HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB&R AGENDA 11/3/2015CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PARKS, BEACHES AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA Council Chambers - 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Tuesday, November 3, 2015 - 6:00 PM Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission Members: Walt Howald, Chair Marie Marston, Vice Chair Tom Anderson, Commissioner Ron Cole, Commissioner Roy Englebrecht, Commissioner Kathy Hamilton, Commissioner Laird Hayes, Commissioner Staff Members: Laura Detweiler, Recreation & Senior Services Director Mike Pisani, Municipal Operations Director Sean Levin, Recreation & Senior Services Deputy Director Dan Sereno, Landscape Manager Teri Craig, Administrative Support Specialist The Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission is subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act. Among other things, the Brown Act requires that the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission agenda be posted at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of each regular meeting and that the public be allowed to comment on agenda items before the Commission and items not on the agenda but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission. The Chair may limit public comments to a reasonable amount of time, generally three (3) minutes per person. It is the intention of the City of Newport Beach to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) The City of Newport Beach’s goal is to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in all respects. If, as an attendee or a participant at this meeting, you will need special assistance beyond what is normally provided, we will attempt to accommodate you in every reasonable manner. Please contact the Recreation Department at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting to inform us of your particular needs and to determine if accommodation is feasible at (949) 644-3158 or recreation@newportbeachca.gov. NOTICE REGARDING PRESENTATIONS REQUIRING USE OF CITY EQUIPMENT Any presentation requiring the use of the City of Newport Beach’s equipment must be submitted to the Recreation Department 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. 1.CONVENE MEETING OF THE PARKS, BEACHES & RECREATION COMMISSION TO ORDER 2.ROLL CALL 3.COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD - DARREN BRILHART 4.NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Public comments are invited on agenda items generally considered to be within the subject matter jurisdiction of the PB&R Commission. The City provides a yellow sign-in card to assist in the preparation of the minutes. The completion of the card is not required in order to address the PB&R Commission. Speakers must limit comments to three (3) minutes. Before speaking, we invite, but do not require, you to state your name for the record. The PB&R Commission has the discretion to extend or shorten the speakers’ time limit on agenda or non-agenda items, provided the time limit adjustment is applied equally to all speakers. As a courtesy, please turn cell phones off or set them in the silent mode. November 3, 2015 Page 2 Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission Meeting 5.CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under Consent Calendar 5A-5E are considered by the PB&R Commission to be routine and will all be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. The Commission Members have received detailed staff reports on each of the items recommending approval and there will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time the Commission votes on the motion unless members of the Commission, staff, or the public request a specific item to be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Members of the public who wish to discuss a Consent Calendar item should come forward to the lectern upon invitation by the Chair. Minutes of the October 6, 2015 meeting.A. Waive reading of subject minutes, approve and order filed. Draft Minutes WRITTEN COMMENTS Parks & Operations Division Activity Report.B. Receive/file Activity Report. Staff Report Recreation & Seniors Services Activity Report.C. Receive/file Activity Report of past and upcoming projects and events. Staff Report Tree Donation - Ensign View ParkD. Approve tree donation by Arbor Real Estate at Ensign View Park. Staff Report Tree Donation - Grant Howald ParkE. Approve tree donation in memory of Geri Mooney by Gael Mooney at Grant Howald Park. Staff Report 6.CURRENT / NEW BUSINESS Tree Removal Denial - 901 Chestnut PlaceA. Consider staff's recommendation to deny request of Dan & Katherine Heinfield to remove one City Eucalyptus tree at 901 Chestnut Place. Staff Report November 3, 2015 Page 3 Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission Meeting Special Tree Removal - 431 Santa Ana AvenueB. Consider staff's recommendation to remove one Special City Eucalyptus - Neighborhood tree from Joseph Smith at 431 Santa Ana Avenue; if approved tree