HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 - Huntress Modification Permit - PA2016-047 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT VPLANNING DIVISION low 100 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 cq�iFOw�avP 949-644-3200 Fax: 949-644-3229 www.newportbeachca.gov CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT May 12, 2016 Agenda Item No. 1 SUBJECT: Huntress Modification Permit (PA2016-047) 1738 Skylark Lane • Modification Permit No. MD2016-005 APPLICANT: GS Design OWNER: Don and Michelle Huntress PLANNER: David Lee, Planning Technician (949) 644-3225, or dlee@newportbeachca.gov ZONING DISTRICT/GENERAL PLAN • Zone: R-1-6000 (Single-Unit Residential) • General Plan: RS-D (Single-Unit Residential, Detached) PROJECT SUMMARY A modification permit to allow a 27 percent addition to an existing single family residence with nonconforming parking. The Zoning Code limits additions to 10 percent of the existing gross floor area when the required parking dimensions are not met. The nonconforming garage provides an interior width of 18 feet 9 inches and a depth of 20 feet 3 inches, where a minimum 20-foot by 20-foot interior dimension is required. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving Modification Permit No. MD2016-005 (Attachment No. ZA 1). DISCUSSION • The subject property is located in a single-unit residential neighborhood on Skylark Lane. The lot measures approximately 80 feet wide by 110 feet deep. The lot area is 8,800 square feet. 1 Huntress Modification Permit Zoning Administrator, May 12, 2016 Page 2 • The property is developed with a 3,051-square-foot single-family residence constructed in 1960. There is an existing second story over the garage, which was added in 1981. The remainder of the existing residence is a single story. • The existing interior garage dimensions measure 18 feet 9 inches wide by 20 feet 3 inches deep. These dimensions were compliant with the Zoning Code at the time of construction. Current Zoning Code requires clear interior garage dimensions of 20 feet wide by 20 feet deep for this property; therefore, the existing garage is legal nonconforming. The garage is located on the east side of the property with a conforming side setback (6 feet is required; 7 feet is provided). • The applicant is proposing to construct a two-story, 831-square-foot addition, which is an increase of approximately 27 percent of the existing floor area. The addition is located at the rear of the property and will comply with all applicable development standards, including height, setbacks, and site coverage. • The Zoning Code limits additions to residential structures with nonconforming parking dimensions to 10 percent of the existing floor area within a 10-year period. Larger additions may be permitted subject to the approval of a modification permit (Newport Beach Municipal Code Section The applicant proposes leaving the garage dimensions unchanged. • The garage's east wall cannot be moved the 1 foot 3 inches needed to provide the 20-foot-wide parking clearance without encroaching 3 inches into the side yard setback. The removal of the west wall would be costly due to it being a bearing wall for the second floor above, and it would require new framing and foundations. • The existing 434-square-foot garage provides two usable garage spaces and the intent of the Zoning Code is satisfied by providing adequate parking on-site. Approval of the Modification Permit allows the applicant to continue using the existing garage as two (2) parking spaces, which has not proven detrimental to the occupants or neighbors. Additionally, the driveway in front of the garage allows for two (2) open parking spaces on-site. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt under Section 15301 of the State CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) Guidelines - Class 1 (Existing Facilities). This exemption includes additions of up to 10,000 square feet where public services and utilities are available and the area is not considered envirommnetally sensitive. The proposed project is an 831-square-foot addition to an existing single family residence in a developed neighborhood and is not within an environmentally sensitive area. TmpIt:10-02-15 Huntress Modification Permit Zoning Administrator, May 12, 2016 Page 3 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of- way and waterways), including the applicant, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal or call for review may be filed with the Director of Community Development within 14 days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at (949) 644-3200. Prepared by: 2 David S4ee, lanning Technician JM/dl Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Project Plans TmpIt:10-02-15 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 4 RESOLUTION NO. ZA2016-### A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING MODIFICATION PERMIT NO. MD2016-005 FOR A 27 PERCENT ADDITION TO AN EXISTING NONCONFORMING SINGLE-UNIT RESIDENCE LOCATED AT 1738 SKYLARK LANE (PA2016-047) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by GS Design (Gary Sumberg), with respect to property located at 1738 Skylark Lane, and legally described as Lot 4 in Tract 3097 requesting approval of a modification permit. 2. The applicant proposes a modification permit to allow a 27 percent addition to an existing single-family residence with nonconforming parking. The Zoning Code limits additions to 10 percent of the existing gross floor area when the required parking dimensions are not met. The nonconforming garage provides an interior width of 18 feet 9 inches and a depth of 20 feet 3 inches, where a minimum 20-foot by 20-foot interior dimension is required. 3. The subject property is located within the Single-Unit Residential (R-1-6000) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is Single-Unit Residential Detached (RS-D). 