HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 - 2312 Laurel Place Modification Permit - PA2016-086 U ? COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive,P.O. Box 1768,Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Cq�IFOFtP 949-644-3200 Fax: 949-644-3229 www.newportbeachca.gov CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STAFF REPORT August 11, 2016 Agenda Item No. 1 SUBJECT: Stern Modification Permit (PA2016-086) 2312 Laurel Place • Modification Permit No. MD2016-008 APPLICANT: Corrie Kates, Foothill Project Management, Inc. OWNER: Christopher Stern PLANNER: David Lee, Planning Technician (949) 644-3225, dlee@newportbeachca.gov ZONING DISTRICT/GENERAL PLAN • Zone: R-1 (Single-Unit Residential) • General Plan: RS-D (Single-Unit Residential Detached) PROJECT SUMMARY A modification permit to allow a 111-percent addition to an existing nonconforming single-family residence where the Zoning Code limits additions to 10 percent of the existing gross floor area when the required parking dimensions are not met. The nonconforming garage provides dimensions of 19 feet 6 inches wide by 19 feet 5 inches deep. The Zoning Code requires 20 feet for both dimensions. RECOMMENDATION 1 ) Conduct a public hearing; and 2) Adopt Draft Zoning Administrator Resolution No. _ approving Modification Permit No. MD2016-008 (Attachment No. ZA 1). DISCUSSION • The subject property is located in a Single-Unit Residential (R-1) neighborhood on Laurel Place. The lot area is 8,108 square feet and is irregular in shape. 1 Stern Modification Permit Zoning Administrator, August 11, 2016 Page 2 • The property is developed with a 1,858-square-foot single-family residence constructed in 1948. The existing residence is a single-story home with a detached garage located in the rear of the lot. • The existing interior garage dimensions measure 19 feet 6 inches wide by 19 feet 5 inches deep. These dimensions were compliant with the Zoning Code at the time of construction. Current Zoning Code requires clear interior garage dimensions of 20 feet wide by 20 feet deep for this property; therefore, the existing garage is legal nonconforming. • The garage is detached from the principal structure and is considered a nonconforming accessory structure due to encroachments into the side and rear setbacks. The garage encroaches 7 inches into the required 4-foot side yard setback and 6 feet 6 inches into the required 10-foot rear yard setback. • The applicant is proposing to construct a two-story, 2,058-square-foot addition, which is an increase of approximately 111 percent of the existing floor area. The addition is proposed for the principal structure and will comply with all applicable development standards, including height, setbacks, and maximum floor area (Attachment No. ZA 3 — Project Plans). • The Zoning Code limits additions to residential structures with nonconforming parking dimensions to 10 percent of the existing floor area within a ten-year period. Larger additions may be permitted subject to the approval of a modification permit (Newport Beach Municipal Code Section The applicant proposes leaving the garage dimensions unchanged. • The size of the garage cannot be altered because the Zoning Code restricts structural alterations to nonconforming accessory structures. In order for the garage to be brought into conformance with the current parking requirements, it must be completely demolished and relocated to comply with the setback requirements. In addition to significantly increasing project costs, relocating the garage to comply with the setback requirements would significantly reduce the turning radius in the open space between the garage and the existing residence, making it difficult for vehicles to make a proper turnout towards the street (See Sheet A-1.2 of Attachment No. ZA 3). • The existing garage provides two usable garage spaces and the intent of the Zoning Code is satisfied by providing adequate parking on-site. Approval of the Modification Permit allows the applicant to continue using the existing garage as two (2) parking spaces, which has not proven detrimental to the occupants or neighbors. The existing location of the garage has a turning radius large enough for a proper turnout and allows for vehicles to safely drive in a forward direction towards the street. Additionally, the driveway in front of the garage, which is TmpIt:10-02-15 Stern Modification Permit Zoning Administrator, August 11, 2016 Page 3 approximately 95 feet deep by 8 feet 7 inches wide, allows for additional on-site parking spaces. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt under Section 15301 of the State CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) Guidelines - Class 1 (Existing Facilities). This exemption includes additions of up to 10,000 square feet where public services and utilities are available and the area is not considered environmentally sensitive. The proposed project is a 2,058-square-foot addition to an existing single-family residence in a developed neighborhood and is not within an environmentally sensitive area. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of this application was published in the Daily Pilot, mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the boundaries of the site (excluding intervening rights-of- way and waterways), including the applicant, and posted on the subject property at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing, consistent with the provisions of the Municipal Code. Additionally, the item appeared on the agenda for this meeting, which was posted at City Hall and on the City website. APPEAL PERIOD: An appeal or call for review may be filed with the Director of Community Development within 14 days following the date of action. For additional information on filing an appeal, contact the Planning Division at (949) 644-3200. Prepared by: ODavid'74ee, lanning Technician JM/dl Attachments: ZA 1 Draft Resolution ZA 2 Vicinity Map ZA 3 Project Plans TmpIt:10-02-15 Attachment No. ZA 1 Draft Resolution 4 RESOLUTION NO. ZA2016-### A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH APPROVING MODIFICATION PERMIT NO. MD2016-008 FOR A 111-PERCENT ADDITION TO AN EXISTING NONCONFORMING SINGLE-UNIT RESIDENCE LOCATED AT 2312 LAUREL PLACE (PA2016-086) THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. STATEMENT OF FACTS. 1. An application was filed by Foothill Project Management, Inc. (Corrie Kates), with respect to property located at 2312 Laurel Place, and legally described as Lot 9 in Tract 1188 requesting approval of a modification permit. 2. The applicant proposes a modification permit to allow a 111-percent addition to an existing single-family residence with nonconforming parking. The Zoning Code limits additions to 10 percent of the existing gross floor area when the required parking dimensions are not met. The nonconforming garage provides an interior width of 19 feet 6 inches and a depth of 19 feet 5 inches, where a minimum 20-foot by 20-foot interior dimension is required. 3. The subject property is located within the Single-Unit Residential (R-1-6000) Zoning District and the General Plan Land Use Element category is Single-Unit Residential Detached (RS-D). 