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10 - On-Call M/RSA for Water Well and Water Pump Station Maintenance Services
���WPoRT CITY OF ��_ N E W -W PORT BEACH C1<'FpXk City Council Staff Report June 28, 2016 Agenda Item No. 10 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: George Murdoch, Municipal Operations Director - 949-644-3011, gmurdoch@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Rachell Wilfert, Management Assistant, rwilfert@newportbeachca.gov PHONE: 949-644-3010 TITLE: Approval of On -Call Maintenance/Repair services Agreement for Water Well and Water Pump Station Maintenance Services ABSTRACT: The City utilizes on-call contractors for minor repairs and maintenance of water well and water pumps. A Request for Proposal was issued to obtain new proposals for these services. Staff is requesting to enter into two (2) separate agreements with the top rated firms. RECOMMENDATION: a) Determine that the action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) and 15060(c)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines because it will not result in a physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly; b) Approve an on-call Maintenance/Repair Services Agreement with Layne Christensen Company for water well and water pump station maintenance services, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement; and c) Approve an on-call Maintenance/Repair Services Agreement with Weber Water Resources CA, LLC for water well and water pump station maintenance services, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: There current adopted budget provides sufficient funding for the typical repair of water well and water pump station maintenance services. Should a large repair be needed that exceeds the available budget or contract limit, staff will bring the item to Council for additional funding. 10-1 Approval of On -Call Maintenance/Repair services Agreement for Water Well and Water Pump Station Maintenance Services June 28, 2016 Page 2 DISCUSSION: The Municipal Operations Department contracts with qualified firms to perform regular maintenance, inspection, and as -needed repairs to booster pumps and water well pumps. Over time, pumps can become inefficient from normal wear and tear. This inefficiency causes electrical costs to rise as the pump requires more electricity to meet target flows or demand. Pumps may also fail and require repair, rehabilitation, or replacement. These contracts will help staff evaluate these issues by having two on-call contractors available to make repairs and scheduled maintenance. An RFP was released to the public in April and a total of four proposals were received and subsequently evaluated by a selection panel on the bases of qualifications and experience, operational methodology, and unit costs. Each member of the evaluation panel was provided a copy of the proposals and an evaluation matrix to score the proposals. Exhibit A describes the criteria used for evaluating the proposals: Exhibit A: Proposal Evaluation Criteria Evaluation Criteria Percentage of Score Proposed Project Cost 30% Contractor's qualifications and recent experience, 40% particularly for government agencies 64 Contractor's ability to deploy services as specified 30% in the Scope of Services Layne Christensen Evaluation of the proposals encompassed a two-step scoring process. In the first step, known as the "Technical Evaluation," the panel was responsible for scoring the proposal against the evaluation criteria. Panelists were not provided the pricing information for this step. The panelists each scored the proposals individually and the average of the scores is considered as the Technical Score. Cost was based on an hourly measure for various job levels. The lowest price proposer received a score of 30, and each proposer thereafter received a score in relation to the price difference from the lowest. Exhibit B: Proposal Scorina Summary Rank Proposer Technical Score (out of 70) Cost Ratio Score (out of 30) Total Score (out of 100) 1 Weber Water Resources 64 25 89 2 Layne Christensen 66 19 85 3 General Pump Company 54 30 84 4 Variable Speed Solutions 34 24 58 10-2 Approval of On -Call Maintenance/Repair services Agreement for Water Well and Water Pump Station Maintenance Services June 28, 2016 Page 3 The two (2) highest ranked firms were therefore chosen to provide on-call services. Per the agreement, each firm shall submit proposals for the work requested. Selection will be based on 1) contractor availability, which includes staff and equipment available at the time; and 2) proposal cost. Each agreement has a term limit of three years with a total amount not to exceed $150,000. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends the City Council find this action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A — Agreement with Layne Christensen Attachment B — Agreement with Weber Water Resources CA 10-3 ATTACHMENT A ON -CIA UL MA IN TIENANCE/RE PA IR SE RMICE S AC RBE MENU WITH LAYINE CHRISTIE NSBN COMPANY FC R WATER WEUL A N D WA TIE R PUMP STATIC N MA IN11E NANCE TI- I% ON-CALL MAINTBNANCE/REPAIR c-: ERVICES AG RBBM ENT ij"AgreErrienl"; i.i made anc enterEc into as of this 2811- day of une, 2016 ("BffEclivE Dale"), by and betWEen the CITY CA N9WPORT BEACH, a California municipal corporation and cr arlE r city ("City"), and LAYNE CHRISTEN SEN CC M PANY, a Delaware corporation it"Contractor';, whose address is 1717 West Rark AverlUE, Redlands, Califc rnia 92373, and is made with referE nce tc the following: RECITALS A. City is a mL nicipal eorporalicri d0y organized and validly Existing L nder the la\A8 Of tl• a StatE of California with the po\Aer to carryl c n its business as it is no\A being conducted under the stalLtes cf the date of California and IhE Charier of CiIN. B. City dE sirE s tc Engage Ce ril ractc r to pE d orm on-call maintenance andilor repair ae Rlice s fc r City I1"Prc jE ci"; . C. Cc ntractc r possessE s the sk ill, a xpe rie nce, ability, back gm L nc , cE ri ifical is ri and knc wledgE tc provic E the rriaintE nancE and/or repair sE rvicE s c E scribed in this Agree rrient. D. Cc ntracftc r has examined the Ic cation cf all proposed we rk, earEfc Ily reviewed and evaluated 1hE specificatic ns set fc r1h by City far ire Prc.ject, is familiar with all ccnditicns relevant to the performance of sEr%1icEs, anc has committed tc pE rform all we rk required fc r it E cc mpensaticri spE cified in tris AgreE merit. NOW, THBREFORB, it is mLlually agreEd by and betwlEen the undersigned partiE s as follows: 1. TIE RM 11hE tE rrri of this AgrE ement shall cc rrime rice c n the Bfik ci ivE DatE , and shall terminale on , une 27, 2019, L nless tE rminatEc earlier as sEt forth herE in. 2. SERVICES TC BE PERFIC)RMEEI 2.1 Ce ril ractc r shall pe do rrri 1 hE on-call .ie Riices c e scribed in the C_� cc pE of SEirvicEis attachEid heirEitc as Exhibit A anc incc rpc rated herein by rEfE rence (1"�EIEIINIicEis" c ""crk",. Lpon written rEquest frcrri ihE Rreject Administralcr a.i dEfined hErein, Contractorshall provide a letter prcpcEial fcr.Iervices rEquestEc bythe City (IhEreinafiler referred to as lhE "Letter Proposal"). The LEttEr Rroposal shall include 1hE following: 2.1.1 A detailec c E scriptic n of ire SE rvicE s to bE FlrevidE d; 2.1.2 The Flesilicn of Each person to be assigned tc perform the SE rvicE s, and the namE cf the inc ividL als to bE assignE d, if available; 10-4 and 2.1.3 -Rh6 estimated nL mbeir cf I'CL rs and cost to complEitE the SeNiCES; 2.1.4 llhE tirriei needed tc finish 1h6 specific prcjEC1. 2.2 No SEirvices shall be provic EIC until the Prc jEol Administrator f as prcvided w nitiE n acceiptance of the Leitieir Prc pc sal. C nce authorized tc prc ceiEid, Cc ntractc r shall diligeriily pErform the duties in the approV6d LEt16r Rroposal. 31. TIME OR RBRIFORIMANCB 3.1 Time is cf i hE essence in the pE do rrriaricei of SE rvices L nc em 1 his Agreement anc Coriiracton shall pErform tl-e Services in accordance with tl•e schEidulE1 iricludEcl in exhibit A and the LEffl6r Prc flcsal. In tl• a absence i of a spE cific schEK ulei, the SEirvicES shall be perfonrried lo ccmplEition in a diligent and 1imEly manriem. Tree failure by Ccriiractcn tc stricily adheres tc the schedule set forth in Exhibit A and the LEittEr Prcpcsal, if any, cr perform ihE SErvicES in a diligent and 1imEly rriannEir may r6suli in terminal icn of this Agre6rrlUil by City. 3.2 NcbAlithstanding- the foregoing, Contractor shall not be respcnsible fcr delays duel tc causes beyond Coninactcr's mascnablC control. HowevEr, in the cases of any such delay in 1hei Services tc be prcvided fcr the PrcjEci, Each party remeiby agrees to provic E notice witl• in two (2; calenc ar days cf the ocU rrE noel causing tr a delay to the cther party so chat all deilays can b6 addressed. 3.3 Cc rii ractc r shall submit all re quE sts for Extensions of times fcr pE rfc rmancE in w riting tc the Rroject Administratc r as defined hemeiri, nct later than twlc 112: calendar days afi& the stars of the conc ition chat purpcdedly causes a delay. The Rroject Administratcr shall review all such recluests and may grarit mascriablEi ME extEnsicns fc r unfc nesEieablE c edays that are beyc nd Cc rii ractc is cc rii ro I. 3.4 Ror all time fleriods nct specifically sElt forth her6in, Contractor shall respond in the most ExpElc lent and appropriate rriannE r under the circa mstaricES, by fa), hand -delivery c mail. 4. COMRBNSATIC N TIO CC NTRIACTORI 4.1 City shall pay Cc ntractor fc r the Services on a time and exile iS6 nc 1 -to - exceed basis in accc rdancE with the provisic ns of i his Section anc the Lever Rroposal and ihEi SlchEdulE of Billing RatEs attachEc herEtc as B)hibit B and incorporated herein by reference. Bxceifli as ctherwisE prcvided her6in, no rate changes shall be made during thea teirm cf this AgrEierrieint withc ut tl• Ei pricr written apprcval cf City. Coniractcr's compensatic n fc r all SE rvicES perk rmed in accc rdanC6 w ii h this AgrCement, including all neimbursablEi it6rris, shall not eixcEecl One Hundrec Fiffm THcusand Dollars and 00/100 ($150,000.00), without pricrwritten amEindmerii tc thEi Agr6ement. 4.2 phis Agr6ement sl• all be in effect for a tEirm cf threes (3) y6ars, unless tEirminatEid earlier as sElt fcdh herein. Cn my ' , 20'17, and upon each July 1st theirEiafbr, the billing ratEls seat fc r1 h in exhibit Bit"Billing RlatES"; shall be adjusted in prcpcdion tc changes in the Consumer Price Index, subjEict to the maximurn adjustmeint LaynE Chrisieinsein Ccrripany Rage 2 10-5 sEt fort r below. Such ad,justmE nt shall be rriadei k y multiplying the Billing Rales in Exf• tit B by a fiiacticin, the riurrierator of which is thEi \aIL E of thea ConsumEir Pricei Index for the calendar mcinth ihrEee (13) rriontl s preceding thEi calEridar month for which such ad.justmEint is lo bei rriadei, and tl-Ei denominator of vv i& is 11.6 valUE1 of thea Corisurrier Flrice IndEX fon tl-ei samE calendar month immEdiately prior tci Effective Date. The Consumer P11iCE Index to be L sElc in SLch cialculation is ll• Ei "CcinsumEir Flrice Index, All Items, 1982-84='100 for A II Urban Consl mE rs (CFII-U)", for th6 Los A rigelE s -Rive nside- Orangei County Metrcipcditan ArEa, pL blished k y il' E L niied States DCpartrrier1 of Labors, Bureau cf Labor Statistics. If both an official iridex anc orae or rriorE L nofilicial indices area Fluk IishEk , the official index shall bei used. If said Cons mer Price Index is no Icinger Fluklish6c al irE adjusirrient catE, it shall be constrLcieid by cornersiori tablEs iriclLdEd in such new index. In no everit, howevEir, sl -all the amount payable uncEr this AgreeimEnt bE reiduced below the Billing RatEs in EfIIEici immEdiately prEceding such ad,justmE nt. Thee maximum ac justmEirit increase tot the Billing Rates, fain any yE ar whE re an adjusirrieint is made pursuant tci this SEaiiori, shall not Exceed I r E ConslmEr Price IndEx or 2.0% of tl-e Billing Raieis in effect irrirrlEidiaiely preceding su& adjLstrrieni, whichever is less. 4.3 Contracton shall submit rriciriif• ly invoices tai City describing the Work pErlormed ilei preceding month. Contractor's bills shall iricludei 11.6 name and/or alassificalion cf eimployee whci performed tl-ei Work, a brief description of the Seirviaes pErlormed and/cir ihE spEaific task in 11`6 Scope of Services to which it relatEis, thea dates thea SEirvicE s VwE re pedormEid, thea number of hours splint on all Work billed on an hourly basis, and a desaripiion of any reirribL rsak IE expenditures. City sf all pay Contractor rio IatE r than thirty 1130; aaleinc ar days aftEir approval cif the rriontr ly invoice by City staff. 4.4 City shall reirribL rsE Coritractcir only for those costs or expenses spEcifically identified in Exhibit B lo this AgrEement and tl-e Letter Rroposal, on sp6cifically appro%ed in writing in advances by Cily. 4.5 Cointnactom shall not r6a6%ei any corrip6nsaiion for Extra "emk performed without thea pricer %ritl6n authorization cif City. As used h6rein, "Extra Work" means any "ork that is detElimined by City lo kei n6ciessary for the proper comFllEtiein cif ilei Flroject, but which is riot iriCILded within ihei Scrape of SErvicEs and which ih6 parties did not reasoriakly anlicipatE would be necESsaryj at the execution of this AgreEirrierit. Corripensaiicrn for any authorizE d Extra W ork shall be paid in acccirc ancE1 with Exhibit B and 1 h6 Letter Proposal. 5. AROJBCT MANAGER 5.1 Coninactor shall c EaigriatEi a RrojECt Manager, who shall coordinate all phasEis of the Praject. This Praject Manag6r shall be availablei to City at all reasonablC liM6s during irE AgreErrieni term. Contractor has dEsignatEd Aleve Zarconei tci be its Praject Manager. Contractor shall nail remove or rEassign the ProjEci Manager or any pEirscinnel listed in Exhibit A or assign any new or rE placE me nt pEirsc rrnEil to thea P11oj6Ct %0 00 tree prior wnitlen consent cf City. City's approval shall not be unrEasonably weir hE Id with rEispect to tl-ei rEirrioval mi assignment of ncrn-key pEirscrrnel. Layne Christensen Ccimpany Page 3 10-6 5.2 Contractor, at the solE discretion of Ciily, sf•all rerriovE from If e ProjEcil any of its persorrnEl assigned ilo the pErformanCE of SeRliCEs upon writilen rEquest of Ciily. Contractor warrants thail ill will continuously fL rnish the nEciessary pE rsorrnel to corripletE ilhe RrojEC1 on a timely basis as contemplated by this AgreErrierii. 6. ADMIN ISFURAT1ON This AgreE rrierii will bE adrriinisterE d by the Municipal C pE rations DepartmE nt. City's LtililliEis Manager or dEsignEie shall be ihEi ProjEici Administrator and shall havE ihE auftriiy lo acii for City under this AclrEemEint. ThEi ProjEcit Adminisirator shall represent City in all rriatilers pE ri aining to the SEirvices to bE rE nderec pursuant to 1 his AgreEirrient. 7. CITY'S RESIPONSIIBIIJITIES To assist Contraciior in ihE exEiCution of its responsibilities under this Agreement, City agrees to provides access lo and upon neqLest of Contractor, onE copy of all eixisiling relevant informailion on ME at Ciiy. City will provide all sucih materials in a ilimEly manner so as riot ilo causE delays in Contraciior's Work scihEc ulE. 8. TYRE AND INSTALLATION OA MAIIERIALS/STAN DARD CA CARE 8.1 Coriiractor shall use only ilhEi standard materials describEid in Exhibit A in performing .IeRIiCEis undEr chis Agreement. Any dEviaiion from the materials desciribed in Exf• ibit A shall riot k ei installed or utilizEic unless appro\ ed in advance and in writing by the Projekt Administrator. 8.2 All of the Services sf•all be performed by Contractor or uridEir Contractor's supEirvision. Coriiractor represents that it possEisseis tlla personnel required io perform thEi SEINICEIs rEiquirec by this Agreement, and ilhat it v\ill perform all SleirvicEis in a manner CorrimE nsuratei with community profE ssional staric ards and with the ordinary degreEi of skill anc care chat would be used by otheir reasonably CompetEint praclilionEirs of the sarrie disciiplirie under similar circumstances. All Servicies shall kei pedormEic by qualified and experienced pE rsorinE I who arE not employed k y Ciiy. By dEilk ery of completed Work, Contractor CEriifies if at thEi Work Conforms lo the requirEimErnts of this AgreErrierii, all applicable federal, state and local laws and legally rEiCognized professional standards. 8.3 Contractor represEints and warrants to City tllat it has, shall obtain and sl- all keep in fL II force and Eifikict during 1 he to rrri f eireof, at its sole cost and Expense, all IiCEinses, PE rmits, qualifications, insurancie and approvals of whatsoever nature that is legally required of Contractor lo practice its profession. C ontractor sl- all maintain a City cf Ne\Apcd BEiach k usiness liceinsei during the term of this AgreemEint. 8.4 Cc ntractc r shall not bE rE sponsible fc r delay, nor shall C oniractc r be rEispc nsible for damages c r bEi in default or deemed to be in deifaL It by reasc n cf strikes, lockc uts, accidents, accts of God, or the failure of City tc furnish timely informalicri c r io approvEi or disapprove Corillractcis "ork promptly, or delay or faulty pedcrmanCE ky City, contractors, or goveirnmEintal agenciEis. Layne Cf ristEinsen Company PagEi 4 10-7 E. RBSIPCNSIBIUITY FCR DAMAGBSI OR INJURY 9.1 City and all cfficiers, Errployees and representatives thereof, anc all pE rsons and entities cwning or ctherwisE in legal cc ntrcl of the prc perty upon which Cc ntractc r pe do rms the Prcject andilor SE rvices shall ncl be rE spc nsible in arty manner fcr any loss cr darriage to any cf the rriatE rials C11 ctl- e n things usE d cr emplc y ed in pE rfc rmirig the Prc jE ci o r fc r injuryl is cr death cf any pE rso n as a result cf Cc ntractc is pErfcrmancE cf the Services required hereunder; or fcr darriage tc flrcperly frorr any cause arising from the flerlcrmancE of the-PrcjEcl anc/or Servicies by Coninactoii, cr its subccrilractons, cr ila workers, cr anycnE employed by either of ll• erri. 9.2 Contractor sl -all be respcnsible for any liabilily irriposEc by law and fan injuries to cr c Eath of any pE rscn or damagE tc property rest Itirig frcrr c EfE cts, obstructions cr frc m any clause arising frc rr Cc ntractc is We nk c n the Rroject and/cr SE RIicEs, c r the "cnk cf any subcc ntracilor or supplier selected by Cc ntraclor. 