HomeMy WebLinkAboutE2021-0130 - Permits (2)yaF51 ,,. City of Newport Beach - Building Division Address: PO BOX 2450 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92580 Permit Counter Phone (949)644-3288 Phone: Phone: er�4.lkJnk'j!' Con State Lie: Job Address: 2500 SALERNO Bldg: 1 Floor: Suite: Description of Work: ELEC REPLACE DISCONNECTS (H2O20.0126) Inspector Area: 4 Legal Description: TR 12309 LOT 3 POR OF LOT Owner: IAC AT JAMBOREE LLC Contractor: Address: PO BOX 2450 Address: NEWPORT BEACH CA 92580 0 to 1 HP/KW/KVA: Phone: Phone: 0 Con State Lie: Issued Date:02/17/2021 Lie Expire: $0.00 Bus Lie: Processed By: Lie Exp Date: *E2021-0130* U M AIR INC 12211 WOODRUFF AVE DOWNEY CA 90241 562-413-1235 1050013 02/28/2023 BT30061455 12131/2021 New Construction 0 $0.00 Receptacle/Switch/Outlets Residential 0 to 1 HP/KW/KVA: 0 Receptacles/Outlets: 0 $0.00 Multi -Family: 0 $0.00 Fixtures: 0 $0.00 1-2 Family: 0 $0.00 Sep Circuits: 0 $0.00 $37.00 Supplemental Fee: Low Voltage 0 $0.00 Service Signs 0-600V up to 20OA: 0 $0.00 Branch Circuit: 0 $0.00 0-600V over 20OA: 0 $0.00 Each Add Circuit: 0 $0.00 Over 600V or 1000A: 0 $0.00 Time Clocks: 0 $0.00 0/H to U/G 0 $0.00 Additional Fee : $0.00 TOTAL Fee: .00 Electrical Permit: E2021-0130 Project No: Inspection Requests Phone (949)644-3255 Code Edit: 2019 @1 Worker's Compensation Insurance ffi Carrier: INSURANCE CO OF THE WEST Policy No: WSA505712900 s P Expire : 09/13/2021 FEES 0 $0.00 Motore/Transformere (HP/KVA) 10 0 to 1 HP/KW/KVA: 0 $0.00 1 to 10 HP/KW/KVA: 0 $0.00 10 to 50 HP/KW/KVA: 0 $0.00 50 to 100 HP/KW/KVA: 0 $0.00 Over 100 HP/KW/KVA: 0 $0.00 Piggy Backrremp Power: 0 $0.00 Temp Power Pole: 0 $0.00 Temp Underground: 0 $0.00 Sub Panel: 10 $280.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 Record Mgmt Fee: $0.00 Plan Check Fee: $0.00 Investigation Fee: $0.00 Issuance Fee: $37.00 Supplemental Fee: $0.00 Fee Due at Permit Issuance : PERMITS EXPIRE 180 DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE OR LAST VALID INSPECTION Construction Hours: Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m, to 6:30 p.m. and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. aweN e,lue V pezpo4lnV jo s,leumo Apedad lupd 1u96V pazpoglnV io jaum0 Apedad 10 elnleu ,sesodlnd uopoodsul jo; Apadad pal;Buepl-enoge a4l jalue of Alunoo jo Allo 5141 JO senpeluesaidaj azuoglne 1 ,uollowlsuo0 6ulPllnq of Bugelw smel elels pus saoueulpio