4. The subject property is not located within the coastal zone. 5. A public hearing was held on May 12, 2016 in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E-1st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this meeting. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project has been determined to be categorically exempt pursuant to Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations (Section 15301, Article 19 of Chapter 3, Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act) under Class 1 (Existing Facilities) of the Guidelines for CEQA. 2. This exemption includes additions up to 10,000 square feet where public services and utilities are available and the area is not considered environmentally sensitive. The proposed project is an 831-square-foot addition to an existing single-family residence in a developed neighborhood and is not within an environmentally sensitive area. S Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-### Page 2 of 7 SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with Section 20.52.050.E (Modification Permits) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: A. The requested modification will be compatible with existing development in the neighborhood. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The addition would increase the dwelling by 831 square feet for a new family room and bunk room at the rear of the structure. The proposed addition will comply with all applicable development standards, including height, setbacks, and site coverage. The proposed addition will not intensify the nonconforming parking. 2. Skylark Lane consists of single-story and two-story single-family residences. A second story addition above the garage was constructed in 1981, and the proposed two-story addition at the rear of the property will not exceed the height of the second story over the garage. The addition is consistent with the design and height of other properties in the neighborhood. 3. The existing development on the property is a single-family dwelling with a two-car garage. Therefore, there is no change to the density as a result of the proposed remodel and addition. Finding: B. The granting of the modification is necessary due to the unique physical characteristic(s) of the property and/or structure, and/or characteristics of the use. Facts in Support of Finding: 1 . The interior dimensions of the existing two-car garage were compliant with the Newport Beach Zoning Code at the time of construction in 1960. As a result of amendments to the Zoning Code in 2010, the two-car garage is now substandard in size, and is therefore legal nonconforming. 2. A modification permit is necessary because the expansion of the garage walls to increase the garage width is difficult due to the unique physical characteristics of the property. The garage's east wall cannot be moved the 1 foot 3 inches needed to provide the 20-foot-wide parking clearance without encroaching 3 inches into the side yard setback. The removal of the west wall would be costly due to it being a bearing wall for the second floor above, and it would require new framing and foundations. Lastly, a tandem configuration would require significant alteration and 03-08-2016 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-### Page 3 of 7 expansion of the garage and would bring the garage within 5 feet of the existing pool in the rear yard. 3. The granting of the Modification Permit is necessary to allow a reasonable addition to an existing dwelling that was constructed in compliance with garage standards in effect at the time of original construction, and that are adequate in width for the parking of two (2) vehicles. Additionally, the driveway in front of the garage allows for up to two (2) open parking spaces on-site. Finding: C. The granting of the modification is necessary due to practical difficulties associated with the property and that the strict application of the Zoning Code results in physical hardships that are inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Code. Facts in Support of Finding: 1 . The proposed addition is located at the rear of the lot, away from the location of the existing garage, and does not result in the need to modify the garage located at the front of the residence. Increasing the width of the garage to 20 feet to satisfy current parking size requirements would require major structural alterations to the west wall and result in a significant increase in the scope of work in order to increase the garage width by 15 inches. 2. The existing garage provides two (2) useable garage spaces only slightly less than the required widths and fulfills the intent of the Zoning Code by providing adequate parking on-site. The driveway is 22 feet 6 inches long by 16 feet 6 inches wide, which may serve as two (2) additional open parking spaces on-site. Approval of the Modification Permit allows the applicant to continue using the existing two-car garage, which has not been detrimental to the occupants or neighbors of the dwelling, and allows for a reasonable size addition. Finding: D. There are no alternatives to the modification permit that could provide similar benefits to the applicant with less potential detriment to surrounding owners and occupants, the neighborhood, or to the general public. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. An alternative to the Modification Permit is to bring the garage into compliance with current Zoning Code requirements. Expanding the garage to the east will not bring the garage into conformance, unless a variance is approved to allow it to encroach into the setback. Alteration of the west wall would require significant structural changes that would affect the second floor above the garage, since it is a bearing wall. Expansion of the garage to provide a tandem parking configuration would 03-08-2016 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-### Page 4 of 7 significantly increase the scope and cost of the project and unnecessarily impact the usable area of the yard. 2. The applicant may reduce the addition to not exceed 10 percent of the existing floor area of the structure to comply with the requirements of the Zoning Code. Given the intent of the project is to provide a new family room, bunkroom, and bathroom, a redesign to reduce the size of the addition will significantly impact the objectives of the project and would not provide similar benefits to the applicant. Finding: E. The granting of the modification would not be detrimental to public health, safety, or welfare, to the occupants of the property, nearby properties, the neighborhood, or the City, or result in a change in density or intensity that would be inconsistent with the provisions of this Zoning Code. Facts in Support of Finding: 1 . The proposed two-story addition would maintain all required setbacks and will provide adequate protection for light, air, and privacy. The addition will not preclude access to the dwelling and will be consistent in scale with other dwellings in the neighborhood. 2. The existing nonconforming garage has not proven to be detrimental to the occupants of the property, nearby properties, the neighborhood, or the City and is adequate in width to park two (2) vehicles. Additionally, the driveway in front of the garage allows for up to two (2) open parking spaces on-site. 3. The proposed addition will result in site coverage that is less than the maximum allowed by Zoning Code. 4. The approval of this Modification Permit is conditioned such that the applicant is required to obtain all necessary permits in accordance with the Building Code and other applicable Codes. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Modification Permit No. MD2016-005, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date this Resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 03-08-2016 g Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-### Page 5 of 7 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 12" DAY OF MAY, 2016. Patrick J. Alford, Zoning Administrator 03-08-2016 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-### Page 6 of 7 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval (except as modified by applicable conditions of approval). 2. Each parking space within the garage shall be permanently available and maintained for parking purposes. The interior dimensions (18 feet 9 inches wide by minimum 20 feet 3 inches deep) shall be kept clear of obstructions including cabinets, shelving, or similar that may impact the ability to adequately park two (2) vehicles. 3. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 4. A copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval (Exhibit "A") shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans prior to issuance of the building permits. 5. The applicant is required to obtain all applicable permits from the City's Building Division and Fire Department, including for the existing improvements that were constructed without the benefit of building permits. The construction plans must comply with the most recent, City-adopted version of the California Building Code. The construction plans must meet all applicable State Disabilities Access requirements. 6. Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by either the current property owner or the leasing agent. 7. All damaged/broken curb, gutter, sidewalk, and driveway approach along the Skylark Lane frontage shall be reconstructed. 8. A new sewer clean out on existing sewer lateral per city standard STD-406-L shall be installed. 9. This approval shall expire and become void unless exercised within twenty-four (24) months from the actual date of review authority approval, except where an extension of time is approved in compliance with the provisions of Title 20 (Planning and Zoning) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 10. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly 03-08-2016 2� Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA20164t## Page 7 of 7 or indirectly) to City's approval of the Huntress Modification Permit including, but not limited to, Modification Permit No. MD2016-005 (PA2016-047). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. 03-08-2016 22 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 12 VICINITY MAP 1 , ^a i • !► Project Location L i11 - • ` "� 1832 - Modification Permit No. MD2016-005 PA2016-047 1738 Skylark Lane Attachment No. ZA 3 Project Plans 14 PA2016-047 WINDOW SCHEDULE (0) GLAZING: UFACTOR=.325.H.G.C= .25- DUAL GLAZED LOW E-MIN. REQUIRED REVISIONS BY ITEM LOCATION SIZE(WxH) TYPE HDR HT QTY GLS REMARKS GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: PROJECT INFORMATION: 1 KITCHEN 4-0"X3-0" CSMT/FIX 6-8" 1 (N)3.WIDE 30 DEG. BAY WOO UNIT TO FIT INTO (E)OPEN'G 1. PROVIDE PORTABLE.TOILET AND HAND WASH STATION PER OSHA REGULATIONS PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 2 KITCHEN 6-0"X4-0" SLDR 6-8" 1 MULLION BARS (SEE ELEVATIONS) 2. HOUSE NUMBER SHALL BE MOUNTED TO THE HOUSE AND SHALL BE VISIBLE AND ADDITION AND KITCHEN REMODELTO AN EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE;WORKTO INCLUDE- LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET IN A CONTRASTING COLOR. 4" TALL MIN. 1.NEW 803 SF 2 STORY REAR ADDITION TO INCLUDE NEW GROUND FLOOR FAMILY RM.AND 2 N FLOOR"BUNK ROOM" 3 KITCHEN 3-0"X4-0" FIXED 6-8" 1 2.REMODEL OF EXISTINGENTRANCE TO INCLUDE NEW DECORATIVE'GABLE;NEW BAY WINDOW AND AN ADDITIONAL 27 SF OF LIVING AREA. 3.DEMO OF EXISTING KITCHEN(220 SF)AND REPLACE WITH NEW KITCHEN IN SAME LOCATION. 4 LIV RM 10-0"X4.0" EXISTING 6.8" TO REMAIN/NO WORK 3. SPECIAL INSPECTOR SHALL REGISTER WITH THE CITY 4.NEW 124 SF REAR YARD PATIO COVER(UNCONDITIONED). 