9.3 Tc the fullEst extent permiltEd by law, Contraclor shall inderrinify, defEnd and hold f anrriless Cily, ils Cily Ccuncil, bcards anc ccrrimissicris, cfficers, agents, vc luriteE rs, em fllc yeE s and any persc n or Entity c w ning cr ctherwiisE in IE gal contrc I cf the prc pE riy upon which Cc nsultaril pE rfc rms the Prc jE cit andilor SE rvicE s cc me rriplated by chis AgrEerrent (Iaollectively, il-e "IridemnifiEc Parties from and against any and all clairris ilinclucing, withcut limitalicri, claims fcr bccily injury, death cr damage tc property), demands, cbligalicns, darriages, acticns, causes of aclicri, suits, losses, judgmEnts, fines, penaltiEs, liabililies, aosts and experise 9 ilinclucing, withcut limilaticn, aticrnEys' fees, disbursErnErils and aouri ccs1s; of Everyl kind and nature whatscevEr (individually, a Claim; cc IlectivE ly, "C lairris"), which may arisE frc rri or in any rriannE r nelale (dirE Illy cr indirE cilly) tc any breach cf the tE rms and cc nditic ns of this AgreemEnt, any Wcrk pErformEd or Servicies prc�ided uncEr this AgrEement including, withcut limilaticn, defects in workrranship or rratenials cr Contractor's presence or activities ccnducted ori ihE Flroject (iriCILding tl'e negligent and/or willful acts, errcrs andilor cmissicris cf Ccntraaior, its principals, cfficers, agerils, emplcyeEs, vendors, suppliers, cc nsL Itarits, subcc ritractc rs, anyone erriplcyE d dirE cily cr indirectly by any of them c r fc r whc se ants they may be liablE or any or all of 1l- e rri; . 9.4 Nc twlithslanc irig t hE forE gc ing, nothing herein shall bE cc nstrued to require Contractor to indemnify the Indemnified RartiEs from any Claim arising from the sole nE gligence or willful rriiscc nduct cf the IndE rrinified FlartiE s. Nothing in this inderrinity shall bE ccnstrued as authorizing any award cf attorneys' fees in any acticn on o r to enfc rce tl- a 1E rms of this AgrE emE nt. This inde rrinity shall apply to all claims and liability regardless of whethE r any insurance pclicies are applicable. Tl- e policy limits do nct act as a limitation upcin il-e arriourit cf indErrinification to bE providEd by Cc ntractc r. 9.5 Contractor shall pEdcrm all Work in a manner to minimize public inconvenience and possible hazard, to nestorE other we rk areas to the it c riginal ccridilicn and fcrmEr usefulness as scon as possible, and to protect public and privatEi property. Contractor shall be liable fcr any private or public property darriageid during the peirfcrrriance cf the Werk by Contractor c r its agents. Laynei ChristEirisen Cc rripany Pagel 5 M: 9.E To tl-ei Extent auihcrizEic by law, as much cf lhE money d ei Contractor under and by vid L ei cf the A grEiernEnt as shall be cc nsic eared nEciessary by City may bei relairiEid by it until dispc sition has k Bien rria& of such suits or claims for darriageis as aforeisaic . 9.7 -Rhei rigHs and ckligations seat forth in chis Seicticn shall survives the terminatic n cf this Agreieirrieint. 10. INDEPSIS DENT CON T RIA CTC R It is uriderstccd That City retains Ccntracitcr cn an independent ccniracter basis and Ccritractcr is not an agent or emplcyee cf Ciiy. The rriannEr and means cf ccriduciing the Werk are L nder the ciontrc I of Cc ntracior, exciept io the eixient they area limited ky sialutei, rule or rECIulation and thea expreissec terms of tris Agre MEint. Nc civil sEAlice stars or cther right of empicyrrieril shall accrue tc Coniractcr cr its erriplc yeses. Nothing in this Agreement sl• all k e c eemed tc cc ristitute approval fc r Cc ntracior c r any cf Cc ntracitc is emplcyees or agents, to be the agents or emplcyees of City. Contractor shall ha%a the respc nsibility fc r and contrc I c ve r tl- ei means cf performing the Work, prcvided that Ccniractor is in ciompliance vwitl- the leirms cf this Agreeirrieni. Anything in this Agreement that may appear tc dive City lhE right tc direct Contractor as io ihE c etails of the peirlc rmaricei of tl- ei Werk cr tc exercise a measure of cc ntre I c ver Cc ntractc r shall mean c my that Cc ntracitor sl• all fc Ilow 1 het desires cf Ciiy \& i1 h re speicit to the results of 1 he SErvices. 11. COOPERATION Contractor agrees to work cicsedy and ccoperatE fully with City's deisigriatEic Rroject Adminisirator and any ctl-er aCIEncies chat may have jurisdiction cr interest in thea Werk 1c bei per rrrieid. Ciiy agreES tc cccFleraie witl- Ccntractcr on the Rroject. 12. CITY POLICY Contractor shall discuss anc review all matteuis relating tc pclicy and PrcjEict directic n Wih C iiy's Rroject Adrriinistratc r in advance of all critical clE cision pc ints in order to ensu ret the Project FlrcceEcls in a manner consistent with Ciiy goals and PC licies. 121. FROG RESIN Cc ria ractc r is responsible fc r keeping the Prcjeci Adminisi ratc r infc rmEid c n a regular basis redarcing the stars and prcdreiss cf the Prcjeiei, aciivitieis Fledc:rmed and planned, and any rrieeiiings tl-at have beiein scheduled cr are desired. 14. IN SURA N CS Wil he ut limiting Cc ntractc is indemnificalic n of C ity, and pric r io commeincemeint cf "ark, Ccntraetor shall cbtain, prc%idea and maintain at its ov&n expeinsei during the term of this Agreeirrieint or for cthEr periods as specified in this AgrEernent, gclicieis of irisuranee of ihE types, amc unts, terms and conditions described in lhei Insurance Rleigc iremeints attached I- emetic as Exhik it C, anc incorcloraied herein by reference. Layne Cf ristEnsein Company Paget 6 10-9 15. PREVAILING WAGES RL rsuant to the applicat le prcevisions of the Labor CcedE of the State cif C alifonnie , ncel less than the general pneva fling rate of per diem wages including le gal holidays and cveriimE Work fcer each cnafil or type cf wcerkman needed to Execule the "oink ccrHemp12teed undeer thea AgnE errieent sl• all be paid io all workmen E rriplcyed on the MO lo bei dome acccerding tae the AgrEemE nt by it E Contractor and any sL baontnacteui. In accordance with the Califonnia Labor Code (Secticens ' 770 et seq.;, the DirEecior of Industrial Relations has ascertainEid ihE gEirienal preveiling nate cif per diem wages in ihEe locality in which ihE Work is to be pErlormEd for etch cnafil, clessificaticen, or lypE of workmen cer mechanic needed tce exEcutE the AgreErrieni. A copy of said dEtermination is ave ilablee by calling the prEevailing we gE hotline nurribE r 114' 5; 703-4774, e nd r6questing cenE from thea Deperlmerii of Industrial Relaticens. ThE Ccentracilor is required tet obtain the wages dElerminetions from the DepartmEnt cf Industrial Relaticens and post at ihE job sitE thea prevailing nate or pEer diE rri wages. li shall t e ll• ee cebligation of thea Contnactor cer any subccriiractcir undeer hirr1#611 tce cio nply with all .hate cf Califonnia labor laws, rulers and nEgulations 2nd the parliees agree thel il•E City shell not be lieblee fcer any violelion tl-enEeof. 16. PRICHIBITICh ACAINSIT ASSIC NMBNTS AND TRIANSIHBRIS ExcEpt as specifically a0hceriaeed under tHs AgreErrieenl, ihE Services to be rlrcevidEd under ftis Agreeeerrieenl shall not be assigneed, trensfeniied ccriiractEd or subaontnacied GO Wlhceut the pricer writlen appnceval cf City. Any off the fcdlowing shall bei conslruEd as an assignmeent: The sales, assignmEeni, tnensfEer on othEer disposition cf any cif the issued and outstanding capital stock of Contnactor, cer cif tl- e intE rest of any gEnenal partner Gui joint verilurEir or syndicates rrierriben or ccetEinant if Contractor is a pedriEnsl-ip or jceint-ventures cersyndicele on ccelenancy, wrich shall nesuli in changing the cont rol of Cc rii ractcir. Cont rol means fifty percE nt 1150%) cer mcere cf the viceting pcwE r on MEenly-five rlEuiceint (25%) cer mcne cf the E ssEts of ll• ee ciorporation, rlarinersr ip en jceint- veenl L rE . 17. SL BCC NTRIACTING The subccentractcers autr Gniaeed by City, if any, to perform Wcerk on this PrcjE cil area idenlifiEed in Exl• ibit A and the Leetten Prcerlosal. Ccentractcer shall be fully resrlcensible tet Cily Imi all acts and omisEiicens of any subcontrecior. Ncelhing in this AgrEemEnt shell crEatee any contractual reilaiicinship bEtWEein City and any subconlractcn ncer shall it crEatee any obligaticen cin the part cif City tet pay or tce seE to thea peyrrierii off any monies dL ee tce any SLch subaontnacton celhE r tl-an as call• eerwise required by law. City is an inieendeed t Eeneficia ryl cf any "ork peerfenmed by the subcontnacton for pL rposE s of eestablishing 2 duly off cares bEetweeen tree subaonluacton and City. Except as specifically authceriaeed herein, the Services to bEe provided Lndeen chis AgreEemerit shall ncet bee citherwisee assigned, transferneed, ccintracteed cir subcontracted out %iihClLt thea pricer w ritilen approve I cif City. L ayne Cl• ristEenseen Company Pagee 7 10-10 181. OWNBRSHIPI OF DOCUMBN TS Bach and Everyl reporl, draft, map, record, plan, document and other writing produced 11hE reinaftE r "Documents",, flrE pared or caused to bE prE pared by Coniractor, its ofilicens, employeE s, age rats and sL bcontnacllors, in IhE coursE of irriplE me nting tl- is Agreement, shall become tl-E ExelusivE prorlEray of City, and City shall l ave the solE right to USE such matenials in its discreticn wiihoLt furil-Er compensaiicri to Contraclor or any other party. Contracior sl -all, at Ccriiractor's ExpEnsE, provide such DocumEnts to Ciiy upon prion \A ritlen rE quest. 19. CONRIDONTIALITY All Dccurrients, including drafils, prEliminary drawings or plans, riotEs and cc rrimunicaiioris that result fro rri the Services in this AgrEE me nl, shall be ke rill confidential unless Ciily expressly a&orizEs in \A riling tl-e release cf infonmaticn. 210. RIECC RIDEI Cc ntraciic r shall keep recc rds and invoices in conriection with tl- a Services to be perfcrrried undEr chis Agneerrient. Contractcr shall maintain complete and accurate records wish rEspect io the ccsis incurred under this Agreement and any Services, expenditures and disbunsemEnts charged to Ciiy, for a minirrium period of three (:I) yEans, cr for any longer pericd required by law, from ihE datE cf final payment to Contractor under this AgreEment. All sucl- reccrds and invcices shall be cleanly identifiable. Contractor shall allow a represenlativE of City is Examine, audit and make transcripts or cc pies of such necc rds and invoices during regular business he urs. Ccriiractor shall allow inspection of all Wcrk, data, Clocumenis, proceedings and activities related to the Agreement fon a peniod cf threE 1131) years from il-e datE cf final payrrieni to Contracior under this Agreemerit. 21'. WIlIHHCLDINGS City may withhold Flayrrient tc Contnac1lor of any disputed surras until satisfactic n of the dispute \Aiih respect io such payrrieni. %Sucl- withholding shall not be deErried to ccnslill ute a failure to pay according l0 IhE terms of tl-is AgreerriEni. Contracior shall riot discontinue Werk as a resp It of such withhclding. Cc ntractor shall have an irrimEdialle right to a flpE al to l he Ciiy ManagE r or his/her designE a with respE ci to such disputE d surras. Contractor shall bE entitled to recEivE interest on any withl-eld sums at ihE na11e of return that City earned on its investments during the lime pEricd, from the date cf witl- he Iding of any amoL nts found tc l ave been improperly withheld. 2121. CITY'S RIGHT TC E MPLCY CTH ER CC NTRACTORSI City reserves the right io employ other contractors in ccnnection \AHh the Project. 213. CONRLICTS C R INTEREST 22?.1 Coniractor cr its employees may bE subject io il-e provisicns cf thea California Political REfc rm Act cf 1974 (Jtl- e "Act"), which (11) requires such pE rsons tc disclose any financial intenest 11hai may forEseEably to materially affected by the Work Layne Christensen Cc rripany Pagel F 10-11 performed under iris Agreement, and (2) prc t it its suct persons frc m making, c r participating in making, decisions tt at will fcneseeat ly financially afileci sL ch interest. 2:; .2 If subject tc the A ci, Contractor shall cc nfc rrri tc all requirements of the Act. Railure tc do so cc nstitutes a rriatenial breach and is grounds fc r irrimec iate terrriinaticn of ttis Agreement ty City. Coniractcn shall inderrinify and hold harmless City fan any and all cilaims fc r damages rest Itirig frc rri Contractor's vic laiicri of this Sectic n. 24. NOTICE SI 24.1 All rictices, c erriands, regL ests c r approvals, including any ct arige in mailing ac dress, to be gig en unc er the terms c f this Agreerrieni st all be given in writing, anc cc riclL sively stall be deemed served "hen delis erec persc nally, c r on the third business day afller the deposit 1henecf in the Lnited S.liates mail, pcsiage preplaid, finst- class mail, addressed as he reinafter Flrcvided. 24.2 All notices, demands, requests cr approvals frcrri Coniractcn lo City shall be addressed tc City at: Attn: Utilities Manager Municipal Operaiicris Deparirrieni City of Newport Beach 'IOC Civic Center Drive RO Bc x 1768 N ewpc ri Beach, CA 92E98 24.3 All nctices, cerriands, neqLests or appircvals from City tc Coninacton shall be addre ssed tc Cc ntractc r at: Aft n: Steve aarcc n Layne Christensen Ccrripany 1717 W. Rark AvenL e Redlands, CA 92373 e15. CLAIMS Unless a st crte r time is specified elsewhere in this Agreement, before making its final request for pay rrie ni under this Agreeme rit, Cc ntractc r shall submit to City, in writing, all claims for compensation under or arising cut cf tt is Agreement. Ccriiractcn's acceptance of the final Flayrrient shall ccristitute a waiver cf all cilaims for compensatic n under c n arising out of this Agreement eixceFli thcisei previc usly made in writing and identified by Ccritractcr in writing as unseitleid at the time cf its final request fc r payment. Cc ntraciior anc City expressly agree that in additic n lo any claims filing regL irements set forth in the Agreement, Cc ntraciic r st all be required to file any claim Ccntractcr may have against City in strict cicnformance with the Government Claims Act (IGovernment CC e sectic ns SOC et seq.. Layne Christensen Ccrripany Rage 9 10-12 i 6. TE RMINATIC h 26.1 In the event that Either pary fails or rEfuses to perform any cf the prcvisicns cf this AgrEiemEnt at the 1imE and in the manner rEquirEcl, that party shall be dEE meld in deifault in the pleirlc rmaricE cf iris AgreEirrl6rii. If SLch dEifauli is not cc rEcl within a pEiricd of twc (12) calEndar days, cr if rrici-6 Iran twic (2) calendar days ane neiasonably rEcluirEid tc curet it E dEfault and the defaulting party fails tc give adequale assurance cf due pEirfcrrriaricE Wittin twlc (2; calEiridar days afilEr r6ceipt cf writtEn ncticie cal deifault, specifying the nalurE Ci such deifault and the steps n6cessary tc cure such defaull, and therEafil6r diligEintly lakEi steps to ciurE tt 6 defaull, the ncn-dEifaulting party may tEirminatE1 the Agneerrient forthwith by giving io 11`6 defaulting pary writt6n nctice thEireicf. 26.2 Notwlithslanding the abcve prcvisions, City shall lave the right, at its sole and absc:M6 discneticri and \Aithcut caLSE, cf terminating this AgrEement at any 1imE by giving ric IESS than sEiven 117: calf ndar days' pric r written notice tc Cc ntraclor. In the eV6nt of to nrriinatic n under this Sectic n, City shall pay Cc ntractc r fc r Services satisfactorily pEirformEcI and ccsts inciurrEd up lo ihE EfIIEciivEi date cf tenrriinaticn for which Conlnactcr has nct be6ri prEvicusly paid. On the EfflELlive date of tErmination, Cc ntracilc r shall deliver tc Cily all r6pc r1 s, Dc currients and cther info nrriatic n develc ped cr acicumL laled in it a peirfcnrriance cf this AgrE emEint, wheihE r in dnafil c r final fc rm. 271. UABOR 27.1 Conlractcn shall ccnfcrrri wilt all applicable provisicns cf stale and fEclEral law including, bul nct limileid tc, applicable provisicns cf the fEdEiral Flair Labcr Standards Act il" RLSA"; (29 U.ICA § 2C 1, et sed.;. 27.2 MeinevEr Contraclor has kncwledg6 that any aclual cr pciential labcr dispute is d6laying cn ttrEiaiens lo delay the limEly perfcnrriancie cf this AgrEemeint, Contractor stall irrirrieidialEily giV6 writien ncticei tc City, and prcvidE all rEilEivani info rmai is n. 27.3 Cc ntractc r rE pre semis that all pE rso ns working under this AgrE eiment arE vEirified to be U.S. citizEins cr persons legally aL the rizEcl is we rk in thea L niieid StatE s. 27.4 To the fullest ext eni pE rmitteid by law, Cc ntracior shall indemnify, dEilend, and he Id harmIEiss Ciiy, its Ciiy Cc uracil, beards and commissic ns, cfficiers, agEints, vcluntEers, and eimplcyeiES from Icss cr damages, including but not IirriitEcl to atilorneys' fEes, and cher ccsts of clEfMS6 by reason cf actual cn all6gEcl viclaticns cf any applliciabI6 fEclEnal, statE and Iccial labcn laws or law, rulEs, and/cr regulaticns. This c bligatic n shall sL rvivei ihE Eixpiratic n and/c r tElrmination cf the Agr6ement. 26. STAN DARE] BROVIISIONSI 28.1 REicitals. City and Contractor ackncwledge that ttei abcve Recitals are trues and cc rrect and ane hE reiby incorporated by reference. 28.2 CcmplianCC wiih all Laws. Coniractcr shall, al its cwn ciost and expeinsei, ciomplly with all sialutES, ordinancies, negclaficris and rEquirEirriErils cf all govEirnmental Layn6 Chrisieinsein Company PagEi 1 C 10-13 ElntitiES, including fedEiral, stE16, courilly or municipal, w hEther now in forces or he reinaiftE r Eineicied. In adc ition, all W ork pre pared by Ccintractcir shaill conform tci aclplicaiblei City, couriiy, siaite and fedEiral laiws, rulEs, rEgulationEi and permit rEiquirements grid bE sL bject io aippro\ al cif the Rreiject Administratcir and City. 28.3 W giver. A waiver by E itheir party of any breach, of any tErm, covenant or condition aontaiineid hErein shall riot bei cEemEid to be a waiver of any .iub.iequEint breach of ihEi salME or any oihEir term, coveriarill or condition contained hemeiri, whether of the same or a difilerEirill character. 