HomeMy WebLinkAboutX2021-1041 - Alternative Material & Methods (2)�aEwPoRr o o • U y1w� S d. �paonN�P X CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 100 Civic Center Drive I P.O. Box 1768 I Newport Beach, CA 92658-8915 www.newoortbeachca.gov I(949) 644-3200 -1 filwa �A M RMIM STAFF USE ONLY REQUEST. FOR MODIFICATION TO PROVISIONS i Plan Check # 69s7-201�# of Stories Z OF TITLE 9 (FIRE CODE) OR TITLE 15 (BUILDING CODE) 12 4A OF THE NEWPORT BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE Occupancy Cla3efflMbr1 (See Reverse for Basis for Approval) (Fee $291) Use of Building 'I _ # of Units Project Status Abeg C ere ❑x REQUEST FOR ALTERNATE MATERIAL Construction Ty Is ✓R,Tn! i/5 OR METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION Verified by f (See Reverse for Basis for Approval) (Fee $291) No. of Items Fee due T f� S-7 Y For above requests, complete Sections 1, 2 & 3 DISTRIBUTION ` yc c —".;-' I below by printing in ink or typing. ❑ Owner ❑ Plan Check ❑ Petitioner ❑ Inspector ❑ Fire ❑ Other TJ JOB ADDRESS: PETITIONER: SITE ADDRESS, 2707 Lighthouse Lane. Petitioner Brian Wood c/o CJ Light Assoc. Owner Kyle Nelson feeddonerto be amhtect or engineer) 1401 Quail St., #120 Address 2707 Lighthouse Lane Address NB, C CDM, CA 92629 Zip. Zip Daytime Phone (714) 803-9533 Daytime Phone ( ) Email: Brian@Cllight.net 2 REQUEST: Submit plans if necessary to illustrate request. Additional sheets or data me be a Cached. tpprovi e alternative means for protection o building, occupants and first responders between emergency escape and rescue openings sewin master bedroom and bedroom 2 on the second floor and the edges of the roof deck and the flat roof respectively. The building code requires that these openings open directltoe yard that is unobstructed from the ground to —sky the, 3 JJUSTIFICATIONIFINDINGS OF EQUIVALENCY: CODE SECTIONS: 2019 CRC R310 Because the emergency escape and rescue openings described in the request open directly onto a roof structure instead of the round fire resistance rated construction is proposed for the structures to provideequivalent protection, see attachment. Position Project Manager Petitioner' Signatur. CA Professional Lic. # 22334 Date: 09-30 21 -FOR STAFF USE ONLY. DEPARTMENT ACTION: In accordance with: ❑ CBC 104.11/CFC 104.9 ❑ CBC 104.10/CFC 104.8 (Alternate materials & methods) (CBC Modification) El Concurrence Concurrence from Fire Code Official is required. ❑ Approved ❑ Disapproved ❑ Written Comments Attached By: .Date ❑ Request (DOES) (DOES NOT) lessen any fire protection requirements.. ❑ Request (DOES) (DOES NOT) lessen the structural integrity The Request is: ❑ Denied (See reveme for appeal Information) IKGranted ❑ Granted (Ratification required) Conditions of Approval: 131.11ILDING WHO." Signature Position Date Print Name APPEAL OF DIVISION ACTION TO THE BUILDING BOARD OF APPEALS (See Reverse) (Signature, statement of owner or applicant, statement of reasons for appeal and filing fees are required.) CASHIER RECEIPT NUMBER: R coo i i -7,q ig Lf Fonsvnodn 07f01/21 REAC"A IMES Evaluation Report ESR-1757 Reissued