5 LIV RM 3-6"X4'-0" EXISTING 6-8" 2 TO REMAIN/No WORK 4. THE DISCHARGE POLLUTANTS TO ANY STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM IS PROHIBITED. NO PROJECTADDRESS: SOLID WASTE, PETROLEUM BY-PRODUCTS, SOIL PARTICULATE, CONSTRUCTION WASTE 1738 SKYLARK LANE 6 BEDRM#1 7-6"X3-o" EXISTING 6-8" TO REMAIN/NO WORK MATERIALS OR WASTE WATER GENERATED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL BE PLACED; NEWPORT BEACH,CA.92660 7 BA#1&3/FR 2-0"13.0"' S HUNG 6-8" 5 CONVEYED OR DISCHARGED INTO THE STREET GUTTER OR STORM DRAIN SYSTEM. APN No. 117-473-04 5. PROPOSED PROJECT IS LESS THAN (<) 500 - 1000SF WITH NO SPECIAL CONDITIONS. HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION:N/A 8 FAM RM(FR) 5-6"X3-0" EXISTING 6-8" 1 EXISTING WDO RELOCATED FROM EX BDRMR2 NO SOILS REPORT IS REQUIRED. SOILS INSPECTION AND MEMORANDUM TO CERTIFY SUBGRADE COMPACTION AND FOOTING BEARING PRESSURE PRIOR TO REQUESTING CODE COMPLIANCE: 9 FAM RM 7-6"X3-0" EXISTING 6-8" 1 EXISTING WDO RELOCATED FROM DELETED EX BEDRM INSPECTION IS REQUIRED. 2013 CALIFORNIA CODES(CRC;CBC,CPC,CMC,CEC,CG,BEES) 10 BDRM#2. 5-0"X3-0" SLDR 6-8" 1 TEMP LOCATEADJACENTTO EXISTING OPNG = \p W/LOCAL AMMENDMENTS;REGULATIONS AND ORDINANCES-.CHPAS OF THE NBMC _ 2013 T24 COMPLIANCE. 11 BA#2/PWDR 3-0"X2-0" EXISTING 6-8" 2 TO REMAIN/NO WORK lf;�69.4 I'rT2•�l �� 'I 8 17 CONSTRUCTION: 12 GARAGE 4-0"X3-0" EXISTING 6-8" 1 TO REMAIN/NO WORK -; 79.54' ,v,,,x _�� TYPE V-B/OCC-R3/U 13 BUNKRM 6-0"X3-6" SLDR 6-8" 1 _ FIRE SPRINKLED:NO GSDesign I L}•I I'I ,�s. ✓ �,I BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE(SF)ANALYSIS: I,} } } , 14 BUNKRM 8-0"X3-6" SLDR/FIX 6'-8" 1 4'W FIX WDO W/2'W SLDR EA SIDE ,I!,\' '^ I +D I architecture + Interiors EXIST NG It' -- -• CONDITIONED- 16 IITIONEDS &2."FLRSFI: PROPOSED (N)TOTAL 15 STAIRS(STR) 2-0"X8-0" FIXED 5-8" 1 HDR. HT. MEASURED FROM 2N°FLR. 16 STR/BA#3 4-0"X2-0" SLDR 6-8" 2 I t (1 -1945 +2o-5525) 24985F 15 -380.8+2NO-450.0=830.8'SF 3328.8 SF ;D ARC 7. - I NON-CONDITIONED- r15 H/T 17 BATH#3 2-6"X1-6" SLDR 6-8" 1 TEMP _ s - ( (GARAGE&AREA UNDER 2ND FUR)) 552.5 SF 124 SF(COVERD PATIO) 676.5 SF \G� O IFAGE OF G. S.SUMBERG A 18 BUNKRM 2-6" DIA.. FIXED 7-6" 1 ROUND WINDOW - 4 L �FA5CIA * C-27752 {r BUILDING SUMMARY: 5'-O" (E)RES.UVABLE AREA 2498.0 SF 19 BDRM#4 6-0"X4.0" EXISTING 6-8" TOREMAIN/NO WORK(REFER TO DWG.2/A4-ELEV.) CL '9 PROP.ADD'L LIV.AREA 830.85E 9p RENTAL A��P _ -? TOTAL RES LIV AREA 3328;8 SF FOF 20 BDRM#4 BDRM#4 2-0"X3-0" EXISTING 6-8" TO REMAIN/NO WORK(REFER.TO DWG.2/A4-ELEV.) I 8 = s I I I Q (E)GARAGE&2ND FUR 552.5 SF PROP PATIO COVER 124.0 SF 21 BDRM#4 4-0"X3-0" EXISTING 6-8" TOF;EMAIN/NO WORK(REFER TO DWG.1/A5-ELEV.) I 7 r _ TOTALUNCOND..AREA 676.5 SF 22 BUNKRM 2-6"X2-6" FIXED 2 VELUX SKYLIGHT-MODEL#FS N402 LOT COVERAGE(60%ALLOWABLE INCL,AREA.UNDER EAVES) DOOR SCHEDULE ( ) ' i 1 LOT AREA- 8783 SF O X O r � ' # , ;+{: I (E)RES FTPRINT- 3103.5 SF (E)LOT COVERAGE=35.3%) (N)RES.FTPRINT - 3755 SF (N)LOT COVERAGE=42.75%LOT COVERAGE ElN 2 STO Y D ITI,©N I ITEM LOCATION SIZE(WxH) DR/FRAME FIN. TYPE QTY REMARKS �, � )"•' '�� - J n .-,. r y I ZONING INFORMATION: 1 ENTRY 3-6"X6-8" WD/WD PT A 1 1314" PRE-HUNG DUTCH DOOR W/FULL LITE UPPER LEAF DA, •- -- = --�--- RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS-.R-1-6000 2 BDRM#2 2-8"X6-8" WD/WD PT 8 '1 FLUSH DOOR/HDWARE BY OWNER SETBACK FT YD-20 FT./REAR YD -6 FT. /SIDE YD.-6 FT. ,(!j MAX BLDG HT.24 FT.FLAT/29 FT-SLOPED 3 BATH#1 2-6"X6.8" WD/AWD PT B 1 FLUSH DOOR/HDWARE BY OWNER C PROJECTTEAM: 4 STORAGE 2-0"X5-6'' WD/WD PT B 1 FLUSH DOOR CUSTOM TO FIT UNDER STAIR/HDWR BY OWNER 1 a Ilk I 'I X S FAM RM 6-0"X6-8" VYL/VYL FA C 1 2 PANEL PATIO SLIDER I OWNER- RUSS AND DANIELLE COLE& FAMILY TEL NO. 1-206-715-8162/949-209-7304 6 STAIR 2-8"X6-8" IND/FG PT D 1 FULL LIGHT-ABS "PLASTPRO" MODEL DRS I I I I O DESIGN- GSDESIGN 7 BDRM#2 8-0"X6-8" EXISTING TO REMAIN/NO WORK ( GARY SUMBERG TEL. N0,714-926-2700 8 BATH#2 2-6"X6-81" EXISTING TO REMAIN/NO WORK _60 toll ^ 'tT ISP O STRUCTURAL- YAGHI ENGINEERS 9 DIN RM 10-0"X6-8" EXISTING - TO REMAIN/NO WORK ( Ibpyo' SHUCRI"CHUCK"'YAGHI Yp' cJ (S I TEL NO. 949-310-7329 10 GARAGE 2-6"X6-8" EXISTING TO REMAIN/NO WORK I Z y ! j T-24- .CARSTAIRS ENERGY 11 GARAGE 16-0"X6-10" EXISTING TO REMPO BOX 4773636 AIN/NO WORK I I X -� c PO BOX 12 CLOSET 6-0"X6-8" WD/WD PT B 1 2 PNL SLIDING DOOR/RECESS FINGER PULL SELECTED BY OWNER X' tJ •+� � . EXISTING 1STORY RESIDENCE I I �.1` 805-904-9048 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA. 93403 13 BATH#3 2-6"X6-8" WD/WD PT B 2 FLUSH DOOR(LH & RH3WING) HDWRBY OWNER ,2O ( SHEET INDEX: � 7'-4" 14 BDRM#4 6-0"X6'-8" EXISTING TO REMAIN/NO WORK (REFERTO DWG.1/AS-ELEV.) r ' `" I I Al-PROJECT INFO,SITE PLAN &WDO& DOOR SCHEDULES �I-�•`)J. �� _I I ©N-1-GENERAL NOTES 7'-0" r r I 1 I 72 GN-2-GENERAL NOTES ABBREVIATIONS: - GN-3-CITY-RESIDENTIAL MIN.REQUIREMENTS 20 A2-1ST& 2 No FLOOR`PLAN OBS-OBSCURE GLASS AW-AWNING PT- PAINT WD-WOOD MTL-METAL VYL-VINYL SC-SOLIDCORE FG-FIBREGLASS FA-FACTORYFIN. 9 - -- - j A3-IST& 2No REFLECTED CLG.PLAN/UTILITY PLAN EXISTING 2 STORY OVER GARAGE ( } -1 ats ' a1- A4-ELEVATIONS&SECTION WINDOWS-ALL NEW WDO'S TO MATCH EX.WHITE VINYL WDO'S(MILGARD TUSCANY SERIES OR EQ.) NOTE:WOO#1 BY EAGLE WINDOWS OR EQ. 1C I - X p A5-SECTIONS& DETAILS y� rY A6-DETAILS .till T24.1-T24ENERGY COMPLIANCE ' Siei�,hts� r•,ccP V T24.2-T24ENERGY COMPLIANCE _D S1 - FRAMING PLAN �.. .. 2 .. ® ..),.`• 52 - FOUNDATION PLAN D1-GEN. NOTES r; wv ♦ },Fr ..i i D2 DETAILS I r .: [_. L• _-.�_. rc - ' ami u yh y` <'aJ .-i " i.1mTi 4,^,a 1 • Wil/ D3 - DETAILS - c s =-� `� • N - - ' D4 - DETAILS I wt9m 5t- a r 3 4 5 / DENOTES EXISTING SITE DRAINAGE j o s++- - z "^: Z . 2 PATTERNS(SITE IS GENERALLY FLAT ( er n :^-d°a R .d `.�� K°r� 4=ln `b-s $'� 1= W , y SLOPING FROM HOUSE TO STREET) 3� � 64amys'45. FS'o r® a r •'..e a Sa - 5 oyyl r 5 J KEYNOTES - SITE PLAN: ( ❑ ) _J\ I I' -I J / I II I =� ' •• J H,,� % 3738 skylark � l 1 O hs,sr Ln Newport �y/J� �j T 1 to -\ i dy l�I O`. Beach,,CA L xL 9 92660 1 LINE OF EXIST'G BUILDING FOOTPRINT TO REMAIN 111 I 0 Si W 2 LINE OF EXIST'G ROOF TO REMAIN L y' , Fq a V 3 DENOTES AREA OF NEW ADDITIONAL AREA(27 SF) UNDER EXISTING ROOF 4 DENOTES AREA OF NEW 2 STORY ADDITIONZ 1 1 SL s e r' W c 's / x 5 DENOTES NEW ROOF TO CREATE NEW COVERED PATIO 1! ' { �4a o-' h c as OINN I J W 6 DENOTES NEW"CALIFORNIA" FRAMED GABLE ROOF ON EXIST'G ROOF ' Frhs` J 7 DENOTES LINE OF NEW ROOF OVER NEW 2 STORY ADDITION _ y f/r~��i IJhIlcli� �� r ,yam ot';sc� �''� y5 , �r, 0 C 8 DENOTES NEW SKYLIGHTS IN NEW ROOF (7 Il;o•Q ; �; q �.