HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 - Villas Fashion Island Sign Modification - PA2016-030 e COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT y PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive,P.O. Box 1768,Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 CgG�pQ{Lt��T 949-644-3200 Fax: 949-644-3229 www.newportbeachca.gov CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT April 14, 2016 Agenda Item No. 6 SUBJECT: Villas Fashion Island Signage (PA2016-030) 1101 San Joaquin Hills Road • Modification Permit No. MD2016-004 APPLICANT: Irvine Company OWNER: Irvine Company PLANNER: Benjamin M. Zdeba, AICP, Associate Planner (949) 644-3253, bzdeba@newportbeachca.gov ZONING DISTRICT/GENERAL PLAN • Zone: PC-56 (North Newport Center) • General Plan: MU-H3 (Mixed Use Horizontal) PROJECT SUMMARY A modification permit to allow two project identification monument signs and two leasing directional signs along San Joaquin Hills Road where the North Newport Center Planned Community regulations only allow one of each sign type. Also included is a request to increase the size for both signs above the maximum allowed. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. approving Modification Permit No. MD2016-004 (Attachment No. ZA 1). DISCUSSION • The subject property is located within the San Joaquin Plaza Subarea of the North Newport Center Planned Community (PC-56) Zoning District. A 524-unit multi-family residential project is currently under construction with the main Villas Fashion Island Signage Zoning Administrator, April 14, 2016 Page 2 entrance off San Joaquin Hills Road. The proposed signage is intended to adequately identify the project site and provide leasing information. • The PC-56 zoning currently allows one project identification monument sign and one leasing directional sign. The proposal includes one additional project identification monument sign and one additional leasing directional sign for a total of two each. Also included is a request to increase the sizes for the allowed signage as follows: PC-56 Text Allowance ProposeTIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM Project Identification Sign 6 feet high 8 feet high 12 feet wide 27 feet wide 18 inch letter height 26 % inch letter height Leasing Directional Sign 4.5 feet high 9.75 feet high 5 feet wide 7 feet wide 7 inch letter height 10 inch letter height • The Villas Fashion Island project is developed on a large parcel (18.29 acres) and is set back approximately 40 feet from San Joaquin Hills Road, which is a divided two-way roadway, 145 feet in width. The speed limit is 50 miles per hour. • The proposed additional signage and increased sizes are requested to better identify the primary entrance. This entrance gives direct access to the subterranean parking areas as well as the leasing office and is the only vehicular access on San Joaquin Hills Road. • As demonstrated by the perspective renderings, the size increases are in scale with the overall development (Attachment No. ZA 4). Limiting the number and sizes in accordance with the PC-56 zoning results in signage that is out of scale with the buildings. Landscape improvements surrounding the signs will help to soften the appearance from nearby vantage points. • The proposed increase to size limitations does not interfere with the intent of the PC Text and Zoning Code as it helps provide for adequate identification of the site while guarding against the excessive and confusing proliferation of signs. The proposed increases will allow for greater visibility for motorists traveling on San Joaquin Hills Road to identify the project's primary entrance. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt under Section 15311, of the State CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) Guidelines - Class 11 (Accessory Structures). Class 11 consists of construction or placement of minor structures accessory to (appurtenant to) existing commercial, industrial, or institutional facilities, including but not limited to signs. TmpIt:10-02-15 Villas Fashion Island Signage Zoning Administrator, April 14, 2016 Page 3 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of- way and waterways), including the applicant, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal or call for review may be filed with the Director of Community Development within 14 days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at (949) 644-3200. Prepared by: j mj J . Zdeba, AICP Associa Planner JWC/bmz Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Applicant's Project Description and Justification ZA 4 Project Renderings ZA 5 Project Plans TmpIt:10-02-15 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution RESOLUTION NO. ZA2016-XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING MODIFICATION PERMIT NO. MD2016-004 TO ALLOW ADDITIONAL SIGNS AND INCREASED SIGN SIZES FOR THE VILLAS FASHION ISLAND PROJECT LOCATED AT 1101 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD (PA2016-030) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Irvine Company, with respect to property located at 1101 San Joaquin Hills Road, and legally described as Parcel 3, as shown on a Parcel Map filed in Book 81, Pages 8 and 9 of Parcel Maps, in the Office of the Orange County Recorder. Except therefrom that portion of said land lying within Parcels 1 through 4 as shown on a Map, filed in Book 175, Pages 22 to 24 of Parcel Maps, Records of said County, requesting approval of a modification permit. 