HomeMy WebLinkAbout17 - Annual Update to Fees and ChargesJuly 26, 2016 Agenda Item No. 17 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: Dan Matusiewicz, Finance Director - 949-644-3123, dmatusiewicz@newportbeachca.gov PREPARED BY: Theresa Schweitzer, Senior Accountant, tschweitzer@newportbeachca.gov PHONE: 949-644-3140 TITLE: Annual Update to Fees and Charges ABSTRACT: Local governmental operations are primarily funded from taxes, user fees, fines and grants. Each year, staff works with its consultant to analyze and update the user fees of certain departments. This year, staff reviewed the City-wide cost allocation plan and direct user fee calculations for Recreation and Senior Services (RSS), Library, Finance, and Municipal Operations Department (MOD), as well as analyzed the separation of mileage costs from Fire Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fees and the establishment of flat fees for certain Community Development Department (CDD) services. In addition, staff has recommended updates for certain fines and rents for those departments. If the fees are approved by the City Council as currently recommended, staff projects an overall revenue increase of approximately $237,000 to offset the projected costs, not including the CDD changes to flat rates. Staff brought the recommendations before Finance Committee on June 16, 2016, where it received approval with minor suggestions mentioned in the Background section below. RECOMMENDATION: a) Conduct a public hearing; b) Determine that the action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) and 15060(c)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines because it will not result in a physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly; c) Adopt Resolution No. 2016-93, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, Adopting the Annual Update to Fees and Charges; 17-1 Annual Update to Fees and Charges July 26, 2016 Page 2 d) Introduce Ordinance No. 2016-14, An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, Amending Exhibit A to Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 3.36.030 Related to Cost Recovery, Section 12.16.020 Related to Parking Penalties, Subsection 14.12.010(B) Related to Water Service Fees, and Ratifying Existing Library Fines, and pass to second reading on August 9, 2016; e) Adopt Resolution No. 2016-94, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, Establishing the Penalty Amounts for Parking Related Violations and Administrative Fees for Processing Delinquent Parking Violations and Rescinding Resolution No. 93-53 and Resolution No. 94-29; and f) Adopt Resolution No. 2016-95, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, Establishing Special Event Hourly Rates and Waiving Certain Special Event Fees and Charges for The Library Foundation and Arts Foundation. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: There is no expenditure of funds related to this item. DISCUSSION: Background The City Charter, Newport Beach Municipal Code (Municipal Code) and Fiscal Sustainability Plan (FSP) serve as the foundation for the City's financial planning and management. The Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) is a list of fees and charges that includes, but is not limited to, cost -of -services fees, fines and penalties, rents and other charges that are imposed by the City or may be mandated by the State of California. Local governmental operations are primarily funded from taxes, user fees, fines and grants. User fee services are those services that are performed or provided by a government agency on behalf of a private citizen or group. The starting assumption underlying most fee recommendations is that services benefiting specific individuals — as opposed to the community as a whole — should be paid for by the individual(s) receiving the benefit. While often referred to as "fees", charges for the use of public facilities are more comparable to rent. They are not limited to cost of service, but rather are set at the discretion of the City. Fines and penalties are established by ordinance and are meant to deter individuals from committing a particular action. 17-2 Annual Update to Fees and Charges July 26, 2016 Page 3 The majority of the charges discussed here are related to cost -of -services. The goal of cost -of -services fees is to recover the appropriate cost of providing those services, as mandated by Municipal Code Section 3.36, Council Policy F-4 (Revenue Measures) and Item 12 of the FSP. As a general rule, the City may not recover from service users more than the cost incurred by the City to provide the service. Municipal Code Section 3.36 mandates the percentage of costs to be recovered from direct user fees. There are a number of factors that influence cost recovery levels, including elasticity of demand, economic incentives (or disincentives) and the extent to which a particular service benefits the community at large as well as specific individuals or groups. In order to establish fees on the basis of full cost recovery, it is necessary to determine the cost of services. In 2010, the City entered into an agreement with MGT for a phased six-year comprehensive review and update of the City-wide cost allocation plan and direct user fee calculations, by department. MGT uses well-established cost accounting methodologies to calculate our municipal fees on a full cost recovery basis and to this end, works for a significant number of municipalities in California. This year, MGT studied the following departments: RSS Library Finance MOD Pursuant to the City's cost recovery policies, staff was tasked with accurately reporting the true cost of providing user fee -related services, and analyzing whether current fees needed to be updated as a result of MGT's findings. MGT reviewed each studied department's fee schedule and performed the following tasks for all fee categories: Calculated the fully burdened (overhead) cost to provide user services (see Attachment E for an explanation of how indirect or overhead costs are applied to the calculation of fees for service); Applied fully burdened labor rates to time requirement estimates; and Reviewed and cross checked results to ensure data validity. Indirect overhead costs are costs that are not directly accountable to the expenses incurred for a user fee service, but are necessary and contribute to the total cost of that service delivery, i.e., managerial administration, utilities, insurance, legal, information technology, payroll, and finance, which are all valid components of the analysis of what it costs the City to provide municipal services. Each studied department then reviewed MGT's findings for accuracy and reasonableness, and based upon this review, made its fee and subsidy recommendations pursuant to Municipal Code Section 3.36. 17-3 Annual Update to Fees and Charges July 26, 2016 Page 4 Below is a summary of the chanqes: Department Increasing Decreasing Deleted No Change New Totals RSS 7 1 23 262 0 293 Library 2 1 3 10 0 16 Finance 14 9 1 39 0 63 MOD 21 14 3 48 2 88 Misc. (Other Departments) 1 3 3 14 1 22 Police 2 0 0 0 0 2 Fire - EMS 1 3 0 2 0 6 TOTAL 48 31 33 375 3 490 PCT of TOTAL 10% 6% 7% 76% 1% 100% The increases and decreases noted above are typically due to changes in service delivery. Deleted services are often the result of either combining fees in an effort to simplify and standardize, or removing services that are obsolete. For purposes of brevity, not all fee changes are described in detail here; however, the fees and charges for each studied department can be found on Attachment D. The update recommended by staff includes a 1.97% increase in other non -studied department related fees based upon the change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) - All Urban Consumers for the Los Angeles -Riverside -Orange County from April 2015 (the date of the last CPI update) to April 2016. Municipal Code Section 3.36 states that "the cost recovery percentage appropriate for each user service shall be one hundred (100) percent with the exception of the user services listed in Exhibit "A" and those services for which the fee is limited by statute." Since the Code already allows for limitation by statute, staff recommends removing any service listed under Exhibit "A" of Municipal Code Section 3.36 that is based on statute. This includes Parking Reviews under Revenue and several other services listed under Police as shown in Attachment C. During this time, staff also took the opportunity to see what other updates should be done for non-scheduled departments/areas. One such area was to review how the recent bundling of Fire EMS services was working in an effort to see if it would be beneficial to separate out mileage for billing purposes. Also, with the encouragement of City Council to consider ways to make Building and Planning fees more certain and specific, staff has developed concepts for flat fees reflecting general plan check categories versus fees based on hourly work. 17-4 Annual Update to Fees and Charges July 26, 2016 Page 5 Staff presented the recommended changes to the Finance Committee on June 16, 2016. The Finance Committee approved staff recommendations — but suggested that staff simplify the fee schedule attachment, provide a history of Municipal Code Section 3.36 subsidies (Attachment H), and a minimum amount for the recommended ranges within Exhibit "A" of Municipal Code Section 3.36.030. Staff incorporated Finance Committee's suggestions. Recreation and Senior Services RSS works to enhance our community's quality of life by providing safe and well- maintained facilities and parks. They respond to community needs through quality educational, recreational, cultural and social programs for people of all ages. The department was last studied in 2011. Rarraatinn Because MGT found that current Preschool Camps and Programs fees are not quite recovering the percentage of cost of service as required by Municipal Code Section 3.36, staff proposes a 1.9% increase in Preschool Camps and Programs fees. Staff recommends all other Recreation fees to remain the same at this time. Senior Services Staff recommends no fee changes within Senior Services. Municipal Code Section 3.36 Staff recommends revising Municipal Code Section 3.36 to set percentage recovery ranges, in order to give the RSS Director and City Manager flexibility to adjust RSS fees for contract sports and classes as needed, based on demand. Please see Attachment H for more detail. Facility Use charges are being removed since facility rentals are not limited to cost of service. Facility Rentals are recommended to remain the same with annual CPI increases beginning with the next study. The remaining services are being adjusted to keep the fee at or near the current cost. Changes to Municipal Code Section 3.36 are detailed in Attachment C. Special Event Hourly Rates Special events hosted within the City of Newport Beach frequently require the use and time of City staff. Staff acknowledges the benefit to the community provided through special events and therefore established reduced hourly rates for some Police, Fire, and Public Works staff, approved by Council in 2011. Staff recommends establishing and annually updating the special event hourly rates for all City staff by using the budgeted hourly rates approved by Council each June (without benefits or overhead) at time and a half and putting these rates into effect July 1 of each year. The current special event hourly rate schedule would be updated using the hourly rates of the staff members who are most frequently used for special events, but the methodology would be in place for all City staff. Staff also proposes waiving special event permit fees, facility rental charges, and business license fees for the Library Foundation and Arts Foundation. 17-5 Annual Update to Fees and Charges July 26, 2016 Page 6 Library The mission of the Newport Beach Public Library is "to be the cultural, educational and informational heart of Newport Beach." There are four Branch locations throughout the City with an array of services, programs, and events offered to the public. The last fee study completed for the Library was in 2011. Library Services Staff recommends no change to the Library Services, such as, Materials Use and Inter Library Loan that will remain at $1 and $5, respectively. Municipal Code 3.36 will be updated to reflect these as amounts rather than percentages. Passport Services Passport Services are now handled by, and now indicated under, the Library rather than City Clerk. Staff recommends, rather than charging the full cost of $28 for passport photos, updating Municipal Code 3.36 to keep the fee at the current rate of $10 for passport photos. $10 is also comparable to the passport photos rates in the surrounding area. Meeting Rooms Staff recommends one cancellation charge for all Library programs and facilities rather than the two fees that are currently on the Schedule. This proposed fee is increasing from $31 to $59 to reflect the full cost of service. The fee has not increased since 2011 when it increased by one dollar. The Refundable Cleaning Deposit is being reduced to reflect the pass through cost of an unscheduled cleaning service. Staff recommends the removal of the setup and cleanup fee for the use of the kitchen. There is not an additional cost for the cleaning company to clean the kitchen unless it is unscheduled. If additional cleaning is required after a rental, the cost will be collected from the Refundable Cleaning Deposit. The Setup and Cleanup Fee is increasing from $75 to $114, to reflect the current staff cost. This fee has not changed for over 10 years. Staff recommends removing the Energy Surcharge, as it has historically not been charged and staff does not foresee the need to charge it in the future. The Board of Library Trustees unanimously recommended these changes on May 16, 2016, in accordance with Council Policy 1-7. Finance Permits The Revenue Division of the Finance Department is responsible for overall revenue administration, including development, recovery, and analysis. Many of the services provided by Revenue are meant to implement and enforce Municipal Code revenue programs. The Revenue Division was last studied in 2011. 17-6 Annual Update to Fees and Charges July 26, 2016 Page 7 Some of the more notable changes occurred in Dog Licensing, Vehicles for Hire, and Short Term Lodging Permit fees. Staff proposes an increase in the Dog License fees for both sterilized and unaltered dogs from $12 and $24 to $20 and $40, respectively. The dog licensing fee was changed to include the pass through costs of the contractor, Pet Data, as well as the addition of Animal Control personnel time and Finance staff time. A Vehicle For Hire is required to get a certificate from the City. The Vehicles For Hire process has recently been revamped and this study was able to capture those changes resulting in the base fee for the certificate going up $745, but the per vehicle charge, the drivers permit, and renewal fees going down by $304, $578, and $137 respectively. The cost of issuing a Short Term Lodging Permit fee has decreased by $60 due to several steps and positions being eliminated. Parking Fines California Vehicle Code (CVC) Section 40203.5 (a) allows a governing body of the jurisdiction where the notice of parking violation is issued to establish a schedule of parking fines for parking violations and late payment penalties. In 1993, the State of California adopted Assembly Bill 408 which decriminalized parking citations and required the City to assume process, collection and adjudication responsibilities for parking violations. City Council approved Resolution No. 93-53, which established fines for Municipal Code violations related to parking and also authorized CPI increases, every two years. The following year, Resolution 94-29 was approved to impose administrative fees for processing delinquent parking violations. Staff recommends updating the Municipal Code and adopting Resolution No. 2016-94 to include and update all parking violations, provide flexibility to add fines to the Schedule into the future, establish annual CPI increases, and consolidate these changes and the late fees into one resolution. The new resolution also includes a late fee penalty to encourage prompt payment of parking fines imposed. Late penalties will be assessed on delinquent parking violations in accordance with CVC Section 40203.5 (a) and Section 40207 (a). Municipal Operations Department (MOD) MOD provides clean, safe, and responsive utility and infrastructure maintenance services to the community. They were last studied in 2011. Water Related Fees The newly calculated cost of service for the Construction Water Meter Establishment Charge is $206. Staff recommends increasing the recovery percentage from 30 percent to 50 percent resulting in a fee of $103. This will cause the fee to go down by one dollar. The current process requires a deposit for the full cost of the water meter. A service fee is also required for City staff to deliver, install and lock the meter to the fire hydrant. Staff recommends subsidizing the service portion of the fee because this process has been found to save the City money in broken and stolen meters. 17-7 Annual Update to Fees and Charges July 26, 2016 Page 8 Staff recommends updating Municipal Code Section 14.12.010 to remove the language regarding adding 25 percent overhead into the fees. The fees as studied include overhead and no additional amount should be added in. Miscellaneous Trench plates are rarely if ever rented out; therefore, a cost of service fee, Trench Plate Delivery, was established rather than charging monthly rental fees. This covers the staff time to load, deliver, setup, takedown, and re -inventory the trench plates. Administration Staff also studied the cost of services associated with the Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) Annual Permit. This is a State mandated program to ensure grease producing businesses are not dumping their grease into sewer systems by requiring cities to implement a FOG Control Program, conduct annual inspections, and review collection logs annually. The cost of providing this service is $283; however, staff recommends not charging a fee for this service, in order to encourage businesses to establish grease disposal programs and comply with State law, without adding to the cost of doing business. With approximately 370 permits processed each year, the total cost to the City for this program is estimated at $104,710. All Departments The first section in SRFF titled "All Departments" lists services that cross over multiple departments. During this study, staff also looked into what updates were appropriate for this section. There are recommended deletions for services we no longer provide as well as updates in the fees to charge for Public Records Acts requests. Materials costs are updated to reflect the current cost to the City for providing the service. Fire — EMS Mileage On September 22, 2015, the City Council adopted Resolution 2015-76 amending the City's fee schedule including Paramedic Service User Fees for the City's EMS. As part of the new fee structure, staff recommended incorporating all incidental costs associated with providing the services including transportation mileage, oxygen, expendable materials, etc. into one blended fee. The blended fees allow for more straightforward fees and a streamlined billing process. The new fees were effective November 12, 2015. Based on a recommendation from the City's EMS billing company, Wittman Enterprises LLC, staff proposes separating mileage charges from the blended rates. Moving back to a structure with separate mileage charges is necessary in order to maximize reimbursement rates from Medicare, Medi -Cal, and other insurance payers that cap treatment and transport fees, but allow for separate mileage charges. Medicare patients alone represent 56 percent of our annual transports. 17-8 Annual Update to Fees and Charges July 26, 2016 Page 9 Mileage related costs were pulled out of the prior fee calculation and resulted in a cost of $11.56 per mile. This also resulted in a decrease to the Advanced Life Support (ALS), Basic Life Support (BLS) and Transport fees in the amounts of $29, $23, and $8, respectively. Based on revised revenue projections prepared by Wittman Enterprises LLC, the potential revenue increase of the proposed fee modification would be approximately $180,000. Medicare and Medi -Cal patients would not see a change in their bill while other insured and private pay patients would see an increase of up to approximately $13 for ALS and $19 for BLS, based on an average transport of 4.33 miles. Community Development The Building and Planning divisions of Community Development were studied last year, and Council adopted the updated fees on September 8, 2015. At that time, there was discussion related to flat fees versus fees assessed by hourly rates. With the encouragement by City Council to consider ways to make Building and Planning fees more certain and specific, staff has developed concepts for flat fees reflecting general plan check categories versus fees based on hourly work. Building plan check and permit fees are often valuation based to allow for variability within the fee category for projects of all shapes and sizes. The adopted fee study looked at broad categories of activities and compared the annual cost of time spent on that activity with the annual revenue. As a result of that analysis, a factor was applied to all fees within that service category. Planning fees are often established as deposit accounts where an hourly rate is used to draw down from those accounts as staff works on the project. The Deposit Account hourly rate is a blended rate consisting of Planning staff time ranging from Planning Technician up to Planning Manager. Working with MGT, staff evaluated current practices, reviewed project history and time accounting, and evaluated where it might be prudent to develop flat fees rather than valuation or hourly basis. Staff and MGT findings are included in this study for review and discussion. Where applicable, flat fees have been established for certain services where the average cost is subject to minimum fluctuation. Depending on the number of and complexity of projects, revenues may go up or down. Due to the uncertainty of the impact of the changes, no revenue adjustments have been applied for these changes. Following is the list of proposed changes to CDD fees that were brought before the Finance Committee on June 16, 2016. As you will note, not all of the fees are recommended to be converted to a flat fee. Building Plan Review and Permit and Inspection fees would be converted to flat fees for all residential projects and commercial tenant improvements (TI). Commercial projects (other than TI) would remain valuation based. 17-9 Annual Update to Fees and Charges July 26, 2016 Page 10 Preliminary Plan Review, Plan Check Hourly Rate, and Additional Plan Review and Rechecks In Excess of 2 Rechecks would be combined into one Plan Check Hourly Rate. Municipal Code Section 3.36 would be revised to increase the fee by $1 for Permit Issuance (Counter Only) Electrical, Plumbing to $33, to match the Mechanical Permit Issuance (Counter Only) Fee. Planning All Deposit Accounts would be converted to flat fees, except: o Coastal Residential Development Permit — Delete. The City does not currently issue this type of permit. o Development Agreement Adoption — Maintain as an hourly based fee due to variability in the scope of development agreements. o Off Site Parking Agreement — Delete. A separate fee is not required since the agreement is part of the Use Permit. o Telecom Permits — Delete. This permit has been replaced by other permit types. Residential Zoning Plan Check fees — Delete as a separate fee. This service is proposed to be incorporated into the appropriate Building Plan Review fee. Commercial Zoning Plan Checks — Revise. Commercial tenant improvements would be incorporated into the appropriate Building Plan Review fee. New commercial/non-residential buildings would be billed on an hourly basis at the hourly rate of $150. Since the Finance Committee meeting on June 16, staff has refined the proposed fees further. To provide for a more equitable fee structure for both smaller and larger projects, staff proposes tiered fees for both new construction of one & two family dwellings and projects considered additions. For new one & two development projects staff recommends five flat fee tiers depending on the size of the structure. For projects that are considered additions, staff recommends six flat fee tiers based on the size of the addition. Staff believes this will provide a more equitable fee structure for smaller projects versus larger type projects. For "alteration" type projects, staff recommends to maintain a valuation based fee structure. Because there is such a wide variety of projects that are considered as an "alteration", the number of flat fees necessary would create an inefficient fee structure. Over a year ago, staff launched iPermits to allow the public an efficient method of obtaining simple construction related permits online. iPermits has been a very successful pilot program, steadily growing over the past year. Staff continues to work towards expanding the permits offered on the iPermits platform. In January 2017 iPermits will expand to allow the public the opportunity to obtain permits online for the replacement of windows and for reroofs of single family and duplex dwellings. These two new permits will allow contractors or home owners the opportunity to obtain the permits without having to come to the City Hall permit center, saving time for both the applicant and the City. Permits issued online require no plan check fee; therefore, there will be a significant cost savings for the applicant. 17-10 Annual Update to Fees and Charges July 26, 2016 Page 11 After further consideration of the discretionary planning application fees, staff is recommending that all applications will have a flat fee with the exception of: General Plan Amendment, Planned Community Amendment, Code Amendment, Local Coastal Program, Planned Community Development Plan, and Development Agreements. These discretionary actions are often associated with projects that are too variable in terms of complexity, scope, and staff time to charge a flat fee. In addition, these applications are usually paired together and reviewed concurrently. Therefore, it is difficult to estimate how much staff time is being spent on each legislative action. Implementation Dates Depending on the type of charge, there are three (3) possible implementation dates: 1. Charges that do not require an ordinance change and are not development fees are implemented immediately following Council approval. Example: Sound Amp Permit — assuming Council approval, would be implemented July 26. Because it does not require an ordinance change and is not related to building and development, it can be implemented immediately after approval and adoption. 2. Charges that do require an ordinance change, i.e. — subsidized fees, are implemented thirty (30) days after the second reading. Example: Library Passport Photo — assuming Council approval, would be implemented August 9. The Library Passport Photo is a subsidized cost -of - services fee which requires an amendment of NBMC Section 3.36 Exhibit "A". Pursuant to the City Charter, an ordinance change requires a 1St reading, 2nd reading, then 30 days before adoption. 3. Building and development related fees are implemented at least sixty (60) days after the adoption date. Implementation dates are noted in Attachment "D". Conclusion If the fees are approved by the City Council, as currently recommended, staff projects an overall revenue increase of approximately $237,000 to offset the projected costs, not including the CDD changes to flat rates. 17-11 Annual Update to Fees and Charges July 26, 2016 Page 12 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Staff recommends the City Council find this action is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. NOTICING: The agenda item has been noticed according to Government Code Section 66018(a) (two publications with at least five days intervening between the two dates), Government Code Section 66016(a) (notice mailed at least 14 days prior to the meeting to any interested party who files a written request) (mailed notice to Building Industry Association of Southern California, AT&T, and Southern California Gas Company on June 28, 2016), and the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A — Resolution with Annual Update to Fees and Charges Attachment B — Ordinance Amending Municipal Code Section 3.36.030, Section 17-12 12.16.020, Subsection 14.12.010(8), and Ratifying Existing Library Fines Attachment C — Redline Amended Code Sections Attachment D — SRFF with Recommended Changes Attachment E — Application of Indirect Costs to the Calculation of Fees for Services Attachment F — Resolution Establishing the Penalties for Parking Related Violations and Administrative Fees for Processing Delinquent Parking Violations and Rescinding Resolution No. 93-53 and Resolution No. 94-29 Attachment G — Resolution Establishing Special Event Hourly Rates and Waiving Certain Special Event Fees and Charges for The Library Foundation and Arts Foundation Attachment H — Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 3.36 Recovery Percentage History 17-12 ATTACHMENT A RESOLUTION NO. 2016-93 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE ANNUAL UPDATE TO FEES AND CHARGES WHEREAS, the attached schedule contains City charges that require updating, including, but not limited to: fees for service, fines, penalties, pass through, and statutory fees; WHEREAS, the fees for service are no more than the cost to the City to provide such services; WHEREAS, in 2010, the City of Newport Beach ("City") retained MGT of America, Inc. ("MGT") to prepare the cost allocation plan and cost -of -services studies for City services; WHEREAS, pursuant to its agreement, MGT prepared the Recreation and Senior Services, Library, Finance, Municipal Operations, Community Development, and Fire - Emergency Medical Services cost -of -services study; WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2015-29, amending Exhibit A to NBMC Section 3.36.030 (Cost Recovery for User Services); WHEREAS, Exhibit A to NBMC Section 3.36.030 contains cost recovery percentages for specific services, and provides that the City Council may modify the fee resolution upon a determination that there has been an increase or decrease in one or more cost factors relevant to the calculation of the actual cost of providing the service; WHEREAS, fines and penalties are required to ensure compliance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code ("NBMC"), California Vehicle Code ("CVC"), and other applicable laws and statutes; WHEREAS, pass through costs for actual services or tangible goods do not include staff time; WHEREAS, statutory fees are mandated or capped by another authority, such as the state; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires the City charges to be updated to reflect the decreases and increases in the MGT studied costs, the changes in fees due to the Consumer Price Index, the cost recovery percentages established by NBMC Chapter 3.36, to add new fees for City services or delete outmoded fees, and to update fines, charges, and statutory fees. 17-13 NOW, THERFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach resolves as follows: Section 1: The City Council hereby adopts the proposed fees and charges, attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and incorporated herein by reference. Except where prohibited by law, all fees provided shall be rounded down to the nearest dollar. Section 2: Direct pass through, or actual, fees may be updated as necessary to ensure recovery of cost. Section 3: All proposed fees and charges shall take effect immediately, except for fees for development related services, which shall take effect ninety (90) calendar days following adoption of this resolution, and those requiring ordinance changes, which shall take effect thirty (30) calendar days following the second reading. Section 4: Any Master Fee Resolution or prior Master Fee Schedule, or part thereof, that is in conflict with this resolution and the attached Exhibit 1, is hereby repealed and of no further force or effect. Section 5: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this resolution. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this resolution and each section, subsection, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one (1) or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional. Section 6: The recitals provided in this resolution are true and correct and are incorporated into the substantive portion of this resolution. Section 7: The City Council finds the adoption of this resolution and the Master Fee Schedule is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. Section 8: The Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall certify the vote adopting the passage of this resolution. ADOPTED this 26th day of July, 2016. Diane B. Dixon, Mayor ATTEST: 17-14 Leilani I. Brown, City Clerk Attachment: Exhibit 1 — SRFF Annual Update to Fees and Charges 17-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% 16 SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date ALL DEPARTMENTS (Fees were reviewed in detail and adjustments were made based on study results and not CPI adjustments) Public Record Requests see notes see notes Statute Public Records Act Requests / Materials plus Direct Salary & Benefits Hourly Duplication Rate 7/26/2016 Regular Photo Copies $ 3.00 $ 5.00 Statute Public Records Act Requests / Materials plus incremental rate per every 5 minutes of service 7/26/2016 8.5" x 11" Black and White Copy $ 0.08 $ 0.03 Pass Thru Per Page / 7/26/2016 8.5" x 11" Color Copy $ 0.16 $ 0.10 Pass Thru I Per Page / 7/26/2016 Scanned Copy N/A $ 0.02 Pass Thru Per Page / 7/26/2016 +k4tr� �;eSDelete No Longer Have Print Shop CGS Pt- / ""ateFia'S YJUS Hn 7/26/2016 Records on Computer DVD/CD see notes see notes Statute Public Records Act Requests / Materials plus Direct Salary and Benefits Hourly Duplication Rate 7/26/2016 DVD/CD DVD $1.12 CD $0.80 $ 0.49 Pass Thru Per Disk / 7/26/2016 Outside Copy Services see notes see notes Pass Thru / 100% of Contractor Cost 7/26/2016 8.5" )( "" Gepies 49^ ""'^ ^°'^" Delete, Obsolete see Fietes C;QvepP^^ ° 7/26/2016 !V' , 17"''^^'^s „f DFa S a,,... Mi ff^f'^"^ Delete, Obsolete �^S�P^^ ° 7/26/2016 Collection Costs see notes see notes Pass Thru Costs and Charges for Collection of Delinquent Fees / 100% of all third party costs and charges 7/26/2016 Return Check Fee $ 25.00 $ 25.00 Statute First Returned Check Within One Year Period / Maximum Permitted 7/26/2016 Return Check Fee $ 35.00 $ 35.00 Statute Second And Subsequent Returned Checks Within One Year Period / Maximum Permitted 7/26/2016 Notary Fee $ 10.00 $ 10.00 Statute Per Signature/ Maximum Permitted 7/26/2016 Atlas Books see notes see notes Pass Thru / 100% of Contractor Cost 7/26/2016 "E" Size Maps see notes see notes Pass Thru / 100% of Contractor Cost 7/26/2016 "B" Size Color Maps see notes see notes Pass Thru / 100% of Contractor Cost 7/26/2016 "D" Size Atlas Sheets Maps see notes see notes Pass Thru / 100% of Contractor Cost 7/26/2016 "B" Size Atlas Map Book Sheets see notes see notes Pass Thru / 100% of Contractor Cost 7/26/2016 Penalty and Interest see notes see notes Penalty If fees for services are not paid when due, then in addition to the fees for services a late payment penalty in the amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the unpaid amount shall be imposed. / 10% First Penalty / 10% Second Penalty/ 10% Interest 7/26/2016 DOJ Fee for Fingerprint Processing see notes see notes Pass Thru Processing Charge / Pass Through 100% DOJ Charge 7/26/2016 1 17-16 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% 16 SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date FINANCE (Fees were reviewed in detail and adjustments were made based on study results and not CPI adjustments) Revenue Business License Initial Application $ 46.00 $ 56.00 COS -Fee Application Processing Fee / 7/26/2016 Business License - duplicate $ 10.00 $ 10.00 COS -Fee Reprint Certificate / 7/26/2016 Business License - change in information $ 20.00 $ 22.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 Dog License Unaltered $ 24.00 $ 40.00 COS -Fee Per Year / Service is provided by a vendor. 7/26/2016 Dog License -Sterilized $ 12.00 $ 20.00 COS -Fee Per Year / Service is provided by a vendor. 50% Recovery per Food and Agricultural Code 30804.5 7/26/2016 Dog License Tag Replacement $ 4.00 $ 6.00 COS -Fee Tag Replacement / Service is provided by a vendor. 7/26/2016 Dog License Late Charge $ 2.50 $ 2.50 Pass Thru Late Charge / Service is provided by a vendor. 7/26/2016 �ergp ' Hand Pealef Relocate to PD $ 85 0 $ 9i.09 CPS Fee Pe� 7/26/2016 �Pr.Ap ' Wand Peal Relocate to PD $ 466 0^ $ 69 09^tea^^^ Renewal 1 ^^' FqFigeFpFqRt ff9eessing-/-7/26/2016 Vehicles For Hire - Certificate $ 1,053.00 $ 1,798.00 COS -Fee Certificate (Plus Fee For Each Vehicle Shown Below) / 7/26/2016 Vehicles For Hire - Fee per Vehicle $ 486.00 $ 182.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Vehicle / 7/26/2016 Vehicles For Hire - Annual Per Vehicle Fee $ 468.00 $ 182.00 COS -Fee Annual Per Vehicle / 7/26/2016 Vehorl�, a ��,-,.<n Hire Delete, Same as Above $ ^.08 9 $ 468.89 CQ` Fee n... . I k1phi le Fee [... Fael; Additional VphieL. / 7/26/2016 Vehicles For Hire - Driver's Permit $ 919.00 $ 341.00 COS -Fee Driver's Permit/ 7/26/2016 Vehicles For Hire - Driver's Permit Renewal $ 468.00 $ 331.00 COS -Fee Driver's Permit Renewal / 7/26/2016 Fire Arms Sales Permit $ 72.00 $ 104.00 COS -Fee Permit For Retail Sales / 7/26/2016 Adult Oriented Business Permits $ 768.00 $ 1,023.00 COS -Fee Permit / 7/26/2016 Escort Service Permit $ 731.00 $ 887.00 COS -Fee Permit To Conduct Escort Services / 7/26/2016 Escort Service Per Employee $ 363.00 $ 456.00 COS -Fee Escort Employee / 7/26/2016 Live Entertainment Permit $ 156.00 $ 154.00 COS -Fee Permit / 7/26/2016 Dance Permit $ 156.00 $ 154.00 COS -Fee Permit / 7/26/2016 Short Term Lodging Permits - initial $ 153.00 $ 93.00 COS -Fee Permit / 7/26/2016 2 17-17 39 40 41 42 43 78 79 80 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Short Term Lodging Permits - reprint $ 9.00 $ 11.00 COS -Fee Reprint Certificate / 7/26/2016 Sound Amp Permit $ 151.00 $ 65.00 COS -Fee Permit / 7/26/2016 Delinquent TOT payment $ 38.00 $ 49.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 TOT reprint $ 10.00 $ 12.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 Film Production Application -Without Film Liaison $ 504.00 $ 260.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 Review of Hotel Special Package Application $ 145.00 $ 179.00 COS -Fee Hotels Special Package Deals / 7/26/2016 Preferential Parking Permit $ 16.00 $ 16.00 COS -Fee / To be studied after new contract in place 7/26/2016 Parking Permit Replacement Fee $ 10.00 $ 10.00 COS -Fee / Was not on previous Schedule, but this is not a new fee. To be studied after new contract in place 7/26/2016 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING Administration Special Inspector Original Licenses Each Test $ 99.00 $ 101.00 COS -Fee Per Classification / 10/24/2016 Special Inspector Licenses Renewal $ 66.00 $ 67.00 COS -Fee Per Classification / 10/24/2016 Record Management $ 2.00 $ 2.00 COS -Fee Per Sheet Of Drawing / 10/24/2016 Appeals Board Hearing $ 1,506.00 $ 1,535.00 COS -Fee Filing Fee for Appeal / 50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 10/24/2016 Modification To UBC/Alt. Materials & Methods Each Item $ 270.00 $ 276.00 COS -Fee To Comply With Section 105 & 106 Of The Uniform Administrative Code / 10/24/2016 Authorization to duplicate record drawings $ 35.00 $ 36.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Accessibility Hardship $ 1,063.00 $ 1,084.00 COS -Fee Board Ratification / 10/24/2016 Flood Zone Determination $ 97.00 $ 99.00 COS -Fee Written Determination / 10/24/2016 Real Property $ 245.00 $ 250.00 COS -Fee Document Prep/Transfer/Assign/Ext / 10/24/2016 Plan Reviews One/Two Family Structure (101/103) (0-2,500 sq ft) see notes $ 2,858.00 COS -Fee Plan Review / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee 10/24/2016 One/Two Family Structure (101/103) (2,501-3,500 sq ft) see notes $ 3,237.00 COS -Fee Plan Review / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee 10/24/2016 One/Two Family Structure (101/103) (3,501-4,500 sq ft) I see notes $ 4,186.00 COS -Fee I Plan Review / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee 10/24/2016 One/Two Family Structure (101/103) (4,501-5,500 sq ft) I see notes $ 5,135.00 1 COS -Fee Plan Review / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee 10/24/2016 3 17-18 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date One/Two Family Structure (101/103) (5,501+ sq ft) see notes $ 6,083.00 COS -Fee Plan Review / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee 10/24/2016 Patios/Decks/Trellis (329) see notes $ 282.00 COS -Fee Plan Review / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee 10/24/2016 One/Two Family Addition (434) (0-250 sq ft) see notes $ 719.00 COS -Fee Plan Review / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee 10/24/2016 One/Two Family Addition (434) (251-500 sq ft) see notes $ 1,004.00 COS -Fee Plan Review / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee 10/24/2016 One/Two Family Addition (434) (501-1,000 sq ft) see notes $ 1,383.00 COS -Fee Plan Review / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee 10/24/2016 One/Two Family Addition (434) (1,001-2,000 sq ft) see notes $ 2,048.00 COS -Fee Plan Review / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee 10/24/2016 One/Two Family Addition (434) (2,001-3,000 sq ft) see notes $ 3,091.00 COS -Fee Plan Review / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee 10/24/2016 One/Two Family Addition (434) (3,001+ sq ft) see notes $ 3,850.00 COS -Fee Plan Review / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee 10/24/2016 One/Two Family Shoring see notes $ 860.00 COS -Fee Plan Review / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee 10/24/2016 Solar (434) see notes $ 343.00 COS -Fee Plan Review / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee 10/24/2016 Additions of Residential Garages/Carports (438) see notes $ 615.00 COS -Fee Plan Review / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee 10/24/2016 Fire Sprinkler/Alarms/Misc. see notes $ 190.00 COS -Fee Plan Review / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee 10/24/2016 Demolitions: One Family Structure (645) see notes $ 283.00 COS -Fee Plan Review / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee 10/24/2016 Demolitions: Multi -Family Structure (646/647) see notes $ 279.00 COS -Fee Plan Review / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee 10/24/2016 Demolitions: Other Than Structure (648/649) see notes $ 279.00 COS -Fee Plan Review / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee 10/24/2016 Miscellaneous: Fences/Retaining Walls/Sign see notes $ 380.00 COS -Fee Plan Review / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee 10/24/2016 Miscellaneous: Re -roofs see notes $ 146.00 COS -Fee Plan Review / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee 10/24/2016 Pools/Spas see notes $ 338.00 COS -Fee Plan Review / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee 10/24/2016 Il Feli . iAaF.. Plan Revsyi C" :�qgoo 7 [ ����e 4 rn`QS FeeCee 4111 east theFea4eF. FiFst n F .... a h961FS F.FUJI e theF,afte.. r 4 ac m.,L�w. A ' .. M.G. 10/24/2016 Plan Check Hourly Rate $ 189.00 $ 189.00 COS -Fee Fee per Hour / Phasing in 50% of the Increase to Full Cost 9/22/15 and the remaining 50% in 1 year. Preliminary plan reviews are free for the first two hours and full cost thereafter. Rechecks are charged hourly in excess of 2 rechecks. 10/24/2016 AdditiARRI Dh... D... eVg ARH RPCheG'(q I.. rXGPgq Of P o,.,-h,.,.I,.. 229.Q^ � ��^o C;Qq Pe. r,...,.,..�,..,.. �,.,, o,.. u,.��, nn�..�,..,, �..., u- u_ _ i 10/24/2016 Plan Review (Non -Residential and Residential Alterations) 87% of Building Permit Fee 87% of Building Permit Fee COS -Fee Buildings Or Structures / CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee 10/24/2016 Repetitive Plan Review 25% of Plan Review Fee 25% of Plan Review Fee COS -Fee Similar Units In Tracts Containing More Than 5 Units After Model When Full Fee Is Paid For Model / CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee 10/24/2016 4 17-19 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Energy Compliance Review 0.07% of Construction Cost 0.07% of Construction Cost COS -Fee Title 24 compliance review of documents / Minimum $56. Maximum for 1 & 2 dwelling $268. $484 maximum for all others. CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee 10/24/2016 Disabled Access Compliance Review 0.1% of Construction Cost 0.1% of Construction Cost COS -Fee Title 24 compliance review of documents / Minimum $82. Maximum $830. CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee 10/24/2016 Grading Plan Review by City Staff 87% of Grading Permit Fee 87% of Grading Permit Fee COS -Fee Code Compliance Review of Grading Plans / CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee 10/24/2016 Grading Plan Review of Complex Projects by Consultant 118% of Consultant Fee 118% of Consultant Fee COS -Fee Code Compliance Review of Grading Plans / CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee (Consultant 100% Pass Thru, City Staff COS -Fee 18% of Consultant fee) 10/24/2016 Determination of Unreasonable Hardship $ 298.00 $ 304.00 COS -Fee To comply with Disabled Access Requirements / 10/24/2016 Electrical Plan Review 87% of Total Electrical Permit Fee 87% of Total Electrical Permit Fee COS -Fee Code compliance review of electrical plans / CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee 10/24/2016 Mechanical Plan Review 87% of Total Mechanical Permit Fee 87% of Total Mechanical Permit Fee COS -Fee Code compliance review of HVAC plans / CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee 10/24/2016 Plumbing Plan Review 87% of Total Plumbing Permit Fee 87% of Total Plumbing Permit Fee COS -Fee Code compliance review of Plumbing plans / CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee 10/24/2016 Drainage Plan Review for Alteration to Drainage $ 287.00 $ 293.00 COS -Fee Drainage compliance review of documents / 10/24/2016 Water Quality Management Plan Review (Commercial Projects) see notes see notes Pass Thru Code Compliance Review -Building Fee / Actual costs of licensed contractor 10/24/2016 Water Quality Management Inspections (Commercial Projects) $ 291.00 $ 296.00 COS -Fee Code Compliance Review/Inspections / 10/24/2016 Water Quality Management Plan Review (Residential Projects) see notes see notes Pass Thru Code Compliance Review -Building Fee / Actual costs of licensed contractor 10/24/2016 Water Quality Management Inspections (Residential Projects) $ 247.00 $ 252.00 COS -Fee Code Compliance Review/Inspections / 10/24/2016 Expedite Plan Review 1.75 X Regular Plan Review Fees, $399 minimum 1.75 X Regular Plan Review Fees, $399 minimum COS -Fee lRequest To Expedite Plan Check and Work Overtime / 10/24/2016 Plan Check Extension $ 56.00 $ 57.00 COS -Fee Request To Extend Plan Check / 10/24/2016 Harbor Construction Plan Review 87% of Harbor Construction Permit Fee $ 283.00 COS -Fee Code Compliance Review / Studied as a flat fee 2016. 50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 10/24/2016 Waste Management Administration Fee $ 23.00 $ 24.00 COS -Fee Administration Fee Demolition / 10/24/2016 Inspections Off -Hours Inspection Request $ 205.00 $ 209.00 COS -Fee I Per Hour, 2 Hour Minimum @ 1.5/hr / 10/24/2016 Re -Inspection $ 148.00 $ 148.00 COS -Fee Per Hour Assessed When Corrections Are Not Completed / Phasing in 50% of the Increase to Full Cost 9/22/15 and the remaining 50% in 1 year 10/24/2016 Other Inspections $ 148.00 $ 148.00 COS -Fee Per Hour Inspections Not Otherwise Specified / One Hour Minimum / Phasing in 50% of the Increase to Full Cost 9/22/15 and the remaining 50% in 1 year 10/24/2016 Permit Fees One/Two Family Structure (101/103) (0-2,500 sq ft) see notes $ 3,238.00 COS -Fee JPermit & Inspection / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based 10/24/2016 One/Two Family Structure (101/103) (2,501-3,500 sq ft) see notes $ 4,563.00 COS -Fee Permit & Inspection / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based 10/24/2016 5 17-20 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date One/Two Family Structure (101/103) (3,501-4,500 sq ft) see notes $ 5,152.00 COS -Fee Permit & Inspection / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based 10/24/2016 One/Two Family Structure (101/103) (4,501-5,500 sq ft) see notes $ 5,888.00 COS -Fee Permit & Inspection / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based 10/24/2016 One/Two Family Structure (101/103) (5,501+ sq ft) see notes $ 8,096.00 COS -Fee Permit & Inspection / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based 10/24/2016 Patios/Decks/Trellis (329) see notes $ 337.00 COS -Fee Permit & Inspection / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based 10/24/2016 Harbor see notes $ 270.00 COS -Fee Permit & Inspection / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based. 50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 10/24/2016 One/Two Family Addition (434) (0-250 sq ft) see notes $ 736.00 COS -Fee Permit & Inspection / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based 10/24/2016 One/Two Family Addition (434) (251-500 sq ft) see notes $ 1,177.00 COS -Fee Permit & Inspection / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based 10/24/2016 One/Two Family Addition (434) (501-1,000 sq ft) see notes $ 1,766.00 COS -Fee Permit & Inspection / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based 10/24/2016 One/Two Family Addition (434) (1,001-2,000 sq ft) see notes $ 2,649.00 COS -Fee Permit & Inspection / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based 10/24/2016 One/Two Family Addition (434) (2,001-3,000 sq ft) see notes $ 3,827.00 COS -Fee Permit & Inspection / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based 10/24/2016 One/Two Family Addition (434) (3,001+ sq ft) see notes $ 4,858.00 COS -Fee Permit & Inspection / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based 10/24/2016 One/Two Family Shoring see notes $ 520.00 COS -Fee Permit & Inspection / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based 10/24/2016 Solar (434) see notes $ 423.00 COS -Fee Permit & Inspection / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based 10/24/2016 Additions of Residential Garages/Carports (438) see notes $ 583.00 COS -Fee Permit & Inspection / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based 10/24/2016 Fire Sprinkler/Alarms/Misc. see notes $ 225.00 COS -Fee Permit & Inspection / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based 10/24/2016 Demolitions: One Family Structure (645) see notes $ 114.00 COS -Fee Permit & Inspection / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based 10/24/2016 Demolitions: Multi -Family Structure (646/647) see notes $ 97.00 COS -Fee Permit & Inspection / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based 10/24/2016 Demolitions: Other Than Structure (648/649) see notes $ 103.00 COS -Fee Permit & Inspection / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based 10/24/2016 Miscellaneous: Fences/Retaining Walls/Sign see notes $ 386.00 COS -Fee Permit & Inspection / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based 10/24/2016 Miscellaneous: Re -roofs see notes $ 304.00 COS -Fee Permit & Inspection / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based 10/24/2016 Pools/Spas see notes $ 380.00 COS -Fee Permit & Inspection / Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based 10/24/2016 Building Permit (Non -Residential and Residential Alterations) $ 95.00 $ 97.00 $ - COS -Fee $1.00 To $2,000.00 / 10/24/2016 Building Permit (Non -Residential and Residential Alterations) $ 96.00 $ 14.00 $ 97.00 $ 15.00 COS -Fee $2,001.00 To $25,000.00 / Base fee for the first $2,000 + incremental cost for each addtl $1,000 or fraction of, to and including $25,000 10/24/2016 Building Permit (Non -Residential and Residential Alterations) $ 433.00 $ 10.00 $ 442.00 $ 10.00 COS -Fee $25,001.00 To $50,000.00 / Base fee for the first $25,000 + incremental cost for each addtl $1,000 or fraction of, to and including $50,000 10/24/2016 6 17-21 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L 7 17-22 Incremental - Incremental - SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Total or Base Fee TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date (if applicable) (if applicable) $50,001.00 To $100,000.00 / Base fee for the first $50,000 + incremental cost for each addtl $1,000 or Building Permit (Non -Residential and Residential Alterations) $ 702.00 $ 7.00 $ 716.00 $ 7.00 COS -Fee fraction of, to and including $100,000 10/24/2016 $100,001.00 To $500,000.00 / Base fee for the first $100,000 + incremental cost for each addtl $1,000 or Building Permit (Non -Residential and Residential Alterations) $ 1,074.00 $ 5.00 $ 1,095.00 $ 5.00 COS -Fee fraction of, to and including $500,000 10/24/2016 $500,001.00 To $1,000,000.00 / Base fee for the first $500,000 + incremental cost for each addtl $1,000 or Building Permit (Non -Residential and Residential Alterations) $ 3,290.00 $ 4.00 $ 3,354.00 $ 4.00 COS -Fee fraction of, to and including $1,000,000 10/24/2016 $1,000,001.00 to $5,000,000.00 / Base fee for the first $1,000,000 + incremental cost for each addtl $1,000 or Building Permit (Non -Residential and Residential Alterations) $ 5,774.00 $ 3.00 $ 5,888.00 $ 3.00 COS -Fee fraction of, to and including $5,000,000 10/24/2016 Building Permit (Non -Residential and Residential Alterations) $ 18,965.00 $ 3.00 $ 19,339.00 $ 3.00 COS -Fee Over $5,000,000 / Base fee for the first $5,000,000 + incremental cost for each addtl $5,000 or fraction of 10/24/2016 Delete, Studied as a Flat Fee 2016 $ 193 0 195-09 Ste- CPS Fee $ nn $2,000.00 / cno. o„.