HomeMy WebLinkAboutRestaurant Association BID Agenda Packet 05/27/2015CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION AGENDA 1600 Newport Center Drive, Suite 120, Newport Beach, CA Regular Board Meeting at Newport Beach & Company Offices May 27, 20159:30 AM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BOARD MEMBERS Jim Walker, Chairman Sheri Drewry, Vice Chairman Thomas Giulioni, Treasurer Alexandra Robinson, Secretary Joe Campbell, Director Stephen Joyce, Director Dan Miller, Director Cindy O' Shea, Director Catherine Pavlos, Director John Robinson, Director Ronald Schwartz, Director I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS Public comments are invited on agenda and non-agenda items generally considered to be within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Committee. Speakers must limit comments to 3 minutes. Before speaking, we invite, but do not require, you to state your name for the record. The Committee has the discretion to extend or shorten the speakers' time limit on agenda or non-agenda items, provided the time limit adjustment is applied equally to all speakers. As a courtesy, please turn cell phones off or set them in the silent mode. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of Minutes SUMMARY: Review the draft minutes from the April 22, 2015 meeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the minutes from the April 22, 2015 meeting. V. CURRENT BUSINESS A. BID Financial Reports (Jim Walker) SUMMARY: Discussion and analysis of the BID financials for March and April 2015. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Board to accept and file the financials for March and April 2015. B. President's Report (Jim Walker) SUMMARY: Strategic plan update Membership advisory committee update NBRA member outreach Member businesses effected by the West Coast Highway construction RECOMMENDED ACTION: None C. Marketing Report (Polly Peak) SUMMARY: Monthly promotions & newsletter update Spring & summer marketing campaign 2015-2016 Planning timeline Online metrics Industry update RECOMMENDED ACTION: None VI. NBRA BID ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEMS) VII. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Public comments are invited on agenda and non-agenda items generally considered to be within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Committee. Speakers must limit comments to 3 minutes. Before speaking, we invite, but do not require, you to state your name for the record. The Committee has the discretion to extend or shorten the speakers' time limit on agenda or non-agenda items, provided the time limit adjustment is applied equally to all speakers. As a courtesy, please turn cell phones off or set them in the silent mode. VIII. ADJOURNMENT The NBRA BID is subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act. Among other things, the Brown Act requires that the NBRA BID be posted at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of each regular meeting and that the public be allowed to comment on agenda items before the NBRA BID and items not on the agenda but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the NBRA BID . The NBRA BID may limit public comments to a reasonable amount of time, generally three (3) minutes per person. It is the intention of the City of Newport Beach to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") in all respects. If, as an attendee or a participant at this meeting, you will need special assistance beyond what is normally provided, the City of Newport Beach will attempt to accommodate you in every reasonable manner. If requested, this agenda will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 12132), and the federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. Please contact the City of Newport Beach at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting to inform us of your particular needs and to determine if accommodation is feasible at 949-644-3074 or nbrabid@newportbeachca.gov. NEWPORT BEACH ITEM TITLE: Approval of Minutes ITEM SUMMARY: Review the draft minutes from the April 22, 2015 meeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the minutes from the April 22, 2015 meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Description