HomeMy WebLinkAboutX2019-4127 - Soils (3)cons ItIlaitIs engineering geotecbnical applications CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH September 28, 2020 Building Department Project No. RJ186.2 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: COMPACTION REPORT FOR PLACEMENT OF FILL WITHIN LIMITS OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PAD AT 110 36T" STREET NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA City of Newport Beach Grading/Building Permit #: X2019-4127 Associated References: 1. "Geotechnical Investigation for Proposed Residential Development Located at 110 36" Street, Newport Beach, California," by EGA Consultants, Inc., dated May 17, 2019. 2. 'Precise Grading Plan for Frost Residence, 110 36'" Street, Newport Beach, CA 92663," by CivilScapes Engineering, dated March 17, 2020. 3. "Foundation Plan, The Frost Families, 110 36'" Street, Newport Beach, CA 92663," by RCE Consultants, Inc., dated June 20, 2019. 4. "Response to City Review Comments dated 1/18/2020 for Proposed Residential Development Located at 110 36" Street, Newport Beach, California," by EGA Consultants, Inc., dated March 24, 2020. To City Building/Grading Officials: In accordance with the City of Newport Beach building requirements, we are submitting this compaction report for the grading of the subject building pad. This report includes the test results performed at the subject lot during the placement of on -site soil material in the area of the proposed residential building pad. The site earthworks operations were performed by the sub -contractor, Tim Greenleaf Engineering, Inc. Excavation and grading of the subject lot commenced on September 17, 2020 and was complete by September 25, 2020. To date, site grading included the removal of the upper 3 feet of the old fill and native material located within the limits of the proposed building pad. The lot was roughly divided into front and rear halves; excavated, and recompacted to bring the entire lot to finished subgrade. One Caterpillar 289D track loader was utilized for the purpose of compaction and grading control. On site soils were moisture treated via a 2-inch diameter water hose during the grading process to bring the moisture content to near -optimum. For cohesion -treatment, 3 (three) pallets Portland Cement were blended into the newly -placed fill. Each pallet contains 40 bags dry mix, each weighing 94 pounds and approximately 1.33 cubic yards. Prior to the placement of fill, the excavation bottoms were inspected and approved by a Certified Engineering Geologist employed by EGA Consultants. The exposed surface was scarified, moisture conditioned and recompacted to a minimum of 90% relative compaction. Field density test results are tabulated on Table 1, Summary of Field Density Tests. All earthwork operations were performed under continuous observations by this firm and were performed in accordance with geotechnical specifications outlined in the soils report by EGA Consultants, Inc., dated May 17, 2019. 375-C Monte Vista Avenue • Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • (949) 642-9309 • FAX (949) 642-1290 The building pad was graded in accordance with the 2019 CBC and the City of Newport Beach Building standards and are approved for construction. Based on our continuous observations and testing, the subject and adjacent sites are not impacted by the site grading operations to date. This report includes the test results performed at the subject site during the placement of on - site soil material in the area of the proposed building pad. Additional observations and testing are required in areas to receive exterior improvements (driveway approach, patio flatwork, etc.) capillary break, and utility trench backfill. I certify that all rough grading work was done in compliance with the above -referenced Soils Report and the work complies with City of Newport Beach