•„„„.., „„. P.44. 4.46.0-40 lixhib n 10/24/2016 Delete, Studied as a Flat Fee 2016 $ 103 0 $ 15.00 195-99 X0-99 GQS Fee and i„,du ai„.. $8,900; cno. o„,.„,.„,,, „„. M.G. a ac Tan r„hibit n 10/24/2016 Delete, Studied as a Flat Fee 2016 , 200.00 $ 13:90 $ 294 0 14;000 GQS Fee ..„.J rnel ..JI„„ $50,000; cno. o„.-„„„.,, „„. nn r a ac Tan r„Hih « n 10/24/2016 HaFbAF Delete, Studied as a Flat Fee 2016 $ 778.00 $ 7.00 $ 743�0 $ $ 00 GQS Fee eF «„ and i„..Iuding $100,000; cno. o„,.„„„.., „„. M.G. a ac Tan [„ hlibi« n 10/24/2016 Delete, Studied as a Flat Fee 2016 1§7�Un �� 1 189 09 00 IZQ4 Fee fFaetien „F te and I eI ding $500,000; cn% o,.,.„. eFy „ F M.C. a ac Tan c)(hib « n 10/24/2016 Delete, Studied as a Flat Fee 2016 $ 3,,613.o0 $ 5.00 84,00 r GQS Fee 0peFReeeveFy10/24/2016 Delete, Studied as a Flat Fee 2016 $ &12 $ 3.00 $ X360,09 S a 00 GQS Fee eF. cno. o„,.„.,„.., „„. P.44. a ac Tan c w « n 10/24/2016 Strong Motion Instrumentation (CA State Fee) see notes see notes Statute Residential Structures Less Than Three Stories High / 100% of State Fee 10/24/2016 Grading Permit Fee - Calculated based on cut or fill which ever is greater $ 804.00 $ 820.00 COS -Fee 0-200 Cubic Yards / 10/24/2016 Grading Permit Fee - Calculated based on cut or fill which ever is greater $ 824.00 $ 840.00 COS -Fee 201-300 Cubic Yards / 10/24/2016 Grading Permit Fee - Calculated based on cut or fill which ever is greater $ 844.00 $ 861.00 COS -Fee 301-400 Cubic Yards / 10/24/2016 Grading Permit Fee - Calculated based on cut or fill which ever is greater $ 865.00 $ 882.00 COS -Fee 401-500 Cubic Yards / 10/24/2016 Grading Permit Fee - Calculated based on cut or fill which ever is greater $ 903.00 $ 921.00 COS -Fee 501-600 Cubic Yards / 10/24/2016 Grading Permit Fee - Calculated based on cut or fill which ever is greater $ 941.00 $ 960.00 COS -Fee 601-700 Cubic Yards / 10/24/2016 Grading Permit Fee - Calculated based on cut or fill which ever is greater $ 982.00 $ 1,001.00 COS -Fee 701-800 Cubic Yards / 10/24/2016 Grading Permit Fee - Calculated based on cut or fill which ever is greater $ 1,020.00 $ 1,040.00 COS -Fee 801-900 Cubic Yards/ 10/24/2016 Grading Permit Fee - Calculated based on cut or fill which ever is greater $ 1,059.00 $ 1,079.00 COS -Fee 901-1000 Cubic Yards/ 10/24/2016 Grading Permit Fee - Calculated based on cut or fill which ever is 1,001-10,000 Cubic Yards / Base fee for the first 1,000 cubic yards + incremental cost for each addtl 1,000 CY greater $ 1,063.00 $ 372.00 $ 1,084.00 $ 379.00 COS -Fee or fraction of, to and including 10,000 CY 10/24/2016 Grading Permit Fee - Calculated based on cut or fill which ever is 10,001-100,000 Cubic Yards / Base fee for the first 10,000 cubic yards + incremental cost for each addtl greater $ 4,393.00 $ 371.00 $ 4,479.00 $ 378.00 COS -Fee 10,000 CY or fraction of, to and including 100,000 CY 10/24/2016 7 17-22 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Grading Permit Fee - Calculated based on cut or fill which ever is greater $ 7,825.00 $ 361.00 $ 7,979.00 $ 368.00 COS -Fee 100,001 Cubic Yards or more / Base fee for the first 100,000 cubic yards + incremental cost for each addtl 10,000 CY or fraction of 10/24/2016 Grading Permit Fees (Based on Site Improvements) Same As Building Permit Fee Table Same As Building Permit Fee Table COS -Fee Curb & Gutter, Paving, Erosion Control / CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee 10/24/2016 Grading Bond Fee $ 395.00 $ 403.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Drainage Permits for Alteration to Drainage $ 287.00 $ 293.00 COS -Fee Inspection Of Drainage System / 10/24/2016 Electrical Permit Fees $ 32.00 $ 33.00 COS -Fee Issuance of Permit (counter only) / $33 per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 11/7/2016 Electrical Permit Fees $ 9.00 $ 10.00 COS -Fee Supplemental Permits Issuance, Fee For Each Permit / 10/24/2016 Combination Electrical Permit 7% of Bldg Permit Fee 7% of Bldg Permit Fee COS -Fee Residential Construction / CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee 10/24/2016 Combination Electrical Permit 14% of Bldg Permit Fee 14% of Bldg Permit Fee COS -Fee Non -Residential Construction, Hotels & Apartment Bldgs over 2 story / CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee 10/24/2016 Electrical Unit Permit Fee $ 1.00 $ 1.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Outlets, First 20 / 10/24/2016 Electrical Unit Permit Fee $ 0.98 $ 1.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Outlets, After First 20 / 10/24/2016 Electrical Unit Permit Fee $ 1.00 $ 1.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Lighting Fixtures, First 20 / 10/24/2016 Electrical Unit Permit Fee $ 0.98 $ 1.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Lighting Fixture, After 20 / 10/24/2016 Low Voltage System $ 1.00 $ 1.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Low Voltage Outlet, First 20 / 10/24/2016 Low Voltage System $ 0.98 $ 1.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Low Voltage Outlet, After First 20 / 10/24/2016 Low Voltage System $ 1.00 $ 1.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Pole or Platform -Mounted Lighting Fixtures / 10/24/2016 Low Voltage System $ 1.00 $ 1.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Theatrical -type Lighting Fixtures Or Assemblies / 10/24/2016 Low Voltage System $ 6.00 $ 6.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Residential Appliance or Receptacle Outlet (New Construction) / 10/24/2016 Low Voltage System $ 6.00 $ 6.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Non -Residential Appliances and Self -Contained Factory -Wired, Not exceeding one horsepower / 10/24/2016 Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt -amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: $ 6.00 $ 6.00 COS -Fee Up to and including 1 / 10/24/2016 Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt -amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: $ 16.00 $ 16.00 COS -Fee Over 1 and Not Over 10 / 10/24/2016 Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt -amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: $ 33.00 $ 34.00 COS -Fee Over 10 and Not Over 50 / 10/24/2016 Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt -amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: $ 64.00 $ 66.00 COS -Fee Over 50 and Not Over 100 / 10/24/2016 Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt -amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: $ 98.00 $ 100.00 COS -Fee I Over 100 / 10/24/2016 Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt -amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: $ 9.00 $ 10.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each 100 Feet Or Fraction Thereof Of Bus ways, For Trolley & Plug-in Type Bus ways. Note: Additional I Fees For Other Fixtures Connected To The Trolley/ 10/24/2016 8 17-23 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt -amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: $ 35.00 $ 36.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Sign, Outline Lighting and Marquees supplied from one branch circuit/ 10/24/2016 Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt -amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: $ 40.00 $ 41.00 COS -Fee 600 Volts or Less and Not Over 200 Amperes in Rating / 10/24/2016 Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt -amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: $ 81.00 $ 83.00 COS -Fee 600 Volts or Less and Over 200 Amperes to 1,000 Amperes / 10/24/2016 Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt -amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: $ 162.00 $ 165.00 COS -Fee Over 600 Volts or Over 1,000 Amperes in Rating / 10/24/2016 Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt -amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: $ 24.00 $ 25.00 COS -Fee Miscellaneous Apparatus, Conduits and Conductors/ 10/24/2016 Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt -amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: $ 35.00 $ 36.00 COS -Fee Special Event, Each Generator, Electrical / 10/24/2016 Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt -amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: $ 9.00 $ 10.00 COS -Fee Special Event Lighting / 10/24/2016 Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt -amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: $ 35.00 $ 36.00 COS -Fee Temporary Power Service / 10/24/2016 Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt -amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: $ 35.00 $ 36.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Temporary Service Pedestal / 10/24/2016 Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt -amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: $ 17.00 $ 18.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Temp. Distribution System, Lighting, Outlet, Decorative Site, Temp Receptacles, Switches And Lighting Outlets In Which Current Is Controlled (Except Services, Feeders, Meters) / 10/24/2016 Mechanical Permit Fees $ 32.00 $ 33.00 COS -Fee Issuance of Permit (counter only) / 10/24/2016 Mechanical Permit Fees $ 9.00 $ 9.00 COS -Fee Supplemental Permits Issuance, Fee For Each Permit / 10/24/2016 Combination Mechanical Permit 4% of Bldg Permit Fee 4% of Bldg Permit Fee COS -Fee Residential Construction / CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee 10/24/2016 Combination Mechanical Permit 11% of Bldg Permit Fee 11% of Bldg Permit Fee COS -Fee Non -Residential Construction, Hotels & Apartment Bldgs over 2 story / CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee 10/24/2016 Mechanical Unit Permit Fees $ 18.00 $ 18.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Forced Air or Gravity Type Furnace up to and including 100,000 Btu/h / 10/24/2016 Mechanical Unit Permit Fees $ 21.00 $ 22.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Forced Air or Gravity Type Furnace over 100,000 Btu/h / 10/24/2016 Mechanical Unit Permit Fees $ 18.00 $ 18.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Floor Furnace, Including Vent/ 10/24/2016 Mechanical Unit Permit Fees $ 18.00 $ 18.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Suspended Heater, Recessed Wall Heater or Floor -Mounted Unit Heater/ 10/24/2016 Mechanical Unit Permit Fees $ 9.00 $ 9.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Installation, Relocation, Replacement of Appliance Vent / 10/24/2016 Mechanical Unit Permit Fees $ 18.00 $ 18.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Repair, Alteration of, Add'n to Heating / Cooling Appliances / 10/24/2016 Mechanical Unit Permit Fees $ 18.00 $ 18.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Boiler or Compressor to and Including 3 HP / 10/24/2016 Mechanical Unit Permit Fees $ 18.00 $ 18.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Absorption System to and Including 100,000 Btu/h / 10/24/2016 Mechanical Unit Permit Fees $ 32.00 $ 33.00 1 COS -Fee lFee For Each Boiler or Compressor Over 3 HP to and including 15 HP / 10/24/2016 Mechanical Unit Permit Fees $ 32.00 $ 33.00 1 COS -Fee I Fee For Each Absorption Sys. Over 100,000 Btu/h & including 500,00 Btu/h / 10/24/2016 9 17-24 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Mechanical Unit Permit Fees $ 45.00 $ 46.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Boiler or Compressor Over 15 HP to and including 30 HP / 10/24/2016 Mechanical Unit Permit Fees $ 45.00 $ 46.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Absorption Sys. Over 500,000 Btu/h & including 1,000,000 Btu/h / 10/24/2016 Mechanical Unit Permit Fees $ 66.00 $ 68.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Boiler or Compressor Over 30 HP to and including 50 HP / 10/24/2016 Mechanical Unit Permit Fees $ 66.00 $ 68.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Absorption Sys. Over 1,000,000 Btu/h including 1,750,000 Btu/h / 10/24/2016 Mechanical Unit Permit Fees $ 113.00 $ 115.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Boiler or Compressor over 50 HP / 10/24/2016 Mechanical Unit Permit Fees $ 113.00 $ 115.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Absorption System Over 1,750,000 Btu/h / 10/24/2016 Mechanical Unit Permit Fees $ 12.00 $ 12.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Air handling Unit To & Including 10,000 Cu Ft/Min Including Attached Ducts / 10/24/2016 Mechanical Unit Permit Fees $ 21.00 $ 22.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Air Handling Unit Over 10,000 cfm / 10/24/2016 Mechanical Unit Permit Fees $ 12.00 $ 12.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Evaporative Cooler Other Than Portable Type / 10/24/2016 Mechanical Unit Permit Fees $ 9.00 $ 9.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Ventilation Fan Connected to a Single Duct / 10/24/2016 Mechanical Unit Permit Fees $ 12.00 $ 12.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Ventilation System Not Connected to Any Other System / 10/24/2016 Mechanical Unit Permit Fees $ 12.00 $ 12.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Hood Served by Mech Exhaust, Including Ducts / 10/24/2016 Mechanical Unit Permit Fees $ 21.00 $ 22.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Domestic Type Incinerator / 10/24/2016 Mechanical Unit Permit Fees $ 91.00 $ 93.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Commercial or Industrial Type Incinerator / 10/24/2016 Mechanical Unit Permit Fees $ 12.00 $ 12.00 COS -Fee Other Equipment or Appliances Not Listed in This Code, Fee For Each / 10/24/2016 Plumbing Permit Fees $ 32.00 $ 33.00 COS -Fee Issuance of Permit (counter only) / $33 per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 11/7/2016 Plumbing Permit Fees $ 9.00 $ 9.00 COS -Fee Supplemental Permits Issuance, Fee For Each Permit / 10/24/2016 Combination Plumbing Permit 9% of Bldg Permit Fee 9% of Bldg Permit Fee COS -Fee Residential Construction / CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee 10/24/2016 Combination Plumbing Permit 9% of Bldg Permit Fee 9% of Bldg Permit Fee COS -Fee Non -Residential Construction, Hotels & Apartment Bldgs over 2 story / CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee 10/24/2016 Plumbing Permit Unit Fees $ 13.00 $ 13.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Plumbing Fixture, Trap, Set of Fixtures on One Trap / 10/24/2016 Plumbing Permit Unit Fees $ 32.00 $ 33.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Building Sewer, Trailer Park Sewer / 10/24/2016 Plumbing Permit Unit Fees $ 13.00 $ 13.00 COS -Fee Fee Per Drain In Rainwater Systems / 10/24/2016 Plumbing Permit Unit Fees $ 47.00 $ 48.00 COS -Fee I Fee For Each Cesspool / 10/24/2016 Plumbing Permit Unit Fees $ 96.00 $ 98.00 COS -Fee I Fee For Each Private Sewage Disposal System / 10/24/2016 10 17-25 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Plumbing Permit Unit Fees $ 15.00 $ 15.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Water Heater and/or Vent / 10/24/2016 Plumbing Permit Unit Fees $ 25.00 $ 26.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Industrial Waste Pretreatment Interceptor, Excepting Kitchen Type Grease Inter. Functioning As Fixture Traps / 10/24/2016 Plumbing Permit Unit Fees $ 6.00 $ 6.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Water Piping, Water Treating Equipment / 10/24/2016 Plumbing Permit Unit Fees $ 6.00 $ 6.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Drainage or Vent Piping Fixture / 10/24/2016 Plumbing Permit Unit Fees $ 19.00 $ 19.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Lawn Sprinkler System on One Meter, Backflow Protection Dev. / 10/24/2016 Plumbing Permit Unit Fees $ 15.00 $ 15.00 COS -Fee 1 To 5 Atmospheric Type Vacuum Breakers / 10/24/2016 Plumbing Permit Unit Fees $ 3.00 $ 3.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each When More than 5 Atmospheric Type Vacuum Breakers, / 10/24/2016 Plumbing Permit Unit Fees $ 15.00 $ 15.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Other Backflow Protective Device 2 Inches & Smaller/ 10/24/2016 Plumbing Permit Unit Fees $ 32.00 $ 33.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Other Backflow Protective Device Over 2 Inches / 10/24/2016 Plumbing Permit Unit Fees $ 6.00 $ 6.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Gas Piping System of One to Four Outlets / 10/24/2016 Plumbing Permit Unit Fees $ 1.00 $ 1.00 COS -Fee Fee For Each Outlet Gas Piping System of Five or More Outlets / 10/24/2016 Certificates and Reports Temporary Certificate of Occupancy $ 192.00 $ 196.00 COS -Fee Partial Or Temporary Occupancy Approval Prior To Final / 10/24/2016 Renewable Temporary Certificate of Occupancy $ 102.00 $ 104.00 COS -Fee Partial Or Temporary Occupancy Approval Prior To Final Re -issuance Fee / 10/24/2016 Residential Building Report $ 170.00 $ 173.00 COS -Fee Any Occupancy Type / 10/24/2016 Residential Building Report $ 115.00 $ 117.00 COS -Fee Re -Inspection / 10/24/2016 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - PLANNING Amendments - General Plan $183/hour $183/hour COS -Fee Application - per hour (Deposit Account) / Studied as a flat fee 2016 - Full Cost $2,915.48, Staff recommends keeping hourly. Phasing in 50% of the Increase to Full Cost 9/22/15 and the remaining 50% in 1 year. 10/24/2016 Amendments - Planned Community $183/hour $183/hour COS -Fee Application - per hour (Deposit Account) / Studied as a flat fee 2016 - Full Cost $2,915.48, Staff recommends keeping hourly. Phasing in 50% of the Increase to Full Cost 9/22/15 and the remaining 50% in 1 year. 10/24/2016 Amendments - Zoning Code/Specific Plan $183/hour $183/hour COS -Fee Application - per hour (Deposit Account) / Studied as a flat fee 2016 - Full Cost $2,915.48, Staff recommends keeping hourly. Phasing in 50% of the Increase to Full Cost 9/22/15 and the remaining 50% in 1 year. 10/24/2016 Amendments - Local Coastal Program $183/hour $183/hour COS -Fee Application - per hour (Deposit Account) / Studied as a flat fee 2016 - Full Cost $2,277.72, Staff recommends keeping hourly. Phasing in 50% of the Increase to Full Cost 9/22/15 and the remaining 50% in 1 year. 10/24/2016 Appeals $ 1,506.00 $ 1,536.00 COS -Fee City Council / 50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 10/24/2016 Appeals $ 1,506.00 $ 1,536.00 1 COS -Fee Planning Commission / 50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 10/24/2016 Approval in Concept $ 696.00 $ 710.00 1 COS -Fee Application / 10/24/2016 11 17-26 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Banner Permit $150/hour $ 41.00 COS -Fee Application / Studied as a flat fee 2016 10/24/2016 Certificate of Compliance - Subdivision Code $ 293.00 $ 298.00 COS -Fee Application / 10/24/2016 r ^ a^ , ^ «;^.,^ ^^^ ^ . a^. ;« Delete, City does not issue this type of permit c, a 1& Jkteu CPS Fee ° FeffiaiHiAg 50%'^ 'yeaF. 10/24/2016 Compliance Letters/ Minor Records Research $ 342.00 $ 349.00 COS -Fee Application / 10/24/2016 Condominium Conversion Permit $ 1,175.00 $ 1,198.00 COS -Fee Application / 10/24/2016 Comprehensive Sign/ Heritage / Innovative Permit $183/hour $ 1,592.00 COS -Fee Application / Studied as a flat fee 2016 10/24/2016 Development Plan - Planned Community $183/hour $183/hour COS -Fee Application - per hour (Deposit Account) / Studied as a flat fee 2016 - Full Cost $11,616.36, Staff recommends keeping hourly. Phasing in 50% of the Increase to Full Cost 9/22/15 and the remaining 50% in 1 year. 10/24/2016 Development Agreement Adoption $183/hour $183/hour COS -Fee Application - per hour (Deposit Account) / Phasing in 50% of the Increase to Full Cost 9/22/15 and the remaining 50% in 1 year. 10/24/2016 Development Agreement Annual Review $183/hour $ 1,177.00 COS -Fee Application / Studied as a flat fee 2016 10/24/2016 Director / Staff Approval $ 892.00 $ 910.00 COS -Fee Application / 10/24/2016 Extension of Time - Subdivision Code $ 137.00 $ 140.00 COS -Fee Application / 10/24/2016 Extension of Time - ZC (except Abatement Period) $ 137.00 $ 140.00 COS -Fee Application / 10/24/2016 Environmental Documents $183/hour 110% of Consultant Cost COS -Fee Application / Studied 2016 10/24/2016 H^•'«^^^ Sign Review Delete, Included with Comprehensive Sign/Innovative Permit S2/be $ 1,592.99 GQS Fee A p4eatiea 10/24/2016 In -Lieu Parking $ 150.00 $ 150.00 Impact Fee Application - per space / 10/24/2016 Limited Term Permits - less than 90 days $ 488.00 $ 498.00 COS -Fee Application / 10/24/2016 Limited Term Permits - more than 90 days $ 1,603.00 $ 1,634.00 COS -Fee Application / 10/24/2016 Limited Term Permits - seasonal sales $ 220.00 $ 224.00 COS -Fee Application / 10/24/2016 Lot Line Adjustment $ 1,660.00 $ 1,692.00 COS -Fee Application / 10/24/2016 Lot Merger $ 1,660.00 $ 1,692.00 COS -Fee Application / 10/24/2016 Modification Permit $ 2,419.00 $ 2,467.00 COS -Fee Application / 10/24/2016 Non -Conforming Abatement Period Extension $183/hour $ 490.00 COS -Fee Application / Studied as a flat fee 2016 10/24/2016 nsa r«„ P4Pki"Feem^^« Delete, Part of Use Permit$ 153.09 $ 183-99 GQS Fee 0 ^ SO%'^' 10/24/2016 Operators License Application $ 750.00 $ 764.00 COS -Fee Application / 10/24/2016 12 17-27 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 A B C D E Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Operators License Appeal $ 696.00 $ 710.00 COS -Fee Application / 10/24/2016 Planned Development Permit $183/hour $ 4,344.00 COS -Fee Application / Studied as a flat fee 2016 10/24/2016 Reasonable Accommodation $ - $ - COS -Fee Application / 0% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A and M.C. 20.52.070 Section C 2b 10/24/2016 Site Development Review - Zoning Administrator $ 2,419.00 $ 2,467.00 COS -Fee Application / 10/24/2016 Site Development Review - Planning Commission $183/hour $ 4,344.00 COS -Fee Application / Studied as a flat fee 2016 10/24/2016 Subdivisions - Parcel Map $ 1,679.00 $ 1,712.00 COS -Fee Application / 10/24/2016 Subdivisions - Tentative Tract Map $183/hour $ 4,280.00 COS -Fee Application / Studied as a flat fee 2016 10/24/2016 Subdivisions - Vesting Tentative Map $183/hour $ 4,280.00 COS -Fee Application / Studied as a flat fee 2016 10/24/2016 T^'^^"M P......« G&� Delete, Replaced by other permit types $ 153,00 $ H3.09 CPS Fee 0 FeffiaiHiAg 50%'^' yeaF 10/24/2016 T^ ^^^.., n^....;« CDP ^;.^,.«^. Delete, Replaced by other permit types I- g3. g0 $ i83.09 GQS FFe ° Ag 50% A 1 yeaF 10/24/2016 TFa4ie3 y Delete, Covered under PW ,$xe4Ak9Uf $--411 &09 GQS Fee pp4e^«; Studied as a flat fee 291-6 10/24/2016 Transfer of Development Rights $183/hour $ 3,014.00 COS -Fee Application / Studied as a flat fee 2016 10/24/2016 Use Permit (Conditional) - Planning Commission $183/hour $ 4,384.00 COS -Fee Application / Studied as a flat fee 2016 10/24/2016 Use Permit (Minor) - Zoning Administrator $ 2,420.00 $ 2,468.00 COS -Fee Application / 10/24/2016 Variance $183/hour $ 3,638.00 COS -Fee Application / Studied as a flat fee 2016 10/24/2016 Zoning Plan Check (Non -Residential and Residential Alterations) $150/hour $150/hour COS -Fee Application - per hour / 10/24/2016 Zoning Plan Check Residential (except Residential Alterations) see notes see notes COS -Fee / No longer a separate fee; incorporated into Building plan review flat fee 10/24/2016 CITY CLERK Passp9k Ex^^ «'^^ _= Delete, Current Processed in Library $.2.5-;0e �,� 61-99 s,tatytp U.S. DepaAment of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs, Passport SeFyiees. Maximum ..^.w.�««by Gey't e. . «Gity ef PI.••..^. -. website ..S^^. R•i^^,. 7/26/2016 Pass• n"�^ gee Delete, Current Processed in Library -$--n nn $ mpg COS P^^ 9/8/2016 FIRE DEPARTMENT & LIFEGUARDS Fire Safety Services Battalion Chief Unit (one person) $ 264.00 $ 269.00 COS -Fee 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour / 7/26/2016 Paramedic Unit (two persons) $ 385.00 $ 393.00 COS -Fee 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour / 7/26/2016 13 17-28 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 462 463 464 465 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Fire Engine (three persons) $ 586.00 $ 598.00 COS -Fee 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour / 7/26/2016 Fire Truck (four persons) $ 724.00 $ 738.00 COS -Fee 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour / 7/26/2016 Firefighter (per person) $ 137.00 $ 140.00 COS -Fee 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour / 7/26/2016 Life Safety Specialist II $ 159.00 $ 163.00 COS -Fee 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour / 7/26/2016 Lifeguard Officer $ 140.00 $ 143.00 COS -Fee 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour / 7/26/2016 Lifeguard Captain $ 164.00 $ 167.00 COS -Fee 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour / 7/26/2016 Lifeguard Battalion Chief $ 208.00 $ 213.00 COS -Fee 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour/ 7/26/2016 Lifeguard 1 $ 46.00 $ 46.00 COS -Fee 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour / 7/26/2016 Lifeguard II $ 50.00 $ 51.00 COS -Fee 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour / 7/26/2016 Rescue Boat (two persons) $ 178.00 $ 182.00 COS -Fee 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fee Per Hour / 7/26/2016 Emergency Medical Services Advanced Life Support $ 1,414.00 $ 1,385.00 COS -Fee / Fees were reviewed in detail and adjustments were made based on study results and not CPI adjustments 7/26/2016 Basic Life Support $ 1,194.00 $ 1,171.00 COS -Fee / Fees were reviewed in detail and adjustments were made based on study results and not CPI adjustments 7/26/2016 Emergency Ambulance Transportation $ 240.00 $ 232.00 COS -Fee Transportation Charge / Fees were reviewed in detail and adjustments were made based on study results and not CPI adjustments 7/26/2016 Advanced Life Support Non -Transport $ 400.00 $ 400.00 COS -Fee / Fees were reviewed in detail and adjustments were made based on study results and not CPI adjustments 7/26/2016 Basic Life Support Non -Transport $ 300.00 $ 300.00 COS -Fee / Fees were reviewed in detail and adjustments were made based on study results and not CPI adjustments 7/26/2016 Emergency Ambulance Transportation Mileage Charge Included in Above Fees $ 11.56 COS -Fee Per Mile / Fees were reviewed in detail and adjustments were made based on study results and not CPI adjustments 7/26/2016 Junior Guards Program Junior Guard $ 713.00 $ 727.00 COS -Fee Per Participant / 82.1% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 7/26/2016 Junior Guard - Administrative Fee $ 200.00 $ 200.00 COS -Fee Punitive Cancellation prior to established deadline, Per Participant / 7/26/2016 Plan Review Fire and Life Safety All Assembly (A), Factory (F) < or equal to 1500 square feet (also used for Business (B), Mercantile (M), and Storage (S) occupancies when required) $ 518.00 $ 528.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 All Assembly (A), Factory (F) > 1,500 < or equal to 10,000 square feet aggregate (also used for Business (B), Mercantile (M), and Storage (S) occupancies when required) $ 687.00 $ 701.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 14 17-29 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 Exhibit 1 - Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee 0 Policv Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% G 15 17-30 Incremental - Incremental - SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Total or Base Fee TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date ( if applicable) (if applicable) All Assembly (A), Factory (F)>10,000 s.f. aggregate (also used for Business (B), Mercantile (M), and Storage (S) occupancies when required) $ 1,028.00 $ 1,048.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 High -Hazard Groups H1, H2, H3, H4, or Laboratory ( L) $ 1,394.00 $ 1,422.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Hi -Rise: Structures that are 75 ft. or higher measured from lowest point of fire department access $ 3,403.00 $ 3,470.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Day Care Educational (E) or Institutional Day Care (1-4) < 1,000 square feet aggregate or Day Care Educational (E) or 1-4: Portable or re -locatable $ 179.00 $ 182.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Day Care Educational (E) or Institutional Day Care (1-4) > 1,000 square feet aggregate $ 574.00 $ 585.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Educational other than day care $ 518.00 $ 528.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Residential R1 or Residential R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, condominiums with < or equal to 20 dwelling units per building $ 263.00 $ 269.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Residential R1 or Residential R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, condominiums with 21- 50 dwelling units per building $ 348.00 $ 355.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Residential R1 or Residential R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, condominiums with 51 to 150 dwelling units per building $ 518.00 $ 528.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Residential R4: licensed residential care/assisted living facilities and similar uses serving 7-19 clients $ 857.00 $ 874.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Residential R4: licensed residential care/assisted living facilities and similar uses serving >19 clients $ 1,536.00 $ 1,566.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Misc. Plan Review including elevators, elevator lobbies, generators, canopies, awnings see notes see notes COS -Fee / 100% Fully Loaded Hourly Rate (see appendix) 10/24/2016 Inspection Fire and Life Safety All Assembly (A), Factory (F) < or equal to 1500 square feet (also used for Business (B),Mercantile (M), and Storage (S) occupancies when required) $ 329.00 $ 335.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 All Assembly (A), Factory (F) > 1,500 < or equal to 10,000 square feet aggregate (also used for Business (B),Mercantile (M), and Storage (S) occupancies when required) $ 409.00 $ 417.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 All Assembly (A), Factory (F)>10,000 s.f. aggregate (also used for Business (B),Mercantile (M), and Storage (5) occupancies when required) $ 569.00 $ 580.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 High -Hazard Groups H1, H2, H3, H4, or Laboratory ( L) $ 409.00 $ 417.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Hi -Rise: Structures that are 75 ft. or higher measured from lowest point of fire department access $ 1,368.00 $ 1,395.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Day Care Educational (E) or Institutional Day Care (1-4) < 1,000 square feet aggregate or Day Care Educational (E) or 1-4: Portable or re -locatable $ 208.00 $ 212.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Day Care Educational (E) or Institutional Day Care (1-4) > 1,000 square feet aggregate $ 302.00 $ 308.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 15 17-30 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Educational other than daycare $ 302.00 $ 308.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Residential R1 or Residential R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, condominiums with < or equal to 20 dwelling units per building $ 329.00 $ 335.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Residential R1 or Residential R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, condominiums with 21- 50 dwelling units per building $ 436.00 $ 444.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Residential R1 or Residential R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, condominiums with 51 to 150 dwelling units per building $ 569.00 $ 580.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Residential R4: licensed residential care/assisted living facilities and similar uses serving 7-19 clients $ 409.00 $ 417.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Residential R4: licensed residential care/assisted living facilities and similar uses serving >19 clients $ 622.00 $ 634.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Misc. Inspection including elevators, elevator lobbies, generators, canopies, awnings see notes see notes COS -Fee / 100% Fully Loaded Hourly Rate (see appendix) 10/24/2016 Inspection Special Fire Protection Equipment Spray Booth, Spraying area $ 436.00 $ 444.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Commercial Cooking Hood and Duct (per system) $ 195.00 $ 199.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Special extinguishing system: dry chemical, CO2, foam liquid system, inert gas (Halon, Inergen, etc.) $ 182.00 $ 185.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Pre -action fire sprinkler system, includes alarm system $ 249.00 $ 254.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Plan Review Special Fire Protection Equipment Spray Booth, Spraying area $ 574.00 $ 585.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Commercial Cooking Hood and Duct (per system) $ 122.00 $ 124.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Special extinguishing system: dry chemical, CO2, foam liquid system, inert gas (Halon, Inergen, etc.) $ 292.00 $ 298.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Pre -action fire sprinkler system, includes alarm system $ 434.00 $ 442.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Inspection Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13): 100 heads or less per system $ 302.00 $ 308.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13): > 100 heads per system $ 355.00 $ 362.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13): each additional identical system or per floor in buildings >3 stories $ 355.00 $ 362.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Multi -family dwelling residential fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13R): 3 to 16 units per building $ 409.00 $ 417.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Multi -family dwelling residential fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13R): >16 units per building $ 515.00 $ 525.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Tenant Improvement (TI) NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: 4- 20 heads $ 208.00 $ 212.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 16 17-31 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Tenant Improvement (TI) NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: 21-100 heads, no calculations $ 302.00 $ 308.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Tenant Improvement (TI) NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: >100 heads or requiring calculations $ 355.00 $ 362.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Fire sprinkler monitoring system, water flow & tamper switches, < 11 notification devices $ 169.00 $ 172.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Underground fire protection - New $ 355.00 $ 362.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Underground fire protection - Repair $ 208.00 $ 212.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Fire pump installation $ 355.00 $ 362.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Standpipes : NFPA 14 Class I, II or III and includes all standpipes within a single building or boat dock $ 409.00 $ 417.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Plan Review Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13): 100 heads or less per system $ 348.00 $ 355.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13): > 100 heads per system $ 687.00 $ 701.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Multi -family dwelling residential fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13R): 3 to 16 units per building $ 292.00 $ 298.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Multi -family dwelling residential fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13R): >16 units per building $ 434.00 $ 442.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Tenant Improvement (TI) NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: 4- 20 heads $ 136.00 $ 139.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Tenant Improvement (TI) NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: 21-100 heads, no calculations $ 179.00 $ 182.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Tenant Improvement (TI) NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: >100 heads or requiring calculations $ 348.00 $ 355.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Fire sprinkler monitoring system, water flow & tamper switches, < 11 notification devices $ 136.00 $ 139.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Underground fire protection - New $ 348.00 $ 355.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Underground fire protection - Repair $ 136.00 $ 139.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Fire pump installation $ 348.00 $ 355.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Standpipes : NFPA 14 Class I, II or III and includes all standpipes within a single building or boat dock $ 320.00 $ 327.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Inspection Fire Alarm Systems Fire alarm system: >60 devices $ 409.00 $ 417.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Fire alarm system: 11-60 devices $ 208.00 $ 212.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Plan Review Fire Alarm Systems 17 17-32 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Fire alarm system: >60 devices $ 687.00 $ 701.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Fire alarm system: 11-60 devices $ 434.00 $ 442.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Fuel Modification New and/or Change to Existing Plan Inspection $ 116.00 $ 118.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Plan Review/Update $ 129.00 $ 131.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Fire Access Gate Inspection $ 142.00 $ 145.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Plan Review $ 179.00 $ 182.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Technical Assistance of Complex Fire Protection Systems see notes see notes COS -Fee Code Compliance Review - Plan Review and/or Inspection Services / 100% Fully Loaded Hourly Rate (see appendix) 10/24/2016 In Service Building Public Radio Coverage System Service in Private Structures see notes see notes Pass Thru Communications Division on behalf of the City Police and Fire Departments. / 100% pass through of OC Sheriff - Coroner Communications Division Charge 10/24/2016 Pre -submittal Review see notes see notes COS -Fee Per Hour - 1 Hour Minimum; includes CEQA, EIR, and advanced planning requests / 100% Fully Loaded Hourly Rate (see appendix) 10/24/2016 Fire, Life Safety Or Special Hazard Consultation see notes see notes COS -Fee Per Hour - 1 Hour Minimum / 100% Fully Loaded Hourly Rate (see appendix) 10/24/2016 Closure Report Review see notes see notes COS -Fee Per Hour - 1 Hour Minimum / 100% Fully Loaded Hourly Rate (see appendix) 10/24/2016 Fire Lane Plan Review (Fire Master Plan) see notes see notes COS -Fee Per Hour - 1 Hour Minimum / 100% Fully Loaded Hourly Rate (see appendix) 10/24/2016 Inspection Tank Installation Or Removal $ 329.00 $ 335.00 COS -Fee Above Or Below Ground, Per Tank / 10/24/2016 Plan Review Tank Installation Or Removal $ 434.00 $ 442.00 COS -Fee Above Or Below Ground, Per Tank / 10/24/2016 Operational and Special Event Permits Operational Permits - New $ 142.00 $ 145.00 COS -Fee Level 1 (new) - Cutting and welding carts, Dry cleaning plants —1 to 2 machines, Liquefied petroleum gases , and Tents / 7/26/2016 Operational Permits - New $ 262.00 $ 268.00 COS -Fee Level 2 (new) - all other operations pursuant to CFC Section 105.6 / 7/26/2016 Operational Permits - Renewal $ 116.00 $ 118.00 COS -Fee Level 1 (renewal) - Cutting and welding carts, Dry cleaning plants — 1 to 2 machines, Liquefied petroleum gases , and Tents / 7/26/2016 Operational Permits - Renewal $ 195.00 $ 199.00 COS -Fee Level 2 (renewal) - all other operations pursuant to CFC Section 105.6 / 7/26/2016 Candle Permit Program $ 46.00 $ 47.00 COS -Fee First time and special event/ 7/26/2016 Special Event Permits $ 142.00 $ 145.00 COS -Fee Single Event Permit / 7/26/2016 Special Event Permits see notes see notes COS -Fee Level III as defined by the Recreation Department / 100% Fully Loaded Hourly Rate (see appendix) 7/26/2016 18 17-33 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Special Event Permits $ 289.00 $ 295.00 COS -Fee Public Display - Fireworks - ground display only e.g. homecoming 5-10 minutes / 7/26/2016 Special Event Permits $ 792.00 $ 808.00 COS -Fee Public Display - Fireworks - aerial display> 10 minutes / 7/26/2016 Weekend, Holiday, or Non Contiguous & After Hours Inspection Request see notes see notes COS -Fee 2 Hour Minimum; hourly if contiguous to normal business hours. / 100% Fully Loaded Hourly Rate (see appendix) 7/26/2016 Nuisance Abatement Service see notes see notes COS -Fee Weeds, Rubbish And Other Nuisance. /Actual costs: pass through contract costs plus staff time. 7/26/2016 Temporary Change Of Use see notes see notes COS -Fee Use Of Retail Occupancy as a place of assembly - Special Use / 100% Fully Loaded Hourly Rate (see appendix) 7/26/2016 State Mandated Inspections State Fire Clearance $ 76.00 $ 77.00 COS -Fee Requests for commercial occupancies, Clinics, Offices, and Treatment Facilities / 7/26/2016 Care Facilities $ 342.00 $ 349.00 COS -Fee Annual Fee 7-99 clients as defined in the California Building Code / 7/26/2016 Care Facilities $ 436.00 $ 444.00 COS -Fee Annual Fee > 99 clients as defined in the California Building Code / 7/26/2016 Surgery Centers $ 368.00 $ 376.00 COS -Fee Annual Fee/ 7/26/2016 Hospitals $ 6,621.00 $ 6,752.00 COS -Fee Annual Fee 200 Or More Beds/ 7/26/2016 Hotels/Motels $ 195.00 $ 199.00 COS -Fee Annual Fee 50 - 299 Rooms / 7/26/2016 Hotels/Motels $ 342.00 $ 349.00 COS -Fee Annual Fee 300 Or More Rooms / 7/26/2016 Commercial Day Care Facilities $ 195.00 $ 199.00 COS -Fee Annual Fee/ 7/26/2016 High Rise Buildings $ 982.00 $ 1,001.00 COS -Fee Annual Fee/ 7/26/2016 Residential Care Facility Pre -License Inspection $ 249.00 $ 254.00 COS -Fee California Health and Safety Code Section 13235 / 7/26/2016 Hazardous Materials Inventory Disclosure Program 1-4 Chemicals $ 130.00 $ 132.00 COS -Fee > or = 55 Gallons, 200 Cubic Feet, 500 Pounds / 7/26/2016 5-6 Chemicals $ 151.00 $ 154.00 COS -Fee > or = 55 Gallons, 200 Cubic Feet, 500 Pounds / 7/26/2016 7-10 Chemicals $ 165.00 $ 168.00 COS -Fee > or = 55 Gallons, 200 Cubic Feet, 500 Pounds / 7/26/2016 11-14 Chemicals $ 212.00 $ 217.00 COS -Fee > or = 55 Gallons, 200 Cubic Feet, 500 Pounds / 7/26/2016 15-20 Chemicals $ 264.00 $ 270.00 COS -Fee > or = 55 Gallons, 200 Cubic Feet, 500 Pounds / 7/26/2016 21-40 Chemicals I $ 317.00 $ 324.00 1 COS -Fee 1> or = 55 Gallons, 200 Cubic Feet, 500 Pounds / 7/26/2016 More Than 40 Chemicals $ 426.00 $ 435.00 COS -Fee > or = 55 Gallons, 200 Cubic Feet, 500 Pounds / 7/26/2016 19 17-34 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 A B C D Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar Fee @ Policy Level 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% to SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date LIBRARY SERVICES (Fees were reviewed in detail and adjustments were made based on study results and not CPI adjustments) Cancellation Charge Library Cancellation Charge $ 31.00 $ 59.00 COS -Fee All Programs and Facilities / 7/26/2016 Refund GhaFge An QtheF ^.,......w... and Faeol,ties Delete, Repetitive 31.9-9 P41iey P+egfam OF Faeilit • Wse / 7/26/2016 Arts and Cultural Services Library Services Materials Use $ 1.00 $ 1.00 COS -Fee Video/Book Per Unit / $1 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Materials Use - Best Sellers $ 1.00 $ 1.00 COS -Fee Video/Book Per Unit / $1 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Inter Library Loan $ 5.00 $ 5.00 COS -Fee Per Unit / $5 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Facility Use Insurance, Deposits And Set-up Fees May Be Required, Availability May Be Limited, Other Restrictions May Apply / Deposits Delete, Unnecessary $ 89:00 $ ^v P.1�ey Plan Refundable Gleaning Fee I se Of Vital.,. And/OF F,.94 / 7/26/2016 Central Library Community Room $ 100.00 $ 100.00 Deposit Refundable, Use Of Public Address System / 7/26/2016 Refundable Cleaning Deposit $ 105.00 $ 96.00 Pass Thru Refundable Cleaning Deposit / 7/26/2016 Setup And Cleanup Fees Central Library Community Room $ 75.00 $ 114.00 COS -Fee Setup and Cleanup / 7/26/2016 ^^ Delete, Historically not used $ $ ea East 7/26/2016 Meeting Rooms Central Library Community Room $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Rental Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Central Library Community Room $ 95.00 $ 95.00 Rental Non -Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Central Library Community Room $ 80.00 $ 80.00 Rental Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Central Library Community Room $ 160.00 $ 160.00 Rental Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Passport Services Passport Execution Fee $ 25.00 $ 25.00 Statute Authorized by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs, Passport Services. Maximum permitted by Gov't Code. / Refer to City of Newport Beach website - Passport Services. $25 Recovery per 22 US Code 214 7/26/2016 20 17-35 582 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F L Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rounded down to nearest dollar Fee @ Policy Level SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - of applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Passport Photo Fee $ 10.00 $ 10.00 COS -Fee / $10 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 POLICE Administration Civil Subpoena $ 275.00 $ 275.00 Statute Per day, All other staff except sworn officers or firefighters / Amended effective 1/1/15 7/26/2016 Civil Subpoena $ 275.00 $ 275.00 Statute Per day, Sworn Officers and Firefighters/ 7/26/2016 Initial Concealed Weapons Permit $ 100.00 $ 100.00 Statute 100% of State Established Fee / 100% of State Established Fee - Currently $100 and any additional pass thru costs required 7/26/2016 Concealed Weapon Permit Renewal $ 25.00 $ 25.00 Statute 100% of State Established Fee / 100% of State Established Fee - Currently $25 and any additional pass thru costs required 7/26/2016 Disturbance Advisory Card / Response $ 57.00 $ 58.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 Support Services Audio Cassette -Evidence $ 46.00 $ 46.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 Audio Cassette - Dispatch $ 84.00 $ 84.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 Photographs - Digital (on CD only) $ 35.00 $ 29.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 Video $ 92.00 $ 91.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 Bike Licenses $ 2.00 $ 2.00 COS -Fee / 17% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 7/26/2016 Finger Printing $ 30.00 $ 31.00 COS -Fee /Additional DOJ fee may apply 7/26/2016 Arrest Reports $ 10.00 $ 10.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 Crime Reports $ 10.00 $ 10.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 Traffic Collision Reports $ 10.00 $ 10.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 Domestic Violence Reports $ - $ - COS -Fee / 0% Recovery Mandated by State 7/26/2016 Missing Persons Report $ 10.00 $ 10.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 Clearance Letters $ 35.00 $ 36.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 City Jail Booking Fee $ 355.00 $ 362.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 Vehicle Repossession $ 15.00 $ 15.00 Statute 100% State Established Fee / 100% of State Established Fee - Currently $15 7/26/2016 Franchise Tow Fee $37 Customer $55 Tow Operator $37 Customer $55 Tow Operator I COS -Fee I per tow / 3/11/2016 21 17-36 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 Exhibit 1 - Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee 0 Policv Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% G SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Vehicle Release $ 38.00 $ 38.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 Solicitor application - up to 10 names $ 38.00 $ 38.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 Solicitor application - greater than 10 names $ 91.00 $ 93.