4. The subject property is not located within the coastal zone. 5. A public hearing was held on August 11, 2016 in the Corona del Mar Conference Room (Bay E-1st Floor) at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach. A notice of time, place and purpose of the meeting was given in accordance with the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Evidence, both written and oral, was presented to, and considered by, the Zoning Administrator at this meeting. SECTION 2. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT DETERMINATION. 1. This project has been determined to be categorically exempt pursuant to Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations (Section 15301, Article 19 of Chapter 3, Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act) under Class 1 (Existing Facilities) of the Guidelines for CEQA. 2. This exemption includes additions up to 10,000 square feet where public services and utilities are available and the area is not considered environmentally sensitive. The proposed project is a 2,058-square-foot addition to an existing single-family residence in a developed neighborhood and is not within an environmentally sensitive area. 15 SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with Section 20.52.050.E (Modification Permits) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: A. The requested modification will be compatible with existing development in the neighborhood. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The addition would increase the dwelling size by 2,058 square feet to allow for a new dining room, expanded family room, and new master bedroom suite on the first floor, as well as two new bedrooms on the second floor. The proposed addition will comply with all applicable development standards, including height, setbacks, and site coverage. The proposed addition will not create the need for a third parking space and will not intensify the nonconforming parking. 2. The proposed addition will increase the total floor area of the property, including the garage, to approximately 3,916 square feet, significantly below the maximum allowable floor area of 10,773 square feet. 3. Laurel Place consists of single-story and two-story single-family residences. The 685-square-foot second story addition will not exceed the maximum 29-foot height limit for the Zoning District and is consistent with the design and height of other properties in the neighborhood. 4. The existing development on the property is a single-story, single-family dwelling with a detached two-car garage and no change to the density would result. Finding: B. The granting of the modification is necessary due to the unique physical characteristic(s) of the property and/or structure, and/or characteristics of the use. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The interior dimensions of the existing two-car garage were compliant with the Newport Beach Zoning Code at the time of construction in 1948. As a result of amendments to the Zoning Code in 2010, the two-car garage is now substandard in size, and is therefore legal nonconforming. 2. A modification permit is necessary because the garage is a nonconforming accessory structure due to its encroachments into the side and rear setbacks and cannot be expanded in size. Section 20.38.040 (C) of the Zoning Code states that structural alterations to nonconforming accessory structures are not allowed. Therefore, in order for the garage to be brought to conformance with current parking requirements, it must be completely demolished and relocated to comply with the setbacks. 3. The relocation of the garage is difficult due to the unique physical characteristics of the property and current location of the residence. The relocation of the garage to comply with current setbacks would significantly reduce the turning radius in the open space between the garage and existing residence. This would make it difficult for vehicles to make a proper turnout and force vehicles to back up in reverse towards the street. The existing location of the garage has a turning radius large enough for a proper turnout and allows for vehicles to safely drive in a forward direction towards the street. 4. The granting of the Modification Permit is necessary to allow a reasonable addition to an existing dwelling that was constructed in compliance with garage standards in effect at the time of original construction, and that are adequate in width for the parking of two (2) vehicles. Additionally, the long driveway in front of the garage allows for additional on-site parking spaces. Finding: C. The granting of the modification is necessary due to practical difficulties associated with the property and that the strict application of the Zoning Code results in physical hardships that are inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Code. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed addition is for the principal structure, which is detached from the existing garage, and does not directly result in the need to modify the garage located at the rear of the lot. 2. Due to the nonconforming status of the accessory garage structure, increasing the width and depth of the garage to dimensions of 20 feet wide and 20 feet deep to satisfy current parking size requirements would require a complete demolition of the existing garage. This will result in a significant increase in the scope of work in order to increase the garage width by six inches and the garage depth by seven inches. 3. The existing garage provides two (2) useable garage spaces with dimensions only slightly less than the requirement and fulfills the intent of the Zoning Code by providing adequate parking on-site. The driveway is approximately 95 feet deep by 8 feet 7 inches wide, which serves as additional on-site parking spaces. Approval of the Modification Permit allows the applicant to continue using the existing two- car garage, which has not been detrimental to the occupants or neighbors of the dwelling, and allows for a reasonable size addition to the residence. Finding: D. There are no alternatives to the modification permit that could provide similar benefits to the applicant with less potential detriment to surrounding owners and occupants, the neighborhood, or to the general public. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. An alternative to the Modification Permit is to bring the garage into compliance with the current Zoning Code requirements. Due to the encroachment into the setbacks as a result of the current Zoning Code, the existing garage is a nonconforming accessory structure. Structural alteration of nonconforming accessory structures is not allowed per Zoning Code Section 20.38.040 (C). Therefore, the alternative to the Modification Permit is to completely demolish the existing garage and relocate it to comply with current setback standards. This would significantly increase the scope and cost of the project and would result in a potential detriment to the applicant and neighbors by reducing the turning radius between the garage and existing residence and forcing vehicles to back out of the long driveway. 