HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 - PRES 4340 Von Karman Condiminium Conversion - PA2014-230 wP COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT H PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 (949) 644-3200 Fax: (949) 644-3229 �4L1FOVL www.newportbeachca.gov CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT October 15, 2015 Agenda Item No. 1: SUBJECT: PRES-4340 Von Karman Condominium Conversion - (PA2014-230) 4340 Von Karman Avenue ■ Condominium Conversion No. CC2015-001 ■ Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2015-001 County Tentative Parcel Map No. 2014-180 APPLICANT: David Bonaparte OWNER: PRES-4340 Von Karman, LP, a California Limited Partnership PLANNER: Jason Van Patten, Assistant Planner (949) 644-3234, jvanpatten@newportbeachca.gov ZONING DISTRICT/GENERAL PLAN Zone: PC 15 (Koll Center) General Plan: MU-H2 (Mixed Use Horizontal) PROJECT SUMMARY A condominium conversion in conjunction with a tentative parcel map for nonresidential condominium purposes. The purpose of the Tentative Parcel Map is to create separate ownership units that will allow for the sale of commercial space within an existing four- story office building. The application also includes a request to waive the requirement that each unit within the building maintain separate water meters, and water and sewer connections. No other waivers are proposed. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving Condominium Conversion No. CC2015-001 and Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2015-001 (Attachment No. ZA 1). �� QP �� ��P P�" O� �� �� \�� PRES-4340 Von Karman Condominium Conversion Zoning Administrator, October 15, 2015 Page 2 DISCUSSION Condominium conversion and tentative parcel map applications were filed by the property owner to convert an existing four-story office building to nonresidential condominiums, creating 47 separate ownership units. Included is a request to waive the Title 19 (Subdivisions) requirement that each unit within the building maintain separate water meters, and water and sewer connections (Attachment No. ZA 3). A waiver is appropriate because it eliminates the need to excavate the right-of-way to provide each unit with new utility connections. It also eliminates the need to reconfigure the existing plumbing and utility connections, which would involve significant alterations to the site. No other exceptions or waivers are proposed with this application. The Municipal Operations Department reviewed the request and will allow the waiver provided the property owner ensures common water and sewer connection use will not be detrimental to the tenants of the property or surrounding properties (Attachment No. ZA 4). The property owner will be required to form an Association responsible for the payment of water and sewer fees. Any future development, modification or major construction of the property may revoke the waiver and require plans to be submitted to the City regarding water and sewer service. The condominium conversion application for nonresidential units is necessary to meet the purpose and intent of Municipal Code Chapter 19.64 (Conversion of Rental Units to Ownership). The purpose and intent of the Chapter is to regulate conversions and mitigate hardships while protecting the community, existing rental tenants, and the purchasers of the converted units. Section 19.64.030 (General Requirements) requires approval of a tentative parcel map for all condominium conversions. The property is located in Office Site B of the Koll Center Planned Community (PC-15) Zoning District, and designated Mixed-Use Horizontal (MU-H2) by the General Plan, intended to provide for a horizontal intermixing of uses that may include regional commercial office, multi-family residential, vertical mixed-use buildings, industrial, hotel rooms, and ancillary neighborhood commercial uses. The existing building occupied by office uses is consistent with the MU-H2 designation, and a tentative parcel map for condominiums does not change the use. At a minimum, the number of parking spaces required at the time of original construction must be provided for the building to be converted, pursuant to Title 19. At the time of original construction in 1975, the building required 275 parking spaces (61,885 net square feet / 225 = 275) within the common parking lot. The Tmplt:04-17-14 PRES-4340 Von Karman Condominium Conversion Zoning Administrator, October 15, 2015 Page 3 number of parking spaces available (3,356 spaces) exceeds the requirement at the time of original construction and currently exceeds the requirement for all properties sharing the common parking lot. A special inspection to identify building safety violations was conducted on March 10, 2015 (Attachment No. ZA 5). The inspection identified minor safety violations associated with existing safety signage as well as window and door glazing. An inspection of the property verifying the correction of all identified safety violations is required prior to the building becoming condominiums. Accessibility upgrades in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act will be required of the applicant to ensure the use of the building and subject property are not detrimental to persons working or residing in the neighborhood. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt under Section 15301, of the State CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) Guidelines - Class 1 (Existing Facilites). The Class 1 exemption consists of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use. This includes but is not limited to the subdivision of existing commercial buildings where no physical changes occur which are otherwise not exempt. The proposed project will convert an existing office building to nonresidential condominiums and will involve minor safety upgrades, but no expansion of use. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of- way and waterways) including the applicant and tenants of the existing building, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal or call for review may be filed with the Director of Community Development within 10 days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at (949) 644-3200. Tmplt:04-17-14 .L� PRES-4340 Von Karman Condominium Conversion Zoning Administrator, October 15, 2015 Page 4 Prepared by: l +Ja on 'Vara Patten. Assistant Planner ' 1 JM/jvp Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Applicant's Request to Waive Separate Sewer and Water ZA 4 Municipal Operations Department Response Letter ZA 5 Condominium Conversion Inspection Report ZA 6 Site Plan, Floor Plans, Elevations ZA 7 Tentative Parcel Map Tmplt:04-17-14 J� �� QP �� ��P P�" O� �� �� \�� Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution �� QP �� ��P P�" O� �� �� \�� RESOLUTION NO. ZA2015-0## A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION NO. CC2015-001 AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. NP2015-001 FOR NONRESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUMS LOCATED AT 4340 VON KARMAN AVENUE (PA2014-230) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by David Bonaparte, with respect to property located at 4340 Von Karman Avenue, and legally described as Lot 3 in Tract No. 8762 requesting approval of a condominium conversion and tentative parcel map. 2. The applicant proposes a condominium conversion in conjunction with a tentative parcel map to convert an existing four-story office building to nonresidential condominiums, creating 47 separate ownership units. Included is a request to waive the Title 19 (Subdivisions) requirement that each unit within the building maintain separate water meters, and water and sewer connections. No other waivers are proposed. 