HomeMy WebLinkAboutC-1295 - Engineering services agreement for a report for future well sitesApril 9, 141/3 l ;'y CC 0 F APR 231973 G E By f6 CITY COUNCIL CITY 00 1141OWP W GGACH HEALTH DEPARTMENT Honorable City Council City of Newport Beach 3300 West Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California 92660 Subject: Proposed Ordinance to Regulate the Construction and Abandonment of Wells All y7 JOHN R. PHILP, M.D. HEALTH OFFICER SANTA ANA OFFICE 645 NORTH ROSS STREET SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92702 TELEPHONE: 834 -3131 Mailing Addreete P. 0. Be. 355 Santo Ana, California 92702 ANAHEIM OFFICE 1011 SOUTH EAST STREET ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE: 776 -5551 Mailing Addresr: P. 0. Be. 355 Santa Ana, California 92702 Brief: The Health Officer recommends that the City Council enact a proposed well ordinance as a measure necessary for the pre- vention of safety hazards and the protection of groundwater quality Your Honorable Council, %/_ 3 (C-) Improper practices utilized in the construction and abandonment of wells have been known to create safety hazards and to degrade the quality of our underground water supplies. Recognizing this potential problem, the Board of Supervisors earlier this year enacted an ordinance regulating well con- struction, which we now submit to you for your consideration (Attachm_nt I). As your Health Department, we are calling upon your City, along with all ether cities in the County, to adopt a similar ordinance so as to achieve uniform County -wide application. The proposed ordinance is the product of au extensive review of the problem by a special committee of the Orange County Water Association, representing water purveyors, well contractors, consulting engineers and local geverament. The ordinance has been reviewed and endorsed by staff of the State Department of Water Resources and both Regional Water Quality Control Boards in the County. Also, the Executive Committee of the League of California Cities, Orange County Division, has recommended its adoption by member cit�3 .. t. nle APR . . .. 13/"IT\ _ .....................ter COPIES SENT It Mayor Hxnuget 'V i.mey public Worke Dirt t" { 1 19xnu ®g Direct" Usher 0 t:nancttIDa� .. L ,� r lk - 2 - Pursuant to provisions of the State Water Code, Sections 13800 to 13806, a regional water quality control board may require cities and counties to adopt standards for well construction when needed to protect the ground water quality in a particular area. If a city or- Bounty fails to act upon being notified, the regional board may adopt such AlMdards, which must then be enforced by the city or county as a local ordinance. `'Such requirements have already been imposed in many areas of the State and it is only a matter of time until we are also contacted by the State for this purpose. This Department believes that it is preferable to proceed according to a thoroughly considered plan, rather than to react hastily to a State edict. Therefore, we recommend your favorable action in adopting the proposed ordinance. By so doing, you will help to establish a uniform County wide program of enforcement under Health Department administration. We also recommend that you adopt the proposed agreement (Attachment II) and the schedule of permit fees (Attachment III) to enable us to recover our costs of enforcing the ordinance. Please note that in adapting the ordinance for use by your City, all references to the County, Board of Supervisors, or unincorporated territory should be modified appropriately. Also, the reference to Government Code Section 28545, pertaining to recovery of abatement costs by a county, should be changed to Section 38773.5, which is the equivalent-provision for cities. We fully understand that this subject is rather complex and may require further discussion and explanation. Therefore, we will be pleased to have our representa- tive meet with you or your staff to answer any questions you may have. Please let me know if you wish to arrange for such a meeting. Very truly yours, U;. R, JOHN R. PHILP, M.D. Health Officer County of Orange JRP:bw Attachments , ORDINANCE NO. 26,x, AN ORUlNk4CE ADDING ARTICLE 2 TO DIVISION 5, TITLE 4 OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, CALIFORNIA The Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange, California, do SECTION 1. Article 2 is hereby added to Division 5, Title 4 of the Codified Ordinance. of the County of Orange to read as follows. ARTICLE 2 Construction and Abandonment of Wells Sec" 45.021. Purpose. It is the purpose of this article to