HomeMy WebLinkAboutX2021-3126 - Permitsclty of Newport t3eacn - Building uivision *�! 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Permit Counter Phone (949)644-3288 Inspection Requests Phone (949)644-3255 Combination Type - MFP -A2U21-312b- COMB Permit: X2021-3126 Project No : 2708-2021 Issued Date: 01/31/2022 Inspection Area : 1 PERMIT EXPIRES 180 DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE OR LAST VALID INSPECTION. PROJECTS MUST BE COMPLETED BY 0113112025 OR PERMIT WILL BE INVALID Construction Hours: Monday- Friday 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. No work on Sundays or Holidays Job Address: 213 19TH ST NB Description: MFR REPAIR (i) EXTERIOR STEEL POST Legal Desc.: P M 160-10 PAR 1 UNIT 1 OF PROJECT LOCATED ON AP 47-161-33 TOGETHER Owner: GEORGINE DIXEN PROPERTY TRUST Address: 2300 BRIORE WAY SAUSALITO CA 94965 Phone: Applicant: DIXEN SCOTT Address: 2300 BRIDGEWAY SAN SALITO CA 94965 Phone: 310-889-8973 Code Edit : 2019 Type of Construction: VB Occupancy Group: R3/U Added /New sq.ft. Bldg: 0 Added /New sq. ft. Garage: 0 No of Stories: 2 No of Units: 2 Bldg Height: 0 Bldg Sprinklers: N Contractor: SOUTH BAY ORNAMENTAL INC Address: 2751 LYNWOOD RD LYNWOOD CA 90262 Phone: 562-458-4244 Con State Lic: 855414 Lic Expire: 05131/2023 Bus Lic: BT30077763 Lic Exp Date: 01/31/2023 Worker's Compensation Insurance Carrier: MID-CENTURY INS CO Policy No: B09604653 Expire: 11/25/2022 Building Setbacks Rear: / Front: I Left: I Right: I Architect Address: Phone: State Lic: Engineer: ROWLAND, RANDOLPH CARR Address: P.O. BOX 535 _. AUBURN CA 95604 ^ Phone: 530-613- State Lic:C-025019 o ^ Designer: ` Address: Phone: • ^ - Special Conditions: LIQUEFACTION ZONE Flood Zane: X-0.2PCT Use Zone: Parking Spaces: 0 Fire Hazard Zone : N Construction Valuation: $14,800.00 Building Permit Fee: $331.00 Excise Tax: $0.00 Planning Department - Fire Department Plan Check Fee: $287.97 Additional Fee : $0.00 Plan check Fee : $0.00 Fire Inspection: $0.00 Overtime Plan Ck: $0.00 Grading Bonds Fee: $0.00 Fair Share : $0.00 Fire Plan Rev $0.00 Investigation Fee: $0.00 Grading PC Consultant : $0.00 SJH Trans : $0.00 Demolition Fee Record Management: $8.00 Grading Permit Fee: $0.00 In -lieu Housing Fee: $0.00 Building Dept Adm $0.00 Energy Compliance: $0.00 Grading PC Fee: $0.00 Public Works Department - General Service $0.00 CA Seismic Safety: $0.00 WQ Insp. Fee : $0.00 Park Dedication : $0.00 Refund Deposit $0.00 Disabled Access : $0.00 PNJ Plan Check: $0.00 Grading Bond: $0.00 Hazardous Mat $0.00 Electrical %: $0.00 San Dist : $0.00 Building Green Fee : $1.00 Mechanical %: $0.00 NMUSD Fee: $0.00 $0.00 Plumbing %: $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL FEE : $627.97 Plan Check Fee : $287.97 Fee Due at Permit Issuance : $340.00 PROCESSED BY: ZONING APPROVAL: IJ� (C PUBLIC WORKS APPROVAL: PLAN CHECK BY: GRADING APPROVAL: APPROVAL TO ISSUE: r_A I hereby affirm under penalty or Pod wry that am exempt from the Contractors' state License Law for the reasons) Ind looted below bythe checkmark($) I have placed next to the applicabla item (a) ,lion 7031.5, Businoss and Professions Coder Any city or county that requires a permIt to construct, alter; improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior toils issuance, also requires the applicant for permit to file a signed statement that he or she Is licensed pursuant to the provisions of. the Contractors'.. State License Law (Chapter9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 a01ia Business and: essions Coda) .orthat he or is exempt. from I[censure and tha banls forth aliaged exemption. Any violation ofSoclion 7031.5:by any appllcom for a permit subisots the applicant to a civil penalty of more then five hundred dollars *00) I as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do U all of or U portlonsrof the work, and the structure is not Intended or offered for sale (Section 7044, iness and Professions Code: The Contractors': St& License Law does not apply to an owner of properlywho, through omployees''or p, anateffod, bullds_or Improves the properly, provided that the. rovements are not intended or offered for sole. If, however, she building or Improvement is sold within one year of completion, the Dwoor BUllderwill have the burden of proving that it was nqt built or roved for the purpose of sale). I, asownerof the property., am exclusively contracting with licensed Contractors to construct the project (Section 7044, Business and Professions Code: The. Contractors' State. License iLaw -does , not ly to an owner or. property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for ihe projects with a licensed Contractor pursuant to the Contractors Stale License Law). I am exam,)' from licensuro under the. Contractors' Slate: License Law for the following reason: ny signature below l acknowledge that; except formy personal residence in which I must have resided for at least one year prior to oompletion of the Improvements covered by thfs permit, I cannot legi ll A structure thl I have built as on owner-bulider if it has not been constructed In Its entirety by Ilcensed connectors. I understand that a copy of the applicable: law, Section7044of the Business and fesslons Code, Is available upon request when this application is submitted or at the follovring Web silerhttp./lw.nv.legihfo.oa.yoV/calaw:htm6 eturaofPopartyOwnerorAul:horlxedAgent - _ Date. ;ED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION all," ender penalty of perjury that I am licensed Under provisions �otf Chapter 0 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in. full force it. 017 s � r IL f Ir LIDe so No 1 Oate ry. ~2 �Q Contractor Signal - RV OOMPMATIONDECLARATION � .... ..�...... ........... n.. rnn�r .,., ,... c.,..�r,o „u, �wm, �unsumt cnntarYAN cK1pLnVkatOaalhlldAL PENALTIES AND OWIL PINES UPTO ONHHUNDREDTHQUSANO DOLLARe lS700,000) gDITI0NT0 T' relsyaffirpt undbrpenally of perjury one of the following deciaratlonsr I haveInd!,Mt maintain a.cartiflcate of :consent to -self -insure for workers! compensation„ Issued by -the. Director- of Industrial Relations as provided for by. Section 3700-of the Labor Code, for rmaneemthewdrkerwhlchthsparmitialssued. PoilcyNo;,,,,, eve and will maintain workers' compensation Insurance as. required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which thjis permit Is Issued. my workers compensatlol ante carrierandpolicynumberare; �, jl,Ia5 a�a2'L vier — Prt1el S reop )GQ Palloy'Mumber 5� y. s Expiration ate _ neof.Agent t roIr A _ Phone#.. ?I! _ certify that, in the performance of the wark for which this permit is Issued, f snoll hot employ any person In any manner so as to become subject to the Workers compensation laws of California, and agre if_i should--:beooma subjectt to the workers cpmpens t n provisions of Section 3700:of-the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. betty affirm underpenalty or perjury that the re.is a con struetion'fending:agency for tha ider's Name .. Lent my signature below, I certify to each of the foliowing: - - I am the property owner or authorized to act on lho property owner's behalf. I have road this application and the Information I hove provided is correct, I agiiiseto comply with all applicable city and county ordinances and state laws relattn I authorize represantatives.of this city or county to ep�te atiove-ldergt1qed property VGMATURE: of the work: for-whloh this -penult Is Issued (Section M7;::Civil rode), construction,. No-unArroN Tl NOT