3. The subject property is located within Office Site B of the Koll Center Planned Community (PC 15) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is Mixed-Use Horizontal (MU-H2). 4. The subject property is not located within the coastal zone. 5. A public hearing was held on October 15, 2015, in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E-1 st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this meeting. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project has been determined to be categorically exempt under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act under Class 1 (Existing Facilities). The Class 1 exemption consists of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use. This includes but is not limited to the subdivision of existing commercial buildings where no physical changes occur which are otherwise not exempt. 2. The proposed project will convert an existing office building to nonresidential condominiums and will involve minor safety upgrades, but no expansion of use. Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 2 of 12 SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with Section 19.64.070 (Standards for Condominium Conversions) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: A. The number of off-street parking spaces that were required at the time of original construction shall be provided on the same property to be converted to condominium purposes, and the design and location of such parking shall be in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 20.40 (Off-Street Parking). Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The building was required to provide 275 parking spaces (61,885 net square feet / 225 = 275) within the shared parking lot at the time of original construction in 1975. The number of parking spaces available (3,356 spaces) exceeds the requirement at the time of original construction. 2. The design and location of parking is in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 20.40. Access to the shared parking area is taken from Von Karman Avenue, Birch Street, MacArthur Boulevard, and Jamboree Road, and adequate and safe maneuvering aisles are provided within the parking area. Finding: B. Each dwelling unit within a building shall have a separate sewer connection to the City sewer. Facts in Support of Finding- 1. inding:1. The applicant requests to waive the requirement that each unit within the building maintain a separate sewer connection to the City sewer. Section 19.64.080 (Modification or Waiver of Conversion Standards) allows the decision making body to waive the requirement for separate connections if it finds that the waiver will not be materially detrimental to the tenants of the property or surrounding properties, nor to public health or safety. 2. The applicant estimates the Condominium Conversion will result in 47 separate ownership units. 3. A waiver eliminates the need to excavate the right-of-way to provide each unit with new utility connections. It also eliminates the need to reconfigure the existing plumbing and utility connections, which would involve significant alterations to the site.. 07-22-2014 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 3 of 12 4. Waiving the requirement for separate sewer connections will not be materially detrimental to the tenants, nor to public health or safety because the building has demonstrated that existing connections can adequately accommodate those utilizing the site. 5. The Municipal Operations Department has reviewed the request to waive separate sewer connections for each condominium unit and will allow the waiver provided the property owner ensures common sewer connection use will not be detrimental to the residents or tenants of the property or surrounding properties. Any future development, modification or major construction of the property may revoke the waiver and require plans to be submitted to the City regarding sewer service. 6. As conditioned, the property owner shall form an Association responsible for the payment of sewer fees to ensure common sewer connection use will not be detrimental to the residents or tenants of the property or surrounding properties. Finding: C. Each sewer lateral shall be retrofitted/fitted with a cleanout at the property line. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. As conditioned, the existing sewer laterals shall be retrofitted/fitted with a cleanout to comply with this requirement prior to recordation of the Tentative Parcel Map. Finding: D. Each dwelling unit shall maintain a separate water meter and water meter connection. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The applicant has requested to waive the requirement that each unit within the building maintain a separate water meter and water meter connection. Section 19.64.080 (Modification or Waiver of Conversion Standards) allows the decision making body to waive the requirement for separate connections if it finds that the waiver will not be materially detrimental to the tenants of the property or surrounding properties, nor to public health or safety. 2. The applicant estimates the Condominium Conversion will result in approximately 47 separate ownership units. 3. A waiver eliminates the need to excavate the right-of-way to provide each unit with new utility connections. It also eliminates the need to reconfigure the existing plumbing and utility connections, which would involve significant alterations to the site. 4. Waiving the requirement for separate water connections will not be materially detrimental to the tenants, nor to public health or safety because the building has 07-22-2014 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 4 of 12 demonstrated that existing connections can adequately accommodate those utilizing the site. 5. The Municipal Operations Department has reviewed the request to waive separate water meters, and water meter connections for each condominium unit and will allow the waiver provided the property owner ensures common water connection use will not be detrimental to the residents or tenants of the property or surrounding properties. Any future development, modification or major construction of the property may revoke the waiver and require plans to be submitted to the City regarding sewer service. 