control the construction and reconstruction of well. to the end that the ground water of this County will not be impaired in quality and that water obtained from such wells will be suitable for the purpose for which used and will not jeopardize the health, safety or welfare of the people of this County; and to provide for the destruction of abandoned wells or wells found to be public nuisances to the end that such wells will not impair the quality of ground water or otherwise jeopardize the health, as fecy or welfare of the p eeplc of this County. See. 45.022. Definition, As used in this article, the following words shall have the meaning provided In this section. ABANDONED and ABANDO!Cv,'_1T. The terms "abandoned" or "abandonment" shall apply to a well which has not been used for a period of one year, unless the owner declares in writing, to the Well Standard. Advisory Board, his intention to use the well again for supplying water or other associated purpose (such as an observation well or injection well) and receives approval of such declaration from the Board. All such declarations shall be renewed annually and at such time be resubmitted to the Board for approval. Teat holes and exploratory holes shall be considered abandoned twenty- four hours after construction work has been completed, unless otherwise approved by the Health Officer. AGRICULTURAL WELL. A water well used to supply water for irriga- tion or other agricultural purposes, including so- called stock Vella. CATHODIC PROTECTION WELL. Any artificial excavation in excess of 50 feet constructed by any method for the purpose of installing equipment or facilities for the protection, electrically, of metallic equipment in contact with the ground, commonly referred to as a cathodic protection well or a deep anode. COMMUNITY WATER SUPPLY WELL. A water well used to supply water for doaestie purposes in systems subject to Chapter 7 of Part I of Division 5 of the California Health and Safety Code. CONSTRUCT, RECONSTRUCT (CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION). To dig, drive, bore, drill or deepen a well, or to reperforate, remove, replace, or extend a well casing. DESTRUCTION. The proper filling and sealing of a well that Is no longer useful so as to assure that the ground water is protected and to eliminate a potential physical hazard. ELEC77RICA1 GROUNDING WELL. Any artificial excavation in excess of 50 feet constructed by any method for the purpose of establish- ing an electrical ground. HEALTH OFFICER. The Orange County Health Officer or his designee. INDIVIDUAL DOMESTIC WELL. A water all used to supply water for domestic needs of an individual residence or commercial establish- .ant. INDUSTRIAL WELL, A water well used to supply an industry on an individual basis. OBSERVATION WELL. A well used for monitoring or sterling the conditions of a eater- bearing aquifer, such as water pressure, depth, movement or quality. P1:X1.1T. A written Pamir issued by the Health Officer pemitting the construction, reconstruction, destruction, or abandonment of a yell. PERSON. Any person, firm, corporation or governmental agency PUBLIC NUISANCE. The tem "public maloance ", when applied to a well, shall =can any all which three tens to impair the quality o! ground water or otherwise jeopardise the health or safety of the public" SALT WATER (HYDRAULIC) BAR3IER WELL. A well used for extracting water from or injecting water into the underground as a means of preventing the lncre.ion of salt eater into a fresh water bearing aquifer. TEST OR EXPLORATORYCLE. An excavation used for determin Lng the nature of undergrcund geological or hydrological conditions, wheth. by seismic investigation, direct observation or any ocher X. n9 Wit. any artificial excavation constructed by any method for Ube pvrpose of excractlr.g w.:cer from or injecting water into the ode: kroucL, for .v :din cachcdic protection or electrical grm+: di::g of egcl »z r -- fo: '.making cents or Observations of cd e: grcu ad cc , or for any ocher similar purpose. Wells c lieited co, cocmunity vacer pld -a, Ser_+i :cal doer SC is wells, industrial wells, :chcd5c urotection wells, electrical .acre :ory holes, observation wells and is Lt •-acer� ::ler wells, as defined herein, L,d cu.s: n:- ,:.:.a r: on is necessary to fulfill the s d- rereined by the Well Standards %a- include: (a) oil and gas wells, ..her constructed under the jur%,- LICCiG1+Cl C1 .