HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 - The Ritz Pylon Sign_PA2016-073 - PA2016-073 U ? COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive,P.O. Box 1768,Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Cq�IFORN`P 949-644-3200 Fax: 949-644-3229 www.newportbeachca.gov CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT June 30, 2016 Agenda Item No. 3 SUBJECT: The Ritz Pylon Sign (PA2016-073) 2801 W. Coast Highway • Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2016-006 • Modification Permit No. MD2016-007 APPLICANT: Tako Tyko Signs OWNER: Khoshbin's Landing, LLC PLANNER: Makana Nova, Associate Planner (949) 644-3249, mnova@newportbeachca.gov ZONING DISTRICT/GENERAL PLAN • Zone: MU-W1 (Mixed-Use Water Related) • General Plan: MU-W1 (Mixed-Use Water Related) PROJECT SUMMARY The applicant is requesting approval to modify an existing comprehensive sign program and modification permit to authorize a new pylon sign (Sign Type 11) for The Ritz restaurant at an existing commercial development located in Mariner's Mile. The pylon sign will utilize two existing pole stanchions located along the West Coast Highway property frontage. This Comprehensive Sign Program amends and supersedes Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS 2015-011 (PA2015-162) for this site. The applicant is seeking the following deviations from Chapter 20.42 (Sign Standards) of the Zoning Code: Comprehensive Sign Program 1. To modify an existing comprehensive sign program to add a pylon sign. A comprehensive sign program is required whenever three or more nonexempt signs are proposed for a single-tenant development. The Zoning Administrator is the review authority for a comprehensive sign program. 1 The Ritz Pylon Sign Zoning Administrator, June 30, 2016 Page 2 Modification Permit 1. To deviate from the location standards for a pylon sign (50-foot distance between freestanding signs). The proposed sign location provides a 30-foot separation to the nearest adjacent pylon sign to the east (2751 West Coast Highway) and a 120-foot separation to the nearest adjacent pylon sign to the west (2901 West Coast Highway). 2. Pylon maximum sign width (10 feet is requested where the standard is 6 feet). The sign utilizes two existing pole stanchions on-site. 3. Pylon maximum leg height (15 feet is requested where the standard is 6 feet 6 inches or 30% of overall sign height). RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. — approving Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2016-006 to amend and supersede Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2015-011 (PA2015-162) and Modification Permit No. MD2016-007 (Attachment No. ZA 1). DISCUSSION 1. The subject property is located in Mariner's Mile along West Coast Highway and is zoned as Mixed-Use Water Related. The property is developed with an existing restaurant, The Ritz, located on the first floor, with marine-related and office uses on the floors above. 2. The proposed pylon sign (Sign Type 11) most closely approximates the development standards from the Zoning Code while utilizing the existing pole stanchions in place. The property at 2801 West Coast Highway measures approximately 118 feet in width. Given the width of the property frontage and the height of the building at 35 feet, staff believes the proposed addition of a pylon sign is compatible with the overall massing and bulk of the building, which is placed approximately 100 feet back from the street frontage. 3. There are two existing pylon signs on the immediately adjacent properties, which inhibit the placement of a new pylon sign in compliance with the location standard that require a distance of 50 feet between freestanding signs. A pylon sign was previously located at the proposed location where space is provided within an existing landscaped area. Compliance would require the relocation and loss of a parking space. TmpIt:05-05-16 The Ritz Pylon Sign Zoning Administrator, June 30, 2016 Page 3 4. In order to utilize the existing pole stanchions in place, a minimum width of 10 feet is necessary for the pylon sign, which exceeds the 6-foot maximum width for a pylon sign designated in the Zoning Code. 5. In order to utilize the existing pole stanchions in place and comply with the maximum sign area of 75 square feet, the pylon legs must be taller than the maximum of 6 feet identified in the Zoning Code. The proposed design with 15- foot high pylon legs will increase visibility to vehicular traffic traveling in both directions on West Coast Highway and at the project driveway. Each pole will be wrapped with an aluminum pole cover so that the leg width will comply with the leg width and proportion standards for a pylon sign. 6. The Public Works Department has reviewed the proposed pylon sign location and does not have comments on the design as proposed. The pylon sign is located within the sight distance triangle but there are no other feasible locations for the sign and the design with higher leg heights will maximize visibility for pedestrians and vehicles along West Coast Highway. The pylon sign will maintain a 5-foot setback from the street property line. 7. The pylon sign as proposed is consistent with the development pattern in the area and Mariner's Mile Design Framework where single-tenant monument/pylon signs are permitted. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15311 under Class Class 11 (Accessory Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. Class 11 allows for the construction or placement of minor structures accessory to (appurtenant to) existing commercial, industrial, or institutional facilities, including but not limited to signs. The site is fully developed for commercial uses and the foundation and support for the proposed sign is already in place. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of- way and waterways), including the applicant, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. TmpIt:05-05-16 The Ritz Pylon Sign Zoning Administrator, June 30, 2016 Page 4 APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal or call for review may be filed with the Director of Community Development within 14 days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at (949) 644-3200. Prepared by: Maka a N a Associate Planner JWC/mkn Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Sign Program Matrix ZA 4 Project Plans TmpIt:05-05-16 J Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 5 RESOLUTION NO. ZA2016-### A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PROGRAM NO. CS2016-006 AMENDING AND SUPERSEDING COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PROGRAM NO. 2015- 011 AND MODIFICATION PERMIT NO. MD2016-007 FOR A NEW PYLON SIGN LOCATED AT 2801 WEST COAST HIGHWAY (PA2016-073) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by John Crispis of Tako Tyko Signs, representing property owner, Khoshbin's Landing, LLC, with respect to property located at 2801 West Coast Highway, and legally described as a portion of Lot H of Tract 919, requesting approval of an amended comprehensive sign program and modification permit. 2. The applicant proposes a comprehensive sign program amendment and modification permit to authorize a new pylon sign (Sign Type 11) for The Ritz restaurant at an existing commercial development. The pylon sign will utilize two existing pole stanchions located along the West Coast Highway property frontage. This Comprehensive Sign Program amends and supersedes Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS 2015-011 (PA2015-162) for this site. The modification permit includes the following deviations from the pylon sign development standards: a. To deviate from the location standards for a pylon sign (50-foot distance between freestanding signs). b. Pylon maximum sign width (10 feet is requested where the standard is 6 feet). C. Pylon maximum leg height (15 feet is requested where the standard is 6 feet 6 inches or 30% of overall sign height). 3. The subject property is located within the MU-W1 (Mixed-Use Water Related) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is MU-W1 (Mixed-Use Water Related). 4. The subject property is located within the coastal zone. The Coastal Land Use Plan category is MU-W (Mixed-Use Water Related). 5. A public hearing was held on June 30, 2016, in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E-1st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this meeting. Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-### Page 2 of 10 SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15311 under Class 11 (Accessory Structures) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. 2. Class 11 allows for the construction or placement of minor structures accessory to (appurtenant to) existing commercial, industrial, or institutional facilities, including but not limited to signs. The site is fully developed for commercial uses and the foundation and support for the proposed sign is already in place. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. Comprehensive Sign Program Pursuant to Section 20.42.120 (Comprehensive Sign Program) of the Zoning Code, approval of a Comprehensive Sign Program is required whenever signage is proposed for development where there are three or more tenant spaces on the same lot and whenever signs are proposed to be located on or above the second story on a multi-story building. In accordance with Section 20.42.120.E (Comprehensive Sign Program: Standards), the following standards and facts in support of such standards are set forth: Standard: A. The proposed sign program shall comply with the purpose and intent of this Chapter (Chapter 20.42: Sign Standards), any adopted sign design guidelines and the overall purpose and intent of this Section (Section 20.42.120: Comprehensive Sign Program). Facts in Support of Standard: 1. In compliance with the purpose and intent of the sign standards, the amended Comprehensive Sign Program provides the site and the uses with adequate identification and way-finding without excessive proliferation of signage. Furthermore, it preserves community appearance by regulating the type, number, size, and design of signage in a comprehensive and coordinated fashion. 2. The amended sign program establishes a sign type for a pylon/freestanding sign (Sign 11) located at the street frontage along West Coast Highway. This sign type includes deviations in the development standards due to the close proximity of other pylons on adjacent properties, sign width, and leg height in order to allow the sign to utilize an existing sign location with two pole stanchions in place for structural support. 3. The sign program establishes a sign type for address signage (Sign 2) located at the West Coast Highway frontage that exceeds the size limitations for exempt signage in the Zoning Code. 05-26-2016 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-### Page 3 of 10 4. The sign program allows for one address sign (Sign 2), building identification sign (Sign 3), six tenant wall signs (Signs 4-6 and Signs 8-10), and Sign 7 (Restaurant Secondary Sign) to be mounted above the first floor level on the West Coast Highway and waterfront facades of the building. The locations of these signs are intended to fit the architecture of the building and improve visibility to vehicles and boaters as they approach the building along each frontage. 5. The signs above the first story on the building are beneficial and can be viewed from a greater distance for drivers and boaters due to their location and placement on each building frontage. The location of the larger restaurant secondary sign (Sign 7) along the water frontage will improve the visibility for this primary tenant from Newport Harbor. The size increase above 50 percent of the primary frontage sign area is within the 30 percent sign area increase allowed with the approval of a comprehensive sign program. Standard: B. The proposed signs shall enhance the overall development, be in harmony with, and relate visually to other signs included in the Comprehensive Sign Program, to the structures and/or developments they identify, and to surrounding development when applicable. Facts in Support of Standard: 1. The signs have been designed to be integral with the design and architectural character of the buildings and other site improvements. 2. The signage will enhance the overall development of the site. It will provide adequate identification of the site and will also improve the pedestrian experience. Standard: C. The sign program shall address all signs, including permanent, temporary, and exempt signs. Facts in Support of Standard: 1. The sign program includes all project signage. Temporary and exempt signs not specifically addressed in the program shall be regulated by the provisions of Chapter 20.42 (Sign Standards). Standard: D. The sign program shall accommodate future revisions that may be required because of changes in use or tenants. 05-26-2016 8 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-### Page 4 of 10 Facts in Support of Standard: 1. The Comprehensive Sign Program is designed to be effective for future tenants of the building. 2. It is not anticipated that future revisions will be necessary to accommodate constant changes in tenants or uses. However, flexibility has been incorporated into the Sign Program Matrix to allow minor deviations from the proposed signs. 3. Consistent with Chapter 20.42 (Sign Standards), the Community Development Director [or his/her designee] may approve minor revisions to the Comprehensive Sign Program if the intent of the original approval is not affected. Standard: E. The program shall comply with the standards of this Chapter, except that deviations are allowed with regard to sign area, total number, location, and/or height of signs to the extent that the Comprehensive Sign Program will enhance the overall development and will more fully accomplish the purposes and intent of this Chapter. Facts in Support of Standard: 1. The Comprehensive Sign Program authorizes freestanding pylon, building address, building identification, and tenant wall signage and requests deviation in the type, location, and area of signs prescribed in the Zoning Code. The signs are designed to be complimentary to the building's restaurant and office use and are harmonious with the surrounding buildings and uses. 2. The sign program establishes a sign type for a freestanding pylon sign (Sign 11) and Modification Permit No. MD2016-007 allows deviations in the location, pylon width, and pylon leg height standards to allow the applicant to utilize two existing pole stanchions for structural supports along the West Coast Highway street frontage. The location and design of the pylon most closely approximates the design and development standards for pylon signage given the site parameters and existing building constraints. 3. The sign program establishes a sign type for address signage (Sign 2) and deviates in the size and location of this signage to allow for adequate visibility of the site for pedestrians and vehicles approaching along West Coast Highway. Given the increased speed of vehicles passing by along West Coast Highway, the additional prominence of the building address will assist patrons as they locate the site. 4. The sign program allows for building signs to be placed above the first floor level. The proposed sign placement allows for appropriate building and tenant identification that is complimentary to the modified building fagade following renovation. The fagade provides an updated and modern entry for the building and improves pedestrian, boater, and vehicle visibility as patrons approach the primary entrances of the building 05-26-2016 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-### Page 5 of 10 along West Coast Highway and from Newport Harbor. The other tenant wall signs on the water frontage are mounted on the first level building eyebrow to more closely match the building's architecture. 5. Sign Type 7 (Restaurant Secondary Sign) is mounted on the waterfront facade facing Newport Harbor. The proposed sign area and placement improves visibility for this primary tenant as patrons approach the building via boat. Standard: F. The Approval of a Comprehensive Sign Program shall not authorize the use of signs prohibited by this Chapter. Facts in Support of Standard: 1. The program does not authorize the use of any prohibited sign types. Standard: G. Review and approval of a Comprehensive Sign Program shall not consider the signs' proposed message content. Facts in Support of Standard: 1. The program contains no regulations affecting sign message or content. Modification Permit Pursuant to Section 20.42.110 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, deviations from sign standards for height, location, number, and area are subject to the approval of a modification permit. In accordance with Section 20.52.050 (Modification Permits) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: A. The requested modification will be compatible with existing development in the neighborhood. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The pylon sign (Sign Type 11) as designed is compatible with the existing development in the neighborhood because there are several other large restaurant and commercial pylon signs located along West Coast Highway that employ the use of similar signage and logos for identification purposes. 2. The proposed pylon sign location, width, and leg height will be appropriately scaled to the building given the width of the property frontage and size of the building fascia. 05-26-2016 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA20164t## Page 6 of 10 3. The increased width and leg height of the pylon sign (Sign Type 11) are compatible within the overall massing and bulk of the existing building. The existing stanchions once supported a taller sign at this location and the sign in this location was not detrimental to the surrounding development. The increased sign width and leg height are compatible as they promote increased visibility for pedestrians and vehicles along West Coast Highway. 4. Re-use of the existing stanchions avoids removal and possible reconstruction of the foundation and promotes compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood as it minimizes construction impacts to the area. Finding: B. The granting of the modification is necessary due to the unique physical characteristic(s) of the property and/or structure, and/or characteristics of the use. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The pylon sign (Sign Type 11) serves as the main identification for motorists travelling on West Coast Highway. A commercial building located at 2751 West Coast Highway obstructs the visibility of the subject property, which makes the proposed pylon sign location necessary to assist motorists in identifying the restaurant. 2. The building fagade on the property is placed approximately 100 feet back from the street frontage. The linear street frontage measures 118 feet. Given the width of the property frontage and the distance of the building from the street frontage, the location and size of a pylon sign (Sign Type 11) at the proposed location is appropriate. The placement of existing pylon signs on adjacent properties limits the ability to place the pylon sign at a distance of 50 feet from adjacent signs without relocating the sign and reconfiguring the parking layout on-site and losing a parking space. 3. In order to utilize the existing pole stanchions in place, a sign width of 10 feet is necessary for the pylon sign, which exceeds the 6-foot maximum width for a pylon sign as designated in the Zoning Code. The location and width of the existing stanchions are unique physical characteristics. Disruptive construction would be avoided if the existing stanchions remain in place. 4. In order to utilize the existing pole stanchions in place and comply with the maximum sign area of 75 square feet, the pylon legs as designed are taller than the maximum of 6 feet identified in the Zoning Code. Each pole will be wrapped with an aluminum pole cover so that the leg width will comply with the leg width and proportion standards for a pylon sign. The pylon sign will comply with the 20-foot height limit and the increased leg height allows for visibility above the nearby pylon sign located at Billy's By the Beach (2751 West Coast Highway). The proposed design with 15-foot high pylon legs will increase visibility to vehicular traffic traveling in both directions on West Coast Highway and at the site's driveway. 05-26-2016 11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA20164t## Page 7 of 10 Finding: C. The granting of the modification is necessary due to practical difficulties associated with the property and that the strict application of the Zoning Code results in physical hardships that are inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Code. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. Site constraints including the existing parking layout, utilities infrastructure, vehicle sight distance, and existing pole stanchions in place along the West Coast Highway frontage are practical difficulties associated with the property. 2. The purpose and intent of the sign regulations is to provide users adequate identification while preserving and enhancing the community's appearance. The proposed design ensures that signage does not overwhelm the building fagade and create sign clutter along the West Coast Highway frontage as only one pylon sign is proposed for the subject property, consistent with the Zoning Code development standards. 3. The proposed pylon sign does not interfere with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Code as it provides for adequate identification of the site while guarding against the excessive and confusing proliferation of signs. The development standard deviations address the practical difficulty for motorists struggling to identify the restaurant location while traveling on West Coast Highway. Finding: D. There are no alternatives to the modification permit that could provide similar benefits to the applicant with less potential detriment to surrounding owners and occupants, the neighborhood, or to the general public. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The requested pylon sign location, width, and leg height are in scale with similarly placed signs in the surrounding area and will not be detrimental to surrounding owners and occupants, the neighborhood, or the general public. 2. Due to the placement of the building 100 feet from the street, the pylon sign location, width, and leg height are necessary to provide identification for the subject property for passing motorists. The reconfiguration of the parking layout and utilities along the street frontage would be necessary to accommodate a different sign location and would require considerable additional cost to develop a new pylon sign for a different location. 3. A reduced pylon leg height design would result in reduced visibility for motorists and visibility of existing signage on adjacent properties. 05-26-2016 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-### Page 8 of 10 4. A narrower pylon sign design would necessitate the removal of the existing stanchions and construction of a new foundation and stanchions. This additional construction would result in additional cost and construction disruption to the surrounding area. Finding: E. The granting of the modification would not be detrimental to public health, safety, or welfare, to the occupants of the property, nearby properties, the neighborhood, or the City, or result in a change in density or intensity that would be inconsistent with the provisions of this Zoning Code. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. Project approval will not result in a change in intensity or density of the existing restaurants, marine serving, and office uses. 2. The size of the sign is within scale of the signs in the surrounding area and will not adversely affect or be detrimental to persons, property, or improvements in the surrounding neighborhood. 3. Compliance with the Municipal Code and the attached conditions of approval is required and will further ensure that the proposed use will not be detrimental. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. This resolution supersedes Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2015-011 (PA2015- 162), which upon vesting of the rights authorized by this application, shall become null and void. All relevant conditions of approval have been carried over. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 30TH DAY OFJUNE, 2016. Patrick Alford, Zoning Administrator 05-26-2016 13 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-### Page 9 of 10 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PLANNING 1 . The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans, and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval. (Except as modified by applicable conditions of approval.) 2. Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2016-006 and Modification Permit No. MD2016- 007 shall expire unless exercised within 24 months from the date of approval as specified in Section 20.54.060 (Time Limits and Extensions) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, unless an extension is otherwise granted. 3. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 4. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Comprehensive Sign Program and Modification Permit. 5. This Comprehensive Sign Program may be modified or revoked by the Zoning Administrator if determined that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity or if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. 6. Locations of the signs are limited to the designated areas and shall comply with the limitations specified in the Sign Program Matrix included in Attachment No. ZA 3. 7. All signs must be maintained in accordance with Section 20.42.170 (Maintenance Requirements) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 8. A building permit shall be obtained prior to commencement of the construction and/or installation of the signs. 9. The signs visual character and mounting heights shall comply with the California Building Code. 10. The pylon sign (Sign Type 1) shall maintain a 5-foot setback from the West Coast Highway right-of-way. 11. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, 05-26-2016 24 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-### Page 10 of 10 liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of The Ritz Pylon Sign including, but not limited to, Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2016-006 and Modification Permit No. MD2016-007 (PA2016-073). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. 05-26-2016 ZJ� Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 10 VICINITY MAP �. Proposed pylon sign location 17 00 R�r Cpq S i a= \ Y . Comprehensive Sign Program No. CS2016-006 and Modification Permit No. MD2016-007 PA2016-073 2801 W. Coast Highway =T Attachment No. ZA 3 Sign Program Matrix 12 2801 West Coast Highway Comprehensive Sign Program CS2016-006 and Modification Permit No. MD2016-007 (PA2016-067) Monday, June 13, 2016 Sign Number Sign Type Quantity Sign Height Sign Area Max. Letter/Logo Height Location/Frontage 1 Restaurant Wall Sign 1 3 feet 11 inches 36 sq ft 42 inches West Coast Highway building frontage, centered over front entry 2 Building Address 1 1-foot 3 sq it 12 inches West Coast Highway building frontage, upper left portion of elevator override 3 Building Identification 1 1-foot 6 inches 19 sq ft 18 inches West Coast Highway building frontage, upper left portion of elevator override 4-6 Tenant Wall Sign 3 10 inches 10 sq ft per sign 10 inches West Coast Highway building frontage, elevator override 7 Restaurant Secondary Sign 1 2 feet 1 inch 21 sq ft 25 inches 2nd floor eyebrow of water frontage 8-10 Water Frontage Tenant Wall Signs 3 12 feet 134 sq ft per sign 124 inches 1 st floor eyebrow of water frontage 11 Freestanding Pylon Sign 1 120 feet 175 sq ft per face 136 inches lWest Coast Highway street frontage, located 5 ft from front property line Compliance Required: • Note, the signs visual character and mounting heights shall comply with 2013 California Building Code Section 11 B-703. • Temporary Banner Signs shall comply with the Chapter 20.42 of the Zoning Code. • All signs shall substantially conform to the stamped and dated approved set of plans. • Pursuant to Section 20.42.120.F of the Zoning Code, the Planning Director may approve minor revisions to the Sign Program if the intent of the original approval is not affected. • All additional exempt signs shall comply with the standards prescribed in the Zoning Code. 19 Attachment No. ZA 4 Project Plans 20 PA2016-073IMI Preliminary Sign Program 2801 West Coast Newport Beach , CA ' 66 to o ty o 5010 Venice Blvd ., Los Angeles, CA 90019 Ph : 323 . 937 . 4445 Fax: 323 . 937 . 3912 www.takotyko . con1. PA2016-073 wi in Ile we •w>.+a--" - —___ mems-g. - - - - ,,` A • a a o . a a c Sala Venice Blvd.,Los Angeles,CA 90819 in Ph:323.937.4445 • Fax:323.937.3912 Y© Y I irr•K• I www.takotyko.rom "d m ■ c Job Name: C=5 E I.zIIN� „ ., / _ THE RITZ PRIME SEAFOOD RITZ MAIN SIGN e� wILMkoI�NG na II4— a :• � C e• . I Address: m s� 2801 West Coast Hwy Newport Beach, CA 92663 It I -e.�-•-- � __.-_.- @ I Account Representative: IRE 1 g .. '—L-41 .. Ruben Cielak I m ■ !■—�•. • _ ■ -I--- �' _• Designer: - --- ■ > Jesse Abellaneda we - dpy r , ■ Date: 08-04-2015 wine 1-ne. �I [1`_'µA • I Sole: It 1I' TOWER SIGNS 5 , ,v,W As Shown /ems ADDRESS File Name: t ;� I ^ !P//- •GP'S LANDING • e •in 3TENANT SIGNS • — I c The Ritz Sign Program Ln in new - - — en _ N Revisions: - �'�_�- • ¢ -� - ��_�_�_ '- - I No. Dale No. Date 1 �w DI 00/05/15 al 04125/I6 .+L ■ . `- 02 08/06/15 OB 04/26/16 PYLON SIGN 003IL—a6Lzs/ls 09 04/27/16 I j• m THE RITZ 04 09/18/15 • I as 09/21/15 06 10/15/15 � t I j I �1� 'I .•, +ji-, � - y SITE: - - -- - ------- Approvals: ;A ui96J new Client t T 1 1 I t Designer t t -. '- { p. ■ 1 1 Project Manager we I ,r �■N rI K •r• we If Y w.a•.w..t ? '� ...I I I 6 �+ .;I-�r: - I 1 , 1t f ' Salesperson Loo new PIL k' i I Mum 4i♦ ■ Thisnanoigrml republished dowing Terminip ,a _ y. by Take TYka Si gns and L,i far your hummers All dem, won. mwnwi �. I t ,*s 1 t 1 doslro rmangemenn and plansmi or repromirted t ism' --------------------------•______I�1 +'ate _..A._-. -.}--.-. - — l proper,of edchismmM1ne ore owned M and the .� ___� __ ______ ..-.---.--.---._. _ ` okoTko Si ns and Liphtirq.it is notta he E •w r' -_-.` ^ one outside of your organization nor to be P mpissi ihited in osry kdion without thewrineepmm onof TakeTyko Sigoaadagheng. ®[OPYRIGHTPRaTERfO A I Sheet Number: SITE PLAN - NOT TO SCALE IV 2 �� PA2016-073 NOTE: PLEASE REFER TO PAGE 21 FOR PLAN • ween S B i S 1 . Z Pi 5010 Venicafflind.,Los Angeles,CA 90019 LINE OF SIGHT(TYP) RAISED .... Ph.323.937.4445 - fai 323.937.3912 MEDIAN T-PROPERTYLINE www.takatyko.com LIMITED USE AREA LIMITED USE C 4�1, 11,-- AREA Al RAISED MED 'Fj CURB LII Rte, L THE RITZ PRIME SEAFOOD Y1 DISTANCE(FT 0. Y1 a Y, B T DISTANCE(FT.) X1 Address Y, I x '7 (,)§.OPE HIM 2801 West Coast Hwy !May 1 S5235 1 7 1 377 IJJ TOE OF SLOPE 5 5 0 L2 0 (TYP) Newport Beach, CA 92663 M 1 SECONDARY I U I Id I MY 6 1 200 1 0 1 0 0 I LOCAL Account Representative; NOTES: Ruben Cielak T DISTANCES GIVEN IN THE ABOVE TABLE. IT$HALL BE USED FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROHIBITING J9 V Designer; 1. HE *LIMITED USE AREA"IS DETERMINED BY THE GRAPHICAL METHOD LfSi THE APPROPRIATE OR CLEARING OBSTRUCTIONS IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN ADEQUATE SIGHT DISTANCE AT INTERSECTIONS Jesse Abellaneda 2 THE "uii OF SIGHT LINE SHALL BE SHOWN AT INTERSECRONES ON ALL LANDSCAPING PLANS . GRADING PLANS; AND TENTATIVE TRACT PLANS WHERE SIGHT DISTANCE IS QUESTIONABLE. IN M an a Dote: CASES WHERE AN INTERSECTION IS LOCATED ON A VERTICAL CURVE A PROFILE Or THE SIGHT LINE MAY BE REQUIRED I 'V,- 08-04-2015 J WALLS OR ANY OBS7RUC7IGwS 7HAT COULD RESTRICT 7HE NEW HNIHIN THE "LIMITED USE AREA' Scale: SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED. I IT r 4 THE TOE OF THE SLOPE SHALL NOT ENCROACH INTO THE "UNITED USE AREA" T� ,f a As Shown ik 5. THE "LIMITED USE AREA'SHALL BE AS NEAR LEVEL AS POSSIBLE )ET MAINTAIN PROPER DRAINAGE File Name; 6. PLANTS AND SHRUBS SHALL BE OF THE TYPE THAT HILL GROW NO HIGHER THAN 24 INCHES ZCZ ABOVE 7HE GROUND WITHIN 7HE "LIMITED USE AREAS*. [PYLON SIGN#11 111 5w_0., The Ritz Sign Program 215'-0 7. POINTS 'A"AND 'A I ARE THE LOCATIONS OF A DRIVERS LINE OF SIGHT WHILE IN A VEHICLE AT AN ANTERSECRON 10 FEET BACK FROM THE PROJECTION OF THE PROPERTY LINE. THIS DISTANCE MAY BE REDUCED BY THE PUBLIC KURKS DIRECTOR HINDI THE EDGE OF THE CLOSEST 13 71TE Revisions. IRA III LANE IS 12'OR A40RE FROM THE CURB. THE DISTANCE 'Y"is THE DISTANCE MEASURED Lit—-—-—- - FROM AHE CENTERLINE OF THE ROAD TO FAR RIGHT THROUGH 7RAMC LANE. THE DISTANCE "Y I No. Date No. Date IS EQUAL TO ZERO FOR T-1117ERSECTFONS an 01 08/05/15 07 04/25/16 V 02 00106/15 Do oil/25/m CEN7ER LINE OF THE ROAD. U THE DISTANCE `i REPRESENTS 7HE STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE MEASURED ALONG THE Z Q 25'-0" DRIVER OF VEHICUi IRA IfLING AT A rd SPEED, HAS THE MINIMUM STOPPIN SIGHT 03 08125/15 09 04/27/16 9. POINTS AND 'C I ARE THE LOCA 7101VS(CENTER LINE OF THE IRA VEL LANES) Wi THE 7sr 04 09/18/15 DISTANCE REQUIRED TO BRING HIS VEHICLE TO A STOP. EXISTING NEIGHBOR SIGN S. 05 09/21/15 it. 1! It 06 10/15/15 120' CURB LINE OF Approvals: To REQUIRES DESIGN STUDY FOR GRADES IN EXCESS OF 412 Client SIGHT DISTANCE FOR BICYCLE PATHS REV. 612002 tt Weimer 49 Designer I t-,ali APPROVED:CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC WO]OCS DEPARTMENT V Project Manager -- — - - 3 ,c+.