HomeMy WebLinkAboutRestaurant Association BID Agenda Packet 03/23/2016CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH NEWPORT BEACH RESTAURANT BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AGENDA Newport Beach Tennis Club, 2601 Eastbluff Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Wednesday, March 23, 2016 - 9:30 AM Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District Members: Jim Walker, President Ronald Schwartz, Vice President Dan Miller, Treasurer Joe Campbell, Director Sheri Drewry, Director Stephen Joyce, Director Mario Marovic, Director John Robinson, Director Christopher Roman, Director (Vacant) Director (Vacant) Director The Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District meeting is subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act. Among other things, the Brown Act requires that the Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District agenda be posted at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of each regular meeting and that the public be allowed to comment on agenda items before the Business Improvement District and items not on the agenda but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District. The Chair may limit public comments to a reasonable amount of time, generally three (3) minutes per person. The City of Newport Beach’s goal is to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in all respects. If, as an attendee or a participant at this meeting, you will need special assistance beyond what is normally provided, we will attempt to accommodate you in every reasonable manner. Please contact Mary Locey, Management Analyst, at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting to inform us of your particular needs and to determine if accommodation is feasible at (949) 644-3031 or mlocey@newportbeachca.gov. NOTICE REGARDING PRESENTATIONS REQUIRING USE OF CITY EQUIPMENT Any presentation requiring the use of the City of Newport Beach’s equipment must be submitted to the City Manager’s Office 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. I.CALL MEETING TO ORDER II.ROLL CALL III.PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Public comments are invited on agenda and non-agenda items generally considered to be within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Newport Beach Restaurant Association Business Improvement District (NBRA BID). Speakers must limit comments to three (3) minutes. Before speaking, we invite, but do not require, you to state your name for the record. The NBRA BID has the discretion to extend or shorten the speakers’ time limit on agenda or non-agenda items, provided the time limit adjustment is applied equally to all speakers. As a courtesy, please turn cell phones off or set them in the silent mode. IV.Minutes of the January 27, 2016, NBRA BID Meeting March 23, 2016 Page 2 Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District Meeting Approval of Minutes Summary: Review the draft January 27, 2016 meeting minutes. Recommended Action: Board to approve the January 27, 2016 meeting minutes. 2016-0127-NBRA Bid Draft Meeting Minutes V.CURRENT BUSINESS BID Financial Reports (Miller) Summary: Review of the BID financials ending February 2016. 1. Recommended Action: Board to accept and file BID financials ending February 2016. NBRA BID Financial Reports-February 2016 President's Report (Walker) Summary: 1) Strategic Plan Update for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 2) Membership Advisory Sub-Committee Update and Recommendations 3) Board of Directors Applications 4) Proposed Special Meeting April 13, 2016 2. Recommended Action: 1) None 2)Board to approve Membership Advisory Sub-Committee recommendations for changes in BID stakeholder & fee structure 3) None 4) Board to approve calendaring a special meeting of the NBRA BID on April 13, 2016 Marketing Report (Peak) Summary: · Newport Beach Restaurant Week Recap · NBRA Year in Review 3. Recommended Action: None VI.BOARD/COMMITTEE/COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEM) VII.ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting scheduled for May 25, 2016   Page 1 of 3 City of Newport Beach Restaurant Business Improvement District Board Meeting Minutes – January 27, 2016 1600 Newport Center Drive, Suite 120 Newport Beach, CA 92660 I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 9:34 a.m. II. ROLL CALL Directors Present: Stephen Joyce Newport Beach Tennis Club Dan Miller The Village Inn John Robinson Amelia’s Restaurant Christopher Roman CUCINA enoteca Ronald Schwartz Muldoon’s Irish Pub Jim Walker The Bungalow Restaurant Quorum Achieved Directors Absent: Joe Campbell Ruby’s Diner Sheri Drewry Wilma’s Patio Mario Marovic Dory Deli & Malarky’s Irish Pub BID Administrator Present: Polly Peak Newport Beach & Company City Of Newport Beach Officials Present: Keith Curry City Council Member Guests Present: Jenny Wedge Newport Beach & Company Alexandra Robinson Amelia’s Restaurant Sam Tila Royal Thai Cuisine Judith Marquez Innovare Environmental III. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDA AND NON-AGENDA ITEMS • Alexandra Robinson has officially resigned from the NBRA Board. • Antonio Bevaqua is no longer with Canaletto, and is no longer on the NBRA Board. • Judith Marquez presented information about Ocean Friendly Restaurant program through Surfrider Foundation and other restaurant environmental programs. • Sam Tila commented that he didn’t see as much promotion for restaurant week. • Keith Curry conveyed the importance of showing value in all the NBRA programs and events to its stakeholders.   Page 2 of 3 IV. CURRENT BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes President Walker requested a motion to approve the minutes from the November 18, 2015 meeting. Motion: Director Miller moved to approve the November 2015 meeting minutes. Director Robinson seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Joyce, Miller, Robinson, Roman and Walker 2. BID Financial Reports President Walker reviewed the BID financials ending December 2015. • Tracking ahead on collections. • Waiting on event grant from the City for Newport Beach Restaurant Week Motion: Director Joyce moved to accept and file the financial reports. Director Miller seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Joyce, Miller, Robinson, Roman and Walker 3. President’s Report President Walker reported on the following items: • The NBRA is on track with the 2015-2016 Strategic Plan goals. • Requested to have more involvement from board members at NBRA events and meetings in the future in order to exhibit better representation of the local restaurant community. • Discussed possibly producing an awards dinner that recognizes exceptional Newport Beach restaurants, and asked the board for input and feedback. o Need to set NBRA event apart from The Golden Foodie Awards. o Board members expressed interest in having some sort of event that spotlights Newport Beach Restaurants to the public. o Ms. Peak and Newport Beach & Co to provide event ideas and examples for discussion at the next meeting. • Reviewed additional information with regards to the possible new fee structure based on categories of Private Clubs | Special Event Facilities. • Recommended that the Membership Advisory Committee to meet with the City to clarify the process in proposing a new stakeholder structure and fees • Reviewed the status of the Affiliate Program, and Ms. Peak made the following recommendations for approval by the board: o Revert the program back to a Partner Program as originally proposed. o Run the Partner Program through Dine Newport Beach in order to expedite the approval of partner and sponsor contracts. o Allow Ms. Peak to approve all new partners. • Ms. Peak will create criteria and guidelines for potential partners. • Partners will need to provide references   Page 3 of 3 Motion: Director Schwartz moved to have the Membership Advisory Committee meet with city officials to discuss next steps in changing the BID structure. Director Miller seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Joyce, Miller, Robinson, Roman, Schwartz