HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 - Big Canyon Country Club Maintenance Facility - PA2015-212 U ? COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive,P.O. Box 1768,Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 �ogL�FoaN�P: 949-644-3200 Fax: 949-644-3229 www.newportbeachca.gov CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT June 30, 2016 Agenda Item No. 4 SUBJECT: Big Canyon Country Club Maintenance Facility (PA2015-212) 1850 Jamboree Road and 1901 MacArthur Boulevard • Site Development Review No. SD2015-008 • Limited Term Permit > 90 Days No. XP2016-002 APPLICANT/ Big Canyon Country Club OWNER: PLANNER: Benjamin M. Zdeba, AICP, Associate Planner 949-644-3253, bzdeba@newportbeachca.gov ZONING DISTRICT/GENERAL PLAN • General Plan: PR (Parks and Recreation) and OS (Open Space) • Zone: PC-8 (Big Canyon Planned Community) PROJECT SUMMARY A minor site development review for the construction of a new 19,305-square-foot, two- story golf course maintenance facility to replace the existing facility that serves the Big Canyon Country Club. The facility will include a 35-space surface parking lot, storage area for equipment and tools, a washout area, and an employee office area. Also included in the request is a limited term permit for greater than 90 days to construct a temporary maintenance facility at 1901 MacArthur Boulevard for use during the construction of the permanent facility. RECOMMENDATION 1) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. approving Minor Site Development Review No. SD2015-008 and Limited Term Permit No. XP2016-002 for greater than 90 Days (Temporary Maintenance Facility). 1 Big Canyon Country Club Maintenance Facility Zoning Administrator, June 30, 2016 Page 2 DISCUSSION • The project includes a permanent maintenance facility to be located at 1850 Jamboree Road as well as a temporary maintenance facility to be located at 1901 MacArthur Boulevard, which will be in operation for the duration of construction of the permanent facility. • The permanent site is approximately one acre in area. It is currently developed with a single-story maintenance facility that is approximately 7,617 square feet to serve the Big Canyon Country Club golf course. The site is bound by a drainage course to the north with recreational open space (tennis courts) beyond, Jamboree Road to the west, and the golf course to the east. Access is provided by way of a single driveway approach from Jamboree Road. Internal access to the golf course is provided by way of a small access road to the rear of the property. • The permanent maintenance facility will be two stories and approximately 19,305 square feet in gross floor area. The two-story structure will be set back at least 110 feet from the front property line on Jamboree Road and will greatly improve on the aesthetics of the current facility. More covered storage areas will be provided such that the efficiency of the facility increases. • The temporary site is approximately 1.33 acres in area. It is currently graded and improved with some pavement areas that provide access to the golf course. The site is bound by an open fairway area to the north with a medium-density residential development beyond, the golf course to the west, and MacArthur Boulevard to the east. Access is provided by way of a single driveway approach from MacArthur Boulevard. Internal access to the golf course is provided by way of a small access road to the rear of the property. • The temporary maintenance facility will include modular buildings and a surface parking area to serve the needs of the golf course during construction of the permanent facility. The site will be graded and improved such that buildings are further away from MacArthur Boulevard and visibility of the temporary facility will be limited due to the presence of earth berms and landscaping partly screening it from public view. • The permanent maintenance facility is an allowed related use within the Golf Course subarea of the Big Canyon Planned Community (PC-8) Zoning District, and is considered integral to its operation. A minor site development review is required pursuant to Zoning Code Section 20.52.080.B (Site Development Reviews — Applicability) as the project involves between 10,000 and 19,999 gross square feet of nonresidential construction. TmpIt:05-05-16 Big Canyon Country Club Maintenance Facility Zoning Administrator, June 30, 2016 Page 3 • The temporary maintenance facility is an allowed use consistent with Zoning Code Section 20.52.040.D (Allowed Limited Duration Uses) in that it proposes the use of modular units on a developed site during the construction of the permanent maintenance facility. When the permanent facility is completed. The temporary facility will be eliminated. • The PC-8 Text does not specify a parking requirement for these uses rather discretion is given to the Community Development Director to identify an appropriate number of parking spaces. Based upon the space available, the permanent maintenance facility will provide 35 parking spaces, which is in excess of the number of maintenance personnel. The existing facility presently provides approximately 30 striped parking spaces and the temporary facility will provide 47 parking spaces. • Employees arrive in a single shift at 6:00 a.m. and depart the site at 2:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. There will be no change to site access from Jamboree and the level of traffic will remain the same. The temporary facility will shift access and traffic by employees to an existing access driveway from MacArthur Boulevard. The number of vehicles and the time employees come and go do not generate any concerns with the Traffic Engineer. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15332 under Class Class 32 (In-Fill Development) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. The Class 32 exemption applies to projects meeting all of the following conditions: a. The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies as well as with the applicable zoning designation and regulations; b. The proposed development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses; c. The project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species; d. Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality or water quality; and e. The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. In this case, the project is consistent with the General Plan Land Use Element categories of Parks and Recreation (PR) and Open Space (OS) as well as the Big Canyon Planned Community (PC-8) Zoning District. A golf course is an allowed use in either land use category designation as well as in PC-8. Maintenance of the golf course is accessory and would also be allowed. The aggregate project site area is less than five acres and both lots are generally surrounded by a golf course, highly traveled streets and single-family TmpIt:05-05-16 Big Canyon Country Club Maintenance Facility Zoning Administrator, June 30, 2016 Page 4 residential development. The lots are substantially developed and are not within environmentally sensitive areas. The proposed project was reviewed by the Public Works Department and concerns with traffic were not identified. Further, a traffic study was not required under the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance (TPO) given the few number of trips associated with the temporary facility. No significant effects are anticipated for either lot with regard to noise or air quality as the permanent maintenance facility is replacing and improving the existing permanent maintenance facility and the temporary facility will be in place for a limited duration on a previously developed site. A preliminary water quality management plan (WQMP) was reviewed and approved for both lots. The project was also reviewed by the Public Works and Fire Departments and it has been determined that both lots maintain adequate access to both utilities and public services. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the sites (excluding intervening rights-of- way and waterways), including the applicant, and posted on the subject properties at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal or call for review may be filed with the Director of Community Development within 14 days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at (949) 644-3200. Prepared by: Mi— A i 1 M d a, AICP ociate P a er JWC/bmz Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Applicant's Project Description and Justification ZA 4 Project Plans TmpIt:05-05-16 J Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 5 RESOLUTION NO. ZA2016-XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING MINOR SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NO. SD2015-008 FOR THE BIG CANYON COUNTRY CLUB PERMANENT MAINTENANCE FACILITY LOCATED AT 1850 JAMBOREE ROAD AND LIMITED TERM PERMIT NO. XP2016-002 FOR A TEMPORARY MAINTENANCE FACILITY LOCATED AT 1901 MACARTHUR BOULEVARD (PA2015-212) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Jeff Beardsley on behalf of the Big Canyon Country Club, with respect to properties located at 1850 Jamboree Road and 1901 MacArthur Boulevard, and legally described as Portion of Block 56 of Tract No. 361 and Lot 2 of Tract No. 12105, respectively, requesting approval of a minor site development review and a limited term permit. 