` _ „epCrl'.T J[ C...eTVe Clon, ..c ,-pc Chase ve se '.; ',:ells: (b) well. used for the r: :`RC: +'.. during construction, or or t other well• ry to fulfill the purpose of o:._s °:e•c It "- oa : :: rat. i. : oy the Well Standard. Advisory Bca: t, ALLtaClifeent L ,,._. .1.023. Well Standards Advisory Board A board consisting of five member. shall be appointed by the Hoard of Supervisors. One of the members appointed shall be a person c: +Toyed in a supervisory capacity by . water purveyor In the County of Orange whose system relies to a significant extent upon ground wacu,; one shall be a registered civil engineer under the laws of the State of California who is experienced in unitary engineering and -ho is qualified in the field Of wirer supply; one shall be a per-ton licensed in accordance with the p roviaLan. of the Contractors License Law, Chapter 9, Division J of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California; on's shall be a person who is qualified in the field of water quality; and one shall be a registered geologist under the lava of the State of California woo is qualified in the field of ^round water hydrology. One of the a£ormentioned persons shall be a representative of the Orange County Water District and one .hall represent the Orange County Water Pollution Department. Members shall serve for a three year term and until the qualification of a successor, except that the first member, shall serve staggered terms, as determined by the drawing of lots, in the following manner: One member shall serve for a one year teem of office; two meobers shall serve for a we year term of office; two matters shall serve for a three year term of office. All term, shall end on the first Monday in January of the year in which such term is to expire. Traveling and other expenses incurred by each Board member in the performance of his official duties shall be reimbursed at a rate of $10.00 pe: meeting. Sec. A5,(124, ,SCln pr_.._...- perms_- :eScL-,,d. No person shall, within the unincorporated area of the County of Orange, const met or reconstruct any well unless such construction or reconstruction is carried out pursuant to and in conformance with a Written permit issued for that purpose by the Health Officer as provided in this article. Nor shall any such person abz.don a well unless it has been destroyed pursuant to and in conformance with a written permit issued by the Health Officer. Nor shall any such person violate the terms of any order issued by the Well Standards Advisory Board or the Health Officer, issued pursuant to this article, Sec, 45.025. Permits. Applications for permits shall be made to the Health Officer containing such information as he shall require. Each application shall be aecospsniad Ly 4 fee which shall be established by the Board of Sup z. :'G: ors c:m the basis of the coot incurred in enforcing the pry ; -, _os sf this article. F ifty percent (50%) of the.fee shall. 'c returned to the applicant should the permit be denied or if theJper_ft in cancelled within sixty (60) days after issuance and ',:a work[ has 'been done. A permit shall remain in effect for a:ie year fr = date of Lasuarme, Permits may be issued subject to any condition or require- ment found by the Health Officer to be accessary to accomplish the purposes of this article. A permit may be cancelled or the conditions amended by the Health Officer if he determines that to proceed with the work would result in a public nuisunee or the permit holder has violated the terms of the permit or this article. Sec. 45.026. Completion of Work. The permittee sha_1 notify the ::calth Officer in writing upon cocpletion of the work zed m work shall be de=cd to have been completed until such wri_rcr. rat:. _Ica -.on has been received. A final inspection of the work ehcil as made by the Health Officer and no permittee shall be 'cued to have coc,plied with .this article or his permit until such inspection hat been performed. Sec. 45.027. Notice; Cancellation or Dalafal of Permit. In the event a pomit is denied or cancelled, the applicant or permit holder shall be given writ_::. notice by the Hcalth Officer, which notice shall specify t e reatnis for hie action and shall notify the applicant or permit holder of his right to request a hearing before the Well Standards Advisory :card within ten days. Sec. 45.028. Notice: Public Nuleattca. In the event the Health Office,- d.aes:c S : :z; that a Veil constitutes a public nrlass. e, he sr-'l Mai_ a writton notice to the landowner and the per_'ic holder; if o,nar than rho land- owner. A copy of the notice &Sall. %.c posted cm the afcecced property. The notice sha11 state t:s specific facts giving rise to such nuisance; the corrective me:.cm its de: r_:d necessary; and time, date, and place at vhicn s hoarinr ::.:a !'