and Walker Motion: Director Joyce moved to approve the Partner Program as recommended. Director Schwartz seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Joyce, Miller, Robinson, Roman, Schwartz and Walker 4. Marketing Report Ms. Peak provided updates on Newport Beach Restaurant Week: • Event is still ongoing but early results show that the event is driving diners to the participating restaurants. • Creative campaign has been well received and has helped to increase the email subscriber list by 100%. • Mid event metrics show significant increases over last year. • Reviewed highlights from the Restaurant Week kick-off media reception. • Participating restaurants and diners will be surveyed following the event to provide feedback. • More detailed event results will be presented at the annual meeting. Mayor’s Dinner is next week and NBRA will be hosting a table. Next meeting will be the Annual Meeting held at another location to be determined. V. BOARD/COMMITTEE/COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS OR MATTERS, WHICH MEMBERS WOULD LIKE PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA FOR DISCUSSION, ACTION OR REPORT (NON-DISCUSSION ITEMS) None VIII. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10.52 a.m. The next board meeting will be Wednesday, March 23, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. Feb 29, 16 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Bill.com Money Out Clearing -161.29 1010 · Bank Balance 119,749.67 1260 · City Appropriation Acct Jan 10 1,558.45 Total Checking/Savings 121,146.83 Accounts Receivable 1310 · Accounts Receivable Bad Debt A/R -8,195.17 1310 · Accounts Receivable - Other -4,152.62 Total 1310 · Accounts Receivable -12,347.79 Total Accounts Receivable -12,347.79 Other Current Assets 1320 · Undeposited Funds 400.00 Total Other Current Assets 400.00 Total Current Assets 109,199.04 Other Assets AR Clearing -1,929.96 Total Other Assets -1,929.96 TOTAL ASSETS 107,269.08 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Equity 3900 · Retained Earnings 68,353.97 Net Income 38,915.11 Total Equity 107,269.08 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 107,269.08 3:04 PM Restaurant Association Business Improvement District 03/11/16 Balance Sheet Cash Basis As of February 29, 2016 For management purposes only. Not prepared according to GAAP Page 1 3:22 PM 03/11/16 Cash Basis Restaurant Association Business Improvement District Budget vs. Actual July 2015 through June 2016 Jul '15 - Jun 16 Budget $ Over Budget Ordinary Income/Expense Income 4000 · NBRA Income 4010 · Member Assessment 130,879.68 109,000.00 21,879.68 4015 · Late Fees 6,300.75 0.00 6,300.75 4020 · City Matching Funds 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 Total 4000 · NBRA Income 157,180.43 129,000.00 28,180.43 4500 · NBRW Income 4510 · Event Sponsorship 0.00 15,000.00 -15,000.00 4520 · Event Participation Fee-Rest Wk Event Participation 24,287.88 25,000.00 -712.12 Total 4520 · Event Participation Fee-Rest Wk 24,287.88 25,000.00 -712.12 4530 · City Grant 10,000.00 15,000.00 -5,000.00 Total 4500 · NBRW Income 34,287.88 55,000.00 -20,712.12 Total Income 191,468.31 184,000.00 7,468.31 Gross Profit 191,468.31 184,000.00 7,468.31 Expense 6000 NBRA Expenses - General 6160 Graphic Design / Branding 1,950.00 1,000.00 950.00 6170 Advertising / Media 36,883.00 31,000.00 5,883.00 6180 Website Development 4,950.00 3,000.00 1,950.00 6200 Digital Marketing / SEO 5,300.00 6,000.00 -700.00 6210 E-Newsletter / Blog 0.00 1,000.00 -1,000.00 6220 Social Media 0.00 1,200.00 -1,200.00 6240 Public Relations 1,100.00 1,000.00 100.00 6260 Annual Meeting 0.00 1,000.00 -1,000.00 6270 Community Event Particip.1,950.00 2,000.00 -50.00 6290 Marketing Consultation 66,000.00 72,000.00 -6,000.00 6300 Adminstration / Billing 3,500.00 6,000.00 -2,500.00 6310 Operational Reimbursement 10,577.04 11,845.00 -1,267.96 6100 · Collateral Development 0.00 1,000.00 -1,000.00 6350 · Bank Service Charges 0.00 155.00 -155.00 6000 NBRA Expenses - General - Other 0.00 800.00 -800.00 Total 6000 NBRA Expenses - General 132,210.04 139,000.00 -6,789.96 7000 Event Exp. Other (Rest Wk) 7100 Event Marketing Expenses 49,593.92 50,000.00 -406.08 7150 Event Operational Expenses 1,386.89 2,500.00 -1,113.11 7000 Event Exp. Other (Rest Wk) - Other 3,263.58 2,500.00 763.58 Page 1 of 2 For management purposes only. Not prepared according to GAAP 3:22 PM 03/11/16 Cash Basis Restaurant Association Business Improvement District Budget vs. Actual July 2015 through June 2016 Jul '15 - Jun 16 Budget $ Over Budget Total 7000 Event Exp. Other (Rest Wk)54,244.39 55,000.00 -755.61 Total Expense 186,454.43 194,000.00 -7,545.57 Net Ordinary Income 5,013.88 -10,000.00 15,013.88 Other Sources/Uses Other Sources Retained Earnings (Carryover from Prior Years)68,353.97 10,000.00 58,353.97 Total Other Sources 68,353.97 10,000.00 58,353.97 Net Other Sources/Uses 68,353.97 10,000.00 58,353.97 Total Equity 73,367.85 0.00 73,367.85 Page 2 of 2 For management purposes only. Not prepared according to GAAP Date Source Name Memo Account Paid Amount Adsavvy, Inc. 01/21/2016 Adsavvy, Inc.Distribution of NBRA marketing...7150 Event Operational Exp...1,000.00 Total Adsavvy, Inc.1,000.00 California Restaurant Association 11/06/2015 California Restaurant Association CRA Membership Renewal for ...6240 Public Relations 300.00 Total California Restaurant Association 300.00 Desert Publications, Inc 08/26/2015 Desert Publications, Inc NB Visitor Guide - Full Page Ad Marketing & Promotions 5,000.00 Total Desert Publications, Inc 5,000.00 Dining Out 08/26/2015 Dining Out Full Page Restaurant Listing - ...Marketing & Promotions 2,000.00 12/11/2015 Dining Out Full Page Ad - Winter 2015/20...6170 Advertising / Media 2,000.00 Total Dining Out 4,000.00 Firebrand Media, LLC 08/26/2015 Firebrand Media, LLC Newport Beach Magazine Marketing & Promotions 1,250.00 10/21/2015 Firebrand Media, LLC Newport Beach Magazine - Ru...Marketing & Promotions 1,250.00 11/06/2015 Firebrand Media, LLC FBM Digital Media Ad 6200 Digital Marketing / SEO 50.00 11/06/2015 Firebrand Media, LLC Laguna Beach Magazine - Run...6170 Advertising / Media 1,525.00 12/11/2015 Firebrand Media, LLC FBM Digital Media Ad - NBI Br...6200 Digital Marketing / SEO 50.0012/11/2015 Firebrand Media, LLC Laguna Beach Magazine Ad In...7100 Event Marketing Expen...595.00 01/21/2016 Firebrand Media, LLC Newport Beach Magazine Full ...7100 Event Marketing Expen...1,295.00 Total Firebrand Media, LLC 6,015.00 Locale Magazine 08/26/2015 Locale Magazine Full Page Ad, FC - July 2015 - ...Marketing & Promotions 2,499.00 10/21/2015 Locale Magazine Full Page Ad, FC-October 201...Marketing & Promotions 2,499.00 12/11/2015 Locale Magazine Advertising in Orange County - ...7100 Event Marketing Expen...2,500.00 Total Locale Magazine 7,498.00 Newport Beach & Company 07/01/2015 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee - Polly ...6290 Marketing Consultation 6,000.00 07/01/2015 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee - Polly ...6310 Operational Reimburse...918.76 08/26/2015 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee - Polly ...BID Marketing Agent, Admin,...6,918.76 08/28/2015 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee - Polly ...BID Marketing Agent, Admin,...6,918.76 08/28/2015 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee - Polly ...BID Marketing Agent, Admin,...6,918.76 09/02/2015 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee - Polly ...BID Marketing Agent, Admin,...7,486.00 09/17/2015 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee - Polly ...BID Marketing Agent, Admin,...7,486.00 10/21/2015 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee - Polly ...BID Marketing Agent, Admin,...7,486.00 10/21/2015 Newport Beach & Company 2015 Annual Marketing Outloo...Signature Event Prod. & Mar...750.00 11/06/2015 Newport Beach & Company 200 Restaurant Postcards from...7150 Event Operational Exp...170.64 11/06/2015 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee, Bid Ad...6290 Marketing