Draft Meeting Minutes from April 22, 2015 Page 1 of 3 Newport Beach Restaurant Association Business Improvement District Board Meeting Minutes – April 22, 2015 Newport Beach & Company 1600 Newport Center Drive, Suite 120 Newport Beach, CA 92660 I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER President Walker called the meeting to order at 9:31 a.m. II. ROLL CALL Directors Present: Jim Walker The Bungalow Restaurant Joe Campbell Ruby’s Diner Sheri Drewry Wilma’s Patio Stephen Joyce Newport Beach Tennis Club Dan Miller Village Inn Cindy O’Shea Whole Foods Market & Back Bay Tavern Alexandra Robinson Park Avenue Café John Robinson Amelia’s Ronald Schwartz Muldoon’s Irish Pub Quorum Achieved Directors Absent: Thomas Giulioni Back Bay Bistro Cathy Pavlos Provenance BID Administrator Present: Polly Peak, Marketing Consultant Newport Beach & Company Guests Present: Doug McClain Newport Beach & Company Jim Mosher Newport Beach Resident Mario Marovic Malarky’s Irish Pub | Dory Deli III. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS Mr. Mosher suggested that all applications for the NBRA BID Board of Directors be forwarded to City Council along with the recommendation for the (11) board seats to ensure that all applicants are recognized. Mr. Mosher commented on the marketing contract and the website costs from the past year, and asked about matching funds from the City. President Walker clarified the anticipated amount of funds that the NBRA BID will be receiving from the City for fiscal year 2015-2016. Page 2 of 3 IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES President Walker requested a motion to approve the minutes from the March 25, 2015 meeting. MOTION: Director Campbell moved to approve the minutes from the March 25, 2015 Board meeting. Director J. Robinson seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Walker, Campbell, Drewry, Joyce, Miller, O’Shea, A. Robinson, J. Robinson, Schwartz V. CURRENT BUSINESS A. PRESIDENT’S REPORT  President Walker reported on the Membership Advisory Committee progress. o The City will send out a survey letter to all members requesting more information about the business such as category, number of employees, occupancy, etc. B. BOARD OF DIRECTORS NOMINEES  President Walker reviewed each of the (14) applications submitted for the fiscal year 2015-2016 NBRA BID Board of Directors. The applicants included: Antonio Bevacqua, Joe Campbell, Sheri Drewry, Stephen Joyce, Mario Marovic, Bruno Massuger, Dan Miller, Cindy O’Shea, Catherine Pavlos, Alexandria Robinson, John Robinson, Christopher Roman, Ron Schwartz, and Jim Walker.  Each director voted with a written form to recommend up to (11) applicants for the board.  Votes were tabulated by Ms. Peak and the (11) applicants that received the most votes were as follows: o Antonio Bevacqua o Joe Campbell o Sheri Drewry o Stephen Joyce o Mario Marovic o Dan Miller o Cindy O’Shea o Alexandria Robinson o John Robinson o Ron Schwartz o Jim Walker MOTION: Director Campbell moved to recommend the (11) applicants with the most votes for City Council Appointment to serve on the NBRA BID Board of Directors for fiscal year 2015-2016. Director J. Robinson seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Walker, Campbell, Drewry, Joyce, Miller, O’Shea, A. Robinson, J. Robinson, Schwartz Page 3 of 3 C. ANNUAL MARKETING & ADMINISTRATION CONTRACT  President Walker reviewed the Newport Beach & Company proposal for the NBRA BID marketing and administration services, and expressed concerns over the increased amount of the contract to pay for BID administration.  Mr. McClain provided an overview of the services that Newport Beach & Company provides year-round for NBRA administration, marketing, public relations and programming.  Director Miller suggested that NBRA BID work closer with Newport Beach & Company to provide a better return on investment for the restaurant member assessments.  