB: Cost Estimate $ 9;020 Phase III: Construction Documentation _ $ 58,605 Phase IV: Bidding $, 13,280 Phase V: Installation $ . 35,090 BCJ Fee for services proposal: $ 189,710 E. Estimated Reimbursable Expenses Following are BCJ's estimate of reimbursable expenses. When possible, BCJ will economize by combining expenses with those of the main project. The expenses below are in addition to those already identified in BCJ's Proposal for Basic Services. Travel expenses are generated using the same assumptions as those on the main project. Please see attached exhibit B for explanation of proposed reimbursable expenses. BCJ Estimate of Reimbursable Expenses: - $ 30,600 The amount included in the Estimate of Probable Reimbursable Expenses is provided as an allowance, against which actual cost will be assessed. The City has agreed that should the A/E Team expenditures approach these estimated limits, the City will reasonably increase these amounts in discussions with BCJ. TOTAL FEE PROPOSAL: 220,310 The BCJ team appreciates the continued opportunity to work with the Newport Beach community towards the realization of this exciting project. Please contact us if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely yours, 1m.®y Greg Mottola, AIA Principal Cc: BCJ Team OWNER: City of Newport Beach Printed /� 2 Steven Chaitow, AIA Project Manager ARCHITECT: Bohlin Cywinski Jackson Signed: Printed Name: Gregory R. Mottola, AIA Title: Vice President Date: Stephen G. Badum, P.E. Hours and Fee for Newport City Hall Project - FF +E 12 September 2.011 08519D X05 FF +E /.Page 9 of 10 fP. mzVen +DesiDev uCostsEstsa "!Co Bid`'9 ::.- <CAs Totals Rate $ /hr Hrs CA Hrs Hrs bal Hrs Hrs Hrs Architectural Princi al $285 6 8 Senior Associate Associate $160 $125 20 0 42 0 2 20 0 9 32 0 4 40 10 24 Staff 1 $105 0 0 0 D 0 p 0 Staff 2 $85 280 -------- 413 60 592 64 p 320 Office $75 5 7 2 8 4 16 Architectural Fees $29,085 $44,630 $9,020. $58,605 $13,280 $35,090. $189,710 Bohlin Cywinski Jackson EXHIBIT B Project Name: NEWPORT BEACH CIVIC CTR+ PARK - FF +E INITIAL REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES ESTIMATE Description BCJ Travel Expenses per 1 -Day Trip Transportation tolfrom airport in SF Parking at airport Cab fare / car rental Food Hotel per night Plane Fare (see Note 1) Total per person per one day trip '9 1 -day trips; 1 person /trip 8 1 -day trips; 2 people /trip Stephen G. Badum, P.E. 12 September 2011 08519D x 05 FF +E Exhibits / Page 11 of 11 BCJ Project No. Date: 08519D x05 Amount 1 No. of Days I Person Miles $45.00 $22.00 $75.00 $75.00 $240.00 $500.00 12_sep_2011 Total $90.00 $44.00 $75.00 $75.00 $240.00 $500.00 $1,024.00 People X No. of Trips $1,024.00 9 $9,216.00 $1,024.00 16 $16,384.00 BCJ estimated total for travel /lodging /meals (see note 2) $25,600.00 BCJ total initial'reimbursable expenses estimate for $ 5,000.00 $5,000.00 reproduction, printing, telephone, /fax, mail(regular and express), photos /prints per BCJ proposal Total design professional team initial reimbursables $30,600.00 expenses estimate (see note 3) Notes: Note 1: Reimbursable expenses include the following: - BCJ transportation, lodging and expenses for all travel between their offices and the job site. - BCJ expenses for all reproduction and printing. -All expenses for telephone /fax, video conferencing, postage, handling, delivery (regular and express) between BCJ, BCJ'sConsultants, the Owner, the Contractors and others involved in the project. - BCJ expenses for prints. Note 2: Plane fare costs are estimated based on minimum two week advanced notice to BCJ of all meeting dates and on ticket purchases being non - refundable. In addition, as BCJ has no control over any fare increases that may occur during the term of this agreement, BCJ will require reimbursement for any additional costs that may occur due to future fare increases in excess of the estimated cost indicated herein. Note 3: If this initial projected amount for BCJ and /or Consultants reimbursable expenses is exceeded, (i.e. due to revisions to the quantity of or schedule for BCJ and /or Consultants meetings /presentations, changes to costs upon which the initial projections were based, scope of services changes, etc.) this initial not -to- exceed dollar amount will be increased based on an updated projection of reimbursable expenses. All reimbursable expenses will be billed at a multiple of 1,10 times the expenses incurred. Upon Receipt of the City of Newport Beach's written approval and authorization to proceed, BCJ will commence this work. END OF EXHIBIT B