28.4 Integrated Contre cll. This AgreEirrient represents the fc II and comcllEiie L nderstanding of E\eiry kind or nail rEi whatsciEveir bEtweEin the parties hEireto, and all prEiliminary neigotiaiicns and agrEements of wh&lsoiE\er kind or nature acre mErclEid hErein. N c verbal agrEemE nt cir irripliE d cioivE nant shall bE held to vary tr Ei provisions he rein. 28.5 Conflicts or InconsislenciEs. In the evEnt therEi arE any ccinflici.i or inaolnsistEnciEs bEtweEn lhi.i AclrEeiment and the Scopei cif SErvicEa or any other atllaichrrieni.i altechEd herEitC, thEi tEirms of this AgrEemEnt shall govErn. 28.E IntErprEitEllicn. The tErms of this AgrEiemEni shall bei cion.iln.Eid in accordance with thEi meaning of the laingi. agE used and shall not be construed for or against EiithE r pairty by rE ascan of the authorship cif thea AgrE emEint car any othEir rL IE of coristruction w hich might otherwise apply. 28.7 ArrieindmE nts. This AgrEieiment may be modified car aiME nded cinly by a wriltEn doicurriEini exEcuted by both Coriiraictcir and Ciiy and appiioved as tci fcirm by tre Ciiy Attorney. 28.8 Seveuiability. If any term car portion cif this AgreE rrieini is held io be invalid, illEigail, cr oir erwisEi L nenfcirceiable by a cciurt of compeiteni jL risdiction, it a rEirriaining provisions of tt is AgreEimE fl st all ccintinuE in full forcEi and efilect. 28.9 Ccniroilling Law and VeinuEi. ThEi laws of IhEi States of California shall govErn this AgrEiement and all matiEirs relating tci it and any action brought relating to this Agreement shall bE adjudicated in a cCL r1 of corripEtE nt jurisdiction in thEi County ctl Orange, State of Califcmniai. 28.1C 8guail Cpporlunity ErriploymEnt. Ccniraictcr represEints that it i.i an Equal cipportunity E rriploiyEir and it shall not di.icrirriinaitei agaiin.ii any subcoriiractcm, employ eEi or applicant for Employment because i cf racE, religioiu.i creed, color, neitioinail origin, ainU siry, pt ysiaal handicap, rrieidicail ccndiiicn, me rital stabs, SEX, sEixual crieniaiticin, EgEi car any oihEr irripermis.iiblEi basi.i under law. 28.11 No AttcmnEVEl' ReEis. In the event of any disputEi or lEigal action arising 1-nder this AgrEieimEint, the prEvailing party shaill nct be entiilEd tci atllornEiys' feces. LaynEi Christensen Coimpany Ragei 11 10-14 28.12 Cc urileirparts. This Agr6emeint may be exElcutEc in twlo (12) or mere cioiunterparts, each of wl•icl• shall be deEmed an cuiginal and all cf which tcgEither shall cons ilulle crie (1; and the sarriE instrument [SIGNATURES ON NEXT MAGE] Layne Cf ristEinsEin Company Plage '12 10-15 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on the dates written below. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATT I f'S OFFICE Date: Aaron powintiko City Attorney ATTEST: Date: M Leilani 1. Brown City Clerk CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a California municipal corporation Date: By: Diane B. Dixon Mayor CONTRACTOR: Layne Christensen Company, a Delaware corporation Date: By: Mark Howard Business Development Manager [END OF SIGNATURES] Attachments: Exhibit A — Scope of Services Exhibit B — Schedule of Billing Rates Exhibit C — Insurance Requirements Layne Christensen Company �- -- Page 13 10-16 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OFI SERVICES o DESCRIPTIC N C F RRC JBCT o This prc'ect is to provic E rrairillenance and rE pair sErvicEs fc r the Cilly of Newport BEach's four (4) %Haller %Aells, four (4) well purrps, and twlEnty four 1124; watEr bCestEr dumps on an eri-call, as -needed, limE-and-mailerial basis. Any and all performance pursuant tc this cc ntraei(s( shall be c n an "on-call" c r "as -needed" basis. Any tasking shall bei initialed sc IE ly by the City. R r1 he r, E) ecus ie ri of a cc ntract by the City does not in any \Aay guaranteE 11 hat any tasking c r re quest fo r c ri-call se rvicE s will be issL eid tc any party. o With tris Mainlleinance and Repair EIervicEis Agreement, the Ciiy wishEs to have the weill and purrip replair Coniractcrljs), mobilize in less irari seventy twe 1172) hours and pEfIc rm we rk as rEquestecl by ihei City. o ScmEi pump rraintUiance and repair servicers may includE, but are nci limited tc, rErrieval, inspection, repair, replacenl6nt, and installallicn, cf well pumps and bocsier purrips, and ihEi furnishing cf parts and labcr in cerijuncticn \Ai11h suah wo rk. o The Cc ntracrtc n1s), shall have ihEi ability tc conduct maintE nancE tc pc table Aall eir wells including, but not limited lo, well columns, basE plates, IEvel transmitters, and watE r lube assemblies. o Thei Ciiy may ask the Cc ntracior(s; tc submit an annual preveinlivE mainteinance schedules, including wcrk tc be pEirfcrmEid, fcr the City's four (4; wells and well dumps and fiMEMy fc ur (24) Waller bocster pumps. o Thei Ciiy has a ceriiract with a mcior maintenance anc repair company. All rrioter work will bE pETIcrrrEd und6r this Existing ccntracrt. Nc rricter mairiieinanee er repair work is included in this Scope of Services and will nct be performed under this Agree rrient. o It is desirables that Ccniractcr(s; bei a licensed (C-57) WE II Drilling Contractor in the State cf California. Layriei Christensen Company Ragei A-1 10-17 c SICOPE C H WORK o Although the City is atllemplling tc identify tf a limits and servicies required, this she uld not unnecessarily limit iF e Cc ntractc rlls) in the de velcpme n11 of a SCCPE it believes is neciessaryio meetthe City's gcala and objecitives. o The Ccniractcn(s; shall furnish all material, labor, equipment, and oupeRiision io perform the maintenance and repair as requested ty 11he Ciiy. The Coniractcr(la) shall pedcrm such wcrH in a thorcugh and professional manner. c The City's water aysterri cionsists cf four (14) well dumps and twenty four 1124) waier bocSie r pumps. Rump manufacturers inch de: Pee rle as, c f- nson, Gc ulds, Ingerscll-CIresser, and Grundfus pumps. The pumps range in length of ihree (3) feet tc 279 feei. The pumps pumping capa(iities range from 500 gallons per miriute (1"G RM") to 3,200 GRM. All pumps are w ate r lubricated. Cc rii ractc rlla) must have 11he ability io pEdcrm rriaintenarice and repairs tc these pumps, aa - needed, wi11h the same ciomperieriia. Bquivalent ccrripcnents will not be accepted and would excILde 11he Ccntractcrlls) from wanking on ire pumps. This wculd cc ristitute a breach in contracll which cc L Id lead is to rrriinatic n of tr a cc ntracit. ME City will ciall the Ccnlractcr(js) when a prc blem wi11h a pump ccaurs. If c n -site repaira are nct pcssible, tr e Cc ntracitc rigs) and City will make a dote rmiriation if the PL mp ne eda tc be pulled and se nt tc ft e Cc ntracitc rlls) she p fc r inspectic n. Rrom tr is inapeciiion, Cc ntracitc rigs) shall present tc the City a proposal fc r parts and labor to make repairs. Any re placerrieni parts c mateniala must be noted for approval by the City. All wcrk sent out for cutside serviice to a third party must alac be noted in prcpcsal. Ccntracrrorils) must submit this prcpcsal in writing io the Utilitieis Manager c r hi&Iheir designee. If the Ciiy agrees with ire terms cf the proposal, the Ciiy will 11h6n issue a Notice to Rroceieid ("NMR") in writing for repairs io be made. Nc rEpairs shall be made until this NTP is issued tc the cc ntractc r. c The City's four 114; wells are locate d in FIc unlain Valley, Califc rnia. Mainienancie required of theses weills is ccnsideireid io be mcre preventive than corr6ciiive. The Contracior(s; shall have the ability tc peirfc rrri vibnatic n analysis testing, eiffick ncy testing, Dynamic Videc Mcnitcring ("DVM") and apinneir logging. The Contracior(s; shall have the ability to analyze the data from tl eEse tests tc maHe re ciommeindations tc RE City c n Weill rriainte riarice and reipaira needing to bei performed. These reciommendationa muai be pneSUilled io the City in an official re pc d detailing the firidinga. llhe recc rrimeindatic ns from tr e Cc n1 ractc r(la) for reipairs tc weills dceis not guarainteiei that 1h6 wcrH will be peirlormeid, cr said Contractor(s,' w ill be cr csen tc peirfc rrri the wcrk recommeindeid. c Sf cull the City require the Coninactcr(s,' io perform ached leid preiveintive maintenance of ihei wate r weills, pL mps aind/or bocsteir pumps, the Cc ntraictc r will submit a schedule i COlining the maintenance tc be peirformed, whein eiacr Weill and pimp will receive maintenance, and the lengllh of time neeideid tc ccrriplete the meiinteinancei. Thea type of maintenance work tc bei performed as part cf it ei sof• eduled preiveintive maiinteiriaince will bei discussed wiih tr ei Ciiy and then Layne Chnisieinsein Ccrripany Rage A-2 10-18 ccrrirriuriicaied in writing to the Ccniractcr(j.i) prior tc any scl-eduled prevEntive maintE nanCE ocCL rring. The Cc ntracior(s, will providE a cc sl estirriate tc the City prion to ccnducting the agrEed upon services and receive approval fiiom ihE City. o L EIVEL C F MA IN118NA NCEI o All work shall bE perfonrried in a manner ccmrrienEwraie with community pncfessional siandands and witl- the ondiriaryl dEgrEe cf .ikill and carE that wcLld be used by ctl-en reascriably ccrripEtEnt pracitiiicriers of the .iaME discipline uridE r similar circum.iiances. Slanclards and frequE ncies may be rriodifiE d frc m tiME to liME as deemed nECEssary by ihE Ciiy fan ihE proper rnairiienance and re pair of the wE IIs and pumps. o If, in the judgMEnt of the City, 1I -E IevEI cf maintenance is less than that specified herein, the City shall, at its opiicri, in additicn to cr in IiEU cf cther rEMEdiEs provided herein, "O he ld apprc priatE payrrieni frc rri i hE Cc ritractc r u ntil sE rvicE s ane reridE red in accondarice with specification.i .iet forth within chis doCL Ment and providing no ctl- E n arrangeME nts havE bE en made betweeri i hE Cc ntractc rlls) and ihE Ciiy. Railure tc notify cf a changE and/cr failure tc perform ari REM cr wcrk cn a scheduled day, rriay, at the City's sclE discreticn, rEEILlt in dEduciicri of paymEnt fcr that day, week, cr month. PayrriErii will be rEiairied fcr wank not performed until SL ch time as the we rk is performed to Ciiy standard. o ThE Ccntracicr(s) i.i/arE required tc ccrrect deficienciEs witl-in ihE time specifiEd by il-E City. If rioted deficient work has nci been complEtEd, paymEnt for sL bject deficiency shall be withhEld and shall ccrilinLE lo be withhEld until deficiency is cc rrectE d, without rightlo retrc active payME nts. o All wcrk and gE nE ral cc nditic ns shall bE perfc rrried in accordance with the CL rrE nt Slanclard SpE cificatic ns for Cal -CSF A, Rublic We rks Cc nstruciic n (jG reE n Bock:, the Stale WatE r Resc L rCE s Contrc I Board Health Guidelines, and the American Water W Irks Associatic n ("AWWA"', Standards. o WC RIKMA N SHIP AND SL PERIVISIC N o L nless ctherwisE statE d, Cc ntracftc r(s) shall be rEspc nsiblE tc providE all labor and rriatErialstc allow fcrsuccEssful RrojectComplEiicri. ■ T hE City may chcosE tc neirriburse the Cc ntractc rlls) for matE rials that need to be prc curE d. T hE ae instances shall be analyze c c n a casE-by-case basis and reirribL rsE rr eni fcr rr ateriails w ill need tc be agneeid upon in RE Cc ntracior's (EttE r prcplcsal prior tc the commencement cf wcrk. ■ REceipi.i shall bE reqs iced fcr rEirribL rsErrienis fcr matE rials purcl-ased fcr prc jE cis. City rE seirvE s the right tc specify what type of material andilor Equipment will bE purchased pEr prcjEct. All equipMEnt and rriatE vial purcl- ases shall be pnE aipprc vE d by 1 hE Utilities Mariage n, or his/her designeE . TI- e Cc ritractc r shall charge the actual cost cf LaynE Christensen Ccrripany Page A-3 10-19 materials to the City plus fifteen percent (15%) for overhead costs associated with procurement of materials. ■ The City reserves the right to purchase materials directly and make them available to the Contractor(s). In the event the City exercises the option to purchase the materials, the following conditions will apply: ■ Contractor(s) shall conform to all City practices and procedures. ■ All City purchases will be for the sole expressed use of and for the City. ■ The Contractor(s) shall secure, store, inventory, distribute, and control all materials entrusted to the Contractor's representatives. ■ All materials and inventories shall be made available to the City upon request. The Contractor(s) will reduce the unit cost for each maintenance task by the City's actual cost for the materials provided and used. o Contractor(s) represents and warrants to the City that he/she has, and will keep in effect at all times during the term of a contract with the City, all licenses, permits, professional qualifications, and approvals of whatever nature that are legally required to practice his/her trade. o Maintain all work sites free of hazards to persons and/or property resulting from the Contractor's operations. Any hazardous condition noted by the Contractor(s), which is not a result of the Contractor's operations, shall be immediately reported to the City. o Contractor(s) shall be responsible for removing and cleaning any and all debris that occurs as a result of its operations as a result of services requested in this scope of work. o All work performed under this contract shall be performed in such a manner as to provide maximum safety to the public and where applicable, comply with all safety standards required by CAL -OSHA. The Utilities Manager, or his/her designee reserves the right to issue restraint or cease and desist orders to the Contractor when unsafe or harmful acts are observed or reported relative to the performance of the work under this contract. o The supervisor or person in charge and on site of any City project shall have a smart phone capable of email. o At all times, the Contractor(s) will ensure at least one English speaking person is on site of any City assigned project. 7VIT&I N 1141 [rl C [fill *"l o Normal working hours shall be between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday and 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Friday. Work at the well Layne Christensen Company Page A-4 10-20 sites is limited from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday; and 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Friday. o The Contractor(s) is subject to being contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 355 days a year to make emergency repairs to the City's water wells and pumps. The Contractor(s) will provide the Utilities Manager with names and telephone numbers of at least two (2) qualified persons who can be called by City representatives when emergency maintenance conditions occur during hours when the Contractor's normal work force is not present in the City of Newport Beach. These representatives for the Contractor(s) shall respond to said emergency within two (2) hours from receiving notification. The contractor shall notify the Utilities Manager should any updates occur to this contact information. o CONTRACTOR'S OFFICE o Contractor is required to maintain an office within a two (2) hour response time of the job site and provide the office with phone service during normal working hours. During all other times, a telephone answering service shall be utilized and the answering service shall be capable of contacting the Contractor(s) by cellular phone, radio or pager. Contractor(s) shall respond to our request within two (2) hours and must be able to mobilize within 72 hours to all emergencies. Contractor will have full responsibility for maintaining an office and a yard as needed for equipment, vehicle, and material storage. o Unless otherwise specified by the Utilities Manager (Project Administrator) or his/her designee, there will be no on-site storage of equipment or materials on City property or at the well sites. Contractor will have full responsibility for maintaining an office and a storage facility. o CORRESPONDENCE All correspondence shall be addressed to Utilities Manager, Municipal Operations Department, City of Newport Beach, P.C. Box 1758, Newport Beach, California 92658-8915. o EQUIPMENT o All vehicles and equipment used in conjunction with the work shall be maintained in a neat, clean, orderly manner and shall be in good working order. The Utilities Manager, or his/her designee, may reject any vehicle or piece of equipment and order it removed o STREET CLOSURES, DETOURS, BARRICADES o Warning signs, lights, and devices shall be installed and displayed in conformity with the current edition of the "California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" (http://www.dot.ca.pov/hg/traffops/signtech/mutcdsupp/) for use in performance of work upon highways issued by the State of California, Department of Transportation and as directed by City staff. Layne Christensen Company - - -- Page A-5 10-21 c If 11hE Contractor(s,' fails tc prcvide and install any of the signs or traffic ccntrcl devices rEquirEd herEby c ordered by the City staff, staff may cause such signs cr 11raffic cionAcl dEvicEs to bE placied by cthers, chargE 11hE ccais 11hErefc1le against the Contracllor(s;, and dedLcll ihE .iarrie frcrri ihE nE)i prcgrEsa paymEnt c r invc ICE. c BE acc n lighting visible from behind the vehicle will bE installed on vehiclE s working along City:ilreEts. c PERMIIISI c When work is pErformEd at the DcIphin "aII sitE, a pErmit and traffic contrcI plan mLs11 ke submiltEd io ile Ci11y of Rcuniairi VaIIEy. o At the City's Tarrll ra "ell si11e, a permit muss be c btainE d frc m the City of RcLntain VaIIEy. 