President Walker suggested that the main objective for the next fiscal year should be to develop a plan that provides an increased revenue base and additional funding for the NBRA BID in order to expand the marketing and programming for the BID. MOTION: Director Drewry moved to recommend the City enter into an agreement with Newport Beach & Company for the fiscal year 2015-2016 NBRA BID marketing and administration services. Director Schwartz seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Walker, Campbell, Drewry, Joyce, Miller, O’Shea, A. Robinson, J. Robinson, Schwartz VI. NBRA BID ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS, WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON- DISCUSSION ITEMS) VII. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS None VIII. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:14 a.m. The next board meeting will be Wednesday, May 27 2015 at 9:30 a.m. at Newport Beach and Company NEWPORT BEACH ITEM TITLE: BID Financial Reports (Jim Walker) ITEM SUMMARY: Discussion and analysis of the BID financials for March and April 2015. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Board to accept and file the financials for March and April 2015. ATTACHMENTS: Description March 2015 NBRA BID Financials April 2015 NBRA BID Financials Mar 31, 15 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Bill.com Money Out Clearing -1,016.04 1010 · Bank Balance 77,910.02 Total Checking/Savings 76,893.98 Accounts Receivable 1310 · Accounts Receivable Bad Debt A/R -9,055.17 1310 · Accounts Receivable - Other -5,503.02 Total 1310 · Accounts Receivable -14,558.19 Total Accounts Receivable -14,558.19 Other Current Assets 1320 · Undeposited Funds -400.00 1400 · Receivable - Riot Creative Imag 500.00 1410 · Receivable - RW Sponsorship 1,500.00 1420 · Receivable - RW Participation 1,317.60 Total Other Current Assets 2,917.60 Total Current Assets 65,253.39 Other Assets AR Clearing -1,929.96 Total Other Assets -1,929.96 TOTAL ASSETS 63,323.43 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable 2000 · Accounts Payable -1,000.00 Total Accounts Payable -1,000.00 Total Current Liabilities -1,000.00 Total Liabilities -1,000.00 Equity 3900 · Retained Earnings 18,406.30 Net Income 45,917.13 Total Equity 64,323.43 7:18 AM Restaurant Association Business Improvement District 04/14/15 Balance Sheet Cash Basis As of March 31, 2015 Page 1 Mar 31, 15 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 63,323.43 7:18 AM Restaurant Association Business Improvement District 04/14/15 Balance Sheet Cash Basis As of March 31, 2015 Page 2 Mar 15 Ordinary Income/Expense Income 4000 · NBRA Income 4010 · Member Assessment 3,632.00 4015 · Late Fees 1,530.50 Total 4000 · NBRA Income 5,162.50 4500 · NBRW Income 4520 · Restaurant Week Event Participation 900.00 Total 4520 · Restaurant Week 900.00 Total 4500 · NBRW Income 900.00 Total Income 6,062.50 Gross Profit 6,062.50 Expense 7000 NBRW Expenses 7100 Campaign Marketing Expense 13,723.47 7150 Campaign Operational expe 209.52 Total 7000 NBRW Expenses 13,932.99 8000 Prior Year Expense Bad Debt(Assessment Write-off)0.00 Bad Debt(Finance Chg Write-off)23.75 Total 8000 Prior Year Expense 23.75 Total Expense 13,956.74 Net Ordinary Income -7,894.24 Net Income -7,894.24 7:16 AM Restaurant Association Business Improvement District 04/14/15 Profit & Loss Cash Basis March 2015 Page 1 Mar 31, 15 Beginning Balance 71,758.42 Cleared Transactions Checks and Payments - 3 items -14,017.35 Deposits and Credits - 11 items 14,890.25 Total Cleared Transactions 872.90 Cleared Balance 72,631.32 Uncleared Transactions Checks and Payments - 2 items -731.50 Deposits and Credits - 7 items 6,010.20 Total Uncleared Transactions 5,278.70 Register Balance as of 03/31/2015 77,910.02 New Transactions Checks and Payments - 1 item -210.26 Deposits and Credits - 1 item 300.00 Total New Transactions 89.74 Ending Balance 77,999.76 3:07 PM Restaurant Association Business Improvement District 04/13/15 Reconciliation Summary 1010 · Bank Balance, Period Ending 03/31/2015 Page 1 Type Date Num Name Clr Amount Balance Beginning Balance 71,758.42 Cleared Transactions Checks and Payments - 3 items Check 12/31/2014 X -84.36 -84.36 General Journal 03/13/2015 AJE42 X -11,432.98 -11,517.34 General Journal 03/20/2015 AJE43 X -2,500.01 -14,017.35 Total Checks and Payments -14,017.35 -14,017.35 Deposits and Credits - 11 items Deposit 02/09/2015 X 4,055.00 4,055.00 Deposit 02/10/2015 X 285.00 4,340.00 Deposit 02/17/2015 X 1,351.25 5,691.25 Deposit 02/23/2015 X 55.00 5,746.25 Deposit 02/25/2015 X 3,500.00 9,246.25 Deposit 02/26/2015 X 2,554.25 11,800.50 Deposit 02/27/2015 X 584.00 12,384.50 Deposit 03/03/2015 X 935.00 13,319.50 Deposit 03/05/2015 X 662.00 13,981.50 Deposit 03/09/2015 X 845.75 14,827.25 Deposit 03/23/2015 X 63.00 14,890.25 Total Deposits and Credits 14,890.25 14,890.25 Total Cleared Transactions 872.90 872.90 Cleared Balance 872.90 72,631.32 Uncleared Transactions Checks and Payments - 2 items General Journal 08/05/2014 FC14...