Consultation 6,000.00 11/06/2015 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee, Bid Ad...6300 Adminstration / Billing 500.00 11/06/2015 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee, Bid Ad...6310 Operational Reimburse...986.00 11/06/2015 Newport Beach & Company Mail List Processing & Postage...7150 Event Operational Exp...216.25 12/11/2015 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee, Bid Ad...6290 Marketing Consultation 6,000.00 12/11/2015 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee, Bid Ad...6300 Adminstration / Billing 500.00 12/11/2015 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee, Bid Ad...6310 Operational Reimburse...986.00 01/22/2016 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee, Bid Ad...6290 Marketing Consultation 6,000.00 01/22/2016 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee, Bid Ad...6300 Adminstration / Billing 500.0001/22/2016 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee, Bid Ad...6310 Operational Reimburse...986.00 01/22/2016 Newport Beach & Company Printing and delivery of 100,00...7100 Event Marketing Expen...5,570.88 02/24/2016 Newport Beach & Company NB Restaurant Week Daily Pilo...7100 Event Marketing Expen...4,972.89 02/24/2016 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee - Polly ...6290 Marketing Consultation 6,000.00 02/24/2016 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee - Polly ...6300 Adminstration / Billing 500.00 02/24/2016 Newport Beach & Company Marketing Director Fee - Polly ...6310 Operational Reimburse...986.00 Total Newport Beach & Company 91,757.70 Noble Studios 10/21/2015 Noble Studios NBRA Group Dining Guide We...Marketing & Promotions 2,640.00 12/21/2015 Noble Studios NBRA Group Dining Guide We...6180 Website Development 2,310.00 12/21/2015 Noble Studios NBRA Fall Campaign Social Pr...6200 Digital Marketing / SEO 5,200.00 Total Noble Studios 10,150.00 OCWeekly,LP 08/26/2015 OCWeekly,LP Ad Description: Full Page Eat ...Marketing & Promotions 2,000.00 Total OCWeekly,LP 2,000.00 Orange Coast Magazine 07/01/2015 Orange Coast Magazine Full Page Color Ad 6170 Advertising / Media 2,750.00 11/06/2015 Orange Coast Magazine Full Page Color Ad 6170 Advertising / Media 2,750.00 01/22/2016 Orange Coast Magazine Full Page Ad - January Issue 7100 Event Marketing Expen...2,750.00 Total Orange Coast Magazine 8,250.00 Riviera Magazine/Modern Luxury 3:17 PM Restaurant Association Business Improvement District 03/11/16 Expenses by Vendor Detail Cash Basis July 2015 through February 2016 Page 1 Date Source Name Memo Account Paid Amount 08/26/2015 Riviera Magazine/Modern Luxury Riviera - Orange County - July ...Marketing & Promotions 3,000.00 Total Riviera Magazine/Modern Luxury 3,000.00 Robert Downs Photography Inc. 08/26/2015 Robert Downs Photography Inc.NBRA Board Photos & Headsh...Marketing & Promotions 800.00 Total Robert Downs Photography Inc.800.00 Southern California Media Group 11/06/2015 Southern California Media Group Guestbook OC 6170 Advertising / Media 620.00 01/22/2016 Southern California Media Group Guestbook OC 6170 Advertising / Media 620.00 01/22/2016 Southern California Media Group Special Pubs: 1x1" Orange Co...6170 Advertising / Media 6,500.00 01/22/2016 Southern California Media Group Guestbook OC 6170 Advertising / Media 620.00 Total Southern California Media Group 8,360.00 Speak Up Newport 01/21/2016 Speak Up Newport Table for 2016 Mayor's Dinner 6270 Community Event Parti...1,200.00 Total Speak Up Newport 1,200.00 TOTAL 149,330.70 3:17 PM Restaurant Association Business Improvement District 03/11/16 Expenses by Vendor Detail Cash Basis July 2015 through February 2016 Page 2 Feb 29, 16 Beginning Balance 111,071.08 Cleared Transactions Checks and Payments - 2 items -12,530.75 Deposits and Credits - 2 items 1,000.00 Total Cleared Transactions -11,530.75 Cleared Balance 99,540.33 Uncleared Transactions Checks and Payments - 1 item -400.00 Deposits and Credits - 23 items 20,609.34 Total Uncleared Transactions 20,209.34 Register Balance as of 02/29/2016 119,749.67 