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 Registrant - narcotics $ - $ - COS -Fee / 0% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 7/26/2016 Registrant - sex $ $ Statute / 0% Recovery Mandated by State 7/26/2016 Subpoena Duces Tecum see notes $ 6.00 see notes $ 6.00 Statute Statute / 100% of State Established Fee - Incremental charge is labor cost per quarter hour (15 min). Total fee is incremental charge plus $0.10 per pg std, $0.20 per pg copy microfilm doc, actual cost for oversized, and others as stated in the code 7/26/2016 Alarm Application $ 57.00 $ 59.00 COS -Fee Monitored or Unmonitored / 7/26/2016 Alarm -Monitor Fee $ 247.00 $ 252.00 COS -Fee Annual / 7/26/2016 False Alarm - Billable see notes see notes Punitive / Within a 12 month period; $50 for 3rd, $100 for 4th, $125 for 5th, prior violation amount +$25 increase for each subsequent false alarm 7/26/2016 Triennial Renewal Fee $ 47.00 $ 48.00 COS -Fee Residential Alarm Permit/ 7/26/2016 Annual Renewal Fee $ 47.00 $ 48.00 COS -Fee Commercial Alarm Permit/ 7/26/2016 Monitoring Sign $ 30.00 $ 31.00 COS -Fee Telephonic Alarm System / 7/26/2016 Monitoring Decal $ 22.00 $ 23.00 COS -Fee Package of Ten Decals/ 7/26/2016 Citation Sign Off Fee $ 15.00 $ 15.00 COS -Fee Per Sign Off/ 7/26/2016 Animal Control Impound Fee $ 41.00 $ 41.00 COS -Fee Dog, Cats And Other Similar Size Animals / Recover Maximum Permitted by Contract per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 7/26/2016 Impound Fee $ 41.00 $ 41.00 COS -Fee Small Animals / Recover Maximum Permitted by Contract per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 7/26/2016 Boarding Fee see notes see notes Contract Animal / Fee based on shelter agreements 7/26/2016 Boarding Fee see notes see notes Contract Small Animals / Fee based on shelter agreements 7/26/2016 Adoption Fee see notes see notes Contract Any Animal / Fee based on shelter agreements 7/26/2016 Rabies Inoculation see notes see notes Contract Impounded Dog / Fee based on shelter agreements 7/26/2016 Spay & Neuter Fees see notes see notes Contract Other than Original owner/ Fee based on shelter agreements 7/26/2016 Misc. Animal Inspection Services $ 127.00 $ 129.00 COS -Fee Pet Shop / 7/26/2016 22 17-37 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Misc. Animal Inspection Services $ 105.00 $ 108.00 COS -Fee Pot Bellied Pig/ 7/26/2016 Misc. Animal Inspection Services $ 105.00 $ 108.00 COS -Fee Wild Animal Permits / 7/26/2016 Kennel License $ 95.00 $ 97.00 COS -Fee 4-9 animals / 7/26/2016 Kennel License $ 158.00 $ 162.00 COS -Fee 10-29 animals / 7/26/2016 Kennel License $ 190.00 $ 194.00 COS -Fee 30-59 animals / 7/26/2016 Kennel License $ 222.00 $ 226.00 COS -Fee 60+ animals 7/26/2016 Patrol Emergency Response Billing see notes see notes COS -Fee Govt. Code 53150 / 100% Fully Loaded Hourly Rate (see appendix) 7/26/2016 Detective / Second Hand Dealer $ 85.00 $ 91.00 COS -Fee Permit / Relocated from Finance to PD, studied 2016 7/26/2016 Second Hand Dealer $ 46.00 $ 60.00 COS -Fee Renewal + DOJ Fingerprint processing / Relocated from Finance to PD, studied 2016 7/26/2016 Second Hand/ Pawn Dealer Tag Check $ - $ - COS -Fee / 0% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 7/26/2016 Massage Permit $ 493.00 $ 502.00 COS -Fee Operator/ 7/26/2016 PUBLIC WORKS - ENGINEERING Plan Check $ 152.00 $ 155.00 COS -Fee Engineering Plan Check Fee - Charged hourly/ 10/24/2016 Parcel Map Check $ 2,440.00 $ 2,488.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Encroachment Permit Without Other Dept./Div. Review $ 237.00 $ 241.00 COS -Fee / 88% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 10/24/2016 Encroachment Permit With Other Dept./Div. Review $ 270.00 $ 275.00 COS -Fee / 57% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 10/24/2016 Encroachment & Eng. Agreement Prep $ 801.00 $ 817.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Document Recordation Fee $ 188.00 $ 192.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Engineering Field Inspection $ 162.00 $ 165.00 COS -Fee Curb/Gutter/Sidewalk/Driveway/Non-standard Imp. -Each Inspection 1/30' / 10/24/2016 Engineering Field Inspection $ 162.00 $ 165.00 COS -Fee Sewer/Water Meter/Fire Service/Underground Utilities -Each Insp./location / 10/24/2016 Engineering Field Inspection $ 162.00 $ 165.00 1 COS -Fee I Parkway Drains -Each Inspection / 10/24/2016 Relocate to MOD $ ilo.90 rn` ��t� c ,., . r ....-...., /gni-..,.. c,..,,iee He Fly / 10/24/2016 23 17-38 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Lot Line Adjustment Checking Fee $ 1,059.00 $ 1,079.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Easement Deed Research, Reviews/Processing $ 204.00 $ 208.00 COS -Fee / 10/24/2016 Street Easement and Vacation Processing Fee $ 1,002.00 $ 1,022.00 COS -Fee / Base+ hourly rate if > 6.75 hours 10/24/2016 Covenant Agreement Research & Review Fee $ 136.00 $ 139.00 COS -Fee Charged hourly/ 10/24/2016 Traffic Subdivision Plan Check $ 136.00 $ 139.00 COS -Fee Charged hourly/ 10/24/2016 Traffic Control Plan Check $ 64.00 $ 65.00 COS -Fee 8'/:" x 11"/11" x17"; per sheet / 10/24/2016 Traffic Control Plan Check $ 140.00 $ 143.00 COS -Fee 24" x 36"; per sheet / 10/24/2016 Traffic Study see notes see notes Pass Thru Utilizes outside consultant / Will be charged based on consultant billings. 10/24/2016 Plan Check with Pre -Permit Review $ 136.00 $ 139.00 COS -Fee Charged hourly/ 10/24/2016 Tract Plan Check see notes see notes COS -Fee Up To $100,000 improvement cost/ 6.5% of value up to $100,000. $366 minimum 10/24/2016 Tract Plan Check $ 8,680.00 $ 8,680.00 COS -Fee $100,000 To $400,000 improvement cost / Base fee for first $100,000 + 5% incremental costs for amount over $100,000 10/24/2016 Tract Plan Check $ 28,710.00 $ 28,710.00 COS -Fee Over $400,000 improvement cost / Base fee for first $400,000 + 4% incremental costs for amount over $400,000 10/24/2016 Oceanfront Encroachment Annual Permit $ 345.00 $ 352.00 Policy Depth Of Encroachment 0-5.0 Feet / 10/24/2016 Oceanfront Encroachment Annual Permit $ 518.00 $ 528.00 Policy Depth Of Encroachment 5.0-7.5 Feet/ 10/24/2016 Oceanfront Encroachment Annual Permit $ 690.00 $ 704.00 Policy Depth Of Encroachment 7.5-10 Feet / 10/24/2016 Oceanfront Encroachment Annual Permit $ 1,037.00 $ 1,057.00 Policy Depth Of Encroachment 10-15 Feet / 10/24/2016 Dining Encroachment Permit $ 368.00 $ 375.00 COS -Fee Application / 10/24/2016 Dining Encroachment Permit $ 204.00 $ 208.00 COS -Fee Transfer / 10/24/2016 Dining Encroachment Permit $ 143.00 $ 146.00 COS -Fee Annual Use Fee Outside Dining Area 100 Sq. Ft. Or Less / 10/24/2016 Dining Encroachment Permit $ 270.00 $ 275.00 COS -Fee Annual Use Fee Outside Dining Area Over 100 Sq. Ft. / 10/24/2016 Escrow Account Administration $ 96.00 $ 98.00 COS -Fee Escrow Account Administration / 10/24/2016 Monitoring Wells $ 492.00 $ 502.00 COS -Fee Permits (EPTEA) / 10/24/2016 News Rack Permits $ 106.00 $ 108.00 COS -Fee I Permit / 10/24/2016 Street Closure Permit with Engineering Review $ 64.00 $ 65.00 1 COS -Fee Temporary Closure Of Public Property / 10/24/2016 24 17-39 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 725 726 727 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Street Closure Permit without Engineering Review $ 26.00 $ 27.00 COS -Fee Temporary Closure Of Public Property / 10/24/2016 Temporary No Parking Signs $ 0.80 $ 0.80 Pass Thru Temporary No Parking Signs / 7/26/2016 Deposits Crane Deposit $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 Deposit Refundable / 10/24/2016 Improvements Required By City Determined by Public Works Determined by Public Works Deposit Refundable / Determined by Public Works 10/24/2016 PUBLIC WORKS - HARBOR RESOURCES Plan Review Appeal Hearing see notes see notes COS -Fee Filling Fee for Appeals - charged hourly. / 100% Loaded Hourly Rate (see appendix) 7/26/2016 Appeal of Lease/Permit under Section 17.60.080 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 COS -Fee / $100 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 7/26/2016 RGP Dredging Permit $ 1,674.00 $ 1,707.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 Plan Check Fee $ 513.00 $ 523.00 COS -Fee New Construction w/ Agency Approval / 7/26/2016 Plan Check Fee $ 120.00 $ 123.00 COS -Fee Maintenance / 7/26/2016 Pier Permit Transfer $ 229.00 $ 234.00 COS -Fee Commercial and non commercial piers/ 7/26/2016 Wait List for Balboa Yacht Basin $ 35.00 $ 35.00 COS -Fee Slips and Garages/ 7/26/2016 Live Aboard Permits $ 311.00 $ 317.00 COS -Fee Annual Permit Fee/ 7/26/2016 Wait List for Live aboard $ 35.00 $ 35.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 Marine Activities Permit - initial $ 673.00 $ 686.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 Marine Activities Permit - renewal $ 199.00 $ 203.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 PUBLIC WORKS - WATER QUALITY WQ Construction Site Inspections $ 106.00 $ 108.00 COS -Fee Inspection / 10/24/2016 MOD (Fees were reviewed in detail and adjustments were made based on study results and not CPI adjustments) Water Related Fees Water Service Installation Fee $ 547.00 $ 528.00 COS -Fee I New Or Enlarged Water Service / 7/26/2016 Water Service Establishment Fee $ 66.00 $ 67.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 25 17-40 728 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Water Service Establishment Fee $ 59.00 $ 67.00 COS -Fee Online / 7/26/2016 Delinquent Water Service Restoration $ 166.00 $ 179.00 COS -Fee Punitive Business Hours / A fine of $100 is included in the total amount. 7/26/2016 Delinquent Water Service Restoration $ 371.00 $ 293.00 COS -Fee Punitive Non Business Hours / A fine of $100 is included in the total amount. 7/26/2016 Delinquent Water Service Discontinuance $ 149.00 $ 92.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 Water Shut Off -Tag Placement $ 15.00 $ 29.00 COS -Fee Pink Notice / 7/26/2016 Construction Water Meter $ 104.00 $ 103.00 COS -Fee Establishment Charge / 50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Construction Water Meter $ 973.00 $ 973.00 Deposit Meter Deposit / 7/26/2016 Construction Water Meter $ 90.00 $ 92.00 COS -Fee Monthly Rental Charge / Same cost as 2" meter 7/26/2016 Hydrant Flow Test - Regular hours $ 423.00 $ 338.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 Hydrant Flow Test - Nighttime/Highway Test $ 575.00 $ 501.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 3/4 Inch Meter Box see notes $ 9.25 Pass Thru For Parkway & Sidewalk / Actual costs 7/26/2016 3/4 Inch Meter Box Lid see notes $ 18.25 Pass Thru For Parkway & Sidewalk / Actual costs 7/26/2016 1 Inch Meter Box $ 11.42 $ 13.00 Pass Thru For Parkway & Sidewalk/ Actual costs 7/26/2016 1 Inch Meter Box Lid $ 34.26 $ 37.00 Pass Thru For Parkway & Sidewalk/ Actual costs 7/26/2016 2 Inch Meter Box $ 22.84 $ 27.00 Pass Thru For Parkway & Sidewalk/ Actual costs 7/26/2016 2 Inch Meter Box Lid $ 52.74 $ 61.25 Pass Thru For Parkway & Sidewalk/ Actual costs 7/26/2016 3/4 Inch Meter Box see notes $ 9.25 Pass Thru For Traffic & Alley / Actual costs 7/26/2016 3/4 Inch Meter Box Lid see notes $ 20.50 Pass Thru For Traffic & Alley / Actual costs 7/26/2016 1 Inch Meter Box $ 11.42 $ 13.00 Pass Thru For Traffic & Alley / Actual costs 7/26/2016 1 Inch Meter Box Lid $ 34.72 $ 38.00 Pass Thru For Traffic & Alley / Actual costs 7/26/2016 2 Inch Meter Box $ 22.84 $ 27.00 Pass Thru For Traffic & Alley / Actual costs 7/26/2016 2 Inch Meter Box Lid $ 195.75 $ 162.00 Pass Thru For Traffic & Alley / Actual costs 7/26/2016 Main Line Valve Box see notes $ 34.00 Pass Thru I For Traffic & Alley / Actual costs 7/26/2016 Main Line Valve Box Lid see notes $ 30.00 Pass Thru I For Traffic & Alley / Actual costs 7/26/2016 26 17-41 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 807 808 809 810 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date 1 Inch DFW Meter Box see notes $ 61.18 Pass Thru Multi Purpose / Actual costs 7/26/2016 1 Inch DFW Meter Box Lid see notes $ 35.48 Pass Thru Multi Purpose / Actual costs 7/26/2016 2 Inch DFW Meter Box see notes $ 125.53 Pass Thru Multi Purpose / Actual costs 7/26/2016 2 Inch DFW Meter Box Lid see notes $ 77.71 Pass Thru Multi Purpose / Actual costs 7/26/2016 3/4 Inch Water Meter $ 95.60 $ 50.25 Pass Thru / Actual costs 7/26/2016 1 Inch Water Meter $ 138.88 $ 121.50 Pass Thru / Actual costs 7/26/2016 1.5 Inch Water Meter $ 368.95 $ 285.00 Pass Thru / Actual costs 7/26/2016 1.5 Inch Turbine Water Meter $ 670.45 $ 700.00 Pass Thru / Actual costs 7/26/2016 2 Inch Water Meter $ 510.31 $ 425.00 Pass Thru / Actual costs 7/26/2016 2Inch Turbine Water Meter $ 1,123.62 $ 845.00 Pass Thru / Actual costs 7/26/2016 3 Inch Water Meter $ 3,354.65 $ 3,310.00 Pass Thru / Actual costs 7/26/2016 4Inch Water Meter $ 4,407.87 $ 4,730.00 Pass Thru / Actual costs 7/26/2016 6Inch Water Meter $ 7,130.82 $ 7,190.00 Pass Thru / Actual costs 7/26/2016 8 Inch Water Meter $ 7,239.96 $ 8,345.00 Pass Thru / Actual costs 7/26/2016 Recycled Water Related Fees Sewer Related Fees Sewer 4TT Box (Main Line) $ 25.57 $ 34.00 Pass Thru / Actual costs 7/26/2016 Sewer 4TT Box Lid (Main Line) $ 29.15 $ 30.00 Pass Thru / Actual costs 7/26/2016 Miscellaneous Utilities Field Inspection $ 110.00 $ 121.00 COS -Fee Sewer Connection/Water Service -Hourly / Relocated to MOD with 2016 study 10/24/2016 Trench Plate Delivery Fee N/A $ 406.00 COS -Fee / New fee 2016 7/26/2016 T..,..^h Plate Rpmtal ^' x o' Delete, Established Delivery Fee $ 1E. 18-60 - Weekly Rent"' `^• eeveFiH9 GeAStFUetieR sites, ene week ^4n44w^a/ 7/26/2016 I ........ I I..e Rental 5'x 10' Delete, Established Delivery Fee I$ 21.70 $ P1_.70 - ` ee'd Rental `^• eeveFiH9 GeAStFUetieR sites, ene week Fs W4 7/26/2016 T...,.^h Plat,.. to �' .. +�' Delete, Established Delivery Fee $ 24.7 $ 24.70 - `^ eekly Rental f9F seveFiH9 GeAStFUetieR sites, ene week n 44 7/26/2016 27 17-42 811 814 815 816 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 A B C D E Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Lifting Eye For Trench Plates $ 121.00 $ 121.00 Deposit Deposit Only No Rental Fee / 7/26/2016 MOD - GENERAL SERVICES (Fees were reviewed in detail and adjustments were made based on study results and not CPI adjustments) Administration Solid Waste Franchise Application $ 745.00 $ 752.00 COS -Fee / 7/26/2016 Annual Grease Disposal Mitigation Fee $ 684.00 $ 517.00 COS -Fee Annual Fee/ 7/26/2016 FOG Annual Permit N/A $ - COS -Fee Annual Fee / New fee 2016. 0% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Demolition Waste Management Administration Fee $ 192.00 $ 197.00 COS -Fee Administration Fee Demolition / 7/26/2016 RECREATION AND SENIOR SERVICES (Fees were reviewed in detail and adjustments were made based on study results and not CPI adjustments) Administration Admin Processing Fee $ 5.00 $ 5.00 COS -Fee Applies to program and Facility Use charges / $5 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 F- +n Delete, Fee under Police $ 29-99 $ 29 98 7/26/2016 Class Refund $ 10.00 $ 10.00 COS -Fee For classes $74 or less / $10 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Class Refund $ 20.00 $ 20.00 COS -Fee For classes $75 and over / $20 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Badge Replacement $ 5.00 $ 5.00 COS -Fee / Initial badge is provided at no cost. $5 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 r,,..+,..m-,�.,..;�„-�,^' a^^',s Delete, Don't do anymore $ 5-89 y 5-99 � This is a pass th Feugh east 7/26/2016 Natural Resources / 0-20% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A Beach Cleanup Program and Education $ 35.00 $ 35.00 COS -Fee Up to 2 hours/ 9/8/2016 Natural Resource/Tidepool Exploration Program $ 35.00 $ 35.00 COS -Fee Less than 15 people / 9/8/2016 Natural Resource/Tidepool Exploration Program $ 69.00 $ 69.00 COS -Fee More than 15 people / 9/8/2016 ISOpod Use at Natural Resource/Tidepool Exploration Program $ 100.00 $ 100.00 COS -Fee Add On To Existing Offering / 9/8/2016 ISOpod School Program $ 350.00 $ 350.00 COS -Fee 2 Hours; 1-70 Students / 9/8/2016 ISOpod School Program $ 600.00 $ 600.00 1 COS -Fee 14 Hours; 71-140 Students / 9/8/2016 ISOpod Special Events & Outreach Program $ 250.00 $ 250.00 1 COS -Fee 2 Hours / 1 9/8/2016 28 17-43 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date ISOpod Special Events & Outreach Program $ 350.00 $ 350.00 COS -Fee 3 Hours/ 9/8/2016 ISOpod Special Events & Outreach Program $ 425.00 $ 425.00 COS -Fee 4 hours / 9/8/2016 Special Services Relocation Of Sand Volleyball Court $ 800.00 $ 800.00 COS -Fee / Requires contractor 7/26/2016 Cancellation Fees Refund Charge All Other Programs and Facilities $ 10.00 $ 10.00 COS -Fee Program Or Facility Use (less than $75.00) / $10 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Refund Charge All Other Programs and Facilities $ 20.00 $ 20.00 COS -Fee Program Or Facility Use ($75.00 or more) / $20 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Adult Sports / 50-95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A Volleyball Resident see notes see notes COS -Fee League Teams / R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee 9/8/2016 Volleyball Nonresident see notes see notes COS -Fee League Teams / R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee 9/8/2016 Volleyball Resident see notes see notes COS -Fee Tournament Player / R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee 9/8/2016 Volleyball Nonresident see notes see notes COS -Fee Tournament Player / R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee 9/8/2016 Adult Sports Drop In $ 3.00 $ 3.00 COS -Fee Single Drop In / 9/8/2016 Adult Sports Drop In $ 15.00 $ 15.00 COS -Fee 5 Punch Pass/ 9/8/2016 Adult Sports Drop In $ 50.00 $ 50.00 COS -Fee 20 Punch Pass - Resident/ 9/8/2016 Adult Sports Drop In $ 60.00 $ 60.00 COS -Fee 20 Punch Pass - Nonresident/ 9/8/2016 Softball Resident $ 635.00 see notes COS -Fee League Teams / R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee 9/8/2016 Softball Nonresident $ 685.00 see notes COS -Fee League Teams / R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee 9/8/2016 Basketball Resident $ 685.00 see notes COS -Fee League Teams / R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee 9/8/2016 Basketball Nonresident $ 735.00 see notes COS -Fee League Teams / R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee 9/8/2016 Adult Soccer Resident $ 1,685.00 see notes COS -Fee League Teams / R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee 9/8/2016 Adult Soccer Nonresident $ 1,685.00 see notes COS -Fee League Teams / R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee 9/8/2016 Adult Sports Late Registration Fee $ 30.00 $ 30.00 COS -Fee I Late Registration Fee/ 9/8/2016 Adult League Resident Player Card $ 20.00 $ 20.00 COS -Fee I Per Player/ 9/8/2016 29 17-44 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Adult League Nonresident Player Card $ 25.00 $ 25.00 COS -Fee Per Player / 9/8/2016 Adult League Resident Replacement Player Card $ 10.00 $ 10.00 COS -Fee Per Player / 9/8/2016 Adult League Nonresident Replacement Player Card $ 15.00 $ 15.00 COS -Fee Per Player/ 9/8/2016 Aquatic Activities / 20-50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A Swim Lessons Resident $ 51.00 $ 51.00 COS -Fee Group / 9/8/2016 Swim Lessons Nonresident $ 56.00 $ 56.00 COS -Fee Group / 9/8/2016 Swim Lessons Resident $ 127.00 $ 127.00 COS -Fee Semi -private / 9/8/2016 Swim Lessons Nonresident $ 137.00 $ 137.00 COS -Fee Semi -private / 9/8/2016 Swim Lessons Resident $ 85.00 $ 85.00 COS -Fee Private / 9/8/2016 Swim Lessons Nonresident $ 95.00 $ 95.00 COS -Fee Private / 9/8/2016 Recreation Swim 17 yrs old & under $ 2.00 $ 2.00 COS -Fee Drop In / 9/8/2016 Recreation Swim Adult $ 3.00 $ 3.00 COS -Fee Drop In / 9/8/2016 Lap Swim Resident $ 160.00 $ 160.00 COS -Fee Annual Pass/ 9/8/2016 Lap Swim Nonresident $ 190.00 $ 190.00 COS -Fee Annual Pass/ 9/8/2016 Lap Swim Senior Resident $ 110.00 $ 110.00 COS -Fee Annual Pass/ 9/8/2016 Lap Swim Senior Nonresident $ 140.00 $ 140.00 COS -Fee Annual Pass/ 9/8/2016 Lap Swim Resident $ 50.00 $ 50.00 COS -Fee 20 Punch Pass / 9/8/2016 Lap Swim Nonresident $ 60.00 $ 60.00 COS -Fee 20 Punch Pass / 9/8/2016 Lap Swim Senior Resident $ 35.00 $ 35.00 COS -Fee 20 Punch Pass/ 9/8/2016 Lap Swim Senior Nonresident $ 45.00 $ 45.00 COS -Fee 20 Punch Pass / 9/8/2016 Lap Swim $ 15.00 $ 15.00 COS -Fee 5 Punch Pass/ 9/8/2016 Lap Swim Senior $ 10.00 $ 10.00 COS -Fee 5 Punch Pass/ 9/8/2016 Parent & Me Swim Resident $ 30.00 $ 30.00 COS -Fee / 9/8/2016 Parent & Me Swim Nonresident $ 35.00 $ 35.00 COS -Fee / 9/8/2016 30 17-45 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date MBAC Pool Use Fees Shared Use Rate $ 46.00 $ 46.00 Rental Non -Profit - Resident / per hour / 7/26/2016 Shared Use Rate $ 85.00 $ 85.00 Rental Non-profit , Non-resident/per hour/ 7/26/2016 Exclusive Use Rate $ 75.00 $ 75.00 Rental Non -Profit - Resident/ per hour/ 7/26/2016 Exclusive Use Rate $ 95.00 $ 95.00 Rental Non-profit , Non-resident/per hour / 7/26/2016 Shared Use Rate $ 90.00 $ 90.00 Rental Private , Resident per/hour / 7/26/2016 Shared Use Rate $ 110.00 $ 110.00 Rental Private, Non-resident per hour/ 7/26/2016 Exclusive Use Rate $ 165.00 $ 165.00 Rental Private , Resident per/hour / 7/26/2016 Exclusive Use Rate $ 190.00 $ 190.00 Rental Private, Non-resident per hour / 7/26/2016 Shared Use Rate $ 215.00 $ 215.00 Rental Commercial, resident per hour/ 7/26/2016 Shared Use Rate $ 250.00 $ 250.00 Rental Commercial, non-resident per hour/ 7/26/2016 Exclusive Use Rate $ 305.00 $ 305.00 Rental Commercial, resident per hour/ 7/26/2016 Exclusive Use Rate $ 330.00 $ 330.00 Rental Commercial, non-resident per hour / 7/26/2016 Energy Surcharge see notes see notes Pass Thru All groups / This is a pass through cost 7/26/2016 Additional Lifeguard Staff $ 30.00 $ 30.00 COS -Fee Per staff person per hour / 9/8/2016 School Dist Maintenance Fee see notes see notes Pass Thru Pass through cost / This is a pass through cost 7/26/2016 Security Deposit on MBAC Rentals $ 250.00 $ 250.00 Deposit / 7/26/2016 Splash Bash $ 5.00 $ 5.00 COS -Fee Per Person / 9/8/2016 Youth Sports, After School/Camp Programs 120-50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A Youth Sports -Football $ 75.00 see notes COS -Fee Per Person / R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee 9/8/2016 Delete, Contracted Out $ 8&09 ; 80.09 ge+- : 9/8/2016 YeWth SPBA,. Basketball Regident Delete, Don't do anymore $ 75 0 $ 75-99 D,e�T 9/8/2016 YeWth SPBA,. Basketball ni,.AFeg„+..„« Delete, Don't do anymore 1$ 8&09 $ 139:99 I I PPF PP SeR T 9/8/2016 Youth Sports -Track and Field Resident 1 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 1 COS -Fee I Per Person / 9/8/2016 31 17-46 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Youth Sports -Track and Field Nonresident $ 13.00 $ 13.00 COS -Fee Per Person / 9/8/2016 Youth Sports- Track and Field Late/Day of Registration Fee $ 5.00 $ 5.00 COS -Fee Per Person / 9/8/2016 After School Programs Resident $ 355.00 $ 355.00 COS -Fee Per Child Trimester/ 9/8/2016 After School Programs Nonresident $ 365.00 $ 365.00 COS -Fee Per Child Trimester/ 9/8/2016 After School Program $ 1.00 $ 1.00 COS -Fee Late pickup charge - per minute / 9/8/2016 Day Camp Fee $ 145.00 $ 145.00 COS -Fee Per child per week / 9/8/2016 Day r..Fsp Fee Plep.,,g„Yent Delete, No longer charging nonresident fee $ i55.00 $ 155 0 CPS Fee PeF 6hild peF wee' L 9/8/2016 Day Camp/Pint Sized Campers Cancellation $ 50.00 $ 50.00 COS -Fee 6 days or less notice / 9/8/2016 Day Camp/Pint Sized Campers Cancellation $ 25.00 $ 25.00 COS -Fee 7+ days notice / 9/8/2016 Day Camp Fee- Hardship Fee $ 108.00 $ 108.00 COS -Fee Per child per week / 9/8/2016 Day Camp $ 15.00 $ 15.00 COS -Fee Additional rash guard / 9/8/2016 Day Camp $ 10.00 $ 10.00 COS -Fee Additional T-shirt / 9/8/2016 Pint Size Campers Resident $ 125.00 $ 127.00 COS -Fee / 9/8/2016 Pint Size Campers Nonresident $ 135.00 $ 147.00 COS -Fee / 9/8/2016 Preschool 101 Resident $ 295.00 $ 300.00 COS -Fee Per session T/TH / 9/8/2016 Preschool 101 Resident $ 435.00 $ 443.00 COS -Fee Per session M/W/F / 9/8/2016 Preschool 101 Nonresident $ 305.00 $ 310.00 COS -Fee Per session T/TH / 9/8/2016 Preschool 101 Nonresident $ 445.00 $ 453.00 COS -Fee Per session M/W/F / 9/8/2016 Teen Leadership Program - Summer $ 115.00 $ 115.00 COS -Fee / 9/8/2016 Teen L ,...deFship o,.,.,...,..., S , N,,.,.,.,.,, Pnt Delete, No longer charging nonresident fee $ GQS Fee 9/8/2016 Teen Leadership Program - Annual Pass $ 195.00 $ 195.00 COS -Fee / 9/8/2016 Teen Leadership PFeg..,..., Annual Pass N,...Fesi, ent Delete, No longer charging nonresident fee $ -2050 $ 205.09 GQS Fee 9/8/2016 Registration and Contract Classes Classes see notes see notes COS -Fee Per Person / R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee. 50-95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 32 17-47 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Nonresident Additional Charge - Classes $ 5.00 $ 5.00 COS -Fee Per Person Fee Less Than $75.00 / 50-95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Nonresident Additional Charge - Classes $ 10.00 $ 10.00 COS -Fee Per Person Fee $75.00 Or More / 50-95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Nonresident Additional Charge - Camps $ 10.00 $ 10.00 COS -Fee Per Person, for fees $124 and below / Applies to contract summer camps only. 20-50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Nonresident Additional Charge - Camps $ 20.00 $ 20.00 COS -Fee Per Person, for fees $125 and above / Applies to contract summer camps only. 20-50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Contract Camp Refund Fee see notes see notes COS -Fee After camp has started / Fee is calculated based on number of days attended. 20-50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Special Events Surf Contest -Amateur $ 30.00 $ 30.00 COS -Fee Per Person Prior To Registration Deadline / 7/26/2016 r`,..,.,... FRAC. . N ,.,..,.,.,, Pnt Delete, No longer charging nonresident fee $ 35-99 G S Fee DP. o,..SeR PFi9F T-9 Reg stF n,.- a ,, / 7/26/2016 Special Event Permits Level 1 Permit Resident $ 452.00 $ 452.00 COS -Fee / 0-20% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Level 1 Permit Nonresident $ 891.00 $ 891.00 COS -Fee Routed To Other Departments No Road Closures, Attachments Or Permits Required By Other Departments / 20-50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Level 1 Permit Resident Late Fee $ 570.00 $ 570.00 COS -Fee Submitted Less Than 20 Calendar Days from Event Date / 0-20% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Level 1 Permit Nonresident Fee $ 1,141.00 $ 1,141.00 COS -Fee Submitted Less Than 20 Calendar Days from Event Date / 20-50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Level 2 Permit Resident $ 939.00 $ 939.00 COS -Fee / 20-50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Level 2 Permit Nonresident $ 2,012.00 $ 2,012.00 COS -Fee / 20-50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Level 2 Permit Resident Late Fee $ 1,447.00 $ 1,447.00 COS -Fee Complex Events Requiring Road Closures, Attachments Or Permits By Other Departments Submitted Less Than 60 Calendar Days From Event Date / 20-50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Level 2 Permit Nonresident Late Fee $ 2,885.00 $ 2,885.00 COS -Fee Complex Events Requiring Road Closures, Attachments Or Permits By Other Departments Submitted Less Than 60 Calendar Days From Event Date / 50-95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Level 3 Permit Resident $ 2,666.00 $ 2,666.00 COS -Fee / 20-50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Level 3 Permit Nonresident $ 5,095.00 $ 5,095.00 COS -Fee / 50-95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Level 3 Permit Resident Late Fee $ 4,494.00 $ 4,494.00 COS -Fee Submitted Less Than 120 Calendar Days From Event Date / 20-50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Level 3 Permit Nonresident Late Fee $ 8,988.00 $ 8,988.00 COS -Fee Major Events Requiring Road Closures, Attachments Or Permits By Other Departments & 1 Pre -event Meeting Submitted Less Than 120 Calendar Days From Event Date / 50-95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Bundled Event Permit Fee $ 2,956.00 $ 2,931.00 COS -Fee For every 20 events / 7/26/2016 Deposit - Level 2 $ 815.00 $ 815.00 1 Deposit I Level 2 / 7/26/2016 Deposit - Level 3 $ 1,746.00 $ 1,746.00 1 Deposit I Level 3 / 7/26/2016 33 17-48 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 A B C D E Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Special Events Appeal - to City Council $ 1,626.00 $ 1,639.00 COS -Fee For levels 1, 2 and 3 / 50-95% Recovery per Municipal Code 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Senior Services Transportation $1-$3 $1-$3 COS -Fee Van Service / Total charge is based on destination. $1-$3 each way Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Senior Recreation Classes see notes see notes Contract / R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee, 20-50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 OASIS -WELLNESS Fitness Center $ 125.00 $ 125.00 COS -Fee Annual -Resident / 50-95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 OASIS -WELLNESS Fitness Center $ 175.00 $ 175.00 COS -Fee Annual -Non -Resident / 50-95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 9/8/2016 Facility Use Insurance, Deposits And Set-up Fees May Be Required, Availability May Be Limited, Other Restrictions May Apply / Deposits Gymnasiums $ 185.00 $ 185.00 Deposit / 7/26/2016 OASIS Event Center Room $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Deposit No Alcohol / 7/26/2016 OASIS Event Center Room $ 400.00 $ 400.00 Deposit With Alcohol / 7/26/2016 OASIS Large Classroom $ 185.00 $ 185.00 Deposit / 7/26/2016 OASIS Small Classroom $ 100.00 $ 100.00 Deposit / 7/26/2016 Meeting Rooms And Parks $ 100.00 $ 100.00 Deposit Under 75 People / 7/26/2016 Meeting Rooms And Parks $ 150.00 $ 150.00 Deposit 76 And More People/ 7/26/2016 Cleaning Fee $ 150.00 $ 150.00 Deposit / This is a pass through cost 7/26/2016 Security Guards $ 36.00 $ 36.00 Deposit per hour / 7/26/2016 ^^ "' &4 Delete, No longer charging$ 30--.99 $ 1.80.00 Depesit App4es to all f^^"ities i 7/26/2016 Setup And Cleanup Fees Gy+"n� Delete, No longer charging $ 65-90 $ 65 P4" Set"_ -L 7/26/2016 ^" Qthe:9 Delete, No longer charging $ 40.0 $ 49.09 PeliE Setae 7/26/2016 Energy Surcharge see notes see notes Pass Thru Additional Charge Necessary To Recover Energy Costs / 7/26/2016 Meeting Rooms 34 17-49 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 Exhibit 1 - Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee 0 Policv Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% G 35 17-50 Incremental - Incremental - SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Total or Base Fee TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date (if applicable) (if applicable) Balboa Community Center, Bonita Creek, Carroll Beek, Cliff Drive, Mariners/VJC, Balboa Community Center, West Newport Community Center $ 144.00 $ 144.00 Rental Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Balboa Community Center, Bonita Creek, Carroll Beek, Cliff Drive, Mariners/VJC, Balboa Community Center, West Newport Community Center $ 290.00 $ 290.00 Rental Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Balboa Community Center, Bonita Creek, Carroll Beek, Cliff Drive, Mariners/VJC, Balboa Community Center, West Newport Community Center $ 45.00 $ 45.00 Rental Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Balboa Community Center, Bonita Creek, Carroll Beek, Cliff Drive, Mariners/VJC, Balboa Community Center, West Newport Community Center $ 85.00 $ 85.00 Rental Non -Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Balboa Community Center, Bonita Creek, Carroll Beek, Cliff Drive, Mariners/VJC, Balboa Community Center, West Newport Community Center $ 72.00 $ 72.00 Rental Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Balboa Community Center, Bonita Creek, Carroll Beek, Cliff Drive, Mariners/VJC, Balboa Community Center, West Newport Community Center $ 143.00 $ 143.00 Rental Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Delete, Redundant v 20.09 $ i0.00 Re+ita4 *9uth S..,..«..-,... missieR M,... beF QFga.,:-...t4% i 7/26/2016 Balboa Community Center, Bonita Creek, Carroll Beek, Cliff Drive, Mariners/VJC, Balboa Community Center, West Newport Community Center $ 20.00 $ 20.00 Rental Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate / 7/26/2016 Civic Center Community Room $ 310.00 $ 310.00 Rental Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Civic Center Community Room $ 562.00 $ 562.00 Rental Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Civic Center Community Room $ 120.00 $ 120.00 Rental Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Civic Center Community Room $ 180.00 $ 180.00 Rental Non -Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Civic Center Community Room $ 175.00 $ 175.00 Rental Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Civic Center Community Room $ 280.00 $ 280.00 Rental Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Delete, Redundant $ 75.00- $ � Rental Yeuth S..,..«.. C,...,...;..." ., N4.e_r._.,.. QFga z-ati .. � 7/26/2016 Civic Center Community Room $ 75.00 $ 75.00 Rental Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate / 7/26/2016 Civic Center Lawn $ 230.00 $ 230.00 Rental Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Civic Center Lawn $ 430.00 $ 430.00 Rental Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Civic Center Lawn $ 66.00 $ 66.00 Rental Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Civic Center Lawn I $ 102.00 1 $ 102.00 1 Rental I Non -Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 35 17-50 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Civic Center Lawn $ 75.00 $ 75.00 Rental Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Civic Center Lawn $ 120.00 $ 120.00 Rental Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Delete, Redundant $ 50.90 $ 50.09 Rental Y„„«w gpeFts r• ............:.... ne,.., beF r,.,. «: � 7/26/2016 Civic Center Lawn $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Rental Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate / 7/26/2016 Council Chamber $ 234.00 $ 234.00 Rental Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Council Chamber $ 462.00 $ 462.00 Rental Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Council Chamber $ 46.00 $ 46.00 Rental Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Council Chamber $ 85.00 $ 85.00 Rental Non -Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Council Chamber $ 72.00 $ 72.00 Rental Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Council Chamber $ 143.00 $ 143.00 Rental Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Delete, Redundant $ 26 09 $ 26,00 Rental *„„«w gpeFts r•,...,.. issi,.., ne,.., beF r,.,..,..,-..,«,, i 7/26/2016 Council Chamber $ 26.00 $ 26.00 Rental Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate / 7/26/2016 Newport Theater Art Center $ 390.00 $ 390.00 Rental Daily Rate, Equipment and Operator Fees / 7/26/2016 Marina Park Large Event Center $ 351.00 $ 351.00 Rental Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Large Event Center $ 645.00 $ 645.00 Rental Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Large Event Center $ 128.00 $ 128.00 Rental Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Large Event Center $ 287.00 $ 287.00 Rental Non -Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Large Event Center $ 225.00 $ 225.00 Rental Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Large Event Center $ 383.00 $ 383.00 Rental Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Delete, Redundant $ 750 $ 75O0 Rental 7/26/2016 Large Event Center $ 75.00 $ 75.00 Rental Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate / 7/26/2016 Large Room $ 135.00 $ 135.00 Rental Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Large Room $ 238.00 $ 238.00 Rental Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 36 17-51 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Large Room $ 48.00 $ 48.00 Rental Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Large Room $ 106.00 $ 106.00 Rental Non -Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Large Room $ 83.00 $ 83.00 Rental Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Large Room $ 143.00 $ 143.00 Rental Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Delete, Redundant $ 25-80 $ 25 9(3 Rental 7/26/2016 Large Room $ 25.00 $ 25.00 Rental Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate / 7/26/2016 Medium Room $ 102.00 $ 102.00 Rental Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Medium Room $ 193.00 $ 193.00 Rental Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Medium Room $ 37.00 $ 37.00 Rental Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Medium Room $ 85.00 $ 85.00 Rental Non -Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Medium Room $ 65.00 $ 65.00 Rental Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Medium Room $ 111.00 $ 111.00 Rental Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Delete, Redundant $ 20 00 $ 28-00 Rental 7/26/2016 Medium Room $ 20.00 $ 20.00 Rental Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate / 7/26/2016 Small Room $ 80.00 $ 80.00 Rental Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Small Room $ 146.00 $ 146.00 Rental Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Small Room $ 30.00 $ 30.00 Rental Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Small Room $ 67.00 $ 67.00 Rental Non -Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Small Room $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Rental Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Small Room $ 88.00 $ 88.00 Rental Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Delete, Redundant $ 14.00 $ 14.09 Rental 7/26/2016 Small Room $ 14.00 $ 14.00 Rental Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate / 7/26/2016 Lawn $ 230.00 $ 230.00 1 Rental lCommercial Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Lawn $ 66.00 $ 66.00 1 Rental Non -Profit Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 37 17-52 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Lawn $ 75.00 $ 75.00 Rental Private Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Lawn $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Rental Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate / 7/26/2016 Newport Coast Community Center Large Classroom $ 270.00 $ 270.00 Rental Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Large Classroom $ 519.00 $ 519.00 Rental Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Large Classroom $ 66.00 $ 66.00 Rental Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Large Classroom $ 132.00 $ 132.00 Rental Non -Profit Non -Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Large Classroom $ 126.00 $ 126.00 Rental Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Large Classroom $ 246.00 $ 246.00 Rental Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Large Classroom $ 48.00 $ 48.00 Rental Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate / Small Classroom $ 160.00 $ 160.00 Rental Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Small Classroom $ 318.00 $ 318.00 Rental Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Small Classroom $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Rental Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Small Classroom $ 94.00 $ 94.00 Rental Non -Profit Non -Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Small Classroom $ 79.00 $ 79.00 Rental Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Small Classroom $ 158.00 $ 158.00 Rental Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Small Classroom $ 24.00 $ 24.00 Rental Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate / 7/26/2016 Gymnasium $ 352.00 $ 352.00 Rental Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Gymnasium $ 676.00 $ 676.00 Rental Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Gymnasium $ 79.00 $ 79.00 Rental Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Gymnasium $ 136.00 $ 136.00 Rental Non -Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Gymnasium $ 108.00 $ 108.00 Rental Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Gymnasium I $ 195.00 $ 195.00 Rental I Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Gymnasium 1 $ 43.00 $ 43.00 1 Rental Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 38 17-53 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Community Youth Center Small Classroom $ 160.00 $ 160.00 Rental Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Small Classroom $ 318.00 $ 318.00 Rental Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Small Classroom $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Rental Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Small Classroom $ 94.00 $ 94.00 Rental Non -Profit Non -Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Small Classroom $ 79.00 $ 79.00 Rental Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Small Classroom $ 158.00 $ 158.00 Rental Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Small Classroom $ 24.00 $ 24.00 Rental Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate / 7/26/2016 Lincoln Gymnasium $ 319.00 $ 319.00 Rental Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Lincoln Gymnasium $ 611.00 $ 611.00 Rental Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Lincoln Gymnasium $ 72.00 $ 72.00 Rental Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Lincoln Gymnasium $ 124.00 $ 124.00 Rental Non -Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Lincoln Gymnasium $ 98.00 $ 98.00 Rental Private Residential Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Lincoln Gymnasium $ 176.00 $ 176.00 Rental Private Nonresidential Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Delete, Redundant $ 33 0 $ 33.09 Rental Y„„«w gpeFts r• ................. ne,.., laeF Qr «: � 7/26/2016 Lincoln Gymnasium $ 33.00 $ 33.00 Rental Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate / 7/26/2016 OASIS Senior Center OASIS Event Center Room $ 360.00 $ 360.00 Rental Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 OASIS Event Center Room $ 645.00 $ 645.00 Rental Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 OASIS Event Center Room $ 135.00 $ 135.00 Rental Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 OASIS Event Center Room $ 205.00 $ 205.00 Rental Non -Profit Non -Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 OASIS Event Center Room $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Rental Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 OASIS Event Center Room $ 330.00 $ 330.00 Rental I Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Delete, Redundant 1 $ 750 $ 75-80 Rental 7/26/2016 39 17-54 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date OASIS Event Center Room $ 75.00 $ 75.00 Rental Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate / 7/26/2016 OASIS Large Classroom $ 270.00 $ 270.00 Rental Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 OASIS Large Classroom $ 519.00 $ 519.00 Rental Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 OASIS Large Classroom $ 66.00 $ 66.00 Rental Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 OASIS Large Classroom $ 132.00 $ 132.00 Rental Non -Profit Non -Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 OASIS Large Classroom $ 126.00 $ 126.00 Rental Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 OASIS Large Classroom $ 246.00 $ 246.00 Rental Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 OASIS Small Classroom $ 160.00 $ 160.00 Rental Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 OASIS Small Classroom $ 318.00 $ 318.00 Rental Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 OASIS Small Classroom $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Rental Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 OASIS Small Classroom $ 94.00 $ 94.00 Rental Non -Profit Non -Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 OASIS Small Classroom $ 79.00 $ 79.00 Rental Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 OASIS Small Classroom $ 158.00 $ 158.00 Rental Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Special Ball Field Services Field Maintenance Fee $ 10.00 $ 10.00 Rental Per Player Per Season / 7/26/2016 Lights $ 30.00 $ 30.00 Rental Additional Charge When Provided, Fee Per Hour Per Field / 7/26/2016 Field Preparation $ 45.00 $ 45.00 Rental Additional Charge When Provided, Fee Per Field / 7/26/2016 Ball Fields Insurance, Deposits And Set-up Fees May Be Required, Availability May Be Limited, Other Restrictions May Apply / Bonita Creek Sports Complex, Buffalo Hills Park, East bluff Park, Grant Howald Park, Lincoln Athletic field, Mariners Parks, Peninsula Park, San Miguel Park, Bonita Canyon Sports Park, Arroyo Park, Bob Henry Park, Coastal Peak Park, Irvine Terrace and Sunset Ridge Park Ball Fields $ 145.00 $ 145.00 Rental Commercial Resident Rate (Lights & Field Prep. Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Min. / 7/26/2016 Ball Fields 1 $ 287.00 $ 287.00 1 Rental lCommercial Nonresident Rate (Lights & Field Prep. Extra) Fee Per Hr. 2 Hr. Min. / 7/26/2016 Ball Fields 1 $ 65.00 $ 65.00 1 Rental I Non -Profit Resident Rate (Lights & Field Prep. Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Min. / 7/26/2016 40 17-55 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 Exhibit 1- Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) Annual Update to Fees and Charges Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges Rounded down to nearest dollar I Fee (a) Policy Level F 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% L SERVICE NAME Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) TYPE DESCRIPTION / NOTES Implementation Date Ball Fields $ 104.00 $ 104.00 Rental Non -Profit Nonresident Rate (Lights & Field Prep. Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Min. / 7/26/2016 Ball Fields $ 85.00 $ 85.00 Rental Private Resident Rate (Lights & Field Prep. Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Ball Fields $ 143.00 $ 143.00 Rental Private Nonresident Rate (Lights & Field Prep. Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Min. / 7/26/2016 Ball Fields $ 1.00 $ 1.00 Rental Youth Sports Commission Open Rate, Fee Per Hour/ 7/26/2016 Ball Fields $ 15.00 $ 15.00 Rental Youth Sports Commission Club Rate, Fee Per Hour/ 7/26/2016 Public Areas Insurance, Deposits And Set-up Fees May Be Required, Availability May Be Limited, Other Restrictions May Apply / Picnic/Park Areas $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Rental Commercial Resident Rate (Max. Table Reservation 50%) Fee Per Hr. 2 Hr. Min. / 7/26/2016 Picnic/Park Areas $ 15.00 $ 15.00 Rental Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate / 7/26/2016 Picnic/Park Areas $ 401.00 $ 401.00 Rental Commercial Nonres. Rate (Max. Table Reservation 50%) Fee Per Hr. 2 Hr. Min. / 7/26/2016 Picnic/Park Areas $ 36.00 $ 36.00 Rental Non -Profit Resident Rate (Max. Table Reservation 50%) Fee Per Hr. 2 Hr. Min. / 7/26/2016 Picnic/Park Areas $ 72.00 $ 72.00 Rental Non -Profit Nonresident Rate (Max. Table Reservation 50%) Fee Per Hr. 2 Hr. Min. / 7/26/2016 Picnic/Park Areas $ 42.00 $ 42.00 Rental Private Resident Rate (Max. Table Reservation 50%) Fee Per Hr. 2 Hr. Min. / 7/26/2016 Picnic/Park Areas $ 83.00 $ 83.00 Rental Private Nonresident Rate (Max. Table Reservation 50%) Fee Per Hr. 2 Hr. Min. / 7/26/2016 Peninsula Park Gazebo $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Rental Commercial Resident Rate (Electricity $13 Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Peninsula Park Gazebo $ 400.00 $ 400.00 Rental Commercial Nonresident Rate (Electricity $13 Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Peninsula Park Gazebo $ 36.00 $ 36.00 Rental Non -Profit Resident Rate (Electricity $13 Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Peninsula Park Gazebo $ 72.00 $ 72.00 Rental Non -Profit Nonresident Rate (Electricity $13 Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Min. / 7/26/2016 Peninsula Park Gazebo $ 45.00 $ 45.00 Rental Private Resident Rate (Electricity $13 Extra), Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Peninsula Park Gazebo $ 90.00 $ 90.00 Rental Private Nonresident Rate (Electricity $13 Extra), Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum / 7/26/2016 Peninsula Park Gazebo $ 15.00 $ 15.00 1 Rental lResident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate / 7/26/2016 41 17-56 ATTACHMENT B ORDINANCE NO. 2016-14 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING EXHIBIT A TO NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 3.36.030 RELATED TO COST RECOVERY, SECTION 12.16.020 RELATED TO PARKING PENALTIES, SUBSECTION 14.12.010(B) RELATED TO WATER SERVICE FEES, AND RATIFYING EXISTING LIBRARY FINES WHEREAS, the City of Newport Beach ("City") funds certain municipal services, which are typically performed without request by the user, benefit the public generally and are traditionally funded by tax revenue; WHEREAS, the City performs other services which are funded in whole or in part by the person requesting the service; WHEREAS, Newport Beach Municipal Code ("NBMC") Subsection 3.36.030(A) provides the cost recovery for user service fees specifically requested by a person shall be at one hundred percent (100%), unless the amount is modified by the City Council in Exhibit A to NBMC Section 3.36.030; WHEREAS, the Finance Department conducts regular fee studies and makes recommendations to the City Council regarding adjustments that may be made to the cost recovery amounts provided in Exhibit A to ensure compliance with the law, consistency with current practices, and the maintenance of a high level of customer service for our residents; WHEREAS, on June 16, 2016, the proposed revisions to Exhibit A were taken to the City's Finance Committee for review; WHEREAS, the City enforces vehicle stopping, standing, and parking regulations throughout the City and imposes civil administrative penalties for violations of the parking regulations; and WHEREAS, the Board of Library Trustees has a practice of submitting rules and regulations to the City Council for review and ratification. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach ordains as follows: Section 1: Exhibit "A" in Section 3.36.030 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 17-57 Exhibit A The City's cost of providing the following services shall be recovered through direct fees charged for services. Exhibit A limits cost recovery fees to the percentages or dollar amounts indicated below. Page 12 17-58 Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Direct Service Fees Community Development Building Appeals Board Hearing 50% Harbor Construction 50% Permit Issuance (Counter $33 Only) Electrical, Plumbing Preliminary Plan Review First Two Hours Free, Full Cost Thereafter Planning Appeals to City Council 50% Appeals to Planning 50% Commission Reasonable 0% Accommodation Page 12 17-58 Page 13 17-59 Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Direct Service Fees Recreation and Senior Services Adult Sports 50%-95% Administrative $5 Processing Fee Badge Replacement $5 After School/Camp Programs Camps 20%-50% After-School/Teen 20%-50% Program Pre -School Program 20%-50% Aquatics 20%-50% Contract Classes 50%-95% Class Refunds $74 or less $10 $75 or more $20 Youth Sports 20%-50% Special Events—Levels 1, 2,and 3 Resident, Level 1 and 0%-20% Page 13 17-59 Page 14 17-60 Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Direct Service Fees Late Fees for Level 1 Resident, Levels 2-3 and 20%-50% Late Fees for Levels 2-3 Nonresident, Levels 1-2 20%-50% and Late Fees for Level 1 Nonresident, Level 3 and 50%-95% Late Fees for Levels 2-3 Appeal to City Council 50%-95% Natural Resources 0%-20% Programs Senior Services Oasis Transportation $1-$3 each way Contract Classes 20%-50% Fitness Center 50%-95% Library Services Passport Photo $10 Use Fees—Materials $1 Inter -Library Loan $5 Fire and Marine Emergency Medical Page 14 17-60 Page 15 17-61 Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Direct Service Fees Services Advanced Life Support— $400 Nontransport Basic Life Support— $300 Nontransport State -Mandated Inspections Day Care Facilities 25% Marine Junior Guards 82.1% Police Bike Licenses 17% Secondhand/Pawn 0% Dealer Tag Check Registrant—Narcotics 0% Impound Fee Maximum Permitted by Contract Public Works Engineering Encroachment Permit 88% without Other Page 15 17-61 Page 16 17-62 Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Direct Service Fees Department/Division Review Encroachment Permit 57% with Other Department/Division Review Harbor Resources Appeal of Lease/Permit $100 under Section 17.60.080 Finance Parking Hearings 0% Admin. Cite Hearings 0% Municipal Operations Construction Water 50% Meter Establishment Fats, Oils, and Grease 0% (FOG) Annual Permit City Council, Board, Commission, Committee or Any Individual Member Thereof when Acting within the Scope of Their Official Duties Page 16 17-62 Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Direct Service Fees Review from a Lower $0 Body or Official Section 2: Section 12.16.020 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 12.16.020 Violation a Misdemeanor or Infraction. It is unlawful for any person to violate or to fail to comply with any provision of this title. Any such violation shall be a misdemeanor, or, if a violation of any such provision has been classified as an infraction under any statute of the State of California, such violation shall constitute an infraction for purposes of this title. Parking penalty amounts, and any associated administrative late penalty fees, shall be established by City Council resolution. Section 3: Subsection 14.12.010(B) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: B. The installation fee for a water service shall be the City's costs including all labor and materials. The installation fee shall be as established by the Municipal Operations Department, and the cost shall be paid to the Finance Department by the person applying for such installation before the work of connecting the main with the property is begun. Section 4: The City Council hereby ratifies and approves the Board of Library Trustees' Schedule of Fines/Fees attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Section 5: The recitals provided in this ordinance are true and correct and are incorporated into the substantive portion of this ordinance. Section 6: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not Page 17 17-63 affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, subsection, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one (1) or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional. Section 7: The City Council finds the introduction and approval of this ordinance is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Section 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential to have a significant effect on the environment. Section 8: Except as expressly modified in this ordinance, all other Sections, Subsections, terms, clauses and phrases set forth in the Newport Beach Municipal Code shall remain unchanged and shall be in full force and effect. Section 9: The Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the passage of this ordinance. The City Clerk shall cause the ordinance to be published pursuant to City Charter Section 414, and it shall be effective thirty (30) days after its adoption. This ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach held on the day of 2016, and adopted on the day of , 2016, by the following vote, to -wit: AYES, COUNCILMEMBERS NOES, COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS MAYOR ATTEST: DIANE B. DIXON 17-64 LEILANI I. BROWN, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE AARON C. HARP, CITY ATTORNEY Page 19 17-65 9.0 Library Circulation Policies Schedule of Fines/Fees 9.01 Rental Fees Rental DVDs - $1.00 per day Rental Books - $1.00 for 1 week 9.02 Fines for Overdue Materials: General Materials - $0.25/day to Maximum DVDs(non-rental) - $0.25/day to Maximum Paperbacks, Periodicals - $0.25/day to Maximum New books - $0.25/day to Maximum CDs - $0.25/day to Maximum Rental Books - $0.25/day to Maximum Video games and eReader - $1.00/day to Maximum Laptop and iPad - $5.00/hour Book Group in a Bag - $0.25/day to Maximum Maximum Fines: General Materials, Audio Books, Rental Books and ILL Materials - $10.00 Paperbacks, Periodicals - $5.00 DVDs - $20.00 CDs - $10.00 Video games and eReaders- $20.00 Laptops - $1,200.00 iPads - $400.00 Book Group in a Bag - $100.00 9.03 Replacement Cost of Materials - Actual Replacement Cost of Item When replacement cost cannot be determined, the following averages apply: Page 110 17-66 General Materials - $20.00 Periodicals & Paperbacks - $ 5.00 DVDs - $25.00 CDs - $20.00 Video games - $50.00 Laptops and/or peripherals- $1,200.00 iPad and/or peripherals - $400.00 eReader and/or peripherals - $120.00 Book Group in a Bag - $100.00 Interlibrary Loan (ILL) - Cost as determined by the lending library When materials are replaced, fines paid are applied to replacement and processing charge. The following Processing Charges apply in addition to Replacement Costs: General Materials, DVDs , Video Games and eReaders - $10.00 Paperbacks (mass market)/Periodicals - $3.00 9.04 Other Fees: Replacement of Compact Disc Cases - $1.00 Replacement of DVD/BOCD Case - $4.00 Fee for Damage to Barcode or RFID tag on Library Materials - $1.00 Interlibrary Loan Fee (per item): $5.00 This policy is subject to review and change as authorized by the Board of Library Trustees and as approved by the City Council. Page 111 17-67 ATTACHMENT C Redline Amended Code Sections Exhibit A to NBMC Section 3.36.030 Exhibit A The City's cost of providing the following services shall be recovered through direct fees charged for services. Exhibit "A" limits cost recovery fees to the percentages or dollar amounts indicated below. 17-68 Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Direct Service Fees Community Development Building Appeals Board Hearing 50% Harbor Construction 50% Permit Issuance (Counter Only) $32$33 Electrical, Plumbing Preliminary Plan Review First Two Hours Free, Full Cost Thereafter Planning Appeals to City Council 50% Appeals to Planning Commission 50% Reasonable Accommodation 0% Recreation and Senior Services Adult Sports 150%-95% 17-68 Service Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Direct Fees Adult Sps 62% Adult DrGp4n_9pGFts 45% FaGi I i'�^T 7�1.,� F,eesAdministrative Processing Fee 654%$5 Badge Replacement 45%L5 After School/Camp Programs Camps 490420%-50% After-School/Teen Program 25%20%-50% Pre-School Program 40%20%-50% Aquatics 28%20%-50% Contract Classes 69°50%-95% Class Refunds $74 or less 2-9% 10 $75 or more 59° 20 Youth Sports 25-%20%-50% Special Events—Levels 1, 2, and 3 Resident, Level 1 and Late Fees 0%-20% for Level 1 Resident, Levels 2-3 and Late 20%-50% Fees for Levels 2-3 17-69 Service Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Direct Fees Nonresident, Levels 1-2 and Late 20%-50% Fees for Level 1 Nonresident, Level 3 and Late 50%-95% Fees for Levels 2-3 U p--te--$a� 0�s Appeal to City Council 2&OA50%-95% Natural Resources Programs 0%-20% Senior Services Oasis Transportation "$1-$3 each way Contract Classes 55"0 20%-50% FaGility Use Fees 45% F iitness 50�%� -95% MarineOasis CC.enter iEnvironment cervices Marine Preserve Tours -i7B Library Services FeesPassport Photo 10 Use Fees—Materials 280$ Inter -Library Loan 4"0 $5 Fire and Marine 17-70 Service Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Direct Fees Emergency Medical Services Advanced Life Support— Nontransport $400 Basic Life Support—Nontransport $300 State-Mandated Inspections Day Care Facilities 25% Marine Junior Guards 82.1% Police Dorm;t }ax+rnurn Permitted by Law Concealed Weapon P Renewal .c,-r-.c.-ooc.r ern Permitted by rrp Law Bike Licenses 17% Maximum Permitted h Law Vehicle Repossession Maximum Permitted h Permitted Law Homeotic Volo e Ron., rho 0% 17-71 17-72 Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Direct Service Fees Secondhand/Pawn Dealer Tag 0% Check Reg+s# a„ S_ eX 0% Registrant—Narcotics 0% Impound Fee Maximum Permitted by Contract Public Works Engineering Encroachment Permit without 88% Other Department/Division Review Encroachment Permit with Other 57% Department/Division Review Harbor Resources Appeal of Lease/Permit under $100 Section 17.60.080 Finance Parking ReviewsC% Parking Hearings 0% Admin. Cite Hearings 0% Municipal Operations 17-72 12.16.020 Violation a Misdemeanor or Infraction. It is unlawful for any person to violate or to fail to comply with any provision of this t[kGh . Any such violation shall be a misdemeanor, or, if a violation of any such provision has been classified as an infraction under any statute of the State of California, such violation shall constitute an infraction for purposes of this titlerh. Parkina Denaltv amounts. and anv associated administrative late Denaltv fees. shall be established by City Council resolution NBMC Subsection 14.12.010(B) B. The installation fee for a water service shall be the City's costs including all labor and materials.,, plus twenty _fiye (25) percent Of S inh Gest fer eyerhead The installation fee shall be as established by the Municipal Operations Department, and the cost shall be paid to the Finance Department by the person applying for such installation before the work of connecting the main with the property is begun. 17-73 Percentage of Cost or Amount to Be Recovered from Direct Service Fees Construction Water Meter 30%50% Establishment Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) 0% Annual Permit City Council, Board, Commission, Committee or Any Individual Member Thereof when Acting within the Scope of Their Official Duties Review from a Lower Body or $0 Official 12.16.020 Violation a Misdemeanor or Infraction. It is unlawful for any person to violate or to fail to comply with any provision of this t[kGh . Any such violation shall be a misdemeanor, or, if a violation of any such provision has been classified as an infraction under any statute of the State of California, such violation shall constitute an infraction for purposes of this titlerh. Parkina Denaltv amounts. and anv associated administrative late Denaltv fees. shall be established by City Council resolution NBMC Subsection 14.12.010(B) B. The installation fee for a water service shall be the City's costs including all labor and materials.,, plus twenty _fiye (25) percent Of S inh Gest fer eyerhead The installation fee shall be as established by the Municipal Operations Department, and the cost shall be paid to the Finance Department by the person applying for such installation before the work of connecting the main with the property is begun. 17-73 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmmdad down to noarecr dollar I Pae ta Poli'. I ... I T Adiuctment Grnm Pra.inoc Vear I Gull rncr CPI calculation haled on I.A/OC adiustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2016 SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total Or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental REFERENCE TYPE Total or Base Fee Incremental - if applicable) CPI Notes Implementation Date ALL DEPARTMENTS (Fees were reviewed in detail and adjustments were made based on study results and not CPI adjustments) Genefal4..o,maeR Public Record Requests Public Records Act Requests see notes see notes P.R. Act Statute No Materials plus Direct Salary & Benefits Hourly Duplication Rate44 Immediate Regular Photo Copies Public Records Act Requests $ 3.00 $ 5.00 $ 2.00 P.R. Act Statute $ 5.16 Yes Materials plus incremental rate per every 5 minutes of service Immediate 8.5" x 11" Black and White Copy Per Page $ 0.08 $ 0.03 $ (0.05) M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 0.03 No Immediate 8.5" x 11" Color Copy Per Page $ 0.16 $ 0.10 $ (0.06) M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 0.10 No Immediate Scanned Copy Per Page N/A $ 0.02 N/A M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 0.02 No Immediate P&A-Shep-Gepies-Delete No Longer Have Print Shop COS Fee No m Immediate Records on Computer DVD/CD Public Records Act Requests see notes see notes P.R. Act Statute No Materials plus '00%F1 �' RDirect Salary and Benefits Hourly Duplication Rate 44 Immediate DVD/CD Per Disk DVD $1.12 CD $0.80 $ 0.49 DVD ($0.63) CD ($0.31) M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 0.49 No Immediate Outside Copy Services see notes see notes M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru No 100% of Contractor Cost Immediate " V Delete, Obsolete DT-14mages�.., � ...�„�� P.R. Act COS Fee No Materials plus 100% Fbill . Leaded HawFly Dupli__tien Rate (see ..ppen.,:.,) Immediate 11")(17" Gapies of I)Fa .k^, r.,..., r.e:,..^r...t,^ Delete, Obsolete n:^:«.des ^ � ^ e� P.R-Act 695 -Fee Ale Mate.:..i.. plus 1000A Fully Leaded Hewl., D..^r.,...«:^^ Rate (see appendix) Immediate Collection Costs Costs and Charges for Collection of Delinquent Fees see notes see notes M.C. 1.05.100 Pass Thou No 100% of all third party costs and charges Immediate Return Check Fee First Returned Check Within One Year Period $ 25.00 $ 25.00 California Civil Code 1719.0 (a) Statute No Maximum Permitted Immediate Return Check Fee Second And Subsequent Returned Checks Within One Year Period $ 35.00 $ 35.00 California Civil Code 1719.0 (a) Statute No Maximum Permitted Immediate Notary Fee Per Signature $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ - Gov. Code Section 8211 Statute No Maximum Permitted Immediate Atlas Books see notes see notes M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru No 100% of Contractor Cost Immediate "E" Size Maps see notes see notes M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru No 100% of Contractor Cost Immediate "B" Size Color Maps see notes see notes M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru No 100% of Contractor Cost Immediate "D" Size Atlas Sheets Maps see notes see notes M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru No 100% of Contractor Cost Immediate "B" Size Atlas Map Book Sheets see notes see notes M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thou No 100% of Contractor Cost Immediate Penalty and Interest If fees for services are not paid when due, then in addition to the fees for services a late payment penalty in the amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the unpaid amount shall be imposed. see notes see notes M.C. 3.36.040 Penalty No 30% First Penalty/ 10% Second Penalty/ 10% Interest Immediate DOJ Fee for Fingerprint Processing With-B9J Processing Charge (Fees were reviewed In detail and adjustments were made based on study results and not CPI adjustments) see notes see notes M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru No Pass Through 100% DOJ Charge Immediate Revenue Business License Initial Application Application Processing Fee $ 46.00 $ 56.00 $ 10.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 56.08 Yes Immediate Business License - duplicate Reprint Certificate $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ - M.C. 5.04.200 COS -Fee $ 10.65 Yes Immediate Business License -change in information $ 20.00 $ 22.00 $ 2.00 M.C. 5.04.210 COS -Fee $ 22.40 Yes Immediate Dog License Unaltered Per GRth Year $ 24.00 $ 40.00 $ 16.00 M.C. 7.04.060 COS -Fee $ 40.34 Yes Service is provided by a vendor. Immediate Dog License -Sterilized PerMentWYear $ 12.00 $ 20.00 $ 8.00 Food and Agricultural Code 30804.5 M.C. 7.04.060 COS -Fee $ 40.34 Yes Service is provided by a vendor. 50% Recovery per Food and Agricultural Code 30804.5 Immediate Dog License Tag Replacement Tag Replacement $ 4.00 $ 6.00 $ 2.00 M.C. 7.04.060 COS -Fee $ 6.41 Yes Service is provided by a vendor. Immediate Dog License Late Charge Late Charge, 1^, `w eeaRo $ 2.50 $ 2.50 $ - M.C. 7.04.060 Pass Thru $ 2.50 No Service is provided by a vendor. Immediate &eeGRd44an44)eaL-F Relocate to PD P-FFA;t $ 85.99 § 51-W 3 6,00 695 -Fee $ 94-09 Yes Immediate ,er Relocate to PD Renewal i Doi FingeFp4RtpFaeessiPg $ 46.09 $ 69:99 $_4.99 $ 6&6z Yes Immediate Vehicles For Hire - Certificate Certificate (Plus Fee For Each Vehicle Shown Below) $ 1,053.00 $ 1,798.00 $ 745.00 M.C. 5.12.030 COS -Fee $ 1,798.08 Yes Immediate Vehicles For Hire - Fee per Vehicle Fee For Each Vehicle $ 486.00 $ 182.00 $ (304.00) M.C. 5.12.030 COS -Fee $ 182.09 Yes Immediate Vehicles For Hire- Annual Per Vehicle Fee Annual Per Vehicle F^ FdFQ Vetitele (Addie eRal Vetitel^ F^^ S14ewR43elew) $ 468.00 $ 182.00 $ (286.00) M.C. 5.12.110 COS -Fee $ 182.09 Yes Immediate Vehic:e Delete, Same as Above h;_'.. Fee r-• Fa _$ 468.99 468.09 $----46&47 Yes Immediate Vehicles For Hire - Driver's Permit Driver's Permit $ 919.00 $ 341.00 $ (578.00) M.C. 5.12.230 COS -Fee $ 341.39 Yes Immediate Vehicles For Hire - Driver's Permit Renewal Driver's Permit Renewal $ 468.00 $ 331.00 $ (137.00) M.C. 5.12.230 COS -Fee $ 331.94 Yes Immediate Fire Arms Sales Permit Permit For Retail Sales $ 72.00 $ 104.00 $ 32.00 M.C. 5.80.040 COS -Fee $ 104.24 Yes Immediate 1 7/15/2016 17-74 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmmdnd down rn noarocr dollarI Pon !'la PMiry I ovol Adinctmnnr Grnm Drovinoc Voar I Grill fncr CPI calri lation haled on I.A/OC adiustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2016 SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Incremental Fee REFERENCE TYPE Total or Base Incremental - Fee (if applicable) CPI Notes Implementation Date Adult Oriented Business Permits Permit $ 768.00 $ 1,023.00 $ 255.00 M.C. 5.96.020(B) COS -Fee $ 1,023.67 Yes Immediate Escort Service Permit Permit To Conduct Escort Services $ 731.00 $ 887.00 $ 156.00 M.C. 5.90.020 COS -Fee $ 887.80 Yes Immediate Escort Service Per Employee Escort Employee $ 363.00 $ 456.00 $ 93.00 M.C. 5.90.035 COS -Fee $ 456.24 Yes Immediate Live Entertainment Permit Permit $ 156.00 $ 154.00 $ (2.00) M.C. 5.28.030 COS -Fee $ 154.98 Yes Immediate Dance Permit Permit $ 156.00 $ 154.00 $ (2.00) M.C. 5.32.040 COS -Fee $ 154.98 Yes Immediate Short Term Lodging Permits - initial Permit $ 153.00 $ 93.00 $ (60.00) M.C. 5.95.040 COS -Fee $ 93.91 Yes Immediate Short Term Lodging Permits - reprint Reprint Certificate $ 9.00 $ 11.00 $ 2.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 11.70 Yes Immediate Sound Amp Permit Permit $ 151.00 $ 65.00 $ (86.00) M.C. 10.32.020 COS -Fee $ 65.19 Yes Immediate Delinquent TOT payment $ 38.00 $ 49.00 $ 11.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 49.17 Yes Immediate TOT reprint $ 10.00 $ 12.00 $ 2.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 12.60 Yes Immediate Film Production Application -Without Film Liaison $ 504.00 $ 260.00 $ (244.00) M.C. 5.46.030 COS -Fee $ 260.50 Yes Immediate Film Production Application -With Film Liaison $ - $ - $ - M.C. 5.46.030 COS -Fee $ - Yes 2012 Fee $49 suspended per Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 Film Permit Fee $ - $ - $ - M.C. 5.46.030 COS -Fee $ - Yes 2012 Fee $276 suspended per Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FilmLA Application Fee Maximum $ 625.00 $ 625.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 625.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FilmLA Qualified Non Profit Permit Application Fee Maximum $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 50.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FilmLA Still Application Fee Maximum $ 60.00 $ 60.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 60.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FilmLA Student Permit Fee Complex Maximum $ - $ - $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ - No Council Resolution 2014-100; MC 5.46.030 exempts students from paying a fee 11/25/2014 FilmLA Student Permit Fee Simple Maximum $ - $ - $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ - No Council Resolution 2014-100; MC 5.46.030 exempts students from paying a fee 11/25/2014 FilmLA Permit Delivery Fee Maximum $ 55.00 $ 55.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 55.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FilmLA Monitor Fees - Double time (12 hours+) Maximum $ 60.00 $ 60.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 60.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FilmLA Monitor Fees Overtime (8 hours to 12 hours) Maximum $ 45.00 $ 45.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 45.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FilmLA Monitor Fees (Minimum 4 hours to 8 hours) Maximum $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 30.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FilmLA Notification Charges - Standard (1 FSR) 500' $ 180.00 $ 180.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 180.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FiImLA Notification Charges - Standard Students (1 FSR) 500' $ 70.00 $ 70.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 70.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FilmLA Notification Charges - Standard PSA (1 FSR) 500' $ 105.00 $ 105.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thou $ 105.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FilmLA Notification Charges - Still Photo 200' $ 140.00 $ 140.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 140.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FilmLA Notification Charges - Reprint Each section $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 30.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FiImLA Notification Charges - For Posting Only Notifies only where posted parking is present no radius - 200' $ 110.00 $ 110.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 110.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FilmLA Notification Charges - Single Exterior Gunfire 1/4 load 800' - 1100' (3 FSR) $ 535.00 $ 535.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 535.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FilmLA Notification Charges - Single Exterior Gunfire 1/2 load 1/4 Mile 1200' 1320' (4 to 5 FSR) $690-$880 $690-$880 M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $690-$880 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FilmLA Notification Charges - Single Exterior Gunfire full load 1400' (4 to 5 FSR) $ 1,035.00 $ 1,035.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 1,035.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FilmLA Notification Charges - Single Exterior Gunfire full load 1650' (4 to 5 FSR) $ 1,225.00 $ 1,225.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 1,225.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FilmLA Notification Charges - Single Exterior Gunfire full load 1900' (4 to 5 FSR) $ 1,380.00 $ 1,380.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 1,380.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FilmLA Notification Charges - Semi Exterior Gunfire 1/2 load 2150'2200' (9 to 10 FSR) $ 1,535.00 $ 1,535.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 1,535.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FilmLA Notification Charges - Semi Exterior Gunfire full load 2200' (10 FSR) $ 1,725.00 $ 1,725.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 1,725.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FilmLA Notification Charges - Automatic Gunfire 1/2 load Exterior 2300' 2400' (11 to 12 FSR) $ 1,915.00 $ 1,915.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 1,915.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FilmLA Notification Charges - Automatic Gunfire Exterior full load 1/2 Mile 2400' 2550' (11 to 13 FSR) $ 1,950.00 $ 1,950.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 1,950.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FilmLA Notification Charges - Automatic Gunfire Exterior full load 2640' (11 to 13 FSR) $ 2,260.00 $ 2,260.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 2,260.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FilmLA Notification Charges - Helicopter 1/4 Mile 1200' 1320' (4 to 5 FSR) $690-$880 $690-$880 M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $690-$880 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FilmLA Notification Charges - E -Note only No Hand Notification $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 40.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FiImLA Notification Charges - E -Note only No Hand Notification Student $ 25.00 $ 25.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 25.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FiImLA Notification Charges- Delivery Standard Radius $ 90.00 $ 90.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 90.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 2 17-75 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmmdnd down rn noarocr dollarI Pon !'la PMiry I ovol rAdiucrmnnr Grnm Drovinoc Voar I Grill fncr CPI calri lation haled on I.A/OC adiustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2016 SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee Incremental - Total or Base Fee Incremental - Total Base Incremental REFERENCE TYPE Total Base Incremental - CPI Notes Implementation (if applicable) (if applicable) Fee Fee e (if applicable) Date FilmLA Film Permit Rider Fee Maximum $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 100.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FiImLA Qualified Non Profit Permit Rider Fee Maximum $ 25.00 $ 25.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 25.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 FiImLA Still Photo Rider Fee Maximum $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ - M.C. 5.46.030 Pass Thru $ 20.00 No Council Resolution 2014-100 11/25/2014 Review of Hotel Special Package Application4)eak-14otels Hotels Special Package Deals $ 145.00 $ 179.00 $ 34.00 M.C.3.16.050 (C) COS -Fee $ 179.52 Yes Immediate Preferential Parking Permit $ 16.00 $ 16.00 $ - MC. 12.68.040 COS -Fee $ 16.70 Yes To be studied after new contract in place Immediate Was not on previous Schedule, but this is not a new fee. To be studied after Parking Permit Replacement Fee $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ - MC. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 10.00 Yes new contract in place Immediate EV Chargers Per kWh $ 0.20 $ 0.20 $ - Resolution 2015-27 Pass Thru $ 0.20 No 4/28/2015 Parking Penalties See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.030 MC PARKING ON PRIVATE PROPERTY $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 11.04.020(8) MC PROHIB PARK/STOP-PARK LAWNS $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 11.08.030 (D) MC PROHIBITED PARKING $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 11.08.090 (A) MC PARKING ON PUBLIC PIER $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.08.010 MC EMERGING FROM ALLEY/PRIVATE DR $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.08.100 MC PROHIB PARK/STOP: PIER $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.08.120 MC PARKING ON BEACH $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.12.010(D) MC COMPLIANCE WITH SIGNS $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.12.030 MC TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.12.050 MC FEE NOT PAID IN LOT $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.12.060 MC PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY LOT $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.12.080 MC MOTORCYCLES IN WOF LOT $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.20.030 MC OBED TO CONTROL DEVICES REQ $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.32.050(D) MC BALBOA ISLAND: BLOCKING EGRESS $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.020 MC PARKWAYS $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.030 MC PRIVATE PROPERTY PARKING $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.035 MC PKG ON PRIVATE STREETS/DRIVES $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.040 MC PARKING IN EXCESS 72 HOURS $ 75.00 $ 79.00 $ 4.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.050(A) MC TRLR UNHITCH ON BALBOA ISLAND $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.050(8) MC TRAILER ON BALBOA ISLAND $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.055 (C) MC HEAVY DUTY COMM VEH>84IN WIDE $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.055 (D) MC DETACHED TRAILER, RES AREA $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.055(A) MC TRAILER/RV/OVERSIZED VEHICLE $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI everyJuly, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.055(8) MC OVERSIZE 951N WIDE RES AREA $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.060 (B) MC PKG PRHIB: VEH 4 SALE -OWN PROP $ 42.00 $ 79.00 $ 37.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.060(A) MC PKG PROHIB: VEH FOR SALE $ 75.00 $ 79.00 $ 4.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.060(C) MC PKG PROHIB: NON-EMRGNCY REPAIR $ 42.00 $ 79.00 $ 37.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.070 MC PKG ON GRADE, WHEELS NOT TURND $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.080 MC 18INCHES FROM LEFT CURB $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.090 MC ANGLE PARKING, OUTSIDE LINES $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.110 MC ACROSS/OUTSIDE SPACE MARKERS $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.120 MC OBSTRUCTING PARKING SPACE $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.130 MC PERMIT REQD-ANGLE LOAD/UNLOAD $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.140 MC PARKING ADJACENT TO SCHOOLS $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading 3 17-76 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmmdnd down rn noarocr dollarI Pon !'la PMiry I ovol Adinctmnnr Grnm Drovinoc Voar I Grill fncr CPI calculation haled on I.A/OC adiustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2016 SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee Incremental - Total or Base Fee Incremental - Total or Base Incremental REFERENCE TYPE Total or Base Incremental - CPI Notes Implementation (if applicable) (if applicable) Fee Fee (if applicable) Date See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.150 MC PROHIB PKG: NARROW STREETS $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.160 (D) MC NO PARKING AREA $ 75.00 $ 79.00 $ 4.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.160 (E) MC TRAFFIC HAZARD $ 75.00 $ 79.00 $ 4.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.160 MC POSTED NO PARKING/STOPPING $ 75.00 $ 79.00 $ 4.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.160(A) MC PROHIB PKG: MID-BLK SAFETY ZNE $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.160(8) MC PROHIB PKG: 25FT OF INTERSECTN $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.160(0) MC PROHIB PKG: 25FT OF TRAFF SGNL $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.170(A) MC RESTRICT PKG: VENDORS/PRODUCTS $ 58.00 $ 61.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.170(B) MC RESTRICTED PKG: VEH FOR HIRE $ 58.00 $ 61.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.170(C) MC RESTRICTED PKG: PERMIT REQ. $ 58.00 $ 61.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.180 MC EMERGENCY PKG RESTRICTIONS $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.40.190 MC CAUSE FOR REMOVAL/STORAGE $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.44.010 (A) MC OVERTIME 1 HOUR ZONE $ 47.00 $ 50.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.44.010 (B) MC OVERTIME 2 HOUR ZONE $ 47.00 $ 50.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.44.010(C) MC OVERTIME 3 HOUR ZONE $ 47.00 $ 50.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.44.070 (C) MC ACROSS MARKING, METER AREA $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.44.070(A) MC OUTSIDE PAID SPACE MARKING $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.44.070(8) MC BACKING INTO METER SPACE $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.44.084 MC PARKING AT AN INOPERABLE METER $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.44.100 MC ACTIVATION OF METER $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.44.110 MC PAYMENT TIME EXPIRED $ 58.00 $ 61.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.44.150 (C) MC STREET SWEEPING $ 54.00 $ 57.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.44.150(D) MC PARKING PROHIBITED $ 42.00 $ 57.00 $ 15.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.44.160(C) MC PROHIBITED NIGHT PARKING $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.46.040 MC NON -DISPLAY OF PLACARD/LIC PLT $ 47.00 $ 50.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.48.040 (A) MC PARKING IN RED ZONE $ 75.00 $ 79.00 $ 4.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.48.040 (B) MC PKG IN LOADING ZONE (YLW) $ 75.00 $ 79.00 $ 4.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.48.040(C) MC WHITE ZONE (3 MINUTE LOADING) $ 75.00 $ 79.00 $ 4.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.48.040(D) MC OVERTIME GREEN ZONE PAID AREA $ 42.00 $ 79.00 $ 37.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.48.050(A) MC OVERTIME GREEN ZONE $ 59.00 $ 62.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.48.050(8) MC 5 MINUTE ZONE (GREEN) $ 59.00 $ 62.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.48.070(A) MC RESTRICTED USE: LOADING ZONE $ 42.00 $ 62.00 $ 20.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.48.070(B) MC RESTRICT USE: LDG ZONE-PSNGRS $ 42.00 $ 62.00 $ 20.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.48.080 MC EXCESS 3 MIN PASS LOADING ZONE $ 42.00 $ 62.00 $ 20.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.48.090 MC PARKING IN ALLEY $ 75.00 $ 79.00 $ 4.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.48.100(6) MC PARKED IN BUS ZONE $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.52.020 MC WRONG WAY ONE WAY STREET $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.64.030(A) MC RESTRICTED USE: PUBLIC PROP $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.64.030(6) MC RESTRICTED USE: VACANT LOT $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.68.050 (A) MC NEWPORT ISLAND - NO PERMIT $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI everyJuly, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.68.050 A MC RESIDENT PREFERENTIAL PKG ZONE $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 12.68.050 MC PARKING PERMIT REQUIRED $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading 4 17-77 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmmdnd down rn noarocr dollarI Pon Cla PMiry I ovol Adinctmnnr Grnm P-inoc Voar I Grill Cncr CPI calculation haled on I.A/OC adiustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2016 SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee Incremental - Total or Base Fee Incremental - Total or Base Incremental REFERENCE TYPE Total or Base Incremental - CPI Notes Implementation (if applicable) (if applicable) Fee Fee (if applicable) Date See 30 days after 2nd 17.16.020 MC BOAT LAUNCHING/HAULING $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 17.16.021 MC NO BOAT/TRLR STORAGE ON BEACH $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 17.25.030 MC BOAT ON BEACH $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 17.28.010 MC PIERS: 20 MINUTE TIME LIMIT $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 17.28.040 MC BLOCKING PUBLIC PIER $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 17.32.030 MC BOAT ON BEACH $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 4000 (A)(1) CVC EXPIRED REGISTRATION $ 95.00 $ 100.00 $ 5.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 4152.5 CVC FOREIGN VEHICLE REGISTRATION $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 4457 CVC STOLEN/LOST/DAMAGED CARDS/PLTS $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 4461 (C) CVC MISUSING A DISABLED PLAC/PLATE $ 276.00 $ 293.00 $ 17.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 4461 (D) CVC MISUSING A DISABLED PLAC/PLATE $ 276.00 $ 293.00 $ 17.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 4462 (A) CVC PRESENT VALID REG ON DEMAND $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 4462 (B) CVC FAUDULENT USE/DISPLAY OF TABS $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 4464 CVC ALTERED LICENSE PLATES $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 5200 CVC TWO LICENSE PLATES REQUIRED $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 5201 CVC POSITIONING OF PLATES $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 5202 CVC LICENSE PLATE NOT ATTACHED $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 5203 CVC LICENSE PLATES SURRENDERED $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 5204 (A) CVC REG TABS EXPIRED/ABSENT $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 21113 (A) CVC PARKING ON PUBLIC GROUNDS $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 21211 (B) CVC PARKING IN BIKE LANE $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22400 (A) CVC PROHIB PARK/STOP: PUBLIC HIWAY $ 72.00 $ 76.00 $ 4.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22401 CVC PARKED WITH HIGH BEAMS $ 52.00 $ 54.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22500 (A) CVC PARKING WITHIN INTERSECTION $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22500 (B) CVC PARKED IN CROSSWALK $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22500 (C) CVC PROHIB PARK/STOP: SAFETY ZONE $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22500 (D) CVC PKD W/IN 15FT OF FIRE STATION $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22500 (E) CVC BLOCKING DRIVEWAY $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22500 (F) CVC PARKING ON SIDEWALK $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22500 (G) CVC PROHIB PRK/STOP: OBSTRUCT TRAF $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22500 (H) CVC DOUBLE PARKED $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22500 (1) CVC PARKED IN BUS ZONE $ 412.00 $ 437.00 $ 25.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22500 (K) CVC PARKED ON BRIDGE $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22500 (L) CVC ON/IN FRONT OF HC ACCESS RAMP $ 412.00 $ 437.00 $ 25.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22500.1 CVC PARKING FIRE LANE $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22502 (A) CVC WRONG WY 2WY/181N FROM RT CURB $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22502 (E) CVC WRONG WY 1WY/181N FROM LT CURB $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22505 (B) CVC PKG ON STATE HIGHWAY-PROHIB $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22507.8 (A) CVC DISABLED PARKING $ 451.00 $ 480.00 $ 29.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22507.8 (B) CVC BLOCKING DISABLED SPACE $ 451.00 $ 480.00 $ 29.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22507.8 (C) CVC DISABLED CROSSHATCH VIOLATION $ 451.00 $ 480.00 $ 29.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22511.5 CVC HANDICAPPED ACCESS $ 451.00 $ 480.00 $ 29.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading 5 17-78 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmmdnd down rn noarocr dollarI Pon !'la PMiry I ovol Adiuctmnnr Grnm Drovinoc Voar I Gull fncr CPI calculation haled on I. A7OC adiustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2016 6 17-79 Incremental - Incremental - Total or Base Total or Base Incremental - Implementation SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee (if applicable) Total or Base Fee (if applicable) Incremental Fee REFERENCE TYPE Fee (if applicable) CPI Notes Date See 30 days after 2nd 22514 CVC PARKING WITHIN 15FT OF HYDRANT $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22515 CVC UNATTENDED VEHICLE $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22516 CVC LOCKED VEHICLE $ 72.00 $ 76.00 $ 4.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22520 CVC NO STOPPING ON FREEWAY $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22522 CVC 3FT FROM HC ACCESS RAMP (RED) $ 451.00 $ 480.00 $ 29.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22523 (A) CVC ABANDONED VEHICLE $ 174.00 $ 184.00 $ 10.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 22651.5A CVC EXCESSIVE ALARM $ 66.00 $ 70.00 $ 4.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 24003 CVC UNLAWFUL LAMPS $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 26708 (A) CVC MATERIAL ON WINDSHIELD/WNDWS $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 26709 (A) CVC REAR VIEW MIRROR $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 26710 CVC WINDSHIELD -DEFECTIVE $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI everyJuly, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 27155 CVC FUEL TANK CAP REQUIRED $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 27465 (B) CVC TIRE TREAD DEPTH $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 27600 CVC FENDERS/MUDGUARDS $ 55.00 $ 58.00 $ 3.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading See 30 days after 2nd 11.04.070 (F) MC PARKED IN PARK $ 42.00 $ 44.00 $ 2.00 Resolution 93-53 Penalty Note Updated by CPI every July, per Resolution reading COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING Administration 90 days after Special Inspector Original Licenses Each Test Per Classification $ 99.00 $ 101.00 $ 2.00 M.C.15.04.170 COS -Fee $ 101.36 Yes adoption 90 days after Special Inspector Licenses Renewal Per Classification $ 66.00 $ 67.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.04.170 COS -Fee $ 67.94 Yes adoption 90 days after Record Management Per Sheet Of Drawing $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 2.04 Yes adoption 90 days after Appeals Board Hearing Filing Fee for Appeal $ 1,506.00 $ 1,535.00 $ 29.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 3,071.69 Yes 50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A adoption To Comply With Section 105 & 106 Of The Uniform 90 days after Modification To UBC/Alt. Materials & Methods Each Item Administrative Code $ 270.00 $ 276.00 $ 6.00 CBC11B-202.4 (exception 8) COS -Fee $ 276.21 Yes adoption 90 days after Authorization to duplicate record drawings $ 35.00 $ 36.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 36.09 Yes adoption 90 days after Accessibility Hardship Board Ratification $ 1,063.00 $ 1,084.00 $ 21.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 1,084.94 Yes adoption 90 days after Flood Zone Determination Written Determination $ 97.00 $ 99.00 $ 2.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 99.81 Yes adoption Council Policy F7 90 days after Real Property Document Prep/Transfer/Assign/Ext $ 245.00 250.00 5.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee 250.02 Yes adoption Plan Reviews 90 days after One/Two Family Structure (101/103) (0-2,500 sq ft) Plan Review see notes $ 2,858.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 2,858.33 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee adoption 90 days after One/Two Family Structure (101/103) (2,501-3,500 sq ft) Plan Review see notes $ 3,237.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 3,237.81 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee adoption 90 days after One/Two Family Structure (101/103) (3,501-4,500 sq ft) Plan Review see notes $ 4,186.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 4,186.49 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee adoption 90 days after One/Two Family Structure (101/103) (4,501-5,500 sq ft) Plan Review see notes $ 5,135.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 5,135.17 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee adoption 90 days after One/Two Family Structure (101/103) (5,501+ sq ft) Plan Review see notes $ 6,083.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 6,083.85 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee adoption 90 days after Patios/Decks/Trellis (329) Plan Review see notes $ 282.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 282.87 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee adoption 90 days after One/Two Family Addition (434) (0-250 sq ft) Plan Review see notes $ 719.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 719.89 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee adoption 90 days after One/Two Family Addition (434) (251-500 sq ft) Plan Review see notes $ 1,004.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 1,004.49 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee adoption 90 days after One/Two Family Addition (434) (501-1,000 sq ft) Plan Review see notes $ 1,383.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 1,383.97 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee adoption 90 days after One/Two Family Addition (434) (1,001-2,000 sq ft) Plan Review see notes $ 2,048.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 2,048.04 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee adoption 90 days after One/Two Family Addition (434) (2,001-3,000 sq ft) Plan Review see notes $ 3,091.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 3,091.60 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee adoption 90 days after One/Two Family Addition (434) (3,001+ sq ft) Plan Review see notes $ 3,850.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 3,850.54 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee adoption 90 days after One/Two Family Shoring Plan Review see notes $ 860.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 860.62 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee adoption 90 days after Solar (434) Plan Review see notes $ 343.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 343.57 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee adoption 90 days after Additions of Residential Garages/Carports (438) Plan Review see notes $ 615.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 615.70 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee adoption 6 17-79 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmindnd down rn noarocr dollarI Pon !'la PMiry I ovol Adiuctmnnr Grnm P-inoc Voar I Gull Cott CPI calculation haled on I.A/OC adiustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2016 7 17-80 Incremental - Incremental - Total or Base Total or Base Incremental - Implementation SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee (if applicable) Total or Base Fee (if applicable) Fee Incremental REFERENCE TYPE Fee (if applicable) CPI Notes Date 90 days after Fire Sprinkler/Alarms/Mist. Plan Review see notes $ 190.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 190.36 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee adoption 90 days after Demolitions: One Family Structure (645) Plan Review see notes $ 283.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 283.92 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee adoption 90 days after Demolitions: Multi -Family Structure (646/647) Plan Review see notes $ 279.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 279.50 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee adoption 90 days after Demolitions: Other Than Structure (648/649) Plan Review see notes $ 279.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 279.50 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee adoption 90 days after Miscellaneous: Fences/Retaining Walls/Sign Plan Review see notes $ 380.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 380.72 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee adoption 90 days after Miscellaneous: Re -roofs Plan Review see notes $ 146.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 146.09 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee adoption 90 days after Pools/Spas Plan Review see notes $ 338.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 338.65 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently 87% of Building Permit Fee adoption Fee PeF Staff Member, PeF HeUF, One HOW Minimum; First T -we 90 days after PFeliminwy Plan Review Hews are FFee, full ee4 th�F­ft�F. 22300 2330 4.00 665 -Fee ;r33.§3 Yes adoption Phasing in 50% of the Increase to Full Cost 9/22/15 and the remaining 50% in 1 year. Preliminary plan reviews are free for the first two hours and full 90 days after Plan Check Hourly Rate Fee per Hour $ 189.00 $ 189.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 233.04 Yes cost thereafter. Rechecks are charged hourly in excess of 2 rechecks. adoption 90 days after Addit:, RRI nl.... ° And o,.,a.,.Pk, In Pxsp" Of ;1 °,...I.,.,ksPARaFniffn wr.. ff*Gw: $ 2299 $ 233 0 $ X00 Yes adoption 90 days after Plan Review (Non -Residential and Residential Alterations) Buildings Or Structures 87% of Building Permit Fee 87% of Building Permit Fee $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee 87% of Building Permit Fee Yes CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee adoption Similar Units In Tracts Containing More Than 5 Units After 90 days after Repetitive Plan Review Model When Full Fee Is Paid For Model 25% of Plan Review Fee 25% of Plan Review Fee $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee 25% of Plan Review Fee Yes CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee adoption Minimum $56. Maximum for 1 & 2 dwelling $268. $484 maximum for all 90 days after Energy Compliance Review Title 24 compliance review of documents 0.07% of Construction Cost 0.07% of Construction Cost $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee 0.07% of Construction Cost Yes others. CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee adoption Minimum $82. Maximum $830. CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced 90 days after Disabled Access Compliance Review Title 24 compliance review of documents 0.1% of Construction Cost 0.1% of Construction Cost $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee 0.1% of Construction Cost Yes fee adoption 90 days after Grading Plan Review by City Staff Code Compliance Review of Grading Plans 87% of Grading Permit Fee 87% of Grading Permit Fee $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee 87% of Grading Permit Fee Yes CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee adoption CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee (Consultant 100% Pass Thru, 90 days after Grading Plan Review of Complex Projects by Consultant Code Compliance Review of Grading Plans 118% of Consultant Fee 118% of Consultant Fee $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee 118% of Consultant Fee Yes City Staff COS -Fee 18% of Consultant fee) adoption 90 days after Determination of Unreasonable Hardship To comply with Disabled Access Requirements $ 298.00 $ 304.00 $ 6.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 304.43 Yes adoption 87% of Total Electrical Permit 90 days after Electrical Plan Review Code compliance review of electrical plans 87% of Total Electrical Permit Fee 87% of Total Electrical Permit Fee $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee Fee Yes CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee adoption 87% of Total Mechanical Permit 90 days after Mechanical Plan Review Code compliance review of HVAC plans 87% of Total Mechanical Permit Fee 87% of Total Mechanical Permit Fee $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee Fee Yes CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee adoption 87% of Total Plumbing Permit 90 days after Plumbing Plan Review Code compliance review of Plumbing plans 87% of Total Plumbing Permit Fee 87% of Total Plumbing Permit Fee $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee Fee Yes CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee adoption 90 days after Drainage Plan Review for Alteration to Drainage Drainage compliance review of documents $ 287.00 $ 293.00 $ 6.00 M.C.15.10.070 COS -Fee $ 293.13 Yes adoption 90 days after Water Quality Management Plan Review (Commercial Projects) Code Compliance Review -Building Fee see notes see notes N/A M.C.15.10.070 Pass Thru see notes Yes Actual costs of licensed contractor adoption 90 days after Water Quality Management Inspections (Commercial Projects) Code Compliance Review/Inspections $ 291.00 $ 296.00 $ 5.00 M.C.15.10.071 COS -Fee $ 296.91 Yes adoption 90 days after Water Quality Management Plan Review (Residential Projects) Code Compliance Review -Building Fee see notes see notes N/A M.C.15.10.070 Pass Thru see notes Yes Actual costs of licensed contractor adoption 90 days after Water Quality Management Inspections (Residential Projects) Code Compliance Review/Inspections $ 247.00 $ 252.00 $ 5.00 M.C.15.10.070 COS -Fee $ 252.78 Yes adoption 1.75 X Regular Plan Review Fees, $399 1.75 X Regular Plan Review Fees, $399 1.75 X Regular Plan Review Fees, 90 days after Expedite Plan Review Request To Expedite Plan Check and Work Overtime minimum minimum N/A M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $399 minimum Yes adoption 90 days after Plan Check Extension Request To Extend Plan Check $ 56.00 $ 57.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 57.39 Yes adoption Studied as a flat fee 2016. 50% Recovery per M.C. Exhibit x'�IbI..z...�.A �I•^,d 90 days after Harbor Construction Plan Review Code Compliance Review 87% of Harbor Construction Permit Fee $ 283.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 567.26 Yes -le-ilated ....a,.. ,,.,Fber r-,....t...,.t:,.., n......:t Fees adoption 90 days after Waste Management Administration Fee Administration Fee Demolition $ 23.00 $ 24.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 24.43 Yes adoption Inspections 90 days after Off -Hours Inspection Request Per Hour, 2 Hour Minimum @ 1.5/hr $ 205.00 $ 209.00 $ 4.