HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 - Echo 56 Temporary Sales Office - PA2015-142 o4�Ewr°Q COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT y PLANNING DIVISION u 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3200 Fax: (949) 644-3229 c`�LfFOR�,P www.newportbeachca.gov CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT August 27, 2015 Agenda Item No. 1 SUBJECT: Echo 56 Temporary Sales Office - (PA2015-142) 5515 River Avenue • Limited Term Permit No. XP2015-007 APPLICANT: Taylor Morrison of California, LLC OWNER: Taylor Morrison of California, LLC PLANNER: Jaime Murillo, Senior Planner (949) 644-3209, jmurillo@newportbeachca.gov ZONING DISTRICT/GENERAL PLAN • Zone: RM (Multi-Unit Residential) • General Plan: RM (Multiple-Unit Residential) PROJECT SUMMARY A Limited Term Permit (90 days or more) to allow the use of a temporary sales office, and related customer parking and signage. The sales office is associated with a previously approved 24-unit condominium development under construction on the site. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving Limited Term Permit No. XP2015-007 (Attachment No. ZA 1). DISCUSSION • On June 10, 2008, City Council approved the Seashore Village (now known as Echo 56) project, the development of 24 residential condominium units on a 1.49- acre site located at 5515 River Avenue (PA2007-100). 1 V� QP �P Echo 56 Temporary Sales Office Zoning Administrator, August 27, 2015 Page 2 • On June 10, 2014, City Council approved revisions to the project, including: 1) reconfiguring the site plan and landscape plan; 2) eliminating the duplex product type; and 3) changing the floor plans and architecture to a contemporary design. The changes were found to be minor and in substantial conformance with the 2008 approval (PA2014-005). • On June 17, 2015, building permits were issued for construction of the 24 residential dwelling units (PC 1577-2015) and construction is underway. • Of the 24 dwelling units, three of the units will be used as model homes and will be constructed within the first phase of development. The applicant is requesting approval to construct a temporary sales office within the garage of a model home unit and construct a temporary customer parking lot (Attachment 3 - Project Plans). • Pursuant to Section 20.18.020 of the Municipal Code, temporary uses within the RM (Multi-Unit Residential) Zoning District are allowed subject to the approval of a Limited Term Permit. Limited Term Permits may authorize uses that might not meet the development or use standards of the applicable zoning district, but may otherwise be acceptable because of their temporary or limited nature. In this case, the sales office and related parking and signage are limited duration uses that will cease operating prior to completion of the new residential condominium development. • The model homes, sales office, and parking lot are located on the west side of the lot, furthest away from the adjacent residential dwellings to the east on Neptune Avenue. The neighboring residential dwellings to the south are buffered by Seashore Drive and a public parking lot. The neighboring residential dwellings to the north are buffered by River Avenue. The sales office will operate with one employee between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., daily, minimizing disruption to the surrounding residential neighborhoods. • A dedicated six-space on-site parking lot will provide customers a safe area for parking with a designated path of travel to each of the units. Construction traffic will continue to utilize the existing driveway access further east on River Avenue or on Seashore Drive, and will not impede or conflict with customer access to the sales office parking. • Temporary signage will be located entirely on-site and will consist of a 12- square-foot project identification monument sign, two 1.5-square-foot directional signs, and three 1-square-foot wall-mounted model home identification signs (Attachment 4 - Project Signage). The temporary signage will not be illuminated. TmpIt:04-17-14 Echo 56 Temporary Sales Office Zoning Administrator, August 27, 2015 Page 3 • The use of flags will be limited to a total of three and permitted to be installed near the River Avenue driveway to identify customer access to the sales office location. No other flags, pennants, or other similar attention attracting devices are authorized. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW A Mitigated Negative Declaration (SCH No. 2008021075) and an addendum to the Mitigated Negative Declaration were prepared for the project in accordance with the implementing guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). A subsequent mitigated negative declaration for the project is not required to be prepared pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 because the proposed project involves a minor design change to accommodate a sales office within an approved garage space and to construct related parking spaces and signage for a limited duration of time. These changes do not constitute "substantial changes" to the project that would involve new significant environmental effects or result in additional mitigation measures. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of- way and waterways), including the applicant, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal may be filed with the Director of Community Development within 14 days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at (949) 644-3200. Prepared by: Jaifrie Murillo Senior Planner JM Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Project Plans ZA 4 Project Signage TmpIt:04-17-14 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 5 V� QP �P RESOLUTION NO. ZA2015-0## A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING LIMITED TERM PERMIT NO. XP2015-007 LOCATED AT 5515 RIVER AVENUE FOR A TEMPORARY SALES OFFICE, AND PARKING (PA2015- 142) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Taylor Morrison of California, LLC, with respect to property located at 5515 River Avenue, and legally described as Lot 104 of Tract 3813, requesting approval of a limited term permit (90 days or more). 2. The applicant proposes to operate a temporary sales office, with related parking and signage, associated with the previously approved 24-unit condominium development that is currently being constructed on the site. 3. The subject property is located within the Multi-Unit Residential (RM) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is Multiple-Unit Residential (RM). 4. The subject property is located within the coastal zone. The Coastal Land Use Plan category is Multiple-Unit Residential (RM-D). 5. A public hearing was held on August 27, 2015 in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E-1st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this meeting. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1 . A Mitigated Negative Declaration (SCH No. 2008021075) and an addendum to the Mitigated Negative Declaration were prepared for the project in accordance with the implementing guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). A subsequent mitigated negative declaration for the project is not required to be prepared pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 because the proposed project involves a minor design change to accommodate a sales office within an approved garage space and to construct related parking spaces and signage for a limited duration of time. These changes do not constitute "substantial changes' to the project that would involve new significant environmental effects or result in additional mitigation measures. Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 2 of 7 SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with Section 20.52.040(G) (Limited Term Permits — Findings and Decisions) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: A. The operation of the requested limited duration use at the location proposed and within the time period specified would not be detrimental to the harmonious and orderly growth of the City, nor endanger, jeopardize, or otherwise constitute a hazard to the public convenience, health, interest, safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the requested limited duration use. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The property is currently under construction with 24 new residential dwelling units. Three (3) of the units will be used as model homes and will be constructed within the first phase of development. A temporary sales office will be constructed within the garage of a model home unit with a temporary customer parking lot constructed in close proximity. 2. The sales office would operate with one (1) employee between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., daily, to minimize disruption to the surrounding residential neighborhood and would cease operation upon the sale of the units. 3. The model homes and parking lot will be blocked off from the active construction area with construction fencing and gates. 4. The dedicated on-site parking lot will provide customers a safe area for parking with a designated path of travel to each of the units. 