HomeMy WebLinkAboutR2022-0023 - Permit Application"ko-CEIV80 0k COMMUNITY City of Newport Beach DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT JAN 18 2022 BUILDING DIVISION �n �,7� 6�100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA92658-8915 CITY of RBR# IN V www,newportbeachGa.gov 1 (949) 644-3200URT 60p" Application for Report of Residential ounding Kecoras Application Fee: - $198.00 Notice: jFor AilResidential Buildings) Applications with insuff chant fee payment ReinspectlonFee $131.00 or incomplete will be returned Please type or print and complete all Information / (�/J� #of Units; Address: City: NewportBeaeh State: r,Zip:r-<V' ""til"" PropertyOwner:I----`f A[�t .1.� .. Zip Code: —! Owner Address: �%`. City State! Zip Code; �Y.' Home Phone: �— �,�G Cc J �� • _ .. Work Phone: -Atitherit• ``-�-- City: .l�!ewn./� ll�..-h. ..._...... State; Zip Code: T�W?,- _ Ager& Email Address: ��, rc9�f Lc- . c o Escrow Company:Escrow #:I Escrow Address: TicorTitle Company City: 1500QuaIIStreeG3 -Floor-Newportgeech;eA 92660 1 -28 ne 949.80943617 Fax; State: 7 1�- Escrow Phane 7 - Email Report to: For Inspection call (Name): + Direct Phone: I CONSENT TO INSPECT (FORM MUST BE SIGNED & DATED BELOWI I authorize Inspections and rerinspections of the property listed above, l understand that if Building or Zoning violations are discovered l will be responsible to correct said violations. Owner/Agent's signature to authorize inspection: Date; OR Owner/Agent's signature to decline inspection: „i''j�� Date; BWI41nL@IVISIo14Fo,mt\R@RJ]•ZS Account # 01050504-521040 ................. Make checks payable to., CITY OFNEWPORT BEACH