2. The applicant proposes the construction of a new 19,305-square-foot, two-story golf course maintenance facility to replace the existing facility that serves the Big Canyon Country Club. The facility will include a 35-space surface parking lot, storage areas for equipment, tools, and supplies, a washout area, and employee office areas. Also included in the request is a limited term permit for greater than 90 days to construct and operate a temporary maintenance facility at 1901 MacArthur Boulevard for use during the construction of the permanent facility. 3. The General Plan Land Use Element categories for the properties are Parks and Recreation (PR) for the permanent facility location and Open Space (OS) for the temporary facility location. The Zoning District is Big Canyon Planned Community (PC-8). 4. The subject properties are not located within the coastal zone. 5. A public hearing was held on June 30, 2016, in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E-1st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this meeting. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15332 under Class 32 (In-Fill Development) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-XXX Page 2 of 12 2. In this case, both components of the project are consistent with the General Plan Land Use Element categories of Parks and Recreation (PR) and Open Space (OS) as well as the Big Canyon Planned Community (PC-8) Zoning District. A golf course is an allowed use in either land use category designation as well as in PC-8. Maintenance of the golf course is accessory and would also be allowed. The aggregate project site area is less than five acres and both lots are generally surrounded by a golf course, highly traveled streets and single-family residential development. The lots are substantially developed and are not within environmentally sensitive areas. The proposed project was reviewed by the Public Works Department and concerns with traffic were not found. Further, a traffic study was not required under the City's Traffic Phasing Ordinance (TPO). No significant effects are anticipated for either lot with regard to noise or air quality as the permanent maintenance facility is replacing and improving the existing permanent maintenance facility and the temporary facility will be in place for a limited duration on a previously developed site. A preliminary water quality management plan (WQMP) was reviewed and approved for both lots to address water quality issues. The project was also reviewed by the Public Works and Fire Departments and it was determined both lots maintain adequate access to both utilities and public services. SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. Site Development Review— Permanent Maintenance Facility In accordance with Section 20.52.080.F (Findings and Decision) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: A. Allowed within the subject zoning district. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The subject property is located within the Golf Course subarea of the Big Canyon Planned Community (PC-8) Zoning District, which principally allows a golf course, tennis courts, practice golf range, clubhouse and ancillary uses and related facilities accessory to any of the aforementioned permitted uses. The proposed permanent maintenance facility is replacing and improving an existing maintenance facility. 2. The maintenance facility is a related accessory facility to the golf course operation and is, therefore, a permitted use in this zoning district. Finding: B. In compliance with all of the applicable criteria identified subsection [20.52.080](C)(2)(c): 05-26-2016 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-XXX Page 3 of 12 a. Compliance with this Section, the General Plan, the Zoning Code, any applicable specific plan, and other applicable criteria and policies related to the use or structure; b. The efficient arrangement of structures on the site and the harmonious relationship of the structures to one another and to other adjacent development; and whether the relationship is based on standards of good design; C. The compatibility in terms of bulk, scale, and aesthetic treatment of structures on the site and adjacent developments and public areas; d. The adequacy, efficiency, and safety of pedestrian and vehicular access, including drive aisles, driveways, and parking and loading spaces; e. The adequacy and efficiency of landscaping and open space areas and the use of water efficient plant and irrigation materials; and f. The protection of significant views from public right(s)-of-way and compliance with Section 20.30.100 (Public View Protections). Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the subject property as Parks and Recreation (PR), which applies to land used or proposed for active public or private recreational use. Permitted uses include parks (both active and passive), golf courses, marina support facilities, aquatic facilities, tennis clubs and courts, private recreation and similar facilities. The proposed maintenance facility is consistent with the General Plan designation in that it is accessory and integral to the golf course use. 3. The proposed development complies with the development standards of the Golf Couse subarea of the Big Canyon Planned Community (PC-8) Zoning District. The proposed building is approximately 35 feet tall and well within the maximum allowance of 50 feet. The two-story portion of the building is also set back approximately 113 feet from the front property line on Jamboree Road. The increased setback coupled with the larger landscaping area with tall plantings will help screen the facility and keep it from dominating the site as viewed from the street. 4. The proposed development will incorporate consistent architectural design such that all structures of the maintenance facility are unified. Architectural treatment will harmonize with the existing water pump station at the forefront of the property. 5. Thirty-five parking spaces are proposed on the project site and will adequately serve the existing employees working at the facility. No increases in the number of employees are anticipated. Areas for the loading and unloading of materials and supplies for golf course maintenance are provided within the proposed site plan. 6. The proposed site layout provides efficient vehicular access from Jamboree Road and maintains an existing access driveway located behind the subject property leading into the private golf course area thereby avoiding the need for maintenance vehicles to use public streets. The parking lot and site layout allow vehicles sufficient space to turn around on-site and avoid the need to create an additional driveway or back out onto 05-26-2016 8 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-XXX Page 4 of 12 Jamboree Road. Pedestrian access to the site is available from Jamboree Road from an existing public sidewalk as well as from the rear outlet into the golf course. 7. The Public Works Department has reviewed and approved the site plan, proposed improvements, parking configuration, and access driveway subject to the conditions of approval. 8. The increased setback and site layout provide for additional landscaping opportunities immediately adjacent to the street. As conditioned, all landscaping will comply with Newport Beach Municipal Code Chapter 14.17 (Water-Efficient Landscaping). 9. The subject property is not located at or near a public view point or corridor as identified in the General Plan Figure NR3 (Coastal Views); and therefore, is in compliance with Section 20.30.100 (Public View Protections). Finding: C. Not detrimental to the harmonious and orderly growth of the City, or endanger, jeopardize, or otherwise constitute a hazard to the public convenience, health, interest, safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed development. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. A similar maintenance facility has existed at this location since 1971. The proposed maintenance facility will replace and improve the existing facility such that it will better serve the maintenance demands of the golf course and its staff. The amount of traffic to and from the site will not change given that the golf course is not expanding in terms of area or number of holes. 