2. The applicant proposes two project identification monument signs and two leasing directional signs along San Joaquin Hills Road where the North Newport Center Planned Community regulations only allow one of each sign type. Also included is a request to increase the size for both signs above the maximum allowed. The proposed maximum dimensions for the project identification signs are 8 feet high by 27 feet wide, whereas the PC allows for a maximum sign height of 6 feet and a maximum width of 12 feet. The proposed maximum dimensions for the leasing directional signs are 9.75 feet high by 7 feet wide whereas the PC allows for a maximum sign height of 4.5 feet and a maximum width of 5 feet. 3. The subject property is designated Mixed-Use Horizontal (MU-H3) by the General Plan Land Use Element and is located within the North Newport Center Planned Community (PC-56) Sub-Area San Joaquin Plaza. 4. The subject property is not located within the coastal zone. 5. A public hearing was held on April 14, 2016, in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E-1st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this meeting. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project is categorically exempt pursuant to Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations (Section 15311, Article 19 of Chapter 3, Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act) under Class 11 (Accessory Structures). Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-XXX Page 2 of 6 2. Class 11 consists of construction or placement of minor structures accessory to (appurtenant to) existing commercial, industrial, or institutional facilities, including but not limited to signs. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with Section 20.52.050 (Modification Permits) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: A. The requested modification will be compatible with existing development in the neighborhood. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The subject property is located within San Joaquin Plaza Sub-Area of the North Newport Center Planned Community (PC-56) Zoning District. The proposed project identification monument signs and leasing directional signs are allowed ancillary structures. 2. The proposed project identification monument signs will be located on either side of the primary project entrance on San Joaquin Hills Road. The signs will be complementary to the landscaped areas and will not diminish or negatively impact the character of the development for the following reasons. a. The Villas Fashion Island development is approximately 65 feet tall and set back 40 feet from the property line fronting San Joaquin Hills Road. The larger signs will be in scale with the project and will help improve the ability to identify the Villas Fashion Island development at its primary entrance to motorists on San Joaquin Hills Road, which has higher vehicle speeds. The larger leasing directional signs will better serve the development in providing clear legible leasing information. b. The proposed increase in maximum sign height is similar in height to existing monument signs for adjacent office sites, Fashion Island and Big Canyon, all of which are located nearby and have frontages facing San Joaquin Hills Road. Finding: B. The granting of the modification is necessary due to the unique physical characteristic(s) of the property and/or structure, and/or characteristics of the use. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed monument signs and leasing directional signs will be located at the primary entrance to Villas Fashion Island from San Joaquin Hills Road on a large 03-08-2016 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-XXX Page 3 of 6 parcel (18.29 acres). San Joaquin Hills Road is a 145-foot-wide, divided roadway with a speed limit of 50 miles per hour. The larger signs will help to improve visibility and identification of the site. 2. The sign standards in the North Newport Center Planned Community were designed and oriented toward the office uses previously located at the project site. The proposed larger signs are adequately set back from the public right-of-way and are in scale with the adjacent residential buildings under construction. Finding: C. The granting of the modification is necessary due to practical difficulties associated with the property and that the strict application of the Zoning Code results in physical hardships that are inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Code. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The Villas Fashion Island development is on 18.29 acres and will have one primary entry from a 145-foot-wide divided roadway with high speeds and reduced visibility. The strict application of the sign standards established by the North Newport Center Planned Community would result in fewer and smaller signs and could result in motorists missing the project entry or attempting project entry at higher vehicle speeds. 2. The proposed increases in number and size do not interfere with the intent of the Zoning Code as they provide for adequate identification of the site and leasing information while guarding against the excessive and confusing proliferation of signs. The proposed signs are complementary to other signs in San Joaquin Plaza and North Newport Center. Finding: D. There are no alternatives to the modification permit that could provide similar benefits to the applicant with less potential detriment to surrounding owners and occupants, the neighborhood, or to the general public. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The alternative of compliance with the North Newport Center Planned Community sign regulations would result in signage that is too small and out of scale with the development to be effective. 