grading regulations. All soils values and geotechnical specifications outlined in the above -referenced soils report remain valid. This opportunity to be of service is appreciated. If you have any questions, please call. Very truly yours, EGA Consultants, Inc. DAVID A. WORTHINGTON CEG 2124 b David A. Principal Engineering Geologist cc 110. hG212 ENGINEERING cc: (1)Addressee T•4 GEOLOGIST C (1) Ron Carroll. GC PAD CERTIFICATION REPORT: 110 36" Street, Newport Beach, CA Project No. RJ186.2 September 28, 2020 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF MOISTURE DENSITY RELATIONSHIPS (ASTM: D1556) Sample Depth Dry Moisture Maximum Optimum Relative Number/ Below Density Content Density Moisture Compaction Location Grade (PCF) N (PCF) N N ft FD-1 3.0 109.1 13.0 119.0 11.0 92 NWC of Bldg. Pad FD-2 2.0 110.4 12.5 119.0 11.0 93 N. Central Bldg. Pad FD-3 1.5 110.5 12.4 119.0 11.0 93 NEC of Bldg. Pad FD-4 0.5 111.6 12.3 119.0 11.0 94 Central Bldg Pad FD-5 3.0 107.7 13.1 119.0 11.0 91 SEC of Bld .Pad FD-6 2.0 109.0 12.5 119.0 11.0 92 SW Edge Bldg. Pad FD-7 1.0 110.1 12.2 119.0 11.0 93 S. Central Bldg Pad G 112.6 12.1 119.0 11.0 95 4Pad G 111 A 12.6 119.0 11.0 94 G 111.6 12.3 119.0 11.0 94 FD-11 FG 112.8 12.5 119.0 11.0 95 Garage Pad r u = meta uensity I est FG" = Finish Grade (Ground Level Pad) PAD CERTIFICATION REPORT: 110 36" Street, Newport Beach, CA Project No. RJ186.2 September 28, 2020 TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF MAXIMUM DENSITY TEST (ASTM D 1557) Sample Maximum Optimum Location Density Moisture PcfM. Fill/Native - Beach Sands 119.0 11.0 Per Lab Results by G3SoilWorks dated April 10, 2019 PAD CERTIFICATION REPORT: 110 36" Street, Newport Beach, CA Project No. RJ186.2 September 28, 2020 R f consultants CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Building Department 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Attention: Jason Rudenick, City Building Inspector II Subject: FINAL GRADING CERTIFICATE HARDSCAPE COMPACTION, UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILL AT NEW RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY LOCATED at 110 36T" STREET NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA City of Newport Beach Grading/Building Permit #: X2019-4127 Associated Documents: engineering geotechnical applications February 23, 2022 Project No. RJ186.2 1. "Geotechnical Investigation for Proposed Residential Development Located at 110 36th Street, Newport Beach, California," by EGA Consultants, Inc., dated May 17, 2019. 2. "Precise Grading Plan for Frost Residence, 110 36th Street, Newport Beach, CA 92663," by CivilScapes Engineering, dated March 17, 2020. 3. "Foundation Plan, The Frost Families, 110 36th Street, Newport Beach, CA 92663," by RCE Consultants, Inc., dated June 20, 2019. 4. 'Response to City Review Comments dated 1/18/2020 for Proposed Residential Development Located at 110 36th Street, Newport Beach, California," by EGA Consultants, Inc., dated March 24, 2020. 5. "Compaction Report for Placement of Fill Within Limits of Residential Building Pad at 110 36TM Street, Newport Beach, California," by EGA Consultants, Inc., dated September 28, 2020. To City Building/Grading Officials: In accordance with the City of Newport Beach building and grading requirements, we are submitting this final compaction report for the grading of the subject building pad, utility trench backfill, and exterior improvements. The site earthworks operations were performed by the sub- contractor, Tim Greenleaf Engineering, Inc. Excavation and grading of the subject lot commenced on September 17, 2020 and was complete by September 25, 2020. All flatwork subgrade was completed by February 15, 2022. Site grading included the removal of the upper 3 feet of the old fill and native material located within the limits of the building pad. Prior to the placement of fill, the excavation bottoms were inspected