2. The proposed development will comply with all Building, Public Works, and Fire Codes. The project will also comply with all City ordinances and conditions of approval. 3. The project has been conditioned to ensure that potential conflicts with surrounding land uses are minimized to the extent possible to maintain a healthy environment. 4. The increased setback coupled with the larger landscaping area with tall plantings will help screen the facility and keep it from dominating the site as viewed from the street. Reference additional facts in support of this finding beneath Finding B above. Limited Term Permit— Temporary Maintenance Facility In accordance with Section 20.52.040.G (Findings and Decision) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: 05-26-2016 9 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-XXX Page 5 of 12 Finding: A. The operation of the requested limited duration use at the location proposed and within the time period specified would not be detrimental to the harmonious and orderly growth of the City, nor endanger, jeopardize, or otherwise constitute a hazard to the public convenience, health, interest, safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the requested limited duration use. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The property has previously been utilized as a staging and storage area for various golf course improvement projects in the proximate area and this activity has not proven detrimental. 2. Internal access will be provided from the temporary facility to the golf course such that maintenance vehicles will not need to access public streets. Employees arrive at the site at 6:00 a.m. and leave by approximately 2:30 p.m., which is outside of peak hours when traffic on MacArthur Boulevard is greatest. 3. As proposed, minor grading of the site will allow for the temporary facility to be located at a greater distance from MacArthur Boulevard. The setback and existing sloped areas and landscaping will reduce visibility of the site from the public street. 4. There are no conflicting temporary uses taking place on this portion of the property currently and any future use will be subject to review and approval by the Planning Division. The temporary maintenance facility will be in use only during construction of the permanent facility, which is expected to be completed within 11 months. Finding: B. The subject lot is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the limited duration use without material detriment to the use and enjoyment of other properties located adjacent to and in the vicinity of the lot. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The subject lot is approximately 1.33 acres in size. Based upon the site plan, there is adequate area to accommodate the proposed limited duration use as a temporary facility with temporary modular buildings and a surface parking area with approximately 47 spaces. The parking lot and site layout allow vehicles sufficient space to turn around on-site and avoid the need to create an additional driveway or back out onto MacArthur Boulevard. The site is also large enough to provide an approximate 100-foot setback to the temporary buildings from MacArthur Boulevard as well as the vehicle access gate allowing vehicles to pull off the road to access the site. 05-26-2016 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-XXX Page 6 of 12 2. The lot is bound by MacArthur Boulevard to the east and the Big Canyon Country Club golf course to the west, which will both serve as a buffer between the nearby residential properties. 3. The lot is abutting a property with a medium-density residential development to the north within the Big Canyon Planned Community (PC-8) Zoning District. The temporary use, however, will maintain a distance of at least 500 feet from residential uses in this development. Finding: C. The subject lot is adequately served by streets or highways having sufficient width and improvements to accommodate the kind and quantity of traffic that the limited duration use would or could reasonably be expected to generate. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The subject lot has one direct driveway approach taken from southbound MacArthur Boulevard. Internal access is provided to the golf course by way of an access road towards the rear of the property. 2. The vehicles would typically access the site early morning prior to peak hour and mid- late afternoon prior to peak hour; therefore, there is no traffic issue anticipated. 3. The limited duration use is a temporary maintenance facility for the Big Canyon Country Club golf course. All maintenance activities will occur within the golf course area; therefore, heavy entering-and-exiting traffic is not anticipated. 4. The Public Works and Fire Departments have reviewed the site plan for adequate circulation and access for emergency services vehicles. Finding: D. Adequate temporary parking to accommodate vehicular traffic to be generated by the limited duration use would be available either on-site or at alternate locations acceptable to the Zoning Administrator. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed limited duration use includes a parking area for approximately 47 vehicles on-site, which is anticipated to adequately serve the temporary maintenance facility and its employees. Finding: E. The limited duration use is consistent with all applicable provisions of the General Plan, any applicable specific plan, the Municipal Code, and other City regulations. 05-26-2016 11 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-XXX Page 7 of 12 Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The Open Space (OS) designation of the Land Use Element of the General Plan is intended to provide for areas for a range of public and private uses to protect, maintain, and enhance the community's natural resources. The site is already developed. Limited duration use as a temporary maintenance facility will not have a negative impact on natural resources nor will it compromise the purpose of the OS designation. 2. The subject property is not identified as being within any specific subarea of the Big Canyon Planned Community (PC-8) Zoning District; however, it is immediately adjacent to the Golf Course subarea and has generally served as a supporting lot in some capacity. The proposed limited duration use is consistent with the previous use of the site and is also in furtherance of the purpose of this zoning district and its subareas. 3. Pursuant to Zoning Code Section 20.52.040.D (Allowed Limited Duration Uses), limited duration work trailers are permitted with approval of a limited term permit and in conjunction with the issuance of a valid building permit for the construction of a permanent commercial, industrial and mixed-use structure. The proposed temporary facility will coincide with the development of the permanent facility at the Jamboree Road property. 4. The site is not located within a specific plan area. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Minor Site Development Review No. SD2015-008 and Limited Term Permit No. XP2016-002, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit "A," which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date this Resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 (Planning and Zoning) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 30TH DAY OF JUNE, 2016. Patrick J. Alford, Zoning Administrator 05-26-2016 12 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-XXX Page 8 of 12 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Division 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval. (Except as modified by applicable conditions of approval.) 2. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 3. The applicant shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Material violation of any of those laws in connection with the use may be cause for revocation of this Limited Term Permit. 4. This approval may be modified or revoked by the Zoning Administrator if determined the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare or materially injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity or if the property is operated or maintained so as to constitute a public nuisance. 5. Any change in operational characteristics, expansion in area, or other modification to the approved plans, shall require subsequent review by the Planning Division and may require the processing of a new site development review. 6. A copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval Exhibit "A" shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans prior to issuance of the building permits. 7. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Division an additional copy of the approved architectural plans for inclusion in the Site Development Review file. The plans shall be identical to those approved by all City departments for building permit issuance. The approved copy shall include architectural sheets only and shall be reduced in size to 11 inches by 17 inches. The plans shall accurately depict the elements approved by this Site Development Review and shall highlight the approved elements such that they are readily discernible from other elements of the plans. 8. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a landscape and irrigation plan prepared by a licensed landscape architect. These plans shall incorporate drought tolerant plantings and water efficient irrigation practices, and the plans shall be approved by the Planning Division. 9. All landscape materials and irrigation systems shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy 05-26-2016 13 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-XXX Page 9 of 12 and growing condition and shall receive regular pruning, fertilizing, mowing and trimming. All landscaped areas shall be kept free of weeds and debris. All irrigation systems shall be kept operable, including adjustments, replacements, repairs, and cleaning as part of regular maintenance. 10. The site shall not be excessively illuminated based on the luminance recommendations of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, or, if in the opinion of the Director of Community Development, the illumination creates an unacceptable negative impact on surrounding land uses or environmental resources. The Director may order the dimming of light sources or other remediation upon finding that the site is excessively illuminated. 11. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall prepare a photometric study in conjunction with a final lighting plan for approval by the Planning Division. The survey shall show that lighting values are "1" or less at all property lines. 12. All noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 and other applicable noise control requirements of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. The maximum noise shall be limited to no more than depicted below for the specified time periods unless the ambient noise level is higher: Between the hours of TOOAM Between the hours of and 10:OOPM 10:OOPM and TOOAM Location Interior Exterior Interior Exterior Residential Property 45dBA 55dBA 40dBA 50dBA Residential Property located within 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 5OdBA 100 feet of a commercial property Mixed Use Property 45dBA 60dBA 45dBA 5OdBA Commercial Property N/A 65dBA N/A 60dBA 13. Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by either the current business owner, property owner or the leasing agent. 14. Construction activities shall comply with Section 10.28.040 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, which restricts hours of noise-generating construction activities that produce noise to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday and 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Saturday. Noise-generating construction activities are not allowed on Sundays or Holidays. 15. No outside paging system shall be utilized in conjunction with this establishment. 16. All trash shall be stored within the building or within dumpsters stored in the trash enclosure (three walls and a self-latching gate) or otherwise screened from view of neighboring properties, except when placed for pick-up by refuse collection agencies. The trash enclosure shall have a decorative solid roof for aesthetic and screening purposes. 05-26-2016 24 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-XXX Page 10 of 12 17. Trash receptacles for patrons shall be conveniently located both inside and outside of the establishment, however, not located on or within any public property or right-of- way. 18. The applicant shall ensure that the trash dumpsters and/or receptacles are maintained to control odors. This may include the provision of either fully self-contained dumpsters or periodic steam cleaning of the dumpsters, if deemed necessary by the Planning Division. Cleaning and maintenance of trash dumpsters shall be done in compliance with the provisions of Title 14, including all future amendments (including Water Quality related requirements). 19. Deliveries and refuse collection for the facility shall be prohibited between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m., daily, unless otherwise approved by the Director of Community Development. 20. Storage outside of the buildings shall be prohibited, with the exception of the required trash container enclosure. 21. This approval shall expire and become void unless exercised within 24 months from the actual date of review authority approval, except where an extension of time is approved in compliance with the provisions of Title 20 (Planning and Zoning) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 22. This Limited Term Permit shall expire 12 months from the issuance of building permits. 23. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of the Big Canyon Country Club Maintenance Facility including, but not limited to Minor Site Development Review No. SD2015-008 and Limited Term Permit No. XP2016-002. This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. Fire Department 24. Fire hydrants shall be provided and located within 400 feet of all portions of the building. The 400 feet shall be measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building pursuant to California Fire Code Section 507.1. 05-26-2016 15 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-XXX Page 11 of 12 25. Fire access shall be provided and shall extend to within 150 feet of all portions of the facility and all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of the building as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building pursuant to California Fire Code Section 503.1.1. 26. Fuel storage relocation shall require a plan review from Orange County Environmental Health. 27. Dumpsters and trash containers shall be kept a minimum of five feet from the building pursuant to California Fire Code Section 304.3.3. 28. Knox boxes shall be installed for buildings and gates and their locations shall be subject to review by the Fire Department. 29. All chemical and oil drum storage shall comply with California Fire Code Chapter 50 (Hazardous Materials). 30. Any and all cart and battery recharging shall meet ventilation requirements pursuant to California Fire Code Section 309.3 as well as Section 608 requirements for construction and spill control. 31. General and equipment storage shall meet the storage requirements pursuant to California Fire Code Section 315. Buildinq Division 32. The applicant is required to obtain all applicable permits from the City's Building Division and Fire Department. The construction plans must comply with the most recent, City- adopted version of the California Building Code. The construction plans must meet all applicable State Disabilities Access requirements. 33. The applicant shall employ the following best available control measures ("BACMs") to reduce construction-related air quality impacts: Dust Control • Water all active construction areas at least twice daily. • Cover all haul trucks or maintain at least two feet of freeboard. • Pave or apply water four times daily to all unpaved parking or staging areas. • Sweep or wash any site access points within two hours of any visible dirt deposits on any public roadway. • Cover or water twice daily any on-site stockpiles of debris, dirt or other dusty material. • Suspend all operations on any unpaved surface if winds exceed 25 mph. Emissions • Require 90-day low-NOx tune-ups for off road equipment. • Limit allowable idling to 30 minutes for trucks and heavy equipment. 05-26-2016 10 Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-XXX Page 12 of 12 Off-Site Impacts • Encourage carpooling for construction workers. • Limit lane closures to off-peak travel periods. • Park construction vehicles off traveled roadways. • Wet down or cover dirt hauled off-site. • Sweep access points daily. • Encourage receipt of materials during non-peak traffic hours. • Sandbag construction sites for erosion control. Fill Placement • The number and type of equipment for dirt pushing will be limited on any day to ensure that SCAQMD significance thresholds are not exceeded. • Maintain and utilize a continuous water application system during earth placement and compaction to achieve a 10 percent soil moisture content in the top six-inch surface layer, subject to review/discretion of the geotechnical engineer. Public Works Department 34. All parking lot improvements shall be per City Standards STD-805-L-(A & B). 35. Driveways shall be designed to comply with City Standard STD-110-L. 36. All improvements shall be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department. 