6. As conditioned, the property owner shall form an Association responsible for the payment of water fees to ensure common water connection use will not be detrimental to the residents or tenants of the property or surrounding properties. Finding: E. The electrical service connection shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 15.32 of the NBMC. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The electrical service connection for the existing office building complies with Chapter 15.32 (Underground Utilities) because all electrical service to the building is installed underground Finding: F. The applicant for a condominium conversion shall request a special inspection from the Building Division for the purpose of identifying any building safety violations. The applicant shall correct all identified safety violations prior to approval of a final map for the condominium conversion. Facts in Support of Finding- 1. inding:1. A special inspection was completed by the Building Division on March 10, 2015. 2. The inspection identified minor safety violations associated with existing safety signage as well as window and door glazing. 3. As conditioned, the applicant shall correct all identified safety violations prior to recordation of the Tentative Parcel Map. Finding- G. indin :G. Permanent lot stakes and tags shall be installed at all lot corners by a licensed surveyor or civil engineer unless otherwise required by the City Engineer. 07-22-2014 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 5 of 12 Facts in Support of Finding: 1. As conditioned, the project will comply with this requirement prior to recordation of the Tentative Parcel Map. Finding: H. For residential conversions, the project shall be consistent with the adopted goals and policies of the General Plan, particularly with regard to the balance and dispersion of housing types within the City. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The project is not for a residential conversion. Finding: 1. The establishment, maintenance or operation of the use or building applied for shall not, under circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort and general welfare of person residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The application of project conditions will ensure the health, safety, peace, comfort, and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood and the City. 2. The proposed conversion of an existing office building to condominiums occurs on a property within the MU-H2 Zoning District that allows for commercial office uses. 3. Safety violations identified during the special inspection will be corrected ensuring the building does not create a detriment to persons working at or around the subject property. 4. Accessibility upgrades in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act will be required of the applicant to ensure the use of the building and subject property are not detrimental to persons working or residing in the neighborhood. Tentative Parcel Map The Zoning Administrator determined in this case that the Tentative Parcel Map is consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and is approved based on the following findings per Section 19.12.070 (Required Findings for Action on Tentative Maps) of Title 19: 07-22-2014 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 6 of 12 Finding: A. That the proposed map and the design or improvements of the subdivision are consistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific plan, and with applicable provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and this Subdivision Code. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The Tentative Parcel Map is for nonresidential condominium purposes. The proposed subdivision of an existing commercial office building is consistent with provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and the MU-H2 (Mixed-Use Horizontal) General Plan land use designation, which provides for a horizontal intermixing of uses that may include commercial office uses. 2. The project is not located within a specific plan area. Finding: B. That the site is physically suitable for the type and density of development. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The site is developed with a four-story building consisting of office uses. Several other buildings consisting of office uses exist nearby. 2. The lot is physically suitable for the commercial office density and development as the site is relatively flat, and has demonstrated since original construction that it is able to adequately accommodate the office use. 3. The subject property is accessible from Von Karman Avenue, Birch Street, MacArthur Boulevard, and Jamboree Road, and is adequately served by existing utilities. Finding: C. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage nor substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. However, notwithstanding the foregoing, the decision making body may nevertheless approve such a subdivision if an environmental impact report was prepared for the project and a finding was made pursuant to Section 21081 of the California Environmental Quality Act that specific economic, social, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the environmental impact report. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The site was developed as a footprint lot in 1975 with a four-story office building. The design of the subdivision remains generally the same today. 07-22-2014 -4 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 7 of 12 2. The property is located in an urbanized area that does not contain any sensitive vegetation or habitat. 3. The project is categorically exempt under Section 15301 (Article 19 of Chapter 3), of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines — Class 1 (Existing Facilities). Finding: D. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements is not likely to cause serious public health problems. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The Tentative Parcel Map is for nonresidential condominium purposes. With the exception of minor upgrades to address building safety and accessibility and the retrofitting/fitting of sewer cleanouts, no other improvements to the building or public utilities are proposed. The correction of identified safety violations associated with the special building inspection will not create any serious public health concerns. 