11hE Ccntraciior(s) shall prcvide a wank schedule tc IlE Ciiy 72 hours prioric wcrk being conducrtEd atllhisi site. c The Contracior(s; is respc nsible for c btaining pE rmits whE re neqL irE d k y federal, statE c r Ic cial laws as it pE ruins tc the wcrk bE ing cc ndL cted. o PRUECII ADMINISTRAITIC N o Fcr all service rEquests, Ccntracior(s; shall fcllcw the prcioccl established in this AgreE me nt in regards lo service de plc ymE nt, incl ding issuing LE tlE r Prc pc sals for Each rEquest and riot ccrrirriencing wcrk until authorized by the UtilitiEa ManagE r, c r his)IhE r designE e. Any and all sE rvicE s Flerfc rrried fc r 1 hE Ciiy shall be charged at the rates iridicated in the ExEcuted Agreerrient. c When ilei need for sErvices arisEs, 11h6 Ciiy shall rEquest in writing, the necEissaryl maintenancie re pairSENiC69 required in adequate deillail. Ccrill ractcrQa) shall ihEri prc vide a IOU prc pc sal for Slervices rEcluestEd by the City i1her6inafller rEferrEd tc as the "Letller Rrcrlcsal",. The Letter Prcpcsal shall iriclLde the fcllcwing: A detailed descriptic n cf 1 hE services 110 be prc vided t y tl Ei cc ntractc rljs); A detailed descripticn of ilei sEirvices lo bE prcvidEd by an cLiside agency othEir than the cc ri1 ractc rQa; ; A detailed descriptic n of any replacie hent parts or matE rials; ■ MEh EislirriatEid number of he urs and cc st tc complEitC the sEirviC6% and A we rk schEcIUIEi that includes ih6 cc mplEition dates fc r the prc jE cit. o City will asseiss the Lebler Rioposal tc einsurei that sETvices and cc ass proposEid are ccrrimensuralle witl thoS6 prcvided in tle Contractor's RRR responsei. No Serviceis sl all be prc vided until 1 hE Ciiy has prc \ ideid w ritl6n accE ptarice of thei LaynEi Chrisieinsen Company Paget A-6 10-22 Letter Proposal. Once authorized to proceed, Contractor(s) shall diligently perform the duties in the approved Letter Proposal. o Contractor(s) shall ,perform all Work required to be performed, and shall provide and furnish all the labor, materials, necessary tools, expendable equipment and all utility and transportation services necessary for the Project. o The Contractor(s) will meet at least once per year of the contract with the Utilities Manager (Project Administrator) for a performance review and assessment of the quality of work performed. o UNDERGROUND EXCAVATIONS o The Contractor(s) shall be responsible for locating all underground utility lines to insure the safety of his/her work crew and to protect, in place, existing utility equipment before commencing any excavation. Contractor shall contact the Utilities Manager (Project Administrator) or his/her designee and Underground Service Alert (www.digalert.org) (1-800-227-2600) forty-eight (48) hours before commencing any excavation, to locate underground service lines. o RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGES OR INJURY o City and all officers, employees and representatives thereof shall not be responsible in any manner for any loss or damage to any of the materials or other things used or employed in performing the Project or for injury to or death of any person as a result of Contractor's performance of the Services required hereunder; or for damage to property from any cause arising from the performance of the Project by Contractor(s), or its subcontractors, or its workers, or anyone employed by either of them. o Contractor(s) shall be responsible for any liability imposed by law and for injuries to or death of any person or damage to property resulting from defects, obstructions or from any cause arising from Contractor's Work on the Project, or the Work of any subcontractor or supplier selected by Contractor(s). Layne Christensen Company Page A-7 10-23 EXHIBIT B SCHEDULE CF BILIJIIN G RAVES BILLING SCHEDULE AND HCURILY RATES A. The Ccrillractcr agreies that for reiquEsiled arid/cr required changes in the scope cf vac rk, including additic ns and dEletic ns on work nct pEric rmEc , the AgrEemEnt surra shall be adjusted in accordance wiilh llhE fclloWng unill prices, where the City Elects to uses llhis methc d in dEtE rmining ccsts. B. Tl -el L nil prices quctEd ty the Contnacllor shall bei thosE1 uniil piiceis that will be chargEc cr creidited for labcr be provided regardless cf the ioilal nurribEr units and/or arriount of labors rEiquirEd for added cr deleted iieims cf vac rk. C. All we rk shall bei perfc rimed in accc rdancE with SrIEicifications c E scribed in the RFP. ❑. ME contract vv ill bE fon tErm cf IhrEiei years. Lpon tl-e firm ,uly, following the firsil anniversary cf thei Effectivei Date ]July 20'17] arid L pc n ea& July ihEireaften, the billing rates set forth in Exhibit B Schedule cf Billing Rales I1"Billing Rales",' shall be adjusted in proporlicn tc changes in the Consumer Price Index, subjEcal tc ihEi maximurn adjustment sEii fcril- belcw. Such adjusirrient shall be madEi by multiplying the Billing Raileis in B)hibit B by a fracticn, the numerallon cf which is thea value cf the Consumer Prlice IndEix for ihE calendar rriontl- ihrEiei (3; mcnilhs prEiceding ihE calendar month for which such adjI.slImErii is tc bEi made, and ihEi dericrriinaior cf which is the value cf ihEi Ccnsumer Price Index for thea samE caleridar mcnth immediatEly prier 110 EffectivE DatEi. Tl• e Cc nsL ME r PricE Index tc be USE d in such calculatic n is ihE "CcnslmEr Price Index, All ItEirris, 1982-84=10C for All Urban Orange Ccuriiy Striping Servicei, Inc. CcnsumEirs (CPI -U;", for the Lcs Angeles- RivensidE-CrarigE County Metrcpclitan Area, published by thEi UnitEd !-Eliates Depart rneini of Labor, Bureau c f Labc r Statistics. If beth an official inc E x arid crie cr more unofficial iridices are publishEd, the cfficial index shall be used. If said CcnsLmEir Price Index is no Ieriger publishEc all llhEi adjusllrriEril daile, ii shall bei consin. cted by cc nvE rsic n cables ineluc Ec in such nevi inc Ex. In nc Event, howevE r, shall the arrieunt payable undEir chis Agreement bEi reduced beilcw the Billing Rales in Effect immEciallely prieceding such adjustmEnt. ME maximi m adjusirneirii increases to the Billing RlatEis, for any year wheirEi an adjLstrrieni is made pursuarii io this SEciicri, shall nct excEieid ihEi CcnsurriEir Pnicei IndE) or 2.00/c, of the Billing Raies in EffEd immEidiately pnecEiding sc ch adjLstrrierii, whichEveir is less. Laynei Cf ristEinsEin Cc mpany Ragei B-1 10-24 Tadle 1: Billing Schedule and Heiurly Rates Pullincl & Installation Afte r - De sc ription Rate H ciurs/Ernie rglency H ciurly Rate* Nobilizatic n and demc bilizatic n $2,371.00 Lurr p Surr $3,733.00 Lump Sum Two ill, men, rig anc seRiice truck $ 333.00 /hc uri $ 429.00 jlhc ur Two ill, man ciiew and dump pulling $ 333.00 /hc urr $ 429.00 /hc ur rig TI- ree (3'man crew and standard I $ 4'13.00 /hour $ 550.00 /hc ur pump pull ing rig Bach additic nal errployee $ 80.00 /hour $ '120.00 /hour Crane Atte n- Descripticin Rate Houns)18me rclency Hourly Rate* 40 tc n %0 one ill', man $ 235.00 /I" o L r $ 292.00 /hc ur C ne (1; man crew, Service support $ 134.00 /hour $ '174.00 /hour rig fc r 40-tc n crane Rotary Crane Alter - Description Rate Hours/Emergency Hourly Rate"' C nE ill] man and hydraulic crane - 5 $ 175.00 /hc uri $ 231.00 /hour Ion C ne (1; man and hydraulic crane - 8 $ '175.00 /hc uri $ 23'1.00 /f• aur ton C ne ill', man anc rciary crane - '10 $ 208.00 )Iha L r $ 264.00 /f- a � r ton C ne ill', man and rciary cranE - '17 $ 208.00 )Ihc L r $ 264.00 �Iho L r ton Rotary crane - 17 tc n and 2 -man $ 288.00 /hc ur $ 385.00 /hour Crev� Rie Id Servide A fte r- Desiciription Rate Hoursi/Emerglency H ciurly Rate" One ill), man and deilive ryl trunk $ '167.00 /hcur $ 223.00 Jho L r Layne Christensen Company Page B-2 10-25 One 111; man and service till, ck $ 167.00 Jhc ur $ 222.00 ft o L r T\Ao 112; men and service truck $ 247.00 /hour $ 244.00 Jhc ur Two il2; men and welt ing truck $ 239.00 /ho L r $ 32E.00 /hc ur Two (12) man crew and cc rribination rig $ 288.00 # o L r $ 385.00 /hc ur Fllatbed Truak and c rig er $ 1 E 7.00 /hour $ 222.00 Jhc ur Service truck and one (1) pump rrie& anic $ 159.00 /hour $ 215.00 /hour SeR ice trunk anc one 111; elecftnician $ 159.00 /1 -cur $ 215.00 /1 -cur SeRiice truck and one (1) general seRiices $ 159.00 J1• CL r $ 215.00 /1• C r Service truck and one (11) dump mechanics and one (1) assistarii $ 239.00 /hc un $ 336.00 # c ur Shop Uader Deiscription Rates A fteir- Heiurs/Emeirgleincy Hourly Rate" Sf c Fl labc n -pump meahania $ E 9.00 jIhc ur $ 102.00 /hc ur Sl- c p labc r-rriacl- inist $ 69.00 Jhc ur $ 102.00 /hour Shc p labc r -welder $ 69.99 ' /hc ur $ 102.00 /hour Metal spray lat en $ 137.00 /hc un $ 127.00 /hc ur Miscellaneous Description Re tet After - Hou r&18meircleinciy Hourly Rater' Dynamic vic eo \Aiih Engineering c r Hydrogeology support $2,162.00 Lc rrip Sum $3,523.00 Lurrip Surri Spinner Logi $8,387.00 LL mp Sum $8,387.00 Lurrip Surra Dy narnic video with mini camera $1,420.00 Lump Sum $1,791.00 Lump malum Vic eo log -calor with dcwnhcle and sic a -scan $1,420.00 Lumrl I'-lum $1,791.00 Lurrip Surri Engineering and Hydregec Ic gy SL pporl $ 218.00 /hc ur $ 218.00 /hc un NPDB.I Compliancie (Baker tanks, neuiralizen equipmeni, lab fees, iabriciatic n $30,761.001-ump Surri $24,398.00 Lump I-'lum Layne Chrisiensen Company Page B-3 10-26 Hourly Minimum (if applicable) * After Hours Rate and Emergency Hourly Rate shall be any time outside of the normal business hours of Monday through Thursday, 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and Friday 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. "Maximum 15% overhead cap for all materials purchased. Project Administrator reserves the right to request that all original receipts of materials be turned in with invoices before Contractor is paid. Table 2: Annual Maintenance Services Description Rate (please indicate if lump sum or hourly) Lubrication Checks $ 159/hr Cleaning/Flushing $ 159/hr Preservation (Preventive Maintenance) $159/hr Fluid Changes and Replacement $ 159/hr Visual Inspections $ 159/hr Operational Monitoring $ 159/hr Vibration Analysis $148.00/hr Chemical Analysis (water testing) $ 2,233.00/L.S. Trend Analysis No Bid Calibration $ 159/hr Measurements $ 159/hr Adjustments $ 159/hr Hydrostatic Tests No Bid Lube Oil Analysis (sampling only) No Bid Layne Christensen Company Page B-4 10-27 Replacement Cf Weiar/.Elacrificial Pari si I11 is may be slated as an estimate fon ccsi cif 15% Fllus CVErhCad, plus time actual parr s plL s 1 imei; Resistances Testing $ 159)Ihr Hciurly Rale fcm Ctheir K/aidenance — $ 159j1hr FIICiaSC include minimum number cif houris. LaynC Christensen Ccirnpany Flage 0-5 10-28 EXHIBIT C INSURANCE R9C UIRBMENTS — MAINTENANCE/Rl3PAIRJANITCRIAL SERVICES 1. Provision of Insurance. WOoul limiiling Coninacton's indemnification of Cilly, and prion to comrrenciement of Wonk, Contractor shall obilain, provide and mairiilain at its own expense during the term of i his Agree rr eni, policies of insurance of the type and amounts described below and in a fonrr satisfacilory to City. Contracilor agrees to pro%ide ins rarice in accordance wish requirements set forth rene. If Coninacton uses existing coverage to comply and tl-at coverage does nol meet these requirements, Contractor agrees to amend, supplement or endorse the existing cove nage. 2. Acciepiable Insurers. All insurance policies shall ke issued by an insurancie company cLrreriilly authoniaed ky the Irisunancie Commissioner to transact k usiness of insurance in the Stale of California, with an assigned policyholders' Rating of A- (Jor higher; and Rinancial ."line Category Class VII (or larger) in accordance wilh the latest edition of Best's Key Rating Gide, unless otherwise approved by the Ciiy's Risk Manager. 3. Coverage Requirements. P. We rkers' Compensatic n Insurance. Cc ntractc r shall maintain Workers' Compensation Insurarce, statulc ry limits, and Emplcyer's Liability Insurance with limiils cf at leasll cne million dollars ($1,000,000) each accideril for kcdily injuryl by accident and each employee for bcdily injury ky disease in acct rdance with the laws of the State cf California, E-lectic n 3700 cf the Lakor Code. Cc ntractc r shall submit to City, alc ng with the certificate of insurance, a Waiver of Subrcgatic n endc rseme nt in favor of City, its City Council, beards and cio rrimissions, cfficeirs, agents, vc luntee rs, e mplc yees, and any persc n or 6ntiiy owning c r ctl- a rwisei in legal cio ritrc I cf tl- e property upon whicl- Ccnsultant performs the Rlrcject and/cr ."lervices cic rite rriplated by this Agreemerit. B. General Liability Insurance. Ccnlractcr shall maintain ccrrrrercial g6neiral liability insurance and, if ne ciessary, urr bre Ila liability insurance, with cioverage al least as broad as prcvided by Insurance Services Cfficie fcrrr CG 00 01, in an arriount nc i IElss tl- an c ne millic ri do liars ($1,000,00; pear ocCI.rrencei, twc rr illion dollans ($2,000,000) g6neiral aggregates. The pc licy shall coveir liability arising frc rri premises, c peratic ns, prc ducis- compleled operations, personal and advertising injur% and liability assn meid undeir an ins red ciontract (including tl- e ilort liability of anoth6r assn me d in a business cc rill ract). Layne Christensen Company Plage C-1 10-29 C. Automc bile Liability InsurancE . Cc ntracitc r shall maintain autc me bile insurancie all least as brc ad as Inst rancE SE rvicE a Office form CA CO C11 ccvering bcdily injury and prcpEriy damage for all activities cf Contraclloir arising cui of or in cc nnecticri with Wcirk tc be perfc rrried under this AgreE me rill, inch ding coivE rage foie any cwned, hired, ric ri-cwnE d c r rentE d vENCIIEs, in an amcuni not less than one millicri dcillars I1$1,OCD,000) ccimbinEd single limit each accident. D. PC IIL tic n Liability Insurance. If re quire d, Cc ntractc r shall mairiiain a poilicy providing ccntractcir's poillution liability I1"CAL") cc%eragE with a tcital limit of liatililly cf no less 11han orae rriillicn dcllars I1$1,010C,OCO) per Icss and two million dcllara I1$2,OCO,OIC01) in tl-e aggregalle per pclicy period. Clairris- madE pcilicies require a 5 -year exte rided rE pc ri ing pE ric d. Tf e CPL policy shall include cc%eragE fcir cleanup costs, tf• ird-parry bodily injL ry and property damage, including loess Cf LSE cf damaged property or cif property tha11 has not been physically injured cir dE s11 royE d, rE sul ing frcirn pc Iluticin ccnditicins causEd by contracting CpEraticns. Cc%eragE as required in this paragraph sl - all apply tc sL dde ri and nc n -sudden pollution ccinditic ns rEaulling frcirn the Escape or release of srrickE, vapers, fL mEs, acids, alkalis, tcixic chE rnicals, ligL ids, c r gases, waste matE rials, c r cither irritarils, contaminants, or pollutants. The CPL shall alsci proividE colvE rage fcir transportatic n and ciff-Site diopcoal cif materials. ThE policy shall nct cc ntain any proivisic n oil E xclL sicin (including any sot -called "insL red versus insured" ExclLsicn or "crciss-liability" ExclLsicin; 1hE EffEct of which would be to prevEnt, bar, cir cther\&isE prEcludE any insured cr additional insurEd L rider tl- e pc licy from making a claim which we uld othenAiae be cciverE d t y SL ch pc Hay cin the grc L nds that the claim is brought by an irisured cii additic nal insurE d against an insurE d cir additic nal insurE d under the policy. 4. Ctl•er Insurance REguirerrients. The pcilicies are tc ccntain, cr be endcirsed tc cc rilairi, the fc Iloi\A ing prc � isions: A. WaivE r of Elut rogatic n. All insurancE covE rage maintained c r prc cured pursuarit io this AgreErrieni shall be endorsed tc WaivE autrcgation against City, its City Cc uncil, boards and cc rrimissicris, ofilice rs, age rita, volLntEers, emplcyeEs, and any perscn or Entity o\Ariirig cii ctl-erwise in legal ccintrcil cf the property upon \Ahich Ccinsullant pErforms 1hE PrcjEct and/oir SEirvicEs ccritemplaied t this AgrEement cir shall specifically allo\A Ccritractcir cir c1hErs providing insurance Evidence in ccimpliancE with thesE requirements tc waivE their right of rEcovEry pricii tc a Icss. Cc ritractc r hE re by w aives its own right of rE coivery against City, and shall reqs ire similar written express \AaNers frcrn each of its subconoullants. B. Additicnal Insured 'EItaius. All liability policies iriclLding general liability, prcclucfts and complEtE d CpE ratioins, excE ss liability, pollutic n liability, and autcrricbile liability, if required, shall provide cir be Endorsed to provide that Layne Cl- ristE nsE n Ccimpany Page C-2 10-30 City, its City Cc uncil, be ands and ciommissions, cfficers, agents, voluntE ens, erriployEes, and any person c r E ntity cwning c r otherwise in IE gal contrc l of the prc pE ray upon which Cc nsL ltanll perfc rrria the Rro]ect and/or E E R iCE s cc ntE rriplalled by 11 his AgreE mE nt shall be incdudE d as insurE ds under sucl' pc licies. C. Primary and N c ri Co ni ribc tory. All liability cc VE rage sl• all apply c n a prirriaryl kasis and shall nct rEquirE contribution fncm any insurance or sElf- insurance rriaintainEd by Cilly. D. Nc 1icE cf Cancellatic n. All pc licies shall prc \ ide City wish 11- arty 11310) calendar days' nollicE of cianciellation (except for nonrlayrrieni fcn which tEri 1110) calendar days' nollicE is rEquired) or nonrenewal of COVE rage fcn Eacl- required COVE rage. 5. Additional AgrE emE nts BEtV11eE n 1 hE Rarties. The parr iE s I• E reby agrE a to the follcwirig: A. EvidEncE cf Insurance. Coniractcn shall providE CErlificatEs cf insurance lo City as evidEnCE of the insurancie Coverage rEquirEd herEin, alcng will' awaivercfsubrcgation endorsemEntfcrwcrkEns' ccrripEnsaiicn and other e ridc rsE rrients as spE ciifiE d I- E nein for eacih cioVE rage. Insurance CErlificatEs and endcnsemEnt must bE aprlrcved by City's Risk Manager pnic r tc cc rrirrieriCE rrient of performanCE . Curre rill CE dification of insurance shall be kept cri file waif• City at all 1imEs dLririg the tErrri of this AgreErrieni. Cilly resErVE9 the right tc negcire ccrripletE, CErlifiEd Ccr1iEs of all required insuranCE policies, all any tirrie. B. City's Right tc Revise Requirements. City rEserves the rigl•ll at any time dL ririg the term cf the AgrEemE nt to change the arriounts and types of insunancie requirE d by giving Cc ritractc r sixty (160; Cale radar days advance wnitlen rictice cf such c1 arige. If such c1 arigE results in substantial addiiicrial ciost lo Ccntractcr, City and Contnactcn may rEriEgotiaie Contracllor's compensatic n. C. Right to Review Subcc ntraciis. Cc rill ractc r agrE es that upc n requE si, all agrEemEnts wish subccntractcrs cn ollhErs witl- w1-crri Ccntractcr eriiers iriio ccniracts with c n bE half of City will bE submitted tc City fc r