� Q Q 9 DENOTES EXIST'G CONCRETE (FLATWORK) TO BE REMOVED L m( r r $ " /j 10 NEW CONCRETE FLATWORK TO TIE INTO EXISTING CONC. DECK ' arro, '� T eES LL ( 6 VICINITY MAP: 0. 11 DENOTES NEW BRICK WALKWAY m --® C 0� W W 12 LINE OF EXISTING WALKWAY TO BE REMOVED CO j 13 LOCATION OF EXIST'G INCOMING GAS SERVICE O C'7 W 14 LOCATION OF EXIST'G INCOMING WATER SERVICE SKYLARK LANE W 15 LOCATION OF EXIST'G MAIN SANITARY LINE 0' V r Z 16 LOCATION OF EXISTIN'G ELECTRICAL SERVICE'PANEL 17 LOCATION OF EXIST'G EDISON EQUIPMENT 18 EXIST'G 6 FT. HIGH WOOD FENCE AT PROPERTY LINE TO REMAIN Date 3-10-16 19 EXIST'G WOOD GATES TO REMAIN 20 EXIST'G FIREPLACES AND SPARK ARRESTORS TO REMAIN ti Scale 21 CITY SIDEWALK AND PLANTING STRIP 7 1 SITE PLAN 22 EXIST'G POOL EQUIPMENT TO REMAIN Drawn GS .lob COLE Sheet Al Of Sheets 2414311 CLEARPRmra PA2016-047 2/A5 ' 2 REViSi®NS BY GENERAL FIRE BLOCKING NOTES: 1SP _ . CONCEALED SPACES OF STUD WALLS AND PARTITIONS,INCL.FURRED a 51A4 SPACES ATTHE CEILING AND FLOOR LEVELS ATA MAX.10' 0"INTERVAL BOTH HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL 2.AT ALL INTERCONNECTIONS BETWEEN CONCEALED VERTICAL AND HORIZ SPACES SUCH AS SOFFITS,DROPPED CEILINGS,COVE CEILINGS AND TOPS OF I FRAMED COLUMNS. 3.IN CONCEALED SPACES BETWEEN STAIR STRINGERS,ATTHE TOP AND BOTTOM - _ • - ; ---. - "" '° . - OFTHERUNANDBETWEENSTUDSALONGANDIN-LINE WITH THE RUN OF THE STAIRS.IF WALLS ARE CONSTRUCTED BENEATH.(NOT APPLICABLE IN THIS PROJECT). 4.IN OPENINGS AROUND VENTS,PIPES,DUCTS;CHIMNEYS AND FIREPLACES AND SIMILAR OPENINGS,WHICH AFFORDS FOR THE PASSAGE FOR FIRE AT CEILING AND FLOOR LEVELS.USE NON-COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS. t, S.AT OPENINGS BETWEEN ATTICSPACES AND CHIMNEY SPACES FOR FACTORY BUILT , I FIREPLACE.(NOT APPLICABLE IN THIS PROIECi) I -PH ) ,,- ,i _• _� - -_ - 6.WALLS HAVING STAGGERED OR PARALLEL STUDS FOR SOUND CONTROL,SHALL _ -HAVE FIREBLOCKS OR MINERAL FIBER OR GLASS FIBER OR OTHER APPROVED t. O !, .«-- •- / , - - NON-RIGID MATERIAL. � �� 43 _ 4.NYy�''7 - LI. !-[ J w+"'i: •- -•--• - - -;,i` ` 7.THE INTEGRITY OF.ALL FIREBLOCKING AND DRAFT STOPS SHALL BE MAINTAINED. _ ❑ A5 O 22 c G --- 44 y fv21 f`�il l _ o GN 20 � GSDesign 46 13 _ —_- --- - ' architecture + interiors �' 41A - ` 4 — _ �agBD AApy�r� — I - S. 9UMBER C �M rrr _ 31A5 45 � . _ 6 r �_ ' 4ur �,- __. B I IF— 1 2 2ND FLOOR PLAN 114 — 1 -0 ,— I KEYNOTES — FLOOR PLAN: (FT _ DEMO NOTES: (GENERAL NOTE: PATCH AND MAKE GOOD ALL SURFACES AFFECTED BY NEW WORK) 1IA5 \\f i , - 27 1 EXISTINGWALL(S)TOBEREMOVED-REFERTOSTRUCTURAL 2 EXISTING WINDOW TO BE REMOVED FOR NEW WINDOW. INFILL/REFRAME AS REQUIRED 18: __ 'h '- { , i ` 3 DEMO OUT EXIST'G EXTERIOR WALK.TAKE DOWN TO SLAB FOR (N) INTERIOR FLR. FINISH I _ 131A4 4 CLEAN UP, PREP AND REMOVE DRY ROT WOOD SIDING. PRIME AND PREP FOR NEW HORIZ. SIDING 5 EXISTING FRONT DR.,THRESHOLD AND FRAMING TO BE REMOVED. PATCH AND PREP FOR(N) WORK. -- 6 ALL EXT. STUCCO TO BE REMOVED.TAKE DOWN TO STUD AND PREP FOR NEW DRYWALL FINISH. "D� 2 7 EXISTING STONE VENEER TO BE REMOVED. PREP SUBSTRATE TO RECEIVE NEW FINISH I 2/A5 8 EXISTING DECORATIVE LOW CEILING TO BE REMOVED. I j i � � 9 : 9 EXISTING HOT WATER TANK TO BE REMOVED. odf 0EXISTING ROOF EAVES TO1 PATCH AND MAKE GOOD IKE BACK GFACE OBUILDING OOR& CCEILNGTHROUHOUTAFF 1ECTED YNEW WOR f K. � , 12 DEMO AND REMOVE EXISTING KITCHEN UPPER AND LOWER CABINETS& BUILT-IN BANQUETTE &TABLE. 13 NOT USED �Q 14 NOT USED t � i ' ` LL:r CONSTRUCT N NOTES: 155 NEW SALIVA GED BRICK VENEER PAVERS- WHITE WASH FINISH (OWNER TO SELECT) 1 � + — — — _ I'WDR, ,_ " ,; ASSEMBLIES: 16 NEW SALVAGED WHITEWASHED BRICK PLANTER (16'L X 2'-3"D X 12"H) ON EXISTING SUBSTRATE. I t WALLS- 17 LINE OF EXISTING FLOOR OVER w NEW EXTERIOR WALL - 19 ENCLOSED E SABLLEF PACE UNDER STAIRWAY TO BE PROTECTED ON THE ENCLOSED SIDE WITH / TYPE 'X' GYPSUM O I j 2 X 4 STUD AT 16" OC W R-13 INSULATION 18 LINE OFOVER „ ti`1 O 9 _ BOARD (CBC 1009 5.3) NEW INTERIOR WALL - 20 OPTIONAL ACCESS DOOR BENEATH STAIR LANDING (30" X 30") 2 X 4 STUD AT 16" DC to 21 NEW HARDWOOD STAIRS(STAINED OAK TREAD OR EQ.) WITH MIN W' PAINTED RISER. PAINTED STL. PICKETS AND �� W O. . - V Q� SHAPED STAINED HAND RAIL (MIN. DIA. -2") FLOOR .I :-- , 22 NEW HARDWOOD FLOOR FINISH. OWNERTO SELECT. PAINTED BASE BOARDTO MATCH EXIST'G. I D ( } 23 NEW HARDWOOD FLOOR FINISH. REMOVE CARPET IN EXISTING PART OF HALL& PREP FOR NEW HDWD. FLR. CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE SEE STRUCTURAL). 24 NEW 114"1 BUILT-IN SHELVING AND CABINETS. PAINT FINISH -I ' -_$' _ r W r � —'� ROOF- Q v 25 NEW TILE FLOOR./8" TEMWNER TOPERED SELECTCLEAR SLOPED ROOF - NEW 2 X 12 FRAMING W� MIN. 26 NEW MIN. 3/8" TEMPERED CLEAR GLASS FIXED SHOWER PANEL (42" X 76") ON 4" X 4" TILED CURB. , - a _ I,�/ I_ - . _,; R-38-INSULATION (VENTED) %: 27 NEW TILED SHOWER ON CONT. HOT MOP WATERPRF'ING ON MIN. " CEMENT BACKER BOARD. FLOOR& CEILING. �— LU Z NO GREEN BOARD. SLOPE FLOOR TO DRAIN AT MIN. 1/8"/FT.TAKE TILE UP TO 8' CEILING HT. [TILE MUST BE 72" MIN _� } y f I Ott J 1 ABOVE DRAIN INLET AS PER CRCR307.2, CBC 12102.3) •- �S._ lSC. . __ -,_.. zi^lC 28 NEW 3' WIDE VANITY. OWNER TO SELECT TOWEL BARS,TP DISPENSER AND FIXTURES. (16-9"X 20'-3") Z r � s � 29 NEW TILE FLOOR FINISH IN KITCHEN. OWNER TO SELECT I a5 _LCL/ 30 NEW 30" HIGH ENTRY WALL. 1 X PAINTED TOP CAPON BOARD AND BATT WALL FIN. 2' BATTSAT V-19" OC. BOTH , 1 1 32 / �-� Q_ J M SIDES. PAINT FINISH Q +R i1 / P J LLI 31 NEW 6' X 7'.BUILT IN BREAKFAST BENCH SEATING W/ NEW 2'6" X S'TABLE. OWNER TO SELECT FABRICAND TABLE . — 16 I 1 i 6 32 NEW 8' X 3'-8' KITCHEN ISLAND. OWNER TO SELCT COUNTERTOP MATERIAL,APPLIANCES AND CABINETS. STRUCTURAL — Y j}- t 30 �± p� 33 NEW UPPER AND LOWER KITCHEN CABINETS. OWNER TO SELECT COUNTERS,APPLIANCES AND CABINETS. 