HomeMy WebLinkAboutC-2483(A) - Unit II Upper Newport Bay Sediment Control & Restoration Project, Professional Surveying ServicesCITY OF NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (714) 640 -2251 TO: FINANCE DIRECTOR ' 11L� c LZ- Public Works FROM: CITY CLERK DATE: FCbruary 8, 1985 SUBJECT: Contract No. C -2483A Description of Contract Agreement for Professional Surveying Services for Upper Newport Bay Sediment Control and Restoration Proiect. Unit II Effective date of Contract December 17, 1984 Authorized by Minute Action, approved on December 10, 1984 Contract with Rattray and Associates, Inc. Address 500 East Dyer Road Santa Ana, CA 92707 Amount of Contract (See Agreement) 1 `' Wanda E. Andersen City Clerk WEA:lr attach. City Hall • 3300 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, California 92663 0 4 December 12, 1984 TO: CITY CLERK FROM: Public Works Department SUBJECT: AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SURVEYING SERVICES FOR UPPER NEWPORT BAY SEDIMENT CONTROL AND RESTORATION PROJECT, UNIT II Attached are two copies of the subject agreement. Please have them executed on behalf of the City and return one copy to this office and retain one for your files. �.4 ohn Wolter Project Engineer JW:jd Att. AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SURVEYING SERVICES FOR �IJ�]lt »�Il�lii1.�7 SEDIMENT CONTROL AND RESTORATION PROJECT UNIT II THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this / /G✓{. -day of December, 1984, by and between the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a municipal corporation, here- inafter referred to as "CITY ", and RATTRAY AND ASSOCIATES, INC., hereinafter referred to as "SURVEYOR." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, CITY has performed the 208 Sediment Control Study for the Upper Newport Bay Watershed; and WHEREAS, CITY has entered into an agreement with the State of California Department of Fish and Game, the County of Orange, the City of Irvine, and The Irvine Company to finance the construction and maintenance of wetland restora- tion /sediment control facilities in Upper Newport Bay; and WHEREAS, the plans have been completed for the Unit I Upper Newport Bay Sediment Control and Restoration Project; and WHEREAS, CITY desires to prepare orthophoto mapping of the Upper Newport Bay for the Unit II Upper Newport Bay Sediment Control and Restoration project (see attached Exhibit "A" for limits of mapping); and WHEREAS, SURVEYOR has submitted a proposal to CITY (dated October 31, 1984) to perform surveying services necessary for the preparation of ortho- photo mapping of the Upper Bay; and WHEREAS, CITY desires to accept said proposal; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the parties hereto agree as follows: I. General A. CITY engages SURVEYOR to perform the services hereinafter described for the compensation herein stated. B. SURVEYOR agrees to perform said services upon the terms hereinafter set forth. II. Services to be Performed by SURVEYOR A. Complete topography by photogrammetric methods of all areas above water level at the time of photography. 1 of 4 ' � r B. Topography by field soundings at 50 -foot intervals and major grade breaks for areas below water level at time of photography. C. Photography will be taken at or below mean tide level. D. Areas covered with swamp grass will be field checked for ground elevations. E. Cross sections at 100 foot intervals will be provided for the area mapped (below 10 feet MSL). F. Cross sections will be tied to a maximum of four base lines (for construction purposes). G. Coordinates for each base line will be provided. H. All cross section information will be stored on magnetic tape. I. Datum and coordinate system will be specified by the City. J. All topography will be scribed on 22" x 36" orthophoto sheets at a scale of 1" = 100' with a contour interval of one foot. K. Photogrammetric mapping accuracies shall exceed National Map Standards. L. Soundings shall be within 0.5± feet. M. One screened photo enlargement of the area at 1" = 500' will be provided. II1. Duties of CITY A. Provide City of Newport Beach standard plan sheets for preparation of the topography. B. Notify Department of Fish and Game of start of work. IV. Ownership of PROJECT Documents Original drawings, maps, and photos shall become the property of CITY and may be reproduced and utilized as deemed necessary by the Public Works Director. V. Right of Termination CITY reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at any time by giving SURVEYOR seven (7) days' prior written notice; notice shall be deemed served upon deposit in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the SURVEYOR's business office at 500 East Dyer Road, Santa Ana, California 92707. In the event of termination due to errors, omissions, or negligence of 2of4 R VI SURVEYOR, CITY shall be relieved of any obligation to compensate SURVEYOR for that portion of the work affected by such errors, omissions, or negligence of the SURVEYOR. If this Agreement is terminated for any other reason, CITY agrees to compensate SURVEYOR for the actual services performed up to the effective date of the notice of termination, on the basis of the fee schedule contained herein. Fee Schedule and Payment In consideration of the performance of the above - described survey- ing services, CITY hereby agrees to pay SURVEYOR an amount based upon the hourly rate schedule set forth below. In no event shall said amount be greater than Twenty -five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) except as otherwise provided herein. A. Hourly rates for office and field personnel shall be as follows: Classification Per Hour Project Manager $ 48.00 Engineer Senior Designer $ 40.00 Surveyor $ 35.00 Researcher and Computer $ 33.00 Survey Draftsman $ 32.00 Draftsman $ 25.00 Photogrammetrist $ 35.00 Photo Lab Technician $ 38.00 3 -Man Survey Party $129.00 2 -Man Survey Party $103.00 Computer Programmer $ 35.00 Technical Typist $ 16.00 Reproduction Technician $ 20.00 Computer and Drafting System $ 55.00 B. The contract amount shall be paid to SURVEYOR as follows: 1. Monthly partial payments shall be based on the amount earned each month, as determined by the fee schedule. 