5. Temporary signage will be located entirely on-site and will consist of a 12-square- foot project identification monument sign, two (2) 1.5-square-foot directional signs, and three (3) one-square-foot wall-mounted model home identification signs. The temporary signage will not be illuminated. 6. The temporary monument sign will be located on-site near the project driveway accessible from River Avenue, and located outside the traffic safety visibility area. 7. The use of flags will be limited to a total of three (3) and permitted to be installed near the River Avenue driveway to identify customer access to the sales office location. No other flags, pennants, or other similar attention attracting devices are authorized. 03-03-2015 g Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 3 of 7 Finding: B. The subject lot is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the limited duration use without material detriment to the use and enjoyment of other properties located adjacent to and in the vicinity of the lot. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The subject lot is approximately 1.49 acres in size. The development will be constructed in phases, with the model homes, temporary sales office, and parking lot constructed first. Once constructed, customers will benefit from safe access and parking to the model homes while the remaining units in the development are constructed on-site. 2. Given the size of the lot and phasing of development, the lot can accommodate sales office parking demands on-site with little disruption to surrounding residential uses and adjacent public parking lot. 3. The model homes, sales office, and parking lot are located on the west side of the lot, furthest away from the adjacent residential dwellings to the east on Neptune Avenue. The neighboring residential dwellings to the south are buffered by Seashore Drive and a public parking lot. The neighboring residential dwellings to the north are buffered by River Avenue. Finding: C. The subject lot is adequately served by streets or highways having sufficient width and improvements to accommodate the kind and quantity of traffic that the limited duration use would or could reasonably be expected to generate. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The sales office will operate between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., daily, and is expected to generate minimal traffic operational hours. 2. Customers accessing the site will utilize the new driveway off River Avenue. Construction traffic will continue to utilize the existing driveway access further east on River Avenue or on Seashore Drive, and will not impede or conflict with customer access to the sales office parking lot. Finding: D. Adequate temporary parking to accommodate vehicular traffic to be generated by the limited duration use would be available either on-site or at alternate locations acceptable to the Zoning Administrator. 03-03-2015 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 4of7 Facts in Support of Finding: 1. A temporary 6-space parking lot will be constructed and maintained on-site in conjunction with the operation of the sales office. 2. The parking lot will include parking reserved for disabled persons and accessible path of travel. Finding: E. The limited duration use is consistent with all applicable provisions of the General Plan, any applicable specific plan, the Municipal Code, and other City regulations. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The RM (Multiple-Unit Residential) designation of the Land Use Element of the General Plan is intended to provide primarily for multi-family residential development containing attached or detached dwellings. The proposed use is a temporary sales office operating within one (1) of twenty-four (24) new residential condominium units being constructed on-site. The proposed use is of a limited duration and will not impede the ultimate use of the site as a residential condominium development, consistent with the RM designation. 2. Section 20.18.020 of the Municipal Code allows temporary uses within the RM (Multi-Unit Residential) Zoning District subject to the approval of a Limited Term Permit. Limited Term Permits may authorize uses that might not meet the development or use standards of the applicable zoning district, but may otherwise be acceptable because of their temporary or limited nature. In this case, the sales office and related parking and signage are limited duration uses that will cease operating prior to completion of the new residential condominium development. 3. The proposed use is conditioned such that it will comply with all other applicable provisions of the General Plan, Municipal Code, and other City regulations. 4. The site is not located within a specific plan area. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Limited Term Permit No. XP2015-007, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit "A," which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. This action shall become final and effective fourteen (14) days following the date this Resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal is filed with the Community 03-03-2015 2� Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 5 of 7 Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 03-03-2015 22 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 6 of 7 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan stamped and dated with the date of this approval. (Except as modified by applicable conditions of approval.) 2. Anything not specifically approved by this limited term permit is prohibited and shall be addressed by a separate and subsequent review. 3. The Limited Term Permit shall expire twelve (12) months from the effective date of the license agreement to implement this permit, unless an extension of up to one (1) additional permit of twelve (12) months is granted by the Zoning Administrator. 4. The sales office hours of operation shall be limited to between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., daily. 5. A maximum of three (3) flags may be installed to identify access to the sales office near the River Avenue driveway. No other flags, pennants, balloons, or similar attention attracting devices may be used. 6. Temporary signage shall be limited to one (1) project identification monument sign (not to exceed 20 square feet in sign area and 6.5 feet in height), two (2) directional signs (not to exceed 1.5 square feet in sign area and 50 inches in height), and three (3) wall-mounted model home identification signs (not to exceed one-square-foot in sign area). Signage shall not be illuminated. 7. The temporary project identification monument sign shall be located outside the traffic safety visibility area, subject to the review and approval of the City's Traffic Engineer. 8. The temporary sales office overhead structure shall be removed prior to the sale of the model unit, and the garage shall be reconfigured for the parking of vehicles. 9. An accessible restroom facility shall be provided and available to the public for the duration of the sales office use. 10. The applicant is required to obtain all applicable permits from the City's Building Division and Fire Department. The construction plans must comply with the most recent, City- adopted version of the California Building Code. The construction plans must meet all applicable State Disabilities Access requirements. 11. A fire hydrant shall be provided within 400 feet of all portions of the sales office as per California Fire Code Section 507.5.1. Plans will need to be submitted to the Fire Department for approval requiring an "F" permit. 03-03-2015 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 7 of 7 12. Per California Fire Code Section 3312.1, an approved water supply (fire hydrant) for fire protection shall be made available as soon as combustible material arrives on the site. 13. Prior to occupancy of the sales office, an all-weather fire access road shall be provided consistent with Newport Beach Fire Department Guideline C.01 standards. 14. Prior to occupancy of the sales office, the emergency fire access road needs to be marked No Parking on both sides, consistent with Newport Beach Fire Department Guidelines C0.1. 15. Per Newport Beach Fire Department Guidelines CO.1, any locked gates shall have a lock approved by the Fire Department for emergency access. 16. Prior to the occupancy of the sales office, the automatic sprinkler system installation shall be tested and approved by the Fire Department. 17. A 2A 10BC fire extinguisher shall be installed on a wall in an accessible location within the sales office. 18. A copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval, Exhibit "A," shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans prior to issuance of the building permits. 19. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to the City's approval of the Echo 56 Temporary Sales Office including, but not limited to, Limited Term Permit No. XP2015-007 (PA2015-142). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, the City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of the City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which the City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. 