HomeMy WebLinkAboutC-1219 - Real estate consultantsDEVELOPMENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATES 731 SOUTH FLOWER STREET • LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 90017 (AREA CODE 213) 626-2342 CABLE ADDRESS: OV ELSEARCH d To Our Clients: Development Research Associates appreciates the opportunity to inform our clients of the progress we have made during the last few years and to introduce prospective clients to our organization. The attached brochure is intended to present - a general statement of the services and professional capabilities that Development Research Associates strives to offer each client. Basic to an evaluation of our firm are the following areas of client consideration: • Background and Operating Policy • Project Experience • Professional Services • Representative Clients • Professional Staff Each of thew areas is discussed in the brochure. H you have any questions regarding the items covered, desire additional information, or wish professional referenom6 please contact US. We took forward to providing high quality professional services to you and other clients in the future. Respectfully, DEVEMPMENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATES tOS! ARGELAS -rA SHING TO :7- ------- BACKGROUND Development Research Associates was formed in _1963 to serve a growing demand for d professional, economic research and consultattom The fours . prmcipals4ewis N. Wolff. and John W. McMahan believed there was definite need forarm which could objectively analyze .the problems encountered by corporations;; landowheh, developers, financial institution; and governmental agencies. In_ . the spring of 1965, Development Research Associates acquired the firm of 3hrpley-3tewart 'eorporatiori of Westwood; California. The Executive Vice President of -Shipley- Stewart -J Richard McElyea— became the third principtlof Development Research Associates, bringing to the `Organization a strong professional ;background in all areas of economic later, One Ye$r. later, Dale H. Levmider and Hawkins Stern associated with the firm and�early in 1968 were promoted to the position of .Vice President. Since its formation, Devekipmeat Research Associates hag undertaken over five hundred professional asaigttments. This extensive. project experience recorded in a relatively short period of time, testifies to the rapid acceptance:of this new firm and its energetic approach to econotnic:anatysi§. = The breadth of .project experience ranges geograpincally from tine Midwest to the Territory of Guam: -.add from Alaska to Mexico Thew . p;mjests have M, nged in size from a single _ apartment .building site to. Bunker Hill =one of the largest urban redevelopment projects in the nation. .A urge numlia of projects ._ . pr ,ie represant -the second, thud, and even fourth - assignment for. the ;same chant, reflecting a strong clibnt- consjiltant relationship based on continuingperfatmance and mutual trust. I. i. OPERATING POLICY Development Research Associates was established on the firm belief that effective economic analysis and consultation requires the attention and abilities of an experienced professional staff. It has been the continuing operating policy of Development Research Associates to assign specific qualified principals to proposed assignments and schedule work load in such a manner that these individuals retain complete responsibility through each phase of the assignment. Basic to the operating policy of Development Research. Associates is a.heavy. emphasis on pri"Wry (orfginad) research techniques All members of the professional staff are experienced in utilizing these techniques and in developing the proper program for each individual assignment. The importance of active and continuing coordination and consultation is also fully recognized by Development Research Associates. All personnel, involved in a specific assignment endeavor to provide both an independent and yet interdependent relationship with participating disciplines. By use of verbal "brainstorming" sessions, progress reports, and systemized scheduling, Development Research Associates maintains continuing coordination with architects, planners, engineers, attorneys, accountants, and other disciplines engaged in the development program. It is also a firm policy of Development Research Associates to view the written report.as a prelude to —rather than a substitute for —an effective consulting relationship. For this reason considerable emphasis is given the implementation phase of project development in order to assist the client in carrying the recommended planning and development programs to successful completion. a� is ECONOMIC MARKET SEARCH FORECASTING RESEARCH SERVICES ._. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS PROPERTY APPRAISAL GOVERNMENTAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATE CONSULTATION CONSULTATION. CONSULTATION . MERCHANDISING STRATEGY ECONOMIC FORECASTING A basic cornerstone of sound research and consultation is the ability to successfully forecast both short and long term economic trends affecting real estate development. Factors analyzed include population growth ... employment ... personal income ... occupational characteristics :.. retail sales and construction activity. In order to prepare these forecasts, Development Research Associates maintains a r continuing. monttoring program of all geographical areas in which it is operating. This monitoring program enables the professional staff to be thoroughly familiar with economic trends_ in. each :area, as well as: unique characteristics of speck arei s which might influence future planning and development activity. In addition to its monitoring program, Development Research Associates is also involved in spec forecasting assigmnelots for both private and governmental clients. These _assignments- provide the client with valuable information regarding near term, intermediate, and long range trends which influence contemplated planning and delvelopment activities. MARKET RESEARCH The Market Research services performed by Development Researich Associates generally focus on 'a -determination of consumer demand for possible land uses on a specific site or large acreage-holding and the most feasible means of capturing this demand. A. basic element of the Market Analysis Research program is a: competition survey of existing development in the market area evaluating factors such as project size... building activity ... tenant features ... ientallsales levels. _ and current occupancy experience. In certain instances a consumer interview survey is conducted to determine items such as . consumer shopping (or living) patterns ... attitudes towards existing competition ... and opinions regarding the subject site. Other Market Research techniques employed by Development Research Associates include trade area identification surveys merchant interviews response analysis ... testing of consumer reaction to proposed design solutions,:.: etc::- L iae�.wax '3� In many assignments Market Research services are followed by an evaluation of the financial feasibility of the recommended marketing program. Aspects of Financial Feasibility generally explored include: development costs ... project revenue ... anticipated vacancy experience ... estimated operating expense ... anticipated level of mortgage financing ... equity investment required .... and the amount of return that can be realized on equity investment. It may also prove desirable to evaluate several alternative courses of action such as land purchases vs. ground lease ... ownership vs. operating lessee ... debt vs. equity financing ... and phasing vs. total development. . Often more sophisticated analysis is required and techniques such as Discounted Cash Flow, Profitability Index, Probability Theorem, Cost Benefit Analysis, Linear Programming, or Critical Path Method (CPM) may be employed. I: PROPERTY APPRAISAL A firm foundation for real estate analysis is the knowledge and appreciation of the elements which contribute to economic value. The appraisal of real. property is concerned with measuring these elements and their effects upon the value of a specific parcel.of property. Development Research Associates engages in many fair market value appraisal assignments including residential ... commercial ... industrial ... raw acreage ... pre - construction ... property tax appraisal ... leasehold .. . air rights . .. blighted areas... and court testimony. In many instances, a Property Appraisal assignment follows a Market and Financial Feasibility Study serving as a formal statement of the appraised value of proceeding with the development program. The appraisal is then often utilized in securing.mortgage financing or in approaching interested equity investors. I " DEVELOPMENT CON$U.LTATION The in -depth comprehens Associates has prompted. p provide continuing.00nsulta the critical period of implem With-few.exceptions, the inq supervision and 'control by knowledge of private investi of Development.. Research relationships that assist . clit projects..: supplementing e presentations ... coordinati primate and municipal inve; other forms.of consultation 1 e. research approach utilized by Development Research. rate and public clients to request senior staff members to mi to proposed development and r4arketing programs during nation. ,mentatlon.of private -and public programs requires day-to -day he responsible individuat or entity involved. The definitive snt criteria and public .financing displayed by senior members ►ssociates has .:resulted in a wide. variety of consultation is in marketing and' proposed or existing d..expanding bitemal.smff functions ... lessee and lender 7` with project architects - engineers- contractors ... forming neat programs and development vehicles ... and providing at aid important implementation ob#ectives. A vital aspect . of : project implementation is often the development of an effective 7. : merchandising strategy: Recognizing: the importance'. of this; function, the staff of Development A`esearch Associates was expanded in 1967 to include professional personnel vetsed'iiti this'higtily "specialized £eld In developing a merchandising. strategy fora specific project, a wide variety. of assistance is 'offered indtidin the fonnuiation of directsales, :public.relations, and advertising policy ... pr "W pn of find ncial and sales brochures .. development of "on -site" sales material ... coordination of press releases and public. presentations :.. ,and ;other aspects of project merchandising.: These serviees':,may be provided directly or in closq liaison with client public relations and/or advertising aWncies. Development Research Associates firmly believes "that the development of an effective merchandising strategy, based on sound market research, can often. mean the difference between a project that is highly successful.and one that fails to achieve its maximum market potential. I CORPORATE CONSULTATION The range of services afforded by Development Research Associates and the ability to rapidly recognize and understand specific internal objectives of individually -held and public corporations has encouraged many private clients to establish consultation relationships: . The staff members of Development Research Associates. display professional competence that meshes knowledge of the real estate market and cognizance of the attributes of modem managerial skills with the ability to communicate real estate decisions to the.f rtanc:ial community. Development Research Associates assignments in the. field of corporate consultation include staff liaison ... individual project analysis real estate policy formulation ... staff training ... investment analyses ... portfolio evaluation and monitoring ... internal presentation ... executive incentive program.... etc. GOVERNMENTAL CONSULTATION The Governmental Services and Urban Affairs studies provided by Development Research Associates reflect a strong commitment to, the belief that governmental policy and sound economics are mutually desirable and compatible objectives. The ability to define and articulate the impact of governmental programs, services and commitments on both technical and lay levels has generated an exceptionally wide range of assignments for Development Research Associates. Among the many governmental assignments performed by Development Research Associates are .. cost /benefit studies.:.. economic base analyses ... parking district evaluation ... annexation economics ... tax base evaluation and monitoring ... zoning and general plan economic studies . .. transportation impact analyses.... incorporation economics ... governmental incentives programming.... model cities application.... study assignments ... special district bonding studies .. "cost -of- inaction" evaluations... local housing policy analyses ... public improvement impact studies. community renewal plan (C.R.P.) studies . . . specialized urban and community relations programming ... land marketing consultation ... low and moderate income housing policy analyses ... and "on- call" municipal consultation. ECONOMIC PROGRAMMING Critical to the growing area of computer technology and data assimilation in the field of, urban study and project development, is the ability: to produce input systems that generate meaningful inforthation for..decision making. From.the_point of view-.of both private enterprise and governmental responsibility, the economic programming and data system design. capability offered by Uevelopment.Research Associates has given rise to an extensive range of consultative activity. Application of ... cash flow programming alternative, decision evaluation ... rate of return influence analyses ... equity -debt budgeting -hive assisted private clients to accelerate the internal decisions that are inherent in all development activities.. Utilization of specialized study destgrt techniques :..:econom base ;tabulation systems ... input-output evaluations ... retail sales /consumer attitude programming .... enable public clients to focus on the problems and possible alternative solupons that influence the dynamics of expanding nationally regional, state, county, "d local areas. . SEARCH SERVICES In addition to research and consultation services, Development Research Associates also offers .direct " search" services ig instances where no consulting opinion is required. The foundation for the Search; Service program is tfie� excellent LiOrary of Real Estate and Urban Affairs: which is professionally staffed and maintained to answer spec client requests. _ Requests center on subjects such as popufetion and employment trends construction and housing std¢istics ... land use•developiient patterns ... consumer shopping ., . clm►ncterisncs • . • rgdl estate taxation tom.:..: availability of governmental programs ::. muruc:pal plamtiRg and capital budgethrg-policles .. etc. These services are provided on an assignment or continuing basis; depending upon the-client's requirements. In addition to specific search assignments, the library is available for the direct use of client personnel on an independent research basis. t ,I - ��� ���� ��iw������w� �i REGIONAL- AND COMMUNrry.STl D1ES The economic analysis of large geographical -areas is presently —and will continue to be —of vital concern as governmental agencies and private organizations strive to cope with rapid increases in population and resultant metropolitan growth. . in: order ' to assist these; agencies, Development. "Research Associates participates in the - evaluation -'of the economic aspects of. general plan studies . .. economic base studies ... con iprehensive renewal p4in- studies .... and othei special pturppse planning programs. Development Research Associates believes that Regional Studies should effectively combine long range economic pltulnfng with short range programs of implementation. These studies should be forceful, direct, and completely coordinated "with