-331.50 -331.50 Sales Receipt 11/18/2014 1 Bistro Le Crillon -400.00 -731.50 Total Checks and Payments -731.50 -731.50 Deposits and Credits - 7 items General Journal 08/05/2014 FC14...1,558.45 1,558.45 General Journal 11/18/2014 AJE2 Bistro Le Crillon 800.00 2,358.45 Deposit 03/16/2015 383.00 2,741.45 Deposit 03/17/2015 1,310.00 4,051.45 Deposit 03/18/2015 900.00 4,951.45 Deposit 03/27/2015 655.00 5,606.45 Deposit 03/31/2015 403.75 6,010.20 Total Deposits and Credits 6,010.20 6,010.20 Total Uncleared Transactions 5,278.70 5,278.70 Register Balance as of 03/31/2015 6,151.60 77,910.02 New Transactions Checks and Payments - 1 item General Journal 04/01/2015 AJE44 -210.26 -210.26 Total Checks and Payments -210.26 -210.26 Deposits and Credits - 1 item Deposit 04/07/2015 300.00 300.00 Total Deposits and Credits 300.00 300.00 Total New Transactions 89.74 89.74 Ending Balance 6,241.34 77,999.76 3:09 PM Restaurant Association Business Improvement District 04/13/15 Reconciliation Detail 1010 · Bank Balance, Period Ending 03/31/2015 Page 1 Date Source Name Memo Account Paid Amount AAA Flag & Banner Mfg. Co., Inc. 02/09/2015 AAA Flag & Banner Mfg. Co., Inc.Street Pole Banners 7100 Campaign Marketing ...8,283.60 Total AAA Flag & Banner Mfg. Co., Inc.8,283.60 Adsavvy, Inc. 02/04/2015 Adsavvy, Inc.Distribution of NBRA marketin...7100 Campaign Marketing ...1,000.00 Total Adsavvy, Inc.1,000.00 Bank of America 01/15/2015 Bank of America Bank Service Charge 6350 · Bank Service Charges 16.04 Total Bank of America 16.04 California Restaurant Association 10/24/2014 California Restaurant Association ASDUES09/01/2014 to 08/31/...6240 Public Relations 300.00 Total California Restaurant Association 300.00 CBS Radio 01/09/2015 CBS Radio Restaurant Week On-Air Pro...7100 Campaign Marketing ...5,000.00 Total CBS Radio 5,000.00 Corona del Mar BID 07/15/2014 Corona del Mar BID transfer member pmt to NBR...Suspense 331.50 Total Corona del Mar BID 331.50 Dining Out 09/11/2014 Dining Out Summer/Fall 2014 DiningOut ...6170 Media Advertising Ca...9,000.00 01/23/2015 Dining Out Full Page Ad 7100 Campaign Marketing ...2,000.00 Total Dining Out 11,000.00 Firebrand Media, LLC 02/04/2015 Firebrand Media, LLC Advertising and promo card in...7100 Campaign Marketing ...1,795.00 02/09/2015 Firebrand Media, LLC Advertising inserts in Laguna ...7100 Campaign Marketing ...1,630.00 02/09/2015 Firebrand Media, LLC E-Newsletter Blasts 7100 Campaign Marketing ...75.00 02/09/2015 Firebrand Media, LLC Advertising inserts in Newport...7100 Campaign Marketing ...1,930.00 Total Firebrand Media, LLC 5,430.00 Golden Communications, Inc. 07/17/2014 Golden Communications, Inc.June 6190 Website Database Ma...169.00 10/29/2014 Golden Communications, Inc.Monthly Maintenance / Admin...6190 Website Database Ma...169.00 10/29/2014 Golden Communications, Inc.Monthly Maintenance / Admin...6190 Website Database Ma...169.00 Total Golden Communications, Inc.507.00 Locale Magazine 01/28/2015 Locale Magazine Full Page Ad, Side Banner Ad...7100 Campaign Marketing ...2,499.00 Total Locale Magazine 2,499.00 Los Angeles Times 01/23/2015 Los Angeles Times Full Page Ad 7100 Campaign Marketing ...1,520.00 7:27 AM Restaurant Association Business Improvement District 04/14/15 Expenses by Vendor Detail Cash Basis July 2014 through March 2015 Page 1 Date Source Name Memo Account Paid Amount 03/13/2015 Los Angeles Times Second Invoice for Print and ...7100 Campaign Marketing ...3,085.00 03/20/2015 Los Angeles Times Digital Ads for NB Restaurant...7100 Campaign Marketing ...2,500.01 Total Los Angeles Times 7,105.01 Marinella Len 02/26/2015 Marinella Len Design, Revisions, Productio...7100 Campaign Marketing ...1,787.50 Total Marinella Len 1,787.50 Michelle St. Amour 02/24/2015 Michelle St. Amour Restaurant Recruitment for 2...7150 Campaign