Alunoo pus Alp elgeolldde Ile 411m Aldwoo of aw6e I JOQUJOO sl PBPIAad eAe4 I uollewiolul a43 pus uolleoildde s!43 Peal ane4 1 ;Ieyaq sdeumo Apadad 94) uo loe of pezpoglne jo jaumo Apedad egl we I :Bulmollo; eql;o yoea of A;Ipao 1 'molaq amleuBls Aw sseippy s,lepueq aLUEN s,JOPl '(apoo IIAIo 'L60E uoBOeS) penssl 81 llwied 9141 yolgm jo; Niom 94);o eouewoped eql jo; Aoua6e 6ulpuel uogowlsuoo a sl ajagl IB41,Onped;o Alleuad japun wnge Agar ADN30V ONION31 NOIlonuSN00 ONIONV03M M011 V10 ale(] ;0 SUOISInmd asogl gllm Aldwoo 411mgpo; Ile4s I 'apo(] jogeq 84110 OOLE uoBOaS;o SUOISIAwd uollesuadwoo ,sua>jom eql of loafgns awooaq pinogs 11! ' pus 'e1wo;Beo;o smel uollesuadwoo ,sues Nom eql of loafgns awooaq of 9e os jauuew Aue ul uosiad Aue Aoldwe lou llegs I 'penssl sl llwjad slgl golgm jo; Miom ayl;o aoumuoped 941 ul 'le4l A;lyao 1u96V;0 jequlnN 40110d :we jagwnu Aollod PUB japieo 9ouemsl jo4esuadwoo ,sjeljom Airy "panssl sl lluued slql golym jo;.>liom agl;o souelwoped egl jo; 'apoo jogeg Qq) ;0 OOL£ uolloaS Aq pajinbai as 'aouemsul uollesuadwoo ,sje%jom ulelulaw BIM PUB ane4 I� 'oN AollOd 'penssl sl llwad slyl yolgm jo; ljom eql )o eouewLope Iql jo; 'apoo jogeq a43 10 OOL£ uolloaS Aq jol popinoid se suoOeleN IelLlenpul ;o joloail(] sol Aq pensel 'uo0esuadwoo ,sje>jom jo; wnsul-;las of luesuoo ;o aleolliva0 a ulelulew IBM pus ane4 I I :9uollejepep 6ulmollo; aql jo auo /unfied;o Allaued japun wljje Agwa4 '9334 9.A3NHO11V C1NV'199H31NI'3000 LOeVl 3H1 A09OLC NO11339 Ni eOd 0301AOMd BV 930VWV0'NOIIVSN3dWOO JO 1s0 3H101 NOIIIOOV NI'(000'ooW Bev-noa ONVenOHl 03e0NnH 3NO Ol do 89NIA 1IAIO ONV 93111VN3d IVNIWIND Ol H3AOldW3 NV ioaren911VHa ONV'lndMVINn 9130VM3AOO NO11VSN3dW00 sm3)tlom 3eno39 O13mnliv4 ONINUM 14011Vab'1030 N0l1VSN3dW00 ,SN3NkJ0A 8mleuBIS jolosiluoo ale(] cN MOM sselo asueol '10949 10u euro; lin; ul sl asueoll Aw pus 'apoo suolssa;ojd pus ssaulsng ey1;o £ uo181A1O;0 (OOOL uogOeS 411m Bupuswwo0) 6 jeldego;o suolslnmd japun posueoll we I leg) A1nfiad;o Alleued j9pun wjlye Agaiaq NOI1VHV1030 S,M010VM1N00 03SN301' oleo lue6V pezpo4lny jo jeumo Apedmd;o awnleu6i! Iwlg,mele0/Ao6 ao,o;ul6al'mmm//:dllg:ell9 qeM 6ulmollo; aql Is jo pelllwgns 91 uopeo6 lde sl4l ue4m lsenbw uodn elge6ene sl 'apoo suolssa;a, pus ssaulsng egl )o 4401 uolloaS 'mel algeolldde egj;o Adoo a legl pue;sjepun 1 'sioloeiluoo pesueoll Aq A1aiBue ell ul pel0misuo0 uaoq lou bey 1111 japllnq-aaumo us se lllnq ane4 I leyl