2. The location of more than one sign of each type in a larger format near the primary entrance is essential for notifying visitors of the project's primary entrance. The signs as proposed will not obstruct vehicle or pedestrian sight distance, are well integrated into the overall design and scale of the development, and will be the only signs on approximately 1,100 linear feet of street frontage. 03-08-2016 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-XXX Page 4 of 6 Finding: E. The granting of the modification would not be detrimental to public health, safety, or welfare, to the occupants of the property, nearby properties, the neighborhood, or the City, or result in a change in density or intensity that would be inconsistent with the provisions of this Zoning Code. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. Approval of the application to allow an additional project identification monument sign and an additional leasing directional sign with an increase in size for both does not change the density or intensity of the existing use. The proposed signs will provide adequate identification for the unique layout of the entryway along San Joaquin Hills Road. 2. The locations of the signs are well within the private property and will not impact the surrounding properties consistent with Fact D-2 above. 3. The size of the signs is well within the scale of signs in the surrounding area and will not adversely affect or be detrimental to persons, property, or improvements in the surrounding neighborhood. 4. The project has been reviewed and conditioned to ensure the sign will be safely located outside the vehicular line of sight. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Modification Permit No. MD2016-004, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. This action shall become final and effective 14 days after the adoption of this Resolution unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Director of Community Development in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 14TH DAY OF APRIL, 2016. Patrick J. Alford, Zoning Administrator 03-08-2016 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-XXX Page 5 of 6 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Division 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval. (Except as modified by applicable conditions of approval.) 2. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 3. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Use Permit. 4. This Modification Permit may be modified or revoked by the Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission or City Council if determined that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity or if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. 5. Any change in operational characteristics, expansion in area, or other modification to the approved plans, shall require an amendment to this Modification Permit or the processing of a new Modification Permit. 6. The project identification monument signs shall have a maximum height of 8 feet and a maximum width of 27 feet. Letter or logo heights shall be limited to 263/4 inches. 7. The leasing directional signs shall have a maximum height of 9.75 feet and a maximum width of 7 feet. Letter or logo heights shall be limited to 10 inches. 8. A copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval Exhibit "A" shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans prior to issuance of the building permits. 9. This approval shall expire and become void unless exercised within 24 months from the actual date of review authority approval, except where an extension of time is approved in compliance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 10. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of 03-08-2016 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-XXX Page 6 of 6 every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of the Villas Fashion Island Signage including, but not limited to, Modification Permit No. MD2016-004 (PA2016-030). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. Public Works Division 11. Sign shall be located outside the vehicular line of sight area, per CIM Standards (STD- 110-2). Building Division 12. The applicant shall obtain building and electrical permits. or 03-08-2016 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map i Can� ary* O • � ills p Htv •ir, - ° n �D aa SAN✓o � ,% �p�� �w �,S��p_�`�� pP���O 'PGE�pN�®e�F���� ���A►� �� SP1✓'.. . )P t:,:�. � 6p� JPO O � SAN°lEH1EN�° R • m p.. � ,�G�NtER'pY m 0% 44 ��x r Yy� yy a j Y �' >• � „ `' i P ti cE ti 4 Newport Beach Disclaimer: Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the data provided,however,The City of GIS Newport Beach and its employees and agents disclaim any and all responsibility from or relating to ��E"''POgT any results obtained in its use. ° m 0 417 833 �_ ' Imagery: 2009-2013 photos provided by Eagle � a, Imaging www.eagieaerial.com ��IFOPNt Feet 4/4/2016 Attachment No. ZA 3 Applicant's Project Description and Justification PA2016-030 C2�� CAA PLANNING February 17, 2016 Ms. Brenda Wisneski Deputy Community Development Director City of Newport Beach 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Subject: Sign Modification Permit Application, Proposed Project Identification and Leasing Directional Signs at 1 San Joaquin Plaza,North Newport Center P.C. Dear Ms. Wisneski: On behalf of Irvine Company, CAA Planning, Inc. (CAA) submits the enclosed sign modification permit application for 1 San Joaquin Plaza related to the proposed 524-unit apartment complex, Villas Fashion Island (Villas). The Villas will be located along San Joaquin Hills Road within the San Joaquin Plaza sub-area of the North Newport Center Planned Community (PC) in an area formerly occupied by five 2-story office buildings. All of the building permits have been issued for the Villas and they are currently under construction with a