review. Railure of Cily 11c regL est COpiEs cf such agreemE nts will rict imposE any Iia bilily c ri City, c n its erriployE es. Ccntractcr shall rEquirE and \ erify i l• at all subcioniractors maintain insLrariCE rriEEiing all the reiquinemEnts statEd herEin, and Ccintractc r sl• all Ensure ll -at City is an additional insured c n insurancie reigL iced fiic m subcioniractors. Ror CC L ccveragei, subcc ntraciic rs sl• a II prc \ ide COVE rage with a formal) at IEiast es broad as CG 20 21E 04 '131. La y nEi Christ einse n Cc rripa ny Page C-31 10-31 D. Eriforcerrierill cf Agreerrieni Prcvisions. Ccntracllor ackricwledges and agrees that any actual cr alleged failure ori the part cf City tc inform Coniractcn of ncn-ccrripliance with any requirerrieni imposes nc additional cbligallicns cri City nordces itwaive any nighis f eneurider. B. Requirements nct Limiting. Requirements of speciific coverage feats res cr limits cc ntained in this Election are riot intended as a limillatic n on coverage, limits or cther requirerrienis, cr a waiver of any coverage rionrrially prcvided by any insurance. Specific referencie Io a given coverage feature is for pLrpcses of clarificaiicri only as it periairis 110 a given issue and is nci intended by any party cr insured tc be all inclusive, cr to the e)cilusicn ci cihen cioverage, cr a \Aaiver cf any type. If the Ccntractcr mainiairis higher lirriiis than the minimums shcwn abcve, the City requires and sr all be entitled to coverage for I- igher limits maintained by the Contractor. Any available insurance prccerErds in Ocess of 11he spErcified minimum limits of insurance and cioverage shall be available tc the Ci11y. AI. Seilf-insured RErientic ns. Any self-insured retentions must be clErclared tc and apprcved by City. Ci11y reservers 1he right is nequine that sell -insured retErnticns be eliminated, IMErrerd, cr rErplacErd by a deductible. Self- insurance will not be cc nsidered tc comply with these neqL iremEints unlEiss apprc veld by City. C . City Remedies for Non-Ccrripliarice If Cc ntracior c r any sub- ccrisuliant fails to provide and maintain insurancEr as rErquired herein, tf• Ern City shall have the right but not the obligatic n, lo purahase su& insurance, tc terminate this AgreErrrierii, cr tc suspend Contractor's rigf I tc prc ceed until prc pen evidencie ci insurancie is provided. Any arric L nts paid by City shall, at City's sole c ptic n, be dErducted irc m arric L nts payable tc Cc ntracior or rErimbursErd by Coninactcr upcn dErrriand. H. Timely N ctice ci Claims. Contnactor sr all givEr City prc rript and tirrEly nc Vice cf claims made cr suits instituted that arise out cf cr result 1 rc rri Contractor's performance under this Contract, and that involve cr may involve cioverage under any cf the rerquined liability policies. City assumes no cbligation or liability by such nctice, but has IhEr right Abut nci the duty) to mcnitcr the handling cf any such claim cr claims ii ihEry are likerly io invclve City. I. Contracllor's Insurance. Contnactor shall also procurer and maintain, at its cwn cost and Expense, any additic nal kinds of insunancie, which in its own judgment may be necessary fcr its proper pncllection and prosecuticn ci the Work. LaynEr Chnisternsern Ccrripany Pager C-4 10-32 ATTACHMENT B CN -CALL NAINTIENANCEIREPAIR SIERVICES AGREEMENT WITH WEBER WATER REISOURCESI CA, LUC RC R WAVIER WELL AND WATER PIL MP STATION MAINTENANCE THIS CN -CALL IVP IN TENP NCB)IREPA IR SBRVICB%I AGRIEEMBNT ("PgrEeimEint") is madEi and E ntEireid inio as of tl• is 28th day of JL ne, 2C16 11"Effective ❑atE";, by and bEltweE n the CITY OF N EWAORT BEACH, a Califcmnia municipal corporation and chadE r city II"City";, and WEBBRI "ATER R&SC URICBS-I CA, LLC, a Nevada limited liability ccirripany ("Ccrilractcr", whcise address is 237 "est Orance Shcw Lane, clan Bernardino, California 9124M and is madE with references lo the fcdlowing: RECITAUSI P. City is a municipal corporation duly organiaEid and validly exisiinc under the laws cf the Elllatei cif California with the peiwer tell carry on ills business as ill is new bE ing ccinductEid undE r tl- ei statutE s of thea States cif California and the ChartE r of City. B. City desires to engagE Contractor tci perform cin -call maintEnaricE and/cir rEpair sE rvices foir Ciiy Q"Prei,ject";. C. C cullractem POSSESSES ihE skill, E xpE HElncE , ability, background, ce dification and knewlE dge lo provide the mairileinance and/or re pair servicies descuibE d in this AgreemEnt. D. Coniractcir I -as ExaminEid the Iccalicin of all prcipcised work, carefully rEMEWEld and E valuatEid tl- a SPE cificaticins sell forth by City for the Auoject, is familiar w ith all ceindiiicris rEIEvarii to thEi pErformancEi cif services, and has ccimmittEid to pedcirm all wcirk required fcir thea ceimpensation specified in this AgmErrient. N C W, THEREFC RE, ill is mutually agrE ed by and bEitWEen ihE undersigned parties as fcdlows: 1. TERN TI -e teurri of This AgrEement shall ciommence cin the Bffective DatE, and shall lerminatE on JunC 271, 2019, L nless teurrunaied Earlier as set forth herein. 21. SIERMICES TC BE PERRORN ED 2.1 Coniractcir shall perfcmrri tl-ei cin -call serviaeis descuibed in thEi E:IccipEi cif EIEirvices attached heretci as Bxhibit A and incorporaleid hEireiin by reference ("Services" em "Work"). L pon written rEiquest freim tl- a Auoject Administratcir as dEifinE d hEmein, Contracilor shall prcivide a IEttEII prcpeisal for SE rvices rEquesteid by the Ciiy (IhEreinaftEr rEiffEirred tci as ihEi "Letteir Prcipcisal"). ThE Letter Propcisal shall inCIL de tl-a follciwing: 2.1.1 A detailE d dE scripiicin of the SE rvicE s tci bei providEid; 10-33 2.1.2 The pcsiticn of each perscn to be assigned tc perfcrrri the Services, and the name of the individuals to be assigned, if available; e nd 2.1.2 Tf e estimated nurribe r of hours and cc sl tc cc rriplete the Services; 2.1.4 Tf a time needed tc finish the specific prc,ject. 2.2 Nc Serviices shall be prcvided until the Flrcject Administretc r has provided written acce pta nce cf the Le tie r Rrc pcsal. C rice authc rite d tc proceed, C c ni ractc r sf all diligently pertcrm the duties in the apprcved Letter Pncpcsal. 31. TIME CA F113RFORMANCE .1 Time is cf the essence in the performance cf r -le Rlice s under this Agreement and Contractor shall pertcrm the Services in acccrdance wish the schedule included in Exhibit A and the Letter Rroposal. In the absence cf a specific schedule, the Services shall be performed tc ccrripleticn in a diligerit and timely manner. The failure by Contractor tc striciily adhere tc the schedL le set fc ri h in Exhibit A and the Letter Flrcpcsal, if any, cr perform tf a Services in a diligent and timely manner may resp It in termination cf this Agreerrieni by City. 3.2 Nctwlithstariding the fc regoing, Cc ntractc r sf all nct be responsible fon Ways due tc ciauses beyc nd Cc ntractor's reasonable contrc I. Hcwe ver, in the case cf any sucf delay in tf a Services to be provided for the Rrc.ject, each party here by agrees to provide notice within twlo 112; calendar days of 11he c ccurrence causing the dela y to if e other party so that all delays can be addressed. 3.3 C c nt ractcir shall sL bmit all reqs a sts fcir exte nsic ns cif time for pe do rrriarice in waiting to the Project Adrriinistratcr as defined herein, not later than twic 112) calendar days afile r the start of the cc nditic n than purportedly causes a delay. The Pac je ci Adrriinistratcr shall review all such requests and may grant reasonable time extensions for unforeseeable delays that are beycnd Contractor's ciontrcil. 3.4 Rc r all time periods nct specifically set fciri h herein, Cc ntracitor shell respcnd in the most expedient and appaopriate mannea under the circumstances, by fax, hand -de livery ca maul. 4. COMPBNSAT I OI1 TO COI1 ARIA CTC R 4.1 City she II pay Cciritractcir for ll' e Services cin ai time and expense nct-tci- ei) cee d basis in aicccirdance with thea paovisicns cif this Seictic n and the Letler Pacipcisal wind tfe Schedule cf Billing Rates attached heretc as Exhibit B and incorporaled ferein by refeaence. Exciepi as otherwise prcvideid herein, nc rates changes shall be made during the term cif this Agreement witf cel the prior writlen approval cf Cily. Contra ctcr's cc mpensaticin fc r all Ele rvice a perfc arried in aiciccrdance with this Agreement, including all reimbursable iteirris, stall ncl eixceied One Hundred FiftY1 THciuEand Dollars anc 00/' 00 ($150,000.00), without pricy writilen airrieindment to ihel AgrEeme nt. Weber Water RE rceis CA, LLC Page 2 10-34 4.2 TI• is Agreement shell be in a ffe ci fcir a to rrri of 1 hre a (3; years, L nle ss to rminated earlier as set forth herein. C n July 1, 2C17, and L pon each JL ly 131 thereafter, the billing rates set fcir1h in Exhibit B ("Billing Rates",' stall be adjusted in proportion tci changes in the Ccinsurrier Price Index, subject lo the maximum adjLstmerii SEI fora h below. Such adjustment shall be made by rriuliiplying the Billing Rate s in Bxhibit B by a fracticin, the nume ratcir of which is the value cif the Ccinsumer Rrice Index fcir 11he calendar mcinth Three (3) months preceding the calendar mcinth for which such e djustme nt is lo be made, and the denominator cif which is the vale a of the ConSL me r Rrice Index fcir the same calendar rricinih irrimediaiely prior tci Efllective Dale. The Ccinsurrier Rrice Iridex to be used in such calUlaiion is the "Ccinsurrier Rrice Index, All Items, 1 182.84=' OC for All Lrban Ccinsumers i1CRI-L)", fcir ft Lcis Angeles -Riverside - Orange County N etrcipcilita n Area, published by the United States De pa ri ment cif Labor, Bureau cif Labor Statistics. If bcith an cfficiial index and one cir more uncifficiial indices are published, the official index shell be used. If said Ccinsurrie r Price Index is no Icinge r published al the adjustment date, ii shall be ccinstrucited by conversion cables included in such new index. In nci eveni, however, shall tre erriciunt payable ender this Agreement be reduced below the Billing Rates in effecit irrimediaiely preceding such adjustment. The maximum adjusirrieni increase lo the Billing Rates, for arty year where an adjusirrient is rriade pursuant tci ft is Election, shall not excieed the Ccinsurrier Price Index or 2.0%, of the Billing Rates in effect immediately preceding such adjustment, whicheve r is le as. 4.3 Contractor shall submit monthly irivciices tci City describing the Wcirk performed the preceding mcinth. Ccintractcir's bills sl•all include the name and/or cilassificaiicin cif emplciyee wl`G performed the Work, a brief description off the Services performed and/cir the speciific task in the Scope ci Services tci which ii relates, the dale tr a Se rvices we re perfcirrried, the number cf hours spent on all Work billed on en hourly basis, and a desciription of any reimbursable expenditures. City sl•a11 pay Contractor no late r than thirty 1131C ; cialenda r days afte r e pproval cf 11he monthly invciice by City silaff. 4.4 City shall reirriburse Coniractcir only for those costs cir expenses specifically identified in Bxhibit B tci tHs Agreement and the Letter Proposal, or specifically apprcved in writing in advance by Ciiy. 4.5 Contractor shell ncii receive any ccirripe nsaiion fcir Extra Work performed without the pricer written euthoriaaiicin cii City. As used herein, "Extra Work" mearis any \Acrk that is determined by City tci be riecessery fcir the prosper completion cit the PrcJect, but which is ncit includec \Mftin tl•e Scope cit Services and \t%H • RE parties did ncii reascinably anticipate would be necessaryl at the execution cii chis Agreement. Ccirripensaticin for e ny a uthciriae d Extra Work shall be paid in a cccirdance with Bxhibit B and the Letter PrcipcSal. 51. ARIOJECT MANAGER 5.1 Coniractcir shall designate a Project Nariager, whci shall cciordinaie all phases cf the Prcije ct. phis Rrc ject Manager shell be available tci City at all reasonable limes during the Agreement term. Ccintractcir has designated Don Rice lo be its Prq*1ect Manager. C one ractor sl• a ll not re move or re assign 1 he RrciJect Me nage r or any perscinnel liste d in Exhibit A or assign a ny new or re place rrie rii pe rsonne I to the Prc je ct Weiber Wateir REsourcies CA, LLC Rage 31 10-35 withcut ihE prior written ccnseni of Ciiy. City's apprcval shall rict be unrEascnably withheld with respect io 1 hE rE mcval c r assignment cf non -key persc nnel. 5.2 Ccintractcir, al the scale discretion of City, shall rE rricve from the Rroiject any cif its plersonned assignEcl tc the perlcrrriance of SE rvices c pc n written requEst Of City. Conivactcr warrants chat it will cointinuoiusly furnish the necEssary persc nriel tci cioimrIlEie the Prc,ject on a limEily basis as ciontE mplatEcl by chis AgrEemE nt. E. ADN INISTRATIICN This AgrEement will be administEreid by ire Municipal Operations DEpariment. City's Utilities Manage r c r dEsigneE sr all be the Rrojeict A c ministuatcr and shall r ave the authcirity tc act fc r Ciiy unc E r 11his AgreE rrient. The Rroect Administratc r shall nepresEint City in all matiE rs pertaining to the Services Io be renc a red PL rsuant Io this A grE elME nt. 7. CITY'S REEIRC NSIBILITIEISI Tc assist Ccritractcr in thea Execuiicn of its respcnsibilities under this AgueUrient, City agre S to prcvide accElss tc and upon requESI of Ccntractcr, ones copy cf all existing reilevant infcirmaiicn on files al City. City will prcvide all such rriatErials in a tirriely rriannEir sot as not tc ciause delays in Contractor's Work schedule. 8. TYPE AND INSTALLATIC N OF MATERIAUSiISIIIANDARD OF CARS E.1 Contractor shall US6 drily the standard materials desciribed in Exhibit A in pErforming .11-"-lervices under this AgrEemEnt. Any deviation frcirri ih6 rriatErials desciibEcl in Exhibit A shall not be installE d or uiilizeid urilE ss approiVE d in advance and in writing by the Rro eict Adminisiratcn. 8.2 All cf the SE rvicE s shall b6 pEirformE d by Ccintraciic r c u under Ccintractc is suriervisic n. Cointuactcr uepreisEints that ii pcssesseis the perscrinel uegc irEcl tc PE rform ihE ServiC69 rEiquired by this AgreemEnt, and that it will pErform all Services in a manner corrimensuuate \Aiih ccrrimunity professional standards and with the ordinary dEgrEe cif skill and carE ft at \Aould be used by other reascriably ccrripeient practitioners of the same discipline under similar circumstances. All SErvicEs shall be perfcnrried by qualifi6c and expeirienced pE rscnn6l \Ar c are not 6rriployE c by City. By dE IivE ry cf ccmpleted Work, Ccntraciior cEriifies that ire Wcirk conforms tc the r6quirErrienis of chis Ague6rrient, all ariplicable federal, stale and local laws and legally recogni21ed puofessicnal standards. 8.3 Ccniractcr ueipreiSMts and warrants Io Ciiy that it has, shall cbtain and shall keEp in full fcirae and EfilEci during the ieirm here of, al its solE ciost and Exp6nse, all licenses, pEirmits, qualifications, insurancE and approvals of whalsoEver nalurE that is legally reqs iced cif Ccritractc r tc pracliC6 its prcfE ssicin. Contraclor shall maintain a Ciiy cf NewrIcrt Beach businEiss liciense do ring 11h6 tEirm of this Agre6rrieni. 8.4 Ccriiractcir shall rich be rEspcnsibl6 fcir delay, nor shall Ccintractor be rE spc risible fcir damages c r be in dEifault c r deemEcl Io be in default by reiascin of sllrikE s, lockc uts, accidE nts, acts of G cd, or the failure cif City to furnish timely infc rmation or tc WEbEir Water REIsolurceS CA, LLC Page 4 10-36 apprc ve c n disappnovE C ointnactoir's We rk promptly, or dE lay c r faulty peirfc nrriancei by Ciiy, cc ntractc rs, c r gcvernrrie rital agE ncies. 9. RESPIONSIBILITNI FOR DAMAGES OR INJURY 9.1 City and all officEirs, emplcyeEs and reprEsentaiives theirecf, and all persc ns and a rii itiE a ow riirig c n c 1 hE rwise in legal cc ntrc I of tr a property upc ri which Cc ntraciior pE rforms tr a PnojE ct anc /c n Services shall nc 1 bE responsible in any manne n for any Ic ss or damagE tc any of the matE rials c n c ihE r things used cr emplc yed in performing ih6 Rroject c r for injury to cr dE ath of any pE rsc ri as a rE suit of Cc ntractc is performance of the Sertiiices r6quirEc hEreunder; or fcr carriage io prcpErty frcrri any causE arising frcrri ihE pErformance cf the ProjEci and/or Services by Ccriiractcr, or its subccintractc rs, cr its workers, on anycinC eimplcyed by eitheir cif iherri. 9.2 Cc riiractcir shall be rE spc nsible for any liability imposE d by law and fc r injuriES tci cr dEath cf any person or damagE tc property resulting frcrri dEfEcts, c bstructions cr from any cagy sE arising frc rri Cc ntractc is We 0 cn the Rro,ject and/cr SE rvicE s, c r the Wci0 cf any subcc ntraciior cr suppliE r selected by Cc ntracior. 9.3 Tc the fullElai extE nt permitlEid by law, Contracitc r shall inde rrinify, defE nd and hcld hanrrilESEI Ciiy, iia Ciiy Ccuncil, boards and ccrrimissicris, cfficers, ag6nts, volunteE rs, emplc yees and any persc n c r Entity cwning c r citherwiS6 in IE gal cc ntrc I cf the prc PE rty upon which Cc nsultarii PE do rms the Prc,jEct and/c r SE rvicE s cc ntemplaieid by chis Agreement (Iciollectively, tf ei "Indemnifled Parties"', from and against any and all clairris tlincluding, withcut limitaiicin, claims fan bodily injur1l, death cr damage to property), demands, cbliga1licns, damages, actions, causES cf aciiicn, suits, IOssEs, judgmEints, fines, penaltiES, liabilities, costs and expenses (lincluding, withcut limiialicn, attcirnEya' feEs, disbum6rrienls and coiurt ccists; cf Every kind and nature whatscevEr (individually, a Claim; ccllectivEily, "Claims"), which may arise frcrri or in any rriann6r rElatC (dirEKIlly cr indirectly) tc any breach of the tenrris and candiiicins of 11his AgreiEmEri11, any\&crk pErformEd crSEirvices provicEc LndeirthisAgrEemEnt including, withcut Iimilallic n, defects in v&orkmanship cr materials om Cc ntracilc is presE ncE cr activities cc nducted cn the Rroject tlincluc ing the negligent and/cr vwillfL I acts, errc ro and/or c missicins cif Cc ntractc r, its principals, officE rs, agents, emplcyeEs, vendc rs, suppliers, ccnsultarils, subacninactons, anycnE emplcyed directly on indirectly by any of them c r fair \&hese acts they may be IiablE c r any cir all cf them). 