New Transactions Checks and Payments - 1 item -37,123.73 Deposits and Credits - 9 items 3,222.50 Total New Transactions -33,901.23 Ending Balance 85,848.44 2:59 PM Restaurant Association Business Improvement District 03/11/16 Reconciliation Summary 1010 · Bank Balance, Period Ending 02/29/2016 For management purposes only. Not prepared according to GAAP Page 1 Type Date Num Name Clr Amount Balance Beginning Balance 111,071.08 Cleared Transactions Checks and Payments - 2 items Check 02/10/2016 X -71.86 -71.86 General Journal 02/24/2016 AJE132 X -12,458.89 -12,530.75 Total Checks and Payments -12,530.75 -12,530.75 Deposits and Credits - 2 items Deposit 02/02/2016 X 500.00 500.00 Deposit 02/02/2016 X 500.00 1,000.00 Total Deposits and Credits 1,000.00 1,000.00 Total Cleared Transactions -11,530.75 -11,530.75 Cleared Balance -11,530.75 99,540.33 Uncleared Transactions Checks and Payments - 1 item Sales Receipt 11/18/2014 1 Bistro Le Crillon -400.00 -400.00 Total Checks and Payments -400.00 -400.00 Deposits and Credits - 23 items Deposit 11/23/2015 400.00 400.00 Deposit 11/23/2015 413.75 813.75 Deposit 11/23/2015 703.75 1,517.50 Deposit 01/11/2016 118.75 1,636.25 Deposit 01/11/2016 190.00 1,826.25 Deposit 01/12/2016 400.00 2,226.25 Deposit 01/14/2016 118.75 2,345.00 Deposit 01/21/2016 118.75 2,463.75 Deposit 01/25/2016 95.00 2,558.75 Deposit 01/25/2016 680.00 3,238.75 Deposit 01/28/2016 559.75 3,798.50 Deposit 02/02/2016 500.00 4,298.50 Deposit 02/02/2016 1,200.00 5,498.50 Deposit 02/09/2016 118.75 5,617.25 Deposit 02/09/2016 118.75 5,736.00 Deposit 02/09/2016 500.00 6,236.00 Deposit 02/10/2016 500.00 6,736.00 Deposit 02/10/2016 500.00 7,236.00 Deposit 02/16/2016 380.00 7,616.00 Deposit 02/18/2016 1,518.17 9,134.17 Deposit 02/19/2016 237.50 9,371.67 Deposit 02/19/2016 10,000.00 19,371.67 Deposit 02/25/2016 1,237.67 20,609.34 Total Deposits and Credits 20,609.34 20,609.34 Total Uncleared Transactions 20,209.34 20,209.34 Register Balance as of 02/29/2016 8,678.59 119,749.67 New Transactions Checks and Payments - 1 item General Journal 03/03/2016 AJE131 -37,123.73 -37,123.73 Total Checks and Payments -37,123.73 -37,123.73 Deposits and Credits - 9 items Deposit 03/01/2016 142.50 142.50 Deposit 03/03/2016 95.00 237.50 Deposit 03/03/2016 400.00 637.50 Deposit 03/03/2016 400.00 1,037.50 Deposit 03/03/2016 400.00 1,437.50 Deposit 03/03/2016 500.00 1,937.50 Deposit 03/03/2016 500.00 2,437.50 Deposit 03/03/2016 500.00 2,937.50 Deposit 03/10/2016 285.00 3,222.50 Total Deposits and Credits 3,222.50 3,222.50 3:00 PM Restaurant Association Business Improvement District 03/11/16 Reconciliation Detail 1010 · Bank Balance, Period Ending 02/29/2016 For management purposes only. Not prepared according to GAAP Page 1 Type Date Num Name Clr Amount Balance Total New Transactions -33,901.23 -33,901.23 Ending Balance -25,222.64 85,848.44 3:00 PM Restaurant Association Business Improvement District 03/11/16 Reconciliation Detail 1010 · Bank Balance, Period Ending 02/29/2016 For management purposes only. Not prepared according to GAAP Page 2 NEWPORT BEACH RESTAURANT BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS ANNUAL MEETING Wednesday, March 23, 2016 I. Call Meeting to Order II. Role Call III. Public Comments on Agenda and Non-Agenda Items IV. Current Business 1. Approval of Minutes 2. BID Financial Reports 3. President’s Report 4. Marketing Report V. Future Agenda, Discussion or Report Items VI. Adjournment Meeting Agenda Mission Statement The Newport Beach Restaurant Association is a not-for-profit and BID funded cooperative business group that leads the brand marketing of the city’s restaurant and foodservice experience for the benefit of its investors, partners and community residents and visitors. • Founded in 1996, NBRA is Business Improvement District (BID) • Comprised of over (400) restaurants & foodservice operators • Activities Include: Ø Marketing, advertising, public relations and social media Ø Maintenance of online stakeholder directory Ø Promotion of stakeholder events, offers and public events Ø Education and