Operation...1,000.00 Total Michelle St. Amour 1,000.00 Newport Beach & Company 08/04/2014 Newport Beach & Company Polly Peak Consulting 6290 Marketing Consultation 5,000.00 08/04/2014 Newport Beach & Company Marketing agency fee 6290 Marketing Consultation 1,000.00 08/04/2014 Newport Beach & Company Operating Expenses 6310 Operational Reimburs...776.46 08/04/2014 Newport Beach & Company Liability Insurance 6310 Operational Reimburs...142.30 09/26/2014 Newport Beach & Company Polly Peak Consulting 6290 Marketing Consultation 5,000.00 09/26/2014 Newport Beach & Company Marketing agency fee 6290 Marketing Consultation 1,000.00 09/26/2014 Newport Beach & Company Operating Expenses 6310 Operational Reimburs...776.46 09/26/2014 Newport Beach & Company Liability Insurance 6310 Operational Reimburs...142.30 12/02/2014 Newport Beach & Company Polly Peak Consulting 6290 Marketing Consultation 5,000.00 12/02/2014 Newport Beach & Company Marketing agency fee 6290 Marketing Consultation 1,000.00 12/02/2014 Newport Beach & Company Operating Expenses 6310 Operational Reimburs...776.46 12/02/2014 Newport Beach & Company Liability Insurance 6310 Operational Reimburs...142.30 12/02/2014 Newport Beach & Company Polly Peak Consulting 6290 Marketing Consultation 5,000.00 12/02/2014 Newport Beach & Company Marketing agency fee 6290 Marketing Consultation 1,000.00 12/02/2014 Newport Beach & Company Operating Expenses 6310 Operational Reimburs...776.46 12/02/2014 Newport Beach & Company Liability Insurance 6310 Operational Reimburs...142.30 12/02/2014 Newport Beach & Company Polly Peak Consulting 6290 Marketing Consultation 5,000.00 12/02/2014 Newport Beach & Company Marketing agency fee 6290 Marketing Consultation 1,000.00 12/02/2014 Newport Beach & Company Operating Expenses 6310 Operational Reimburs...776.46 12/02/2014 Newport Beach & Company Liability Insurance 6310 Operational Reimburs...142.30 12/23/2014 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee, Mark...6290 Marketing Consultation 5,000.00 12/23/2014 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee, Mark...6290 Marketing Consultation 1,000.00 12/23/2014 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee, Mark...6310 Operational Reimburs...776.46 12/23/2014 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee, Mark...6310 Operational Reimburs...142.30 01/08/2015 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee, Mark...6290 Marketing Consultation 5,000.00 01/08/2015 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee, Mark...6290 Marketing Consultation 1,000.00 01/08/2015 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee, Mark...6310 Operational Reimburs...776.46 01/08/2015 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee, Mark...6310 Operational Reimburs...142.30 01/08/2015 Newport Beach & Company Dine NB Launch Event, Dine ...6170 Media Advertising Ca...3,706.72 01/08/2015 Newport Beach & Company Dine NB Launch Event, Dine ...6240 Public Relations 2,285.79 01/08/2015 Newport Beach & Company Dine NB Launch Event, Dine ...6310 Operational Reimburs...138.92 01/08/2015 Newport Beach & Company Dine NB Launch Event, Dine ...6190 Website Database Ma...28.34 01/08/2015 Newport Beach & Company Dine NB Launch Event, Dine ...6310 Operational Reimburs...149.07 03/13/2015 Newport Beach & Company Dine Newport Beach Restaur...7100 Campaign Marketing ...5,138.46 03/13/2015 Newport Beach & Company Dine Newport Beach Restaur...7150 Campaign Operation...209.52 7:27 AM Restaurant Association Business Improvement District 04/14/15 Expenses by Vendor Detail Cash Basis July 2014 through March 2015 Page 2 Date Source Name Memo Account Paid Amount Total Newport Beach & Company 60,088.14 Noble Studios 09/30/2014 Noble Studios NBRA Website Design 6180 Website Development 23,000.00 Total Noble Studios 23,000.00 OCWeekly,LP 03/13/2015 OCWeekly,LP 1/2 Page Ad, Full Page Ad, S...7100 Campaign Marketing ...3,000.00 Total OCWeekly,LP 3,000.00 Orange Coast Magazine 01/23/2015 Orange Coast Magazine Full Page Color Ad 7100 Campaign Marketing ...2,750.00 Total Orange Coast Magazine 2,750.00 Riviera Magazine/Modern Luxury 01/28/2015 Riviera Magazine/Modern Luxury Riviera - Orange County - Jan...7100 Campaign Marketing ...1,300.00 Total Riviera