9.4 Nc twithstanding the fc regoiing, ncitr ing he rE in shall be cc risi ruE c tc requirE Contractor lo indemnify 11hE IricIE mnified Partieis from any Claim arising from the solE nE gligE ncE or willful miscc riducll of tr a IndemnifiE d Parties. Nc 1 hing in this indemnity shall be ccnsiruEcl as authc rising any award of attcirnEys' fees in any aciiciri cn or tc Enforce the tErrris cf 11his Agre6merii. This indemnilly stall apply to all claims and liability rEigarc less cf whEiif em any insurance policiCs arE applicablE . The policy limits do rich act as a Iimillaticn upon the amcunt of indemnificaticn tc be prcvided by Cc ril ractc n. 9.5 Ccintracitor shall perform all Work in a rriannEir to minirriiae public inconvenience and pc ssiblEi hazard, tc restore citr eir work arE as to tr eiir original concition and famrrieir usefulness as socin as pcssiblE, anc to prciiect public anc private Weber Water ResciurcEia CA, LLC PagEi 5 10-37 property. Conlractcr shall be liable fcr any private or public prcperly damaged during the pEdcrrriance cfthE Work by Conlractcr cr ilii agEnts. 91.6 Tc the extent authorized by law, as much of the me nEy duE Cc ntractc r under and by virtue cf the AgreErrienl as shall bE considerEd necessary) by City may bE retained by it until dispcsiticn has been made of such suits cr claims far damagEs as afc re said. 91.7 The rights and obligatic ns sE 1 fc r1 r in this ale ciiic n shall survN a the to ra iinalic ri of this Agre E me nt. 10. IN DEIA ENDENT C C NTRACTOR It is underslcod that City rEtains Contractor on an independent ccritractcr basis and C ontraclor is nct an age rit cr E rriployE e of City. Tf a rriannE r and means of ccnducting the Wcrk are under 1hE ccrilrol of Conlractori, Except to the Extent They a11E limited by statutEi, rule cr rEgulalion and the expressEd Terms cf )his AgreemEint. Nc civil sE rvice status cr c 1 he r right cf e rriploymE nt shall accruE1 tc Cc rii ractc r cr its EirriployE eis. Nctf• ing in tf• is AgIlE a rrient shall be dE emE d tc cc nstitutE approval fcr Contractor cr any cf Ccntracicr's emplcyees cr agents, tc bE ihE agents or emplcyeEis cf City. Conlractcr shall have the responsibility fcr and contiicl cver tre means of perfcrrriing the Wcrk, prcvided that Ccriiractcr is in ccmpliancei wiir the terms cf this AgreemE nt. Anything in this AgreEirrieni that may appE ar tc give C ity the right tc direct Ccniractor as lo the dEtails of ihE pEric rmancE of the Wcrk cr tc exErcisE a measurE of cc ntrc I c ve ii Cc ntractc r shall mean only that Cc ntracior sr all fc Ilow 1 he dE sires c f C iiy with rESPE ci tc the results of tr a SE rvices. 11. COOPERAITIC N Cc ntracior agrE es 10 work cicsEily and ccopE ratE fully with City's designated Rroject Administrator and any ctheir agEiricies ft at may have ,jurisdictic n cr interest in the Wcrk tc bEi perfcrrried. City agrEeis tc cccperaie with Ccriiractcr cn 1hE Rroject. 121. CITY POLICY Contractor stall discuss and rEviEiw all matters relating tc pclicy and Rrojeict dillEciicri witf City's PrcjEci Adminisirator in advancE of all critical decisicn paints in c rder tc Ensure ihE Prc jE ci procE eds in a mariner consistent Wft City gc als and pc licies. 13. PRC G RESS Contractor is reisperisible for keEiping the Prcject Administrator informed on a regi lar basis regarding the status and progress of the Rrcject, activities pE rformeid and planned, and any meetings that have bEen scheduled c r arEi dEisirEid. W eber Water Resc urcEis CA, LLC Page 6 10-38 4. INSURANCE Willhcut limiting Ceriiractcr's indeimnificaiieri of City, and prier is ccrr1m6nC6rrieirill cf "crk, Ccntractcr shall ebilain, prcvide and maintain at ills cwri expense during 11h6 term of this AgrCernent or fcr cihEir peiricds as specified in this Agreiern6nt, policiEis cf insurance of # Ei typE , amc unts, terms and conditic ns describEid in the Ins rancE1 Reqs irE mEints atilached her0o, as Exf ibit C, and inaorporatE d her6in by nefer6nce. '5. ARBVIAIUIN G WAGES Pursuant tc the applicable pnovisieris of the Labor CcdE of the StatE cf Califcrnia, not IElss If an ihE general prevailing ratE of per diem wages including IE gal holidays and cvertimei Wcrk for Each craft cr type of vucrkman needed 10 E>ecuie the Wcnk ccntErriplaied Lnden the AgreErrierill shall bei paid to all workmen emplcyed on the Wcrk tc be done acciording tc the Agreement by the Contractor and any subccntractcr. In acce ndance with tf e Califcrnia Labor Code (Sectic ns 1770 et seq.;, the DirE ctc r cf Industrial Relaticns has asciertainEd the gEnenal prevailing rate cf per diern wages in the locality) in which the Work is to be pE rformEid for each crafll, classificatic n, or 1ypE of workman cr rrie&anic neEdEd lo, elxElcut6 the AgreErrieni. A copy cf said clEtermination is availablE by cialling the prE vailing wagE he llinei nurribE r 11415; 7C3-4774, and rE questing c nE from the DeipartmE nt of Industrial Reilatic ns. ThE Cc ntraciic r is required to obtain the \A age delerminE lie ris fre rri the DepartmE nt of Industrial Reilatic ns and pc st all the job sitE the prevailing nate or pEr diErri wages. li shall be ihE cbligatiori cf the Coniracter cr any subccntractcr undEir hirci/hen tc ciomplyl with all E-Aaie cf California labor laws, rules and negulaiieris and th6 partiEs agreC that #E City shall nci be IiablE fcr any) violaiicn ifeneef. 16. PRC1-IBITION AGAINST ASSIGNMENTS ANDTRANSFIBRS ExcEipt as specifically) aL1lhcrizEd undEir this Agneerrient, 1I•e SErvices lo bE prcvidEd under chis Agnei6rrieni shall not be assignEd, transferrEd cioriiracted cr subcontre cied a ui %itf e L 11 the pric r w nitlE n apprc val of City. Any of the fc Ilc w ing shall be cionalkEd as an assignmEnt: The salE, assignment, transfer or c1hEr dispcsition of any of the issued and c utsta riding capital stc ck cf Cc ntra crtc r, e n of the interest cf any general partnEir or joint verilurEr or syndicate member cr coteriani if Ccntractcr is e parineirship c r jc int-vE nture c n syndicatE or cctEinancyl, which shall rE sult in changing the contrcl cf Coriiracten. Contrcl means fifily pEirceni (5C%) cr rricrEi of ihE voting power cr twenty) -five percent (25%x) en more cf the assets cf the cc rpc ratic n, partnership or ;oint- venture. 171. SUBCC NTRACTING The subce n1 ractc ns authorized by City, if any, tc PE r1c rm "e rk c n this Flre jeict are identified in Exhibit A and the Leitiler Flroposail. Ccriinacter shall bE fully neisponsibI6 to City) for all e cis wind c rriissie ns of any subccntractcr. N ething in This AgreE mEint sf aill creme any contractual rElationship bEt\Ael6n City and any subccntreicior rien shall it areiaie any cbligetion err the parr of Ciiy lo, pay cr io sElel tc the payment cf any mcnies duel 110 any, such subccntraciicr ether than as othemise requirEcl by law. Ciiy is an int6ndeid beneficiary of any Wcrk pE ric rmEd by 1h6 subce ntracrtc r fcr punpeses of "ebeir W ateir ReisciurcE s CA, LLC Page 7 10-39 establishing a d0y Ci care betwleen tre subcontractor and City. Except as specifically aL the rizEd I^ E rein, the Services lo be provided L nder chis Agreement sl -all nct be ctherwisE assigned, trarisferred, ccntracted or sLbcontracied cut wiihcut tre pricr w ritien approval of Ciiy. ' 81. CWNERSIHIP OF DCCUMENTSI Each and every report, drafil, map, reccrd, plan, dccument and carer writing produced (herEinafiler "DCCLmEnts"), prepared cr caused to be prepared by Ccntracior, its cffiCErs, erriployEes, agents and subccriiractcrs, in the course of implementing this AgreErrierit, shall bEComE the exclusi%e prcpEdy cf Ciiy, and Ciiy shall have the sclE right tc use such matE rials in its discretion withc ut fL rthE r compensation tc Coniractcr c r any c ihE r pally. Cc ntractc r shall, at Cc ntractc is expense, prc vide such Dc currients tc City upon pricrwritteri requEsi. 19. CONFIDENTIALITY All DoCLments, iriCILding drafils, prElirriinary drawings or plans, ncies and cc mmL nicatic ns chat result arc m the .lervices in this AgrE emE nt, sr all bE kE pt confide riiial unless City a xprE ssly aL the rizE s in writing 1 hE rE IE asE of infc rrriation. '0. RECORDS Contractor stall keep records anc irivcices in connection with the ServicEs tc be pe do rrried under this AgreE rrie ria. Cc ntractc r shall maintain cc rriplete and accurate recc rds with respect tc tf e . costs incurred undE r chis Agree rrient and any Services, expenditures and disbursements cf arged lo Ciiy, fc r a minimum pE ricd cf three (3) years, or fcr any IongEr period required by law, frcrri the dale cf final payrrierii lo Cc ria ractc r L nde r this A glrE a mE nt. All sucr recc rds and invc iCE s shall be clearly idEntifiable. Coniractcr shall allow a rEpresenlativE of Ciiy 10 ExaminE, audit and make transcripts or ccpies of sucr reccrds and invoices during rEglular business hcurs. Cc ritractc r shall allow inspE clic n ci all Werk, data, DccurriE rats, prc CeE dings and activities related to the Agreement for a Fleriod of threE 113; years frcrri the dale cf final payrrieni to Contractor under chis AclreerriEnt. 2'. WIIIHHCLCIINGS City may wiftcld payrrieni tc Contractor cf any disputed sums until satisfacticn of the dispute wiih rE spect to sL ch payrrieni. Much witf he lding shall not be deE rried to consiiiute a iailure to pay according lo ire terms of this AgreE rrierii. Contractor shall nct discontinue Wcirk as a result of such withfcldingl. Ccntractcr shall have an irrimEdiate rigf t tc appE al to ihE City NanagE r c r Hs/her d6sigln6e with rE spE Ct tc such disput6d sums. Contractor shall b6 eintiiled tc reMiV6 interest on any withf eld sums at the rates cf return that City earnEd cn its investments during ihE iimei pEiricd, frcrri the dale cf withhc (ding of any amc unts fcL nd tc f ave been improperly w ithhe Id. 2121. CITY'S RIGHT TO EMPLOY CANER CCNTRACTORSI City reservEis the right lo employ other coniractcrs in ccrrnecticn wiih ihE Project. VVebeir"ate r Rescurces CA, LLC Rage 8 10-40 23. CONRLJICTS OR IN I E RIESIT 23.1 Ccriiractcir cir its emplcyees may be subject to the provisicins cf the California Pc litical Reform Act of '1974 Ili he "Act"), which 111) requires such persc ris tc disclose any financial interest that may foreseeak ly be rriaterially affected by the Wcirk peirfcrrried under chis Agreement, and (2) prcihitits sucl- persons frcirri making, cr participating in making, deicisiono that will foreseeak ly financially affect such interest. 23.2 If subjeici to thea Act, Cc ntracior shall cc nfcrrri tc all reiquireirrienis cf the Act. Railure to do so constituters a rriateinial breach and is gnc urids fon immediate tUrriinatic n of this Agreeirrieini by City. Contractor shall indemnify and he Id r arrrileiss City fon any anc all claims fc r darriageis resp Iting frc m Cc ntractc is % is lation of this Sectic n. 24. NOTICES 24.1 All notices, demands, requests or apprc vats, incl ding any changes in mailing address, tc bei c iven under the terms cif this Agreement shall bei given in writing, and conclusiveily shall bei ceiernEd served when delivered pUscnally, or cn thea tf•ind t usiness day afiler the depc sit thereiof in the United Staters mail, pcstag6 prepaid, first- class mail, ac dressed as heminaf er provided. 24.2 All nciiceis, d6mands, requeisis or approvals from Ccntractor to City shall be ac dreSSEIC ioi City ai: Atin: L ilities Manag6r N unicipal C pUatic ns Deparl:Mnt City cf Nein pc ri Bea& 1 CC Civic Center Dri%e FIC Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92658 24.3 All notices, demands, requeisis cr appncvals frcm CHy io Ccritractcr shall bei a ddressed to Cc ntra cior at: At9n: Dain Rice Welber WatU Resc urces CA, LLC 237 W. Ora nc e Show La ne San Beiinardinc, CA 92408 251. C LIAINIS Unless a shcirier iiM is specified elsewf• etre in this Agreeirrieirii, before making its final request fc r pa ymeint under this Agreemeint, Cc ntre cior sl - all sL brriit to City, in writing, all claims for compensation undU cr arising cut cf this Agreeirrieini. Cc ntractc is accepts rices of the fine I payrneini shall cc nstitutei a waiver of all claims for compeinsation undU cr arising ciui of this Agreieiment excerpt the set previciusly made in writing and ideiriiifieid by Cc ntractc r in writing as unsetileid at ihei tirriei cif its final neqL east for payment. Contra cior anc City expressly agreiei that in additic n lo any claims filing reiquirements set forth in the Agreiemeint, Cc ntre cior sha II bei reiquired to files a ny claim Weber Water Resciurces CA, LLC Rage 9 10-41 Ccntracior may Lave against City in strict ccnfcarriance wilt iter Gc%ernrrierii Claims Aci (C cvernment Code sections 9CC et seq.). 26. TIBRMINATICN 2E. 1 In the event that EiithE r party fails cr refusE s tc pEiric rm any cf ihE provisicns cf this AgreEmErit at the 1imE and in ihei manner required, that party shall be deeirrieid in default in the perfcrrriarice cf this Agreement. If sucl• default is nct cured within a period of twic (2) caleridar days, or if mcre than Mc 112', calendar days area rE asc nably required tc cure the c Efauli and it a dEifauliing party fails is give adeqL ate assurance cf cue perfcrrriance within twic 112) caleindar c ays after recEiirli of writilen rictice cf defaL It, speicifying the nate rEl of such defaL It and the stE ps necessaryto cure SL ch default, and thEireaftE r diligently take stE ps io cure the defal. It, the nc n-deifaiultinc darty may terminate the A grE emE nt forthwith by giving tc the c Efaulting pairiy w ritien rictice tt a rE of. 26.2 Nctwithstanding the eibc%e provisic ns, City shall have tt a righi, at its SCIE and aibsolLie discretion and wit!"CO cause, of terminating this AcreErrierii all any tirrie by giving no less than seven (17) calendar days' prior writlEn nctice io Ccriiractcr. In ilhE everii cf termination under itis SEciicri, City stall pay Contractor for 'E--lER1iCES satisfactc rily Aeric rmed anc ccsts incurred up tc the effective date of termination fc r which Ccntrecior has not been previously paid. Cri the effective date cf terminaticn, Ccriiractcr shall cElivEr tc City all reperis, DoCcments and cihEr infcrmation clEivelcrled or acCL mutated in the pE riormeinCE of this AgreE rrieni, whether in draft or final fcrrri. 271. LA BC R 27.1 Cc ntractc r shall conform with all applicable prc%isions of siaite and federal law inciuc ing, but not limited tc, applicable i prcvisic ns of ihEi federal Rair Labc r �liandards Aci ("RL�IA") (29 USCA 201, E11 segl.). 27.2 "hEnEver Ccriiractcr has knowledgE chat any actual cr potential laibcr dispute is delaying cr thrEiatens tc delay the timeily pEdcrmariCE of chis AgrEieimeint, Ccntractcr sheill immEdiaiteily give written ncliCE tc City, and prcvide all relevant infc rrriatic n. 27.21 Ccntracior represents than all perscns wc6ing under itis AcreErrieni are erified tc be U.S. citizens c r pE rscns IEgolly aiuthc rizEcl Ila we rk in the United E-Itales. 27.4 To the fullESi extent permitted by law, Contrecilor shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless City, its City Council, boards and commissions, ofiliceiis, agents, oluntEers, and a rriplc yeE s frc rri Ic ss cr damage, including but not IimitE d tc attc rneys' fees, and olhEir ccsis cf defense by reescn cf actual cr alleged %iclaitions cf any applicable i federal, states aind Ic cat laibc r laws or law, rL IEis, andilor regulations. This abligatic n shaill survives the expiration and)lor ieirmination cf the AgrE emeint. 281. STANDARD PRCVIISIONS 28.1 Recitals. City and Ccriiraictcr ecknowle lgEi that RE abc%e Recitals are 1 rues and cc rreict and are here by inco rpc rated by refe rencei. Vb ebeir"ate ii Resc urCES CA, LLC Paget 'I 0 10-42 28.2 Cc mpliance with all Law s. Cc ntractc r shall, at its c w ri ccal and E xpE nse, ccrriply wish all statutes, crdinances, regulaticns and requirements cf all gcvernmental erill itiEs, including fedE ral, state, courity or municipal, whethE r new in fc rcE c r he reinaftE r eriacted. In addition, all Work prepared by Ccniractor shall cicnfcrm tc applicable City, ccunty, staile and fedEral laws, rules, regulaticns and pErmit requirements and bE subject tc applrcval cf the Fircject Administrator and City. 28.3 WaivE r. A waive n t y E ithE r party cl any breach, cf any to rrri, ciovE nant cr cc nditic n cc ntained he rein stall not be deE rried to t e a waiver of any subsequent breacih cf the samE or any c1lhEr term, ccvenant c r ccndiiicn ccntainEd herEin, whether cf the same c r a difile rens cr aracten. 28.4 Integrated Cc ntraci. Tris Agreement re presents tr a full and cc mpletE understanding cf every Hnc or nature whatscevEr betwlEen the Flarties hEretc, and all preliminary negclliations and agreements cf whatscever kind cr nallurE are rrienged herein. No verbal agreE me nt cr irriplied cc ve riani shall be r eld tc vary the prc visions herEin. 28.5 Cc nfliciis cr Incc nsistencies. In the Event there are any cc riflicts cr Incc nsistencies betwleE n 11 -is Agreement and the SCCPE of Services cr any ollhE r atlachments attacred heretc, ihE terms of this AgreErrieni shall gcvern. 28.6 Iriilerpretation. ThE tenrris cf tris AgrE ement shall bE cc nstrued in acccrdaricE wish the meaning cf the language LsEd and shall nct be construed fcr cr against either party by rEascn cf the aLllhcrship cf the AgreErrieni on any c11"Er rule of cc nstrucilic ri which migr t othE rwiise apply. 28.7 AmEncirrienis. phis AgreEmEnt may bE rriodifiEc on amended crily by a written dcciumE nt executed by bcih Contracior and City and approved as to form by the City Attc rney. 28.8 Eleverability. li any term or Flcrtion cf this Agreement is reld tc be invalid, illegal, or othErv0se uriEnforceablE by a court Cl cIomPIetEnt jurisdiciiicn, the remaining Flrcvisic ns cl this A grE ement shall continue in lull force anc effect. 