2. The applicant may reduce the addition to the residence to not exceed 10 percent of the existing floor area of the structure to comply with the requirements of the Zoning Code. Given the intent of the project is to provide a new dining room, expanded family room, new master bedroom suite, and two new bedrooms on the second floor, a redesign to reduce the size of the addition will significantly impact the objectives of the project and would not provide similar benefits to the applicant. Finding: E. The granting of the modification would not be detrimental to public health, safety, or welfare, to the occupants of the property, nearby properties, the neighborhood, or the City, or result in a change in density or intensity that would be inconsistent with the provisions of this Zoning Code. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed two-story addition would maintain all required setback standards and will provide adequate protection for light, air, and privacy. The addition will not preclude access to the dwelling and will be consistent in scale with other dwellings in the neighborhood. 2. The existing nonconforming garage has not proven to be detrimental to the occupants of the property, nearby properties, the neighborhood, or the City and is adequate in width to park two (2) vehicles. Additionally, the long driveway in front of the garage allows for additional on-site parking spaces. 3. The proposed addition will result in a floor area total that is less than the maximum allowed by Zoning Code. 8 4. The approval of this Modification Permit is conditioned as such that the applicant is required to obtain all necessary permits in accordance with the Building Code and other applicable Codes. SECTION 4. DECISION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The Zoning Administrator of the City of Newport Beach hereby approves Modification Permit No. MD2016-008, subject to the conditions set forth in Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. This action shall become final and effective 14 days following the date this Resolution was adopted unless within such time an appeal or call for review is filed with the Community Development Director in accordance with the provisions of Title 20 Planning and Zoning of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 111h DAY OF AUGUST, 2016. Patrick J. Alford, Zoning Administrator 9 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan, floor plans and building elevations stamped and dated with the date of this approval (except as modified by applicable conditions of approval). 2. Each parking space within the garage shall be permanently available and maintained for parking purposes. The interior dimensions (19 feet 6 inches wide by 19 feet 5 inches deep) shall be kept clear of obstructions including cabinets, shelving, or similar that may impact the ability to adequately park two (2) vehicles. 3. The project is subject to all applicable City ordinances, policies, and standards, unless specifically waived or modified by the conditions of approval. 4. A copy of the Resolution, including conditions of approval (Exhibit "A") shall be incorporated into the Building Division and field sets of plans prior to issuance of the building permits. 5. The applicant is required to obtain all applicable permits from the City's Building Division and Fire Department. The construction plans must comply with the most recent, City- adopted version of the California Building Code. The construction plans must meet all applicable State Disabilities Access requirements. 6. Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by either the current property owner or the leasing agent. 7. All damaged/broken curb, gutter, sidewalk, and driveway approach along Laurel Place frontage shall be reconstructed. 8. A new sewer clean out on existing sewer lateral per city standard STD-406-L shall be installed. 9. This approval shall expire and become void unless exercised within twenty-four (24) months from the actual date of review authority approval, except where an extension of time is approved in compliance with the provisions of Title 20 (Planning and Zoning) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. 10. To the fullest extent permitted by law, applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, its boards and commissions, officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, obligations, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, losses, judgments, fines, penalties, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation, attorney's fees, disbursements and court costs) of every kind and nature whatsoever which may arise from or in any manner relate (directly or indirectly) to City's approval of the Stem Modification Permit including, but not limited 10 to, Modification Permit No. MD2016-008 (PA2016-086). This indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, damages awarded against the City, if any, costs of suit, attorneys' fees, and other expenses incurred in connection with such claim, action, causes of action, suit or proceeding whether incurred by applicant, City, and/or the parties initiating or bringing such proceeding. The applicant shall indemnify the City for all of City's costs, attorneys' fees, and damages which City incurs in enforcing the indemnification provisions set forth in this condition. The applicant shall pay to the City upon demand any amount owed to the City pursuant to the indemnification requirements prescribed in this condition. 11 Attachment No. ZA 2 Vicinity Map 12 VICINITY MAP �% CF Project Location h • win y AN 1 _1r t .. b.� I,• LP i_ �. C -lit t . >g +� I 232 wfr -� r or r " Modification Permit No. MD2016-008 PA2016-086 2312 Laurel Place 23 Attachment No. ZA 3 Project Plans 14 PA2016-086 GENERAL NOTES: ABBREVIATIONS APPLICABLE CODES STERN RESIDENCE JFCARLSONARCHITECFS IN I. These plans and specifications are the property of J.F. CARLSON ARCHITECTS,INC. /yN1 and shall not be used for an work other than the project shown herein. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO COMPLY WITH: ADDITIONS V� REMODEL y p � AB ANCHOR BOLT GA GAGE, GAUGE ROW RIGHT OF WAY . 2013 CALIF. BUILDING CODE, 2. All work and all construction methods and materials shall comply with all ABV ABOVE GI GALVANIZED IRON S 5OUTH a 2013 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE provisions of the Building Godes and other rules, regulations and ordinances AC ASPHALT CONCRETE GL GLA55, GLAZING SC SOLID GORE . 2013 CALIF. T-24-6 P g g A/C AIR CONDITIONING GLB GLUE LAMINATED BEAM SF 5QUARE FOOT . 2013 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE 2312 LAUREL PLACE James F. Carlson AIA governing the place of the Building. Building Code redulrements in all cases take ACOUS AGOU5TIGAL GR GRADE SHT SHEET . 2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE jfcarlson@roodrunner.com precedence over the Drawings. It shall be the responsibility of anyone supplying ADJ ADJU5TABLE GYP GYPSUM SIM 51MILAR . 