-1I. ......... RUE NO.36106 PUBLIC WORKS DIBUCTOR S,mli,N.T.S, .7 INTERSECTION LINE OF ........ ... Drown SIGHT REQUIREMENTS S Ur annamleaream M Salesperson 15Y. ZM..�GRAQA I ]DRAWING NO. TD-I I O-L PROPERIYLINf Thu isunwiginlunpuhlishoddrawing prepared for pu b,Take Tk.Si...an d Lih,hrm, Your himmer,All SITE PLAN NOT TO SCALE ide.,doilio,nompgri and plans indicated or repromirled in fis drawing am owned by and the propeni T.k.Tyki and bi Diloottabe shown to anyone outside of your organization nor to be repromered,eagent or ri I,an,header aii threwriftempearrissionof TakeTthiSigroaaftighfing. C COPYRIGHT PROTECTED Sheet Number: 3 23 PA2016-073 16'-5" 6" 12'-8" 3'-3" I o • xt' _ 501OVe baggy ei Ph.323.9371445 - Fax9 4 323.9373912 _ www.takotyko.rom Job Name: THE RITZ PRIME SEAFOOD _ Address: 2801 West Coast Hwy 6 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Account rge: lo' r f C l v l� l�u — 1 — — — — Ruben Cielak 6., g Designer: —" I in Jesse Abellaneda 4111. 10" LW'' — — — Date: +4 s" OB-04-2015 10" Scale: As5hown File Name: The Ritz Sign Program ,J l.1 Revisions: I No. Dole No. Dote t 01 08/05/15 07 04125/16 02 08/06/15 08 04/25/16 03 0885/15 09 04/27/16 —�---�- - - 04 09/18/15 05 09/21/15 06 10/15/15 aApprovals: A � Client 4`4 Designer Project Manager Salesperson Thu is on migina I unpu hl'ahod drawing prepared far you by Take Dar Signs and Lih,i far your hminem.All ideas,designs,nrmngemenn and plans indicated or repremnled in this drawing ore owned by and the propeM of Tako Tyko Signs and Lightirq.D is notta be shown to anyone auhide of your organization nor to be } repradumd,angled or rad ited in mry kdem.without thewrinenprmarmionof TakeTyka Signrarulaghfing. ®COPYRIGHT PROTECTED Sheet Number: PROPOSED NORTH ELEVATION - SCALE: 1/4"=1 '-0" 4 PA2016-073 1 5010 Venire Blvd.,Los Angeles,CA 90019 Ph:323.937.4445 • Fax:323.937.3912 www.takatyko.com Job Name: THE RITZ PRIME SEAFOOD equalqual Address: F1 F1 F1 2801 West Coast Hwy O Newport Beach, CA 92663 0 �j Account Representative: Ruben Cielak Designer: Jesse Abellaneda Date: 08-04-2015 Scale: As Shown SOUTH ELEVATION File Name: The Ritz Sign Program SCALE:1/8"=1'-0" Revisions: No. Dale No. Dale 01 08/05/15 07 04125/16 02 00/06/15 08 04/25/16 MANUFACTURING SPECIFICATIONS: 03 (105/15 09 04/27/16 04 09/18/15 8'-11 " "THE RITZ" 06 09/11/15 I O6 10/15/15 FACES: STAINLESS STEEL RETURNS: STAINLESS STEEL Approvals: O BACKS: BLUE LED AR LEXAN MODULES ILLUMINATION: BLUE LED MODULES Q BACKER: .063,PAINTED COBALT BLUE(PMS 273C) (liens 3'-113 01 _g„ / 3'-57/8" "PRIME SEAFOOD" 555TEEL Designer 4'-10" RETURNS: STAINLE55 STEEL Project Manager BACKS: 3/16"CLEAR LEXAN ILLUMINATION: WHITE LED MODULES � Salesperson B" Thu is an migina I unpu hushed drawing prepared for pu NOTE: b,Take TYko Signs and Lih,i far your hmiimm.All idem,designs,nrmpgamenn and plans indicated or END VIEW EXISTING SIGN LETTERS LOGO TO BE PEGGED-OFF FROM WALLand LOGO FROM `ap`e=Bored'"'hlmSiginnabiItiracd'he pmpeM al Tone Take Signs and organization irq.11n nolo be ALUMINUM BACKER with ALUMINUMSTUDSANDSPACERS ;;Pad®4Ywaaaordneiaa`,ombadmit.moal shewrinenp infloonoi TekoTYko Sigmarul6gheng. MANUFACTURE INSTALL SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" ®[DPYRIGHT PROTECTED ONE (1) SET ''HALO-LIT" REVERSE PAN CHANNEL LETTERS and LOGO Sheet Number: AREA: 36 SQ. FT. 5 215 PA2016-073 LEGEND ta Ol STAINLESS STEEL RETURNS • O2s A lighting STAINLESS STEEL FACES O3 3/16" CLEAR LEXAN BACKS ® 1/4" DIAMETER ALUMINUM SPACERS 5010 Venire Blvd.,Los Angeles,CA 90019 Ph:323.937.4445 • Fax 323.937.3912 O 1/4"x6" LONG WOOD SCREWS www.takatyko.com b 6 © 120VDC OUTPUT Job Name:THE RITZ PRIME SEAFOOD O O 0 CLASS 2 POWER SUPPLY Address: CONNECTION WIRE 2801 West Coast Hwy Orf 9 RIGID CONDUIT Newport Beach, CA 92663 f Z Account Representative: Ruben Cielak 063 ALUMINUM BACKER 1 1 / Designer: f 11 NYLON ANCHORS Jesse Abellaneda 2 _ 2 % 12 WEEPHOLES Date: to I /` �/ 08-04-2015 3 3 @) 2"x2"x3/16"ALUMINUM ANGLE FRAME Scale: As Shown , 15 .063 ALUMINUM PANEL FOR LED PLACEMENT File Name: WHITE LED MODULES The Ritz Sign Program ' 16 1/2"WHITE ACRYLIC PUSH-THRU with STAINLESS STEEL OVERLAY Revisions: 8 $ 17 BLUE LED MODULES. No. Dale No. Dale 01 08/05/15 07 04125/16 9 (, 02 00/06/15 OB 04126/16 �,3 a 03 08/25/15 09 04/27/16 �.% : /' f: 04 09/18/15 i T— INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEC AND LOCAL ELECTRICAL CODE as 09/21/15 06 10/15/15 1.Contact the local authority having jurisdiction prior to installation. 2 I / 2.If this sign is not provided with a disconnect switch,then disconnect switch must be / provided at the site. Approvals: 3.The channel letters should be assembled and mounted as shown in the figure. 4.Use only the mounting hardware provided with each letter and transformer. 5.Only UL flexible metallic conduit(indoor use only),rigid conduit,electrical metallic Client tubing or liquidtight flexible metal conduit can be used between the grounded transformer enclosure and the electrode receptacles.The total length of flexible Designer DETAILS FOR SIGN 1: REVERSE (HALO) LIT THE RITZ LETTERS DETAILS FOR SIGN 1: REVERSE (HALO) LIT PRIME SEAFOOD LETTERS conduit in any ground return path must not exceed 6feel. NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE Note:The suitability of the grounding and bonding is to be determined by the local authority having jurisdiction. Project Manager 6.Locate and mount the remote transformer enclosure inside the building, Salesperson in a location accessible to inspection by the local authorities. 7.Connect transformer primary to a 120 volt ac branch circuit supply. ThuisunwiginlunpuhlishoddraMngpreparedforpu THIS SIGN IS INTENDED TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE by Tsks Tvks Si,and Dyhnng for our business.All REQUIREMENTS OF ARTICLE 600 OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE lases,dssipns,nrreneen'enrr esd tamer in trews!or AND/OR OTHER APPLICABLE LOCAL CODES.THIS INCLUDES PROPER represented in this dre.mta ere awned by end the GROUNDING AND BONDING OF THE SIGN. pmpbq or Tokoiyko Si,end Lighting.It is noun be shown to anyone outside of your orgunimtien nor to be NOTES: reprsdnred,.pied or nrhmoed in env mthme Mitsui per No visible fasteners including counter-sunk screws. ALL[anRiu[[omPoamrs to wrinee mission of Toke Tito Son Lighting. No visible UL or other manufacturing labels. O Underwriters :Z COPYRIGHT PROTECTED No visible disconnects Laboratories Inc. Sheet Number: Sheath all conduits and fasteners and paint to match storefront. 20 PA2016-073 2'-6" 3" 1'/2" 11-01, 5010 Venire Blvd.,Las Angeles,CA 90019 Ph:323.937.4445 • Fax:323.937.3912 hn".takotyko.com Job Name: THE RITZ PRIME SEAFOOD Address: MANUFACTURE & INSTALL: SCALE: 1"=1'-0" END VIEW 2801 West Coast Hwy 43 ONE (1) SET REVERSE LIT BRUSHED STAINLESS STEEL CHANNEL LETTERS AREA: 2.31 SQ. FT. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Account Representative: Ruben Cielak Designer: Jesse Abellaneda FACE: BRUSHED STAINLESS STEEL RETURNS: BRUSHED STAINLESS STEEL Date: BACKS: 3/16" CLEAR LEXAN 08-04-2015 ILLUM.: COOL WHITE LED MODULES Scale: As Shown File Name: The Ritz Sign Program 12'—$" 3" r 17/2 Revisions: No. Dole No. Date 01 08/05/15 07 04125/16 02 00/06/15 Oe 04726/16 03 08125/15 09 04/27/16 04 09/18/15 .,r ,...... _ _L L — ' 09121/15 06 10/15/15 Approvals: r Client r - - - - — Designer Project Manager MANUFACTURE & INSTALL: SCALE: 1"=1'-0" ONE (1) SET REVERSE LIT BRUSHED STAINLESS STEEL CHANNEL LETTERS AREA: 19 SQ. FT. Salesperson Thu is on migina I unpu hushed drawing prepared far you by Take 1,h Signs and Lih,i far Your hmiimm.All A A A idem,dmilio,nrmngamenn and plans indicated or represemed in ibis drawing are owned by and the pri of Take Tyke,Signs and b irq.It is not to be r to be FACE: BRUSHED STAINLESS STEEL ,hawnmd,.,edHiaed I,,an,wnderairmen nw.,it md,mpiea or mhihned m am wonder airmen thewrinenpermissionoi iakoiyka Signsarul6gheng. RETURNS: BRUSHED STAINLESS STEEL ®COPYRIGHT PROTECTED BACKS: 3/16" CLEAR LEXAN ILLUM.: COOL WHITE LED MODULES Sheet Number: 7 PA2016-073 311 1'��lr O1 BRUSH STAINLESS STEEL O BRUSH STAINLESS STEEL 5010 Venire Blvd.,Los Angeles,CA 90019 1 Ph 323.937.4445 • Fax 323.937.3912 DISCONNECT SWITCH www.takotykamm 14 7 Job Name: THE RITZ PRIME SEAFOOD 2 ® 3116" CLEAR LEXAN BACK Aadr.