28.9 Cc ntrc (ling Law and SIE nue. The laws of the StatE cl Califc rnia shall govErn chis AgreErrieni and all matters relating tc it and any action brought relating llo this AgreErrienil shall be adjudicated in a ccurt cf ccrripElent jurisdiction in the County of Orange, dilate cf Califc rnia. 28.1C Equal Opportunity Emplcyrneint. Ccritractcr repIresents that ii is an equal c pplcrtunity employer and it stall riot discriminate against any subcc ntracftc r, a rriployE e or applicant fon emplcyrrierit because cf race, religions creed, color, nallicnal crigin, ancestry, physical handicap, me dicial cc nditic n, marital status, sex, sexual c riE ntation, age or any othE r impermissiblE basis undE r law. 28.11 Nc AticmEys' Res. In the event cf any dispute on legal acilicri arising under this AgrE ement, the prevailing party shall nct be entitled tc atilorneys' ie es. Weber W ateir Resc urcE s CA, LLC Page '11 10-43 281.12 Counterparts. This AgrEement may be executed in t\Aa 112) cir more ciounterriaris, Each of \A hich shall be deE med an c niginal and all cf which tc gEitf- eir shall acinaiiiutei crie (1) anc ihEi samEi instrument. (SIGNATURES ON NEXT F AGE] WEibEin WatEir REisaurces CA, LLC Page 12 10-44 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on the dates written below. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY AT I , RN Y'S OFFICE Date: g '111 Y• Aaron C. Harp CAM oula.lkV City Attorney ATTEST; Date: Leilani I. Brown City Clerk CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a California municipal corporation Date: Bv: Diane B. Dixon Mayor CONTRACTOR: Resources CA, liability company Date: Weber Water LLC, a Nevada limited By: Don Rice General Manager [END OF SIGNATURES] Attachments: Exhibit A Scope of Services Exhibit B — Schedule of Billing Rates Exhibit C ® Insurance Requirements Weber Water Resources CA, LLC Page 13 10-45 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES c DBEICRIIN7ION OF PROJECT c This prc jeci is tc prcvide maint6nance and repair services far the City cf Newpc ri Beach's ib ur (4 ; watch wells, fb c r 114', weill pumps, and tweriiy fc ur (24; waters boc Bier purrips c n an c n -call, as -needed, tirrie-and-mateirial basis. Any and all perfc rrriance pursuant to tr is ccriiract(s) shall bei ori an "c n -call" c r "as -needed" basis. Any tasking shall be iniiiatEd solely by the City. Further, execution cf a contract by ihE Ciiy dceis nci in any way guarantee that any tasking or reiquesi fc r c n -call services \A ill be issueid to any party. o Wiir this Mainteinancei and Repair Servicers Agreement, tr E City wisr els Io haver the well and pL mp repair Cc ntracior(s,, mcbiliae in leiss than seveiniy two (1711; r C rs and perform work as requeisteid by the Ciiy. o Tomei pump maintenance and repair seirvices may include, but are not limited lo, remcval, inspeciicri, repair, replaceirrieini, and installation, of Mill pumps and bcosten pumps, and the furnishing of paras and labor in conjuricticn with such we rH . o Tree Ccninactor(s,, shall have the ability I ccnduct mainteriancei to potable watch wells including, but nci limitEd tc, well cclurrins, bases places, level transmitileirs, and wafer lube asserriblieis. o ME City may asN tr e Ccniractc rlls) to SL brriit an annual preventive mainieinance schedclei, including work Io be performed, for tree City's Itur 114; weals and well purrips and tv& einty f ur 0214; water be oster pumps. o llhe City has a ccntraci with a rrictcr maintEnaricei and repairs company. All mcior wcrk will be performed under this existing coriiract. No mcior maintEnancei or regairwcrH is included in this SICCP6 cflSlerviceis and will not be peirlormeid under chis Agreement. o Cc ntracior(s) shall be a licensed (C-57) Well Drilling Cc ntractc r in tr a States oil C alifornia. "eiber"atEM Resc urceis CA, LLC Flagei A-1 10-46 c SCC PE C R WORIN o Although the City is attempting tc ideritify the limits and services required, chis shculd not unnecessarily limit thea Ccriiractcrljs; in ihE dEveiloprrieni of a scope ii b6lieves is neiciessary io mEiet the City's gcals and objectives. e The Ce ntractc rljs; shall furnish all material, labc r, eiquipmE nt, and supeirvisic n tc perform the maintenance and repair as reqLestEcI by the City. The Conlnacton(s; shall pericrrri sucl wcrk in a thorcugl and pncfessional manner. c The City's wafer systE rri cionsists of four (4) we II pumps and MME my fey r (124 wafer bocsler pumps. Pump manLfactunErs inclLdE: ReEirlEss, chnscn, Gculds, Ingerscll-Dresser, and Grundfus pumps. The pumps range in length cf ihme ("'; feel tc 2791 feeil. The pumps pt. mping capacities range from 50C gallons pE r minutes I1"GPM") tc 3,2C0 GPM. All pumps area water lubricated. Conilractcrljs) muss have the ability i10 perform rriainte riance and re pairs tc theses pumps, as - needed, with the same ccmperierHs. Equivalent cc rripc nE nts will not be accepted and world exclude the Ccntractcrils) from working on the pumps. phis wculd cc nstitutE a breach in contract which coy Id lead lc tE rrriinatic n of the cc ntract. The City will call the Cc ntractc rlls) when a prc blem with a pump occurs. If c n -site re pairs are nc 1 pc ssiblE , ihE Cc ntractc rigs) and City % ill make a dote rmiriation if the pump needs tc be pulled and sent to if a Cc ntractc rigs) she p fc r inspectic n. From This inspEC'licri, Cc ntracilor(s) sl all present tc the City a proposal fc r parts and labo r tc make repairs. Any re placement parts c r mate rials must be noted for approval by the City. A II we rk sent out fc r c utside sEr%iice io a third party must alsc be rioted in prc pc sal. Cc ntractc r(s) rriust submit this prc pcsal in writing io the UtilitiE s Manage r or his/hCr de signE e. If the City agrees with tl a tEirms cf the proposal, the City will then issue a Notice to Rroceed ("NZIR") in writing for re pairs to be made. No re pairs shall be made until this NTP is issued tc thei cc ntracilc r. c Tl e City's four (4; we IIs are IocalEid in Rc unlain Valley, Califc rnia. Mairiienancie re quirEd cf thesE wE IIs is cc nsidE red i10 be me ret preventive than corrEiciivei. The Contnactor(s; stall havE the abilily tc perfcrrri vibraticn analysis testing, Efficiericy testing, Dynamics Videc Mcnitcring ("DVM") and spinner logging. The Coniracton(s; shall have the ability to analyze the data from hese tests tc makes nEccrrirriendalions io the City cn well mainteriaricei and repairs nEeding to be perfcrrried. TI^eise nEccrrimendaiions must bE presEinted i10 the City in an official nEiperl clEitailing ihEi findings. ME reccrrimeindations frcrri tlei Ccniractcrlls) fon rEipairs tc wE IIs does rict guaranieei that ihE wcrk will bei p6rformEcl, c r said Ccnlracten(s; will b6 ahceen tc peirfcari the work reicommEnded. c Slhculd the Ciiy require the Coniracton(s, io peirfonrri schedLIEd prEiveniive maintenancie cf the wat6r wE IIs, pumps and/or bocsler pumps, the Cc ntractc r will submit a schEidulE cutlining the maintenance tc bei performed, Mein Eia& wEll and pump will receive maint6riance, and the length of time neEidEid tc ccrriplete the mainilenanciei. The type cf rriairiieinance "ork tc b6 performed as parl cf tlei schEidulEid prEiventive maint6nancE will be discussed "iilh ilei CHy and then WE be r WatCr REisourcies CA, LLC Rage A-2 10-47 cc mmuniciated in w rifling io the Contrac1lor(s,' pric r to any ached IE d preventive maintenance cacumiing. Tf•E Cc ntractc o1s) will prcvide a cost Esiimaie to the City pric r tc conduciting the agre ed upc n se rvicE a and receivE apprc val frc rn tl- e C ity. c UEIVIEL CH MAINTENANCE c If, in the judgment cf the Ciiy, the IEvel of rriaintEriaricE is IEss 111•ari 111•at specified herEin, the Ciiy shall, at its cption, in addition is or in lieu of other rErriEdieS provided herEin, withl•cld appropriate paymEnt from the Contracflor until sErvicES are rendered in acccrdance with specificiaticns SO fcrih within this docurrierifl and providing ric othEr annangErrienis have beEn madE bEtWEen the Coniractcrlls) and the C ity. RailurE lo nciify cf a change anclJor fails rE 10 PE do rm an itE rn c r work c a schedLIEd day may, at ihE City's sole discrEiicn, result in deduction of payment for chat day, week, or mcnth. Rayment will be retained fan work not perfcrrried L ntil surf• 1imE as it E work is Flerfcrrried tc City standard. c The Contnacflcr(s; is/ane rEquirEd to ciorrEcfl dEficiEncies within the time specified by ihE City. If ncied dEficiiEnt work has riot beEn ccrripleted, payrriErifl for subject deficiency shall bE wiihheld and shall continue tc bE withheld until deficiency is ccrrEcted, Wtf•oLt night tc netrcactivE payments. o All work and general condiiicris shall be pErformEd in acccrdancE with the aurrE nt .I1andard Specifications fcr Cal -OSHA, PL blic Wanks Ccristruction (Green Elock), ihE Siate Waller Resources Ccntrcl Bcard HEalth GuidElinEs, and the American Waters Werks Asscciaiicri (1"AVS AA") Siandards. c WORKMANSHIP AND SUPERVISION o Unless cihErwise slated, Ccriiractcrlls) shall be responsible to providE all labor and matE rials to allcw for succEsaft I Prc jE ci cc mpletic n. ■ ThE City may chocae to reimburse ihE Coninacllor(s; fcr rriatEnials ll•at need io be procured. ThesE instances shall bE analyzed on a case-by-case basis and rE imbursemE nt for materials will nE ed to bE agreed upon in the Cc ntractc is letiler prc pcsal prior io ihE commencement of work. ■ RecE ipts sl• all be rE quirE d fc n reimbursements fc n mate rials PL rchasE d for projects. Ciiy reservES ihE right to specify what type cf matErial and/c r equipmE nt will be pur& ased per project. All E qL ipmE nt and material pLrchasEs shall be prEapprcved by the UtilitiEs Manager, or his/her dEsigriEe. ■ ThE City rESErves the right io purchasE rriatErials directly and make IhErn availablE tc the Contnactcr(s;. In the evEnt ihE City E)erciSEa tl•E c pl is n io purchasE the matE rials, tI• a follcwing cc nditic ns w ill apply: ■ Ccrilractcrlls) shall confcrm io all City practices and procedures. ■ All City purchases will be fcril E sole E)prESSEd use cf anc fcrtrE City. WebE r Waier RE so L rcE s CA, LLC PagE A-31 ■ illhe Co rill racto 01s) shall secure, afore, inventoryl, distribute, and corillrol all materials entruaied to the Contracitor's represenil atives. ■ All materials and inventories shall be made available ilo the Ciiy upon request. The Contractorils) will reduce the unit cost for each maintenance task by the City's aatL al cosh for the materials provided and used. o Coriiractorlls) represeriis and warrants lo the Ciiy ltat re/ste ras, and will keep in effecii al all slimes dL ririg the term of a contract with ire City, all licenses, permits, professional qualifications, and appro\als of whatever nature that are legally required to pracitice his/he r trade. o Maintain all work sites free of hazards lo persons and)lor properly resulting fiiom tte Contracllor's operations. Any I-a2iardous condition noted by the Contractorlla), which is riot a result of ilhe Contractor's operations, stall be immediately reported lo tl-e Ciiy. o Contracton1s) shall be responsible for removing and cleaning any and all debris tt at occurs as a resp It of its operations as a result of services requested in this scope of \Ao rk. o All work performed uride r it is contract stall be performed in such a manne r as to provide maximurn safely io the quklie and where applicable, comply with all safety standards required by CAL-CSHA. The Utilities Manager, or his/her designee reserves llhe right to issue restraint or cease and desist orders lo the Contractor when L nsafe or harmful acts are obse rued or reporle d relative to the PE rformance of tt e \,\ ork under 1 his contract. o ilhe supervisor or person in cherge and on site of any Ciily project shall have ai smart phone capable of Email. o Al all climes, the Contraciton1s) will ensure al least one Briglisr speaking person is on side of any City assigned projecil. o WCRHING HCURSI o Norman working hours shall be between the hours of 7:C0 ai.m. and 4:3C p.rri., IVoriday through ilrursday and 1:0C a.m. to 3:3C p.m., Rriday. Work at tt6 well sites is limited from 8:3C a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday; and E:20 a.m. lo 3:3C p.m., Rriday. o ME Contreiclor(s) is subject to beincl contaicted'44 tours a day, 7 deys & week, 3E 5 days ai year to make eme rgency re pairs to the City's waiter we IIs and pt, mpg. The Coniraictor(Is; will provide the Liiliiies Maneger with names and telephone nL mbers of ail least two (24) qL alifie d persons who can be called by City representatives v&hen emergency maintenance conditions occur dcririg hours \&I-eri the Ccntrecior's normal work fcrce is not present in the Ciiy of Nev&pori Beach. ilhese representatives fer 11-e Ccntracilcr(s) shall respcnd tc said VV eber"ate r Resc urces CA, LLC Raige A-4 10-49 emergency within two (2) hours from receiving notification. The contractor shall notify the Utilities Manager should any updates occur to this contact information. o CONTRACTOR'S OFFICE o Contractor is required to maintain an office within a two (2) hour response time of the job site and provide the office with phone service during normal working hours. During all other times, a telephone answering service shall be utilized and the answering service shall be capable of contacting the Contractor(s) by cellular phone, radio or pager. Contractor(s) shall respond to our request within two (2) hours and must be able to mobilize within 72 hours to all emergencies. Contractor will have full responsibility for maintaining an office and a yard as needed for equipment, vehicle, and material storage. o Unless otherwise specified by the Utilities Manager (Project Administrator) or his/her designee, there will be no on-site storage of equipment or materials on City property or at the well sites. Contractor will have full responsibility for maintaining an office and a storage facility. o EQUIPMENT o All vehicles and equipment used in conjunction with the work shall be maintained in a neat, clean, orderly manner and shall be in good working order. The Utilities Manager, or his/her designee, may reject any vehicle or piece of equipment and order it removed o STREET CLOSURES, DETOURS, BARRICADES © Warning signs, lights, and devices shall be installed and displayed in conformity with the current edition of the "California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" (hftlp://www.dot.ca.gov/h_q/traffops/signtech/mutcdsupp ) for use in performance of work upon highways issued by the State of California, Department of Transportation and as directed by City staff. o If the Contractor(s) flails to provide and install any of the signs or traffic control devices required hereby or ordered by the City staff, staff may cause such signs or traffic control devices to be placed by others, charge the costs therefore against the Contractor(s), and deduct the same from the next progress payment or invoice. o Beacon lighting visible from behind the vehicle will be installed on vehicles working along City streets. o PERMITS o When work is performed at the Dolphin Well site, a permit and traffic control plan must be submitted to the City of Fountain Walley. Weber Water Resources CA, LLC - - - Page A-5 10-50 o All the City's -Tamura Well site, a peirmil muss bE cbtainEd frcm the City of Fouriilain Valley. The Ccntracftor(s) shall prcvide a work schedule tc ihEi City 712 hcurs pricrtc work being conducitEcl atilhis side. o -Rhe Cc ntractc rlls) is respc risible for c bte ining pEirmits whEirei negc ired by f6dEiral, slate cr local laws as it periairis tc the work b6ing ccridl.cted. o PROJECT A DMINISTRATIC N o For all servicie r6quests, Contracilor(s, shall fcllcw thEi prcioccl Eistablished in this AgreiEirrieni in reign rds lo seirvicie deplc ymElnt, iriclL ding issuing LE11tElr Rroposa Is for each request and rict cc rrirriencing we rk until authorized by tl- Ei Utilities Manager, or his/r er designees. Any and all services fledc rmed fcr the City shall be chargEcl at ilh6 nates indicetEcl in the ExEicutec Agneerrieint. o When the nE eid for servicers arises, the Ciily shall re queist in writing, tl- Ei necessary mairiilenance rEipair sEirvicEis required in ed6quate detail. Ccntrecior(s; shall tl-eri prcvidei a leitileir pnc posal fc r SlEA1ices requestEcl by the City (hereinaftem refEirred tc as the "Lettein Prcpcsal";. The Lettem Prcpcsal shall include ihE follcwirig: ■ A delta ilEid deiscription cf thEi seirviceis tc bei prc videid by ihEi cc ntra cfor(s,; ■ A detailed deiscriptic n cf the seirvicies to be prcvideid by an c utside ag6ncy othEir than the cc ntractc rlls); ■ A detailed description cf a ny replacerrieni parts or materials; ■ -Rhes eislimatEcl nc mbeir cf hours and cost io complEle the SCrviceis; and ■ A we rk scihEidule that includes the comPIE iiiori c et6 fc r the pnojEict. o City will assEiss the Letter Rrc pc sal io Cnsc re tl- at seirvicies anc costs flrc pc sed are ccrrimEinsuratEi Wlh These pncvided in 11h6 Contractor's FRP resflcrises. Nc Seirvicieis shall bei providEcl until the City I as prcvided Aritiein acceptance cf ilh6 L eitter Rnoposal. Crice authorized is prc ceEcI, Contra cior(s, shall diligently Fleric rm il- Ei dutieis in the apprcved Letter Pnopc sal. o Coriiractcrljs) shall perfcrrri all Work r6quirEcl tc bei performed, and shall providEi and funriisl- all tl- Ei la be r, rriatEirials, neiceissa ryl roc Is, expendable eiquipmEint a nd all L ililiiy and transpc ria sic n seruiceis riecesse ry fc r the Prc jEkii. o TI -e Contractors; will mElet at least cricei fleet y6ar cf the cc rill ract wish thea UtilitiEis N anageir for a pEf`lc rme nC6 revieivA and assessment of ilh6 qualify cf we rk pEf`lc rmEcI. o UNDBRGRC UND EXCAMATIC N S o M6 Ccntractcrlls) shall bei resflcrisiklEi fcr Icciating all underground utility liners to irisurei ihEi safety of his)IhEir wcrk creivA and tc prclect, in places, eixisiing utility WEiber WetEir RlEisourcieis CA, L LC Pegei A-6 10-51 equipment before commencing any excavation. Contractor shall contact the Utilities Manager or his/her designee and Underground Service Alert (www.di alert.or) (1-800-227-2600) forty-eight (48) hours before commencing any excavation, to locate underground service lines. Weber Water Resources CA, LLC Page A-7 10-52 EXHIBIT B SCHEDULE OF BIULING RA ES BIIJIJING SCHE DUIJB AND HOURLY RAI ES A. ThE Cc ntracior agrE es tl• at fc