_ be held by the Well Standarda Advisory Board relating ci.lzcto, which dote shall be not less than can nor rare than thirty day., :?cur the date such notice is mailed. The notice shall state th.:c it the event the Board determines that a public nuisance exist& a special assessment shall be imposed upon coma land for any costs of abatement. Sec. 45.029. Immediate Abat.z,enL If the Health Officer finds that Lh_hadiac :._.on is necessary to prevent impairment of Ct,o groan" r or a cheoac to the health or safety of an, public, he may tacu the nu'_ :ce without giving notice. Within Lventy -four (24) hours after initiating such abatement, the da &ltn Officer aiali give -otiee of a hearing before the !te 11 Scar.dards Advlscr _;rd in the manner prescribed in Station 45.022. Sec. 45,0210. Board Hearing At the time fixed for the ' the W,' Stan.: r Advisory Board shall hear and c :.11 r :zi.mony acv* evidence offered by the lands. ter` and by .. r ircerebced person. In tie evr..t � board z I ._ nuisance exists, is shall direct n. ale. _ any necessary action to protect G :.: ., ':,d • l:h and safecy of the public, unless the s`. ..;i she landvuh.r on or before a ec,r m be '!'hC carte of such Corrective work c' -n, I:el: :r.. become a special assessment upon 45.0111 `"� '.'...'f..• .., -'n„ .. 'h' —s s v. -_ --, i .,-... ,y.,a,., ::ac�,'�"`filie,w...f��' ...,iyf M .t Attachment I (continued) If the Board finds that a permit was improperly denied or cancelled, it shall order the Health Officer to issue or reinstate such permit. See. 45.0211. Abetment Costs a Special Assessment. Upon a finding by the Well Standards:Advisory Board that a well constitues a public nuLSance, alI cost of abatement carried out under the terms of Chia section shall constitute a charge and special assessment upon the parcel of land involved. If such costs are not paid within sixty (60) days, they shall then be declared a special assessment against that parcel as provided in Covernnent Code Section 25845. Such special assessment shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as ordinary County taxes are collected and shall be subject to the same penalties and the same procedures and sale in case of delinquency as provided for ordinary County taxes. The County shall retain the additional and independent right to recover its coati by way of civil action against the Owner and person in P ., . ion or Control, ,jointly or severally. Sec. 45.0212. Standards. Standards for the construction, reconstruction, destruction, or abandonment of wells shall be the standards recommended in the State Department of Water Resources Bulletin No. 74, Chapter II and Appendices E, F and G, and future amendments thereto. Until such time as standards for cathodic protection wells and electrical grounding wells are recd tended by the Department of Water Resources, such wells shall conform to the 'Tentative Deep Anode Standards," Sheets A- 497 -S -1 and A- 497 -S -2, revised December 10, 1969, of the Southern California Cathodic Protection Coomittee. Well standards may be modified by the Health Officer, with the advice and concurrence of the Well Standards Advisory Board, where required to cope with local geological and ground water conditions. Sec. 45.0213. Penalty. Any person who violates the terme of this article or any permit issued hereunder shall be guilty of a misdameancr, punishable by a fine not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars (8500) or by imprisonment not exceed ing six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Such person shall be doomed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any such violation is committed, continued or permitted and shall be subject to the name punishment as for the original offense. SECTION'2. Ordinance No. 2596 is repealed. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, and before the expiration of fifteen (15) days after the passage thereof shall be published once in the San Clements Sun -Post, a newspaper published in the County of Orange, State of California, together with the names of the ambers of the Board of Supervisors voting for and against the same. (SEAL) ATTEST WILLIAM E. ST JOHN, County Clerk and ex- officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, California By Tune Alexander Deputy STATE OF CALIFORNIA 55. - COUNTY OF ORANGE ChTcmaaok'ii�BOar o upary w of Orange County, CellfornA I, WILLIAM E. ST JOHN, County Clerk and ex- officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, do hereby certify that at a regular meting