t he efforts of client staff and planning consultants. The. economist must_ also. be.prepared and available to explain and defend his recommendations at meetings end before other interested organizations. • 7'useoa, AYnona: Comprehensive eeonomic analysis of the entire City of T%Won'and surrounding areala connection with Community Renewal Program lavolv4 developmentof.inputoutput simulation model of hical economy.. . . • Hermosa &aeh, California: Comprdtm ve long range economic Andy of aM land uses in older brachfront-eommunrty. A significant developtexht of this .study was dic 1denGfcation 'of commercial dollar tlowboth ink andbut,of tlii i:amtnunity. • RWenidvam Bernardino Counties:'Pnvate ecouomip study of two county.. aria in order to higldight si6tois of poteptial economic . .growth. Particular attention to the -:anticip.aW impact of California Water Pr ;ftron land development. Pleasant FG9; Cdifarnia Aiiely * -of tommercisl portion of community '701 General. Plan. Partlwlai emphasie on. impact of new ""ono shopping fanrlit* in adjeant_conu mrity. . a tidvu tit, CaHfomia: Corhgfre'pensjve awaomic sMdy of Culver fa and ty . surrounding area._ Ham' devaloprrierht of major regional automotive center. L M'nada,` California: Analysis. of Is Mirada commercial district within the Overall framewmk'of loag.rswfrmater plan(701 General -. Nan Progtatn). Particular attention :to improving Corr nrercW center _ ... _ .. ... ..through dgngesin-arterjat mtworlc:": • Fresno, Califomis: Comprehensive -regional and community -coo-, nomic, analysis.of Eresuo economy: htvutved development of both a Community,. Renewal Program and an Economic Dm4lopmant Plan.. Emphasis on synenu impkinentation of proposed program. j. • San Fernando, California: Long -range economic study. of community under 701 planning program.. Particular attention to development of an industrial base and impact on future population . growth. • Las Poses Valley, California: Private economic study of land value trends in Las Posas Valley. Emphasis on future impact of physical improvements (roads, utilities, etc.) on land value. . • Indio,.Califaania: Economic analysis of both short and long term potential of the City of Indio. This study was conducted under the 701 program and focyaed .primsnly on developing a General Plan which allowed for community growth and yet preserved existing economic activity (agriculture).. • Brentwood, Celifarnia Economic consultation on 701 general plan program. Particular attention to brig run population growth in a suburban area. • Seattle, Washington: Regional evaluation of office building demand in Seattle Metropolitan -Area. Emphasis on areas in which future demand appeared to be outrunning anticipated. supply. • Southern California: Private regional -study of industrial land absorption in Souther California. Involved extensive survey of industrial facilities and available industrial acreage. • San Franraeco Bay Ara: Comprehensive market evaluation of all Bay Ana counties displaying potential areas of land investment opportunities Special emphasis on land holding periods as related to metropolitan area growth. • Hemet -San Jacickto, CoMfosda: Long -range economic analysis of .growth potential of IlemetSan Jacinto Valley under overall sponsorship of IocalI fmsnced general plan study. Accent on of act of high proportion of retired population on economic growth. • Lea Vegas, Nevada: Comprehensive Market ' analysis of housing market in Southern Nevada. involved extensive field survey of existing projects in market area: • Coronado, CaWornia: Economic evaluation of long top economic growth of island community near San Diego. Emphasis. on deter. mining impact of major new bridge on island economy. (701 General Plan Vim) • Thousand Oaks, California: Long range: economic study of rapid growth area in connection with 701 General Plan program. Involved analysis of impact of major new motion picture complex on local economy: - 1 . LARGE ACREAGE S71JDIES (Planned Unit Development) Properly combining a plarnjed, mixture of land on a partkcular acreage holding has resulted in increased interest art Planned Unit Development. ' Development Research Associates believes that the major role of the economist in a Planned i - Unit Development program is to indicate overall market absorption, suggest the proper land use `mix" and endeavor to phase land uses -in such a manner slo as to create the greatest I amount of 'interlocking ' de»wnd possible. 'Me -full complement of P services- ... economic forecasting, market research, financial analysis, and property appraisal . I . is utilized in what -is - believj d to be a new and sound approach to large acreage -analysis. Extensive coardmation with land planning, engineering, architecture, property management, public agencies, and- other disciplines results in a total development "package" directed at maximizing the potential of tote acreage holder. *.Les Art tes, Catifu da: .Long range economic and market projections 7 r, the -3,500 acne initial phase of- the Mountain Park Property m Santa=Monica Mountains. - Strong emphasis out demand for higher priced single family housing in hillside area. t - a Mario County, California: Market. and Financial analyst of 2,000 acre Stevenson Ranch near Muir Woods is Merin County.Particular attention to de*lopment of a graduate University comma ity. • San Juan Capist W, CaGfoenta: Market, Financial and Appraisal analysis of 700 acre ranch near San Juan- - Capistrano. Particular- allmdon to demand for `bluster" units in outlying area is Topanga Canyon, Califfornia: Market-; Financial and :Appraisal analysis of appsoximateiy 500 acres in TOpauga Carryon Particular emphasis on development of .inclinator 'housing in steep topographical area. . • Saw Mateo County, Caiifuntis Market and financial analysis of approximately 3;000 acres within 10 minutes of- downOwn San �. Francisco. Involved use of `consumi parcels in testing market acceptance of various design solutions. a Chino, Cahfomia:. Market study of demand for Rolling Ridge Ranch _ near Chino. Emphasis on demand for eijuestrieu 9riented residential development e Ojai, California:- Market study- of extensive: prestige - - - - residential - recreational cu , complex near Ojai; California. Fos on. - phasing recreational development m the most feasihk manlier so as to achieve projedt continuity at a minimum cost. I i _ a - . �m...v. e Rancho Santa Fe, Cel for®: Market, financial, and appraisal assignment in connection with 1,000 acre project in northern San Diego County. Particular attention given to creating quality residential and commercial development in conjunction with recreational activities. • Coma, California: Market and financial analysis of approximately 1.000 acres within the City Limits of Corona, California. Emphasis on the phasing out of agricultural holdings in a manner so as to maintain maximum agricultural. yield and yet implement a sucaad'ul Planned Unit Development program. • San Jose, California: Comprehensive market study of approximately 10, 000 acres near Sin Jose, California. Focus on the impact of a lake and 'hew town" concept on market demand for residential and commercial facilities. • Santis, Camocda: Market.. evaluation of approximately 4,500.acre holding near Souris. California. Particular emphash on strength of residentisl demand from nearby metropolitan area (overspill). • SkW Valley, Calfforms: Mallet, Finamiai, and Apprand analysis of approximately 500 acres in the North Simi Valley.-Special attention given to the development of a computerized model whereby changes in the various phases of development could be measured in terns of their effect on project yield. • Las Angeles California: Appraisal study of large acreage in Santa Monica Mountains near San Diego Freeway. Partiager attention to impact of land planning on property value for loan purposes. ' • Agoura, California: Market, Financial; and Appraisal evaluation of approximately 500 acres rear Agoura, California. SpecI& emphasis on intercepting residential itemand which had "leapfrogged" subject acreage to more distant development areas. • North Edwards, California: Market and apprand evaluation Af lard acreage .near Edwards Air Fora Base. Involved consumer survey of Air Base employees. • Santa Barbera, C&Wwdr: Market evaluation of 1;360' acre beachfiont holding in Santa Barbara County. .Emphasis on determining incremental value of ocean view lots in relatively weak residential market. • Hemet, California: Market and appraisal study Of two holdings; 214 acre's and 150 acres. Particular_ attention to use of interim uses in offsetting long term demand situation.. -; INDIVIDUAL SITE STUDIES In addition to regional and large aoreage analysis; Ievelopment Research. Associates also is inyolyed extensively in the evaluation of the "highest anci best use, "' of an individual site. t In analyzing an individual; site; the problems are often quite different than those encountered in evahrating'lalrger areas. In the analysts of larger areas many land uses are often possible "and the. prolblem is. not one of seleetutg between land uses but rather r datea�mtnmg .the: timing and..ultimatg magditude: of:.total development. In analyzing individual I sites, however; rite problem Is generally one. of select64 between several land uses m order. to determine.-the most desirable developinpnt alternative. The emphasis in-iadividual site; analysis shifts, therefore; from: broad market evaluation to de€mitive. examination of the advantages and disadvantages of a �peoitic site in 'relation to ascertainable market trends. The- flaaaciat -and apptatsal aispeets of project development and - - timing take on added' imports}nce'itt evaluating one land true possidility against another. • 1� Angeles, California: Appraisal :'of hwd and- baodinp in downtown t Angeles 1'articular atteritron ta" problems of single :. _ purpose buildmR in transrtrona] area.: • Glwrdsle, talifaurtia:" Market andysis:of site near Golden State Freeway, m Gkindale_ In6hed .contrasting demand potential of condominium residential units versus motor loiter development. • Malibu Canyon, iCM*nda: Market anatyas of demand for highway oriented commercial center . new fringe. of ;-metropolitart area. Fmmphasis on "i ating traffic volume and its impact on success of .. commercial deyelopttient: :. t Cool cAliforata_.Appraisal evaluation-,of - . tAoppktg center site near Cosine: Focus on determining landvatoeafaqiU canmunifycenter. a Su ®yvale, Cab70+mia: Appraisal ofdepgty%nt.store site iq the City OT-Snmtyvale: 1!atticular emphasis on- ielatanskip of department store to exiattrt downtown area. : • Hollywood, California: Market analysis of off we. building site. lnvurwd 'evaluation of demand far fail service; - furnished office spur for small _space tenants. . a Portland, tiregoq: Market study of demand for.aparunents on site with unusual topography:. special attention "to importance of view amenities in attracting tenants... ... ... :_ . • HonW aht Hawaii:. Appraisal analysis of "feshledtial and commercial ... protect: Focus on,vahiatian of air righta.overparkuiggarrge., • Claremont, Callf•rnis: Appraisal analysis of industrial property in Claremont Particular attention to impact of college an industrial property values. • Garden Grove, California: Market .evaluation of: residential; retail commenzial, and office commmial potential of sn 18.4 acre site. Particular emphasis on attracting retail patronage to a n*fFeeway_ oriented site. 0 Honolulu, Hswa: Market evaluation of beachftont. site for condominium apartment de—iclopment. particular attention to the use of condominium units in connection with hotel operation. • Rolling ffift.: California: Market. consultation regarding program for existing community shopping center. Involved survey of major competitive retail facilities in South Bay Area. is Santa Barbara, California: Market study of shopping center site near. Santa Barb=, California. Taticular emphasis on developing regional shopping complex in emerging suburban area. 0 San F California: -Appraisal .analysis of GQhDOI Site in SRD Francisco. Moor attention to-establishing equitable value in light of high residential value of adjoining property. • I& Jolla, California: Market Analysis Of site in I& Jolla, California for luxury apartment developtnint. Primary focus on dncount policy of other high rise apartments. • Palos Verdes, California: Market study of demand for condominitan units on site in Palos Verdes, California Emphasis an smimitics; offered by competing projects in market area and their influew on market success. • Rock Spdnp, Wyoming: Market consultation n3irding shopping - center site in small Wyoming community. Particular, attention on impact of major department awe on small community. • Beverly Hills, Coldwola: Appraisal of office budding site on.Wilshim - Boulevard m Beverly Hills. Emphasis on determlaing land value in light of restrictive zoning standards. is Santa Raw California: Financial evaluation of hospital expansion in Santa Roam. Particular attention 4o impact of additional beds on existing faed operating o6ft • Santa Monica, , analysis -of high rise industrial and office building over air rightriessie. Focus on developing proper "mix" between industrial and offixe-uses in same building. -{ L-A _ COMMERCIAL DISTRICT STUDIES Increased recognition and concern by cities, merchant. organi4ations, property owners, national and regional retail *g operations has generated ektensive study and analysis of existing-Central Business Dist#cts and Strip pPh►B Sho Areas. ' Development: Research Associates has become recognued for the type of meaningful and forceful. economic, analysis that is required to stimulate important immediate commercial . _ ...: district improvemertt, as.welJ as identify long range potentials.. Implementation tools and programs are an. integral portion of all Commercial District studies. Full use of primary research includes merchant interviews... in-depth household interviews license plate surveys ... retail sales analysis ... non - retail use potential ... parking.evaluation ... assessment. district formation :,: promotion impact analysis ...and ` con tinuing consultation d coordination bn wtth p public end interests. f • Pasadena, California: Market analysis of Central Business District containing large regional commercial center. Particular emphasis on interrelating residential and commercial land uses. 6.. Seats Barbara, Worms: Market evaluation. of retail demand in downtown -Santa .Barbara in connection . with. parking district air - rights leasfnB Program. Focus on demand for retail space on ground floor of parking structure. • Crescent City, California: Evaluation of Central Business District of City fotlowing.major disaster. Special emphasis on retail trade patterns in an economic area dependent upon one or two major industries of a highly seasonal nature. a .Redondo Beach; California: Market evaluation of shopping center area for the` City of-Redondo, Beach. Particular attention on determining non-diluting additions. lo. merehandisa selection and .: implementation of parking assessment district. : . • Pomona, Catifosdia::: Com rshemave economic and marked analysis of commercial pbfentisl in, downtown area. Incloded evaluation of effectiveness ofexisting mall and recommendations to solve various problems. Gardena, California: Evaluation of econanic potential of com- mercial facilities' in stable residential :community. Emphasis on implementation of locally financed ievitidiu -tion program. • Alhambra, California: .Analysis .of Central Business District in older San Gabriel -Vary .community. Involved, evaluation of :possible utilization of State urban renewal program. I • Santa Maria, California: Market and Appraisal study of commercial - sector. of community adversely influenced by -new commercial facilities located in other.segments of the city. • Corona, California: Evaluation of Central Business District of a community