05-26-2016 1� Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 12 �14R VfgTA DR Existing/Permanent C 3 y f0 4 O BONITYI CANVor. i:: �O Big �r4 -Canyon Temporary �,..•.. G�NG TREE �d 1 p T . Ll s ' ,,f, � f � w\✓: 'P�'� . .per ` r . CF Ya r, r x.•^ / F !a ice•'" ; f � <�\ �/ �\'`'�«+"a- 4 �� j� �(S P� a Newport Beach Disclaimer: Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the data provided,however,The City of GIS Newport Beach and its employees and agents disclaim any and all responsibility from or relating to �iaE�'Pogr any results obtained in its use. ° m 0 876 1,752 �_ F} Imagery: 2009-2013 photos provided by Eagle Feet Imaging www.eagieaerial.com 612Q1201 6✓^I Attachment No. ZA 3 Applicant's Project Description and Justification 20 PA2015-212 Big Canyon Country Club Golf Course Maintenance Building Project Description and Justification November 20,2015 Big Canyon Country Club (Applicant) proposes to replace its existing maintenance building and related facilities (the Current Facility)which was constructed in or about 1971 with a new state of the art maintenance building and related facilities(the New Facility). The Current Facility has reached the end of its useful life. The New Facility will be built in accordance with current building code requirements including but not limited to structural requirements to protect life and property in a seismic event, and the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Current Facility is located along Jamboree Road and is the only location on Applicant's property that can feasibly host such a facility (the Existing Location). The remainder of the Applicant's property is utilized for a golf course, golf practice facility,tennis courts,fitness building and of course a clubhouse and parking lot. The Existing Location is ideally situated as it is not close to residential units. To the south is a significant slope bank that separates the Current Facility from residential. To the north is a drainage course and beyond that is recreational open space of a residential development(tennis courts). To the west is Jamboree Road and to the east is the golf course, with residential beyond that more than 300 feet away. The New Facility will occupy the same location as the Current Facility. The Existing Location is general planned Parks and Recreation (PR) and zoned Planned Community (PC). An allowed land use under the PR designation is golf courses which includes incidental buildings for storage of maintenance equipment and facilities for maintenance employees. The square footage of such facilities is not included for the purposes of determining the intensity limits shown as Location 31 in the Anomaly Locations Table. Under the PC,the Existing Location may be used for the proposed purpose. The New Facility will encompass approximately 19,305 square feet,while the Current Facility encompasses approximately 7,617 square feet. Code requirements to meet ADA standards as well as enhancement of locker facilities and employee space account for some of the additional square footage. However, more of the added square footage is needed to store and provide service areas for increasingly sophisticated and expensive versions of the equipment Applicant uses in its golf course related maintenance function. Fortunately,the Current Facility is not very visible from any vantage point because it was built without any apparent concern about its aesthetic design. The New Facility will be a major aesthetic improvement from the Current Facility, but like the Current Facility, will not be visible to residential to the north or south and will be an aesthetic improvement for the 4-5 residential units that can see it from across the golf course. Accordingly,there should be no compatibility issues created between the New Facility and adjacent development or public areas. Notwithstanding that the New Facility will not be very visible, it will nonetheless be efficiently and well designed as the site is very constrained by immovable surrounding physical limitations. The two story element of the New Facility will be more than 110 feet from the Jamboree Road right of way and will be mostly screened from view of vehicles using Jamboree by the addition of trees and enhanced, dense landscaping along the right of way. Cars travelling south on Jamboree will not see the New Facility as a practical matter(as it is blocked by trees in the Jamboree median and the City's pump PA2015-212 station) and those heading north on Jamboree will only have a slight view of the site as they pass by the driveway into the site. Since there is a higher speed merge lane in the same location, many drivers will be focused on completing the merge and changing lanes rather than the "peek-a-boo" view of New Facility. There is recycled water to the existing location, so the type of vegetation selected will not have the same limitations as potable irrigation would require. Lastly,the purpose of the New Facility is to provide better working conditions for Applicant's employees and storage for more of its equipment. The Applicant does not intend to employ any more people as a result of the New Facility so there will be no additional traffic generated by the operation of the New Facility. For the enumerated reasons,the Applicant believes the New Facility will be harmonious with the orderly growth of the City and not endanger,jeopardize or otherwise constitute a hazard to the public convenience, health, interest,safety or general welfare of persons residing or working in or around the Existing Location. Attachment No. ZA 4 Project Plans 23 N 4 m ? J CoronaDel Mar HiDhschw(ac a / xV . J \ xV /0—)¢ar. � I ,3� C / / �S X6 / JAMBOREE RD. 10' R W Big Canyon - �� ✓/ / / / / t // �� / / Domingo D, 66 . 05 EXIST. CHAIN I x PROJECT SITE F XLINKFENCE - e — -- / 1 051 or �, // 60/ / / �� x EXISTING Lark Newport Apartments GROUND ` o ® y. � -"_-- . F �a IShelgef / / / / / 5�'. 5 / � � i BIG / _ I - - j------------ f/ / e EXISTING x5 7 . 7 / / /� �� 6 5 EXISTING SIDEWALK CANYON / / 60 Q s/T � / 8" C&G SITE a _ / / /r NG TENIN:IS �ChOU T 6O . five ��� s090 COUNTRY m 1'orin°mere x � .. a� tea- 4dr.. 6 r � OrangeMuseum ,y,� Pansll.lh9%:: / nu - :�°' ) �\ SECTION A—A Museumcr Ani sgat CLUB ''f I -S°nClemenrc'o. t oX5 7 . 3 0 - - - - PL — / NO SCALE I ` / r 6 Island Hotel o, ,' a, / / "'m°'•�1H"+w N 7.61NG — �— Newport Beach°", \\ can a / �l / r�;, N 1 84°5`4'�13s 1 S/T o �.\� ga 1Wrq \ O ernx° ror W 1'65:7-2' — _ Pa _ 9a fur Dr } �O 12' CMP 9enc i �Fo° °o J� .'rt. �'•..\\., �A. �/ 1 / \„ CULVERT r q / 014 /Beach C . 41 EXIST. CHAIN I`�� 1�\aa¢ LINK FENCE �Iew3 U, oa Mamoll Hotel Spa' 14E44PDR7 \ ,` �rJ�O\ l/ / / / l _ —\ x5 9 . / ye. CENTER \"'\', the Newnan Beach", L' \\:\ \ WY vvv � 0 - rae � � � � / � EXIST. 16° RECLAIMED WATER - -- \ ✓ ,ar � LINE (ABOVE GROUND) VICINITY MAP / / >� ///� _ \ TM / EXIST. BUILDING t\ / � N 89'32'52" W 187.61' HEAD / / � �---- �-�+n�I' =1I I� I I I ^III= � I�T� NOT ro SCALE `/ � D_RAINAG-EZ•�BA-51' E U , a oWneL / / / — --- ,e 1 T r EXIST. GROUND <� � O / �// J / EXIST. 10" RECLAIMED WATER T. 45 LINE (ABOVE GROUND) IIr1� / 5�ro LEGEND / / / / 54 .34 j/ ABDVE cRouND J X �a� rz Li CHAIN LINK 1 am N'LY - NORTHERLY LS - LANDSCAPE AREA / / / / / NOF k r/ . jN� �° WAIER� EES,_ X / 1 S'LY SOUTHERLY MH - MANHOLE N E e PIPE-S r� - °` - / ELY - EASTERLY PB - PULL BOX CONC. WILY - WESTERLY PL - PROPERTY LINE SECTION B—B -117 SE'LY - SOUTHEASTERLY PT - POINT STREET CENTER / / OO \ � "�°* � T - - °„ / NO SCALE SW'LY - SOUTHWESTERLY PIV - POST INDICATOR NW'LY - NORTHWESTERLY VALVE / \ / \ l /\ /\ / MEDIAN b� / pq�C i —WAL=L= NE'LY - NORTHEASTERLY PKG. - PARKING \ / AC - ASPHALT CONCRETE PP - POWER POLE /\ /\ \ \ / 54 . 4 / / Sqr�'.' �;vD T ,,,,, "• 1AIr; " \� �e FENCE I / / \ / \ Jena / X / rrq' p��1' MAINTENANCEfBUNL'DINGNG ' : `.. '` .. 'UI1NCcF BEG. - BEGIN PS - PARKING SPACES s BLDG - BUILDING R.C.E. - REGISTERED CIVIL / / \ / / �'e /OA% .R :.. BK - BACK ENGINEER BW - BACK OF WALK RD - ROOF DRAIN \ 3 \ �grFR /// o2Qp ee ow S e / ,BIG CANYON Gs®R1LF COUR CF - CURB FACE REC. - RECLAIMED / / / / 5 Vi CONIC - CONICRETEK FENCE SCO - SEWER CLEANOUT / / /�* \ / -\ c� rG �/ " G / I x COR - CORNER SD - STORM DRAIN / / /\ / skw / STORM gCpi V '� - o? X5 29 \ 11 / EP - EDGE OF PAVEMENT SMH - SEWER MANHOLE / \ i� \\ ORq/N/ �� ELECT - ELECTRICAL SPK. - SPIKE / / \ ! Sr ur /// 5 2 0 �y" (MAINTENANCE // 1 EXIST. - EXISTING ST - STREET / / x5 3 47 \ \ /GNT /// X BUILDING FD - FOUND TC - TOP OF CURB / FDC - FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION TRANS.- TRANSFORMER moi\_/ GAS. I G �I EXIST. GROUND HCR - HANDICAP RAMP T.E. - TRASH ENCLOSURE / / lYF / / L-INE \ S I—� r SEWED- \' �$ 73EE i FAIRWAY r ICV - IRRIGATION CONTROL TELE - TELEPHONE / A\ / My / / // r- -ter_ VALVE W - WATER / / / / jH�, _ T` �I MANHOLE - _ m- R-fir . l=1 \ ` S a I o EXIST. BUILDING / \ \ _ _ T—TIT—( —1 n=1 IT=I I I—I I I I.P. - IRON PIPE PT - ANGLE POINT / CO -� i =T _ITI -iR=fir ITi rr=TT I-Il I _ / / S/aN�� /� / _ .: �— � I 56 . 