amlonlls a Ba Rlle6al louue0 I '11wLed slgl Aq pwaA00 sluewenadwl a4l )o uopeldwoo of jopd jeeA euo lseel Is Io; peplsw ane4 Ism 1 golgm ul eouepisai leuosied Aw jol ldaoxe 'leyl eBpalmou> oe 1 molaq emleu6ls Aw Al :uoseai Bulmollo; 941 jo; meq esueolq al9;S ,sjoloejluoo 941 japun wnsueoll wm; ldwaxa we 1 r '(meq asueolq alelS ,suolOejluoo e43 of luensind joloeiluoo pesueojl a yllm sloefmd sol jol sloeiluoo oqm pus 'uo19uey1 senwdwl jo spllnq oqm Apadoid;o jaumo us of Aldd IOU scop meq asuaolq alelS ,sioloeiluoo egl :81000 sualssa;wd pus sseulsng 'b40L uogOsS) loefad eyl lonLlsuoo o1 sioloequoo pesueoll g11M,buBOeJluo0 A19Alsnpxe we 'Apadwd eql;o jaumo Be 'I I (ales jo esodmd aql jo; panadu jo 16nq lou SBM 11 leyl Bu1Aoud;o uapmq a4l ane4 Illm jepling-jeumo e43 'uopeldwoo;o jeeA euo ulgllM Plos 91 luawanadwi jo Buipllnq aql 'JQAGMog ';I '8188 Jo; PaJayo Jo Pepuelul lou ale sluawenadu aql le4l PaP!Aad 'Apodwd agl Sanmdwl jo spllnq 'Boge Ieuosied jo ,saaAoldwe gBnm41 'oqm Apeaoid;0 JGUMO us of Aldde lou scop meq esueojq elelS Sjoloejluoo ayl :8poo suolssa;wd Pus ssauisni '4401 uopoeS) ales jo; pwego jo pepualul lou sl wnlowls eql pus '>jom aql jo suolpod (—) jo jo Be (—) op Illm'uo6esuedwo0 elos ile41 as sa6em yllm seaAoldwa Aw jo 'Apadad ay) ;o iaumo as 'I '(005$) siellop paipuny aAI; ueLI Slow 10 ;o Alleued IIAIO a of 1ueolldde eg1 sloefgns llwied a io; lueolldde Aue Aq 9 1£OL uollOaS;o uoPB101A AuV 'uolldwaxe Pa6e11e egl jo; elseq eql pus ounsueoll wa; ldwaxa sl ags jo aq le4l io (apoo suoissajoil pus ssaulsng 941;o £ uo!s!AIO )O (OOOL uogoaS Rm 6upuswwo0) 6 Laldayo) meq GSUSOlq elelS ,9JolOeiluo0 ayl;o SUOISIAmd eql of luensLnd pasueoll sl aqs jo ag leyl luawalels poups a e6; of 3!wad a1 jo; lueolldde aql sewinbew osle'aouenssl all of jopd'awnlanils Aue iledw io'y96ou18p'anadwl 7alle'lowlsuo0 of llwuad a 9ailnbei le4l Alunoo io Alp AuV :apoo suolssa;ad pus ssaulsng 'S' LEOL uoPOec Mwall elgeolldde agl of pcou peoeld ane4 I aql Aq moleq peleolpul (9)uoseei Bull io; meq esueolq elelS ,sioloej)uoo egl woL; ldwaxa we 1 legl Nnped;o Alleued japun wn;ye Agwa4 I NOIIVMV1030 M3011f18-M3NMI 3Nn1Y/NJfB O3Pss;A3f+1VdR330 1031V,)U;-t!33 wourEDW30 d-4S0d08d 'N7WNIJ iIVV83d 0137OVaf7ddV 10N,SI NOLLVaf3uON 50153gSV ❑ OWOV ❑. O3ON31X31fWb3d 031733NV311VdV3d Vd3 ❑ �olNOllVDl-4LLONSOJ.S3gSV031uingNS( ❑ 'Coo'k moo 03Nfdx311Wa3d Aa 31 VO N0113V 3Sn 331JIO NO! ONV 0,137111 -40 1111111d SN011 vinoN