March 2020 This report is subject to renewal March 2022. www.1cc-es.ora i (800) 423-6687 i (562) 699-0643 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council® DIVISION: 07 0000—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Section: 07 18 13—Pedestrian Traffic. Coatings REPORT HOLDER: CROSSFIELD PRODUCTS CORP.. EVALUATION SUBJECT: DEX-O-TEX WEATHERWEAR ROOF DECK COVERING 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the following codes: ■ 2015, 2012, 2009 and 2006 International Building Codes (IBC) 0.2015, 2012, 2009 and 2006 International Residential Codee(IRC) ■ 1997 Uniform Building Codelnu (UBC) ■ 2013 Abu Dhabi International Building Code (ADIBC)t )The ADIBC is based on the 2009 IBC. 2009 IBC code sections referenced In this repod are the same sections in the ADIBC. Properties evaluated: ■ Durability ■ Wind resistance ■ Fire classification ■ Fire resistance 2.0 USES .Dex-O-Tex Weatherwear Roof Deck Covering is a walking deck and Class A roof system for use over plywood, steel or concrete decks. The system is also used as a componentof a one -hour fire -resistance -rated roof assembly. 3.0 DESCRIPTION Dex-O-Tex Weatherwear roof deck covering is a multilayered, trowel -applied, waterproof roof coating that is subjected only to. normal foot traffic. The system consists of a series of troweled coatings that form, successively, an elastic latex membrane, an integral composition flashing, and a flexible rubber cement traffic surface, made of Resistite paste, Resistite powder, Neobond II membrane liquid, N-38 paste, and Standard Neotex powder. A base sheet separates the Dex-O-Tex application from the surface it covers, permitting- it to "float" over normal building cracks and movement. Dex-O-Tex Weatherwear components are all combinations of liquid rubber latex polymers incorporating dehydrating powders, vulcanizers, and special aggregates. The total thickness of the material is 'As inch to 1f4 inch (4.8 mm to 6.4 mm). 4.0.INSTALLATION 4.1 General: Installation of the Dex-O-Tex Weatherwear must be in accordance with the manufacturer's published installation instructions, the applicable code and this report. The manufacturer's installation instructions must be available on the jobsite during application. Liquid components have a shelf life of one year and must be stored at temperatures above 32-F (0-C). The system must be installed only when the ambient temperature is above 320F (OaC). Materials must not be applied if precipitation is occurring or expected. 4.2 Preparation of Substrates: Structurally sound, clean, dry substrates listed above must be prepared, as described below, prior to the application of the finish material. 