03-03-2015 13 V� QP �P 2� Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 15 V� QP �P 2� VICINITY MAP Y Project Site 0 _ r°� -•• XA y�rhaQ7 y' . a yyV No ti her n 4 a.,/� 4 .,�. I� t 144 Y u F Limited Term Permit No. XP2015-007 PA2015-142 5515 River Avenue V� QP �P sg Attachment No. ZA 3 Project Plans 19 V� QP �P �o PA2015-142 Attachment No. ZA 3 - Project Plans SHEET INDEX: �. -eD.T. UCILLA � ROUP _ I/ ARCHITECTURE t 1D ' rumuvrt/uxxsartvw xn wem¢ A uix-Amlm — r Xmgrmue ✓nuwn.m' w nmrs wv xv® vu wauvu warn/ozaonu I—IIII -a zm[wmoa ta¢ + enwvanvNuie AB Sw[uPu RD 1.rw xwm¢;:11 una 4GM� ECwalan- __ SALES OFFICE SALESOFFICE FOR 56(SFD) 555 XNFR AVENUE EFWPORT BFAOI G SALES OFFICE NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA BIOS IRVINE CENTER DRIVTAYLOR MORRISON SUII KVINE,CA 926k ABBREVIATIONS: CONSULTANTS: BUILDING INFORMATION: CODE INFORMATION: TTA L M WSF ucnw$•• w•m"'w^e v•°`• eeimei" eseIe.�mo"venw^am0Ow"^m wrw.. �m.u....nx.wve w.:w u•"". w`.•"°•v AWiEk A s° PE6gnPiONJ ECiAtIDwDEOBLNCPWgIP&IICNO/sUAcBxEEElOM1aarLL®wuuMwrFu1.V1rYM®4RPo9'LL wW13 Gcz Oar.oY N eE5 vnxEcEx/EXEmvESUITE Id rm eu vrtvow o .�o.— " am szEe iwmE.. raven WY emfwssW TRCi1. 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D., �.,.,� H',Ih�')3DR-141 co VICANIr MAP �:riea PA2015-142 Attachment No. ZA 3 - Project Plans 'MUCELL IA(77IIJN�PER ROUP A IaYDFLTL NES PEF N Ri IV R A �/ E.gry IID-Le 'y _8 4 :�RC}(( C RE 111- s� o ..�.� .....a,... ® 1� 2 0 1R 1R ® 1R a � , r F 03 z 3 1 ° 1 o„ 1R SALES OFFICE J ,'mi (> 10 ii 12 f3 M ,4 FOR ECHO s6(SED) :;. A F. IFWFgIr BFn02 u xp,r - / - PROPOSED "� M ° ` �- SALES OFFICE AT �` 2 3 PLAN 1 (LOT 1) wr (D 3 3 3 3S TAn m WW SEE PARTIAL SITE PLAN/ 3 LANDSCAPE PIAN AT SHEET M1 E "° Ed 9n BUILDING HEIGHT a SITE PLAN u•_ -�N BGA Na 1303350 LEGENDALEVATIONS: .�+.�.. FF 9.0 FF(FINISH FLOOR LEVEL) 41D RIDGE ELEVATION yrt plAN -CONSTRUCTION PHASING vx29Ni mpYbFl;Li+b bb On aU x ..x.,ET, s.1N-1oa .. R.T SP-1 �. MANOA,.. N Twe oa Hw ismx xEEEnEN1 —ER T.-F ou... xo�En avid ox�w aEoxanwaoaN. ®>n��- awm�emsuexurrei ornums �L PA2015-142 Attachment No. ZA 3 - Project Plans Issued For: SYMBOL LEGEND VER 7.15.15 IstCity Submittal SYMBOL DESCRIPTION ACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVEL 0 0 0 0 A.D.A. SIGNAGE I=> I=> FROM ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL TO SALES OFFICE (BY OTHERS) AND ACCESSIBLE RESTROOM WHEEL STOP BY MODEL TOUR PATH OF TRAVEL OTHERS (TYP.) Revisions: LANDSCAPED AREA- MODEL EXTENTS PHASE —— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —— —— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —— — — — — — — — —— —— —— --- —— — MODEL HOME SIGNAGE (BY OTHERS) NOTES: l FIELD VERIFY ALL UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR to INSTALLATION L SIDEWIDE STREET TREES - TO BE FOR PARKING AND ADA DETAILS: \ INSTALLED AT MODEL PHASING (TYP.) FUTURE B' I I I FLAGS SEE PRECISE GRADING PLAN for ECHO 56 prepared by C&V CONSULTING, INC. RESIDENCE #13 _ (BY OTHERS) L � FUTURE RESIDENCE #14 I SIGNAGE NOTE: \\ �� 6,-6„ F� I MODEL HOME SIGNAGE BY OTHERS ® II I D I� I ACCESSIBILITY NOTES: PHASE 2 �\ _ LL ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL SIGNAGE. TITLE 24 COMPLIANT. 70 SQ. INCH \ 5' ACCESSIBILITY SIGN PER SEC I I09A.8.8. \\\ 3 5 TEMPORARY 8'WIDE MIN. ACCESSIBLE UNLOADING STALL. TITLE 24 COMPLIANT. ASPHALT NN PORTABLE ACCESSIBLE RESTROOM\ PAVING ACCESSIBLE PARKING/ REGULAR STALL STRIPING. TITLE 24 COMPLIANT. WITH G HIGH WOOD SCREEN \ Z w/ REDWOOD HEADER _ REFER TO C.B.C. CHAPTER 118 FOR ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS OF THIS If MJSDesi n Group,.. CONSTRUCTION FENCE 5' MIN. N �X� SUBMITTAL. p \� \\ DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE I�.:� \ LIMITS OF FUTURE OVERHEAD STRUCTURE �x \ \ \ __ Landscape Architecture BUILD-OUT - CURB / PER ARCHITECT Planning \ \ , I g NATURAL GRAY CONCRETE WALK WITH LIMITS OF FUTURE hX Gn, Urban Design SCORE JOINTS AS SHOWN. a000 on BUILD-OUT - CURB L SEE SITEWIDE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR �j — = a Cannery Lofts + DETAIL AND FINISH. °°° — °°°„� 507 30th St. o - \+ Newport Beach, 67 -9963 \ \ (949) 675-9964 O Fax (949) 675-9974 Z mjsdesigngroup.com TRUNCATED DOMES BY OTHERS CONSTRUCTION FENCE \+ \ PROJECT: \ O T SALES 0 \+ ECHO 56 \+\+ OFFICE MODEL EXTENTS - .- 1 RIVER AVENUE 55 5 NU DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE ` l LOT 104, TRACT 3813 " LIMITS OF FUTURE BUILD-OUT - SIDEWALK +\ / \ NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 SIDEWIDE TREES - TO BE INSTALLED AT + MODEL PHASING (TYP.) +\+ ; . .:. < ... ..... CLIENT: \ \+ \ TAYLOR MORRISON 11J NATURAL GRAY CONCRETE WALK WITH \+ A4 , SCORE JOINTS AS SHOWN. M `� CONSTRUCTION GATE 8105 IRVINE CENTER DR. X SEE SITEWIDE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR \ I I.1 IRVINE, CA 92618 LU DETAIL AND FINISH. - ` \ A6 I . (949) 833-0222 LU l o \, 0 Stamp: LU TENNISLU ,• ..,r.. .. ❑ IG� �Ir u w � .] ¢ sign m w r7 COURTS T M2 I �� I 03-31-17 Renewal Gere j B1 07-15-15 r = II�,� I JT oare o . � Op CALv4 . • NT 4? . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Job No.: t1 Drawn By: AK U Checked By: MS \ I Plan Date: July 15, 2015 scale: 1/8"- 1" iI �, Title: MODEL O EXTENTS u LU PUBLIC IN � � PLAN z \ '': .• •.. .• :� I El Sheet No.: O FPAKING �. RIVER AVE_ __--------- _IF _ _ O 7"M fAP Mel 2: PRIVgiEDRIVEAISLE I Plan Status: O \ CONSTRUCTION FENCE 0 4' 8' 16' PERMIT/CONSTRUCTION \'7LJ KEY MAP SEASRDRF�RIVE — — NORTH SCALE: I/8" = IDOCUMENTS 23 PA2015-142 Attachment No. ZA 3 - Project Plans -- -- ucH LA ROUP RCHITECTURE iL J aJ r _ -- — .. SALES OFFICE-FLOOR s 3y"°w+w."'c vn iii I; � '?O eM p Q y/�1 1 °E SALES OFFICE SALES OFFICE-UTILTTY PLAN O TRELLIS- ELEVATION SALES OFFICE- FLOOR PIAN/1 FOR m —Mo. aga ,�.,p s�..E,,, ECHO 56(SFD) a .rw n f--vmuxo. ma.....a�� 0. ..R AREA NLWF(WT FA04 G .5515 NM1'FN AVENUE F / TAYL(Ml M' WSW I I I i =r INT. ELEVATION- HOSPITALTFY WALLS INT.ELEVATION -OFFICE ENTRY/1 ---- --- � ------------------- BGA Na 13033-50 r 7 ';i I SMS OFFICE PAW AT PIAN I(.MEL nnFO L L_______________ e, :,t ZJJ a.o.. M e SALES OFFICE- ELEVATION - x INT.ELEVATION -SEATING WALL l l INT.ELEVATION OFFICE WALL n SO-A•1.1 BIIIIO/NG�EGTSN9MIITAL W16I015 �4 PA2015-142 Attachment No. ZA 3 - Project Plans MODEL PRECISE GRADING PLANS FORNAMER AE GENERAL NOTEECHO 56, 5515 RIVER AVE. S „ w1. N CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH zwARX ON PSE%THE ARE xN..T ARE sw[va w-1 ANE,awa MTM o ME.».'u EMiEEE Pa..w I aY ,n»maNM`T. xm w�M w M i Q M„onmxw-vaMEwm. Ex„wxwxwxEµ°„x�an Mwww..NI „"'u�w..m..EEw.www�r,„L.,Eoz � ________ _________ __ L---- ---J w°mx¢urm Aro mwu vwa¢.an -�- - - NCIMITT MPP ART E10I OF MR rR. RIVER AVENUE - E - xIz cx+I Tw wu EF A.a!am'APER E ME.. naRmTMPEETwaLAx AME r �i� , .�.,. LEGEND:ELo.urvE MMmTM w MEET 1. ,_ �s�M INE I K PNxa.EEN -_ �E� �GN� OF _ MI AFFOR swu..ARM5 w,Wax SruLL yflp6pT M \ —NO NAME E Ev.mx PEACE LN, u ,Life I MR,P TERARM 1xm EARN ALAI B1„IiLLtfi PI � -L �.i CENTER LINE .1.NEAREARAN pssv 9V[ Lia awECa %m APL euwm.w° "wF ME"ac wo AMERA-s x m'wwrz um: NEE\ ' .{ / _ BEY Ute~ REEME INER iL�x RAFT.E,AFFERE,AAN OEM E.:CP1rov°%MUEa °-FRE AT�E. ,E w.e PRE,a<.MxA a THE EAMM­NN MaM ,ETMIFFELONwLw LE "A-,RATE .1 ANNEREEN.AAMENE 1. AFTNATTERAN. awP EARN,I IF wL A � 91 ITT Lw oIF LEAL AEAN_TM w. ° APELEEANN MTA LEREEM wwLTO—MEPRE,Runaxwn I ..M MINE wF ” IN Ee OFI .4 I ABBREVIATIONS: AM ME I m Mm.EL wxI M ov.m LMN Enmu A °"°U"°PTT KANET ALL RE L.N�a Rwx wmEwc --__ © = L E L` FORTRAN ERm MEN a uERaPE n..w,E a,.Ex �.w. —_— _ --_— —_—___ - EAREEN REALEE OURE 1. PAINATE su avivn�zp rcni' aw m" viu"w nrt I- �NTMFN A--.TFE 1.PROMMENE ME ARE EREMITE ME 1 .PARK __ 0 15® SEASHORE DRIVE - - - ac. .1 AMANTE F. M x TU ME E� ----- ----- -- - rNN MT ER LL a AP.e_wrc raE«E wrAPemn Lw SHEET INOE% Ere Ew M.R vavw Mar wwF EEen L uLm M rcaM Maw "awuENE..,eNE La ARE ON OWNER . TNAERI TAREO -MwM,MER,sum,vwL.ima[E". uvwU'ew A EisL. AN ANTER w""`°M" a"`"°`a CIVIL ENGINEER'S NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION n nx°s�eE Rrcn LATER,wE.MAN M NAE E sasE asunae _ E. rs.ME w.r.1 ARNARNE �Laa"°AUE��'"a EL�w°a'�erz°.m�m `R�.Mw,Ep�AAO,�z�'e",.a"a w,EE�"s"ns' „La ME.EE° unE,wE I MET OF IFoaw uNnE.Es . mwi'M,-z+° a.. _xmn FaNx A.MAN REEFER F III MITI THE FELFROK - EREMARNME iw��''"^ w`"EwnnieEu," `EmRm o sLAN u n"o iERw°,"ELM " mR.E`°"m. �c"°.wu aE,`E EBF x°L"aLwu«°A AME INN ME wiIRE ANNE, MAL I A,NE"OPENER OIL_'WT, KKERER� EI u1py,�ER.1..1 PANE.1 ME" wEL.E�EERM EE.M'°.,ww.a.PRE AF PEREEME AN ITT w METE NEE EE P_"IT— DEVELOPER,�T TMR<ann xRoxEm DEVELOPER: CIVIL ENGINEER: ME xNNE AT ANNEs v ON,RNNI eN Avre Eun. rcn w. I ME MAREFIR TEAM T SITE ADDRESS iMGMAE.11 ATERE MINE IPG�RmM eo k,kwN"a�PPm rc ET6 w'aNA.aemE REMELME ARE F. RENEFF EF ME Yuu rvEwfAT eEA .0 eim _121i 9iNN,uE l,�tl,AREA,,I PART s iE LN AREAS...PITY IT.REFERENT AN-IN AMPRIATIMFArsalr.1 PRO¢rvrs nu RE..ED A,nL..A. wONAMENTE�1.11 w ARM, AP.Tmlal�n Eo ,,a uw wcw"xmw���unANAL RoE"EAR ERNE.AN`"'w`w�x sss avm nwwE �yj� EE.vER uvw�u u" AI 'ANNEFEN PRO NARTUMAL MEET AP.TSE REL NL®e:.RE a wEMEN®wR TENEnPxRME wNeRMLu ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER IF ORMOND__ EF "a°baPREARTERE a.rn��Eco"vcl "o-1,m.��.1.NO 1. � La, NONATERE NE. IF­ME EPA IFTEFEMETTE ALAREMNER wPaREARE E� EeE °AN,LET ME INEFOR:� PENvwREPARED ARE AN I NARN Al .EEME�«c AN AL mEw�m 1ERF.m«OF ME .1LIF AN NE MARINE I III A- N„Enaw�"aE"N.Ma"N' LxTwwwm BENCHMARK Aw�a IF cwR ONE I wrcwWro�mw x "T"°"". "EA I`EAIPERN"'"AFT„ExMw,rsi. _y�E RE����,TTS BASIS OF BEARINGS R LET.Ewwauxw.a«won mxxxTE a. T new[„anws.E e'-TUB.