will not be replaced at this location, instead a 36" box tree will be planted elsewhere in the community. Staff Report Special Tree Removal - 1700 Starlight CircleC. Consider staff's recommendation to remove one Special City Eucalyptus Tree - Neighborhood tree located at 1700 Starlight Circle; if approved tree will be replaced with same type and location. Staff Report Relocation Bench Donation - Buena Vista Blvd & West Edgewater AvenueD. Consider request of Paul McDonough to relocate an existing bench from the corner of Lindo Avenue at West Edgewater Blvd. to the end of Buena Vista Blvd at West Edgewater Avenue; if approved Paul McDonough will incur the costs of relocating bench and plaque. Staff Report 7.PARKS, BEACHES & RECREATION COMMISSION / STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS, AD HOC UPDATES OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) 8.PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Public comments are invited on non-agenda items generally considered to be within the subject matter jurisdiction of the PB&R Commission. Speakers must limit comments to three (3) minutes. Before speaking, we invite, but do not require, you to state your name for the record. The PB&R Commission has the discretion to extend or shorten the speakers’ time limit on non-agenda items, provided the time limit adjustment is applied equally to all speakers. 9.ADJOURNMENT CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting October 6, 2015 – 6:00 PM 1) CONVENE MEETING OF THE PARKS BEACHES & RECREATION COMMISSION TO ORDER – 6:01 PM 2) ROLL CALL Present: Walt Howald, Chair Marie Marston, Vice Chair Tom Anderson (Absent) Ron Cole Roy Englebrecht Kathy Hamilton Laird Hayes Staff: Laura Detweiler, Recreation & Senior Services Director Sean Levin, Recreation & Senior Services Deputy Director Mike Pisani, Municipal Operations Director - Maintenance Dan Sereno, Landscape Manager Teri Craig, Administrative Support Specialist 3) SEATING OF COMMISSIONERS Members of the Commission moved to their selected seats on the dais. From left to right were: Commissioners Englebrecht, Anderson, Vice Chair Marston, Chair Howald, and Commissioners Cole, Hamilton, and Hayes. 4) NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC 5) CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes of the September 1, 2015 meeting. Recommendation: Waive reading of subject minutes, approve and order filed. B. Parks & Operations Division Activity Report. Recommendation: Receive/file Activity Report. C. Recreation & Seniors Services Activity Report. Recommendation: Receive/file Activity Report of past and upcoming projects and events. D. Community Service Award – Darren Brilhart Recommendation: Approve the Community Service Award recognition of Darren Brilhart and direct staff to invite Mr. Brilhart to a future meeting to be recognized. Item 5A November 3, 2015 Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Minutes October 6, 2015 Page 2 Chair Howald opened the public comments; seeing none the public comments were closed. Motion by Chair Howald, second by Vice Chair Marston to accept Consent Calendar Items No. 5A through 5D. Motion carries unanimously with Chair Howald, abstaining on Item No. 5A, and Commissioner Anderson, absent. Regarding the Recreation & Senior Services activity report, Chair Howald commented on the annual number of people participating in programs and asked for verification. Director Detweiler referenced the Recreation and Senior Services performance plan and included that information in this month's report. She added that staff tracks registered program participants and that there were approximately 1.25 million participants per year. Drop-in participants are not tracked, and their inclusion would more than double the amount of annual program participants. Additionally, she addressed the number of full-time employees in the Department. 6) CURRENT / NEW BUSINESS – Staff Report A. Tree Removal – 445 Begonia Avenue Recommendation: Consider staff’s recommendation to deny request of Louetta Souers to remove two City Eucalyptus trees at 445 Begonia Avenue. Director Pisani introduced the item, noting that it is an appeal of a denial of a request to remove two City Eucalyptus trees at 445 Begonia Avenue. He deferred to staff for a report. Manager Sereno provided details of the report addressing reasons for the denial of the removal of the specified trees noting that the trees are not hazardous and are in good health. He added they are continually pruned in order to mitigate debris and pollen and provided the pruning schedule, original conditions when the property was developed, installation of meandering sidewalks to save the trees, other trees in the area, denial of the request to remove the two trees, and recommendations. He referenced a letter by the applicant and Members of the Commission confirmed receipt of same. Commissioner Englebrecht noted the applicant made some good points in her letter and commented on a recent request by the City Manager to remove 35 trees no more than 15 blocks from the applicant's residence. He wondered how this applicant's request can be denied while at the same time approving the removal of 35 trees. He spoke in support of the appeal and hoped that fellow Commissioners would discuss the matter and do the same. In response to Commissioner Hayes's inquiry regarding the differences between the trees on Poppy Avenue and the subject trees, Manager Sereno reported that the trees on Poppy were either diseased or dying and that some were dead. Director Pisani added that the trees on Poppy were nowhere near as healthy as the subject trees. Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Minutes October 6, 2015 Page 3 In response to Commissioner Hamilton, Manager Sereno stated that he counted approximately 30 trees on both public and private property along 2nd Avenue. He added that the trees on Poppy are a different species of Eucalyptus trees and react less-favorably to pruning that the subject trees on Begonia. Director Pisani confirmed that pollen will be in the air, whether the subject trees are removed or not. Commissioner Cole asked Director Detweiler to confirm that he would not need to recuse himself from this matter. She stated that as long as he has no financial interest he is able to vote. Commissioner Englebrecht reiterated his frustration regarding the trees on Poppy Avenue. Chair Howald opened the public comments; seeing none the public comments were closed. Chair Howald also noted his disappointment with the Poppy Avenue case. Director Detweiler noted that the City Manager did attend the September PB&R meeting and informed them of his reasoning behind the decision to remove the trees on Poppy. Discussion followed regarding the power given to the City Manager, specifically the G-1 Policy and City Council. Concerns were expressed that trees could be wiped out at the discretion of the City Manager and asked how that could be changed. Discussion continued regarding the manner in which the Poppy trees were addressed. Motion by Commissioner Cole, second by Vice Chair Marston to approve the denial of the subject tree removal. Motion carries unanimously with Commissioner Anderson, absent. 7) PARKS, BEACHES & RECREATION COMMISSION / STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS, AD HOC UPDATES OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) Director Pisani commented on the recent failure of a Coral tree at the Newport Theater Arts Center. It was noted that staff will replace that tree soon. In response to Commissioner Hayes's question, Director Pisani reported that a sign was not placed on the tree but there was an article in the "Daily Pilot" regarding Coral trees. Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Minutes October 6, 2015 Page 4 Chair Howald asked about the plan to reforest Poppy Avenue. Director Pisani reported that Public Works is working on a plan to increase the size of parkways. The plan is almost complete and will be being presented to residents. The City will be able to plant large canopy trees as replacements. The plan will also be presented to the PB&R Commission in the near future. Director Detweiler commented on the recent OASIS Senior Resource Expo and Taste of OASIS, a rummage sale, the flag football program, installation of synthetic turf, and the opening of Marina Park scheduled for December 5. She provided an update regarding the recent "Movie in the Park" event and the upcoming movie on October 23rd. She reminded the Commission of the upcoming "Art in the Park" event on October 10, on the Civic Center Green. 8) PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS - None 9) ADJOURNMENT – 6:45 PM Submitted by: ________ Teri Craig, Admin Assistant Approved by: _____ Walt Howald, Chair November 3, 2015, PB&R Agenda Comments Comments on Newport Beach Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission agenda submitted by: Jim Mosher ( jimmosher@yahoo.com ), 2210 Private Road, Newport Beach 92660 (949-548-6229) Item 5.A. Minutes of the October 6, 2015 meeting. The following minor corrections are suggested: Page 2, Item (6)A, paragraph 1: “Director Pisani introduced the item, noting that it an appeal of a denial of her a request to remove two City Eucalyptus trees at 445 Begonia Avenue.” [without reading the staff recommendation that precedes this, readers may have trouble determining who “her” refers to] Page 3, paragraph 1: “In response to Commissioner Hamilton, Manager Sereno stated that he counted approximately 30 similar trees on both public and private property along 2nd Avenue. He added that the trees on Poppy are a different species of Eucalyptus trees and react less-favorable favorably to pruning that the subject trees on Begonia.” Page 3, paragraph 8: “Discussion followed regarding the power given to the City Manager, specifically regarding the G-1 Policy and City Council. He expressed concerns that trees could be wiped out at the discretion of the City Manager and asked how that could be changed.” [It’s not clear from the context who “He” refers to. I seem to recall it was Commissioner