under tremendous economic pressure as a result of increased residential activity in area. Particular attention to the role of the small retailer in effecting major community improvement. • Seaside, CaGfomis: Market and Appraisal evaluation of commercial - - district serving as "gateway" to community. Emphasis on competing with nearby regional shopping centers and potential for planned automotive complex. • Salem, Oregon: Market and Appraisal analysis of commercial district in Salem, Oregon. Speck attention to identifying market demand in changing residential area. • San Diego, California: Detailed strip commercial implementation analysis of the Mid -City, area. Emphasis on establishing public and private revitalization program. • .Oxnard, California: Market and Appraisal analysis of Central Business District in community with high population growth rate but declining sales in Central Business District. Specific attention to revitalizing downtown area without reliance on major anchor tenant. • San Fernando, California: Detailed Market analysis of Central Business District bypassed by freeway development. Particular emphasis on incorporating Spanish tradition of area into commercial redevelopment. • Sunnyvale, California: Market Analysis of Central. Business District in community with extreme access problems. Particular attention to developing methods of identifying conaurnher image of area. • San Benandino; Caffai to Detailed Market, Financial, and Apprand analysis of Central Business District in San Bernardino. Particular emphasis on developing two story au conditioned mail in conjunction with existing commercial facilities. • Colton, California: Market and Appraisal analysis of commercial district in community center serving local population. Special emphasis on project phasing. • Inglewood, California: Market and financial analysis of parking program utilizing air rights over existing retail operations. i URBAN REDEVELOPMENT STUDIES.' An important element of urban planning is the energetic efforts both public and private — dimaed toward renewal of the core areas of ourcities and. towns. Devielopment Research ..Associates offers a wide range of economic services to public agencies and.." private..redd9elopers:.engaged. m:;Stitt, and pederally .assisted urban rrdevelo_pmeni " programs. ftepreaentative 'eitatlip[es, .include Land Utilization and . Marketability Studies .. General Nelgkborhood 'Repw Plan; Studies . , . Community Renewal Programs .... Financial Feasibility Studies ?ransien Commerical Studies .. . Acquisition Appraisals _ .. Reuse Appraisals ... and Continuing Disposition Consultation. In approaching Urban Redevelopment, it is the ...position of Development Research Associates that the need for "creative economics" is as great as that. of creative architecture and pla sing, and must be provided if the .urban core is to be preserved and ultimately ies#ored to its traditional position as. the vibrant center of the community. • -Lod Angles, California: Disposition Consultation agreement in connection with ;bunker Hill Project in downtown. Los Angeles. Emphasis on review of redeveloper proposals in lot of agency and community objectives. .0 Redondo Beach, :Califomia: Land Utdiaation and Marketability Study of residential demand in connections with Redondo Plaza pmjoct. Particular emphasis on demand for units "shared" by single residents. 4 Aadwrage, Alaska: Reuse Appraisal of parcel in downtown Anchorage following major earthquake disaster. Particular attention to effect of disaster on commercial land values." . Pittsburg, CaWorm}: General Neighborhood" Renewal Plan analysis of area, suft'ering from severe physical deterioration. Emphasis on developing pro1ects!W' Lich would stimulate economic growth of area. .. Santa Monica, Caldgtttia: Acquisition Appr amain correction with- Ocean., Park Troject in Santa Monica. Particular attention directed .. _.. towards Impact of beaiih trade . on cammercl3tfaad values: '. .. Tuesm. Arizona: Cgmmunny Renews) Program;: Economic analysis of the entire City of 7i,mcson. Clow coordination with City staff and interested citizens groups -represents an important element in. this CRP economic evaluation. • Portland, thegor:. Land Utilization and Marketability Study of Portland Center .Project. Involved evaluation. of : demand for re- maining parcels in project area. • Seattle, WashbWOW land Utilization and Marketability Study of Pace - Plaza Project. Emphasis on demand' for residential. and commercial facilities in connection with revitalized Public Maticet Place. 1 14 'r i - *.Cre scout City, California. Land Utilization and Marketability Study in connection with Tismarm Project Emphasis on commercial demand in area following major disinter. a Fairbanks, Alaska: Rouse Appraisal of site in downtown Fairbanks following major disaster. Focus on reestablishing land use in light of 2 extensive natural destruction. 46 Sag Francisco, Callfwais: Reuse Appraisal of property in Western Addition Project. Particular emphasis on valuation of now supermarket facility. • Monterey, California: Continuing Disposition Consultation In connection with Custom House Project. Involved. reviewing redeveloper proposals and. detarminhug market potential for individual sites. 7 • Richmond, California: Reuse Appraisal.. of land values following downtown renewal effort. Emphasis on valuation of new retail development in older commercial area. • North Las Vegas, Nevada: land Utilization and Marketability Study of demand for Rose Garden Project Area in North Las Vegas. Focus on commercial demand in low income residential area.- • Riverbank, California: Land Utilization and Marketability, Study of Stanislaus St. Project in Riverbank, California.,Emphasis on demand for low income housing. • San Jose, California: Disposition Consultation . agreement in connection with the Park Center Project. Involved encouraging redeveloper submissions and recormnruiiations regarding developer selection. • Oddand. Calitomis: Rause..Apprsisal in relation. to. the .Atom Project in Oakland. Emphasis i: 221(dX3) land values.f6ftowing jo� • PCs , California- Land .Utilization and Marketability . stoy of. Project in central portion.of small community. Particular attention to establishing degree of local merchant participation in retail portions of development. • Russell City, California: Reuse appraisal of parcels in Russell City Project in Alameda County, California, Accenton demand-for industrial land in East Bay communities. • South Pmadens, California; Appraisal analysis of demand for single fainfly units in . connection with Altos do Mon" Project. Emphasis on view impact on residential land prices. RECREATIONAL STUDIES Increasing incomes and leisure time have created rapidly expanditrg demands for recreational facilities and open space near our urban centers: Provision of such facilities requires large expenditures which normally must be justified from the standpoint of economics and /or potential utilization. Development Research Associates has conducted a wide variety of studies in recreational economics, including benefit —cost analysis :.open space studies ...regional recreation strategy analysis... specific; project analysis: related to golf. courses, marinas, resort hotels ...recreational land sales programs.... and other projects directed toward the leisure market. Development. Research Associates places special emphasis on the financial aspects.of all recreational programs of both a public and private nature. This is based on experience with -many projects where, although market demand 'was in evidence, the actual expenditure was not sufficient to support the operation of the facilities. a Bay Area. Open Space Study: - Analysis -of the costs and economic benefits of developing and maintaining a regional "Open Spar" platy in the San Francisco Bay Area. Invd- yed use of Bay Area Simulation Study (BASS) in projecting future land use demands. • Ozarks Recreational - Study: Development, of a Comprehensive Regional Recreational Strategy program for the Ozarks Regional Commission.: Involved development of recreational "profiles" and implementation plans for sub - regions. • Salton., Sea, iCaliforuia: Analysis of potential economic benefits resulting frorii control of salinity and pollution of the Salton Sea. Particular attention to projections -of .- waterorienteil recreation demands and full interviews in Salton.Sea area. r Rancho CadfpmW Analysis- of.golf course = residential; complex on portion of 90,000 acre .holding jn.Rirerside;County. Emphasis on ask of golf 4ourse_ condominium units for investment and special financing techniques. r bake Tahoe, Nevada: Analysis of recreational and hotel development of a major Lake Tahoe area land holding. Emphasis on coordinating recreational development with land merchandising program. • Tamales Bay, California: Market and_ Financial .study of development of 500 acre Tomesini Ranch on Tomales Bay. Spec attention to recreational- residential . program 'in connection with bayfront acreage. r Acapulco, Market. and. fh=cW analysis of major convention hotel and golf course development. Intensive tourist orientation studies conducted in connection with this assignment. �1 1-� • F.egenc, Oregon: Market evaluation of riverfront lots. near Eugene, Oren. Involved extensive survey of recreational projects in Pacific Northwest. .. • Redondo Beach, California: Market evaluation of demand for marina residential facil{ ties. Particular emphasis on integrating boat slips and residential units. • Temaeal Valley, Calforeia:. Market and Financial study of major recreational complex new Corona, California. The analyst concentrated on the development of golf courses, equestrian facilities, health spa, etc. • Cardiff, Cakfaais: Market, Finsuciil, and Appraisal ascent for major marina project in San Diego County. particular emphasis on determining the futurre magnitude of boating activity in Southern California. • Blythe, California: Comprehensive Market study of demand for marina lot sales on Colorado. River. Involved extensive consumer intety" program among boast owners currently utilinng Colorado River facilities. • Callum% California: Preliminary Market study of proposed reereationakesidential complex in Riverside County. Emphasis on potential market for mobile hems residents. • Huntington Bach, Catifbama: Market evaluation of demand for beach lien residential and commercial facilities. Particular attention on creating extensive beach oriented recreational facilities. . • Marina del Rey, California: Market analysis of demand for marina commercial facilities on large leasehold in Marina del Rey. Emphasis on determining magnitude of sailboat owner market. • Morro Bay, Caldom ia: Market study of demand for rectatiwrel lot Wes program near Morro Bay, Caiiforna. Emphasia on determining magnitude of San Joaquin Valley second home market. • Lan Angeles, Caiferma: Market evaluation of trends in recreational land values. Emphasis on effect of recreational facility in treating increases in property values of surrounding private adage. • Hemet, California. Market analyst of recreational lot sake program in Hemet Valley. Particular, 'attention to equestrian needs, golf course, air landing strip and unique . merchandising techniques. - i _. i INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT. STUDIES, . The rapid growth experienced by many communities since World War II has often led to the erosion of the industrial base which traditionally supported the economic life of the area. In many instances this base has not been replaced, resulting in a loss of jobs and resident- _ income. _ ' Since its inception, Development Research Associates. has beeni working with both private, and public clients in establishing sound industrial projects. Tile research effort in these projects often involves an extensive analysis of IndustN pge al acre absorption ...existing industrial facilities trends_ in. pertinent :- faiitdiries... interviews with "industrial executives, industrial research panels, andotherpractical.industrial evaluation techniques. a • Los Ansebm Ca4'fernia: Comprehensive industrial sdtvey.of over - — 2,000 industrial firma in Los Angeles County to determine existing °' -- industrial facilities and executive attitudes towards current industrial errvnorlment.m County. • Sm- Pedro, Cali forma: Market study of demand for foreign trade and distributive urdustries. in Los Angeles Port area Emphasis on use of —_ industrial fadilities for "dual ue" noetumal tourist attraction: s Am Vegffi, iNeveda: Marketing consultation in connection with airport industrial park in Las Vegas. Involved, preparation of — merchandising brochure, • Belle ,Washington: Conderrnatiowq' raisal analysis of industrial si , in Bellevnee; Washington- Emphasis on proving market damage as - a result of site parceliaation. • Torrance, California: Market and ap praisal. study of :demand for executive akocaft industrial park: InyolveA study of airport industrial packs in wes"m states. •_ Cuhrr City, C,ald'oross: Appraisal evaluation of mdustW property in Culver City,. Emphasis on value of mdusErial brad ui transitional industrial area o : Pift*urg, Offerniss: Market evaluation of waterfront industrial property near Pittsburg- Facus on.use-of site'fdr recreational and other non industrial uses. • Los Angeles, Cdffornia: Site selection survey for major heavy manufacturers: Involved evaluation of. major industrial areas in Southern California. • Canon, Cabfonds: Continuing consultation to major industrial part: f regarduig economic and industrial trends in.Southem California. • Alhambra, CoWernia: Market evaluation: of industrial district faced with major prgbkms of parking, access and mixed residential uses. IL Focus on use. of State Urban Renewat pr Ot to solve problems. l ,� - • Commerce, California: Appraisal evaluation of industrial parcel in the City of Commerce, California. Particular attention on valuating .. special purpose industrial building. • Pasadena, California: Market and Appraisal analysis of demand for high intensity industrial facilities in Pasadena. Involved use. of research "brainstorming" panel of leading Southern California industrial leaders. is I.oag. Beach, 'California- Market analysis of industrial property in Long Beach Port Area.. Specific emphasis on demand for waterfront industrial property with limited land area. y Cotton, California: Appraisal evaluation of industrial park in older : industrial community. Particular attention to demand for light-industrial facilities . • Tormace, CaNfornia: Market evaluation of demand -for. industrial land in Torrance. Emphasis on industrial acreage absorption in South Bay area. • Van Nuys, California: Market and Financial study of demand for high intercity distributive facility in San Fernando Valley. Involved analyzing demand.for underground warehousing operation with parking above. • Seattle, Washington:. Market and Appraisal analysis.of demand for "close-in" industrial park in Seattle. Involved extensive interview program of majority of industrial #inns in Seattle area. • Berkeley, California: Market and Appraisal study of demand for industrial land in built-up University community. Focus on the use of research f"ties.by adjacent industry. • Indio, California: Market and Appraisal analyse of industrial area in older desert community. Particular emphasis on effect of freeway on demand for industrial land. • Los Angeles, California: Appraisal evaluation of industrial operation in riot aria of South Los Angeles. Emphasis on impact of riots on future plant expansion potential. • Eastern United States: Site selection study for. major national corporation seeking large manufacturing site in eastern United States. • Los Angeles, California: Market analysis of demand for light manufacturing and distributive facilities adjacent to downtown Los Angeles. Particular attention to facility requirements of garment and other specialized industries. i� I TRANSpOwxnON $TUDIES Among all modern urban prgblems, there is.perhaps no more pressing challenge than that of moving people, goods, and services efficiently between and .Within major urban areas. Freeways, rapid transit, airports, parking facilities. —.ail we import4nt transportation services required if this critical urban problem is tobe.solved, :. Development Research. Associates has.. been involved in a series; of transportation studies directed.priman7y at: _. (1) identifying the most feasible transportation solution for a spe6- is geographical area: (2) assesig the.fmpact of a transportation system on the economy and land uses of an urban area; and (3) analyzing variout alternadye - methods of Jfnanci ig transportation services . i in the process of these stu*, Development Reseatch,Associates has refined several new and unique methods of establishing in a systematic -and realistic -manner the relationship between- transportation services and the economic structure of the ;urban area. • Los Angeles, Caldemia: Comprehendve analysis directed at improving public trmaportstim facilifin in tire- Los A s am. Involved analysis of new uaaaportatioh. systems and puseibility of utilizing are* burden, tax mo mment bond financing, for public transportation purposes• e Seatde, wash*gton: Economic an* of impact of fretway design alternatives on surrounding land use. Identification of related costs and benefits of each design alternative. e San FracisOU Caff'ernis: Market and Appraisal analysis of impact of rapid transit on major dowritowu Sat Francisco stations. Emphasis on linking station economic* with surrounding office and retail development e Santa Buba;a,, CaNfornia: Market. and Financial inalydS of developing cgmmercial apace in public -.perking structure and utilizing air rights revenue to offset bond mvks charges. a San Fumcbes, CWUwnia: Market and Appraisal . evaluation of impact -of mild ttamit on Misaoa.Distriat. larolved extensive interview program with local merchants regarding anWtOted impact of rapid transit.. a .Paget Sound, Washington; Development of economic input (poptdation,.ai�p3oyrrrsnt, dwelling wAU)'for regional gravity model computer program. Analysis of impact Of various transit route alternatives on future trip generation and land use patterns. a. Washington; D. C.: Cost - benefit analysis of rapid transit system proposed for Washington raattopolitan area. Focus on benefits to local governments, federal government, and private sector: 5.i- 'eT.°.- Vf+E'a -�'.L. • Loa Angeles, Calilmlis: Market.anaiym of commercial parking, strocdue development a major Greyhound station. • Seattle, .Washloglon: Conndtation program to determine the economic impact of future transit routes on overall community. Development. of "Nodal .Affinity index" method of determining route andatation location. • Hayward, Caltibsnh: Market and Financial analysis of impact-of rapid transit an City of Hayward; Emphasis on economic "linking" of tramit station amas to .other portions of the Central Ra inesa District. Tacoma, Wad: Appraisal :analysis of major paddrtg.strneture with associated commercial air rights development. Emphasis on estabb6ing proper economic relaiiemhips between public and private ownership. • Pasadena, California: Financial analyeia of industrial and commercial air rights development over major public parking sbuchpe. Emphasis on phasing of both parking: and air i>ahta deveiopriient. • Seattle, Wes: Coat-benefit analysis of proposed rapid transit program for election . and bond review purposes. Involved analysis of _- benefits of transit to both private and public sectors and relationship of: baneStr to overall development and operating costa of proposed System. • Bedm*y, Ca"Omi s: Market and Financial analysis of developing air rights. at rapid transit station - canes. Also involved evahration. -of. . impact of traosh on areerbetweeti alatioaa. • Loa Angles, CalHomia: Financial analysis of multi -level parking . garage, retail shopping x and public park.. fecdity. Application of land valve and sir rights relationship-to development . alternatives constituted major agent objective • Oakland, California: - Market of �Ysi?. #npaM. of.�.�t on downtown residential ftvelop mmt.. in Oakland. lavoived aeries of constrncer panels on attitudes toward downtown listing. once rapid transit is developed. • Seattle, Washington: Cooiuitation program for first stage rapid transit systurL Involved economie evehistion- of rout: selection, station location, and station design. • Ridrmond, California:_ Market coaeultation of impact of-rapid transit on older Central' Bualneas District. Particular attention to . Commercial development at transit terminal station. SOCIALLY- QR1ENT'Et _ECONOMIC SrUDiES hi action -,.-to* market- 0*nted studies, De"toinneut Remerch Associates has aL4o undertaken'-4 variety of sop jany -oxiented economic studies for `ernmentai non- pieY4tfouadationsn Items of concm in these studies inciude' 16w_4nd`.>ttQdeiate Income A69Wng ... .m4punt housing, smaA merchant gsnatance mtnorety hoaat++g. �� -- commercial revitalization in c: j 1 1 ,1 I� Ills Development Research Associates has performed a wide range of community facility studies . throughout the Western United States.. These - studies have. involved com ention . centers ... cultural facilities... sports 1 centers .. special theme compkxes arid other . projects where large numbers congregate for recreational,' cultural and/or educational purposes. Research emphasis in analyzing the demand for community. facilities . often involves extensive interview programs among associations, organizations, sports clubs, etc. Recognizing that facilities of this nature are often subsidized by the community; Development Research Associates is particularly - concerned with-aew and unique means o,( public jfnancing.- The coordinated use of community facilities is another: area where successful progress has been made in reducing the cost of the projects to the community. • Basnedea, Waisdogtan: Market site selection and Financial analysis of derawd for community mrvantion and cultural fecill y. h vowed extents" evaluation of feaabrar'ty of mntti-prupose facilities. • Tucson, Arizona: Market and Appraisal study of demand for major auditodimr and convention facility in Tucson. Involved extensive national Hovey of convention groups. e Ponders, California: Msrlost, Financial and Appoisal sngtysts of extnbit and meeting room complex- in connection with exietiug auditorium facih'ty. Involved survey. of msearch and technical associations, • Los Anpim California: Market and Financial study.of proposed i.os Angeles World Trade Center offios-end try faciility_deaignated for damlopurent under the- aogricxs of the Los Andes World Trade Authority. _ • Via; CaSfoiuis:. Market and Appraisal eeah"an of ooewntion•reson complex on haadifivat in Ventura: Particular. attention to seasonal aspects of coeseation and res ort demand. • San Diego, Co fonds Fkaadsl mulysis of ingor sports arem facility in San Diego. Empbads en use of non4parEing activity to increase overdi Snaaciai feambrlrty of projeu. a San Frandsen, C"onfis Market analysis of. impact. uf. proposed Sports Aram, Convention Canter. and Legitimate Theater on adjacent publics quasi pnblicand ixlvaje development potential. • Sacramento, Ca Hilo Madcet consultation in. connection with . Sacramento Auditorium and Convention Cmur. _Fmphads. an _ ofb ... phasing uilding and mistrondup with State Fair facilities. SPECIAL STUDIES In. addition to the analysis of specific geographical areas and individual sites, Development RamrCh.Associates Also engages in a wide variety o£special studios.. . These speaatstndies generally involve the testing of a development concept" to terms of its mwrket and- finamcial. J`leasfbiltty. Thus ..type of .research !effort requires intensive coordination with the cheot and other, consultaAts ' ' in order that the concept can be evaluated_in a thorough and objective manner: - Development Research Associates believes its exposure'to. all phases of real estate analysis places it in an excellent position to evaluate ther degree of market -and financial success that might await a new concept or, development idea. • lbeme Reshiisa t Market. and Financial analysis of demand for theme restaurant on nation wide $aadhise -basia:.lmiolved use of consumer panels to determine restaurant 8ming habits, • 'Incoroq of Retirement Comrs�mrty Special study;of feasibility Of incorporating a major existing retiremgnt_communio. Focus on . advantages arid, disadvantages - of incorporation as related to needs and financial resources of tidedy. a Chime Centier: Market consultation in, with Chinese Center �velbpmem in Oakland. Paitieular- attention to tourist market for Chinese retail and service establishments. r Planned Fare Commuwty, , Market .analysis of feasibility of 11 1- 1r 11 11 LAND OWNERS DEVELOPERS CORPORATIONS FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS ENGINEERS ATTORNEYS OTHER PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT.. RESEARCH ASSOCIATES CITY & ,..... - COUNTY GOVERNMENTS STATE GOVERNMENTS FEDERAL - GOVERNMENTi URBAN RENEWAL .. AGENCIES. REGIONAL COMMISSIONS SPECIAL -- DISTRICTS OTHER PUBLIC Marblehead Land Co. - ..... '- AmmiIgWRIwai;m Land Company .: ._ ._... . -Mxm PIPaipple CompmY, Ltd. Auto ._ Motpo Londry, Inc. - �A RDlvbionora . Bank of California . Naramore Bain, Brady & Johanson . °.: Bedite}Corposatlon' 'Ocmdento Petroleum Corporation BeryiivooA lmrealment Company; : :. . _ QoMdc Pnopertits, Lac. .:..- BostoriCorppanyiit'(Bf'orgy,IgC - GBdrn Development Company . .. _ :.Okamo to- - Cabot; Cabot & FaPogy, Ioc. ., .... Csmdatb, Fk+isaB. Adiry & A}es 03}NvaP¢ &Myers. '. CJ Iea LnekmNa.Assodafea r . Ottawa SAIM.Cumpany ... . .' .. oe P4blcTranSpoitatioa :. ._' . Paeese t& eyes .. ... - Cwmligated Trust Aaeociateon ` ` .- 1'aCSt7e :. CorPoratwP .- .Coate Padfa :. .- ....:.. :. .... - - .. .. -. :Pacific Western Corporation .. . . Parker. Ai . .:. Dauer Ranches .. ' .- craft ' .. fDrr>eio9 of Parker . DearvIDa Mahan Development lb: - Hannifin Corp.) , "Diners' Club :.. ! .. .:: .. Pasadena, Auto Dealers - ..:: ..' .. .: DivetYfsed Industries 'Internoinaaf _'.: ' .:...... Ponty- Famnom ... Drake tog dnrAd Company, �. - . Portland Center Development Company -- . _ Facititles - Inc. Associates, Efter Rice Burrows, Tne. Pr%erts Research Corporation - - "F7ectrotda CaPt6JCsrporatron i - _ - i?tysiaa Dar blopmonr tbmpany .... ` Robert Trent Jews & Associates Employers Inaasn¢e of Wausau : - .. Roeeeroor corporation ... .. .. �. .'.. .., Builft Cofpmti n_ i.. : RPSlmestoants -Ino: ". .. ....: : RD*+Ktaffik .. .. .. Far Wert Financial Corporation .. .. FtdeBEy Saw iega and Loan .' ::: - . San Jane Cantei CAtpora5oa .. Santorom:o plans Corporation Amucmmtt¢n.: _ r Southern Nevada Hone Sudden .. : Fnst federal SarlW & iomn Asnocn .. Astiunof Pasadena . .. _ :. Fbat.Natronal t5iy. Bank of Nere Ysuk _.Swtlrbn . Railway Co. ' Hordes .. . CorPotatien; Ltd ... Si!bs5fiptiaV<TIDJ y U.Inc, .. Ford Foundation .. sum" Informs onat ' Petroleum Co .,. Glrndale.FedemISavhW &l:oan ... ., S. V. H 9.ona .. ` Aeeoaetwn :;. .:. EI0641•.10dtatrIes-Acapoko Mexsb Swartz-1:4011letter .. ... ... . - Cmaton Savuls &Loan - Associati 1wa Insurance and Trust Company tlDri Richard, . ;:.... Gmudi®:Homes - ' . Ttanemnedda Research Group ` . - TiattyTl.Kem &. Co., ud .. Iry aitsWittenberg 12011 Prospect Inc. .. ' _.. fltmej Compaq . ::. ...... . -. J ooCa_ nham and Company urban Bank. Urban America, Inc.. . .. . .. .Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Vaaor Gnwn Associates .... ... . ' Kayeu Mmufr Wtmg CmupauY Warren W Jones & Associates .. Ladcv Corporation. ' Waterfront t�d Associates Loidlaw Wbe Canpany Watson Land COnGpany Wetdwoad ShPC(PIp La DevdapeM Ine. "... .. Lane .. .. �Inc T arwm Company dimpiob Papers, ) JJ .. _ UnldeUcr Entorpdses . {VeNward Properties Lyttoa Savlogs and Loan Ffilsey & Ham REPRESENTATIVE PUBLIC CLIENTS _ Development Rosenfelt �Associates has completed or b currently mimed in assignments. for the following govaumental -- bodies: councils, sgeroles; boards. Pig staffs, coamnlad ns,'Gin: .. - ALASKA San Fernando - . Anchorage San Francisco: _ Fairbanks San Jacinto San jam ARKANSAS - - - _ - Santa Barbara State of Arkaeas SentsMaria - - '. ARIZONA - ,ham _ - _ SedBeach - Seat Bach - - - CALIFORNIA - - Seaside South Pasadena - - - - - Alameda -- -- _ State of California - - - Alameda (County) _ - _ _- Sunnyvale Alhambra Thousand Oaks - Berkeley Torrance - - . - Brentwood - - - Ventura - -- ,.�._ - Buena Park - Cotten - - - - - - COIARADO. .- ". Corona - Am01s Corona" Boulder- : . _ Calm Crescent city - - - - - .. DISTRICT COI UMBJA Washington Ata& El - Cerrito - - .. .. Fresno Gardena - Carden Grove - _.. HAWAII - - - - - alp erd Hwmetnoea H mo -Beech IDAHO - - - - - Impesid Beach - - -. _ - .. -Bow Indio- - - INDIANA-; - -�. Inglewood La Mirada .. - -- : - - -. - - - - Gary Livermore ;dISSGl1Ri = - - - _ Long nooses " . _ .. _ LoeAmgeha . State of Missouri Loos Angeles (County) - - NEVADA Merin (County). _ - - . - North Las Vegas I Merced - - Modesto . OKLAHOMA � - _ Monterey - .. - - - - State Of Okwwma .: Newark -- -OREGON - - - Norwalk - - - .. -' Readspott Oakland - - - Oxnud Pasadena - - - UTAH -. - Perris Pittsburg - - Plesarrt Hill .. - _. _ - - WASHINGTON - - .. - Pomona. won Fort Hueneme .� Redding Seattle Redondo Beach' Richmond _ Tacoma- . Riverbank - WISCONSIN Riverside (County) Sheboygan - _ Slas Sacramento U_S.TERPMURIFS - � - San Be -. - San Bernardino Gusm .... - - - - San Diego _ - - .- - U. S. GOVERNMENT - - . .. U. S. Trmary Department - - - t�= __ -.. �I - �. _. r. . :..: _ :. _ ,_. _ _ - _- �.: .. y- _._ ... �.. _ .... _, —. _ � .... — - - �, :.. .:. i. . ,., ,. —::_. _ s �' � ,. �. _ ,... _ .. _ _. _ . v _ , _ — —. _ ;. _._ :___ '',. _. �. _ _.. _ .. E _ —.. .. _ _ .. �:� — -� ' �. �. �.e.