HomeMy WebLinkAboutNBCC CorrespondenceP. ARNSEN EILAK EI Y " JOSEPH MANCINI NOEL K. IICIRGEPSON* PAU L K. WALK INS* "A RF ONO SSIO IAL CORPORATION LAW OFFICINB CIN WA T KIINS-I, BLA KELYI & TOMG ERS O N, IJLFII SUITE 8](1 535 ANTCN BIC ULEVARL CC STA MESA, CALMORNIA 92(l -W14 1 TELEPHCINE (7 I z ' 59-080(1 HACS]MILE (1]4) 6� 1-4013 F etlruary 2, 2010 Marian Burgesori, Chair Charter Update Commissions c/o City ofINewport Beach 3100 Newport Bculevard Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 Re; C Harter Updal c C ommission Dear Hononatlla Chair Berguson: I am iff a current Chair of l the Newport Baa ah Chamber of Coma arcia. AL THOR'S EN TIENSICIN 2108 AUTHOR E N AIIL AUCIRNSS: Paul@ law Mari rl.com Itip://www.lawlri4ri(i.com Filet a.�Idministrailion Charleir Arnundmeint 743 (Nciwport Beach Municipal Code Suction 21.24.010) (which was adoplad almlost 55 years ago) ruadsl as follows: "3.24.010 Appropriation of Runds to Chamber of Corrlrr ence. The funds v%- ich the City Cc unci) may in its discretion appuc priate to 1l he local Cr amlbe u of Commerce for promotion, pr. blicity, advert ising, anc enterlainme1n1 purposes fclr the benefit of the City shall be limited to thEl sum of tvulc thousand four hL ndred dellaus ($2,4C0.00' Annually. illnitiative Cud. 743; ac opiled ty a vote of 11 he peciple on March 19, '1955)" It is M understanlding that the City now promideis firlanaiial support and ,iponsorslh:ipl to a mumbler of ciNic-splinted eNicints/organizatilomi, Euchl as: (1) Tha Toslhitla ($5O,0(1O); (2) Relstaw ant Vel ook (1$1160, 000); (:I) the Newport/Erlseniadar Racier (1110,000); Ms. Marian &rgescir, Chair Chlarle r Update Camni issian Fet ruc iry, I, 2110 1lage -� - (4; the Films FeAiival ($50,0(10); and (5; the OC Maratrlon ($100,000). The Chamber is not nequasting funds at prlesclnt, but bel ievles that - in lighlt of the benie Ilts and famonable publlicligj the City recicives from such events as the Boat Aarlade, Police Apprelcliation Breakfast, Menton for a Day Prognaml, Athletic Awards) Breakfkst, Scholarship) A wards Bivakfasl, Plighl of the Ilaseni Boat Rlaclel, Ewiig n Intermediate Schlaol Chlaraclteil C ounts Awards, ClFiizen of the Mclar Gala, Pite and Marine Appneciat:ioni Buaclh Party, Sandcastle Cor.ltest, the Taslta ofNawport arid other civic -spirited Chamtlesn-,sponsored elvenitsl — the Chlamtlen should not tlel any ),clad eligible to apply for City) support than) the olherl uvlentshlorganiaalions listed atlome. Aciclorldingllyl, the Chamtbur neslpeetfullyl ruquesltsl that the Charter Update Commission clonlsidet the rcipeal ofl Charter) A rclndmenit 743 (Newport Buaclh Municipal Code Secltion 21.24.010) and thle addition of aI Charter pvovision ailong the following limes: "Not-for-prlofit community) oig an:iaalions slhall t1u plermlitled to apply for City finanicial support and sponsovihipl of particular evenits presented by such organizations whclra such elvents pinomlote, publicize, anharclel the imlage arid relputation ofd and otherwise blenelfill the City." Thank Wu fon considering thi s nequeist. Silnscerlelyl, 0 4�4"� Paull KI. Watkins Chairs, Newport Beach Chlamben of Camrnence PKW J ag RI: IPKWIPKWI AersonaA1%I wport Reach City of IL, r liergeson 02C JONBCQ Chartar Ugaate.aoc