2. Any future improvements proposed will comply with all Building, Public Works, and Fire Codes, which are in place to prevent serious public health problems. Any public improvements required of the developer per Section 19.28.010 (General Improvement Requirements) of the Municipal Code and Section 66411 (Local agencies to regulate and control design of subdivisions) of the Subdivision Map Act shall comply with all ordinances of the City and all Conditions of Approval. Finding: E. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. In this connection, the decision making body may approve a map if it finds that alternate easements, for access or for use, will be provided and that these easements will be substantially equivalent to ones previously acquired by the public. This finding shall apply only to easements of record or to easements established by judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction and no authority is hereby granted to the City Council to determine that the public at large has acquired easements for access through or use of property within a subdivision. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The Tentative Parcel Map for the subdivision of the existing office building will not conflict with a 15-foot storm drain easement located at the southerly side of the property or any other public easements that exist nearby. 07-22-2014 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 8 of 12 Finding: F. That, subject to the detailed provisions of Section 66474.4 of the Subdivision Map Act, if the land is subject to a contract entered into pursuant to the California Land Conservation Act of 1965 (Williamson Act), the resulting parcels following a subdivision of the land would not be too small to sustain their agricultural use or the subdivision will result in residential development incidental to the commercial agricultural use of the land. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The property is not subject to the Williamson Act because the subject property is not designated as an agricultural preserve. 2. The site, developed for office use, lies in a zone that permits office uses. Finding: G. That, in the case of a "land project" as defined in Section 11000.5 of the California Business and Professions Code: (1) There is an adopted specific plan for the area to be included within the land project, and (2) the decision making body finds that the proposed land project is consistent with the specific plan for the area. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The property is not a "land project" as defined in Section 11000.5 of the California Business and Professions Code. 2. The project is not located within a specific plan area. Finding: H. That solar access and passive heating and cooling design requirements have been satisfied in accordance with Sections 66473.1 and 66475.3 of the Subdivision Map Act. Facts in Support of Finding.: 1. Any future improvements are subject to Title 24 of the California Building Code that requires new construction to meet minimum heating and cooling efficiency standards depending on location and climate. The Newport Beach Building Division enforces Title 24 compliance through the plan check and inspection process. Finding: 1. That the subdivision is consistent with Section 66412.3 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 65584 of the California Government Code regarding the City's share of the 07-22-2014 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 9 of 12 regional housing need and that it balances the housing needs of the region against the public service needs of the City's residents and available fiscal and environmental resources. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The property lies within an office site of a Planned Community Zoning District that prohibits residential land uses. The City's Housing Element recognizes other specific housing opportunities in the City that can accommodate the City's regional housing need for the 2014-2021 housing period. Therefore, the Tentative Parcel Map for condominium purposes will not affect the City in meeting its regional housing need. Finding: J. That the discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into the existing sewer system will not result in a violation of existing requirements prescribed by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. As conditioned, wastewater discharge into the existing sewer system shall comply with the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) requirements. Finding: K. For subdivisions lying partly or wholly within the Coastal Zone, that the subdivision conforms with the certified Local Coastal Program and, where applicable, with public access and recreation policies of Chapter Three of the Coastal Act. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The project is not located within the Coastal Zone. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Condominium Conversion No. CC2015-001 and Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2015-001, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. This action shall become final and effective 10 days following the date this Resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 07-22-2014 z7 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 10 of 12 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 15TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2015. By: Brenda Wisneski, AICP, Zoning Administrator 07-22-2014 g Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 11 of 12 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Division 1. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 2. Prior to recordation of the Parcel Map, an inspection of the property shall be conducted verifying that all safety violations identified March 10, 2015, and applicable Building Division conditions of approval are addressed. 3. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 4. The Condominium Conversion and Tentative Parcel Map shall expire if the Map has not been recorded within 24 months of the date of approval, unless an extension is granted by the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Section 19.16 (Tentative Map Expiration and Extension) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 5. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of the PRES-4340 Von Karman Condominium Conversion including, but not limited to, Condominium Conversion No. CC2015-001 and Tentative Parcel Map No. NP2015-001 (PA2014-230). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. Building Division 6. Exiting signage at all exit stairwells, hallways, and tenant spaces shall be brought to current code requirements. 7. Exiting stair handrails shall be improved to meet current accessibility requirements. 