41 SEE 12 4I F r �`v I WALL LEGEND °a O { 6 34 NEWPANTRY CABINET4-6' X8' X2') 41� ( ( J 35 NEW GAS FIRED COOK TOP I _ _ W W li 36 NEW SINGLE BOWL "FARMHOUSE" STYLE SINK. OWNER TO SELECT ) 3 - '- O. �— _ ){ IGr \V �p sour'. O J 37 NEW DISHWASHER IN SAME LOCATION ( 35 ( 29 O N �j' W 38 NEW 30" WIDE DOUBLE OVEN AND CABINET,—_- 39 NEW 48" WIDE COUNTERDEPTH FRIDGE/FREEZER. Z 37 40 EXIST'G WALL BETWEEN LIVING AREA AND GARAGE TO REMAIN. NO WORK TO BE DONE 1 5 9� 4 4`r��q �v I�I'O,L ­� � wp`f ~ 41 EXISTING BEDROOM & BATHRM OVER GARAGE TO REMAIN. NO WORK TO BE DONE IN THISAREA. -' _ Imo 42 LINE OF WALL BELOW. 1 �+)----- r I --- N _ I ' .: ..�6 : k' Y Date 3-10-16 43 NEW CARPET& PAD FLOOR FINISH. BASEBOARD TO MATCH EXISTINGF` 44 LINE OF CEILING ABOVE — '. ) Scale AS NOTED 45 NEW PAINTED ROD &SHELF. SHELF LOCATED 6'AFF TT _ 46 NEW CONTINUOUS 1X PAINTED WOOD CAP ON GUARD RAIL WALL 89 38 =\'- O 2 O 61 " •I N - - Drawn GS Yy 47 NEW 30"WIDE VANITY. OWNER TO SELECT TOWEL BARS,TP DISPENSER AND FIXTURES. 17 4 7 I I 2' ( - o 48 LINE OF NEW BRICK VENEER BELOW NEW CORNER WINDOW UNITS qg p by (j7 Job COLE 49 NOT USED '-'- Sheet FLOOR PLAN I — 114 = 1'-0" t p A2 21A4 of Sheets 24X20 CLILWAIM PA2016-047 I ssvislorrsm sv l r 1A 2 ( sl I d- lp i 14 / 58 5 — 22' - i — B2 ' : 59 • r.. -' ( 52 Woksign _ ,����Y .—_-�..�• ; /—+ _ \/,X Lu - y. , �� ; ,. ., ��_— - architecture + interiors - 62 �a5SD ARph/ _... suMeeaa�eI 0-27752 10 - , I ` Vo Y.I Gr• .. _ ', ,e 9p Aon �\P — -. , .._.. - - r 6 I ✓4 L ' p- 2 2ND FLOOR - R.C. P _ ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS { }ti.�. s_ - \tet? ! �r -�' �i,r� L►c. !'°�" I �1 - , - t - GIN��o`¢�ds:_. �V UIe•�j� �IR� IJ �i _. 51 56 _i GSI{ 1,j } , ,. • , I J I I I t ' 63 -P- 3 WL _. . i Ilv'v pl�lal G%c I' L11 LU RCP KEYNOTES: L-145. C114 50 GWB CEILING- PAINT FINISH 51 2X RAFTER TAIL W/1X6 STARTER BOARD WITH 2 X 8 PAINTED FASCIA BOARD. MATCH EXISTING L7? . d( Z 52 STUCCO FINISH SOFFIT(MATCHES NEW WALL STUCCO FINISH) LU 53 EXISTING SOFFIT TO REMAIN. PREP& MAKE GOOD FOR NEW PAINT FINISH ,�f® I, - 0 U 54 NEW TRIM BOARD TO WRAP EXIST'G BEAM. SMOOTH CEILING BOARD TAKEN BACK TO FACE OF ENTRY WALL. '- �' `"�' • w PROVIDE 4" CROWN MOLD AT ENTRY WALL. I�� ,^ 55 NEW PAINTED 6 X 12 WOOD BEAM TO MATCH EXSITING. PAINT FINISH. v r �_ _ +z�ay`� 'fCL' \\/ps-L� 1"G'I v+ Z = 56 NEW PRE FIN METAL GUTTER& RWL I o ! I W J `/ 57 NEW TANKLESS WATER HEATER EXTERIOR MOUNTED TO FACE OF EXISTING BUILDING. MODEL NORITZ NRC 711 DV NG LU (OR APPROVED EQUAL). MIN 15,000BTU/MAX 157,000BTU.TIE IN NEW 3W dia. GAS LINE FROM EXISTING HOT 1 II ems—:- -- ( +' _O '0� �� ~ 1 _ --- _ MM 58 VELUX SKYLIGHT—DECK MOUNTED. MODEL FS M02. VELUX TESTING- WDMA HALMARK CCL.TEST REPORT LI �� 9 �� � � I I I � r't. '8' ' � � �:' � 63625.02 -109-44-R3 & 83625.01-109-44. WATER TANK LOCATION. • � � �` = — 59 DENOTES NEW SUPPLYAIR REGISTER (S/A)AT FINISHED FLOOR. ;' \ 7.:;..,, ,• ?- �v auis � /�'d iG. ,CI�IF 1Lo rrl" .fit O LI� Q J 60 NEW 200 AMP SERVICE IN SAME LOCATION AS EXISTING 100 AMP SERVICE PANEL. �.�,` �(.• 61 EXISTING DRYWALL CEILING TO REMAIN. PAINT FINISH 57 ` �� rte— I 1 I4b}�'�(� IICv G�Ii I O otai�r- Pq{Lr G1 K:W I I�u�� f°d.G�'r L Y O 62 NEW ATTIC ACCESS- 22" X 36"MIN UBC 3205 `1 r �f ^ ( ) i. ' !-� '_ it •f �0 -.- I p ,... .. _�.?-i�l I ` - I. NNN_IF�I lL W v, li 63 1 X 6 STARTER BOARD. PAINT FINISH � ` _ 64 INSTALL CARBON MONOXIDE SENSOR IN NEW ATTICSPACE _ _/ ;X r��(I� p J O w • T - rp . . F to Date 3-10-16 v r r _--_� t -� _ Scale AS NOTED Drawn GS ` ����I 63 �( 10 53 54 Job COLE 1 FIRST FLOOR - R.C. P_ _ _ _ �' Sheet A3 Of Sheets saxaa araaaxuTO PA2016-047 A 1 _ REVISIONS BY 21 20 - A6 FL13 _ 10 e 8. A6 fit _F Mesign 6 -� ; ' 4�) O__ 5 - . 6 >��� +ate . , architecture + interiors .A 7 t I< 11� NSVD ARCHij „ 2 - = G� Fo :2 G. S.SUMBERG J � 6 � s A6 Q 1 9 0 - OFC - - B • 22 ro l• A - 0 EAST ELEV. int. view facing ool - - 5 SOUTH ELEV. rear view J-.� 1: A 1 7YP:_... _ 5 — _ KEYNOTES — ELEVATIONS: .( ❑) l 2 EXTERIOR STUCCOOONEW 70/301SAND COAT STUOCCOTFINISH.IIOLOR TBD• ON 2 GM TAN ATH ON D TWO LAYERS OF GRADE "D"BUILD'G PAPER ON 5/8" MIN OSB EXTERIOR SHEATH'. PROVIDE CONT. 26GA SCREED MIN. 4" ABOVE GRADE-/M1N. 2"ABOVE HARDSCAPE 5 3 NEW THIN BRICK VENEER FINISH EMBEDDED ON CONT. MORTAR BED ON 2" CONT. MESH ON ONE N� LAYER OFGRADE'D BUILDINGPAPERON CEMENT BOARD (MESH TAPE ALL JOINTS) 3A PREP AND,MAKE GOOD EXIST'G SUBSTRATE TO ACCEPT NEW THIN BRICK VENEER. 36 PREP AND MAKE GOOD EXISTING SUBSTRATE TO ACCEPT NEW BRICK PAVER AND MORTAR BED. EXISTING ROOF TO1 3 E 4 NEW POLYPROPOLENE SHUTTERS- 15" W FACTORY FINISHED RAISED PANEL SHUTTER. MID -.__ - --- - REMAIN AMERICA SIDING COMPONENTS. COLOR SELECTED BY OWNER 5 NEW - LDP . 1 14 -7 UL 263 • ATM E119RGANMULCTSIOINFPA251FIREDESTUK SIDINGI " LAP SIDING (EXP 7"). FIE PAINTED 2�n S UBC-7-1-94 94'& - - ' - 6 1 X 4 FIBRE CEMENT VERTICAL TRIM. FIELD PAINT 5 7 1 X 112 FIBRE CEMENT HAORIAZONTALTRIM. FIELD PAINT - T+/-16"OC. ON SMOOTH FIBRE CEMENT BOARD. FIELD PAINT EW+/-22CDIA ROUND GA ENT. ERICA SIDING COMPONENTS. COLOR SELECTED BY 7 8 2 CEMENT 6 TT _ _ ( 9 N OUN BLEU MID AM -� OWNER. - 6 _ED �`� i �,� 10' NEW 2 X'8 FASCIA BOARD TO MATCH EXISTING. PRIME AND PAINT FINISH UT 11 NEW DECORATIVE ARCH [CUTIN FIELD] IN PLANE WITH THE 1X 6 CORNER TIRM ADDRESS ,i- - NUMBERS TO BE MOUNTED AT CENTER OF ARCH 2 12 NEW DECORATIVE STEPPED TRIM BENEATH NEW BAY WINDOW. FIELD PAINT 15 13 DENOTES EXISTING ROOFTO BE REMOVED. 14 EXISTING ELECTRICAL PANEL LOCATION WITH'NEW 200 AMP SERVICE 15 DENOTES WINDOW/DOORS TO BE REMOVED - II 16 NEW 6X 6 WOOD POST. FIELD PAINT 17 'NEW 6 X WD: BEAM TO MATCH EXISTING. FIELD PAINT. 18 NEW VERTICAL SEAM , FACTORY FINISH, METAL ROOF. SEAMS AT 12"OC. , 26GA. ON 2 LAYERS OF#30 LB ROOF FELT BY MS METAL SALES. UL 2218 IMPACT, UL790 FIRE-CRSS A, UL 263 FIRE _ _.