<s.. 2801 West Coast Hwy 05 COOL WHITE LED MODULES Newport Beach, CA 92663 1 1 Amount Representathe, 3 Ruben Cielak © LOW VOLTAGE WIRING FROM LED TO LED °a5lgnet. Jesse Abellaneda O7 %"X 4"TOGGLE BOLTS 08-04-2015 Scale: 4 9 ® PRIMARY ELEC. BY OTHERS As Shown 1. t File Name: �- The Ritz Sign Program Ih O9 POWER SUPPLY 4 Revisions: 11 No. Dale No. Dote 10 01 08/05/15 07 04125/16 TRANSFORMER BOX 5 4 02 08/06/15 OB 04/26/]fi If 03 00/25/15 09 04/27/16 t 04 69/18/15 12 11 J-BOX 05 09/21/15 06 10/15/15 6 h 8 12 CLASS 2 LOW VOLTAGE WIRING Approvals: Client 13 CLEAR LEXAN CLIPS RIVETED TO LEXAN Designer 13 BACKS & ATTACHED TO RETURNS WITH COUNTER SUNK SCREWS Project Manager n 14 S0lesper5on 14 TYPICAL WALL SURFACE blieheddrawin dfaraa by ratio Tina Signs and Lighting for you business.All ideas,designs,any angcarry and plops indicated or represented In this drawing ore had by and the property of Tanoryno Signs and Lighting.It is not to be shown to anyone outside of your prgonimtian nor to be typewriter,copied or exhibited in any fashion without the written permission of Tako Tyka Signsand Lighting. DETAILS FOR SIGN 2 & 3: TYPICAL LED REVERSE CHANNEL LETTERS Z COPYRIGHT PROTECTED SECTION DETAILS NOT TO SCALE Sheet Number: 8 �g PA2016-073 11'-10" 1-1 a o ROMty sr 16 �, 1� Ifil 5010 Venire www.telyd.,Los Angeles,CA 90019 Ph:323.95 • Fax 323.937.3912 www.takotyko.com EJob Name: ND VIEW THE RITZ PRIME SEAFOOD MANUFACTURE & INSTALL: SCALE: 1"=1'-0" Address. ! ONE (1) SET FABRICATED NON-ILLUMINATED BRUSHED STAINLESS STEEL LETTERS AREA: 9.86 SQ. FT. 2801 West Coast Hwy Newport Beach, CA 92663 Acmuni Representatii, Ruben Cielak Dusinnei Jesse Abellaneda 9'-0" 1 Da,_, 08-04-2015 scale: As Shawn — � -r /— File Nome: 10" The Ritz Sign Program �I;F ti Revisions: Na. Date No. Date END VIEW 01 00/05/15 07 04/25/16 02 00/06/15 08 04/26/16 03 00/25/15 09 04/27/16 MANUFACTURE & INSTALL: SCALE: 1"=1'-0" 04 09/18/15 �� 05 09/21/15 ONE (1) SET FABRICATED NON-ILLUMINATED BRUSHED STAINLESS STEEL LETTERS AREA:7.5 SQ. FT. 06 10/15/15 Approvals: Client 5'-7" 1 Designer Project Manager Salesperson / 10n V ■ _ / I J This is on original unpuhlished drawing preporedlaryau - L— _ - __ �`_O by Tako Tina Signs and Lighting for your business.All ideas,designs,at,on.areas end,Ions indimled m represented In this drawing to owned by and the property of Tanoiyno Signs and Lighting.It is not ro be END VIEW shown to anyone outside of your organimlian nor to be repraduad,copied or exhibited in any fashion without the written permission of Take Tyka Signsand Lighting. 9 COPYRIGHT PROTECTED MANUFACTURE & INSTALL: SCALE: 1"=1'-0" Sheet Number: CWONE (1) SET FABRICATED NON-ILLUMINATED BRUSHED STAINLESS STEEL LETTERS AREA*65 SQ. FT. 9 29 PA2016-073 A p Strap soldered to inside of return DW 18 gauge face material-up to 24"high-All strokes o tional: recessed stra to face 5010 Venire Blvd.,Los Angeles,CA 90019 18 gauge face material-over 24"high-up to 8"stroke Ph:323.937.4445 • Fax 323.937.3912 16 gauge face material-over 24"high-over 8"stroke www.takatyko.com o Job Name: THE RITZ PRIME SEAFOOD o \� Varies Address: 2801 West Coast Hwy Newport Beach, CA 92663 Account Representative: Ruben Cielak o p Lead free continous Designer: solder inside face ®- Jesse Abellaneda (� Date: varies 08-04-2015 A Scale: BACK VIEW II SCALE 1:5 SECTION A-A II SCALE 1:5 As Shown Stainless steel strap see detail DW File Name: The Ritz Sign Program Threaded stud boss welded to strap Stainless steel mounting stud Size varies seeVaries table Size varies see table Revisions: Cb' No. Dole No. Dote - — 01 08/05/15 07 04125/16 / 02 08/06/15 DB 04/25/16 812 03 05/15 09 04/277/1616 _ 04 09/18/15 05 09/21/15 06 10/15/15 24 gauge return material-up to 24" high Approvals: Optional spacer sleeve 22 gauge return material-over 24" high Stainless steel strap size varies -- Client DETAIL DW II SCALE 1:1 ISOMETRIC BACK VIEW II SCALE 1:3 Designer Project Manager Salesperson Thu is on migina I unpu hushed drawing prepared for you by Take Tsko Signs and U,i far your hmiimrs.All idem,designs,arrangemean and plans indicated or represumed in ibis drawing are owned by and the properM at Tako Tyko Signs and Lil n n notm ise STAINLESS STEEL METAL FACE NO BACK - STRAP MOUNT shown manyone auhide otyour organization nor reprademd,mread or mhii in ah,mann airman rewrinenpemi sionoi iokoryka Signsorulaglgwg.hring. ®COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DETAILS FOR SIGNS: 4, 5 6 6 Sheet Number: 10 3o PA2016-073 tsig thing 5010 Venire Blvd.,Los Angeles,CA 90019 Ph:323.937.4445 • Fax 323.937.3912 www.takatyko.com Job Name: ® THE RITZ PRIME SEAFOOD AREA:215Q.FL Address: 2801 West Coast Hwy '�/y Newport Beach, CA 92663 25 PRIMESEAFOOD �26 Account Representative: 3 Ruben Cielak Designer: Jesse Abellaneda Date: 3/0'-5 1/2" gF, _5 08-04-2015 Scale: 17'-0" 1 -0" 17'-0" As Shown FUTURE TENANT 2'-D" FUT RE TENA T 2'-0" FUTURE TENANT -t 2'-D' File Name 36" The Ritz Sign Program e 1 Revisions: No. Dole No. Ogg 01 08/05/15 07 B412sn6 02 00/06/15 OB 04726/16 03 08125/15 09 04/27/16 04 09/18/15 as 09/21/15 06 10/15/15 Approvals: TENANT SIGNAGE:TIMES NEW ROMAN, BOLD. DIMENSIONAL NON-ILLUMINATED STAINLESS STEEL LETTERING, PINNED OFF RITZ SIGNAGE: BACK-LIT(BLUE) DIMENSIONAL POLISHED STAINLESS STEEL LETTERING Client MAXIMUM SQ FOOTAGE: 34 SQ. FT. PER SIGN ALLOWED Designer Project Manager PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION - NOTTO SCALE Salesperson Thu is on migina I unpu hushed drawing prepared for you by Take Tyko Signs and Lh,i far your easiness.All ideas,designs,anangem ims and plans indiwed or repreamed in chis drawing are owned by and the propr or TakoTyko Signsand Lighting.itisnottube Revive m anyone outside of your organlmtion norto be repradu®d,copied ar inhibited in mry aides without thewrinen Permission of Takoiyko Sigawaral aghfing. ®COPYRIGHT PROTECTED Sheet Number: 11 31 PA2016-073 5010 Venire Blvd.,Los Angeles,CA 90019 Ph:323.937.4445 • Fax 323.937.3912 17' www.takatyko.com Job Name: THE RITZ PRIME SEAFOOD 1"1 2801 West Coast Hwy Newport Beach, CA 92663 Account Representative: Ruben Cielak 2'-0" I UTURE TENANT Designer: Jesse Abellaneda Date: OB-04-2015 END VIEW Scale: As Shown File Name: The Ritz Sign Program Revisions: No. Dole No. Date 01 08/05/15 07 04125/16 02 00/06/15 OB 04/25/16 MANUFACTURE & INSTALL: SCALE: 1"=1'-0" Ba 08/25/15 09 04/27/16 04 09/18/15 05 09/21/15 ONE (1) SET FABRICATED NON-ILLUMINATED BRUSHED STAINLESS STEEL LETTERS AREA: 34 SQ. FT. 06 10/15/15 Approvals: Client Designer Project Manager Salesperson Thu is on migina I unpu hushed drawing prepared lar you by Take Tyka Signs and Lh,i far your husiness.All ideas,designs,anangem ims and plans indiwed or repreamed in this drawing are owned by and the propMy al Take Tyko Signs said Lighting.It is not to be shown to anyone autside of your organin ion nor to be repradu®d,copied ar mhihited in any bashion without thewrinenparresionof Takertro Sigawarulaghfing. ®COPYRIGHT PROTECTED Sheet Number: 1232 PA2016-073 A p Strap soldered to inside of return DW 18 gauge face material-up to 24"high-All strokes o tional: recessed stra to face 5010 Venire Blvd.,Los Angeles,CA 90019 18 gauge face material-over 24"high-up to 8"stroke Ph:323.937.4445 • Fax 323.937.3912 16 gauge face material-over 24"high-over 8"stroke www.takatyko.com o Job Name: THE RITZ PRIME SEAFOOD o \� Varies Address: 2801 West Coast Hwy Newport Beach, CA 92663 Account Representative: Ruben Cielak o p Lead free continous Designer: solder inside face ®- Jesse Abellaneda (� Date: varies 08-04-2015 A Scale: BACK VIEW II SCALE 1:5 SECTION A-A II SCALE 1:5 As Shown Stainless steel strap see detail DW File Name: The Ritz Sign Program Threaded stud boss welded to strap Stainless steel mounting stud Size varies seeVaries table Size varies see table Revisions: Cb' No. Dole No. Dote - — 01 08/05/15 07 04125/16 / 02 08/06/15 DB 04/25/16 812 03 05/15 09 04/277/1616 _ 04 09/18/15 05 09/21/15 06 10/15/15 24 gauge return material-up to 24" high Approvals: Optional spacer sleeve 22 gauge return material-over 24" high Stainless steel strap size varies -- Client DETAIL DW II SCALE 1:1 ISOMETRIC BACK VIEW II SCALE 1:3 Designer Project Manager Salesperson Thu is on