training for stakeholders Ø Active in organizations deemed to promote dining in Newport Beach Ø Overall promotion of Newport Beach culinary community activities Overview Marketing & Promotion ü New marketing & media partnerships investigation ü Enhanced website & social media engagement ü Targeted and measurable annual marketing strategy & plan Investor Communication & Education • Educational program development based on investor needs ü Engaging Investor outreach strategy & program execution ü Ongoing calendar of events development NBRA BID Strategic Plan Goals & Key Initiatives Community & Stakeholders Relations ü Top foodservice issues identification and advocacy ü Clearinghouse set-up for charitable causes ü Targeted and measurable stakeholder communications with appropriate messaging (city departments and other industry partners) Financial Resources & Administration ü Updated rolling year strategic plan review ü Aligned program of work and budget allocations ü BID fee structure evaluation and approval NBRA BID Strategic Plan Goals & Key Initiatives BID Re-Structure Recommendations • BID Stakeholders are defined as businesses selling prepared food and beverage items to the public within the Newport Beach city limits. • BID stakeholders are assigned categories. • Private facilities may participate in the BID as a Partner. • Each category has a set annual fee. President’s Report Category Annual Fee Full Service $600 Fast Casual $500 Grocery | Market $500 Coffee | Tea | Specialty Shop $150 Desserts | Bakery | Treats $150 Juice Bar | Smoothie Shop $150 Catering Company $150 Membership Re-Structure Recommendations • Effective FY 2016-2017 • Waive all past due assessments & late fees up to $5,000 per business • Assessment billed annually for existing businesses • Assessment billed and pro-rated when a new business opens • Late fees accrued at 25% per billing • Late fee waived if paid within 14 days of 2nd billing President’s Report Billing Schedule Month First Billing – Annual Assessment July 2nd Billing September 3rd Billing November 4th Billing February 5th Billing April Board of Directors Applications • (11) Board Seats Available • 1 year term July 2016 – June 2017 • Appointed by NB City Council • Meetings Held Every Other Month • July 27, 2016 • September 28, 2016 • November 16, 2016 • January 25, 2017 • March 22, 2017 • May 24, 2017 • Must be in good standing & attend a minimum of 3 meetings • Apply online at NewportBeach.ca.gov • Applications due by Friday, April 8, 2016 President’s Report Proposed Special Meeting – April 13, 2016 • Review Applications for NBRA Board Members • Review Newport Beach & Co Annual Contract • BID Marketing • BID Administration • BID Accounting • Review NBRA FY 2016-2017 Budget President’s Report Event Recap 2016 Newport Beach Restaurant Week • Celebrated 10 Year Anniversary • Integrated Marketing Campaign • Foodie Quiz Email Capture Promotion • PR | Media Influencer Outreach • Social Media Engagement • Media Kick-off Event • Concierge Outreach • Community Relations • Restaurant Promotion Advertising Advertising Campaign • Print • Digital • Radio • Email • Outdoor • Broadcast Advertising MEDIA SPEND IMPRESSIONS ADDED VALUE TOTAL VALUE PRINT $14,113 672,687 $1,200 $15,313 OUT OF HOME $12,408 4,052,172 $422 $12,830 DIGITAL & RADIO $19,325 1,930,169 $34,050 $53,375 TOTAL $45,846 6,655,028 $35,672 $81,518 Results Media at Kick-off Event 61 Media Articles 75 Social Media Posts 481 Social Media Impressions 519,701 Total Media Impressions 169,865,942 PR Campaign Media Highlights Website 2015 2016 YOY % Change Website Visits 61,000 79,000 +30% Unique Visitors 35,000 46,000 +32% Pageviews 289,000 335,000 +16% Bounce Rate 34% 24% -30% NBRW Video Views - 16,000 DineNB.com – January Event Recap Website Search Top 25 Pages Viewed 1. dinenb.com/restaurantweek 2. Fig & Olive 3. Roy’s 4. Cucina enoteca 5. Red O 6. Hopdoddy Burger Bar 7. 3 Thirty 3 8. Canaletto 9. Sushi Roku 10. dinenb.com/restaurants 11. Provenance 12. Pizzeria Mozza 13. Andrea 14. Summer House 15. Oak Grill 16. Slapfish 17. The Bungalow Restaurant 18. Bluefin 19. Bayside 20. True Food Kitchen 21. Pelican Grill 22. Crow Burger Kitchen 23. Rothschild’s 24. 