- ._ . .: --_ _ AS EMBLY& ICC- ESR 2385 3 WEST ELEV. (right side view) 5 19 GAF `TIMBERLINE- NATURAL SHADOW"-(OR EQUAL TO MATCH EXISITING PROFILE AND COLOR)- ICC - 1 plr SII 2 - ESR-3267 (AC438) ON CONT. ROOF FELT BY GAF "SHINGLE MATE" OR EQ. SHINGLE TO MEET REFLECT. QUALITY OF .63 - 20 CONT. RIDGE VENT BY GAF. "COBRA" EXHAUST VENT(NFVA= 16.9in2). ICC- ESR-1265 " 21 NEW VELUX SKYLIGHT (SEE PLAN KEYNOTE#58) to " 22 1 X 6 SMOOTH STARTER BOARD AT NEW SOFFIT. FIELD PAINT W 23 1 X SMOOTH FIBRE CEMENT BOARD SOFFIT,(8',AFF)AND 4 "CROWN. FIELD PAINT 9 8 10 24 NEW ENTRY KNEE WALL AND POST (SEE PAN KEYNOTE#30) -25. DECORATIVE INTERIOR CEILING TO BE REMOVED LZ j 10 Z U 5 n W J zQ �1 W oQ _ o J Q m 4 2'-9" 2'-O" LL 0 O J 5 (E) O EXISTING ROOFING TO 1.3 22 (E)ATTIC w REMAIN `!' I `�� ,1 W -- _ z e . j 23 o f 00 5 6 10 - - - • 13 i�G Ll9 6 I 24Date -10- 3 16 - - I — - � ❑ l - u.) ENTRY — � 4 EN.T ° u)- I ; O tJ� Scale 114" = 1 '-0 - - - -- wn - _.. .- - ?Jo T Ll A L-9 _ 3 � o COLE Dra' GS rl -- _ Job 2_ _NORTH ELEV. 5 12 2 �0 3 3B A 11A4 3A Sheet street view 6 y 1 SECTION - ENTRY - . D Of Sheets 24X38 CLEARPRNM - - PA2016-047 REVISIONS BY ATTIC VENTING CALCS: SF AREA OF ATTIC = 116 SF �- 116SF DIVIDED BY 300 (1/300 RULE) _ .38SF-(NFA) ;1I2 ( PROVIDE HALF AT RIDGE (28 SQ. IN) II off 1 i2 - .0-�-' _ - PROVIDE OTHER HALF AT SOFFIT (28 SQ. IN) Zv►dr��► �l��vl� {3) / OF16 VE VENT ALO NG WITH CO NT. RIDGE VONT . 09 U IN 5Q.N/LA DECO RF IND THE 1. 5 DIA. V HOLES A FFIT PROVIDES �i 11 v� � P BA H#3ENr r so' L 70 SQ.IN OFVENTING.{nl;,kV�; `� � I -- STAIRS Ia I�EG�IJj e _ �-p�- Itir \ �- -'I - _LL4. _ - _ - y . wic �,cla� toll - Iv _ i -- _ _ - FAMILY RM; Mop i � , Ji - architecture 4 interiors - .. �. Iefi WIi� , \ ^, N - - ft G{�k ��SED ARC, `V , I1 __ I - _1 , - - - v G.3. SUMBERO.C�• { \ - 21A5 I�' SECTION - 2 STORY ADDITION ` JJJ Io. OFCAL\F - o_ I I 4- CP MAX 11 , rl 71ATTIC f - „ __. . °�. . 4 PLAN/SECTION - STAIRS - - CL. = o . - �p BUNK RM. ELECTRICAL electrical woOTElc1. All omplywith the 2013 CEC,2013 CBC and all local City/County ordinances. " W~ \v man �J rk shall MECHANICAL & PLUMBING NOTES: 2. Electrical system ground to be provided per NEC21-0-8 33. Heating,ventilation and air conditioning systems shall conform to the applicable sections of the 2013 CBC and CMC,state Title 24 Code " . - - - _ 3. 2 signed copies of the California Energy Commission's energy compliance forms are to be submitted to the local building official by the � - -- - - _ � i Electrical Contractor/Owner to indicate compliance with Title 24.Contractor to verify that the new duct work will work with the existing - and all local City/County ordinances. 34. Newanesswaeae exterior mounted,direct z mo Tklter heater to bterited,dited.Noritdel NRC 711DV NG duct layout and FAU and comply with Title 24. - - - 1-tempered s t s l r d/ enclosures empered glass M I LY RM STORAGE Door a r D Showeooand/or " I ' I 4. All lightfixtures specified in the plans shall not be substituted for another unless an alternative fixture is approved by the 3S._ I , 36. Shower Heads-2.0 GPM per CPC 408.2 Architect/Owner in writing prior to the changing of the fixture. _ S. All switches to be dimmer controlled in conjunction with CEG _ 37. Bathtub w faucet-2.0 GPM per CPC 408.2 6.. Typ.receptacle height to be 12"above finished floor as measured to the middle of the receptacle,UNO. 38. Sink w/faucet hardware,(ASBO).Faucets-1.SGPM per CPC 403.7 6 7. Receptacles in garage shall be 18"or more above finished floor.(if changing,moving.or adding plugs). 39. Water Closet-Max 1.28 GAL/flush per CPC 403.2.1.1 - - - , 8. All receptacles in kitchen area must be on a 20amp circuit.CEC 210.11(C)(1) 40. Attic access door min-22'x 36" - 41. Contractor shall consult with the framer and all other trades to eliminate any conflicts caused by the proposed mechanical system r ' 9. Min.of two 20 amp circuits required to supply kitchen counter top receptacles. -- - - - 10. Provide G.F.C.I protection to all 125v,15 and 20 amp receptacles installed in bathrm's,garages,outdoors,crawlspaces,unfinished installation.Notify the Owner/Architect of any conflicts. - - - basements,all kitchen countertop surfaces and within 6'of laundry,utility and wet bai sinks 42. All newand existing mechanical ducts shall be insulated as per the CMC._ _ _ _ _ _ _ G 5 . i, - �� V 43. Bathrooms containing a bathtub,shower or tub/shower combo.Shall be mechanically ventilated for the purposes of humidity control '_ _-.� - . -I_ �'F - .C � I _!. �'- L� (CEC 210-8(A),210.52(d))Exception:Single outlet receptacles in garage utilized for a fixed stationary appliance. - - - - �.' O°� ?C o 11. Kitchen Lighting:50%of wattage to be high efficacy and switched separately. .. with a-humidistat controller in accordance with LMC Chp.4,CGBS code Chp.4,Div 4.5 and R303.3.1 - - ` - - - -� - 12. Lighting bathrooms,garage,laundry rm.,utility rm.,shall be high efficacy lighting or equipped with occupant sensor. 13. Lighting in all bed"'s,hall,living rm.,den and other similar rooms to be high efficacy or shall be by occupant sensor or dimmer. - _ - - 14. Exterior lighting mounted on the building to be high efficacy or shall be controlled by controlled by:photo control/motion sensor._ - - 2 SECTION - 2 STORY ADDITION combination. - 15. Lights recessed in insulated ceilings must be IC rated and be airtight to prevent migration of air: - - - 16. All wall switches be 3G'above fin.floor&controlled by a dimmer/sensor switch as req'd by MF-IR measures and T-24 requirements. O 17. Typ.switch height to 42"/44"above finished floor as measured to the middle of the switch plate,DNO.Switches and surrounds to be Leviton rocker switch type.Color-white UNO. 18. All new receptacles shall be listed"Tamper-Resistant' type .CEC 210.52 - - 19 wide or greater CEC 210-52 q have an outlet.Outlets shall be spaced no more than 12ft.apart,and a maxim um of 6ft.from the ends o, f walls oro e /W� N 20. Provide at least one G.F.I outlet at exterior of front and back of house&within perimeter of deck,balcony or porch: - __ -.601LDEVED TOP FLASWIWG WRAP,-COIzWeRS, 21. Provide light and interior switch at door leading to the exterior or to a deck or balcony. _ -XTENDS UIJDEI2 1200F1140 Trop EDGE 6 IU. (MIU) _ -- - W 22. Island and peninsular counter tops must have at least one receptacle.