migina I unpu hushed drawing prepared for you by Take Tsko Signs and U,i far your hmiimrs.All idem,designs,arrangemean and plans indicated or represumed in ibis drawing are owned by and the properM at Tako Tyko Signs and Lil n n notm ise STAINLESS STEEL METAL FACE NO BACK - STRAP MOUNT shown manyone auhide otyour organization nor reprademd,mread or mhii in ah,mann airman rewrinenpemi sionoi iokoryka Signsorulaglgwg.hring. ®COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DETAILS F 0 R SIGNS: 81119 & 10 Sheet Number: 13 33 PA2016-073 ta signs A lighting 10'-0" 5010 Venire Blvd.,Las Angeles,CA 90019 Ph:323.937.4445 • Fax:323.937.3912 www.talrotyloo.rom 8-3" 4'-31/2" lr�r^ 3 Job Name: I THE RITZ PRIME SEAFOOD Address: 2801 West Coast Hwy Newport Beach, CA 92663 Account Representative: 1'-91/4" Ruben Cielak sill Designer: / 2'-1" Jesse Abellaneda 1 t 1/2" Date: 08-04-2015 Scale: As Shown File Name: END VIEW The Ritz Sign Program Revisions: No. Dale No. Date ® MANUFACTURE 5INSTALL SCALE: 1" = 1r-0" 01 00/05/15 07 04125/16 02 00/06/15 08 04/25/16 ONE (1) SET "HALO-LIT" REVERSE PAN CHANNEL LETTERS 03 00/25/15 09 04/27/16 04 09/18/15 AREA: 21z SQ. FT. 05 09/21/15 06 10/15/15 MANUFACTURING SPECIFICATIONS: Approvals: "THE RITZ" FACES: STAINLESS STEEL Client RETURNS: STAINLESS STEEL BACKS: 3/16"CLEAR LEXAN Designer ILLUMINATION: BLUE LED MODULES BACKER: .063, PAINTED COBALT BLUE(PMS 273C) Project Manager "PRIME SEAFOOD" FACES: STAINLESS STEEL Salesperson RETURNS: STAINLESS STEEL BACKS: 3/16"CLEAR LEXAN T vise liver Signs Iso rowing prepme wryoa by Take chin Signs and Lighting im your indicated All ILLUMINATION: WHITE LED MODULES iaeae,aeeid in fli drawing m evirses iby and hor e propeenmed'm this.Signe ore owned M and the propeM of yoke Typo Signs and organize it n not to be NOTE: art an u®d,imp outside of your I,anry then norm be e d d d or mM1ihitad in o kdion without LETTERS LOGO TO BE PEGGED OFF FROM WALL and LOGO FROM thewrimm,mrmissionoi Tokoyyko Sigmund agheng. ©[OPYRIGHi PROTECTED ALUMINUM BACKER with ALUMINUM STUDS AND SPACERS Sheet Number: 14 -24 PA2016-073 LEGEND ta Ol STAINLESS STEEL RETURNS • O2s A lighting STAINLESS STEEL FACES O3 3/16" CLEAR LEXAN BACKS ® 1/4" DIAMETER ALUMINUM SPACERS 5010 Venire Blvd.,Los Angeles,CA 90019 all 323.937.4445 • Fax 323.937.3912 O 1/4"x6" LONG WOOD SCREWS www.takatyko.com b 6 © 120VDC OUTPUT Job Name:THE RITZ PRIME SEAFOOD O O 0 CLASS 2 POWER SUPPLY Address: CONNECTION WIRE 2801 West Coast Hwy Orf 9 RIGID CONDUIT Newport Beach, CA 92663 f Z Account Representative: %: Ruben Cielak f /. 10 063 ALUMINUM BACKER 1 1 / Designer: f 11 NYLON ANCHORS Jesse Abellaneda 2 _re 2 % 12 WEEPHOLES Date: /` �/ 08-04-2015 3 3 ' '' 13 2"x2"x3/16"ALUMINUM ANGLE FRAME Scale: As Shown X. f 14 .063 ALUMINUM PANEL FOR LED PLACEMENT File Name: WHITE LED MODULES The Ritz Sign Program ' 16 1/2"WHITE ACRYLIC PUSH-THRU with STAINLESS STEEL OVERLAY Revisions: 8 $ 17 BLUE LED MODULES. No. Dale No. Dale 01 08/05/15 07 04125/16 T- - (, 02 00/06/15 OB 04/25/16 �,3 a 03 08/25/15 09 04/27/16 �.% : f: 04 09/18/15 INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEC AND LOCAL ELECTRICAL CODE as 09/21/15 1.Contactthe local authority having jurisdiction prior to installation. 06 10/15/15 2 I / 2.If this sign is not provided with a disconnect switch,then disconnect switch must be provided at the site. Approvals: 6 3.The channel letters should he assembled and mounted as shown in the figure. 4.Use only the mounting hardware provided with each letter and transformer. 5.Only UL flexible metallic conduit(indoor use only),rigid conduit,electrical metallic Client tubing or liquidtight flexible metal conduit can be used between the grounded transformer enclosure and the electrode receptacles.The total length of flexible Designer DETAILS FOR SIGN 7: REVERSE (HALO) LIT THE RITZ LETTERS DETAILS FOR SIGN 7: REVERSE (HALO) LIT PRIME SEAFOOD LETTERS conduit in any ground return path must not exceed 6feet. NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE Note:The suitability of the grounding and bonding is to be determined by the local authority having jurisdiction. Project Manager 6.Locate and mount the remote transformer enclosure inside the building, Salesperson in a location accessible to inspection by the local authorities. 7.Connect transformer primary to a 120 volt ac branch circuit supply. Ty Take Tyke Silsand Lighthed Em wing per owners. THIS SIGN IS INTENDED TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE by intro ivka sign:and uthgrt tar ycnr hnei�e:.all REQUIREMENTS OF ARTICLE 600 OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE idem,designs,areuagnruents and plans hadiwed or AND/OR OTHER APPLICABLE LOCAL CODES.THIS INCLUDES PROPER represented in this drawing are owned by and the GROUNDING AND BONDING OF THE SIGN. property or Take Tyko Signs and Lighting.it is hot be shown to anyone outside of your interaction nor to be NOTES: raprodurad,copied or inhibited in any tadhion without No visible fasteners including counter-sunk screws. ALL[anRlu[[omPoamrs thnwniannpnrmissionof Tei Signea�❑ghRng. No visible UL or other manufacturing labels. O Underwriters 9 COPYRIGHT PROTECTED No visible disconnects U� Laboratories Inc. Sheet Number: Sheath all conduits and fasteners and paint to match storefront. 3.5 PA2016-073 5010 Venice Los Angeles, 90019 Ph:323.9nW7 f.4445 9373914 www.takatyko.com Job Name: r ) THE RITZ PRIME SEAFOOD Address: r �) 2801 West Coast Hwy Newport Beach, CA 92663 RubenRepresentative: Re ubnCielak Designer: pp I Jesse Abellaneda Date: — 08-04-2015 I Scale: NK As Shown a f _ File Name: fwei I The Ritz Sign Program s Revisions: _ No. Dole No. Ogle 01 08/05/15 Ol 04125/I6 14 02 06/06/15 08 04/25/16 03 305/15 09 04/27/16 04 09/18/15 PRIME l 05 09/21/15 06 10/15/15 Approvals: yl 4t`` ra Client o j Designer I- - Project Manager PO I Salesperson y--�1 Thhisnnoignalunpuhl'sheddrmnngpro aredforyou by Take Tyka Signs and Lighting farther hamew,All lip t IJ Jd_ all designs,arrangements and plans indi.ted or repromiced in this drawing are oared by and the .- - Proper,of Take Tyko Signs and Liphtirq.It is act To be shown to anyone auhide of your organimtion norto be repradu.d,.,ed ar sari in mry f rdmit without thawritmeperrarmionof Tokoryke Signrondaghfing. FR-w! a COPYRIGHT PROTECTED Sheet Number: RENDERING OF PROPOSED NORTH ELEVATION - NOTTO SCALE 1630 PA2016-073 1 5010 Venire Blvd.,Los Angeles,CA 90019 Ph:323.937.4445 • Fax:323.937.3912 www.takatyko.com 1 101-01, Job Name: THE RITZ PRIME SEAFOOD Address: 2801 West Coast Hwy Newport Beach, CA 92663 Account Representative: �1-10 , Ruben Cielak 5'-0" 1'-5" c7 / 1'-5" S'-0" Designer: Jesse Abellaneda C . . • � � Date: :0O 08-04-2015 6� PRIME • • • • —EXISTINGPOLESFROMPREVIOUSScale: RESTAURANT TO REMAIN 1'-0" As Shown MIGHTHAVETOBECYTTO 6 8 ' COAST ACCOMMODATE CABINET SIGN) File Name: The Ritz Sign Program END VIEW SIGN AREA TOTAL 50.00 SQ. FT. O40 PANTED BRUSHENUM D ALUMINUM PAINTED BRUSHED ALUMINUM 10'-0" Revisions: No. Dale No. Date 00/05/15 04125/16 MANUFACTURE 6 INSTALL SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" L, a 1� 02 00/06/15 oe 04/26/16 DB 305/15 09 04/27/16ONE (1) DIF INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED CABINET DISPLAY 04 09/18/15 05 09/21/15 MANUFACTURING SPECIFICATIONS: 06 10/15/15 EXISTING POLES FROM PREVIOUS "CABINET" RESTAURANT TO REMAIN Approvals: FRAME. 2"x2"x3/16"ALUMINUM ANGLE FACES: 090 ROUTE-OUTALUMINUM,PAINTED COBALT BLUE(PMS 2730 \ Client 112"CLEAR ACRYLIC PUSH-THRU with STAINLESS STEEL LAMINATE OVERLAYUnd BLUE(3M3630-36)VINYL APPLIED 2nd SURFACE til Designer CLADDING: 090 ALUMINUM PAINTED COBALT BLUE(PMS 273C) ILLUMINATION: BLUE LED MODULES Project Manager Salesperson CURRENT PYLON SIGN LOCATION - SCALE: 114 = 1 '-0" (REPLACEMENT OF PREVIOUS RESTAURANT SIGN Th„'°° k.Si..anhdeheddrofar arhimmerrpu Th Take TYko Signs and Lighting im your aredfos.All repro,geeid chin°demon and erby ee indicated or WITH NEW RESTAURANT NAME AND LOGO) apresed it in this gamine ore owned in and the propeaY of Take Rim Signs and Lightirq,it is not to be shown to anyone outside of your organization nor to he reproduced,spied or rad itad in any kdion without thewrinenprmarmionof TakeTthi Sigroardagheng. ®COPYRIGHT PROTECTED Sheet Number: 1 "i PA2016-073 1 o 2 - , li LEGEND 5010 23.937 B445 Los Fax 323,CA 93019 Ph:323.937.4445 • Fax:323.937.3912 www.takatyko.com Ol 2"x2"X3/16"ALUMINUM ANGLE FRAME2 Jab Name: THE RITZ PRIME SEAFOOD OZ .063 ALUMINUM PANEL FOR LED PLACEMENT Address.. O BLUE LED MODULES 2801 West Coast Hwy Newport Beach, CA 92663 3 ® CONNECTION WIRE A[[aanl Represent°° Ruben Cielak �5 1/2" WHITEACRYLIC PUSH-THRU with STAINLESS STEEL OVERLAY ons g.e,. Jesse Abellaneda 4 © CLASS 2 POWER SUPPLY JesJes 120VDC OUTPUT 08-04-2015 smir As ® EXISTING POLE As Shown File Ncil The Ritz Sign Program Revisions, Nc. Dm3 I, Dns, 01 08/05/15 07 04/25/16 02 OB/06/15 Ct 04/16/16 03 08/25/15 09 04/27/16 04 09/18/15 05 09/21/15 INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEC AND LOCAL ELECTRICAL(ODE 06 10/15/15 1.Contact the local authority having jurisdiction prior to installation. 