21 Oceanfront 25. Bluewater Grill   Website Traffic Top 25 Cities for Website Traffic 1. Irvine 2. Los Angeles 3. Newport Beach 4. Costa Mesa 5. San Diego 6. Huntington Beach 7. Anaheim 8. Santa Ana 9. Laguna Niguel 10. Orange 11. Mission Viejo 12. Tustin 13. Aliso Viejo 14. Long Beach 15. Fountain Valley 16. Lake Forest 17. Ontario 18. San Clemente 19. Westminster 20. Garden Grove 21. Riverside 22. San Francisco 23. Fullerton 24. Rancho Santa Margarita 25. Yorba Linda Market Research DINER LOCALE Orange County 75% Los Angeles 9% San Diego | IE 10% California | Int’l 6% CONSUMER FIT 76% Ordered Items In Addition to NBRW Menu 79% of all NBRW Diners Reside Outside of Newport Beach LIKELIHOOD TO RECOMMEND 98% Would Recommend to A Friend or Colleague OC DINERS Newport Beach 29% Irvine 13% Costa Mesa 12% Huntington Beach 4% Other 43% TRIED A NEW RESTAURANT 83% During A Prior NBRW OVERALL VALUE 94% Excellent Very Good | Good Marketing Report – NBRW Creative Event Metrics 2014 2015 2016 Participating Restaurants 60 64 61 New Restaurants - 15 17 OpenTable Restaurants 34 38 35 OpenTable Diners 2,455 5,081 5,941 City Grant Revenue $6,000 $16,000 $10,000 Participating Restaurant Revenue $19,924 $29,100 $28,700 OpenTable Revenue - - $1,300 Total Revenue $25,924 $45,100 $40,000 Event Expenses $82,826 $49,446 $57,856 In-Kind Support (VNB, DNB, Partners) - $30,978 $45,601 Advertising & PR Impressions - 55,201,000 176,520,970 Estimated Consumer Spend* - $2.6 million $3.1 million * Estimated spend based on OpenTable Data 19% Growth in Event YOY Website – DineNB.com • Online Restaurant Guide • Culinary Event Listings • Stakeholder Offers & Promotions • Relevant Content • Advertising Opportunities NBRA Year in Review Online Dining Guides • Dock ‘n Dine Guide • Happy Hour Guide • Live Entertainment Guide • Group Dining Guide Increase In Website Visits Tasting Notes Blog • Food Blogger Round-Ups • Culinary News • Food Holiday Calendar • Recipes Destination & Brand Awareness Campaigns • 2015 Spring/Summer Campaign • 2015 Fall Campaign • 2016 Restaurant Week Campaign NBRA Year in Review Advertising • Regional & Local Magazines • Local Newspapers • Newport Beach Visitor Guide • Regional & Local Radio • OC GuestBook • OC Official Map • Google Ad Network NBRA Year in Review Weekly Dine NB Newsletters • Content by Food Bloggers • Spotlights NBRA Stakeholders • Promotes Events & Offers • Advertising Opportunities NBRA Year in Review 300 % Increase In Email Subscribers Newport Beach Restaurant Week • Over (60) Participating Restaurants • Celebrated 10 Year Anniversary • 176 Million Consumer Impressions • 19% Increase in Estimated Consumer Spend NBRA Year in Review Media Relations • Hosted National Food Media Fam in October • Hosted (61) Media for NBRW Event • Ongoing Outreach to Food & Lifestyle Media NBRA Year in Review Social Media & Diner Engagement • Find Your Inner Foodie Quiz • Facebook Posts & Targeted Ads • Local Instagram Content • Twitter Promotions Increase In Diner Engagement NBRA Year in Review Metric FY 15-16 Goal FY 16-17 YTD Goal vs. Actual WEBSITE Visitors 115,000 132,645 115% Pageviews 550,000 433,310 78% Average Pages Per Visit 5 3.27 N/A SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook Likes 4,500 4,575 102% Twitter Followers 2,000 2,147 107% Instagram Followers 1,200 1,473 122% PUBLIC RELATIONS Impressions 100,000,000 169,865,942 170% Ad Value $1,500,000 TBD TBD Media Visits 30 66 220% Community Involvement & Stakeholder Support • Speak-Up Newport Minimum Wage Forum • City of Newport Beach FOG Inspections & Water Restrictions • Surfrider Foundation Ocean Friendly Restaurant Program • Newport Beach & Co. Annual Marketing Outlook Dinner • NB Film Festival Restaurant Promotional Opportunities • City of NB Mayor’s Dinner • NBRA | Dine NB Partner Program • NBRA Annual Stakeholder Meeting NBRA Year in Review SAVE THE DATE NEXT NBRA SPECIAL MEETING Wednesday, April 13, 2016