model opening scheduled for October 2016. The application seeks approval for two project identification monument and two leasing directional signs along San Joaquin Hills Road when the PC allows only one project identification monument and one leasing directional sign. The application also seeks to increase the size for both sign types above what is allowed in the PC. The proposed signage for the Villas will also include advisory signs (Type H Signs) and temporary signs identifying the project as under development and offered for lease. These proposed signs are consistent with the PC and do not require discretionary permitting. Proposed Sins Project Identification Monument Signs The PC sign standards for San Joaquin Plaza allow for one project identification monument sign (Type C-Free Standing Sign) along San Joaquin Hills Road with a maximum height and width of 6 feet and 12 feet respectively, and with a maximum letter height of 18 inches. The application proposes to increase the number of project identification monument signs from the allowed maximum of one sign to two signs which will be located on either side of the entrance drive into the Villas and identified as Signs 1.01.S and 1.02.S on the attached Sign Drawing Sheet G1. The application also proposes to increase the height of the project identification monument signs from the allowed maximum height of 6 feet to 8 feet, to increase the width from the allowed maximum width of 12 feet to 27 feet, and to increase the allowed maximum letter height from the allowed maxim-am letter height of 18 inches to 263/4 inches as shown on the attached Sign Drawing Sheets G2-G3. 65 Enterprise,Suite 130 o Aliso Viejo,California 92656 0 (949) 581-2888- Fax(949) 581-3599 PA2016-030 fZ Ms. Brenda Wisneski February 17, 2016 Page 2 of 3 Leasing Directional Signs The PC sign standards for San Joaquin Plaza allow for one leasing directional sign (Type K- Leasing Sign) along San Joaquin Hills Road with a maximum height of 4.5 feet and a maximum width of 5 feet. The application proposes to increase the number of leasing directional signs along San Joaquin Hills Road from the approved maximum of one sign to two signs which will be located on either side of the entrance drive of San Joaquin Hills Road and identified as Signs 2.01.8 and 2.02.S on the attached Sign Drawing Sheet GI. The application also proposes to increase the height of the leasing directional signs from the allowed maximum height of 4.5 feet to 9.75 feet and to increase the width from the allowed maximum width of 5 feet to 7 feet as shown on the attached Sign Drawing Sheets G4-G5. Consistenev The proposed signs are approved sign types within the PC and are consistent with the scale of other large signs located on the heavily travelled, high-speed arterials surrounding Newport Center as well as on Newport Center Drive and its connector streets. Examples are the 15-foot Type A cube signs at the Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa intersections with San Joaquin Hills Road, the 13'8" high by 8'0" wide Type A blade signs on Santa Rosa Drive and San Nicholas Drives, and the 5'2" high by 20'6" wide Type C sign on Santa Cruz (Figures 1-3). The proposed signs are designed in proportion to height and size of the Villas, which spans most of the block with buildings attaining a maximum height of 65 feet. View simulations are included with the application to show street level perspectives from San Joaquin Hills Road and include views from the southbound and northbound travel lanes, and the northbound left hand turn lane into the Villas (View Simulations 1-7). The view simulations illustrate how the signs, which are drawn to scale in height and width, blend in with the backdrop provided by the sloping terrain and mature landscaping leading up from San Joaquin Hills Road to the large mass presented by the multi- storied apartment buildings. The entry into the proposed project is accessed from San Joaquin Hills Road which has a high degree of vehicular traffic. Consequently, the size and number of signs is important in providing quick and accurate identification of the proposed project residential buildings, leasing office, and visitor parking for prospective tenants located therein. Two project identification monument signs and leasing directional signs are necessary to provide ample time for motorists to make the turn into the project entry from San Joaquin Hills Road. There is no signal proposed to be located at the entry into the project and adequate time is need for eastbound motorists to make the right turn into the project and for westbound motorists to make the left turn into the project from the left-turn pocket proposed to be constructed within the existing median on San Joaquin Hills Road. The project identification monument signs will be positioned at a 45 degree angle to San Joaquin Hills Road and will have a setback of 19 feet and 20 feet from closest corner of the sign to the public right-of-way, and the center of the signs will be 28 feet and 30 feet from the right-of-way, respectively. The leasing directional signs will be located from 2'0"to 11'2" behind public right- PA2016-030 Ms. Brenda Wisneski February 17, 2016 Page 3 of 3 of-way for Signs 2.01.S and 2.02.5, respectively. The size of the signs will be softened by the heavy landscaping around and behind the signs consisting of shrubs (Bird of Paradise and Clara) and mature trees(Afghan Pine and Brisbane Box), some as large as 60"box. Required Actions As permitted by Zoning Code Section 20.42.110.A, Irvine Company requests approval of a Modification Permit to allow the following modifications to the sign standards for The Villas: • Approval to allow a second project identification monument sign (Type