Magazine/Modern Luxury 1,300.00 Speak Up Newport 01/28/2015 Speak Up Newport Table for 10 at Mayor's Dinner 6240 Public Relations 1,100.00 Total Speak Up Newport 1,100.00 Sprint 02/24/2015 Sprint Outstanding Phone Bill 6230 Phone Reservation Sy...202.68 Total Sprint 202.68 Vertical Marketing Network, LLC 01/28/2015 Vertical Marketing Network, LLC Share the Dish Rules Develo...7150 Campaign Operation...1,650.00 02/09/2015 Vertical Marketing Network, LLC Share the Dish Rules Develo...7150 Campaign Operation...550.00 Total Vertical Marketing Network, LLC 2,200.00 TOTAL 137,900.47 7:27 AM Restaurant Association Business Improvement District 04/14/15 Expenses by Vendor Detail Cash Basis July 2014 through March 2015 Page 3 Apr 30, 15 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Bill.com Money Out Clearing -1,347.54 1010 · Bank Balance 92,881.17 1260 · City Appropriation Acct Jan 10 1,558.45 Total Checking/Savings 93,092.08 Accounts Receivable 1310 · Accounts Receivable Bad Debt A/R -8,195.17 1310 · Accounts Receivable - Other -5,384.27 Total 1310 · Accounts Receivable -13,579.44 Total Accounts Receivable -13,579.44 Other Current Assets 1320 · Undeposited Funds 400.00 Total Other Current Assets 400.00 Total Current Assets 79,912.64 Other Assets AR Clearing -1,929.96 Total Other Assets -1,929.96 TOTAL ASSETS 77,982.68 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable 2000 · Accounts Payable -1,000.00 Total Accounts Payable -1,000.00 Total Current Liabilities -1,000.00 Total Liabilities -1,000.00 Equity 3900 · Retained Earnings 15,948.70 Net Income 63,033.98 Total Equity 78,982.68 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 77,982.68 1:55 PM Restaurant Association Business Improvement District 05/08/15 Balance Sheet Cash Basis As of April 30, 2015 Page 1 Apr 15 Ordinary Income/Expense Income 4000 · NBRA Income 4010 · Member Assessment 1,174.11 4015 · Late Fees 534.25 4030 · City of Newport Grant 16,000.00 Total 4000 · NBRA Income 17,708.36 Total Income 17,708.36 Gross Profit 17,708.36 Expense 7000 NBRW Expenses 7100 Campaign Marketing Expense 210.26 Total 7000 NBRW Expenses 210.26 8000 Prior Year Expense Bad Debt(Assessment Write-off)0.00 Bad Debt(Finance Chg Write-off)-118.75 Total 8000 Prior Year Expense -118.75 66900 · Reconciliation Discrepancies 500.00 Total Expense 591.51 Net Ordinary Income 17,116.85 Net Income 17,116.85 1:41 PM Restaurant Association Business Improvement District 05/08/15 Profit & Loss Cash Basis April 2015 Page 1 Apr 30, 15 Beginning Balance 72,631.32 Cleared Transactions Checks and Payments - 3 items -737.23 Deposits and Credits - 6 items 19,651.75 Total Cleared Transactions 18,914.52 Cleared Balance 91,545.84 Uncleared Transactions Checks and Payments - 1 item -400.00 Deposits and Credits - 7 items 1,735.33 Total Uncleared Transactions 1,335.33 Register Balance as of 04/30/2015 92,881.17 New Transactions Deposits and Credits - 5 items 3,268.83 Total New Transactions 3,268.83 Ending Balance 96,150.00 4:19 PM Restaurant Association Business Improvement District 05/07/15 Reconciliation Summary 1010 · Bank Balance, Period Ending 04/30/2015 Page 1 Type Date Num Name Clr Amount Balance Beginning Balance 72,631.32 Cleared Transactions Checks and Payments - 3 items General Journal 04/01/2015 AJE44 X -210.26 -210.26 Check 04/10/2015 X -26.97 -237.23 General Journal 04/30/2015 AJE63 X -500.00 -737.23 Total Checks and Payments -737.23 -737.23 Deposits and Credits - 6 items Deposit 03/16/2015 X 383.00 383.00 Deposit 03/17/2015 X 1,310.00 1,693.00 Deposit 03/18/2015 X 900.00 2,593.00 Deposit 03/27/2015 X 655.00 3,248.00 Deposit 03/31/2015 X 403.75 3,651.75 Deposit 04/20/2015 X 16,000.00 19,651.75 Total Deposits and Credits 19,651.75 19,651.75 Total Cleared Transactions 18,914.52 18,914.52 Cleared Balance 18,914.52 91,545.84 Uncleared Transactions Checks and Payments - 1 item Sales Receipt 11/18/2014 1 Bistro Le Crillon -400.00 -400.00 Total Checks and Payments -400.00 -400.00 Deposits and Credits - 7 items Deposit 04/07/2015 300.00 300.00 Deposit 04/16/2015 544.00 844.00 Deposit 04/17/2015 95.00 939.00 Deposit 04/23/2015 95.00 1,034.00 Deposit 04/24/2015 63.33 1,097.33 Deposit 04/27/2015 574.67 1,672.00 Deposit 04/30/2015 63.33 1,735.33 Total Deposits and Credits 1,735.33 