4.2.1 Structural Concrete: The surfaces must be clean and free of standing water. All holes, joints and cracks must be pointed flush with Portland cement mortar, and all highspots cut or ground off to provide a smooth, even surface. Before the material is applied, the substrate must. be carefully swept, or blown clean by high-pressure air to remove all dust or foreign material. Special care must be taken in the preparation and cleaning of all comers and edges. Foreign materials such as paint, grease and oil must be removed by either grinding or sandblasting, with new concrete surfaces acid -etched. Large areas to be covered are required to have control joints.. at maximum intervals not to exceed 20 feet (6096 mm) on center, with. the control joint system worked out to meet all known deck stress -concentration points. The control joints must be cut in the same manner as for standard concrete construction, and then caulked. 4.2.2. Plywood Base Material: Plywood. substrates must be minimum 5/8-inch-thick (15.9 mm) exterior -grade Plywood, having amaximum span of 16 inches (406 mm), and with tongue -and -groove edges and ends blocked or all edges blocked, and face grain perpendicular to supports. The plywood must be supported along all edges, and adequatelyfastened to all bearings by means of countersunk wood screws, or screw nails equivalent to 8d ring shank nails spaced at 6 inches (152 mm). on center, or as otherwise required by the applicable code. The nails must have a minimum penetration into the beams or joists supporting the plywood as required by the applicable code. The plywood surface must be clean, dry and free of all lf'(.'-FS Rvahmtion Repnru nre not to he malcued as representing aesihelics Oran), other artr/boles not specicn//)• addressed our are they to Ae cominred asmt andarsement oJthe subject oJlhe report or a recounneadefionforfle use. There la na varrdtir b /CCEeahmrun Semite, f.IG, esp. nr Anplied, as M.' -- loanyfiudiugnrolhermalmrin rbls mport or osm anyprridircrcm•ercd by the report Copyright C 2020 ]CC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved Page f of 3. ESR-1757 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 3 of 3 5.2 Applications must beby.applicators authorized by 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Crossfield Products 6.3 Fire classification must be as described in Sections 4.3and 4.4.. 5.4 Under the 2016 IBC, 2015 IRC and 2012 IBC, installation must be limited to areas subject to an ultimate design wind speed (V„ u) of 130 mph (209 km/h) on structures with a maximum height of 40 feet (12,192 mm) in Exposure B areas. Under the 2012IRC, 2009IBC, 2009IRC, 2006IBC and 2006 IRC, installation must be limited to areas subject to a maximum 3-second gust basic wind speed (V3s) of 100 mph(161 kmth) on structures with a maximum height of 40 feet (12,192 mm) in Exposure B areas. Under the UBC, installation must be limited to areas subject to a maximum fastest -mile basic wind speed of 80 mph (129 km/h) on structures with a maximum height of 40 feet (12,192 mm) in Exposure B areas. 6.6 Materials are manufactured by Crossfield Products Corporation, in Rancho Dominguez, California, under a quality control program. with inspections by ICC-ES. 6.1 Data in accordancewith the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Walking Decks (AC39), dated October 2013 (editorially revised December 2016).; 6.2 Reports of reduced -scale fire -resistive -rated assembly tests. 