07-22-2014 19 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2015-0## Page 12 of 12 8. Existing sanitary facilities shall be improved to meet current accessibility requirements. 9. All room and door identification shall meet current accessibility requirements for braille. 10. The conditions, covenants, and restrictions (CC&R's) shall require that each separately owned unit install an individual electrical meter and subpanel. The panels shall be identified and appropriately labeled with proper load schedules. A recorded copy of the CC&R's shall be provided prior to the building becoming condominiums. 11. The applicant is required to obtain all applicable permits from the City's Building Division and Fire Department. The construction plans must comply with the most recent, City- adopted version of the California Building Code. The construction plans must meet all applicable State Disabilities Access requirements. Public Works Department 12. The Parcel Map shall be recorded. The Parcel Map shall be prepared on the California coordinate system (NAD88). Prior to recordation of the Map, the surveyor/engineer preparing the Map shall submit to the County Surveyor and the City of Newport Beach a digital-graphic file of said map in a manner described in Section 7-9-330 and 7-9-337 of the Orange County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision Manual, Subarticle 18. The Parcel Map to be submitted to the City of Newport Beach shall comply with the City's CADD Standards. Scanned images will not be accepted. 13. Prior to recordation of the Parcel Map, the surveyor/engineer preparing the Map shall tie the boundary of the Map into the Horizontal Control System established by the County Surveyor in a manner described in Section s 7-9-330 and 7-9-337 of the Orange County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision Manual, Subarticle 18. Monuments (one inch iron pipe with tag) shall be set on each lot corner, unless otherwise approved by the Subdivision Engineer. Monuments shall be protected in place if installed prior to completion of construction project. 14. Each existing sewer lateral shall be retrofitted/fitted with a cleanout at the property line. 15. An Association shall be established, responsible for the payment of water and sewer fees. Any delay in payments and any issues with the existing master meters will directly affect all units due to the fact that they do not have their own individual services. Any clogs and back-ups of the shared sewer lateral lines will directly affect all units served by that line. 16. All on-site drainage shall comply with the latest City Water Quality requirements. 07-22-2014 20 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 21 �� QP �� ��P P�" O� �� �� \�� A. t A rn o r` , +f f j s, ♦ ` +TT Newport Beach Disclaimer: Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the data provided,however,The City of GIS Newport Beach and its employees and agents disclaim any and all responsibility from or relating to �,E`wPo�T any results obtained in its use. 0 100 200 n Imagery: 2009-2013 photos provided by Eagle Imaging www.eagleaerial.com L',t4FpR��s^ Feet 1/20/2015 2S �� QP �� ��P P�" O� �� �� \�� Attachment No. ZA 3 Applicant's Request to Waive Separate Sewer and Water 25 �� QP �� ��P P�" O� �� �� \�� February 13, 2015 Re;4340 Von Karman, Newport Beach, CA Modification or Waiver of Conversion Standards Please accept this letter as our request to waive the City of Newport Beach ("City") requirement under Section 19.64.070 (B) of the municipal code pertaining to separate sewer connections. Code Section 19.64.080 (B) Modificotion or Waiver of Conversion Standards, authorizes waiver of such requirements if the City finds that the modification or waiver will not be material to residents tenants of the property or surrounding properties, nor to public health and safety. The building at 4340 Von Karman is existing and is developed with multi-tenant office suites that all share common water and sewer lines in the common restrooms.With this application,we are requesting a condo overlay to allow for individual office condos.With the condo conversion the water and sewer lines will remain and will function as they do now.The water will be provided as a common area expense of the Owners association in the future.When an association is formed, we anticipate that a sub-meter will be installed so that the association would be able to collect the water expenses with suites that only have water and sewer lines. The association will be responsible for the payment of the sewer and water to the City of Newport Beach. It is hereby acknowledged that any delay in payments and any issues with the master meter will directly affect all future condo owners due to the fact they are being serviced by one meter/service. Additionally, it is hereby acknowledged that any clogs and back-ups of a sewer lateral line will directly affect all condo owners being served by that line. Sincerely, PRES-4340 Von Karman L.P., a California Limited Partnership By: Von Karman Corporate Center, Inc. a Delaware Corporation, its general partner IFC. Name: David Bonaparte Title: Executive Vice-Preside t The FRES Companies 19782 MacArthur Boulevard, Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92612 Phone: (949) 261-7737 1 Fax: (949)442-1925 wwww.prescompanies.com 27 �� QP �� ��P P�" O� �� �� \�� Attachment No. ZA 4 Municipal Operations Department Response Letter 29 �� QP �� ��P P�" O� �� �� \�� atiW P �T o`� CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT fio.� April 10, 2015 David Bonaparte The PRIES Companies 19782 MacArthur Boulevard, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92612 RE: 4340 Van Karman -- Request to Waive Individual Sewer and Water Dear Mr. Bonaparte, This letter is in response to your letter dated February 13, 2015, where your firm requested a utilities waiver under Section 19.64.080 (Modification or waiver of Conversion). After review of your request/proposal we have concluded the following: The Municipal Operations Department will allow the waiver of water and wastewater conversion providing the property owner(s) ensure that the common water and sewer connection use will not be detrimental to the residents or tenants of the property or surrounding properties. City understands that an Owners Association is being formed and will be responsible for the cost of service provided by the City of Newport Beach. It is understood that no construction or modifications to the site is intended with this request, that a conversion of the services would require a major re-plumbing and construction. For these reasons, it is reasonable to continue with the existing configuration. Future development, modification or major construction of the property may revoke this waiver and