33 I =— --- RRIG - IRRIGATION C L - CENTERLINE / / SEWERS RM \ - STREET LIGHT / S 0 I o� �\ t �s X I i^ A T ® - WATER VALVE - PARKING LOT Q I r� ;.,. SRAIN RPI q0 �w� n r "TREE I L_v O - WATER METER LIGHT / �,�/ n 8"C / / �/- , ' -� _ ` .5 4 x..J CATCH std e` , •.F ' �, <" l F i © 5G.9 G - FIRE HYDRANT E - CONDUIT / (/� / 5 3/4 L� G' URe 1= �., BASIN, , :' E or G / X Ull / /a// SEWER 15' SEWBR ` s :. p ti, GAS. x 5. Qw - WATER MANHOLE O - POWER POLE / / / 6% FR, r �� ' ® - BACK FLOW DEVICE c - GUY WIRE SQA �� MANHOLE EASEMENT any LINE: n f \t \ �_ \ 1 �s x - PIV ra - TRAFFIC PULL t V 1 c.. ' � � � \ F ' ,p Q9 - FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION BOX / / _ / / !yq / /r% /� \ \ \ SECTION C—C v - IRRIGATION CONTROL - CABLE N PULL / \ �/ 0 8 SFq� Q / TR /�/ / I MAINTENANCE _. \ VALVE BOX / X /CF /� / x P AS P H - MANHOLE ® - PULL BOX / / / / �� / i BUILDING NO SCALE s - SEWER MANHOLE ® - GAS VALVE / / I C RAMP( 7 G \ \ F //%\ WATERS— & 5 5 . 4 4 © - GAS METER / yo/R ' / — Oban a — X CLARIFIER N F SERVICE_ 3 ./6 2 C"Toy gA/T G3 / { i _ �,� `y- fM C � / ` I ,cas - � ;. � J etwv+� MAINTENANCE I MAI DRIVE LEGEND: iN / J� - `rCONC�PAD / BUILDING MA ;d NTENANC6 BUILDING / / / y' IL Q-s rRFF - �, CMP f— `QQ \ - S�R � : .211G Irl �� \ 588N BUILDING/ STRUCTURE / / 5 7/ ��� / / / gSTORM (DRAIN, 1 7 GAS BOLLARDS -"ffiaio = N�« - Qc�� \ - - - - ' �r EXIST. GROUND / ! B NaT"egg. 6APU�MP' .3 sue 'r f;y _ - .. `'"` \ "=1 - / /-ISO Oka U: 5 g I -R \ \ O�/ \ Illi 1"'111-111-1 T1=1II II1-11I-_ V-GUTTER v \ - II 171�T=TAT—R-, __ EXIST BUILDING A.C. PAVEMENT I,. C/ /� °N\e€wFS� 'PULL \ \ \ \ - ------ F!F!/F PCC GUTTER ` \ \ - gUlT R FFACFy / (W=6 _ urnae \ BOX-PUt/ BOX 2 G \ \\ \ �_\ 1"r-- ------- L--j' c CONCRETE PAVEMENT ONC /�FV9NN \ (C�� �f �y �� W�'0p G 6 0 NG \ \ SECTION D—D / o / G ti5.t AJG 1 �. t NG 1.G NIL, \ \ x � • / � v 9/ �e 5 3 . 6 8 n y EXISTING-SHRUB GRAVEL / // «i X �' TREES 5. \ \ \ \ \ �^ NO SCALE CHAIN LINK G / R/�F11%y�/ /a � / FENCE 'ivavta711 G 5flu ; ie✓.oNYu \ \� \ / 5e NG NG \' \ \ "r BENCHMARK: 3S45-99 NGVD 29 � / 73. u G / I � \ \ HA 4,-111. / / \ \ \ DESCRIBED BY OCS 1999 - FOUND 3 3/4" OCS ALUMINUM BENCHMARK DISK STAMPED NG \ \ \ "3S-45-99" SET ON THE TOP NORTH CORNER OF A 4.0 FT. BY 8.0 FT. CONCRETE CATCH BASIN. MONUMENT IS LOCATED IN THE EASTERLY PORTION OF THE INTERSECTION OF flu MAC ARTHUR BOULEVARD AND SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD, 70 FT. SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE CENTERLINE OF MAC ARTHUR BOULEVARD AND 165 FT. NORTHEASTERLY OF THE / CENTERLINE OF SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD. 80 X5.8 � / \ I � � ELEV: 249.400 X5 • / / / 84 85 / / i \ \ BASIS OF BEARING: // / / 6S�O16„ / I \ \ THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED UPON THE BEARING BETWEEN O.C.S. HORIZONTAL \ '�\ CONTROL STATION G.P.S. NO. 6249 AND STATION G.P.S. 6269 BEING NORTH 43056'33" e i G .5 t'G / :98. / WEST. PER RECORDS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE ORANGE COUNTY SURVEYOR. G _ EXIST. 90 / / / \ \ \ \ \ / \ Com / \ xi 3 / 915 RES\ Y \ PRI[ IDENCE �� S/-1 J l POOL / f ,' ISI \O ,gig / x10 �� 20 10 0 20 SCALE IN FEET 1 inch =20 ft. ER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY Jog 40-458006 ALDEN & CIVIL ENGINEERS DATE: 11/2015 LAND SURVEYORS FOR DRAWN: SK SSOCIATES PLANNERS CHECKED: DB BCCC MAINTENANCE FACILITY SHEET 2552 WHITE ROAD,SUITE B, IRVINE,CA 92614 2 (949)660-0110 FAX:660-0418 1850 JAMBOREE ROAD OF NEWPORT BEACH, CA 2 24 O / / / JAMBOREE RD. 10' R/W 6' 1' 5' / / ' / \ I EXIST. CHAIN LINK FENCE / 5 4 S �T , - / / / / A�Pc� A�PA�� x / X G Ax \ X60 . // / - - �- _ _ _ _ - _ - X5 . 5 / \/ / EXISTING / \ EXISTING GROUND PROPOSED d / / SIDEWALK DAYLIGHT , O ti EXISTING EXIST. FENCE CONC. PAVEMENT r ` _ 8° C&G // 60 EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS PR SED&OGUTTER RB NNIS COURT \ _ _ , PROTECT IN PLACE / X57 . 7 / /// _ \ S /-T / SECTION A-A NO SCALE / / Q - W_-165.-72' -- - - 59 / / // / X57 . 30 // ESP/L X / X44 . / / / / ,�/ / 5 / , , , / , 45 / EXIST. BUILDING EXIST. CHAIN TO BE REMOVED / tx LINK FENCE 771 55 . EXISCHANNEL EXIS��,HEADWALL PROPOSEt3 95IT WATER / 32N 89" E PROP. LNE (ABOVE GROUND) ` X / \ / / SWALE CURB / � • �I I I i I I1-11IIII-11I I I/ I, ,IIT I(4p) 7 -4p)_� 1 / / l �� EXIST. GROUND \ �1 / PROPOSED L -,j / �/ / / / (¢5) 45 / x G PROPOSED / \ / (as) / 3 5 �/ \ / CONC. PAVEMENT CONC. PAVEMENT EXIST. 10" RECLAIMED WATER - � 5 0 - EXIST:1.6"-RECLAIMED WATER_UUE_(50)� ABOVE GROUND LINE l l / Q �X`gB l 50 m (ABOVE GROUND) ( ) -� 66p �� EXIST. FENCE_ IMIN <5 1� EXIST. FENCE r 1 r res. SECTION B-B S 0.8%- - x Fl 0.5% NO SCALE / 3 4 / /�/ , + / c _. AIN71lIAN v � ) / S -- 5 4 /� / 5;4 88//j/ y ��` 0ti F5 EX ST 10 RECLA MED':W TER LIE nonopUIL o'N�1 e� I 5 X , UI �+ gT o (ABOVE GROUND) I b T1s I EXIST. ELEC. CONDUIT / BW lam' I GO ( ) ou) ENr sro ac I I I X �/ Q ! . �42 MAINTENANCE BUILD NG I p 1s 16 V 18 gVIII 'B0 2l 22 23 2n- _ 25 26 / v s �. _ /ss �i.T111pG � PT❑RE RO. SQ 600.s'F"" p.rJ•O% X00 p.50% -. � �'S`'❑ [7`�' 6.,� -�� l \ ? \ Cl /ll ST�ATEBr N� yf T IPIAE ATTON ass J� .. 5-� • h F �- h 5 �� F h DAYLIGHT LINE I �' �+ " - °° - - h� � I I I _� A,� _ ��� + FAIRWAY \ EXIST..FIRE HYDRANT o� x a I PROP. S:D�PIPE 1 z/ zs 29 - 30 31 O,gq 5 r<0 ` --�CONNECTED TO�EXIST. x,a / / SS�� 6 u I Q (56)- STORM DRAIN SYSTEM rhrhh N 20 5 ng oPTI NAL caea❑eT X \ I 1 '' • PROP: 15° OCSD SEWER 3No`" o❑ TEU SEWER M.H. \ EXIS8-DIP WATER LINE / �_/ �C/ Sg�0 S SN v ! S I S I I S I S c 0 0 \ \ r�T / /o S S uy o I EXIST. SEWER IM.H" VL I 55 I EXIST. FAIRWAY EXIST. SEWER / S / /u �o / N PROP. SEWER M.H. a / I� / \ EASEMENT / gi62FC 0' 9 0 h 4�. PROP. INLET \ / 3 \ ;� s"z;T �i 'Q �� \N AS - t�2) F \ EXIST. GAS LINE �, /l 54. S T S.D. PIPE X \ 6 y� � O tI l l � � l "•r kw l � l/ / ,SA . Yj ,/ 5¢38 C;z � n s/ o �- S.. o� =� � � �'s 54.63 9 �I s9 o� s9 �� o�" I U` c1L.` r � - 2.3%/` Y s -� _ st• - Is,,. /o' /o •..cn o� / _ \ EXIST. STREET LIGHT /// I u ' 1 ��' --,-�� � -..�- -L - �S j S. - -h n I. �56h \ T01 BE REMOV U%; ER IINE �5% 1 % ,tI F - \ VI / // VCP S l Oil - 1 \ x- �l \ EXIST. GROUND 3 4 50.1 •9 / ���-PROP ? (fO B6 ftELOC?TE� s . 3 5` V lItlEc x / / 4 5 / h / � l /. . yFv, SEWER-M.H. - S SS6� �nN o�Er RAa X 3 x � I cc cRa°❑L / 5 .00fF 'I _ po O\ / / l X ���IIII \/ l N V S S ST❑RAG_ 2 p V/ J/ \ / //EXIST. 15" VCP % a. rn- V � ' �' 9s ._ v"e"❑" c` O I v ✓ ' pp S n -PROP. BUILDING PROPOSED L/i� \l , _ \, - 9' �.:r; _ '� - ,� �e 6• x 3r-a �PT1'E�IrT F. '\ 5 .96F - \ F \.. : 9 CONC. WALK _ I- -III- SEWER LINE \/ ^q` yp'p�" _°_ / �'S�e�?. _ S -(c-As)_ \ \ - - ❑ErICE r.- � � , ." :. ` -' I =s• 1= 1- 1- 1- I-III-III-III-I I1= I III-III-III-... 12"-o^x. c3 lSS28T � e/�IPr�( S�@.I• I I •,• 1.: - - I I I _ - / PROP FIRE SERVICE / �?' -/-F R LocATE �� ) FUEL / : 51.91 TC1 - 2 0% 4❑cI:E� S MAI I wwe -NaN aoL / /� . . 455 FS� - sr❑RA._ / t- /1- I '6J v r N - Isai�oi / 1 4� / / � m EXIST.�$_E .R ,M.H. _ a sroR�� X 55. FS. BUI s�o"aACE PARTS c<<c� l : -% / X�\ / / / EXIST.�18' ACP 4s? T.5/ �/ / EXIST. FENCE x 54.75FS- C $.g C ' o s _ S TON R❑LLEP RAaS • 44 I STORAGE y�oo�e5 R❑❑M w/ V NTIL<TI N o. 5 s j SECTION C-C ,Y E K /� - S /T S I - GRINDING / PABRICAIl❑N - / EXIST. CURB & GUTTER s/ I- r FS S X d o j FFF - /., 1-I.� / 9 R9_SEXL�I6G NINSIbE" P. ,tP / I 8" VCP I/S_EWr�E{R LINE ro / / I \A, r I-/ / s s s PARTIA OOL n �/ / EXIST. TREE , // / \. V sal % n n 2�0% 0'% ❑RACE PROP. I / �T% \ l j \ NO SCALE wnu zes sr. S.-J` RASN o n :zER• q_ �1 g 77 C - INL�,;. \ EXIST. WATER SERVICE / r f/o \ Z. - - 5� - e - E P RmaT ® XIST. 1' DOM. WATER LINE o _ h y ' E•EV 1 C G Q PROPOSED BUILDING I X PARIS \ � // / ¢.g -1-801, 160 S FS l l /� ' 1WAEA)Sg3 >ro -- F.F. 00 ''- L' / / / EXIST. FIRE HYDRANT I -��-ice-- fiEL❑C�ATE �Cc h. p p� .., y6F T /� \`�\\ \ 209 \ 15, l ExI$'fING \ V I v6 E❑WPMENL -1!): / \ EXIST. CATCH BASIN / \ - - -� -? - O 5 I 5 \ _ C7Ar5 hS= REE.YCLIN ..❑RR E�'-J ��. ' r❑r(AGc s.-ASN - moo s Li- °, 2 / SYS TEN I ,r h C cwvuc 96 x IST. EXIST? 18" CMP S.D, LIN ��I( h1 4% O 1:4% <SF. ' �/ X5 3 PROP. STOMRWATER Q�ITY 1 `� �= . x(61 \ TX p! \/ TREATMENT DEVICE /i� /�/l xA PROP. S.D. PIPE? VHF/ G / ; PUMP i / i r I YG ) �� E C C / c J� �� I rS S\ A-YI EXIST. GROUND PROP. FINISH ho� J OR ` Tl RA 2,U% 1 j i �I � �� l 2.09 � ' ❑ ❑ir❑�� _-�2_0% 555. RAIN �. / L 5 / F \/ \ �� ?Ny NICw �� r I (6a) \� \ \ - SURFACE / h 0�/ o 3�. �� / s i 'T -� G s- - n / / 1TI PROP. / 5 EXIST. VENT 5 ' t o w. h0���M I s9` - \' EXIST. PULL BOX mL d M3.SOTC h:5- T`s _ + -- � -(65) \ �� -IIIA ° 55:fi3- X67.0_ / I =�11i V GUTTER / �' 9% Ip2TC 1-4 FS GB 1-4 ° -- -6ES = / < E X FG�I 6G) _ 1 1 r --IIF III-III-III III-1 / EXIST. 