Englebrecht, but it could have been Chair Howald. Ideally the minutes should identify who said this. If that is not possible, the comment should be rephrased in the passive voice.] Page 4, paragraph 1,sentence 2: “The plan is almost complete and will be being presented to residents.” Page 4, paragraph 2: “Director Detweiler commented on the recent OASIS Senior Resource Expo and Taste of Newport OASIS, …” [I don’t know if the Director misspoke, but in the City’s event announcement this was called "A Taste of OASIS" and consisted of offerings from four senior living facilities. “Taste of Newport” (involving local restaurants) was an annual event at Newport Center, originally, as I understand it, started as a fundraiser for the City Arts Commission but later taken over and expanded by the Chamber of Commerce. It has not been held since 2012.] Item 5.B. Parks & Operations Division Activity Report The September report once again indicates the number of trees removed substantially exceeded the number planted. Item 5.D. Tree Donation - Ensign View Park While the $3,000 contribution from Arbor Real Estate was certainly generous, media reports indicate the replacement tree that went towards was slightly damaged during planting and may November 2, 2015, PB&R comments by Jim Mosher Page 2 of 4 itself need replacement. However, Councilman Petros’ oral report at the last City Council meeting made it sound like the new tree will do fine. Was or will there be a second replacement? And what was or will be the City’s total cost for replacing the original failed landmark tree? Item 5.E. Tree Donation - Grant Howald Park 1. It would seem helpful to say what the total amount of a donation like this is, rather than merely saying it “is greater than $1,000.” 2. Since the donor made specific requests regarding the species of tree she wanted to donate, it would also have been helpful to indicate why staff is proposing a different species and if the donor is agreeable to the change. 3. I believe that at the last PB&R meeting Chair Howald asked staff to try to provide some information about the person being honored by commemorative donations like this (for example, Who were they? How are they connected to the donor? Were they a longtime Newport Beach resident? Did they have some other special connection to the place chosen?). I am unable to find any such information in the present report. Item 6.A. Tree Removal Denial - 901 Chestnut Place 1. The “Tree Poster” reproduced as Attachment C on the last page of the staff report suggests the present issue was mis-noticed to the public. The poster says staff is recommending removal of the posted tree. In fact, staff is recommending denial of the removal, that is, retaining the tree. If this is truly what the poster says, then those passing my may make a decision to request (or not request) further information or attend (or not attend) the hearing based on misinformation. 2. Also under the current City Council Policy G-1 it would appear that the Eastbluff Homeowners Community Association should have been notified of the possibility of the tree being removed as a result of the appeal. The staff report does not appear to indicate they were notified. 3. The staff report mentions a lapsed prior (monetary?) claim against the City but does not make clear what new specific removal request triggered the present item. a. Policy G-1 appears to require initiating private removal requests by use of an official “City Tree Removal form.” Was there a written request for removal with the requesters’ explanation in their own words? Or is the form referred to in the policy the same as staff’s “Tree Removal Request” memo provided as Attachment A to the report (from which it appears the complaint is debris in an adjacent pool and patio)? November 2, 2015, PB&R comments by Jim Mosher Page 3 of 4 b. Whether or not there was a written request, it would have been helpful to provide some site photos showing the City tree’s proximity to the Heinfeld’s yard and its alleged impacts on it. Item 6.B. Special Tree Removal - 431 Santa Ana Avenue 1. As with the previous item, it is unclear where the “City Tree Removal form” completed by the requester is. Apparently staff’s “Tree Removal Request” memo provided in Attachment A substitutes for it. That is fine, but as a result the Commission is potentially deprived of seeing the requester’s explanation in their own words (although in this case their letter is included two pages before the site photos). 2. The “Tree Inspection Report” (also part of Attachment A) dated September 8, 2015, seems to be based on slightly outdated tree policies. According to the City Council Policy G-6 adopted the night before there is no longer a single designated street tree for Santa Ana Avenue. 