%, TO TO, OF ELTEE NERFE SAME1.1 AMP NEI MEUxrtMisEnun,or TETE E "IN�RI ME w,oam WE AR ma,m EY I�wwi MER E.RAIN ALN,1NNNT RiOANN m aLEu,Eunw.T axE iIMANE LNEEE,TO�in THE FEE FEEL ANnot seC w< IF FE,OR PENT FAMEN IF ” buvmv�MEE w ME PARET auw4"M EES MWG'S IF(MINA. v ELV EFfL RSIWA AK LET x ANNE1.AN NEET E,1. FEE OF RALL E.AT s�or PAT LE, M"°R Ew�w MEAL;I EE NUL,e°E° MAE ANTO IN 1. TRIP M,IF FLOPE EweE,o Nn..es r'"'RRw IeL--n ME:ms ww.E M.Mw xiME. Ea rE RNa.�m` w WATER NUM g AAaC7 ° O REVISIONS mnORIA FERRARI erg ECHO 58 LOT 104, TRACT 3813 TaylorMorrison. 5515 RIVER AVENUE a c[oee CONSULTING INC.%Po�LANAMARMARMARRAM TITLE SHEET tee 9 I MII OIG SMs FHm.PIX- CMILENNGI ENGINEERING awcv IliC(iW1A1NIX:V.BLC _RFEARPEREA .n MENEEN 1 OTHINTEEND REN.EM AMI ANN w-I MAN I].. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 25 PA2015-142 Attachment No. ZA 3 - Project Plans w��w PLAN Of 41MR ARR- � aOR -•�-•–' � I _ i VARIABLE HEIGHT CONCRETE CURB STAKE DETAIL SPLICE OEi11L '4 Brb Nms aye bl Itava-rw. , WEST t�'��s♦•�� wn ro o sr w•u..N••. cwc.rronw � yN rw ru wurere. 4 u.wmw.w.. r T OI a�p,py, rnwr.awws s ztu SIP.Rw cm nracwo M -.. 410EII Xr.vr r �r)87. a I wi pP Cf 11115 XFIDFR OETAl15 `w°�x�wv n°0n m si»w. urn. i n — m p A e(oFIErRarloN PLANTER AT RIVER AVENUE 35 n:n r xa w per. a s' aimIUKAX� LAT �1 NC.1CCEEMI E P wAu.DETIOS to rcn auv /1 PUKING SINL S WING MAL 43 �J � /F a STM pLp p �yy_q,wo 1 G.5/8'DI.L M p£W/#A AF&A% m+w ureomm F ,xaFL1 ($u11� o'-a'muc nu roP xN11X wsnC OR cmc. PL cmcx� s s � z-V R.1 ` 6ywwwmwn�mmmm� �� 12" DIAMETER PERFORATED g • O A • l RISER PIPE BUBBLER s 31 E T _ nvuuel5 rano us<ONLNEI[(PNwT sNww) u � CR MPFmID E[WL 0 CONCRETE WNFE6pP DfTUL g en pu tilLwmnm Nmnwr w n�a morn muw[a: rmrasm n _ REVISIONS ECHO 58 LOT 104, TRACT 3813 �.'=o...'.RRAAA°R TaylorMorrison 5515 RIVER AVENUE CONSULTING INC., DEPATL3 �\ DERCi1BlE WNiNINC iRU iFO 0016 OEINL sau Ixmem- N.I..EE...."" P t 1.t+C CiBTaHLIX:V.B+C G FssCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 20 PA2015-142 Attachment No. ZA 3 - Project Plans RIVER AVENUE RR r OR �rsRk Ia k9fp VILA �RNO S _ I SALES dwrs OFFICE a }@ CONSTRUCTION NOTES' } ADI Ate[ & 5 \�w'e O smIPOEMme .r 1I EFIR ww om v I raen v. 1:m. w MI x MJ TENNIS I rs A4 Ag _ eQ oxI wxxw. EE..ER m ..wE e. ©SEL 4- ee �(1 nPVC MER P5 FORM RNMEN PIPE O w MIN:v� sem.,c . @NPIue mxn M--". E-ems xx w.N w..rvE. Iw.. EFEER.EIRNI x aw,E.woxe.Pma.e ww. mxQ,c r. y eex .mmw..c .. .. I I EEI m ox 11 E w a w-w sm © .I.o�ooa+.BE NNRI.1(RNNENRE4 oeRIl rw,ElioF�wNO m c yy R l�f'_ �I x,e..,,�.xex. EW TU xR (A-10)s E—u`EA ONE,ro`w.`e 21 •, P u.l >: SI p --nw OMEN xE .:«FET,. sx` C g '/y re jf (Pn,rers) OIE n xIIN sNEE,z eR OxERI N. O .e.PORPAARKINRKIN G %�- ®•m RPR— x LOT A '-� ©• 1 E uE xuaxw RENEExNN NNN—vm. fr t ®e PME w PERRI �w. slws & 10 5 0 0 .-ree-EEPf rz I OFEET 2, � .yg G6.W0I \ f REVISIONS mow`"- 1-1 11 ECHO 58 ° LOT 104 TRACT 3813 TaylorMorrison. ® s'v c F 5515 RIVER AVENUE CONSULTING INC.: MODEL PRECRIE GRADING PLAN RAE s ew s SMs FHm.PIX- CINn,ENGI ENGINEERING auca. IliC(iW1A@IX:V.BIC 6 R CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH $ 27 V� QP �P �g Attachment No. ZA 4 Project Signage 29 V� QP �P 30 PA2015-142 Attachment No. ZA 4 - Project Signage mPd Eo,. VER SYMBOL LEGEND >.Is.Is Loa w6mIBeI -TTT)T))�.]Til Ii SYMBOL DESCRIPTION ACCE• • • —- —� • A.D.A.SIGNAGE • -�- —� — —�- ��� FROM ACCE PATH OF PARKING S FROM ACCEssIBLE PARKING STALL TOSLLESOFFRE (By OTHERS) AND ACCESSIBLE RESTROOM WHEEL STOP BY I M I MODEL TOUR PATH OF TPAVEL DITHERS FTYP.) �I _ + IANOSCAPEDARFAMODELFMENTSPHASE MODEL HOME SIGNAGE NOTES: mP I \ I� FIELD VERIFYALL VTILITV LOGTIONS PRIOR roIN$TALUTION SIDEWIDE STREET TREES-TO BE INSTALLED AT MODEL PHASING ) , II FOR PARKING ANDADA DETAILS: j FUTURE FLAG$ ! SEE PRI GMR DING AN br ECHO 56 prted pvEy CdV CIXLTING. JSUINC. RESIDENCE#I3 (BYOTHERS) \\ JJm FUTURE L \\\\ L - RESIDENCE#14 SIGNAGE NOTE: L tl II MODELHOME9GNAGEBYOTHERS , 6'-6" l I PHASE 2 I - ACCESSIBILITY NOTES. ACCESSIBLEPARKINGSrALLSIGNAGE TITLE34 COMPLIANT.IOW,INCH \\ $' ACCESSIBILRY SIGN PER SEC AMAZE \\ 3' S' TOMRYHALT B'WIDW E MIN.ACCESSIBLE UNLOADING STALL.TITLE I9 COMPNT. ASP PORTABLE ACCESSIBLE RESTROOM PAVING I I ACCESSIBLE PARKBVW REcuuRSTALI ITRIMNc.TITLE 24 COMPLIANT. WITH 6 HIGH WOOD SCREEN \ Z W/REDWOOD f HEADER REFER TO C.B.C.CHAPTER IIB FOR ACCESSIRILItt REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CONSTRUCTION FENCE S'MIN. SUBMITTAL' MJSDBSign GPOLJp_ \� \\ DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE LIMITS OF FUTURE \ OVERHEADSTRUCTURE Landscape Architecture \ BUILD-OUT-NRB l PERARCHITECT Planning NATURAL GPAYTWALK WITH LIMITS OFFl1TURE Urban Design SCOREORE JOINTS AS SHOWN BUILD-OUT-CURB SEE SFTEWIDE LANDSCAPE PNS FOR ° a� L�, — c-7 LAE. \ DETAIL AND FINISH. / x•°y rvenpon BeemCAnesa IaaR1671.64 O \V✓� r•�'�' eck IMec'9e^Nau9 com TRUNCATED DOMES BY OTHERSs tW CONSTRUCTION FENCE c, \ SALES ° \. \ T y ECHO 56 OFFICE \ \ ° aStNjC[f� 50DETS ER AVENUE DIRECTIONALSIGNAGE \ W I S1�M-5 LOT 104,TRACT 3813 LIMITS OF FUTURE BUILD-OUT-SIDEWALK .