2013 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE labor of materials or both to bring to the attention of the Architect any AFF ABOVE FIN15H FLOOR H HIGH SPEC 5PEGIFIGATION CHAPTER #15 NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE (NBMC) NEWPORT BEACH , CA. 92663 2300 Cliff Drive discrepancies or conflicts between the re uirements of the the Code and the . ALUM ALUMINUM HB H05E BIB SQ 5QUARE Newport Beach ALT ALTERNATE HC HOLLOW GORE SS 5TAINLE55 STEEL California 92663 Drawings. ANOD ANODIZED HC HANDICAP STC 5OUND TRAN5MI5510N tel 949.645.3051 5. The Contract Drawin s and S ecifications represent the finished structure. Unless ARCH ARCHITECTURAL HDR HEADER COEFFICIENT g p p fax 949.645.4851 otherwise shown they do not indicate method of construction. Contractor shall @ AT HDW HARDWARE STD 5TANDARD LOCAL REQUIREMENTS & BLDG. DEPT. NOTES supervise and direct the Work and shall be sole) responsible for all construction BD BOARD HM HOLLOW METAL STOR STORAGE jfcarlsonarchitects.com p y p BEL BELOW HORIZ HORIZONTAL STRUCT 5TRUGTURE CALIFORNIA LICENSE NO. C-13773 means, methods, techniques and procedures. Observation visits to the Site by field BET BETWEEN HR HOUR SYM 5YMBOL representatives of the g Architect and his Engineers shall not include inspections of BLDG BUILDING HRDWD HARDWOOD GENERAL the protective measures or the construction procedures required for same, which BILK BLOCK HT HEIGHT TEL TELEPHONE These drawings, specifications, designs, BLKG BLOCKING HVAC HEATING/VENTILATING 1. PLEASE NOTE ON PLAN: "ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT BY THE CITY OF deal and representations found herein BM BEAM T&G TONGUE AND GROOVE are the sole property of the architect.It is are the sole responsibility of the Contractor. Any support services performed by AIR CONDITIONING E p p the Architect and his engineers, whether of material or work and whether BOTT BOTTOM ID INSIDE DIAMETER THK THICK NEWPORT BEACH DOES NOT RELIEVE APPLICANT OF THE LEGAL ❑® unlawful to copy in whole or part, modify performed prior to, during or after completion of construction are performed BRIG BEARING TO OBSERVE COVENANTS BEARING INCL INCLUDING TOB TOP OF BEAM CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS or share the contents without expressed ® written consent of the architect.02016 solely for the purpose of assisting in duality control and in achieving conformance BSMT BA5EMENT INT INTERIOR TOC TOP OF CURB WHICH MAY BE RECORDED AGAINST THE PROPERTY OR TO OBTAIN PLANS. CB CATCH BA51N KD KNOCK DOWN TOP OF CONCRETE YOU SHOULD CONTACT YOUR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS PRIOR TO with Contract Drawings and Specifications, therefore, they do not guarantee L LONG (LENGTH) TOP TOP OF PLATE ° Contractor's performance and shall not be construed as supervision of the CEM GEMENT COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT." FB p p CJ CEILING JOIST LAM LAMINATED) TOS TOP OF SHEATHING construction. CLG CEILING LAV LAVATORY TOP OF 5TEEL CLR CLEARANCE LH LEFT HAND TOP OF 5LAB 2. PLEASE NOTE ON PLAN. "PRIOR TO PERFORMING ANY WORK IN THE CITY _ 4. Contractor hereby guarantees to the Owner and the Architect that al materials, Q CENTERLINE LT LIGHT TOW TOP OF WALL RIGHT-OF-WAY AN ENCROACHMENT PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE fixtures and eduipment furnished to the Project are new unless otherwise COL COLUMN LTWT LIGHTWEIGHT TYP TYPICAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT." specified. Contractor also warrants that all work will be of good duality and freeCOMB COMBINATION MAS MA50NRY LINO UNLE55 NOTED OTHERWISE W MTL MATERIALVCT VINYL COMP051TION TILE PROJECT DATA U from any faults and defects. CONIC CONCRETE MAX MAXIMUM VERT VERTICAL NOTE: SEE SHEETS T-S-2 & T-S-3 CONST CONSTRUCTION FOR OTHER REQUIRED CITY OR NEWPORT BEACH REQUIRED J Q 5. Temporary barriers and/or a protective construction fence shall be provided MB MACHINE BOLT W WEST, WIDTH, WIDE where redCONT CONTINUOUS W uired by the Building Department and shall be constructed in CONTR CONTRACTOR MECH MECHANICAL W/ WITH SCOPE OF WORK Z LU W z accordance with the rules, regulations and ordinances governing the place of the D DEEP (DEPTH) MET METAL W/O WITHOUT GENERAL WORK: W Q O MFR MANUFACTURER WC WATER OL05ET • SINGLE STORY ADDITION FAMILY ROOM & NEW DINING ROOM ADDITION O Building. d PENNY �° g DET DETAIL MIN MINIMUM WD WOOD • 2-STORY ADDITION; 1ST FLOOR MASTER BEDROOM SUITE & BATH ROOM. 6. Sanitar facilities shall be provided and maintained b Contractor Burin MISC M15GELLANEOUS WI WROUGHT IRON • RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION MINIMUN REQUIREMENT 0 � 0_ LL y p y g DF DRINKING FOUNTAIN WP WATER PROOF(ING) • CAL GREEN RESIDENTIAL MANDATORY MEASURES 2ND FLOOR 2 - NEW BEDROOMS & BATH ROOM. LLI a - construction per applicable regulations. DF DOUGLAS FIR MO MASONRY OPENING J p pp g MTL METAL WR WATER RE515TANT a STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION GENERAL NOTES & � J Q 7. Contractor shall arrange and a for all temporary utility services and DIAG DIAGONAL WWM WELDED WIRE ME5H ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.: 425-303-15 g pay p y y DIA DIAMETER N NORTH L ANGLE STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION SCHEDULE. SEE SHEET S-1 oZS W (� connections during construction. NAT NATURAL DIM DIMFN51ON N) NEW U) 8. Contractor must verifyall dimensions, elevations and site conditions and shall DN DOWN NIC NOT IN CONTRACT ZONE: R-1 SINGLE-UNIT RESIDENTIAL = NOM NOMINAL E) EXISTING z notifyArchitect of an discrepancies before starting work. DR DOOR N R REPLACEMENT U y p g NRC NOISE REDUGN ( ) Q DTL DETAIL COEFFICIENT OCCUPANCY: R-1 SETBACKS: _J W q. All omissions or conflict between the various elements of the Working Drawings DWG DRAWING NOTE: POOLS, SPA'S, WALLS, FENCES, PATIO COVERS AND OTHER • FRONT- 20'-0" E EAST NTS NOT TO SCALE - N and/or General Notes shall be brought to the attention of the Architect before FREESTANDING STRUCTURES REQUIRE SEPERATE REVIEWS AND PERMITS. proceeding with an work so involved. EA EACH O/ OVER CONSTRUCTION: TYPE V - B . SIDE - 4'-0" A/ � � m P 9 y ELEV ELEVATION OC ON CENTER ALL WORK RELATED TO WASTEWATER IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE • REAR - 10'-0" LL C) C11) 10. General Notes, notes and typical details apply to all drawin s unless noted ELEC ELECTRICAL OD OUT5IDE DIAMETER PERFORMED BY A C-42 LICENSED SANITATION SEWER CONTRACTOR OR AN A • FIRE PROTECTION: NONE W Q N yp pp y g EMER EMERGENCY OPNG OPENING otherwise. EQ EQUAL OPP OPP051TE LICENSED GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR. AREA CALCULATIONS: O II. All A.S.T.M. designations shall be amended to date unless otherwise EW EACH WAY PH PANIC HARDWARE '^ noted. EWC ELEC. WATER PLAST PLA5TER TOTAL LOT AREA = 8,108SQ.FT. V) COOLER PLYWD PLYWOOD LEGEND • TOTAL BUILDABLE AREA = 5,386.5 SQ.FT. 12. Structural Drawings shall be used in conjunction wW with Architectural, Mechanical, EXH EXHAU5T PLATE . MAX. HOUSE BUILDABLE AREA = 10,773 SQ.FT. W and Electrical Drawings. EXIST EXISTING PL PROPERTY LINE (LOT AREA MINUS SETBACKS) 15. Framin conditions not specifically shown shall be framed similar to the EXP EXP05ED PSF POUNDS PER 50. FOOT w Framing p y EXT EXTERIOR PSI POUND5 PER 50. INCH -- (2 TIMES BUILDABLE AREA) o details shown for the respective materials. RTDF PRESS. TREATED DOUG. FIR. f^ ^i • OPEN SPACE REQUIRED = 808 SQ.FT. FD FLOOR DRAIN SECTION INTERIOR ELEVATION 14. Provide openings and support for mechanical eduipment, ducts, piping, vents, etc. PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE - 4 SHT# 2 DIRECTION OF WALLS I AREA ENLARGEMENT • OPEN SPACE PROVIDED = 3,962.5 SQ.FT. FEC FIRE R15ER, RADIU5 A5O WALL NUMBER A-b �- EXISTING HOUSE AREA = 1,438.19 SQ.FT. as required. Refer to Architectural, and Mechanical Drawings for additional EXTINGUISHER RA RETURN AIR openings and eduipment not shown on Structural Drawings. All suspended eduipment CABINET RAD RADIUS 3 • (N) 1ST FLOOR ADDITIONS = 1,373.25 SQ.FT. to be provided with approved lateral bracing. FF FIN15H