3. Although the reason for the removal of the City tree (that it is blocking access to a garage) seems meritorious, it does not actually appear to fit any of the grounds for removal allowed in the current policies. a. It might have been helpful to indicate the sequence of whether the garage was built knowing access to it was blocked by the City tree. b. Policy G-1 calls for the City to replace the trees removed under this protocol, but that does not seem to be planned in this case per the note on the “Tree Map/Inventory Detail” page. It is not clear how the Council policy can be ignored. c. Policy G-1 also calls for the City to bear the full cost of the removals (and subsequent replacements) initiated in this way, yet in this case the removal seems solely for the benefit of the private requestor and provides little benefit to the public in general (except possibly one less car on the street). It is not clear to me why the public should bear the cost. 4. Finally, this appears to be a rather unusual street in which the private property lines are close to the houses and on which instead of sidewalks, what most would assume are private front yards are actually public right-of-ways (hence the City tree in what seems like a private yard). This makes one wonder how the fence enclosing the public area got approved? November 2, 2015, PB&R comments by Jim Mosher Page 4 of 4 Item 6.C. Special Tree Removal - 1700 Starlight Circle 1. The staff report seems self-contradictory in that it says “If the removal is approved, a replacement tree will be planted at the same location,” yet the aerial photo (second page from the end of Attachment A) is marked showing the location of the tree to be removed and a different location for the replacement tree. a. If relocation is being recommended, the staff report fails to explain why. b. And if the marked location is the proposed location for the replacement tree, does it meet the standard of being “15 feet back of beginning of curb returns at intersections” specified in Section III.2 of Policy G-6? 2. In the Google Maps street level photo of what is apparently the subject tree, the area of what is alleged to be needed curb and sidewalk repairs is not visible. a. Showing those would have been helpful. b. Is it safe to assume the repairs are needed to correct damage caused by the subject tree? 3. This is not the first case to come before the Commission claiming a need to remove trees of this species in this area, either because of damage to streets/curbs/sidewalks or to allow repairs of same. Yet the recommendation is to replace the offending tree with another of the same species. Does staff have a longer term solution? Or is this regarded as a normal reforestation cycle? Item 6.D. Relocation Bench Donation - Buena Vista Blvd & West Edgewater Avenue 1. This staff report also seems to be self-contradictory in that it says “Staff is attempting to contact the donor,” but then goes on to claim the “bench donor(s) have received a copy of this report.” It is hard to understand how the original bench donor could have received notice if staff is uncertain how to contact her. 2. As for the reason for moving the bench, the original donor presumably had some reason for wanting it where it is. Honoring that wish should be weighed against the current applicant’s belief that another location would have a “better view.” 3. Since the current location is on public property separated from the current applicant’s home by a public walkway, it is likewise unclear to me how the presence or absence of a bench on that public property and facing away from his home materially affects the residents’ “privacy.” Recreation & Senior Services Monthly Activities Report To: Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission From: Sean Levin, RSS Deputy Director Celeste Jardine-Haug, Senior Services Manager Re: Recreation & Senior Services Department Monthly Activities Report Frankenweenie! The Recreation & Senior Services Department had an outdoor showing of Frankenweenie at Cliff Drive Park on Friday, October 2. The event included great activities, such as face painting, crafts, popcorn, and food from the Dogzilla truck. About 250 residents, including Council Member Tony Petros and City Manager Dave Kiff, came out to the park and enjoyed an evening illuminated with glow sticks. Families were also invited to fill out a brief survey in exchange for a custom City of Newport Beach fleece blanket. Over 55 surveys were collected and the overall event rating was 4.81 out of 5!             Volunteer Appreciation Nearly 100 Orange County volunteers gathered in celebration of their dedicated efforts towards environmental stewardship and care at the annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. Hosted at the Back Bay Science Center, our Natural Resources volunteers were in the company of other volunteers from Newport Bay Conservancy, CA Department of Fish & Wildlife, OC Parks, and California Coastal Commission. Our devoted volunteers from the Natural Resources team contributed a collective 1300 hours for the 2014-2015 year. We are so appreciative of the contributions our volunteers have made towards the education, research & monitoring of our natural resources!     