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 209.66 Yes adoption Phasing in 50% of the Increase to Full Cost 9/22/15 and the remaining 50% 90 days after Re -Inspection Per Hour Assessed When Corrections Are Not Completed $ 148.00 $ 148.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 176.52 Yes in 1 year adoption Per Hour Inspections Not Otherwise Specified / One Hour Phasing in 50% of the Increase to Full Cost 9/22/15 and the remaining 50% 90 days after Other Inspections Minimum $ 148.00 $ 148.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 176.52 Yes in 1 year adoption Permit Fees 90 days after One/Two Family Structure (101/103) (0-2,500 sq ft) Permit & Inspection see notes $ 3,238.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 3,238.76 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based adoption 90 days after One/Two Family Structure (101/103) (2,501-3,500 sq ft) Permit & Inspection see notes $ 4,563.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 4,563.71 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based adoption 90 days after One/Two Family Structure (101/103) (3,501-4,500 sq ft) Permit & Inspection see notes $ 5,152.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 5,152.58 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based adoption 90 days after One/Two Family Structure (101/103) (4,501-5,500 sq ft) Permit & Inspection see notes $ 5,888.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 5,888.66 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based adoption 90 days after One/Two Family Structure (101/103) (5,501+ sq ft) Permit & Inspection see notes $ 8,096.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 8,096.91 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based adoption 90 days after Patios/Decks/Trellis (329) Permit & Inspection see notes $ 337.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 337.52 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based adoption Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based. 50% Recovery per M.C. 90 days after Harbor Permit & Inspection see notes $ 270.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 540.03 Yes 3.36.030 Exhibit A adoption 7 17-80 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmmdnd down rn noarocr dollarI Pon !'l° PMiry I ovol rAdiucrmnnr Grnm Drovinoc Voar I Gull fncr CPI calri lation haled on I.A/OC adiustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2016 8 17-81 Incremental - Incremental - Total or Base Total or Base Incremental - Implementation SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee (if applicable) Total Or Base Fee (if applicable) Incremental Fee REFERENCE TYPE Fee (if applicable) CPI Notes Date 90 days after One/Two Family Addition (434) (0-250 sq ft) Permit & Inspection see notes $ 736.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 736.08 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based adoption 90 days after One/Two Family Addition (434) (251-500 sq ft) Permit & Inspection see notes $ 1,177.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 1,177.73 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based adoption 90 days after One/Two Family Addition (434) (501-1,000 sq ft) Permit & Inspection see notes $ 1,766.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 1,766.60 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based adoption 90 days after One/Two Family Addition (434) (1,001-2,000 sq ft) Permit & Inspection see notes $ 2,649.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 2,649.90 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based adoption 90 days after One/Two Family Addition (434) (2,001-3,000 sq ft) Permit & Inspection see notes $ 3,827.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 3,827.63 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based adoption 90 days after One/Two Family Addition (434) (3,001+ sq ft) Permit & Inspection see notes $ 4,858.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 4,858.14 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based adoption 90 days after One/Two Family Shoring Permit & Inspection see notes $ 520.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 520.14 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based adoption 90 days after Solar (434) Permit & Inspection see notes $ 423.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 423.61 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based adoption 90 days after Additions of Residential Garages/Carports (438) Permit & Inspection see notes $ 583.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 583.28 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based adoption 90 days after Fire Sprinkler/Alarms/Mist. Permit & Inspection see notes $ 225.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 225.63 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based adoption 90 days after Demolitions: One Family Structure (645) Permit & Inspection see notes $ 114.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 114.72 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based adoption 90 days after Demolitions: Multi -Family Structure (646/647) Permit & Inspection see notes $ 97.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 97.45 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based adoption 90 days after Demolitions: Other Than Structure (648/649) Permit & Inspection see notes $ 103.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 103.65 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based adoption 90 days after Miscellaneous: Fences/Retaining Walls/Sign Permit & Inspection see notes $ 386.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 386.79 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based adoption 90 days after Miscellaneous: Re -roofs Permit & Inspection see notes $ 304.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 304.03 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based adoption 90 days after Pools/Spas Permit & Inspection see notes $ 380.00 see notes M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 380.04 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016, currently valuation based adoption 90 days after Building Permit (Non -Residential and Residential Alterations) $1.00 To $2,000.00 $ 95.00 $ 97.00 $ - $ 2.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 97.65 Yes adoption Base fee for the first $2,000 + incremental cost for each addtl $1,000 or 90 days after Building Permit (Non -Residential and Residential Alterations) $2,001.00 To $25,000.00 $ 96.00 $ 14.00 $ 97.00 $ 15.00 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 97.96 $ 15.06 Yes fraction of, to and including $25,000 adoption Base fee for the first $25,000 + incremental cost for each addtl $1,000 or 90 days after Building Permit (Non -Residential and Residential Alterations) $25,001.00 To $50,000.00 $ 433.00 $ 10.00 $ 442.00 $ 10.00 $ 9.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 442.41 $ 10.85 Yes fraction of, to and including $50,000 adoption Base fee for the first $50,000+ incremental cost for each addtl $1,000 or 90 days after Building Permit (Non -Residential and Residential Alterations) $50,001.00 To $100,000.00 $ 702.00 $ 7.00 $ 716.00 $ 7.00 $ 14.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 716.28 $ 7.48 Yes fraction of, to and including $100,000 adoption Base fee for the first $100,000+ incremental cost for each acidtl $1,000 or 90 days after Building Permit (Non -Residential and Residential Alterations) $100,001.00 To $500,000.00 $ 1,074.00 $ 5.00 $ 1,095.00 $ 5.00 $ 21.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 1,095.49 $ 5.79 Yes fraction of, to and including $500,000 adoption Base fee for the first $500,000+ incremental cost for each acidtl $1,000 or 90 days after Building Permit (Non -Residential and Residential Alterations) $500,001.00 To $1,000,000.00 $ 3,290.00 $ 4.00 $ 3,354.00 $ 4.00 $ 64.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 3,354.93 $ 4.93 Yes fraction of, to and including $1,000,000 adoption Base fee for the first $1,000,000+ incremental cost for each addtl $1,000 or 90 days after Building Permit (Non -Residential and Residential Alterations) $1,000,001.00 to $5,000,000.00 $ 5,774.00 $ 3.00 $ 5,888.00 $ 3.00 $ 114.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 5,888.25 $ 3.37 Yes fraction of, to and including $5,000,000 adoption Base fee for the first $5,000,000+ incremental cost for each addtl $5,000 or 90 days after Building Permit (Non -Residential and Residential Alterations) Over $5,000,000 $ 18,965.00 $ 3.00 $ 19,339.00 $ 3.00 $ 374.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 19,339.57 $ 3.37 Yes fraction of adoption Dan Delete, Studied as a Flat Fee 2016 90 days after 103.00 $�0o $ COS Fee Yes adoption teen Delete, Studied as a Flat Fee 2016 Base fee a.. the r:..« $2,000 � :..,..,....,.ntal .050 f9F each addtl e, non,.. tFactien of « and incl .ding $9,000; 50%PeFReGeveFy°.d.a,:« 90 days after $2,001AO $8,000.00$ 303.99 $ 5-90 $ 405-.90 $ 16-00 $ 269 $ 1:90 $ 21&88 $---424-3 Yes A adoption ,rherentF^ct'«...»:^n Delete, Studied as a Flat Fee 2016 Base fee fer the fiMt" $8,000 ' iREFeFneF1taI East faF eeEh addt! $1,000 Wet en ef, te and induding $50,000; 90 days after $8,00i.00 $50,000.00$ 2D069 $ 3.80 $ 2D469 $ 1460 $ 4.90 $ 1:80 ".^ C 15 02 COS- $-----4084.6 $ 28:99 Yes Exhilait-A adoption Harbar GSnStuetien Delete, Studied as a Flat Fee 2016 Base fee r... the r....« $50,000 1 iREF,...,,.ntal , 9St a.. ,...eh addt' e, non,.. F...,.tieR of « and incl .ding $100,000i _ 90 days after $59,90i.90 $i0Q'0QQ._G0$ 738 ^9 $ O9 $ 79340 $ §87.-20° $ 1 18 Yes Exhila" adoption moon Delete, Studied as a Flat Fee 2016 Base fee feF the fiFst $100,000 ! i^ " $1,009 OF fFa6ti ... - _ $500,000; 90 days after $100,001.90 Te $S90,090.00 1,167 -go $ 2,380. $ 2.47 Yes Exhb" adoption Harbar CBRStuetien Delete, Studied as a Flat Fee 2016 Base fee s,.. the r:...« $500,000 � ineF,........«.d east s,.. each add«i $1,000 t...,.«.,... of, « and including $1,000,000i PeF90 days after $900,C)OL90 $M)00.000.00$ 3§1340 $ X90 $ 3 8".99 $ 3-00 $ 7169 $M G 1S W 69S -Fee $ 3G8.§2 $ 10-" Yes €*hib" adoption RFhAF GRR4FI.4iAn Delete, Studied as a Flat Fee 2016 Base fee a,.. the o:..« $1,009,009 1 ineFemental ,.,,..« a,..each add«i $,n non 90 days after 6,-237.00 6369 PA C Iq W 693 -Fee $ 12-'.09:32 $ 7-.-2o Yes ^. °.actio^ of; :50% adoption 90 days after Strong Motion Instrumentation (CA State Fee) Residential Structures Less Than Three Stories High see notes see notes N/A Section 2705 Public Resources Code Statute see notes No 100% of State Fee adoption 90 days after Grading Permit Fee - Calculated based on cut or fill which ever is greater 0-200 Cubic Yards $ 804.00 $ 820.00 $ 16.00 M.C.15.10.070 COS -Fee $ 820.81 Yes adoption 90 days after Grading Permit Fee - Calculated based on cut or fill which ever is greater 201-300 Cubic Yards $ 824.00 $ 840.00 $ 16.00 M.C.15.10.070 COS -Fee $ 840.91 Yes adoption 90 days after Grading Permit Fee - Calculated based on cut or fill which ever is greater 301-400 Cubic Yards $ 844.00 $ 861.00 $ 17.00 M.C.15.10.070 COS -Fee $ 861.01 Yes adoption 90 days after Grading Permit Fee - Calculated based on cut or fill which ever is greater 401-500 Cubic Yards $ 865.00 $ 882.00 $ 17.00 M.C.15.30.070 COS -Fee $ 882.23 Yes adoption 90 days after Grading Permit Fee - Calculated based on cut or fill which ever is greater 501-600 Cubic Yards $ 903.00 $ 921.00 $ 18.00 M.C.15.10.070 COS -Fee $ 921.31 Yes adoption 90 days after Grading Permit Fee - Calculated based on cut or fill which ever is greater 601-700 Cubic Yards $ 941.00 $ 960.00 $ 19.00 M.C.15.10.070 COS -Fee $ 960.40 Yes adoption 90 days after Grading Permit Fee - Calculated based on cut or fill which ever is greater 701-800 Cubic Yards $ 982.00 $ 1,001.00 $ 19.00 M.C.15.10.070 COS -Fee $ 1,001.72 Yes adoption 90 days after Grading Permit Fee - Calculated based on cut or fill which ever is greater 801-900 Cubic Yards $ 1,020.00 $ 1,040.00 $ 20.00 M.C.15.10.070 COS -Fee $ 1,040.81 Yes adoption 8 17-81 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmmdnd down rn noarocr dollarI Pon !'la PMiry I ovol Adiuctmnnr Grnm P-inoc Voar I Gull rncr CPI calculation haled on I.A/OC adiustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2(116 SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee Incremental - Total or Base Fee Incremental - Total Base Incremental REFERENCE TYPE Total Base Incremental - CPI Notes Implementation (if applicable) (if applicable) Fee Fee (if applicable) Date 90 days after Grading Permit Fee - Calculated based on cut or fill which ever is greater 901-1000 Cubic Yards $ 1,059.00 $ 1,079.00 $ 20.00 M.C.15.10.070 COS -Fee $ 1,079.89 Yes adoption Base fee for the first 1,000 cubic yards + incremental cost for each addtl 90 days after Grading Permit Fee - Calculated based on cut or fill which ever is greater 1,001-10,000 Cubic Yards $ 1,063.00 $ 372.00 $ 1,084.00 $ 379.00 $ 21.00 $7.00 M.C.15.10.070 COS -Fee $ 1,084.22 $ 379.48 Yes 1,000 CY or fraction of, to and including 10,000 CY adoption Base fee for the first 10,000 cubic yards + incremental cost for each addtl 90 days after Grading Permit Fee - Calculated based on cut or fill which ever is greater 10,001-100,000 Cubic Yards $ 4,393.00 $ 371.00 $ 4,479.00 $ 378.00 $ 86.00 $7.00 M.C.15.10.070 COS -Fee $ 4,479.99 $ 378.94 Yes 10,000 CY or fraction of, to and including 100,000 CY adoption Base fee for the first 100,000 cubic yards+ incremental cost for each addtl 90 days after Grading Permit Fee - Calculated based on cut or fill which ever is greater 100,001 Cubic Yards or more $ 7,825.00 $ 361.00 $ 7,979.00 $ 368.00 $ 154.00 $7.00 M.C.15.30.070 COS -Fee $ 7,979.84 $ 368.63 Yes 10,000 CY or fraction of adoption Same As Building Permit Fee 90 days after Grading Permit Fees (Based on Site Improvements) Curb & Gutter, Paving, Erosion Control Same As Building Permit Fee Table Same As Building Permit Fee Table N/A M.C.15.10.070 COS -Fee Table Yes CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee adoption 90 days after Grading Bond Fee $ 395.00 $ 403.00 $ 8.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 403.66 Yes adoption 90 days after Drainage Permits for Alteration to Drainage Inspection Of Drainage System $ 287.00 $ 293.00 $ 6.00 M.C.15.10.070 COS -Fee $ 293.13 Yes adoption 90 days after 2nd Electrical Permit Fees Issuance of Permit (counter only) $ 32.00 $ 33.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 36.02 Yes $33 per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A reading 90 days after Electrical Permit Fees Supplemental Permits Issuance, Fee For Each Permit $ 9.00 $ 10.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 10.03 Yes adoption 90 days after Combination Electrical Permit Residential Construction 7% of Bldg Permit Fee 7% of Bldg Permit Fee $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee 7% of Bldg Permit Fee Yes CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee adoption Non -Residential Construction, Hotels & Apartment Bldgs over 2 90 days after Combination Electrical Permit story 14% of Bldg Permit Fee 14% of Bldg Permit Fee $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee 14% of Bldg Permit Fee Yes CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee adoption 90 days after Electrical Unit Permit Fee Fee For Each Outlets, First 20 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 1.69 Yes adoption 90 days after Electrical Unit Permit Fee Fee For Each Outlets, After First 20 $ 0.98 $ 1.00 $ 0.02 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 1.00 Yes adoption 90 days after Electrical Unit Permit Fee Fee For Each Lighting Fixtures, First 20 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 1.69 Yes adoption 90 days after Electrical Unit Permit Fee Fee For Each Lighting Fixture, After 20 $ 0.98 $ 1.00 $ 0.02 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 1.00 Yes adoption 90 days after Low Voltage System Fee For Each Low Voltage Outlet, First 20 $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 1.69 Yes adoption 90 days after Low Voltage System Fee For Each Low Voltage Outlet, After First 20 $ 0.98 $ 1.00 $ 0.02 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 1.00 Yes adoption 90 days after Low Voltage System Fee For Each Pole or Platform -Mounted Lighting Fixtures $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 1.69 Yes adoption 90 days after Low Voltage System Fee For Each Theatrical -type Lighting Fixtures Or Assemblies $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 1.69 Yes adoption Fee For Each Residential Appliance or Receptacle Outlet (New 90 days after Low Voltage System Construction) $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 6.64 Yes adoption Fee For Each Non -Residential Appliances and Self -Contained 90 days after Low Voltage System Factory -Wired, Not exceeding one horsepower $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 6.64 Yes adoption Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt- 90 days after amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: Up to and including 1 $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 6.64 Yes adoption Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt- 90 days after amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: Over 1 and Not Over 10 $ 16.00 $ 16.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 16.95 Yes adoption Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt- 90 days after amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: Over 10 and Not Over 50 $ 33.00 $ 34.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 34.05 Yes adoption Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt- 90 days after amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: Over 50 and Not Over 100 $ 64.00 $ 66.00 $ 2.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 66.11 Yes adoption Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt- 90 days after amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: Over 100 $ 98.00 $ 100.00 $ 2.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 100.30 Yes adoption Fee For Each 100 Feet Or Fraction Thereof Of Bus ways, For Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt -Trolley & Plug-in Type Bus ways. Note: Additional Fees For 90 days after amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: Other Fixtures Connected To The Trolley $ 9.00 $ 10.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 10.03 Yes adoption Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt- Fee For Each Sign, Outline Lighting and Marquees supplied from 90 days after amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: one branch circuit $ 35.00 $ 36.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 36.02 Yes adoption Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt- 90 days after amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: 600 Volts or Less and Not Over 200 Amperes in Rating $ 40.00 $ 41.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 41.11 Yes adoption Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt- 90 days after amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: 600 Volts or Less and Over 200 Amperes to 1,000 Amperes $ 81.00 $ 83.00 $ 2.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 83.35 Yes adoption Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt- 90 days after amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: Over 600 Volts or Over 1,000 Amperes in Rating $ 162.00 $ 165.00 $ 3.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 165.28 Yes adoption Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt- 90 days after amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: Miscellaneous Apparatus, Conduits and Conductors $ 24.00 $ 25.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 25.00 Yes adoption Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt- 90 days after amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: Special Event, Each Generator, Electrical $ 35.00 $ 36.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 36.02 Yes adoption Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt- 90 days after amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: Special Event Lighting $ 9.00 $ 10.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 10.03 Yes adoption Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt- 90 days after amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: Temporary Power Service $ 35.00 $ 36.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 36.02 Yes adoption Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt- 90 days after amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: Fee For Each Temporary Service Pedestal $ 35.00 $ 36.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 36.02 Yes adoption Fee For Each Temp. Distribution System, Lighting, Outlet, Decorative Site, Temp Receptacles, Switches And Lighting Fee For Each Power Apparatus, Rating in horsepower, kilowatts, kilovolt- Outlets In Which Current Is Controlled (Except Services, Feeders, 90 days after amperes, or kilovolt -amperes -reactive: Meters) $ 17.00 $ 18.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 18.08 Yes adoption 90 days after Mechanical Permit Fees Issuance of Permit (counter only) $ 32.00 $ 33.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 33.49 Yes adoption 90 days after Supplemental Permits Issuance, Fee For Each Permit $ 9.00 $ 9.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 9.33 Yes adoption 90 days after Combination Mechanical Permit Residential Construction 4% of Bldg Permit Fee 4% of Bldg Permit Fee $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee 4% of Bldg Permit Fee Yes CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee adoption Non -Residential Construction, Hotels & Apartment Bldgs over 2 90 days after Combination Mechanical Permit story 11% of Bldg Permit Fee 11% of Bldg Permit Fee $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee 11% of Bldg Permit Fee Yes CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee adoption 9 17-82 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmmdnd down to noarocr dollar I Pon !'la PMiry I ovol I Adioctmnnt Grnm Pr inoc Voar I Gull fncr CPI calculation haled on I.A/OC adiustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2016 10 17-83 Incremental - Incremental - Total or Base Total or Base Incremental - Implementation SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee if applicable) ( pp � ) Total or Base Fee if applicable) ( PP � 1 Fee Incremental REFERENCE TYPE Fee if applicable) (� PP � ) CPI Notes Date Fee For Each Forced Air or Gravity Type Furnace up to and 90 days after Mechanical Unit Permit Fees including 100,000 Btu/h $ 18.00 $ 18.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 18.65 Yes adoption Fee For Each Forced Air or Gravity Type Furnace over 100,000 90 days after Mechanical Unit Permit Fees Btu/h $ 21.00 $ 22.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 22.33 Yes adoption 90 days after Mechanical Unit Permit Fees Fee For Each Floor Furnace, Including Vent $ 18.00 $ 18.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 18.65 Yes adoption Fee For Each Suspended Heater, Recessed Wall Heater or Floor- 90 days after Mechanical Unit Permit Fees Mounted Unit Heater $ 18.00 $ 18.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 18.65 Yes adoption Fee For Each Installation, Relocation, Replacement of Appliance 90 days after Mechanical Unit Permit Fees Vent $ 9.00 $ 9.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 9.33 Yes adoption Fee For Each Repair, Alteration of, Add'n to Heating / Cooling 90 days after Mechanical Unit Permit Fees Appliances $ 18.00 $ 18.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 18.65 Yes adoption 90 days after Mechanical Unit Permit Fees Fee For Each Boiler or Compressor to and Including 3 HP $ 18.00 $ 18.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 18.65 Yes adoption 90 days after Mechanical Unit Permit Fees Fee For Each Absorption System to and Including 100,000 Btu/h $ 18.00 $ 18.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 18.65 Yes adoption Fee For Each Boiler or Compressor Over 3 HP to and including 90 days after Mechanical Unit Permit Fees 15 HP $ 32.00 $ 33.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 33.49 Yes adoption Fee For Each Absorption Sys. Over 100,000 Btu/h & including 90 days after Mechanical Unit Permit Fees 500,00 Btu/h $ 32.00 $ 33.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 33.49 Yes adoption Fee For Each Boiler or Compressor Over 15 HP to and including 90 days after Mechanical Unit Permit Fees 30 HP $ 45.00 $ 46.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 46.49 Yes adoption Fee For Each Absorption Sys. Over 500,000 Btu/h & including 90 days after Mechanical Unit Permit Fees 1,000,000 Btu/h $ 45.00 $ 46.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 46.49 Yes adoption Fee For Each Boiler or Compressor Over 30 HP to and including 90 days after Mechanical Unit Permit Fees 50 HP $ 66.00 $ 68.00 $ 2.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 68.30 Yes adoption Fee For Each Absorption Sys. Over 1,000,000 Btu/h including 90 days after Mechanical Unit Permit Fees 1,750,000 Btu/h $ 66.00 $ 68.00 $ 2.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 68.30 Yes adoption 90 days after Mechanical Unit Permit Fees Fee For Each Boiler or Compressor over 50 HP $ 113.00 $ 115.00 $ 2.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 115.59 Yes adoption 90 days after Mechanical Unit Permit Fees Fee For Each Absorption System Over 1,750,000 Btu/h $ 113.00 $ 115.00 $ 2.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 115.59 Yes adoption Fee For Each Air handling Unit To & Including 10,000 Cu Ft/Min 90 days after Mechanical Unit Permit Fees Including Attached Ducts $ 12.00 $ 12.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 13.00 Yes adoption 90 days after Mechanical Unit Permit Fees Fee For Each Air Handling Unit Over 10,000 cfm $ 21.00 $ 22.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 22.33 Yes adoption 90 days after Mechanical Unit Permit Fees Fee For Each Evaporative Cooler Other Than Portable Type $ 12.00 $ 12.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 13.00 Yes adoption 90 days after Mechanical Unit Permit Fees Fee For Each Ventilation Fan Connected to a Single Duct $ 9.00 $ 9.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 9.33 Yes adoption Fee For Each Ventilation System Not Connected to Any Other 90 days after Mechanical Unit Permit Fees System $ 12.00 $ 12.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 13.00 Yes adoption 90 days after Mechanical Unit Permit Fees Fee For Each Hood Served by Mech Exhaust, Including Ducts $ 12.00 $ 12.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 13.00 Yes adoption 90 days after Mechanical Unit Permit Fees Fee For Each Domestic Type Incinerator $ 21.00 $ 22.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 22.33 Yes adoption 90 days after Mechanical Unit Permit Fees Fee For Each Commercial or Industrial Type Incinerator $ 91.00 $ 93.00 $ 2.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 93.26 Yes adoption Other Equipment or Appliances Not Listed in This Code, Fee For 90 days after Mechanical Unit Permit Fees Each $ 12.00 $ 12.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 13.00 Yes adoption 90 days after 2nd Plumbing Permit Fees Issuance of Permit (counter only) $ 32.00 $ 33.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 35.23 Yes $33 per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A reading 90 days after Plumbing Permit Fees Supplemental Permits Issuance, Fee For Each Permit $ 9.00 $ 9.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 9.81 Yes adoption 90 days after Combination Plumbing Permit Residential Construction 9% of Bldg Permit Fee 9% of Bldg Permit Fee $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee 9% of Bldg Permit Fee Yes CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee adoption Non -Residential Construction, Hotels & Apartment Bldgs over 2 90 days after Combination Plumbing Permit story 9% of Bldg Permit Fee 9% of Bldg Permit Fee $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee 9% of Bldg Permit Fee Yes CPI adjusted indirectly through referenced fee adoption 90 days after Plumbing Permit Unit Fees Fee For Each Plumbing Fixture, Trap, Set of Fixtures on One Trap $ 13.00 $ 13.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 13.67 Yes adoption 90 days after Plumbing Permit Unit Fees Fee For Each Building Sewer, Trailer Park Sewer $ 32.00 $ 33.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 33.30 Yes adoption 90 days after Plumbing Permit Unit Fees Fee Per Drain In Rainwater Systems $ 13.00 $ 13.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 13.67 Yes adoption 90 days after Plumbing Permit Unit Fees Fee For Each Cesspool $ 47.00 $ 48.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 48.90 Yes adoption 90 days after Plumbing Permit Unit Fees Fee For Each Private Sewage Disposal System $ 96.00 $ 98.00 $ 2.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 98.08 Yes adoption 90 days after Plumbing Permit Unit Fees Fee For Each Water Heater and/or Vent $ 15.00 $ 15.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 15.61 Yes adoption Fee For Each Industrial Waste Pretreatment Interceptor, Excepting Kitchen Type Grease Inter. Functioning As Fixture 90 days after Plumbing Permit Unit Fees Traps $ 25.00 $ 26.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 26.39 Yes adoption 90 days after Plumbing Permit Unit Fees Fee For Each Water Piping, Water Treating Equipment $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 6.91 Yes adoption 90 days after Plumbing Permit Unit Fees Fee For Each Drainage or Vent Piping Fixture $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 6.91 Yes adoption Fee For Each Lawn Sprinkler System on One Meter, Backflow 90 days after Plumbing Permit Unit Fees Protection Dev. $ 19.00 $ 19.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 19.61 Yes adoption 90 days after Plumbing Permit Unit Fees 1 To 5 Atmospheric Type Vacuum Breakers $ 15.00 $ 15.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 15.61 Yes adoption Fee For Each When More than 5 Atmospheric Type Vacuum 90 days after Plumbing Permit Unit Fees Breakers, $ 3.00 $ 3.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 3.31 Yes adoption Fee For Each Other Backflow Protective Device 2 Inches & 90 days after Plumbing Permit Unit Fees Smaller $ 15.00 $ 15.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 15.61 Yes adoption 10 17-83 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmmdnd down rn noarocr dollarI Pon !'la PMiry I ovol rAdiucrmnnr Grnm P-inoc Voar I Gull rncr CPI calculation hawed on I.A/OC adiustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2016 SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee Incremental - Total or Base Fee Incremental - Total Base Incremental REFERENCE TYPE Total Base Incremental - CPI Notes Implementation ' (if applicable) (if applicable) Fee Fee e (if applicable) Date 90 days after Plumbing Permit Unit Fees Fee For Each Other Backflow Protective Device Over 2 Inches $ 32.00 $ 33.00 $ 1.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 33.30 Yes adoption 90 days after Plumbing Permit Unit Fees Fee For Each Gas Piping System of One to Four Outlets $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 6.91 Yes adoption 90 days after Plumbing Permit Unit Fees Fee For Each Outlet Gas Piping System of Five or More Outlets $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ - M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 1.52 Yes adoption Certificates and Reports 90 days after Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Partial Or Temporary Occupancy Approval Prior To Final $ 192.00 $ 196.00 $ 4.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 196.52 Yes adoption Partial Or Temporary Occupancy Approval Prior To Final Re- 90 days after Renewable Temporary Certificate of Occupancy issuance Fee $ 102.00 $ 104.00 $ 2.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 104.44 Yes adoption 90 days after Residential Building Report Any Occupancy Type $ 170.00 $ 173.00 $ 3.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 173.35 Yes adoption 90 days after Residential Building Report Re -Inspection $ 115.00 $ 117.00 $ 2.00 M.C.15.02 COS -Fee $ 117.31 Yes adoption COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - PLANNING Studied as a flat fee 2016 - Full Cost $2,915.48, Staff recommends keeping CC Policy K-1 hourly. Phasing in 50% of the Increase to Full Cost 9/22/15 and the 90 days after Amendments - General Plan Application - per hour (Deposit Account) $183/hour $183/hour see notes MIX 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 198.98 Yes remaining 50% in 1 year. adoption Studied as a flat fee 2016 - Full Cost $2,915.48, Staff recommends keeping CC Policy K-1 hourly. Phasing in 50% of the Increase to Full Cost 9/22/15 and the 90 days after Amendments - Planned Community Application - per hour (Deposit Account) $183/hour $183/hour see notes M.0 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 198.98 Yes remaining 50% in 1 year. adoption Studied as a flat fee 2016 - Full Cost $2,915.48, Staff recommends keeping CC Policy K-1 hourly. Phasing in 50% of the Increase to Full Cost 9/22/15 and the 90 days after Amendments - Zoning Code/Specific Plan Application - per hour (Deposit Account) $183/hour $183/hour see notes MIX 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 198.98 Yes remaining 50% in 1 year. adoption Studied as a flat fee 2016 - Full Cost $2,277.72, Staff recommends keeping CC Policy K-1 hourly. Phasing in 50% of the Increase to Full Cost 9/22/15 and the 90 days after Amendments - Local Coastal Program Application - per hour (Deposit Account) $183/hour $183/hour see notes M.0 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 198.98 Yes remaining 50% in 1 year. adoption 90 days after Appeals City Council $ 1,506.00 $ 1,536.00 $ 30.00 M.C. 20.64.030 COS -Fee $ 3,072.97 Yes 50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A adoption 90 days after Appeals Planning Commission $ 1,506.00 $ 1,536.00 $ 30.00 M.C. 20.64.030 COS -Fee $ 3,072.97 Yes 50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A adoption 90 days after Approval in Concept Application $ 696.00 $ 710.00 $ 14.00 M.C. 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 710.51 Yes adoption 90 days after Banner Permit Application $150/hour $ 41.00 see notes M.C. 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 41.46 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016 adoption 90 days after Certificate of Compliance- Subdivision Code Application $ 293.00 $ 298.00 $ 5.00 M.C. 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 298.99 Yes adoption 'Grit,' Residential Develepment PeFFnit Delete, City does not issue this PhasiRg ,_ 50% 9fthe IRGFease to Full ^ 9/22 i15 and the F.... aini g 50% 90 days after type of permit p Appideatign PeF 1,,..,. (DepG&it �,.,.,.....«� 693 -Fee 498.98 Yes ia� adoption 90 days after Compliance Letters / Minor Records Research Application $ 342.00 $ 349.00 $ 7.00 M.C. 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 349.27 Yes adoption 90 days after Condominium Conversion Permit Application $ 1,175.00 $ 1,198.00 $ 23.00 M.C. 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 1,198.25 Yes adoption 90 days after Comprehensive Sign/ Heritage / Innovative 3igr Permit Application $183/hour $ 1,592.00 see notes M.C. 20.42.120/130 COS -Fee $ 1,592.45 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016 adoption Studied as a flat fee 2016 - Full Cost $11,616.36, Staff recommends keeping hourly. Phasing in 50% of the Increase to Full Cost 9/22/15 and the 90 days after Development Plan - Planned Community Application - per hour (Deposit Account) $183/hour $183/hour see notes M.C. 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 198.98 Yes remaining 50% in 1 year. adoption Phasing in 50% of the Increase to Full Cost 9/22/15 and the remaining 50% 90 days after Development Agreement Adoption Application - per hour (Deposit Account) $183/hour $183/hour $ - M.C. 15.45.030 COS -Fee $ 198.98 Yes in 1 year. adoption 90 days after Development Agreement Annual Review Application $183/hour $ 1,177.00 see notes M.C. 15.45.030 COS -Fee $ 1,177.18 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016 adoption 90 days after Director/Staff Approval Application $ 892.00 $ 910.00 $ 18.00 M.C. 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 910.04 Yes adoption 90 days after Extension of Time -Subdivision Code Application $ 137.00 $ 140.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 140.25 Yes adoption 90 days after Extension of Time-ZC(exceptAbatementPeriod) Application $ 137.00 $ 140.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 140.25 Yes adoption 90 days after Environmental Documents Application $183/hour 110% of Consultant Cost see notes M.C. 20.50.050 COS -Fee 110% of Consultant Cost Yes Studied 2016 adoption Heritage Sign Review Delete, Included with Comprehensive 90 days after Sign/Innovative Permit Apialieatien $183A%w M.G. 20.50.050 6954ee 5 392.43 Yes adoption Impact 90 days after In -Lieu Parking Application - per space $ 150.00 $ 150.00 $ - M.C. 20.40.130 Fee $ 150.00 No adoption 90 days after Limited Term Permits - less than 90 days Application $ 488.00 $ 498.00 $ 10.00 M.C. 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 498.11 Yes adoption 90 days after Limited Term Permits - more than 90 days Application $ 1,603.00 $ 1,634.00 $ 31.00 M.C. 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 1,634.89 Yes adoption 90 days after Limited Term Permits - seasonal sales Application $ 220.00 $ 224.00 $ 4.00 M.C. 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 224.47 Yes adoption 90 days after Lot Line Adjustment Application $ 1,660.00 $ 1,692.00 $ 32.00 M.C. 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 1,692.95 Yes adoption 90 days after Lot Merger Application $ 1,660.00 $ 1,692.00 $ 32.00 M.C. 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 1,692.95 Yes adoption 90 days after Modification Permit Application $ 2,419.00 $ 2,467.00 $ 48.00 M.C. 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 2,467.56 Yes adoption 90 days after Non -Conforming Abatement Period Extension Application $183/hour $ 490.00 see notes M.C. 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 490.49 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016 adoption Phasing ,_ 50% efthe IRGFease to Full C 9/22/15 and the F Fnai. iRg 50% 90 days after 04 Site PaFki g Ag nt Delete, Part of Use Permit A^^"eatian peF hgu l)epe t� $ }83-00 $ 183-90 $ 60S -Fee $ 198.38 Yes is -1 -yew adoption 90 days after Operators License Application Application $ 750.00 $ 764.00 $ 14.00 M.C. 5.25 COS -Fee $ 764.79 Yes adoption 17-84 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmindnd down rn noarocr dollarI Pon !'lR PMiry I ovol Adiuctmnnr Grnm Drovinoc Voar I Gull rncr CPI calculation haled on I.A/OC adiustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2016 12 17-85 Incremental - Incremental - Total or Base Total or Base Incremental - Implementation SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee (if applicable) Total or Base Fee (if applicable) Incremental Fee REFERENCE TYPE Fee (if applicable) CPI Notes Date 90 days after Operators License Appeal Application $ 696.00 $ 710.00 $ 14.00 M.C. 5.25 COS -Fee $ 710.09 Yes adoption 90 days after Planned Development Permit Application $183/hour $ 4,344.00 see notes M.C. 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 4,344.80 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016 adoption 90 days after Reasonable Accommodation Application $ - $ - $ - M.C. 20.52.070 Section C 2b COS -Fee $ 2,467.20 Yes 0% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A and M.C. 20.52.070 Section C 2b adoption 90 days after Site Development Review - Zoning Administrator Application $ 2,419.00 $ 2,467.00 $ 48.00 M.C. 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 2,467.21 Yes adoption 90 days after Site Development Review - Planning Commission Application $183/hour $ 4,344.00 see notes M.C. 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 4,344.80 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016 adoption 90 days after Subdivisions - Parcel Map Application $ 1,679.00 $ 1,712.00 $ 33.00 M.C. 19.08.040 COS -Fee $ 1,712.58 Yes adoption 90 days after Subdivisions - Tentative Tract Map Application $183/hour $ 4,280.00 see notes M.C. 19.08.040 COS -Fee $ 4,280.59 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016 adoption 90 days after Subdivisions - Vesting Tentative Map Application $183/hour $ 4,280.00 see notes M.C. 19.08.040 COS -Fee $ 4,280.59 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016 adoption RhasiRg in 5 9fthe IRGFease to Full Cost W22/15 and the Fe 90 days after Tel....nm R,.Fm t ^ -.n Delete, Replaced by other permit types Appideatien peF h^• F (lDepe&k AeGGu4it` $ 183.90 $ i83.09 $ $ X98.98 Yes is -1 -yew adoption Phasing in 50% afthe 'Wease te Pull Cost 9/22/15 90 days after ^• Delete, Replaced by other permit types •F (Depa^" 3-90 $ 3.90 Yes is -year adoption 90 days after f- Study Delete, Covered under PW ialal-+''- $1.94/4 r M C 15 40 AqQ COS -Fee $ 4ggi3 Yes + flat fe. 2016 adoption 90 days after Transfer of Development Rights Application $183/hour $ 3,014.00 see notes M.C. 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 3,014.20 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016 adoption 90 days after Use Permit (Conditional) - Planning Commission Application $183/hour $ 4,384.00 see notes M.C. 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 4,384.22 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016 adoption 90 days after Use Permit(Minor)-Zoning Administrator Application $ 2,420.00 $ 2,468.00 $ 48.00 M.C. 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 2,468.02 Yes adoption 90 days after Variance Application $183/hour $ 3,638.00 see notes M.C. 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 3,638.50 Yes Studied as a flat fee 2016 adoption 90 days after Zoning Plan Check (Non -Residential and Residential Alterations) Application - per hour $150/hour $150/hour $ - M.C. 20.50.050 COS -Fee $ 150.68 Yes adoption 90 days after Zoning Plan Check Residential (except Residential Alterations) see notes see notes see notes M.C. 20.50.050 COS -Fee Yes No longer a separate fee; incorporated into Building plan review flat fee adoption CITY CLERK T R+,........t [........t..... [.... �� Delete, Current Processed in Library AuthGFized by the U.S. [ ..f ft+t.. R ..f f'......,,I+. AK+:... Rasp. Ft c.....:ees Maximum peFF..:tted h., r_ey't Cade 22 1Ic C,d.. 2� n Sfatute Ale RefeF to C t y of nl.... poFt Beach ...ebsite R+.......t c........... Immediate 30 days after 2n P ee Delete, Current Processed in Library $ io .09 $ .a^9 $ COS Fee Ale reading FIRE DEPARTMENT & LIFEGUARDS Fire Safety Services 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Battalion Chief Unit (one person) Fee Per Hour $ 264.00 $ 269.00 $ 5.00 M.C. 9.04.030 COS -Fee $ 269.71 Yes Immediate 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Paramedic Unit (two persons) Fee Per Hour $ 385.00 $ 393.00 $ 8.00 M.C. 9.04.030 COS -Fee $ 393.60 Yes Immediate 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fire Engine (three persons) Fee Per Hour $ 586.00 $ 598.00 $ 12.00 M.C. 9.04.030 COS -Fee $ 598.34 Yes Immediate 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Fire Truck (four persons) Fee Per Hour $ 724.00 $ 738.00 $ 14.00 M.C. 9.04.030 COS -Fee $ 738.72 Yes Immediate 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Firefighter (per person) Fee Per Hour $ 137.00 $ 140.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 9.04.030 COS -Fee $ 140.38 Yes Immediate 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Life Safety Specialist II Fee Per Hour $ 159.00 $ 163.00 $ 4.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 163.07 Yes Immediate 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Lifeguard Officer Fee Per Hour $ 140.00 $ 143.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 143.52 Yes Immediate 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Lifeguard Captain Fee Per Hour $ 164.00 $ 167.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 167.79 Yes Immediate 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Lifeguard Battalion Chief Fee Per Hour $ 208.00 $ 213.00 $ 5.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 213.01 Yes Immediate 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Lifeguard I Fee Per Hour $ 46.00 $ 46.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 46.94 Yes Immediate 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Lifeguard II Fee Per Hour $ 50.00 $ 51.00 $ 1.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 51.80 Yes Immediate 1 Hr. Minimum To The Nearest 15 Min. Increment Over 1 Hr., Rescue Boat (two persons) Fee Per Hour $ 178.00 $ 182.00 $ 4.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 182.47 Yes Immediate Emergency Medical Services Fees were reviewed in detail and adjustments were made based on study results and not CPI adjustments ^•FF^^t AveFage ALS h T-FaRspeFt fee is Advanced Life Support $ 1,414.00 $ 1,385.00 $ (29.00) M.C. 5.60.020 COS -Fee $ 1,385.12 Yes $1,244. The ^F^^^s^d fee is an inGFease ^f $"r^ - Immediate Fees were reviewed in detail and adjustments were made based on study results and not CPI adjustments c...., nt AveFage BLS i T-FanspeFt fee is Basic Life Support $ 1,194.00 $ 1,171.00 $ (23.00) M.C. 5.60.020 COS -Fee $ 1,171.67 Yes $1,095 The ,..,...gsed fee 1s aR iRGFease of coon ,.. an nca Immediate Fees were reviewed in detail and adjustments were made based on study Emergency Ambulance Transportation Transportation Charge $ 240.00 $ 232.00 $ (8.00) M.C. 5.60.020 COS -Fee $ 232.41 Yes results and not CPI adjustments Immediate Fees were reviewed in detail and adjustments were made based on study Advanced Life Support Non -Transport $ 400.00 $ 400.00 $ - M.C. 5.60.020 COS -Fee $ 1,385.12 Yes results and not CPI adjustments Immediate Fees were reviewed in detail and adjustments were made based on study Basic Life Support Non -Transport $ 300.00 $ 300.00 $ - M.C. 5.60.020 COS -Fee $ 1,171.67 Yes results and not CPI adjustments Immediate 12 17-85 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmmdnd down rn noarocr dollar Pon !'la PMiry I ovol Adiucrmnnr Grnm P-inoc Voar Gull rncr CPI calculation haled on I.A/OC arliustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2016 13 17-86 Incremental - Incremental - Total or Base Total or Base Incremental - Implementation SERVICE NAME ' DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee (if applicable) Total Or Base Fee (if applicable) Incremental Fee REFERENCE TYPE Fee (if applicable) CPI Notes Date Fees were reviewed in detail and adjustments were made based on study Emergency Ambulance Transportation Mileage Charge Per Mile Included in Above Fees $ 11.56 $ 11.56 M.C. 5.60.020 COS -Fee $ 11.56 Yes results and not CPI adjustments Immediate Paramedic Subscription Service Annual Fee - Resident $ 60.00 $ 60.00 $ - M.C. 5.60.020 Program No 9/22/2015 Paramedic Subscription Service Annual Fee - Business + 10 employees $ 60.00 $ 60.00 $ - M.C. 5.60.020 Program No 9/22/2015 Paramedic Subscription Service Annual Fee - Business, each additional 10 employees $ 25.00 $ 25.00 $ - M.C. 5.60.020 Program No Maximum $410 (includes Annual Fee) 9/22/2015 Junior Guards Program Junior Guard Per Participant $ 713.00 $ 727.00 $ 14.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 886.24 Yes 82.1% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A Immediate COS -Fee Junior Guard -Administrative Fee Cancellation prior to established deadline, Per Participant $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 Punitive $ 200.00 No Immediate Plan Review Fire and Life Safety All Assembly (A), Factory (F) <or equal to 1500 square feet (also used 90 days after for Business (B), Mercantile (M), and Storage (5) occupancies when $ 518.00 $ 528.00 $ 10.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 528.82 Yes adoption All Assembly (A), Factory (F) > 1,500 < or equal to 10,000 square feet 90 days after aggregate (also used for Business (B), Mercantile (M), and Storage (S) $ 687.00 $ 701.00 $ 14.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 701.29 Yes adoption All Assembly (A), Factory (F)>10,000 s.f. aggregate (also used for 90 days after Business (B), Mercantile (M), and Storage (5) occupancies when $ 1,028.00 $ 1,048.00 $ 20.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 1,048.29 Yes adoption 90 days after High -Hazard Groups H1, H2, H3, H4, or Laboratory ( L) $ 1,394.00 $ 1,422.00 $ 28.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 1,422.31 Yes adoption Hi -Rise: Structures that are 75 ft. or higher measured from lowest point 90 days after of fire department access $ 3,403.00 $ 3,470.00 $ 67.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 3,470.07 Yes adoption Day Care Educational (E) or Institutional Day Care (1-4) < 1,000 square 90 days after feet aggregate or Day Care Educational (E) or 1-4: Portable or re- $ 179.00 $ 182.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 182.85 Yes adoption Day Care Educational (E) or Institutional Day Care (1-4) > 1,000 square 90 days after feet aggregate $ 574.00 $ 585.00 $ 11.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 585.96 Yes adoption 90 days after Educational other than day care $ 518.00 $ 528.00 $ 10.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 528.82 Yes adoption Residential R1 or Residential R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, 90 days after condominiums with < or equal to 20 dwelling units per building $ 263.00 $ 269.00 $ 6.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 269.09 Yes adoption Residential R1 or Residential R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, 90 days after condominiums with 21- 50 dwelling units per building $ 348.00 $ 355.00 $ 7.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 355.32 Yes adoption Residential R1 or Residential R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, 90 days after condominiums with 51 to 150 dwelling units per building $ 518.00 $ 528.00 $ 10.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 528.82 Yes adoption Residential R4: licensed residential care/assisted living facilities and 90 days after similar uses serving 7-19 clients $ 857.00 $ 874.00 $ 17.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 874.79 Yes adoption Residential R4: licensed residential care/assisted living facilities and 90 days after similar uses serving >19 clients $ 1,536.00 $ 1,566.00 $ 30.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 1,566.72 Yes adoption Misc. Plan Review including elevators, elevator lobbies, generators, 90 days after canopies, awnings see notes see notes see notes M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee Hourly Yes 100% Fully Loaded Hourly Rate (see appendix) adoption Inspection Fire and Life Safety All Assembly (A), Factory (F) < or equal to 1500 square feet (also used 90 days after for Business (B),Mercantile (M), and Storage (S) occupancies when $ 329.00 $ 335.00 $ 6.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 335.58 Yes adoption All Assembly (A), Factory (F) > 1,500 < or equal to 10,000 square feet 90 days after aggregate (also used for Business (B),Mercantile (M), and Storage (S) $ 409.00 $ 417.00 $ 8.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 417.65 Yes adoption All Assembly (A), Factory (F)>10,000 s.f. aggregate (also used for 90 days after Business (B),Mercantile (M), and Storage (S) occupancies when $ 569.00 $ 580.00 $ 11.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 580.77 Yes adoption 90 days after High -Hazard Groups Hl, H2, H3, H4, or Laboratory ( L) $ 409.00 $ 417.00 $ 8.