7.0.IDENTIFICATION 7.1 All containers, except for those of the fiberglass base sheet and loose woven jute fabric, are identified with the report holders name and the manufacturing address, the product name, the date of manufacture, theshelf life and the lot number or production number. In addition to the above, the materials listed in this report are identified with the ICC-ES report number(ESR-1757). 7.2 The report holder's contact information is the following:. CROSSFIELD PRODUCTS CORP. 3000 EAST HARCOURT STREET RANCHO DOMINGUEZ, CALIFORNIA 90221 (310)886-9100 www.dexotex.com lamd&cocmail.net _l I I I I I I I I I I_ i I I L SECOND LEVEL FLOOR PLAN GENERALNOTES ..iwrwmow,ln*I •.ow�xxr�roxx�xPrTl mormeilar�a.+W wx E�x�„,xx¢.� l �eTtW YMUYYFx,9En 4teCeiM1. FLOOR PLAN NOTES o µ Ceeff x«OXSOF S ix.x,M .Mre.,xew�,�,eS�,«e,xa Ix¢uce,s0.cEumm54,i¢ UieOenop¢/x1¢1mFD tt�il wx eEeID t¢x,m =Mo m m- Ixxmouu xn,�uv01enrs°wm �,m'nr,,`."m mt`"s°w�"v14u.NOm°,n11°i n"G`xx e�ud11Fnmm�ma LEGEND — ,raenxxw.warox,xux I C.J. LIGHT ASSOCIATES MAISM1W 0. WM.MOIxKI IOI p�alSuv.y SNb ISJ X.rynn&ad.0 9R650 P,fl%51aus %at P,%,5bms U Z 3 w s o O U N . w = J Z ^ O L N � N z w 2 Z o En" Level Floor Plan 5m1. 1/4'= P-0' I 2. L ROOF PLAN NOTES MNMMC�BINCpo6P.WM Mm01CU RWR B. AVMIACNRFABBB 'v' B n �x„miMW GmalnucNUt d 2 a,..PRY.xBPBnBInYaYM, C.J. LIGHT U B mM.� ASSOCIATES rrzN i5> NpBnuullmP.v d �( �J x6'ORfRAdiB, pNBNNa s` �' � � � r' I auYacaamawmwrmml crasrtw0.ucrrt.MLXlrtcl ICARE4 ATIICAREA G Ji. x r n Ll� BureaxaanmrooP amBlN• — r PEn FCnr Wx rOaWxe Idol GUYINM�SxT IRO '. ' _. 6 .�'v` t d�c��.'. i( 5`�'t�, �T aanoBlwuumurtmmmm Fm N�fl nsl tllb _ -xN� —b uwl ..UN4 BN I�j RI /� flJ L �. wFOasuumv �(y ewmi`rs '1C' a I I. II B aawID au.liLww.+ 9.. M II I I ;i PIt 1•COPAWIMPN Nrtdin®Yix! 4 'i R MIMPAVxB _— ___ ATTIC AREApt n�P� lx w. x dwur..err..rin+ I I - _�_- q� S�Q � nle aluxtvnuuBruru _ nu aaPmxar wroP •mac u.n n.... I ( I Mn.II,�\\ bRIOMFA L' PM WwMMm WWAE WCX6 UiN➢ AY�ICMW OPYEMIINTINIRF4IWFD / � � I , I � � I �3 � I ` • i • I vermn Mi w7HExuauBVDrsmnnox I� `I - - 1 1 �9 a oxunvumnrolwrr mBawu .G a x.e"e".u`BBPw�rBx'a� Amc N I� 1pN L RIDGEI(199.9P') Lu 44 Y I tiza Q IL IQY - a �'"�: MI w vu�mbruwmnmc anon w R I- eB.l li ���� li BzisumM mruPnwam �x U g 0 z 1 -ii IOG`(1aT 80)q _�_ 1 k J `;; ammo �nmoPYFMlunwnBBu 7Lu U Lr� F LAnmc ° C� (N) PARAPET ,2F0 1.A FI r RaawBvvmn��PviBi%rtB�mc I� i II IL fld .. LM9bmC O ❑ }s F WI (N)O RH 7 d vixiwu�an B THwrt P.inBrr. Q k ` ��u 9 (x) MT of I; RanmM mwPRonom J Z LL O a OV I � __ xi'Pr amcuw „m j f RB � I VH11N. M NWYP YFMN.TPInEOYIPF➢ N�' Pi r R2 OXI@BW[VIIBIWP ' RIDGE ddY a � wnwiaixix Brx �uwrt.wM�.arr. rarumwlPBn /� l INPEOW TO DU Roof Pl.,, 00 RB CIIA S-1.. ROBS Sao. I/d'-I'd { I b--..tea a.-. �_«�.