FLOOR REF REFERENCE (N) 2ND FLOOR ADDITION = 685.0 SQ.FT. FIN FIN15H REFL REFLECTED TOTAL EXISTING & NEW FLOOR AREA = 3,496.44 SQ.FT. 15. DO NOT 5CALE DRAWING5. REINF REINFORGE(ING) ELEVATION 1 EXTERIOR MATERIAL (E) GARAGE AREA = 420.25 SQ.FT. FJ FLOOR JOIST a-s • 16. All dimensions are to face of studs, concrete or masonryunless othFLR FLOOR REQ REQUIRED A COLOR REFERENCE 1 PLAN CHANGE/REVISION ess noerwise. REV REV1510N(5), REVI5ED TOTAL FLOOR AREA (INCLUDING GARAGE) = 3,916.69 SQ.FT. FOC FACE OF CONCRETE 11. Provide 6 or 8 studs, or furring full length of room wall where reduired to FOF FACE OF FIN15H RH RIGHT HAND -� C0 accommodate structural, plumbing and electrical installations. FOM FACE OF MA5ONRY p g A RM ROOM WINDOWS 0 DOORS \ 15. If existing facilities are related to the Work, the Contractor shall not dRO ROUGH OPENING FOS FACE OF 5TUD DETAIL REFERENCE SHEET INDEX Wisrupt the I- existin services or utilities without obtaining the Owner's prior approval and FTG FOOTING g g P PP FUR FURRED(ING) EO EXISTING W 0 instructions in each case. PROPERTY LINE y d P y DEFERRED SUBMITTALS BENCHMARK T-S-1 TITLE SHEET & GENERAL NOTES Iq. Verify sizes and locations of all mechanical a ul ment before construction of an W J T-S-2 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION bases or pads to support each other. NEW = � CENTER LINE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (n 20. Verify all plumbing and eduipment sizes before beginning construction of cabinets. DATUM OR T-S-3 CAL GREEN RESIDENTIAL MANDATORY MEASURES W W NONE 21. Contractor is responsible ELEVATION HEIGHT SU SURVEY J for all coordination between all subcontractors and SETBACK OR w Z trades. HIDDEN LINE REFERENCE Cl EXISTING & PROPOSED DRAINAGE PLAN _jI- W 22. Unless noted otherwise, A-1 EXISTING AND PROPOSED SITE & ROOF PLANS 0 all vestibules, closets, columns, projections, recesses, or A-1.1 AREA CALCULATIONS w other adjacent areas within scheduled areas shall have finishes as scheduled for w the respective spaces in which they occur. A-2 EXISTING & PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS N 25. Anyone supplying labor and/or materials to the Project shall carefully examine all A-2.1 WINDOW, DOOR & FINISH SCHEDULES subsurfaces to receive work. Any conditions detrimental to work shall be VICINITY MAP A-3 PROPOSED FRONT & SIDE ELEVATIONS STAMP: reported in writing to Contractor prior to beginning. Commencement of work shall A-3.1 PROPOSED REAR & SIDE ELEVATIONS imply acceptance of all subsurfaces. „ A-4 SECTIONS 24. Temporary bracing shall not be removed from any elements until the elements is E-1 ELECTRICAL FIXTURE & SWITCHING PLANS capable of supporting its design load. ♦ T-24 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 25. Refer to Architectural, Mechanical and Electrical Drawings for depressed slabs, T-24.1 RESIDENTIAL MANDATORY MEASURES curbs, finishes, textures, clips, grounds, etc. not shown on Structural Drawings. S-1 STRUCTURAL GENERAL NOTES 26. Any material stored at the 51te shall be completed supported free from the S-2 FOUNDATION PLANS ground, covered and otherwise protected to avoid damage from the elements. S-3 2ND FLOOR & ROOF FRAMING PLANS S-4 STRUCTURAL DETAILS 2l. Contractor to prepare S submit separate plans to fire authority for separate S-5 STRUCTURAL DETAILS REV. DESCRIPTION fire sprinkler 4 alarm permits. Provide approval from 5truct. Engr. for roof S-6 STRUCTURAL DETAILS system, approving support locations. SW-1 STRONG WALL DETAILS 28. Prior to the issuance of any building permits for combustible construction, '4 " evidence that a water supply for fire protection is available shall be submitted to and approved by the Fire Chief. Fire hydrants shall be in place and ' operational to meet reduired fire-flow prior to commencing construction with > ,+ combustible materials. - 2ci. The General Contractor shall provide certification to the necessary agencies by a licensed surveyor that setbacks and height limits are in accordance with the ? N approved design and construction documents. Certification shall include foundation 1J setbacks and top of roof sheathing to prove compliance with the approved DIRECTORY APPROVAL'S staking plan, exterior elevations, roof plan and site plan. A certification memo shall be submitted to the City with a copy retained on the jobsite for inspection OWNER/BUILDER ARCHITECT: purposes. ' ip CHRIS STERN • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING DEPT. J.F. GARL50N 50. Not withstanding that roof height certification is taken from roof sheathing, the / 2312 LAUREL PLACE • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH BUILDING DEPT. CHECKED: J.F. CARLSON finish roofing material may not exceed the approved elevations. In order to �f I NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 92663 • CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC WORKS assure that the approved roof elevations are obtained at top out, a certification / / 310-741-1507 DRAWN: • �. �. GADLINKS of the lowest floor elevation by the surveyor is recommended prior to foundation ' ARCHITECT: inspections. 7r J.F. CARLSON ARCHITECTS, INC. DATE: 06-21-2016 41 51. The Insulation Contractor shall post in conspicuous place in the building. A ` /r lames F. Carlson AIA SCALE: state insulation certificate signed by the Insulation Contractor stating that 2300 Cliff Drive the insulation is consistent with theg p Tans and conforms to state regulations. Newport Beach, California 92663 JOB NO: •` " 52. The Builder shall provide the owner with a list of features, materials, Lic: C-1 3773 15-021 I components and mechanical devices installed in the building; instructions on how STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: SHEET to use them efficiently; and maintenance information on those items requiring Abarquez Engineering Corp. routine maintenance for efficient operation. ez T_S_ 1 1 8 EI Corzo Rancho Santa Margarita, CA. 92686 MODIFICATION PERMIT NO. MD2016-008 No Building Permits will be issued till plans are approved for permit. • e • 714-277-9895 (PA 2016-086) OF _ SHEETS 15 PA2016-086 LEGEND i i FF FINISHED FLOOR I I FS FINISHED SURFACE EG EXISTING GRADE 10�55 FL FLOW LINE TX TOP OF X BX BOTTOM OF X SCALE 1" = 10' pP TC TOP OF CURB °ONG TW TOP OF WALL 9�G CONC CONCRETE TWO STORY GM GAS METER G GATE STUCCO RESIDENCE ��2 a ()C\" EG PP POWER POLE 9 � MB MAIL BOX °ONG 0 `.\ WM WATER METER S RP55 0 \` PS PARKING SIGN 92 45 GR PS G o ` ® FD. %4" IRON PIPE TAG FS 10jREE 9 9W :�E G 8100 \ LOT 8 92F5 9�GN9EG 9 gEG EG SN50 \G 1 X ` P PVEFts 36.3 0.5 L g0 64 36„ g2G 9� ZRES 9� EE L1P 9 l N12 w 1 R p6' F O E 9 GM 3 G TRE �1G g2 4� E PLANTER 95G F5 6bQ S 1� 12 g14 s�ONs ' z�G EG # 2312 LAUREL g1�5 -1 s g3 Mg g1. 427 g2 n = FS LOW K WP 9�° t_ EO °ORRPL 9,z 52 = z PLACE g2 82 eR\N 2g FSNGE FS 6 g1 W 38 g2 9� BR\C� 9� o B 12 F 1 0 4DRPN o 9E0 9 FS G 92 52 8293 /\ 9 FS EG g28 0 0 48 O°N s � PLNTR GRPS5 9 \P u; 00GF, LOT 9 SINGLE STORY g1F5 91F5 g1G 90 F 91.39 9A.5B 5 90 40 20„ WOOD & N° F g1 j5 T R5 0 5 W 9o8�\p GRPSS A STUCCO RESIDENCE G° Fgo STUCCO \X g1. C 3g�, 42 GF F 9C 6 X T 9115 8146 g1F5 GARAGE g0? j �8 9p 94 FS F5 � I .\O 8 90 S oo F s 124 i 23 g1 36 GONC g0.34 90 SO GONG 9 FS j 9�F5 F5 a 90 20 L\P F 5 91 15 91.25 0 �v GONG w W 009 Ncjg1 81 81 W ! F�1 P5 F F FS g1. F5 g1. EG gOFg T� SX M� j g1� cc) 5\-O �OGN N40° 00'00"E 129.36' g0?2 , g15 ° �G CHMNY \N w 90 PO % GR PSS L AIV � LOT 10 SINGLE STORY PS 0.F SG 9058 STUCCO RESIDENCE a �� �G * EXP. 9/30/17 * TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY OF LOT 9, TRACT N0. 