Item 5C November 3, 2015 2 Park Patrol to the Rescue Park Patrol Officer DJ Ferris received an award and commendation on Thursday, October 10, from the Newport Beach Police Department; for his heroic actions during a domestic dispute in June 2015 on the Balboa Peninsula. While on duty, DJ heard a woman screaming for help and observed a woman and child involved in a physical altercation with two men. One of the men had a knife and was attempting to take the child and harm the other man. DJ stepped in and took control of the situation; ordering the two men to get away from the woman and child. He then subdued the two men, removed the knife and radioed for the Police Department to respond and assist. Because of DJ's heroic actions, nobody was injured and the man with the knife was taken into custody by the Newport Beach Police Department. Congrats DJ, the Department is lucky to have you as part of a great staff of professionals who care about this community! Staff Updates The Recreation & Senior Services Department has had a lot of movement! Thanks to a retirement, some turnover and the addition of Marina Park staff positions, opportunities opened up to take on new roles and responsibilities within the Department. A major thank you goes out to Human Resources for working with us over the past six months to make it all happen. See below for a recap! Brason Alexander takes on preschool programs, Active Kids, Mayor’s Youth Council and Civic Center Community Room operations as he promotes to supervisor! Brason started in Newport Beach in December 2014 and has 12+ years of recreation experience including his tenure as a Recreation Supervisor and Program Director overseeing youth programs in the great state of Washington (state bird is the American Goldfinch). Elizabeth Arciniega was selected for the Marina Park Office Assistant position; where she will coordinate the front office operations, assist with facility rentals and contract class registration. Elizabeth has worked for the Recreation & Senior Services Department for four and half years. She brings invaluable experience and the knowledge needed to help run a successful front office. Aimée Arvidson is our new Natural Resource Interpreter. Aimée earned a degree in environmental policy and has previously worked in local government and for the U.S. Senate. Preserving, restoring and educating the public on the environment is something Aimée is passionate about. With Aimée’s passion for environmental conservation as well as acting as a catalyst to get others involved in environmental work, she is the perfect fit for Natural Resources. Come say hello to Aimée as she educates our community and visitors every weekend at the tidepools at Little Corona Beach! Brian Cordiero started with the City of Newport Beach three and a half years ago as a Senior Recreation Leader at Newport Coast and will now supervise the building he has grown to know and love. Brian has proven to be a true asset and has helped with the success of the aquatics program. His duties as a supervisor will include serving as a liaison between the school district coaches, overseeing both pools, as well as taking charge of some special events put on by the Department. ELIZABETH BRIAN 3 Mary Craig has been with the City for six years and has worked in a variety of different positions including the aquatics front desk, Newport Coast Community Center, and Beachfront Customer Service. She has also helped with coverage at City Hall’s front desk, and the Community Youth Center. Mary’s extensive background working as a Senior Office Manager in the private industry for 19 years combined with her recreation experience and one of a kind personality makes her a great fit as the Office Assistant at the Newport Coast Community Center! Jeremy Engle will be making a lateral move to Marina Park. He has been with the Department for over five years working at OASIS. Jeremy is a Cal State Long Beach graduate with a degree in Recreation and Leisure Studies and a certificate in Volunteer/Non-Profit Management. In his free time he enjoys cycling, hiking, cooking, and eating. Melissa Gleason is being promoted and welcomed at OASIS as the new Assistant Recreation Coordinator responsible for special events, room rentals and part-time staff supervision. Melissa has been with the City for five years in a variety of capacities including as Recreation Leader and Office Assistant. She has assisted with several special events including Breakfast with Santa and Fourth of July is for Families in addition to handling rental inquiries and helping with a variety of class-related duties. She has a Bachelor of Science in Health Science and a Master of Science in Educational Counseling. Melissa’s excellent customer service, positive attitude and well-rounded experience is a great asset for the Department. Jonathon Harmon was promoted to Recreation Manager in charge of Classes, Aquatics, Newport Coast Community Center, the Community Youth Center, Front Office Operations, After Class Enrichment (A.C.E.) programs at various sites and more! Jonathan started out with the City in 2006 as a Senior Recreation Leader and has worked his way up the ranks holding the