� ' CLIENT CONSULTING PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE LIBRARIAN PROJECT MANAGER SECONDARY § FIELD § STATISTICAL RESEARCH SURVEY ANALYSIS CONSULTING PRINCIPAL RESEARCH INTERVIEW COORDINATOR DATA CONSUMER PROCESSING 0 INTERVIEWS LEWIS N. WOLFF CHAIRMAN, BOARD OFDIRECTORS Lewis N. Wolff is a co- founder of Devel- opment Research Associates and served as the firm's first President. In his present capacity as Chairman of the Board, Mr. Wolff is responsible for corporate plan- ning and policy formation in connection with the organization's extensive research and appraisal activities. Mr. Wolff's academic background includes a Bachelor's degree in real estate from the University of Wisconsin and a Masters in Business Administration from Washington University (St. Louis). In addition to his duties with Development Research Asso- ciates he is a nationally recognized lec- turer, instructor, and author. He is a permanent member of the University of Californ ia at Los Angeles Extension Divi- sion staff, teaching the University's course entitled "Real Estate Analysis Techniques ". He has served as guest instructor in Real Estate Appraisal at U.C.L.A. and in the Urban Renewal Seminar in the graduate program of the University of Southern California. Mr. Wolff has also served on a number of panels including the Industrial Panel for the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, various appearances for the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials, and the Land Executives Association. Prior to the formation of Development Research Associates, Mr. Wolff served as West Coast Manager for the market research and appraisals firm of Roy Wenzlick & Co. of St. Louis, Mo. During his professional career Mr. Wolff has personally prepared and supervised a wide variety of economic and appraisal assignments in over 100 cities in the United States. Publications "The Application of Corporate Investment Techniques to Real Estate Expenditure Analysis"; Real Estate Analyst, XXX, No. 16 (April 21, 1961) 147 -52. "Case Study of Housing the Elderly"; Appraisal Journal, XXXI, No. 1 (Jan. 1963) 115 -18. "The Central Business District in Transition"; Appraisal Journal, XXXI, No. 3 (July 1963) 365-68. "Current Practices in Real Estate Syndication"; Real Estate Analyst, XXVHI, No. 33 (Aug. 24,1959) 347 -50. "Real Estate Aspects of the Current Tax Structure"; Real Estate Analyst, XXIX, No. 43 (Oct 18, 1960) 451 -54. "Return to Private Mortgage Insurance"; Real Estate Analyst, XXIX, No. 59 (Dec. 30, 1960) 597 -600. "Urban Renewal Disposition"; Real Estate Analyst, XXXI, No. 49 (Dec. 21, 1962) 517.20. Recent Speeches: "The Economist Looks at Planning ": American Institute of Planners, Los Angeles, California "The Economic Future of Tucson ": Tucson Economic Development Conference, Tucson, Arizona "Urban Renewal Disposition Practices and Problems ": Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D. C. "Real Property Taxation ": Governor's Conference, Sacramento, California "Expanded Fields for Appraisers ": Appraisers' Day Speech, American Right of Way Association, Los Angeles, California "Economic Impact of Rapid Transit ": Oakland Citizens for Development, Oakland, California "The Economic Analyst's Role in Marketing": Land Executives Association, San Francisco, California "Future Development Opportunities ": Building Contractors Association of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 11 I I 11 I �I J [1 11 JOHN W. MCMAHAN PRESIDENT John W. McMahan is a co- founder of Development Research Associates. As Pres- ident, Mr. McMahan is responsible for the administration and conduct of the firm's nationwide research activities. Mr. McMahan previously directed Eco- nomic Feasibility Studies for the archi- tectural firm of Charles Luckman Asso- ciates. While serving in this capacity he participated in the economic planning of some of the major real estate projects in the United States. Based on this exper- ience, Mr. McMahan has been instru- mental in developing analytical programs which effectively increase coordination between economics and the technical dis- ciplines of planning, architecture and en- gineering. Mr. McMahan received his Bachelors degree in Economics (Cum Laude) at the University of Southern California and his Masters degree from Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration. He is currently a guest lecturer at the University of California at Irvine, the University of Southern California, the University of California at Berkeley and the University of California at Los Angeles. Mr. McMahan often speaks on a wide variety of subjects of interest to organizations throughout the Western United States. He is a member of Town Hall and the Los Angeles World Affairs Council. Publications: "The Architect and the Economist ": AIA Journal, October, 1965. "Will Downtown Survive ? ": Arizona Review, November, 1967. Recent Speeches: "The Impact of Transportation on Surrounding Land Uses": Southwestern Regional Conference - Society of Real Estate Appraisers "The Gold Crisis ": Alhambra Chamber of Commerce "Transportation Issues for 1968 ": Southern California Association of Governments "Rapid Transit: Feasibility or Fantasy ": Town Hall "Real Estate as an Investment ": TRW Seminar "Downtown: Problems and Solutions ": Ventura Chamber of Commerce "Outlook for Retailing ": Santa Barbara Chamber of Commerce "New Trends in Industrial Real Estate Development ": Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce "Improving Public Transportation In Los Angeles ": Lambda Alpha "Economic Analysis of Central Business Districts ": UCI Seminar "Effective Use of Consultants ": Pacific Southwest Conference, National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials "Transportation's Impact on the Community ": American Right of Way Association "Practice Methods, Fees, and Contracts ": American Institute of Architects J. RICHARD McELYEA EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Mr. McElyea's background includes over eleven years of experience in the eco- nomics research field combined with three years in the construction industry. As Executive Vice President, he is responsible for the selection and development of the professional staff. Mr. McElyea also con- ducts and supervises a wide range of assignments in land and urban economics and specialized recreational projects. Mr. McElyea was formerly the Executive Vice President and General Manager of Ship- ley- Stewart Corporation, a Los Angeles based economics research firm acquired by Development Research Associates in 1965. Prior to this, he was a Vice Presi- dent of Economic Research Associates. Mr. McElyea first came to Southern Cali- fornia to serve as Manager of Land Economics and Community Facilities research for Stanford Research Institute. In this capacity, he performed and supervised projects on a nationwide basis dealing in urban economics, land use, recreation, and community facilities such as civic auditoriums, arenas, and convention centers. Mr. McElyea's experience in the construction industry was with Oddstad Homes of Redwood City, a large scale community developer in the San Francisco Bay area. He was manager of contract negotiations, purchasing, and project budgeting. His responsibilities also included liaison with the Federal Housing Administration. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from Stanford University and a Masters degree in Business Administration from the Stanford Graduate School of Business where he did specialized work in marketing research and finance. Mr. McElyea has been a guest lecturer at the University of Southern California and the University of California at Los Angeles, and has given a member of talks to private groups on topics in the fields of real estate and recreation. He is a member of Town Hall and the Los Angeles World Affairs Council. Mr. McElyea has recently spoken on the following topics: "Recent Trends in Governmental and Institutional land Development" 'Impact of New Community Facilities on Surrounding Land Use" DALE H. LEVANDER VICE PRESIDENT As a Vice President of Development Research Associates, Mr. Levander is responsible for the conduct and super- vision of market and financial analysis projects for private and public clients. In his work with Development Research Associates, he has been heavily involved both in urban economics studies for major municipalities and in land use analyses for large parcels of vacant land intended for planned community development in out- lying areas. Mr. Levander brings to Development Research Associates over 15 years of consulting and industrial experience. Prior to joining Development Research Associates, he was an associate of the national management consulting firm of Booz, Allen and Hamilton. In this capacity, he conducte heavy concentration on economic and financial anal involving the coordination of real estate and land formulation and decision - making. d over 30 major assignments with ysis, including many assignments economics with business policy Before entering the consulting field, Mr. Levander served as Executive Vice President of Ridley and Company, Inc., which was engaged in equipment leasing, construction equipment manufacturing, construction subcontracting and clay mining. He also served as budget director at Hughes Aircraft Company and in various financial and marketing staff capacities for A. O. Smith Company and Allen- Bradley Company. He holds a Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering and Business Administration from the University of Texas and a Masters degree in Business Administration from the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration. His teaching experience includes Business Administration and related courses at Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Recent Publications Include: "Real Estate Potential For Off -Shore Island Development" HAWKINS STERN VICE PRESIDENT Mr. Stern has over ten years of experience in the field of economics research com- bined with previous experience in the marketing and advertising of industrial and consumer products. Prior to his association with Development Research Associates, Mr. Stern was the Manager of Research Operations in the Corporate Planning Division of Pacific Finance Corporation, Los Angeles; a major affiliate of the Transamerica Cor- poration. In this capacity, he conducted and supervised studies on the economic and financial feasibility of proposed investments, location analysis, new mar- ket opportunities and long range corporate planning. Of particular interest in this regard was participation in the development of a revolving credit finance program for discount department stores, and the development of a loans branch office location program which led to the establishment of new offices throughout the United States and Canada. Mr. Stern's previous research experience was with Stanford Research Institute in Southern California and Armour Research Foundation in Chicago. Project experience at Stanford Research Institute combined land use and urban economic studies with industrial and consumer product marketing research. At Armour Research Foundation, Mr. Stern con- ducted industrial market research, new product and product use studies and marketing organization studies. Mr. Stern received his Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of California, Berkeley; and took post - graduate study at Hastings College of Law, San Francisco, California. Publications by Mr. Stern include articles in the following: Journal of Marketing: "The Significance of Impulse Buying Today" Marketing in Action: Readings Wadsworth Press: 1963 Marketing Research: Principles and Readings Southwest Publishing Co.: 1963 I I 1 1 I 11 I 11 I 11 i 11 11 ROBERT M. LOZA SENIOR ASSOCIATE Robert M. Loza, Senior Associate for Merchan- dising Services, adds an additional dimension to the scope of Development Research Associates. Combined with the established policy of "implementation oriented" research, the addi- tion of the merchandising services function pro- vides for an effective phasing of research efforts into the total marketing concept. Mr. Loza's background of nearly twelve years of experience over the full range of marketing- communications services includes market research, sales promotion, advertising and public relations. During this period, he guided and directed millions of dollars of marketing investments for major national corporations covering a wide variety of products, services and real estate developments. He has expanded this valuable background of private experience into the public sector in the field of urban renewal. During his three years with the Oakland Redevelopment Agency, he was credited with the development of one of the most effective community relations programs ever undertaken by a public agency. Mr. Loza holds a Bachelors degree in Journalism from the University of California, followed by graduate study in Marketing at that institution. RICHARD W. CALHOUN SENIOR ASSOCIATE Richard Calhoun conducts and supervises market research and appraisal studies in a Project Mana- ger capacity. Prior to his association with Development Research Associates, he was a loan officer with the Ralph C. Sutro Company, where he dealt with the mortgage financing of com- mercial, residential income, and industrial properties. He previously held the position of Reviewing Appraiser with the Prudential Insurance Company of America where he developed and analyzed commercial and indus- trial mortgage loan investments. After graduating from the University of Texas, he served with the U. S. Navy, first on board a destroyer and then as Planning Officer at a Naval Air Station. Subsequent to his release from active duty, he joined the Service Bureau Corporation, a subsidiary of IBM, gaining considerable experience in sales and electronic data systems. Mr. Calhoun holds the Master of Business Administration degree with a major in Real Estate from the University of Southern California and the Certificate in Real Estate from the University of California. WILLIAM T. BELCHER SENIOR ASSOCIATE Mr. Belcher has over 10 years of experience in the market research, financial analysis and appraisal aspects of real estate. Prior to joining Development Research Associates, he was associated with Roy Wenzlick & Company of St. Louis, Missouri, a national real estate con- sulting and appraisal firm. In this association, Mr. Belcher participated as a principal in a wide variety of public and private assignments with an emphasis on commercial business district studies, appraisal and urban renewal projects. Before entering the research and appraisal field, he spent five years in real estate and construc- tion activities. Included in Mr. Belcher's experience with Development Research Associates are the marketability analysis and appraisal of over 630 hillside lots for the Monterey Hills Project in South Pasadena; commercial district studies for the cities of Redding, Seaside and Santa Maria, California, and in Reedsport and Salem, Oregon; specialized residential- recreation studies for the Marina View project in Pittsburg, California, a major acreage holding in San Diego County, and economic base studies for the City of San Fernando and the Hemet -San Jacinto Valley. DAVID L. PETERSON SENIOR ASSOCIATE Uniquely qualified with a background in real estate, social psychology, law and planning, David L. Peterson is well versed in the complex problems of urban economics. Mr. Peterson received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Social Psychology from Harvard Col- lege followed by an L.L.$. Degree from Harvard Law School and an M.C.P. Degree in City and Regional Planning from the University of Cali- fornia at Berkeley. Mr. Peterson's professional experience includes real estate management and investment analysis with Van Schaack & Company in Denver, Colorado; real estate analysis with Real Estate Research Corporation in San Francisco; and economic and real estate analysis with Stanford Research Institute in Los Angeles. Publications: "The Planned Community and the New Investors; Economic and Political Factors in Corporate Real Estate Investment"; Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics, University of California, Berkeley. "Evaluation of the War on Poverty in Sacramento, California "; prepared in association with Baxter, MacDonald Associates, for the Office of Economic Opportunity, 1967. "Reorganization of New England School Districts "; University of Maine Law Review, 1964. ROBERT W.SALO ASSOCIATE Robert Salo combines a strong background in real estate finance with experience in real estate development, both in the United States and Canada. As an Associate with Development Research Associates, he draws upon his back- ground in a wide range of projects in both the private and public real estate realms. In addition, Mr. Salo has been instrumental in applying financially oriented analytical techniques to the fields of economic impact and benefit -cost of major public improvements. Prior to joining Development Research Associates, he served as manager of a United States division of the Hashman Management, Ltd. construction and development company of Calgary, Canada. His responsibilities included financial and lease analysis, preparation of loan packages, direct negotiation and placement of financing with banking institutions and development of new financial institution contacts. Mr. Salo began his professional career with the Hellman Company, a California based financial services firm, where he was responsible for management and coordination of office activities, all phases of mortgage placement, appraisal and customer relations. He has similar experience with the City Mortgage Department of Mason- McDuffie Company, Berkeley, California. MICHAEL C. CLARK ASSOCIATE Michael Clark, as an Associate, conducts and supervises appraisals, financial analyses, and market research assignments with particular emphasis on complex multi -use projects. Prior to his association with Development Research