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 417.65 Yes adoption Hi -Rise: Structures that are 75 ft. or higher measured from lowest point 90 days after of fire department access $ 1,368.00 $ 1,395.00 $ 27.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 1,395.30 Yes adoption Day Care Educational (E) or Institutional Day Care (1-4) < 1,000 square 90 days after feet aggregate or Day Care Educational (E) or 1-4: Portable or re- $ 208.00 $ 212.00 $ 4.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 212.98 Yes adoption Day Care Educational (E) or Institutional Day Care (1-4) > 1,000 square 90 days after feet aggregate $ 302.00 $ 308.00 $ 6.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 308.57 Yes adoption 90 days after Educational other than day care $ 302.00 $ 308.00 $ 6.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 308.57 Yes adoption Residential R1 or Residential R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, 90 days after condominiums with < or equal to 20 dwelling units per building $ 329.00 $ 335.00 $ 6.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 335.58 Yes adoption Residential R1 or Residential R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, 90 days after condominiums with 21- 50 dwelling units per building $ 436.00 $ 444.00 $ 8.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 444.67 Yes adoption Residential R1 or Residential R2: Hotels, motels, apartments, 90 days after condominiums with 51 to 150 dwelling units per building $ 569.00 $ 580.00 $ 11.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 580.77 Yes adoption Residential R4: licensed residential care/assisted living facilities and 90 days after similar uses serving 7-19 clients $ 409.00 $ 417.00 $ 8.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 417.65 Yes adoption Residential R4: licensed residential care/assisted living facilities and 90 days after similar uses serving >19 clients $ 622.00 $ 634.00 $ 12.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 634.79 Yes adoption Misc. Inspection including elevators, elevator lobbies, generators, 90 days after canopies, awnings see notes see notes see notes M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee Hourly Yes 100% Fully Loaded Hourly Rate (see appendix) adoption Inspection Special Fire Protection Equipment 90 days after Spray Booth, Spraying area $ 436.00 $ 444.00 $ 8.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 444.67 Yes adoption 90 days after Commercial Cooking Hood and Duct (per system) $ 195.00 $ 199.00 $ 4.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 199.48 Yes adoption Special extinguishing system: dry chemical, CO2, foam liquid system, 90 days after inert gas (Halon, Inergen, etc.) $ 182.00 $ 185.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 185.97 Yes adoption 90 days after Pre -action fire sprinkler system, includes alarm system $ 249.00 $ 254.00 $ 5.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 254.54 Yes adoption 13 17-86 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmmdnd down rn noarocr dollarI Pon !'la PMiry I ovol rAdiucrmnnr Grnm Drovinoc Voar I Gull fncr CPI calculation haled on I.A/OC adiustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2016 14 17-87 Incremental - Incremental - Total or Base Total or Base Incremental - Implementation SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee (if applicable) Total Or Base Fee (if applicable) Incremental Fee REFERENCE TYPE Fee (if applicable) CPI Notes Date Plan Review Special Fire Protection Equipment 90 days after Spray Booth, Spraying area $ 574.00 $ 585.00 $ 11.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 585.96 Yes adoption 90 days after Commercial Cooking Hood and Duct (per system) $ 122.00 $ 124.00 $ 2.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 124.67 Yes adoption Special extinguishing system: dry chemical, CO2, foam liquid system, 90 days after inert gas (Halon, Inergen, etc.) $ 292.00 $ 298.00 $ 6.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 298.18 Yes adoption 90 days after Pre -action fire sprinkler system, includes alarm system $ 434.00 $ 442.00 $ 8.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 442.59 Yes adoption Inspection Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13): 100 heads or less per 90 days after system $ 302.00 $ 308.00 $ 6.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 308.57 Yes adoption 90 days after Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13): > 100 heads per system $ 355.00 $ 362.00 $ 7.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 362.59 Yes adoption Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13): each additional identical 90 days after system or per floor in buildings >3 stories $ 355.00 $ 362.00 $ 7.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 362.59 Yes adoption Multi -family dwelling residential fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13R): 3 to 90 days after 16 units per building $ 409.00 $ 417.00 $ 8.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 417.65 Yes adoption Multi -family dwelling residential fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13R): >16 90 days after units per building $ 515.00 $ 525.00 $ 10.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 525.70 Yes adoption Tenant Improvement (TI) NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: 4-20 90 days after heads $ 208.00 $ 212.00 $ 4.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 212.98 Yes adoption Tenant Improvement (TI) NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: 21-100 90 days after heads, no calculations $ 302.00 $ 308.00 $ 6.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 308.57 Yes adoption Tenant Improvement (TI) NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: >100 90 days after heads or requiring calculations $ 355.00 $ 362.00 $ 7.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 362.59 Yes adoption Fire sprinkler monitoring system, water flow & tamper switches, < 11 90 days after notification devices $ 169.00 $ 172.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 172.46 Yes adoption 90 days after Underground fire protection - New $ 355.00 $ 362.00 $ 7.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee 362.59 Yes adoption 90 days after Underground fire protection - Repair $ 208.00 $ 212.00 $ 4.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 212.98 Yes adoption 90 days after Fire pump installation $ 355.00 $ 362.00 $ 7.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 362.59 Yes adoption Standpipes : NFPA 14 Class I, II or III and includes all standpipes within a 90 days after single building or boat dock $ 409.00 $ 417.00 $ 8.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 417.65 Yes adoption Plan Review Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13): 100 heads or less per 90 days after system $ 348.00 $ 355.00 $ 7.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 355.32 Yes adoption 90 days after Commercial fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13): > 100 heads per system $ 687.00 $ 701.00 $ 14.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 701.29 Yes adoption Multi -family dwelling residential fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13R): 3 to 90 days after 16 units per building $ 292.00 $ 298.00 $ 6.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 298.18 Yes adoption Multi -family dwelling residential fire sprinkler system (NFPA 13R): >16 90 days after units per building $ 434.00 $ 442.00 $ 8.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 442.59 Yes adoption Tenant Improvement (TI) NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: 4-20 90 days after heads $ 136.00 $ 139.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 139.22 Yes adoption Tenant Improvement (TI) NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: 21-100 90 days after heads, no calculations $ 179.00 $ 182.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 182.85 Yes adoption Tenant Improvement (TI) NFPA 13 or 13R fire sprinkler system: >100 90 days after heads or requiring calculations $ 348.00 $ 355.00 $ 7.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 355.32 Yes adoption Fire sprinkler monitoring system, water flow & tamper switches, < 11 90 days after notification devices $ 136.00 $ 139.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 139.22 Yes adoption 90 days after Underground fire protection - New $ 348.00 $ 355.00 $ 7.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 355.32 Yes adoption 90 days after Underground fire protection - Repair $ 136.00 $ 139.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 139.22 Yes adoption 90 days after Fire pump installation $ 348.00 $ 355.00 $ 7.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 355.32 Yes adoption Standpipes : NFPA 14 Class I, II or III and includes all standpipes within a 90 days after single building or boat dock $ 320.00 $ 327.00 $ 7.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 327.27 Yes adoption Inspection Fire Alarm Systems 90 days after Fire alarm system: >60 devices $ 409.00 $ 417.00 8.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee 417.65 Yes adoption 90 days after Fire alarm system: 11-60 devices $ 208.00 $ 212.00 $ 4.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 212.98 Yes adoption Plan Review Fire Alarm Systems 90 days after Fire alarm system: >60 devices $ 687.00 $ 701.00 $ 14.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 701.29 Yes adoption 90 days after Fire alarm system: 11-60 devices $ 434.00 $ 442.00 8.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 442.59 Yes adoption Fuel Modification New and/or Change to Existing Plan 90 days after Inspection $ 116.00 $ 118.00 $ 2.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 118.44 Yes adoption 90 days after Plan Review/Update $ 129.00 $ 131.00 $ 2.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 131.95 Yes adoption Fire Access Gate 14 17-87 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmmdnd down rn noarocr dollarI Pon !'la PMiry I ovol rAdiucrmnnr Grnm Drovinoc Voar I Gull fncr CPI calri lation haled on I.A/OC adiustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2016 SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total Or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Incremental Fee REFERENCE TYPE Total or Base Incremental - Fee (if applicable) CPI Notes Implementation Date Inspection $ 142.00 $ 145.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 145.45 Yes 90 days after adoption Plan Review $ 179.00 $ 182.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 182.85 Yes 90 days after adoption Technical Assistance of Complex Fire Protection Systems Code Compliance Review - Plan Review and/or Inspection Services see notes see notes see notes M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee Hourly Yes 100% Fully Loaded Hourly Rate (see appendix) 90 days after adoption In Service Building Public Radio Coverage System Service in Private Structures Service to privately owned bi-directional amplification systems by the Orange County Sheriff -Coroner Communications Division on behalf of the City Police and Fire Departments. see notes see notes see notes M.C. 9.04 Pass Thru Pass Through No 100% pass through of OC Sheriff -Coroner Communications Division Charge 90 days after adoption Pre -submittal Review Per Hour - 1 Hour Minimum; includes CEQA, EIR, and advanced planning requests see notes see notes see notes M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee Hourly Yes 100% Fully Loaded Hourly Rate (see appendix) 90 days after adoption Fire, Life Safety Or Special Hazard Consultation Per Hour- 1 Hour Minimum see notes see notes see notes M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee Hourly Yes 100% Fully Loaded Hourly Rate (see appendix) 90 days after adoption Closure Report Review Per Hour - 1 Hour Minimum see notes see notes see notes M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee Hourly Yes 100% Fully Loaded Hourly Rate (see appendix) 90 days after adoption Fire Lane Plan Review (Fire Master Plan) Per Hour - 1 Hour Minimum see notes see notes see notes M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee Hourly Yes 100% Fully Loaded Hourly Rate (see appendix) 90 days after adoption Inspection Tank Installation Or Removal Above Or Below Ground, Per Tank $ 329.00 $ 335.00 $ 6.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 335.58 Yes 90 days after adoption Plan Review Tank Installation Or Removal Above Or Below Ground, Per Tank $ 434.00 $ 442.00 $ 8.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 442.59 Yes 90 days after adoption Operational and Special Event Permits Operational Permits - New Level 1 (new) - Cutting and welding carts, Dry cleaning plants -1 to 2 machines, Liquefied petroleum gases , and Tents $ 142.00 $ 145.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 145.45 Yes Immediate Operational Permits - New Level 2 (new) - all other operations pursuant to CFC Section 105.6 $ 262.00 $ 268.00 $ 6.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 268.05 Yes Immediate Operational Permits - Renewal Level 1 (renewal) - Cutting and welding carts, Dry cleaning plants -1 to 2 machines, Liquefied petroleum gases, and Tents $ 116.00 $ 118.00 $ 2.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 118.44 Yes Immediate Operational Permits - Renewal Level 2 (renewal) - all other operations pursuant to CFC Section 105.6 $ 195.00 $ 199.00 $ 4.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 199.48 Yes Immediate Candle Permit Program First time and special event $ 46.00 $ 47.00 $ 1.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 47.79 Yes Immediate Special Event Permits Single Event Permit $ 142.00 $ 145.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 145.45 Yes Immediate Special Event Permits Level III as defined by the Recreation Department see notes see notes see notes M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee Hourly Yes 100% Fully Loaded Hourly Rate (see appendix) Immediate Special Event Permits Public Display - Fireworks - ground display only e.g. homecoming 5-10 minutes $ 289.00 $ 295.00 $ 6.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 295.06 Yes Immediate Special Event Permits Public Display - Fireworks - aerial display > 10 minutes $ 792.00 $ 808.00 $ 16.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 808.30 Yes Immediate Weekend, Holiday, or Non Contiguous & After Hours Inspection Request 2 Hour Minimum; hourly if contiguous to normal business hours. see notes see notes see notes M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee Hourly Yes 100% Fully Loaded Hourly Rate (see appendix) Immediate Nuisance Abatement Service Weeds, Rubbish And Other Nuisance. see notes see notes see notes M.C. 10.48.060 COS -Fee Actual costs+staff time Yes Actual costs: pass through contract costs plus staff time. Immediate Temporary Change Of Use Use Of Retail Occupancy as a place of assembly - Special Use see notes see notes see notes M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee Hourly Yes 100% Fully Loaded Hourly Rate (see appendix) Immediate State Mandated Inspections State Fire Clearance Requests for commercial occupancies, Clinics, Offices, and Treatment Facilities $ 76.00 $ 77.00 $ 1.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 77.92 Yes Immediate Care Facilities Annual Fee 7-99 clients as defined in the California Building Code $ 342.00 $ 349.00 $ 7.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 349.08 Yes Immediate Care Facilities Annual Fee > 99 clients as defined in the California Building Code $ 436.00 $ 444.00 $ 8.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 444.67 Yes Immediate Surgery Centers Annual Fee $ 368.00 $ 376.00 $ 8.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 376.10 Yes Immediate Hospitals Annual Fee 200 Or More Beds $ 6,621.00 $ 6,752.00 $ 131.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 6,752.08 Yes Immediate Hotels/Motels Annual Fee 50 - 299 Rooms $ 195.00 $ 199.00 $ 4.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 199.48 Yes Immediate Hotels/Motels Annual Fee 300 Or More Rooms $ 342.00 $ 349.00 $ 7.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 349.08 Yes Immediate Commercial Day Care Facilities Annual Fee $ 195.00 $ 199.00 $ 4.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 199.48 Yes Immediate High Rise Buildings Annual Fee $ 982.00 $ 1,001.00 $ 19.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 1,001.54 Yes Immediate Residential Care Facility Pre -License Inspection California Health and Safety Code Section 13235 $ 249.00 $ 254.00 $ 5.00 CA H&5 §13235 COS -Fee $ 254.54 Yes Immediate Hazardous Materials Inventory Disclosure Program 1-4 Chemicals > or= 55 Gallons, 200 Cubic Feet, 500 Pounds $ 130.00 $ 132.00 $ 2.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 132.98 Yes Immediate 5-6 Chemicals > or = 55 Gallons, 200 Cubic Feet, 500 Pounds $ 151.00 $ 154.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 154.80 Yes Immediate 7-10 Chemicals > or = 55 Gallons, 200 Cubic Feet, 500 Pounds $ 165.00 $ 168.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 168.31 Yes Immediate 11-14 Chemicals > or = 55 Gallons, 200 Cubic Feet, 500 Pounds $ 212.00 $ 217.00 $ 5.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 217.14 Yes Immediate 15-20 Chemicals > or = 55 Gallons, 200 Cubic Feet, 500 Pounds $ 264.00 $ 270.00 $ 6.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 270.12 Yes Immediate 21-40 Chemicals > or = 55 Gallons, 200 Cubic Feet, 500 Pounds $ 317.00 $ 324.00 $ 7.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 324.15 Yes Immediate 15 17-88 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmindnd down rn noarocr dollarI Pon !'la PMiry I ... I rAdiucrmnnr Grnm Drovinoc Voar I Gull fncr CPI calculation haled on I.A/OC adiustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2016 SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total Or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Incremental Fee REFERENCE TYPE Total or Base Incremental - Fee (if applicable) CPI Notes Implementation Date More Than 40 Chemicals > or = 55 Gallons, 200 Cubic Feet, 500 Pounds $ 426.00 $ 435.00 $ 9.00 M.C. 9.04 COS -Fee $ 435.32 Yes Immediate LIBRARY SERVICES Z (Fees were reviewed In detail and adjustments were made based on study results and not CPI adjustments) Cancellation Charge GeatsaLLibrary Cancellation Charge -GernrnuniVfAeern All Programs and FacilitiesLess Than $ 31.00 $ 59.00 $ 28.00 Council Policy 1-7 COS -Fee $ 59.46 Yes Immediate Refund Chap.^ All OtheF PFegicams and FaGil:ties Delete, Repetitive PFogFaFn Or Facility Use $ 34-08 policy 49 Immediate Arts and Cultural Services Library Services Materials Use Video/Book Per Unit $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 5.46 Yes $1 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd reading Materials Use - Best Sellers Video/Book Per Unit $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 5.46 Yes $1 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd reading Inter Library Loan Per Unit $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 60.65 Yes $5 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd reading Facility Use Insurance, Deposits And Set-up Fees May Be Required, Availability May Be Limited, Other Restrictions May Apply Deposits GeRtFal LibFaFY Cammunity Ream Delete, Unnecessary Nnn R,efundalal.. r-1...,..:.... Fe Use Of v:t..hen And[.....J $ S&0o $ 80..00 S PGI4W S 8&88 Ne Immediate Central Library Community Room Refundable, Use Of Public Address System $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ - Council Policy 1-7 Deposit $ 100.00 No Immediate Refundable Cleaning Deposit Refundable Cleaning Deposit $ 105.00 $ 96.00 $ (9.00) M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 96.00 No Immediate Setup And Cleanup Fees Central Library Community Room Setup and Cleanup $ 75.00 $ 114.00 $ 39.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 114.54 Yes Immediate Energy­SufehaW Delete, Historically not used Additional ChaF^^ PleeessaFyT^ ReEeveF Enefg • `gists _$ $ $ M.G.. 3.36,830 - $ No DqreCteF Has Autherity te Establish Charge DepeRding an Cost Immediate Meeting Rooms Central Library Community Room Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ - Council Policy I-7 Rental $ 50.00 No Immediate Central Library Community Room Non -Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 95.00 $ 95.00 $ - Council Policy 1-7 Rental $ 95.00 No Immediate Central Library Community Room Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 80.00 $ 80.00 $ - Council Policy 1-7 Rental $ 80.00 No Immediate Central Library Community Room Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 160.00 $ 160.00 $ - Council Policy 1-7 Rental $ 160.00 No Immediate Passport Services Passport Execution Fee Authorized by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs, Passport Services. Maximum permitted by Gov't Code. $ 25.00 $ 25.00 $ - 22 US Code 214 Statute $61.90 Yes Refer to City of Newport Beach website - Passport Services. $25 Recovery per 22 US Code 214 Immediate Passport Photo Fee $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $28.96 Yes $10 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd reading Fines for Overdue Materials General Materials, New Books, Rental Books, CDs Fine for Overdue Material $0.25/day to Max $10 $0.25/day to Max $10 $ - Section 708 City Charter Fine No 30 days after 2nd reading DVDs (non -rental) Fine for Overdue Material $0.25/day to Max $20 $0.25/day to Max $20 $ - Section 708 City Charter Fine No 30 days after 2nd reading Paperbacks, Periodicals Fine for Overdue Material $0.25/day to Max $5 $0.25/day to Max $5 $ - Section 708 City Charter Fine No 30 days after 2nd reading Video Games and eReader Fine for Overdue Material $1/day to Max $20 $1/day to Max $20 $ - Section 708 City Charter Fine No 30 days after 2nd reading Laptop Fine for Overdue Material $5/hour to Max $1,200 $5/day to Max $1,200 $ - Section 708 City Charter Fine No 30 days after 2nd reading !Pad Fine for Overdue Material $5/hour to Max $400 $5/day to Max $400 $ - Section 708 City Charter Fine No 30 days after 2nd reading Book Group in a Bag Fine for Overdue Material $0.25/day to Max $100 $0.25/day to Max $100 $ - Section 708 City Charter Fine No 30 days after 2nd reading Replacement Cost of Materials see notes see notes Section 708 City Charter Pass Thru No Actual replacement cost of the item. When materials are replaced, fines paid are applied to replacement and processing charge. 30 days after 2nd reading General Materials Replacement Cost of Materials $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ - Section 708 City Charter Pass Thru No 30 days after 2nd reading DVDs (non -rental) Replacement Cost of Materials $ 25.00 $ 25.00 $ - Section 708 City Charter Pass Thru No 30 days after 2nd reading Paperbacks, Periodicals Replacement Cost of Materials $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ - Section 708 City Charter Pass Thru No 30 days after 2nd reading CDs Replacement Cost of Materials $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ - Section 708 City Charter Pass Thru No 30 days after 2nd reading Video Games Replacement Cost of Materials $ 50.00$ 50.00 - Section 708 City Charter Pass Thru No 30 days after 2nd reading Laptops and/or peripherals Replacement Cost of Materials $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ - Section 708 City Charter Pass Thru No 30 days after 2nd reading [Pad and/or peripherals Replacement Cost of Materials $ 400.00 $ 400.00 $ - Section 708 City Charter Pass Thru No 30 days after 2nd reading 16 17-89 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adontion (1st Readinel: July 26. 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1CPI calculation based on LA/OC adjustment from April 2015 to April 2016 1.97% Rounded down to nearest dollar Fee @ Policy Level Adjustment From Previous Year Full Cost SERVICE NAME ■ DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee Incremental - if applicable) Total Or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Incremental Fee REFERENCE TYPE Total or Base Incremental - Fee (if applicable) CPI Notes Implementation Date eReader and/or peripherals Replacement Cost of Materials $ 120.00 $ 120.00 $ - Section 708 City Charter Pass Thru No 30 days after 2nd reading Book Group in a Bag Replacement Cost of Materials $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ - Section 708 City Charter Pass Thru No 30 days after 2nd reading Compact Disc Cases Replacement, per case $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ - Section 708 City Charter Pass Thru No 30 days after 2nd reading DVD/BOLD Cases Replacement, per case $ 4.00 $ 4.00 $ - Section 708 City Charter Pass Thru No 30 days after 2nd reading Damage to Barcode or RFID tag on Library Materials $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ - Section 708 City Charter Pass Thru No 30 days after 2nd reading Processing Charges for Replacement Items General Materials, DVDs, Video Games and eReaders Processing charge for replacement $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ - Section 708 City Charter Fine No 30 days after 2nd reading Paperbacks (mass market)/Periodicals Processing charge for replacement $ 3.00 $ 3.00 $ - Section 708 City Charter Fine No 30 days after 2n reading POLICE Administration Civil Subpoena Per day, All other staff except sworn officers or firefighters $ 275.00 $ 275.00 $ - Govt. Code 68096.1 Statute $ 275.00 No Amended effective 1/1/15 Immediate Civil Subpoena Per day, Sworn Officers and Firefighters $ 275.00 $ 275.00 $ - Govt. Code 68097.2B AB2612 Statute $ 275.00 No Immediate Initial Concealed Weapons Permit 100% of State Established Fee $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ - P.C. 26190 Statute $ 505.60 Yes Exhibit ^ 100% of State Established Fee - Currently $100 and any additional pass thru costs required Immediate Concealed Weapon Permit Renewal 100% of State Established Fee $ 25.00 $ 25.00 $ - P.C. 26190 Statute $ 482.29 Yes A-100% of State Established Fee - Currently $25 and any additional pass thru costs required Immediate Disturbance Advisory Card / Response $ 57.00 $ 58.00 $ 1.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 58.89 Yes Immediate Support Services AudioCassette- Evidence $ 46.00 $ 46.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 46.20 Yes Immediate Audio Cassette - Dispatch $ 84.00 $ 84.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 84.79 Yes Immediate Photographs - Digital (on CD only) $ 35.00 $ 29.00 $ (6.00) M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 29.45 Yes Immediate Video $ 92.00 $ 91.00 $ (1.00) M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 91.41 Yes Immediate Bike Licenses $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ - M.C. 12.56.025 COS -Fee $ 15.53 Yes 17% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A Immediate Finger Printing $ 30.00 $ 31.00 $ 1.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 31.07 Yes Additional DOJ fee may apply Immediate Arrest Reports $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ - P.R. Act COS -Fee $ 10.87 Yes Immediate Crime Reports $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ - P.R. Act COS -Fee $ 10.87 Yes Immediate Traffic Collision Reports $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ - P.R. Act COS -Fee $ 10.87 Yes Immediate Domestic Violence Reports $ - $ - $ - P.R. Act Family Code 6228 COS -Fee $ 10.87 Yes 0% Recovery per M.C. 3.36 030 `*h' lait A and Mandated by State Immediate Missing Persons Report $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ - P.R. Act COS -Fee $ 10.87 Yes Immediate Clearance Letters $ 35.00 $ 36.00 $ 1.00 P.R. Act COS -Fee $ 36.19 Yes Immediate City Jail Booking Fee $ 355.00 $ 362.00 $ 7.00 California Government Code 29550.3 COS -Fee $ 362.13 Yes Immediate Vehicle Repossession 100% State Established Fee $ 15.00 $ 15.00 $ - California Government Code 41612 Statute $ 31.07 Yes 100% of State Established Fee --- "" G ' 36 030 `xh bit " - Currently $15 Immediate Franchise Tow Fee per tow $37 Customer $55 Tow Operator $37 Customer $55 Tow Operator N/A M.C. 5.15.095, CA Vehicle Code 12110(b) COS -Fee $ 94.65 Yes 3/11/2016 Vehicle Release $ 38.00 $ 38.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 38.84 Yes Immediate Solicitor application - up to 10 names $ 38.00 $ 38.00 $ - M.C. 5.42.050 COS -Fee $ 38.84 Yes Immediate Solicitor application- greater than 10 names $ 91.00 $ 93.00 $ 2.00 M.C. 5.42.050 COS -Fee $ 93.21 Yes Immediate Registrant - narcotics $ - $ - $ - M.C. 3.36.030 Health & Safety Code 11590-11595 COS -Fee $ 122.13 Yes 0% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A Immediate Registrant - sex $ - $ - $ - Penal Code Section 290.012(d) Statute $ 69.91 Yes 0% Recovery Mandated by State Immediate Subpoena Duces Tecum Statute see notes $ 6.00 see notes $ 6.00 $ - California Evidence Code 1563 Statute $ 179.63 Yes 100% of State Established Fee __F M.G.' 36 030 Exhibit " - Incremental charge is labor cost per quarter hour (15 min). Total fee is incremental charge plus $0.10 per pg std, $0.20 per pg copy microfilm doc, actual cost for oversized, and others as stated in the code Immediate Alarm Application Monitored or Unmonitored $ 57.00 $ 59.00 $ 2.00 M.C. 5.49.030 COS -Fee $ 59.02 Yes Immediate Alarm -Monitor Fee Annual $ 247.00 $ 252.00 $ 5.00 M.C. 5.48.080 COS -Fee $ 252.38 Yes Immediate False Alarm - Billable see notes see notes N/A M.C. 5.49.070 (A)1 Punitive see notes No Within a 12 month period; $50 for 3rd, $100 for 4th, $125 for 5th, prior violation amount+$25 increase for each subsequent false alarm Immediate Triennial Renewal Fee Residential Alarm Permit $ 47.00 $ 48.00 $ 1.00 M.C.5.49.045 COS -Fee $ 48.58 Yes Immediate 17 17-90 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmmdnd down rn noarocr dollarI Pon !'la PMiry I ... I I Adiuctmnnr Grnm I Gull fncr CPI calri lation haled on I.A/OC adiustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2016 SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total Base Incremental Fee REFERENCE TYPE Total Base Incremental - e (if applicable) Fee CPI Notes Implementation Date Annual Renewal Fee Commercial Alarm Permit $ 47.00 $ 48.00 $ 1.00 M.C.5.49.045 COS -Fee $ 48.58 Yes Immediate Monitoring Sign Telephonic Alarm System $ 30.00 $ 31.00 $ 1.00 M.C.5.48.085 COS -Fee $ 31.07 Yes Immediate Monitoring Decal Package of Ten Decals $ 22.00 $ 23.00 $ 1.00 M.C.5.48.085 COS -Fee $ 23.30 Yes Immediate Citation Sign Off Fee Per Sign Off $ 15.00 $ 15.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 15.53 Yes Immediate Animal Control Impound Fee Dog, Cats And Other Similar Size Animals $ 41.00 $ 41.00 $ - M.C. 7.16.050 COS -Fee $ 108.04 Yes Recover Maximum Permitted by Contract per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A Immediate Impound Fee Small Animals $ 41.00 $ 41.00 $ - M.C. 7.16.050 COS -Fee $ 108.04 Yes Recover Maximum Permitted by Contract per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A Immediate Boarding Fee Animal see notes see notes N/A Shelter Agreement Contract see notes No Fee based on shelter agreements Immediate Boarding Fee Small Animals see notes see notes N/A Shelter Agreement Contract see notes No Fee based on shelter agreements Immediate Adoption Fee Any Animal see notes see notes N/A Shelter Agreement Contract see notes No Fee based on shelter agreements Immediate Rabies Inoculation Impounded Dog see notes see notes N/A Shelter Agreement Contract see notes No Fee based on shelter agreements Immediate Spay & Neuter Fees Other than Original owner see notes see notes N/A Shelter Agreement Contract see notes No Fee based on shelter agreements Immediate Misc. Animal Inspection Services Pet Shop $ 127.00 $ 129.00 $ 2.00 M.C. 7.08.040 COS -Fee $ 129.65 Yes Immediate Misc. Animal Inspection Services Pot Bellied Pig $ 105.00 $ 108.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 7.08.040 COS -Fee $ 108.04 Yes Immediate Misc. Animal Inspection Services Wild Animal Permits $ 105.00 $ 108.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 7.08.040 COS -Fee $ 108.04 Yes Immediate Kennel License 4-9 animals $ 95.00 $ 97.00 $ 2.00 M.C. 7.35.030 COS -Fee $ 97.23 Yes Immediate Kennel License 10-29 animals $ 158.00 $ 162.00 $ 4.00 M.C. 7.35.030 COS -Fee $ 162.05 Yes Immediate Kennel License 30-59 animals $ 190.00 $ 194.00 $ 4.00 M.C. 7.35.030 COS -Fee $ 194.47 Yes Immediate Kennel License 60+ animals $ 222.00 $ 226.00 $ 4.00 M.C. 7.35.030 COS -Fee $ 226.87 Yes Immediate Patrol Emergency Response Billing Govt. Code 53150 see notes see notes N/A Gov. Code 53150 COS -Fee see notes Yes 100% Fully Loaded Hourly Rate (see appendix) Immediate Detective Second Hand Dealer Permit $ 85.00 $ 91.00 $ 6.00 M.C. 5.20.060 COS -Fee $ 91.08 Yes Relocated from Finance to PD, studied 2016 Immediate Second Hand Dealer Renewal + DOJ Fingerprint processing $ 46.00 $ 60.00 $ 14.00 M.C. 5.20.060 COS -Fee $ 60.62 Yes Relocated from Finance to PD, studied 2016 Immediate Second Hand/ Pawn Dealer Tag Check $ - $ - $ - M.C. 3.36.030 California Government Code 21628 COS -Fee $ 12.43 Yes 0% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A Immediate Massage Permit I ieense PUBLIC WORKS - ENGINEERING Operator $ 493.00 502.00 9.00 M.C. 5.50.020 COS -Fee 502.76 Yes Immediate Plan Check Engineering Plan Check Fee - Charged hourly $ 152.00 $ 155.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 155.16 Yes Was net 6H PFeViOUS MFS, but this Is not a new 90 days after adoption Parcel Map Check $ 2,440.00 $ 2,488.00 $ 48.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 2,488.65 Yes 90 days after adoption Encroachment Permit Without Other Dept./Div. Review $ 237.00 $ 241.00 $ 4.00 M.C. 13.06.020 COS -Fee $ 274.72 Yes 88% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 90 days after adoption Encroachment Permit With Other Dept./Div. Review $ 270.00 $ 275.00 $ 5.00 M.C. 13.06.020 COS -Fee $ 483.68 Yes 57% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 90 days after adoption Encroachment & Eng. Agreement Prep $ 801.00 $ 817.00 $ 16.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 817.75 Yes 90 days after adoption Document Recordation Fee $ 188.00 $ 192.00 $ 4.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 192.02 Yes 90 days after adoption Engineering Field Inspection Curb/Gutter/Sidewalk/Driveway/Non-standard Imp. -Each Inspection 1/30' $ 162.00 $ 165.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 165.32 Yes 90 days after adoption Engineering Field Inspection Sewer/Water Meter/Fire Service/Underground Utilities -Each Insp./location $ 162.00 $ 165.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 165.32 Yes 90 days after adoption Engineering Field Inspection Parkway Drains -Each Inspection $ 162.00 $ 165.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 165.32 Yes 90 days after adoption Utilities c,.0 I.....eetien Relocate to MOD SeweF G9RReetiqn/Wat^..*IyMCOS-Fee Yes on�r adeptiea Lot Line Adjustment Checking Fee $ 1,059.00 $ 1,079.00 $ 20.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 1,079.91 Yes 90 days after adoption Easement Deed Research, Reviews/Processing $ 204.00 $ 208.00 $ 4.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 208.96 Yes 90 days after adoption Street Easement and Vacation Processing Fee $ 1,002.00 $ 1,022.00 $ 20.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 1,022.23 Yes Base+ hourly rate if> 6.75 hours 90 days after adoption Covenant Agreement Research & Review Fee Charged hourly $ 136.00 $ 139.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 139.46 Yes 90 days after adoption Traffic Subdivision Plan Check Charged hourly $ 136.00 $ 139.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 139.46 Yes 90 days after adoption 18 17-91 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmmdnd down rn noarocr dollar Fon !'la Cnliry I ovol ndiucrmnnr Grnm Pr inuc Voar Gull fncr CPI calculation haled on I.A/OC adjustment from Anril 2015 to Aoril 20]6 19 17-92 Incremental - Incremental - Total or Base Total or Base Incremental - Implementation SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee (if applicable) Total Or Base Fee (if applicable) Incremental Fee REFERENCE TYPE Fee (if applicable) CPI Notes Date 90 days after Traffic Control Plan Check 8%" x 11"/11" x17"; per sheet $ 64.00 $ 65.00 $ 1.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 65.75 Yes adoption 90 days after Traffic Control Plan Check 24" x 36"; per sheet $ 140.00 $ 143.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 143.21 Yes adoption 90 days after Traffic Study Utilizes outside consultant see notes see notes N/A M.C. 15.40.050E Pass Thru $ - No Will be charged based on consultant billings. adoption 90 days after Plan Check with Pre -Permit Review Charged hourly $ 136.00 $ 139.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 139.46 Yes adoption 90 days after Tract Plan Check Up To $100,000 improvement cost see notes see notes N/A M.C.19.56.020(C) COS -Fee $ - No 6.5% of value up to $100,000. $366 minimum adoption Base fee for first $100,000+5% incremental costs for amount over 90 days after Tract Plan Check $100,000 To $400,000 improvement cost $ 8,680.00 $ 8,680.00 $ - M.C.19.56.020(C) COS -Fee $ 8,680.00 No $100,000 adoption Base fee for first $400,000+4% incremental costs for amount over 90 days after Tract Plan Check Over $400,000 improvement cost $ 28,710.00 $ 28,710.00 $ - M.C.19.56.020(C) COS -Fee $ 28,710.00 No $400,000 adoption Council Policy L-12 90 days after Oceanfront Encroachment Annual Permit Depth Of Encroachment 0-5.0 Feet $ 345.00 $ 352.00 $ 7.00 Reso 91-80 & 2005-42 Policy $ 352.24 Yes adoption Council Policy L-12 90 days after Oceanfront Encroachment Annual Permit Depth Of Encroachment 5.0-7.5 Feet $ 518.00 $ 528.00 $ 10.00 Reso 91-80 & 2005-42 Policy $ 528.36 Yes adoption Council Policy L-12 90 days after Oceanfront Encroachment Annual Permit Depth Of Encroachment 7.5-10 Feet $ 690.00 $ 704.00 $ 14.00 Reso 91-80 & 2005-42 Policy $ 704.48 Yes adoption Council Policy L-12 90 days after Oceanfront Encroachment Annual Permit Depth Of Encroachment 10-15 Feet $ 1,037.00 $ 1,057.00 $ 20.00 Reso 91-80 & 2005-42 Policy $ 1,057.87 Yes adoption Council Policy L-21 M.C. 13.18.030 Reso 90 days after Dining Encroachment Permit Application $ 368.00 $ 375.00 $ 7.00 96-26 & 2000-60 COS -Fee $ 375.57 Yes adoption Council Policy L-21 90 days after Dining Encroachment Permit Transfer $ 204.00 $ 208.00 $ 4.00 Reso 96-26 & 2000-60 COS -Fee $ 208.96 Yes adoption Council Policy L-21 90 days after Dining Encroachment Permit Annual Use Fee Outside Dining Area 100 Sq. Ft. Or Less $ 143.00 $ 146.00 $ 3.00 Reso 96-26 & 2000-60 COS -Fee $ 146.39 Yes adoption Council Policy L-21 90 days after Dining Encroachment Permit Annual Use Fee Outside Dining Area Over 100 Sq. Ft. $ 270.00 $ 275.00 $ 5.00 Reso 96-26 & 2000-60 COS -Fee $ 275.62 Yes adoption 90 days after Escrow Account Administration Escrow Account Administration $ 96.00 $ 98.00 $ 2.00 Section 22300 CA Public Contract Code COS -Fee $ 98.83 Yes adoption 90 days after Monitoring Wells Permits(EPTEA) $ 492.00 $ 502.00 $ 10.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 502.63 Yes adoption 90 days after News Rack Permits Permit $ 106.00 $ 108.00 $ 2.00 M.C. 5.70.020(C) COS -Fee $ 108.11 Yes adoption 90 days after Street Closure Permit with Engineering Review Temporary Closure Of Public Property $ 64.00 $ 65.00 $ 1.00 M.C. 12.62.020(E) COS -Fee $ 65.75 Yes adoption 90 days after Street Closure Permit without Engineering Review Temporary Closure Of Public Property $ 26.00 $ 27.00 $ 1.00 M.C. 12.62.020(E) COS -Fee $ 27.02 Yes gngwwe� adoption Temporary No Parking Signs Temporary No Parking Signs $ 0.80 $ 0.80 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 0.80 No Immediate Deposits 90 days after Crane Deposit Refundable $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ - 12.62.030 Deposit $ 1,000.00 No adoption 90 days after Improvements Required By City Refundable Determined by Public Works Determined by Public Works N/A 19.36.030 Deposit Determined by Public Works No Determined by Public Works adoption PUBLIC WORKS - HARBOR RESOURCES Plan Review Appeal Hearing Filling Fee for Appeals - charged hourly. see notes see notes N/A M.C.17.65.030 COS -Fee Hourly Yes 100% Loaded Hourly Rate (see appendix) Immediate Appeal of Lease/Permit under Section 17.60.080 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ - M.C.17.60.080 COS -Fee Hourly Yes $100 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A Immediate RGP Dredging Permit $ 1,674.00 $ 1,707.00 $ 33.00 M.C. 17.55.020(D) COS -Fee $ 1,707.94 Yes Immediate Plan Check Fee New Construction w/ Agency Approval $ 513.00 $ 523.00 $ 10.00 M.C. 17.50.020(D) COS -Fee $ 523.26 Yes Immediate Plan Check Fee Maintenance $ 120.00 $ 123.00 $ 3.00 M.C. 17.50.020(D) COS -Fee $ 123.05 Yes Immediate Pier Permit Transfer Commercial and non commercial piers $ 229.00 $ 234.00 $ 5.00 M.C.17.60.020(D) COS -Fee $ 234.48 Yes Immediate Wait List for Balboa Yacht Basin Slips and Garages $ 35.00 $ 35.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 35.77 Yes Immediate Live Aboard Permits Annual Permit Fee $ 311.00 $ 317.00 $ 6.00 M.C. 17.40.040 COS -Fee $ 317.82 Yes Immediate Wait List for Live aboard $ 35.00 $ 35.00 $ - M.C. 17.40.110 (b) COS -Fee $ 35.77 Yes Immediate Marine Activities Permit - initial $ 673.00 $ 686.00 $ 13.00 17.10.040 COS -Fee $ 686.32 Yes Immediate Marine Activities Permit - renewal $ 199.00 $ 203.00 $ 4.00 17.10.040 COS -Fee $ 203.43 Yes Immediate Balboa Yacht Basin Slip/Garage/Apartment Rentals Rate charged shall be the greater of the slip or the boat. If the boat is longer than the slip it is in, the charge shall be based on the slip price plus the extra Slip Rentals 20' Slip - per foot, per month $ 21.44 $ 21.61 $ 0.17 Resolution 2010-134 Rental $ 21.44 No lineal feet of the boat, at that same slip rate. 7/1/2016 Rate charged shall be the greater of the slip or the boat. If the boat is longer than the slip it is in, the charge shall be based on the slip price plus the extra Slip Rentals 25' Slip - per foot, per month $ 23.15 $ 23.16 $ 0.01 Resolution 2010-134 Rental $ 23.15 No lineal feet of the boat, at that same slip rate. 7/1/2016 Rate charged shall be the greater of the slip or the boat. If the boat is longer than the slip it is in, the charge shall be based on the slip price plus the extra Slip Rentals 31' Slip - per foot, per month $ 26.51 $ 26.52 $ 0.01 Resolution 2010-134 Rental $ 26.51 No lineal feet of the boat, at that same slip rate. 7/1/2016 19 17-92 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmmdnd down rn noarocr dollarI Pon !'la PMiry I ovol I I Gull fncr CPI calculation haled on I.A/OC adiustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2016 20 17-93 Incremental - Incremental - Total or Base Total or Base Incremental - Implementation SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee (if applicable) Total or Base Fee (if applicable) Incremental Fee REFERENCE TYPE Fee (if applicable) CPI Notes Date Rate charged shall be the greater of the slip or the boat. If the boat is longer than the slip it is in, the charge shall be based on the slip price plus the extra Slip Rentals 32' Slip - per foot, per month $ 27.00 $ 27.01 $ 0.01 Resolution 2010-134 Rental $ 27.00 No lineal feet of the boat, at that same slip rate. 7/1/2016 Rate charged shall be the greater of the slip or the boat. If the boat is longer than the slip it is in, the charge shall be based on the slip price plus the extra Slip Rentals 34' Slip - per foot, per month $ 29.05 $ 29.06 $ 0.01 Resolution 2010-134 Rental $ 29.05 No lineal feet of the boat, at that same slip rate. 7/1/2016 Rate charged shall be the greater of the slip or the boat. If the boat is longer than the slip it is in, the charge shall be based on the slip price plus the extra Slip Rentals 35' Slip - per foot, per month $ 29.93 $ 29.94 $ 0.01 Resolution 2010-134 Rental $ 29.93 No lineal feet of the boat, at that same slip rate. 7/1/2016 Rate charged shall be the greater of the slip or the boat. If the boat is longer than the slip it is in, the charge shall be based on the slip price plus the extra Slip Rentals 37' Slip - per foot, per month $ 29.93 $ 29.94 $ 0.01 Resolution 2010-134 Rental $ 29.93 No lineal feet of the boat, at that same slip rate. 7/1/2016 Rate charged shall be the greater of the slip or the boat. If the boat is longer than the slip it is in, the charge shall be based on the slip price plus the extra Slip Rentals 40' Slip - per foot, per month $ 31.79 $ 32.45 $ 0.66 Resolution 2010-134 Rental $ 31.79 No lineal feet of the boat, at that same slip rate. 7/1/2016 Rate charged shall be the greater of the slip or the boat. If the boat is longer than the slip it is in, the charge shall be based on the slip price plus the extra Slip Rentals 45' Slip - per foot, per month $ 34.23 $ 35.85 $ 1.62 Resolution 2010-134 Rental $ 34.23 No lineal feet of the boat, at that same slip rate. 7/1/2016 Rate charged shall be the greater of the slip or the boat. If the boat is longer than the slip it is in, the charge shall be based on the slip price plus the extra Slip Rentals 50' Slip - per foot, per month $ 40.10 $ 40.90 $ 0.80 Resolution 2010-134 Rental $ 40.10 No lineal feet of the boat, at that same slip rate. 7/1/2016 Rate charged shall be the greater of the slip or the boat. If the boat is longer than the slip it is in, the charge shall be based on the slip price plus the extra Slip Rentals 60' Slip - per foot, per month $ 42.22 $ 42.24 $ 0.02 Resolution 2010-134 Rental $ 42.22 No lineal feet of the boat, at that same slip rate. 7/1/2016 Rate charged shall be the greater of the slip or the boat. If the boat is longer than the slip it is in, the charge shall be based on the slip price plus the extra Slip Rentals 75' Slip - per foot, per month $ 44.99 $ 45.01 $ 0.02 Resolution 2010-134 Rental $ 44.99 No lineal feet of the boat, at that same slip rate. 7/1/2016 See Garage Rentals Per month $ 341.07 $ 346.87 $ 5.80 Resolution 2010-134 Rental $ 341.07 Note CPI adjustments occur separately 7/1/2016 See Apartments Per month (Apartment #6) $ 2,314.47 $ 2,353.82 $ 39.35 Resolution 2010-134 Rental $ 2,314.47 Note CPI adjustments occur separately 7/1/2016 See Apartments Per month (Apartments #5 & #7) $ 2,571.64 $ 2,615.36 $ 43.72 Resolution 2010-134 Rental $ 2,571.64 Note CPI adjustments occur separately 7/1/2016 See Dinghy Rack Rentals Located over Tidelands; Per month, per space $ 25.00 $ 25.00 $ - Resolution 2015-6 Rental $ 25.00 Note CPI adjustments occur separately 1/27/2015 Piers Residential See Resolution See Resolution See Resolution Resolution 2015-10 Rental See Resolution No 2/10/2015 Commercial See Resolution See Resolution See Resolution Resolutions 2012-98 & 2013-88 Rental See Resolution No 3/1/2015 Moorings See Onshore per linear foot $ 17.50 $ 17.50 See Resolution Resolution 2016-17 Rental See Resolution Note CPI adjustments occur separately 1/26/2016 See Offshore per linear foot $ 35.00 $ 35.00 See Resolution Resolutions 2016-17 Rental See Resolution Note CPI adjustments occur separately 1/26/2016 PUBLIC WORKS - WATER QUALITY 90 days after WQ Construction Site Inspections Inspection $ 106.00 $ 108.00 $ 2.00 M.C.15.10.070 COS -Fee $ 108.40 Yes adoption (Fees were reviewed In detail and adjustments were made MOD based on study results and not CPI adjustments) Water Related Fees Water Service Installation Fee New Or Enlarged Water Service $ 547.00 $ 528.00 $ (19.00) M.C. 14.12.010 COS -Fee $ 528.08 Yes Immediate Water Service Establishment Fee $ 66.00 $ 67.00 $ 1.00 M.C. 14.12.085 COS -Fee $ 67.08 Yes Immediate Water Service Establishment Fee Online $ 59.00 $ 67.00 $ 8.00 M.C. 14.12.085 COS -Fee $ 67.08 Yes Immediate Commodity Charge - Potable Water Water Use Per Hundred Cubic Feet Of Water $ 3.08 $ 3.08 $ - M.C. 14.12.020 COS -Fee $ 3.08 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Water Service - Domestic Meter- Under 1 inch Monthly Water Service Charge $ 17.27 $ 17.27 $ - M.C. 14.12.020 COS -Fee $ 17.27 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Water Service - Domestic Meter- 1 inch Monthly Water Service Charge $ 28.79 $ 28.79 $ - M.C. 14.12.020 COS -Fee $ 28.79 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Water Service - Domestic Meter -11/2 inch Monthly Water Service Charge $ 57.58 $ 57.58 $ - M.C. 14.12.020 COS -Fee $ 57.58 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Water Service - Domestic Meter- 2 inch Monthly Water Service Charge $ 92.12 $ 92.12 $ - M.C. 14.12.020 COS -Fee $ 92.12 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Water Service - Domestic Meter- 3 inch Monthly Water Service Charge $ 172.73 $ 172.73 $ - M.C. 14.12.020 COS -Fee $ 172.73 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Water Service - Domestic Meter -4 inch Monthly Water Service Charge $ 287.88 $ 287.88 $ - M.C. 14.12.020 COS -Fee $ 287.88 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Water Service - Domestic Meter- 6 inch Monthly Water Service Charge $ 575.76 $ 575.76 $ - M.C. 14.12.020 COS -Fee $ 575.76 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Water Service - Domestic Meter- 8 inch Monthly Water Service Charge $ 921.22 $ 921.22 $ - M.C. 14.12.020 COS -Fee $ 921.22 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Water Service - Domestic Meter -10 inch Monthly Water Service Charge $ 1,655.90 $ 1,655.90 $ - M.C. 14.12.020 COS -Fee $ 1,655.90 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate terService -Domestic Meter -12 inch Monthly Water Service Charge $ 2,663.48 $ 2,663.48 $ - M.C. 14.12.020 COS -Fee $ 2,663.48 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate rter Service - Additional Single/Multi-Family Units Monthly Fee Per Unit In Excess Of One $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ - M.C. 14.12.020 COS -Fee $ 1.00 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate 20 17-93 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmmdnd down to noarocr dollar I Pon !'la PMiry I ovol T Adiuctmnnt Grnm I Gull fncr CPI calri lation haled on I.A/OC adiustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2016 SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee Incremental - if applicable) Total Or Base Fee Incremental - Total or Base Incremental if applicable) Fee REFERENCE TYPE Total or Base Incremental - Fee if applicable) CPI Notes Implementation Date Water Service - Additional Bedrooms Or Units Monthly fee /unit in excess of one - hotel/motel/hospital/care home $ 0.50 $ 0.50 $ - M.C. 14.12.020 COS -Fee $ 0.50 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Private Fire Line Service - .625 inch Monthly Water Service Charge $ 3.13 $ 3.13 $ - M.C. 14.12.080 COS -Fee $ 3.13 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Private Fire Line Service - .75 inch Monthly Water Service Charge $ 3.75 $ 3.75 $ - M.C. 14.12.080 COS -Fee $ 3.75 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Private Fire Line Service - 1 inch Monthly Water Service Charge $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ - M.C. 14.12.080 COS -Fee $ 5.00 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Private Fire Line Service - 1.5 inch Monthly Water Service Charge $ 7.50 $ 7.50 $ - M.C. 14.12.080 COS -Fee $ 7.50 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Private Fire Line Service - 2 inch Monthly Water Service Charge $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ - M.C. 14.12.080 COS -Fee $ 10.00 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Private Fire Line Service - 2.5 inch Monthly Water Service Charge $ 12.50 $ 12.50 $ - M.C. 14.12.080 COS -Fee $ 12.50 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Private Fire Line Service - 3 inch Monthly Water Service Charge $ 15.00 $ 15.00 $ - M.C. 14.12.080 COS -Fee $ 15.00 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Private Fire Line Service - 4 inch Monthly Water Service Charge $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ - M.C. 14.12.080 