(CEC 210.52(C){1)and(2). j Q AGAIUST 6016. 23. Provide a min.of one 20amp Laundry branch circuit.Such circuit shall have no other outlets.CEC 210-23(a) - - 24. Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors shall be located per the electrical plans and shall be hardwired together as part of new homey construction. In remodeled conditions,the detectors maybe of a battery back-up type and are not to be hardwired together.NOTE:ANY - - - - - V/ Z ' oR,MS EXISTING SMOKE DETECTORSR,AFTN? FSIDE OF*poLh5J OpEoIWC, .10 YEARS OR OLDER SHALL REPLACED. - _ 25. Provide A.F.CI protection for circuits.All 120v,single phase 15 and 20 amp branch circuits in family rooms,Yining.room,living rooms, P arlors,libraries,dens,bdrms.,sunrooms,rec.rooms,closets,hallwa s 6r similar areas shall-be protected b a listed arc-fault circuit r - - - Y interrupter,combination type.(CEC210.12.b) - _ - - �'. . RDTO TWE OF WOOF SWEATFIIW6 ' -- - - - Z > N LV 2x CUI2g FRAM p li 26. All electrical wiring to be copper(aluminum wiring is not allowed) - PERPEWDICUCA -IZOOj= - _ - - - O A IM 27. All electrical worked shall be performed bya licensed electrician under a separate electrical,permit obtained by the contractor.All EXISTING 2' STORY LLI - fixtures shall be"ILL"listed and installed per the manufacturer's instructions.Contractor to provide operating manuals and maintenance - information for the electrical appliances and fixtures that are installed inthis project. - - -SMOOTH SURFACE WOOD CURp SEALVI) f" 12EADY 8 -_ 28. All non-high efficiency light switches(non-fluorescent or non-LED)shall be dimmer controlled or.each of the light switches in the rooms - FOR APPLICATiOM OF Gk YL1601- _ • Q Y O EXISTING 6EAMLL in which they occur shall be on occupancy sensors. LED lighting shall be dimmer controlled or vacancy sensor where identified on the- - - � � - - POST - - electrical plans - - - 0. _ 29. Dimmer switches to be Leyton slide switch type.Color-White(or equal asselected by owner). -- - ; STEP PLASW INC, WOV EW W/ ROOFIWG COU17.SES - - LU W 00 30. All new TV jack locations shall be wired with the appropriate cable(s)for satellite or cable TV reception. 10 31. The electrical service to the project shall be: new 200 amp service % w 32. At new attic access,provide light and switch control at attic accessLWU ' 1 Z SOLDERED (oc Fou)L-D)MASE FLASWIWG WRAPS , v - - .. _, GOaWERS, EX'I-e1JCX; t1WDER SWIW6LES 7e 61DeS` -- 6 _. - , - - - 4 IW. LAPS SIJ1k1GLES 0 6ASe 4 IW. (L41 W.). _ - - '.� Date 3-1-0-16 5 SKYLIGHT FLASHING . }t Sale 114'=11-0„ NTS Drawn G$ Job COLE - SOUTH ELEV. (rear view garage Sheet - A5 Of Sheets 24x38 CLEAaPaIM PA2016-047 REVISIONS BY 65) . PLAN CHEd#1 4p WINDOW FLASHING S TION 1402.2 OF THE 19-0.7. ED.-RIDN' OF THF U.B.C. EC t.T,01 vwc- ql. STATES THAT "EXTERIOR OPENINGS EXI OSED TO THE vl�.o. %v '5iir,�Ij WEATHER SHALL BE FLASHED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO MAKE THEM WATERPROOF LINTEL v, WiNbow To -*4t I�J( -1 � . � : I . . rV� ............... ROUGH-IN OPENING -,7 SILL :p _j EE NOTAELOW. 2. EDGE.. . ATTACH JAMB STRIP. WITH SIDE EDGE. ATTACH SILL STRIP. WITH TOP 'EVEN-WITH ROUGH-JAMB RAMIN LEVEL WITH ROUGH SILL - EXTEND GSDesign N GH 'OPENING AT START STRIP 10. BELOW:LOWER EDGE BEYO D EDGE OF ROU T 2.40 &A. LEAST 8". SECURE ALL MOISTSTOP- OF SILL STRIP AND�EX END �4" ABOVE ar0itecture+ interks FLASHING IOR EQUAL) WITH GALVANiZED ' LOWER EDGE OF LINTEL. MAIL$ OR POWER�DRIVEN STAPLES, D ARCO, NOTE: LINE IRE, WHEN USED ,AS .BACKING-TO SUPPORT BUILDING.PAPER BENEATH -W BE. INSTALLED AS FOLLOWS; -ATTACHMENT SHALL BE IN.ACCORDANCE WITH AND C-27752 1. WIRE GUAGE. SPACING IRE.LATH (NETTING) FOR PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER (STUCCO).. $HALL G. S. UMBERn REQUIREMENTS OF BUILDIhG N�WS:iT�MS �74 .,6, REM 2. PERIPHERAL FLASHING..AT ALLI.EDGES OF WALL OPENINGS, MUST'COVER DATE THE WIRE BACKING. OFC L14%,V NO ATTACHMENT DEVICES NOR THE WIRE 'BAcklNG SHALL COVER.OR PENETRAtE THE FLASHING MATERIAL. ........... ........................... ............... ........................... ...................... 5ECTION BRICK VENEER .1 1/2 1 LAP B ? tA NOTE 3. 4 COMMENCING AT THE BOTTOM (SOLE - INSTALL. WINDOW JAMB NAILING FLANGES OVER A CONTINUOUS. BEAD PLATE) OF THE WALL, LAY BUILDING, OF SEALANT ON THE. MOISTSTOP FLASHING PAPER UNDER SILL STRIP.- (OR EQUAL) INSTALL THE WINDOW HEAD MOIST STOP (OR EQUAL) ON A NOTE: CUT ANY EXCES&.BUILDING CONTINUOUS BEAD OF SEALANT PAPER THAT ,MAY EXTEND ABOVE THE APPLIED TO THE WINDOW HEAD ,NAILING SILL FLANGE LINE ON EACH SIDE 0 FLANGE. (SHOWN AS SHORT DASHED LINES). Li DO NOT SLICE BUILDING�PAPER ZONTALLY SO TH T WILL LAP, OVER THE JAMB STRIPS; HORI A THE, PAPER INSTALL SUCCE SIVE' Ll BUILDING PAPER (B4O,D ETO.) OVER 7 JAMB AND HEAD FLANGES, LAPPING EACH COURSE, S THE ABOVE METHOD APPLIES ONLY TO THE MO T COMMONLY USED TYPE OF METAL FRAME (SURFACE MOUNTED). FOR OTHER TYPES OF FRAMES. SPECIAL ATTENTION . . MUST BE PAID TO THE MANUFACTURER'S.RECOMMENDATIONS. HEAD AND JAMB INSTALLATION IS TYPICAL FOR SLIDING GLASS. DOORS.. NOTE, LAP STER SCREED NAILING FLANGE' : JAMB, MOISTSTOP FLASHING OVER PLA, L INSTALL WINDOWS PER MANUFACTURER, RECOMMENDAT ONS SILICON'SEA ALL A WINDOW FRAME JOINTS AT EXTERIOR FRAME LOCATIONS .AFTER WINDOW IS r117 INSTALLED PRIOR TO FINISH MATERIAL INSTALLATION� . . ........ uj cq z ;Pilo uj 0 LU e v ;4 coo W < _C < LL o cn ....... �Lu uj ............ ...... co w wl r LU o r Ti. 3 6L Scale. AS NOTED T 4� ..... DravM GS o icto COLE CSEENOTE heet A6 ....... Of Its 5 ECTION 710ING/5TUCCO CLEARPp2m ---------------- ...... ........ ................ .............. ............. ........ ....... ------ ----------------- ............. ------------- ............. ..... ..................