Associates, he was an appraiser in the City Mortgage Department of The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States. In this capacity he handled commercial, industrial and apartment properties, including appraisal, and the origination and servicing of property loans. This background proves most valuable in his urban area assignments, particularly in reference to the financial land uses, such as institutional, commercial and industrial developments. feasibility of specialized Mr. Clark received his Bachelor of Science degree in Economics at the University of Oregon and has completed requirements for a Masters degree in Business Administration at the University of Southern California. Upon completion of college, he served for two years as an officer with the United States Army, during which period he received special commendation for his work with the U.S. Army Arctic Test Board, Fort Greely, Alaska. EDGAR L. LAW, JR. ASSOCIATE Mr. Law's professional experience combines a background of engineering and planning with economic research and consultation. He brings to Development Research Associates over twenty years of applied experience in these fields in both private and public positions. At Development Research Associates, Mr. Law has participated in economic and marketability studies for the Hunters Point Redevelopment Project in San Francisco and the General Neigh- borhood Renewal Area Study for the City of Oakland. Prior to joining Development Research Associates, Mr. Law was a senior staff member of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Richmond, California. In this capacity, Mr. Law had the major responsibility for preparation of project formulation activities for the Agency program, supervising the preparation, presentation and execution of plans for redevelopment project areas. Mr. Law was responsible for coordinating the programming activities for the Downtown Richmond Project, one of the most significant redevelopment projects undertaken in the San Francisco Bay Area. Before entering public service, Mr. Law held positions with Kaiser Engineers of Oakland and Earl and Wright Consulting Engineers of San Francisco. He has also served as a special consultant in redevelopment planning and implementation. STEPHEN J. GOLDMAN ASSOCIATE Stephen Goldman received his Bachelors degree from Beloit College and his Masters degree in Business Administration from the University of Denver, where he specialized in real estate. In the process of obtaining his Masters degree, Mr. Goldman was employed by the Denver Urban Renewal Authority in assisting on a financial impact analysis of a major urban renewal pro- ject. Prior to his association with Development Research Associates, Mr. Goldman obtained practical experience in the building industry while employed for a home building company in Illinois, in addition estate-oriented market research studies in Illinois, Colorado and Alabama. to conducting real Mr. Goldman's experience with Development Research has included research for both public and private clients in the position of Project Manager. His projects have included the following: market and financial analyses for several major housing developments in Southern California; a valuation analysis for one of California's largest planned community developments; rapid transit impact studies for the City of Seattle and a community in the San Francisco Bay Area; several central business district studies in major California communities; and other studies involving both market and financial analytical techniques. LAWRENCE E. REDMAN ASSOCIATE Lawrence Redman is experienced in the re- search, marketing and management of commer- cial and residential properties. Prior to joining Development Research Associates, he was a property manager and commercial leasing agent for Arbee Enterprises, a Los Angeles based property development firm. Other responsi- bilities with the firm included research on projects prior to development, project planning and sales promotion of commercial and multiple residential properties. Mr. Redman was also an Associate in the Land and Investment Division of Ellis - Schrader, Inc. In this position he was involved in research, acquisition and marketing of properties suitable for residential development. Included in his work with Development Research Associates has been substantial background in the analysis of industrial areas with particular emphasis on the development of industrial park acreage, large acreage residential developments and commercial projects. Mr. Redman received a Bachelors degree in Marketing from California State College at Long Beach, and studied International Economics at the American Institute for Foreign Trade, Phoenix, Arizona. DAVID C. PETERSEN ASSOCIATE As an Associate, David C. Petersen conducts and supervises a variety of analytical assignments with primary emphasis on municipal and corpo- rate finance. Before joining Development Research Associ- ates, Mr. Petersen was a municipal financial analyst and consultant with Wainwright & Ram- sey, a New York financial consulting firm. In this position he participated as a financial consultant in connection with the Los Angeles Convention and Exhibition Center, Los Angeles International Airport, Baltimore Rapid Transit System, and other projects requiring revenue, tax allocation or general obligation bond financing. Mr. Petersen previously served as a tax exempt securities analyst with Wells Fargo Bank in San Francisco and as the municipal bond analyst for Halsey, Stuart & Company in New York. He received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics at San Jose State College where he was President of Tau Delta Phi, the men's honorary scholastic fraternity. ALFRED J. MAUPIN LIBRARIAN Development Research Associates maintains one of the most comprehensive libraries in Real Estate and Urban Affairs in the nation. In view of the dynamic nature of these fields, emphasis is placed on rapid retrieval of current information on a wide variety of specialized topics. In addition, statistical series are maintained on all major geographical areas in the Western United States. Through participation in the inter -library loan program, access is provided to the resources and facilities of all other major libraries throughout the United States. As Librarian, Mr. Maupin provides staff research assistance to other members of the professional staff and supervises the Search Service program offering research services directly to both private and public clients. Prior to assuming his current position, Mr. Maupin served as Senior Librarian and Assistant Department Head of the Business and Economics Department of the Los Angeles Public Library. He previously was employed as the Technical Process Librarian for Ampex Corporation and as Acquisitions Librarian for Stanislaus State College. Mr. Maupin received his Bachelors degree in Spanish from the University of Chattanoga and a Master of Library Sciences from Emory University in Atlanta. He is a member of the Special Libraries Association and Vice President of the Business and Industry Division of the California Library Association. i I F1 i I 11 I �] ALICE L. KLEINER RESEARCH INTERVIEW COORDINATOR As Research Interview Coordinator, Alice Kleiner supervises various interview programs directed at establishing the market patterns and attitudes of consumers, merchants, residents, industrial executives, and others. Her responsi- bilities include questionnaire design, sample selection, questionnaire pre - testing, field super- vision, and questionnaire verification and edit- ing. In addition, Miss Kleiner often conducts research panels in situations where this tech- nique may prove desirable. Miss Kleiner was previously associated with the architectural firm of Robert Sully and Associates in architectural projects throughout the Western United States. developing market research data on Miss Kleiner attended El Camino College and the University of California at Los Angeles. JOAN HEBERT COMMUNITY RELATIONS COORDINATOR As Community Relations Coordinator, Joan Hebert is responsible for public relations, public- ity and promotion of a wide variety of client assignments. In this capacity, she works closely with all project managers to insure the effective public communication of research goals and objectives. Mrs. Hebert brings to Development Research Associates a strong background in the fields of community development and urban affairs. Her previous experience includes assignments in editorial research, free -lance writing, and photo journalism. A native of Southern variety of community and March of Dimes. California, Mrs. Hebert has combined her professional career with a service activities such as American Cancer Society, United Crusade, ARLAN W. WOODWARD RESEARCH ANALYST Arlan W. Woodward received his Bachelors degree from Brigham Young University and has completed course requirements for a Ph.D. in Public Administration from the University of Southern California. His graduate study program involved concentration in State and Local Gov- ernment, Urban and Metropolitan Government, and International Affairs. Prior to joining Development Research Associ- ates, Mr. Woodward completed work on a grant from the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare in the field of air pollution. In his present position, Mr. Woodward is principally involved in the analysis and evaluation of primary field data in connection with a wide variety of projects. Recent assignments included an economic base evaluation of the City of Gardena, a commercial revitalization program for the City of Pomona, and a convention /community center analysis for the City of Bremerton, Washington. ROBERT J.HARMON RESEARCH ANALYST In his position as a Research Analyst, Robert Harmon undertakes a variety of analytical assignments including field surveys, merchant interviews, and statistical analysis. Prior to associating with Development Research Associates, Mr. Harmon served as a market analyst for Southern Counties Gas Company. In this capacity he maintained a continuous review of sales reports in order to identify new market areas for utility service. In addition, he prepared company wide sales forecasts, analyzed sales data to determine market position, and con- ducted market studies of housing potential in various Southern California communities. Mr. Harmon received his Bachelors degree in Economics at the University of Southern California and is presently completing his requirements for a Masters Degree in Business Administration. MARLA J. HEBERT RESEARCH ANALYST Marla Hebert is a graduate of Occidental College with a major in Economics and a minor in Languages and Mathematics. Prior to joining Development Research Associates, Miss Hebert's experience was oriented to various aspects of computer systems design and operation. As a Research Analyst, Miss Hebert's assign- ments consist primarily of statistical analysis of secondary economic data related to population, employment, retail sales, construction activity, etc. In addition, Miss Hebert often evaluates primary research material including consumer shopping patterns, merchant attitudes, license plate surveys and field surveys. Recent assignments include work for the cities of Pomona, Gardena, Coronado, Norwalk, and Buena Park as well as several private clients. SUSAN E. WINTHER RESEARCH ANALYST Susan Winther is experienced in the economic analysis of real estate development with partic- ular emphasis on retail site selection. Prior to her association with Development Research Associ- ates, she was employed by Darley /Gobar Associates, a marketing consulting firm in San Diego, California where she specialized in site location consultation for a major supermarket chain. Miss Winther's previous experience was with Summerset Corporation in San Diego where she investigated the economic feasibility of various land development projects, and with the San Diego Trust and Savings Bank. Miss Winther attended San Diego State College and has taken special courses with the American Institute of Banking. 0 � � %� � �� { §� { �{ � : |� :.y�� ;\ IT L o ELL ���� / / \�/ I jel m7mik, _I,-- Afr. Michael Clark Ievelotanent Research Associates 731 South Flmuer Los Angeles, California Dear Mike: As we 3iscassed or. Tuesday, $3,038.10 oC the $5,000 aippronriation provided under the contract for your study of the Beacon Bay property has been formally cancelled. This allows the Finance Department to clear its records in the amount of the encumbrance for the 1969 -70 fiscal year. lie will likely reactivate the contract during, the latter part of the next fiscal Year as we progress with the preparation of the City's General Plan. If you have any questions or comments on this matter, please let me know. Sincerely, JANES P. DeWAINE Assistant City Manager JPD:sr cc: Finance Director I REPRESENTATIVE PRIVATE CLIENTS Adamson Properties American - Hawaiian Land Company Autonetics, A Division of North American Rockwell Corporation Bank of California Bechtel Corporation Berylwood Investment Company Boston Company of California, Inc. Cabot, Cabot & Forbes, Inc. Candeub, Fleissig, Adley & Associates Charles Lockman Associates Citizens Advisory Council on Public Transportation Consolidated Trust Association Costa Pacifica Dana Ranches Deauville Marina Development Co. Diners' Club Diversified Industries International Drake Investment Company Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Electronics Capital Corporation Elysian Development Company Employers Insurance of Wausau Exchange Building Corporation Far West Financial Corporation Fidelity Savings and Loan Association First Federal Savings & Loan Association of Pasadena First National City Bank of New York Fluor Corporation, Ltd. Ford Foundation Glendale Federal Savings & Loan Association Global Industries - Acapulco, Mexico Great Western Savings & Loan Association Guardian Homes Harry H. Kern & Co., Ltd. Hemet Packing Company John Graham and Company Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corporation Kaynar Manufacturing Company Ladco Corporation Laidlaw Wire Company Lane Developers, Inc. Larwin Company Linkletter Enterprises Lytton Savings and Loan Marblehead Land Co. Maui Pineapple Company, Ltd. Morgan Laundry, Inc. Naramore, Bain, Brady & Johanson Occidental Petroleum Corporation Oceanic Properties, Inc. Ogden Development Company Okamoto-Liskamm The O.K. Earl Corporation O'Melveny & Myers Ottawa Silica Company Pacesetter Homes Pacific Finance Corporation Pacific Western Corporation Parker Aircraft (Division of Parker- Hannifin Corp.) Pasadena Auto Dealers Ponty - Fenmore Portland Center Development Company Public Facilities Associates, Inc. Property Research Corporation Robert Trent Jones & Associates Rossmoor Corporation RPS Investments, Inc. Ruth+ Krushkhov San Jose Center Corporation San Lorenzo Plaza Corporation Southern Nevada Home Builders Association Southern Pack Railway Co. Sproul Homes Subscription Television, Inc. Sunset International Petroleum Corp. S. V. Hunsaker & Sons Swartz - Linkletter Title Insurance and Trust Company Tori Richard, Ltd. Transamerica Research Group Twaits- Wittenberg 1200 Prospect, Inc. Union Bank Urban America, Inc. Victor Gruen Associates Warren W. Jones & Associates Waterfront Land Associates Watson Land Company Weldwood Structures (Division of U. S. Plywood Champion Papers, Inc.) Westward Properties Wilsey & Ham DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATES `S ®� \1� \= �Illieeiei �7��nunnn REPRESENTATIVE PUBLIC CLIENTS Development Research Associates has completed or is currently engaged in assignments for the following governmental bodies: councils, agencies, boards, planning staffs, commissions, etc.: ALASKA San Fernando Anchorage San Francisco Fairbanks San Jacinto San Jose ARKANSAS Santa Barbara State of Arkansas Santa Maria Santa Monica ARIZONA Santa Rosa Tucson Seal Beach Seaside CALIFORNIA South Pasadena Alameda State of California Alameda (County) Sunnyvale Alhambra Thousand Oaks Berkeley Torrance Brentwood Ventura Buena Park Colton 'COLORADO Corona Aurora Coronado Boulder Crescent City DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Culver City Washington Area El Cerrito Metropolitan Transit Fresno Authority Gardena Garden Grove HAWAII Hayward Honolulu Hemet IDAHO Hermosa Beach Imperial Beach Bosse Indio INDIANA Inglewood Guy La Mirada Livermore MISSOURI Long Beach State of Missouri Los Angeles Los Angeles (County) NEVADA Marin (County) North Las Vegas Merced Modesto OKLAHOMA Monterey State of Oklahoma Newark OREGON Norwalk Reedsport Oakland Salem Oxnard Pasadena UTAH Perris Provo Pittsburg WASHINGTON Pleasant Hit[ Bremerton Pomona Puget Sound Governmental Port Hueneme Conference Redding Seattle Redondo Beach Tacoma Richmond Riverbank WISCONSIN Riverside (County) Sheboygan Sacramento U. S. TERRITORIES Salinas Guam San Bernardino San Diego U. S. GOVERNMENT U. S. Treasury Department DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATES TO: FINANCE DIRECTOR FROM: City Clerk SUBJECT: Contract No. C-1219 DATE May 25, 1970 Description of Contract Real Estate pensulting Services Authorized by Resolution No. , adopted on Effective date of Contract April 7. 