2. In addition, CITY agrees to reimburse SURVEYOR for the out -of- pocket expenses plus 10% for such items as printing, mileage, transportation, outside services, telephone calls, and other related costs authorized in advance by the Public Works Director. 3of4 El VII. Additional Work Should SURVEYOR complete any additional work not outlined in this Agreement, but authorized by CITY, the extra work shall be performed on an hourly basis in accordance with the hourly rate standard fee schedule set forth in Section VI (Fee Schedule and Payment) above. VIII. PROJECT Scope Revisions The scope of the work may be changed and the maximum fee revised upon prior written approval of the Public Works Director if the increase in the maximum fee does not exceed Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500). If the increase in the maximum fee should exceed $2,500, an amendment providing for such revisions shall be processed and executed by the parties hereto. IX. Hold Harmless SURVEYOR shall indemnify and save harmless CITY and its officers and employees from any damage or liability arising from any errors, omissions, or negligence in the ENGINEER's performance of the engineering work and services required by this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date first above written. ATTEST: By City Clerk APPROVES/AS TO FORM:/.",, n i BY CIty Attorney CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Mayor 1 CITY RATTRAY AND ASSOCIATES, INC. By 4of4 SURVEYOR All 0 Ol ---1 tw It. 'It i.4�f 4 17. 44 P7 r At, VjN i r _(4 Q 5 41NOA 45�lv ve o UFA l 8A r !ISLE ------------------- CHAAIN,-4 1 0 LJIL, Lz? ol!Ac tA 4 a 00 OrACH nT=! • • TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Public Works Department December 10, 1984 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM NO. F -3(b) — BY_TffrM COUNCIL CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DEC 101984 SUBJECT: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE ORTHOPHOTO MAPPING FOR A PP3MNED THE UNfT,1 UPPER NEWPORT BAM SEDIMENT CONTROL AND RESTORATION PROJECT RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the subject pro- fessional services agreement with Rattray and Associates, Inc. DISCUSSION: On.May 29, 1984, the City Council accepted the role as lead agency and directed City staff to administer the Upper Newport Bay Sediment Control and Restoration Project. is The Upper Newport Bay Executive Committee has requested the State Department of Fish and Game (DFG) to advance funds for the preparation of an EIR and preliminary engineering for the Unit II Upper Newport Bay Sediment Control and Restoration Project. The DFG has agreed and funds for the subject agreement have been advanced to the City. A budget amendment has been pre- pared in order to appropriate the funds in the City's current budget. Proposals have been requested from Rattray and Associates, Robert J. Lung and Associates, Bein, Frost and Associates, and Airborne Systems Inc., to prepare orthophoto mapping of the Upper Bay. Three firms have submitted proposals with compensation based on standard hourly rates and a total maximum fee. Rattray and Associates' proposal is for $25,000. Airborne Systems' pro- posal is for $29,875. Bein, Frost and Associates proposal is for $59,950. Robert J. Lung Associates did not submit a proposal. Staff has recommended acceptance of Rattray and Associates' proposal. The orthophoto mapping prepared under this contract will be incor- porated into the EIR and used both for preliminary and final engineering for the Unit II project. All three of the firms submitting proposals have exper- ience working in the Upper Bay and can meet the City's proposed schedule for • the work. Terms of the agreement provide for the following scope of services: 1. Prepare 100 -scale orthophoto map. a. One foot contour interval. b. Sheet size 22" x 36" c.. Field edit areas covered with swamp grass. December 10, 1984 Subject: Professional Services Agreement to Provide Orthophoto Mapping for the Unit II Upper Newport Bay Sediment Control and Restoration • Project Page 2 d. Photo to be taken at or below a mean tide level. e. Provide aerial mapped sections at 100 -foot intervals between elevations +10 MSL. Sections to be tied to reference base line. f. Provide field soundings of water covered areas equivalent to sections at 50 -foot intervals and at major grade breaks. g. Combine aerial mapped sections and field sections at 100 -foot intervals on mag tape. h. Number of reference base lines for sections to be kept to a minimum but not to exceed four. i. Datum and coordinate system to be specified by City. j. Mapping shall be in accordance with National Map Standards except field soundings shall be ±0.5' • 2. Provide a screened photo enlargement on mylar at a scale of 1" = 500' ±; enlargement to be of one photo without splices. 3. Complete all work within 60 days after authorization to proceed. Complete aerial mapping within 30 days after authorization to proceed. Benjamin B. Nolan Public Works Director JW:jd •