of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, California, held on the 18th day of July, 1972, the foregoing Ordinance containing three (3) seeTa was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES SUPERVISORS DAVID L. RAKER, WILLIAM J. PHILLIPS, H.N. BATTIN, RALPH B. CLARK AND RONALD W. CASPERS NOES: SUPERVISORS NONE ASSENT: SUPERVISORS NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havb hereunto set my hand and affixed the official real of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Oranges State of California, this 10th day of July, 1972. WILLIAM E. ST JOHN, County Clerk and ox- officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, California By June Alexander Deputy (52") Publish San Clemente Sun -Poet July 27. 2972 I 1� 21. 3` 4'. i 51 6 7 8 9 101 lli i 121 13 14 m> 15 a o�° 16 :z 0 o34 $o 17 v 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 VTB:cm 1/3/73 Attachment II 4. THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this day of 1973, which date is enumerated for purposes of reference only, by and between the COUNTY OF ORANGE, hereafter "COUNTY," and the CITY OF hereafter "CITY;" WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, COUNTY and CITY have previously entered into an Agreement dated 19_; whereby the County Health Officer acts as the Health Officer for CITY; and WHEREAS, CITY has adopted an ordinance relating to the construction !and abandonment of wells which is similar to Ordinance No. 2607 of �'COUNTY, requiring, among other things, a permit for the construction, reconstruction or abandonment of any well.; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree.as follows: 1. In the event CITY adopts a permit fee schedule pursuant to the above CITY ordinance, said fees shall be collected and retained by j COUNTY to cover its costs of enforcing said ordinance. In the event CITY fails to adopt such a fee schedule, or any permit fee established 1by said fee schedule is less than the corresponding permit fee establishes by COUNTY in effect at the time a CITY permit is issued, CITY agrees to pay to COUNTY the difference between said CITY and COUNTY fees with regard to each CITY permit issued by the Health Officer pursuant to said CITY ordinance. COUNTY shall bill CITY quarterly in arrears for any such sums due. 2. CITY agrees to reimburse COUNTY in full for any costs incurred by COUNTY in the abatement of any nuisance pursuant to said I CITY ordinance. Said payment shall be made to COUNTY upon demand, whether or riot such costs are recovered by CITY from the property owner. ' 1. .. ........ -. - . 1' 2, 31 4f 5� 8 7 8 9 10i 11 12 113 "�4 151 _ o go° " 16 E' X00 17 v 18''. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Attachment II (Cont.) m 1 3. The Agreement dated 19_ shall continue in full force and effect except insofar as it may be inconsistent herewith. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the dates set hereinbelow. DATED: , 1973 ATTEST: WILLIAM E. ST JOHN County Clerk and ex- officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, California By Deputy APPROVED AS TO FORM: ADRIAN KUYPER, COUNTY COUNSEL By. (DATED: (ATTEST: Deputy Citv Clerk 1973 COUNTY OF ORANGE rman of its Board of Supervisors CITY OF By 2. Mayor i I • ORANGE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Proposed Permit Fee Schedule Well Construction Ordinance New Well Construction $66.25 Reconstruction of Existing Well $39.75 Destruction of Abandoned Well $15.00 Attachment III March 20, 1973 I{ 'I 4F WELL ORDINANCE INSPECTION COSTS DIRECT LABOR Attachment III (Continued). March 20, 1973 Total Prorated Salaries /Year xxxx xxxx xxxx $179859.09 BENEFITS & OTHER COSTS Total Prorated Salaries /Year . . . . . . . . . Class Salary/ Prorated Prorated Position Classifications Code Year Time Salary/Year Environmental Health Sanitarian 5108 $13,769.60 100.01, $13,769.60 Environmental Health Engineering . . . . . . 1,500.00 Sub - total: Specialist 5120 18,636.80 10.0 1,863.68 Director of Environmental Health Total Costs /Year: Division 5118 22,547.20 1.5 338.21 Typist Clerk II 0522 7,550.40 25.0 1,887.60 Total Prorated Salaries /Year xxxx xxxx xxxx $179859.09 BENEFITS & OTHER COSTS Total Prorated Salaries /Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$17,859.09 Retirement - 5.35% . . . . . . . . . 955.46 Health Insurance - $269'.28 /position x• 1.365•positions . . . . 367.57 Workman's Comp - .18/$100 salaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.15 Services and Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500.00 Sub - total: $200714.27 General County Overhead - 14.34% . . . . . . . . . . . 