2.If this sign is not provided with a disconnect switch,then disconnect switch must be Approvals: provided atthe site. 3.The channel letters should be assembled and mounted as shown in the figure. 4.Use only the mounting hardware provided with each letter and transformer. Client © 5.Only UL flexible metallic conduit(indoor use only),rigid conduit,electrical metallic tubing or liquidtight flexible metal conduit can be used between the grounded Designer I transformer enclosure and the electrode receptacles.The total length of flexible g conduit in any ground return path must not exceed 6 feet. O Note:The suitability of the grounding and bonding is to be determined by the Project Manager local authority having jurisdiction. I 6.Locate and mount the remote transformer enclosure inside the building, Salesperson in a location accessible to inspection by the local authorities. 7.Connect transformer primary to a 120 volt at branch circuit supply. This uanoriginal unpublished drawing prepamdaryu by Tako Tyra Signs and Lighsing for your business.All THIS SIGN IS INTENDED TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE `dans,reassured tany his demnms and plans by and hor e REQUIREMENTS OF ARTICLE 600 OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE o,irt as is rias arawmg are awned by and mu property a(Tanto Tyko SIBnS and Lighting.H is nor ro be Al OTHER APPLICABLE LOCAL CODES.9X1$INCLUDES PROPER shown to anyone owside of your organization nor to be GROUNDING AND BONDING OF THE SIGN. ric,ou nst copied ar nrbibned in any fashion wil the written permission of Taka Tyka Signsand Lighting. C COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ALL ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS DIF INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED CABINET(SIGNA21' Underwriters Sheet Number: NOT TO SCALE UL Laboratories Inc. 18 3g PA2016-073 2801 W . Coast Hwy ( Sign Program -- Sign Matrix ) Sign 1 — (Permitted and Existing ) The Ritz primary wall sign. • Sign 2 — (Proposed ) 2801 address numbers to be 12" in height max . Font to be ( Times New Roman Bold) b e backlit 5010 Venire Blvd.,Los Angeles,CA 90019 Ph:323.937.4445 • Fax 323.937.3912 (Warm White) dimensional polished stainless Steel lettering. www.takotyko.rom Job Name: Sign 3 — (Proposed ) GP 's Landing to be 1 8" In height max . Font to be (Times New Roman — Bold ) be THE RITZ PRIME SEAFOOD backlit Address. (Warm White) dimensional polished stainless steel lettering . 2601 west CoastHwg Newport Beach, CA 92663 Sign 4,5,6 - (Proposed) Tenant signs to be 10 in height max _ Font to be ( Times New Roman — Bold with Account Representative. g p ) g g ) Ruben Cielak polished stainless steel lettering . Sign text length to be confined within sign wall area with a minimum of Designer 6' indentation from wall edge to sign wall edge on either side . Jesse Abellaneda Dote. Sign 7 — (Proposed ) Ritz secondary eyebrow sign Sizes determined 'by City of Newport Beach Planning 08-04-2015 Stale:De t. which are Back-lit (Blue) dimensional polished stainless steel lettering . Sign is optional only for the As Shawn primary tenant of the building . File Plame. The Ritz Sign Program Signs 8, 9, 10 — (Proposed) 1st floor tenant signs to be area dimensioned and spaced evenly apart throughout length of building frontage. Signs 8, 9, 10 will have a maximum sign area of 24" in height and RevisYor 17'-0" in length With letter height maximum per City Na. Na. Date 01 000/O/0 S/IS 07 04/25/16 of Newport Beach Sign Code. Signs will consist of (Times New Roman — Bold) dimensional stainless 02 OB/06/15 BB 04/26/16 pi off tower wall to no further than 2" 03 09/25/15 09 04/27/16steel lettering .• P 04 09/18/15 05 09/21/15 06 10/15/15 Sign 11 - ( Proposed ) D/F Pylon sign (20 ' hX10'W) w/ routed-out aluminum faces and '/z" clear acrylic push-thru copy, with stainless steel laminate overly and blue vinyl applied second surface . Approvals: Client Specifications Designer All future proposed signs must meet this sign program approval, and City of Newport Beach sign codes and regulations for building permits and other requirements . Any other sign type not listed here must Project Manager meet City of Newport Beach sign regulations and codes for consideration and approval, and that specific change if allowed will require a sign program amendment upon request for permit_ Changes to this Salesperson adopted and approved sign program must have full permission from property owner and/or property Tginalanpabllsheddrawing preparedf,r„a by Tako Tyro,Signs and Lighting for your business.All management to make changes or amend , and that must be submitted to City of Newport Beach (Planning idea,,desthss,arrangemenaand pla„indir„ndor represented in this drovers,are,wand by and the Dept. ) for review before any change are made and/or permit is requested. proper Y al Take oyko sig shown on anyone outside otns your(yaghtingltts not to be your organization nor to be abandoned,pcapias m f Too,Tyted is ignsny ashian without the written permission of iokoiyka Signsond Lighting. Information - 9 COPYRIGHT PROTECTED Sheet Number: Contact sign program and property manager for specific questions about this sign program . 19 39 w � SCALE: 1/64"=ni `�► ` . . 5010 Venire Blvd.,Los Angeles,CA 90019 Ph:323.937.4445 • Fax:323.937.3912 Jq — www.takatyko.com Job Name: THE RITZ PRIME SEAFOOD , 41 — Address: I _ 2801 West Coast Hwy Newport Beach, CA 92663 Account Representative: Ruben Cielak ` Designer: Jesse Abellaneda Date: OB-04-2015 f 1 Scale: PYLON *11N. 0 As Shown STRUCTURE File Name: The Ritz Sign Program Revisions: _ • ,`��Y s t 1 ` _ v a_ _ No. Dole No. Dote * 01 00/05/15 07 04125/16 ❑ 4 �, .?�,�. •ti - 02 08/06/15 08 04/25/16 03 08125/15 09 04/27/16 �• F —�• f �` • — 04 09/18/15 �I , Iy? ► won, 05 09/21/15 *--- ' e 06 10/15/15 •� 5 • • 0 West ` y s S1Kt Hwy (liens % ���-� _ Designer e rr Project Manager f - ✓' ' —+�ky� �. -- �` • Salesperson Thisiso grml p dl'heddmfar ar himmerrymu � ... ■ ,1 de deign,n ameaeng d plans himss All — ■ en nee d s e e and plans by wed or r red in chis drawing ed d the y 1� propeay of Toko Tyko Signs and Lightirq.it bangle, en shown to onyone ouhide of your orgonuotion nal le be • • . • �,; _ • . . . .• • rnprnde®d,mread or mhihited in an,mann airmen r • I thmwrinenpereflohnof Tek.Ttko Signmrwagh6ng. • • • en J • properity line ®COPYRIGHT PROTECTED • • Google Sheet Number: 1 ti. 112{ } 1t r `{f - 21 -�-0 PA2016-073 I 2 5010 Venire Blvd.,Las Angeles,CA 90019 [moi Ph:323.937.4445 • Fax:323.937.3912 in".takotyko.00m I h•• ' Job Name: kk� THE RITZ PRIME SEAFOOD e` Address 2801 West Coast Hwy Newport Beach, CA 92663 A Account Representative: q 'ilmini BMW Ruben Cielak ca Designer: Jesse Abellaneda P"'i"fir CitaSt Hwy pacificF�yyj Dote: 08-04-2015 p Scale: hgml i fuscri Tout- ■ ��G"C Ct '�icnz Fnrgn Bunt As Shown adsr q &,.xrii;�F= File Name: 7ryyy. The Ritz Sign Program F'ucuic Rvnlrn. Revisions: i 11 At Yty}Re ict, No. Dole No. Dole 01 08/05/15 07 04125/16 Rv411yFi F0.`}rdewy1nnEvfPin02 00/06/15 08 04/25/16 lRoe orri$e C} : 03 08125/15 09 04/27/16 04 09/18/15 PROJECT LOCATION Jon -c4,1s,r,c} 05 09/11/15 O5 10/15/15 - - Hol rvhl,r+±v Lnpla,s €.rer'•'. Approvals: Client N Designer W © E Project Manager E)i^F+• Salesperson SThuisanmiginalunpuhllsheddrowingpmperedforyou — by Take TYko Signs and Lighting far your hosiers.All idem,designs,ormngameto and plans indicated or reprremed in chis drawing ore owned by and she SITE PLAN NOT TO SCALE shown anyone Tyro Signsandorganization nos m ibe ce crown er anyonePersian or of your I,m,Rsian norm et thewriumd,copied or rhihised in am kdiee without shewrinenPermission oi iokoyyko Signsorulagheng. COPYRIGHT PROTECTED Sheet Number: 22 41