C-Free Standing Sign) and to allow increases in the height to 8 feet, the width to 27 feet and the letter height to 263/4 inches to both project identification monument signs. • Approval to allow a second leasing directional sign (Type K-Leasing Sign) and to allow increases in the height to 9.75 feet and the width to 7 feet for both leasing directional signs. The Zoning Code allows the Zoning Administrator to grant a Modification Permit to allow for the placement of signage not contemplated in the PC text. Findings have been prepared in support of the Modification Permit request, and are attached hereto. If you have any questions or concerns,please do not hesitate to contact me at(949) 581-2888. Sincerely, CAA PLANNING, INC. /1/411 Shawna L. Schaffner Chief Executive Officer Attachments: Sign Drawings (5 sets-11"x17") View Simulations 1-7 (5 sets-1l"x17") Figures 1-3 Planning Application,Application Fee Findings Public Noticing Materials Electronic File (CD-ROM) c: Mr.Nate Johnson, Irvine Company PA2016-030 FINDINGS Zoning Code Section 20.52.050—Modification Permits Subsection E. Required Findings. "The Zoning Administrator may approve or conditionally approve a Modification Permit if, on the basis of the application, materials, plans and testimony (orally and/or in writing) submitted, the Zoning Administrator finds all of the following:" A. Finding: The requested modification will be compatible with the existing development in the neighborhood,- Facts eighborhood;Facts in support of the finding for the project identification monument signs and leasing directional signs: 1. The subject property is designated as MU-H3, Mixed Use Horizontal by the Land Use Element of the General Plan and is being developed as residential. The proposed project identification monument signs and leasing directional signs are allowed ancillary uses in the North Newport Center Planned Community. 2. The proposed project identification monument signs and leasing directional signs will be located on San Joaquin Hills Road on either side of the entry into the project and to the leasing office and visitor parking for prospective tenants. 3. The proposed project identification monument signs and leasing directional signs are proportional in quantity and size to the 524 residential units currently under construction and the surrounding North Newport Center offices and hotels. 4. The proposed project identification monument signs and leasing directional signs will be constructed of similar materials and lettering as is typical of the existing signs located throughout North Newport Center which are fabricated aluminum channel letters with internal LED illumination and translucent acrylic faces. B. Finding: The granting of the modification is necessary due to the unique physical characteristic(s) of the property and/or structure, and/or characteristics of the use; Facts in support of the finding for the project identification monument signs and leasing directional signs: 1. The proposed project is located within the San Joaquin Plaza sub-area which. This area generates a high degree of h i g h s p e e d v e h i c u l a r traffic which will increase dramatically because of the large number of destination trips that the proposed project generate. Consequently, the size and number of signs is important in providing quick and accurate Page 1 of 3 PA2016-030 FINDINGS identification of the residential buildings, leasing office, and visitor parking for prospective tenants located therein. 2. Two project identification monument signs and leasing directional signs are necessary to provide ample time for motorists to make the turn into the project entry from San Joaquin Hills Road. There is no signal proposed to be located at the entry into the project and adequate time is need for eastbound motorists to make the right turn into the project and for westbound motorists to make the left turn into the project from the left-turn pocket proposed to be constructed within the existing median on San Joaquin Hills Road. 3. The sign standards contained within the NNCPC were designed and oriented toward the existing office uses previously located on this site. The proposed monument signs are adequately setback from the public right of way and of a scale in proportion to the adjacent residential buildings. C. Finding: The granting of the modification is necessary due to the practical difficulties associated with the property and that the strict application of' the Zoning Code results in physical hardships that are inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Code; Facts in support of finding for the project identification monument signs and leasing directional signs: 1. The proposed project identification monument signs and leasing directional signs do not interfere with the intent or purpose of the Zoning Code as they provide for adequate identification of the site while guarding against the excessive and confusing proliferation of signs. The signs are attractive and invite the public's eye. Their design is complementary to other signs in San Joaquin Plaza and North Newport Center. 2. A strict application of the sign standards established by the North Newport Center Planned Community would result in inadequate identification due to the unique physical layout of the project entry on San Joaquin Hills Road. Motorists will be approaching the entry into the project on San Joaquin Hills Road at high speed on a street with a median planed with mature trees and will need adequate notification of the entry because of the relatively short distances and restricted vision to the entry when approaching from Santa Cruz Drive to the east and from Jamboree Road to the west. D. Finding: There are no alternatives to the Modification Permit, that could provide similar benefits to the applicant with less potential detriment to the surrounding owners and occupants, the neighborhood, or the general public; and Facts in support of finding for the project identification monument signs and Page 2 of 3 PA2016-030 FINDINGS leasing directional signs: 1. The proposed project identification monument signs and leasing directional signs are the appropriate design solution for the identification of the project. The signs will be of a scale that complements the residential and commercial buildings along San Joaquin Hills Road as well as those throughout North Newport Center. 