18' ACP S.D. PIPE 54.32 52F/%4 51� 6F2/j / �66. PROP-. V=DITCH 66-2- _65:4 -O 5% _P_ROP-V=DIT6H�65.8 5:9 Ali (6-7-) / /EXIST. E IST. ELEC./AULT• / / 52.89 FS �3 ° 300 / Q� FS f �2 �r , , ��i �- q� FG� - _ FL �F 0=- s (fib) 07) -�� / 09 / �� 'sG �� 20% 11- EXIST. oy T� - "PROP. S.D.)PIP 0%° � c I c �.' .�-'2-(68j�: � -DAYLIGHT-LINE 1� o �� G� / EXIST. VENT � ­ B EXIST. CURB EXISTING SHRUS/EXIST. TREES is NO // / - yN 54.32TC S'G _ PROP. V,=DITCH / \ 11 / SEWER M.H. \ + / 54.2 EXIST-SLOPE I EXIST: FAIRWAY EXIST. / 54•12FS �o PROP�INLET V-GUTTER EXIST. BUILDING /EXIST. J / �� \NF ,DRIVEWAY S 80) 8 / 11T-m __ _(� � � \ � TO BE REMOVED / l / / 'i'� XIST. FENiF CEBUILDING 1II 111111 II TI- I T TO BE REMOVED / EXIST. S EWER M.H. 1oa��� \ 85) v 5 / / \ ` \ \� '/ / L J / EXIST STREET,%L/IGHT EXIST: TREE / / \ SECTION D-D 1 I � NO SCALE 1 / EXIST. CURB &/,UTTER , GJ N 65-0 S E90) 9 0 � ' / 1g,.- (-95.) / l f Xl' Hop) 3 0 I 00 POOL / �� O J x / �s \ 20 10 0 20 % 1 n c) . \ j 1 SCALE 120FEEft. NUMER PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN JOB 40-458-006 CIVIL ENGINEERS DATE: 02/09/2016 AXIALDEN & LAND SURVEYORS FOR DRAWN: MV SSDCIATES PLANNERS CHECKED: DB BCCC MAINTENANCE FACILITY SHEET 2552 WHITE ROAD,SUITE B, IRVINE,CA 92614 1 (949)660-0110 FAX:660-0418 1850 JAMBOREE ROAD OF NEWPORT BEACH, CA T 2� 12" RCP , / FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTES � X57. 35 o I . FIRE HYDRANTS WILL BE PROVIDED AND LOCATED WITHIN 400 FEET OF ALL PORTIONS OF THE BUILDING AS MEASURED BY AN Xt APPROVED ROUTE AROUND THE EXTERIOR OF THE BUILDING. CFC / /507. I 2. FUEL STORAGE RELOCATION SHALL BE REVIEWED BY ORANGE45 COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND FOLLOWING APPROVAL / / i SHALL BE REVIEWED BY THE NEWPORT BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT. 5 O3. CHEMICAL STORAGE WILL MEET REQUIREMENTS FORM CFC j i / �_ — SU \\ CHAPTER 50 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. 4. HAZARDOUS OIL DRUM STORAGE WILL NEED TO MEET / / I III/' _____ _ — — — — __— __ _ — X / REQUIREMENTS FROM CFC CHAPTER 50 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS / 5. ANY CART AND BATTERY RECHARGING WILL MEET VENTILATION REQUIREMENTS AS PER CFC SECTION 309.3 AND SECTION G08 / FOR CONSTRUCTION AND SPILL CONTROL. 6. GENERAL AND EQUIPMENTS STORAGE WILL MEET THE STORAGE / ,'�i' / �'' � �_ '� ;��E_ —x— / REQUIREMENTS OF CFC SECTION 3 15. 7. FIRE FLOW WILL BE MET FOR THE STRUCTURE AND WILL DETERMINE THE NUMBER OF FIRE HYDRANTS REQUIRED FOR THE PROJECT. / / / S 14 TY8 6 NEWPORT BEACH GUIDELINE 5.0 1 , DETERMINATION OF FIRE FLOW, / / / / 15 WILL BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED WITH THE FORMAL PLAN / // / �y F \ / 6 17 8 /�f q REVIEW PER CFC SECTION 507.3. 5 / i / S, S A OI�U U / g 20 MAIN �E 9 0' 0 M I` �I:�I�1}. \ ` —' I 4 j A FUTURE R O 2 1 NANCE w o / QUIPME BUILD. I: . _,. . . ' . . .,' ' . :b: :: ;:: :: :'; ` - � 8. FIRE ACCESS LANE E. REMAIN CLEAR FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLE / / / O LOCATION / 23 NG E DING' I NT 22 BUILT. I U ACCESS AT ALL TIME. FIRE LANE SIGNAGE SHALL BE PROVIDED AT ; V I QUIIFifv1EN7. w THE ENTRANCE OF THE SITE AND SHALL BE SECURELY MOUNTED s 1 i / 55 . 2 24 sTo H( 25 L:.:::: .:.:::.:::.:: .:::.:::;: ::.:::.1.::I::.;::.;: ,: .;: ......:AGE.;:; :.; ,.:.;.a LL FACING THE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. ALL CUP55 ADJACENT TO THE I C / / If 2G. r PIPE LANES SHALL BE PAINTED RED WITH 3" WHITE LETTERING �S/ X READING "FIRE LANE NO PARKING". / � � J / 8 �A I I 6 / i / ?: ~\ o k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p l / J . 2 . Y c,�' / Cps / / \\ /// ;/ 0 ryoa� I... �. ............ .... / FyF / WNEEI STOP / \' \�� . . . . . . </ X L: : 2 I p \ — _ 28 I m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — . I GATE OPTION — - / / I. A " v / \ 2 13 \ i / / �/ / _ ASHS \/ / 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .X04/5 ; , / o D /S o ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *y-0"— \ 7. 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.30-0. . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TYPICAL-IN . . . . . . . . . . is ,�1ARKEREPOST X . . . . . . r . . . . . .I . . . . . . . . . / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P'N . . . . . HAMMERHEAD / . . . gip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� . . i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . A . . . . .N . . . . . . . . . . . . . / I . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / � \. � . . . o . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /D 10 . . . . . . . .Im . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . — — — —. — . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i _ _ Z / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ — — — — — — — . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { /. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - J V EER __- _ / 2 \ _._ -.- - _. . . . . . . . . . 56 . 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .q1_0„ . . . 1 . . . . . . .� . . /. . . . . . .. R-20' .'.'tYP /. _ _ _ _ _ 4 TON TRQLLEY RAIL \ \ \ —r IU6W / n/ / / 0 ° .j_/. . T. . . �. . . . . . . . V 2' O"X13'-4"53/ . 4L / / I/ T �S'a„ ° ° ° I o I - (GAS)- _ _ _ _ SHO FRENCH I D X ° // / .'. .L'. °3. ... . ... .'.'. ... . . 9T��TS PUR.0 ELI \ \ I I q( / RELOCATE 0 \ X•3'I'',. - / 7 . . . . . . . . . . . ° sroRAGE / o (SEE �( c,l� I 1 S 000�/ E / .'.'.'.'.' SXISTING FUEi -- . . .L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( I RAGLE Y5TEM / — — — MECH'5 J 375 S.F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / l I I `OFFICE I / X 1 \7. '.'. AIME �G�A�E I X L \T \ (G I 0 / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . D RUM _ A �� AS) — — — - -= /// / / 0• . . . . . . . . . . . � I . . . . . . . . . . BUILJIIS�TLORAGE _ n L � � . . . . _ \ X / I. . . . . . . . . . . . . / // SRTILIZE P — / / N/'c I 5 X00 R STORgCs� 1 OB \ \\ \ 1 \; 5' S F (sro I . RED IN S=-- S S --- RAMP — ,LOCKED �TO GALLON BAGS) . . .I. . . . . . . . . . . . I I L---- AS 40 g ED ON A I — TO TROLLEY RAIL 5 4 -------� J sro LLII AG) PALLET WON I o PARTS / A M WITH . . . I X GRINDING I S I O z(� / ✓` 4 / / BAG HEI 6hT TOP OF L' '.'. . .. '. . ROOM W/ VENTILATIONB -ATiN 2' 0 X E _0, ` 26; . . : . : . . : . : : / OFG'-O- - - - I FORWELDI22 I \ 0•• / ABOVE GROUND- �' I — - I NG INSIDE / (1" PVC .YyATER - . - - - - ff - - -Px LLErs V✓HEN- -- — — — — — — — C . t — PARTI g� I II \ / ARE DOUBLE_ \ I tiff I /� STORAGE \ . 20-0° . . . . . . . . . . L — WALL I 1 C SHALL BE —E I L VENTILATED \.I. . REQUIRED BY CODE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . POWER / I I s'/YF \J I I TOOL �J X - - - - - - - - - - - - - L. I 2BOSRSFE I I I \ �v7 sb I. . . . . . . . .'f . .�. . . . . . . . . . . I I -.=._- �$�e P_ £ -- --/ . RELOCATE EX S ING I — �s \ -- W HSPS - � ---CHEMICAL 1 I\ C I ' ' ' ' ' ':'.I±'. .':'.'\'.' ' ' ' ' ' ' _ MAII,VTENANCE BUILDING TEM --- --3 . . . . -1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --=STORAG-E��_I _--_ L KNOX BOX 1 �—\ — I �lY - '200 5 - _ - — _ — I IRRIG %` / X� / I I I PARTS TION I \ / I �� 'dAi�€`tN�l__ _ 5 I _ I GO --- i nRAI AGE — \ I I 470"N - _---. _ . 5 / K / / // \ I I I I \ 1 7 X / FIRE APPARATUS / X I I _ _ O� \ I GA PUMP 1 I \� — . . _ . _ . M N_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yy / / VAULT FyT ACCESS LANE . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . w \ / I SPRAYS I / �40KAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NTj / �. 6` \ i LOADING/sro J --------------- %. . / '\ BAY(MIN RAGE — — CENT L / . . . . . . : j. . . 32 /' 2.5 400S.F;iO�H)= \. . . . . — v i 4ERGENCI HOSE � � I � \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . \. . . . . . . . /. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /. . . . . . . . . L�REEL I . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V'A*U . . . ET / / N N ! / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �x %'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' j:'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'." // n . . . . . . . . . . ./. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . // 24 x \ j / T /. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j/ AT 84 GURNEY RNLNG— / \�y. . . . . o, _ � STAIR LANDING / NG I s I� ------------ 65 l v, `' � \ I / j D / i 0 P N SITE LA 1 9 , 305 S . F. TOTAL Big Canyon Country Club Maintenance Facility Newport Beach , California Carlile Coatsworth Architects, Inc � / 2495 Campus Dr.-Second Floor- Irvine,CA 92612 -Phone:949.833.1930- Fax 949.833.1140 / / / 20 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r:.". tV I i 9-° I: `. EQUIIFMENT.STO.RAGE I TYPICAL � ._ . . .'. ....'. .'....'...'....'.'.. ' ...'....'