COS -Fee $ 20.00 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Private Fire Line Service - 6 inch Monthly Water Service Charge $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ - M.C. 14.12.080 COS -Fee $ 30.00 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Private Fire Line Service - 8 inch Monthly Water Service Charge $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ - M.C. 14.12.080 COS -Fee $ 40.00 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Private Fire Line Service - 10 inch Monthly Water Service Charge $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ - M.C. 14.12.080 COS -Fee $ 50.00 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Private Fire Line Service - 12 inch Monthly Water Service Charge $ 60.00 $ 60.00 $ - M.C. 14.12.080 COS -Fee $ 60.00 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Delinquent Water Service Restoration Business Hours $ 166.00 $ 179.00 $ 13.00 M.C. 14.12.125 COS -Fee Punitive $ 79.68 Yes A fine of $100 is included in the total amount. Immediate Delinquent Water Service Restoration Non Business Hours $ 371.00 $ 293.00 $ (78.00) M.C. 14.12.125 COS -Fee Punitive $ 193.23 Yes A fine of $100 is included in the total amount. Immediate Delinquent Water Service Discontinuance $ 149.00 $ 92.00 $ (57.00) M.C. 14.12.090 COS -Fee $ 92.95 Yes Immediate Water Shut Off -Tag Placement Pink Notice $ 15.00 $ 29.00 $ 14.00 M.C.14.12.120 COS -Fee $ 29.45 Yes Immediate Construction Water Meter Establishment Charge $ 104.00 $ 103.00 $ (1.00) M.C.14.20.070 COS -Fee $ 206.65 Yes 50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd reading Construction Water Meter Meter Deposit $ 973.00 $ 973.00 $ - M.C.14.20.070 Deposit $ 973.00 No Immediate Construction Water Meter Monthly Reotal-Charge $ 90.00 $ 92.00 $ 2.00 M.C.14.20.070 COS -Fee $ 92.12 No Same cost as 2" meter Immediate Hydrant Flow Test - Regular hours $ 423.00 $ 338.00 $ (85.00) M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 338.52 Yes to kill -st nve ,' pepia� Immediate Hydrant Flow Test - Nighttime/Highway Test $ 575.00 $ 501.00 $ (74.00) M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 501.57 Yes Immediate 3/4 Inch Meter Box For Parkway & Sidewalk see notes $ 9.25 N/A M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 9.25 No Actual costs Immediate 3/4 Inch Meter Box Lid For Parkway & Sidewalk see notes $ 18.25 N/A M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 18.25 No Actual costs Immediate 1 Inch Meter Box For Parkway & Sidewalk $ 11.42 $ 13.00 $ 1.58 M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thou $ 13.00 No Actual costs Immediate 1 Inch Meter Box Lid For Parkway & Sidewalk $ 34.26 $ 37.00 $ 2.74 M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 37.00 No Actual costs Immediate 2 Inch Meter Box For Parkway & Sidewalk $ 22.84 $ 27.00 $ 4.16 M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 27.00 No Actual costs Immediate 2 Inch Meter Box Lid For Parkway & Sidewalk $ 52.74 $ 61.25 $ 8.51 M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thou $ 61.25 No Actual costs Immediate 3/4 Inch Meter Box For Traffic & Alley see notes $ 9.25 N/A M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 9.25 No Actual costs Immediate 3/4 Inch Meter Box Lid For Traffic & Alley see notes $ 20.50 N/A M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 20.50 No Actual costs Immediate 1 Inch Meter Box For Traffic & Alley $ 11.42 $ 13.00 $ 1.58 M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 13.00 No Actual costs Immediate 1 Inch Meter Box Lid For Traffic & Alley $ 34.72 $ 38.00 $ 3.28 M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 38.00 No Actual costs Immediate 2 Inch Meter Box For Traffic & Alley $ 22.84 $ 27.00 $ 4.16 M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 27.00 No Actual costs Immediate 2 Inch Meter Box Lid For Traffic & Alley $ 195.75 $ 162.00 $ (33.75) M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 162.00 No Actual costs Immediate Main Line Valve Box For Traffic & Alley see notes $ 34.00 N/A M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 34.00 No Actual costs Immediate Main Line Valve Box Lid For Traffic & Alley see notes $ 30.00 N/A M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 30.00 No Actual costs Immediate 1 Inch DFW Meter Box Multi Purpose see notes $ 61.18 N/A M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 61.18 No Actual costs Immediate 1 Inch DFW Meter Box Lid Multi Purpose see notes $ 35.48 N/A M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 35.48 No Actual costs Immediate 2 Inch DFW Meter Box Multi Purpose see notes $ 125.53 N/A M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 125.53 No Actual costs Immediate 2 Inch DFW Meter Box Lid Multi Purpose see notes $ 77.71 N/A M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 77.71 No Actual costs Immediate 3/4 Inch Water Meter $ 95.60 $ 50.25 $ (45.35) M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 50.25 No Actual costs Immediate 1 Inch Water Meter $ 138.88 $ 121.50 $ (17.38) M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 121.50 No Actual costs Immediate 21 17-94 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmindnd down rn noarocr dollarI Pon !'l° PMiry I ... I rAdiucrmnnr Grnm P'..inoc Voar I Gull fncr CPI calculation haled on I.A/OC adiustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2(116 SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee Incremental - if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Incremental Fee REFERENCE TYPE Total or Base Incremental - Fee (if applicable) CPI Notes Implementation Date 1.5 Inch Water Meter $ 368.95 $ 285.00 $ (83.95) M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 285.00 No Actual costs Immediate 1.5 Inch Turbine Water Meter $ 670.45 $ 700.00 $ 29.55 M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 700.00 No Actual costs Immediate 2 Inch Water Meter $ 510.31 $ 425.00 $ (85.31) M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 425.00 No Actual costs Immediate 2 Inch Turbine Water Meter $ 1,123.62 $ 845.00 $ (278.62) M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 845.00 No Actual costs Immediate 3 Inch Water Meter $ 3,354.65 $ 3,310.00 $ (44.65) M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 3,310.00 No Actual costs Immediate 4Inch Water Meter $ 4,407.87 $ 4,730.00 $ 322.13 M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 4,730.00 No Actual costs Immediate 6Inch Water Meter $ 7,130.82 $ 7,190.00 $ 59.18 M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 7,190.00 No Actual costs Immediate 8Inch Water Meter $ 7,239.96 $ 8,345.00 $ 1,105.04 M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 8,345.00 No Actual costs Immediate Recycled Water Related Fees Commodity Charge - Recycled Water Water Use Per Hundred Cubic Feet Of Water $ 0.872 $ 0.872 $ - M.C. 14.13.010 COS -Fee $ 0.872 No Rates adjusted every January, per Resolution 2014-78 1/1/2016 Pump Station Charge - Recycled Water Monthly Service Charge per Hundred Cubic Feet of Water $ 0.368 $ 0.368 $ - M.C. 14.13.010 COS -Fee $ 0.368 No Rates adjusted every January, per Resolution 2014-78 1/1/2016 Recycled Water Service - Recycled Water Meter- Under 1 inch Monthly Recycled Water Service Charge $ 19.29 $ 19.29 $ - M.C. 14.13.010 COS -Fee $ 19.29 No Rates adjusted every January, per Resolution 2014-78 1/1/2016 Recycled Water Service - Recycled Water Meter- 1 inch Monthly Recycled Water Service Charge $ 32.16 $ 32.16 $ - M.C. 14.13.010 COS -Fee $ 32.16 No Rates adjusted every January, per Resolution 2014-78 1/1/2016 Recycled Water Service - Recycled Water Meter- 11/2 inch Monthly Recycled Water Service Charge $ 64.32 $ 64.32 $ - M.C. 14.13.010 COS -Fee $ 64.32 No Rates adjusted every January, per Resolution 2014-78 1/1/2016 Recycled Water Service - Recycled Water Meter- 2 inch Monthly Recycled Water Service Charge $ 102.90 $ 102.90 $ - M.C. 14.13.010 COS -Fee $ 102.90 No Rates adjusted every January, per Resolution 2014-78 1/1/2016 Recycled Water Service - Recycled Water Meter- 3 inch Monthly Recycled Water Service Charge $ 192.94 $ 192.94 $ - M.C. 14.13.010 COS -Fee $ 192.94 No Rates adjusted every January, per Resolution 2014-78 1/1/2016 Recycled Water Service - Recycled Water Meter- 4 inch Monthly Recycled Water Service Charge $ 321.56 $ 321.56 $ - M.C. 14.13.010 COS -Fee $ 321.56 No Rates adjusted every January, per Resolution 2014-78 1/1/2016 Recycled Water Service - Recycled Water Meter- 6 inch Monthly Recycled Water Service Charge $ 643.11 $ 643.11 $ - M.C. 14.13.010 COS -Fee $ 643.11 No Rates adjusted every January, per Resolution 2014-78 1/1/2016 Recycled Water Service - Recycled Water Meter- 8 inch Monthly Recycled Water Service Charge $ 1,028.99 $ 1,028.99 $ - M.C. 14.13.010 COS -Fee $ 1,028.99 No Rates adjusted every January, per Resolution 2014-78 1/1/2016 Sewer Related Fees Sewer Service Fee Monthly fee for connection to sewer system $ 4.50 $ 4.50 $ - M.C. 14.24.065 COS -Fee $ 4.50 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Sewer Service Fee - No Water Use Monthly connection to sewer system - water from another agency $ 6.25 $ 6.25 $ - M.C. 14.24.065 COS -Fee $ 6.25 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Sewer Service -Additional Living Units On Connection Monthly connection fee / unit in excess of one - all customers $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ - M.C. 14.24.065 COS -Fee $ 2.00 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Sewer Use Fee Per Hundred Cubic Feet Of Water Used $ 0.35 $ 0.35 $ - M.C. 14.24.065 COS -Fee $ 0.35 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Wastewater Surcharge All Non -irrigation Connections Monthly Fee Per Connection For Meters 2 Inches Or Larger $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ - M.C. 14.24.065 COS -Fee $ 10.00 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate New Sewer Connection Fee -City Per New Connection $ 250.00 $ 250.00 $ - M.C. 14.24.050 COS -Fee $ 250.00 No Rates are established by Municipal Code Immediate Sewer 4TT Box (Main Line) $ 25.57 $ 34.00 $ 8.43 M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 34.00 No Actual costs Immediate Sewer 47 Box Lid (Main Line) $ 29.15 $ 30.00 $ 0.85 M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru $ 30.00 No Actual costs Immediate Miscellaneous Utilities Field Inspection Sewer Connection/Water Service -Hourly $ 110.00 $ 121.00 $ 11.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 121.35 Yes Relocated to MOD with 2016 study 90 days after adoption Trench Plate Delivery Fee N/A $ 406.00 $ 406.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 406.54 Yes Immediate TFen�h Plate Renta' °' Delete, Established Delivery Fee taininwin $ 18,60 $ 18,69 $ $ 18=69 Ne Immediate TFen,sh Nat.. Rental n' Delete, Established Delivery Fee Weekly Rental fGF GaveFiAg eqnstFuetien sites, gne week minimum 2r7-0 3 24--70 M C R 16 OW$ 2i:7a^ NO Immediate Tr�nsh Plate rpntn' 64 " Delete, Established Delivery Fee Weekly Rental feF ceyeFiRg E9R5tFWEti8n sites, eige week minimErrn $ 24.79 $ 24.70 $ M.G.. 3.366.930 No Immediate Lifting Eye For Trench Plates MOD - GENERAL SERVICES Deposit Only No Rental Fee eel were reviewe m etas an adjustments were made based on study results and not CPI adjustments) $ 121.00 $ 121.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 Deposit $ 121.00 No Immediate Administration Washington Street Trash Bin $ - See Notes N/A Resolution 97-70 Pass Thru See Notes No Resolution #97-70 - Variable Immediate Recycling Service Fee Per Residential Unit Per Month $ 3.00 $ 3.00 $ - M.C. 2.30.030 COS -Fee $ 3.02 No Resolution 2005-38 Immediate Solid Waste Franchise Application $ 745.00 $ 752.00 $ 7.00 M.C. 12.63.050 COS -Fee $ 752.39 Yes Immediate Annual Grease Disposal Mitigation Fee I i ense Annual Fee $ 684.00 $ 517.00 $ (167.00) M.C.14.30.040 COS -Fee $ 517.82 Yes Immediate FOG Annual Permit Annual Fee N/A $ - $ - M.C.14.30 COS -Fee $ 283.06 Yes 0% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd reading 22 17-95 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmmdnd down rn noarocr dollarI Pon !'la PMiry I ovol I Adiuctmnnr Grnm I Gull rncr CPI calculation haled on I.A/OC adiustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2016 23 17-96 Incremental - Incremental - Total or Base Total or Base Incremental - Implementation SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee (if applicable) Total or Base Fee (if applicable) Incremental Fee REFERENCE TYPE Fee (if applicable) CPI Notes Date Demolition Demo Deposit - Valuation of $0 to $4,999 Demo Deposit - Valuation of $0 to $4,999 $ 564.00 $ 564.00 $ - Resolution 2011-108 Deposit $ 564.44 No Resolution 2011-108 Immediate Demo Deposit - Valuation of $5,000 to $9,999 Demo Deposit - Valuation of $5,000 to $9,999 $ 1,127.00 $ 1,127.00 $ - Resolution 2011-108 Deposit $ 1,127.85 No Resolution 2011-108 Immediate Demo Deposit - Valuation of $10,000 and above Demo deposit - Valuation of $10,000 and above $ 1,692.00 $ 1,692.00 $ - Resolution 2011-108 Deposit $ 1,692.29 No Resolution 2011-108 Immediate Waste Management Administration Fee Administration Fee Demolition $ 192.00 $ 197.00 $ 5.00 M.C. 15.02.035 COS -Fee $ 197.24 Yes Immediate (Fees were reviewed in aetail and adjustments were mace RECREATION AND SENIOR SERVICES based on study results and not CPI adjustments) Administration 30 days after 2nd Admin Processing Fee Applies to program and Facility Use charges $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 10.54 Yes $5 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A reading ,6 Delete, Fee under Police $ 2300 § 2300 $ $ 2300 Ale ^aa'«'onal ^^' fee Fnay appl • Immediate 30 days after 2nd Class Refund For classes $74 or less $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 82.74 Yes $10 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A reading 30 days after 2nd Class Refund For classes $75 and over $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 79.97 Yes $20 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A reading 30 days after 2nd Badge Replacement $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 31.44 No Initial badge is provided at no cost. $5 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A reading CeRtepoiakiGqks Delete, Don't do anymore $ 3..90 $ 300 $ $ 300 Ale This is a pass «Mice gh east Immediate Natural Resources 0-20% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd Beach Cleanup Program and Education Up to 2 hours $ 35.00 $ 35.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Natural Resource/Tidepool Exploration Program Less than 15 people $ 35.00 $ 35.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Natural Resource/Tidepool Exploration Program More than 15 people $ 69.00 $ 69.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd ISOpod Use at Natural Resource/Tidepool Exploration Program Add On To Existing Offering $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd ISOpod School Program 2 Hours; 1-70 Students $ 350.00 $ 350.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd ISOpod School Program 4 Hours; 71-140 Students $ 600.00 $ 600.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd ISOpod Special Events & Outreach Program 2 Hours $ 250.00 $ 250.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd ISOpod Special Events & Outreach Program 3 Hours $ 350.00 $ 350.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd ISOpod Special Events & Outreach Program 4 hours $ 425.00 $ 425.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading Special Services Relocation Of Sand Volleyball Court $ 800.00 $ 800.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No Requires contractor Immediate Cancellation Fees 30 days after 2nd Refund Charge All Other Programs and Facilities Program Or Facility Use (less than $75.00) $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 COS -Fee $ 82.74 No $10 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A reading 30 days after 2nd Refund Charge All Other Programs and Facilities Program Or Facility Use ($75.00 or more) $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 COS -Fee $ 79.97 No $20 Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A reading Adult Sports 50-95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd Volleyball Resident League Teams see notes see notes $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee reading 30 days after 2nd Volleyball Nonresident League Teams see notes see notes $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee reading 30 days after 2nd Volleyball Resident Tournament Player see notes see notes $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee reading 30 days after 2nd Volleyball Nonresident Tournament Player see notes see notes $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee reading 30 days after 2nd Adult Sports Drop In Single Drop In $ 3.00 $ 3.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Adult Sports Drop In 5 Punch Pass $ 15.00 $ 15.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Adult Sports Drop In 20 Punch Pass -Resident $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Adult Sports Drop In 20 Punch Pass - Nonresident $ 60.00 $ 60.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Softball Resident League Teams $ 635.00 see notes M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee reading 30 days after 2nd Softball Nonresident League Teams $ 685.00 see notes M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee reading 30 days after 2nd Basketball Resident League Teams $ 685.00 see notes M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee reading 30 days after 2nd ball Nonresident League Teams $ 735.00 see notes M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee reading r1d,'It 30 days after 2nd occer Resident League Teams $ 1,685.00 see notes M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee reading 23 17-96 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmmdnd down rn noarocr dollarI Pon !'la PMiry I ovol rAdiucrmnnr Grnm Drovinoc Voar I Gull fncr CPI calri lation haled on I.A/OC adiustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2(116 24 17-97 Incremental - Incremental - Total or Base Total or Base Incremental - Implementation SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee if applicable) Total Or Base Fee (if applicable) Incremental Fee REFERENCE TYPE Fee (if applicable) CPI Notes Date 30 days after 2nd Adult Soccer Nonresident League Teams $ 1,685.00 see notes M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee reading 30 days after 2nd Adult Sports Late Registration Fee Late Registration Fee $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Adult League Resident Player Card Per Player $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Adult League Nonresident Player Card Per Player $ 25.00 $ 25.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Adult League Resident Replacement Player Card Per Player $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Adult League Nonresident Replacement Player Card Per Player $ 15.00 $ 15.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading Aquatic Activities 20-50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd Swim Lessons Resident Group $ 51.00 $ 51.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Swim Lessons Nonresident Group $ 56.00 $ 56.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Swim Lessons Resident Semi -private $ 127.00 $ 127.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Swim Lessons Nonresident Semi -private $ 137.00 $ 137.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Swim Lessons Resident Private $ 85.00 $ 85.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Swim Lessons Nonresident Private $ 95.00 $ 95.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Recreation Swim 17 yrs old & under Drop In $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Recreation Swim Adult Drop In $ 3.00 $ 3.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Lap Swim Resident Annual Pass $ 160.00 $ 160.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Lap Swim Nonresident Annual Pass $ 190.00 $ 190.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Lap Swim Senior Resident Annual Pass $ 110.00 $ 110.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Lap Swim Senior Nonresident Annual Pass $ 140.00 $ 140.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Lap Swim Resident 20 Punch Pass $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Lap Swim Nonresident 20 Punch Pass $ 60.00 $ 60.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Lap Swim Senior Resident 20 Punch Pass $ 35.00 $ 35.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Lap Swim Senior Nonresident 20 Punch Pass $ 45.00 $ 45.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Lap Swim 5 Punch Pass $ 15.00 $ 15.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Lap Swim Senior 5 Punch Pass $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Parent & Me Swim Resident $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Parent & Me Swim Nonresident $ 35.00 $ 35.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading MBAC Pool Use Fees Shared Use Rate Non -Profit - Resident / per hour $ 46.00 $ 46.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 Rental No Immediate Shared Use Rate Non-profit, Non-resident/per hour $ 85.00 $ 85.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 Rental No Immediate Exclusive Use Rate Non -Profit - Resident / per hour $ 75.00 $ 75.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 Rental No Immediate Exclusive Use Rate Non-profit , Non-resident/per hour $ 95.00 $ 95.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 Rental No Immediate Shared Use Rate Private , Resident per/hour $ 90.00 $ 90.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 Rental No Immediate Shared Use Rate Private, Non-resident per hour $ 110.00 $ 110.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 Rental No Immediate Exclusive Use Rate Private , Resident per/hour $ 165.00 $ 165.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 Rental No Immediate Exclusive Use Rate Private, Non-resident per hour $ 190.00 $ 190.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 Rental No Immediate Shared Use Rate Commercial, resident per hour $ 215.00 $ 215.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 Rental No Immediate Shared Use Rate Commercial, non-resident per hour $ 250.00 $ 250.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 Rental No Immediate Exclusive Use Rate Commercial, resident per hour $ 305.00 $ 305.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 Rental No Immediate Exclusive Use Rate Commercial, non-resident per hour $ 330.00 $ 330.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 Rental No Immediate Energy Surcharge All groups see notes see notes $ - M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru No This is a pass through cost Immediate 30 days after 2nd Additional Lifeguard Staff Per staff person per hour $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 24 17-97 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmmdnd down rn noarocr dollarI Pon !'l° PMiry I ovol I Adiuctmnnr Grnm I Gull rncr CPI calculation haled on I.A/OC adiustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2016 25 17-98 Incremental - Incremental - Total Base Total Base Incremental - Implementation SERVICE NAME . DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee (if applicable) Total or Base Fee (if applicable) Incremental Fee REFERENCE TYPE e (if applicable) Fee CPI Notes Date School Dist Maintenance Fee Pass through cost see notes see notes $ - M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru No This is a pass through cost Immediate Security Deposit on MBAC Rentals $ 250.00 $ 250.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 Deposit No Immediate 30 days after 2nd Splash Bash Per Person $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading Youth Sports, After School/Camp Programs 20-50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd Youth Sports -Football k-4de^^• Per Person $ 75.00 see notes N/A M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee see notes No R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee reading 30 days after 2nd Delete, Contracted Out ReF-Persen $ 80.00 5 8&:09 $ $ 8&80 NO reading 30 days after 2nd 96 ith r^^"s Baslke"ba" � Delete, Don't do anymore $ 75A9 $ 75.00 M G 1 46 QU§ 75 0 Ale reading 30 days after 2nd Delete, Don't do anymore PeF Persen 80,00 $ 80.09 $ $ 89:89 Ale reading 30 days after 2nd Youth Sports -Track and Field Resident Per Person $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Youth Sports -Track and Field Nonresident Per Person $ 13.00 $ 13.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Youth Sports -Track and Field Late/Day of Registration Fee Per Person $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd After School Programs Resident Per Child Trimester $ 355.00 $ 355.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd After School Programs Nonresident Per Child Trimester $ 365.00 $ 365.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd After School Program Late pickup charge - per minute $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Day Camp Fee L-skle^M Per child per week $ 145.00 $ 145.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Day Camp Fee Neffesident Delete, No longer charging nonresident fee ween Ale reading 30 days after 2nd Day Camp/Pint Sized Campers Cancellation 6 days or less notice $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Day Camp/Pint Sized Campers Cancellation 7+ days notice $ 25.00 $ 25.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Day Camp Fee- Hardship Fee Per child per week $ 108.00 $ 108.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Day Camp Additional rash guard $ 15.00 $ 15.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Day Camp Additional T-shirt $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Pint Size Campers Resident $ 125.00 $ 127.00 2.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COs -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Pint Size Campers Nonresident $ 135.00 $ 147.00 $ 12.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Preschool 101 Resident Per session T/TH $ 295.00 $ 300.00 $ 5.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Preschool 101 Resident Per session M/W/F $ 435.00 $ 443.00 $ 8.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Preschool 101 Nonresident Per session T/TH $ 305.00 310.00 5.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Preschool 101 Nonresident Per session M/W/F $ 445.00 $ 453.00 $ 8.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading 30 days after 2nd Teen Leadership Program - Summer, ° $ 115.00 $ 115.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading Teen ^adeRh'^ °F^^•RF^ r ^side^' Delete, No longer 30 days after 2nd charging nonresident fee $ 1-2599 $ 125 0 M G R R6 010 CG&44e Ale reading 30 days after 2nd Teen Leadership Program - Annual Pass,, °R $ 195.00 $ 195.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No reading Teen ^^deFSh'^ PFGgFa^• Annual al Pas Pl9nFesident Delete, No longer 30 days after 2nd charging nonresident fee $ 295.99 M C R 16 wo COS Fee Ale reading Registration and Contract Classes R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee. 50-95% Recovery per M.C. 30 days after 2nd Classes Per Person see notes see notes M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No 3.36.030 Exhibit A reading 30 days after 2nd Nonresident Additional Charge -Classes Per Person Fee Less Than $75.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No 50-95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A reading 30 days after 2nd Nonresident Additional Charge -Classes Per Person Fee $75.00 Or More $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No 50-95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A reading Applies to contract summer camps only. 20-50% Recovery per M.C. 30 days after 2nd Nonresident Additional Charge -Camps Per Person, for fees $124 and below $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No 3.36.030 Exhibit A reading Applies to contract summer camps only. 20-50% Recovery per M.C. 30 days after 2nd Nonresident Additional Charge -Camps Per Person, for fees $125 and above $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No 3.36.030 Exhibit A reading Fee is calculated based on number of days attended. 20-50% Recovery per 30 days after 2nd Contract Camp Refund Fee After camp has started see notes see notes M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A reading Special Events SurfContest-Amateur°--..�ef,t Per Person Prior To Registration Deadline $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No Immediate 5; 'Ff CRRte4 ^ ^ ide4it Delete, No longer charging nonresident fee ^�a"^^ $ 35.90 $ 35.09 $ Ale Immediate Special Event Permits 25 17-98 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmmdnd down rn noarocr dollar Pon !'la PMiry I ovol rAdiucrmnnr Grnm Drovinoc Voar I Grill rncr CPI calculation hosed on I.A/OC adiustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2016 SERVICE NAME ' ' DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Incremental Fee REFERENCE TYPE Total or Base Incremental - Fee if applicable) CPI Notes Implementation Date Level 1 Permit Resident $ 452.00 $ 452.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 2,944.92 Yes 0-20% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd reading Level 1 Permit Nonresident Routed To Other Departments No Road Closures, Attachments Or Permits Required By Other Departments $ 891.00 $ 891.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 3,025.28 Yes 20-50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd reading Level 1 Permit Resident Late Fee-Gharge Submitted Less Than 20 Calendar Days from Event Date $ 570.00 $ 570.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 2,944.92 Yes 0-20% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd reading Level 1 Permit Nonresident Fee-C4arge Submitted Less Than 20 Calendar Days from Event Date $ 1,141.00 $ 1,141.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 3,025.28 Yes 20-50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd reading Level 2 Permit Resident $ 939.00 $ 939.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 4,276.73 Yes 20-50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd reading Level 2 Permit Nonresident $ 2,012.00 $ 2,012.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 4,276.73 Yes 20-50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd reading Level 2 Permit Resident Late Fee-C4arge Complex Events Requiring Road Closures, Attachments Or Permits By Other Departments Submitted Less Than 60 Calendar Days From Event Date $ 1,447.00 $ 1,447.00 $ - M.G. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 4,276.73 Yes 20-50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd reading Level 2 Permit Nonresident Late Fee{karge Complex Events Requiring Road Closures, Attachments Or Permits By Other Departments Submitted Less Than 60 Calendar Days From Event Date $ 2,885.00 $ 2,885.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 4,276.73 Yes 50-95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd reading Level 3 Permit Resident $ 2,666.00 $ 2,666.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 9,501.23 Yes 20-50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd reading Level 3 Permit Nonresident $ 5,095.00 $ 5,095.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 9,501.23 Yes 50-95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd reading Level 3 Permit Resident Late Fee-Gharge Submitted Less Than 120 Calendar Days From Event Date $ 4,494.00 $ 4,494.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 9,501.23 Yes 20-50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd reading Level 3 Permit Nonresident Late Fee-C4aGge Major Events Requiring Road Closures, Attachments Or Permits By Other Departments & 1 Pre -event Meeting Submitted Less Than 120 Calendar Days From Event Date $ 8,988.00 $ 8,988.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 9,501.23 Yes 50-95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd reading Bundled Event Permit Fee For every 20 events $ 2,956.00 $ 2,931.00 $ (25.00) M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 2,931.10 Yes Immediate Deposit - Level 2 Level $ 815.00 $ 815.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 Deposit No Immediate Deposit - Level 3 Level $ 1,746.00 $ 1,746.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 Deposit No Immediate Special Events Appeal -to City Council For levels 1, 2 and 3 $ 1,626.00 $ 1,639.00 $ 13.00 M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee $ 3,214.22 Yes 50-95% Recovery per Municipal Code 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd Reading Senior Services Transportation Van Service $1-$3 $1-$3 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No Total charge is based on destination. $1-$3 each way Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd Reading Senior Recreation Classes see notes see notes $ - M.C. 3.36.030 Contract No R.S.S. Director negotiates contractor fee, 20-50% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd Reading OASIS -WELLNESS Fitness Center Annual -Resident $ 125.00 $ 125.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No 50-95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd Reading OASIS -WELLNESS Fitness Center Annual -Non -Resident $ 175.00 $ 175.00 $ - M.C. 3.36.030 COS -Fee No 50-95% Recovery per M.C. 3.36.030 Exhibit A 30 days after 2nd Reading Facility Use Insurance, Deposits And Set-up Fees May Be Required, Availability May Be Limited, Other Restrictions May Apply Deposits Gymnasiums $ 185.00 $ 185.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Deposit No Immediate OASIS Event Center Room No Alcohol $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Deposit No Immediate OASIS Event Center Room With Alcohol $ 400.00 $ 400.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Deposit No Immediate OASIS Large Classroom $ 185.00 $ 185.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Deposit No Immediate OASIS Small Classroom $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Deposit No Immediate Meeting Rooms And Parks Under 75 People $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Deposit No Immediate Meeting Rooms And Parks 76 And More People $ 150.00 $ 150.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Deposit No Immediate Kitchen Seewity Depesit Delete, No longer charging $ 300 _$ 300 $ n Deposit NO Immediate Cleaning Fee $ 150.00 $ 150.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Deposit No This is a pass through cost Immediate Security Guards per hour $ 36.00 $ 36.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Deposit No Immediate ^,�A'-^Depeesk Delete, No longer charging Applies'^ all faeilitiLs $ 180 3 1�0 $ ^�'�„�' ^ � Depesii NG Immediate Setup And Cleanup Fees ins Delete, No longer charging Setup $ 63.99 $ 6340 $ CG -Gd -^ FORW Ale Immediate A#-Gthers Delete, No longer charging Setup $ 40.00 _$ $ pokey NO Immediate Energy Surcharge Additional Charge Necessary To Recover Energy Costs see notes see notes $ - M.C. 3.36.030 Pass Thru No Immediate Meeting Rooms Cent. 26 17-99 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmmdnd down rn noarocr dollarI Pon !'la PMiry I ovol I I Gull fncr CPI calculation haled on I.A/oC adiustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2016 SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - Total or Base Incremental (if applicable) Fee 4 REFERENCE TYPE Total or Base Incremental - CPI Fee (if applicable) Notes Implementation Date Balboa Community Center, Bonita Creek, Carroll Beek, Cliff Drive, Mariners/VJC, Balboa Community Center, West Newport Community Center Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 144.00 $ 144.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Balboa Community Center, Bonita Creek, Carroll Beek, Cliff Drive, Mariners/VJC, Balboa Community Center, West Newport Community Center Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 290.00 $ 290.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Balboa Community Center, Bonita Creek, Carroll Beek, Cliff Drive, Mariners/VJC, Balboa Community Center, West Newport Community Center Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 45.00 $ 45.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Balboa Community Center, Bonita Creek, Carroll Beek, Cliff Drive, MarinersNlC, Balboa Community Center, West Newport Community Center Non -Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 85.00 $ 85.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Balboa Community Center, Bonita Creek, Carroll Beek, Cliff Drive, Mariners/VJC, Balboa Community Center, West Newport Community Center Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 72.00 $ 72.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Balboa Community Center, Bonita Creek, Carroll Beek, Cliff Drive, Mariners/VJC, Balboa Community Center, West Newport Community Center Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 143.00 $ 143.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Delete, Redundant Youth SpaFts''^p^piniss ^^ "" ^b^• i zatk $ 20-99 $ 20.09 Renta! Yes Immediate Balboa Community Center, Bonita Creek, Carroll Beek, Cliff Drive, Mariners/VJC, Balboa Community Center, West Newport Community Center Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Civic Center Community Room Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 310.00 $ 310.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Civic Center Community Room Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 562.00 $ 562.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Civic Center Community Room Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 120.00 $ 120.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Civic Center Community Room Non -Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 180.00 $ 180.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Civic Center Community Room Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 175.00 $ 175.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Civic Center Community Room Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 280.00 $ 280.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Delete, Redundant Youth SpaFts Gemmis5ien NqembeF QFgaRilatiORS$ 759 $ 750 $ n Rental Yes Immediate Civic Center Community Room Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $ 75.00 $ 75.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Civic Center Lawn Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 230.00 $ 230.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Civic Center Lawn Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 430.00 $ 430.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Civic Center Lawn Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 66.00 $ 66.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Civic Center Lawn Non -Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 102.00 $ 102.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Civic Center Lawn Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 75.00 $ 75.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Civic Center Lawn Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 120.00 $ 120.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Delete, Redundant Yquth SpeFts ''omission Member ^F^,^^,•'^^s $ 59-09 $ 50-09 $ CG-6'4-� Reatal Yes Immediate Civic Center Lawn Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Council Chamber Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 234.00 $ 234.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Council Chamber Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 462.00 $ 462.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Council Chamber Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 46.00 $ 46.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Council Chamber Non -Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 85.00 $ 85.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Council Chamber Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 72.00 $ 72.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Council Chamber Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 143.00 $ 143.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Delete, Redundant Yquth rpiaFts Commission "" FabeF QFgainizatiGfisi $ 2 90 $ ;?. $ C^-64' Rental Yes Immediate Council Chamber Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $ 26.00 $ 26.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Newport Theater Art Center Daily Rate, Equipment and Operator Fees $ 390.00 $ 390.00 $ - Council Policy B-6 Rental Yes Immediate Marina Park Vis^ `.'R -atm Large Event Center Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 351.00 $ 351.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Large Event Center Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 645.00 $ 645.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate 27 17-100 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 100C 100] 1002 1003 1004 1005 100E 1007 100E 1005 loic 101] 1012 1013 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adontion (1st Readinel: July 26. 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1CPI calculation based on LA/OC adjustment from April 2015 to April 2016 1.97% Rounded down to nearest dollar Fee @ Policy Level Adjustment From Previous Year Full Cost SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee Incremental - if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total Base Incremental e Fee REFERENCE TYPE Total or Base Incremental - Fee (if applicable) CPI Notes Implementation Date Large Event Center Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 128.00 $ 128.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Large Event Center Non -Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 287.00 $ 287.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Large Event Center Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 225.00 $ 225.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Large Event Center Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 383.00 $ 383.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Delete, Redundant Y9LAII °139FtS CGFRFAiSSiGA McFAbeF OFganizatiG^s _$_� $ 75.00 $ CG -G' � Rewtal Yes Immediate Large Event Center Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $ 75.00 $ 75.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate m Large Room Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 135.00 $ 135.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Large Room Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 238.00 $ 238.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Large Room Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 48.00 $ 48.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Large Room Non -Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 106.00 $ 106.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Large Room Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 83.00 $ 83.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Large Room Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 143.00 $ 143.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Delete, Redundant Youth Spa4s Gemmissien PqeFnbeF OFgaRilatiOAS$ 2500 $ 25.00 $ n Rental Yes Immediate Large Room Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $ 25.00 $ 25.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate UedlumAgom Medium Room Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 102.00 $ 102.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Medium Room Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 193.00 $ 193.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Medium Room Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 37.00 $ 37.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Medium Room Non -Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 85.00 $ 85.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Medium Room Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 65.00 $ 65.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Medium Room Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 111.00 $ 111.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Delete, Redundant eFnbeFaniza•iGns $ 20-00 $ 20.09 $ ''^-G � Rental Yes Immediate Medium Room Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate SmaB-Reera Small Room Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 80.00 $ 80.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Small Room Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 146.00 $ 146.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Small Room Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Small Room Non -Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 67.00 $ 67.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Small Room Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Small Room Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 88.00 $ 88.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Delete, Redundant _$ 14.00 $ U.00 $ n Rental Yes Immediate Small Room Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $ 14.00 $ 14.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Lawn Commercial Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 230.00 $ 230.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Lawn Non -Profit Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 66.00 $ 66.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Lawn Private Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 75.00 $ 75.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Lawn Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate NGGG and GYG Facility Use $ $ $ $ Newport Coast Community Center Large Classroom Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 270.00 $ 270.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Large Classroom Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 519.00 $ 519.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate 28 17-101 1014 1015 101E 1017 101E 101 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1024 102E 1027 102E 1025 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1034 103E 1037 103E 103° 104C 1041 1042 1043 1044 1044 104E 1047 104E 104° 1o5C 1051 1052 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmmdnd down rn noarocr dollarI Pon !'la PMiry I ovol Adinctmnnr Grnm Drovinoc Voar I Grill rncr CPI calculation haled on I.A/OC adiustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2016 SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION 19 Total or Base Fee Incremental - (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental - Total or Base Incremental (if applicable) Fee REFERENCE TYPE Total or Base Incremental - CPI Fee (if applicable) Notes Implementation Date Large Classroom Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 66.00 $ 66.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Large Classroom Non -Profit Non -Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 132.00 $ 132.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Large Classroom Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 126.00 $ 126.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Large Classroom Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 246.00 $ 246.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Large Classroom Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $ 48.00 $ 48.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Small Classroom Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 160.00 $ 160.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Small Classroom Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 318.00 $ 318.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Small Classroom Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Small Classroom Non -Profit Non -Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 94.00 $ 94.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Small Classroom Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 79.00 $ 79.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Small Classroom Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 158.00 $ 158.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Small Classroom Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $ 24.00 $ 24.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Gymnasium Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 352.00 $ 352.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Gymnasium Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 676.00 $ 676.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Gymnasium Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 79.00 $ 79.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Gymnasium Non -Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 136.00 $ 136.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Gymnasium Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 108.00 $ 108.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Gymnasium Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 195.00 $ 195.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Gymnasium Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 43.00 $ 43.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Community Youth Center Small Classroom Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 160.00 $ 160.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Small Classroom Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 318.00 $ 318.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Small Classroom Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Small Classroom Non -Profit Non -Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 94.00 $ 94.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Small Classroom Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 79.00 $ 79.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Small Classroom Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 158.00 $ 158.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Small Classroom Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $ 24.00 $ 24.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Lincoln Gymnasium Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 319.00 $ 319.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Lincoln Gymnasium Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 611.00 $ 611.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Lincoln Gymnasium Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 72.00 $ 72.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Lincoln Gymnasium Non -Profit Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 124.00 $ 124.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Lincoln Gymnasium Private Residential Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 98.00 $ 98.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Lincoln Gymnasium Private Nonresidential Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 176.00 $ 176.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Delete, Redundant YOUth SPOFtS COFAFAiS5iOR MembeF OFgaRilatieffS$ 330 $ 330 $ =3 Rental Yes Immediate Lincoln Gymnasium Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $ 33.00 $ 33.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate OASIS Senior Center OASIS Event Center Room Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 360.00 $ 360.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate OASIS Event Center Room Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 645.00 $ 645.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate OASIS Event Center Room Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 135.00 $ 135.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate OASIS Event Center Room Non -Profit Non -Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 205.00 $ 205.