2. Because the proposed residential buildings span a majority of the block on San Joaquin Hills Road between Jamboree Road and Santa Cruz Drive and the size and configuration of the buildings, the proposed project identification monument signs and leasing directional signs project signs will provide greater convenience and visibility for motorists to the site and will not be detrimental to the surrounding owners and occupants, the neighborhood, or to the general public. E. Finding: The granting of the modification would not be detrimental to public health, safety, or welfare to the occupants of the property, nearby properties, the neighborhood, or the City, or result in a change inn density or intensity that would be inconsistent with the provisions of this Zoning Code; Facts in support of finding for the project identification monument signs and leasing directional signs: 1. The proposed project identification monument signs and leasing directional signs will be constructed on private property, approximately 19'-20' from public right-of-way for the project identification monument signs and approximately 2'-11' from the public right-of-way for the leasing directional signs. They will not change the density or intensity of the residential use that they are proposed to identify. 2. The size of the proposed project identification monument signs and leasing directional signs is well within the scale of signs in the surrounding area and will not adversely affect or be detrimental to persons property, or improvements in the surrounding neighborhood. 3. Other signs throughout San Joaquin Plaza have not been found to be detrimental. Page 3 of 3 PA2016-030 fT FF� ' )rr i NE P RT •_ 1 PA2016-030 / At Wig or / �`�11► ' X111 �'������ .50p •52p ''�� S Pl lamN, � Newport Center Dr �1 I Irvine Company -r Wing lung Bank Stifel 02 / 16 21 0 Figure 2—Type A Sign, 13'8" x 8'0" r s GOO CAA PLANNING ED 8r March 9, 2016 cQ�MUNCc t �0 2p16 Mr. Benjamin M. Zdeba Associate Planner 4�U City of Newport Beach o,j 1�1 100 Civic Center Drive Y OP NCO Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Subject: Sign Modification Permit Application, Proposed Project Identification and Leasing Directional Signs at 1 San Joaquin Plaza,North Newport Center P.C. Dear Ben: We are in receipt of a Notice of Incomplete Filing dated February 25, 2016 related to a Sign Modification Permit Application (MD2016-004) for 1 San Joaquin Plaza related to the proposed 524-unit apartment complex, Villas Fashion Island (Villas). We offer the following information in response to the Notice. Consistency Project Identification Monument Sign The proposed project identification monument signs are an approved sign type within the PC and are consistent with the scale of other large signs located on the heavily travelled, high-speed arterials surrounding Newport Center as well as on Newport Center Drive and its connector streets. Examples shown on Figures 1-3 are the Newport Center Type A cube signs at the Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa intersections with San Joaquin Hills Road, the Type A blade signs on Santa Rosa Drive and San Nicholas Drive for Block 500, and the Type C monument sign on Santa Cruz for the Island Hotel. Leasing Directional Signs The proposed leasing directional signs are an approved sign type within the PC (Type K) and are found throughout the PC as shown on Page 31 of the North Newport Center Design Regulations (NNCPC Development Plan, 4th Revised) for Blocks 100, 500, 600, and 800. Justification The only entry into the proposed project is from San Joaquin Hills Road which has a high volume of vehicular traffic. Consequently, the size and number of signs is important to provide quick and accurate identification of the proposed project residential buildings, leasing office, and visitor parking for guests and prospective tenants. An increase in number and size of the project identification monument signs and leasing directional signs is warranted to allow ample time for motorists to make the turn into the entry from San Joaquin Hills Road. The entry into the project is not signalized and adequate time is needed for eastbound motorists to make the right turn into 65 Enterprise,Suite 130 •Aliso Viejo,California 92656 • (949) 581-2888• Fax(949) 581-3599 021_,2�2 Mr. Benjamin M. Zdeba March 9, 2016 Page 2 of 3 the project and for westbound motorists to make the left turn into the project from the left-turn pocket which will be constructed within the existing median on San Joaquin Hills Road. The proposed increase in the size of the identification monument and leasing directional signs is necessary to maintain a sense of proportionality with the height and size of the Villas which span most of the block at a maximum height of 65 feet. Additional view simulations are included with this application which show street level perspectives of the project from San Joaquin Hills Road and include views from the southbound and northbound travel lanes, and the northbound left- hand turn lane into the Villas (View Simulations 1-7). The view simulations illustrate how the