W8303-4A7NO Oa 1 3a Vnd oa 40"Nollywylago aweN e,lue V pezpo4lnV jo s,leumo Apedad lupd 1u96V pazpoglnV io jaum0 Apedad 10 elnleu ,sesodlnd uopoodsul jo; Apadad pal;Buepl-enoge a4l jalue of Alunoo jo Allo 5141 JO senpeluesaidaj azuoglne 1 ,uollowlsuo0 6ulPllnq of Bugelw smel elels pus saoueulpio Alunoo pus Alp elgeolldde Ile 411m Aldwoo of aw6e I JOQUJOO sl PBPIAad eAe4 I uollewiolul a43 pus uolleoildde s!43 Peal ane4 1 ;Ieyaq sdeumo Apadad 94) uo loe of pezpoglne jo jaumo Apedad egl we I :Bulmollo; eql;o yoea of A;Ipao 1 'molaq amleuBls Aw sseippy s,lepueq aLUEN s,JOPl '(apoo IIAIo 'L60E uoBOeS) penssl 81 llwied 9141 yolgm jo; Niom 94);o eouewoped eql jo; Aoua6e 6ulpuel uogowlsuoo a sl ajagl IB41,Onped;o Alleuad japun wnge Agar ADN30V ONION31 NOIlonuSN00 ONIONV03M M011 V10 ale(] ;0 SUOISInmd asogl gllm Aldwoo 411mgpo; Ile4s I 'apo(] jogeq 84110 OOLE uoBOaS;o SUOISIAwd uollesuadwoo ,sua>jom eql of loafgns awooaq pinogs 11! ' pus 'e1wo;Beo;o smel uollesuadwoo ,sues Nom eql of loafgns awooaq of 9e os jauuew Aue ul uosiad Aue Aoldwe lou llegs I 'penssl sl llwjad slgl golgm jo; Miom ayl;o aoumuoped 941 ul 'le4l A;lyao 1u96V;0 jequlnN 40110d :we jagwnu Aollod PUB japieo 9ouemsl jo4esuadwoo ,sjeljom Airy "panssl sl lluued slql golym jo;.>liom agl;o souelwoped egl jo; 'apoo jogeg Qq) ;0 OOL£ uolloaS Aq pajinbai as 'aouemsul uollesuadwoo ,sje%jom ulelulaw BIM PUB ane4 I� 'oN AollOd 'penssl sl llwad slyl yolgm jo; ljom eql )o eouewLope Iql jo; 'apoo jogeq a43 10 OOL£ uolloaS Aq jol popinoid se suoOeleN IelLlenpul ;o joloail(] sol Aq pensel 'uo0esuadwoo ,sje>jom jo; wnsul-;las of luesuoo ;o aleolliva0 a ulelulew IBM pus ane4 I I :9uollejepep 6ulmollo; aql jo auo /unfied;o Allaued japun wljje Agwa4 '9334 9.A3NHO11V C1NV'199H31NI'3000 LOeVl 3H1 A09OLC NO11339 Ni eOd 0301AOMd BV 930VWV0'NOIIVSN3dWOO JO 1s0 3H101 NOIIIOOV NI'(000'ooW Bev-noa ONVenOHl 03e0NnH 3NO Ol do 89NIA 1IAIO ONV 93111VN3d IVNIWIND Ol H3AOldW3 NV ioaren911VHa ONV'lndMVINn 9130VM3AOO NO11VSN3dW00 sm3)tlom 3eno39 O13mnliv4 ONINUM 14011Vab'1030 N0l1VSN3dW00 ,SN3NkJ0A 8mleuBIS jolosiluoo ale(] cN MOM sselo asueol '10949 10u euro; lin; ul sl asueoll Aw pus 'apoo suolssa;ojd pus ssaulsng ey1;o £ uo181A1O;0 (OOOL uogOeS 411m Bupuswwo0) 6 jeldego;o suolslnmd japun posueoll we I leg) A1nfiad;o Alleued j9pun wjlye Agaiaq NOI1VHV1030 S,M010VM1N00 03SN301' oleo lue6V pezpo4lny jo jeumo Apedmd;o awnleu6i! Iwlg,mele0/Ao6 