� I (N)MT ROOF BELOW� J =_` _- - __ -- O01e 0B2721 R% (N) OVERHANG R] E A COPY OF ICC EM-1757 B YELL BE AMIABIE ON THE d'1 JOBSIM DURING INSTAMTON OF TIE DECK DEMO SYSTEM I A3.0 ROOF PLAN SECTION 'A' SECTIONS' GENERALNOTES SECTION NOTES o aw ucwr¢+wndu. wxsu:�iwas Leatatee. c. n�i�xxumixo-xmmmwrvau tluoµwfMWx]pNEPE� A .pITST(MRAECCCYAaI. n ft9amuxwuuo� APFRIEPIea W. t'.W1f..Ce x &FMPWFIHPERBIxLCf B. GNW u: mwxownxwn vau.wx a rvncalxreuaxww.ra¢ omw��rxe"E xw•mw �4 Naeaat vumaf/nwne m{ xxai�wwecavolnx'. ! rvwurwmm�wm`wnej Wwrmussexmme acl�wxjavortmcfaxowxw A. x.I MM6YPHYfMRIIro TM�: nol.aQMKAT l F. p:;o cx. e.. a. xoennicaxxecnaxronooxvea BALCM�N ANWJiW IAA w �x t,aaa BM�iW arawxrcx� e o a C.J. LIGHT ASSOCIATES owslw.lauur,.wamn Ix01 QaYSM1SU SR 120 flx%es��xxls Mus�LwmWn°���x s Nb P N P Lu g U z LZ w 0 U 0 NLU zO � O �w N � J LLJ Z o Building $etlions Olnlb sans ELEVATION NOTES O 4 mFRONT ELEVATION ----------------------- EI �JuocEJsazz �. EI i �AW6EJH]JLl'.A. J YY �JileL£Je].fi4(L EI ER E_ _ 2 YY m ve li we xer 9 �� � '�FIALBOOEJ9:aJL� EJ E2 REAR ELEVATION Dx�ux°vs°auul°-xnexro °mucmrE.wsmn°mucrvza srm�x`awmw-waro.sruw�c E.I. .� EICTERIOR FINISH LEGEND ronPE°xu w`ie-lxnwln auv 6�p1A�M.BN. mvmu Ydl2 x��wxu°Am �xfm°.noctalEuw xn w�°m°.wi oxxx°x.E°I� C.J. LIGHT ASSOCIATES mwnwxuaxr,ualrzo M MrlSn.xswx x..swmn,u v2e60eo P.fld'm N N P w Q W Z Z LZ N O Z) u O N w = Ce O J Z O W o N z J W K O Z O u E#erior Elevotioxx oul. "'-pB27-21 "5.0 ----------------------- EI �JuocEJsazz �. EI i �AW6EJH]JLl'.A. J YY �JileL£Je].fi4(L EI ER E_ _ 2 YY m ve li we xer 9 �� � '�FIALBOOEJ9:aJL� EJ E2 REAR ELEVATION Dx�ux°vs°auul°-xnexro °mucmrE.wsmn°mucrvza srm�x`awmw-waro.sruw�c E.I. .� EICTERIOR FINISH LEGEND ronPE°xu w`ie-lxnwln auv 6�p1A�M.BN. mvmu Ydl2 x��wxu°Am �xfm°.noctalEuw xn w�°m°.wi oxxx°x.E°I� C.J. LIGHT ASSOCIATES mwnwxuaxr,ualrzo M MrlSn.xswx x..swmn,u v2e60eo P.fld'm N N P w Q W Z Z LZ N O Z) u O N w = Ce O J Z O W o N z J W K O Z O u E#erior Elevotioxx oul. "'-pB27-21 "5.0 4.5 One -hour Fire -resistance-rated Construction: The Dex-O-Tex Weatherwear Roof Deck coating installed RPLING PER c,x,u L—L as described in this report over 5/8-inch-thick (15.9 mm) �rcs°ec+nx�cx=exPax exterior grade plywood with 2-inch-by-8-inch (51 mm by 203 mm)joists spaced 16 inches (406 mm) on center, with all plywood joints blocked, may be substituted for the a.,Tb,.xerex*° double wood floor described In footnote 13 of Table 7-C of "qDL the UBC and item 13 and footnote In of table 721.1(3) of the 2015 and 20121BC [Item 13 and footnote m of Table 720.1(3) of the 2009 and 2006 IBC]. When installation is over nominally 2-by-8 joists, the design bending stress assigned to the joists must be limited to 78 percent of the code -prescribed design values. nETu unomx� Refer to complete ICC ESR- 1757 for installation requirements. 13 1 9 1 5 1 1 HR RATED DECK ASSEMBLY 17 PER RTE­1­REFERTD �= RLIER 14 1 10 76 12 a cT°�.° REIE wacnn°x 1smzoa°a ty u ;PER T—E. 1i=i "ED m1 D rszALSO °eeuTn=ozu 1 HOUR RATED WALL I DECK ASSEMBLY ,— 19 15 11 / 3 C n��ro CBC Table 721.1(3) DELI D" °°"LIDItem 13-1.3 Perlite or vermiculite gypsum plaster on metal lath secured to joists with 11/2" by No. 11 gage by 7/16" head barbed shank roofing nails spaced 5" on center, 5/8" minimum assembly thickness. 1 HOUR RATED ROOF WALL =-,x 20 16 12 4 I C.J. LIGHT ASSOCIATES <oI weu sx.' I x. e.en.0 v�eeo we fl<vi es=.as<s s.. iv<ei es .,iia N IN N P ■f♦ 5 U Z 2 Z 5 0 w LL 0 v N O w = af (D a Z 0 w o N V) Z J W 0 Z O U DETAILS ciu ne. rzoas oe szrzi I /J