require plans to be submitted to the City regarding water and sewer service. If you have any further questions regarding this matter please contact me at (949) 644- 3011. Sincerely, George Murdoch Utilities General Manager Corporation Yard: 592 Superior-Ave, Newport Beach, CA 92663 —Telephone: (949) 644-3055 Fax: (949) 650-0747 Utilities Yard: 949 West 16th Street, Newport Beach, CA 92663—Telephone: (949) 644-3011 Fax: (949) 646-5204 Mailing Address: PO Box 176€3, Newport Beach, CA 92653-8915 --cvwtiv.ncwportbeachca.gov/municipalopert�liipns �� QP �� ��P P�" O� �� �� \�� Attachment No. ZA 5 Condominium Conversion Inspection Report SS �� QP �� ��P P�" O� �� �� \�� w CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION roue 1Q0 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 6443200 CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION INSPECTION REPORT (CHECKLIST) Inspection Fee: $246.00 per unit No. Units Condo Conv. No. / ($123.00/hr--2 hrs minimum) Address: 6�%Lb 06 gar,m-A Ae. Date: Existing O�cc: Grp /� Type of Construction: Owner: 0r /�o !/®st i<r'rMeA Phone Number: 194)-Ze3, ys'k< ,,,.,,. Assigned to Inspector: a r,,5 , Ae�aj_Date: . Phone: (949) 644-32PC THE FOLLOWING CHECKLIST WILL BE USED DURING THE INSPECTION TO VERIFY EXISTING BUILDING CONDITIONS AND COMPLIANCE TO MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR THE CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION. A. EACH UNIT MUST COMPLY WITH THE MINIMUM STANDARDS OF THE UNIFORM HOUSING CODE AS ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. 1. Does the unit(s) meet minimum sanitation requirements? (y),\_(n) Comment. 2. Does the unit meet minimum structural and occupancy standards? Comment. k 3. Does the unit meet minimum exiting safety standards? (y) (n)_�� Comment. 4. Does the unit meet minimum plumbing standards? (y) (n) Is there a garbage disposal installed on a dedicated circuit? (y) A,Pp(n) Comment. 5. Does the unit meet minimum standards of heating and venting? (Y)_X_(n) Comment. FormslCondominium Conversion Inspectlon Report 05109114 �� 6. Does the unit meet minimum standards for electrical safety? (y) (n)� Comment, B. EACH UNIT MUST COMPLY WITH CURRENT MINIMUM LIFE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE AS ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. 7. Do the existing stairs and handrails comply with minimum safety requirements of Chapter 10 Section CRC 2013 R311.7? (y) (n) Did they comply when originally constructed? (y) (n) Comment. 8. Do the existing guardrails comply with minimum safety requirements of Section CRC 2013 8312? (y)_(n) _ Did they comply when originally constructed? (y) (n} Comment. _ 9. Are smoke detectorslcarbon monoxide alarms installed in each bedroom and other required locations per Section CRC 2013 8314 & R 316? (y) AZA (n) Comment: 10. Is there a required occupancy separation rating? hr(s) (y) (n}_ If so, does it meet the requirements of Section CRC 2013 R302.2? (y) (n) Comment: 11. Is the roof a minimum Class C fire retardant roof? (y) __)(_(n) Owner to submit letter of certification by a licensed roofing contractor of fire retardancy and remaining life of the roof. (y) --K-(n)� Comment 12. Is safety glazing installed in areas subject to human impact?(y) _ (n) _ Comment: .^ Other Comments: Forms%CmdominiumConversion Inspection Report 06149114 C. EACH UNIT IS REQUIRED TO BE INDIVIDUALLY SERVED BY SEPARATE UTILITIES. Note: the City does not consider it feasible to separate sewer piping when existing units are integrally piped through lower units to units above. (Please demonstrate for the inspector that utilities serving the units are not connected.) 13. Is this unit served by its own water meter and piping? (y) (n) Are the materials used in the system approved for the use? (y)=(n) Are there apparent cross connection hazards in the system?(y) (n)24 NOTE: New water service and water meter must go to the secondary unit. Existing water meter and service line must remain with original address. (Contact Water Meter Division with any questions: (949) 644-3019) Comments: 14. Is this unit served by its own gas meter and piping? (y) (n) Are the materials used in the system approved for the use? (y)—Z(n) Are there apparent safety hazards in the system? (y) (n)_ Comments: 16. Is this unit served by its own electric meter and wiring? (y) (n)� Is the unit served by a minimum 100amp service? (y) (n) Is a new or relocated service required to be fed underground? (y) Are there apparent safety hazards in the system? (y) (n)�X _ 16. Is this unit served by its own sewer and piping? (y) (n) Are the materials used in the system approved for the use? (y) (n)� Is there an approved cleanout installed at the property line? (y) (n) _ Comments: 5 -h> :Z-jA/ -5 / A r"- 7C� ✓ J� I Other Comments:— ned B : Date: Si � Y FormslCondornhum Conversion Inspection Report 96109114 3 �� QP �� ��P P�" O� �� �� \�� Attachment No. ZA 6 Site Plan, Floor Plans, Elevations S9 �� QP �� ��P P�" O� �� �� \�� PA2014-230 SITE MAP KEYED NOTES PROJECT DATA AND INFORMATION VICINITY MAP PROJECT: 1. EXISTING CONCRETE PAVING PROJECT ADDRESS: 4340 VON KARMAN AVE. 2. EXISTING PLANTER NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 " �Pr 6�. 3. EXISTING POLE MOUNTED SITE LIGHTING FIXTURE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 3 OF TRACT NO. 8762, eti 6' TM 35024-26 R=65' 4. EXISTING ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALLS AND ACCESSIBLE CURB ACCESS RAMP =I 2.1o' SUBJECT PROPERTY APN: 445-131-11 . %h^ti 0=90'0000 / 5. EXISTING CONCRETE DRAINAGE GUTTER PROJECT DESCRIPTION: CONVERSION OF EXISTING 4-STORY COMMERCIAL OFFICE ., �c 6. EXISTING LAWN BUILDING TO 47 CONDOMINIUM OFFICE UNITS AND COMMON 570L4- `-,�- , / ° y s� 7. EXISTING MOW STRIP AREA 8. EXISTING ASPHALT DRIVE AREAS PROPERTY OWNER: PRES-4340 VON KARMAN L.P., 5 6 9. EXISTING AREA DRAIN A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP ^' 19782 MAC ARTHUR BLVD., SUITE 100 4'34'0 VON KARMAN AVENUE tip 10. EXISTING SEWER CLEANOUT IRVINE, CA 92612 - $� ,. ' ' . JF 11. EXISTING WATER VALVE CONTACT: MR. DAVID BONAPARTE "" NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 12. EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT ZONING DISTRICT: PC15 KOLL CENTER w �� 13. EXISTING CATCH BASIN LOT AREA: LOT AND BOUNDARY DIMENSIONS ARE RECORD TRACT 8762 �, � - EXISTING BUILDING FOOTPRINT: ±17,550 S.F. o 14. EXISTING TILTYULBOX z TM 350/24-26 15. EXISTING RETAINING L_71N 16. PROPERTY LINE ARCHITECT INFORMATION: ` v LOT 7 SLEMMER-ALGAZE-ASSOCIATES z� 18201 VON KARMAN AVE. SUITE 120 ' ' U 4 IRVINE, CA 92612 m PHONE: 949-724-8958 ' 172, - 4- FAX: 949-724-1981 ti6ACONTACT: JON ZIMMERMAN jzimmerman®saaia.com i. SHLEMMER ALGAZE ASSOCIATES email: IL A CULVER CITY-ORANGE COUNTY-LOS ANGELES-NEW JERSEY Z 6 wti� 9 I� + ° 6083 Bristol Parkway T 310. 