\ \ NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92663 SIDEWIDETREES-TO BE INSTALLED AT MODEL PI(TYP-) � _.,, 0 0 0 � ` CLIENT: � \ \ \ Z \\\ J Mc1 9 \ — �lClp, S 805LONMONERDR. NATURAL GRAY CONCRETE WALK WITH \ �1 H SCOREJOINTS AS SHOWN. M J CONSTRUCTION GATE �J )( SEE SITEWIDE LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR B \ IRVINE,CA 92618 LLl DETAIL AND FINISH. Ad \ J ' (949)833-0222 w O O �� smmP „w�anr K TENNIS ❑ G B I9 COURTS M2 LII � 91 � V \ �..0 1nB No ELIs ` Dwwn Br AK N CA L.d Bv:MS O �► PHASE 1 m D'• 15 2015 Y 1 I19=1" d UFT MODEL = EXTENTS W PUBLIC PLAN z 0 PARKING LOT "" - - Ml -- IT €�Fad • F IT w , K w,Wtpwf,mEn Plon Sloluv: /CONSTRUCTION FENCE @I PERMIT/CONSTRUCTION KEYMAP `1RR67anr--' NORTH SCALE:1/8"=IDOCUMENTS 31 PA2015-142 Attachment No. ZA 4 - Project Signage OPTION A D/F SALES GALLERY L [1 PAINTED ALUM.CAN ��- 36„ 2❑PAINTED ALUM.CAP �— 8" 14" [3 1x4IPEDEPOT f- 7" - F- 7" -{ �— 21" WOODS1PLANKS SPACED 1/4".RIP PKS 7"= 2 A 0 EA.END EQ.(BOTH SIDES) ®TOP-SPRAYED 1/4"thk.,FLEX C-O-C • A • - [5 31/2"SQ.ALUM.POSTS 3�4" ♦ ' ©BACKPAINTED p 1/8"thk.,PLEX APPLIQUE W/REVERSE VINYL COPY 3 i4" YOU 34" SALES (REMOVABLE PLAQUE) 3'I�/4" Fo P • 3 /4" • CENTEP 4 E INCLUDE CONCRETE FOOTING 3 L 48"443/4„ � � OA ■90%OF PMS 532 4 C OB WHITE MAP BRUSHED 79/4" 6 A ALUMINUM B O ■PMS 7708 1 OE 50%OF PMS 7506 3 30" 5 C I REAR VIEW SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW SCALE: 3/4"=1'-0" SCALE: 31C V-O" SCALE: 3/4"=1'-D" U T D O O R CLIENT APPROVAL: YDURNLAND RNDWILOD5wulRRwuDF REVISIONS: Pxaoe LIQJ osmax uraxr AND CONTENT.RE¢ASO OUTDOOR 1 DATE: 8/12/15 (Please Check ao.) DiMwaoxs FROM RESFONRIRMrr IN REww TO R.M.N DIMENSIONS GOOD ECr DEMsx ANO MwsMAnox. TME COmss Q 8/13/15 GV .00 GV ❑AS SHOWN sxmvx ARE DOLE BEERE.."T"E OF AOwu MAs CONCEPTS: PROJECT: ECHO 56 ❑WITH CHANGES co COR CALL ours.NNAL COLOR.11 RE MAraRD As /�D 8114115GV .25 GY CLOSE ASPOSSIBLE,OLD roMArRRuu usLO. © WORKING ❑ CLIENT: TAYLOR MORRISION WO: OssurvsARerxErxORERry DFOUTDOOROiMsxswxs 0 DRAWING: ' uxrnwRCxxswxv Cuwr' SALES REP: PR DESIGNER;GV .75 CLIENT SIGNATURE DATE PA2015-142 Attachment No. ZA 4 - Project Signage S/F MODEL TOUR -- 0 1/4'thk.,BLACK PLEX MODEL (ATTACH TO#5) TOUR WOOD LAMINATE STRIPS 0 TOP-SPRAYED 14" 1/8'thk.,PLEX TOP-PANEL 12" - [4]VINYL CUT-OUT COPY 12 0 44 WOOD POST T — 2 D SATIN-FINISH TOPCLEARCOAT 50" 1 3/4" 1 3 C Op ■BLACK MODEL "WHITE MAP BRUSH 1 A © ALUMINUM ED NEVAMAR TOUP 4 A WM8350 O ■WM8350SAGAW000 14" 12" FULL VIEW SCALE: 314"—1'-0" 5 A SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW SCALE: 3"-1'-O' SCALE: 3"=1'-0" O U T D O O R ECLIENTPPROVAL: DES RMNAIDMADCONESTARMINGOSALOF pEVIS10NS: PRDDF: 6V 1 DeslGx urxur AxD wxTExr.RLLuuIND DATDDOR DATE: 8/17/15ck Box) pIMFNAMNS MDM AESPOINSMIM IN AEGMN 10 IlaetllIMENSIONS INCORRECT DESIGN AND INEORMATON. THE COUING QWN sxowx MF Oxn RVMSENTATME DE AduaL VMA CONCEPTS: PROJECE ECHO 56 ANGES COLOR CALL M.FMPI CDUIR MILL BE MAttNFDA6SOMERS 10GSINlE DUE TO MATERIALS USED. WORKING CLIENTR MORRI510N W0:bUIRASAREME PAOPEATV OFOUNOMdMENAIPV9 Q ❑Uxrevx.NHDRAWING: SALES REP: pR DESIGNER:GV .75NATURE DATE PA2015-142 Attachment No. ZA 4 - Project Signage OPTION A S/F MODEL ID 1/4'thk.,BLACK FLEX (ATTACH DIS TAPE)USING [2 WOOD LAMINATE STRIPS F3 TOP-SPRAYED 12" 1/8'thk.,PLEXTOP-PANEL f 10" i ®VINYL CUT-OUT COPY 10" { ❑5 B'wx8"hx1/8"thk., iL 91/2" BLACK PLEX BACKER PANEL W/COUNTERSUNK SCREWS —r FOR WALL MOUNTING T 13/4" 2 D INCLUDE SATIN-FINISH TOP CLEAR COAT 3 C OA ■BLACK RESIDENCE © ❑WHITE © ®MAP BRUSHED ALUMINUM 5 p 12" 10" O ■NEVAMAR CARMELSAGAWOOD 4 A WM8350 1 A, A4 L SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW SCALE: r-1'-0" SCALE: 3"=1'-0' OUTDOOR CLIENT APPROVAL: DMAMXANAEACMGW86ARLLAP"YNGf REVISIONS: PRDOE DES AS LAYOUT AND"xTEpE.RREASIxG OUIG"A GV TW�N kDA : 8/12/15 (Please Check Box) pIMEXAMXS fADM AERYDXAXIMtt IN AFGAAO 1G N5"I DIMENSIONS INCORRECT DEMGR A.D BIOMASS TMf CDNAA 0 8/13/15 GV .00 GV ❑AS SHOWN SNpWN ARE OxIY Rf➢MSEMiPFIVF DF RCiWI PMA CONCEPTS: ECT ECHO 56 ❑WIfH CHANGES COLOR"M DIVA.FINAL COLOR Bill RE MATMED Aa 8 MOAEAS"GONE,"ETO MATERIALS --- © WORKIN NT: TAYLORMORRI510N WO: DESIGNS ARE IDE PADPEATY OE OFFERSuxnLPu"xAs"RrcuERO. DRAWING: S REP: PR DESIGNER:GV .75 CLIENT SIGNATURE DATE