positions of Assistant Recreation Coordinator, Recreation Supervisor and now Recreation Manager! Jonathan has improved processes, participation and quality of each area he has worked with. Congratulations Jon! Zack Jezulin was promoted to Senior Recreation Leader. His duties include overseeing rentals and events at the Civic Center Community Room (CCCR). Zack graduated this summer from Cal State Long Beach with a Bachelor’s Degree in Recreation; following the completion of his rigorous, yet enlightening internship within the Department. Zack, who has worked with the City since July of 2014, has worked in youth programs, coached, and assisted with facilities and special events. We are looking forward to bringing Zack and his experience into the exciting and diverse realm of CCCR facility rentals. Natasha Khilawan joins the City in her new role as Marketing Specialist. She brings a great talent along with over seven years of experience and a degree in computer science. Natasha was born and raised in Rotterdam—the Netherlands and her hobbies include music production, composing, playing piano and acoustic guitar, building a robot and writing code for engineering mobile application development. JEREMY JONATHON ZACK NATASHA 4 Alyson Luman is receiving a promotion to Senior Recreation Leader at Marina Park. Alyson has been with the department for almost two and a half years, all at OASIS, and worked with the City of Fountain Valley Recreation and Community Services before that. Alyson is majoring in Theory and Practice of Cinema with a focus in editing at Cal State Long Beach. She enjoys snowboarding, cinematography, going to the beach, and the movies. Nick Locey joins the CYC and Contract Class team as Senior Recreation Leader. Nick has been with the City for over two years and has experience in youth programs, facilities, special events, contract classes, and he frequently volunteers to work special events. Nick’s go getter attitude, eagerness to learn, and excellent customer service skills will be a great asset to CYC and Contract Classes. In his free time, Nick is a dirt bike riding rock star- he enjoys playing the guitar, camping and carpentry. Congratulations, Nick! Racquel Valdez, Recreation Manager has been reassigned with her main duty’s being Marina Park, contract classes, camps and events on the west side of town and Department wide marketing. Racquel has been with the City for ten years and is the right person to lead the charge at Marina Park! Molly Patience joins the rank of promotees as the Adult & Youth Sports Supervisor overseeing the adult leagues and contracts; youth flag football, the youth track meet, field & court maintenance, field allocations, and field rentals. Molly started on her Newport Beach journey in December 2014 and has over eight years of recreation experience including her time as Sports Coordinator in Los Alamitos. Danny Rice was promoted back in September as the Marina Park Coordinator and will coordinate facility rentals, Newport El ACE, contract classes on the peninsula and events. Danny has been working with us for nine and a half years. He has worn many hats, he started in Youth Programs and Flag Football, he then moved to CYC to learn contract classes. This past year he gained great experience working at OASIS in facility rentals and special events. Justin Schmillen was promoted to Recreation Manager overseeing Adult Leagues & contracts, Youth Leagues, Field Allocation, Active Kids, Preschool 101, City camps, Natural Resources and more. Justin began his work with the City four years ago as a part time Assistant Recreation Coordinator running the OASIS Fitness Center. Justin has worked his way up the ranks and is now a valuable member of our management team leading the department! Jen Schulz is the new Supervisor at Marina Park! Jen will oversee the daily operations of Marina Park, all contract classes on the peninsula, facility rentals, Newport El Ace and Special Events. We were fortunate to have Jen join the Recreation team in September 2012. Jen’s excellent customer service skills, adaptability, leadership and skillset will be a great addition to Marina Park. Melissa Torres was recently promoted to Recreation Coordinator and will oversee the daily operations of CYC, contract classes, and the ACE programs. Melissa started in December 2013 with her vast knowledge of special event planning and experience working in Active Kids and contract classes has brought great expertise. In her free time, Melissa loves to visit Disneyland, go to concerts, and hang with her pet pig, Gordy. Congratulations, Melissa! Welcome, congrats, and great job to them all! NICK RAQUEL DANNY JUSTIN JEN MELISSA 5 Fitness Center Deep Clean at OASIS! The whole staff got together last Friday night to scrub every last detail in the OASIS Fitness Center! From the treadmills to the drinking fountains to every last inch of the free weights; the staff worked diligently to keep the Fitness Center sparkling clean for our members. Annual OASIS Flu Shot Clinic On Wednesday, October 14, OASIS hosted its