..' '... I,..I.. ... ... . I 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 EXISTING FUTURE R.O. WATER PUMP EQUIPMENT STATION Q LOCATION GATE 29 I 90 TYPICAL 8;0„ o�W HAMMERHEAD C v) o 2,0r. Q N WHEEL STOP o 13 12 �� 9"0" l 3ge�F0 / - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - - - / n n ROOM 1 2'-0" X 13'-4" / 10 / ON TR01\ RAIL LJ GENERAL QL/ MEMBER / / \ STORAGE O QM� 375 S.F. 5,HOP FUTURE LIFT — / W/ IIIFrs / 4'-0" 59.51 X 29'_4" MECH'5 — OFFICE / 2'-0" X I I -0" // UQ 0 0 0 0 0 �n n Q,�MEM B R e L_l L J MEN � ° RELOCATE ° LOCKED EXISTING FUEL / HAND TOOL/ 11 Typ ° SYSTEM ° 55 GAL. — — — — — — \ — — — — 28 STORAGE — — / �Oq( RUM / 7 STORAGE PARTS I / 1 2'-0" X 22'-0" / RAGE GRINDING/ FABRICATION / I TON TROLLEY RAIL ROOM W/ VENTILATION G FERTILIZER STORAGE POR WELDING INSIDE / GOO S.F. - (STORED IN 59'-G" X 1 7'-4" POWER 55 GALLON BAGS) PARTIAL TOOL STORED ON A I TON HEIGHT STORAGE / (40 BAG) PALLET WITH WALL 285 S.F. / 5 RAS A MAXIMUM TOP OF / BAG HEIGHT OF G'-0" / ABOVE GROUND WHEN E / PALLETS ARE DOUBLE IRRIGATION / 4 26,0„ STACKED. STORAGE I GO S.F. / SPACE SHALL BE PAR RAS / VENTILATED AS REQUIRED BY CODE. — — — — — — — — — — — — / RELOCATE EX15 INGCHEMICAL EQUIPMENT / RECYCLING 4 STORAGE STORAGE / 2 WASH SYSTEM 200 S.F. 5,750 S.F. / 47'-D" c / \ CENTRAL — / \ SPRAYER DRAIN / 8 \ LOADING/ STORAGE F SLOPE BAY (MIN. 1 0' HIGH) \ 400 S.F. 32 26 Q \ EMERGENCY HOSE HO5E HO5E HO5 UP 61, SHOWER+r EYE REEL REEL REEL REEL WASH STATION n In In In 33 I I I I FIRST FLOO R 1 2 , 590 S . F. Big Canyon Country Club Maintenance Facility Carlile Coatsworth Architects, Inc Newport Beach , California 2495 Campus Dr.-Second Floor- Irvine,CA 92612 -Phone:949.833.1930- Fax 949.833.1140 ---------------------------------------------- MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT WELL BELOW ROOF BELOW 2 LG T P @ S -C C A/C EQUIPMENT BELOW —1 0 w w E m Q ROOF BELOW ROOF PLAN DRAIN DRAIN I n n n I I I Ll L-] N7 m z O OPENITBELOW LOWER ROOF 0 0 N E/ N - m v F-1 n w0 � o Ll U I A/C EQUIPMENT 0 O rated window ??? III I I —GA I I I fM%N5 ASSISTANT LANDSCAPEGOLF/TOURN MENT LOCKER SUPERINTENDENT 5UPEPINT NDEN STORAGE M IRRIGATION/ OFFICE 54-'9" X 17-4 ' COMPUTER OFFICE 1 1'-0" X I '-4" 22'-7" X 17-4" I I I JAN. _ 0 0 0 0 RECEPTION MEN'S E ;OMEN'S WOMEN'S RESTROOM LOCKER RESTROOM OM I I I I WORK OFF CE — STATION OR P./COPIER — TQI — REFERS MI 0/ D.W. ROOF I I I STOVE I EXTERIOR BELOW T.C. COVERED (1 ,295 5.F.) n DECKING EXTERIOR SUPERINTENDENT FFIII o COVERED 1 O710CE X I8'-O" FUTURE WALL�I EMPLOYEE Q IDECKING CON ERENCE/ SHOWN DOTTED III BREAK ROOM I 00 LAB 40'-3" X 30' 0" "MUD" 18'- " X 30'-0" I I - m ROOM II 0 10'-0" X 24'-0" II PLAN I III I STORAGE 14'-0" X 9'-0" --------------- STORAGE DN. S ECO N ® FLOOR 6 , 71 5 S . F. Big Canyon Country Club Maintenance Facility Carlile Coatsworth Architects, Inc Newport Beach , California 2495 Campus Dr.-Second Floor- IMne,CA 92612 -Phone:949.833.1930- Fax 949.833.1140 �g STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF - TYP. LIGHT COLORED STUCCO O/ METAL STUDS - TYP. / / / / / / / /• / /•' / /• / /•' / /• / /•' / / APPROXIMATE GRADE LINE H f CONC. BLOCK TO MATCH (E) SUBSTATION ON SITE I I I SOUTH ELEVATION STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF - TYP. LIGHT COL SOR DSED 5TUC O CONC. BLOCK TO MATCH /\ j\ /\ /\ ®® E) SUBSTATION ON SITE NORTH ELEVATION II o a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IrL I I 1 ' ' ❑❑ -- - - / \ I I == r F J / /55.5 F.F. t/-\ I " VEST ELEVATION �-----I F11❑---------------- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cc �' // . / M u W 7 O O I I I I EAST ELEVATION T,I_ Big Canyon Country Club Maintenance Facility Carlile Coatsworth Architects, Inc Newport Beach , California 2495 Campus Dr.-Second Floor- Irvine,CA 92612 -Phone:949.833.1930- Fax 949.833.1140 �9 IIII'I' • • - IIS ► WL �I■ ■■ �J■ �I 1 m::mm:mm:::m::m:mmmm:mmmmm:mm:mMEEMEEm:mm:mm:mm:mm:mmmmm:mm:mm:mm:mm:mm:mm:mmmmm:mm:mm:mm:m::m::::::::::::::::::::::::::::mmmmmmm:::::::::::::mEMEEMEEMOM mom 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 mommoomm o ommommommommommom::ii:ii::E MmmoEMO ...o .. ■ . 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UUU MOUU..uu..uu..uu..uU..uU..uwuuIno i. .RUR.R■R■R■R■R■R. ..■U■R.R■R■R■..■..■..■.....■..■..■..■..■... iU w.....o.o.......o.o..... __.....o.o.......o.o.......o.o......■■....C....e ME .■. _ ..■■.wuU■■ ■■■ i ..a ■.. m. :mm .. no : ; ::m EAST ELEVATION 1 . . •n 1 .1 • - •il 1 � e PROPOSED VERTICAL VIEW PLANE BLOCKED HEDGE TO SCREEN NEW — — — — MAINTANCE BUILDING EXISTING SIDEWALK — — — EXISTING MEDIAN — NEW MAINTENANCE �' �� • ' � _ _ — — — BUILDING PROJECTED VIEW PLANE — — — — — — — — — — — — — — � — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — EXISTING JAMBOREE ROAD EXISTING MAINTENANCE PARKING NEW MAINTENANCE SECTION A MEDIAN SIDEWAL BUILDING PLANTING AREA CONCEPTUAL PLANT PALETTE Trees Botanical Name Common Name Cinnamomum camphora Camphor Tree 15 — — __ _ _ Pinus halepensis Aleppo Pine \ / / E G 6 17 _ + _ °, J FU-VURE 18 19 n �� Shrubs (Screening) "/^�",g R.O. TANK 21 ❑ �� D/p �gjFj� / / W STA I�® �jJ ��PM N° 6O° S F 22 23 Botanical Name Common Name 24 /N /8 s( / fid Ar10N 2 2G27 Bambusa oldhamii Giant Timber Bamboo 28 29 3 Cupressus sempervirens Italian Cypress �j 32 Podocarpus gracilior Fern Pine GA,TL OPTI NAL "CARPRT" - - _ - 3 SNO N DOTTED - / / o ° 12H O / D� — PROPOSED VERTICAL (�ASV-fED_CtiE TO SCREEN E S 2 q0 MAINTANCFBU-ILDL G_ o EXISTING SIDEWALK - If / ROOM o / o / / O D� RELOCATE r i / 8 FISTING FUEL ° GEN TOOL/ SY�AM E 37ORAGL EM ER / v ° MECFi'S S.F. Wnp 4 L 0 OFFICE 12'-O" ,y 1 1'-0" 7 `IAZGAL. o�%Do 'Ru/OIL M `roRAGE i a MEMS E Mrp1 HANDED / TOOL 5 TON OLLLY RAIL 285RSAGE 5 STOILIZLR GRINDING PARTS ROOM W /FABR CATION ' O,egGL U u / FOR WELD NG NSID�N 2' 0"X 22'-p" + GOO S.FE 59'- _ PARTIAL 6"X I G'-8" L 0 \ WEIGHT LL 151 � � \ 4 L / MAINTENANCE s Too ER `�'�F BUILDING ,J STORgGE a78 CHIP $� �CLOTE Ek1 285 ,5.F=.- i p - CYCLICANG t I ASH SChffMIC YSTFP STORAGEL q I 2�e 200 S.F= ❑ RRIGATION PARTS ISO S.F. I o + MAINTENANCE SPRAYER BUILDING /Q LOADING/STO DAY 400 S fN 10 N Gr �RAIINRAL — , �h sranoN ------------ _ lot n EXISTIN SCAPE TO REMAIN b' 5 + LAN VIEW BIG CANYON COUNTRY LANDSCAPE SCREENING LAND BIG CANYON COUNTRY MAINTENANCE FACILITY CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 4 8 1I6 C O N C E R N NEWPORT BEACH , CA SCALE : 1 '1 = 8 ' - 0 " LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE DATE : 11 / 12 / 15 31 i Aj Co Co 00 651 _____________ _____________ _ Aj N 2 I -PAD-214.0 EXIST SD/ '` ' D HT LINE ® 22 210.7 PIPES/ — w / TOPS/ I2 98 ppp gT/H O.P. DAYLIGHT LINE ` \ ` ` AnPCC PARKING AREA � � �v '214.35 ;- 21�1ir.3 e ✓p�N 20p `. I \ �\ FF 45 - Z FR s9 213.73 12 3:92 �6 z �f PAD= 214.35 2114.35. x ' EXISTING ' ® - _ rcr res nervi r�,aYn. �1oy ® - �l/J� P°oC ✓0/ 20 G 0 1 n cn N FP 35 o. 4214 25 ; 214.25--1 , v w'` x � � � � - 1,�-WiSvas�bni crvz � EMERGENCY VEHICLE D y ^; x ✓p,N ,999j /�� F6 r N FS F.G _ f , _ o SEE DETAIL BELOW x I , ( ) T� 2127 3 `� 2 FG=6 A S \ / x BR( '� + x 211 .5 °0 2A 3: DAYLIGHT LINE — �� — / .gym. ;�-�tv.w>,• - fir.,'.. 1 � r F,G'H � 2.1F.4 � �` —�� Co/V _r , _._ V .(��' \-k\- DAYLIGHT LINE _d>'x amu -<r urges rla y -,ws��i.a�x ua�r��i �parvi ,aay.�•nrvil�u iav res n�, ry-c�crxiRrl�F-v ayneaH�-��.v{�nu�{�v.mrr�w.rwws vrrp -wmi_grxn ia�nau zl�i, n -- C 473 S33a 3SN3Q �x�x� _ ❑ _ _ 1 3S Q --�x �,x x x��-.!.�x^ - x�x� —— NC coASPH n 3NVl—_ — o ON ❑ — _ - — ----_— ----- — — 3�18 — --o- (o / ONOON _ ---o 3NV1 3N18 ---�— - ----��,\a « ✓ ___ x x —_ — p ONOOHdSV cu —---- --- ———— ------ — — — v -------- � rn co C x ` ASP/i N — — y�\ x ° HdSV .coo — ° °o— � ------ --_ _ — — — — — — — — U HdSV co U' �* —�_ — ONOO �— <"' — — �n — — — — — — — — — — — v rn HdSV cv o CO — — — — — — NC v v x \ — - ----- — —u — cb— — �& HdSV --- ———— ---- ------ \ \ v— svo_ NV co -- x — —3NI8Cq V — — — — — - ---_ HdSV — — — — — — — (N (0 — — — — — — — — — — HdSV HdSV _ —PROPOSED_DRI VE_AISLE— / EXISTING GRADE ' EXISTING GRADE \ i SECTION A-A JOIN EXISTING }5q NO SCALE 46' 26' 18' + VAR 34' MIN R/W LEGEND EARTHWORK PAD=214' DRIVE PARKING _ 12" HIGH � EXIST PROPOSED GRADE / BERM 3�`FENCE I 4' THICK PCC EXCAVATION/ CUT (PURE VOLUME) 1,900 C.Y. N f14' 6' THICK 2"-3" GRAVEL EMBANKMENT/ FILL (PURE VOLUME) 700 C.Y. EXISTING GRADE \ VAR 112'MAX EXPORT TO BE SPREAD ONSITE 1,200 C.Y. MACARTHUR BOULEVARD,.:, SECTION B-B + I I NO SCALE of v + "N I + o J I p p 0 4 45' / 30 15 0 30 ° CI PAD--°214' DRIVE PARKING VAR 34' MIN RlW a r 12" HIGH PROPOSED GRADE N BERM =�-FENCE EXIST SCALE IN FEET 26' \ I }14 1 inch =30 ft. EXISTING GRADE VAR 12 MAX MACARTHUR JOB NUMBER EMERGENCY VEHICLE � BDDLEVARD PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN 1140-458-009 I CIVIL ENGINEERS DATE: 03/02/2016 HAMMERHEAD TURNAROUND I ALDEN & LAND SURVEYORS FOR DRAWN: SK ADO SECTION C-C I SSOCIATES PLANNERS CHECKED: DB 1" = 20 NO SCALE TEMPORARY MAINTENANCE FACILITY SHEET 2552 WHITE ROAD,SUITE B, IRVINE,CA 92614 1 (949)660-0110 FAX:660-0418 1 BIG CANYON DRIVE OF NEWPORT BEACH, CA 1 S2