1188 PER go 1O s No. 4599 M.M. 37/20, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CA. ��Q g0 22 BENCH MARK rF of SCALE 1"=10' ARCHITECT: DRAWN BY M.S. DATE 12-27-2015 REVISED \p 25' ELEVATIONS HEREON ARE REFERENCED TO SURVEYED FOR ORANGE COUNTY BENCH MARK OCS BM / } BACK BAY SURVEYING & MAPPING J.F. CARLSON, AIA TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY FOR N135-14-70, ELEVATION =84.489 (NAVD. 88) ( / 2338 TUSTIN AVENUE FOR CHRIS STERN ARCHITECTURAL PURPOSES ONLY. 1992 ADJUSTMENT. DOUGLA 0. FOST0 P.L.S. 4599 NEWPORT BEACH,CA.92660 1C PA2016-086 JFCARLSONARCHITEC-FS IN James F. Carlson AIA jfcarlson@roadrunner.com 100,4 100'-b (E) 8"BLOCK 2300 Cliff Drive K&LL Newport Beach PROPERTY LINE (E) 5"BLOCK California 92663 WALL PROPERTY LINE tel 949.645.3051 ?ZO�s11 miirii/7�jmimrmTrrrriir� imrrmr�nirrriimiimm�mTii/7z1/7Tiimmmrr�iiTT1L /1ZC! — — — — — — 117TLLID.LLZ�7T11T1/11T71/IILL�T/SIT7 lOTi�m �r/7im-iimrmrrrr�llTl.GG'IZLLTS�TlIDT1Oj lLI77112T11II�IIlllOT fax 949.645.4851 (E) TREE (E) TREE '^ jfcarlsonarchitects.com \ I CALIFORNIA LICENSE NO. C-13773 These drawings, specifications, designs, \ I \ ideas and representations found herein RIDGE LINE RIDGE LINE are the sole property of the architect.It is Q Q unlawful to copy in whole or part, modify or share the contents without expressed \ m \ m written consent of the architect.02016 Ln ROOF ROOF \ W_ I SLOPE SLOPE ' 1 313' \ N 1 \ ` (E) 2 GAR \ (E) 2 GAR W N \ GARAGE GARAGE \ J Q L - - - - - - J - - _ J L - - - - _ — J - - - - - - - - ZW W Z \ W U � O \ \ Q 2 Q O LL (E) CONCRETE \ (E) CONCRETE W a J \ DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY cl� J Q 06W U \ `\ - W z j = \ i i O Q U 1 \ I II �� J W \ (E) ROOF 0 m F \ I — —1- -_- - - - -- 0 M \ / RIDGE LINE \ w Q N \ —/ - - - - � F ILYR O ❑❑ O 13 (E) 6"FENCE \ �/� \ �f/ KITCHEN 0000 A V J (E) ROOF \ I `\ /{ BEDROOM 2 W Z LLJ (E) ROOF I I I 0 L — — L _ (E) b"FENCE I (E) CONCRETE \ \ I RIDGE LINE DRIVEWAY I RIDGE LINE R I f I(E) R F IA FF- - - - - — — — — 1 — — — — — — — — — — — — — \\ I RIDGE LINE PROPERTY TREE \ L LIVING ROOM (E) CONCRETE LINE I DRIVEWAY \ (E) ROOF 1 I 12" OVERHANG I I \ W U) \ (E) PC, FI ENTRY BEDROOM 1 I Z \ b-T PROPERTY LINE j O 8-7 Q \ 1 Ur (E) PLANTER — � ZLL \ L -- -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - O co 0 ` OUTLINE OF (F)—", 15" OVERHANG X ROOF ABOVE \ W o6 \ PROPERTY LINE w Cl) m Q \ STAMP: C) REV. DESCRIPTION / PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE O / LAUREL PLACE / LAUREL PLACE / ARCHITECT: J.F. GARL50N CHECKED: J.F. GARL50N EXISTING ROOF PLAN PHOTO OF EXISTING GARAGE , EXISTING SITE PLAN DRAWN: GADLINK5 L 50ALE /8"=1'-O" „ / I 50ALE / NORTH / NORTH DATE: 07-OS-2016 SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" JOB NO: 15-021 SHEET A- 1 . 0 OF SHEETS 1� PA2016-086 James F. Carlson AIA jfcarlson@roadrunner.com 00'-64" 00-64 (E) 8"BLOCK 2300 Cliff Drive WALL Newport Beach 5'-0" UTILITY (E) 8"BLOCK California 92663 PROPERTY LINE 5'-O" UTILITY L 7T1U7Z[[7�7T1C/7Z[/JTiimrm�rririirTL[ mi�rmTnrii EA5EMENT 7TIC i7Z[17� WALL — — NT m1I77��rriimrmr�rii���mii�nrmTnri�lz7�la[�Yr�/1z77/�rr�PROPERTY L arm/ EASEME/=/ �lzT��mii> rr�m� - tel 949.645.3051 _: [fax 949.645.4851 OUTLINE OF (N) 2ND (E) TREE m F— — — (E) TREE m p fcarlsona chitects com \ _ STORY ROOF ABOVE I V \ in CALIFORNIA LICENSE NO. C-13773 — — — — — — — — — — — — — _ _ _ _ — — — — — — — — — — — — — O Q \— — — — — — —0 O— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - -- — — — — — — — — — — — OUTLINE OF N ! Q = ! w ! Q = These drawings, specifications, designs, O w I I O W O m OUTLINE OF (N) 2ND SINGLE STORY SHED — BLDG. WALL - — — - ideas and representations found herein ROOF BELOW N I I N — STORY ABOVE (E) 2 GAR P I —RIDGE LINE I I— — \ r l GARAGE are the sole property of the architect.di y unlawful to copy in whole or part, modify O I I r r 7 \ O or share the contents without expressed (N) SINGLE [ \ \ p written consent of the architect.©2016 STORY ADDITION \ us I GARAGE ❑ ❑� 1.'... .: BLDG. WALL \ �_ ' ROOF i ROOF ' I I ❑� \ �_ SLOPE I SLOPE O 3 I O PATIO. u II X I : LEI M RIDGE LINE q'( II I if3ATF� \ BAr,H 5 PUP..' CO LL \ 1 \ J MASTER BEDROOM \ I I L — ❑� BEDROOM-3 BEDROOM-4 ❑� \ L O I SUITE Uj (N) 2ND STORY ADDITION BLDG. WALL O & j J Q FIN \\�f cel O T — O I 2 5T PS UP Z w Lu Z 5� \ U 00-0 HALLWAY F— — /. . / \ j7CLOSET— —.PULL DOWN ATTIC OP N \ FOYER /' w O /.. '.'.. \ 0 � Q O AG B OW OUTLINE OF L I� 1' .. :. \ W \1LL '. �. . (E) CONCRETE \ (E) CONCRETE a J = CLOSET OUTLINE P RIDGE.LINE.::.. ..._: . DRIVEWAY DN DRIVEWAY .I. I 1 \ - - 11 . is . . � A 06 W Q OUTLINE OF /. : . .:. . . .. ;: I f: . .:.: EAVE \ I . \.I. \\ I I N.J. C \ 1- EAVE NE OF U RIDGE LINE DINE Q LAU — \ /\ z OUTLI O / : ...I. NDRY \ � 241-411.. � I F— C.,4LLI (E) ROOF ` 2ND STORY ADDITION �- — i/. :. : I:. 0 D U BAR � :. ...� ..— M m 0 I— �. / �. W Q RIDGE LINE 2 SCALE /8"=1'-O" — —I CV _ —. NORTH \ \ \ AMI ROOM - - \ / EIEI v J (E) ROOF KITCHEN o O \ ` FLAT SCREEN N \ \ ` O °° A H BEDROOM 2 I` %i LL] Li (E) ROOF (E) b"FENCE — I ) : . . . ,.: (E) b"FENCE 0 a RIDGE LINE �. . R I(E) R ORIDGE LINE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I. . L - - - - (E) TREE \ L - - - - - - n n n n \ ' .RIDGE LINE LIVING ROOM L .. (E) CONCRETE w PROPERTY LINE .I , (E) CONCRETE O I DRIVEWAY(E) ROOF — — . •`— DRIVEWAY Q Z C 12" OVERHANG 0� — G Q z Q 1 \ 1 fn \ (E) R F' 1 PROPERTY ENTRY BEDROOM 1 I V LINE I O 1 . . .... . Ur 8'-1'', PROPERTY LINE LLI Q O I (E) PLANTER z C) \ L - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - I_ - -J ` L - - - - - - - - - — 2 S PS:U.,IgT U \ " D D OUTLINE OF (E) IS" OVERHANG;, . ::. z 0 Q ROOF ABOVE O \ w J LINE Q PROPERTY U)� w W w Nz U ONz STAMP: + w + w \ N N . REV. DESCRIPTION O PROPERTY LINE O PROPERTY LINE OLAUREL PLACE O LAUREL PLACE ARCHITECT: O O J.F. GARLSON CHECKED: J.F. GARLSON OHO EXISTING & PROPOSED ROOF PLAN , O^O EXISTING & PROPOSED SITE PLAN DRAWN: GADLINKS 2 5GALE /8"=1'-O" I 5GALE /8"=1'-O" / NORTH / NORTH DATE: 01-OS-2016 U' SCALE: JOB NO: 5-021 SHEET A- 1 OF SHEETS 1g PA2016-086 James F. Carlson AIA jfcarlson@roadrunner.com 00'-64" 00-64 (E) 8"BLOCK 2300 Cliff Drive (E) 8"BLOCK WALL Newport Beach WALL California 92663 5'-0" UTILITY 5'-0" UTILITY —� PROPERTY LINE — — PROPERTY LINE tel 949.645.3051 EASEMENT EASEMENT ", — LCT/ LC!/71CIL_L�T7J777UJ1//1IL17�/T�771CT/ CLIT7J17L_LI�T�T7Z, / LL777 1LT/ 11T/ LLIT7/17SLL�/71CT%/1IL17�/T�T71CT/ C/I/7/1ITLlZ�TII7T7LCT/ / LLIT7/T//mTmr//T11,T _r (E) TREE n fax 949.645.4851 m (E) TREE jfcarlsonarchitects.com \ \ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CALIFORNIA LICENSE NO. C-1377) O 0] Q O O m OUTLINE OF (N) 2ND O These drawings, specifications, designs, � 3.3' — w — — ideas and representations Found herein N N _ STORY ABOVE p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are the sole property of the architect.It is \\ r - (E) 2 GAR \\ r I (N) 2 GAR unlawful to copy in whole or part, modify O r 7 or share the contents without expressed \ \ m GARAGE r \ \ 1770 GARAGE written consent of the architect.