2,970.43 Total Costs /Year: $230684.70 Total Costs /Year - 1788 Working Hours /Year /Sanitarian: $ 13.25 Total Hourly Well Inspection Cost: $ .13.25 INSPECTION COST BY TYPE OF INSPECTION Type of Activity _Inspection Hours Hourly Cost Total Cost New Well Construction 5 $13.25 $66.25, Well Reconstruction 3 13.25 39.75 Well Destruction 3 5.00 a 15.00 a,b a. Charge recommended by Health Department to encourage the proper destruction of sub - standard wells. b. The Department of Building and Safety currently charges $25.00 for inspection and $3.00 for permit issuance on this type of activity. 1... J April 12, 1971 TO: CITY COUNCIL APR 1 Z 1971 gy the CITY COUNCIL FROM: Water Committee City or ^ "" `PT wFAcH SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE MARCH 29, 1971 MEETING OF THE COUNCIL WATER COMMITTEE Orange County Water District The Committee received an oral presentation from Neil Cline, Assistant Manager, of the Orange County Water District. Mr. Cline discussed the organization, functions, and programs of the District. The presentation included a brief review of the Santa Ana River Basin Water Quality Problem, supplemental water, and basin replenishment. 2. Well Report Prepared by James M. Montgomery, Consulting Engineers The Committee reviewed the Well Report. There were questions raised regard- ing development of a well field as a secondary supply, and the possibility of the City acquiring a future well site was discussed. The staff was directed to contact the Orange County Water District to see if they would update their Newport Beach Annexation Study, dated October 1969, using data on capital costs from the City's Well Report. 3. Water Service to Harbor View Hills, Sector IV. The Committee received a staff summary of the cost estimates from the Shuirman- Simpson Report and the proposed funding for construction of Phase I of the master planned water supply facilities to serve pressure zones III and IV. . The desirability of providing an extra 0.5 million gallon storage capacity in the Zone IV reservoir was discussed, with the City funding or advancing funds for the additional storage. The Committee concurred with the proposed funding recommendations and requested the staff to give further consideration to both the'larger reservoir and the type'of reservoir to.be constructed. A copy.of the proposed funding, .dated March 25, 1971, is attached. 4. Review Proposed Water Projects for the 1971 -72 Budget. The Committee was briefed by staff on the proposed capital improvement projects to be financed from the Water Fund. Review Need for Backflow Prevention Program. Deferred to next meeting. 1 seph . Devlin, Secretary D /ep ter Committee Members: Councilman McInnis, Chairman Councilman Croul Councilman Dostal Att, r jr it i COST ESTIMATES AND FUNDING FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PHASE I OF WATER SUPPLY FACILITIES FOR PORTIONS OF PRESSURE ZONES III, IV, AND V A. COST ESTIMATES FROM SHUIRMAN - SIMPSON REPORT (Includes 25 oror —engineering an contingencies) Zone III Pump Station $87,000 Zone IV Pump Station 40,300 1.0 M. G. Prestressed Concrete Reservoir 162,000 (1) Pressure Reducing Station 10,000 16 -inch Transmission Main 56,400 24 -inch Transmission Main 14,100 (2) TOTAL $369,800 Notes: (1) Add $22,000 for 1.5 M. G. Reservoir (2) This is a common facility; cost distributed below 40% to the Zone III pump station, 40% to the Zone IV pump station, and 20% to the pressure reducing station. B. PROPOSED FUNDING (Note: All costs are reimbursable from the Water System Development Fund except for the pressure reducing station) Zone III Pump Station Zone IV Pump Station Reservoir Pressure Reducing Station 16 -inch Main TOTALS Additional 0.5 M. G. Storage TOTAL Ci ty $92,640 12,820 $105,460 22,000 $127,460 Developer $45,940 162,000 56,400 $264,340 3 -25 -71 BBN MAR 5 1971 or "IL FROM: Public Works Department SUBJECT: STUDY OF FUTURE WATER WELL SITES RECOMMENDATIONS: March 8, 1971 1. Receive the "Report on Development of a Domestic -Use Well Water Supply" dated February 1971. 2. Refer report to the Council Water Committee for further study. 