signs, which are drawn to scale in height and width, blend in with the backdrop provided by the sloping terrain and mature landscaping leading up from San Joaquin Hills Road to the mass presented by the multi-storied apartment buildings. The proposed increase in size of signs for the identification monument and leasing directional signs is necessary to complement the scope of the landscaping designed for San Joaquin Hills Road which is in keeping with the intent of PC Design Standards for landscaping. The visual bulk of the signs will be reduced by the mature landscaping proposed around and behind the signs consisting of shrubs 2'6" high (Bird of Paradise and Clara) and mature trees to 60" box (Afghan Pine, Brisbane Box, and Olive). The perceived reduction in size is especially noticeable for the existing leasing signs shown on Page 31 of the North Newport Center Design Regulations (NNCPC Development Plan, 4th Revised). Page 31 shows that all of the signs are located in grassy areas and easily seen except for Signs K5 and K10, which are not readily visible, and are located in landscaping similar in size to that proposed for the Villas. The view simulations illustrate how the proposed landscaping will have the same effect on the leasing directional signs but their visibility will be maintained because of the larger size. The proposed increase in the number and size of the leasing directional signs is necessary because of the dual nature of the signs. The existing leasing signs shown on Page 31 of the North Newport Center Design Regulations (NNCPC Development Plan, 4th Revised) serve only to provide a telephone number to a prospective tenant for one of the many commercial buildings in the PC. The proposed leasing directional sign provides an arrow on one side, facing oncoming traffic, directing motorists interested in looking at the project to the location of the leasing office for the Villas project. A telephone number is provided on the opposite side of the sign for motorists who don't have time to stop but want to find out more about the Villas project. Motorists need the visibility larger signs will provide not only because of the high volume of vehicular traffic but also the high speed limit (50 MPH) on San Joaquin Hills Road which does not provide motorists ample time to react. We hope that the additional information provided herein adequately responds to the comments contained in the Notice of Incomplete Filing and the application can be deemed complete. C2-t Mr. Benjamin M. Zdeba March 9, 2016 Page 3 of 3 If you have any additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (949) 581- 2888. Sincerely, CAA PLANNING, INC. Shawna L. Schaffner Chief Executive Officer Attachments: View Simulations I-7 CD - View Simulations c: Mr.Nate Johnson, Irvine Company Attachment No. ZA 4 Project Renderings hj 57 FPR �� ftE:��unou u �Jim10 rw :�C 9 -- -fir C IJI -- -- � 'jd�l 1 r il lulu' f T IIC fi[I , nV e ' NILLAS•FASHIDN ISLAND _y - .a iar ht iiiu0 l iiii '• . Z �_� r� n iii OR, � n 1 yy 5 W TA _ �d Yet II'Pk 'i YA� i i � I I�i�� v� yli �}s '' � i� � � � R i ro Ali ■ NEWPORT ' • _•MMG.... _ I ,I - I III_ a �� � ��� ietlP �� — rte._ I■1�11�1 I� r I__.l i;i J��7�Ili tilui 7 till � r of II j q— rt 1 . I 1i fI�! filp�JG■ :': _ -�.. u -._. m. �_ - i�Y ,. . . �■ ll■ I����i� ' ` � I ��� � _ s �InIIIIN�II�Ihlf �r�i5�' . . --.... � �I�����■��d Il llf�ll � �u � i■7��- �In� �- ��.�■ iE. - �� h .a�•. '�11� y .. Attachment No. ZA 5 Project Plans PA2016-030 Villas Fashion Island Apartment Homes Site Signage Program Irvine Company Apartment Communities Newport Beach, California Project No. 13054 City Submittal 01 .22.16 D A V I E S Davies Associates,Inc. Design Studio 9424 Dayton Way,Suite 217 Beverly Hills,CA 90210 310.247.9572 wwwdaviesla.com PA20'730, — — — — — — — — ------- • /� s1PJtP Lal — DESCRIPTION QTY LEASING DIRECTIONAL 2 _ 41'u t - -..� p JLIT, I o J rr _ �v ��. t� . .� x I _ r - e aLov 0� ° . . az isza r s I MIT— e II II r`r r L �I H� �' .. cl1. alogiapd /l.' IN i L s IL_ � 4 L s i a s� SITE SIGN LOCATION PLAN SCALE:N.T.S. mladmw�rs ana maaaa�ana�madaa G 1 A V E °a�as�soclatas•' �nmmra..aa-aa Villas Fashion Island Apartment Homes Irvine Company crosnnminal oLzz.Is NP Sign Type 1 Design Studio am and map mmam ma pnpenym paaaaAma,maa,l°awdadarn,n Site Signage Program Apartment Communities 9424 Dayton Way,Suite 217 ma emiact mrMir,maven made Project IN Monument Sign Y Y ..ad.mmam nat.immad Beverly Hills,CA 90210 �'rhre°apes °n"s rmiap°°lo°°'' Newport Beach,California 310.247.9572 marmamannn"'ma lmoanaa Project No.13054 www.davieslaconn Aammarea,ma. PA2016-030 NOTES SJP_$i1_PmjOM^nai TYPESTYLES:HELVETICA NEUE CONDENSED BOLD(B6.5% PRECAST CONCRETE CAP&BASETO BE DUICKCRETE HARVEST GOLD CONDENSED)&HELVETICA NEUE BOLD 1 WITH ACID WASH FINISH TO MATCH LANDSCAPE WALL CAP WITH 1/8"RADIUS AT ALL CORNERS&1/4"OUIRK MITER 1/8"THK.ALUMINUM FABRICATED CABINETWITH FAUX SMOOTH "STEEL TROWELED LOOK"PLASTER FINISH&ROUTED PUSHED THRU COPY INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED WITH WHITE LED 15/16"THK.PROUD ACRYLIC COPY MADE FROM V THK.CLEAR ACRYLIC WITH 3/16"THK.ACRYLITE SATINICE SC BLACKANH ITE 9HO4 SC ACRYLIC LAMINATED TO FACE(MATTE SIDE OUT)-EDGES OPACIFIED WITH WHITE PAINT PRIOR TO APPLICATION OF FINAL FINISHED PAINT TO MATCH COLOR OF DAV/NIGHT ACRYLIC 1/TTHK.ALUMINUM PAINTED ADDRESS MOUNTED FLUSH TO FACE F1'HIGHX6"WIDE CAST CONCRETE MOW STRIP PB DUNN EDWARDS DE 6159 MILK MUSTACHE-EGGSHELL FINISH 2TB" Pq MATTHEWS PAINT MP SV929JET BLACK-SATIN FINISH 26'-4" M 2 P3 a 3 VILLAS FASHION ISLAND h M N o C M O C d O � p� O APARTMENT HOMES N M a 1000 - 7422 Z 5 o � a 4 P4 3 ELEVATION-SIGN TYPE 1 - PROJECT ID MONUMENT SIGN SCALE:1/2'=V-0- misma.