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Center Room Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate ZrOASISEvent OASIS Event Center Room Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 330.00 $ 330.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate 29 17-102 1053 1054 1055 105E 1057 105E 1055 106E 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 106E 1067 106E 1065 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 107E 1077 107E 107° 108C 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 108E 1087 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 1 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% Rmmdnd down rn noarocr dollarI Pon !'la PMiry I ovol rAdiucrmnnr Grnm P-inoc Voar I Gull fncr CPI calculation haled on I.A/OC adiustment from Anril 2015 to Anril 2(116 SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee Incremental - if applicable) Total Or Base Fee Incremental - Total or Base Incremental (if applicable) Fee REFERENCE TYPE Total or Base Incremental - CPI Fee (if applicable) Implementation Notes Date Delete, Redundant Yguth SpeFts''ommissieR "" $ 75-0 $ 75.99 $ ^G'l-� tieAtal Yes Immediate OASIS Event Center Room Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $ 75.00 $ 75.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate OASIS Large Classroom Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 270.00 $ 270.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate OASIS Large Classroom Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 519.00 $ 519.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate OASIS Large Classroom Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 66.00 $ 66.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate OASIS Large Classroom Non -Profit Non -Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 132.00 $ 132.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate OASIS Large Classroom Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 126.00 $ 126.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate OASIS Large Classroom Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 246.00 $ 246.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate OASIS Small Classroom Commercial Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 160.00 $ 160.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate OASIS Small Classroom Commercial Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 318.00 $ 318.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate OASIS Small Classroom Non -Profit Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate OASIS Small Classroom Non -Profit Non -Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 94.00 $ 94.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate OASIS Small Classroom Private Resident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 79.00 $ 79.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate OASIS Small Classroom Private Nonresident Rate, Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 158.00 $ 158.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Special Ball Field Services Field Maintenance Fee Per Player Per Season $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Lights Additional Charge When Provided, Fee Per Hour Per Field $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Field Preparation Additional Charge When Provided, Fee Per Field $ 45.00 $ 45.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Ball Fields Insurance, Deposits And Set-up Fees May Be Required, Availability May Be Limited, Other Restrictions May Apply Bonita Creek Sports Complex, Buffalo Hills Park, East bluff Park, Grant Howald Park, Lincoln Athletic field, Mariners Parks, Peninsula Park, San Miguel Park, Bonita Canyon Sports Park, Arroyo Park, Bob Henry Park, Coastal Peak Park, Irvine Terrace and Sunset Ridge Park Ball Fields Commercial Resident Rate (Lights & Field Prep. Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Min. $ 145.00 $ 145.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Ball Fields Commercial Nonresident Rate (Lights & Field Prep. Extra) Fee Per Hr. 2 Hr. Min. $ 287.00 $ 287.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Ball Fields Non -Profit Resident Rate (Lights & Field Prep. Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Min. $ 65.00 $ 65.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Ball Fields Non -Profit Nonresident Rate (Lights & Field Prep. Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Min. $ 104.00 $ 104.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Ball Fields Private Resident Rate (Lights & Field Prep. Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 85.00 $ 85.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Ball Fields Private Nonresident Rate (Lights & Field Prep. Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Min. $ 143.00 $ 143.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Ball Fields Youth Sports Commissioner Open Rate, Fee Per Hour $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental No Immediate Ball Fields Resident Plan ...,.fit Y9LIth SeFyiee QFganizatiGns Youth Sports Commission Club Rate, Fee Per Hour $ 15.00 $ 15.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental No Immediate Public Areas Insurance, Deposits And Set-up Fees May Be Required, Availability May Be Limited, Other Restrictions May Apply Picnic/Park Areas Commercial Resident Rate (Max. Table Reservation 50%) Fee Per Hr. 2 Hr. Min. $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Picnic/Park Areas Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $ 15.00 $ 15.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Picnic/Park Areas Commercial Nonres. Rate (Max. Table Reservation 50%) Fee Per Hr.2 Hr. Min. $ 401.00 $ 401.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Picnic/Park Areas Non -Profit Resident Rate (Max. Table Reservation 50%) Fee Per Hr.2 Hr. Min. $ 36.00 $ 36.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Picnic/Park Areas Non -Profit Nonresident Rate (Max. Table Reservation 50%) Fee Per Hr. 2 Hr. Min. $ 72.00 $ 72.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Picnic/Park Areas Private Resident Rate (Max. Table Reservation 50%) Fee Per Hr. 2 Hr. Min. $ 42.00 $ 42.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Picnic/Park Areas Private Nonresident Rate (Max. Table Reservation 50%) Fee Per Hr.2 Hr. Min. $ 83.00 $ 83.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Peninsula Park Gazebo Commercial Resident Rate (Electricity $13 Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Peninsula Park Gazebo Commercial Nonresident Rate (Electricity $13 Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 400.00 $ 400.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Peninsula Park Gazebo Non -Profit Resident Rate (Electricity $13 Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Minimum $ 36.00 $ 36.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Peninsula Park Gazebo Non -Profit Nonresident Rate (Electricity $13 Extra) Fee Per Hour 2 Hour Min. $ 72.00 $ 72.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate 30 17-103 1088 1089 1090 Attachment D - City of Newport Beach Schedule of Rents, Fines, and Fees (SRFF) with Recommended Changes Resolution Adoption (1st Reading): July 26, 2016 M Ordinance Adoption (2nd Reading): August 9, 2016 Current Charges Proposed Charges 2016 adj 2016 CPI Adjustment % 1.97% CPI calculation based on LA/OC adjustment from April 2015 to April 2016 Rounded down to nearest dollar Fee @ Policy Level Adjustment From Previous Year Full Cost Incremental - Incremental - Total or Base Total or Base Incremental - Implementation SERVICE NAME DESCRIPTION Total or Base Fee (if applicable) Total or Base Fee Incremental (if applicable) Fee REFERENCE TYPE Fee (if applicable) CPI Notes Date Private Resident Rate (Electricity $13 Extra), Fee Per Hour 2 Peninsula Park Gazebo Hour Minimum $ 45.00 $ 45.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Private Nonresident Rate (Electricity $13 Extra), Fee Per Hour 2 Peninsula Park Gazebo Hour Minimum $ 90.00 $ 90.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate Peninsula Park Gazebo Resident Non-profit Youth Service Organization Rate $ 15.00 $ 15.00 $ - Council Policy B-13 Rental Yes Immediate "Immediate" effective 7/26/16 "30 days after 2nd reading" effective 9/8/16 "90 days after adoption" effective 10/24/16 "90 days after 2nd reading" effective 11/7/16 31 17-104 Attachment E: Application of Indirect Costs to the Calculation of Fees for Services The purpose of this exhibit is to provide a detailed explanation of the methodology used by the City of Newport Beach to incorporate indirect overhead costs in the development of the municipal fee schedule. The nature of indirect overhead costs will also be described. A Municipal Operations Department (MOD) Water Service Installation Fee example will be used to facilitate the explanation. -_ .. The Water Service Installation Fee is assessed to recover administrative costs incurred by MOD and Revenue in the process of installing a new water meter and associated items. The fee includes the MOD Utilities Crew Chief's time to interact with the customer, drive to the location, conduct field work, resolve any issues, and update the database, and the Revenue Senior Fiscal Clerk's time to interact with the customer, process the application, create tapping orders, and set up the account. The following steps demonstrate how the Water Service Installation Fee is derived. .2 510 rs GAL -1 -oris 7 Martcr Mete( Le �-an�tr-f�S-C�SfB s Step 1: Calculate Hourly Staffing Rates and Burdened Factors The first step is to determine the hourly rates of staff providing the services associated with water installation. Table 1 below provides the hourly salary and benefit rates plus the hourly burden factors for the staff that are responsible for performing this task within MOD and Revenue. Indirect overhead costs or "burdened factors" are costs that are not directly accountable to the expenses incurred for a user fee service, but are necessary and contribute to the total cost of that service delivery, i.e. - managerial administration, utilities, insurance, legal, information technology, payroll, and finance, which are all valid components to the analysis of what it costs the City to provide municipal services. cable 1- Hourly Rates for Salary, Benefit and Overhead Factors Salary and Benefits Burdened Factors Total Hourly Rate Hourly Rate Burdened Rate Utilities Crew Chief $61.93 + $58.55 = $120.48 Senior Fiscal Clerk $52.52 + $58.25 = $110.77 The City's cost allocation plan consultant uses the Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-87 as a guideline to determine the allowable burdened, or indirect, cost elements. OMB A-87 is a document that state and local governments use to identify allowable indirect costs when applying for reimbursement of cost from state or federal programs. Although the calculation of user fee services is not specific to applying for reimbursement from any state or federal program, the underlying methodology of identifying costs is much the same. The relevant sections of OMB A-87 that specify how direct and indirect costs shall be applied to the calculation of the Water Service Installation Fee follows below. 17-105 Composition of Cost Direct Costs 1. General. Direct costs are those that can be identified specifically with a particular final cost objective. 2. Application. Typical direct costs include: a) Compensation of employees for the time devoted and identified specifically to the performance of the operation. b) Cost of materials acquired, consumed, or expended specifically for the purpose of fulfilling the mission of the operation. c) Equipment and other approved capital expenditures.' d) Travel expenses incurred specifically to carry out the operation. Using the personnel identified in Table 1, the direct costs to perform a water service installation are found on line 1.1 (total salary and benefits on an hourly basis) in Table 1 a below. Table 1 a Indirect Costs 1. General. Indirect costs are those: (a) incurred for a common or joint purpose benefiting more than one cost objective, and (b) not readily assignable to the cost objectives specifically Includes maintenance and/or depreciation expense only, not equipment purchases, which are capitalized over a number of years. 17-106 Utilites Senior Fully Burdened Hourly Rates Crew Fiscal Chief Clerk Annual Salary & Benefits: $128,814 $109,241 1. Calculate hourly salary & benefits 1.1 Divide annual cost by 2,080 hrs $61.93 $52.52 Total Salary and Benefits $61.93 $52.52 2. Indirect Overhead MOD Revenue 13.4% 2.1 Compensated Absences 13.4% $8.30 $7.04 (vacation, sick leave) 2.2 General Administration 2.2% $1.33 13.00% $6.83 (supervision, support services) 2.3 Operating Expense 38.7% $23.97 24.4% $12.83 (training, supplies, insurance) 2.4 Citywide Overhead 40.3% $24.96 60.1% $31.56 (Finance, City Manager, Fleet Maint) Total Indirect Overhead 94.6% $58.55 110.9% $58.25 Total Burdened Rate: $120.48 $110.77 Indirect Costs 1. General. Indirect costs are those: (a) incurred for a common or joint purpose benefiting more than one cost objective, and (b) not readily assignable to the cost objectives specifically Includes maintenance and/or depreciation expense only, not equipment purchases, which are capitalized over a number of years. 17-106 benefitted. The term "indirect costs," as used herein, applies to costs of this type originating from staff within MOD and Revenue, their operating expenditures and administration support, as well as those incurred by administrative departments in supplying goods, services, and facilities. The cost of service analysis includes four types of indirect overhead categories or "cost pools" consisting of compensated absences, general administration, operating expenses, and citywide overhead. a) Compensated Absences — The compensated absences cost pool is used to account for employees' time off with pay for vacations and sick days. The City is obligated to pay for these days off and is required by the matching principle to record the expense when the employees are working, since the benefits are a part of the employees' compensation. It is estimated that 280 out of 2,080 total available hours per year per full-time equivalent (FTE) are taken as compensated absences. This translates into a 13.4% burden factor applied to the hourly salary and benefit rate as indicated on line 2.2 in Table 1 a above. b) General Administration — The general administration cost pool includes the cost of staff time spent on such activities as budget planning and staffing allocations; public counter and telephone time, meetings, and training and education. The wages of management staff and the workers engaged in administration and support activities are considered an indirect labor cost. It is calculated that 2.2% of MOD and 13% of Revenue's overall workload is spent on this general administrative function as indicated on line 2.2 in Table 1 a above. c) Operating Expenditures — The operating expenditure cost pool consists largely of Internal Service Fund (ISF) charges to the divisions on a cost reimbursement basis. The City's internal service funds are used to allocate the cost of providing general liability insurance and workers' compensation; maintaining and replacing the City's rolling stock fleet; and the cost of maintaining and replacing the City's computers, printers, copiers, and telecommunication services. This cost pool also includes other general operating expenses such as publications, supplies, and training. The operating expenditure burden factor of 38.7% for MOD and 24.4% for Revenue as indicated on line 2.3 in Table 1 a above is calculated by comparing the total cost of (allowable indirect) operating expenditures to the total (allowable direct) labor pool. d) Citywide Overhead - The Cost Allocation Plan (CAP) distributes the costs of City departments that serve a central service function supporting MOD and Revenue operations. These "Central Service Departments/Divisions" include: City Council, City Clerk, City Manager, Finance & Treasury Financial Planning, and Financial Reporting, as well as Human Resources Risk Management. The citywide overhead burden factor of 40.3% for MOD and 60.1% of Revenue is calculated by comparing the total cost of MOD and Revenue's share of citywide overhead to the total (allowable direct) labor pool (see line 2.4 in Table 1 a above). Step 2: Calculate Time Spent on the Service The second step is to calculate the time spent on the service. The task and time in minutes estimated to complete the task is captured in Table 2 below. Table 2: Task Description & Time Estimates in minutes 17-107 Step 3: Calculate the Cost to Provide the Service The third and final step is to calculate the cost to provide the service by converting the total minutes to hours per unit (or staff person). The product of the hourly rate calculation times the time spent yields the cost of providing the service (see Table 3 below). Table 3 — Fee is Product of Times and Rates Customer interaction, scheduling, Customer interaction, process Total Cost issue resolution, drive time, field application, create tapping orders, Burdened work, update database setup account Utilities Crew Chief 240.00 the Service Senior Fiscal Clerk 1 25.00 Step 3: Calculate the Cost to Provide the Service The third and final step is to calculate the cost to provide the service by converting the total minutes to hours per unit (or staff person). The product of the hourly rate calculation times the time spent yields the cost of providing the service (see Table 3 below). Table 3 — Fee is Product of Times and Rates Summary The purpose of a CAP is to accurately, fairly, and reasonably distribute the City's central administrative costs to the operating departments in the City. The development of a CAP follows a series of general guidelines and principles, which originate from federal guidelines established in OMB Circular A-87. These principles ensure that allocated costs are necessary and reasonable to the operation of the government. A cost analysis study is almost entirely reliant upon the data provided by the City. Since all study components are interrelated, bad data at any step in the process will cause the ultimate results to be flawed. To avoid accuracy problems and other quality flaws, the study included a series of quality control measures including reasonableness tests and validation; balance and cross checks; and internal City review. Finally it should be noted that private businesses typically add a layer of profit margin to their cost analysis, public agencies are not allowed to do so. 17-108 Total Fully Total Cost Total Hours per Burdened to Provide Minutes Unit Hourly Rates the Service Utilities Crew Chief 240.00 OM,� 4.00 /� V $120.48 __ $481.92 Senior Fiscal Clerk 25.00 0.42 $110.77 $46.15 $528.07 Proposed Fee $528.00 Summary The purpose of a CAP is to accurately, fairly, and reasonably distribute the City's central administrative costs to the operating departments in the City. The development of a CAP follows a series of general guidelines and principles, which originate from federal guidelines established in OMB Circular A-87. These principles ensure that allocated costs are necessary and reasonable to the operation of the government. A cost analysis study is almost entirely reliant upon the data provided by the City. Since all study components are interrelated, bad data at any step in the process will cause the ultimate results to be flawed. To avoid accuracy problems and other quality flaws, the study included a series of quality control measures including reasonableness tests and validation; balance and cross checks; and internal City review. Finally it should be noted that private businesses typically add a layer of profit margin to their cost analysis, public agencies are not allowed to do so. 17-108 ATTACHMENT F RESOLUTION NO. 2016-94 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING THE PENALTY AMOUNTS FOR PARKING RELATED VIOLATIONS AND ADMINISTRATIVE FEES FOR PROCESSING DELINQUENT PARKING VIOLATIONS AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 93-53 AND RESOLUTION NO. 94-29 WHEREAS, the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC) and the California Vehicle Code (CVC) establish parking regulations; WHEREAS, the State of California adopted Assembly Bill 408 which decriminalized parking violations and required the City of Newport Beach (City) to assume processing, collection and adjudication responsibilities for parking violations; WHEREAS, the City Council previously approved Resolution No. 93-53 on July 26, 1993 to establish parking penalty amounts for violation of certain NBMC parking related sections; WHEREAS, the City desires to rescind Resolution No. 93-53 establishing parking penalty amounts for certain NBMC violations and wishes to adopt this resolution, which consolidates the parking violation penalty schedule with penalty amounts into one list; WHEREAS, the City Council previously approved Resolution No. 94-29 to impose administrative fees for processing delinquent parking violations within twenty- one (21) days of the issuance of the citation and sending a delinquent notice as required for failure to pay parking penalties within said twenty-one (21) days; and WHEREAS, the City desires to rescind Resolution No. 94-29 and to adopt this resolution adjusting the late penalty amount for processing delinquent parking violations, recover a fee charged by the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for unpaid parking citations submitted to the DMV for collections and to encourage prompt payment of parking penalties imposed. Late penalties assessed shall be in accordance with the information specified in the CVC Section 40203.5 (a) and Section 40207(a). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach as follows - 17 -109 Section 1: The City Council hereby adopts the Parking Violation Penalty Schedule attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference for NBMC and CVC parking regulations. Section 2: The City Council hereby establishes an administrative late penalty of Twenty -Five Dollars ($25) for delinquent parking violations that are not paid within twenty-one (21) calendar days from the date of issuance of the citation or fourteen (14) calendar days after the mailing of the notice of delinquent parking violation. This administrative late penalty shall not apply to a person(s) that timely completes and files an affidavit of nonliability that complies with the CVC. Section 3: The parking penalty amounts based on the Parking Violation Penalty Schedule established by this resolution shall be automatically adjusted every year in July to reflect the percentage change, rounded to the next highest dollar, in the cost of doing business as measured by the Consumer Price Index, Los Angeles - Riverside -Orange County (1982-84=100). Section 4: Resolution No. 93-53, Resolution No. 94-29, and any resolution, or portion thereof, in conflict with the provisions of this resolution are hereby repealed. Section 5: The recitals provided in this resolution are true and correct and are incorporated into the substantive portion of this resolution. Section 6: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this resolution. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this resolution and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 7: The City Council finds the adoption of this resolution is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. 17-110 Section 8: This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the City Council, and the City Clerk shall certify the vote adopting this resolution. ADOPTED this _ day of , 2016. Diane B. Dixon, Mayor ATTEST: Leilani I. Brown, City Clerk 17-111 Attachment F - Newport Beach Parking Citation Violation Penalty Schedule With State 2016 Total Base+ Surcharge Proposed Fine Code Description 2011 Fine Base Amount CPI % Change CPI * Amount ** 2.40.030 MC PARKING ON PRIVATE PROPERTY $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 11.04.020(B) MC PROHIB PARK/STOP-PARK LAWNS $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 11.08.030 (D) MC PROHIBITED PARKING $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 11.08.090 (A) MC PARKING ON PUBLIC PIER $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.08.010 MC EMERGING FROM ALLEY/PRIVATE DR $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.08.100 MC PROHIB PARK/STOP: PIER $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.08.120 MC PARKING ON BEACH $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.12.010(D) MC COMPLIANCE WITH SIGNS $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.12.030 MC TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.12.050 MC FEE NOT PAID IN LOT $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.12.060 MC PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY LOT $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.12.080 MC MOTORCYCLES IN WOF LOT $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.20.030 MC OBED TO CONTROL DEVICES REQ $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.32.050(D) MC BALBOA ISLAND: BLOCKING EGRESS $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.40.020 MC PARKWAYS $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.40.030 MC PRIVATE PROPERTY PARKING $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.40.035 MC PKG ON PRIVATE STREETS/DRIVES $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.40.040 MC PARKING IN EXCESS 72 HOURS $75.00 $62.06 $4.00 $66.06 $78.56 $79.00 12.40.050(A) MC TRLR UNHITCH ON BALBOA ISLAND $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.40.050(B) MC TRAILER ON BALBOA ISLAND $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.40.055 (C) MC HEAVY DUTY COMM VEH>84 IN WIDE $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.40.055 (D) MC DETACHED TRAILER, RES AREA $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.40.055(A) MC TRAILER/RWOVERSIZED VEHICLE $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.40.055(B) MC OVERSIZE 95IN WIDE RES AREA $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.40.060 (B) MC PKG PRHIB: VEH 4 SALE -OWN PROP $42.00 $62.06 $4.00 $66.06 $78.56 $79.00 12.40.060(A) MC PKG PROHIB: VEH FOR SALE $75.00 $62.06 $4.00 $66.06 $78.56 $79.00 12.40.060(C) MC PKG PROHIB: NON-EMRGNCY REPAIR $42.00 $62.06 $4.00 $66.06 $78.56 $79.00 12.40.070 MC PKG ON GRADE, WHEELS NOT TURND $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.40.080 MC 18INCHES FROM LEFT CURB $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.40.090 MC ANGLE PARKING, OUTSIDE LINES $42.00 $29,05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.40.110 MC ACROSS/OUTSIDE SPACE MARKERS $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.40.120 MC OBSTRUCTING PARKING SPACE $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.40.130 MC PERMIT REQD-ANGLE LOAD/UNLOAD $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.40.140 MC PARKING ADJACENT TO SCHOOLS $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.40.150 MC PROHIB PKG: NARROW STREETS $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.40.160 (D) MC NO PARKING AREA $75.00 $62.06 $4.00 $66.06 $78.56 $79.00 12.40.160 (E) MC TRAFFIC HAZARD $75.00 $62.06 $4.00 $66.06 $78.56 $79.00 12.40.160 MC POSTED NO PARKING/STOPPING $75.00 $62.06 $4.00 $66.06 $78.56 $79.00 12.40.160(A) MC PROHIB PKG: MID-BLK SAFETY ZNE $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.40.160(B) MC PROHIB PKG: 25FT OF INTERSECTN $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.40.160(C) MC PROHIB PKG: 25FT OF TRAFF SGNL $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.40.170(A) MC RESTRICT PKG: VENDORS/PRODUCTS $58.00 $44.89 $2.90 $47.79 $60.29 $61.00 12.40.170(B) MC RESTRICTED PKG: VEH FOR HIRE $58.00 $44.89 $2.90 $47.79 $60.29 $61.00 12.40.170(C) MC RESTRICTED PKG: PERMIT REQ. $58.00 $44.89 $2.90 $47.79 $60.29 $61.00 12.40.180 MC EMERGENCY PKG RESTRICTIONS $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.40.190 MC CAUSE FOR REMOVAL/STORAGE $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.44.010 (A) MC OVERTIME 1 HOUR ZONE $47.00 $34.33 $2.21 $36.54 $49.04 $50.00 12.44.010 (B) MC OVERTIME 2 HOUR ZONE $47.00 $34.33 $2.21 $36.54 $49.04 $50.00 12.44.010(C) MC OVERTIME 3 HOUR ZONE $47.00 $34.33 $2.21 $36.54 $49.04 $50.00 12.44.070 (C) MC ACROSS MARKING, METER AREA $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.44.070(A) MC OUTSIDE PAID SPACE MARKING $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.44.070(B) MC BACKING INTO METER SPACE $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.44.084 MC PARKING AT AN INOPERABLE METER $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 12.44.100 MC ACTIVATION OF METER $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.44.110 MC PAYMENT TIME EXPIRED $58.00 $44.89 $2.90 $47.79 $60.29 $61.00 12.44.150 (C) MC STREET SWEEPING $54.00 $40.93 $2.64 $43.57 $56.07 $57.00 12.44.150(D) MC PARKING PROHIBITED $42.00 $40.93 $2.64 $43.57 $56.07 $57.00 12.44.160(C) MC PROHIBITED NIGHT PARKING $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.46.040 MC NON -DISPLAY OF PLACARD/LIC PLT $47.00 $34.33 $2.21 $36.54 $49.04 $50.00 12.48.040 (A) MC PARKING IN RED ZONE $75.00 $62.06 $4.00 $66.06 $78.56 $79.00 Page 1 17-112 Attachment F - Newport Beach Parking Citation Violation Penalty Schedule With State 2016 Total Base+ Surcharge Proposed Fine Code Description 2011 Fine Base Amount CPI % Change CPI * Amount ** 12.48.040 (B) MC PKG IN LOADING ZONE (YLW) $75.00 $62.06 $4.00 $66.06 $78.56 $79.00 12.48.040(C) MC WHITE ZONE (3 MINUTE LOADING) $75.00 $62.06 $4.00 $66.06 $78.56 $79.00 12.48.040(D) MC OVERTIME GREEN ZONE PAID AREA $42.00 $62.06 $4.00 $66.06 $78.56 $79.00 12.48.050(A) MC OVERTIME GREEN ZONE $59.00 $46.21 $2.98 $49.19 $61.69 $62.00 12.48.050(B) MC 5 MINUTE ZONE (GREEN) $59.00 $46.21 $2.98 $49.19 $61.69 $62.00 12.48.070(A) MC RESTRICTED USE: LOADING ZONE $42.00 $46.21 $2.98 $49.19 $61.69 $62.00 12.48.070(B) MC RESTRICT USE: LDG ZONE-PSNGRS $42.00 $46.21 $2.98 $49.19 $61.69 $62.00 12.48.080 MC EXCESS 3 MIN PASS LOADING ZONE $42.00 $46.21 $2.98 $49.19 $61.69 $62.00 12.48.090 MC PARKING IN ALLEY $75.00 $62.06 $4.00 $66.06 $78.56 $79.00 12.48.100(G) MC PARKED IN BUS ZONE $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.52.020 MC WRONG WAY ONE WAY STREET $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.64.030(A) MC RESTRICTED USE: PUBLIC PROP $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.64.030(B) MC RESTRICTED USE: VACANT LOT $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 12.68.050 A MC RESIDENT PREFERENTIAL PKG ZONE $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 17.16.020 MC BOAT LAUNCHING/HAULING $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 17.16.021 MC NO BOAT/TRLR STORAGE ON BEACH $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 17.25.030 MC BOAT ON BEACH $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 17.28.010 MC PIERS: 20 MINUTE TIME LIMIT $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 17.28.040 MC BLOCKING PUBLIC PIER $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 $43.42 $44.00 17.32.030 MC BOAT ON BEACH $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 4000 (A)(1) CVC EXPIRED REGISTRATION $95.00 $81.87 $5.28 $87.15 $99.65 $100.00 4152.5 CVC FOREIGN VEHICLE REGISTRATION $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 4457 CVC STOLEN/LOST/DAMAGED CARDS/PLTS $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 4461(C) CVC MISUSING A DISABLED PLAC/PLATE $276.00 $263.00 $16.96 $279.96 $292.46 $293.00 4461 (D) CVC MISUSING A DISABLED PLAC/PLATE $276.00 $263.00 $16.96 $279.96 $292.46 $293.00 4462 (A) CVC PRESENT VALID REG ON DEMAND $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 4462 (B) CVC FAUDULENT USE/DISPLAY OF TABS $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 4464 CVC ALTERED LICENSE PLATES $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 5200 CVC TWO LICENSE PLATES REQUIRED $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 5201 CVC POSITIONING OF PLATES $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 5202 CVC LICENSE PLATE NOT ATTACHED $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 5203 CVC LICENSE PLATES SURRENDERED $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 5204 (A) CVC REG TABS EXPIRED/ABSENT $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 21113 (A) CVC PARKING ON PUBLIC GROUNDS $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 21211 (B) CVC PARKING IN BIKE LANE $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 22400 (A) CVC PROHIB PARK/STOP: PUBLIC HIWAY $72.00 $59.42 $3.83 $63.25 $75.75 $76.00 22401 CVC PARKED WITH HIGH BEAMS $52.00 $38.55 $2.49 $41.04 $53.54 $54.00 22500 (A) CVC PARKING WITHIN INTERSECTION $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 22500 (B) CVC PARKED IN CROSSWALK $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 22500 (C) CVC PROHIB PARK/STOP: SAFETY ZONE $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 22500 (D) CVC PKD W/IN 15FT OF FIRE STATION $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 22500 (E) CVC BLOCKING DRIVEWAY $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 22500 (F) CVC PARKING ON SIDEWALK $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 22500 (G) CVC PROHIB PRK/STOP: OBSTRUCT TRAF $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 22500 (H) CVC DOUBLE PARKED $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 22500 (I) CVC PARKED IN BUS ZONE $412.00 $398.77 $25.72 $424.49 $436.99 $437.00 22500 (K) CVC PARKED ON BRIDGE $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 22500 (L) CVC ON/IN FRONT OF HC ACCESS RAMP $412.00 $398.77 $25.72 $424.49 $436.99 $437.00 22500.1 CVC PARKING FIRE LANE $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 22502 (A) CVC WRONG WY 2WY/18IN FROM RT CURB $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 22502 (E) CVC WRONG WY 1WY/18IN FROM LT CURB $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 22505 (B) CVC PKG ON STATE HIGHWAY-PROHIB $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 22507.8 (A) CVC DISABLED PARKING $451.00 $438.38 $28.28 $466.66 $479.16 $480.00 22507.8 (B) CVC BLOCKING DISABLED SPACE $451.00 $438.38 $28.28 $466.66 $479.16 $480.00 22507.8 (C) CVC DISABLED CROSSHATCH VIOLATION $451.00 $438.38 $28.28 $466.66 $479.16 $480.00 22511.5 CVC HANDICAPPED ACCESS $451.00 $438.38 $28.28 $466.66 $479.16 $480.00 22514 CVC PARKING WITHIN 15FT OF HYDRANT $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 22515 CVC UNATTENDED VEHICLE $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 22516 CVC LOCKED VEHICLE $72.00 $59.42 $3.83 $63.25 $75.75 $76.00 22520 CVC NO STOPPING ON FREEWAY $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 Page 2 17-113 Attachment F - Newport Beach Parking Citation Violation Penalty Schedule With State 2016 Total Base + Surcharge Proposed Fine Code Description 2011 Fine Base Amount CPI % Change CPI * Amount ** 22522 CVC 3FT FROM HC ACCESS RAMP (RED) $451.00 $438.38 $28.28 $466.66 $479.16 $480.00 22523 (A) CVC ABANDONED VEHICLE $174.00 $161.09 $10.39 $171.48 $183.98 $184.00 22651.5A CVC EXCESSIVE ALARM $66.00 $53.50 $3.45 $56.95 $69.45 $70.00 24003 CVC UNLAWFUL LAMPS $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 26708 (A) CVC MATERIAL ON WINDSHIELD/WNDWS $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 26709 (A) CVC REAR VIEW MIRROR $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 26710 CVC WINDSHIELD -DEFECTIVE $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 27155 CVC FUEL TANK CAP REQUIRED $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 27465 (B) CVC TIRE TREAD DEPTH $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 27600 CVC FENDERS/MUDGUARDS $55.00 $42.25 $2.73 $44.98 $57.48 $58.00 11.04.070 (F) MC PARKED IN PARK $42.00 $29.05 $1.87 $30.92 1 $43.42 $44.00 **Rounded Up to the Nearest Dollar *Includes 9.50 State Surcharge -Resolution #2009-8 *Includes 3.00 State Surcharge -Resolution #2010-135 Page 3 17-114 ATTACHMENT G RESOLUTION NO. 2016-95 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING SPECIAL EVENT HOURLY RATES AND WAIVING CERTAIN SPECIAL EVENT FEES AND CHARGES FOR THE LIBRARY FOUNDATION AND ART FOUNDATION WHEREAS, on March 2011, in an effort to continue supporting community Special Events while also containing costs, Council approved an administrative policy which charged Special Event permittees for hourly staff costs at time and a half, but without benefits or overhead; WHEREAS, the Special Event hourly rates have not changed since 2011 and Council desires to establish a process to update the staff hourly rates for Special Events on an annual basis pursuant to the staff hourly rates included in the Council approved budget; WHEREAS, Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 3.36.030(E) allows Council to waive fees for service established in the fee resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Newport Beach resolves as follows: Section 1: Special Event hourly rates will be updated annually for all City staff by using the budgeted hourly rates approved by Council each June (without benefits or overhead) at time and a half and putting these rates into effect July 1 of each year. Section 2: Special event permit fees, facility rentals, and business license charges will be waived for the Library Foundation and Arts Foundation, up to two times per calendar year. Section 3: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this resolution. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this resolution and each section, subsection, clause or phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one (1) or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional. Section 4: The recitals provided in this resolution are true and correct and are incorporated into the substantive portion of this resolution. Section 5: The City Council finds the adoption of this resolution is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 17-115 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly. Section 6: The Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall certify the vote adopting the passage of this resolution. ADOPTED this 26th day of July, 2016. Diane B. Dixon, Mayor ATTEST: Leilani I. Brown, City Clerk Attachment: None 17-116 Attachment H: Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 3.36 Recovery Percentage History The goal of cost -of -services fees is to recover the appropriate cost of providing those services. Council Policy F-4 (Revenue Measures) and Item 12 of the Fiscal Sustainability Plan (FSP) have directed us to establish cost recovery targets. Those targets can be found within Municipal Code Section 3.36, which currently states that cost recovery appropriate for user services is 100% unless otherwise specified in Code or Statute. As a general rule, the City may not recover from service users more than the cost incurred by the City to provide the service. There are a number of factors that influence cost recovery levels, including elasticity of demand, economic incentives (or disincentives) and the extent to which a particular service benefits the community at large as well as specific individuals or groups. This is where Exhibit "A" within NBMC Section 3.36.030 comes into play. Exhibit "A" limits cost recovery fees to the percentages or dollar amounts recommended by staff and adopted by Council. Each time a department is studied, roughly every 3-5 years, they are asked to review the current subsidy levels within Exhibit "A" and make recommendations to update, as appropriate. The purpose of this attachment is to walk through a sample of recovery percentages and discuss the history and process of establishment. Five subsidies have been randomly selected for this discussion and are shown here with their current recovery percentage or amount: We will also look at the Recreation and Senior Services Department due to the number of subsidies that are listed within that department and the extent of changes recommended with each study. 17-117 Percent of Cost or Amount to be Recovered from Service Direct Fees 1 Parking Hearings 0% Use Fees - 2 Materials 20% Basic Life Support - a Nontransport $300 First Two Hours Preliminary Plan Free, Full Cost 4 Review Thereafter Permit Issuance (Counter Only) Electrical, 5 Plumbing $32 We will also look at the Recreation and Senior Services Department due to the number of subsidies that are listed within that department and the extent of changes recommended with each study. 17-117 1. Parking Hearings Once a parking citation is issued, the California Vehicle Codes (CVC) requires the City to provide an administrative appeal process. A person may request an initial review of the citation or notice with the City. The request may be submitted online, in writing, or in person. A City of Newport Beach Review Officer completes the initial review. If the person is dissatisfied with the results of the initial review, the person may request an administrative hearing of the violation, which is what we are referring to here as the Parking Hearing. The City contracts with a Hearing Officer to perform the hearing. If the person is dissatisfied with the decision, they could appeal to the court level. Parking Hearings were added to NBMC Section 3.36.030 Exhibit "A" through Ordinance No. 2008-14 and set at a recovery percentage of 0%. CVC § 40215 states there shall be no charge for the initial review. While CVC does not the amount of cost recovery for the second level parking hearing, it is common in the parking industry to not charge for parking hearings. Therefore, the recovery percentage has remained at 0% over the years. 2. Use Fees — Materials Newport Beach Public Library currently charges $1 per day for recently released DVDs and $1 per week for Rental Books. These are high demand items that staff endeavors to make available on an equitable basis. The fee helps to defray the cost without discouraging or prohibiting customers from using these services. It also encourages people to check out manageable copies and keep titles on the shelf so customers have a broad selection high -demand books and films. The evolution of what is now termed Use Fees — Materials began back in 1997 with the addition of Chapter 3.36 into Municipal Code through the adoption of Ordinance No. 97-8, which set the recovery costs for municipal services. At that time this service was split into three different recovery levels, Video Rental 100%, Best Sellers — Rental 88%, and Books on Cassette 47%. The fees charged for these services were $2, $1, and $5, respectively, as recommended by the Board of Library Trustees at that time. Nothing changed for quite some time, until Ordinance No. 2008-14 removed Books on Cassette and combined the other two into one service area titled Rentals — book/video. The recovery percentage was set at 5%, which established a fee of $1 for both Video Rental and Best Sellers — Rental. The fee has remained at $1 through the years although the service description within NBMC Section 3.36.030 has been updated to its current name, Use Fees — Materials, and the recovery percentage increased from 5% to its current rate of 20%. 3. Basic Life Support — Non -transport Emergency Medical Services are those services provided by the Fire Department for medical calls and may include response (assessment and treatment) and transportation. Basic Life Support (BLS) is a form of emergency first aid further defined in the California Health and Safety Code § 1797.60 and NMBC Section 5.14.020. Although not transported for further care, these patients receive response, assessment, and in some cases treatment, from Fire Department personnel. 17-118 This service was included in the initial adoption of Ordinance No. 97-8 with a 65% recovery charging $163. It was updated through Ordinance No. 2008-21 to read "up to 80%" with a charge of $227. Starting in March of 2011, we no longer billed for nontransports. In October 2015, Council adopted Ordinance No. 2015-29 updating the recovery to $300 for each BLS Nontransport, which was in line with the average rates in Orange County. 4. Preliminary Plan Review When a building permit application is submitted, a Plan Review fee is charged for staff's time reviewing the plans to ensure the design conforms to the current construction code requirements. In some cases for complex projects, the project designer may want the City's interpretation if a particular design meets code. As the design is still preliminary and not finalized, a Preliminary Plan Review Fee would be charged. Ordinance No. 97-8 set the recovery percentage for Preliminary Plan Review at 45%. The hourly rate adopted through the fee schedule was $75 per employee, per hour. It was updated to 75% through Ordinance No. 2008-14 resulting in a subsidized fee of $127.50 per hour, per staff member. The most recent update occurred in October 2015, with the adoption of Ordinance No. 2015-29. The recovery percentage was removed and instead included the language "first two hours free, full cost thereafter." The fully burdened hourly rate for Preliminary Plan Review was studied at $229. Staff provides preliminary plan review information on a regular basis. The majority of the time it takes less than two hours, therefore most customers are not charged anything. Every so often there is a larger project and this fee gives the City the opportunity to recover its costs after the first two hours. 5. Permit Issuance (Counter Only) Electrical, Plumbing If an Electrical, Mechanical, or Plumbing permit is issued at the counter a Permit Issuance fee is charged to recover the cost of the materials and staff time to issue the permit. If the permit is issued online there is no charge. The Electrical, Mechanical, and Plumbing fees are studied in separate categories and evaluated as their own group. A factor is applied to each category of fees either increasing or decreasing the fees based on the results of the study. This created slight variations in the cost of service for these three categories of Permit Issuance fees. The full cost of the Electrical Permit Issuance was $35, the Plumbing Permit Issuance was $34, and the Mechanical Permit Issuance was $32. In order to have a uniform fee, the recovery amount was incorporated into Municipal Code through Ordinance No. 2015-29 at $32 for the Electrical and Plumbing Permit Issuance (Counter Only.) 6. Recreation and Senior Services (RSS) RSS programming fees are created, with consideration to the extent of community and individual benefits the programs provide. Programs that heavily benefit the community at large and/or fulfill a key community goal are more heavily subsidized. For instance, providing safe and enriching experiences for youth and seniors is an important initiative and has high community demand, thereby justifying higher 17-119 subsidies. In contrast, specialized programs such as Adult Sports Leagues that benefit smaller community groups are offered at higher fees, with participants bearing a greater cost burden. Graphically, this pricing methodology can be depicted as a pyramid structure where the broad base is comprised of programs with high community benefit and low cost recovery and where the tip is comprised of specialized programs with low community benefit and high cost recovery. This structure allows the RSS Department to offer a wide range of high quality programs to our community. The methodology is also industry standard for municipal delivery of Recreation and Senior Services. Mostly , idividual 3pnpfits Idemandsfor �d programming small groups of mity members Community & Individual Benefits Provides safe and enriching experiences for youth and seniors • Promotes health and wellness • Extend higher benefits to residents • Provides admin support for programs Benefits Community at Large • Benefits large groups of community members • Proactively manage assets for entire community • Provides active and passive drop in locations • Promotes learn, play & be active philosophy • Creates sense of community and prevents isolation • Provides admin support for largest programs • Supports economic vitality • Protects natural resources and promotes environmental stewardship 17-120 High Recovery Adult Sports Contract Classes sis Fitness Center vents Permits Appeals ermits Level 3, Nonres u m Recovery • Aquatics • Youth Sports • Preschool Programs • After-school / Teen Programs and Camps • Senior Services Contract Classes • Special Events Permits Level 2-3, Resident Special Events Permits Level 1-2, Nonresident • Class refunds for $75 or more • Admin Processing Fee Zero to Low Recovery • Special Events for Community Special Events Permits Level 1, Resident • Park Patrol • Park, Playground and Rec Facility Management • Senior Services /Oasis Transportation • Oasis Social Services • Class refunds for $74 or less; Badge Replacement • Natural Resources Programming; Land Management Note: Cost -Benefit Pyramid Analysis Concept from www. ILparks.orp; "Cost Recovery in Public Parks and Recreation" by Chris Dropinski; 2007 Evaluating the program costs and benefits in terms of the three ranges shown in the pyramids above provides a framework for RSS Department to meet community needs and enable high participation. The history of the ordinance changes for Recreation and Senior Services can be seen on the following page. 17-121 History of Recreation and Senior Services Ordinance Changes 17-122 Ordinance No. 97-9 2004-4 2008-14 2011-29 2015-29 Proposed Community Services Recreation and Senior Services Recreation and Senior Services Recreation and Senior Services Recreation and Senior Services Recreation and Senior Services Adult sports 62% 50-95% Adult Drop -In Sports 15% Removed Volleybali 85% 60% Removed Soccer 70% Removed Tennis Round Robin 85% Removed Pie! rRenta Ls 85% Removed 50% Removed Park Rentals 80% Removed Facility Reflta4s Use Fees 95% Removed 50% Removed Park Patrol 85% Removed Adult Sports Teams (Softball & Basketball) 85% Removed Softball Removed Bas ketba 11 85% Removed Administrative Processing Fee $5 Badge Replacement 45% $5 After School/Camp Programs Added Vacation Camps 30% Removed Summer Recess Camp 3c% Removed Camps 40% 20-50% KidScene After -School Program 20% Removed Teen Program 15% Removed After-School/Teen Program 20% 20-50®% Pre -Schaal Program 40% 20-50% Aquatics 85% Removed 20% 20-50% CdM Pool 35% Removed Water Polo 35% Removed Lap Swim 50% Removed Rentals 8% Removed Lessons 40% Removed Youth Sports 25% 20-50% Youth Sports- Football 85% Removed Youth Flag - Football 50% Tiny League Football 50% Youth Sports - Basketball 65% Removed Basketball - winter 50% Basketball - summer 50% Pee Wee Basketball 85% Removed Basketball Tiny League 50% Youth Sports -Track and Field 950A 50% Removed Registration and Contract Classes 85% 75% 60% 50-95% Class Refunds Added $74 or less 29% $10 $75 or more 59% $20 17-122 History of Recreation and Senior Services Ordinance Changes (cont.) 17-123 Ordinance No. 97-8 2004-4 2009-14 2011-28 2015-29 Proposed Community Services Recreation and Senior Services Recreation and Senior Services Recreation and Senior Services Recreation and Senior Services Recreation and Senior Services Special Events Balboa Arts Festival 55% Removed Surf Contest 95% Removed Special Events - Levels 1,2, & 3 Special Event Permits 36% Removed Resident 5()% Removed Up to 45% Removed Resident, Level I and Late Fees for Level 1 0-20% Resident, Level 2-3 and Late Fees for Level 2-3 20-50% Non-resident IGO% Removed Up to 85% Removed Non-resident, Level 1-2 and Late Fees for Level 1 20-50% Non-resident, Level 3 and Late Fees for Level 2-3 50-95% Appeal to City Council 25% 50-95% CDIVI 5K Run 95% Removed Rose Parade 85% Removed Senior Services Transportation 30% 3% 5% $1-$3/way Senior Recreation Classes 85% 11% 50% 20-50% [Iasis Rentak-Use Fees 95% 45% 45% Removed Fitness Center 50% 50-95% Marine Environment Services - Marine Preserve Tours 15% 0-20% Social Services (Assessment Services) OD/O Removed Supportive Counseling (P/D Removed Information and Referral (r/0 Removed Oasis Special Events (r/0 Removed Telephone Reassurance OD/O Removed 17-123