3. Direct the staff to send.A copy of the report to both the Costa Mesa County Water District and the Orange County Water District. DISCUSSION: 6,6- 5fj On June 8, 1970 the City Council approved the preparation of a report by James M. Montgomery Inc., consulting civil engineer, for the location of possible future water well sites to serve the City of Newport Beach. Copies of the report are attached for Council members only. Since the contract calls for only fifteen copies of the report to be furnished to the City, it is requested that any unused reports be returned to the Public Works Department. The estimated cost of the report is $7,000.00. oseph Devlin blic ks Director TD /ep Att. July 13, 1970 LAURA LA6IOS my CLERK 311i MiF�; 9�11111MWWIFJ RAW INHAS) 46101 , 31k Enclosed is executed oDW of agreement for subject services. Please send to James M. Montgomery, Consulting Engineers, Inc. for their files. I have sent the City Attorney and the Finance Director a copy. Laura Lagice City Clerk LL:swk oc: Finance w /copy of Agreement Attorney w /copy of Agreement July 2, 1970 TO: CITY CLERK FROM: Public Works Department SUBJECT: ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH JAMES M. MONTGOMERY WATER WELL SOURCE STUDY Attached for execution by the City are the original and three copies of the subject agreement. The agreement was authorized by the City Council on June 22, 1970. Please keep the original for your files and return the rest to this office. Kenneth L. Per Assistant City Engineer KLP /em Att: June 22, 1970 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Public Works Department SUBJECT: FUTURE WATER WELL SITE STUDY (CONTRACT 1295) RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute engineering water services agreement with James M. Montgomery Inc., Consulting Civil Engineers, for a report on future well sites. DISCUSSION: E -3 On June 9, 1970 the City Council after receiving a report from the Council Water Committee, authorized the employment of James M. Montgomery Inc., Consulting Civil Engineers, to prepare a report on future water well sites, at a cost not to exceed $7,000. A budget amendment in the amount of $7,000 has been .prepared for Council consideration in the event that the resolution is adopted. eph . Devlin lic ks Director /bg RLuLu.fi_ 20 4 A USULMIGN OF THE CM GOMIL OF TO EnT OF kewmv is ,mAw . ihG TuE MCM10H 0y Ali jAWJ29W WITH JAMS lt. kjDx= : &Y VICU i IBC, KpliilliF:%1tll�i Sb, WITH LXAMM OF MMR% ND. 1293 k1iMAS. tiers has beell presented to tht City Council of •the City of Newp;>rt Be =b a eartain aoutraei betwee:a tbs City of Ifewport Beach and James M. Mutfceesry, Inc.* tour anWeeriq, services is on connection with the location of future well sites, contrast Nos. 12951 acid WWRL"J' the City Council has gonsidered the terms and saaditions of said agreement and found thm to be fair and equitabls, NOW,, TNUEF 1R$„ BE IT RESOLVED that said agreemat for the eaginseriaS services above desaribed is approved, and the 1leycr and City Clark are harsby authorised and diLvcte4 to wmaate the sage on bebalf of the City of Newport Beach. ADt7yTEC thins day of JgM 1970. ATTESTS War Merk ilr9 /TS? AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES Future Well Sites THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this imift day of 1970) by and between the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a municipal corporation, herein referred to as "City ", and JAMES M. MONTGOMERY, CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC., a licensed engineering firm, herein referred to as "Engineer ". WHEREAS, City, in planning for additional sources of water to supplement the existing supply, is concerned with the possible location of future well sites; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that engineering services be furnished in connection with the location of a firm well supply and the preparing of criteria for transmission of the water to the service area; and WHEREAS, Engineer has submitted a proposal dated, April 20, 1970, to perform the necessary engineering services in connection with preparing a report on the location of future well sites; NOW, THEREFORE, City and Engineer for the consideration hereinafter named agree as follows: 1. City engages Engineer to furnish the services hereinafter mentioned, at and for the compensation herein stipulated, and Engineer accepts said engagement upon the terms hereinafter set forth. 2. Engineer shall provide services consisting of, but not necessarily limited to the following: a. Conduct hydrogeologic investigation, including review of available water well data within the area. The data will include water levels, production rates, mineral analysis, etc,. b. Conduct geologic investigation including the following: (1) Review existing geologic reports (2) Review available geologic information obtained -1- from Governmental agencies (3) Review pertinent geological and hydrological maps c. Recommend type, depth, and diameter of proposed water wells for areas determined to be feasible in water quality, quantity and geographic location. d. Determine transmission main size and location to deliver well water from alternate feasible sources to the service area (s). e. Meet with the Costa Mesa County Water District to determine the receptability by the District to enter into a joint venture agreement with the City to produce and deliver well water to the adjacent service areas. f. Prepare construction cost estimates for water pro- duction and transmission. 