1,735.33 Total Uncleared Transactions 1,335.33 1,335.33 Register Balance as of 04/30/2015 20,249.85 92,881.17 New Transactions Deposits and Credits - 5 items Deposit 05/01/2015 1,551.00 1,551.00 Deposit 05/04/2015 95.00 1,646.00 Deposit 05/04/2015 190.00 1,836.00 Deposit 05/05/2015 1,345.75 3,181.75 Deposit 05/07/2015 87.08 3,268.83 Total Deposits and Credits 3,268.83 3,268.83 Total New Transactions 3,268.83 3,268.83 Ending Balance 23,518.68 96,150.00 4:20 PM Restaurant Association Business Improvement District 05/07/15 Reconciliation Detail 1010 · Bank Balance, Period Ending 04/30/2015 Page 1 Date Source Name Memo Account Paid Amount AAA Flag & Banner Mfg. Co., Inc. 02/09/2015 AAA Flag & Banner Mfg. Co., Inc.Street Pole Banners 7100 Campaign Marketing ...8,283.60 Total AAA Flag & Banner Mfg. Co., Inc.8,283.60 Adsavvy, Inc. 02/04/2015 Adsavvy, Inc.Distribution of NBRA marketin...7100 Campaign Marketing ...1,000.00 Total Adsavvy, Inc.1,000.00 Bank of America 01/15/2015 Bank of America Bank Service Charge 6350 · Bank Service Charges 16.04 Total Bank of America 16.04 California Restaurant Association 10/24/2014 California Restaurant Association ASDUES09/01/2014 to 08/31/...6240 Public Relations 300.00 Total California Restaurant Association 300.00 CBS Radio 01/09/2015 CBS Radio Restaurant Week On-Air Pro...7100 Campaign Marketing ...5,000.00 Total CBS Radio 5,000.00 City of Newport Beach (Revenue) 04/01/2015 City of Newport Beach (Revenue)Water Bill Inserts for Restaur...7100 Campaign Marketing ...210.26 Total City of Newport Beach (Revenue)210.26 Corona del Mar BID 07/15/2014 Corona del Mar BID transfer member pmt to NBR...Suspense 331.50 Total Corona del Mar BID 331.50 Dining Out 09/11/2014 Dining Out Summer/Fall 2014 DiningOut ...6170 Media Advertising Ca...9,000.00 01/23/2015 Dining Out Full Page Ad 7100 Campaign Marketing ...2,000.00 Total Dining Out 11,000.00 Firebrand Media, LLC 02/04/2015 Firebrand Media, LLC Advertising and promo card in...7100 Campaign Marketing ...1,795.00 02/09/2015 Firebrand Media, LLC Advertising inserts in Laguna ...7100 Campaign Marketing ...1,630.00 02/09/2015 Firebrand Media, LLC E-Newsletter Blasts 7100 Campaign Marketing ...75.00 02/09/2015 Firebrand Media, LLC Advertising inserts in Newport...7100 Campaign Marketing ...1,930.00 Total Firebrand Media, LLC 5,430.00 Golden Communications, Inc. 07/17/2014 Golden Communications, Inc.June 6190 Website Database Ma...169.00 10/29/2014 Golden Communications, Inc.Monthly Maintenance / Admin...6190 Website Database Ma...169.00 10/29/2014 Golden Communications, Inc.Monthly Maintenance / Admin...6190 Website Database Ma...169.00 Total Golden Communications, Inc.507.00 Locale Magazine 01/28/2015 Locale Magazine Full Page Ad, Side Banner Ad...7100 Campaign Marketing ...2,499.00 4:26 PM Restaurant Association Business Improvement District 05/08/15 Expenses by Vendor Detail Cash Basis July 2014 through April 2015 Page 1 Date Source Name Memo Account Paid Amount Total Locale Magazine 2,499.00 Los Angeles Times 01/23/2015 Los Angeles Times Full Page Ad 7100 Campaign Marketing ...1,520.00 03/13/2015 Los Angeles Times Second Invoice for Print and ...7100 Campaign Marketing ...3,085.00 03/20/2015 Los Angeles Times Digital Ads for NB Restaurant...7100 Campaign Marketing ...2,500.01 Total Los Angeles Times 7,105.01 Marinella Len 02/26/2015 Marinella Len Design, Revisions, Productio...7100 Campaign Marketing ...1,787.50 Total Marinella Len 1,787.50 Michelle St. Amour 02/24/2015 Michelle St. Amour Restaurant Recruitment for 2...7150 Campaign Operation...1,000.00 Total Michelle St. Amour 1,000.00 Newport Beach & Company 08/04/2014 Newport Beach & Company Polly Peak Consulting 6290 Marketing Consultation 5,000.00 08/04/2014 Newport Beach & Company Marketing agency fee 6290 Marketing Consultation 1,000.00 08/04/2014 Newport Beach & Company Operating Expenses 6310 Operational Reimburs...776.46 08/04/2014 Newport Beach & Company Liability Insurance 6310 Operational Reimburs...142.30 09/26/2014 Newport Beach & Company Polly Peak Consulting 6290 Marketing Consultation 5,000.00 09/26/2014 Newport Beach & Company Marketing agency fee 6290 Marketing Consultation 1,000.00 09/26/2014 Newport Beach & Company Operating Expenses 6310 Operational Reimburs...776.46 