1999 Contract with Develogaent Research Associates Address 731 South Flawer St. Los Angeles, CA 90017 Amount of Contract $3.500 for Balboa Bay Club Property $5,000 for Beacon Bay property city Cle c ` A. S, 0 DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATES 7 3 1 S O U T H F L O W E R S T R E E T (AREA CODE 213) 626 -2342 March 18, 1969 6437 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90017 CABLE ADDRESS: DVELSEARCH Mr. James D. DeChaine Assistant City Manager City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92660 Dear Mr, DeChaine: Pursuant to your request, I am enclosing a copy of our firm's brochure outlining our project experience and professional qualifications. It is my understanding that the City of Newport Beach is interested in retaining an economic - appraisal consultant to review several City -owned properties, most particularly the Beacon Bay and Balboa Bay Club properties which are pres- ently under consideration for lease extension. Since our inception in 1963, our firm has completed over 600 professional assignments. During this period of time we have worked for over 100 cities or other local governmental agencies. In Orange County we have recently completed or are currently engaged in assignments for the following cities: o Garden Grove, California Contact: Mr. Cline F. Martin Planning Director 714/537 -4200 o Tustin, California Contact: Mr. Harry E. Gill City Administrator 714/544 -8890 LOS ANGELES WASHINGTON a Mr. James D. DeChaine Page Two March 18, 1969 o Yorba Linda, California 4 Contact: Mr. Darrel Dalton City Administrator 714/524 -5000 o Buena Park, California Contact: Mr. Taras Kozbur Planning Director 714/521 -9900 Please feel free to contact the above mentioned individuals to verify the quality of our professional services. In addition to the cities indicated above, we have also been retained by private corporations and other institutions involved in projects in Orange County. A representative listing of our private and public clients is attached. We presently have 45 professional people on our staff, including specialists in appraisal, real estate development, municipal bond financing, transportation analysis and other related programs. Although it is difficult to indicate pre- cisely what staff would be involved in the proposed evaluation of the Beacon Bay and Balboa Bay Club properties, I can say that I would personnaly direct the consultation effort. I would most likely be assisted by Mr. Dale Levander, Vice President of our organization, who is most familiar with current economic trends in Orange County. Mr. Richard Calhoun and Mr. Michael Clark would most likely assist on appraisal analysis. Mr. Calhoun is particularly familiar with the appraisal of public leases as a result of his experience with several projects at Marina Del Rey. Other members of the staff would be utilized as required. It is generally our policy to establish a predetermined maximum consultation fee with the client, based upon the anticipated services required. The client is then billed monthly, based upon the actual professional time and direct expenses incurred during the prior month. Our professional fees range from $15 to $37.50 per hour, depending upon the individual involved. Direct expensesinclude travel and subsistence, reproduction, and certain subcontracted items such as title searches, etc. L, Mr. James D. DeChaine Page Three March 18, 1969 If upon review of this material you believe that our firm should be retained to work with your community, I would suggest that we meet fairly soon to review the subject properties and scope of services that would be required. We appreciate your interest in our firm and we would certainly welcome the opportunity to work with your fine community. Sincerely, MENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATES in W. McMahan esident JWM:df Enclosures a 0 April 9, 1969 Mr. John W. McMahan, President Development Research Associates 731 South Flower Street Los Angeles, California 90017 Dear John: Please be advised that the City Council, on April 7th, approved your letter of April 2nd regarding, your proposal and scope of services to be performed in conjunction with the Balboa Bay Club and Beacon Bay properties under lease by tale City of Newport Beach. Please consider your letter of proposal and this confirming letter as a combined Letter of Agreement for the consulting work to be performed. The only change which should be noted at this time concerns the reference on page three of your letter relating to the number of copies of the final written report which will be prepared. As previously discussed by telephone, the City will be needing twenty -five copies of your final report. We understand that this is acceptable and that you will make the notation on your copy of the letter of proposal. In conjunction with this consulting work, it is the understanding of the City Council that you will first commence the Balboa Bay Club economic analysis and complete that work to the satisfaction of the City Council before commencing with what might be construed as Phase II of the pro- ject, that being the Beacon Bay property analysis. The City Council has taken action to encunber funds for the entire project at this time with the proviso that subsequent Council approval be obtained prior to the commencement of the Beacon Bay property analysis. We have confirmed the date of April Berke of the Balboa Bay Club. They with Messrs. Dale Levander and Mike and 12:00 Noon on that date. Prior will be meeting. with Jim DeChaine a A.M. to discuss further the nature 15th with Richard Stevens and Ralph will be looking forward to meeting Clark between the hours of 10:00 A.M. to that time, I understand that they id possibly myself as well at 8:30 if the work to be performed. Jim 2 !fit/. ii ✓, i.r r grad I will attempt to join Dale and Mike, as well as the Balboa Bay Club representatives, for lunch at the Balboa Bay Club around Noon. Arrange - mc::ts nor t is lundieon have likewise been confirmed. nn behalf of the City, may I express our sincere interest in looking for- ward to a most pleasant relationship with your staff representatives as they undertake the economic analysis work needed in conjunction with the Balboa Bay Club and Beacon 11,ay properties. We look forward to meeting with Messrs. Levander and Clark on the 15th. HLI: /JPD:ep Sincerely, IIARVEY L. FTURLBURT City Manager r \ r 'I r f CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH C-/ 24 q OFFICE OF THE CITY CIL• / DISPOSIT(o : April 7, 1969 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FI / L FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: REAL ESTATE CONSULTING SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED BY4g"°-� DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATES h_ •AuLLl0217M It is recommended that the Council authorize the City Manager to execute a Letter of Agreement with the firm of Development Research Assoc- iates for real property consulting services related to the Balboa Bay Club and Beacon Bay properties, subject to a maximum fee for these services of $3,500.00 for the Balboa Bay Club property and $5,000.00 for the Beacon Bay property. DISCUSSION: Attached you will find an outline of the real estate consulting services to be performed by the firm of Development Research Associates. This outline dis- cusses in detail the scope of services to be performed, the method of approach which Development Research Associates will use on each of the properties and the method by which conclusions and recommendations will be reached for subsequent Council consideration. Due to the urgency of completing the analysis of the Balboa Bay Club lease extension request, most attention will be paid during the next two months to evaluating this property. As indicated in the attached out- line of services to be performed, the conclusions and recommendations derived would be developed as a result of the field research which would be reviewed during a series of progress meetings with the City staff and the findings summarized in a written report to the City Council. It is anticipated that a written report on the Balboa Bay Club analysis will be complete and made avail- able to the City Council during the first week of June, 1969. The more complicated analysis of the Beacon Bay property will likely be undertaken in May and June, with a final written report being made available to the City Council no later than July, 1969. A similar method of approach would be undertaken in conjunction with the analysis of this property and the conclusions and recommendations again formulated as a result of the field re- search and a series of progress meetings held with the City staff. Findings of this evaluation will likewise be reviewed with the City Council in July. As indicated in the attached outline, the maximum fee for the pro- fessional time and direct expense involved with each of these projects would be $3,500.00 for the Balboa Bay Club property and $5,000.00 for the Beacon Bay property. Professional time would be calculated on the basis of Develop- ment Research Associates' standard hourly billing rates for the individual E Mayor and City Council Page 2 0 April 7, 1969 consultants assigned to the projects. The direct expenses would be limited to travel, subsistence and reproduction costs associated with the project. Resumes of individuals who would be working on the projects are attached for reference. In order that additional time is not lost in the evaluation of these lease exten- sion requests, it is recommended that we employ the services of Development Re- search Associates at this time to undertake the evaluation of these properties. HLH /JPD:ep att. HARVEY L. HURLBURT 6 Cr DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATES 7 3 1 S O U T H F L O W E R S T R E E T (AREA CODE 213) 626.2342 April 2, 1969 6437 L O S A N G E L E S , C A L I F O R N I A 9 0 0 1 7 CABLE ADDRESS: OVELSEARCH City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92660 Attention: Mr. James D. DeChaine Assistant City Manager Gentlemen: G� 4• At your request, we are submitting this proposal for services in connection with an analysis of the Balboa Bay Club and Beacon Bay properties owned by the City of Newport Beach. It is our understanding that the major objective of this analysis would be to evaluate whether or not the City should extend existing leases on these properties and, if so, under what conditions.. In this proposal we will indicate the method of approach we would employ, the conclusions and recommendations that would be forthcoming, the personnel that would be utilized, and the time and costs involved. SCOPE OF SERVICES BALBOA 13AY CLUB PROPERTY The analysis of the Balboa Bay Club property would concentrate on an immediate evaluation of the outstanding proposal from the Balboa Bay Club for lease extension. Inherent in this evaluation would be an analysis of the desirability of the proposal from the City's point of view, the ramifications of not accepting LOS ANGELES WASHINGTON 0 • City of Newport Beach Page Two April 2, 1969 the proposal, and possible modifications in the proposal (if any) which would make it more attractive to the City. Method of Approach The method of approach that we propose to utilize involves the following: 1. Review and evaluation of the existing Balboa Bay Club proposal including the supplementary reports prepared by Economics Research Associates and George Hamilton Jones, M. A. I. 2. Discussions with executives of the Balboa Bay Club regarding their overall objectives and future planning. 3. Field survey and evaluation of similar lease arrangements in other areas of Southern California such as Marina Del Rey, King Harbor, Mission Bay, etc. 4. Discussions with City staff personnel and others regarding the interests of the City in connection with the proposed lease extension. Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the method of approach indicated above, we would be prepared to develop conclusions and recommendations related to the following: 1. Projected benefits and costs to the City as a result of accepting the proposed lease extension. 2. Projected benefits and costs to the City from not accepting the proposed lease extension. 3. Recommended modifications (if any) in the proposed lease extension which would improve benefits to the City. City of Newport Beach Page Three April 2, 1969 4. Recommendation as to whether to accept the Balboa Bay Club proposal as submitted, reject the proposal, or modify the proposal to make it more attractive to the City. The conclusions and recommendations outlined above would be developed in the form of a series of progress meetings with City staff, ultimately culminating in a written report (10 copies). A public presentation has been budgeted to explain our findings and recommendations. BEACON BAY PROPERTY The Beacon Bay property represents a somewhat more complicated situation in that no specific proposal has been offered and a greater variety of land uses are involved. The emphasis in this study would shift, therefore, to formu- lating a strategy for policy action regarding this property. Method of Approach The method of approach would involve the following; 1. Review of available material relating.to the property including the George Hamilton Jones appraisal. 2. Discussions with representatives of the Beacon Bay Community Association and the Balboa Bay Marina to ascertain their attitudes towards lease extension. 3. Field survey of possible land uses which might be developed on the land portion of the property following lease expiration. This would include multi - family residential, commercial, and other possible uses. 4. Field survey of other publicly owned marinas in Southern California to review lease terms and operating characteristics. City of Newport Beach Page Four April 2, 1969. Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the method of approach indicated above, we would be in a position to make the following conclusions and recommendations: 1. Projected highest and best use of the Beacon Bay property, assuming the existing lease was allowed to expire. 2. Projected benefits and costs to the City of allowing the existing lease to expire. 3. Recommendations regarding modifications of the existing lease. 4. Projected benefits and costs to the City of extending the existing lease with the recommended modifications. 5. Recommendations regarding the best method of proceeding. 