3. Original drawings, reports, notes, maps, and other documents shall become the property of the City and may be reproduced as deemed necessary by the Public Works Director. Fifteen initial copies of the report shall be furnished to the City. 4. City reserves the right to terminate this agreement at any time by giving Engineer three days prior written notice in the United States mails, postage prepaid, addressed to any of Engineer's business offices. In the event that City shall terminate this agreement, it shall reimburse Engineer on the basis of its standard fee schedule contained in its proposal dated April 20, 1970, for all work done up to the effective date of the termination. 5. All plans, specifications, and other documents for the project shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Public Works - 2 - Yi{ Director of City and delivered to him within 100 calendar days following the execution of this agreement by the City. 6. In consideration of the performance of the above described engineering services, City agrees to pay Engineer an amount based upon the standard fee schedule contained in Engineer's proposal dated April 20, 1970, plus miscellaneous expenses directly at- tributable to the project such as (1) Printing and binding of the report, (2) Reproduction of public and private agency special information data, (3) Laboratory test for water quality, and (4) Long distance telephone charges would be charged at actual cost. In no event shall said amount be greater than $7,000.00 7. Payment for said engineering services shall be made by City to Engineer each month within 30 days after receipt by the City of the monthly statement for work performed during the previous month. Books of account shall be kept by Engineer in which complete and correct entries would be made of payroll costs and field expenses. Said books would at all times be subject to reasonable examination by City. 8. Engineer shall indemnify and save harmless the City, and its officers and employees, from all damage and liability arising from any errors, omissions, or negligence in Engineer's performance of this agreement or from the engineering work and services herein provided. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written. APPROVED AS TO FORM: l City A.19COrney CITY OF NEWPORT BEAC , a municipal corpora ion By C- Mayor ATTEST i city C erc JAMES M. MONTGOMERY, CONSULTING ENGI //NEERS, q INC. By R December 27, 1967 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Public Works Department SUBJECT: rENGINEERING SERVICES FOR REDEVELOPING CITY WELLS IN HUNTINGTON BEACH w RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That James M. Montgomery Consulting Engineers, Inc. be retained at a cost not to exceed $1,200.00 for engineering services for redeveloping the City owned wells in Huntington Beach. 2. That the cost of these services be paid for out of the future Water Sources Reserve. DISCUSSION: The Water Committee, at their meeting held on December 16, 1967, reviewed the possibility of redeveloping the City owned wells located at the corner of Adams Avenue and Brookhurst Avenue in the City of Huntington Beach. Recent geological studies made in the Talbert Gap area indicate the possible presence of good quality water in a lower aquifer. Because of the importance of a secondary source of water to the City's system, it was felt that a complete cost study should.be made for redrilling the wells and transporting the water to the 16th Street reservoir site. The firm of James M. Montgomery has been contacted and the estimated cost of providing the necessary cost and engineering information is $1,200.00. Sufficient funds are available in the Future Water. Sources Reserve. In the event that the recommendations are approved, a Budget Amendment has been prepared for Council information. oseph Devlin u blic Wo ks Director JTD /ldg COUNCIL• .u, -) R 12eTe1v T1dN 6-r I �llry72s s?7 LYJdNT�Q /7Je,Q [� l°O/YS UL Ting rhykS 47 COST Nbf Ta Frfead /2o-o To STo o�y %Pe ode L e lcr o*ey a� Q ry o cv n 6-d w #7? Bc # WIgi Se,ev,ceS ?° AePaid X02 o v r a-{ ;„ 7 U Q e &)197 je 5 U e C C Re SP 4ue1 A- -rp9oRIZ ed.