09/26/2014 Newport Beach & Company Liability Insurance 6310 Operational Reimburs...142.30 12/02/2014 Newport Beach & Company Polly Peak Consulting 6290 Marketing Consultation 5,000.00 12/02/2014 Newport Beach & Company Marketing agency fee 6290 Marketing Consultation 1,000.00 12/02/2014 Newport Beach & Company Operating Expenses 6310 Operational Reimburs...776.46 12/02/2014 Newport Beach & Company Liability Insurance 6310 Operational Reimburs...142.30 12/02/2014 Newport Beach & Company Polly Peak Consulting 6290 Marketing Consultation 5,000.00 12/02/2014 Newport Beach & Company Marketing agency fee 6290 Marketing Consultation 1,000.00 12/02/2014 Newport Beach & Company Operating Expenses 6310 Operational Reimburs...776.46 12/02/2014 Newport Beach & Company Liability Insurance 6310 Operational Reimburs...142.30 12/02/2014 Newport Beach & Company Polly Peak Consulting 6290 Marketing Consultation 5,000.00 12/02/2014 Newport Beach & Company Marketing agency fee 6290 Marketing Consultation 1,000.00 12/02/2014 Newport Beach & Company Operating Expenses 6310 Operational Reimburs...776.46 12/02/2014 Newport Beach & Company Liability Insurance 6310 Operational Reimburs...142.30 12/23/2014 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee, Mark...6290 Marketing Consultation 5,000.00 12/23/2014 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee, Mark...6290 Marketing Consultation 1,000.00 12/23/2014 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee, Mark...6310 Operational Reimburs...776.46 12/23/2014 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee, Mark...6310 Operational Reimburs...142.30 01/08/2015 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee, Mark...6290 Marketing Consultation 5,000.00 01/08/2015 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee, Mark...6290 Marketing Consultation 1,000.00 01/08/2015 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee, Mark...6310 Operational Reimburs...776.46 01/08/2015 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee, Mark...6310 Operational Reimburs...142.30 01/08/2015 Newport Beach & Company Dine NB Launch Event, Dine ...6170 Media Advertising Ca...3,706.72 01/08/2015 Newport Beach & Company Dine NB Launch Event, Dine ...6240 Public Relations 2,285.79 01/08/2015 Newport Beach & Company Dine NB Launch Event, Dine ...6310 Operational Reimburs...138.92 01/08/2015 Newport Beach & Company Dine NB Launch Event, Dine ...6190 Website Database Ma...28.34 4:26 PM Restaurant Association Business Improvement District 05/08/15 Expenses by Vendor Detail Cash Basis July 2014 through April 2015 Page 2 Date Source Name Memo Account Paid Amount 01/08/2015 Newport Beach & Company Dine NB Launch Event, Dine ...6310 Operational Reimburs...149.07 03/13/2015 Newport Beach & Company Dine Newport Beach Restaur...7100 Campaign Marketing ...5,138.46 03/13/2015 Newport Beach & Company Dine Newport Beach Restaur...7150 Campaign Operation...209.52 Total Newport Beach & Company 60,088.14 Noble Studios 09/30/2014 Noble Studios NBRA Website Design 6180 Website Development 23,000.00 Total Noble Studios 23,000.00 OCWeekly,LP 03/13/2015 OCWeekly,LP 1/2 Page Ad, Full Page Ad, S...7100 Campaign Marketing ...3,000.00 Total OCWeekly,LP 3,000.00 Orange Coast Magazine 01/23/2015 Orange Coast Magazine Full Page Color Ad 7100 Campaign Marketing ...2,750.00 Total Orange Coast Magazine 2,750.00 Riviera Magazine/Modern Luxury 01/28/2015 Riviera Magazine/Modern Luxury Riviera - Orange County - Jan...7100 Campaign Marketing ...1,300.00 Total Riviera Magazine/Modern Luxury 1,300.00 Speak Up Newport 01/28/2015 Speak Up Newport Table for 10 at Mayor's Dinner 6240 Public Relations 1,100.00 Total Speak Up Newport 1,100.00 Sprint 02/24/2015 Sprint Outstanding Phone Bill 6230 Phone Reservation Sy...202.68 Total Sprint 202.68 Vertical Marketing Network, LLC 01/28/2015 Vertical Marketing Network, LLC Share the Dish Rules Develo...7150 Campaign Operation...1,650.00 02/09/2015 Vertical Marketing Network, LLC Share the Dish Rules Develo...7150 Campaign Operation...550.00 Total Vertical Marketing Network, LLC 2,200.00 TOTAL 138,110.73 4:26 PM Restaurant Association Business Improvement District 05/08/15 Expenses by Vendor Detail Cash Basis July 2014 through April 2015 Page 3