annual flu shot clinic. Over 200 shots were administered in two hours by Hoag Hospital nurses. The clinic is a free service provided by OASIS and Hoag each October to help prevent the flu virus. Marina Park Grand Opening The new Marina Park Community Center will celebrate its Grand Opening on Saturday, Dec. 5, 2015 from 10am-12 noon. The community is invited to come and see the new building with all of its exciting amenities. The new facility will have numerous recreational classes for all ages including-art, enrichment, theater, dance, sports, and fitness. The facility will also have rooms available for rentals and a 23 slip visitor vessel marina. UCI is partnering with the City and running the new sailing and boating center programming at the facility. Lighthouse Café, will be operating the restaurant at Marina Park and will provide refreshments at the event. In addition to the amenities inside the building, there is a 10- acre park which includes a fitness circuit, two half basketball courts, a marine themed children’s playground, with a multi-story slide. The event will be interactive for all ages and provides the community an opportunity to learn about all the exciting new activities available to them at Marina Park! 6 Movie in the Park – Bayview Park On Friday, October 23, staff put on another Movie in the Park event at Bayview Park. The event was well attended with lots of smiles and laughter while watching Monsters University. The party started at 5:30pm as families trickled in taking advantage of the free concessions, crafts, and custom monsters playlist. Once the sun went down and the movie came on, all the “little monsters” at the park made a bee-line for their beach chairs and blankets to watch Mike and Sully go to Scare School. As you can see from the email below the community was very happy having an event in their neighborhood. Next Movie in the Park Event is March 4 at Sunset Ridge Park. Park Patrol Requested calls are assigned visits by staff or schedule or phone requests. Customer Contacts are the number of times they stopped and spoke to customers other than requested calls. Due to the timing of the meeting, these monthly summaries will be two months behind (i.e. in June you will receive April summary). During the month of Sept Park Patrol had the following number of contacts: 1. PATROL CHECKS  118 with Youth Sports Groups  532 Field related issues/checks  21 Park/Picnic/reservation issues/checks  110 Community Center issues/checks  468Playground checks  5 other  Beach Contacts - 9 tents 2. PUBLIC CONTACTS  219 Education  28 Alcohol  125 Dog related Written Warnings Issued: 6 for parking violations Citations Issued –15 for parking violations From: anne ima Sent: Monday, October 26, 2015 4:34 PM To: Recreation Subject: Friday Night's Event at Bayview Park (Monsters University) Hi! I just wanted to let you know that our neighborhood (Santa Ana Heights) THOROUGHLY enjoyed your Monsters University movie event! You utilized the space so well. I hope the fantastic turnout will encourage you to host more events like that in the future. The popcorn, candy and pizza were a huge hit as well. And the postcard mailer that went out a couple weeks before was informative Thank you so much! Anne Ima and family 7 FACILITY RENTALS & SPECIAL EVENT PERMITS During the period of Sept 16 – Oct15, 2015 there were:  13 Picnic/Park Area Rentals  7 Room Rentals  4 Field Rentals  4 Gym Rentals  8 OASIS Classroom  4 OASIS Event Center  30 Civic Center Community Room As of Oct15, 2015, there were 408 Special Event Permits processed and issued for the year. Those events of note for this period are: Green on the Green - Sept 19, 2015, Civic Center Green, Attendance:1000 City of NB Surf Championships- Sept 26-27, 2015, 54th Street Beach, Attendance:500 Race for the Cure - Sept 27, 2015, Fashion Island, Attendance:30,000 NB Wine and Food Festival - Oct 3-4, 2015, Civic Center-3000 PARTICIPANTS ATTENDING 58,554 CUSTOMERS RECREATIONAL CLASSES 15,113 CUSTOMERS FITNESS CENTER 18,507 CUSTOMERS PERSONALIZED SERVICES PROVIDED 7,146 CUSTOMERS Includes: Blood Pressure 165 Medical Equip Rentals 118 Counseling-Persons 180 Legal Assistance 52 Eldercare 0 All Rentals 44 Employment 25 Senior Assessment(hrs) 134 HICAP 50 Telephone Reassurance 424 Housing Counseling 77 Visual Screening 4 Information and Referral 5873 Taxes (Seasonal) 0 SENIORS RECEIVING TRANSPORTATION SRVCS 3,435 RIDERS Care-A-Van/Shuttle CUSTOMERS RECEIVING NOON MEALS @ OASIS 11,373 CUSTOMERS *includes meals on wheels VOLUNTEER SERVICES PROVIDED @ OASIS 7,508 HOURS Includes: Kitchen & Home Delivered Meals Admin Travel Office Gift Shop Library Instructors Board of Directors Casino Night Rummage Sale Special Events/Montly Meeting/Pancake Breakfast PARTICIPANTS IN FRIENDS OF OASIS TRAVEL 577 CUSTOMERS Day Trips & Extended Trips SPECIAL EVENTS/SCREENINGS/LECTURES 2,403 PERSONS HOAG Lectures (Various) UCI Lectures (Various) Movies Presentations (Various) Special Events Sailing, Golf, Computer Friends, Big Band and Let’s Go Trippin’ OASIS SENIOR CENTER ‐ SUMMER 2015