r re quested andilor neqL irE d changes in 1 he sccpE of wank, including adcitions and delEiicris cn wcrk not perfcrrried, ihE Agneerrient sum shall ke adjusted in acccrdancE with the follcwirig unit pricEs, wherE the Ciiy elEcis tc LsE this method in determining costs. B. ThE unit price quoted by the Coniractcr shall bE ihcse unit prices that will bE charged or crEcitEd fan labor ke prcvidEd rEgardless of 11•e total numken Lniis and/c r amc unt of labc r neqL irE d for added c r dE IEtE d itE rris of wcrk. C. ThE AgrEemEnt shall be in effect for a tenrri of threE (3) years, unless ierminaied EarliEr as sEt fcrih hEreiri. Cri , my 1, 2017, and upon each July 1St 1 hE reaftE r, the billing ratE s set forth in Exhibit B ScihE dulE of Billing Rates ("Billing Rates"; shall be adjustE d in proportic n lo changes in If e Cc nsL mE r Pricie Index, subject lo the maximum adjLstrrierii set forth kEloW. Such adjLstrrierii shall bE madE ky multiplying ihE Billing RatEs in Exhibit B by a fraction, the numE ratc r of w hicl• is 11- a valuE of the Cc nsL mE r Price Index fc r the calendar me rith three (3) me nths prE ceding the cafe radar me nth fc r w hich such ad.justmE nt is tc bE madE , and the dE nc rriiriatc r of w hich is 1l• a vale a of the ConsumEr Price IndEx fan ire same calEndar rrionil• irrimEdiaiely prior tc Effective DatE. ThE Consumer RricE Index to bE used in su& calCLlaiicri is the "Consumer Price IndEx, All ItEms, 1982-84=100 fcn All Urban CrangE County Striping r-leruice, Inc. Cc nsumE rs IjCRI-L)", fc r ihE Los AngE IEs- RivE rside-Orange Cc unty M etrc pc litan ArE a, publishE d by the United StatE s DepartmEnt cf Lakor, 131.reau of Labor Statistics. If bosh an ofilicial index and c nE or me re unofficial indicE s arE published, the ofilicial indE x shall k e used. If said Consumer Rnice Index is ric longer published at the adjustment datE, it sl•all be ccristructEc ky conversion tablEs included in such riEw index. In no Everii, hcwEver, shall the amount payablE undEr this AgreemEnt be redLcEd below ire Billing Rates in EfilEc1 immediatEly preceding su& adjusirrieni. The maximum adjustmEnt incirease tc the Billing Rales, for any yEar wf•ere an adjustmEnt is rriade pursuant to this Sectic n, shall not exceE c the Consumer RricE Index cr 2.0% cf the Billing Rales in efilect immediatEly preceding such adjustmEnt, whichever is less. Weber W ate r Resc urcE s CA, LLC PagE 8--1 10-53 Table 1: Billing) Schedule anc Hourly) Ratesi Hulling 8 Insitallaticin Ailter- Desicripticin Rate HoursJl3me rge ncyl Hour) Rate" Mc bilizal is ri anc de rrie bilization $ 2,500.00 L L rrFI Surr $ 3,20CLOCI LL rrFI Surr Twc (12) me ri, rig and se rvicE tnL ck gl 250.00 /hour $ 315.C10 Ir our Twc (12) man crew and purrip PL Iling g� 250.00 MOIL r $ 315.C10 If• our rig Three (13) man crew and sllanc arc g� 340.00 MOIL r $ 910.C10 MOIL r pump pullingrig Each addilierial EmpleyEe gl 90.00 /r our $ 135.CIO MOIL Crane Afier- Desicripticin Rate Hours Al3me rge ncyl Hour) Rater' 401cn\AiIIh Brie (1; man gl 345.00 dlr our $ 4M.C10 Ir our Cne (1) man crew, SE rvicE support g� U5.00 /houn $ 187.90 Ir our rig fc r 40-1c n cranE Rotairy11 Crane Afier- Desicripticin Rate Hours Al3me rge ncyl Hour) Rate* C nE (1; man and hydraL lic cranE — 5 g� 160.00 MOIL r $ 240.00 MOIL r IIcn C ne (1; man and hydraL lic cranE — 8 g� 160.00 dlr $ 240.00 MOIL tc n our r Cne ill; rrian anc rctary cranE — 10 g� 160.00 /houn $ 240.00 MOL 11 tc n C ne ill', rrian anc rctary cranE — 17 g� 175.00 /houn $ 262.50 MOIL r to n Rotary crane — 17 tc ri and 'e -man g� 265.00 Jho r $ 397.50 MOIL r C rew Fielc Service Afier- Desicripticin Rate HoursJSmeirgeincyl Hour) Rate" One 1l1) man and dE livery 1 ruck gl 49.0CI /r our $ E17.90 Ir our WE bE r WatE r RE sources CA , LLC Rage B-2 10-54 One (1, man and SE rvice tnL ck $ 125.00 ill -aur $ 187.50 ilhaL r Two (2, men and SE rvice 1 nL ck $ 250.00 jIr aur $ 375.00 ilhaL r Two (2, men and welding truck $ 250.00 iI1 aur $ 375.00 ilhaL r Two (2) man crew and cc mibiriation $ 250.00 JI1' CIL r $ 375.00 /hal r rig RlatbE d Truck and drivE r $ 65.00 1 our $ 97.90 /hour Service truck and cnE (1; pump $ 125.00 /houii $ 187.50 /holr mechanic Service ilruck and c nE (1) electrician $ 160.00 Ir our $ 240.00 /hol r Servicie truck and c riE 111) gene nal $ 125.00 /houii $ 187.50 A our servicies Servicie truck and cnE (1, purrip $ '4150.00 J11-CIL r $ 375.00 Aour rriechanic and c rie 1 assistant Shap Llabon After - De sc rirtion Raie ftursi/Emergle r cyl fturl Rate' Shc p labc r-purrip mE ahania $ 65.00 1 our $ 67.50 ilhaL r Shc p labc r-rria& inist $ 9CLOCI I our $ 135.00 /hoL r Shc p labc r-wE lder $ 65.00 A our $ 97.50 /hog r N etal spray labor $ 65.00 Ir our $ 97.50 /hog r M iscellareous A fte r - De sc ri F tion Raie ftu rs/Eme rgle r cy ftu rl Rate' Dynamic videc with BngineE ring c n $ 1,50CLOCI L L rrp Sum $ 1,500.00 Lurr p SIL m Hydrogeology sup ort Spinner Lc gs $ 1,50CLOCI L L rr p Sum $ 1,500.00 Lurr p SIL rr Dynamic video w ill h mini camera $ 1,400.00 L L rr p Slum $ 1,400.00 U mipi Sum Videc lc g -cc is r with dove nholE and $ 1,000.00 Lurrip SIL m $ 1,000.00 U mipi Sum side -scan 9ngineE ring and Hydre gE olc gy $ 250.00 jIr aur $ 385.C10 jIr aur support NPOES Compliance (BakEr llanHs, nE utralizE r equipment, lab feE s, $15,000.00 Lurrip SIL mi $ 15,000.00 LL mip Surri fabrication Weber"ate r ReSCLrCE9 CA, LLC Rage B 10-55 Hloutily Mlin im urr, (if apphica bI/E)' AfIlEir He uns Rate and Elrriemgency Hourly Rate shall be any time outsidC of thEi nc rmal bLsiricss 1 -curs cf Mcnday through Thursday, 7:C0 a.m. tc 4:3C p.m., and Rriday 7:C0 a.m. lo 3:30 p.m. *' N axirrium 5% c ve nr cad cap for all materials purchased. Utilities ManagEir nese rves the right 110 request Ihat all criginal rECEipts cf materials be tunned in with invoices beforE Contractor is paid. Weber Wate r REsourcies CA, LLC Page B-4 10-56 Tzble 21: Annual Maintenance Services Descrirtian Rate (please indiczte ifl lump slum ar Haurly) Lubricatic n Checko $ 125jlhr (4, F R Min. Cleaning/Flc shing $ 125jlhr (4, F R Min. PrEservaiicri $ 125jlhr (4; F R Min. Rluid Changes and RE placE rnE ni $ 125/hr (4 ; F R Min. Visual Inspecticris $ 125jlhr (4; F R Min. C PE ratic nal Mc nitc ring $ 125jlhr (4 ; F R Min. Vibration Analysis $ 125/hr (4; F R Min. CllEmical Analysis IlwatE r tE shing) $ 125/hr (4; F R Min. Trend Analysis $ 125/hr (4; F R Min. Calibraiicri $ 125/hr (4) F R Min. ME asurements $ 125/hii (4) F R Min. Adjustments $ 125/hii (4) F R Min. Hydreatatic Nests $1,125 plus frEight Lc be Cil Analysis I1sarripling only) $ 125/hr (4) F R Min. ReplacemE nt of WeadSacrificial Rarts (this may bE statE d as an a stimatE fc r cost of acitL al parts plus time) $25C/hr + matE rials Resistance Testing $ 125/hu (4) HR Nin. Hourly Rate fc r Cther Maintenance — Please includE minimum number c hours. 125/hr (4, F R Min. WE bE r Waier Resources CA, LLC Rage B-5 10-57 EXHIBIT C INSURANCE RBC L IIREM BNTS — MAIh TENANCE/RBRAIR/JAN ITORIALI SBRMICBS Prcvision of Insurances. Without limiting Cc ntracior's indeirrmificiation cf City, and price tc ciommencemeint of Work, Cc ntraciior shall obtain, provides and maintain ai its own expense during ih6 term cf this Agreement, policies cf insurance cf ihei type and amounts described belcw and in a form satisfactcry io City. Ccntuactc11 agrees tc provides insurancie in acciordancei with riecluireirrieinis set forth here. If Contractor uses existing ccveragei tc ccrriply and that ccveiiage does rict meei theses reqs inerrieints, Cc ntractc r agrees to arrieind, sL ppleirrieini or Endorse ihei Existing ccveragei. 2. Acceptable Insurers. All insurances pc licies shall be isaueid by an ins raricei cc rripany currently authc riaed by the Insurance Commissioner tc transaci busineisa cf insurances in ihei States cf Califcnnia, "0 an assigned pclicyhclders' Rating cf A- (cr higher) and Financial Size Categcry Class VII I1or larger; in aaccrdancei with thea latest Edition of Best's Key Rating Guides, unless ctherwiisei approved by the City's Risk Manager. 3. COvelrage Rleguir6meinis. A. Wcnkers' CcrriMnsation Insurance. Ccnivactcr shall maintain Wcrkers' Cc mpensatic n Insurancie, siatutc ryl limits, and Erriplc yem's Liability Insurances with limits of ai least one rriillic n dcllars ($1,C OC,C OC', Each accident fc r bodily injL ry by accideirii and each employees fc r bodily injury by c isease in acccrdancei with ihei laws cf ihei Sliatei cf Califcrnia, Seicticn 37CC of the Labc r Ccdei. Coniractor shall submit tc City, along wish ih6 certificates of insurances, a Waiver cf Slubrcgaticn eridomemeni in favor cf Ciiy, its Ciiy Council, boards and cc mmissic ns, officers, agents, volunieers, employees, and any perscri cu entity cwnirig or ctherwise in legal ccntrol cf ih6 properly upc n whish Cc naultarit peirforrris tf ei Project and/or Seirviaes cc nt6mplaied by this Agree Ent. B. G eineiial Liability Insurance. Cc ntractc r shall maintain cc rrimeiraial general liability insurances and, if necessary, umbrella liability insurance, with ccveragei at least as brcad as provideid by Insuwianae SEI -Vices CfIlice fcrrri C G C 0 C 1, in an amc unt not leis 1 han c nes rnillic n dollars ($1,C OC,C CC' pear ccaurrence, t\Ao million dcllars II$2,OCC,OCO) general aggreigatei. The policy shall cover liability arising fiiom premises, c perations, prc ducts- ccrripleted cperaiicns, personal and advertising injur% and liability assumed under an insureid contract Qinaluding ihei tort liability ci anothU assumed in a business cc ntract,. C. Aulc me bile Liability Ins raricei. Cc ritractc r shall maintain autc mobile insuuance ai least as brcad as Insurances SleNiiceis Cfficei fc rm CA OC C'I ccvering bodily injury and prc pearly darriagei for all activitieia cf Cc ntractc r arising cui cf or in ccnneciicri with Wcuk to bei performed under this Weber "ateii Resources CA, LLC Rage C -'I 10-58 Agreement, including ccveragE fcrany owned, I•irEd, ncn-owned or renied vehicles, in an arrioLnt nct IEss than cnE million dollana ($1,000,000; combined singlE limii E a& accidE nt. D. Flollutioin Liability InSL rancE. If reiquined, Contracior shall maintain a pclicy providing ciontnactor's pc IIS tic n liability ("CPL"; coverage Witt- a ioital limit cif liability of rice IEiss than cnE million dollars ($1,000,000; p6r loess and tvuc rriillicn dollars ($2,000,000; in th6 aggregatE per policy pEricd. Claims - made policiEs require a 5-yEar E)tended reporting period. ThE CPL pclicy shall iriclL dE covEirage for ClE anup cc sis, third -party bodily injury and prc PE riy damage, including Ic ss of use of damaged prcpE rly cir of prc PE rly tl-at t as nci bEen pl-ysically in;urEc cr destroyed, resulting from pollution ccnditicn:i cau:ied by ccintracting operations. CovEnage as requirEid in ihis paragraph shall apply io sudden and non -sudden pcllufion conditions resulting from the escapE cr relE aS6 cif smck e, vapc rs, fumes, acids, alkalis, toxic chemical:i, liquids, or gasES, waafe materials, or ciher irritants, coniaminania, c r pclluiants. Tr e C FIL shall also prc vide ccveragE for tnansperlaf ion and off -lite disposal of mate nial:i. The pclicy sl -all nc 1 coniain any provision cr exclusion Qincduding any sc-cialled "in:iurEd VErsus in:iurEd" exclusion cr "cross -liability" exclusion; the efilEici ci which would bE tc prEiveni, bar, or ciherwise preiclLde any insurEid cn additional insured undE r the policy irc m rriaking a clairri wh i& would ctherwiS6 be covEired by ciu& policy on ihE gnourids that the claim is brcLgH by an insured cr additional insured against an insured cr adc itional insured under th6 PC licy. . 4. OthE r Ins ra=6 Reqs irE mE nts. The pc IiciE s are tc cc ntain, or bE a ndorsE c tc cc ntain, # EI following pnovisic ris: A. "aiver cf Subrogation. All insurance ccverage mainiairied or procured pursuant to this AgrEiement shall bE endorsed io waive subrcgaficn against City, its City Council, beards and ccrnmi:isic ns, officE rs, agE nts, vc lunleEms, a rriployE es, and any pe noon cr Entity owning cr of 6ntiiise in IE gal contrc l of the prc pE rly upc ri which Cc nsultani perForm:i the Pro; ect and/cm Services cc ntErriplated by this AgreErrient cir shall spEciifically allow Ccntracior or others providing in:iurancE evidence in compliance with 1 hE:ie rE quirE mE rii:i lo waive thein right of rE ccvery pric r is a Ic ss. Cc ntracior herE by waives its cwn right cf neccvery again:ii City, and shall require similarwritkin exprEaa waivErs ircim each of its subccrisultants. B. Additional InsurEid Status. All liabiliiy policies including g6nEiral liability, pnodLcts and compleied cperaficris, exciess liability, pollution liability, and aLfomcibile liability, if requirEd, shall provide or bE endcinsed tc providE that City, its City Council, boards and cerrirriissicn:i, officers, agents, vc lunleE rs, EirriployE es, and any pE r:icn cr entity owning cir oithE rwiise in IE gal cic ni nol of the prc pE rl y upc n which C ons Itarit perfc nrris the Rro, ect and/cr SE rvicE s cc ntE rriplatEid by this A grE emEint shall be includE c as irisuneds under such pc liciE s. WEbEr Waters ResciurcEis CA, LLC Page C-2 10-59 C. Pnirriary and Nc n Cc ntributc ry . All liability coverage shall apply cn a primarybasis and sF all nc 1 require cc rii ributic n from any insurancre c r self- insurance maintained by City. D. Notice of Cancellation. All pcliciEs shall provide Ciiy with ihidy (30) calendar days notice cf canCE Ilatic n (E xce pi fcr nc npayrrient fcr which tE n (10; calEndar days notice is required,' or nonrenewal of coverage fcr each nEquirEd ccverage. 5. Additicnal Agreements BEtWEen the Parties. illhE parties hereby agreE tc the fc Ilo\A ing: A. 8\ idence cf Insurance. Cc ntracrior shall prc\ ide certificates of insurance tc City as Evidence cf tFe insurance coverage required hErein, along with a waiver of subrogaticn endcrserrientfcri workers' ccmpenEiaticn and c#ER endo risemE nts as specified herein fcr Each cc \ eragE . Insurance certificates and EndcrsErrient mLsi be approvEd by City's Risk Nariageri pricrtc crommencemEnt ci perfcrrriance. Cunnent certificaiicri cf insurance shall be Hept cn file with City at all times during the term cf iris AgrEement. City rEserves the right io rEquire ComplEte, crertified cc pies cf all requinE d insurancre pc licriEs, at any iimE . 8. City's Right tc RE\ isE ReguiremE nts. City reserVEs the right at any timE during ihE tErrri of the AgreEment tc change the amcunts and types cf insurancE required by giving Contractor sixty (EO) calendan days advarICE writtEn notice of suCI` change. If su& change results in subsiantial additional ccsi tc Coniractcn, Ciiy and Ccntracior may nenegcliatE Cc ntractc is cc rnpE nsaiic ri. C. Right lo RE\iEw Subccrilracts. Contracton agrees Rat upon nEquest, all agreErrienis with subconiractcrs or cthens with whom Coniractcn EntErs intc contracts with cri befalf ci Ciiy will bE submitIEd lo City for review. AailunE ci City tc rEquest cc pies of such agreEMEnts will not irripcse any liability on Ciiy, or its emplcyees. Coniractcn shall require and verify that all subccntraciors maintain insurance rrieEting all the rE quirE rrienis slated hE rein, and Cc niractc r shall ensurE that City is an additic nal insurE d cn insurance rE quirE d irc rri SL bcc ntraciors. Rc r CGL COVE rage, subcc ntractc rs shall prcvidE cc veragE with a fc rmat at least as bnc ad as CG 2038C413. D. Enic rcE rrient ci Agreement Prcvisic ns. Cc ntractc r acknoWedgE s and agrees that any actual cr allEged failure on the pari of City to infcrm Contractor ci non-compliance with any requiremEnt irripcses no additic nal c bligations on City nc r dcE s it waive any rights herE unde r. 8. ReguinE mE nts not Limiting. RE qL irE mE nts cf specific cc ve rage fE aturE s cr lirriits crontained in this SE ctic n are nc 1 iniende d as a limitation cn ccveragE, limits cr othEr requirements, or a waiver cf any ccverage normally providE d by any insurariCE . Specific referenCE tc a given ccvenagE feature is fcr purpcses cf clarification only as ii pertains tc a Weber WatEr Resc unces CA, LLC Page C-3 10-60 given issuE and is nct inte ridE d by any party cr insured tc be all inclusive, cr ioi the exclusicri of ctrer coverage, cu a %Aaiver cf any type. If tre C oni ractcu maintains r ighE r limits than the rriinimurris shcwn abc \ e, the City requires and shall bE eniiiled io ccveuage for higrEr limits maintainEd by ihE Ccintractc r. Any available insurance proceeds in excess cif tr e specified minimum limits of insurance anc covErage shall bE availablE tc the City. R. Self-insured RetEnticns. Any self-insurEc rEtEnticfns must be declarEd tc and approved by City. City reserves tre right tc rEquirE that self-insured ueteniicris bE eliminated, Icweued, cr replaced by a deductible. Eelf- insurance will ncit be cc nsidE red tc comply %ii h these rE quire rrients L nless apprcved by City. G. City RE MEC ies for Ncn-Compliance If Ccntractc r cr any SL b - consultant fails lo prcivide and maintain insurance as requiued r erE in, then City shall have the right but not the c bligatic n, tc purchasE SLch insurancE , tc to urriinate this AgrE ement, cr tc SL spend Cc ntractc is right to prcceEc until proper evidE nce of insurancE is puovided. Any amounts paid by City sr all, al City's sclE cpiicn, be deducted frcrri arriounts payable tc Ccntractcr cir reimbursed by Ccintracior upon derriand. H. TimEly NoticE cf Clairris. Ccntractcr shall give City prompt anc timely nctice cf claims rriade cr suits insiiiuted trat arise cut of or result frcrri Cc ntractcir's pe rk rmance unde a iris Cc ntract, and it at invc IvE C11 rriay invoilve ccveragE undEr any cf the rEquirEc liability policiEs. City assLmEs nc obligatic n cr liability by such notice, bL 1 has tr a right (but not the duty, tc mcnitcu the handling cf any such claim cr clairris if they aue likely tc irnolve City. Cc ntractc is InsurancE . Cc ntractc r shall alsc prcicure and rriaintain, at its own ccsi and expense, any addiiicnal kinds cf insurance, which in its cwn jucgment may be nEcessary for its prcipEr prctEciicn and prcaecuiicri cf 1re Wcrk. Weber Water RescurcEs CA, LLC Rage C-4 10-61