6. Formulation of a policy regarding lease extension on the Beacon Bay property. The conclusions and recommendations outlined above would also be developed in a series of progress meetings, ultimately culminating in a brief, written report (10 copies). A public presentation has also been budgeted. CONTINUING CONSULTATION Following the submission of the written reports, it may be desirable for our firm to be involved on a continuing, "on -call" basis to assist in implementing the recommendations. It also may be desirable to offer additional consulta- tion on methods by which the subject properties can be tied into a comprehensive financing program for the proposed Civic Center. Our experience in municipal financing might prove of value in this regard. In any event, we would be available for necessary continuing consultation as required. City of Newport Beach Page Five April 2, 1969 PERSONNEL The following personnel would be available for this assignment: Dale H. Levander, Vice President . . . Project Coordinator Michael C. Clark, Associate . . . . . . Project Manager David C. Petersen, Associate . . . . James Coleman, Research Analyst. . Municipal Finance Consultation Field Survey Barbara Vogel, Research Analyst . . . Statistical Analysis Other Personnel. . . . . . . . . . . . As Required Resumes outlining the experience and qualifications of the above mentioned personnel are attached to this letter of proposal. TIME SCHEDULE We estimate that the Scope of Services can be completed within the following time periods: Balboa Bay Club Property 60 days Beacon Bay Property 90 days The indicated time period is from receipt of notice to proceed. The two proper- ties could be analyzed separately or concurrently. FEE SCHEDULE Due to the complexity involved in assignments of this nature, we prefer to work on a "professional time, plus direct expense" basis with a firmly established maximum. In this manner, the client only pays for the actual work performed, City of Newport Beach Page Six April 2, 1969 and yet is assured a firm maximum for budgetary purposes. We estimate that the Scope of Services outlined above can be completed for the professional time plus direct expense involved, not to exceed the following maximum fees: Balboa Bay Club Property $3,500 Beacon Bay Property $5,000 Professional time would be calculated on the basis of our standard hourly billing rates (copy attached) based on the individuals involved. Direct expenses include travel and subsistence and reproduction. These items would be payable on the basis of the invoice cost plus 10 percent servicing costs. Professional fees would be payable monthly, based on the work for the prior month. Con- tinuing consultation following completion of the written reports would be billed on an hourly basis. We wish to thank you for this opportunity to submit a proposal to analyze these properties. We believe that our experience in real estate economics and appraisals, as well as our continuing work for municipal governments through -. out Southern California place us in a relatively unique position to undertake an assignment of this nature. If there are any questions regarding this proposal or if additional information is required, please contact me. If you wish to proceed, a letter to this effect will be sufficient to allow us to proceed immediately. Respectfully submitted, DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATES (Sohn W. McMahan President JWM:pq Enclosures: Resumes Hourly Rates DALE H. LEVANDER VICE PRESIDENT 40 As a Vice President of Development Research Associates, Mr. Levander is re- sponsible -for the conduct and supervision of market and financial analysis projects. for private and public clients. In his work with Development Research Associates, he has been heavily involved both in urban economics studies for major municipalities and in land use analyses for large parcels of vacant land intended for planned com- munity development in outlying areas. Mr. Levander brings to Development Research Associates over 15 years of con- sulting and industrial experience. Prior to joining Development Research Associates, he was an associate of the national management consulting firm of Booz, Allen and Hamilton. In this capacity, he conducted over 30 major assign- ments with heavy concentration on economic and financial analysis, including many assignments involving the coordination of real estate and land economics with business policy formulation and decision - making. Before entering the consulting field, Mr. Levander served as Executive Vice President of Ridley and Company, Inc. , which was engaged in equipment leasing, construction equipment manufacturing, construction sub - contracting and clay mining. He also served as budget director at Hughes. Aircraft Company and in various financial and market staff capacities for A. O. Smith Company and Allen - Bradley Company. He holds a Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering and Business Administration from the University of Texas and a Masters degree in Business Administration from the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration. His teaching experience includes Business Administration and related courses at Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATES WiMEWnMnu MICHAEL C. CLARK ASSOCIATE Michael Clark, as an Associate, conducts and supervises appraisals, financial analyses, and market research assignments with particular emphasis on com- plex multi -use projects. Prior to his association with Development Research Associates, he was an appraiser in the City Mortgage Department of The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States. In this capacity he handled commercial, industrial and apartment properties, including appraisal, and the origination and servicing of property loans. This background proves most valuable in his urban area assignments, particularly in reference to the financial feasibility of specialized land uses, such as institutional, commercial and industrial developments. Mr. Clark received his Bachelor of Science degree in Economics at the University of Oregon and has completed requirements for a Masters degree in Business Administration at the University of Southern California. Upon completion of college, he served for two years as an officer with the United States Army, during which period he received special commendation for his work with the U. S. Army Arctic Test Board, Fort Greely, Alaska. DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATES M i 11 *1111 0 0 DAVID C. PETERSEN ASSOCIATE As an Associate, David C. Petersen conducts and supervises a variety of analytical assignments with primary emphasis on municipal and corporate finance. Before joining Development Research Associates, Mr. Petersen was a munici- pal financial analyst and consultant with Wainwright & Ramsey, a New York financial consulting firm. In this position he participated as a financial consultant in connection with the Los Angeles Convention and Exhibition Center, Los Angeles International Airport, Baltimore Rapid Transit System, and other projects requiring revenue, tax allocation or general obligation bond financing. Mr. Petersen previously served as a tax exempt securities analyst with Wells Fargo Bank in San Francisco and as the municipal bond analyst for Halsey, Stuart & Company in New York. He received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics at San Jose State College where he was President of Tau Delta Phi, the men's honorary scholastic fraternity. DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATES :mrsillad E JAMES H. COLEMAN RESEARCH ANALYST • James Coleman is principally involved in the analysis and evaluation of primary field data in connection with a wide variety of projects. Recent assignments include an economic base study of the City of Tucson, Arizona, a proposal for an experimental city, termed MXC, in Minnesota, and regional economic analysis in the Washington, D.C. area. Prior to his joining Development Research Associates, Mr. Coleman was in- volved in analysis of the flow of mortgage funds for the State of California under the direction of Dr. Fred Case. Previously, while attending college in Philadelphia, he was employed by the Rufeld Investment Corporation, a private investment firm. Mr. Coleman received his Bachelor of Science degree from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. His graduate study in real estate finance was taken at the Wharton School of Finance, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and he subsequently received a Masters degree in urban land economics from the University of California at Los Angeles. DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATES. 0 BARBARA K. VOGEL RESEARCH ANALYST As a Research Analyst with Development Research Associates, Barbara Vogel is responsible for the statistical analysis of secondary economic data on a variety of assignments. In this capacity, she also works closely with the firm's Research Interview Coordinator, evaluating the results of various interview programs directed toward consumers, merchants, residents and industrial executives. Mrs. Vogel received her Bachelors degree in Economics from the University of California at Los Angeles, graduating Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa. She also received her Masters degree in Economics with a minor in Mathematics from the same institution. Prior to her assignment with Development Research Associates, Mrs. Vogel was employed by the County of Los Angeles in social work, and with the Research Library of the University of California at Los Angeles. DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATES s =:�w�lQll DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATES STANDARD HOURLY RATES Chairman & President . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37.50 Executive & Senior Vice President. . . . . . . . . $35.00 Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32.50 Senior Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . $30.00 Associate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22.50- 27.50 Librarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... $25.00 Technical Specialist . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. $20.00 Research Analyst. . . . . . . . . . . $17.50 Research Assistant . . . . . . . . . . .. . . $15.00 Clients are billed on a monthly basis for the time expended in the preceding month, plus costs of travel and subsistence, reproduction, long distance telephone calls, and other related out -of- pocket expenses. A ten percent servicing charge is added to all reimbursable invoice items. DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH. ASSOCIATES _Wr. 3a'�6 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DISPOSITION: �n OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER COUNCIL Ic�r 6dv -6 y 2 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ISPOSITION: FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: PROPOSED RETENTION (t4.4.at, RECOhMENDATION: It is recommended that the City to sign a letter of agreement with the fi iates for real estate consulting services Bay Club and Beacon Bay properties. DISCUSSION: E CONSULT Council au t on the City Manager rm of Development Research Assoc - in conjunction with the Balboa At the March 17 Study Session meeting, the staff reviewed a series of real estate consulting firms which have been retained to perform real estate economic analyses for municipal agencies in Southern California. Of the five specific organizations discussed, the staff recommended further consideration be given to the firms of Development Research Associates and Real Estate Research Corporation. The City Council concurred with this approach and requested that proposals be secured from these two firms, analyzed and recommendation made to the City Council for consideration at the March 24 meeting. These two organizations were contacted and proposals were solic- ited for staff analysis. It became readily apparent, upon review of the two proposals submitted, that the firm of Development Research Associates was.far more capable of providing this service for the City at this time. The proposal submitted from the firm of Real Estate Research Corporation was very brief and the list of clients did not include any governmental agencies in Orange County. A copy of the brief cover letter which accomp- anied the proposal is attached for reference. John W. McMahan, President, Development Research Associates, sub- mitted a more detailed letter of proposal and company brochure, copies of each of which are also attached hereto. Mr. McMahan's letter indicates that the project coordinator who would be assisting him in analyzing the Balboa Bay Club and Beacon Bay properties would be Mr. Dale H. Levander, Vice President of Development Research Associates. Additional personnel would be assigned to assist with the analysis as needed. Depending upon the individuals used on the project, the professional fees would range from $15 to $37.50 per hour plus direct expenses incurred in connection with the project. We have taken the liberty of checking with the four Orange County municipalities mentioned in the cover letter from Development Research Associates. Comments from each of the individuals referenced in the letter are as follows: IWRPF�! Mayor and City Council Page 3 March 24, 1969 Yorba Linda (continued) City will be further retaining this firm to prepare a series of special studies, including one on the impact a specific routing of a freeway will have on the community, cost benefit studies on potential annexation pro- posals and various growth pattern alternatives for the community, and another study on marginally producing oil wells and ways by which these can be eliminated. Dale Levander is the project coordinator and is doing a fine job on the project. As far as I am concerned, I would not hesi- tate to recommend their services for the work to be undertaken in Newport Beach." Mr. Tarus Kozbur "Development Research Associates has Planning Director recently finished an economic survey Buena Park and analysis of the economic con- ditions and outlook in Buena Park and also analyzed and made specific recommendations on the up- dating of Buena Park's General Plan which was adopted by the City Council in 1963. The firm did a very good job; they are very thorough and prepare a good report. I would highly recommend the retention of their services." Based upon the exceptional recommendations as summarized above and the experience which this firm has had in the Orange County area in conducting economic analyses similar to those required by the City of Newport Beach at this time, it would appear advisable to enter into an agreement with Devel- opment Research Associates for consulting services on the Balboa Bay Club and Beacon Bay properties. The opportunity of having Mr. Dale Levander assist Mr. McMahan as the project manager is also particularly appealing and would be of great benefit to the City on these matters. It is therefore recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to sign a letter of agreement with the firm and move ahead with the economic analyses as soon as possible. HLH /JPD:ep att. HARVEY L. HURLBURT By: Assistant City Manager 1 �y Real Estate Research Corporation THOMAS UYDEN COOK. M.A.I. DIRECTOR OF APPRAISALS 655 SOUTH HOPE STREET • LOS ANGELES 90017 • PHONE: 217- 620.0100 March 18, 1%9 Mr. James P. DeChaine Assistant City Manager City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92660 Dear Mr. DeChaine: In accordance with our telephone conversation regarding the City of Newport Beach's lease interests in the Balboa Bay Club and Beacon Bay Project, I am enclosing two copies of our company background statement. This short brochure outlines the scope of our services and lists many of our clients. Mr. Wendell H. Martin's and my professional qualifications are included at the end of each brochure. I will be in touch with you or please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Very truly yours, T. Layden Cook, M.A.I. TLC:ph Enclosures �I�H!•II• 'I CHICAGO • NEW YORK - WASHINGTON, D. C. • DALLAS ST. LOUIS • OMAHA • LOS ANGELES • SAN FRANCISCO • MINNEAPOUS-ST. PAUL SAN JUAN TORONTO (NERCO CANADA L704