�rrvr~eO �rciwaa D A V E Davies Associates,Inc. mal^ N��a�ab, x Villas Fashion Island Apartment Homes Irvine Company City Submittal 01.22.16 NP Sign Type 1 Design Studio areaal.I remain ma P.Iw,.1 oam®=�rc,aaa,lrc.m a—. Site Signage Program Apartment Communities 9424 Dayton Way,Suite 217 tawoia.+fix kht,..maaa Project ID Monument Sign evxaceas c vd Beverly Hills,CA 90210 Newport Beach,California 310.247.9572 ey aamrcn^wnaly arhoama= Project No.13054 www.davasla.com awc'a'as Im PA2016-030 T-6" t /13"PROD NOTES SJP SP P,0i 1_ 11-10" ,j 3/16" t/B" 1/8' FI WITH PRECAST CID WASETE CAP&H TO MA CH BE 11111 LANDSCAPE HARVEST GOLD } 7 WITH ACID WASH FINISH TO MATCH LANDSCAPE WALL CAP WITH 1/6"RADIUS ATALL CORNERS&1/4'QUIRK MITER 3 21/9THK.ALUMINUM FABRICATED CABINET W ITH FAUX SMOOTH "STEELTROWELED LOOK"PLASTER FINISH&ROUTED PUSHED THRU — 15/16" 3 ¢ COPY INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED WITH SLOAN V180 LARGE 5000K WHITE(OR)6500K WHITE LED(BOTH TO BE TESTED IN PARTIAL MOCK-UP)&SLOAN DRIVER-FLUSH WATERPROOF ACCESS DOOR ON I I BACK OF SIGN-INTERIOR OF CABINET PAINTED WITH MATTHEWS 3 I I PAINT 281 500SP HIGH REFLECTIVE W RITE 1 I � I I 15/16"THK.PROUD ACRYLIC COPY MADE FROM 1"THK.CLEAR LD 2 PS I I GRADE ACRYLIC WITH 3/16"THK.ACRYLITE SATINICE SC BLACK/WRITE 9H04 SC ACRYLIC LAMINATED TO FACE(MATTE SIDE I I OUT)-EDGES OPACIFIED WITH WHITE PAINT PRIOR TO APPLICATION I I OF FINAL FINISHED PAINTTO MATCH COLOR OF DAY/NIGHT ACRYLIC 5 — — BACK OFACRYLIC LETTERS TO HAVE APPLIED 3M 3635-70 WHITE 3 76/t6 DIFFUSER FI LM STUD-WELD TO BACK OF CENTER PORTION OF LETTERS, MECHANICALLY ATTACH TO LETTER AS SHOWN t 1/2"THK.ALUMINUM PAINTED ADDRESS MOUNTED FLUSH TO FACE P4 6 GUIRK MITER CORNER F8 I 1"HIGH X6"WIDE CAST CONCRETE MOW STRIP 6 P3 OUNN EOWAR0S OE 6169 MILK MUSTACHE-EGGSHELL FINISH 1/4„ P4 MATTHEWS PAINT MP SV929 JET BLACK-SATIN FINISH Z SIDE ELEVATION 3 TYPICAL PUSH-THROUGH LETTER SECTION 4 TYPICAL DETAIL AT PRECAST CORNERS SCALE:1/7'=1 -0' SCALE:HALF SIZE SCALE:HALF SIZE 28'-0" 2T-D„ t s [") N SIGN TYPE t -PLAN VIEW WITH MOWSTRIP SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" muaaw�rvr~eevarc�rciwea G 3 D A V E Davies Associates,Inc Ns „b a Villas Fashion Island Apartment Homes Irvine Company CitySubmlttal 01.22.16 NP Sign Type 1 Design Studio areana anau remain ft p.Iw,.1 oe.®,�rcla.rc.�ah. Site Signage Program Apartment Communities 9424 Dayton Way,Suite 217 trwoia.+fix.khmavaFa 6 Project I0 Monument Sign evx.0 mea sn cvd Beverly Hills,CA 90210 nor"°so�:m...ri,"heeipNewport Beach,California 310.247.9572 eyh Project No.13054 www.davasla.com ^"'rc'a'a%I"° PA2016-030 NOTES saP_saz_Lmsmeohei TYPESTYLES:HELVETICA NEUE CONDENSED BOLD PRECAST CONCRETE CAP&BASETO BE QUICKCRETE HARVEST GOLD 1 &HELVETICA NEUE BOLD WITH ACID WASH FINISH TO MATCH LANDSCAPE WALL CAP WITH 1/8"RADIUS AT ALL CORNERS&1/4"QUIRK MITER 1/8°THK.ALUMINUM FABRICATED CABINETWITH FAUX SMOOTH "STEEL TROWELED LOOK"PIASTER FINISH INON-ILLUMINATED) 3 1/2THK.ALUMINUM GRAPHICS WITH PAINT FINISH MECHANICALLY ATTACHED FROM INSIDE CABINET THIGH X B°WIDE CAST CONCRETE MOW STRIP @) DUNN EDWARDS DE 6169 MILK MUSTACHE-EGGSHELL FINISH 6'-4" 1 P4 MATTHEWS PAINT MP SV929 JET BLACK-SATIN FINISH M 2 P3 3 P4 P4 3 N NOTE: o LEASING' COPY PLACEHOLDERER ONLY. \x'949-000-0000 N °� a ACTUAL PHONE NUMBER&URLTO BE PROVIDED M o PRIOR TOFABRICATION OFSIGN. VillaCBShion lslan .i => 1 z 0 o ' TV:: cp m _ m / 4 i 2 e y � g o- 1 ELEVATION-SIGN TYPE 2-LEASING DIRECTIONAL-SIGN NO.2.01.S (SIDE A) 2 SIDE VIEW 3 SIGN NO.2.01.S(SIDE B) SCALE:1/2'=1--0- SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" meaaw�rvr~eevarc�rciwea D A V E Davies Associates,Inc. ° ,wdttreda,°,x Villas Fashion Island Apartment Homes Irvine Company CitvSubmlttal 01.22.18 NP Sign Type 2 Design Studio °rewa,wl—',to prcpenym rc.�a—. Site Signage Program Apartment Communities Sign Number 2.01.S 9424 Dayton Way,Suite 217 tr co.fir kh t,-6 evx.0 mr—,mm ,vd Beverly Hills,CA 90210 "+�M1e°s^e��'1e^r°^°'^efo�0 Newport Beach,California Leasing Directional 310.247.9572 .ra_rceni W,a."n' P 9 «W arh Project No.13054 www.daviesla.com �.rv,I"° PA2016-030 8.4. NOTES vv_sTz i°e:�^eoir jai PRECAST CONCRETE CAP&BASE TO BE BID ICKCRETE HARVEST GOLD WITH ACID WASH FINISH TO MATCH LANDSCAPE WALL CAP WITH 1/8"RADIUS AT ALL CORNERS&1/4"QUIRK MITER 1/8"THK.ALUMINUM FABRICATED CABINET WITH FAUX SMOOTH "STEEL TROWELED LOOK"PLASTER FINISH I NON-I LLUM I NATED) 1/2"THK.ALUMI NUM GRAPHICS WITH PAINT FINISH MECHANICALLY ATTACHED FROM INSIDE CABIN ET ❑Q 1°HIGH X 6'WIDE CAST CONCRETE MOW STRIP QUIRK MITER CORNER 5 1/4" P3 DUNN EDWARDS DE 6169 MILK MUSTACHE-EGGSHELL FINISH 4 PLAN VIEW WITH MOWSTRIP 5 TYPICAL DETAIL AT PRECAST CORNERS pq MATTHEWSPAINT MPSV929JET BLACK-SATIN FINISH SCALE:1/2"=1'-0' SCALE:HALF SIZE TYPESTYLES:HELVETICA NEUE CONDENSED BOLD 7_0 2'_7 &HELVETICA NEUE BOLD M 2 P3 nor IF _ 3 P4 P4 3 N m: 949-000 -0000- oLL EAS I N G VillasFashionlsland.com o o ; 0 a NOTE: m Q COPY SHOWN ISA C. a PLACEHOLOER ONLY. ACTUAL PHONE NUMBER& N _ _ —URC Tn5-PROVIDED PRIOR TO FABRICATION OF SIGN. — - — — — N z 4 m Q J d 1 ELEVATION-SIGN TYPE 2-LEASING DIRECTIONAL-SIGN NO.2.02.S SIDE A) Z SIDE VIEW 3 SIGN NO.2.02.S(SIDE B) SCALE:1/2'=1'-0" SCALE:1/2"=1'-0' SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" prc D A V Ema.i.penameaevarcrrciwea Davies Associates,Inc.Ina. Villas Fashion Island Apartment Homes Irvine Company CitvSubmlttal 01.22.16 NP Sign Type 2 Design Studio °ream vnaiiremam me penym o° irc.�ah. Site Signage Program Apartment Communities Sign Number 2.02.S G5 9424 Dayton Way,Suite 217 teicoa.fir khmevaFa 6 evx.0 Thr ,mmhe°�ea Beverly Hills,CA 90210 bme°s^e��'1e^�°^°me,nmie�' Newport Beach,California 310.247.9572 ` �"°ILte °` c w�°°m��i^w,��im,�h ox+�e= Project No.13054 Leasing Directional www.davasla.conn �.rv,i^°