HomeMy WebLinkAboutEcho 56 - Address LetterCommunity Development Department CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 949 644-3200 newportbeachca.gov/communitydevelopment April 16, 2015 VIA EMAIL TaylorMorrison Attn: Yvonne Benschop 100 Spectrum Center Drive, Suite 1450 Irvine, CA 92618 ybenschop@taylormorrison.com Re: Echo 56 Address Assignments Lot 104 of Tract 3813, APN 424-471-03 Dear Ms. Benschop: The City has reviewed and approved the proposed addressing scheme for the Echo 56 Condominium (formerly Seashore Village) project located at 5515 River Avenue. Each unit shall either be addressed off of River Avenue or Seashore Drive pursuant to the schematic plan provided and incorporated into this letter by attachment. This letter should be used to inform all affected agencies, such as the U. S. Postal Service, Orange County Assessor, utilities, etc. Please be sure to notify your local telephone service carrier so that responses to any “9-1-1” emergency calls are dispatched to a valid address. The address numbers and/or ranges should be at least four inches high, of contrasting color to their background, and clearly visible from the street. If you have any questions, please contact me at jmurillo@newportbeachca.gov or (949) 644-3209. Sincerely, KIMBERLY BRANDT Community Development Director By: Attachment: Echo 56 Condominiums Addressing Plan 3 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 1R 1R 1R 1 1R 1R 2R 1R 1 1 3 54 Project: ProjectNumber: SheetNo.: SheetTitle: C 2014,BUCILLAGROUPARCHITECTUREINC.DONOTSCALETHEDRAWINGS ARCHITECT: 19782MacArthurBlvd.,Suite270,Irvine,Ca92612TEL949.851.9080 FAX 949.323.0084 STAMP DATENO.DESCRIPTION BDSUBM.DATE:12-22-2014 PERMITNO: PLOTDATE:12-16-2014 BUCILLAGROUPARCHITECTURE,INC.herebyexpresslyreservesitscommonlawcopywrightandotherpropertyrightsintheseplans.Theseplansarenottobe whatsoever,noraretheytobeassignedtoanythirdpartycopied,reproducedorchangedinanyformormanner withoutfirstobtainingtheexpresswrittenpermissionandconsentofBUCILLAGROUPARCHITECTURE,INC. Owner: 1124141 BuildingDeptCorrections 2NDBUILDINGDEPTSUBMITTAL 12-22-2014 0703141stBuildingSubmission PLOTDATE: THISDRAWINGISFORREFERENCEONLY.REFER TOAPPROVED CIVILDRAWINGSFORSITE/PRECISEGRADINGPLAN. 1"=16'SCALE Feet Imagery:2009-2013 photos provided by Eagle Imaging www.eagleaerial.com Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the data provided, however, The City of Newport Beach and its employees and agents disclaim any and all responsibility from or relating to any results obtained in its use. Disclaimer: 4/16/2015 0 200100 Newport Beach GIS