©2016 N \ \ 0 I,...: :: O ❑� ❑� I :..: ::. II (3ATF� ❑� ❑❑ \ I \ \ i L. . .. \ i L. . .. PATIO.' I O PATLO.' O BAr.H I': rn M PUP' p f3ATF� \ 5 PUP..' \ \ J MASTER BEDROOM L \ \ J MASTER BEDROOM Q — I n L � \ SUITE — I O Uj N \ � \ I m L_ — ❑� BEDROOM-3 BEDROOM-4 ❑� SUITE � \ I O 20'-0" 4'-O" O I 1 � � ° O o Z W W Z 2 S PS UP /.�: \ .. LINEN yrL \ I 2 ST PS UP — Uj \ \ \ CLOSET FOYER I `. I _� \ CL U —I . . .. ... . HALLWAY — — —I \ �- - - - - / �C \ \ \ 00-0 L - - - C Q O PUL O N OSET FOYER —.,.. , — —. OUTLINE OF \I L I� 25' 0" AG L D g PpW OUTLINE OF \I L I� ... . / \'': C a LL OWN ATTIC G \ (E) GONGRETE \ (E) GONGRETE W J CLOSET OUTLINE UP TU DN GLOSET OUTLINE UP ,. RNING RARIUS :: DRIVEWAY \ \ DRIVEWAY J _44 _ l : .. ..:... ...:. . :. Q LI - - 06 W v 1011 /44 W _ \ \\: CO z OUTLINE OF \ \ O L J. OUTLINE OF \ \ O L . EAVE -. EAVE (N) DINING RM. � . . / (N) DINING RM. � . . { O Q U \ ADDITION I `\ ADDITION I — —i Q LAUNDRY 0\ I ! I I \ LAUNDRY \ III r� 24 4" Z F � W 2ND STORY ADDITION U—IJ I� TURNI G:RADIUS — m BAR — y-- \ •,0 BAR 2 SCALE akC Q N .- _ I /: w \ I AMI ROOM - NORTH \\ AMI ROOEIEI M \ L3 Ell- \ I KITCHEN o0 o A =:1.. : `. .: KITCHEN o0 o A H FLAT SCREEN N \ I BEDROOM 2 `' FLAT 5GREEN TV \ \ ` BEDROOM 2 I` W ,�Q•G '.L .. �p.G '.1. ... w iLI (E) b"FENCE I (E) b"FENCE a RIDGE LINE I. R105E LINE (E) TREE \ L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ° ° (E) TREE \ L - - - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - - - pp qq qp LIVING ROOM .. .,_. (E) CONCRETE LIVING ROOM OVO��IIQOV�V^ IIfIIOV .. L. (E) CONCRETE W \ I DRIVEWAY \ I DRIVEWAYSIM L `:.L. \ I 12" OVERHANG I. 12" OVERHANG Q z Q ENTRY BEDROOM 1 O ENTRY BEDROOM 1 i O Z) rn PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE Q \ ( ) PLANTER \ ( ) PLANTER I I . E P I I . E P z > � Z OUTLINE OF (E) IW OVERHAi.NG OUTLINE OF (E) IS" OVERHAN%G O Q ROOF ABOVE ROOF ABOVE \ Li PROPERTY PROPERTY \ LINE \ LINE J Q X w W \ \ w \ \ STAMP: \ \ mU LU \ \ m + REV. DESCRIPTION / / \ PROPERTY LINE � PROPERTY LINE J / LAUREL PLACE / LAUREL PLACE ARCHITECT: J.F. GARL50N / EXISTING & PROPOSED SITE PLAN / EXISTING & PROPOSED SITE PLAN CHECKED: J.F. GARLSON W/ (E) NON-CONFORMING GARAGE , W/ (N) CONFORMING GARAGE DRAWN: CADLINKS L SCALE : /8"=1'-O" I 5CALE 1/8"=1'-O" / NORTH / NORTH DATE: Ob-30-2016 U' SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" JOB NO: I5-021 SHEET A- 1 . 2 MODIFICATION PERMIT NO. MD2016-008 (PA 2016-086) OF _ SHEETS ?9 PA2016-086 L- E James F. Carlson AIA jfcarlson@rocidrunner.com 2300 Cliff Drive Newport Beach California 92663 MAXIMUM ROOF HT tel 949.645.3051 fax 949.645.4851 (N) CLASS "A" jfcarlsonarchitects.com ASPHALT SINGLES TO CALIFORNIA LICENSE NO. C-13773 MATCH EX15TINO These drawings, specifications, designs, ideas and representations found herein are the sole property of the architect. It is unlawful to copy in whole or part,modify or share the contents without expressed written consent of the architect.©2016 2ND FLOOR O CEILING HT. INN rt (E) CHIMNEY NO 4-IM MAXIMUM (N) FALSE MODIFICATIONS CHIMNEY CSO W N Q QQ D o-) (E) MAJOR RIDGE U J Q AO- 0 W nZ m Q O 20 FL .F. W (E) MINOR RIDGE Q W Ja LL (N) ADDITION (E) b' HIGH WOOD TRIM. ' 06 W I5T Ft.. CEILIN6 BLOCK v LINE WALL U _ a BATHROOM F.C.E Z (E) HOOD Q Q Q FENCE � LU O A o WQN � \ / I— O 0 of - OOR LINE (N) ADD1710NF.F. - - - - - - - - = - = - - - - - - - - - - w (E) FINISHED r/1 o FL V GRADE (E) 10" P05T5 (E) SIDING w Z 4'-0" 1 STORY (N) 2 STORY ADDITION (F) 2 STORY ADDITION EXI5TIN6 EXI5TIN6 EXISTING REMAINS EXI5TIN6 EXI5TIN6 (E) DRIVEWAY o (E) 51DE ADDITIO OBSCURED VIEW a ANGLE d 5ETBAGK PROPERTY PROPERTY LINE LINE EXISTING & PROPOSED FRONT ELEVATION O z 1 SCALE : I/4"=1'-O" Q Q J W W J Z W O W MAX. ROOF HT. � 0 120.64' (N) ATTIC, VENT LL (n (N) CEMENT FIBER (N) 2X12 FASCIA z z SLIDING 12 � Q� U) co w X X Ld W W (N) CLASS "A" N ASPHALT 51N&LE5 TO MATCH EXI5TIN6 GEILI 6 HT. STAMP: 21-0111 (N) FALSE - M CHIMNEY O (E)ATTIC VENT VERHA ❑❑ ©� (E) MAJOR RIDGE f (E) ROOF �■ ■� Q BEYOND - s TOP OF r (N) ROOF SMOOTH N n REV. DESCRIPTION (E) MINOR RIDGE n (E) STUCCO g_ (E) STUCCO 2ND FL.F_F. it ® ROO Q - - - - - - - - FHT 12 5 I T FL. CEILING LINE BATHROOM F.C.E \ ��� ��� O �© WODFE 0 01 R 19 'LIKIM ) bHHOP ry - FENCE �■� ... . . 0 Q ©� (N) SMOOTH ©� ©❑ �� O (E) STUCCO e® A STUGO ©© m ©❑ �� �0 0 ® (E) 5T0000 ARCHITECT: 0 o O J.F. GARL50N FINISHED FLOOR o - — - - . - - - - -.- - - - - -.- - - - - - -.- - n FINISHED F ® ADDI ION 0122' CHECKED: J F CARLSON NAT. GRADE LINE NAT. E 011.7 EXISTING EXISTING (N) PANTRY (N) DINING RM. SECTION (N) 2 STORY ADDITION 10'-0" CALCULATED AVO. DRAWN: CADLINK5 ELEVATION 91.64 ADDITION ADDITION REAR 5ETBAGK DATE: 03-21-2016 SCALE: 1/4"=1'-O" JOB NO: I5-021 EXISTING & PROPOSED SIDE ELEVATION SHEET L SCALE I/4"=1'—O" A-3 OF SHEETS 20 PA2016-086 L- E James F. Carlson AIA jfcarlson@rocidrunner.com 2300 Cliff Drive Newport Beach MAXIMUM California 92663 ROOF HT tel 949.645.3051 fax 949.645.4851 jfca rl sonarch itects.com CALIFORNIA LICENSE NO. C-13773 These drawings, specifications, designs, ideas and representations found herein are the sole property of the architect. It is unlawful to copy in whole or part,modify or share the contents without expressed written consent of the architect.©2016 _I I I L I I I I 1_ _ _I I I L I L L L 1-12ND FLOOR CEILING LINE (N) FALSE (E) CHIMNEY NO CHIMNEY MODIFICATIONS TOP OF WINDOWS TYP. � = W N o� J Q .. - . . w (N) ROOF_® DINING �ROOMADDI - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - m 2ND FLOOR W0 Q O (N) ROOF aPAN Y - - - - - - - - LI G _ GEILIN6 NE Q LLADDITION ST FL. CEILING a J SMOOTH WOOD J STUCCO TRIM w w U Z _ Q Q Q Uj XR (N) C7 WOOD °j O W Q N TRIM TYPICAL o / Q FINIS ED F . I I A v, ql 64' CALCULATED_ — — — — — — — 1164' CALCULATED AVG. ELEVATION ,36' (E) N.6. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — L 1' NAIVRAL — SAVE. ELEVATION z (E) DRIVEWAY EX15TINO EXI5TIN6 (N) ANTRY ADDI ION (N) DINING RM. ADDITION 51NGLE STORY gl.45' (E) N.G. (N) 2 STORY ADDITION (N) INGLE 5T Y 6'-0" PROPERTY GRADE w 1[ el 11ADDITION SETBACK ® ANGLE LINE p PROPERTY LINE EXISTING & PROPOSED REAR ELEVATION 0 SCALE : 1/4"=1'-0" z � O w � U Q O > O —j 0� w 120.64' MAXIMUM0- w -""'ROOF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - ROOF HT (N) ATTIC VENT 06 0 Q EO z06 12 Cj T (n Q X w (N) GLASS "A" w w Q� ASPHALT 51NOLE5 TO N MATCH EXISTING STAMP: D4CHIMNEYS ■■ (N) ROOF TO v 4� o NOM DIF CATIONS MATCH EXI5TIN6 O OD (E) ROOF 4 ■■ a o 0 n ROOF 12 �pQ �0 p - - - - - PITCH 5D mREV. DESCRIPTION 10321N) 2ND — — LEVEL Ff oIMN p: (E) STUCCO 1 a- p O RHAN - - STUCCO SMOOTH _ _ - STUCCO FINISHED) *92.93' F.F. (E) HOUSE FL. o m FLNISHED fLOOR'TO ARCHITECT: Fn �M r-rH EXISTING 2.52 F.S. ® FRONT PORCH 1111 -$g 1 F GARL50N ql b4' ) ql.�' NATURAL _ - — —.— — — ELEVAiIvE.ADE Q CHECKED: I.I.F. GARLSON 10'-0" (N) 2 STORY ADDITION CONCRETE (N) SINGLE STORY ADDITION (OBSCURED VIEW 0 ANGLE EXISTING PLANTER EXISTING PORCH CRETE +/- 34' FRONT SETBACK PROPERTY DRAWN: LINE GADLINKS REAR SETBACK q TO PROPERTY CORNER PROPERTY DATE: 03-18-2016 LINE SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" 2 EXISTING & PROPOSED SIDE ELEVATION JCB N0: 15-021 L 50ALE : 1/4"=1'-O" SHEET A-3 . 