553.3252 SAN JoAgU Ib6 r'AAq,_, Culver City, CA 90230 F 310. 553.9449 N653626-E gyp � �' 18201 Von Karman Ave Suite 120 T 949. 724.8958 c 45-T SAi'MIA "A. Irvine, CA 92612 F 949. 724.1981 r9'p H_ice�rrs o\o\p �R� 6� Ptilewpr 515 South Flower Street Suite 100 T 213. 929.1400 Los Angeles, CA 90071 F 213. 929.1499 �•y0 I3.@3cll L by �k 485A US Route 1 South Suite 100 T 848. 200.1200 CaLrr5e W Iselin, NJ 08830 F 848. 200.1201 www.saaia.com Scale: 1"= 300' PARKING SUMMARY \ SEAL AND STAMP: Address Use of Property Floor Area (Net) Common Stalls Garage Stalls \ 4000 MacArthur Office 348,740 1,100 0 4040 MacArthur Office 40,960 129 0 4200 Von Korman Office 2,649 8 0 4220 Von Korman Office 26,662 84 0 44 4320 Von Korman Office 7,981 22 0 ; 4340 Von Korman Office 61,885 195 0 4350 Von Korman Office 64,077 202 0 5000 Birch Office 285,937 902 292 4900/4910 Birch Office 60,751 192 0 3 12 11 16 T 9 TYP $ 2 1 TYP 4 15 16 4440 Von Korman Office 42,336 134 0 CONSULTANTS: 4490 Von Korman Office 30,390 96 0 �jainD 972,368Q 3064 292 ❑ EJ He He Nc He He 1 Q El D AMP p First 125,000 sq. ft. @ 1:250 500 N 21'34" W 216.34' Next 300,00 sq.ft @ 1:300 1000 - - - - - :y7,, °RAMPRemaining sq. ft. @ 1:350 1,564 Parking Required 3,064 D I AD •FDC Parking Provided 03,356 AD° p ° ° 16 Parking Surplus 292 p ° 6 DRAWINGS ISSUE LEGEND ° DAMD�'TbN o�TA v p° ° v p 7 p p ° 08/10/15 CITY SUBMITTAL 08/25/15 CITY CORRECTIONS 1 D I 09/08/15 CLIENT REVISIONS 2 �p Area of existing building ° D Area of existing concrete hardscape 4340 VON KARMAN AVE. I PB TM 350124-26f LOT 3 / \ p EXISTING BUILDING FOOTPRINT: ±17,550 S.F. I �Q / \ v 10 ° W W ° N °° N p I ° D ° 00 AD 00 z I -AD ° 00 z ° p \ v D ° ° OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS All Drawings, Specifications and copies thereof furnished by SAA ° v D Interiors are and shall remain it's property. They are to be used only with respect to this project. Federal law prohibits the reproduction,display,sale,or other disposition of this document without ° the express written consent of Shlemmer+Algaze+Associates Interiors&Architecture, ° 'AD D I DATE: 08.10.2015 a p ° oqD AD D DRAWN: - ° v p p 10 REVIEWED: - N 40°38'26" E °D p 16 PROJECT NO: v2 38> v p v SCALE: p N 4°21'34" W 201.93' SHEET TITLE: D SITE PLAN PROJECT INFO / SHEET NO: "FOR REFERENCE ONLY'' Scale: I" = 20' A� l ■ PA2014-230 PROJECT: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4340 VON KARMAN AVENUE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 ASHLEMMER • ALGAZE • ASSOCIATES CULVER CITY-ORANGE COUNTY-LOS ANGELES-NEW JERSEY 6083 Bristol Parkway T 310. 553.3252 Culver City, CA 90230 F 310. 553.9449 18201 Von Karman Ave Suite 120 T 949. 724.8958 Irvine, CA 92612 F 949. 724.1981 515 South Flower Street Suite 100 T 213. 929.1400 Los Angeles, CA 90071 F 213. 929.1499 485A US Route 1 South Suite 100 T 848. 200.1200 102 1 100 1 Iselin, NJ 08830 F 848. 200.1201 www.saaia.com SEAL AND STAMP: B B 109 0 El B El 0 a D CONSULTANTS: 103 D O D C ■ T] C DRAWINGS ISSUE DATE DESCMUM DELTA 08/10/15 CITY SUBMITTAL 08/25/15 CITY CORRECTIONS 1 09/08/15 CLIENT REVISIONS 2 104 105 106 107 108 D D OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS All Drawings,Specifications and copies thereof furnished by SAA Interiors are and shall remain it's property. They are to be used only with respect to this project. Federal law prohibits the reproduction,display,sale,or other disposition of this document without the express written consent of Shlemmer+Algaze+Associates Interiors&Architecture. DATE: 08.10.2015 12 3 4 5 6 7 DRAWN: - REVIEWED: - PROJECT NO: - SCALE: SHEET TITLE: 1ST FLOOR PLAN SHEET NO: Z 1ST FLOOR PLAN 1/$CA1E�0 1 A_2ml PA2014-230 PROJECT: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4340 VON KARMAN AVENUE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 Ion n AA SHLEMMER • ALGAZE ■ ASSOCIATES CULVER CITY-ORANGE COUNTY-LOS ANGELES-NEW JERSEY 6083 Bristol Parkway T 310. 553.3252 Culver City, CA 90230 F 310. 553.9449 18201 Von Karman Ave Suite 120 T 949. 724.8958 Irvine, CA 92612 F 949. 724.1981 515 South Flower Street Suite 100 T 213. 929.1400 Los Angeles, CA 90071 F 213. 929.1499 IIII II II I I 485A US Route 1 South Suite 100 T 848. 200.1200 203 2 201 2 211 Iselin, 08830 F 848. 200.1201 I I I I I I I I I I www.saaia.com II II II II II II II II II II LL = II II II IISEAL AND STAMP: 210 B B � ® 0 > El� ao CONSULTANTS: e 2 C moms C 204 II II II IILL II II II II II DRAWINGS ISSUE II II II II DATE DESCNvi IATA II 08/10/15 CITY SUBMITTAL II II II II II 08/25/15 CITY CORRECTIONS 1 II II II II 205 206 207 208 209 II 09/08/15 CLIENT REVISIONS 2 II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II D D OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS All Drawings, Specifications and copies thereof furnished by SAA Interiors are and shall remain it's property. They are to be used only with respect to this project. Federal law prohibits the reproduction,display,sale,or other disposition of this document without the express written consent of Shlemmer+Algaze+Associates Interiors&Architecture, DATE: 08.10.2015 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DRAWN: - REVIEWED: PROJECT NO: SCALE: SHEET TITLE: 2ND FLOOR PLAN SHEET NO: Z 2ND FLOOR PLAN 1/$S'CA1E�OH 1 PA2014-230 PROJECT: 2 3 4 5 6 7 4340 VON KARMAN AVENUE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 : am a AA SHLEMMER • ALGAZE ■ ASSOCIATES CULVER CITY-ORANGE COUNTY-LOS ANGELES-NEW JERSEY 6083 Bristol Parkway T 310. 553.3252 Culver City, CA 90230 F 310. 553.9449 18201 Von Karman Ave Suite 120 T 949. 724.8958 Irvine, CA 92612 F 949. 724.1981 515 South Flower Street Suite 100 T 213. 929.1400 Los Angeles, CA 90071 F 213. 929.1499 II I I 485A US Route 1 South Suite 100 T 848. 200.1200 � � � Iselin, NJ 08830 F 848. 200.1201 303 302 30 300 3 www.saala.comIIII II II II II II II II II II II II LL _ II II SEAL AND STAMP: IIII 310 �� II II B B � ® 0 . ....... El 0 0 ao CONSULTANTS: e C C 304 II II II IILL II II II II II DRAWINGS ISSUE II II II II DATE DESCMvi DMTA II 08/10/15 CITY SUBMITTAL II II II II II 08/25/15 CITY CORRECTIONS 1 II II II II 305 306 307 308 309 II 09/08/15 CLIENT REVISIONS 2 II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II D D OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS All Drawings, Specifications and copies thereof furnished by SAA Interiors are and shall remain it's property. They are to be used only with respect to this project. Federal law prohibits the reproduction,display,sale,or other disposition of this document without the express written consent of Shlemmer+Algaze+Associates Interiors&Architecture, DATE: 08.10.2015 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DRAWN: - REVIEWED: PROJECT NO: SCALE: SHEET TITLE: 3RD FLOOR PLAN SHEET NO: Z 3RD FLOOR PLAN 1/$S'CA1E�OH 1 PA2014-230 PROJECT: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4340 VON KARMAN AVENUE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 ASHLEMMER • ALGAZE ■ ASSOCIATES CULVER CITY-ORANGE COUNTY-LOS ANGELES-NEW JERSEY 6083 Bristol Parkway T 310. 