ao,o;ul6al'mmm//:dllg:ell9 qeM 6ulmollo; aql Is jo pelllwgns 91 uopeo6 lde sl4l ue4m lsenbw uodn elge6ene sl 'apoo suolssa;a, pus ssaulsng egl )o 4401 uolloaS 'mel algeolldde egj;o Adoo a legl pue;sjepun 1 'sioloeiluoo pesueoll Aq A1aiBue ell ul pel0misuo0 uaoq lou bey 1111 japllnq-aaumo us se lllnq ane4 I leyl amlonlls a Ba Rlle6al louue0 I '11wLed slgl Aq pwaA00 sluewenadwl a4l )o uopeldwoo of jopd jeeA euo lseel Is Io; peplsw ane4 Ism 1 golgm ul eouepisai leuosied Aw jol ldaoxe 'leyl eBpalmou> oe 1 molaq emleu6ls Aw Al :uoseai Bulmollo; 941 jo; meq esueolq al9;S ,sjoloejluoo 941 japun wnsueoll wm; ldwaxa we 1 r '(meq asueolq alelS ,suolOejluoo e43 of luensind joloeiluoo pesueojl a yllm sloefmd sol jol sloeiluoo oqm pus 'uo19uey1 senwdwl jo spllnq oqm Apadoid;o jaumo us of Aldd IOU scop meq asuaolq alelS ,sioloeiluoo egl :81000 sualssa;wd pus sseulsng 'b40L uogOsS) loefad eyl lonLlsuoo o1 sioloequoo pesueoll g11M,buBOeJluo0 A19Alsnpxe we 'Apadwd eql;o jaumo Be 'I I (ales jo esodmd aql jo; panadu jo 16nq lou SBM 11 leyl Bu1Aoud;o uapmq a4l ane4 Illm jepling-jeumo e43 'uopeldwoo;o jeeA euo ulgllM Plos 91 luawanadwi jo Buipllnq aql 'JQAGMog ';I '8188 Jo; PaJayo Jo Pepuelul lou ale sluawenadu aql le4l PaP!Aad 'Apodwd agl Sanmdwl jo spllnq 'Boge Ieuosied jo ,saaAoldwe gBnm41 'oqm Apeaoid;0 JGUMO us of Aldde lou scop meq esueojq elelS Sjoloejluoo ayl :8poo suolssa;wd Pus ssauisni '4401 uopoeS) ales jo; pwego jo pepualul lou sl wnlowls eql pus '>jom aql jo suolpod (—) jo jo Be (—) op Illm'uo6esuedwo0 elos ile41 as sa6em yllm seaAoldwa Aw jo 'Apadad ay) ;o iaumo as 'I '(005$) siellop paipuny aAI; ueLI Slow 10 ;o Alleued IIAIO a of 1ueolldde eg1 sloefgns llwied a io; lueolldde Aue Aq 9 1£OL uollOaS;o uoPB101A AuV 'uolldwaxe Pa6e11e egl jo; elseq eql pus ounsueoll wa; ldwaxa sl ags jo aq le4l io (apoo suoissajoil pus ssaulsng 941;o £ uo!s!AIO )O (OOOL uogoaS Rm 6upuswwo0) 6 Laldayo) meq GSUSOlq elelS ,9JolOeiluo0 ayl;o SUOISIAmd eql of luensLnd pasueoll sl aqs jo ag leyl luawalels poups a e6; of 3!wad a1 jo; lueolldde aql sewinbew osle'aouenssl all of jopd'awnlanils Aue iledw io'y96ou18p'anadwl 7alle'lowlsuo0 of llwuad a 9ailnbei le4l Alunoo io Alp AuV :apoo suolssa;ad pus ssaulsng 'S' LEOL uoPOec Mwall elgeolldde agl of pcou peoeld ane4 I aql Aq moleq peleolpul (9)uoseei Bull io; meq esueolq elelS ,sioloej)uoo egl woL; ldwaxa we 1 legl Nnped;o Alleued japun wn;ye Agwa4 I NOIIVMV1030 M3011f18-M3NMI