1 OF SHEETS 21 Zoning Administrator - August 11, 2016 Item No. 1a Additional Materials 2312 Laurel Place Modification Permit (PA2016-086) From: Jeff Stevens <jstevens767@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 12:51 PM To: Lee, David Cc: Mackinen,Traci; Will Wheeler Subject: 2312 Laurel Place, Modification Permit No. MD2016-008 Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Dear Mr. Lee, Zoning Administrator and associated staff, Because I will be out of the country on the hearing date, below are comments from my point of view (I am also commenting here as my neighbor, more significantly effected than 1, currently lives out of state): Because- 1. The existing garage is more than 6' into the required 10' rear setback 2. The house size is being increased by more than 2,000 s.f. 3. The height maximum is being exercised all the way to the minimum required rear setback, and 4. Windows on the second floor are placed in such a way as to compromise the privacy of adjacent lot inhabitants Two (2) 24" box screening trees that reach 24 feet at maturity (not much more due to nearby power lines) are requested on each side of the existing tree at the border with the 5' utility easement in order to minimize loss of privacy as a result of the expansion. Such trees may include Peppermint willow, Red Ironbark or other similarly sized species determined by a landscape architect that will provide some degree of privacy to and from the subject property. Thank you for your consideration, Jeff Stevens 2307 E. 16th St. Newport Beach, CA 92663 t Zoning Administrator - August 11,2016 Item No. lb Additional Materials 2312 Laurel Place Modification Permit (PA2016-086) From: Lee, David Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 2:05 PM To: Mackinen,Traci Subject: FW: PA2016-086, 2312 Laurel Place Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged From: Chris Budnik Finailto:clbudnik2003(cbvahoo.coml Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 1:44 PM To: Lee, David Subject: PA2016-086, 2312 Laurel Place Hello David, I am in favor of allowing the owner at 2312 Laurel to expand their house more than 10% without meeting the required 20ft x 20ft garage requirement. Thank You, Christopher L Budnik 2215 East 16th Street i Zoning Administrator - August 11, 2016 Item lo. 1 c Additional Materials Zoning Administrator Resolution No. ZA2016-### 2312 Laurel Place Modification Permit(PA2016-086) Page 2 of 7 SECTION 3. REQUIRED FINDINGS. In accordance with Section 20.52.050.E (Modification Permits) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, the following findings and facts in support of such findings are set forth: Finding: A. The requested modification will be compatible with existing development in the neighborhood. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The addition would increase the dwelling size by 2,058 square feet to allow for a new dining room, expanded family room, and new master bedroom suite on the first floor, as well as two new bedrooms on the second floor. The proposed addition will comply with all applicable development standards, including height, setbacks, and site coverage. The proposed addition will not create the need for a third parking space and will not intensify the nonconforming parking. 2. The proposed addition will increase the total floor area of the property, including the garage, to approximately 3,916 square feet, significantly below the maximum allowable floor area of 10,773 square feet. 3. Laurel Place consists of single-story and two-story single-family residences. The 685-square-foot second story addition will not exceed the maximum 29-foot height limit for the Zoning District and is consistent with the design and height of other properties in the neighborhood. 4. The existing development on the property is a single-story, single-family dwelling with a detached two-car garage and no change to the density would result. Finding: B. The granting of the modification is necessary due to the unique physical characteristic(s) of the property and/or structure, and/or characteristics of the use. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The existing two-car garage was compliant with the setback standards of the Orange County Zoning Code when it was constructed in 1948. When the lot was annexed from the County in 1956, the garage became legal, nonconforming due to the encroachment into the rear setback. The interior dimensions of the existing two-car garage were compliant with the Newport Beach Zoning Code at the time of annexation nonstrurtion in 19481956. As a result of amendments to the Zoning Code in 2010, the two-car garage is now substandard in size, and is therefore legal nonconforming. 03-08-2016 Zoning Administrator - August 11, 2016 Item NP. 1c Additional Materials ZoningAdministrator Resolution No. ZA2016-### 2312 Laurel Place Modification Perm it(PA201 6-086) Page 3 of 7 2. A modification permit is necessary because the garage is a nonconforming accessory structure due to its encroachments into the side and rear setbacks and cannot be expanded in size. Section 20.38.040 (C) of the Zoning Code states that structural alterations to nonconforming accessory structures are not allowed. Therefore, in order for the garage to be brought to conformance with current parking requirements, it FRS# would have to be completely demolished and relocated to comply with the setbacks. 3. The relocation of the garage is difficult due to the unique-orientation between the residence and the garage.PhYG'Gal GhaFa^+o.,G+,^6 of the ^ pei4y andGUF o + '^^^"^^ of the Fesid^^^^ The relocation of the garage to comply with current setbacks would significantly reduce the turning radius in the open space between the garage and existing residence. This would make it difficult for vehicles to make a proper turnout and force vehicles to back up in reverse towards the street. The existing location of the garage has a turning radius large enough for a proper turnout and allows for vehicles to safely drive in a forward direction towards the street. 4. The granting of the Modification Permit is necessary to allow a reasonable addition to an existing dwelling that was constructed in compliance with garage standards in effect at the time of original construction, and that are adequate in width for the parking of two (2) vehicles. Additionally, the long driveway in front of the garage allows for additional on-site parking spaces. Finding: C. The granting of the modification is necessary due to practical difficulties associated with the property and that the strict application of the Zoning Code results in physical hardships that are inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Code. Facts in Support of Finding: 1. The proposed addition is for the principal structure, which is detached from the existing garage, and does not directly result in the need to modify the garage located at the rear of the lot. 2. Due to the nonconforming status of the accessory garage structure, increasing the width and depth of the garage to dimensions of 20 feet wide and 20 feet deep to satisfy current parking size requirements would require a complete demolition of the existing garage. This will result in a significant increase in the scope of work in order to increase the garage width by six inches and the garage depth by seven inches. 3. The existing garage provides two (2) useable garage spaces with dimensions only slightly less than the requirement and fulfills the intent of the Zoning Code by providing adequate parking on-site. The driveway is approximately 95 feet deep by 8 feet 7 inches wide, which serves as additional on-site parking spaces. Approval 03-08-2016