553.3252 II Culver City, CA 90230 F 310. 553.9449 18201 Von Karman Ave Suite 120 T 949. 724.8958 II Irvine, CA 92612 F 949. 724.1981 515 South Flower Street Suite 100 T 213. 929.1400 Los Angeles, CA 90071 F 213. 929.1499 41 1 410 485A US Route 1 South Suite 100 T 848. 200.1200 402 40 1 400 Iselin, NJ 08830 F 848. 200.1201 www.saaia.com II II II II � II SEAL AND STAMP: II B - - - - - - - - - - - - - B 0 0 , El ® ® 409 403 1 499 CONSULTANTS: C C II II II II II DRAWINGS ISSUE I I II DATE DESIONv ION DELTA II II II II 08/10/15 CITY SUBMITTAL II CORREC II TY TIONS 1 404 II 405 II 406 407 408 08/25/15 CI II II II II 09/08/15 CLIENT REVISIONS 2 II II II II II II II II II II II II D D OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS All Drawings, Specifications and copies thereof furnished by SAA Interiors are and shall remain it's property. They are to be used only with respect to this project. Federal law prohibits the reproduction,display,sale,or other disposition of this document without the express written consent of Shlemmer+Algaze+Associates Interiors&Architecture, DATE: 08.10.2015 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DRAWN: - REVIEWED: PROJECT NO: SCALE: SHEET TITLE: 4TH FLOOR PLAN SHEET NO: Z 4TH FLOOR PLAN 1/$S'CA1E�OH 1 Attachment No. ZA 7 Tentative Parcel Map Tmplt:04-17-14 47 �� QP �� ��P P�" O� �� �� \�� PA2014-230 0 0 0 0 0 o O O a o ousk ns o O 0 � Id - -9A �H THE OFTV 9F mEVP)@RT BE(o@H O 9F @R6oNgE ITLoTE p 0(oLF@Rmko COMPLE7F i 0 S. $ ... a;SRP A 4 I UP, 0 07 »r-n w:,Y.•,:arm n � � '� ,. a } I.5 q` 3 yd a 4L ?+h n Rancl San Boaqu%n rib L, GPIf Cuune SAN JO4QG.I ICi 144 A?liH '¢ �'7riP.l3tti 51.2850 98 SITE ADDRESS -,Amu AmA � 4 \t C l 1p fs 50.48 51.09 Newwparr 75a \ / bot X +fs 6eadi rat is 99 top X AMP bot x7 Newport B Cih A \ / 51.06 50.60 4340 Von Kerman Ave. % CDUTSE 50. G R 50.9Beach, C 11 4L'IS, fs 50 65 6, ",7.18 :Iilkam R MmsarvH_ .;. 50.84 PROJECT pew fs a°f 1.07a f 1.20 f 50.60 LOCATION,,T�Tar fs , f "sv„ER 50.51 fs a .. ° ��-' 5b.67 4! 50.23 {s a 51.28 fs lip r `` fs / fs tc 1 50.37 50.49 49.13 49.48 f 9.98 <a 5 0.97 1 tc fs �0 + e,ra�'�rl say Regional P-mk 4, r 49.70 50.80 50.94 fs0 97 ra U� 4. Campus fs fs fs fs V�,�LK< ° {s fs lip a� a _ 7 . 49.34 49.21 a ..° A° ° a fs .9 r, z r ._ 50 fs fs 49.9 50.2 50 45 151.37 5 .41 fs 4g:88 ° fs a f s 3 fs { ° ... 49.59 e. . 50.23 s LS I 51 0 49.30 ` ° .e fs 13443 tc fs 4' 49.2.6__ fs 50.14 Q _ I�B A AD fs 1 11 50.31 t9 VIOINITY MAP c� N85 3826E fs 49.81 51.07 49.12 �� 50.31 I tc NO SCALE - X49.00 fs 49-15 fs Lq�SCAPE AREA 50.62 49.03 fs a�� / s 15 fsADS t9 50 04 qD 50.34 lip fs+51,18 fs 50.12 ° 50.17 fs 50. s p tc 48.96 ��O' LANDSCAPE AREA S�R\P fs fs 50.13 fs {9'78 I 51.29 4 50.02 OW 50.16 I 50.06 50.04 fs fs 50.17 M LANDSCAPE AREA fs PB 90.16 fs �0 a lip fl fs �.�I 4 � 49.90 ff_ � ,3 I Q 84 a /AD it L 3� (i_ � ° 50.26 /T/ a I C^ °49.9.2 t.9 . C- Q w in I 0 0 d 4.. . aD;. 0 aJ i I AC � .ONCa / Q v 49.77 GENERAL NOTES Lr fs'. ^ t tc c f 6 fs ° / / ISP LS I iZ A p 70 fl 9 58 1. EXISTING LAND USE: OFFICE COMMERCIAL BIRCH ST fs" <1 / w 2. PROPOSED LAND USE: OFFICE COMMERCIAL ~ Q I 3. EXISTING ZONING DISTRICT: PC15 KOLL CENTER {0.10 ;� 1 1236.04' g �, o a_ I I CD 4. PROPOSED ZONING DISTRICT: PC15 KOLL CENTER N492134 W � U 5. WATER SERVICE PROVIDED BY: IRVINE RANCH WATER DISTRICT 0 50.04 49.80 lip 6. ELECTRIC SERVICE PROVIDED BY: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Qtc p 7. SEWER SERVICE PROVIDED BY: CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH �� 9 4p 48 49'35 8. NATURAL GAS SERVICE PROVIDED BY: THE GAS COMPANY i9 + / �� fl 5 9. THIS TRACT IS TO BE DEVELOPED IN ONE PHASE CONSISTING OF / t� "' N o � 49.51 �� I I 47 CONDO OFFICE UNITS AND COMMON AREA. O z TRACT 8762 ➢ I tc f 049.02fl t 50-14 110. EXISTING/PROPOSED NG/P OPOSED ODIMENSIONS ARE RECORD. LOT 6 m 0.30 149_49 tc ip.1849. LOT 3: OFFICE CONDOS CD TM 350/24-26 3 .91 I N m / / 49 74 fs° 49 16 fs LOT 7: COMMON AREA LOT FOR ACCESS, UTILITIES & LANDSCAPING. VC) D +49.- ; / tc 49.48. lip6 49 12. FLOOD ZONE INFO.: \� 49 -'/ / ° PLANTER 449 0 t bo 0x +fs ZONE X - AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN o �� 'i V A PI} yy�� AS SHOWN ON PANEL 06059CO286J EFFECTIVE 12/3/09 z I #4340 VON / ° PLA (49.48° X N 50.2. a a top X s LOT 5 fs I 02 49.11 13. SUBJECT PROPERTY APN: 445-131-11 4 P LOT 7 `� d 000 0) J.29 a C�49.7D fl 9.48 4 49.04 tc tc , lip +f �Q 3 .8 I +y. �,- 443.70 ° : . fs � 48.91 QD 0o I 4y. /// a I Q I f 9.08 ip.02 , � lip TING BUILDING � M. I tc f8.93A EXISTING F i� SC'. �� TPRINT - +17,550 S / w5+70 : �° 48.95c 7 FOO v 1 48.96 +f 6° + / � lip 85 o f n.a 7_� 4V f .81 4.; tc �, �. ��_ z U--3Q 4 74 LOT 4 0 �� N49 21'34"W 4( Ls �: s 184.86' 49.52 ° I�j 4 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 1+ \ � / o + I 1 48. f: Q fs LOT 3 OF TRACT NO. 8762. AS SHOWN ON A MAP OT I J I 48.6 RECORDED IN BOOK 350. PAGES 24. 25 AND 26 OF �L' +I i� O + 4.4 +49-Ffs 6� I - J 12 48.63 MISCELLANEOUS MAPS. RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. /- 4� �1 �1 IJ 49.31tptc 48.57 L 49.6. 4y.89 5 T�I H�:�; - - fl Cv 50.07 f u fs LANDSCAF 49. 8 1 48.98 4 .0• _ o MOW STRIP 50.20+ 50.10 50.12 49.20 tc 9.31 L=3. 76' 80.25 AD {s 4 48.5 LINE LENGTH BEARING ��� R-90 o ' fs ° 48.51 c �'��6' *2,3'3LANDSCAPE AREA 48 94 A 16. 11' N73°07'16;'W D=2 7 I�, Z I 50.19 fs 50.09 49 4 tc fl B 30.00 N63 52 34 W 170.25' S O fs fs tc LANDSCAPE AREA 49.90 ° cv I 50.13 06 0.02 °. ° a C s CB 46 C 23.00' N46 52'34"W N49 21 34'W 'ts 49.34 WALKfl D 71.00' N55 5226"E p G o 7.56 fs ° a 50,0.8..ffs ° {0.09 fs _ _ 4, ° o , n 50.05 49.88 A0 \ .78 48.4 O W lip co Z LS fs fs 50 0 tc 48.45/ 48.03 s 48.76 O N fs 50.1 1g 26 E 50,36+ S �47.821ip tc 50.01 11 0 L 840.05' ` o�p f 8.83 LS+49.92 fs fs +50 50 fl tc�8 32 48.27 P 30 D=77°15'14" 50.06 P 48.18 fl r� z SITE PLAN SCALE: 1 "=20' SITE MAP OOWc GRAPHIC SCALE SCALE: 1 "=150'- 150 "=150'150 0 75 150 300 600 ( IN FEET ) GRAPHIC SCALE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS PREPARED 1 inch = 150 ft. PROPERTY OWNER 20 0 ,o zo 40 60 THAT THE OWNERS F Aug 06 2015 PREPARED BY: RECORD HAVE KNOWLEDGEOFAND CONSENTS TO �pFESS/O,y JOB N0. ( IN FEET ) THE FILING OF THIS MAP. o COR,v��<< 725-2 PRES 4340 VON KARMAN L.P., 1 inch = 20 ft. No. 45591 �, CA ENG/NEER/NG, INC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP Exp. 12/31/14 � SHEET NO. Planning . Engineering . Surveying �Y 3002 DOW AVE., STE 122 19782 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 100 s� CIV\\-TUST 949-724 94810, CA 94 92780 FAX Irvine, CA 92612 qTF OF CAUF��� REVISIONS BY DATE CONTACT: MR. David Bonaparte FRED CORNWELL RCE 45591 DATE of 1 SHTS.