and approved by a Certified Engineering Geologist employed by EGA Consultants. The exposed surface was scarified, moisture conditioned and recompacted to a minimum of 90% relative compaction. One CAT 289D track loader, a jumping jack Wacker, and vibratory plates were utilized for the purpose of compaction and grading control. On site soils were moisture treated via a 2-inch diameter water hose during the grading process to bring the moisture content to near -optimum. For cohesion -treatment, 3 (three) pallets Portland Cement were blended into the newly -placed fill. Each pallet contains 40 bags dry mix, each weighing 94 pounds and approximately 1.33 cubic yards. 375-C Monte Vista Avenue • Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • (949') 642-9309 • FAX (949) 642-1290 All earthwork operations were performed under continuous observations by this firm and were performed in accordance with geotechnical specifications outlined in the soils report dated May 17, 2019, I certify that all grading and compaction work was done in compliance with the soils report for this project and the work complies with City of Newport Beach grading regulations. All soils values and geotechnical specifications outlined in the soils report remain valid. Based on our continuous observations and testing, the subject and adjacent sites are not impacted by the site grading operations to date. This opportunity to be of service is appreciated. If you have any questions, please call Very truly yours, EGA Consultants, Inc. qk,—" "KO1 �5 David A. C ttr� Worthington DAVID A. WORTHINGTON CEG 2124 * No. CEG2124 ; Principal Engineering Geologist/President cEFmnED tP, ENGINEERING J cc: (1)Addressee (1) Ron Carroll, GC FINAL COMPACTION REPORT: 110 361" Street, Newport Beach, CA Project No. RJ 186.2 February 23, 2022 TABLE 7 SUMMARY OF MOISTURE DENSITY RELATIONSHIPS (ASTM: D1556) Sample Depth Dry Moisture Maximum Optimum Relative Number/ Below Density Content Density Moisture Compaction Location Grade (PCF) ("/o) (PCF) (°/,) (^/,) ft FD-1 3.0 109.1 13.0 119.0 11.0 92 NWC of Bldg, Pad FD-2 2.0 110.4 12.5 119.0 11.0 93 N. Central Bldg. Pad FD-3 1.5 110.5 12.4 119.0 11.0 93 NEC of Bldg. Pad FD-4 0.5 111.6 12.3 119.0 11.0 94 Central Bldg Pad FD-5 3.0 107.7 13.1 119.0 11.0 91 SEC of Bldg. Pad FD-6 2.0 109.0 12.5 119.0 11.0 92 SW Edge Bldg. Pad FD-7 1.0 110.1 12.2 119.0 11.0 93 S. Central -Bldg Pad FD-8 FG 112.6 12.1 119.0 11.0 95 SWC of Bldg Pad FD-9 FG 111.4 12.6 119.0 11.0 94 NEC of Bldg Pad FD-10 FG 111.6 12.3 119.0 11.0 94 S. Central Bldg. Pad FD-11 FG 112.8 12.5 119.0 11.0 95 Garage Pad FD-10 FG 111.3 12.5 119.0 11.0 94 Utility Trench Backfill FINAL COMPACTION REPORT: 110 36TH Street, Newport Beach, CA Project No. RJ 186.2 February 23, 2022 FD-11 FG 110.7 12.2 119.0 11.0 93 Utility Trench Backfill FD-12 FG 111.0 12.2 119.0 11.0 93 Flatwork FD-13 FG 114.1 12.0 119.0 11.0 96 Drive Approach "FD" = Field Density Test "FG" = Finish Grade (Ground Level Pad) TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF MAXIMUM DENSITY TEST (ASTM D 1557) Sample Maximum Optimum Location Density Moisture Pc %- Fill/Native - Beach Sands 119.0 11.0 Per Soils Report dated May 17, 2019 FINAL COMPACTION REPORT: 110 36' Street, Newport Beach, CA Project No. RJ186.2 February 23, 2022 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 1 Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newportbeachca.gov 1 (949) 644-3200 CIVII. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION FORM From: Date: CIVILSCAPES ENGINEERING, INC. 3/5/2022 28052 CAMINO CAPISTRANO, STE 213 LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 ATTENTION: GRADING ENGINEER, BUILDING DIVISION LOT 17 GPC No.: 2851-2019 Tract/Subdivision/Lot No.:TR 3813 Rough: _Final: X Project Names: 110 36TH, NEWPORT BEACH Owner/Developer: CHRISTINA FROST Type of Project: Notes: Tract: X Drainage NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE _ Commercial Other Industrial Yardage for Project: Notes: 50 Cut: _ Borrow: YARDAGE SHOWN HEREON IS ESTIMATED, NOT 0 Fill: 40 Export: ACTUAL; QUANTITIES WERE TAKEN FROM PLANS 180 OVER -EX AND 10 SHRINKAGE AND YARDAGE USED FOR PERMIT APPLICATION. I hereby approve the grading for this project in accordance with my responsibilities under the City Grading Code. I have inspected the project and hereby certify that all areas exhibit positive surface flow to public ways or City approved drainage devices. The grading has been completed: SUBSTANTIALLY in conformance with, GRADING PLAN with the following changes to the approved grading plan. Description of Changes: QROF Ess ion Company: CIVILSCAPES ENGINEERING, INC. Name: WILLIAM. D. ROLPH c 76698 s (print) License No.: 76698 (RCEIA fv F cAt \ Forms\Civil Engineer's Certification Form 9-13 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH F°Y. Community Development Department I Building Division 100 Civic Center Dr.1 P.O. Box 17681 Newport Beach, CA 92658 www.newportbeachca.cov 1 (949) 644-3200 ��lnoKN�� CALGREEN DOCUMENTATION COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION ADDRESS: 1 M ?,6-" `. k- PERMIT NO.: =0Iq 1�7 THIS FORM SHALL BE COMPLETED AND SIGNED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION. ONE COPY OF THIS FORM SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING INSPECTOR AT FINAL INSPECTION AND ONE SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE BUILDING OWNER AS PART OF THE CAL GREEN CERTIFICATION PACKAGE. The following section shall be completed by a person with overall responsibility for the planning and design portion of the project. REQUIRED DOCUMENTATIONS PROVIDED TO THE PROPERTY OWNER(S) 04 Franchise Hauler for Construction/Demolition Waste (65% min. reuse of nonhazardous waste) A VOC Contents Limitation S. Formaldehyde Emissions Limitation X T-24 Energy Certificate of Installations (Env., QII, Lighting, Photovoltaic, Mach., Plumb.) f f. T-24 Energy Certificate of Verifications or Acceptance ( Env., QIi, Lighting, Photovoltaic, Mach., Plumb., HERS) Ig- Operations and Maintenance Manual MOISTURE CONTENT OF BUILDING MATERIAL (RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION ONLY) I certify that the moisture content of the wall and floor framing is less than 19 percent as determined in accordance with Section 4.505.3 of CAL Green prior to being enclosed. DECLARATION STATEMENT • 1 certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, the information provided is true and correct. • I certify that the installed measures, materials, components, or manufactured devices identified on this certificate conform to all applicable codes and regulations, and the installation is consistent with the plans and specifications approved by the enforcing agency. Person's Name: Date �...�� , ........�. �......�..c�wuuu.. nyuonw wn rvun ♦mu CilCIGn g ELEVATOR CORPORATION 3/17/2022 Dear Mr. Carroll: The residential elevator installed at 110 3611 St, Newport Beach, CA 92663, was built according to ASME A17.1 codes by the manufacturer and installed by McKinley Elevator Corporation, a State -licensed conveyance company, in accordance with the national ASME A17.1 5.3 2004 and the California Title 8-Group 4 Conveyance codes. Attached are copies of both our state contractor's license and our certificate as a State -licensed installer of conveyances. If you have any questions regarding this elevator, I may be contacted at (949) 261-9244 or mark 2.ntekinlevelevator.com. Corporation 17611 Armstrong Avenue 555 Fulton Street. Suite 202 Irvine, Celifornie 92S14 ® San Francisco, California 94102 949/261-9244 4151526-9951 FAX 249/955-3875 www.mckinleyelevator.com FAX 415/626-9954 CONTRACTORS dCC� STATE LICENSE BOARD ""^'""""""'°""'• ACTIVE LICENSE 10 w . 861406 �— CORP H MCKINLEY ELEVATOR CORPORATION .MW�.C11 C61/D21 C61/024 hom m. 07/31/2023 www.esib.ca.gov